Subbacultcha! Magazine April

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u n r u ly m u s i c M a g a z i n e A P RIL 2 0 0 9

t h e i n f o r m at i o n i s s u e

Yuri landman bites h i s o w n ta i l

WIN F tick ree

holy ets to fu mo ck, mozatel and ique

plus M u s i c : H e a lt h i n t e rv i e w s h e a lt h more m u s i c : f e v e r r ay w w w. s u b b ac u lt c h a. nl film: mobile madness


subbacultcha! You ever get the feeling you want to belong to a community that values your opinion almost as much as the money you’re bringing in? Well guess what... from May 1st you can become an official Subbacultcha! member! For only 6 euro per month (the price of one Subbacultcha! concert) we offer:

• free access to all subbacultcha! shows • Home delivery of our monthly magazine • A great exclusive subbacultcha! t-shirt (by American Apparel and Scrmn) • And last but not least you’ll be supporting the cause.

More info:

page 3

This month It is 2 AM. And I am looping.... looping through email, Facebook, MySpace, 3voor12, bankaccount, my other email, Skype and back to MySpace. To add a friend. I am addicted. It is true... and it is about time I admit it. I discovered it about half a year ago... This constant need for information. A need for constant updates on trivial situations. The high point (or low point) is that I started to develop a Pavlovian reaction to the ‘ping’ sound of incoming mail. The moment I hear it I stop everything I do and start rubbing my touchpad. That sounds obscene, I know. But it is an obscene situation. Sad, really. The comforting part is that I am not the only one. Who else is replying to my emails? But... something tells me the new chique is to not answer emails. namedropping. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 things that matter. . . . . . . . 8 information feedback. . . . 10 featured artist: scrmn. . . . 17 fashion statement. . . . . . . . 22 poster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 fever ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 film. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 shooting stars. . . . . . . . . . . 38 programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 10 seconds later. . . . . . . . . . 45 after midnight. . . . . . . . . . . 49


LATE SHOW Name: Frank What’s with the text?: I hate this t-shirt. But it’s always a late show anyways Location: Desmet Studios Polaroid: Tamara van der Laarse

on the cover Mask 1 Drawing by SCRMN (see page 17) 3


last month at our office


Music: Dan Deacon - Bromst New album by Ultimate Hipster Icon Dan Deacon. Is the emperor wearing clothes, or is he stark naked and dancing?

2 3

Book: Arthur Wevers - Bittergarnituur (Uitgeverij Contact) Highly intelligent coffee table pornography by Arthur Wevers.


DVD: Human Nature (2001, Michel Gondry, written by Charlie Kaufman) Taking the piss out of humanity in a light yet profound way. It’s OK to have hair everywhere.


TV: In Europa (VPRO) We just found out you can watch all the In Europa episodes on And you thought we were hipsters... Ha!

Music: The Very Best - Wena Bang-on dance-floor filler by Malawian artist Esau Mwamwaya teaming up with Radioclit. Dowload the full album for free:

send & receive


hee klootzakken, wie heeft m’n boek gestolen. m’n hoe het groeide. van knut. anoniem retourneren graag. j

• From May 1st you can become a Member of Subbacultcha!... (see page 2) • Wanna read bedtime stories to HEALTH or make coffee for Scout Nibblet? Then sign up for Hotel Subbacultcha! and host a touring band at your mansion. • We are looking for people to help distribute Subbacultcha! Magazine in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Got a bike and a good heart? contact us and we set you up with all kinds of free stuff.

You can tell us anything. Send us comments, corrections, letters, marriage proposals, tips, haiku’s, or... whatever. 4


Your Photo: Where

it’s at?


it’s HANGiNG AROUND Parque El Retiro in Madrid Submitted by Mark van Holland

Send us a photo of Subbacultcha! magazine and receive good goodies.

fRee free free free free fRee free free free free free • 2x2 tickets to Health. 10 april in vera, groningen • 2x2 tickets to motel Mozaique. 10 and 11 april in rotterdam • 2x2 tickets to bishop allen. 14 april in paradiso • 2x2 tickets to SUNSET RUBDOWN. 20 april in patronaat • 2x2 tickets to holy fuck 21 april in de melkweg • 2x2 tickets to animator, the

previews. 29 april in melkweg cinema • 5 cds by agaskodo teliverek • 5 books ‘bittergarnituur’ by arthur wevers • 5 dvd’s heavy metal in baghdad magazine Parties Get into our magazine parties for free free free

For all of the above sign up to the mailing list at 5


By Bob van Heur

job wouters /



ucking hell. It’s already April, and bands still haven’t stopped releasing albums. And while you’re still trying to catch up they bring on re-releases. Yes, it’s a never-ending 6

story! And on top of the fact that Michael Jackson is back together, there is a lot to look forward to. For example the new and promising Dirty Projectors album called Bitte


