The Void - Issue 3

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THE VOID Published by

Documenting Music and Art from Amsterdam and the World Issue 3. June / July / August 2019

“I wonder how a lion might react if Prison Religion was being blasted. Or if that lion was in the club with us, how the music would sound.” Read the full interview with Prison Religion in The Void.

A whil e ago, we fou surpris nd a li e in ou ttle r mail b ased box. L C a rs o .A. n Davis sent u Brown s his p ortfoli a lil lo o alon had ve not g with e for Su We w bb a c u ere sh ltcha. o ok , s a nd d wept a elighte way d. We to sh o a sked h ot the im apple COUC o f ou r OU CH eye, LOE. The re sult? F ind th sh o o t e st in this issue o unning Th a n k f Th e s C a rs Void! o n <3


The Void, Documenting Music and Art from Amsterdam and the World. Published by Subbacultcha six times a year. Issue 3, June 2019 Front cover

Publishers and Creative Directors Leon Caren Bas Morsch Managing Editor and Content Creator Angela Donskaia Art Director Lin Ven Copy editor Brittany McGillivray Marketing, Sales and Partnerships Shari Klein

COUCOU CHLOE shot by Carson Davis Brown in Los Angeles, USA.

Marketing and Editorial Assistant Sydney van Nieuwaal

The Void Issue 3 was made with the talents of Ilse Bloemendal Aafke Bouman Lisa Brammer Leon Caren Patrick Cramer Carson Davis Brown Angela Donskaia Paul Edelbluth Max Favetti Ella Gijselhart Marinka Grondel Jorrit Groot Natalie Hapeshi Juna Horstmans Shari Klein Co Knol Hannah Pezzack Robert Lalkens Luc Mastenbroek Callum McLean Bas Morsch Sydney van Nieuwaal Caroline Quinn Annabel van Royen Alwin Sinnema Eleonora Šljanda Lin Ven Huong Vu Tobias Withers

Booker Robert Lalkens

The Void was printed by Rodi Rotatiedruk Diemen, the Netherlands

Memberships Jorrit Groot Show Production Tobias Withers Distribution Isabel Verwiel Finance Emma Schouwenaar Interns Ilse Bloemendal Paul Edelbluth Mortimer Harries-Pugh Hannah Pezzack A heartfelt thank you to Giorgio Aside Lucy Barker Rosa Boland Aletta Boogman Carolina Calgaro Alex Christodoulou Jason Clark Isabelle Cotton Sarah Dear Ivailo Dragnevsky Ina Fischer Lucy Hoang Bao Anh Lam Catherine Holbrook Karolina Howorko Joost Koster Grace Lott Cissy Lott-Lavigna Nicolo Maresca di Serracpriola Conny Scannapieco Rupert Read Flavien Tridiel Charlotte van Roijen Laura Vargas Mora Cat Winter Stefanos Yowhannes FotoLab Kiekie After Press Groep B.V.

“Ik heb gedanst zonder te bewegen Met een gemak zoals je zelden ziet Misschien kom ik je morgen tegen Misschien is het wel beter van niet” Lyrics of Stiekem gedanst by Toontje Lager, 1983

Amfi Athenaeum Boekhandel Bimhuis Centrale Bibliotheek Amsterdam Cinecenter Cinetol Concerto / Plato De Appel De Brakke Grond De Nieuwe Anita De School Distortion Records EYE Film Museum Fotolab KieKie Garage Noord Hutspot Rozengracht Hutspot van Woustraat Kriterion Mary Go Wild Mediamatic Melkweg Muziekgebouw aan het IJ OT301 Paradiso Redlight Records Restored Rietveld Academie Sandberg Instituut Skatecafe Karin & Yvonne Stedelijk Museum Studio/K Urban Outfitters And many more.


Subbacultcha team

Grab a copy of The Void at one of the following locations in Amsterdam:


About The Void The Void is published by Subbacultcha, an Amsterdam-based platform run by real people who are hopelessly devoted to music and art.

Our thirst for summer can finally be quenched.

The Void is published five times a year and is distributed all over the Netherlands.

We’re so excited to bring you this summer issue, championing unruly music and art in the shimmering sunlight. Fresh off the press, The Void – Issue 3 is filled with crisp talent from near and beyond. And it’s holiday-proof, as we’ve included a poolside playlist, festival inspiration, and dazzling talks with most inspiring artists like COUCOU CHLOE, Prison Religion and 700 Bliss.

The Void represents our inspiring community and reflects our vibrant surroundings. Consider it an ode to unruly creativity and the musicians and artists who challenge the norm and amplify our cultural taste. The Void also shines a light on all the concerts and events we organise in and around Amsterdam, showcasing the emerging artists and musicians we love. The Void is made in close collaboration with our dedicated community of readers, members, artists, musicians, writers and photographers from all over the world. Come join us!

About Subbacultcha We unearth the best emerging artists and bring them to alternative stages near you. We also publish the Void: a publication documenting Subbacultcha’s ever-expanding universe.

About the Subbacultcha Membership You can become a member of Subbacultcha for €9 a month. Your membership grants you free access to all our events, ranging from live shows to talks to exhibitions. Not only that, but with a membership, you get a copy of The Void sent to your doorstep six times a year, the latest edition of our bag, plus first-hand invites to special events, sessions and more...

We invited Latin Lovers to drop by our office to do a shoot for our L.A.N. Party. This is what happened.

We’ve also included more of our deeply-rooted love for local artists, as you might notice. For the upcoming edition of L.A.N. party, six small rooms and corners in De School will be filled with music by more than 20 artists. Learn all about it inside. We’ve included a L.A.N. poster, a Polaroid photo series of your favourite locals and an interview with her again. Sprinkling love on every page, we’ve tried to bundle all the inspiration you need for the upcoming three months. See it as your travel guide: to events, to clouds of thoughts, and endless summer. Ready to dive into the new season? We definitely are. Can’t wait to see you at our shows.



