Annual Report - Look Ahead 2008

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AMIR BAYSWATER HOSTEL Amir came to Bayswater Hostel from North East Africa. With the support of staff and Amir’s drive to succeed, he has recently been accepted to Kings College at the University of London to study pharmacology.




Overview of Look Ahead


Introduction to government outcomes


Achieve economic well-being


Enjoy and achieve


Be healthy


Stay safe


Making a positive contribution


Arts programme




Services map


Board and management


Financial summary



FOREWORD Victoria Stark CBE

This has been another successful year at Look Ahead. We have continued to work hard to develop and improve our services to customers, based on their own preferences and aspirations. We have also won new contracts to deliver a range of services to more vulnerable people across London. Our focus is on our customers and working with them to transform their lives. The government now requires us to evidence the achievement of some very specific outcomes for customers in return for the funding it provides. We welcome this development and are using the outcomes framework as the theme of our annual report this year. We hope that by doing so we can demonstrate the successes and achievements of individuals that we witness on a daily basis.

We support our customers to make some significant changes in their lives, enabling them to move on from often difficult and troubled pasts. The year finished in style when we became one of the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For 2008. As one of only five housing associations and up against blue chip competition, it was an achievement that made everyone at Look Ahead very proud.

Victoria Stark CBE Chief Executive



FOREWORD Heather Barker

I am delighted to report that Look Ahead continues to prosper and grow, consolidating our strong financial base. In recent years we have achieved a very real culture change, one that has seen the organisation become more business orientated and professional. However, that has in no way diminished our caring ethos and focus on our customers. Look Ahead always seeks to meet the needs of our customers. We aim for continuous improvement in the services we deliver and new and innovative ways of working to help us meet our customers needs. Our staff are key to meeting our objectives and Look Ahead’s success is due in great part to the energy and dedication of our staff. I should like to pay tribute to all of them. Their dedication, care and enthusiasm is remarkable. Vicky and her team are always willing to go that extra mile to ensure that nothing less than the best will do! A number of colleagues have left the board during the last year and I would like to thank them all for their hard work, support and commitment. Sarah Brown, OBE, my vice-chairman, Chris Borkowski, Raj Boyjoonauth, Theo Fariduddin and Elizabeth

Ladimeji have all made a fantastic contribution to our success and good governance. I am delighted to welcome new board members Michael Browne, Frances Mapstone, Richard Pratt and Moira Sinclair. They bring a wealth of experience in housing, social inclusion, healthcare, finance and the arts, which will be of great benefit to us. I know they will enjoy being part of Look Ahead just as much as the colleagues who have left us.

Heather Barker Chairman

Customer Services Committee The Customer Services Committee provides customers with a unique opportunity to input into Look Ahead’s corporate governance. The committee provides valuable feedback from the customers' perspective into how the organisation is run.


OVERVIEW OF LOOK AHEAD Look Ahead supported 3,500 people across London and the South-East over the last year. We help individuals to tackle the problems they face and give them the support and stability they need to get their lives back on track. This includes those who have been rough sleepers, people with mental health needs or a learning disability and a wide range of individuals who need some extra support, short or longer term, to live independently. Many of our customers are among society’s most vulnerable and socially excluded. Their lives can be chaotic when they come to us. At Look Ahead we treat every one of them as an individual. We have seen time and again that with appropriate support and a place to call home, people can regain control of their lives, begin to play an active part in their local community and once more live an independent life. We work in partnership with 23 local authorities and health trusts. Last year, amongst those we supported were: • Young people, care leavers, teenage parents • People with learning disabilities • People with mental health needs • Homeless families, single homeless people and rough sleepers • People with substance misuse issues • Women and children fleeing domestic violence • People with offending histories.

Our purpose is to support customers to transform their lives, achieve their goals and follow their dreams. Our accommodation-based, floating support and outreach services helped people: • To manage their physical and mental health • To prevent repeat homelessness and sustain their tenancies • To manage their money and access benefits • To lead active lives and develop social networks • To access education, training and employment • To seek specialist support for drug and alcohol issues. Our purpose is to help our customers transform their lives. That goes far beyond a basic support service. We offer everyone the chance to get involved and have a real say in the organisation and in the delivery of their own service. We encourage customers to play an active part in their local community and wherever possible access training and education, and develop the skills they need to get into work. Our aim is to equip our customers with the confidence and skills to move on so that they can achieve their goals and follow their dreams.