Orca. I say Talking Heads on LSD. The single ‘Stillness’ can already be found online. And If you can’t wait for the entire album, their bass player and vocalist Angel Deradoorian just released an EP on Lovepump United—yes, the label Health are on, who will release their new single ‘Die Slow’ in early April. I’d say it’s made to be a dance-floor hit: Totally Health, but with an ongoing beat instead of their infamous weird breaks. Speaking of dance-floors: First you’ll have to check out the American version of Justice, Guns & Bombs. Their debut album will be out soon, on Kitsune. Scenes of the Jokes is the new hype from Canada. I personally think it’s way too slick, but I’m sure people can go wild on this music… Speaking of wild... and fuzzy... Check out Tyvek from Detroit, Intelligence on In the Red, Obits on Subpop and Harlem with their brilliant song ‘Psychedelic Tits’. Strangely enough, this brings me to the band The Clits - electro punk from Portugal. Is it good? No, I don’t think so, but their friends are the Brazilian duo Lucy & the Popsonics, who remind me of The Kills and who have a new record out on the

French Nacopajaz label. Also from Brazil: electro pop DJs The Twelves. Moving North of Brazil to fuzzy pop band Chikita Violenta from Mexico. They’re pretty addictive. Starting to like all these exotic places? Here we go: BLK JKS from South Africa. A band compared to TV on the Radio. I’ve just received sketches from their new album, which will most likely be mixed by Sean Beavin (NIN, Slayer). And yes, this is the future of heavy metal, free jazz and electronica... All on one record. Out in October (EP out now). And now some real namedropping. Bands worth checking out: Thao Nguyen and the Get Down Stay Down, Suckers from Brooklyn, Azeda Booth from Calgary, Stars like Fleas from NYC and Ungdomskulen from Norway (also check their funny vids). More next time. And if you can’t get enough please visit Motel Mozaique, Roadburn, STRP, Domino Festival or one of the million shows coming up in April. Oh, before I forget... the new Pink Mountaintops album Outside Love. Anthems, Godspeed-style soundcapes, drony garage rock and pure ‘American Songbook’ writing. Unmissable! end 7









SUNNY SIDE UP HAS 01011110101111000 FRIENDS




Subbacultcha!’s personal realm of things, friends, sounds and objects that have surprised, annoyed and rocked us lately.

Things that Matter






196 | 320 | 72 | 160 | 255 | 300 | 10% | 15






i n formatio n LOOP

Yuri Landman builds guitars for bands like Sonic Youth, Blood Red Shoes, dEUS and Liars. In this article Landman explains how he uses Wikipedia as an important tool in the success of his business. He has created an information structure that on several occasions has pleasantly bitten him in the tail. Not only his guitars feedback... his writings as well. By Yuri Landman. Edited by Steven McCarron Circles by Bas Morsch



veryone knows you should never blindly trust in the content of online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. But due to the newness of the medium, not many people have directly experienced the full effect it has on the valuation of importance. Its misleading impact lies within its popularity. Wikipedia consists of millions of articles about almost everything. It is the world’s fifth most visited website and following many web searches, typically it’s the first information source offered about a subject. Roughly speaking: Google and Yahoo tell you where to look, Wikipedia tells you what something is. If you’re seeking an in-depth piece of knowledge, the tail of any article, complete with references and links, is a great jump-off point. If there’s no additional sources in the tail of the Wikipedia article, chances are you’ll stop searching for more info. But this is a minority of usage anyway. In general, users stop after being convinced by Wikipedia. Amongst a web of millions of websites, it enjoys a monopoly

position as an information centre. In the past, much debate has taken place discussing whether an encyclopaedia written by dilettante volunteers could become better than the acclaimed Britannica. Comparison tests were carried out and in terms of accuracy, Wikipedia scored slightly better, with fewer errors detected. In terms of quantity of articles and knowledge depth, Wikipedia won hands down. Although Wikipedia was generally regarded the best from then on, the test results are misleading. Tests can only quantify falsifiable facts (calculations, formulas, scientific facts, sports data, language errors, birth dates, etc.). Non falsifiable values about politics, social economics, religion, art and other inexact subjects can’t be examined neutrally and Wikipedia contains a huge amount of normative, biased and subjective information. Besides, Wikipedia is based on consensus and consensus is not nessecarily the truth.


rained as a chemical analyst, I learned in my studies how to 11

Feature: information loop

structure academic and scientific texts in a suitable manner. Sources are always obligatorily in scientific texts. This quality valuation is also desired on Wikipedia. Oddly enough this is its most underestimated disrupting aspect, because it leads to an indirect paradox called information loop or information feedback. Initially not familiar with the inner world of Wikipedia, I started an article about my Moodswinger guitar design in January 2007. The website captured my imagination because I could immediately see what a powerful promotional tool it is. I understood promotion was an unpopular motive for usage, however, and because my instrument looks odd for people not familiar with prepared guitar playing, I took a second step to prevent the article from being deleted by officious monitors: I created a HOAX page. It was an article with the self-madeup term ‘3rd bridge guitar’ about several instruments working with string division resonance, summarising Harry Partch’s Kitara, Prepared Guitar, Glenn Branca’s Mallet 12

