Style Kingdom Magazine Vol 12

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style kingdom


ceo publisher ROGUE FALCONER

ceo art director



Art Director: Rogue Falconer Creative Manager: Caterina Chloë Westwood Contributing Writers: Rogue Falconer

Contributing Photographers: Pam Astonia, Julie Hastings, Tempest Rosca, Astralia, Rodes, Micah Kalinakov, Jordan Giant, Polly Elan, Rogue Falconer Contributing Stylists: Astralia, Floraniana, Gretel Bulloch, Xandrah Sciavo, Spirit Llewellyn, BloodyMistress Serenity, DiamondGem Destiny, Saleena Hax, Wicca Merlin, amee Sandalwood, Nxraven, Jena Adder, Seb Arkright, Delypop Cresci, Selina Graycloud, Caesar Langer, Luka Requiem, ZionP, Yashi Audion, Nicki Fray

Media Partners: Fashioncentric, N1co, Sastech, M.U.A, Glam Dreams, Paisley Daisy, Bolson, Alterego, Abiss, Reckless, United Colors, Meva, Breathe, nefarious inventions, MODA, R3volt, Glamistry, Random Matter, Just Design, Reverie, Dynasty, Sakide, Ghee, Wicca’s Wardrobe

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT Style Kingdom Magazine is owned and published electronically by Media Werkz Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Style Kingdom Magazine and its logo are trademarks owned by Media Werkz Publishing LLC. NO part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Media Werkz Publishing LLC. Any attempt to copy/infringe will be subjected to copyright laws and legal action will be taken.






Greetings readers, It has been more than 2 years since I started publishing Style Kingdom Magazine. After some thought and my busy real life, I’ve decided to retire as CEO and pass the baton to the ever reliable, loyal and trustworthy Rogue Falconer. I will just remain the founder of the magazine and continue to fund the projects and will co-ordinate decisions from the real world. I strongly believe the magazine will be in good hands and that it will continue to improve more each time. However, I’m also opened to people who are interested in buying over and running Style Kingdom. The magazine has been non-profit since it started till present and has been operating based on our integrity and ethical values that the team and I have worked hard to build up. If anyone’s interested, please feel free to contact me by email. Without further delay, I present Vol 12. In this volume, we give you the joyfulness and color of Spring with inspiration from real life fashion! The team and I hope you have a wonderful time reading it and thank you for your continued support! Best regards,

Dougie Boxen

CEO, Founder & Publisher of Style Kingdom Magazine™






Dear readers, Welcome to the Spring Issue of Style Kingdom! Spring is a time for renewal and newness and we strive to bring that into play in this issue. We have our first ever progressive fashion feature as well as style groupings that are catered to the season. In this issue we have a Punk Feature sponsored by R3volt, as well as Just Design, Empyrean Forge, MODA, Meva, and United Colors as featured Designers. I would like to thank all of our sponsors and media partners who so graciously agreed to be a part of this issue. I would also like to thank all of our stylists new and old as well as our photographers, without you we would have nothing. That being said, I hope you enjoy our Spring Issue!

Rogue Falconer CEO; Art Director





the highlights

On the Cover

Photography | Model | Polly Elan




T h e Te a P a r t y

Photography | Blanche Foxclaw

Invited Stylist

Spring Fashion Assembled | Rogue Falconer


Invited Stylist J a c k Va l e n t i n e

Kimbra Iridescent

Photography | Jack Valentine

Photography | Kimbra Iridescent


133 volume 12


Photography | Astralia | Julie Hastings | Tempest Rosca | Rogue Falconer



High Street Fashion

Photography | Jordan Giant | Julie Hastings

Punk by R3volt



Photography | Micah Kalinakov | Pam Astonia | Rogue Falconer



Photography | Rodes | Tempest Rosca

Photography | Rodes | Tempest Rosca





Photography | Interview | Rogue Falconer




Empyrean Forge

Photography | Reya Darkstone | Interview | Rogue Falconer

United Colors


Photography | Interview | Rogue Falconer

Just Design


Photography | Interview | Rogue Falconer

Photography | Coral Lacey | Interview | Rogue Falconer








blogger of the month



kimbra iridescent & jack valentine PHOTOGRAPHY |KIMBRA IRIDESCENT| JACK VALENTINE



“For me, each scene I


has a story and I hope to make it all come together as I go along.”

RF: What are some of your favorite stores that you don’t currently blog for? KI: I blog for some amazing designers but I still have several more favorites like junk, 8f8, ionic, Apple Fall, Maitreya, The Secret Store, Yummy, Clawtooth...I think I could go on for a while. RF: What are some of your favorite stores that you do currently blog for? KI: Haha. All of them. :p No seriously, every de signer I currently blog for I’ve been a customer of as well and would continue to be even if I wasn’t blogging for them. RF: Is there anyone out there that you don’t currently blog for that you would love to blog for in the future? KI: Of course! As of right now I’d have to say 8f8. Ibi’s creativity blows my mind. RF: What other Bloggers do you look too for inspiration or just because you enjoy their work? KI: Danni Ravinelli, I love how she thinks outside the box with her sets. Her photos always surprise me. Doutzen Joubert, another fabulous scene creator. Oakley Foxtrot, I always look forward to seeing a fantastic work of art from her.