FRAMEWORK Introduction to government outcomes

Look Ahead welcomes the Government’s introduction of a set of five very broad outcomes for the delivery of supported housing and social care. These outcomes are:


Providing basic support and care to our customers is not enough. We aim to meet our customers’ needs with a holistic approach. We explore customers’ skills and aspirations, their hopes for the future. We provide support around health, financial inclusion and ensure they have a safe and comfortable home. All our services are embedded in local communities. We understand that customers judge our service by how much it has helped them improve their lives and future prospects. This can mean developing new skills, accessing

education and training, finding work, securing a home and enjoying a wide range of leisure activities. These are real achievements – real outcomes. The basics that underpin independent life in the community. The basics that most of us take for granted.

CHARLOTTE A SATISFYING JOB "If I am ever upset about something before my shift at the pool, the minute I start work teaching those children to swim, I feel happy again.�


ACHIEVE ECONOMIC WELL-BEING At Look Ahead we understand that each of our customers take their own individual road to achieving economic well-being. This is why we have a broad menu of programmes and initiatives in place to ensure that everyone receives personalised support tailored to their own situation. The proportion of our customers who are in paid employment continues to grow each year. We attribute this to our individualised and personal approach. With each customer we review the qualifications they have and establish the skills they would like to develop. We also make sure they receive the benefits to which they are entitled, and support them with debt management if necessary.

CHARLOTTE'S STORY Charlotte moved into a Look Ahead project two years ago due to problems at home. When she first arrived she didn’t know what she wanted. She was upset and disheartened and didn’t have any interest in furthering her education or taking part in training. “When I first started working with Charlotte, it seemed like her state of mind was blinding her from wanting to improve her life – to set goals and achieve them,” says Charlotte’s support worker. “After some important keyworking sessions she started talking about her passion to be a swimming teacher, and said that she eventually wanted to own her own company based around water sports.” After a year living at a Look Ahead project, Charlotte enrolled in a number of courses at Reading College. She studied for her GCSEs, a law course and swimming level one. She passed all her exams with flying colours. With her new qualifications, Charlotte found a job at a leisure centre working as a lifeguard. After only a few months, she was promoted to team leader and started teaching young children to swim. Charlotte is now a highly valued member of staff at the leisure centre and loves her job. She has set her sights on eventually managing a leisure centre after being granted funding by the Spoore Merry and Rixman Foundation to work towards her swimming teacher level two qualification.

Her ultimate goal still stands – to own her own business - and she is currently deciding whether to study a degree in sports and management or a degree in business management. Charlotte’s support worker believes she will make all of this happen. “Charlotte deserves everything she achieves. She just works so hard to get where she wants to be and is now a very determined young lady. I think the sky is the limit for her!”

"Charlotte works so hard to get where she wants to be and is now a very determined young lady. I think the sky is the limit for her! "


BARRY Admel House

it – "At first I was so nervous about been 12 years had passed since I had back to Ireland and I didn’t know what to expect."


ENJOY & ACHIEVE To some of our customers, completing their education or even finding out where their family or old friends are can seem an impossible dream. At Look Ahead we aim to help make some of those dreams a reality. We run family reconnection services which have been very successful in helping individuals renew links with their family and their roots. We also run events like the annual football tournament, arts projects or gardening clubs. These can make a real difference for our customers.

Barry's story Barry was separated from his mother and brother in Ireland 12 years ago and was brought to live in England by his father. While living in London he lost contact with his family back home, and moved around constantly - from homes of extended family, to care homes and foster placements. After moving to Admel House Barry and his support worker David built up a relationship of trust. As he became more settled they talked about the benefits of Barry getting back into contact with his mother. With the support of David and a family member, Barry spoke to his mother and brother over the telephone for the first time in many years. After nine months of regular phone calls, David suggested that Barry visit his mum in Ireland. David knew that Barry was concerned about the visit and offered to go with him. He also successfully applied for funding to help finance the trip.