Guitars, Sonic Youth’s screwdriver playing technique, Bradford Reed’s Pencilina and closing with the Moodswinger. To hide my conflict of interest and to avoid hunting restrictive moderators reverting my edits, I also added much information about Leo Fender, Sonic Youth, Liars, Bradford Reed, Glenn Branca, et al, all alongside the information about my instruments. Another trick I used is called ‘coatracking’. I added information about my work and related topics in as many neighbouring articles as possible. I created a spider web of maybe a few hundred articles, referencing my Moodswinger, Moonlander and Springtime guitars, as well as related acts and techniques such as Enon, Liars, Half Japanese, 3rd Bridge, Prepared Guitar, String Resonance, or whatever other suitable interlink. The aim was to prevent deletion, but it also laid the foundations for a huge promotional platform. In short: an article about the Moonlander guitar could be deleted for lack of relevance. Starting an article about Lee Ranaldo,

The power of Wikipedia as a promotional tool spiralled further than I could ever expect.

continue 13

feature: infOrmatiOn LOOp

a subjective observation other contributors didn’t recognise. Art related articles have a tendency to contain biased information, often not sourced or sometimes based on externally published reviews by critics, which are not facts but opinions from an authority. Not many he power of people care about Wikipedia as this enough to erase these a promotional notifications. tool spiralled Besides, you’ll further than I never win an could ever exediting contest pect. An illusagainst the mastrative personal example: In 2008 sive volume of I started a Dutch fans of Queen, Racoatrack article about diohead and U2 who contribute always way too Rhys Chatham, considering it might be a useful connection be- profusely about their beloved act. Eight months later I was tween contemporary classical music, minimal music, Glenn Branca, asked to give a presentation at Sonic Youth, 3rd Bridge, experi- the State-X Festival in Den Haag. mental rock and my own work When I met with the programmers as a guitar luthier. It was a pretty they were considering booking objective article with one slip of Glenn Branca. Now I’m not sure… the tongue, mentioning enthusiasti- it could be that programmer Jan remembered Rhys cally: ‘…is one of the most promi- Borchers nent composers of this age.’ It was Chatham doing something simiwith the notification he was listed number 33 in Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Best Guitar Players of All Time will prevent a deletion, because the guitar player is regarded as highly influential by an authority, thus the acceptance of the article about the guitar increases.



lar with guitar orchestras, but my gut instinct was that he had read Branca’s biography on Wikipedia (translated to Dutch by me) and then remembered Rhys Chatham, because he’s mentioned in the Branca article (coatracked by me). Chatham’s G3 set-up utilises a smaller number of guitars and for that reason is easier to arrange for a festival. It’s suggestive but coincidental because the festival then approached Chatham to perform there instead of Branca. It immediately seemed strange to me, in that Chatham was not very known in Holland. After they had booked Chatham I then received an invitation to be one of the guitar players for the performance. I was excited and felt honoured to be asked, so, unsurprisingly, I confirmed to join. When I then received a press release

about the festival, I was confronted with this text about Chatham: ‘…is one of the most prominent composers of this age.’ They had copied the Wikipedia article for a press release! This was all feeding my superstition they had read the article before booking. And then a journalist from de volkskrant mailed me: ‘You are participating on Chatham’s G3. His musical composition is considered a masterpiece. Do you agree and do you want to give an interview about it explaining why this musical piece is so unique?’ I was giggling. This was getting a bit embarrassing. Before being misunderstood as a Wikipedia fraud or corrupter, my story is not made up at all. There are many very positive reviews about the composition, so the journalist wasn’t technically at fault. But

Wikipedia is based on a huge amount of normative , biased and subjective information.

continue 15

feature: infOrmatiOn LOOp

what becomes apparent with this example is that this particular coatrack article functioned as a promotion catalyst and led to myself and Chatham receiving column inches in a leading Dutch cultural newspaper. This reaffirmed my conviction that Wikipedia is such an efficient promo tool. All other reviews about the G3 are found in niche publications read by an inner core of fans. Wikipedia is a mass medium, and therefore another level of importance is felt, giving a distorted perception of valuation.

my motive as contemptible, but that’s their problem. Yet this information loop effect is something to wonder much more about. Journalists often grab information from Wikipedia as their primary source. The majority will try to find a bit of additional information, but when there is none I’m pretty sure some will use only the Wikipedia article as their source. Journalists are also very keen on rewriting the Wikipedia text in their own words, leading to alternate versions of the story. After publication, Wikipedia contributors use these media articles as a reliable source and add it to the reference section in the article to fundament the bias. From then on, it becomes a sourced fact instead of a hollow opinion. That’s a circular reference feeding untruth and an unrealistic balance of what’s very important and what’s not so important. So be careful of information you take for granted.