RF: How long have you been blogging? KI: In May it’ll be 4 years. RF: What made you want to start blogging? KI: Well, I’ve always loved taking pictures in SL and wanted to get better at it. I had no idea how to even use Photoshop before I started blogging. I also kinda wanted to keep track of some of my favorite things since I really dislike organizing my inventory. RF: Your blog posts feature more Editorial Style Images, do you feel this makes you stand out from other Bloggers? Why? KI: I don’t know if this necessarily makes me stand out. There are quite a lot of bloggers that shoot photos in a similar fashion and are great at it. For me, each scene I create has a story and I hope to make it all come together as I go along. If others enjoy my work I’m thrilled! RF: It seems like a lot of planning goes into your posts, how long does it generally take you to complete a post start to finish? KI: Wow. This is a hard one. It completely depends on what I’m blogging but I’d say a large post from start to finish will usually run me at least 5 hours, I’ve been known to take longer. I tend to wander afk a lot though too.

RF: Have you ever considered or previously done collaborations with any of the aforementioned Bloggers? KI: It would definitely be fun, who knows it could possibly happen. RF: Whats your stance on blogging things you’ve bought versus blogging things from groups you belong too? KI: Well, I’ll always continue to shop in SL and regardless of how much I’m so generously given I will always blog both items I purchase and items I don’t. RF: Who is your favorite new blog that you’ve seen in the past year? KI: I’m always finding new people to follow but one I’m happy to have found lately is from Jenalynn Resident. She photographs home decor and uses flickr as her blog. RF: What advice do you have for new and upcoming Bloggers who are looking to make a name for themselves? KI: Honestly, have fun and find your niche. If you happen to get followers along the way, even if just a few, that’s cool.


Blog: Flickr:


“If you want to stand out from the crowd, do your own thing and do it well.”

RF: How long have you been blogging?

RF: It seems like a lot of planning goes into your posts, how long does it generally take you to complete a post start to finish?

JV: My current blog have been up and running since January this year. Before this I had a smaller blog with a friend, it was fun but not what I had envisioned and thus, this blog was born instead.

JV: Ah, that is a hard question since it depends a lot on the idea i have in mind. Some posts can take an hour or two from start to finish while others take days to get together. Sometimes there’s an outfit that is missing that one piece and I won’t use it til I find the look is complete. Other times I have a specific image in mind and can not for the life of me find the perfect outfit! It can be a struggle at times but I find that it is always worth it in the end.

RF: What made you want to start blogging? JV: I have always enjoyed dressing up pixel people so it was a natural path for me once I discovered more about SL and especially the photography part of it. Becoming a blogger wasn’t my original plan but i am not regretting it one bit! RF: Your blog posts feature more Editorial Style Images, do you feel this makes you stand out from other Bloggers? Why?

RF: What are some of your favorite stores that you don’t currently blog for?

JV: I would like to say yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with white backgrounds and a set layout but for me half the fun is to find a concept and an outfit to work with said concept. I usually say that i don’t blog to blog, I create ideas and images and what I’m wearing doesn’t matter as much as how the end result turns out. I want to sell a look and not just items thrown together because they had to be blogged that month.

RF: What are some of your favorite stores that you do currently blog for?

JV: C L A Vv., 2byte, Represent, Rowne, VRISON, Wonton, Pumpkin, David Heather, Addams and probably a lot more that would take way too much space here!

JV: Well I enjoy all my sponsors, otherwise I would not be blogging for them, but I guess I can give a 39 APRIL

ages and with a great eye for style(hey stop complaining you never know what to wear!), we have Nomak.N who makes realistic looks and some of the best editing I’ve seen, Maya Reyes who can make any colours fit together in the best way possible and lastly I will mention Eden Murfin who recently took up blogging and is really making her own thing. I could continue for days here but these are a few of those who came to mind at the moment! RF: Have you ever considered or previously done collaborations with any of the aforementioned Bloggers? JV: Yes, I have done with a few and have plans on doing so with more. I enjoy making collabs on occasion and I am always open for suggestions from fellow bloggers! RF: Whats your stance on blogging things you’ve bought versus blogging things from groups you belong too?

special mention to my dear friend Vo of SEUL. I am really excited to see him venturing into making male clothes and the results so far are great! RF: Is there anyone out there that you don’t currently blog for that you would love to blog for in the future? JV: Ohhhh many! Besides the brands mentioned above, a dream would be to blog for TMD one day. It’s been a favorite event since i started SL, it’s been nice to see male and unisex clothes being put in the spotlight for once, since a lot of the time female clothes are the norm on bigger events. RF: What other Bloggers do you look too for inspiration or just because you enjoy their work? JV: I’m going to be boring and say I don’t look to others for inspiration, if anything I prefer getting inspired by RL fashion and magazines BUT there are plenty of blogs I love seeing because I enjoy what they do! And in some way they do inspire me to keep going and doing my own thing. It’s no secret my love and life partner Titzuki Yuitza inspire me beyond just blogging but I was drawn to his blog and amazing images before even talking to him. Then there is Vo Pralou, cool im-

JV: I think blogging for brands can be both a blessing and a curse. When the items put out fits your style and you get inspired as soon as you see them then it’s great! But there are times you get items that might not fit your style or you simply don’t know how to showcase it in the best way. For me I would rather blog one item that I can give the proper highlight and exposure to, rather than throwing together a bunch of them because I feel I need to blog them all at once. That’s why it’s important to chose your sponsors as much as the sponsors choses you! RF: Who is your favorite new blog that you’ve seen in the past year? JV: Well I have only been around SL for about half a year or so but I would like to mention my sister Freya Valentine. She started around the same time I did and I have seen her grow from same backgrounds/layout to these full shoots with amazing scenery and editing. I’m really proud of her! RF: What advice do you have for new and upcoming Bloggers who are looking to make a name for themselves? JV: If you want to stand out from the crowd, do your own thing and do it well. Everyone starts somewhere and I think it’s important to keep going and do what makes you happy. If people offer you advice on how to blog of course listen but in the end I find it’s more important that you create something that you like and can be proud of.