“Since the visit to his family in Ireland, Barry has a new found confidence in everything he does,” explains David. “He now has a better understanding of the reasons he was separated from his mother and doesn’t blame himself or feel resentment. The relationship he has with his mother and brother has improved remarkably.“ Barry is now due to move out into his own flat and is involved in various programmes to support him around finding a job with animals. “I would like to thank my support worker Dave for his support and for making our family reunion possible.”

Barry and his mother spoke over the phone during the period before the trip. They were both nervous and excited. Barry arrived in Belfast for a very emotional reunion with his mother and brother. The weekend was a huge success. Barry shopped and walked the dog with his mother and went out for drinks and played guitar with his brother. He says that the trip was so successful that his mother is now planning a trip to England.

"Since visiting his family in Ireland, Barry has a new found confidence in everything he does."


LEE BAYSWATER HOSTEL "If it weren’t for the support of Look Ahead and the staff at Bayswater I don’t know where I would be right now…"


BE HEALTHY A holistic approach to our customers’ health underpins all the services that Look Ahead provides. We work in partnership with a wide variety of specialist agencies to ensure that each person's needs are met and they get the health care they require. We also run events and programmes designed to foster healthy lifestyles. Our Healthy Living Programme promotes healthy diet, sports and fitness activities. This in turn increases social inclusion and improves links with the community.

LEE'S STORY Lee has lived at Bayswater hostel since July 2007. He arrived direct from the streets where he had been sleeping rough following a family bereavement. He was drinking regularly and using marijuana and crack cocaine. Soon after moving in Lee played for the hostel in Look Ahead’s annual football tournament. The Bayswater team came second overall and Lee was a key player. Keen to tap into his footballing talent as a means of improving his general health and engagement, the skills development team at the hostel helped Lee to train in football coaching. They secured Lee a place on the Prince’s Trust Team Challenge programme. This included a community project, a residential activity week and two weeks work experience of his choice. It required considerable strength of character for Lee to complete the full programme. It ran across 12 weeks, Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 3.30pm.

With the help of the skills development team, Lee worked to develop his ability in football coaching.

He found that he had to distance himself from his friends and change his lifestyle to enable him to attend on a daily basis. Lee completed the course and at a presentation held in December, described it as “brilliant”. Lee is now hoping to build on his work experience with the community coaching organisation the London Tigers. The Prince’s Trust Team Challenge has been invaluable in offering Lee a chance to progress towards independent living. He has established a routine in his life and with support has worked to address his rent arrears at the hostel, which were starting to threaten his tenancy. He is now paying off his arrears and will soon be able to move on to more permanent accommodation. Lee now trains and plays weekly with a local semi-pro football team at the Westminster Academy and attends the David Beckham Academy for monthly games. He has just received his community sports leaders award and is hoping to complete his level one coaching course for football in the very near future. Lee’s goal now is a career in the fire brigade or armed forces.



"There are places like Look Ahead which can support people to get out of dangerous situations like I was in. I now have the confidence to speak out for myself."


STAY SAFE For most of us staying safe might seem straightforward. But for many of our customers staying safe has been an enormous challenge. They may have lost their home, and many have slept rough. Others have experienced domestic violence, or have a history of self-harming. We recognise that staying safe has a very particular meaning for each Look Ahead customer. We work together to assess and manage risks, and involve a wide range of other agencies as appropriate.

Sharon’s story* Sharon grew up in a big family with both her parents and her brother and sisters. But life became difficult for her at home and at a very young age Sharon moved out. She was staying with friends when she first met Michael*. They got along really well and soon moved into their own place together. “At first when we moved in he was really nice – really sweet to me,” says Sharon. It was a year before Michael started to abuse Sharon. “He started out just shoving and slapping me around, but then he got heavily involved with drugs and drinking.” Soon after this Michael’s abuse became worse. It wasn’t until his violence put Sharon in hospital that she realised she had to take action. “It was hard to leave. I really wanted to believe him when he said he was going to stop the abuse because I cared about him.” After she was referred to Look Ahead, things started to look up. She moved into her own flat which was safe and secure. Staff were made aware of Michael and the history of their relationship. Sharon was matched up with a support worker who she says she now trusts like her own family.