So be careful of information you take for granted.


ll explained before is pretty innocent. I hope adding information about my work is culturally and musically informative, and also helpful and not solely commercial. The fact that I’m becoming better at the art of promotion doesn’t disrupt the overall content of this pseudo-encyclopaedia. Some bitter contributors without a strong affinity towards noise rock will regard 16 end

Feat u r e d art i s t:


continue 17



continue 19



i, my name is Scrmn and I was born on the 31st of December 1981 in Copenhagen. I’m in love with Trbl and my favorite food is Pizza. I draw and paint and write a lot of notes. Eventually all these notes will turn into Scrmn’s version of Lord of the Rings, and in 60 years Peter Jackson will make a 9 hour blockbuster movie about Scrmn and all the notes. I prefer flowers over bullshit and I can spot cowards just by looking at them. And liars die young, did you know? And I will rocket to heaven when my life burns a hole in the sky. Love, Scrmn


end 21


Casio w-91

Fashion Statement By Denis Koval


Union Crane I U.S. RBS Obama UBS Mr. Whipple Court Mayor Romania Army’s Border Hague Court Tibetans Son’s Death Falling Revenues Government Zimbabwe Cigarettes A Child Victor Zarnowitz Economy Alfred J. Kahn 18 Students Businessman With Ties

NYT > Home Page RSS 26/02/2009 10h31

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Oversight Lapses $2 Million a Vast Arms Bazaar Biggest Loss +LJKHU 7D[ RQ $IÁXHQW New Chief Executive Rough a Religion Close Parts of Broadway with Fish and Chips of Its Past Rebel New Year Image Rebuilding and Stability Details Plane Crash a Tennis Star in Danger Protsate Cancer of Fraud Eczema Sufferers 3200 Jobs on Swiss Accounts

poster. by rollergirl

By By By By By By By By By By By By By By By By

Die Blow Fall Save


Schwarzenegger China

on Black Campuses $40000 into 3 Years Power, Money and Risk in Florida for Mexican Cartels in British Corporate History to Pay for Health Care on Forests in a Park WR 7UDIÀF in Bangladesh in Opposition British Leader in Iraq Details of Bank Stress Test over Mumbai

Interview with self: hEALTH

JOH N : ‘I g ot a s t r i k i ng new h a i r c u t to day a nd you d i d n ’t noti c e i t a l l , des p i t e m e b e i ng i n yo u r c o m pa n y f o r s e ve r al h o u r s . W hy? 26

J UPi TE R : I was unc o m f o rta b l e b e c au se it ma d e me t hi nk o f my e x- g i r lf r i e nd. . . Ar t-noi se band Heal th in t e r v iew a r t - n o ise b a n d H e a lt h .

continue 27

Interview with self: hEALTH


UPITER (JU): Do you think this will be a good interview? JOHN (JO): Yes I think so. But it’s up to you as well.

JO: Who’s your favorite band member? JU: Naturally it is me. Without myself I couldn’t have a favorite band member at all.

JU: How often do you do interviews like this? JO: Never like this. But I do a lot of interviews. JU: I think its inventive of them to have the band members interview each other. What do you think? JO: I think its very inventive. The magazine gets a feature and doesn’t need a writer. JU: That’s very efficient of them.

JU: Is your favorite band member yourself? JO: No.

JO: Do you not have to be good at your instrument because you have so many pedals? JU: Having a lot of pedals is cosmetic. It allows me to make mistakes during shows, yet avoid the critical ear of most listeners.

JU: I heard that you ate psychedelic mushrooms in Amsterdam. was that unnerving at all? how did it make you feel? JO: It was not unnerving, it was pure bliss. I was endlessly amused by the foreign sink I could not operate. Music was incredibly visceral and powerful. I felt that nothing mattered and it was a great feeling. I almost happily jumped off the balcony. It was wonderful.

JU: You have even more pedals than I do. How does that influence your opinion of yourself as a musician? JO: I am a better musician than you. 28

JU: Last time we were in Holland everyone was very nice, do you have any expectations for our next trip there? JO: I believe low expectations are the key to happiness. JU: I agree.

JO: Why do you work so hard on such stupid music? JU: A lot of people ask this question. I think they are missing the point of the music. JU: How do you like being in a band with me? JO: I like it alright, sometimes I don’t like the way you talk to me and the other band members. Although I dont have anything to really compare it to though, this is my first real band. JU: I think you should listen to what I say more often JO: That’s a very nice thought, but I need to do whats best for the band.

great acclaim I must release one as well to prevent you from overshadowing me artistically in the public perception. JU: What do you think it was like growing up with me? JO: That’s a very interesting question. JU: What were you like as a child? JO: I was very talkative, very precocious child constantly showered with attention, you? JU: My childhood was not like that. JU: Do you think people will like the new HEALTH record? JO: I am very confident they will. It is a very good record.

