Harvard Westlake Annual Report

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Dear Alumni, Parents, Faculty, Staff, Students, and Friends:

When we celebrate a notable birthday, whether we’ve become eligible for a driver’s license or for membership in AARP, we are inevitably asked by someone at the party, “Well now, how does it feel to be X?” It is time for Harvard-Westlake to answer that question as we celebrate our silver anniversary and turn 25 this year. Our foundations are much deeper than a quarter century, of course, with Harvard School dating back to 1900 and Westlake School to 1904. However, it was in the fall of 1991 that the very first Harvard-Westlake students met the very first Harvard-Westlake teachers, and a new school— with a new institutional life—began. I was fortunate to serve on the faculty during those early years when we were still imagining what our school could become. Well now, Harvard-Westlake, how does it feel to be 25? Inevitably, the answer must include both reflection and aspiration. Like most 25-year-olds, we take pride in the legacy we have built thus far. Yet, we feel a distinct sense of responsibility to add to those accomplishments by planning carefully for our future. In this sense, we are still imagining what our school can become. Step one in meeting our challenge was a process of exploring and then restating the mission of Harvard-Westlake: “Harvard-Westlake strives to be a diverse and inclusive community united by the joyful pursuit of educational excellence, living and learning with integrity, and purpose beyond ourselves.” Step two was identifying the most important ways in which we should evolve in the near future and distilling those ideas into “Visions for 2020.” You will find those six “Visions” expressed and explored in the articles that follow. Whether looking back or looking forward, one cannot miss the tremendous generosity of the Harvard-Westlake community in supporting our school’s growth and investing in its future. It is remarkable how quickly the school has gained a national reputation for academic excellence and student achievement beyond the classroom, and it simply would not have been possible without the financial support of so many who believe in the importance of our school’s mission. Last June, with the determined effort of our outstanding corps of alumni and parent volunteers, Harvard-Westlake became the first independent day school in the country to raise more than $8 million in Annual Giving. As we celebrate our 25th birthday, I speak for all of us in being proud of our past, excited about our future, and (echoing our mission) grateful for your belief in our promise. Sincerely, Richard B. Commons

On the cover: New 7th graders from the Class of 2022 on their first day of Fast Start.



E Our vision statements are the connective tissue of Harvard-Westlake: expressions of what we will do in the years to come to deliver on our promise in a manner consistent with our values.

verywhere you look at Harvard-Westlake, you’ll find the spark from creative, energetic connections: between academics and athletics, arts and humanities, classic ideas and out-of-box thinking, students and mentors, school and community. This year, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the formation of Harvard-Westlake as a single school. Ours is a relatively young history but, told against the backdrop of more than a century of education, it’s a powerful one. We are guided in our forward-looking story by six fundamental visions, which connect the legacy of our past with the promise of our future, just as they connect our students—and our entire community—to excellence, innovation, diversity and inclusion, happiness and balance, service to Los Angeles, and a commitment to character.


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016






The pursuit of EXCELLENCE will remain a defining element of the HarvardWestlake experience.


will become primary values in the HarvardWestlake culture and in shaping the experience of students.


Our commitment to INCLUSION will enable every member of our community to feel an equal sense of belonging.



2 Visions for 2020

HarvardWestlake will find new ways to SERVE LOS ANGELES .


Faculty will nurture, inspire, and challenge all students through ongoing commitment to engaging pedagogy, CURRICULAR INNOVATION , and professional growth.

4 Pursuit of Excellence 7 The Class of 2016

College Matriculation

8 Happiness & Balance 10 Diversity & Inclusion 12 Curricular Innovation 16 Awards


A commitment to CHARACTER will be an essential and recognizable part of every pursuit of excellence.

18 Service to Los Angeles 20 Character 22 Financial Statement 24 Parents 30 Alumni by Giving Level 32 Alumni by Class Year 46 The Class of 2016 Senior Class Gift

48 Faculty & Staff 50 Grandparents 52 Parents of

Alumni & Friends

58 Foundations &

Corporate Friends

59 Canyon & Glen Society 60 Financial Aid Support & Endowment

68 Special Funds & Gifts 74 Advancement Volunteers

76 Board of Trustees 76 Administration 76 Office of Advancement 3

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016






Can force-plate technology and high-speed cameras—high-tech gear usually found in professional and college sports—help prevent injuries and improve performance in high school athletics? Harvard-Westlake is doing the research to find out.


n a reflection of the school’s pursuit of excellence, Harvard-Westlake founded the Institute for Scholastic Sports Science and Medicine (ISSSM) in 2009. “There’s a tremendous amount of sport science and data research,” says David Hinden, director of ISSSM, “but it’s rare for such studies to take place at the high school level and for schools to invest in sports safety and performance research.” Inside a new 2,000-square-foot training facility at the Upper School will be the latest equipment for motion signature analysis, designed to identify weaknesses and imbalances that may increase injury risk. The new training room isn’t the only setting for sports research. Under the ISSSM umbrella, every athletic facility has the potential to double as a laboratory. This year alone, the weight room, Copses Family Pool, and Ted Slavin Field have all seen research projects. “ISSSM represents the exciting intersection of athletics and academics at Harvard-Westlake. Both sides can inform each other,” says Terry Barnum, Head of Athletics and a member of the ISSSM Steering Committee.

Middle School students take the field for exercise and cognition research at Harvard-Westlake.


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

“I think science could help push the sport to the next level,” says competitive swimmer Brennan Lee ’17 seen in the Copses Family Pool.

Nearly 100 Harvard-Westlake Middle School students participated in research conducted by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.



Members of the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams took part in a USC motion analysis pilot study to assess strengths and imbalances. A sleep and injury study led by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and using devices donated by the LA Galaxy soccer team, involves students as research subjects and lab assistants. Another Children’s Hospital study of the impact of exercise on cognitive performance brought researchers to the Middle School in April to test 100 students. Ninth graders served as research assistants. Creating more of these cross-disciplinary opportunities is central to the vision for ISSSM. Competitive swimmer Brennan Lee ’17 was inspired to design his own experiment. His idea started, as science often does, with an observation: that the water inside his swim cap was warmer after meets or practice. With the rise in ambient temperature came a reduction in the body’s cooling efficiency. To compensate, he realized, the heart had to work harder to achieve the same cooling effect. In the experiment at Copses Family Pool, Brennan is testing swim caps made of different materials to see which results in maximum efficiency and heart load. Several teammates volunteered as test subjects. “Swimming has a lot of science behind it,” he says. “In the water, everything is amplified. I think science could help push the sport to the next level.” The ISSSM team hopes to share findings from its growing slate of research with other schools. “We’re asking, what kind of contributions can we make,” says Hinden, “both to the body of knowledge and to students everywhere.” ●



Amherst College........................................... 1 Bard College.................................................. 1

Barnard College............................................. 4 Bates College................................................. 2

Imperial College of London......................... 1 Indiana University.......................................... 1

Johns Hopkins University............................. 8 Kenyon College............................................. 7

Tufts University.............................................. 6 Union College................................................ 1

University of California, Berkeley.............. 15 University of California, Los Angeles.......... 3

Lafayette College.......................................... 1 Lewis & Clark College................................... 1

University of California, Santa Barbara....... 4 University of Chicago................................. 10

New York University.................................... 16 Northwestern University............................... 3

University of Miami....................................... 3 University of Michigan.................................. 9

Case Western Reserve University............... 1 Colby College................................................ 1

Ohio State University.................................... 1 Oxford College of Emory University.......... 1

University of Pennsylvania............................ 5 University of Richmond................................ 1

Columbia University..................................... 5 Columbia‑Sciences Po Dual BA.................. 1

Princeton University...................................... 2 Queens University......................................... 1

University of Toronto.................................... 1 University of Vermont................................... 1

Bennington College...................................... 1 Boston College.............................................. 4

Boston University.......................................... 2 Brown University..........................................10

Massachusetts Institute of Technology....... 2 Middlebury College...................................... 2

Carleton College........................................... 2 Carnegie Mellon University......................... 4

Oberlin College............................................. 3 Occidental College....................................... 3

Bucknell University........................................ 1 California Lutheran University..................... 1

Colgate University......................................... 4 Colorado College.......................................... 1

Pitzer College................................................ 1 Pomona College............................................ 1

University of Colorado at Boulder.............. 1 University of Edinburgh................................ 1

University of Missouri, Columbia................ 1 University of Notre Dame............................ 3

University of Southern California.............. 14 University of St Andrews............................... 1

Rhodes College............................................. 1 Rice University............................................... 2

University of Washington............................. 1 University of Wisconsin at Madison............ 4

Duke University............................................. 7 Emory University........................................... 5

Southern Methodist University.................... 1 Stanford University........................................ 9

Villanova University....................................... 1 Washington University................................ 12

Harvard University......................................... 9

Trinity College............................................... 1

Cornell University.........................................11 Dartmouth College....................................... 6

Davidson College.......................................... 2 DePaul University.......................................... 1

Georgetown University................................. 3 Gettysburg College...................................... 1

Scripps College.............................................. 2 Sewanee: University of the South................ 1

SUNY Binghamton....................................... 1 Swarthmore College..................................... 1

United States Naval Academy..................... 2 Vanderbilt University..................................... 6

Wellesley College.......................................... 1 Wesleyan University...................................... 3

Williams College............................................ 3 Yale University............................................... 3



ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016



Students jump into the 10th Annual Field Day at the Middle School.




elcome to Field Day, which celebrated its 10th joyous anniversary in May 2016. A meticulously planned annual event, it’s also an opportunity for spontaneous fun. “This is a busy time of year,” notes Betsy Ilg, Middle School Dean. “Part of the philosophy of Field Day is ‘Stop, drop everything, just breathe a little bit and have some fun. The work will always be there when you get back—it might even be easier.’” With everyone at the Middle School assigned a house— Badger, Ferret, Otter, or Polecat (all related to the Wolverine)— students joined in games with faculty and staff from every part of the campus. Points were given for each activity, including simply showing up. “Participation is everything!” says Ilg. Field Day, and this year’s first-ever Spring Festival held at the Upper School in March, embody Harvard-Westlake’s commitment to infusing happiness and balance into the educational mix. The Spring Festival represented a rare chance to bring the whole campus together for some exuberant community building. Students and faculty chose sides for dodgeball, three-ball soccer, kickball, Frisbee toss and baseball. The indoor-minded took in Sudoku and karaoke. Two In-N-Out trucks fueled the 70-minute-long Festival. “Everyone was smiling. My heart felt good to see them get into the spirit,” says Darlene Bible, Athletic Director, Operations, and Faculty Chair of the Community and Character Committee, which hosted the event. “Harvard-Westlake is an amazing school, not just because of the great academics, sports and extracurriculars, but because we love spending time together,” says Allison Gorokhovsky ’17, Student Chair of the Community and Character Committee, who rated the festival “a big success.” “We want students to know, and feel, that they’re a part of something bigger than themselves,” adds Michelle Bracken, Assistant to the Head of Upper School. “Out of that community comes compassion, kindness, empathy.” And a whole lot of #HWJOY. ●


In a serious game of capture the flag, Badgers and Otters race across the field at Harvard-Westlake Middle School. Elsewhere, teams compete in tug of war, soccer kicks and home run derby, along with a fierce water balloon toss.


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016






At Harvard-Westlake, an incredible collection of student clubs—about 40 at the Middle School and 90 at the Upper School—enriches daily life and spirit. Within this dynamic environment students pursue passions, form friendships, and celebrate diversity. Meet a select few of these clubs.

Black Leadership, Awareness, and Culture Club (BLACC)

BLACC sponsors workshops, film screenings, and fundraisers, and meets at the Upper School and the Middle School. One highlight: hosting USC political science and gender studies professor Ange-Marie Hancock at an all-school assembly during Black History Month. She discussed implicit bias, urging students to create “deep political solidarity.” “One of our goals as a club is to inspire more racially aware conversations on campus—a continuing conversation.” — NINA MILLIGAN ’16

Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

The GSA provides a welcoming space for LGBTQIA students and all who support inclusiveness. The club focuses on education and identity, with chapters on both campuses. One highlight: sponsoring a visit by research scientist and lacrosse player Andrew Goldstein, the first openly gay male team sports professional. “It’s important to appreciate the diversity at Harvard-Westlake. As a part of the LGBT community, I think it’s good to get involved.” — AXEL RIVERA ’18



La Femme photography project: Feminists of Harvard-Westlake.

Girls Who Code

A nationwide organization, Girls Who Code works to close the gender gap in technology and teaches computer science to 6th-12th grade girls. The Harvard-Westlake chapter hosts free tech lectures by members, such as how to create an app. One highlight: members united to learn Python, a powerful programming language. “We’re creating an environment that supports girls in taking charge of their own interest in computer science.” —SHELLEY JAIN ’16

Human Rights Watch Student Task Force

Human Rights Watch is a non-profit dedicated to human rights for all children. Among other events, the Harvard-Westlake chapter holds documentary screenings, including He Named Me Malala, featuring Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai. One highlight: students met with local members of Congress to discuss the global refugee crisis. “We want to help students gain a deeper appreciation for human rights on a global scale and develop young advocates for social justice.” — GRACE PAN ’16



Jewish Awareness Club

With chapters on both campuses, the Jewish Awareness Club meets every Friday to mark Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath. The Club invites all to join in observing and discovering Jewish holidays. One highlight: a reception for students and families that included traditional foods and lighting of Hanukkah candles. “Harvard-Westlake is so diverse, having a place where you can explore your roots and others can learn about that diversity drew me to this club.” — EMMA LIMOR ’21

La Femme

This gender equality and women’s empowerment group holds events for violence awareness and prevention. Recently, girls and boys wore skirts to school to protest rape. Another highlight: an equity bake sale, where female buyers were refunded a quarter to symbolize money they’ll lose if nothing is done about the wage gap. “La Femme has a diverse support base of different people who are interested in gender-based issues.” —SOHNI KAUR ’17 11

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016




TRANSFORMING EDUCATION On day one of the Unconventional Leadership course, students walk into a classroom strewn with props—from a single red balloon to a jar of marbles and an open dictionary. Each is a clue to a bigger mystery, which students must solve in teams in a scavenger hunt across campus.


Students in the Unconventional Leadership class learn to work as a team to solve unusual challenges, such as crossing the lawn without their feet touching the ground.

eacher Jordan Church, who calls the exercise “The Mildly Amazing Race,” analyzes the unfolding event to see how well students interact and who emerges as leaders. It lets everyone know they’re in for something different. “Students realize this course is not about the curriculum being delivered— it’s enacted,” says Church, who is also Director of Student Affairs. Ultimately, through an inventive blend of exercises, student -led presentations, and collaborative work, students reach their own definition of leadership. And they get closer to Church’s goal: “to be wise in solving problems in the real world.” All across Harvard-Westlake, teachers are upending the traditional and questioning convention to engage students with innovative curriculum and new ways of teaching. AP Physics teacher Karen Hutchison has recorded original video podcasts for homework assignments and introduced digital textbooks. This year, she and fellow AP Physics 1 teachers asked students to create video lab reports instead of traditional hand-written reports. The assignment: to study energy transfer within a mechanical system, then present that experiment, or part of it, in a five13

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

1,598 8:1 16 145 NUMBER OF STUDENTS






minute video. The results were informative and, often, highly entertaining. While most videos were shot in a straightforward manner on iPhones, some teams employed green screen, special effects, visual jokes, slow-motion analysis, and music soundtracks. “It made the students more aware of how to design an experiment from scratch and then how to explain it,” says Hutchison. In the World Languages Department, a curriculum sea change is underway, starting with Spanish classes. More and more, teaching materials are drawn from authentic texts, such as Spanish-language magazines, documentaries, and YouTube videos made for native speakers. Topics center around current cultural events and six Advanced Placement (AP) themes, such as Families & Communities and Contemporary Life. Previously, grading was heavily based on written exams, which now play a lesser role. Students are evaluated on rubrics that set out learning expectations and show students areas in which they can improve. Proficiency is valued more than accuracy. “We want to produce globally competent citizens,” says Upper School World Languages Department Head Margot Reimer. “If I understand your message and you understand mine, that’s communication, and that is the overarching goal.” Edgar Jurado, Middle School World Languages Department Head, adds, “We lose the fun in learning a language if we focus too much on ‘being perfect.’” For homework, students produce infographics, blog in Spanish, and write storybooks. They also set their own goals, making them “partners in the learning process,” says Reimer. Rob Levin’s Business of Life class begins with the Business of Studenting. Among the lessons: how to grasp new concepts, translate them into one’s own language and store them for life. Students learn about time optimization, allocating time among competing demands and balancing fun today vs. fun tomorrow. Levin calls this a perfect lead-in to a survey of microeconomics, which reveals that life is “all about tradeoffs.” The class also includes a week-long law school and a three-week entrepreneurship camp. That camp inspired HW Inc., a six-day student-led summer intensive, which, in turn, has mushroomed into a comprehensive, year-long HW Venture program. The Business of Life closes with an exploration of career paths, lifestyle, and self, guided by Levin and the alumni/parent College of Sages. The biggest lesson he hopes students take away: “to have the courage to be suitably contrarian and to undertake the conversations which really matter.” ● 15

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


Garrett Hardin Award

Endowed by a friend of the school in honor of Garrett Hardin, whose dedication to sound scholarship and tireless commitment to learning provided a commendable example for all who are interested in education. Four awards are made annually to outstanding teachers—two to senior faculty members for distinguished service and two to junior faculty members for early achievement. EARLY ACHIEVEMENT


Drew Maddock, Starr Wayne Carolyn and Marion Hays Award


Athletic Director’s Award

Presented to a senior—to recognize “non-competition service to the Athletic Department”—who is a member of an athletic program.

Gabe Golob ’16 The Bishop’s Medal

Given to a senior boy based on consideration of leadership, scholarship, and involvement in athletic and extracurricular activities. Tradition and custom have emphasized a student’s commitment to the school.

Adam Yaron ’16

Endowed by friends of Carolyn and Marion Hays P’53 ’62 and given to a staff or faculty member who epitomizes the following: loyal and dedicated service to the school, friendliness, good humor and encouragement, patience, and thoughtful consideration for all members of the Harvard-Westlake community.

The Cuscaden Blackwood Medal

Tina Cleveland

Blanche Nelson Boyle Medal

Kogan Family Award for Innovation in Teaching

Established in 2010 by Betsy and Mark Kogan P’11 ’13 to foster innovation and acknowledge the most interesting teaching initiatives. The award is presented annually to a teacher who has developed and implemented innovative practices that have substantially improved teaching, curriculum design, technology integration and/or assessment in his/ her class.

Larry Klein David Justin Rascoff ’91 Memorial Award Established in 1991 by Jane and Joseph Rascoff P’91 ’93 in memory of their son, Justin Rascoff ’91, to be used for faculty sabbaticals.

Simona Ghirlanda, Matthew Maring Senior Tribute Award

Presented annually to faculty and staff members who influenced students’ lives at school, the award is voted on by the senior class. Starting in 2005, through the leadership and support of the Class of 2005, an endowed fund was established, generating income to provide cash awards to the teachers selected by each year’s graduating class for the Senior Class Tribute. The Class of 2006 voted to increase the funding of this award through their senior class gift. UPPER SCHOOL

Jeffrey Kwitny, Jesse Reiner, Kevin Weis MIDDLE SCHOOL

Tara Eitner, Susannah Gordon, Lucile Romieu 16


Given by Mrs. Blackwood, in memory of her son, to a member of the junior class who is selected by the officers of the senior class and the faculty for outstanding contribution to the life of the school.

Sophia Van Iderstine ’17 In keeping with the wishes of the late W. J. Boyle, and in honor of Mrs. Blanche Nelson Boyle, an award is presented to a senior who has given the greatest service to other students.

Javier Arango ’16 Michael Brownstein ’99 Memorial Gap-Year Fellowship

Established in 2007 by family and friends in memory of Michael Brownstein ’99 to create awareness of the transformative benefits of a gap-year experience between graduation from Harvard-Westlake and matriculation to college. A stipend is awarded based on a proposal that incorporates both travel and service to others.

Jordan Brown ’16, George Noonan ’16 R. Lee Carlson ’50 Award for Athletics

Established in honor of R. Lee Carlson ’50, longtime football coach and teacher, to recognize individual excellence in athletics.

Courtney Corrin ’16, Benjamin Hallock ’16 The Chronicle Award

Presented to the editors-in-chief of the school newspaper for distinguished service. This year, the editors chose other staff members, also based on distinguished service, as the recipients.

Bennett Gross ’16, Sacha Lin ’16

William L. Davis ’57 Award

Established by Bill Davis ’57 for outstanding achievement in economics.

Jack Stovitz ’16 Frederick Douglass Award

Established in 2002 by Taylor Hamilton ’02 to honor a senior who, while embracing his/her own culture, creatively, courageously, and compassionately also honors other cultures, whether based on ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

Nina Milligan ’16 Ducommun Award

Originally established by Charles E. Ducommun ’30 for faculty enrichment, it is now awarded for outstanding work in mathematics to a member of the senior class.

Benjamin Most ’16 George Coleman Edwards ’20 Award

George Coleman Edwards graduated in the Class of 1920. While returning to the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1921, the steamship Alaska was shipwrecked, and George gave his life so that others might live. In his memory, his mother established a medal for the senior who has best served the school and classmates.

Hunter Brookman ’16 Humanitas Award

Given to a senior who epitomizes the following: service to the school, friendliness, courtesy, kindliness and consideration for others, a sense of sincerity and humor, and loyalty to the community.

Grace Pan ’16 Junior Summer Fellowship Award

Established by Harvard-Westlake parents to provide a stipend for a student “sabbatical” during the summer between his/her junior and senior year at Harvard-Westlake.

Sahale Greenwood ’17 Brendan Kutler ’10 Two Hats Award

The Brendan Kutler ’10 Two Hats Award recipient is a student who has taken academic risks to pursue his/her interests, engaged in intellectual pursuits outside the confines of a traditional classroom, whose interests are inter- and multi-disciplinary, and has done all of those things while demonstrating humility and kindness to his/her classmates.

Courtney Nunley ’17

Morris Michael Landres Award

Established in 1990 to benefit a sophomore who has shown consistent effort, dedication, and promise in working for one of the school’s student publications. A stipend is given to the recipient(s) and can be used to attend a conference or fund a speaker.

Danielle Spitz ’18 Jerry Margolis Award

Established in 2006 to honor Jerry Margolis’s 36 years of service to Harvard-Westlake School and to honor his development of the music program in the performing arts department.

John Sandifer ’84 Creative Writing Award

Established in 1984 by the Sandifer Family, in memory of John K. Sandifer ’84, to benefit seniors who excel in creative writing.

Jared Gentile ’16, Devin Scarlett Wildasin ’16


The School Prize for Excellence

Matthew Druyanoff ’19, Sarah Wilen ’19

Presented to students for outstanding achievement in the following academic areas:



Tobias Award in Memory of Carl Wilson

Shaileja Jain ’16

Miles Van Tongeren ’16


The Lester Medvene Award


This award honors the memory of Lester Medvene (1959-1975), whose curiosity of mind and dedication of spirit were an inspiration to his classmates. The award is presented each year to a sophomore who has made a significant and meaningful contribution to the life of the school.

Tamkin Community Service Award

Established in 1981 by Dr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Tamkin P’82 GP’05, parents of Gary Tamkin ’82, to award both a male and female student on both the Middle and Upper School campuses for their dedication to community service.

Cameron Cohen ’16, Nicholas Steele ’16 Javier Arango ’16 HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES

Noah Redlich ’16


James Hansen ’16

Cole Kawana ’16, Henry Muhlheim ’16 Established in 2000 to recognize a senior for his/ her outstanding contribution in visual arts.

Francesca Walker ’16 Lamar Trotti Jr. ’50 Award

Friends of Lamar Trotti ’50 established an award in his memory to be given each year to the student who has made the greatest transformation in his/ her life and work at the school.

Daniel Jared Lesh ’18


Alexandra Arreola ’16

David Justin Rascoff ’91 Senior Award



Established in 1991 by Justin’s classmates, the award salutes a senior whose presence is always felt, who has the courage to voice opinions, and who always stands up for his/her beliefs.

Su Jin Nam ’16 Rensselaer Medal

Presented to “promising secondary school students who have distinguished themselves in mathematics and science.” If the student matriculates to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a scholarship for four years is awarded.