“We made sure she was in a safe flat where Michael could not reach her and we offered her as much support as she needed around her situation,” says Sharon’s support worker. “I have seen such a change for the better in Sharon. When she came to us she was quite timid and shy and didn’t want to talk. With regular and consistent support sessions, we have built trust, which has boosted her confidence a lot.” She now has the confidence to speak for herself. “If someone was in a position like me, I would say get out while you still can and have the strength to walk away – there are people who will support you.”



DAVID ELSHAM ROAD "After 25 years of feeling shut away from life, I want to start living life to the full. For me, completing the customer training programme and subsequently getting involved in Look Ahead has been a crucial first step."


MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION Look Ahead aims to equip our customers with the choices and skills they need to make a positive contribution to the wider community. Our programmes and initiatives are designed to develop customers’ confidence and enable them to contribute positively within their project and more widely across Look Ahead. The purpose is for customers to make their voices heard. The customer training programme is designed to engage with hard to reach customers – those whom involvement initiatives have historically not reached. Over 150 customers attended two-day training workshops over the last year to develop skills in communication, effective listening and working in groups. The programme is now a core activity for Look Ahead, with a target of training at least 100 customers each year. We actively promote the involvement of customers in a wide variety of ways. They are an integral part of our quality assurance processes, particularly through our key quality audit programme. They are trained to conduct interviews with their peers at different projects, both on a one-to-one basis and through focus groups. Their feedback leads to service improvement and is invaluable.

David’s story David, 41, began taking drugs as a teenager as an act of rebellion. Eventually this led to an addiction to heroin that lasted over twenty-five years.

In 2006, addicted to heroin, David was sleeping rough on the streets of West London. He was referred to Look Ahead’s Princess Beatrice House hostel in Earl’s Court. This was a turning point in his life. With the help of his support worker and the community drugs team, David finally came off heroin. He moved into his own flat in a Look Ahead project which supports people with a history of substance misuse issues. With a history of depression, David likes to keep himself busy to help avoid relapsing. Project staff told him about the range of involvement opportunities available at Look Ahead. He became a regular at the customer policy group and attended the two-day customer training programme where he gained valuable communications skills and a lot of confidence.

David is now starting to think about his future. He wants to explore becoming a drugs counsellor and hopes to start bidding for his own independent flat. Until then he says, “I’m really keen to remain involved in as many of the initiatives that Look Ahead has to offer. If my contribution benefits just one other person, then my input is worthwhile.”

"I also learnt new skills and can see how I can benefit other people who receive Look Ahead services."


THE ARTS PROGRAMME QUALITY, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION. LOOK AHEAD ARTS PUTS THESE VALUES INTO ACTION. Look Ahead has run a high quality multi-disciplinary arts programme for over 15 years now. The programme provides a unique opportunity for our customers to engage in a creative process whilst generating a sense of purpose and an opportunity to integrate with the wider community. Art is the perfect tool to encourage social inclusion, community integration, customer engagement and personal development. Our arts programme places creativity at the heart of the organisation. Last year we concluded our very successful Youth Arts Programme with a final event and exhibition at the London Coliseum. This comprehensive programme encompassed contemporary dance, drawing, sculpture, printmaking and digital image manipulation, live art performance, scriptwriting and film production. It also encouraged a critical response to art through visits to galleries and museums. One of the highlights was the showing at Tate Modern of short films made by young people living in our Gateway Foyer.

repertoire, and learned woodworking skills to make bird boxes for the garden. This was captured on a website The project is a great example of how artistry and practicality make a powerful combination, and help equip people with real skills for independent living and working. Employing high-profile artists gives us a real injection of expertise and enthusiasm, but it is staff involvement which guarantees ongoing interest and success. This year we have established an arts champions group to provide a regular exchange of ideas and to support staff to initiate their own projects.