Blog: Flickr:










designer spotlight mea carnell PHOTOGRAPHY |INTERVIEW | ROGUE FALCONER




eva has been around for a while in Second Life, creating Mens & Womens Jewelry and Accessories, but continues to make a name for themselves. They participate in several different events and continually make quality products that appeal to the general public. We sat down with the owner and creator of Meva to discuss the store’s past, present and future. RF: When did Meva first open it’s doors to the public? M: October 2014 RF: You’ve been creating a variety of items in Second Life for quite some time, of all the things that you’ve created, whats your favorite so far? M: Each new Item is my Favorite at that Moment. RF: You create items for Men & Women, which one do you enjoy creating more? M: I enjoy more to do for womens, because I´m a Woman. RF: Where do you look for inspiration when creating new items? M: Most I got the Ideas in my Head but sometimes I look at Pinterest or google. RF: What are some of your favorite events that you’ve participated in over time? M: Cosmopolitan, On9 and MOM. RF: Do you have any plans to reach outside the bounds of what you’re making currently to try your hand at something different for Meva? M: In the future is plan to make some Fashion again. RF: You have a group of bloggers that are dedicated to blogging your items, what do you look for in potential bloggers? M: The Blogger should make wonderful Pic´s I like and should blog one time a week. RF: What advice can you give someone who is just starting a business in Second Life with the hope of someday being successful? M: First learn how to Make you own Mesh and don´t use Templates. Learn how to make good Pic´s and check the best Bloggers or Designer how they do their Pic´s. Make your own Blog, Flickr and Facebook account and advertise there alot. Be Different









oda has been creating quality items for the Residents of Second Life for quite some time, providing quality textures and in depth HUDs for easy customization. Offering their products at Promo prices frequently Moda strives to give their customers the best deal possible. We sat down with the owner and creator of Moda and talked about her stores past, present and future. RF: When did you first start your store, and what made you want to? E: I started back in 2012 because I love art & creating. I am also picky & wanted to create things for myself that fit my standards then it took off from there. RF: Do you feel that your texturing skills have advanced over time or do you find that you remain consistent in your skills? E: I always try to learn & evolve my skills. I feel a real artist can make their mark through signature style but still find room for improvement and grow their style to new and better heights. RF: Your shoes are one of the more popular items that you sell, what made you decide to sell the majority of them as promos with all the colors included as opposed to as separate colors? E: Convenience for the customers as well as myself. I do not feel the need to jack prices up. Prices of my products reflect what I paid for the materials. Plus I wear mostly MODA it helps me too :D :D I love not having to change all the time I can whip the hud out and match anything just about. RF: What type of shoes do you generally gravitate towards when choosing what to make next? E: Whatever inspires me! I am a mesh-o-holic I buy all kinds, but I have to feel an idea before I will touch it. If I can not see it, I do not create it. I simply can not be a color over reseller. So I wait for a mesh to speak to my creativity before I work with it. Fellow artist out there will know what I am speaking of. :D RF: Who are some designers that you admire that also create shoes?

E: I would say Diktators, Stiletto Moody (retired I know) & N-Core. RF: What is your personal favorite shoe store? E: Being narcissistic I would say but picking other than myself I would say Diktators. He pays so much attention to detail and perfection. You can tell he loves pushing his artistic abilities to new limits with every release. RF: Are there any new shoe designers that you keep your eye on because you feel they will create good work in the future? E: N-Core... I know they have a long lasting name in the shoe game, but they have recently started making for slink so should be interesting to see what they bring to a slink game market :D RF: You have a group of bloggers that are dedicated to blogging your items, what do you look for in a potential blogger? E: I want an artist that show cases my art. I want people with a business ethic like mine, and I want someone in it for the love of fashion and art not just a free item. RF: What advice do you give to other designers, shoe or otherwise for running a successful business? E: Have a personal as well as a business code of ethics and do not wave from them. Create always in the learning mode, never stop learning and evolving. Remember success takes time. Fly by night thrift shops may earn you pocket change, but time and progress and hard work will earn you a career. I believe these apply to everyday normal jobs not just SL businesses.





designer spotlight unitedcolorsteam PHOTOGRAPHY |INTERVIEW | ROGUE FALCONER


united colors

United Colors busted onto the grid pretty recently but is making quite the splash! Their items range

from Mens & Womens clothing, to shoes, to accessories. We sat down and talked with the owner and creator of United Colors about their store and where its taking them in the future. RF: What made you choose the name United Colors for your business? UC: Probably the vision i got in my mind to obtain team who is all over the world .Skills as UC can do any style not stopping on one style. And i succeed come with idea of name United Colors who joins designers with different minds from different places and different races , and we obtain power create anything with unity under one name who represent us. RF: When did United Colors officially open it’s doors for business in Second Life? UC: Officially doors was opened on April 24th in 2014 , but start was weary bad as team i tried to form was not good people. UC was suffering lack of quality and it wasn’t way i wanted to go. I frozen till September till i got air again stand up and this time i did serious planing and forming new team. My wife came back from pregnancy vacations too so it was good support as well. UC started to obtain form .So life came in UC on September. RF: You make items for both Men and Women, do you find it easier to do one or the other? UC: Its equal to us. We have strong designers who can do both gender, designs comes by skills of crew members, i watching on end quality and making sure we not missed any unpleasant errors. As team we capable do both there is no difference to us man or women or fantasy hero or machine. RF: Where do you look for inspiration when you want to make something new?