Paula Lahera ’16 Samantha Ho ’16 2D DESIGN

Nicole Araya ’16 CINEMA STUDIES

Javier Arango ’16 DRAWING

Cameron Cabo ’16 PAINTING

Vivian Lin ’16 PHOTOGRAPHY

Haley Wilson ’16

Jonathan Berman ’17




The salutatorian is selected by vote of the senior class.

Katharine Speare ’16

Jared Gentile ’16


Gabriella Salimpour ’16

Emma Caragozian ’16 CHINESE

Joss Saltzman ’16 FRENCH


Elizabeth Rao ’16 SPANISH

Ara Mahseredjian ’16

By vote of the faculty, the valedictorian is selected from among the top ranking seniors by grade point average.

Joss Saltzman ’16 Veritas Award

Given to a senior girl whose personal attributes represent the qualities upon which Westlake was founded. This student exemplifies independence of mind, originality of thought, and openness of spirit. Responsiveness to the needs of others and genuine involvement in all aspects of the life of the school are equally important criteria.

Nicole Araya ’16 Vox Populi Award

Presented to the editors-in-chief of the school yearbook for distinguished service. This year, the editors chose other staff members, also based on distinguished service, as the recipients.

Alexandra Gordon ’16, Lauren Weetman ’16 Yellin Family Award

Established by Adele and Ira Yellin and family for outstanding contributions to the women’s studies program.

Naomi Barlava ’17, Jessica Brandon ’16, Matthew Jung ’16, Haden Modisett ’16, Su Jin Nam ’16, Jessica Pfeifer ’16, Alivia Platt ’16, Alitzel Villanueva ’17


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016






The 10-year-old boy stood in the shallow end of the Camp Harmony pool, nervously awaiting his first lesson. His counselor, Josh Musicant ’17, patiently showed him how to kick, stroke, and breathe. Later, when the boy earned his swimmer’s certificate, he threw his arms around his counselor. “It was a moment neither of us will forget,” says Josh.


or one week in August, 300 kids convene on Camp Harmony, now in its 27th year of giving children who live in poverty a chance to hike a mountain, tell campfire stories, and see the ocean. They’re joined by more than 150 counselors from Los Angeles-area high schools, including Harvard-Westlake. “It’s our mission to give kids a fun experience they wouldn’t otherwise get,” says Nick Melvoin ’04, Director of Camp Programming and Leadership, who signed on as a counselor before his senior year at Harvard-Westlake. “And it’s an opportunity for the counselors to connect with a true sense of service.” The non-profit United in Harmony offers a one-week summer camp, along with a winter camp and year-round activities planned in part by a leadership council of teens. Through volunteering, Josh learned that he can do something meaningful for his community. “I made an impact on the kids, and they made an impact on me.” Odessa Chiklis ’17 calls her Camp Harmony experience “life-changing.” She and Josh both serve on the leadership council, and it’s sparked their interest in working with children in the future in some way. “At 16, I found out I could make a difference in their lives,” says Odessa. For her, being a counselor went far beyond arts and crafts or sandcastles. “In the things I do for the kids, and say to them, I try to make them feel great about themselves and give them confidence to go out in the world.” ●

Counselors at Camp Harmony have the chance to make a lasting impact on kids’ lives.

Nick Melvoin ’04

Advocate for Equity & Education

150+ 300 27 COUNSELORS


Nick Melvoin’s time at Harvard-Westlake—from American history classes to co-editing the Chronicle newspaper—helped shape his interest in social justice. Melvoin graduated from Harvard University with a bachelor’s in Government and English, then taught 7th and 8th grade in Watts while earning a master’s in Urban Education. When teacher layoffs short-circuited that path, he completed a law degree and worked at the White House before returning to L.A. Now the education consultant and Camp Harmony Programming and Leadership Director is a candidate for the L.A. Unified School District Board. “When you go to a school like Harvard-Westlake, you see what’s possible,” he says. “I want to try to improve our schools from within.”



ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016




Harvard-Westlake partners with the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust for innovative programming that crosses time and generations—giving students the opportunity to reflect on history through art and social impact.



Top right: Ariana Batiste. Bottom right, left to right: Lauren Song ’16; Holocaust Survivor Mentor Eva Brettler; Samara Hutman P’12, LAMOTH Executive Director; Cheri Gaulke, Righteous Conversations Project Artistic Director; Marka Maberry-Gaulke ’12, teaching assistant; and, Teresa Suh ’17. Top left: Carina Yiu. Middle left: Samrina Vasani. Bottom left: Elai Shine, teaching assistant and program alumnus.


he woman, almost 90, speaks softly. Then, as the teens sitting before her lean in, her voice grows in strength to share her life story of being forced into slave labor during the Holocaust to make airplane parts for the Nazi Regime. Soon, this dramatic narrative will inspire a short film about modern-day consumption of consumer goods also having a human price, created by students in the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust (LAMOTH) Righteous Conversations Workshop. In 2011, Remember Us, a Holocaust education non-profit, which today is part of LAMOTH, worked with a group of Harvard-Westlake mothers and daughters to establish the first Righteous Conversations Workshop. “This unique partnership between LAMOTH, a non-profit which serves the broad Los Angeles community, and Harvard-Westlake allows us to do cutting-edge work with students across the city, and has served as a model for other schools,” says Samara Hutman P’12, Executive Director of LAMOTH, who, as former Executive Director of Remember Us, was one of the Harvard-Westlake parents who helped create that first workshop. Each summer, through this singular collaboration, 7th-12th grade students from all over L.A. come to Harvard-Westlake. “We have the living historians with us, which makes our program special,” says Cheri Gaulke, Head of the Upper School Visual Arts Department. “We want teens to feel they have the agency to bring their values to bear in making the world a better place.” In the Righteous Conversations Public Service Announcement (PSA) workshop, students make films on current issues, which are gifted to non-profits. In the Righteous Conversations Digital Storytelling Workshop animation helps tell the narratives of Holocaust Survivors. Jesse Nadel ’17, worked on a PSA on cyberbullying. “It’s such a modern issue and wouldn’t seem to have a link with the Holocaust,” he says. “But when you listen to the Survivors’ stories, there’s an emphasis on intolerance.” Adam Yaron ’16 first participated in 8th grade and returned last summer to compose film scores. He found it especially meaningful to use his skills for a larger purpose. “We as a generation can help spread the word about what went on then,” says Adam, “and extend that message to the world today.” ● 21

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016




The Office of Advancement gratefully acknowledges the many students, alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, parents of alumni, and friends who generously contributed their money, time, and effort to Harvard-Westlake School during the 2015-2016 school year. With your participation, we are forging a visionary school committed to the joyful pursuit of excellence in all that we do. The results can be seen in the mark Harvard-Westlake graduates make on the world. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this report is accurate and complete as of June 30, 2016. However, despite our sincerest desire and best efforts to avoid errors, they do occasionally occur, and for this we apologize in advance. If your name has been mistakenly omitted, misspelled or listed under an incorrect heading, please notify us by calling 310.288.3308. The Office of Advancement was established to strengthen ties with all members of the broader Harvard-Westlake community with a comprehensive program in alumni relations, philanthropy, stewardship, gift planning, and communications. 22



Tuition & Fees


Annual Giving & Other Gifts $8,494 Auxiliary Services


Endowment Income


Investment Income




Total Revenue



Plant Assets


Managed Investments


Cash & Cash Equivalents $40,817 Other Assets Total Assets

$4,469 $293,341



Program & Instructional $22,598

Annual Giving


General & Administrative $9,966

Capital Projects


Financial Aid $9,736



Benefits $9,551

Total Contributions & Gifts $17,707

Plant Operations $7,063 Auxiliary Services $4,554 Technology $4,554 Plant Renewal & Replacement $3,151 Advancement $2,905 Addition to Reserves $306 Total Expenses $74,384


Net Assets Deferred Income

$278,652 $11,486

Payables/Accrued Liabilities $3,203 Total Net Asset/Liabilities $293,341

Dollar amounts reported in thousands. Data taken from unaudited financial records.


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


TOTAL DONATIONS $7,664,539 Thank you to the 94.1% of parents of current Harvard-Westlake students who contributed to the school this fiscal year. Donors who are parents of alumni can be found in the Parents of Alumni and Friends donor section. HERITAGE CIRCLE

$75,000 or More Number of Donors: 19 Anonymous (3) Judy & Peter Copses c Liz & Bob Deere c Daun & Daniel Dees Carla & Gerald du Manoir c




Holly & Tom Gores c Jean & Steve Kaplan c Robin Kim Bobby Kotick c Heejung Kim & Jae Kwan Lee Christine Zhang & William Li Sophia Zhang & Robert Lu Jeanne & Tony Pritzker c Christie & Rich Reilly Steven W. Thomas The Tribull Family c Shirley & Walter Wang c CENTENNIAL CIRCLE

$50,000 to $74,999 Number of Donors: 14

Sharon & Robert Blumenfield Mary Sullivan & Greg Dovel Tricia & Neal ElAttrache Mimi Yashiro & Marcus Everard c Ashley & Jim Ford Berta & Emerson Glazer c 24

Mimi Lee & Sergio Kim Padma & Sushil Madhogarhia Joy & Emeka Offor Susan Schnabel & Ed Plummer Pamela & Randy Schoenberg ’84 c Karyn & Joel Silver Jodi & Don Stine c Amy Pascal & Bernie Weinraub LEADERSHIP CIRCLE

$25,000 to $49,999 Number of Donors: 49

Anonymous (2) Allison & Larry Berg Catherine & Bob Beyer ’77 c Heather Thomas & Skip Brittenham Ami ’81 & Joe Cohen c The Crown Robinson Family c Lew Feldman c Stacey Feldman c Laurie & Jon Feltheimer Ellen & Mark Genender c Julie & Bruce Goldsmith c Fan Wang & Frank Gong Lisa & Josh Grode Anna & Carlos Guanche c Rachel Yang & Don Ho Lulu & Victor Hsing Leslie Weisberg & Jim Hyman Tatiana & Todd James Mary Ellen & Chris Kanoff c Pamela & Peter Kelly c Linda & Ross Kemper c Eri Kroh Alexandra Milchan-Lambert & Scott Lambert Elizabeth & Shaoul Levy c Joanne Gappy & Navid Mahmoodzadegan Tracy & John Mallory Debby Klein & Mort Marcus c Lauralee & Scott Martin Lillian & George Mueller c


Jennifer & John Nordstrom c Alysia Park & Saekyu Oh Nancy & Stephen Paul Kaili Peng Jodi & Michael Price c Carolyn & Joe Reece Christine & Jason Reese c Hilary & Peter Richards ’88 c Sara & Mario Rodriguez Meli & Stephen Rose c Melanie & Bryan Scher ’84 c Carrie & Peter Tilton c Laura & Thomas Tippl Meryl Shapiro-Tuchin ’84 & Michael Tuchin c Denise & Ron Ulloa c Leslie King Welther & Robert Welther Lacey & John Williams c Christina Zilber Monica & Bryan Zuriff FOUNDERS CIRCLE

$10,000 to $24,999 Number of Donors: 145 Anonymous (2) Debbe & Peter Adamson Gina & Mark Albert Tiffany & Chris Altschul Sheryl & Tom Amster Neel Anand Lisa & Scott Anderson c Debra & Ben Ansell Tracey & Akeem Ayeni Hannah Hotchkiss & Marc Baer Charmaine & Sean Bailey Rainbow & Kenya Barris Susan & Adam Berger c Ronna & Josh Berlin c Angela & Daniel Blatteis c Bill Block Sherry & Gary Burdorf ’82 c Katherine & Bill Burford c Shainaz Donnelly Burg & Mark Burg Susan Campos Molly & Jason Cassidy Jae Chang Nathalie & Robert Choi Karen & Jim Ciccone c Deborah Kent Clark & Daniel Clark c Lisa & Jeff Cohen c Laurie & Mark Cohen c Tracey & Richard Cooperstein Karen & Craig Corman c Carla & Antonio Cue Susan & Christopher Damico Elaine Tumonis & Edward De La Rosa c

Nancy & Patrick Dennis Christina & Bill DeRonde Jeannette & Howard Deshong ’85 c Dana & Richard Dickson Jeff Dritley c Christine & Dan Ewell Tena & Blair Frank c Beth & Josh Friedman c Cindy & Gary Frischling c Asma & Irfan Furniturewala Carole Gaba c Mary & George Garvey Aimee & Rod Goldberg The Goldman-Hsu Family Emily & Mark Goldstein c Anessa Karney ’88 & Stu Goldstein c Suzanne & John Gordon Wendy Wachtell & Bob Graziano c Lorette & Keith Gross c Joanna ’90 & Christopher Hameetman ’90 c Mary Wells & John Hanover c Laurie & Chris Harbert c Elizabeth & Robert Hartman c Jackie & Jim Hassett Deborah & Chris Heine Lisa & David Hernand c Karen & Jeff Hogan c Victoria & Michael Hooks c Bernadette & Brad Huang Tina & Ming-Chao Huang Nancy & Mosa Kaleel Nam Kim & Jeff Kateman c Ellen & Yuji Kawana ’83 c Junga & Steve Kim Lisa & Todd Kornguth Alison & Chet Kronenberg c Ginh & Mark Landecker Mai & James Lassiter Jenny Yeung & Leo Lau c Fanny & Olivier Leclerc Stacey & Brian Lee Soni & David Lee c Shirley Lu & Donald Lee Candice & Paul Lee c Lorraine & Tim Lee Alicia & Bob Levitt c Gwen & John Litchmann c Susan & Ryan Lynch Kristin & Michael MacDermott Hillary & Robert Marx c Carla & Brendan McLoughlin Sharon & Amos Meron Kathy & Michael Moray c Sheri & PJ Moysset Donna & Paul Nadel c Sandra Naftzger c

Lori Shiotani & Ken Nakayama Mary & Deepak Nayar Helen Nam & Greg Nelson c Eugenia & Dmitri Novikov Danielle & Reinout Oerlemans Liz & Calvin Park Sanghee Ko & Hyoung Park Wynne & Mark Pecheck c Kristi Springer & Robert Perrin Zina & Peter Pistor Jodi & Greg Plageman Allison Keller Planting & Drew Planting Julie & Marc Platt c Lea & Barry Porter Joan Chu & David Reese c Nataalia Rey Vicki Marmorstein-Ribner & Seth Ribner Susan & Michael Rich c Kirsten & Michael Richter c Len Ross Daphna & Pejman Salimpour Jennifer & Bert Salke Nancy & Larry Sanitsky Tracy ’78 & Tim Sarnoff ’77 c Carol Johnson & David Schindler Carole Schwartz Wendy ’87 & Ron Schwartz c Laurie & Mike Seplow c Deborah & Daniel Settelmayer Juliet & Peter Seymour c Denise Phan & Bruce Shaw c Laura & Jeff Shell Maren & Kenneth Siegel c Mary M. Chan & Thomas C. Sing c Cecil & Paul Slye c Jessica & Richard Sneider Mich Mathews & Jason Spradlin Colette & Adrian Steckel Tracy & Gene Sykes Michele & Patrick Thibiant Katherine & Doug Thompson c Laurey & Brian Treiger Sarah Ouchi ’88 & Vincent Tsai Yasemin & John Vickery c Kitty & Craig Wallace Susan Wasserman c Elizabeth Wiatt Jim Wiatt Susan & Joshua Wieder c Rhonda & Warren Wixen c Karen & Rick Wolfen c Juli & Michael Woronoff c


Laura Zwicker & Robert Wright c Gillian Wynn Sherin & John Ye Amy & Danny Zoller PRESIDENTS CIRCLE

$5,000 to $9,999 Number of Donors: 197

Anonymous (2) Rima & Lance Acord c Marsha & Karl Austen Andréa & Jeff Bacon c Ruthie & Chip Bailey c Natasha ’90 & Bob Baradaran c Kate Beckinsale c Jaynee ’84 & Eric Beckman c Christine & Doug Belgrad c Lorraine & Joe Berchtold Diane & Richard Birnholz c Stacy & Uri Blackman Zina & Steven Block c Dana Garcetti ’86 & Glen Boldt Stacey & Jeryl Bowers ’86 c Shannon Gaughan-Bowman & John Bowman Yvette & Kyle Bowser Lynne & Stewart Brookman c Seeley & Preston Brooks c Jane & Marcus Buckingham Teresa & Sean Burton Rebecca & John Calkins Beth & Steve Callaghan Jennifer & Sal Casola Courtney & Marty Caverly c Aileen & Tucker Cawley Myra & Edward Chen Jolene Cherry Sandy Choi ’91 & Jake Cho c Jennifer & Stephen Cho Catharina & Steven Choi Cherie Ko & Joseph Chu Steve Cody c Judy & Carl Cohen Kimberly & Michael Copeland Ellen Lafair & David Crouch Ziba & Nader Dalili Kairavi & Todd Daum Deborah ’84 & Jonathan Davidson c Deirdra & Jason DiNapoli c Ruby Carlos & Jamie Doyle Allison & Michael Druyanoff Donna & Greg Econn c Gillian & Scott Edel c Lisa & Craig Elson Carolyn & Craig Enenstein Jen & Ari Engelberg ’89 c


Heidi & Jonathan Epstein Rita Haeusler & Tim Flaherty Teresa & Mike Fourticq Ashley ’90 & David Frandzel c Lela & Antoine Fuqua Linda & Wayne Gan c Ling Chan & John Gatins Paula & Kevin Gaut c Abbie & Stan Golden c Anne & Tony Goldring Michelle Morrow & Jeffrey Goldsmith Shari & Michael Goodrich Carolyn Bernstein & Nick Grad Lisa McRee & Don Granger Jeanne Williams & Jason Greenman Debbie ’82 & Ken Haber c Katherine Haker Janice Lu & Larry Han Maria & Jeffrey Harleston c Susan & David Heckerman c Angela Heisel Kurt Heisel The Hirschhorn Family c Courtney & David Hollander c Tsione & Langston Holly ’87 c Leah & Chris Houska c Esra & Brian Hudson Luiza & Andrei Iancu Doreen Ida & Rod Ingman c Elizabeth & Jeff Ingold Shubha & Sanjiv Jain Monica Christie & Harry Johnson Chris & Peter Jung c Monique & Jon Kagan Tina Wang & Chia Chi Kao c Mariel Spalter Katz & Andrew Katz c Sara & Jason Keller Leah & John Ketcham Alice Leung & Shin Lung Kiang Felicia ’84 & Ty Kim c Jena King c Masha Lopatova & Andrei Kirilenko The Klein Family Patty & Ridgway Knight c Changmii Bae & Bung Ko Donna & Clifford Ko Emily ’86 & Howard Kreshek c Janice Chung ’74 & Young Kwon The Ladreyt Family Romi & Thomas Lassally c Jennifer ’89 & Ariel Lechter c Randy ’94 & Danny Lee c Melani Ojong Lee & Kevin Lee c


Hyorang & Sonwoo Lee Diana & Richard Leher c Helen & Jordan Levin c Dina ’90 & Raymond Levy c Grace & Andrew Liang Joung & Mario Lim Stefani DoyLoo & Tom Loo c Nicole & Robert Maloney ’76 c Jill Mazursky c Suzanne & Marcellus McRae c Margaret & Jim Meenaghan Matthew Miller Heather & Tyler Mingst ’86 c Margaret Gray & Harry Mittleman Christine & Gerald Moon Karen & Scott Moon Dafne & Alexander Moradi Larry Murphy Allison & Tom Musante Brandy & Francois Navarre Atoosa & Alex Nehorai Leigh ’89 & David Nickoll ’89 c Sharon & Mauricio Oberfeld Karen & Brett O’Brien Michelle & Michael O’Brien Pui & Phil Otero c Judy Sasaki & Scott Page c Supriya Pande & Sangam Pant Ashley & Scott Pease Claire Cui & Jason Peng Dina & George Phillips ’81 c Lauryn Harris & Greg Pimstone

Heidi Herzon-Poveda & Billy Poveda Christina & Diarmuid Quinn c Sheila Busheri & Michael Rasekhi c Sarah Timberman & Edward Redlich c Jodi Kruger & Jeremy Rosen ’89 c Lisa & Richard Rosenblatt c Stefanie & Stuart Rosenthal Colette Dartnall & Rick Roskin c Janine & Steven Rostovsky c Olga & Eric Roth Barbara & Bruce Rothman DeDe & Peter Roussak Julie & Mark Rowen Heidi Wettenhall & Said Saffari Hollis Leech & Chris Saigal Lee Anne & David Sanderson c Laura & Timothy Schneider Tema & Leonard Schrage Liz & Mitchell Schwartz Kathy & Adam Shane Melani & Blaine Shaum c Michael Sheen c Laura & Eric Shelby MyKhanh & Scott Shelton Megan & Peter Sheridan c Jackie & Dennis Smith Claire & Dwight Smith c Jackelyn Lee & George So Annika & Abe Somer c

Cindy & Jason Spitz c Karen & Brad Sraberg c Andrea & Steve Stanford Chris & Don Steele c Laura & Mike Steuch Karen & Todd Stevens Torrie & Steve Stokdyk Ellen & Steve Sugerman c Jee & Bo Suh Lori & David Sunkin ’85 c Nancy & Howard Sunkin ’81 c Sherry Wuu & Gene Szeto Gail Woods & Mitch Tenzer Ann Hollister & Jon Thomas c Karen & Cary Thompson c Helene & David Toomey Linda & Bill Toth Alison & David Ullendorff c Lisa & Zack Van Amburg ’88 Jennifer & Jean-Louis Velaise c Jelena & Tim Verny Rachel ’82 & Paul Vogel c Cecilia Peck Voll ’75 & Daniel Voll Tracy & Henry Wang c Lori & Stephen Weisskopf Tawny Welch Maylee & Jeff Witham Lynne & Steve Witmer Shelly & Bernard Wolfsdorf Sharon & Ray Wu Jennifer ’91 & Yogu Yogakumar Janet Kim & Luke Yoon c 25

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Patty Yoon c Monica Kim & John Yu Judy Yang & Benjamin Zhao DEANS CIRCLE

$3,500 to $4,999 Number of Donors: 79 Anonymous Jenna & Dan Adler Amy Povich Agus & David B. Agus Karen Ford & Dennis Ardizzone Michelle & Dee Baker Brenda & Terry Barnum c Rose & Audrius Barzdukas c Susan & Barry Berman Pamela Bille c Julie & Stephen Block Sonia & Josh Borris Li Chen & Zhihang Chi Saehae Lee & Daejin Cho Rona ’85 & Ben Cosgrove c Cheryl Parnell & Sam Dickerman c Marion Galliford & Bill Donovan Kay & Alex Durairaj Jenny ’83 & Richard Eidinger Sarah Bott ’85 & Joseph Fahey c Heather & Peter Felix Cathy & Jeff Field Helen & Eddie Fincher c Jennifer Haley ’84 & Charles Flippen c The Frankel Family c Ronald Frankel c Bing Wang & Shaun Gong Margaret & John Graham c Trisha & Randy Greenberg c Eva Chin & Steven Han Ann & Adam Handler c Cynthia Mathis-Herring & Charles Herring Hildi Snodgrass & Jim Hliboki Rong Hu & Ming Huang Yajing Yan & Hongbin Jiang c Beth & Charles Jones c Cassie & Joel Kam Deena & Jerry Katz Holly Middlekauff & Michael Katz Currie & Michael Keller ’88 Young & Chong Kim Susan & Sean Kneafsey c Cynthia & Jeff Koblentz Linda Yin & Ken Ma Miles Madison c


Jennifer & Greg Malins Davina & Edward Massey Laurie Levenson & Douglas Mirell c Elisabeth & David Moriarty Jenji Kohan & Christopher Noxon c Julie Radlovic Maureen Kedes Rakusin & Kenny Rakusin Irram & Amir Rao Pamela & Josh Reims Fredrica & Robert Reiter Lara & John Rich c The Roderick Family Kristina Lerman & Richard Ross Shelley ’73 & Steve Rothman c Kim & Dominic Sandifer ’87 c Leanne & Dean Schiller Jackie & Corey Shapoff Tracci & Darren Shibuya Catherine & Laurent Sidon Gretchen & Rick Smith Angelina & Mark Speare


Margaret & Steven Spencer ’86 c Laura & Ken Stovitz c Ying & Henry Tan Laura Kim & Terence Tao Kim & Kevin Traenkle Susan Stockton & Chris Walther The Weidmann Family c Pamela Weisberg Karen & Edward Weiss c Francine Champagne & Anthony Wootton ’87 Nazila Yadegar ’92 c Rhonda Milrad & Michael Yanover Lainie Handelman-Zuckerman & Jay Zuckerman The Zumbrunnen Family SCHOLARS CIRCLE