JO: Why are we still waiting for your solo debut? JU: My solo career has been put on hold for this band. once we achieve JU: If they don’t, what will you a significant amount of recognition do to avoid becoming miserI will release an album of my own. able? JO: I will do many things. But they JU: How is your solo career de- will not work. veloping? JO: I never desired to have a solo JO: What do your songs mean to career. But if you release one to you?

continue 29

Interview with self: hEALTH

JU: I think the music of HEALTH is each member’s attempt to come to terms with their troubled past and how this has influenced their present state. I think this is why most people create art. JO: Do you want to be in movies? JU: I don’t think i’m a very good actor, but I would love to be in movies. JU: Have you ever been in a movie? JO: Yes, but only in films I have directed myself.

JU: I think your new haircut is very flattering. How do you feel about it? JO: It is shorter than I had planned for, as it Health is a band was drying I was worfrom L.A. They ried while very attracIncorporate Tribal chanting with tive it might be too complex percussion feminine. Now that it and fuming guitar has dried I enjoy its noise. their new “feathered” look. single is coming out in april. catch them in vera on april 10th or at motel mozaique on april 11th.

JO: I got a striking new haircut today and you didn’t notice it at all, despite me being in your company for several hours. Why? JU: I was uncomfortable because it made me think of my ex-girlfriend and how important it was to her that I notice any change to her hair. I thought you might be disappointed in me if I didn’t display a proper amount of enthusiasm 30 end

about your haircut, so I didn’t say anything at all.

JO: We see a lot of varieties of haircuts in rock music today, are you pleased with your own? JU: I cut my own hair. Sometimes I’m very proud of how my hair looks. Sometimes I feel self-conscious. JO: Your stage persona is very intense, does it suit you? JU: One of my earliest childhood memories is of a man telling me I had very intense eyes. I think many children didn’t stare as aimlessly as I often did.

thoughts and opinions

Fact Check: Fever


Door Oscar Smit

you give me fever


n 2006 brak de Zweedse electro-act The Knife in Nederland door. Niet alleen met hun album Silent Shout maar vooral met hun indrukwekkende theatrale live shows op onder meer Lowlands. The Knife bestaat uit broer en zus Olof en Karin Dreijer. Behalve over hun naam doen ze over de rest van hun identiteit ook flink geheimzinnig. Tijdens concerten zijn ze onherkenbaar en zelfs als ze ge誰nterviewd worden, dragen ze maskcontinue 31

thoughts and opinions

Fact Check: Fever


ers. Karin Dreijer Andersson heeft zich recentelijk wat meer blootgegeven. Hoewel.., ze doet dat onder de naam Fever Ray. Dat is ook de titel van haar net verschenen eerste solo-album. Hierop geen electropop à la The Knife maar lome, donkere, dreigende synthesizersongs die je veelvuldig naar de keel grijpen. Op de zwart-witte hoes is zwart de overheersende kleur. En op de clip van ‘When I Grow Up’ staat de Zweedse zangeres uitgedost als een indiaanse sjamaan, bij een zwembad waar ieder ogenblik een lijk boven kan komen drijven. Ook de beelden bij ‘If I Had A Heart’ zijn behoorlijk spookachtig. We zien voodoopoppen, een hotellobby met overal lichamen op de vloer en Karin die zingt met een doodskopmasker. De muziek is duister en dreigend en doet denken aan horror- en suspensefilms, zoals De Lift uit 1983. Deze cultfilm, met Huub Stapel en Willeke van Ammerooy, over een kantoorlift die zelfstandig mensen ombrengt, is één van de vroegste vaderlandse horrorfilms. Debuterend regisseur Dick Maas verzorgde ook de muziek. De spooky soundtrack, gemaakt met een simpele Roland-synthesizer, bevat louter instrumentale nummers en draagt in hoge mate bij aan de unheimische sfeer van de film. De laatste track op Fever Ray, ‘Coconut’, begint met een duister intro van ruim drie minuten dat lijkt te refereren aan het nummer ‘Vienna’, een hit uit 1981 van de Britse groep Ultravox. Ook deze track bevat veel dreigUltravox ing en suspense. ‘Vienna’ is dan ook 32


thoughts and opinions

geïnspireerd door The Third Man, een klassieke thriller in zwart-wit uit 1949. De in alle opzichten donkere film, met Orson Welles als cynische zwendelaar, speelt in het kapot geschoten Wenen van net na de Tweede Wereldoorlog De Lift en geldt als één van de hoogtepunten van de film noir, een term die de Fransen bedachten voor een bepaald soort films met veel zwart in zowel de beelden (slagschaduwen!) als de thematiek (misdaad, moord en driehoeksverhoudingen). Een heel andere Karin Dreijer Andersson is te horen op het nieuwe, derde studio-album van het Noorse duo Röyksopp. Op Junior staat vrolijke, dansbare electropop vol rollende synthesizerpartijen. Karin Dreijer AnThe Third Man dersson is, zowaar onder haar eigen naam, de vocaliste in het uptempo ‘This Must Be It’. De opener van het album is het al op single uitgebracht ‘Happy Up Here’. Dit nummer bevat net zo’n aanstekelijk themaatje als hun kleine hit ‘Epple’ (uit 2001), dat inmiddels door diverse reclamemakers gebruikt is. Op het album zijn nog meer Scandinavische zangeressen te horen. Zoals de vorig jaar doorgebroken jonge Zweedse Lykke Li en Anneli Drecker, die al zo’n 25 jaar zangeres is van de Noorse band Bel Canto, een soort dromerige new wave-band. end 33

Vice magazine en de Filmfreak presenteren

the most unlikely rock ‘n’ roll story you will ever see !