UC: Its just comes in head and we do it on paper first, or we design, on movement too as free mind generates ideas a lot, one of ideas can reflect on ours works. Inspiration comes from streets, high fashion events, magazines, Internet. We search anywhere for details and finishings as we really want give to our customers quality and style. RF: United Colors participates in quite a few different events, what kind of events are your favorite to participate in? (for example, themed events, or discount events) UC: We do love more themed events as there more ways to show creativity plus we never know whats next so its challenge to us .Discount events is ok too depends what they ask, we cant drop pricing half or


go events where ask original mesh for lower then 100l as its impossible for team as we.We try avoid thousands event. RF: Are there any events out there that you do not currently participate in but would like to one day be a part of? UC: We would like to be a part of Collabor88, Fameshed, The Chapter Four, Uber and The Arcade, we are thinking about making fantasy items as well in the future, so possibly Fantasy Gacha Carnival. RF: You have a team of bloggers dedicated to promoting your business, what kind of things do you look for in potential bloggers? UC: Yes, we have an amazing team of bloggers who always do an excellent job. As for potentials bloggers, we focus on talent, creativity, uniqueness, passion and dedication. We want bloggers who are passionate about representing our brand and show it in their work. RF: What advice do you have for up and coming designers that will help them be successful? UC: Be original creators, if you have skills alone or if not form team as i did, take people who will be as family here and will fill up ideas you want to create. if you want be good designer i not recommend use any templates meshes , textures or half ready products you can obtain on market. It will drop shadow on yours forming brand in period of time. Customers is not blind and they get disappointment when one dress shows up in 10 different stores and you scream about it its original work of yours ,you just lie and it brings brand down.Succeed only who has skills and know how design ,has good skills in meshing, texturing, styling, management.And fight for yours dream its important stay on road you want to be, i can die for my vision, can you? You should. Yours vision strong stance brings you to people who supports you , biggest success comes not fast and when you start see happy people of yours done product you get more inspiration and a will to go on.






designer spotlight rahpture & reya darkstone PHOTOGRAPHY |REYA DARKSTONE |INTERVIEW | ROGUE FALCONER


empyrean forge

RF: When you’re considering what to make next do you have a sit down and decide together or do you tend to have one person pick the next item to make and the other just goes along with it?


mpyrean Forge is a co-owned store that is still relatively new to Second Life but has already been making quite the name for themselves participating in events such as We <3 Roleplay, the Liason Collaborative and the upcoming Fantasy Faire. We sat down with the two owners to talk about their store, their process for creating and about whats coming for the future. RF: Empyrean Forge is co-owned, how did you two meet each other and what made you want to start a business together? EF: Reya and I met randomly out on the grid, and became friends through common interests in avi-styling, SL fashion, and general nerdiness. When I decided I wanted to get involved in mesh production, I knew I needed a 2D artist, since that is where my own skills were lacking. I asked Reya because I had been a fan of her photography and her Photoshop skills were evident. She’s also a genuine, kind-hearted person. RF: Do you feel it’s harder to run a business with more than one owner than it would be if you did it all yourself? EF: Sometimes there are moments where one of us might have to compromise regarding our vision for a particular piece, but neither one of us could do this by ourselves. All the solo store-owners out there have our complete and total respect; managing the workload, even with two people, is difficult at times. Having said that, the ability to be able to develop a concept together, or bounce ideas off of each other, is a wonderfully creative process that one couldn’t do alone. Although we have similar tastes, the fact that we are able to see the same thing from different perspectives has helped bring out the best in each other’s art.

EF: We definitely have a big-picture vision of what we’d like Empyrean Forge’s selection to look like. Usually, in-line with where a piece will fit into that catalog, a concept is born. By the time we release a particular product, wherever the initial inspiration started, it is neither his nor her vision, but ours. It is a highly collaborative process. RF: Your store tends to gravitate more towards Fantasy/Roleplay style, are you both really into that style or did it just kind of happen that that is what you ended up making? EF: Reya and I are both lifelong fantasy fans, certainly. I had my older sister’s D&D books in my hands when I was 7 years old (thanks, Sis!), and LOVED the art. Reya has been involved in art since she was little, scribbling on walls with crayons, and causing general mayhem as artists are wont to do. The bottom line for us, whatever the genre of the piece, is to put out as high a quality item as we possibly can. The satisfaction comes from challenging ourselves and trying to grow our own skill-sets. RF: Where do you gain inspiration when looking for new items to make? EF: We get inspiration from everywhere--art, books, games, movies, friends. Sometimes if it’s an event we’re involved in, we find inspiration in the theme or setting. Other times, it could be from a random picture we see on the Internet. Inspiration can come from anywhere or anyone, so we always have our eyes open to the possibilities around us. RF: How long does it generally take to complete an item or ‘set’ of items from picking what you’re going to make to setting it out in world? EF: We try to not get backed into a corner with too many deadlines as we feel that can stifle the creative process, although that isn’t always possible given the large number of events we have recently been involved in. We prefer to have a more fluid/ organic process. Even after a piece could be technically finished, we like to look for ways to improve upon it before actually releasing it. Given that, a piece could take anywhere from a week to a month depending upon how quickly it manifests for us. RF: What are some stores that produce items in the same vein that you admire?