$1,500 to $3,499 Number of Donors: 242 Anonymous (13) N. Bobbie & Sergio Aguero c

Teal & Bobby Ahn Hee & Byung Ahn Ellie & Joseph Akhtarzad c Swanny & Dave Aloisi Loryn & Steven Arkow Brigitte Arnall c Sari & Michael Arnall Jessica & Babak Azizzadeh Iman Anabtawi & Eduard Bagdasarian c Haya Handel & Gary Barkin Faye & Ben Barnouw Michele & Brian Barnum Felicity & Darian Baskin Inga & Ray Beckham Heather Johnson & Stephen Bedikian Amy & Michael Benavente Joy & Michael Bergin Linda & Marvin Bergsneider c Hope & Ken Biller Andrea Niklaus & James Bisley Kelly & Jonathan Bock ’89 Cindy & Alex Boudov Diane Golden & Jack Brandon c

Bettina Johannsen & Martin Breidsprecher Marie & Paul Brindze Jeanne Johnson & Clancy Brown Barbery Byfield Tracy & Tim Cahill Melanie & Peter Calderon Janie Schulman & John Caragozian Lisa & Alex Carloss Vicki & Chuck Carrington Sujata Iyer & Prashant Chandran Margaret Lee & Donald Chang Stacy & Dong Chang Teresa & Jack Chang Jessica & Andrew Cho Karen & Jong Choi Jenny Yam & David Chow c Swati Desai & Bhagwan Chowdhry c Mi Kyeong & Jae Chung Lisa Anderson & William Colitre Kathy Wood & Nick Connon Kimberly & Kyle Cooper c Greg Craig Liz Craig Mr. & Mrs. John Crosson c Lisette Arsuaga & Gilbert Davila c Susie & Brian de Rubertis Patty & Robert Dickman c Jennifer Mnookin & Joshua Dienstag c Suzie & Marc Dupee Lynda Roman & Charlie Duval c Alex & Scott Ehrlich Shelley & Michael Eisner c Denise & Bruce Eliot c Susanne & Stephen Engel c Jill & Donald Evans Kimberly West-Faulcon & Kent Faulcon Regina & Andrew Fenady c Chen Zheng & Lei Feng Sara Fitzmaurice Renee Fourcade-Foster & Brian Foster c Stephanie & David Frey Marcelle & Robert Frey Susan & Brett Froomer c Michele & Jonathan Gathrid Marc Geiger c Cathy & Brad Gelfond Amanda & Daniel Gestetner


Negin Fazeli & Michael Ghodsi Ingrid Brau-Girod ’87 & Julian Girod c Shana & Daniel Glassman Maria Hagerman Gonzalez & Alejandro Gonzalez c Kelly Goode Ilana & Zorik Gordon Mylène Moreno & Rafe Greenlee c Debbie Mitchell & Creighton Grenoble Rachel Hsu & Randy Grube Emily & Adam Guo Nancy & Don Gurney c Cynthia & Kwanie Hahn Shadi & Kambiz Hannani Andrea & Chad Harris ’91 Erika & Stuart Hindle c Daphne Pineda & Ryuji Hirooka Rasa Bauza & Bob Hirshland c Laura Grover & Steve Hochman Kristen & David Hodess Soyeon & Kenny Hong Aimee Hookstratten Jill & Brad Howe c Meghan & David Hudgins c Anel & Robert Irving c Chris Ishida c Paula & Pete Janos Brooke & Adam Kanter Megan & Brian Kelly Jodie & Darrin Kennedy ’85 c Ellie & Sam Khorsandi Julie Park & Garry Kim Jennifer & Mark Kim Amy & Kaz Kimura Jackie & David Klein Sandra & Matt Klink c Hea Suk Kim & Sung Bom Ko Ilana & Klaus Koch Brown & Jay Kogen Nina Kotick c Leslie Hakala & Yale Kozinski Sharmini & Kain Kumar Andrea Ghez & Tom LaTourrette Helen & Brian Lee c Sangmee Kim & Byungjoo Lee Esther & Calvin Lee Jungmi Park & Namho Lee Caroline & Paul Lee c Ran & Rich Lee Nasreen Babu-Khan & Howard Lehrhoff c Christina Liao & John Lesher c


Julie & Harley Liker c David Limor Ning-Ai Liu & Shuo Lin c Amy & Kevin Listen Nancy Jiang & Long Liu Angie Huang & William Lu Joi Morris & Matt Maccoby Sety & Hooman Madyoon Hoori Hovanessian & Vache Mahseredjian c Eve Makoff Cindy & Brian Malouf Becky Prange & Gary Marenzi c Lisa & Keith Markinson Mary Lynn & Richard Marrs c Roya & Fred Mashian Jane ’89 & John Mass c Tracy & Tom McGrath Inga & Michael Mendelsohn c Helen & Darrin Meyer c May & Maged Mikhail Emily Sikking Milam ’88 & Chip Milam Ellen Liao & Neil Morganbesser c Stephanie & Jonathan Mork Shiva & Mark Mosch ’78 c Anne & Peter Most Lauren & Eric Muhlheim c Raakhee & Ashok Mukhey Janice & Kevin Murray Shoba Natarajan & Nate Nandha c JoAnn & Doug Neil Jerry Neuman Helen & Peter Neumann Tim Newhart c Lizzy & Arge O’Neal Marcia ’80 & Robert Osborne c Deborah & Jose Palacios Jennifer & Jonas Pate Hastee & Rad Payman Emily & Vaughn Payne Alexandra & Jeff Pfeifer Michelle & Tom Phelan Whitney & Alex Phillips Alyssa & Brad Pizer Susan & Gordon Plotkin c Byrdie & Bruce Pompan ’80 c Inneke & Markus Prajogi Robin & Dave Prybil Dianna & Firas Rahhal c Linda & Hunt Ramsbottom Ping Ping Gu & Jian Yu Rao c Tana & Sanje Ratnavale c Laura & Michael Riley Olivia & Russell Riopelle c


Nancy & Mike Riordan ’73 c Linda & Michael Rosen c Merci & Peter Rosenzweig Tanya & Rossi Russell Jennifer Friedman & Trevor Sacco Robyn & Michael Safir c Anchal & Manish Sahi Zoe & Howie Sanders c Amber & Luke Schaeffer Andrea & Christopher Scharff ’79 Sari & Joshua Schechter c Elise Ruden & Carmel Sella Michele Shafroth Loran Calvin & Tony Smith Marlana & William Snyder Bruce Voss & Charlie Sophy Brigitte Borun Starr ’84 & Randy Starr c Ligia & Robert Strauss c Kristin & Charles Stringer Kathryn & Carey Strom c Amy Lasser & Scott Sturgeon Vivian & Henry Suarez Danielle ’87 & Michael Swartz c Julie & Steve Sweeney Linda & Charles Swerdlow c Kozue & Ryo Takei ’83 c Patricia Wong & Kenneth Tam c Xiaomei Cai & Qineng Tan Lissa & Bret Thoeny c Yi Qian & Di Tian Vivian Diep & Vu Tran Helen Cheng & Randy Tse Susan Van Atta Alina & Armen Vartany Carol & Todd von Mende Maggie Delmas & Romain Wacziarg Julie & James Wagner c Hal Washburn Jennie & Mike Weetman Laura ’78 & Jay Weinman c Amanda & Nicky Weinstock Megan North & Kirk Wendorf Kathrin & Felix Werner ’84 c Karina & Mark Wiesenthal c Laurie & Robert Winters c The Wolf Family c Nancy Liaw & Victor Wu c Beatrice & Jason Wulfsohn Ly Kouch & Steven Yam Helen Jorda & Omar Yashruti Sumei & Gene Yee Cait Walsh & Michael Yeh ’89 c

Jackie & Terry Yeh c Sherri & Dan York Julia Cui & Dennis Zhang COMMUNITY CIRCLE

Up to $1,499 Number of Donors: 568

Anonymous (104) Jeff Abugov Rosemary Hodge-Adams & Julien Adams Tomiko Stein & Elaine Ahmad Naila Osman & Anwar Akram Kim Fleary Albarino & Richard Albarino c Emma & William Amakye Paula Whiteman & Robert Anderson c Jenny & Kwesi Ankai Melody Araya c Zulma Leiva & Wilson Arriaza Sarvenaz Bahar & Hossein Arzy c Lenita & Shaun Avant c Cesar Ayala Farhad Bahar Brooke Baldwin Kelly Tamaki & Russell Banks Sandra Baquero Nazila Shokrian-Barlava & Jacques Barlava Chris Bubser & David Baron Yolanda & Damaso Bautista Fred Bautista Margo & Peter Baxter c Chris Carter & Simon Beardmore The Begel Family Lori & Irving Belateche Jorge Benitez Maria Benitez Rick Berg ’77 The Berger Family c Blair & Dan Berk Angelia Bibbs-Sanders c Christine & Gary Bishop Loraine Cheng & David Blaser c Elliot Blut c Monica Blut c Lawton & Paul Boardman Kathy Boldy Caron & Ray Bolton Susan Buckley & William Bonanno Rocio Ramos & Eric Bradley Ben Brin c Victoria & Kevin Brown


















ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Anne Haley Brown & Wren Brown c Mary & Sasha Bucur Carol & Ken Burns c Gayle & Derrick Butler Gina Prince-Bythewood & Reggie Bythewood Laura & Gary Cabo Melissa & Scott Campbell c Irma Ruiz & Misael Cano Jill ’91 & David Carmel c Mimi & Tracy Chan Manisha & Preet Chaudhary c Teresa & Jone Chen c Linda Tieu & Calvin Cheng Meiling Cheng & Nonchi Wang* Michelle & Michael Chiklis Kate Chilton Su Cho Hanny & Tony Cho Kathrine Roe-Choi & David Choi Hyejeong Joo & Hyugyong Choi c Hee Jung & Kwangil Choi Julie & Woody Choi Miae & Young Jun Chon Jung Eun Kim-Chong & Dong Wan Chong Esther & Soon Chung c T. C. Clay Andre Cohen Lena Kevorkian & Gary Cohn Simone ’86 & Andrew Concoff c Dyan & Daniel Conway Jeff Healy & Chris Cook Lisa & Kevin Cook Rhonda & Chuck Cooper c Shannon & Trent Cooper Monica & Brian Corrigan c Michael Corrin c Marta & Dieter Cortez c Alan Crow c Rachel Damavandi Michael Daniels ’80 Darragh & Steve Danton Gerta & Arnold Darini Deborah Davis c Dana Bain & Rick Davis c Salina & John de Beixedon Kris & Phillip de la Vara Michele Grasso-Dennis & Dean Dennis Mariana & Rocky DeSoto Manuela Ojeda & Roberto Diaz Sahaja & Bill Douglass Jessica ’85 & Chris Droge ’83 28

The Durvasula/Hinkin Family Peter Early Elaine Reardon & Derek Eaton Wisia & Lloyd Edwards c Frances Mendez & Ryan Edwards Audrey & Michael Egan Tara & Blaise Eitner c Lewanne & Damian Elwes c Ljubica & Miljan Eric Carmen & Jim Eshraghi Jeremy Estrada c Jane Bassett & Mike Fair c Marlena ’85 & Zoran Fejzo c Jory & Ted Feldman c Eileen Flaherty c Jennifer Fletcher Kimberly Fletcher Lisa Rado & Eric Fodor c Verlette & Loren Franck Teresa Mortimer & Tony Frederick Claudia & Daniel Friedman c Leila Furman c Richard Furman c Natasha & Anton Gadalov




4TH AND 5TH GRADERS IN LA WHO HAVE ATTENDED HARVARD-WESTLAKE’S SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM FREE OF CHARGE Tracey Sylvester Garnett & David Garnett c Katie Brennan & Albert Gasser Marcia & Seth Gaven Eleanor Torres & Jorge Gaxiola Hilary & John Genga Jac Liebman-Gentile & Lance Gentile c Eve & Bill Gerber Jill Gilbert Jessica & Jason Gillearn Traci & Jon-Rene Glover c Dana & Steve Goldberg c


Rachel Abramowitz & Joshua Goldin Amy & Eric Goldstein c Diane Diaz & David Golob ’83 c Suzie El-Saden & Scott Goodwin Tatiana Dyachenko & Vadim Gorokhovsky Kimberly Callegari Gourrier & Christopher Gourrier Beth & Dan Greenwood Julia & Jeremy Grody c Jeff Guga Alita & Enrique Guillen Griselda & Jose Gutierrez Debby Hakim c Cindee & Dave* Hallinan Allison & Tom Hallock c Suzanne & Daniel Halloran Barb Brabec & Geoff Hansen Marla ’88 & John Harbour Susan & Scott Harper Paula & Alan Harris Becca & Michael Hartmeier c Yael & Ilan Hartstein Christine & Scott Healy Bill Hearlihy c Melissa Hearlihy c Felicia Ferrari Hedley & Chris Hedley c Katherine & Daniel Henriks c Laurie & Ulf Henriksson Miguel Hernandez c Joni & Bill Hicks Kait & Greg Hilliard c Pamela & James Hirsch Angela & Arc Hitterer Tracy & Billy Ho Haeok Kwon & Joshua Ho c Carrie Pfeifer & Rick Hollman Bootsie & Ted Holt Tiffany & Jason Hong Shiru & Peter Hong Kate & Tae Hong Brianne & Scott Howard c Lanie & Darren Howell Beth Hubbard Michael Hubbard Gerrianne & Stanley Hubbard Caitlin & Rob Hudnut c Susan & Kent Huggins Sandra & Brian Hutchinson Therese & Tim Hyde Su Young Cho & Jaemo Im Dessie Senegal-Jeffries & Rodney Jeffries c Eleonora Granata Jenkinson & Michael Jenkinson Catonne & Octavius Johnson

Janine & Chris Jones Vanita Jones c Mirian Avalos & Gregory Juarez Seon Min Lee & Jaeyong Jung c Kayoko & Hiroshi Kadogawa Dora Costa & Matthew Kahn Erika & Meen Kang Paivi Pajukanta & Pekka Kangaslahti Jessica & Rick Kaplan Max & Peter Kater Jessica & Tom Kaufman c Dalia & David Kaye c Eleanor & Brian Keare Pat Keating Rachael Keipp Robin Keith c Nancy Mette & Barnet Kellman c Carol Kelson c David Kelson c Veronica Pantoja & Tony Kewalramani c Hillary & Cary Kim Cindy Lee & Dongho Kim Rachel & Elliott Kim Kay Park & Harry Kim Mia Shin & Kj Kim Nicole & Richard Kim Catherine Kimmel c Henry Kimmel c Jean & Brian Kimura Dianne & Brian King Jennifer & Larry Klein c Holly Daniels & David Kneip Yolanda Gil & Kevin Knight c Melinda & Kevin Koloff Jill & Jeff Konvitz So Kim & Bon Koo Mary Beth & Robert Kors Tamara & Taras Kravec Tricia Blum Kriksciun & Timothy Kriksciun Boris Krutonog Jane Ding & Igor Kukavica Gary Kuwada Hyunji Kim & Bohyun Kwak c Patricia & Matt LaCour c Jacquie & Bob Lange Natalie Hunter-Lapesarde & Toby Lapesarde c Desiree Lapin Ken Larson Nando Lauto Nicole Keating & Phillip Le Moon & Jim Lee Kyung-suk Kim & Kyung-su Lee c

Kimberly & Timothy Lee Yu Gyong Lee Laura & David Lefkowitz c Adam Lesh Rebeca Puga & Francisco Letelier c Sharon & Uzi Levy Gina & Young Lim Karen & Victor Limongelli Debbie & Mike Lingard Joe Henderson & James Locke Tamra & Jonathan Loeb ’85 c Linda Joy & Michael Loizzo Karen & Arthur Long Kim & John Long c Steven Lopez Zohar Loshitzer David Low Suzanne & Rob Lowe ’84 c Gretchyn Hise & Mark Lubkeman Autumn Luscinski c Ron Luscinski c Sheryl ’84 & Dean Lyons c Curtis Mack ’62 c Isabel Madison Yvonne Maisonette Susan & Jim Maniscalco Nina Rioja ’89 & Devin Mann Anita Sabeti & Behnam Mansouri c Antonia & Garnett March Laura Candelas & Victor Martell Jennifer & David Martin The Martin/Brin Family c Aeshna & Mudit Mathur Ianthe Mauro The Mazdisnian Family Kelli & Jamie McCabe c Thuy & Mike McCaffrey Katherine Mow-McCarthy ’82 & Brian McCarthy c Jennifer McCormick Elaine Mckenzie Lynn & Bryan McMullen Carolyn & Garry McQueen c Donna & Fred Mendes Jill Yetman-Michaelson & Jeremy Michaelson c Murry & Yves Mieszala Ingrid & Aaron Miles c Sherry Green-Milligan & Michael Milligan c Jennifer & Jeff Modisett Dalia & Hamid Moghavem c Roberta & Sam Montgomery c Ana & David Montoya


Michelle Corrigan & Stan Morris Ned Morrison Mona & Hosam Moustafa Susie & Brian Murphy Sheila Cole & Toni Murray c Beth Gunn & Alec Myers Sa Hee Kim & Moon Hee Nam Obdulia & Guillermo Navarro Maria Rizhel Oculam & Joey Navarro c Kim Bruce & Bob Neapole c Eileen Neapole c Vicki Neuman Katherynn & Andrew Nguyen Chris North Jenus & George Nourafchan c Holly Novick Suzanne Rosencrans & Mike Novicoff c Sabrina Nunley Davina & Sean O’Donnell Dawn & Daniel O’Leary ’85 c Malina & Franck Ollivier Valrie & Thomas Oser c Susan & Jim Oswald c Lauren* & Michael Ozen c Frances Xu & Patrick Pan Amita & Kosal* Pandey Cindy Park So Young and Hwi Jong Park Sun-Ah Jun & Illam Park c Stacy Kim & Jeong Dae Park Eunyoung Yum & Jongwook Park Christine & Joseph Park Cecilia & Louis Park c Soyeon Park Rita Morales Patton & Roger Patton Esther & Robert Peacock c Emily Feigenson & Dennis Perluss c Ida & T. Nicolas Peter Pam & Alistair Phillips Lisa & Wayne Platt c Laemicia Porter Shiho Ito & Andrew Price Katie Karzen-Pulaski & Brian Pulaski c Alex & Rick Rains Stefani & Gabe Ramirez Suzy & Tim Rand-Lewis c Annie & Tony Ranger Nishi & Sanjay Reddy Nancy & Paul Redford Dia & Corey Redmond Vicki Repovich Jon Richmond c


Beth Marcus & Jeffrey Ring Adelsa & Esvin Rivera Satomi Hamana & Regis Roa Leiah & Andrew Robbins Val Muraoka & Laird Robertson ’72 Kelli & Michael Robertson Jeanine Flanders & Todd Robertson Lisa & Tony Robinson Angela Robinson-Wheaton Mel Mayorga & Allen Rodriguez c Robert Rodriguez Rocio Rodriguez c Silvia & Rodrigo Rodriguez Jeanna & Scott Rosenfeld Rachel & James Rothbart Cindy LeBauer & Rick Rothman c Caroline & Steve Rubin c Wendy & Robert Ruiz c Mary Yoder & Chris Ruppenthal Teresa & Osmin Saballos Lindsay Berger Sacks & Brian Sacks Suzy & Jon Saferstein ’84 c Randy & Stephen Saltzman c Caroline & Arnel Salvador Beth Slattery & Chris Sampson c Mireille & Michael Samuelian ’76 Susan & Bruce Samuels ’80 c Jerome Sanders c Guillermina & Leopoldo Santillan Brooke & Richard Saperstein Vania Nguyen & Narayan Sastry Lissa Kapstrom & William Schifrin c Gwendolen Pole & Mark Schine ’78 c Diane Schlesinger c Rick Schlesinger c Tina Koopersmith & Doug Schreck c Elaine Kim & Rick Seireeni Jamie Choi & Brian Seo Aimee ’91 & Josh Sesar c Heather & Kevin Shannon Lisa & Larry Shapiro Anne & David Shaughnessy c Jimmy Shaw c Frank Sheng c Susan & Wayne Sherman c Sue Kim & Young Shin Deborah & Sergio Shkurovich c


Niloofar Shokoohy Navid & Kamran Shooshani c Myra Clark-Siegel & David Siegel Michelle & Paul Simmonds Darcy & Andrew Simon c Jocelyn Simpson Turk Susan Murdock & Jim Sington c Patricia & Roberto Sneider c Sarah & Howard Song c Alicia & Jeff Spain c Kristen & Matthew Spain Tonya Sedwick & Jerome Stanley Leslie & Mitch Stokes Jennifer Sudarsky Anna & Eric Suddleson Sunmi Kang & Peter Suh c Kristen & Neil Sullivan Debbie & Eric Swanson c Avi Mandava & Mark Sylbert Joanne & Charles Tatham c Neelu & Vivek Tauh Jean Huang & Charlie Tercek Jenny Terry Helen & Thomas Thomas Kate ’86 & Chad Thumann ’86 Kelly White & David Timoner Rozmin & Omar Tirmizi c

Polly Towill c Trisha & Jim Treadwell c Theresa Lem & Choi Tse Hee & Darrell Tsutsui Janet & Aviv Tuchman Carole & Craig Tufeld John Turk III c Amelia & Sushil Tyagi Marybeth & Scott Ursin-Smith c Terri & Kevin Vanderschans c Aurel & David Van Iderstine c Debra & John Van Tongeren Paz & Luis Alejandro Velazquez Maiya & Patric Verrone c Rupert Wainwright Gabrielle & Arman Walker Lennell Walker Luning Chen & John Wan Jan King ’80 & Rickey Washington c Cathy & Andrew Watts c Amy & Brant Weigand Katherine & Steve Weinstock ’83 c Roxanne Diaz & Mike Weiss Leslie Wendorf Ellen & Rick Wesel c Ronald West c

James Wheaton Kirstin Poirier-Whitley & Dan Whitley Beverly & Keith Wildasin c Lilly & Barry Wilen c Jason Wiles Joanne Wiles Christine Wilson c Jayne Wilson Tara & Rob Wilson c Steven Winshel c Rulivia & Brian Wong c Lucinda & Darwin Wong The Wong/Sarkisian Family Beverly Woss Julius Woythaler ’74 c Randi Woythaler c Allison Lin & Eric Wu c Yan Lu & Haodong Xu Debbie & Kayvon Yadidi c Weining Yang Yue Peng & William Yang c Dana & Amir Yariv c Sena Park & Chad Yoon Brigette & Kale Young Kimberly & David Yount Marisa & Dean Zanuck ’90 c Ellie Fang & Shi Zhang Osnat & Inon Zur


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


$75,000 or More Number of Donors: 3

Anonymous Michael Segal ’75 c Chuck Thornton ’60 c CENTENNIAL CIRCLE

$50,000 to $74,999 Number of Donors: 6

Chris Anderson ’60 c Anne Wilson Rader ’74 & Steve Rader ’73 c Randy Schoenberg ’84 c Bill Stinehart ’61 c Laura Ziffren Wasserman ’81 LEADERSHIP CIRCLE

$25,000 to $49,999 Number of Donors: 11

Anonymous Bob Beyer ’77 c Bill Bullis ’54 c Candida Danielson Burnap ’59 & Bart Burnap ’50 c Ami Kramer Cohen ’81 c Jo Ann Schaaf Ganz ’47 c Danny Karubian ’97 c Peter Richards ’88 c Bryan Scher ’84 c Meryl Shapiro-Tuchin ’84 c FOUNDERS CIRCLE

$10,000 to $24,999 Number of Donors: 30

Anonymous (2) Gary Burdorf ’82 c Bobby Daly ’85 c Howard Deshong ’85 c Keri Anisgarten Findley ’00 c Joanna Behr Hameetman ’90 & Christopher Hameetman ’90 c Tom Hays ’53 Bill Horton ’57 c Andy Kaiser ’79 c Anessa Karney ’88 c Yuji Kawana ’83 c Jason Levin ’95 c Matthew Levin ’99 c David Milken ’00 c Buddy Moss ’48 c Kemper Ohlmeyer ’02 c Kevin O’Malley ’93 c Sarah Ouchi ’88 30

Charles Patton ’88 c Max Rifkind-Barron ’07 c Rod Roddenberry ’92 Tracy Bramnick Sarnoff ’78 & Tim Sarnoff ’77 c Wendy Camras Schwartz ’87 c Danny Seo ’96 c Allen Shay ’80 c Chris Silbermann ’85 Shana Levin Zarcufsky ’91 c PRESIDENTS CIRCLE