With your monthly membership fee, you enable us to book and promote amazing emerging artists and give them the audience they deserve. Read on to find out about our upcoming events and sign up at

Get Involved Wanna submit work? Send letters plus your work to with ‘get published’ in the subject line. Wanna submit music? Send some links to Please do not try to sweet talk him. Wanna write or take pictures for us? Send an email to Wanna submit your void calendar tips? Send an email to with ‘subba calendar’ in the subject line. Wanna place an ad or interested in other partnership possibilities? Send an email to Wanna apply for an internship? Send an email to Wanna become a member? Sign up at

Kagura Dance by Aafke Bouman. Find more work from contributors and subscribers in this publication.

THE VOID? YES! We help out any hesitant postman with our mailbox stickers to make sure The Void reaches you always and everywhere. Photo send to The Void by Jorge Ponce

At home with her again shot by Annabel van Royen in Amsterdam

“Watching the sunrise on Monday morning is a dystopian sight: tarpaulins, crisp packets and paper cups fly like tumbleweed. Single waterproof boots stand lonely in puddles of mud. Airbeds pepper the landscape. There is detritus everywhere. An influx of cheap, disposable tents means that campers abandon their temporary living quarters.”

Read the full point of view on festival ecology by Hannah Pezzack at

At home with

HER AGAIN Interview by Angela Donskaia Photos shot for Subbacultcha by Annabel van Royen in Amsterdam

On 14 June we’re organising L.A.N. Party at De School featuring some of our favourite local artists. One of them is DJ, writer and activist Emma van Meijeren. You might have heard her before in the podcast De Schermerzone or seen her live behind the decks as her again. On a sunny morning in Amsterdam, Emma guides us through the place she calls home and gives us a glimpse of who she is.

Books are very important. I read every day, sometimes over 10 minutes and sometimes for hours.

calls out sexism, racism or homophobia at the moment nobody wants to hear or talk about it. It’s the same spirit of the sticker with the smiling sun sign from the All men? Nein danke project.

What is your favourite book?

What was that all about?

Ah, I think that’s impossible to answer. If all stories would be destroyed and I’m only allowed to read one for the rest of my life I would choose Astrid Roemer’s Was getekend.

I started that around a year ago together with Fenna Fiction. The line-ups for a lot of big festivals were being announced and I just got so tired of seeing that the majority of artists were male. I had just bought a t-shirt with a smiling sun logo that said ‘Heterosexuality? Nein Danke’. Originally, the logo is from an anti-nuclear movement and said ‘Atomkraft? Nein Danke’. I was attracted to the passive aggressiveness of the smiling sun. So we launched stickers and t-shirts to address the issue of too many mostly-white-male line-ups.

Yes, because I feel like you need a balance, especially if you want your writing to have some sort of engagement with politics. It’s important to organise and do different things to engage with people. Hey Emma, thanks for having us in your home. Have you always lived in Amsterdam? I grew up in the suburbs of Utrecht. I always lived at the same house with my parents. Until about four years ago. Then I moved out for a semester abroad in Santa Barbara and after that, it felt like the right time to move to Amsterdam. What makes something a home for you? Honestly, home is where the Wi-Fi is. My friends and family live all over the world and I’ve never felt much at home in the cities I lived in. So the internet is really important for me to connect with people. Your room looks super bright and is full of books. How did your room look like as a child? Everything had the same pattern: the curtains, my bedding. Everything was covered in stars, moons and suns.

You DJ under the moniker her again. Who is she? She’s like a feminist killjoy. It’s a term coined by Sara Ahmed that describes the person who

Could you tell us something about that poem on your mirror? It’s a poem by Judith Herzberg. I came across her poetry last winter. I was struggling a lot with my mental health and I opened the book on a random page at this poem called Moed. It reflected really deeply on what I was going through. There are these five lines that I think are beautiful: Lopen is op voeten balanceren, op straat zie ik de warme wezens die ook de onbegrijpelijke moed hebben gehad om op te staan in plaats van niet. I think when your health is interfering with your day-to-day life, it can be such an individualizing and isolating experience. I hate when poetry tries to universalize such experiences. Judith makes a connection outside of the individual experience which is not universal, but more of an intimate relationship to the next person—who could be anyone. That’s very comforting to me. — her again plays 14 June at the L.A.N. Party at De School, Amsterdam. Free for Subbacultcha members.

My Own Heaven by BEA1991. Directed by Jona Honer.

I came across your name so many times on the internet. From podcasts to line-ups and articles. Are you always busy with so many projects?


How important are books in your life, then?

Candy and tears in the club

COUCOU CHLOE Interview by Angela Donskaia Photos shot for Subbacultcha by Carson Davis Brown

A glistening underground sound and dainty dark aesthetics. That’s COUCOU CHLOE at first glance. She blends vocal raps through her synths and evokes a software sound with a clubby atmosphere. On top of that, she’s the co-founder of the NUXXE label, together with Sega Bodega and Shygirl. On an early morning in L.A., while she was getting her first cup of coffee, we chatted about surprises at the airport, sour candy and self-love.

Cutest desire you have?

Hazards of getting to know you?

For a long time, I’ve had this obsession with wishing for someone to pick me up at the airport, holding a board with my name on it. I wish a friend would surprise me like that. Sometimes people have these crazy drawings for the people coming home. I’m always so touched by these kinda things.

I have a lot of love to give, so be careful. And I also don’t give a fuck, so be careful.

Love of your life? I guess that’s gotta be myself. I mean, it’s important to not forget you. At first, I wondered why I’d be loving myself consciously. But lately I started to and it made sense actually. It’s not selfish or too self-centred. How could you get to something healthy without loving yourself? Sometimes I even listen to In love with myself by David Guetta, haha.

Objects you can’t live without? Too lame to say, but my phone. And if I can be a bit extra, I’d ask for a pair of headphones with it. Definitely those two. And my laptop.

Utopia, what does it look like to you?

Open space you’d love to perform at one day?

Can you describe it in 3 tracks?