Although this specifically funded programme is finished, the work continues and we are about to embark on Trail Blazing, a new project in Berkshire, which aims to develop young people’s leadership skills through arts activities which will also improve the environment. The Look Ahead Public Arts Programme completed five eye-catching and lasting pieces of work, produced by highly successful artists working in collaboration with our customers. One of the artists worked with young single homeless people, and the outcomes show just how wide a variety of activities fall under the broad vision of arts. The young people painted their front doors to individualise their living space, planted a garden growing vegetables and herbs to improve their environment and cooking

Above Residents developing their film making skills in and around London. Top right One of the many contemporary dance workshops which was delivered as part of our arts programme. Bottom Snapshot of some of the practical skills that were gained through ‘common room productions’ workshops.



FUNDRAISING Healthy, wealthy and wise is our aspiration for Look Ahead customers. All our fundraising activity focuses on this goal. Last year we received over £130,000 in support.

The 2007 football tournament was a huge success. We engaged with over 250 Look Ahead customers and raised funds toward a part-time sport/football development manager. The sponsors that enabled the day to happen were: – – – – – –

Appleyard & Trew Interform Niall McLaughlin Petch & Fermaud Quality & Quantity Watret

– – – – – –

Central Care Morgan Hunt Personnel & Care Bank PFI Tuke Manton Westend Maintenance.

“Move On” is an innovative two year project promoting private rented sector housing as a move on option for people living in hostel accommodation. It has been funded by the Dolphin Square Foundation, London Borough of Tower Hamlets and Communities and Local Government department. Statutory funders

Top Look Ahead’s football tournament champions for 2007 – Gateway Foyer Above Revamping the gardens at various Look Ahead projects has been made possible thanks to partnering companies and volunteers.

– Bracknell Forest Borough Council – Communities and Local Government – East London NHS Foundation Trust – Hammersmith & Fulham NHS Primary Care Trust – Housing Corporation – Kensington & Chelsea Primary Care Trust – London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Brent, Bromley, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Kensington & Chelsea, Lambeth, Newham, Richmond upon Thames, Southwark, Sutton, Tower Hamlets and Westminster City Council – Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead – Slough Borough Council – Surrey County Council – Thurrock Council – Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust.


Individual grants have helped to make a positive difference to 87 customers’ lives in 2007. These grants enabled customers to improve their chances of employment through the funding of accredited training courses. Individual grants have also provided customers with much needed clothing and furniture allowances. We would like to thank the following charities for their continued support: – Beane's Estate Charity – Campden Charities – Crisis – Changing Lives Awards – Dr Edwards & Bishop King’s Charity – Family Welfare Association – King’s Fund – Miracles – New Windsor Parish of St. John the Baptist with All Saints – RL Glasspool Charity Trust – Spoore Merry and Rixman – St George Dragon Trust – St Mary Le Strand – St Clement Danes Parochial Charities – Sunninghill Fuel Allotment Trust – The Frank Buttle Trust – The Mayors Benevolent Fund - Windsor & Maidenhead – The United Westminster Almshouses Foundation – Westminster Amalgamated Charity – Windsor and Maidenhead First Base.

2007 has been a particularly good year for corporate involvement. Throughout the year our partner companies have provided volunteers to work with our customers around many fantastic projects; from revamping gardens in our hostels to fielding runners in the British 10K London run. We would like to thank the companies below for their ongoing support throughout the year: – – – – – – – – – –

Allen and Overy British American Tobacco PLC Chubb Insurance (Europe) EAT (Notting Hill Branch) Jones Lang LaSalle Lehman Brothers Prêt a Manger Spice Magic Virgin Whole Foods Market.

How can you help this year and next? Mutually beneficial partnerships are the way forward. We are looking to develop more corporate partnerships, enabling companies to achieve their aims and objectives around social responsibility whilst helping to meet the needs of our customers.

JAMES Independent Living and Community Support James was referred to Look Ahead by the rehabilitation ward in the psychiatric hospital where he was a patient. He goes to the gym and lifts weights regularly, which makes him feel relaxed, focused and calm.