$5,000 to $9,999 Number of Donors: 90

Ramy Abu-Khalil ’96 Casey Adams ’93 c Mike Adams ’93 c Bill Bagnard ’77 c Natasha Rahban Baradaran ’90 c Jaynee Strickstein Beckman ’84 c Doug Bernheim ’75 Hal Borthwick ’66 c Jeryl Bowers ’86 c Catherine Gottlieb Brackey ’86 & Tom Brackey ’83 c Adam Braun ’91 c




FILMS ENTERED INTO THE HARVARD-WESTLAKE STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL, WESTFLIX Barry Burch ’89 c Jae Min Chang ’68 c Adam Checchi ’95 c Sandy Choi ’91 c Janice Chung ’74 c Kat Cohen ’85 c Lindsay McNiel Commons ’96 c


Deborah Davidson ’84 c Ari Engelberg ’89 c Andrea Levine Firtel ’95 c Drew Foster ’08 Jackson Foster ’11 c Lucas Foster ’13 Marci Optican Foster ’82 c Ashley Rosson Frandzel ’90 c Dana Garcetti ’86 Michelle Green ’92 c Akir Gutierrez ’91 c Debbie Weiss Haber ’82 c Joni Ivy Hamilton ’72 c Brooke Sperling Hecker ’96 & Nicholas Hecker ’95 c Cynthia Weiner Hirschhorn ’77 c Peter Hoffenberg ’78 Langston Holly ’87 c Linda Jackson ’78 c Jeff Jaeger ’98 c Felicia Paik Kim ’84 c Andrew P. Kowell ’97 c Emily Loze Kreshek ’86 c Jennifer Friedman Lechter ’89 c Gold Lee ’93 Kyeonghoo Lee ’04 Randy Stein Lee ’94 c Dina Ghodsian Levy ’90 c Jacob Levy ’08 c Blake Schlei Lindsley ’92 c Kyong Park Macek ’86 c Robert Maloney ’76 c Will McLane ’88 Stefanie Schwartz Mendelsohn ’93 c Tyler Mingst ’86 c Tony Moiso ’57 c Charles Munger ’74 Jim Myerson ’72 c Greg Nathan ’98 c Leigh Grossman Nickoll ’89 & David Nickoll ’89 c Brian O’Malley ’95 c Cecilia Peck Voll ’75 Sarah Seo Peterson ’98 & David Peterson ’88 c George Phillips ’81 c Andrea Savage ’90 & Jeremy Plager ’89 c Josh Revitz ’95 c Jeremy Rosen ’89 c Jamie Price Schlei ’85 & Bradford Schlei ’84 Christy Schnabel ’85 Darren Schnabel ’83 Arlene Director Schnitzer ’47 Tima Farmy Schwada ’69

Ben Sherwood ’81 c Dana Weiss Smith ’84 c Nate Snyder ’94 c Jim Stellar ’48 c Steve Stellar ’70 c David Sunkin ’85 c Howard Sunkin ’81 c Mark Tronstein ’96 c Ron Tutor ’58 Zack Van Amburg ’88 Rachel Terner Vogel ’82 c Jonathan Wang ’98 c Jason Wolff ’85 Jennifer Mahendra Yogakumar ’91 c Garrett Yoon ’12


$3,500 to $4,999 Number of Donors: 21 Anonymous Scott Becker ’05 Sarah Bott ’85 c Chris Combs ’80 c Rona Legmann Cosgrove ’85 c Jenny Mintz Eidinger ’83 Vicki Goddard ’60 c Stuart Graiwer ’93 c Jennifer Haley ’84 c Jordan Katz ’92 c Michael Keller ’88 M-K O’Connell ’92 c David Pokress ’88 c


Deron Quon ’90 Shelley Williams Rothman ’73 c Dominic Sandifer ’87 c Martin Skan ’54 c Steven Spencer ’86 c David Weil ’93 c Anthony Wootton ’87 Nazila Pouratian Yadegar ’92 c SCHOLARS CIRCLE

$1,500 to $3,499 Number of Donors: 103 Anonymous (4) Bill Allen ’75 c Nikki Cooper ’94 & Eric Baker ’91


Kendrick Bales ’97 c Robert Barry ’68 James Bloomingdale ’01 c Jonathan Bock ’89 Brigitte Borun Starr ’84 c Ingrid Brau-Girod ’87 c Marc Broidy ’91 c Martha Montag Brown ’74 Florie Kemper Bunzel ’77 & John Bunzel ’78 c Jordan Bunzel ’11 c Maggie Bunzel ’13 Rob Bunzel ’73 c Chris Casamassima ’93 c Joe Cha ’87 Caroline Choe ’98


Nick Ciriello ’90 Matt Clark ’90 c Damien Clark ’95 Aaron Cohen ’93 c Craig Coleman ’89 c Derrick Coleman ’86 c Mary Corman ’03 c Nathan Dean ’06 Jeff Deutschman ’75 Casey Federman ’91 c Christopher Forman ’79 c Adam Gafni ’95 Eric Greenfeld ’78 Michael Guerin ’98 c Chad Harris ’91 Vincent Herron ’85 c

Andrew Jameson ’86 c Andrew MacAoidh Jergens ’53 c Darrin Kennedy ’85 c Steve Kezirian ’91 c Bettina Korek ’96 Caro Krissman ’94 Shawn Landres ’90 c Jaime Lee ’03 c Jean Lee ’94 Larry Leisure ’68 Todd Lemkin ’93 c Neal Leonard ’76 c Brandon Levin ’92 c Brooke Levin ’12 Cam Litvack ’99 c

Cathy Choi Lohara ’92 c Michael Lubic ’77 c Boutie Lucas ’79 c Brad Lundy ’98 c Stacey Heller Lurie ’93 c Jane Feldstein Mass ’89 c Ann Pokelwaldt McDowell ’83 c Max Mednik ’02 c Taylor Van ’94 & Evan Meyer ’94 c Carlye Pollack Morgan ’92 Mark Mosch ’78 c Greg Nelson ’64 Dave Nemecek ’95 Marcia Bryant Osborne ’80 c Rick Osterloh ’90 Matthew Pauley ’88 John Phelps ’86 c Bruce Pompan ’80 c Clark Porter ’80 c Jodi Korn Radoff ’81 c Jason Reitman ’95 c Keith Richman ’91 c Mike Riordan ’73 c Josh Rodine ’92 c Lloyd Rogers ’90 c John Rosenberg ’88 c Kent Russell ’81 c Christopher Scharff ’79 Alex Schwada ’05 Jack Schwada ’09 c Emily Sikking Milam ’88 Lindsey Stevenson ’00 Danielle Weinberg Swartz ’87 c Ryo Takei ’83 c Matt Tarses ’86 c Cory Thabit ’86 c Rob Thayer ’89 Philip Tseng ’94 c Jonathan Urfrig ’92 Jason Vahn ’07 Laura Bergmann Weinman ’78 c Felix Werner ’84 c Sunny Ahn Whang ’92 & Michael Whang ’92 c Nat Williams ’77 c Roby Yadegar ’97 c Michael Yeh ’89 c Mark Yoshitake ’96 Harrison Zanuck ’89 c


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


This section includes gifts made at the Community Circle level (up to $1,499) and gifts made at higher levels. All alumni gifts are included in the following section by graduating class. Participation percentages reflect the number of alumni with addresses in our database. 1919

Harvard Joe Koepfli* c


Westlake Anonymous*


Harvard: 50% Ralph Trueblood c


Westlake: 14% Katherine Howard Allen c


Westlake: 11% Pat Kuhrts Di Giorgio Harvard: 13% Anonymous


Westlake: 8% June Lockhart c Harvard: 25% Bob Gardner c


Westlake: 8% Virginia Dunn Philhower c


Westlake: 17% Jo Ann Schaaf Ganz c Arlene Director Schnitzer Harvard: 13% Charles Forbes Jack Peschong c


Harvard: 100% James Allen c Ed Colburn c 32

John Hart c Pepe Hilton c Lewis Judd c Harry Macy c James Mitchell c Buddy Moss c Harold Ramser c Wally Schmidt c Jim Stellar c

Carol Eymann Moller Sylvia Elwood Ostronik c Harvard: 14% Tom Hays Andrew MacAoidh Jergens c Dick Millington c


Westlake: 29% Penelope Banks Doherty c Louisa Wallace Jacobs c Ellie Mabee Reed Caroline Reigle Williams c Harvard: 40% Bill Bullis c Scott Dow c Leonard Keith c David Loomis c Robert Pembleton c Martin Skan c



Westlake: 20% Linda Harden Attiyeh c Chatty Collier c Patti Payne c


Harvard: 7% Wally Gillette c Herbert Young

Harvard: 5% Stan Dickinson c Westlake: 20% Ann Gautier c Mary Mac Short Gonzalez* Carol Klune c Barbara Breslow Mayers Jean Hecht Von Wittenburg c Harvard: 21% Bart Burnap c William Race Russell Touchstone Doc Weaver c


Westlake: 13% Hannah Cohn Pakula Margaret Witherspoon Swan


Westlake: 18% Anne Watkin Berolzheimer c Camille Cannan Byrne Debbie Kates Streiber c Harvard: 12% Scotty Herd c Robert Lee Bob Sunshine c


Harvard: 8% John Hill Tony Thompson c

Harvard: 16% Mike Bonesteel c Michael Daves Bill Horton c Laurie McLellan c Tony Moiso c



Harvard: 17% William Armistead c Larry Chaffin David Wark c


Westlake: 13% Juanita Jones Kamm c


Harvard: 3% Ron Tutor


Westlake: 11% Jonni Beeman Berkman c Candida Danielson Burnap c Joan Kennedy Williams c

Harvard: 8% David Heider Kent Ravenscroft c John Westwater


Greg Nelson Stephen Peck Carlton Seaver c John Turpit Andrew Wald c

Westlake: 6% Vicki Goddard c Mimi Pittman Ostridge c


Harvard: 17% Chris Anderson c Bill Dahlman Paul Gilbert Paul Hewen c Russell Sunshine c Chuck Thornton c

Harvard: 13% Bruce Bonbright c Richard Hoffman c Robert Malouf c


Westlake: 22% Joan Preston Beicke c Pamela Wise Rosenberg Harvard: 7% David Balfour c Richard Carrigan c Grant Fraser c Paul Hanley Rick Lyon c Bill Stinehart c


Westlake: 9% Christine Hamilton-Small c Vicki Zinkand Kelly c Harvard: 9% John Bartlett c Chris Funk c Curtis Mack c James Webb c


Westlake: 2% Molly LeMay c Harvard: 13% Anstr Davidson c John Easthope c Ed Stanton c Doug Westwater c


Westlake: 7% Perrin Hurst Ireland Diana Grosenbaugh Wypich c Harvard: 25% Richard Alexander c John Booke Ken Fishel David Ladd c

Westlake: 4% Nancy Craig c


Harvard: 2% Hal Borthwick c


Westlake: 9% Deborah Wood Thieriot c Roylee Bailey York Harvard: 9% Peter Cooper c Rick Rothschild Robert Shipp


Westlake: 9% Victoria Sutro Graham c Toni Turner Hopkins c Francine Applebaum Werner c Harvard: 17% Robert Barry Jae Min Chang c John Davies c Phil Fowler c Larry Leisure Arthur Markham Carey Peck Ernie Wolfe c


Westlake: 15% Sandy King Carpenter c Kelly Stewart Harcourt Marjie Johnston Susan Samuels-Fung Tima Farmy Schwada Harvard: 9% Paul Kanin c Davis Masten Hank Mitchel c Buzz Thompson c








Westlake: 4% Lisa Knox Burns Laurie Steinberg Reynard c Harvard: 6% Andy Breech c Lawrence Damm Steve Stellar c Drury Sylvester c


Westlake: 5% Barbara Brothers Vicken Totten Kay Lau c Harvard: 9% Bill Gates c Hank Haldeman Andy Miller c Trip Power c Steve Shaw Geoffrey Swaebe


Westlake: 10% Joni Ivy Hamilton c Joni Mitchell Hiller c Susan Ramos c Ann Ryan c Jennifer Shirley Hazen c Valeri Wanglin Young c

Harvard: 16% Chuck Luke c Clark Mitchel Jim Myerson c Jeffrey Prater Laird Robertson Robert Schuur c John Swift Bob Van Dusen c Keith Wishon


Westlake: 5% Lauren Linde c Shelley Williams Rothman c Mary Sheldon Van Dusen c Harvard: 13% Rob Bunzel c Flip Cuddy Michael McCourt Mark Morgan c Raymond Pludow c Steve Rader c Mike Riordan c David Robinson


Westlake: 12% Nina Amyes Martha Montag Brown Marina Angelini Case c

Janice Chung c Valerie Krause Field Catherine Singer Pitts c Anne Wilson Rader c Harvard: 8% Larry Jarvik Chris Lewis c Pat McCabe c Charles Munger Jim Shelton c Julius Woythaler c


Westlake: 6% Robin King c Melanie Landau Krinsky c Marcy Kwitny c Cecilia Peck Voll Harvard: 13% Bill Allen c Doug Bernheim Chuck Crane c Jeff Deutschman Greg Gamsky Richard Oswald Scott Rand c Peter Richman c Michael Segal c John Zaro


Westlake: 12% Anne Bruner Carol Olmstead Calamaro Ana Palomo Galdamez Pamela Halle Konkal c Polly Daniels Lowman Mandie Rush c Erica Sommer Torralbas Jackie Wollman c Connie Crane Yost c Harvard: 16% Andy Caine Pat Cohen Rick Ferm c David Frankl Michael Healy c James Isaacs c Wes King c Neal Leonard c Ken Loughran c Jamie MacDougall Robert Maloney c Randy Miller Greg Porter Michael Samuelian


Westlake: 20% Anonymous Florie Kemper Bunzel c

Gail Cooper Folan c Alison Liebes Gardner c Karen Cooperman Hampshire c Mary Ruth Hardesty-Schreier Cynthia Weiner Hirschhorn c Sharon Donzis Koplik c Jennifer Cook Lewis c Erica Martin c Katherine Taylor Oxnard Lisa Anne Ross Kristen McCarley Royer c Teresa Shivers Wimbush Harvard: 17% Anonymous Peter Aberg c Bill Bagnard c Rick Berg Bob Beyer c Edward Cazier c Glen Farr c David Griffiths Michael Lubic c Tom Riccard c Steven Sanders c Tim Sarnoff c Steve Stephens Nat Williams c Peter Wright c Dennis Yokoyama c


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


Westlake: 12% Jennifer Bogda Lomeli c Deena Cooperman Linda Jackson c Anne Trueblood Leeds c Donna Lisciandro Navarro c Tracy Bramnick Sarnoff c Nancy Nahin Wallan Laura Bergmann Weinman c Anne Cooley Youngblood Harvard: 10% John Bunzel c Steve Cutler Eric Greenfeld Peter Hoffenberg David Lippman Mark Mosch c Mark Schine c Andy Swick


Westlake: 5% Laurie Sigoloff Doyle c Kelly Higashi c Cindy Hoffman Leslie Knutson c Tina Oppenheim Quinn c Harvard: 15% Jordan Bender c David Brittain Christopher Forman c Bill Gleason c Andy Kaiser c Boutie Lucas c Michael Monroe c David Naylor c Christopher Scharff Brian Spivack David Yorkin


Westlake: 9% Elizabeth Hall Jan King c Karen McBride c Marcia Bryant Osborne c Evelyn Poplawski Cindy Robinson c Lisa Cracchiolo Tush c Harvard: 23% Anonymous (2) Scott Brittingham c Rogg Collins c Chris Combs c Kent Corley Michael Daniels


David Ellis c John Iino c David Ikegami c John Kanegaye c Scott Lasker Barry Munger c Rob Pokelwaldt c Bruce Pompan c Clark Porter c Bruce Samuels c Allen Shay c Eric Stockel Chal Taylor c Steven Teitelbaum Doug Ulene c Eric Warren


Westlake: 22% Anne Standing Anderson Adrienne Barat Bunting c Ami Kramer Cohen c Dierdre Zane Dizon Patti Bank Finkelstein c Julie Ferber Frank c Diana Lands c Tina Bahuth Levonian Teresa de Castro McNamara c Sharon Nagin Mintz c Jodi Korn Radoff c Leslie Mintz Tamminen Tracy Bohrer Ullman c Katie Knopoff Wadley c Laura Ziffren Wasserman Teri Appel Wilks c Lisa Josephson Woodworth Harvard: 23% Anonymous Scott Adair Bill Ahmanson Charles Blanc James Chapman c Stuart Farber c Herman Fong c Bruce Franklin c Mark Goldman Brian Graham Bruce Keene c Scott Kirschner c Doug Mathews Rick Newman George Phillips c Steven Romick c Kent Russell c Ben Sherwood c Hubert Smith c Howard Sunkin c John Thompson c



Westlake: 16% Anonymous (3) Julie DeLilly-Dumas c Marci Optican Foster c Debbie Weiss Haber c Rachel Knopoff c Barbara Salzman Laifman c Katherine Mow-McCarthy c Michele Smooke Shanus c Donna Shapiro c Susan Shyn c Rachel Terner Vogel c Harvard: 15% Bob Attiyeh Gary Burdorf c Mark Corley c Danny Herndon c Jerome Kamer Lee Karny Bruce Luchsinger John Meehan Michael Nyman Ross Porter c Michael Silton c Steve Sisskind c John Thaler Eric Williams






Westlake: 13% Jennifer Berman c Jane Bogart c Cathy Cockrum Dean c Andrea de Castro c Jenny Mintz Eidinger Ellen Jovin Dana Perel Katz c Suzy Landa c Ann Pokelwaldt McDowell c Cindy Rosenberg Persky c Jessica Rich c Darrin Schnabel

Harvard: 24% Anonymous Scott Barker c Tom Brackey c Rich Brown c Lance Chang c Chris Droge David Golob c David Henkin Yuji Kawana c Jonas Koolsbergen c Derek Kram c Paul Lewis Greg Mariscal c John McClellan c Jeff Melnik Richard Mintz Gary Pinkus c Albert Ree Raad Shawaf c Ryo Takei c Ian Taras c Mark Terry Paul Vannuki Thomas Waldman c Steve Weinstock c


Westlake: 13% Jaynee Strickstein Beckman c Brigitte Borun Starr c Deborah Davidson c Robin Hill Gingold c Jennifer Haley c Felicia Paik Kim c Lisa Lainer-Fagan c Sheryl Kanter Lyons c Natalia Apostolos Menendez c Meryl Shapiro-Tuchin c Dana Weiss Smith c Harvard: 17% Anonymous Sasha Barbour c Michael Corley c Howard Fine c Michael Halle c Todd Jones E-Ho Lin Rob Lowe c Jafer Patterson Hans Pohl Jon Saferstein c Robert Scanlan Dan Schecter c Bryan Scher c Bradford Schlei Randy Schoenberg c

Felix Werner c David Wolf c


Westlake: 16% Sarah Bott c Kat Cohen c Pamela Rubin Cohen Rona Legmann Cosgrove c Jessica Boring Droge Julie Waldman Ephraim c Marlena Schoenberg Fejzo c Jennifer Fine Julie Jacobson Kelley c Elaine Mandel Peters Debra Wittlin Martin Trisha Farber Sarkisian Jamie Price Schlei Christy Schnabel Helen Shyn Sara Smith Smirin c Melanie Ramberg Staggs c Harvard: 25% Erik Carlson c Frank Coulter c Brian Cullen Bobby Daly c Howard Deshong c David Egdal c Jim Glantz Steve Granick c Andrew Henderson c Vincent Herron c Kevin Hight c Jay Jennings c Darrin Kennedy c Michael Kezirian c Jonathan Loeb c Daniel O’Leary c Kevin Park c David Pope Christopher Reilly c David Saperstein Skip Shank c Chris Silbermann David Sunkin c Jason Wolff Denny Wollan c George Wright c Rob Wright


Westlake: 15% Catherine Gottlieb Brackey c Eden Allswang Bruner Anne Carter Simone Zemp Concoff c Melissa Fishman Cordish


Karen Bedrosian Coyne Dana Garcetti Stacy Kravetz c Emily Loze Kreshek c Kyong Park Macek c Julie Marsh c Cara Robertson c Eden Salenger Romick c Jill Malis Schecter c Kate Lee Thumann Carolyn Wessling Harvard: 21% Anonymous Jeryl Bowers c Derrick Coleman c Stephen A. Corley c Andrew Jameson c Michael Knopoff c Tyler Mingst c Walter Moguel c John Phelps c Randall Roberts Jonathan Schreter c Andrew Snett c Steven Spencer c James Stone Matt Tarses c Cory Thabit c Chad Thumann Preston Walsh Stan Yen


Westlake: 18% Anonymous Julie Barker Ingrid Brau-Girod c Meryl Kirshberg Chae c Jamie Chasalow-Neiman c Laura Schuman Craig Jennifer Hirsh Alexandra Selsman Hughes c Leslee Komaiko c


Shoreen Maghame Paccione c Jill Weisman Pflaum c Wendy Camras Schwartz c Danielle Weinberg Swartz c Erica Wax Julie Choderker Weinbach c Harvard: 17% Anonymous James Adler c Randy Banchik c Joe Cha David Fribourg c Stephen Friedman c Robert Gardner Christian Hobbs Langston Holly c Chester Koh Jonathan Mandel Dave Mintz c Michael Roth Dominic Sandifer c Ted Schweitzer c Frank Shyn c Andrew Sikking c Anthony Wootton Marc Zachary c


Westlake: 20% Wendy Border c Stephanie Cota Teitelbaum c Suzann Siegrist Cowing c Daria Gladstone Marla Weiss Harbour Anessa Karney c Lindsey Kozberg c Ariel Bluming Margolis Cara Familian Natterson c Sarah Ouchi JJ Ramberg c Carrie Weiss Ring c Whitney Rosenson c


Emily Sikking Milam Justine Stamen Arrillaga c Fahi Takesh Hallin c Lizzy Weiss c Harvard: 33% Anonymous Evan Arnold c Rutland Baker c Kerem Bilge c David Bordo Brandon Cohen Carlo DeAntonio c Jim Deutch Bill Glass c Steve Halpape Darren Janger c Michael Keller Eric Kezirian c Dana Kravetz c Kevin Lew c Justin Lu Will McLane Marc Minikes c Charles Patton c Matthew Pauley David Peterson c David Pokress c Rabin Pournazarian c Peter Richards c Mark Richman c Jamie Rosenberg c John Rosenberg c Phil Rubin Dan Saferstein Garrison Tong c Zack Van Amburg Jon Weiss Derek Wolff


Westlake: 17% Ivy Choderker c Carol Koh Evans c Allison Demoff Jacoby c Nancy Jeon c Jennifer Friedman Lechter c Gina Hagopian Luhnow Alexis Bircoll Martin c Jane Feldstein Mass c Tracy Silver Maze Leigh Grossman Nickoll c Nina Takesh Rioja Cherise Williams Sonderman c Liz Murad Waters c Kimberly Willis Harvard: 26% Anonymous (4) Mark Anten

John Ardell Jonathan Bock Barry Burch c Tony Chu c Matt Close c Craig Coleman c Ari Engelberg c Shin Furukawa c Jay Granzow Gene Kim c Mitchell Kraus c Chris Lee c David Lee c John Lee David Nickoll c Jeff Oh Warren Pan Bradley Peterson c Jeremy Plager c Peter Rho Brian Roberts c Jeremy Rosen c Edward Shin Rob Thayer Michael Yeh c Harrison Zanuck c


Westlake: 19% Michele Asselin c Natasha Rahban Baradaran c Ashley Rosson Frandzel c Joanna Behr Hameetman c Christine Yeoh Hauser Laura Roberts Kavanaugh c Amy Levin Dina Ghodsian Levy c Cara Rachelefsky Luse c Tamara Spivak Miller c Catrice Monson Leah Sanders Rodda c Andrea Savage c Jennifer Stein Simms Jennifer Tourje Anne Travis c Susan Vaill Harvard: 27% Anonymous Nick Ciriello Matt Clark c Scott Collins Tommy Davis Matt Eddy Christopher Hameetman c Michael Jeon Jimmy Jun c Michael Kaz c Keya Khayatian c