I really want to perform in a big parking lot. Or this place in America where you have these monster trucks doing all kinds of crazy stuff. I wanna perform on top of one of these trucks with a blasting soundsystem.

A place where you cry a lot, but where you smile a lot too. I feel like it’s more of a sensation, rather than something I can see. The feeling is easier to describe by tracks indeed. I was a bit emotional this morning and this is what I was feeling like:

Extrovert or introvert?

Otomo yoshihide - Modulations #1 and #2 Chopin - Waltz in a Flat op 69 no 1 Playboi Carti - Kid Cudi

Most of the time I’m pretty introverted. — COUCOU CHLOE plays 8 August at Garage Noord, Amsterdam. Free for Subbacultcha members.

Coolest people in your network? My grandma. And all my closest friends who are also people I work with. Like the people I work with through NUXXE, like Sega Bodega and Shygirl. And Oklou. What did you do before making music? I was in art school, Villa Arson in Nice. But I wasn’t the best student or going to school much. I guess I was partying most of the time. Yet, it really helped me to discover that I wanted to make music. At parties, I connected with so many people and planned all these projects with them. It was so stimulating.

Occasions you will never forget?

Candy you love most?

It could be anything, it could even be someone smiling in the street. Whenever I’m performing in a club, people are shouting and showing love. That feels really special. Lately, I caught myself so many times performing and about to cry on stage.

Oh, there are so many things to say. I really love the big Chupa Chups lollipops, with the chewing gum inside. They’re the best. Mmm, and the little candy eggs. They’re my favourite, together with Bubblizz. And soft cherries too, actually. I feel like when you get candy, you can’t just get one bag. It’s a whole experience, and you should get all the flavours you like and balance them out.

Under your skin: what makes you feel most emotional?

My music goes parallel with what I think and feel. For a while, I didn’t really want to feel soft emotions or hear my voice. For my new EP, I included a lot of different emotions. And now when I perform those new tracks I catch myself having wet eyes. It’s just super new and intense to me. But it’s beautiful.

JANELLE MONÁE Send to The Void by Lars Moereels • @eosmin




A Mad Performance Party

MAISON THE FAUX Interview by Angela Donskaia

Ah, festival season! Days of madness, sweaty dancing and drinking beers. Immersing in new music and art, from dusk till dawn. The best way to celebrate summer hardcore. From all the line-ups we’ve scanned, there’s one performance that really caught our attention: MAISON the FAUX. This fashion house and performance group is building a Center for Humanity on the green grounds of Down the Rabbit Hole festival. It’s a transparent temporary house where visitors of the festival will be invited to take part in multiple ceremonies focusing on rituals in life: from birth to death. Intriguing, right? We called up Tessa de Boer, one of the co-founders together with Joris Suk, and asked what they’re all about. A DV ERT ISEMEN T

How would you describe MAISON the FAUX? MAISON the FAUX is a creative studio posing as a grand couture fashion house. Fashion is a form of art that connects to so many other forms of art, as it’s so related to identity. The work of MAISON the FAUX is determined by its multidisciplinary approach. We create “FAUXperiences” that challenge ourselves and our audiences to view the world in a new light. We believe fashion shouldn’t be limited to merely something you wear, but also something you experience. If I translate it from French it seems to mean “house of mistakes”, is that what the name refers to?


Eye Filmmuseum /shadow

MAISON the FAUX is translated to House of Fake or House of the Fictional. The name sounds quite pretentious and jokingly refers to bigger French fashion houses. But at the same time, it shows you that not all what it seems. In our work, we reflect upon many boundaries between the real and the fake, the ugly and the beautiful, the worthy and the worthless, etc. What’s the central message of MAISON the FAUX? We primarily focus on being human; on human behaviour, humanity and the individual freedom of humans while working in a group and society. We advocate the importance of being free and just being yourself. For instance, we don’t make a distinction between women’s or men’s wear; we create HUMANWEAR. We want to create room for personal development and freedom. So embracing every aspect, including every variety, is part of it.

June 15th 2019

Film: Trainspotting (1996) Music: Teddy’s Hit



July 27th 2019

Film: The Royal Tennenbaums (2001) Music: Feng Suave


August 31st 2019

Having been with them from the start, following 5 years of Subbacultcha producing the Down The Rabbit Hole festival guide, we’re thrilled to announce we’re currently working on the 2019 edition. This year’s gorgeous pocket-sized magazine will feature fact and fiction; from recent favs to pop culture icons, obscure finds and treasure maps to guide you straight to the sweet spots. Just saying: If you want a glimpse into the magic that is Down The Rabbit Hole festival, grab your copy at De Groene Heuvels whilst you’re there. <3

Is that why you chose a festival setting? Because people usually act a lot more free-spirited and open-minded there? Yes definitely, a festival audience is very interesting to us. Not everyone is always sober at a festival like they might be if they went to a theatre play in a fancy old building. We consciously look for interaction with our audience, and the unpredictable aspect is what makes it so interesting to us. We love making performances that stand in close relationship to the place they’re performed at. What should we expect at Down The Rabbit Hole festival? The performance will be called Centre for Entertainment. It’s about wanting to entertain an audience. The story is that we’re following MAISON the FAUX entertainers while they’re getting ready for the ultimate performance of their lives. We discover their rituals, question what performance actually requires, and what state of mind the performers are in. The rehearsals are super fun already. It’s a madhouse. Can’t wait! What should we drink while we watch? I think you should put a drop of LSD in your drink if you want to experience it to the fullest, haha. I don’t recommend using drugs, but if you do then you can drop by our tent and we’ll help you further.


ARIF Diving into Arif’s Soundcloud mixes, you’ll be surfing the warmest electronic waves. Besides making and playing music, this DJ co-hosts a podcast on Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, and teaches at art academies. His sets are full of dreamy-yet-playful ambient sounds. Turn on your speakers, relax and unwind.

