The Trinity Spotlight June/July 2021 Issue

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June/July 2021


Welcome To The June/July Trinity Spotlight

Hi and welcome to this issue. At last life is opening up again, all be it in a slightly different way that what we used to call ‘normal’. I was on a train recently for the first time in over a year - face masks on a hot, busy train though are not ideal! Then we were in a restaurant for lunch, again for the first time in a good while and it was lovely just to feel you were able to do every day things again. Lets hope we keep going in the right direction. By the time this issue drops through your door the schools will be just about finished and the traditional summer holiday period will be upon us. Though this year will be far from what we would usually look to do during the summer period. With so many Staycations, costs for holidays have rocketed and demand seems to be far in excess of supply. Perhaps as an alternative, so many people are deciding to tackle those home and garden improvement projects they might have had in the back of their head for a while. Either through lack of skill or the need for specialist services such as builders, plumbers, electricians, garden planners etc, at some point an expert will be needed to get to the finishing line. Hopefully you will find who you need in these pages but there’s a problem looming. Shortages. Across the various trades, wholesalers are reporting issues in their supply chain for wood, cement, steel and other materials. Brexit, the pandemic and the Suez Canal blockage earlier this year, have all contributed to this issue but surprisingly, the biggest cause of shortages is demand. And of course, the other shortage is of skilled tradespeople - they are all so busy! So if you are a homeowner with big dreams, pick up the phone now or you’ll be at the back of a long queue. And if you are skilled tradesperson and are available for more work, this magazine is a great place to let people know about your business. Whether you are managing a break away or getting stuck into the home improvements have a great summer. I think we all need and deserve it.

Contents 4 Smart Gardening 8 An Update By Coucillor Jim Campbell

The Trinity Spotlight

14 Camping With Kids

Editor : Sue Hutchison T : 0131 618 6622 (Always include area code when calling)

16 Create Your Perfect Life While You Sleep

M : 07817 206 418 E:

19 Edinburgh Volunteers Urgently Needed For Scottish Poppy Appeal

Office : 98 Ferry Road, Edin, EH6 4PG

26 Books - Celebrity Authors

“All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. All artwork is accepted on strict condition that is it legal/ copyright free and permission has been given for use in this publication. The views and opinions by contributors to this magazine may not represent the views of the publisher. The Trinity Spotlight magazine takes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers in this publication”

10 Hard Sudoku

30 A Long Hot Summer 34 Trinity Community Council 38 Be Here Now 40 Cryptic Crossword 42 Puzzle Solutions 43 Recipe - Peach & Passion Fruit Yoghurt Ice Cream

August/September 2021 Issue Artwork Deadline - 10th August Distribution Date - 24th/25th/26th August 2

Best Wishes Sue

Distribution Johnson Distribution Services. Printing Cowan Print :






An Update From Councillor Jim Campbell Forgive me for writing about transport again, but it is a big month for roads in Council. The recent ‘Living in Trinity’ survey by Scotinform for Trinity Community Council (TCC) did echo my correspondence confirming roads as being the thing residents would most like to see improved in our area, so I think we have a shared concern. But first, what a wonderful tribute to the volunteers and Friends of Starbank Park to host a visit by Prince William and Kate last month. It’s a reminder of all the work local people contribute to making our area such a popular place to live (as the TCC survey confirmed). Secondly, work progresses more or less on schedule to complete phase 1 of Trinity Academy - building the new sports facilities at Bangholm. Phase 2, the rebuild of the main school site, is still in planning. It is likely this will now include the demolition of the mid-century modern tower block as well as many of the low rise buildings that are considered to be in poor condition; the main Victorian building will be kept and refurbished. I’m sure most residents will be familiar with the Spaces for People (SfP) and all the plastic bollards, kerbs and ‘floating’ parking bays & bus stops it has spawned round our city. It was to be a temporary 18 month response to the Public Health Emergency we faced. We are now asked to accept that most SfP schemes will be kept, with some modifications, for an additional 18 months. The intention being, legalities allowing, that they then be made permanent. The extension of SfP beyond the ‘temporary’ basis on which they were legally implemented thus far is through the use of Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders. I very much support experimentation in Local Government. In this case, I fear, it looks more like a case of Gerrymandering in our streets. It doesn’t seem to matter that emergency vehicles response’s are compromised; that our buses are getting stuck in traffic; that the needs of the less-able are ignored; that congestion & resulting pollution are increasing; and all without any data to show 8