Thank you to the following members of the Harvard Class of 1991 who made a five-year commitment to support the Lower Taper Project/Institute for Scholastic Sports Science and Medicine (ISSSM) as part of their 25th reunion class gift. Reuben Ahn ‘91 Jason Breaux ‘91 Lloyd Bunnak ‘91 Kent Dahn ‘91 Akir Gutierrez ‘91 Chris Jacquemin ‘91 Tony Kim ‘91 Stafford Lee ‘91 Stephen Matloff ‘91 Todd Rosenberg ‘91


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Kevin Klowden c Michael Kraus c Andrew Lan c Shawn Landres c Eric Mandel John Markham c Jeff McConaghy c Jonathan Mooser c Adam Morgan c Joshua Oreck Rick Osterloh Robert Park Deron Quon Lloyd Rogers c David Schwartz c Lawrence Venick c Yanni Vourgourakis c Andrew Weiss c Dean Zanuck c

Jay Lee c Stafford Lee John Marasigan Bobby Mason Stephen Matloff c Spencer Miller Rob Pearlstein c Jon Reiter c Keith Richman c Dar Rollins Bret Rosen c Todd Rosenberg c Jerome Schwartz David Trulio Noah Tutak Adam Werbach Tybalt Whitney Charlie Woo c Alarick Yung c



Westlake: 12% Janel Ablon c Jill Goldberg Carmel c Sandy Choi c Adyn Harris Tracy Gitnick Herriott c Michelle Hung c Julie Son Kang Tracy Lawrence Sternhell Natalie Lewis Aimee Slutske Sesar c Jennifer Mahendra Yogakumar c Shana Levin Zarcufsky c Harvard: 38% Anonymous Reuben Ahn c Eric Baker Adam Braun c Jason Breaux c Marc Broidy c Lloyd Bunnak c Andres Carlo Hamilton Chan Aman Chaudhary Darren Cohen Philip Covitz c Kent Dahn c Casey Federman c John Fogarty c Akir Gutierrez c Greg Harlan c Chad Harris Rob Hur Chris Jacquemin c Steve Kezirian c Tony Kim Daniel Lee c 36

33% Anonymous (3) Cezhan Ambrose Melanie Banders c Daron Barsamian c Jamie Sills Bennett c Michelle Powers Browning Don Camacho c Greg Clark Angela Haydel DeBarger Joel Downs c Chris Ekstein J.J. Erlichman c Greg Fink c Laurie Freedman Fox c Cass Girard-Brownstein Brian Given c Michelle Green c Andrea Scadron Greene c Dana Silver Hadl c Chris Hopkins c David Horvitz John Jones c Jordan Katz c Steve Keck c Palmer Kim c Camy Gahr Kingston Marti Bircoll Kohn Matt Kraus c David Kraut Ellen Topkis Kuppersmith Dayna Sugar Landry c James Lee c Brandon Levin c Blake Schlei Lindsley c Cathy Choi Lohara c Karen Agam Macarah Joshua Mandelberg Robyn Goodman Mandelberg


Dan Martin c Jeremy Martin Rebecca Meiers-De Pastino David Moran Carlye Pollack Morgan Mike Nagin c Claire Heath Noble M-K O’Connell c Masi Oka c Candice Pearson Pate c Maricruz Prado c Tarlin Ray c Chantal Lackey Reed Rod Roddenberry Josh Rodine c John Roman Jenny Koss Roth c Trevor Roth c Ethan Sawyer c Cari Schwartz c Greg Share c Louis Shoch c Michael Sievers c Kelly Bernstein Sloan c Jeremy Steckler




MATH FINALS GRADED BY KAREN SALERNO Chris Tachiki c Mai Tsoi Thigpen c Charlie Tseng c Jules Urbach Jonathan Urfrig Robbie Venick Jacqueline Mandelbaum Weidman Jason Wertheim Michael Whang c Sunny Ahn Whang c Evan Wies Nazila Pouratian Yadegar c


26% Anonymous Casey Adams c Mike Adams c Stacey Goldberg Astor c

Dominic Baltazar Alison Klein Bartman c Chris Casamassima c Michael Choe Aaron Cohen c Sarah Colmaire c Laurie Ostridge Condon c Rand Davis c Premal Desai c Billy Eddy Dov Engelberg c Rachel Miller Fischler c Vanessa Frank Jessica Weinstock Graham Stuart Graiwer c Corey Hanker c Jamie Gordon Holden Jason Horn c Adam Howard c Matt Jacobs c Rom Kandavel c Greg Kim c Kathy Furst Kriegler c Yassaman Azizzadeh Lancer Gold Lee Gregory Lee c Mike Lee c Todd Lemkin c Amy Lerner Hill c Josh Litter Stacey Heller Lurie c Zach Lutsky c T.C. Macker c Josh Malin Kimberly Freeman Malin Stefanie Schwartz Mendelsohn c Marc Meth c Chris Miller Dan Miller c Dan Ming c Josh Minuto c Suleman Mohammed c Chris Morrow c Kara Nortman c Kevin O’Malley c Angela Pennington c Spencer Rascoff c Kimberly Stern Roberts Vanessa Jones Schlosser Lisa Smolinisky Jessica Chase Spaly Laura Wolf Stein David Weil c Griffin Whitney c


27% Dina Friedman Barry c Jared Barry c

Ethan Bernstein c Chris Billick c Jonathan Bobb c Alexandria Booth Shayne Carter Christa Choe c Nikki Cooper Carla Woods Cretaro Scott Garson Jessica Capshaw Gavigan Tami Goldman c Edward Han c Abby Harris c Ben Harris Ryan Harter Nicole Williams Hill Layne Kumetz Knott c Jodi Gliksman Kravetz c Caro Krissman Jackie Levy Kubel Phil Kwun Marc Lebovitz c Jean Lee Randy Stein Lee c Jon Levine c Azzie Mackenzie Jon Marr c Elsie Lai Mendoza Evan Meyer c Rob Minikes c Usman Mohammed Megan Hutchinson Moloughney Treadon Kraus Moore c Ashley Golden Morrow c Nicole Keller Nagel c Eddie Nomoto Amanda Thompson O’Keefe c Gabriel Pasette c Matthew Pirnazar c Nader Pouratian c Stephanie Smooke Praw c Dan Reeves c Seth Rodsky c Beth Manning Roman Danny Ross Jonathan Schaeffer c Matt Sebree Melissa Enriquez Sims Nate Snyder c Daniel Tarica c Aaron Tell c Marc Tidalgo c Philip Tseng c Taylor Van c Teddy Werner c Whitney Minson Yarosh Andy Yeatman


Court Young c Collette Bowers Zinn


34% Kirsten Sawyer Abdo c Jacqueline Barr Amanda Selby Beck Stacy Schwartz Bernstein c Ryan Berschneider c Michael Borden c Justin Braiker c Cassie Huybrechts Burton c Samantha Bernie Canedy Adam Checchi c David Choi c Sarah Ratcliffe Choi c Damien Clark David Cotterman c Bryan Crane Janice Park Davies c Hersh Davis-Nitzberg Kevin Demoff c Stephanie Shaffer Dornhelm c David Ducommun c James Duff c Andrea Levine Firtel c Adam Gafni Sam Garrison Kevin Goldfein c Julie Green c Heather Hassler Auria Mehterian Hayoun c Nicholas Hecker c Jerry Hess c Catherine Hong c Angel James Horacek c Erik Horacek c Chi-Chien Hou c Ari Isaacson Ashley Daneshgar Josephson Matthew Kalinowski c John Kang c Jamie Kantrowitz c Austin Katz c Doug Kazanjian c Doug Kezirian c Celine Khavarani c Yvette Wild Koenig c Peter Kolovos c Ryan Kotton David Krasne Teresa Kim Kwon c Carrie Lee c Jason Levin c Jeff Levitt c Amanda Cohen Lewis c Dara Burdette Looney c Darin Milmeister Marc Mitchell c


Kiana Moradi Roanna Dem Mostman c Michael Mulein c Kamyar Nassib c Dave Nemecek Brian O’Malley c David Orenstein c Ariela Abulafia Plata c Jason Reitman c Josh Revitz c Natalie Rice c Susanne Richman c Doug Russell c Roshanna Sabaratnam Tracy Balton Satvat c Nina Tell Segil c Kisti Shah c Mariko Silver Eric Snyder Jennifer Mitchell Spier c Steven Stiglitz c Meredith Clark Tankersley c Greg Urfrig c Lawrence Wang c Jessica Wright Weinstock c Judd Zinberg c


39% Ramy Abu-Khalil Yael Neinstein Afriat c Vahe Aharonian January Parkos Arnall c Navin Assomull c Susan Leher Beeson c Clio Bitboul c Eleni Apostolakis Blumenfeld-James c Julia Boorstin Samuelson c David Carpenter c Chris Cha Nicole Chabre Clifford Chen James Citron Drew Clark Lindsay McNiel Commons c Mike Crane Mike Edelstein c Natalie Kim Fair c Derek Fan Elle Feldman Ari Friedman Victoria Fu Mike Furlotti Ben Gales Lara Kotton Geer c Chris Getto Laura Aaronson Goldberg Nina Sacks Goldberg Heather Greenfield c


Danny Guggenheim c Rachel Silverman Gutkin Brooke Sperling Hecker c Megan Gerard Hersch Danny Heyman c Charles Hsieh c Nicole Vodnoy Johna Corinne Chow Kang Paul Kang Jeff Kendig c Duncan Kim c Bettina Korek Lindsay Koss c Danielle Lackey c Lisa Weinberger Laffer Ryan Lapa c Julie Greines Lavine Amanda Kaplan Lebowitz c Tony Lewis c Fred Li Ronald Linares Rick Lyon c Brian Ma c Steven Marcus c Carolyn Carlson McCarthy Michael McCollum Andy Miller Ann Thananopavarn Miller c Jim Miller c Jason Morrow c Tian Mu c Max Norman Greg Nortman Gina Roth O’Donnell c Kristin Olson c Jim Ostridge c Helicia Paz Brian Peterson c Sam Plotkin Maureen Dowling Pollack c Sarah Popek Rick Rauth Peter Richards c Patrick Roscoe Ashley Rosen c Cara Marr Rydbeck c Greg Samson c Danny Seo c Cambra Stern Sklarz c Sloane Starke c Katherine Steinberg Mark Tronstein c Sheila Vasan Dorit Glockner Warner Adam Waterman Dan Weinberger Daniel Weinstock c Jared Weinstock c Darrin Weiss Kimberly Parks West


Established in 2014, the Wolverine Giving Society is an honorary organization that recognizes alumni who, at 40 years old or younger, make a multi-year pledge totaling $25,000 or more in support of Harvard-Westlake. Gifts can be designated toward current use, capital projects, or endowment. Casey Adams ’93

Financial Aid Endowment

Michael Adams ’93

Financial Aid Endowment

Scott Becker ’05

Faculty Endowment and Science, Technology, and Mathematics Program Endowment

Steven Durbin ’97

Lower Taper Project/Institute for Interscholastic Sports Science & Medicine (ISSSM)

Andrea Levine Firtel ’95 Annual Giving

Danny Karubian ’97

Lower Taper Project/Institute for Interscholastic Sports Science & Medicine (ISSSM)

Andrew P. Kowell ’97

Visual Arts Program Endowment

Stefanie Schwartz Mendelsohn ’93 Annual Giving

David Milken ’00 Annual Giving

Greg Nathan ’98

Financial Aid Current Use

Brian O’Malley ’95 Annual Giving

Kevin O’Malley ’93 Annual Giving

Josh Revitz ’95

Financial Aid Endowment

Danny Seo ’96

Financial Aid Endowment

Mark Tronstein ’96 Annual Giving


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Lina Iwahori Wong Ben Wu Mark Yoshitake


36% Kendrick Bales c Jason Bergsman Mike Bornstein Christine Bohle Boyd Steven Brende c Marc Bretter Kristina Brittenham c Amanda Countner Brown c Rico Cabrera Ben Cahan c John Calaba c Maria Camacho Gary Chan William Chang David Choi Jarron Collins c Jason Collins c Anna Davda c Jennifer Paulson Devkar Patrice Karavas Dragicevich Steven Durbin c Marisa Eddy c Jessie Blatt Ezor c Seth Familian Stephen Fishbach Julie Furst Rebecca Ganz Brian Ghodsian Rochelle Israel Glucksman c Melissa Goldberg Jessica Goldfarb Nickie Hoeksma Gordon c Brian Gum Hali Horn c Sam Hornblower c Laura Johnson c Ross Josephson c Alex Kaplan c Danny Karubian c Joanna Kasirer c Erica Lenard Kaufman Jenny Kheng Gerry Kim Julia Kim c Andrew P. Kowell c Ankur Kumar c Michael Landres c Michelle Lee c Josh Levine Adam Lieber c Lizzie Fisher Marshall c Tobin McAndrews Rory Mitchell Michael Morris c 38

Malaika Naulls Morrison Sheila Nazarian Mobin c Jackie Phillips Sara Richland Jillian Fowkes Roscoe c Mackay Gunderson Schinto Michael Sew Hoy c Miriam Shapira c Ryan Smiley c Stacie Smiley-Juha c David Stone c Jeni Stanley Stone c Eli Taban Kit Tamkin Catherine Haynes Tatlock c Bobbye Tigerman c Alex Weil Lindsay Rachelefsky Weinstock c Erica Tsai Wheeler c Brooke Wilcher c Ayda Field Williams Matthew Wolfram c Sheldon Wong c Roby Yadegar c


33% Carissa Abbott c Aaron Aftergood c Sid Anand Alexis Sherman Arinsburg c Melissa Barshop Suzanne Meyer Berkman Kyle Beswick c Brian Bezonsky Kate Rheinstein Brodsky Kristin Checchi Chandna c Michael Chang Philip Cho Caroline Choe Cary Clarke c Morgan Cohen Zack Cohen Andrew Cooper c Michael Crosby c Aurele Danoff c Rick Dem c Meri Dunn c Sara Jasper Epstein Victoria Koven Farber c Lindsy Forbess Dave Frank c Jennifer Gaspar Lindsey Kotler Green Malia Gregory c Michael Guerin c Michael Hampar c Meredith Harewood Nicole Brown Heisler


Walter Ho c Brent Iloulian Jeff Jaeger c Jessica Scheinberg Jarmoune Marissa Kase Segal Maria-Elena Kolovos Jessica Koosed Etting c Daniel Lai c Isaac Laskin c Jenn Bass Lechevallier Susan Yun Lee c Ben Lehrer Jay Levine c Brad Lundy c Tammy Ma Jon Martin Jeremy May c Alex Mitchell c Vic Munoz c Greg Nathan c Elisabeth Neubauer c Katie Wiseley Palmer c Lauren Fishman Perotti Sarah Seo Peterson c Lauren Abrahams Posamentier Matthew Randall c Darrin Revitz Stephanie Schaffer Randal Schwartz c Whitney Ross Schwartz c Zach Schwartz c Rena Scott Matt Seigel c Ashley Share Adam Siegel c Nicole Baltazar Simek c Alissa Goodman Swedlow John Terzian c Nolan Townsend c Ike Udeze Jonathan Wang c Susan Baise Warburg Sara Wasserman Rebecca Wilkinson Sam Yaggy c Roger Yao c Jake Young c


27% Anonymous (3) Annie Abrams c Jared Altschul c Bryan Berkett c Michelle Bussarakum Eddie Cheng c Logan Clare c Tori Countner Kamyar Daneshvar c Brooke Fox Ehrenpreis c

Julianne Freund Jason Fung April Gafni Serena Gupta Gandhi Charles Gillig c Aaron Guggenheim Monica Paz Guggenheim Sameer Gupta Sarah Lemkin Hammer David Hansen c Bryan Ikegami Todd Jackson c Michael Jura Thomas Kang c Bryan Kaplan c Harsha Karmarkar Adam Lev c Matthew Levin c Adam Liebross c Cam Litvack c Katie Lowry Chang c John Luna Irene Lee McLeod Scott Messer c Jeff Millman Samantha Millman Jeni Mulein c Aaron Neinstein c Michelle Ghodsian Neman c Lauren Rabinowitz c Becky Rauth c Ravi Sarin Rich Schulman Niki Schwartz-Wright c Carol Kim Shum c Caline Khavarani Smith c David Soloway c Josh Solt c Matt Steinberg c Karin Harwood Strickland c Brent Tasugi c Nicolle Gorby Underwood c Becky Unterman Spencer Villasenor c Dara Gordon Weeden c Eli Weinberger c

Joe Won David Yadegar c Ray Yang Johnny Yi Danny Young


28% Sandy Albert c Amy Andelson c Brett Appel c Marie-Christine Balabanian Rolake Bamgbose Brandon Beck Natasha Fagel Beck Liz Blase c Eric Boorstin Krisena Fell Borenstein c Alexis Brunswick c Thao Bui Katherine Burrows Schatzow Molly Cahan c Jeffrey Chai Augustine Chung Wayne Collett Erin Crapser c Hillary Schwab Ethe c Keri Anisgarten Findley c Stacy Tillett Freeman Julia Furer Jesse Ganz Chad Garson c Evan Glucoft c Brian Goldsmith Lauren Goulston c Mike Gross c Allan Haldeman c Erin Hartigan c Steven Hazy c Daniel Herr c Alex Holmes Luke Hornblower c Lorig Kalaydjian c Jane Kang John Karavas


Adam Kaufman c Philip Koosed c Kim Koral c Fran Kranz Robert Krauss c Russell Lakey c Brandi Thompson Lane c Brian Lee Greg Levine Matt Louchheim c Sean Lubens c Gary Lundy c David Milken c Jen Neubauer c Kim Nortman Todd Orenstein c Geoffrey Pattison Christopher Pitoun c Jeremy Presser c Rachael Stone Radis Allan Rice c Julia Michelson Richter Andrew Rosenfeld c Gina Russo c Katie Russo Matt Sayles c Michael Schwimer c Tania Sew Hoy c Saul Shapira Lindsey Stevenson Matt Thayer Spencer Torgan c Phil Wallace c Everett Wong c



29% Anonymous Will Adashek c Jake Aftergood Hasani Anthony Samantha Platt Auerbach c Colin Beswick c Dorielle Hanyecz Birnkrant c James Bloomingdale c Annie Peters Carr Natasha Case Brian Chow c Jaclyn Rosenson Clifford Jeff Clifford Evelyn Henderson Curls Nicole Davidson Eli Drucker c Ford Edgerton c Michael Freedman c Jordan Friedman Steve Gersh c Mike Gerst Teddy Goldsmith Shana Gotlieb c Annie Hoeksma Eric Jasper c Adam Johnson c Ryan Jones Sara Karubian c David Katzenberg Matthew Knee c Lisa Kohn c Laura Abulafia Kooby Kristin Boyd Korytoski c


Ryan Kriwanek c Molly Lambert c Gabriel Laskin c Garret Leahey c Katherine Luna Matthew Mandelberg Lindsey May c Matt Mazzeo c Bridget Moloney-Sinclair c Nicole Nassib Brian Nathanson c David Neinstein Anna Nesser c Anthony Newman Jackie Noh c Ricky Offsay Ashley Peterson c Dominique Heller Pietz c Tiffany Daneshgar Pitoun c Sanjay Rao c Jessica Richman c Jake Saperstein Aaron Schmidt c Stephen Schultheis Chris Shepherd c Matt Siegler Brian Soloway c Mindy Stein Gurule Ilana Stern Eugene Tsai c Mark Tseng c Lucy Villar Geordana Wagner-Porter c Melinda Weiss c Jake White

Jackie Flesh Winnick c Kelvin Wong c Courtney Quinn Wyman c Christina Yoo Jason Ziven


24% Anonymous Mimi Albert c Jason Capps c Jake Chanin John Chernin Miyun Choe c Stephanie Chow c Sharon Lee Clark c Kathryne Cooper Trevor Davis Matt Dines c Nicole Garen Edwards Lisa Krinsky Esterhuizen Andrew Felder c Katelyn Fisher c C.G. Gray Brian Green Andrea Iloulian Greenberg c Greg Harmon Hillary Higgins c Joanna Huey c Jonathan Hunt-Glassman c Noel Hyun c Keren Johnson c Sammy Kang Liza Kaplan c David Kasirer c

Jonathan Kichaven c Erik Kronstadt Kim LaVere c Alexis Johnson Le Guier c Andrew Lee Jake Levine c Scott MacDonald Scott Magoffin c Max Mednik c Natalie Farrell Megowan Danny Miller c Lindsay Miller c Kemper Ohlmeyer c Courtney Schultz Pade Drue Preissman Adam Presser c Adam Rucker Jui Shah c Max Shapiro c Nick Sinha Joel Smith Andrea Soroko Debbie Stokol Jason Sun Andrew Swerdloff c Alex Tan c Rachel Torres Danny Tour Alex Weinberger Ali Weisz Weinberger Craig Weinstein Robbie Wizenberg c Lauren Yasuda Rainey c Flavia Zuniga-West


30% Anonymous Lexi Barta c Trevor Belton c Daniel Benaron c Juliane Chalabi c Alexander Chang c Victoria Cheng Kevin Chow c Jeff Conn Mary Corman c Dave Eckardt Jonathan Elist c Gina Farias-Eisner c Kate Checchi Fishbach Jessica Furie Frankel c Meghan Joss Freeman c Jason Glushon c Alexis Gorby c Zach Goren c Emily Goulston c Molly McLucas Harbeck c Caitlin Hartigan c Tom Harwood c 39

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Kira Mesdag Healey Ginger Healy c Greg Heller c Nicholas Hentschel Rob Inadomi Brandon Intelligator Nic Janneck Lara Kalaydjian c Samantha Kantor Akio Katano Lindsay Katona Toby Kim c Ryan Kissick c Melissa Kurata Matthew Lachman c Ben Lambert c Valerie Lau c Jaime Lee c David Leuchter c Jeff Loh-Doyle c John Ludden c Jasmine Matloob Kendall Mayhew Kiley McCarthy Alison Neubauer Miller c Brian Millman c Robb Milne c Johnny Muller c Anuj Nadadur Lauren Nichols Devin O’Fallon c Chris Peterson c Josh Phillips Amy Poncher c Kristin Quinn c Alexa Rabin Shannon Ghodsian Rahimzadeh Lauren Rimoin Marcie Rogo c Josh Satin Kevin Schwimer c Michelle Shimizu c Michelle Simon c Adam Stern c Sara Kahlenberg Stevens c Karissa Hazy Stone c Ali Fisher Sweet c Reg Tigerman c James Waldeck c Joanna Waschek Emily Werner Iman Wilson Jeffrey Yaroslow c


25% Anonymous (3) Harpreet Bhatia c

Connor Boyd Andrew Burten Oscar Cancio c Kryt Chattrabhuti Michelle Choe Alex Freedman Joshua Glucoft Dave Gordon Meghan Hart Frannie Felder Hudson c Sarah Humphreville c Sarah Hwang Kimberly Jung c Kalvin Kao c Danielle Kasirer c David Kass c Elizabeth Kaufman Michelle Alpert Kelrick c Julie Spataru Kotler c Michael Krepack Scott Krisiloff Kyeonghoo Lee Phillip Lee Earle Le Masters c Marissa Levi c Jonny Lieberman Elizabeth Yale Marsh Michael McCourt c Sarah Kate McGowan Nick Melvoin c Andrew Miller c Katie Cole Miranda c Donald Nathanson c Meredith Nussbaum c Hayley O’Malley c Jeremy Ozen c Brandon Peart Sarah Pivo c Jonah Platt c Amanda Koosed Roessler Emily Cruse Rosenthal c Jamie Flesh Ross c Imhotep Royster Ruthie Saperstein Samson Jenn Sayles Jessie Schachter c Ian Segal c Julia Shapira Danny Shapiro Alastair Shearman Jonathan Sidhu c Arielle Silverman c Sarah Louise Tooke Sean Whitman c Shaun Wild Andy Wizenberg c Zach Woolridge c Alli Wu



27% Anonymous (2) Emily Abrams Rebecca Arzoian c Scott Becker Connor Bergman David Berliner Nikhil Bhatia Alex Bilger Myles Blau c Kirsten Segal Britton c Peter Connolly Gabrielle Davis c Danielle Duclon Nicky Adamson Duda Chrissie DyBuncio Mark Eckardt c Jasmine Elist Allison Karic Erlikhman c Harry Etra c David Fairbank c Anna Farias-Eisner c Stephanie Feinerman Shelby Fox c Sheera Goren Phil Gross c Denise Hasson Trenton Hazy c Will Hindle-Katel Daniel James Hogsta c Madeline Dianne Jacobs c Brent Josephson Andrew Julien Abram Kaplan Jonathan Kasirer c Ryan Kesapyan Jon Krane Jeff Lachman c Charles Lansbury Scott Layne c Josh Lederman Brian Lee Justin Letter c Teddy Levitt Devon MacLaughlin c Rachel Mangels c David Marenberg c Steven Markowitz Charlie Melvoin Jordan Moelis Hillary Mow Alex Osborne Mick Partridge c Matt Powell c Tim Root Mike Sacks c Alex Schwada Mikey Schwartz-Wright c