If they play this track at a festival, you feel like you’re elevating to heaven. 2 for $20 · Taso & Siete Catorce · Siete Catorce

Spas and sound magic

A track that sounds like summer. Helado Negro - Running


The ideal track to play in the background of a cocktail party. Robert Ashley Perfect Lives 1 The Park Privacy Rules A track that makes you feel nostalgic. Werk__Ltd. - Travel Paint

Interview by Angela Donskaia

A track or set you currently have a crush on. Helado Negro - Seen My Aura

Philadelphia-based artists DJ Haram and Moor Mother have gathered their forces for a new, relentlessly catching project called 700 Bliss. And, they’ve just dropped their first EP, SPA 700. Prepare to melt away with a deep sonorous bass, skittering beats and vivid lyrics. We had a chat with Zubeyda (DJ Haram) and Camae (Moor Mother) about exposure, spas and heavy nostalgia.

A track to fall asleep to on a beach. Graham Lambkin - Amateur Doubles (Philippe Grancher 3000 Miles Away) The perfect track for a hot, long evening at a garden party. Carrie Cleveland - Love Will Set You Free

700 Bliss shot for Subbacultcha by Huong Vu in Philadelphia, USA.

A track that would sound awesome underwater. Circle Four: 100 Gongs For Arieto Best aeroplane listening experience. Inga Copeland - Because I’m Worth It

Album art Arif is crazy about: TERESA WINTER - Untitled Death

Read the full story behind this playlist at


You are represented by Discwoman, a progressive collective and agency in electronic music. What makes this agency stand out? Zu: I feel like whenever women and trans artists can come together it’s a win for everyone. So we need more collectives like this and people who self start things to help their community. Discwoman actually makes sure that the ones involved are getting enough resources. Exposure is a trap. Discwoman is not about the looks, it’s about trying to get the artists paid and represented correctly as well. Your album, SPA 700. Does it have similarities with an actual spa? Refreshing, healing and sparking new energy? Zu: It’s actually literally the idea behind the title. Spas are important places for women to heal, talk and exchange feelings and ideas. Dancing is also related to feeling things and feeling safe. And the ‘700’, in 700 Bliss? Camae: 700 bitches living inside society’s shit. 700 is an infinite number though because we continue to develop and reach out to other artists to collaborate with. The crowd for this music will naturally grow out of people that identify themselves with the topics we are singing about. Your lyrics seem to have a political side to them. Is there an inherent form of activism or is it merely a soft encouragement to open up perspectives? Camae: It’s up to the listener to interpret this, but nobody has to force it. That’s the beauty of music; word magic and sound magic. If people tune in, they can get the whole message or just get the message through the drums, for example. The beauty of music is that you can keep finding new things to tap into. The word and sound magic create waves. We don’t force anything that is reactionary. We do all of our stuff through love. We’re not folding or crumbling.

Horses in the Void 13 July, OT301, Amsterdam

Read the full article at — 700 Bliss play 13 July during Horses in The Void #3 at OT301, Amsterdam. Free for Subbacultcha members.












Music, performance and workshops

De Happening: Onder Hoogspanning De School, Amsterdam Free for Subbacultcha members




Cass McCombs Paradiso Noord (Tolhuistuin), Amsterdam




Art book recommendation

Check out the art and design book collection at Stroom, Den Haag


Documentary recommendation

Watch Paris is Burning By Jennie Livingston



Photography exhibition (last day)


Subbacultcha event

Visit I Can Make You Feel Good by Tyler Mitchell FOAM, Amsterdam

Muziekgebouw aan de Ring: Kelman Duran + Arif s105 (De School), Amsterdam

Free for Subbacultcha members

Free for Subbacultcha members



Movie recommendation

Watch Ex Machina by Alex Garland


Walid Raad - Les Louvres and/ or Kicking the Dead Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam


Music recommendation



Lust for youth’s new album release At home, on your bike or in the gym

Drift Festival Cultuurspinnerij De Vasim, Nijmegen



Subbacultcha event

L.A.N. Party De School, Amsterdam


Subbacultcha event

Gothboiclique Melkweg, Amsterdam Free for Subbacultcha members


Eyeshadow: Trainspotting (1996) + Teddy’s hit Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam

Free for Subbacultcha members


Graduation show

Sandberg Instituut Graduation Show 14 till 16 June Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam

Free for Subbacultcha members



Alex Prager - Silver Lake Drive FOAM, Amsterdam Free for Subbacultcha members


Music Theater

Triptych (Eyes of One one Another) Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Amsterdam



Tinariwen Paradiso, Amsterdam


Capture summer memories

1. Get a disposable camera 2. Capture your adventures 3. Get them developed at Fotolab KieKie


Subbacultcha event

Subbacultcha X Holland Festival Club Night OT301, Amsterdam



Strange Sounds From Beyond NDSM, Amsterdam

Music recommendation

Listen to SPA 700 by 700 Bliss



World Press Photo De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam



Hidden gem


Girls go BOOM

Call your friends, get some snacks and play a good old fashioned board game



Magazine recommendation

Watch Midsommar by Ari Aster at your favourite cinema’s





Urban compensation

Get your bike and have a nice ride through nature in the direction of Muiden. Sheep petting guaranteed <3


Record store

MARY GO WILD In-store Sessions Mary Go Wild, Amsterdam


Dance festival

Julidans Multiple locations, Amsterdam


Subbacultcha event

Symbyosys s105 (De School), Amsterdam

Loose Ends NDSM, Amsterdam


Go to the beach


Movie Recommendation

Free for Subbacultcha members

Splurge in the sea breeze, relax and swim Anywhere you can each by bike or train

Watch the Japanese animated comedy-drama fantasy film Pom Poko by Isao Takahata In your cosy, comfy bed <3




