Important Aspects for Kidney Transplant by Hiranandani hospital kidney

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Important Aspects of kidney transplant

Kidney transplant remains the treatment of choice for patients who have suffered permanent damage to the kidneys and when their function is < 15% of normal or for those who require lifelong dialysis. Medically we call this condition as Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5.

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Donor Safety is Paramount

Safety of donor is of paramount importance in the process of transplantation. Long term studies in donors have revealed that they are at slightly higher risk of developing Hypertension as compared to general population. Hence careful selection of donor needs to be emphasized. The kidney donor usually receives medications for 5 – 10 days which is an antibiotic and painkiller. They resume their normal work within a fortnight except for lifting weight and that too can be done after 2 months. Thus the donor remains normal after donation.

Types of Kidney Transplants

living donor transplant

A living-donor transplant is a surgical procedure to remove an organ or portion of an organ from a living person and place it in another person whose organ is no longer functioning properly.

Preemptiv e transplant

If you have kidney disease, getting a transplant before you need to start dialysis is called a preemptive transplant. Getting a transplant not long after kidneys fail (but with some time on dialysis) is referred to as an early transplant.

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