Indra Adnan – For a Labour win in Hampstead & Kilburn 2015

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For a win in 2015 I have a question for you ...

What are you looking for in an MP?

A local who knows how things work for you, your family and business? A national operator, able to engage effectively with policy makers and the media? Or an international adviser who can see quickly how global events are going to impact on the local community? Or maybe, in these rapidly changing times, you would prefer all three in one.


Hope to meet you during my campaig

Indra Adnan for Hampstead & Kilburn

My commitment

Together we can do politics in a different way

Who I am and what I do

What I believe

I am a Londoner with a Dutch Indonesian background living with my son in the heart of the constituency. I have been deeply committed and politically active throughout my life. With a Masters degree in Politics, I led national projects like The Downing Street Project to get more women into public life and local campaigns to extend the 603 bus from Hampstead to Muswell Hill to get cars off the busiest thoroughfare in London. As a school governor at Capital City Academy I engage first hand with the big issues of integration and education. But I’m not a career politician and I think that will appeal to today’s voters.

I’m a champion of diversity, a fierce advocate for balance between men and women, work and life and, in the international arena, between hard and soft power. I see Hampstead & Kilburn as a microcosm of our national picture of economic and cultural mix. I want to work with both ends of the spectrum to support those who are in real need, knowing that this will benefit all of us in the community. Working from our own constituency office and community website, I believe that we can build a much stronger, vibrant network of activities and relationships here that many more will want to join. To win in 2015 voters have to believe it is Labour that understands not only human needs but also human potential, both individual and social.

What makes me useful to Hampstead & Kilburn My early training was in journalism and conflict transformation, and later I developed a specialism in international relations, advising governments around the world as well as NATO. After I gave birth to my son, I became interested in child development and the role of the community in helping families to thrive, inspiring me to get qualified in Human Givens psychosocial therapy. I write for The Guardian, The Huffington Post and other media outlets in a bid to shape both public opinion and government policy for the people I serve.

My two year plan Representing you in Parliament would be a great honour and a full time commitment. It would be about taking the fight to the Tories to protect public services. But much more than that too: we have to create the space and time to re-imagine our shared lives together. Hampstead & Kilburn has the best and worst of all that London has to offer: the most beautiful parks, yet the most deprived estates; vibrant theatres, but in

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Indra demonstrates that commitment to social justice and equality, particularly in straightened times, requires ingenuity and creativity alongside a determined opposition to policies that attack the most vulnerable and divide our communities. As a strong and impressive woman Indra would be a worthy successor to Glenda Jackson. Professor Francesca Klug 0BE, Kentish Town Ward

declining high streets, some desecrated by loan shark windows; a warm, generous community, saddened by the increasing homelessness and poverty around us.

Importing new ideas from the grassroots I want to work together with proven initiatives – from Movement for Change to Participle’s Relational Welfare – and find new ways to reach the alienated, both young and old. Let’s use the empty buildings for entrepreneurs, with crèches to enable them to work. Let’s connect the wise elders with the young jobless, and have our own crowd-sourced projects. We may be living in difficult times, but I believe we all have the creative resources to set about transforming them.

The Bigger Picture The Coalition has undone a lot of the great work of the last Labour government Scrapping the Education

Maintenance Allowance, depleting Sure Start and the New Schools Programme, introducing unaffordable University fees and the ‘bedroom tax’ and extending the free market in the NHS - to name but a few of their initiatives. There is no question, we have to get Labour back into government in 2015 if we want to stop the destruction before we lose a whole generation of opportunity to narrow the gap between the rich and poor. To do that we have to build a bigger vision of what Labour has to offer. Not just on the front line of public services but also in the hinterland of what makes a good society. Quality of life issues, often marginalised, are vital for the healthy development of children, families, social networks and civil society. Mental health depends upon people getting their physical and emotional needs met through work that stretches them and an environment that supports them. Let’s make Hampstead & Kilburn a place to push for a better quality of life for everyone.

If you want to be part of this journey, turn up, use your vote and work with me to make Hampstead & Kilburn the greatest place in which to live, and a model for the rest of London and the country.

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Indra has been a valuable contributor to Compass’ discussions on the Good Society as well as Labour’s One Nation Policy Process. She sparks with ideas about how to make Labour less macho and more responsive to the real needs of people in their homes and communities. Neal Lawson, Chairman of pressure group Compass, author of book All Consuming Britain / Brazil government round table on Soft Power. I’m 2nd from right, front row

Use your vote

Small businesses are vital for maintaining our high streets across Hampstead & Kilburn

If you want to be part of this journey, come and meet me and the other candidates on June 9th at 15.00 – 17.00 at the Community Hall, Belsize Square, NW3 4HX. After that opportunities to meet will be published on my website Or you can contact me on any of the links below.


With members of the 6th form at Capital City Academy where I am a governor MIDDLE PAGES

VOTING: If you have been a Labour party member for over a year, join us to vote on Sunday 14th July at 13.30 at Mazenod Social Club, Mazenod Avenue, London NW6 4LS. For a postal vote mail

(left) chatting with young residents of Kilburn High Road. (right) Farmers Market on Wednesdays at Swiss Cottage

/ web / call 020 7443 9417 / 07785 770 424 / mail / tweet @Indra4LabourHK

Design by Sugarfree Design, London Photography by Dominick Tyler

Chatting with Felicity Randolph of Mac UK: transforming mental health services for excluded young people

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