Multi-disciplinary art expo and performances

As We Know It Vondelbunker, Amsterdam

Subbacultcha event

Kirin J Calinan s105 (De School), Amsterdam


Down The Rabbit Hole 5 till 7 July Groene Heuvels near Nijmegen

Free for Subbacultcha members

Gallery recommendation


5 jaar de Ceuvel - Festival De Ceuvel, Amsterdam

Cinema recommendation

Treat yourself with a copy of the MacGuffin Nº 7 Athenaeum Boekhandel, Amsterdam

No Man’s Art Gallery Amsterdam East or West


Play a board game

Workshop Vocals + Own the Stage! Girls go BOOM Clubhouse, Rotterdam

Find Huis de Pinto and join Basjes Boer’s Cinema Verso where the borders film and art are investigated Amsterdam



Free for Subbacultcha members (limited capacity)

Free for Subbacultcha members



Graduation Festival


Movie recommendation

Watch Les Amours Imaginaires by Xavier Dolan

The Royal Academy of Art The Hague, 5 till 11 July The Hague


Dance and theatre

Julidans (2 -14th of July) Multiple locations, Amsterdam


Subbacultcha event

Horses in the Void #3 w/ 700 Bliss, YOUFF, DJ Haram, Snufkin and more OT301, Amsterdam


Graduation show

SNDO graduation year performances Frascati 4, Amsterdam

Free for Subbacultcha members




Eyes on Robert, co-curated by our beloved Tjade Bouma 18 June till 31 July Melkweg Expo, Amsterdam

Amadou and Mariam Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam



Get in the water

Subbacultcha event

Farai s105 (De School), Amsterdam


Food recommendation


Sing along


Sunday sounds

Have Japanese and Caribbean inspired food TerraZen Centre, Amsterdam

To Juan Wauters’ new record Anywhere you like

Saucy Music Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam




Free for Subbacultcha members

COUCOU CHLOE’s Recommendation

Read the book The Fragments of a Poetics of Fire by Gaston Bachelard

Call your friends and go swimming Marineterrein, Amsterdam




Squatting info hour Vrankrijk, Amsterdam

De Zomernacht

With Juliana Huxtable, SHYBOI and Jasmín De School, Amsterdam

Subbacultcha event

Eyeshadow: The Royal Tenenbaums + Feng Suave Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam

Food festival

Vegan food festival Flevopark, Amsterdam

Free for Subbacultcha members


Radio recommendation

Food recommendation











Listen to Mushroom Radio

Make or try Danish hummus Green peas, mint, vinegar, salt, pepper, olive oil

TransPride Walk & TransPride Podium at Pride Oost Oranje-Vrijstraatplein 2, Amsterdam

Watch Party Monster: The Shockumentary on YouTube

Katharsis 2019 Warehouse Elementenstraat, Amsterdam

Pride is burning Marktkantine, Amsterdam

Dekmantel Festival Multiple locations, Amsterdam








Videoclip recommendation

Watch BEA1991’s new video My Own Heaven




Sydney’s music recommendation

Films w/a View


Point of view

Listen to Soon-To-Be Innocent Fun/Let’s See by Arthur Russell and cry or smile a little bit

Read Hannah Pezzack’s article on festival ecology at



Sydney’s music recommendation

Toby’s music recommendation

Listen to Death Is Not The End Ivor Cutler Special NTS Radio

Sun Screenings Pllek, Amsterdam



Open Air Filmfestival


Landjuweel Ruigoord, Amsterdam


Cinema recommendation

Subbacultcha event

Subbacultcha Belgium event

COUCOU CHLOE + Zgjim Garage Noord, Amsterdam

Different Class 2019 DOK, Gent

Free for Subbacultcha members

Free for Subbacultcha members



COUCOU CHLOE’s recommendation

Listen to

World Cinema Amsterdam (until 24 Aug) Rialto, Amsterdam

Get Chupa Chups lollipops with bubblegum, soft cherries, soft eggs and Bubbliz

The album SPA 700 by 700 Bliss

Listen to Arif’s Poolside Playlist at






Sydney’s Music recommendation

Food recommendation

De Zomernacht

Toby’s recommendation

Listen to First by Liss

Eat real Italian food Margherita tutta la vita, Diemen

With Powder, Orpheu the Wizard and Oceanic De School, Amsterdam

Find something you’ve never heard before







Read Waves by Fredric Raichlen

Taco Tuesday

Tacos for €2,50 a piece Calle Ocho, Amsterdam


Music recommendation

PLUK de NACHT Westerdoksdijk, Amsterdam

Yayoi Kusama Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar

Arif’s Book recommendation

Book lovers recommendation

Paper Fetish Sunday Read-In Paper Fetish, Amsterdam

Listen to Week-end à Rome by Étienne Daho

Toby’s book recommendation

Read Human Heart by William Boyd


Deana Lawson Huis Marseille, Amsterdam

Roby’s music recommendation

Reappraciate Noah’s Ark by Cocorosie

Subbacultcha event

Eyeshadow: Miami Vice + Palmbomen II Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam Free for Subbacultcha members

De Parade Martin Luther Kingpark, Amsterdam



Describe yourselves in three words starting with L, A and N. Ach, nou, leuk.

Petersburg - band

DJ Croy Favourite tracks starting with the letters L, A and N. Lamia - Trisomie 21 Ambition - Kodak Blak Night Drive to the Sea (Original Mix) · Muzikalist



Hamerkanaal FM

Latin Lovers

Things you do besides making music. I collect old Pokemon cards (1995/6-2000).

Favourite local. Tender Blom


Rouzbeh Teymouri


Describe yourselves in three words starting with L, A and N. Laughter, Apathy, Nonsense.






Favourite tracks starting with the letters L, A & N Loxion Techno - Menchess Anansesem - SHYBOI No Dutty Saltfish - Chennet D Man

At Horses in The Void #3 at OT301, Amsterdam.

Keep an eye on our website for the freshest updates. We add new shows all the time, so don’t miss out. All these shows are free for Subbacultcha members.