25 top sports highlights over


1992 Boys’ Track & Field wins Harvard-Westlake’s first CIF Championship

Girls’ Tennis wins first Girls’ CIF Championship

Dave Moran ’92 (Track & Field), Jesse Stern ’93 (Track & Field), Alexis Larsen ’94 (Swimming) win the school’s 1st CIF Individual Championships

Commissioners Cup awarded to Athletic Program for best overall boys’ program

1994 Football defeats Notre Dame for the first time 1995 Girls’ Volleyball wins the school’s first CIF State Championship

1996 Boys’ Basketball wins CIF State Championship 1997 Jason Collins ‘97, Jarron Collins ‘97, and Sarah Breech ‘97 win the first Lee Carlson awards

Boys’ Basketball wins second consecutive CIF State Championship

2000 Ina Kim ’01 wins the school’s first state individual championship in girls’ golf

2002 Girls’ Field Hockey wins first Los Angeles Field Hockey Association Championship

2003 First Hall of Fame class is inducted during Homecoming 2004 Lacrosse wins first Pacific Coast Championship 2007 Field lights are installed on Ted Slavin Field 2010 Girls’ Soccer wins CIF Championship

Girls’ Basketball wins CIF State Championship

2011 Amy Weissenbach ’12 sets National HS record in the 800

Cami Chapus ’12, Amy Weissenbach ’12. K.C. Cord ’11, and Lauren Hansson ’11 break HS National Record for the distance medley relay in Girls’ Track & Field

2012 Copses Family Pool opens 2013 Football beats Loyola 27-21

Baseball wins National Championship

Courtney Corrin ’16 wins CIF State Championship in Long Jump as a Freshman

2014 Boys’ Water Polo wins back to back CIF Championships and completes an undefeated season (29-0)

Michael Genender ’15 wins first individual CIF Championship in Boys’ Tennis

2016 Boys’ Basketball wins its third CIF State Championship



Ryan Shimizu c Lizzy Gruner Soltis Bret Thacher c Lizzy Tooke Andrew Upchurch Danielle Valner c Eric Vreeland Sam Wagner c Nicky Warshaw Hank Weintraub Ellie Wen c Patrick Whitman c Katie Wong c

Sarah Scharf Andrew Segal c Beth Seraydarian Nicole Silverman Laura Sohn c Marcus Sopher c Derek Staahl c John Tan Rebecca Tropp David Wagmeister c Tessa Williams c Rebecca Yale c


26% Anonymous Jonathan Ahdout Alex Ahn c Carolyn Berliner c Ryan Calvert c Michael Casey c Pete Chattrabhuti Jonathan Cheng c Justin Chow c Noel Corbin Alex de Castro-Abeger Sam de Castro-Abeger c Adam Drooks Eliza Eddison c Michelle Flesh c Ally Furie c Bennett Givens Jonathon Glucksman c Jamie Glushon Annie Goodman Yosepha Greenfield Nick Greif c Joe Haldeman Evan Hamilton Shannon Hart Jeff Hartsough Jenny Ingersoll Edward Ji Neel Joshi Derrick Kao c Matthew Katz Marcello Khan c Andy Kim c Matt Kremer Rachel Kuschner Garrett Lee Raffi Lehrer Harris Letter c Jonathan Loder Sophie Mancall-Bitel c Kate Mangels c Deena Margolin Ryan Martin-Patterson Mark Mason Brittany Mastin c

23% Anonymous Claire Abramowitz c Sancho Accorsi c Hannah Aftergood Will Alden Romi Barta c Jeffrey Benaron c Emily Haymer Boigon Kyle Briggs c Claire Cochran Bertran Cooper Milan Rodriguez Cox Jenny Crapser c Nathan Dean Denise de la Rama Carolyna De Laurentiis Joe Farias-Eisner c Brian Flacks c Danielle Flatt c John Glouchevitch Kenny Gotlieb c Remy Greeno c Julia Guren Dana Himmelstein Alex Hofbauer Cody Horn c Jeff Iloulian Lindsey Jackson Tiffany Jung Jonathan Kass c Joey Katona c Alex Kayvanfar Alex Kuschner c Heather Lee c Bryan Leung c Steven Lundy c Lauren Maddahi Allie Miller c Melissa Miller c Andy Okuneff Winston Park Cathy Pitoun Eric Radist c Lauren Schaffel c



Isamu McGregor Brenna Moeljadi Nuriel Moghavem c Samantha Moray Danny Nessim c Becca Neubauer c Janise On c Hailey Orr Eddie Osher Harley Parker c Nick Patonai Natasha Phillips Bebe Pichvai Brian Pingree Alex Plueger c Jerry Porter Katie Reynolds Max Rifkind-Barron c Rebecca Rosen c Kate Sacks Jonathan Sauer c Jeffrey Schwimer c Kaitlin Segal c Lucas Shaw Alex Smith Elizabeth Sparks Niki Sri-Kumar c Cat Stevens Nick Tolson c Jason Vahn Alex Valner c Nicole Yoon c Rachel Yorke Ally Young c


25% Trevor Abbott c David Alpert c Mary Amato Karen Aquino Alexa Bagnard Michael Barnum Daniel Barsky Sydney Ember Bechek c Jordan Bender Clare Bergman c Kirin Bhatia c Andrew Bloomgarden Brian Bochner David Chanin Alex Cohen c Melissa Cohen Nadia Dan Cameron Dewey Jaime DyBuncio c Dorothy Etra c Reina Factor Sam Farmer Elizabeth Flier c

Drew Foster Nicole Goldhaber Zack Goldman c Jake Goren c Rebecca Gotlieb c Billy Goulston c Matthew Graziano c Tess Hartigan c David Harwitt c Cassidy Horn Keelia Jacobs Adam Josephs c Emma Kaplan Michael Kaplan c Natalie Karl John Kenchelian c Briana Kichaven Kasey Kissick Scott Kohn c Joanna Korshak Emily Lawson Nathan Lee Jacob Levy c Robby Lewis Lauren Maldonado Ben Marenberg c Will Marenberg c Jenna Marine Daniel Meer Sonya Mitchell c




COUNTRIES HW FACULTY HAVE VISITED ON PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Natasha Neufeld c Nick Oliver c Daniel Ozen c Wyatt Parker c Molly Porter Cathryn Quinn c Isabel Roth Mark Seraydarian Ryan Thacher c Katie Treuer c Christine Waters Catie Williams c

Natalie Williams Alex Wittenberg Renaldo Woolridge Wesley Yip c


20% Anonymous Charlotte Abrams Maddy Abrams Marni Barta c Benj Bellon Alistair Belton c Nick Berman Sean Berman c Michael Boggan c Will Borthwick c Nicole Cameron Christopher Cheng c Caitlin Cunningham Faire Davidson Max Eliot Allison Farfel c Anthony Farias-Eisner c Jordan Flatt c Harrison Gallway Dana Glaser Jonathan Haile Krystle Higgins c Jason Hirschhorn c Daniel Katz c Rebecca Kelly c Aaron Kirkbride c Bobby Lange Shelby Layne Jack LaZebnik Stacy Lee Brandon Levin Michael Lieberman Jessica Marot c Nick Merrill Jason Mow c Angela Navarro c Ryan Navi Rosaline Paronyan Yasmine Pichvai Carly Radist c Trini Rios Alex Rivkin Avery Rosin Danny Rudyak c Jack Schwada c Rachel Scott c Ariana Sopher c Hunter Spinks c Maddy Sprung-Keyser Kimo Thorpe-Barofsky Jono Wagmeister c Charlie Weintraub Billy Wolff c 41

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


22% Anonymous Sam Adams c Enrique Aquino Berni Barta c Gina Benedicto Lauren Berliner Nate Bulluck c Christine Byun Mattie Calvert c Katherine Casey c Justin Chen Nick Chuba Ellina Chulpaeff c Ian Cinnamon c Greg Comanor Gavin Cook c Caity Croft c

Zaakirah Daniels c Paige Dewey c Anna Etra c James Gipson Joe Girton c Bridget Golob Jake Gutman c Jack Healy c Claire Kao c Jack Kuhlenschmidt c Jake Lasker c Maarten Lefor c Mark Mackey c Irene Manousiouthakis c Jilli Marine c James McNamara c Barrett Meister Adam Moelis Eli Moghavem c





Erin Moy Olivia Nathanson c Katy Neubauer c Ryan Plueger c Jennie Porter c Nicki Resnikoff c Rex Richardson Sammy Roth c Adam Rubin Ali Sacks c Peter Schwartz Alex Silverman c Jake Staahl Myles Teasley Allegra Tepper c Nick Treuer c Alex Venegas Cate Barsky Vogl Jameson Wachtell c

Harper Wayne c Ernest Wolfe c Michelle Yousefzadeh c Max Zipperman c Brendan Zwaneveld


19% Anonymous (3) Kellie Barnum c Arielle Basich c Chase Basich c Jordan Bunzel c Andrea Bustamante Justin Cohen c Will Davidson c Daniel Edelstein c Jonathan Etra c Nick Farmer

Mary Rose Fissinger c Jackson Foster c Jessie Goldman c Ryan Gould c Joseph Green c Ashley Grossman c Riley Guerin c Brian Harwitt c Tess Hatch c Courtney Hazy c Christina Higgins c David Kinrich c Alanna Klein c Alex Knight c Natalie Kram c Ethan Kudrow c Erin Landau c Sophie Lee Alex Markes c


Alison Nadel c Will Oliver c Alice Phillips c Mat Pichvai Stephen Rosen c Katie Schreier c Zach Scott Molly Segal c Caroline Sim c Griffith Simon c Jeffrey Sperling Charlie Stigler c Jacob Swanson Jamie Temko c Matthew Wagner c Emily Wallach c Matt Ward c Cory Wizenberg c Becky Wolke c Colette Woo c


Tiana Woolridge c Brandon Zeiden c

2012 ◆

77% Anonymous Amanda Allen Gavin Allman Jose Alvarez c Aneri Amin Bosilika An Elias Aquino Jacqueline Arkush Claire Baba Priyanka Bagrodia Rishi Bagrodia Jessica Barzilay Maddy Baxter Oscar Beer Charlie Benell Adam Bennett Ryan Blackwell Simone Bookman Fede Brecha Devon Breton-Pakozdi Evan Brown Jeffrey Bu Taylor Burns Graham Cairns Stephen Carr Duncan Chalfant Jake Chapman Camille Chapus Autumn Chiklis Lauren Choi Jonathan Chu Olivia Chuba Richard Chung Wade Clement Bradley Coon c Taylor Coon c Elena Crowe Lukas Czinger Gabe De La Rosa Cami de Ry Aaron de Toledo Brandon Deere Hank Doughan Alan Dritley Ariana DuBelko Nadia Dubovitsky Danielle Duhl Ian Durra Zena Edosomwan Jamie Ember Jamie Feiler David Feinerman Brandon Finkelstein


Melissa Flores Leland Frankel Chris Freedman Max Fried Wesley Friedman Langdon Froomer Adit Gadh Jordan Gavens Hank Gerba Emma Gerber Lucas Giolito David Gobel Jessica Gold Kei Goldberg Bella Gonzalez Justine Goode Max Goodley Alex Goodwin Nikki Goren Brian Graziano c Andrew Green Tyler Greeno Ben Greif Brian Gross Sammie Grosslight Josh Ha Catherine Haber Eli Haims Allison Hamburger Meghan Hartman Josh Hearlihy Shanshan Heh Bella Hicks Nicole Hirschhorn Bradley Ho Crystal Ho Justin Ho Claire Hong Austin Hopp c Jackson Hudgins Paris Humphrey Jamias Jones Asha Jordan Haleh Kanani Samuel Kaner Patrick Kang Eliza Kellman Chelsea Khakshouri Aletheia Kim Daniel Kim Karen Kim Sophiea Kim Joe Kitaj Jay Kleinbart Julie Ko David Kolin Cameron Komisar Hanna Kostamaa

Nora Kroopf Wyatt Kroopf Sanjana Kucheria Ryan Lash Jack Law-Warschaw Austin Lee Connie Lee John Lee Jonathan Lee Kristen Lee Nick Lenard Marissa Lepor Brooke Levin Halle Levitt Lauren Li Tiffany Liao Judd Liebman Julian Lopez Eleonore Lund-Simon Ian Ma Marka Maberry-Gaulke Xochi Maberry-Gaulke Nika Madyoon Caroline Maeda Rebecca Magier Jordan Mandel Matthew Mantel Vivien Mao Sarah Markowitz Camden McRae Evan Meister Corinne Miller Jesus Morales Alexandre Moritz Liliana Muscarella Sandhya Nadadur Roz Naimi Abbie Neufeld Taylor Nunley Rebecca Nussbaum David Olodort Blaise Ormond Julius Pak Michael Park Anabel Pasarow Connor Pasich Richard Polo Charles Porter Hunter Price Katie Price Max Quilici Alex Rand-Lewis Natasha Rawjee Jacob Reamer Alejandra Reynoso Noah Ross Jason Rostovsky

Danny Roth Royce Ryu Shana Saleh Ethan Samuels Jake Schapiro Olivia Schiavelli Cooper Schilling Hannah Schoen Leslie Schuman Sarah Seo Lia Seraydarian Justin Shabahang Austin Sherman Alan Sneider Brigid Sofen Justin Sohn Lara Sokoloff Micah Sperling Saj Sri-Kumar Morgan St. Jean Justin Stein Elliot Storey Aaron Strauss Christine Sull Mark Swerdlow Shana Tavangarian Chelsey Taylor-Vaughn Parker Thomas Lucy Tilton William Tobias Charlie Troy Madison Tully Sophie Turner Cesar Velazquez Anders Villalta Nicole Volpert Bradley Wachtell c David Wan Meagan Wang Susan Wang Max Warwick Lauren Waters Noah Weinman Amy Weissenbach Jameson West Daniele Wieder Adam Williams Jill Wilson Tess Winebaum Adam Wininger Russell Wolfe Matthew Wolfen Gus Woythaler Danni Xia Josiah Yiu Garrett Yoon Victor Yoon

◆ We

list all college-aged alumni who made a senior gift during their final year at Harvard-Westlake as donors. Retroactive to the class of 2012, all graduates who made a gift during their senior year have been credited for a four-year gift, covering their undergraduate tenure. We do not solicit college-aged alumni. 43

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

James Zhang Hannah Zipperman Alec Zwaneveld

2013 ◆

91% Rebecca Aaron Laurel Aberle Kevin Adler Amanda Aizuss Michael Aronson Brian Bagdasarian Matthew Bailey Connor Basich Cory Batchler Danny Belgrad Caitie Benell Justin Berman Sacha Best Jackie Beyer Jack Bloomfield Ali Bloomgarden Katherine Bolton-Ford Jordan Brewington Maya Broder Mariel Brunman Maggie Bunzel Evan Burdzinski Kari Burdzinski Gabriella Bustamante Alex Cadiff Sara Carreras Tate Castro Austin Chan Jamie Chang Michelle Chang Matt Chen Tommy Chen Wendy Chen Marissa Chupack Conor Cook Taylor Cooper Joseph Corrigan Conor Cuse Carrie Davidson Catherine Davis Theo Davis Hugo de Castro-Abeger Savannah de Montesquiou Paheli Desai-Chowdhry Leslie Dinkin Eric Dritley Helen Dwyer Bea DyBuncio Matt Edelstein Laura Edwards Dylan Eisner Jordan Elist Solange Etessami Gracen Evall 44

Lexi Fadel Nicolena Farias-Eisner c Jake Feiler Will Feldman Sean Fisher Robert Flom Brenda Flores Natalie Florescu Lucas Foster Tamara Fox Gabrielle Franchina Maddie Friendly Samantha Frischling Ben Gail Brendan Gallagher




SWIM MEETS COACHED BY DARLENE BIBLE Samantha Gasmer Ben Gaylord Alyse Gellis Rhett Gentile Zachary Getelman Ty Gilhuly Eli Goldman Treven Goldsmith Luis Gomez Nicole Gould Dory Graham Nicole Green Emily Grey Kenny Grodin Michael Gromis Morgan Hallock Hans Hansen Molly Harrower Mike Hart Nick Healy Brent Herrera Ally Hirsch c David Hoffman Luke Holthouse Joel Homan Clinton Hooks Alex Horowitz Ingrid Hung Francis Hyde Akosa Ibekwe


Jonathan Iskandar Bree Iskandar Martine Johannessen Brian Jun Mena Kalokoh Harrison Kalt Chad Kanoff Kenneth Kim Correy King Chase Klein Eli Kogan Katya Konkol Kallista Kusumanegara Maya Landau Adam Lange Arianna Lanz Byron Lazaroff-Puck Maddie Lear Bo Lee Taylor Lee Keith Leonard Nicole Lerner Ryan Levine David Lieber David Lim Katie Lim Anne Liu Robbie Loeb Jonathan Loewenberg Kenny Lopez Alixx Lucas Aaron Lyons Sam Lyons Samantha Maccabee Deborah Malamud Merissa Mann Jazzi Marine Natalie Markiles Cassandra Martinez Lida Mazina Sophie McAllister Madison McAndrews Beau McGinley Andrew Meepos Elana Meer Maguy Michelman Andrew Miller JT Mindlin Mikaila Mitchell Danny Modlin Dara Moghavem Cherish Molezion Seana Moon White Jose Morales Yasmin Moreno Rebecca Moretti Griff Morgan Mary Morrissey Matthew Moses Sidney Moskowitz

Keane Muraoka-Robertson Erin Murphy Calvin Murr Gregg Myerson Nick Nathanson Henry Neale Rye Newman Allen Nikka Henry Noonan Avalon Nuovo Alex Oberfeld Cindy Oh Joyce Ok Bronty O’Leary Thomas Oser Arden Pabst Sarika Pandrangi Dylen Papazian Kristina Park Chloe Pendergast Sophia Penske Emily Persky May Peterson Erin Pindus c Emily Plotkin Alexander Ravan Martin Riu Allana Rivera Halsey Robertson Casey Rosenfeld Michael Rothberg Christine Sasaki Henry Schlossberg Austin Schoff Jeremy Schreck Rachel Schwartz Ana Scuric Chris Sebastian Justice Sefas Kassie Shannon Sarah Shelby Natasha Simchowitz Demren Sinik Jacques Sisteron Carla Sneider Jeremy Soeharto Hunter Stanley Elana Stroud Kyle Sugarman Michael Sugerman Daniel Sunshine Joshua Swanson Roxanne Swedelson Chanell Thomas Leila Thomas Max Torbiner Erica Ursin-Smith Rebecca Van Dusen Miranda Van Iderstine Patric Verrone

Jillian Victor Alan Vucetic Michael Wagmeister Andrew Wallach Tiffany Wang Walter Wang Megan Ward Annie Wasserman James Wauer Laurel Wayne c Jacob Weiss Eden Weizman Zelda Wengrod Ally White Jessica Wibawa Jack Wildasin Jack Wilding Elle Wilson Kacey Wilson Arielle Winfield David Winfield Anna Witenberg Liza Wohlberg Sam Wolk Henry Woody Ashley Wu James Wu Caitlin Yee Kaitlyn Yiu Austin Yoo Michael Yorkin Gil Young Michael Zaks Greg Zatzkis Matthew Zeiden Elana Zeltser Niki Zoka Adam Zucker

2014 ◆

64% Anonymous Addison Abdo Efe Agege Julia Aizuss Patrick Angelo Andrew Arditi Justin Bae Brookelynn Bagnall Alisha Bansal Anton Beer Conor Belfield Caroline Bell Alex Berman Zita Biosah Zachary Birnholz Jonah Blume-Kemkes Zoe Bohn Bakari Bolden Camilla Borgogni

Andrew Jones Tara Joshi Benjamin Kagan Irene Kao Maddy Kaplan Matt Karo Matthew Kelson Ray Kim Teddy King Benjamin Klein Matthew Klein Nick Knight Krista Knighton Annie Kors Kate Kushi Alex Lange Alexia Le David Lee Robert Lee Greg Lehrhoff Matthew Leichenger Grace Levin Eric Lin Eric Loeb Sophia Lopez Matthew Lucas Eugenie Lund-Simon Quinn Luscinski Colin Lynch Elizabeth Madden Taleen Mahseredjian Louly Maya Alexis McCarthy Kay McCarthy Tigist Menkir Monica Nimmagadda Brooke Nosratian Sarah Novicoff Grant Nussbaum Angus O’Brien Michael O’Krent Ross O’Shea Jensen Pak Daniel Palumbo Jacob Pardo Emma Pasarow Rayne Peerenboom Amita Pentakota Bryan Polan Trevor Price Lucy Putnam Michael Rahhal Nicolas Ramirez Morganne Ramsey Samantha Richmond Jacqueline Ridgley Alberto Rivera Mathis Rodriguez


Gabriela Romano Miles Rosner Max Rothman Julia Rutter Patrick Ryan Sam Sachs Ashley Sacks Emma Sanderson Eliott Sassouni Emily Segal Julian Shabahang Josh Shapiro Kayla Shenassa Michael Sheng Divya Siddarth Lauren Siegel Logan Simon Lauren Sonnenberg Luke Soon-Shiong Megha Srivastava Molly Steinberg Arielle Strom Jack Temko Alexander Thal Lizzy Thomas Tom Thorne Peter Tilton Andrea Torre Christina Tribull Arthur Troy Alisa Tsenter Tyler Urbach Aidan Victor Bennett Victor Ashley Volpert Jason Vranek Lydia Weber Juliette West Aiyana White Arden Williams Mane Williams Miles Williams Danielle Wolf Sydney Wong Christina Woo Kirk Woo Liza Woythaler Noa Yadidi Hang Yang Aidan Yetman-Michaelson Alec Zadikian Kevin Zhang Larry Zhang

2015 ◆

90% Nicholas Abouzeid Brian Adler


Jake Bracken Jeremy Bradford Nathalie Bradford Nicholas Brooks Amiya Brown Jonathan Burns Zachary Bushkin Glenne Carter Garrett Cayton Molly Chapman Sydney Cheong Hana Chop Molly Cinnamon Sam Clement Elizabeth Cohen Sinclair Cook Jack Cooper Henry Copses John Copses Kennedy Corrin Hansel Cortez Margeaux Craske-Curtin Kelly Crosson Aliyah Daniels James Edwards Katie Ehrlich Nicole ElAttrache Julie Engel Jonathan Felker Beatrice Fingerhut Jack Flaherty Anelise Florescu Sydney Foreman Gabriel Gamez Jordan Garfinkel Jivani Gengatharan Jonathan Getzoff William Gingold Brian Ginsberg David Gisser Jacob Glaser Mara Goeckner Kristen Goldberg Jack Goldfisher Claire Goldsmith Oliver Goodman-Waters Kennedy Green Shana Haddad Henry Hahn Patrick Halkett David Hartmeier Lisa He Shelby Heitner Kevin Ho Mikaela Hong Vincent Huang Sarah Jensen Henry Jiang






Elijah Akhtarzad Chase Aldridge Ashley Aminian Gilbert Anwar Jeffrey Aronson Leily Arzy Kacey Bae Nicolas Baron Mila Barzdukas Sabrina Batchler Jackson Beavers Noah Bennett Adrian Berger Carly Berger Kaleigh Bergmann Matthew Beyer Cayla Blachman Jacqlyn Blatteis Covi Brannan Danielle Brody Desmond Butler Katherine Calvert Liane Capiral Perren Carrillo Chloe Castaneda Peter Cha Audrey Chambers Marc Chattrabhuti Sloane Chmara Max Cho Albert Choi Morgan Choi Clare Chou John Chu Michael Chung Raymond Chung Henry Clarke Lili Cohen Annelise Colvin Brad Comisar