what a successful SfP scheme looks like! But SfP is not the only significant transport change we face. In addition, much of the city centre is set to become a Low Emissions Zone in 2024, with penal fines should any drivers enter in vehicles that don’t meet modern emissions standards: Euro 6 for diesel (around September 2015) and Euro 4 for petrol (around January 2006). Edinburgh’s air is now clearer than its been since before the industrial revolution, cleaning our Auld Reekie moniker. The concern with restricting access to our city centre is that it will displace traffic onto other routes, potentially including Ferry Road and Lower Granton Road. Indeed, it is expected to reduce air quality for residents around the edges of the zone. It will certainly curtail the ability of residents with older vehicles to travel North / South through the city centre. We could see Lothian Road, the Mound, the Bridges and east to Abbeyhill all inaccessible to drivers that can’t afford a new vehicle. And then we have proposed City Centre Transformation (closing George Street et al, apparently promoting tourism over locals), the City Mobility Plan (Panglossian vision on the Council website) and emerging proposal to tax work place parking. It’s all very reminiscent of the ambitious plans put forward by David Begg some years ago. Back then, Cllr Begg put the plan to a City wide referendum, where it was overwhelmingly rejected. The Council seems less open to listening to citizens today. Almost 18,000 individuals and businesses responded to the Council’s recent survey on retaining SfP measures. A huge response to a Council survey. A significant majority were opposed, and duly ignored. It’s certainly an impressive act of political courage for the Council administration to promote such ambitious plans again with such little apparent support so close to the next Council Elections in May 2022. Although the City Chambers remains closed, I can still be contacted on 0131 529 4235, or better still, by email:


HARD SUDOKU HOW TO PLAY Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repetition! Thats all there is to it. You solve the puzzle with reason and logic - there’s no maths involved and no adding up. Its fun. Its challenging Its addictive. (Soln on pg 42)







Create Your Perfect Life While You Sleep!!!

By Gillian Dalgliesh, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets our body and brain repair, restore and re-energise. While we’re sleeping, our subconscious mind can get to work, approaching any problems we have from a variety of angles and making connections that may hold the answers to our problems. You’ve probably heard of the phrase “I’ll sleep on it”. And you may have had the experience of doing this and then miraculously wakening up with an answer to your problem! That’s because the subconscious mind never rests. The conscious mind sleeps, but the subconscious mind is alert 24/7/365. It loves us and is always looking for ways to protect us, keep us safe and keep us alive. In fact, many of the world’s most successful people intentionally direct the workings of their subconscious mind while they are sleeping. Ask yourself, “What do I need to know?” and while you are asleep, your subconscious mind will get to work. Let me explain a bit more …. Most people go to sleep at night, and when we’re asleep, we’re asleep! Even though we may have restless nights, when we sleep we’re in the Land of Nod – that dreamy land where anything is possible!!!! Immediately before sleep is a potent time for setting your intentions about what you want to manifest in your life and create affirmations that help to reprogramme your subconscious mind as you drift off to sleep. It’s a very magical time where we can connect with our loving, creative self without the distractions of our daily lives! So here is a simple, but potent & powerful programming you can create in order to experience significant & lasting positive change in your life: • Decide on a goal – initially, just one goal • For the next 7 nights, before you go to sleep, set your intention for your subconscious mind to show you the path of least resistance to manifesting .... “whatever it is you want to achieve ...” (Your subconscious will then be subtly influencing your thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours). • Commit to being aware of changes in your life - as you become aware of them each day, note them down. 16

• Note what has changed after 7 days and how you feel. • By consciously observing the changes that you have experienced, and writing them down, it helps to embed them and builds lasting positive power in your life. • You can continue with the same goal for the next 7 days, or change it to something else. • Initially, just one goal per 7 days - this exclusivity helps you to better focus on the changes - some of them may be quite subtle. • Make sure to refresh yourself by taking a break at least every 3 weeks from this practice. Wishing you sweet dreams!!!! Abridged - You can read the complete article on my website.

If you would like to explore deeper issues and find out how I can help you to release & heal past hurts & blocks, I offer a free 30 minute Discovery Call where we can have a confidential chat. You may also like to read the 70 x 5 star Google reviews on my website More contact details in the ad below.