De School, Amsterdam De Happening returns. The second edition revolving around the energies of jazz and Real Farmer improvisation: samenspel onder hoogspanning (translation: interplay on high voltage). Carolina Eyck and Eversines perform music from their new album Waves live for the first time – fully consisting of the theremin and vocals. Jazz vocalist / veteran Greetje Bijma and electronic prodigy Oceanic join forces for an improvised piece, while they have a record together forthcoming on yeyeh as well. Miss Jay and Pieter Jansen will DJ + the night is enriched by a theremin workshop by Carolina Eyck, a solo performance by Greetje Bijma and a listening session of the Waves LP. On the terrace of Restaurant DS, in Cafe DS and in the s105. Wow.

Friday 14 June

L.A.N. PARTY De School, Amsterdam

Subbacultcha and De School present to you: the fourth instalment of the L.A.N. party. The in idea is network all about getting our favourite People your independent local talent together in one place. that deserve a shoutout. Pooling inspiration and tactics. Aura Lydonour andresources, Axmed We haveThey every corner of De School to do so: Maxamed. founded the with places youan know + some places to be (re) Dance Pride, initiative discovered. We managed to form a line-up, to reunify electronic music uncovering a merciless portion of the vibrant with queer culture. and varied Dutch music scene:

her again



Sunday 9 June


This show is sold out, but there are still spots left for Subbacultcha members! Spots are limited, so make sure to RSVP by sending an email to with ‘Gothboiclique’ in the subject line + your full name in the mail. First come, first served.

The Lazer Gazer

Thank you to Carhartt Work In Progress for supporting this event.


Every summer, Holland Festival offers a huge program of international performing arts, inviting artists from far and wide. The world on stage – for an entire month. HF invited Subbacultcha to curate a club night, where we try to translate their mission statement in the program of the night. After the last year’s iconic edition, the only proper direction would be going even louder. And we did. On the bill, from different spots on the globe: Prison Religion, Nocturnal Femme, Bonaventure and Chernobyl.

Saturday 6 July

KIRIN J CALLINAN s105 (De School), Amsterdam

Kirin J Callinan is a decadent moonbeam. A butterfly. A pop prince in jester’s clothing. Birther of internet memes, wearer of kilts and cowboy hats. Musicians spun into his starry orbit range from Mark Ronson and Jimmy Barnes to Connan Mockasin and Alex Cameron, with whom Kirin released hit track “Big Enough”. Get sucked into a romantic mania pulsating with kinetic energy.

JUAN WAUTERS s105 (De School), Amsterdam

Juan Wauters delivers idyllically skewed folk. Listening to his songs is like being immersed in a cool body of water: refreshing, brisk and utterly awakening. La Onda de Juan Pablo, released early 2019, was composed over two years as the singer-songwriter travelled to different Latin American countries. Currently performing with vocalist Carmelle Safdie (of Beachniks) and vibe-maker-in-set-and-lighting Matthew Volz.

Saturday 10 August


Kim David Bots

Melkweg, Amsterdam

GothBoiClique is a Los Angeles based rap collective, consisting of several key actors in At Sneaks + Linda Fox at Dethe Nieuwe Anita, fusion between trap and emo ever-rising Amsterdam music. Together with Melkweg, we’re welcoming emo-rap pioneers Cold Hart, Fish Narc, Horse Head, Mackned, Yawns and Wicca Phase Springs Eternal. Orbiting around moody melodies and rattling hi-hats, the members of GBC wear their heavy hearts on their sleeves.

Casting a bleak forecast for Brexit, Farai serves up a political commentary that is full of depth, anger and subversion. Post-punk for the millennial malaise. Visceral poetry delivered with stoic resolution. Navigating London’s landmarks and the experience of being part of the African diaspora, debut album Rebirth is a new-wave battle cry.

Danny Boyle’s masterful take on Irvine Welsh’s novel, Trainspotting (1996) is a hyper-moving and humorous portrait of four Scottish heroin addicts. Garage band Teddy Hit capture the essence of “Cool Britannia” with their songs for ‘slackers in love.’ Think Ultimate Painting, Weezer or Ty Segall.

Favourite Local. Rouzbeh

At Sneaks + Linda Fox at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam

SOLD OUT but still spots left for Subbacultcha members: RSVP!

Friday 9 August

s105 (De School), Amsterdam

Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam

Friday 21 June


Linda Fox at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam

Welcome to The Void, for the third time around. A space that allows for confusion, dissonance and effervescent transformations. Enveloping disciplines: sound, movement, mediums. Bigger in size that you thought probable. Stampeding, untamed and wild. Soft, subtle and coursing. Experience the beasts of our hearts. Music that greets you like an old friend. Art that thunders and prances. w/ 700 Bliss • DJ Haram • YOUFF • Snufkin



COUCOU CHLOE is welcomed back. Standing tall at the intersection of trap, pop and industrial club music, her gritty, carnal sound has her marked as one of the most interesting young creators in the scene. Amsterdam-based Zgjim is coming through in support to keep energy levels high with some grime soaked bassweight.

OT301, Amsterdam

DJ Croy • DRKNGHTS • Hamerkanaal FM • her again • Kim David Bots • Latin Lovers • The Lazer Gazer • Lulu • Meetsysteem • Natronic • Paul Jansen & Zn. • Petersburg - band • Real Farmer • Rendez-vous • Rouzbeh Teymouri • SEKT • Symbyosys

Thursday 18 July

Kelman Duran’s approach to DJing is more than unique. Utilising the Caribbean music he grew up with, alongside vocal refrains lifted from dancehall and reggaeton, hip-hop acapellas and clips from historic speeches, he live links drum loops, creatingPaul off-the-fly, Jansen original & Zn. edits. An experimental filmmaker by trade and classically trained as a double bass player, Kelman expertly reconciles two disjointed musical nodes: party and the transcendental. DJ support by Arif!

Garage Noord, Amsterdam


Saturday 15 June

s105 (De School), Amsterdam


Saturday 13 July

Thursday 6 June

At Horses in The Void #3 at OT301, Amsterdam.

Friday 9 August

Saturday 27 July

EYESHADOW: THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS + FENG SUAVE Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam A Wes Anderson classic: The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) tells the tragicomedy tale of three prodigal children and their deadbeat father. In his distinctive glided-clockwork aesthetic, Anderson insightfully reflects on the human condition. Duo Feng Suave will transpose the 1970’s vibe and psychedelic soundtrack of the movie.