Sydney Concoff Parker Converse Briana Cooper Alexander Copeland Shea Copeland Alexander Corlin Andrew Corlin Kyle Corman Tee Cotangco Kayla Dillard Alec Dominick Trishta Dordi Ethan Drapac Aaron Drooks Charles du Manoir-Camacho Nina Dubovitsky Zoe Dutton Jordan Ellison Cosima Elwes Jack Ennis Aaron Esagoff Sara Evall Koji Everard Shingo Everard Landon Fadel Marko Fejzo Haley Finkelstein Anai Finnie Daphna Fischel Andrew Fischmann Cole Fletcher Alexandria Florent Mark Fuller Tom Fuller Noah Gains Riya Garg Brianna Gazmarian Lucas Gelfen Michael Genender Gracie Gerber

◆ We

list all college-aged alumni who made a senior gift during their final year at Harvard-Westlake as donors. Retroactive to the class of 2012, all graduates who made a gift during their senior year have been credited for a four-year gift, covering their undergraduate tenure. We do not solicit college-aged alumni. 45

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Jon Glover Abhi Goel Sunaina Goel Jacob Gold David Goldberg Ben Goldstein Sophia Gonzalez Matthew Gooden Jacob Goodman Kate Goodman Dominique Gordon Emma Graham Tyler Graham Jackson Grayson Ian Green Nicolas Greenlee Jules Gross Ethan Gruman Tiffany Guerra Divya Gupta Jesse Halpern Christopher Han Ian Hansen Will Hariton Miles Harleston Bridget Hartman Jonathan Heckerman Katie Hohl Roman Holthouse Enya Huang Dylan Humphrey Kiki Hunegs Victoria Huynh Alex Jackson Cole Jacobson Erica Jaffe Katie Jones Cameron Kao Megan Kaplan Alexandra Kass Hana Kateman Rebecca Katz Emily Kelkar Tess Kemper Anne Kim Branden Kim Danica Kim Diana Kim Jonathan Klein Adam Knapp-Wachsner Grace Kotick Melanie Krassel Sophie Kupiec-Weglinski Henry Kyoung Bryanna Lee Ryan Lee Teddy Leinbach James Lennon Isabelle Lesh Oliver Levitt 46

Rebecca Li Alex Liao Natalie Lim Hudson Ling Alex Lopes Nicolaas Lubkeman Kristen Lynem-Wilson Ethan Madison Nikta Mansouri Antony Mare Emily Maynes Amanda McAdams Sarah McAllister Jake McCabe Clara McCarthy Jensen McRae Amelia Miller Drew Mirman Aimee Misaki Paige Moelis Astrid Montanez-Garay Maxine Moore Delilah Napier Rahul Natarajan Malcolm Neill Claire Nordstrom Scott Nussbaum Charlie Oman Javier Orozco Madeline Oswald Dora Palmer Andrew Park Marcella Park Grant Pecheck Nicholas Penske Netanya Perluss Spencer Perryman Rachel Persky Jazmin Piche Myles Pindus Gwynn Pollard Mario Portillo Henry Prentice Jack Price Henry Quilici Nadia Rahman Sriram Rao Andrew Ravan Nathalie Rebolledo Brooke Reese Skylar Reiff Karin Rhynes Anthony Ridgley Cameron Robertson Garrett Robinson Rosalie Rubenstein Joshua Rubin Jake Saferstein Julia Safir Morio Saito


Justin Saleh Rob Sanders Oliver Sanderson Rachel Savage Sam Schlesinger Arin Schwimmer Ryan Shelly Aaron Shih Marc Shkurovich Amber Shooshani Jonathan Sington Hassan Smith Phillip Smith Declan Sofen Theodore Sokoloff Libby Sondheimer Timothy Song Riley Spain Jessica Spitz Ezra Steinberg Christian Stewart Danielle Stolz Jonathan Suarez Erina Szeto Sabrina Szu Sophia Szu Trevor Tatham Jeremy Tepper Bryce Terman Angel Vasquez Marianne Verrone Eibhlin Villalta Xenia Viragh Heather Wattles Ethan Weinstein Benny Weisman David Weitz Zephraim Williams Audrey Wilson Sloane Wilson Sarah Winshel Autumn Witz Brendan Wixen David Woldenberg Cameron Wood Joseph Woody J.J. Woronoff Alan Yousefzadeh Victoria Yu Shyan Zakeri Sabrina Zaks Katie Zipkin-Leed Sean Zoka FUTURE ALUMNI

Jarod Bacon ’17 Abner Benitez ’18 Alexa Frandzel ’18 Austin Lee ’21 Gabriella Levy ’19

THE CLASS OF 2016 SENIOR CLASS GIFT Eighty-nine percent of the senior class gave to the Class of 2016 gift. This year, seniors supported the Alumni Scholar Endowment with their gift. The class raised over $5,500 toward this effort. Anonymous Karla Alas Pat Albarino Paul Anderson Nicole Araya Alexandra Arreola Alexander Barnum Zoe Baxter Zach Belateche Mollie Berger Brandon Bergsneider Paige Berlin Daniel Birnholz Tony Bouza Lexi Bowers Eric Bradley Jessica Brandon Duncan Brin Hunter Brookman Jordan Brown Will Burford Laura Campbell Emma Caragozian Natanael Carlos-Vargas Jonah Carloss Bray Caverly Justine Chen Hyunseok Choi Joelle Choi Angela Chon Harold Chong Sharon Chow John Chung Cameron Cohen Mars Cohen Tia Coles Courtney Corrin Veronica Crow Hannah Dains Chris Darden Kayla Darini Jensen Davis Cameron Deere Saransh Desai-Chowdhry Roy Dritley Christina Duval Elizabeth Edel

Michael Edwards Daniel Eghbal Jeffrey Ehlers Jared Eisner Natalie ElAttrache Hannah Eliot Brady Engel Justyn Erramouspe Yoko Everard Cole Feldman Jack Feldman Ryan Finley Madison Foster Izzy Frankel Quinn Frankel Josh Friedman Duncan Froomer Daniel Furman Sydney Garnett Courtney Gazmarian Bradley Gellman Jared Gentile Paul Giacomazzi Julian Girod Jonah Goldman Ben Goldsmith Gabe Golob Eliseo Gonzalez Hagerman Alexandra Gordon Ava Gordon Amanda Gores Alexandra Grande Daniela Grande Sebastian Grande Bennett Gross Carlos Guanche Ben Hallock James Hansen Daily Hartmeier Cole Hattler Marisa Hattler Christopher Hedley Jonas Hirshland David Ho Samantha Ho Alexander Hsing Patrick Hudnut


Robert Iancu Taylor Ingman Annik Irving Shelly Jain Gabriel Jenkinson Lauren Jones Nina Juarez Matthew Jung Sean Jung Elliot Kang Leo Kaplan Marissa Karo Cami Katz Cole Kawana Victoria Keating Sam Kelly Hannah Kelson Alex Kihiczak William Klink Erik Knighton Eugenia Ko Emma Kofman Katie Kreshek Dharan Kumar Brandon Kuwada Paula Lahera Annabel Lassally Christopher Lee Nathan Lee Sam Lee Agustin Letelier Brandon Lim


Leena Lim Sacha Lin Vivian Lin Kelly Loeb Troy Loizzo Kennedy Long Arjun Mahajan Ara Mahseredjian Mike Mapes Ryland Marcus Neda Mazdisnian Miles McQueen Helene Miles Nina Milligan Haden Modisett Roland Montgomery Jolie Moray Kelly Morrison Benjamin Most Henry Muhlheim Kaira Muraoka-Robertson Mariel Murphy Truth Murray Cole Su Jin Nam Caitlin Neapole Jon Andrew Nelson Juliet Nguyen Kenneth Noble Wolfgang Novogratz Alexandria Oser Pim Otero David Ozen


Grace Pan Lucas Perez Henry Peterson Jessie Pfeifer Alivia Platt Rachel Porter Jordan Pulaski Claire Quinn Laurel Rand-Lewis Alexa Ranger Elizabeth Rao Hannah Rasekhi Noah Redlich Montana Reilly Jonathan Rich Nick Richmond Kelly Riopelle Ivan Rodriguez Elliott Rollins Max Rolnick Adam Rosen Dillon Rosenblatt Henry Roskin Noah Rothman Ryan Ruiz Gabriella Salimpour Joss Saltzman Monte Samuelian Jeremy Samuels Brendan Sanderson Aria Sarnoff Shannyn Schack

Mady Schapiro Emma Schechter Dylan Schifrin Dora Schoenberg David Seo Jonathan Seymour Josie Shaughnessy Abby Shaum Julian Shaw Chloe Shi Parsa Shoa Juliana Simon Katie Sing McCabe Slye Daniel Sneider Lauren Song Toby Spain Katie Speare Cole Staggs Claire Stevens Jack Stovitz Jake Suddleson Michael Swerdlow Mei Mei Tercek Genny Thomas John Thomas Philip Thompson Tommy Tilton Sahar Tirmizi Sampson Traenkle Josephine Treadwell

Dietrich Tribull Lindsey Tse John Turk Jonah Ullendorff Matt Ursin-Smith Miles Van Tongeren Andrew Vanderschans Henry Vogel Davis Wachtell Francesca Walker Emma Wasserman Ian Watts Lauren Weetman Andreas Werner Stephanie West Zachary Wieder Natalie Wiegand Hannah Wilen Alec Winshel Jessica Wolf Isabelle Wolff Mikaela Wolfsdorf Simone Woronoff Nina Woythaler Andrew Wu Viv Yang Adam Yaron Nathan Yeh Sara Zhao Jake Zimmer Henry Zumbrunnen


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


Thank you to the 357 full-time and part-time faculty and staff members who contributed financially to the school this fiscal year. This makes the eighth year in a row that 100% of our full-time faculty and staff contributed financially to Harvard-Westlake. PRESIDENTS CIRCLE

$5,000 to $9,999 Number of Donors: 6

Rick Commons & Lindsay McNiel Commons ’96 c Ari ’89 & Jen Engelberg c Jeanne & Dirk Huybrechts c Randy Stein Lee ’94 & Danny Lee c Rob & Kelly Levin c Dave & Barbara Ruben c DEANS CIRCLE

$3,500 to $4,999 Number of Donors: 9 Terry & Brenda Barnum c Audrius & Rose Barzdukas c JD & Kristy De Matté c Vicki Goddard ’60 c Ed Hu c Laurie Levenson & Douglas Mirell c Harry & Johanna Salamandra c Ted Walch c David Weil ’93 & Emily Dawe c SCHOLARS CIRCLE

$1,500 to $3,499 Number of Donors: 3 John Amato & Sandy O’Rourke c Paula Evans c Tim Newhart c


Up to $1,499 Number of Donors: 339

Anonymous (19) Annie Abrams ’99 c Shannon Acedo c Miguel & Marjorie Acevedo c Caitlin Adams Kavita Ajmere Karla Alas 48

Shauna & Mike Altieri c William & Emma Amakye Felipe & Elva Anguiano c Maria & Saul Arias c Freddy & Alejandrina Arroyo c Heather Audesirk Larry Axelrod c Anamaria Ayala c Yessy Baez Mendoza Roberto & Elia Baltazar c J. Terry Baris c Mercedes Barletta Susan Leher Beeson ’96 & Jeff Beeson c Darin Beigie c Luba Bek & Alysse Gordon c Scott Bello c Justin & Ariel Benson c Kate Benton c Charles Berezin c Darlene & Pat Bible c Mike Bietz c Gregory & Nicole Bishop c Adam & Crystal Black c Nathaly Blanco Richard Bogan Brian Bouchey & Kelly Fong Andrew & Minette Brabbée c Michelle & Drew Bracken c Sasha & Mary Bucur Nina Burtchaell & Paul Mastin c Joe Busch Vanna & Jim Cairns c Catherine Campbell & Russ Woody c Nate Cardin & Ben Procter c Kay Carlson c Jon & Nkechi Carroll Bernardo Castro Tavo Castro Steve Chae c Michael Chavez c Paul Chenier & Siobhan McElduff c Christa Choe ’94 c


Cristal Chow c Jorge & Amada Choy c David Cleland & Stephanie Friedman c Tina Cleveland c Claire Cochran ’06 Portia & Paul Collins c Lillian & Alex Contreras c Alfredo Contreras c John Corsello c Allie Costa c Shawn Costantino c Erin Creznic & Jenny Noble c Sharon & Vince Cuseo c Matthew Cutler & Marla Schwartz c Zaakirah Daniels ’10 Edith Darling Camille da Santos c Kelly Decker Debi Dempsey Jim Doughan c Ellen & Alan Ehrlich c Nadine Eisenkolb Tara & Blaise Eitner c Hillary Schwab Ethe ’00 & Jordan Ethe c Emily Feigenson & Dennis Perluss c Joaquin Fernandez-Castro & Melanie Bowles c




CURRENT FACULTY AND STAFF MEMBERS WHO HAVE BEEN HERE FOR ALL 25 YEARS Brian & Christine Fessenden c Beverly & John Feulner c Brian Flacks ’06 c Terri & Joe Frantz c David & Michelle Fromme c Karen Fukushima c Paul Gallo Regan & David Galvan c George Gaskin c Cheri Gaulke & Sue Maberry c Roser Gelida & Peter Toper c

Simona Ghirlanda c Tami & Shawn Gibson c John Glouchevitch ’06 Greg Goddu & Elizabeth Brown c Gustavo & Jolie Godoy Celia Goedde c Eli Goldsmith & Heather Habes c Ricardo Gomez Greg Gonzalez & Stephanie Chavez c Susannah Gordon c Chris Gragg c Kyle Graham Marty Greco c Zachary Greenberg Elizabeth Gregory c Mike Grier Julia & Jeremy Grody c Rodger Guerrero c Jose Gutierrez c Nini & Jim Halkett c Marianne Hall c David Hartmann c Melissa Hearlihy c Gregorio Hernandez Irma & Greg Hernandez c Jose & Aracely Hernandez c Luis Hernandez c Luis & Ana Hernandez c Gabriela Herrera Kimberley & Chris Hieatt c Greg & Kait Hilliard c Mark Hilt c David & Lucie Hinden c Brad Holmes Katherine Holmes-Chuba & Dan Chuba c Luke Holthouse ’13 Alan Homan & Karen Wong c Adam Howard ’93 & Bonnie Goff c Michelle Hung ’91 & Marko Rondiak c Betsy Ilg c Sanders Jackson c Silvia Jalomo c Brenda & Lewis Janowitz c Nancy Jeon ’89 & Garrick Ahn c Keren Johnson ’02 c Janine & Chris Jones Keith Jordan c Edgar & Michelle Jurado c Susan Kallok & Nicki Freeman c Ted Katzoff & Claudette Dorsey c Jessica & Tom Kaufman c

Jason & Cheryl Kelly Emily Kennedy c Tony Kewalramani & Veronica Pantoja c Casey & John Kim c Larry & Jennifer Klein c Susan Ko Kanwal & Gurjit Kochar c Sidney Kohls Chris Kollar Cyndy Winter & Alex Kolmanovsky c Jonas Koolsbergen ’83 c Jeffrey & Marcy Kwitny ’75 c Lan Ky & Thanh Le c Matthew Lachman ’03 c Matt & Patricia LaCour c Lilas & James Lane Ann & Alben Lasola c Clare & Michael Lawler c Jenn Bass Lechevallier ’98 David Lee ’89 & Lisa Yang c Suzanne & Daniel Lee c Elaine Levia Adam Levine Kun Li Carlos Lopez c Eduardo & Priscilla Lopez c Ivonne Lopez-Alvarez & Jose Alvarez c Ashley & Thomas Ma c Drew Maddock & Marilyn Okano c Candris Madison c Stacy Marble & Matthew Levy Matt Maring c Nick Martinez c Anna Lynn Martino c Krista McClain c Christina McClendon Marian & Terence McCorry c Jocelyn Medawar-Turner c Jeremy Michaelson & Jill Yetman-Michaelson c Caroline Miller Lynn Miller & Steven Pyle Robin Miller c Dave ’87 & Elaine Mintz c Jose Monge c Christopher Moore c Michael & Lynn Mori c Felix Munoz c Antonio & Isabela Nassar c Joey Navarro & Maria Rizhel Oculam c Kent & Barbara Nealis c Ken & Winifred Neisser c Amandine Nelaton Lauren Nichols ’03










Pat Nolte c Francie Norris Sue & Jami Olson c Kevin & Emilie O’Malley c Melissa & Scott Ouellet c Kyong Pak Katie Wiseley Palmer ’98 & Dylan Palmer c Kent & Carmen Palmer c Antonia Parham c Elliott Parivar & Yuliya Sennikova-Parivar c Narae Park c Jim & Theresa Patterson c Jim & Kappy Pattison c Bob Pavich & Mary Coffey c Aram Pendley Lisa Peters & Albert Braun c Moss Pike c Colby Plath c Shirley & Gabe Preciado c Rees Pugh c Anne Pyle Rose-Ellen & Frank Racanelli c Lisa Rado & Eric Fodor c

Alex & Kurtis Ras c David Rebibo Dan Reeves ’94 c Ken Reid c Jesse Reiner & Rachel Rudman c Emily & Michael Reola c Liz Resnick & Jan Nash c David Reyes c Gen Reyes c Margot & Dan Riemer c Lew Roberts c Geoff & Vivian Robertson c Anthony Robinson Gerson & Ester Roche c Jeannette Rodriguez c Lucile Romieu c Aaron Ruben c Scot Ruggles c Robert & Wendy Ruiz c Nicole & Chris Ryan c Karen Salerno & Gustavo Fanfassian c Juan Samayoa

Patricia Santos & Rafael Dos Santos Allan Sasaki c Joe Schenck & Jeff Kaplan Tim Schmall Virginia & John Schroeder c Melanie León & Dietrich Schuhl c Jason Schwarz Sara Shakliyan & Jairo Mendez c Miriam Shapira ’97 & David Ross c P.C. & Jill Shaw c Steve Shaw ’71 Susan & Wayne Sherman c Alyssa Sherwood c Brenda Simon c Milo Sini c Beth Slattery & Chris Sampson c Tim Smith & Chris Baker c Jeffrey Snapp c Patti & Don Snodgrass c Michele Spears c

Katrina Sprague Karen Stern c Andy & Amy Stout Jacob Swanson ’11 Sofia & Michael Tanenbaum Max & Sharon Tash Sandee Teruya c Bill Thill & Robert Connery c Shoshanna Thomas c Lizzy Tooke ’05 Michael & Emalee Tromello c Ian Ulmer c Wendy & Peter Van Norden c Rosemary van Vlijmen c Jesus Vazquez Kate & Spencer Villasenor ’99 c Andrew & Erin Villaverde c Yanni Vourgourakis ’90 c Heath Wagerman c Beth & Jason Walker Melissa & Steve Wantz Karen & Rob Wareham c Dave Waterhouse & Leigh Irwin c

Starr & John Wayne c Larry Weber & Deborah Brous c Kevin Weis c Francine ’68 & Walt Werner c Ann-Marie & Eric Whitman c Derek Wilairat c Kasia & Andrew Williams Shayla Williams Tessa Williams ’06 c Ryan Wilson c Amanda Angle & Jon Wimbish c Sandra & James Wolchok c Eric Yin The Rev. J.J. Young & Cindy Young c Erwin Yupe c Amanda Zamani Javier & Anna Zaragoza c Ed Zepeda & Vicky Aguirre c Melissa Zimmerman c Carolyn & Michael Zucker Eric Zwemer c


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


Many thanks to Harvard-Westlake grandparents who contributed during the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Grandparents are listed here with their grandchildren who are alumni as well as current students. HERITAGE CIRCLE

$75,000 or More Number of Donors: 1


$25,000 to $49,999 Number of Donors: 3

Geneva & Chuck Thornton ’60 c Charlie Troy ’12 Arthur Troy ’14

Etty & Claude Arnall c Nicole West ’14 Stephanie West ’16 Jeremy Hecht-Arnall ’17


Judy & Jerry* Tamkin Andrew Litvack ’05

$50,000 to $74,999 Number of Donors: 3

Diane Deshong Howard Deshong ’17

Stanley Tananbaum*● Alexa Zuriff ’18 FOUNDERS CIRCLE

Charlie Munger c Will Borthwick ’09

$10,000 to $24,999 Number of Donors: 9

Mary & Burt Sugarman Erin Sugarman ’13 Kyle Sugarman ’13

Anonymous Daryn & Bill Horton ’57 c Will Burford ’16 Stacie & Charles Mathewson Christopher Ladreyt ’21 Nicolas Ladreyt ’21

Tally & Bill Mingst Max Mingst ’18 Rosa & Bill Mow c Clara McCarthy ’15 Maggie McCarthy ’17 Kell McCarthy ’21 Carol & Bill Ouchi Ryan Tsai ’21 Deedie & Mike Rosson c Alexa Frandzel ’18 Esther & Tom Wachtell c Matthew Graziano ’08 Jameson Wachtell ’10 Brian Graziano ’12 Bradley Wachtell ’12 Davis Wachtell ’16 Evelyn Wasserman* c Annie Wasserman ’13 Emma Wasserman ’16 PRESIDENTS CIRCLE

$5,000 to $9,999 Number of Donors: 8

Fern & Hersh Cohen Lili Cohen ’15 Jack Cohen ’18 Michael Fitzpatrick Caity Baskin ’19 Colleen Baskin ’19 Janet & Michael Fourticq Trey Fourticq ’21 Wan Kyun & Andrew Kim Ryan Kim ’19

Ildong Park c Kathryn Park ’11 Kristina Park ’13 Annika & Abe Somer c Emma Gerber ’12 Gracie Gerber ’15 Georgia Gerber ’20 Luanne Wells Frank Wells ’17 Marilyn Ziering c Ava Kofman ’10 Hannah Kofman ’14 Emma Kofman ’16

Robert Beren c Samantha Platt Auerbach ’01 Jonah Platt ’04 Hannah Platt ’08 Ben Platt ’11 Henry Platt ’17 Paulette & Warwick Bisley Oliver Bisley ’20 Diane Forester Eliana Lechter ’17 Zack Lechter ’19


Susan Grode Jacob Grode ’19 Rachel Grode ’19 Joe Grode ’21

Suzanne & Stephen Gilbert Simon Gilbert ’18

Judy & John Hutchison c Grace Levin ’14 Joe Levin ’17 Haley Levin ’20

$3,500 to $4,999 Number of Donors: 3

Joan Weisberg Simon Weisberg ’17 Barbara & Gareth Wootton c Jackson Wootton ’20 SCHOLARS CIRCLE

$1,500 to $3,499 Number of Donors: 16 Anonymous (2)

Joan Beren* Samantha Platt Auerbach ’01 Jonah Platt ’04 Hannah Platt ’08 Ben Platt ’11 Henry Platt ’17

Beth & Robert Lowe Henry Lowe ’19 Pat Maloney Keller Maloney ’18 Pierce Maloney ’19 Cleo Maloney ’21 Eileen Susan Miller Jessie Pfeifer ’16 Hisuh & Jesun Paik Ryan Kim ’19 Peggy & Harvey Saferstein c Jake Saferstein ’15 Sam Saferstein ’17 Will Saferstein ’20 Barbara & Kenneth Seplow Rachel Seplow ’17 Danny Seplow ’19







Nancy & Bruce Stevens c Nate Hollander ’17 Clay Hollander ’19 Harper Hollander ’21

Gabrielle & Malcolm Cosgrove Julia Cosgrove ’18 Jonathan Cosgrove ’21

Lili Zanuck c Jack Zanuck ’20 COMMUNITY CIRCLE

Virginia Daniels c Zaakirah Daniels ’10 Aliyah Daniels ’14 Sultan Daniels ’19

Anonymous (9)

Cynthia & Edward de Beixedon Francis de Beixedon ’19

Up to $1,499 Number of Donors: 101

Mona & Irv Ackerman William Klink ’16 Spencer Klink ’20 Daiva & Arvydas Barzdukas c Mila Barzdukas ’15 Pearl Acord ’17 Rasa Barzdukas ’17 Rimas Barzdukas ’20 Myrna & Lou Bauman c Samantha Frischling ’13 Becca Frischling ’19 Marie & Ronald Beckham Nya Beckham ’19 Frieda & Alan E. Berlin c Paige Berlin ’16 Will Berlin ’19 Reba Block c Justin Cohen ’11 Cameron Cohen ’16 Noreen & Sal Brau c Julian Girod ’16 Isabel Girod ’19 Maxine Brenner Jed Kronenberg ’17 Amy Kronenberg ’20 Jenna Kronenberg ’20 Judith & E.C. Burns c Eric Loeb ’14 Kelly Loeb ’16 Linda & Bob Camras Noa Schwartz ’18 Asher Schwartz ’21 Susan Carl-Singleton Eddie Rodriguez ’18 Mary & Edmund Carpenter Henry Cassidy ’21 Sandra & Richard Carrington Charlie Carrington ’19 Sidney Cole Matthew Druyanoff ’19 Clara & Walter Corrin Kennedy Corrin ’14 Courtney Corrin ’16 Michael Corrin ’18