Are you struggling to deal with issues in your life? Weight Loss? Anxiety? Stress? Smoking? Phobias? Alcohol? Confidence? If so, then hypnotherapy may be the solution. Find out more about my holistic approach to resolving client’s issues on my website or call me on 07593 082 349 for a free consultation



EDINBURGH VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR SCOTTISH POPPY APPEAL The annual Poppy Appeal is Scotland’s largest fundraising campaign and the money it raises provides life-changing support for the Armed Forces community. This year will mark the centenary of the Scottish Poppy Appeal and the range of services it enables Poppyscotland to provide is as vital today as it was in 1921. The Appeal is only possible thanks to the dedication of hundreds of volunteers and as planning gets underway for the 2021 Appeal, Poppyscotland needs new Scottish Poppy Appeal Organisers in Edinburgh. The charity’s Head of Fundraising Gordon Michie said: “By volunteering for Poppyscotland, you will be helping us transform the lives of veterans, those currently serving, and their families. Our Armed Forces community needs our support now more than ever. We’re asking individuals, businesses, groups of friends, or community associations that have good organisational skills to step forward and lead this year’s Appeal in Edinburgh. Our volunteers are at the heart of everything we do – without their vital support, we simply wouldn’t be able to deliver the Scottish Poppy Appeal.” Scottish Poppy Appeal Organiser volunteers are crucial in helping raise funds for the charity’s welfare services, with demand expected to grow in the aftermath of the pandemic. As well as helping to make a difference to people’s lives, volunteering is also an opportunity to meet new people, gain new skills and experience, and get involved in the local community. To find out more about becoming a Scottish Poppy Appeal Organiser for Edinburgh, or other opportunities to get involved throughout the year, contact Ian Jackson, Volunteer Development Officer at Poppyscotland, on 0131 550 1559, email or visit

August/September Issue Artwork Deadline : 10th August Distribution Date : 24th/25th/26th August To be included in the next issue please contact Sue Hutchison. Community and Charity Events can be included at no cost. T : 07817 206418 E : 19

WE WILL BRING YOUR NEW FLOOR STRAIGHT TO YOUR DOOR We are completely mobile so we will bring samples of carpets, flooring and blinds right to your door so you can shop in the comfort of your own home.

Phone or email to book your appointment.

Tel : 07711 950834 / 0131 554 4050 E :



My Employer has presented me with a “Settlement Agreement”… What is a Settlement Agreement? A Settlement Agreement is a binding contract between an employer and employee and can be proposed for many different reasons. Our Employment Law Practice deals with these on a daily basis. We largely see them where there is a proposal to end the employee’s employment, for example due to a redundancy situation, a capability or conduct concern, or an employer feeling that things are “not working out”. However, Settlement Agreements can also be used to settle grievances or disputes that may have arisen even when the employment is to continue. Where an employee is going to be leaving their employment under the terms of a Settlement Agreement, the agreement itself should be seen as creating a “clean break” in the majority of cases. Provided it meets particular legal requirements, it will usually result in the employee giving up certain defined legal claims they may have against their employer. The right to claim unfair dismissal, redundancy pay, or discrimination are classic examples. This is often why an employer may be keen that an employee enters into a Settlement Agreement. However, this is also why the law requires an employee to have been given proper advice on the agreement by a “relevant independent adviser” before it can be effective. What advice should an employee receive on a Settlement Agreement? As experienced employment law solicitors, we start by getting as much relevant detail as to the background employment circumstances as possible, so that we can properly advise our clients on the relevant issues, the potential claims that may stem from these, and the merits of entering into a Settlement Agreement. The vast majority of Settlement Agreements will include provision for some form of payment to the employee, so it is important for the employee to understand the value of any claims they may be giving up by entering into the agreement, and the merits of those claims ie their likelihood of success. It is also crucial that the employee is advised on what the employer may do if the employee does not agree matters. Is the employer likely to proceed to disciplinary action, or even dismissal? Could this be seen as fair by an Employment Tribunal? These questions allow us to properly assess the employee’s bargaining position, and that in turn can help our clients decide if they wish to accept an agreement, refuse it outright, or have us negotiate on its terms. 22