Different Class is backNatronic for another round of underground music’s most exciting acts. Carefully curated by our other half – Subbacultcha Belgium, with its exciting 4 editions in the past, the annual festival gathers the most trailblazing acts of the moment. If you’re feeling adventurous and want a sneak peek at tomorrow’s music, pencil 10 August down in your agenda.

Luc and Robert collected these musical souls for the night. We’ve asked Luc to tell us something about the energy we can expect.

myself in a club with multiple dance floors, the spectrum between the different rooms ranges between house, harder house and very hard house (also called techno). For the upcoming L.A.N. Party we go eclectic: six small rooms and corners in De At Sneaks + Linda Fox at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam School with all the tastes. Songs, guitars, Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam drums, singalongs, mp3s and very fast Under its polished veneer of stylish suits and a powerhouse Vice - thetill cultlate, tv kickbeats.soundtrack, Synths inMiami the garden series of the 1980s - was a surprisingly percepa rhythm extravaganza in the new small tive cop show about drugs, sex and murder. Two episodes will be shown, sweaty room and bodyfollowed musicbyina set the from the deeply cinematic electronic musician bar area of the basement until Sunday Palmbomen II. morning. A ten-hour energy rush by our The Click Click Club means future #tbt material by favourite local music people kicking it.”


our members. We hand over a disposable camera at our shows and you show us what you see. Want to join? Pick up a camera at the cash desk of one of our next shows or shoot an e-mail to Meetsysteem for more info. All s105 shows are sponsored by Jupiler.

Saturday 31 August “Often when I find


Thanks FotoLab Kiekie for making our negatives positive!


At Sneaks + Linda Fox at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam

Sunday 2 June

At Sneaks + Linda Fox at De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam

So if you still have some of those, let me know!

Favourite local. Hector Aka Hache (Eigen Risico). He’s a good friend of mine and a great artist.

At Horses in The Void #3 at OT301, Amsterdam.


Make-up artiest: Leroy Bos • Model: Sohyun Park

“I luckily could save some of the bunch of pictures that I took the last few years, from my crashed hard drive. I cracked the damn fucker and slammed it until it gave up to be an irritating piece of dysfunction... Anyway, glad to send you some of my work guys.” Message from Alwin Sinnema • @alwinsinnema

Lisa Brammer • @isa_glb

Juna Horstmans • @junahorstmans

Marinka Grondel • @marinkagrondel

Loretta Mulders • @lorettamonique


GET PUBLISHED For this publication, we were pleasantly overwhelmed with a myriad of exquisite artworks. Incredible to see how much talent is roaming around out there! A heartfelt thank you for that. <3 We’re craving for more of your words, visuals, shorts, pixels, glitch art, videos and whatever floats your boat. From sweet and salty, to raw, uncut, wet and dry. We wanna know what’s cooking on your laptops, your notebooks, and in your wildest dreams. In short: we want a slice of your (he)art again. Send us what you got:

Caroline Quinn • @carolinexquinn

“Art institutions have been coming under a lot of criticism of late for their ever increasing formalisation, bureaucratisation and general loss of their once famed free spirit. Rather than to keep beating the same drum on these obvious restraints to the art school today, Mushroom Radio was set up to seek out and celebrate the extra-curricular activity that we could see happening around us within the school and to galvanise it.”

Building a Home by Co Knol • @coknol

Jack Bardwell, Benjamin Earl and Esther Vane from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague about their radiostation Mushroom Radio.

Ella Gijselhart •

I envied him. It wasn’t the fetching shirt or the waxed Victorian mo. It was his peace in transit. He found tranquility, not in the provincial vista hurtling by - the hues of green and orange blurring together a palette of rural spring - but in rest. Being the recent recipient of involuntary cardiac abscission that I was, I ached for the armistice of unconscious, I pined for the pacification of my pondering mind and hurting heart, fleshy mounds of it towed behind the train carriage like a bloody breadcrumb trail of woe. The tracks lay slick with ichor, stretching back to that central station I once skipped through and now trudge. My mind traffics in impossible dichotomy: wondering what I could have done differently and also trying to accept it happened at all. I just want my noodle to grow fucking quiet and my upper lip to grow a fucking handlebar. Image and text by Max Favetti • @max.favetti

Th a n ks M ax us yo ur po for comin rtfoli o and g by our of this c ute le fice to ha nd tter in p ers o n <3

“I see a guy practising some combat sport with a big sword, while he’s talking on the phone with his Bluetooth headphones. His breathing stays perfect while he’s jumping up and down, talking and practising at the same time. In the middle of the night.” Patrick Cramer about his 4 AM experience

MUSIC THAT EXCITES ROBY The first part of the year is over, and it’s summer now. Although I think we’ve just come to the part where we realise we are well into the new year and we have to start low-key wrapping it up again. Bracing ourselves for the summer season, I assume we all have plans and expectations. So I would really like to look back at the last couple of months, for they were sick, thanks. Subbacultcha will keep on suprising you with great events to go to. Make sure to check our calendar for more Subbacultcha online/offline. Here is a little extraction from what’s in my playlist.

Natalie Hapeshi • @nataliehapeshi

4 AM Forever

Emiranda Real Life

4 AM is the most spiritual hour. When night dissolves into day. The magic hour. The liminoid phase of dreaming. For this project, we ask artists to set their alarm clock to 4 AM and create something covering their lucid dream state at that moment. Divine creations at the most ungodly hour. 4 AMEN.

Juan Wauters Disfruta La Fruta CRACK CLOUD THE NEXT FIX


АукцЫон Дорога CocoRosie Fairy Paradise (live)

Patrick Cramer is an interdisciplinary artist based in Amsterdam, currently studying at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. We asked him to rise and shine or stay awake until 4 AM. He told us: “I still had a lot of energy from the day before. I woke up easily and felt determined to capture something during my journey outside. Usually, I don’t walk outside at night unless it’s going home after dancing.”