EF: There are so many talented creators in Second Life--Remarkable Oblivion, Eudora, Mandala, just to name a few. With the brands we admire, it’s their craftsmanship that pushes us with every piece we create, and we thank them all for that. RF: You have a select group of bloggers that promote your items, what do you look for in a potential blogger? EF: Artistry, passion, and personal-excellence are the main qualities we look for in a blogger, as we feel those are also our key driving components as designers. We have only recently taken on our first round of official bloggers, and it has been an incredibly rewarding and humbling experience having interest from the caliber of artists we were fortunate enough to sign. RF: What is some advice you can give to other co-owned stores about making it work and being a successful business? EF: Well I’m not sure we’re qualified to give that sort of advice, but for anyone considering going down this road, we would encourage them to do it because they love the creative should be its own reward. There is a considerable amount of time and energy involved, and success is not guaranteed. You have to love it. Lastly, the collaborative experience can be a rewarding one when you have respect and trust in your business partner’s opinions and strengths, as we do: choose your partner wisely.







just design

JD: Any kind really. I tend to prefer making sandals and heels for women, and try to avoid casual styles like sneakers as there are many people in SL who already do that so well.

Just Design has been on the grid for quite some

time creating not only furniture but also shoes. They created their own sculpted foot and an array of shoes to fit them. Recently they’ve expanded their selection to include Slink, Maitreya and The Mesh Project Feet, we sat down with the owner and creator to discuss the past, present and whats coming for the future. RF: When did you first start your store, and what inspired you to create items in Second Life? JD: I started off making furniture in SL, because this is what I did for my real life job too, but at some point I started making shoes. I can’t really say why, maybe because I just like womens legs, or because I’m just better at it. RF: You’re well known for your shoes and feet, but have you ever considered branching out and creating something else in bulk like clothing or accessories? JD: I still have the furniture department of JD and now and then I make accessories for events instead of shoes. I’ve also just started a new womens, clothing brand, Miss Chelsea, in collaboration with Coral Lacey, which we’re really excited about.

RF: Back in June of last year you decided to start creating shoes that are compatible with other brands like Slink, The Mesh Project, Belleza, and Maitreya, what made you want to do this when you had always previously created shoes compatible with the JD feet only? JD: I decided it was time to broaden my audience, it was what the customers wanted so I gave them that. RF: Who are some designers that you admire that also create shoes? JD: I really love the creations from Celoe, Ison, Gos and 2Real. Their meshing and texture skills are always inspiring. RF: What is your personal favorite shoe store? JD: Um, JD, mine of course :P RF: Are there any new shoe designers that you keep your eye on because you feel they will create good work in the future? JD: Breathe seem to be a new kid on the block as well as Glamistry. Both are already creating at a high standard and I look forward to seeing where they go. RF: You have a group of bloggers that are dedicated to blogging your items, what do you look for in a potential blogger?

RF: Where do you look to find inspiration for the shoe designs you create?

JD: I leave all that up to my amazing manager, I trust in her taste.

JD: I spend a lot of time researching styles online, seeing what other creators are up to and just through my every day life.

RF: What advice do you give to other designers, shoe or otherwise for running a successful business?

RF: What type of shoes do you generally gravitate towards when choosing what to make next?

JD: Have patience. Success never comes in a day.






Spirit evastika tank top

Maitreya Half Tucked Shirt

Atomic Moonless Pullover

Erratic Amy Silk Blouse

Baiastice Wify Corset

Blueberry Avela Tank Top Foxes Throwback Tee Tee*fy Roxy Cropped T-Shirt

Milk Motion Lace Sweater

Tenacio Danna Shirt with Scarf

*Ionic* Lucy Blouse The Secret Store Sailor Blouse Tres Blah Oversized Tank

Tee*fy Isobel Tank

Erratic Roxy Ripped Top

COCO Fringe Jacket

Cocoroni Bonnie Sweatshirt Coquet August Top

Les Petit Details Lidia Dress Atomic Vintage Kitten

BCC Papi Dress

Erratic Tea Time Dress

Pixicat Wonderland Dress

Breathe Cassie Mini Dress

Bueno Skinny Jeans

Cynful Bell Bottoms Blueberry Ross Leather Pants

Foxes Skinny Jeans

Foxes Throwback Jeans Tee*fy Eva High Waisted Legggings sYs Caprice Pants

Blueberry Xale Jeans

JesyDream Geometric Skirt

Addams Short Pants

LP Tie Me Up Skirt

Reverie LA Womens BF’s Cutouts

Meva Heart Rose Necklace

CandyDoll Hamburger Bangle

Ariskea Cat Lady Bag

Zenith Zebra Backpack

Cubic Cherry Crucia Headphones

Maxi Gossamer Violette Cut Bead Boho Necklace

Reign Studded Bow Band

Luxe Dreamcatcher & Pearls Bracelet


Reign Cape Wedges

Springtime is the perfect time.