Nu te koop op DVD -

thOughts and OpiniOns

film: mobile


by gert verbeek



aat ik beginnen met een bekentenis: ik heb geen mobiele telefoon en er ook nog nooit eentje gehad. Als jullie ondanks verbazing, ontsteltenis en afgrijzen toch nog kunnen doorlezen, kan ik direct geruststellend mededelen dat een leven zonder mobiele telefoon wel degelijk mogelijk is. De bios en de beller bijten elkaar gelukkig niet heel erg. De meeste mobiele bellers zijn zo galant hun apparaatjes uit te zetten wanneer ze plaatsnemen in de bioscoop. Wel hangt het er een beetje vanaf op welk tijdstip je in welke zaal bij welke continue 35

thoughts and opinions

Film: mobile


film zit. ’s Avonds een horrorfilm in Pathé bekijken is bij voorbaat risicovol. De film is dan slechts bijzaak voor de massaal aanwezige pubers, wiens displays tezamen meer licht afgeven dan het filmdoek. Nu zijn die telefoontjes in de zaal niet eens het ergste. Veel erger is het wanneer mobieltjes opduiken in de vertoonde film. Vooral de hedendaagse horrorfilm is sinds de komst van de mobiele telefoon flink gedevalueerd. Geslaagde horrorfilms met een mobiele telefoon als centraal object bestaan niet. Mensen die de Aziatische films Phone (2002) en One Missed Call (2003) hebben gezien, kunnen dat beamen. In beide films zijn telefoontjes bezeten door kwaadwillende geesten en in beide gevallen zijn de slachtoffers te dom om te doen wat ieder zinnig mens in zo’n geval zou doen: het mobieltje subiet weggooien en een nieuwe kopen. De alomtegenwoordigheid van de mobiele telefoon in het moderne leven zorgt ervoor dat de scenarist van een in het heden gesitueerde horrorfilm er in zijn script ook niet omheen kan. De draadloze generatie zal het niet pikken als filmpersonages vergeten aan hun telefoontje denken wanneer de situatie er om vraagt. Omdat in een film alle spanning verdwijnt wanneer een belaagd personage de dichtstbijzijnde hulpdiensten kan alarmeren, moet in het scenario verwerkt worden dat hij of zijn geen bereik heeft en dat ook nooit zal gaan krijgen. Het we-hebben-geen-bereik-moment is in het horrorscript een verplicht nummer geworden en in de film voelt het ook aan als een verplicht nummer. 36


thoughts and opinions

“Geslaagde horrorfilms met een mobiele telefoon als centraal object bestaan niet.”

Een beetje creatief schrijver zal elke gelegenheid aangrijpen om dit saaie moment te vermijden. Zo niet de nogal domme scriptschrijvers Damian Shannon en Mark Swift van de overbodige, maar helaas wel zeer lucratieve remake van Friday The 13th (Marcus Nispel, 2009). Zeven van de 13 potentiële slachtoffers die in deze film worden geïntroduceerd arriveren bij een pittoresk in het bos gelegen vakantiehuis, waar de mismaakte psychopaat Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears) huishoudt onder pas afgestudeerde Amerikanen. Voordat de jongeren het huis betreden, checken ze allemaal, zonder aanwijsbare reden, tegelijkertijd of hun telefoontjes bereik hebben. Natuurlijk is er geen bereik, weet de geërgerde kijker allang, niet wetend dat de saaie scène hier zelfs een volkomen overbodige onderneming is. Want wat blijkt later in de film: in het heetste van de strijd kan zonder probleem vanuit het huis via een vaste verbinding gebeld worden naar het locale politiestation (!). Het is erg genoeg om een wehebben-geen-bereik-moment te moeten doorstaan, maar het is onuitstaanbaar als al die moeite helemaal voor niets is gebleken. Friday The 13th is om nog veel meer redenen een inferieure film, maar gelukkig ontbreekt mij hier de ruimte om daar dieper op in te gaan. end 37

thOughts and OpiniOns

horoscoop: shooting


by brenda bosma

Wat voorspellen de sterren deze maand voor de muziekminnende...