Synd og Skam Op Ad Dine Lår COUCOU CHLOE Gecko

Patrick also wrote down his 4 AM adventure, documenting what happened before he made us some sweet art. Waking up is easy. At least, this time it was. I told myself: “Open your eyes and go outside.” I’m walking slightly drowsy and clueless towards Oosterpark, which is a few hundred meters away from my house. I am still wearing my clothes from the night before. I think that’s why I woke up so easily. As I enter the park I notice a broken bottle of red wine with the liquid flowing in two directions. I trace the flood leading towards the right. It’s the direction I take every morning when I race to school. A few steps across the bridge and I see a silver motion in the distance. It’s fast and very concentrated. I can’t tell what it is, so I decide to get closer. I see a guy practising some combat sport with a big sword, while he’s talking on the phone with his Bluetooth headphones. His breathing stays perfect while he’s jumping up and down, talking and practising at the same time. In the middle of the night. I followed the right direction of flooding red wine and it resulted in something better than sleeping.

A note from our booker

700 Bliss Ring The Alarm Sophie E. Chadwick • @sleepsparrow

Xx Roby Booker at Subbacultcha


Soft synth that envelops you in a marshmallow cloud. Both sentimental and sexy. We caught up with Fabian, Max and Niklas from Das Bisschen Totslag over an excellent brunch at Cafe DS and chatted about what’s so cool about Hamburg, their appetite and soft boiled eggs. Read the full interview at

Eleonora Šljanda • @eo407

Wanna see more of Patrick’s work?

D I G I TA L LY R E M A S T E R E D Find the full specimen at

VA N A F 3 1 J U L I I N D E B I O S C O O P

Blooming parks and pop music


Fashion designer Yamuna Forzani

“There’s as many genders as people in the world.”

Interview by Callum McLean Photo shot by Kim Kevin

Prison Religion are a threat to today’s idiocracy, to boredom, and to healthy ears. So sounded 2018’s O FUCC IM ON THE WRONG PLANET, all precision bursts of bass, sirens and otherworldly screams. With a new record on the way, we caught up with Warren Jones (‘False Prophet’) and Parker Black (‘Poozy’) to talk noise-warcraft.



Karel’s music blurs the lines between euphoria and melancholia. Seasonless and seamless. So we asked him to curate a monthly playlist. Full of auditive gems that caught his attention and blended with his daydreams. Tune in on our Spotify and get ready to click on the hearts next to all the tracks. Spotify: subbacultcha_nl

How did Prison Religion come about?

How important is dystopia to what you do?

We met in an airport. We also used to date each other’s parents.

The imaginative, implied future... It is the sum total of our actions right now. And you can explore reflection through dystopia, but it seems to be here already.

Who has the biggest scream? Whoever is the saddest or angriest, lol. We approach the voice objectively, then as a tool. In whichever way things need to be said is usually how they are delivered. Your politics come through quite abstractly – do you try to focus on concrete political themes or is your approach more of an emotional response? For sure, we feel like political ideas should come through as an emotional or abstracted response. The preachy voice transforms the music into something else entirely, which we try to be conscious of, but sometimes it feels good to outright say it. You’ve said Prison Religion is “music to beat the shit out of your oppressors” – is this music for mobilising or is its violence more therapeutic? Haha, yeah, both – it depends on who is listening and how they want to interpret violence. Violence is such a mutated thing in art, which varies by context and environment. I wonder how a lion might react if Prison Religion was being blasted. Or if that lion was in the club with us, how the music would sound. But, yeah, it is also therapy for some – those who understand how to control their violence. How do your politics chime with being from outer space? ACK ACK ACK

While the genre question seems a bit irrelevant to Prison Religion, your individual tracks do flirt with hip hop, industrial, bass, punk and even dub – where do these musical elements come in during recording? We prefer touching on genres and rhythms and ideas in music we fuck with, but we’re aware of the confines of genre. So, we would rather be confined to our own sounds, LOL! There are too many budding artists that pigeonhole themselves with obscurity. Our mentality is to be able to play wherever – from club to basement to museum. What riot are you brewing next? We’re finishing up an upcoming album called BEACHHEAD – a 20+ track LP (P_R07) through UIQ digital. It is riding a jet ski through oily waters stained by war, and there is a storm on the horizon. Underneath the waves are broken, rusted ships and bodies and relics of how things were. It is squatting in a threestory beach house with the power off, hearing only the crackle of barrel fire and groans of metal over the shore. The water rushes in at high tide. It is a room lined with objects found in the wreck without context from a broken system, recontextualized into something useful or ornamental.

— Prison Religion play 21 June at Subbacultcha x HF Club Night at OT301, Amsterdam. Free for Subbacultcha members.


Favourite tracks starting with the letters L, A & N Loxion Techno - Menchess Anansesem - SHYBOI No Dutty Saltfish - Chennet D Man

Favourite local. Hector Aka Hache (Eigen Risico). He’s a good friend of mine and a great artist.


People in your network that deserve a shoutout. Aura Lydon and Axmed Maxamed. They founded Dance with Pride, an initiative to reunify electronic music with queer culture.

her again


Kim David Bots


So if you still have some of those, let me know!

Real Farmer

Paul Jansen & Zn.

Favourite Local. Rouzbeh

EAS. 20+ LOCALS. Luc and Robert collected these musical souls for the night. We’ve asked Luc to tell us something about the energy we can expect. “Often when I find myself in a club with multiple dance floors, the spectrum between the different rooms ranges between house, harder house and very hard house (also called techno). For the upcoming L.A.N. Party we go eclectic: six small rooms and corners in De School with all the tastes. Songs, guitars, drums, singalongs, mp3s and very fast kickbeats. Synths in the garden till late, a rhythm extravaganza in the new small sweaty room and body music in the bar area of the basement until Sunday morning. A ten-hour energy rush by our favourite local music people kicking it.”

The Lazer Gazer




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