Often the focus is on the offer of financial compensation to the employee. However, the other (quite lengthy) terms of the agreement are also important. For example, employees will want to know what their rights will be in relation to matters such as shares, options, bonus and benefits. It may be important for an employee to agree an employment reference that they will receive, to assist their future employment prospects. Employees will also need to be aware if they may be subject to any restrictions as to where they can work when they leave the employer, if their employment contract or the Settlement Agreement contains “restrictive covenants”. These are just a few examples of issues that we often advise on, and it’s likely that there would be amendments to the agreement whether they are financial or otherwise. How ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan can help If you, or someone you are close to, is presented with a Settlement Agreement, or asked to consider a financial offer, we are always happy to have an initial no-obligation discussion about it, and then to advise on the situation fully. Employers may make offers to employees through a formal draft agreement, or a “without prejudice discussion”, or a “protected conversation”. WeExpert can advise on any of theseA with the benefitTouch of decades of experience – Advice With Personal because our Employment Law Practice specialises in employment law, and we represent our clients all the way from initial advice SELLING through to representation at Employment Tribunals, BUYING AND PROPERTY we are able to focus on the relevant issues and advise on the best approach. Some clients are keen on a swift resolution, and others wish to take more time and perhaps enter into an ongoing negotiation. clients prefer to go through a grievance process WILLSSome & LIVING WILLS rather than enter into a Settlement Agreement, because they wish to stand up for themselves and also continue in their role. Sometimes the amount on offer from an employer is not sufficient, and clients wish to call the employer to account through an Employment Tribunal POWERS OF ATTORNEY claim. We can assist in any of these situations, and we will give our clients advice based upon our experience to help them achieve their desired end result. Get in touch


Any employee wishing to discuss a Settlement Agreement or an employment situation is welcome to call one of our employment law solicitors on 0131 554 8649, or email us RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LEASES at Ian Wells, Duncan Hamilton and Duncan McFadzean all specialise in employment law and will be delighted to assist. Further information can be found on our website at SUPPORT BUSINESSES agreements-employees/, in relationFOR to our fees. Settlement Agreement fees are often covered by an employer in a Settlement Agreement, and for other employment law work we have great value fee packages designed to allow our clients to benefit from expert & EXECUTRIES advice at a reasonable TRUSTS cost.

Find out more about our people and services at Call us now on

or call us now on 0131

554 8649 or 0131 312 7276

98 - 99 Ferry Road, Leith 89 Main Street, Davidsons Mains 23

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Summer 2021 sees the return of Speak Out’s ever popular Speak in a Week. And this year, you’ll be transported to the country of your choice ONLINE! As well as our 10 week courses which start in August, Speak in a Week is a special intensive summer programme. Designed specifically for those short on time, and those who want to learn rapidly, Speak in a Week is a one-of-a-kind programme designed to get you speaking a new language in just 5 days. With courses in French, Spanish, Italian and German, Speak in a Week for Beginners will give you the practical language you need to travel confidently, in just 5 days. Improvers is for post-beginners to build on the basics and increase confidence to speak. Intermediate is for learners with a solid base to build confidence and a level of fluency. Places are limited to 6 per group so get in touch today!

​To book your spot or find out more, email or call 07825 597056. Dates, prices and reviews are at








To find out more about how we can help your business give us a call on 07817 206418 or email

The Trinity Spotlight The effective way to reach local residents



Be Here Now Mindfulness is a new buzzword, but meditation has been around for thousands of years (especially in relation to religion). It’s an antidote to our anxious times and over the last two years I have been delving deeper into the process of... doing nothing.

Relearning how to breathe (we often hold our breath when stressed) and to slow the constant flow of unhelpful thoughts has given me a boost, however it is an ongoing journey and I personally have a long way to go.

Many think that meditation is like unplugging, emptying your brain and switching off. If anything, it is actually brain training. Accepting that we all have thoughts, but instead of letting our thoughts dictate to us, focussing on the present moment.

I got into mindfulness by seeing Gelong Thubten speak at the Edinburgh Wellbeing Festival early 2020 pre-lockdown. I bought a signed copy of his book ‘A Monk’s Guide to Happiness’ that guided me through a simple way to incorporate meditation into my daily life. Being present in the moment, rather than always thinking of what’s coming next, became something I tried to practise every day. In the shower, thinking about how nice the water feels, rather than distractedly running through my schedule. Stopping to take a breath. Appreciating the changing seasons. Simple stuff that’s easy to miss.

As a Personal Trainer I’m not that great at sitting still, so have always struggled with the concept of meditation. However when the first lockdown hit, I knew I had to do something to allay my constant worrying. It became a professional requirement, especially as my job involves supporting others.