giJs deddens


21 maart– 20 april 38

thoughts and opinions


eze maand word je overspoeld door levenslust. Actie en prestatie is je credo. Zou ‘t de uitwerking van de Eiermaand zijn? Er is in ieder geval een enorme potentie bij je te bespeuren. Je gaat die hoge berg beklimmen met je beste vriend. Vergeet je je zekeringen niet? Je wordt nog wel eens beticht van roekeloos gedrag. Verder maak je eindelijk die langgekoesterde documentaire over de huilende lama van Tibet. Wat de liefde betreft ben je in een zeer romantische stemming. Jaja, de lente heeft zich in je lies genesteld. Je overlaadt je partner met presentjes. Niet die nieuwe Neil Young natuurlijk. Een fucking conceptplaat over milieuvriendelijke auto’s?! Jij droomt al tijden van four-wheel drives en lage acceleratietijden. Met je rijke fantasie verzin je wel iets wat uit je hart komt. Voor de single Rammen: haal de lente uit je lies, en in je huis. Niet met frisse pasteltinten en bloemetjesweelde. Veel te soft. Nee joh, stof Fun van Blues Brother Castro weer eens af. En hang die posters van Ram-genote Kim Wilde weer op. Hou je echter wel aan een strikte regelmaat om al die potente kriebels te kanaliseren. Begin je dag gezet met je krantje, croissantje en afstandsbedieninkje voor je dagelijkse portie teletekst. Je wilt wel weten wat er speelt. Voor jou geen reflectieve muziek deze maand. Daar word je enkel ongedurig van, zo niet agressief. Ja, naar Animal Collective ben je wel geweest natuurlijk. Elke noviteit trekt jouw nieuwsgierigheid. Je bent er altijd als de kippen bij. Zo ging jij al naar het Imagine Filmfestival toen het nog gewoon AFFF heette. En Art Brut kende je al toen zanger Eddie Argos dat Hitler-snorretje nog had. Jouw spreekwoordelijke RAM-geheugen zit deze maand zo snel vol dat ‘t telkens ge-reboot moet worden. Komt goed uit, want stil zitten is er voor jou niet bij. end 39

suBBaCuLtCha! prOgramme apriL/may 2009

Programme: subbacultcha

shows in aPril

dent may and his magnificent ukelele

Blues Brother Castro

april 4th, nieuwe anita, amsterdam Blues Brother Castro are back, baby! Those Amsterdam kings of rock ’n’ roll swagger have been laid low these past couple of years, getting on with regular life. But that hasn’t prevented their power, desperation and high voltage bluesy riffage from echoing in our ears. fun? It sure was. Their gigs were a must two years ago. But, The next question is: will it continue? Or is singer Leon Caren destined to be penned behind The Moi Non Plus’ drum kit for yet another staccato rhythm sentence.

Dent May and His Magnificent Ukelele

april 9th, bitterzoet, amsterdam Funny. I was recently looking at old school pictures—including some of a trip our 6th grade class made to Catalina Island off the coast of southern California—and I was reminded of a song about the island called 26 Miles (Santa Catalina) from the Dent May album. As I looked at the pictures I was telling my mom about Dent May and the song, and she started singing the lyrics! Turns out it’s a cover of a 1957 song by the Four Preps, and my mom knows it from when she was a kid. Ohhhh the cyclical nature of life. Funny. 41


05-04 10-04 12-04 17-04 17-04 18-04 18-04 19-04 21-04 23-04 24-04 25-04 26-04 30-04 01-05 01-05 42




suBBaCuLtCha! prOgramme apriL/may 2009

Programme: subbacultcha

shows in aPril

experimentAl dentAl scHool

Experimental Dental School

april 17th, Patronaat, haarlem The guitar bends to breaking point. Drums pump and crack. Crisp synthesizer samples crackle. One voice howls, the other coos. A sea of bass over a lake of pedals. This Portland, Oregon duo serve up some nerdy dirty jazz. Or is it vintage garage pop? Psychedelic world music? Synth fractured dance beats? Pretty? Yes. Ugly? Yes.

Sunset Rubdown

april 20th, Patronaat, haarlem Spencer Krug is one of the key members of Montreal’s vibrant music scene. The cofounder of such bands as Wolf Parade, Swan Lake & Frog Eyes, Krug started Sunset Rubdown as his solo project in 2005. Even though Sunset Rubdown has evolved into a full band (including members of Miracle Fortress & Pony Up!),

agaskodo teliverek

Spencer maintains full control, indulging in his dark, theatrical song writing like he’s being chased by some maniacal demon dressed in a quilt. Dancing the dance of the haunted.

Agaskodo Teliverek

april 26th, Patronaat, haarlem Screamo, happy hardcore and surf, it says on their myspace. Hmm, sounds like a warm and weird party. Think Blonde Redhead on a lot of speed being chased by Dan Deacon & Devo and you’re getting close to capturing the energy of this quartet from London. Miklos ‘Miki’ Kemecsi (guitar), Tamas ‘Tomi’ Szabo (guitar), Hiroe Takei (vocals and keyboard) and Thomas R. Fuglesang (drums) are responsible for this instant party sound—pop music mixed with fastforward beats, fuzzy sounds and some sonically soothing screaming. Wake up! If this doesn’t get you out of bed, then what does? 43