Pure Poison Floralia Wedges

Random Matter Toxxic Wedges

Ingenue Paola Flats

Reign Katya Flats

Breathe Jessy Bow Flats

FLAT LINED Wear with shorts or pants

Mon Tissu Cottage Flats





Fri. Wayfaring Sandals

Reign Sacred Sandals

Sweet Thing Petite Bow T Sandals

Eclipse Jader Tank

Redgrave T-Shirt LQ Mesh

Amitomo Plaid Half Coat

Fe Style Animal Print Zebra Hooded T-Shirt

Chicago Ink Mesh Tank Top

Delirum Style Hooded Loose T-Shirt Not So Bad Jack Shirt

Mikunch Mens Simple Sweater

Guarded Cross Mesh Tank Top III

Wonton Ye Top

VSpot Vstring Sweater

Guarded Cross Leather Jacket

Redgrave Jim T-Shirt

R.icielli Travis Mesh Top

[R3] Mens Tank Mr. Nice UD Harry Sweater Not So Bad Niels Tank Top

R.icielli Travis Zip Up Sweater

Delirium Style Casual Capri Pants

Ronsem Short Cargo

BLK 2.0 Shorty Hustla Pants

Kenvie Baggy Shorts

Apple May After Shorts

Epic Chico Shorts

BarMaley Shorts SWAG

Gizza Bruce Outfit Shorts

Deadwool Joad Pants

Fashionnatic Karson Male Outfit

Howl Ray Casual Shorts

Vale Koer VK Future Shorts

O.M.E.N & Dynasty Black Cruising Glove shi. Scarf BackPack

NOMAD Brass Gamer Ring Deadwool Bowler

Dynasty Winter Scarf

MANDALA Sankara Bracelets

Remarkable Oblivion Elysium

Kenvie Vintage Googles

Little Pricks Dark Passenger Necklace

Contraption Plays Shako Hat

The Forge Sky Pirate Headphones

FatePlay Evans Scarf

7mad;ravens Loaded Fedora


Let your feet out to play

Fashionnatic Karson Slink Flip Flops

Dufaux TMP Flip Flops

FLite Bahama White Sandals



tops for any occasion

Not So Bad Mael Sneakers Avinci Chain Sneakers

United Colors Iced Sneakers


Get the look even without a skateboard

DECO Thunder Bolt

2REAL Pure Shoes

SOREAL Superstars







style kingdom





DIAMONDGEM DESTINY Dress: Warhol Vertical Dress by {Ana Markova} Hair: Ixie Updo in Dark Brown by Miamai Hat: Abstract B in Red by *LODE* Bag: Skalidi Clutch in Black by David Heather Skin: Mokatana Jamaica 04 G by Glam Affair Maitreya Mesh Body Lara V2.1 Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands and Feet

CAESAR LANGER Sunglasses: -David Heather- Cross Sunglasses, black Hairbase 1: KMADD - Brainiac (tintable) Hairbase 2: Zibska - Hairbase 05 Hair: Zibska - Barbe Jacket: Meli Imako - Mesh_Mens Futuristic Blazer (self textured) Pants: Meli Imako - Mesh_Business Suit WithTie Trousers (self textured) Shoes: Just Design - Valentino for Slink, white Hand tattoo: Mallt Slink applier

JAMEE SANDALWOOD Dress: {AnaMarkova} Designs - Ginger Dress Soleil Shoes: Just Design - Boho Red & High Socks Hair: Runaway Hair - Nicki in Blondes/Red Jewelry: Finesmith Designs - Kitaro Ring BLOODYMISTRESS SERENITY Dress: Reignbeaux Sorbet Dress by Loovus Dzevavor Shoes: Ursula heels by Sheba Hair: Pixie Cut by NO Hat: Irina fashion hat by Elysium

ASTRALIA Bag: [Krome] Dakota Clutch Dress: ghee Broadway Casual Turtleneck Mini Hair: (epoque hair) Tied Up - Glacial Jewelry: ::je::suis::asymetrique::bangles:: MG - Earrings - Tokyo Tears Shoes: Mutresse - Luna Boots Leggings: *GC* Color Block Leggings Blue Hat: McQuenn Red ***** BaObA *****

SPIRIT LLEWELLYN Outfit: .::LD::. Ferst Trousers and Top Print 3 Shoes: .::Loovus::. Echelon Peep Tangerine Hair: Vanity Jioni Chocolate Jewelry: ZC: Indra Painted stacked Bangles *gold* Dark Mouse Cascading Beads Earrings and Necklace Maitreya Mesh Body~Lara V2.1

XANDRAH SCIAVO Dress: Diana Dress by Diram Shoes: Renegade Plats by REIGN Gloves: Formal Gloves by Sweet Tea Necklace: Raindrop Chain Necklace by Yummy Bracelet: Chunkeeey Bracelet by Mandala Hair: Snow Spell I by Little Bones


style kingdom





JAMEE SANDALWOOD Outfit: Tee*fy - Lana V-Neck Romper - Aztec Bag: Reign - Boho Bag - Ethnic Jewelry: Luxe - Dreamcatcher & Pearls Bracelet - orange Luxe - Wooden Bohemian Cuff - Dark Izzie’s - Coin Jewelry Necklace - Copper Shoes: Fri. - Layla Boots - Earth Hair: Little Bones - Roseblood Hair - Blondes Nails: Finesmith - Summer Set Slink fingernails

RAVEN AERANAE Hair: MOON {Hair}. Paper Cuts - Platinum blonde Bag: BoHo HoBo mesh Afghanistani shoulder bag 2 Top: GizzA - Bikini Bra [Floral Red] Pants: MOON}. Marly BellBottoms - Medium Fade Shoes: Beaded Flat Sandals Mesh *Al-Hanna Jewelry: Necklace - Maxi Gossamer - Roho - Long - SILVER - V2 Ring - Maxi Gossamer - Roho - Large - V2 Bracelet - Moonshadow Gipsy bracelet