By Tracy Griffen

The Headspace app on my smartphone has been useful, allowing me to try five and ten minute meditations. Despite losing a close family member recently and having to rebuild my fitness business for the ‘new normal’, I can honestly say I’m more content than I was eighteen months ago. And I’m not sure I want to return to the old ways of doing things. As a sign (of the times) outside the Kadampa Meditation centre says, “Relax, nothing is under control... But you can still be happy anyway.” Personal Trainer Tracy Griffen runs a private fitness studio just off Leith Walk and helps clients incorporate breathing and relaxation into their personalised exercise programmes. You can telephone her direct on 07743 741088 if you’d like a wee blether about your fitness requirements or see adjacent advert.

Finalists in the 2019 and 2020 Scottish Mortgage Awards for both Best Mortgage Broker Edinburgh & Scotland categories Thinking of Equity Release?

Talk to us for Independent Whole of Market Later Life Lending advice. We will ensure you are provided with the most suitable product whether that is a:- Retirement Interest Only (RIO) Mortgage - Equity Release /Lifetime Mortgage - Standard Residential Mortgage (Interest Only or Capital repayment up to age 85 years) For a free, friendly no obligation chat please get in touch. Our office is closed due to COVID but we are still working and available to contact by phone on 0131 344 4301 or email: 175 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh. EH10 4DG

A member of the Equity Release Council. Regulated and Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. 39

Cryptic Crossword

(soln on pg 42) 40


Accountants TaxAssist Accountants 17 Art Suppliers Buro Art 15 Auctioneers Ramsey Cornish 32 Baby Massage Scents Of Wellbeing 25 Bed Suppliers The Bed Shop 3 Blind Suppliers Bomar 20 Building Services Penplaid 24 Ronald G Graham 19 Business Advertising The Trinity Spotlight 31/36 Cafes Bongou 44 Care Homes Cramond Residence 5 Carpets & Flooring Bomar 20 Carpets & Upholstery Cleaning Aquatec 7 Cleaning Services Creme de la Creme Complementary Therapies Gillian Dalgleish Scents Of Wellbeing Computer Services AV & PC Homehelp User2computers Counselling Services Bright Lights Decorating Services AM Decorating Craighall Decorators DCM Construction EH5 Decor Driveways Alpine Paving & Driveways Edinburgh Driveways & Landscaping Education Academy Of Personal Independence Electricians Kelly Electrical McElhone Electrical

20 16 25 13 6 12 41 31 32 24 15 9 32 38 24

Estate Agents ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan 22/23 Furnishings & Interiors The Nomads Tent 42


Garden Design Good Garden Design Twinflower

20 41

Gardening Services JDS Gardening 9 Twinflower 41 Gas & Central Heating TB Mackay Energy Services 18 Scott Findlay Plumbing & Heating Engineers 21 Gift Shops The Nomads Tent Handyman Services House Hero Health & Fitness Griffen Fitness Tai Chi & Qigong Relaxation Classes Hearing Services Hear Here Helping Hand Service Ferguson Help4U

27 41 39 7 33 15

Qigong Classes Tai Chi & Qigong Relaxation Classes 7 Roofing Services Edinburgh Roofing 37 Ronald G Graham 19 Rugs/Kilim Repair & Cleaning The Nomads Tent 27 Solicitors ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan 22/23 Tai Chi Classes Tai Chi & Qigong Relaxation Classes Take Away Food Bongou

7 27 10


16 11

Well-being Academy Of Personal Independence


Window Renovation Craftworx

Kitchens Dream Doors Landscaping Services Edinburgh Driveways & Landscaping

17 9

Language Tuition Speak Out With Confidence 29 Mortgages Malleny Mortgage Solutions 39 Simply Mortgage 28 Organic Produce The Good Store Paving Services Alpine Paving & Driveways Pet Shops Patch’s Pet Supplies Plastering Services DCM Construction Plumbing Services Scott Findlay Plumbing & Heating Engineers

9 15 13 32 21


Tile Suppliers Edinburgh Tile Studio Tree Surgeons JDS Tree Surgeons Potters Tree Services trees4scotland

Jewellers Hamilton & Inches

13 24


Theatres Festival/Kings Theatre

Hypnotherapy Gillian Dalgleish

Job Opportinities Whale Art Joinery Services George Laird Joinery Penplaid







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