APRIL DO 9 ZA 18 DI 21



ZO 3 DO 7 ZA 9 DI 12 VR 15 ZA 16 ZO 17 MA 18 WO 20 ZA 30


MELKWEG CINEMA Elke laatste woensdag van de maand: ANIMATOR - THE PREVIEWS: GLOEDNIEUWE JAPANSE ANIME do 2 t/m wo 22 april IN FOCUS: JIM JARMUSCH o.a. Stranger than Paradise, Coffee and Cigarettes, Broken Flowers

Off stage

After the lights go out by daniĂŤlle van ark

n at h a n williams o f Wavves. 12/ 02, o c c ii, ams terdam

Photographer DaniĂŤlle van Ark takes photos of musicians right after they get off stage. Every month we publish one of her photos. 45

highlights up next >>> 27-03 The Subways


03-04 The View ----------------------------------------

10-04 Nina Kinert ----------------------------------------------

12-04 Loney Dear


15-04 Slim Cessna Auto Club @ Merleyn


20-04 Holy Fuck


24-04 Anna Ternheim


25-04 Get Well Soon -----------------------------------------------------

more events, info & tickets:

info & tickets:

WORM is a Rotterdam based artists collective,a venue and workspace for music, film and new media. The output of WORM is film, radio, concerts, performances,web-projects, installations,an array of tactile media and a 24/7 webstation.

Âť WORM / Achterhaven 148 / Rotterdam /

WINSTON KINGDOM Warmoesstraat 131 Amsterdam OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK!




JOEY CAPE (usa, Lagwagon frontman), JON SNODGRASS (usa) & CHAD REX SATURDAY 11


CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN (bel, w/ Millionaire frontman)










), Zik giovanca )- Zik de kift *) Zik amsterdam klezmerband *0 Zik bishop allen *1 Zik madensuyu (BE) +, Zik the delano orchestra (FR) +- Zik wax and the city +. Zik dead guitars & good dog happy man ), f^b Chris Chameleon a^m \hfie^m^ ikh`kZffZ obg] c^ hi ppp^ddh'ge poppodium








COMING IN MAY The Moi Non Plus Remixed

post 00:00 submissions


Letters: Send

and Recieve


Submitted by diana duta

Send photos to

Feel very free to involve alcohol, romance, stupidity, sex, beauty, banality and debauchery as long as the photos are shot after midnight. If your submission gets published you get good goodies. 49

Please feel free to email us, call us and send letters, drawings and photos. In other words....

get involved!! if your submission is Published you get good goodies. like cds, t-shirts and free tickets to great concerts.

• Where it’s at? send us a photo of Subbacultcha! magazine (see p.5)

• Send and receive Send us letters (see p. 4)

• After midnight Send us photos taken after midnight (see p.39)

coloPhon Subbacultcha! Magazine is a publication of Subbacultcha!. Grensstraat 14 II, 1091 SX Amsterdam, the Netherlands. To advertise in Subbacultcha! magazine send an email to Subbacultcha! Magazine is distributed throughout the Netherlands. If you want your shop or business to be on the distribution list please send an email to Editors: Leon Caren and Bas Morsch Editorial assistants: Steven McCarron, Russell Joyce and Marie-Claire Melzer Sales: Carly Blair and Bitsy Knox Design: Bas Morsch Good guy: Ernest Mistiaen Contributors: Danielle van Ark, Brenda Bosma, Leon Caren, Gijs Deddens, Femke Dekker, Sarah Gehrke, Bob van Heur, Denis Koval, Tamara van der Laarse, Yuri Landman, Nicole Martens, Steven McCarron, Bas Morsch, Rollergirl, Scrmn, Oscar Smit, Gert Verbeek and Job Wouters. Cover image: Scrmn.

• Famous last words Send us famous last words (see p.43)

Subbacultcha! programme april/may 2009

Programme: overview

april/may 2009

Saturday April 04 De Nieuwe Anita

Magazine Party!! Ft. Blues Brother Castro, Major B (DJ Set) & DJs Hotlipzz & Jane

Thursday April 09 Bitterzoet Starts 20.00 | Cover 6 Euro

Dent May and His Magnificent Ukulele + Bram Stadhouders Korps

Friday April 17 Patronaat

Experimental Dental School (USA)

Monday April 20 Patronaat


Saturday April 25 Winston Kingdom

Agaskodo Teliverek (UK) ACD Soundsystem

Sunday April 26 Patronaat

Agaskodo Teliverek (UK)

Friday May 08 De Nieuwe Anita

TV Buddhas (ISR) Tits On The Radio

Starts 20.00 | Cover 6 Euro Free For Mailinglist Members

Starts 22.00 | Entrance Free

Starts 20.00 | Cover 12,50

Starts 20.00 | Cover 6 Euro

Sunset Rubdown (CAN,

Starts 16.00 | Entrance Free!

Starts 20.00 | Cover 6 Euro

Saturday OT301

may 09

Starts 20.00 | Cover 7 Euro Free For Mailinglist Members

Magazine Party!! Ft. Telepathe (USA), The No, Boem Takkie Lauw & Dance, Floor Famous last words:

I don’t smell nothin’... Submit: If your last words get published you receive good goodies.

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