SALEENA HAX Outfit: Vintage- Maxi skirt and Spring top Hair: Anaphora- Bajka hair- Camel Jewelry: League- Wanderer Bracelet- Wood Medley Finesmith- Diconay necklace MG- Atlantis Moon ring Bag: Ane- Messenger Leather Bag- Brown Shoes: Ane- Anchor Sandals- Gold

ZIONP Hair: Shag Pussy Galore Dress: Paperbag Boheme Fringe Maxi dress Bag: Loovus Dzevavor Hobo Bag in Sand Shoes: Miamai Jelly Summer Platform Slippers Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer Summertime Easy Living Necklace Lipstick: Pink Acid Candy Jam Lip Gloss in Pink Lemonade

SPIRIT LLEWELLYN Top: !Aphorism! Long Sleeved Crop TopIndian Crochet Crop Top Taupe Pants: .:Cheeky-Belt Hip Jeans Shoes: Bens Boutique-Oxford Booties {slink Mid} Hair: Ayashi-Rina Hair w Hat Jewelry: Je::suis boheme Necklace Wicked Tattoos Sound of Music belly ring Purse: BL_ Bag it_Rawker

DIAMONDGEM DESTINY Top: Let Loose Sweater in Beige by GizzA Skirt: Amy Highwaist Skirt in Milk by The Secret Store Shoes: Boho Vintage in Sand by JD Socks: High Socks Maitreya by JD Hair: Rising Tides in Dark Blonde by Exile Necklace: Pearl Rain Necklace Season 2 (complete) in Cream by [MANDALA] Bag: Leather Satchel * Lion by Maitreya Maitreya Mesh Body Lara V2.1 Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands

JENA ADDER Hair: Year in Lists (Browns + Headscarf) - Little Bones Tattoos: Mendhi 1 - Sharkies Tattoos Jacket: Emma Leather Fringe Vest (Brown) - Asteria Creations Top: Calangute top (lime) - Zaara Pants: Joni High Waisted Denim Jeans - MODA Necklace: Necklace Ropes Autum Gold - Soedara Bracelets: Nudzahui Bracelets - Soedara


style kingdom





BLOODYMISTRESS SERENITY Hoodie: Hoodie Unisex by Shi Pants: Biker Pants by Pixicat Sneakers: Opata by Snow Boa Gloves: Fingerless Glove by Shi

JAMEE SANDALWOOD Skirt: David Heather - Vetement Skirt - Black Sweater: David Heather - Vetement Sweater - Grey Tights: PurpleMoon - Norah Black Tights Jewelry: ANE - Boho Loops - Night Shoes: ManiacQuintessa - Amanda Bootie - Go Black Hair: LeLutka - Vibrato Hair - Powder

NICKI FRAY Hair: Boon-MW0577 Sweater: David Heather -Vetement Sweater Tights: AC -Basic High Waist Licorice Boots: Baiastice-Helsinki boots

DELYPOP CRESCI Hair: Tom by Truth Glasses: Mystery Girl Eleonore by Ariskea Ears: Steking by Mandala Collar: Deflant Harness by Shi Jacket: Elle Jacket by Overhigh Nails: Dark Set by Nailed It Leggings: Leggings by Maitreya Shoes: Celine Platforms by David Heather

SEB ARKRIGHT Hair: [taketomi]_Tadao_Bento: [taketomi] Tattoos: .ARISE. Goddes Facetattoo: .ARISE. .ARISE. Goddes Facetattoo: .ARISE. Necklace: Cute Poison - Spooky Necklace Black:Cute Posion Jacket: [sYs] ICONE jacket (Male fitted mesh) - black/white:[sYs] Pants: [Pumpkin]Tapered trousers - Black - :Pumpkin Boots: ::GB:: Lace up boots_Black:::GB::

SELINA GRAYCLOUD Hair: Tameless Wren Bag: RO Cat’s in the Bag Shoes and Leg Warmers: Mesh Head Sunglasses: Kalnins the Symphony series Skirt: elymode 54 Tights: GLAM Armour: R3 Long sleeve corset top: MoDanna Neck Warmer: .Shi Caged Skirt: LC


style kingdom





WICCA MERLIN Top: Faster Pussycat - CHILL Cross Pants: [M.o.w] - Knotted Jeans Shoes: ..::Energie::.. - MaxSpeed Sneakers Belt: *COCO*_- WideBelt Glasses: [URIZASK] - Vintage Bracelet: .:* LOULOU&CO *:. - NEVERMORE Necklace: .:* LOULOU&CO *:. - ENIGMA Hair & Hat: [BURLEY]_- Sirah

SALEENA HAX Top: Emery- NYC T shirt- Pure Pants: Fishy Strawberry- Slouch jeans Waist Shirt: COCO- Shirt around the waist Check red/black Hair: Taketomi- Azu- Blondes Glasses: Artilleri- Paula glasses- black Jewelry: Erratic- Cuff- silver LaGyo- Morgan clutch- silver Shoes: GOS- DARE booties- red

ASTRALIA Shoes: *COCO*_Lace-UpBoots_Black Jacket: *_M.birdie Story_* Denim jacket F Jewelry: Ariskea [Mystery Girl] Gold Rings & Bracelets Skirt: Bueno - Denim Skirts -Midnight (Yummy) Monday Morning Necklace - Onyx Hair: little bones. Supreme - Blondes Bag: 1992 // Spiked Clutch (Iridescent) Socks: Maitreya Dahlia Socks * White Sunglasses:(Yummy) Trudy Round Shades - Tangerine