SERVICES MAP Harrow • Single homeless • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers Hillingdon • Mental health • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers • Single homeless

Kensington & Chelsea • Learning disability • Mental health • Rough sleepers • Single homeless • Substance misuse • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers

Hammersmith & Fulham • Mental health • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers • Learning disabilities

Westminster • Domiciliary care service • Mental health • Learning disability • Registered care home • Rough sleepers • Single homeless • Young people Waltham Forrest • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers

Brent • Single homeless

Ealing • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers • Single homeless

Tower Hamlets • Learning disability • Single homeless • Mental health • Rough sleepers • Substance misuse • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers • Young people Barking & Dagenham • Homeless families • Mental health • Single homeless

Thurrock • Young People

Bracknell Forrest • Single homeless • Young people Windsor & Maidenhead • Single homeless • Homeless families • Young people Slough • Domestic violence • Single homeless

Richmond • Ex-offenders Elmbridge • Ex-offenders • Young people Hounslow • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers • Single homeless

Sutton • Domestic violence • Young people • Ex-offenders

Southwark • Young people Lambeth • Young people Wandsworth • Learning disability

Newham • HIV • Learning disability • Mental health • Personality disorder • Single homeless • Substance misuse • Teenage mothers and babies • Tenancy sustainment for rough sleepers • Young people Bromley • Ex-offenders • Teenage mothers and babies • Young people

















Heather Barker Chairman Consultant Humanica Limited Trustee Samaritans Central London

Trevor West Vice-chairman Head of service improvement Anchor Trust

Michael Browne

Frances Mapstone

Head of healthcare and drug strategy Central & Northwest London Mental Health (NHS) Trust, Substance Misuse Unit

Head of social inclusion and health Greater London Authority Director Vital Regeneration

Peter Flamank Chartered accountant Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Retired July 2008)

Neil Goodwin Publishing consultant Advance Logistical Racking UK Ltd (part-time) (Retired July 2008)

Mihiri Jayaweera Chairman of Performance Review Committee Managing director investments Lehman Brothers

Stephen McKeever Chartered surveyor and director Stellar Asset Management

Richard Pratt Director Financial Services Compensation Scheme Financial services regulatory consultant

Moira Sinclair Executive Director, London Arts Council England

Bob Ward Chairman, Customer Services Committee Company director RJW Consultancy Ltd Former director of social services and housing

THERESA LUTON ROAD Theresa’s benefits were in a muddle when she moved to Luton Road. We helped Theresa sort this out and she now has the income she needs to lead a full, healthy and happy life.


KAMAL VICTORIA HOSTEL Look Ahead does just what its name says – look ahead. With the help of my support worker, Audrey, I can now look ahead to my future and not back on my past.


FINANCIAL SUMMARY SUMMARY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2008 2008 £’ 000 Income Net rents and service charges 9,796 Revenue grants 2,110 Care and support contract income 19,007 Interest earned and income from property sales 2,314 Total income 33,227

9,285 2,054 17,667 575 29,581

Expenditure Operating costs 29,230 Interest payable 452 Total expenditure 29,682

27,318 404 27,722

Surplus for the year 3,545 Transfers to designated reserves (1,628) Retained revenue surplus for the year 1,917

2007 £’ 000

1,859 (609) 1,250

SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2008 2008 £’ 000 Fixed assets Housing properties 114,994 Less: social housing and other grants (95,310) 19,684 Other fixed assets 1,556 Total fixed assets 21,240 Current assets Less: current liabilities Total assets less current liabilities

2007 £’ 000 111,977 (92,160) 19,817 1,232 21,049

9,808 (7,038) 24,010

4,376 (6,308) 19,117

8,505 (8)

7,143 25

Capital and reserves Designated reserves 7,735 Revenue reserve 7,778 Total capital and reserves 15,513 24,010

6,107 5,842 11,949 19,117

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Net pension asset/(liability)

Look Ahead's financial statements which include the Board of Management's report are available from the secretary on request. The financial statements have received an unqualified audit report from Look Ahead's auditors, PFK (UK) LLP.

WENDY VICTORIA HOSTEL Wendy had worked with elderly people for years before she came to the hostel. She now volunteers at a local care home to ensure that elderly people in her community are well looked after.

Look Ahead Housing and Care 1 Derry street London W8 5HY T 020 7937 1166 F 020 7937 8040 E

Printed on paper with FSC certification with ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) fibre Designed by Sugarfree Design, Photography by Richard Lewisohn

Look Ahead Housing and Care 1 Derry street London W8 5HY T 020 7937 1166 F 020 7937 8040 E

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