YASHI AUDION Hair: .: fiore :. HARPER Hair and Hat with Hud Jacket: Rebel Gal :: Caught Shag Coat-Black male Dress: *COCO*_LaceDress(Beige) Scarf: *COCO*_Scarf(Grape) Shoes and Thighs: *COCO*_ SuedeSlipOnWithThighHigh(Plum) Bag: [DDL] Bad Day (Black) (Black chain & animal print)

CAESAR LANGER Bag: Color.Me.H.O.F - VanderSatchel Glasses: Meva - Dez Aviator Cigarette: YV - Coco. Cigarette New Bracelet: Hermony - Wristband Black Necklace: Lybra - Keeper of the Keys Hat: *ARGRACE* - Fedora Hat Hair: [Atro Patena] - Ronald II_Black Tattoo: .Inhale. - Mehndi Suspenders: Dot-be - Suspender Sportspants L1 Shirt: Gizza - Stanley outift, vintage Pants: Legal Insanity - hefunky pants Shoes: E-clipse - JericoBoot


featured designer





CAESAR LANGER Jacket: R3VOLT - Aaron Jacket v3 Trousers: R3VOLT - Rebel Pants with Side Pockets and Hip Pouches Shoes: R3VOLT - Meir Boots Necklace: MANDALA - Ero Sensei, Black, Leather, Full Rings: Formanails - Design Punk for SLink Relax Men hands

ZIONP Hair: Litte Bones Gods & Monsters Top with Jacket: R3Volt Amerie Jacket With Tank Trousers: R3Volt Orianna Pants Bracelet: DDL Manic monday Shoes: R3Volt Sidney Ankle Boots Ear cuff: Swallow Ear cuff cross

LUKA REQUIEM Hair: Mina Hair - Bas Hairbase: Aitui Etched hair base - Triple stack Ears:[MANDALA] Steking Ears Earrings: [CX] Claw Earrings Headphones: [The Forge] Horney Bass-Terd Nose Strap: ::TI:: Nose Strap - Black Bloody Piercings: .HoD. The Dead Rings: [CX] Basilisk Rings (L), Wrapped Ring (R) Jacket: [R3] Natan Jacket v2 Pants: [R3] Rebel Pants v3 Boots: [R3] Dakota Boots v2

WICCA MERLIN Jacket: [R3] - Steampunk Armour V3 Top: [R3] - Luna Strapped Top V3 Skirt: [R3] - Akali Skirt V1 Boots: RO - Hobnails Socks: insanya - Stockings & Kneesocks n.4 & Punk Sox Hair: adoness - Xanthippe Tattoo: Letis Tattoo - Rigel Princess Piercing: [ni.ju] - Amped Piercing (Nose & Brow] Cigarette: NikotiN - Cigarette Dirty

XANDRAH SCIAVO Corset: [R3] - Fiora Corset by R3volt Skirt: [R3] - Marlee Skirt by R3volt Boots: [R3] - Military Boots Alpha by R3volt Collar: Punk Collar by Yummy! Earrings: Chaotic Heart Earrings by Lost Junction Wrists: Red Bow Wrist Wrap by katat0nik Gloves: Fishnet Gloves by TAOX Stockings: Fishnet Pantyhose by No.9 Nylongs Hair: Mohawk and Leopard Hairbase by Nylon Outfitters

FLORANIANA Coat: R3-Zelina Coat Pants: R3-Jinx Pants Collar: BeautiFul Dirty and Rich Finger Rings: Lazuri Kaya Earrings: Lazuri Noor Mystic Hair: Lelutke Emeli Piercings: -Adn Slink Hands


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BLOODYMISTRESS SERENITY Dress & Fascinator: Rose Puffball frock by Ghee Shoes: Gala Stilettos by SHEY Hair: KBO906 by booN Bracelet: Agam Bracelet (recoloured) by TWISHEE

GRETEL BULLOCH Dress: *LpD* - Courtney Dress Pink Hair + Bow: Magika - Beans Earrings: Maxi Gossamer - Angelika Shoes: ArisAris - Divinity Peeptoes Classics

ELESEREN BRIANNA Dress: Era Dress - Orange - siss boom Bag: Taxidermy Poodle Purse - Ladies Who Lunch Sunglasses: Cateye Corner Rose Shades (Yummy) Jewelry: Gold and White Pearl Necklace - (Yummy) Shoes: Lydia Peep Toe Shoes-Topazia Hair: Janelle - Vanity Hair SPIRIT LLEWELLYN Dress: *MC* Vintage Dress Lilly Scarf & Belt: Gizza Dotty Maxi Dress Gloves: :AE: Appliers for Slink Hands Lacy Shoes: Fission Polka Dot Wedges Hair: Vanity Pin-Up Jewelry: Glitter Black/White Bag: [Magic Nook] Parisian Romance Clutch Polka Dots

FLORANIANA Hair: Dura Girl 51 Dress: {mon tissu} Rokoray Shoes: Alyce Banded Clutch: Mutresse Bracelet: Paper Couture Earrrings: Joy&co Pearl Pink JAMEE SANDALWOOD Dress: {AnaMarkova} - Monroe dress in Powder Blue Hat: Swallow - Flower Hat in White and Pink recolored Clutch: DeLa - Dudu White Clutch bag Jewelry: Lybra - Taylor Ice Pearls Necklace, Bracelet and ring Shoes: Eudora - Reverie Heels Hair: Exile - Kissing Strangers































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