Carol de Harak Nikha Sylbert ’20 Micky & Charles Dickman Jessica Dickman ’17 Phyllis Dubetsky Marcus Leher ’18 Caryl & Allen Eliot c Max Eliot ’09 Conor Eliot ’11 Hannah Eliot ’16 Evelyn & Gerald Epstein Jennifer Epstein ’21 Carolyn Estrada Trey Fourticq ’21 Allayne & Marshall Estrada Trey Fourticq ’21 Linda & George Fraker Mike Mapes ’16 Abby Mapes ’18 Sherry & Richard Frenzel Simon Gilbert ’18 Joan & Lawrence J. Genender Michael Genender ’15 Lauren Genender ’17 Sophia Genender ’19 Christine & John Gillearn Shay Gillearn ’21 Carol & Neil Goldberg c Devon Carmel ’21 Grace & Henry Gonzalez c Bella Gonzalez ’12 Sophia Gonzalez ’15 Laurie Grad Lucas Grad ’21 Suzy Green c Kirsten Segal Britton ’05 Kaitlin Segal ’07 Molly Segal ’11 Connie Grube George Grube ’20 Rosalie Hallock c Morgan Hallock ’13 Ben Hallock ’16



Frankie Harris c Annelise Colvin ’15

Leslie Mittleman Hannah Mittleman ’20

Joy Stowell Davis Ford ’18

Judy & Mickey Harris Julia Safir ’15 Jack Safir ’19

Irma & Jack Most Benjamin Most ’16

Susan & Richard Sukov Adam Blackman ’21

Masako & Richard Murakami c Cole Kawana ’16 Brooke Kawana ’18

Susan & Burton Sunkin c Erica Sunkin ’10 Sophia Sunkin ’14 Emma Sunkin ’19 Michael Sunkin ’19

Rita Harris c Jennifer Plotkin ’11 Emily Plotkin ’13 Katie Plotkin ’17 Louise & Herbert Horvitz David Horvitz ’92 Carol Jolly c Michael Rahhal ’14 Emily Rahhal ’17 Frances & Ray Kaneshiro Nicholas Sweeney ’17 Evelyn Kazick Ashley Rosen ’96 Michele & Thomas Kneafsey Conor Kneafsey ’17 Marsha & Richard Kronick Hayley Rothbart ’21 Sue Lapin Jacob Lapin ’19 Bette Leal Jacob Lapin ’19 Dahlia & Victor Limongelli Jack Limongelli ’19 Lany & Sy Lippman Max Hernand ’18 Ben Bookstaver ’19 Catherine Lizzio c Christopher Lizzio ’82* Pat & Bob Mayall c Annie Belfield ’09 Conor Belfield ’14 Lila Mayer c Evan Burdzinski ’13 Kari Burdzinski ’13 Marlene & Howard Mayers Dora Schoenberg ’16 Nathan Schoenberg ’18 Spencer Merz Alexa Merz ’05 Caroline Merz ’07 Allison Merz ’10 Eleanore & James Meyer Giulia Germano ’21 Bunny & Alan Miller c Paige Berlin ’16 Will Berlin ’19 Hedy Mishkind Jessica Dickman ’17 Sammy Tufeld ’18 Tali Tufeld ’20

Adele Nadel Sean Nadel ’09 Alison Nadel ’11 Jesse Nadel ’17 Takuro Nakae c Frank Wells ’17 Betty Nealis c Kirsten Segal Britton ’05 Kaitlin Segal ’07 Molly Segal ’11 Joanne & Ted Neil Kerry Neil ’19 Irene & Michael Nezhad Jonathan Seymour ’16 William Seymour ’20

June & Henry Takei c Hana Takei ’18 Markus Takei ’20 Sandy & Jack Terner Henry Vogel ’16 Asher Vogel ’19 Mary Beth Thomas Lily Bailey ’21 Helen & Ralph Trueblood ’40 c Harley Parker ’07 Wyatt Parker ’08

Marilyn & Irwin Petlak Jarod Bacon ’17

Rosalie & Ralph Turner c Stephanie Feinerman ’05 David Feinerman ’12 Sophie Turner ’12 Bradley Schlesinger ’13 Sam Schlesinger ’15 Katie Schlesinger ’17

Deidre & David Phillips Isobel Phillips ’17

Linda & Dennis Vaughn Andrew Planting ’20

Sandra & Bob Pyle Aiden Robertson ’18 Zachary Robertson ’20

Claire & Stephen Weiner Jason Hirschhorn ’09 Nicole Hirschhorn ’12 Adam Hirschhorn ’16

Shirley Palmer Grant Palmer ’20

Tova & Sol Rattner c Maya Broder ’13 Jake Broder ’17 Sandra & Martin Rosencrans c Sarah Novicoff ’14 Marc Novicoff ’18 Brenda & Howard Rosin Luke Markinson ’19 Bennett Markinson ’21 Katherine Schwarzenbach Henry Scharff ’20 Rhoda & Mel Shralow c Sean Nadel ’09 Alison Nadel ’11 Jesse Nadel ’17

Tana & Robert Wilson Addison Button ’18 Alex Button ’21 Mimi & Werner Wolfen c Lauren Wolfen ’09 Matthew Wolfen ’12 Cate Wolfen ’17 Diane & Milton Wolff Isabelle Wolff ’16 Sylvia & Robert Wright c William Wright ’17 Cecilia Wright ’19 Rosalind Wyman Sammi Wyman ’07 Eugene Wyman ’20

Beverly Sinclair c Jadon Yariv ’16 Jeremy Yariv ’18

Anne & Norm Yetman Aidan Yetman-Michaelson ’14 Lucy Yetman-Michaelson ’17

Ilene & Gerald Spear c Jonah Ullendorff ’16 Caleb Ullendorff ’18

Judith & Steven Zwicker c William Wright ’17 Cecilia Wright ’19


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


Thank you to our parents of alumni and friends of the school who contributed to Harvard-Westlake this fiscal year. The term “friends of the school” also includes spouses of alumni; alumni are also listed with their spouses in this section.

Lisa & Kemper Ohlmeyer ’02 c Allison & Kevin O’Malley ’93 c Patty & Greg Penske c Robert Rifkind c Sherry Saleh c Susan & William Samuelson c Marna & Rockwell Schnabel Julia Franz & Chris Silbermann ’85 Ted Slavin c Marianne Sprague c Maria Hummer & Bob Tuttle c Shana Levin Zarcufsky ’91 & Matt Zarcufsky c




Anonymous Helen & Peter Bing c Louise & Brad Edgerton c Janis Horn & Roger Ehrlich c Jane & Michael Eisner c Diane & John Goodman c Chris & Steve Hazy c Julie & Ken Moelis c Alison & Richard Ressler c David Saperstein c Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 c Ina Coleman & Alan Wilson c Anna Fang & Michael Yang c

Debbie & Mark Attanasio c Donnalisa & Bill Barnum c Bill Bullis ’54 c Candida Danielson Burnap ’59 & Bart Burnap ’50 c Cindy & Joe Connolly c Victoria & Dorn Dean c Marianna & David Fisher c Jo Ann Schaaf Ganz ’47 & Julian Ganz c Katie & Phil Holthouse c Stacey Snider & Gary Jones c Kristen & Peter Kim c Abby & Alan Myerson c Ed Myerson Annette & Peter O’Malley c Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation Ann Southworth & John Weissenbach c Mary & Edward White

Anonymous Catherine & Casey Adams ’93 c Laura & Mike Adams ’93 c Tamara & Bill Bagnard ’77 c Ruthie & Chip Bailey c Martha & Barry Berkett c Maribeth & Hal Borthwick ’66 c Maria & Adam Braun ’91 c The Right Reverend J. Jon Bruno Missy & Bill Calvert c Hyun-Joo & Jae Min Chang ’68 c Alison & Adam Checchi ’95 c Darrin Schnabel ’83 & Mikel Elliott Paula & T.J. Escott c Andrea Levine Firtel ’95 & Steve Firtel c Marci Optican Foster ’82 & Greg Foster c Jana & Randy Greer c Joni Ivy Hamilton ’72 & Clarence Hamilton c Kathy & Matt Hart c Jeanne & Dirk Huybrechts c Kristen Boggs & Jeff Jaeger ’98 c Debra & Robert Kasirer c Toby Mayman & Jerry Kean c Masha & Andrew P. Kowell ’97 c Abby & Alan Levy c Nate Levy Kyong Park Macek ’86 & Dan Macek c Katherine & Will McLane ’88 Melinda & Tony Moiso ’57 c Wendy Morrissey c Jim Myerson ’72 c

$75,000 or More Number of Donors: 13


$50,000 to $74,999 Number of Donors: 15

Anita & Chris Anderson ’60 c Colleen & Brad Bell c Robert Day Suzi Weiss Fischmann & George Fischmann c Brad Freeman c Janice & Jim Gipson Cindy & Alan Horn c Mary Grace & Peter Kaufman c Miki Nam & David Lee c Anne Wilson Rader ’74 & Steve Rader ’73 c Gyu Si Pat & Bill Stinehart ’61 c Mary & Burt Sugarman Laura Ziffren Wasserman ’81 & Casey Wasserman Annie & Gaines Wehrle


$25,000 to $49,999 Number of Donors: 18


$10,000 to $24,999 Number of Donors: 34

Anonymous (8) Andrea & Barry Cayton c Krishna & Bobby Daly ’85 c Elizabeth & Kirk Day Patti & Marvin Demoff c Nancy & Eric Garen c Mary Ann & Tom Hays ’53 Deedie & Tom Hudnut c Pamela Simon-Jensen & John Jensen c Vicky & George Joseph c Sara & Jon Kutler c Ashley & Matthew Levin ’99 c Barbara & Joel Marcus c Peggy Miller c Thuy & Buddy Moss ’48 c


$5,000 to $9,999 Number of Donors: 56

Michelle & Greg Nathan ’98 c Blake Schlei Lindsley ’92 & Stephen Nemeth c Katie & Brian O’Malley ’95 c Nancy & Al Osborne c Ann & Tom Pfister c Celeste & John Plueger c Jamie & Josh Revitz ’95 c Fran & Maury Rice c Tima Farmy Schwada ’69 & John Schwada Sarah & Kwan Seo c Karen & Ben Sherwood ’81 c Dana Weiss Smith ’84 & Robert Smith c Cambrien & Nate Snyder ’94 c Ann & Steve Snyder c Patti & Steve Soboroff c Claudia Falkenburg & Andrew Solt c Jane Rissman & Richard Sondheimer Trina & Billy Steinberg Jeanne & Jim Stellar ’48 c Jane & Steve Stellar ’70 c Natasha & Mark Tronstein ’96 c Alia & Ron Tutor ’58 Cristina & Jonathan Wang ’98 c Lucy Wild & Jason Wolff ’85 Julie & Alexander Zaks c DEANS CIRCLE

$3,500 to $4,999 Number of Donors: 14 Anonymous Mariellen & Peter Bergman c Charlotte Hughes & Chris Combs ’80 c Aya & Earl Goldberg c Amy & Stuart Graiwer ’93 Mary Pat & Greg Hanker c Dori & Jordan Katz ’92 c Carolbeth & Lester Korn c Marshall Litchmann Catherine Dupree & M-K O’Connell ’92 c Kelly & David Pokress ’88 c Brigitte & Martin Skan ’54 c Immie & Nugroho Soeharto c Leah Bishop & Gary Yale c SCHOLARS CIRCLE

$1,500 to $3,499 Number of Donors: 85

Anonymous Linda & David Adams Marie & Bill Allen ’75 c John Amato c

CeCe & Craig Baise c Cory & Kendrick Bales ’97 c Deborah & Robert Barry ’68 Dianne & Harland Braun Caron & Steve Broidy c Florie Kemper Bunzel ’77 & John Bunzel ’78 c Lindsay & Chris Casamassima ’93 c Susie & Stephen Cha c Wendy & Bradford Chambers c Jaime Lee ’03 & Matt Cheesebro c Caroline Choe ’98 & Jin Chun Julie & Nick Ciriello ’90 Elizabeth & Matt Clark ’90 c Carol & Jerry Coben Stacie & Aaron Cohen ’93 c Molly & Craig Coleman ’89 c Landon & Derrick Coleman ’86 c Patricia & Robert Crais Jeff Deutschman ’75 Lynda & Al Fadel c Dana & Casey Federman ’91 c Margaret & Chris Forman ’79 c Kelly & Adam Gafni ’95 Karen & Donald Goldberg Denise & Andy Goldfarb c Myra Lurie & David Goldman Lisa Bond & Vincent Herron ’85 c Diane & Hank Hilty c Ellen & Tom Hoberman Susan & David Horn c Deva & James Jackson c Barbara Jacobson c Nadine Watt Jameson & Andrew Jameson ’86 c Linda & Andrew MacAoidh Jergens ’53 c Elizabeth & Steve Kezirian ’91 c Ellen & Caro Krissman ’94 Zuzana & Shawn Landres ’90 c Kasey & Todd Lemkin ’93 c Susan Wagner & Neal Leonard ’76 c Wendy & Barry Levin c Claudia & Brandon Levin ’92 c Sharon Hame & Leo Li Cathy Choi Lohara ’92 & Anoop Lohara c Beth & Robert Lowe Jori Finkel & Michael Lubic ’77 c Melissa & Boutie Lucas ’79 c Lauren & Brad Lundy ’98 c


Stacey Heller Lurie ’93 & Barak Lurie c Alison Whalen & Steve Marenberg c Ann Pokelwaldt McDowell ’83 & Bridge McDowell c Suzanne & Max Mednik ’02 c Sharon & Arnie Messer c Carlye Pollack Morgan ’92 & Mike Morgan Joanne & Matthew Pauley ’88 Marlien Rentmeester & John Phelps ’86 c Katie & Clark Porter ’80 c Jodi Korn Radoff ’81 & Rob Radoff c Debbie Reed c Michelle & Keith Richman ’91 c Bea Torrado-Ridgley & Erik Ridgley c Adrienne Rusk & John Rosenberg ’88 c Linda & Dan Rosenson c Sharon & Michael Roth c Wendy & Bruce Smiley Ginny Stevenson Wendy & Jeremy Strick c Katie & Matt Tarses ’86 c Susan & Cory Thabit ’86 c Jean Lee ’94 & Toan Tran Dorothy Lee & Philip Tseng ’94 c Courtney & Jonathan Urfrig ’92


Stephanie & Leon Vahn c Siow & Robert Vigman Lynn & Bob Wagmeister c Natalie & Fang-Rong Wang c Connie & Victor Wang Valerie & Nat Williams ’77 c Linda Schwartz-Wright & Andrew Wright c Melody & Roby Yadegar ’97 c Mildred & Felix Yip c Patricia & Harrison Zanuck ’89 c COMMUNITY CIRCLE

Up to $1,499 Number of Donors: 886

Anonymous (19) Mary & John Aalto c MB & Ashley Abdo c Kirsten Sawyer Abdo ’95 & David Abdo c Randy & Peter Aberg ’77 c Gay & Harry Abrams Christopher Adair c Jody & Scott Adair ’81 Beverly E. & Sidney A. Adair c Susan & Steve Adamson c Kristy & Tony Adler c Jennifer & Aaron Aftergood ’98 c Sara & David Aftergood Emily & Jake Aftergood ’01 Karla & Bill Ahmanson ’81


Felicia & David Aizuss c Laurie & Steve Albert c Diana & Tad Allan c Patricia Allen c Katherine Howard Allen ’41 & Whitelaw Allen c Halina & Alan Alter c Margaret & David Altschul c Ivonne Lopez-Alvarez & Jose Alvarez c Dean Ambrose Anne Standing Anderson ’81 & Steve Anderson YoungKu Kim & Joe Angelo c Leticia Aparicio c Soledad & Hugolino Aquino Georgine & Bob Archer c Alexis Sherman Arinsburg ’98 & Eric Arinsburg c Susan & William Armistead ’52 c Justine Stamen Arrillaga ’88 & John Arrillaga c Linda Harden Attiyeh ’55 & Robert Attiyeh c Patricia S. & Kenneth A. August c Susan & Bob Bagdasarian Alan Ball c Yinka Bamgbose Jannell & Randy Banchik ’87 c Ani & Daron Barsamian ’92 c Denise & Bob Barta c

Alison Klein Bartman ’93 & Brett Bartman c Mary & Anthony Basich c Stephanie Barbanell & Jerry Bass Brenda Bass-Roper c Amanda Selby Beck ’95 & Matt Beck I-Joen & Thomas Beer Marty Behrendt c Joan Preston Beicke ’61 & Robert Beicke c Lisa & Jordan Bender ’79 c Marion & Craig Benell c Mel & Todd Bennett Leslee Komaiko ’87 & Scott Berg c Davin Bergquist c Bette & Barry Bergsman Adeline Berk c Tina & Bryan Berkett ’99 c Jamie & Joel Berman c Maly & Ethan Bernstein ’94 c Stacy Schwartz Bernstein ’95 & Ryan Bernstein c Anne Watkin Berolzheimer ’56 & Philip Berolzheimer c Roelina & Charles Berst c Ginger Healy ’03 & Brian Berumen c Ethel & Chuck Biosah c Janine & Melvyn Bircoll Betty & Frank Birney c

Carla & Charles Blanc ’81 Tami Goldman ’94 & Jonathan Blenner c Zayda Vidal Bloomgarden & Craig Bloomgarden c Eleni Apostolakis Blumenfeld-James ’96 & Jordan Blumenfeld-James c Kara Nortman ’93 & Jake Blumenthal c Kate Steinberg ’96 & Jonathan Bluth Pamela Bohn Aaron Bolden c Elaine & John Booke ’64 Barbara Border c Margi & David Bordo ’88 Bonnie & Dan Borenstein c Michelle & Drew Bracken c Lynn Gordon & Jonathan Braun Natalie & Joshua Breaux Debbie & Andy Breech ’70 c Anne Bruner ’76 & James Bremner Dolly & Larry Bretter c Patty & Steve Briggs Ella & Scott Brittingham ’80 c Renée & Rodney Brooks c Nancy & Roosevelt Brown Hannah Brumer Eden Allswang Bruner ’86 & Marc Bruner


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Sandra & Pete Brust Lillian & Shawn Bu Upma & Vikram Budhraja c Debbie Call Bulluck & Vic Bulluck c Ivy & Lloyd Bunnak ’91 c Adrienne Barat Bunting ’81 & Stephen Bunting c Audrey & Ronald Burdzinski Karen & Ray Burkland c Lisa Knox Burns ’70 & Scott Burns Janis & Jim Burroughs Camille Cannan Byrne ’56 & Joseph Byrne Laurie Ann & Andy Caine ’76 Vanna & Jim Cairns c Sloane Starke ’96 & Francisco Caloca c Samantha Bernie Canedy ’95 & Eric Canedy Mary & Scott Carde c Kay Carlson c Cathy & Dana Carlton c Ashley & Stephen Carlton Sandy King Carpenter ’69 & John Carpenter c Irma & Ted Carreras c Jill Cartter Marina Angelini Case ’74 & Daniel Case c Sharon & Tom Casey c Allyson & Alan Caso c Yvonne Cazier c Meryl Kirshberg Chae ’87 & Michael Chae c Patti & Larry Chaffin ’52 Angela & Hamilton Chan ’91 Cindy & Kai Chan Karen Benjamin & Alan Chapman Noi & Yot Chattrabhuti c Cynthia & Shuhui Chen c Eileen & Michael Cheng c Jessica Rich ’83 & Frank Chiocchi c Yoon & Jeff Cho c Melanie & Tony Chu ’89 c Katherine Holmes-Chuba & Dan Chuba c Nancy Cifarelli Karen Wengrod-Cinnamon & Ken Cinnamon c Peggy Jo & Jim Clark c Susan Saxe-Clifford & Francis Clifford Tristan & Matt Close ’89 c Carol & David Cocker c Cynthia & Pat Cohen ’76 Gail & Allen Cohen c 54

Karen & Brandon Cohen ’88 Melissa & Darren Cohen ’91 Rita & Joe Cohen Susan & Rafe Cohen Gail & Ed Colburn ’48 c Portia & Paul Collins c William Comanor c Peggy & Charles Cook c Elisa Kapell & Walter Cook c Gail & David Coombs c Bonita Cooper c Silvia & Peter Cooper ’67 c Caroline Cooperman c Anne & Mark Corley ’82 c Amy & Michael Corley ’84 c Michele & Stephen A. Corley ’86 c Tammy & Frank Coulter ’85 c Leah Coulter c Suzann Siegrist Cowing ’88 & Peter Cowing c Melinda & Joseph Coyne Laura Schuman Craig ’87 & Gary Craig Renee Ostrom & Daniel Crowe Alejandro Cruz c Steven Culberson Kathryne & Bill Dahlman ’60 Kristine & Lawrence Damm ’70 Irmgard & Vlad Dan Cheryl & Christopher Dartt c Brenda & Anstr Davidson ’63 c Janice Park Davies ’95 & Gareth Davies c Sharon & John Davies ’68 c Janel Ablon ’91 & Matthew Davis c Morea & Rand Davis ’93 c Jessica & Tommy Davis ’90 Cathy Cockrum Dean ’83 & Sandy Dean c Freya Rojo & Carlo DeAntonio ’88 c Madeline DeAntonio Andrea de Castro-Abeger ’83 c Byanka Delgadillo Jen & Kevin Demoff ’95 c Elisabeth Rendeiro & Steven DePaul Neha & Premal Desai ’93 c Serene Meshel-Dillman & Ray Dillman c Dierdre Zane Dizon ’81 & Glen Dizon Pennie Dobkin c Penelope Banks Doherty ’54 & Kevin Doherty Stephanie Shaffer Dornhelm ’95 c


Kate Benton & Jim Doughan c Laurie Sigoloff Doyle ’79 & Todd Doyle c Patrice Karavas Dragicevich ’97 & Scott Dragicevich Lee Dribin c Rebecca Newman & Gary Drucker c Deborah Duclon Julie DeLilly DeLilly-Dumas ’82 & Stevan Dumas c Stuart Dunnan Ann & Steven Durbin ’97 c Victoria & Roy DyBuncio c Linda & John Easthope ’63 c Sandra & Billy Eddy ’93 Alison & Geoff Edelstein c Nicole Garen Edwards ’02 & Jonathan Edwards Ninkey Dalton & Charles Eglee Brooke Fox Ehrenpreis ’99 & Jeff Ehrenpreis c Ellen & Alan Ehrlich c Stacy & Chris Ekstein ’92 Nancy Holme-Elledge & Terry Elledge Dana Liston & David Ellis ’80 c Laurie & Matt Ember c Elizabeth & Dov Engelberg ’93 c Sara Jasper Epstein ’98 & Josh Epstein Allison Karic Erlikhman ’05 & Gennady Erlikhman c Paula & Don Etra c Jessica Koosed Etting ’98 & Josh Etting c Carol Koh Evans ’89 & Anthony Evans c Phyllis Evans Jessie Blatt Ezor ’97 & Greg Ezor c Holly & David Factor Victoria Koven Farber ’98 & Jason Farber c Mia & Stuart Farber ’81 c Carole & Beryl Farfel c Jerrilyn & Chris Farmer c Karen & Glen Farr ’77 c Debbie Feinerman c Tracy & Rick Ferm ’76 c Yolanda Ferrero Bobbi & Henry Fields c Lisa Hvolboll & Greg Fink ’92 c Patti Bank Finkelstein ’81 & Jeff Finkelstein c Debbie Krakow & Michael Firestein c

Rachel Miller Fischler ’93 & Ian Fischler c Mary & Ken Fishel ’64 Katelyn ’02 & Jason Fisher c Rose Healy & Matt Fissinger Adi & Nachman Flatt c Mimi Flood Lidia & Eduardo Flores c Houri & John Fogarty ’91 c Hillary & Rusty Fogarty Gail Cooper Folan ’77 & Pat Folan c Margie Eddy-Forbes & Charles Forbes ’47 Irene & Phil Fowler ’68 c Laurie Freedman Fox ’92 & Ben Fox c Rochelle & Ron Fox c Maureen Frank c Julie Ferber Frank ’81 & Steven Frank c Vanessa & Bruce Franklin ’81 c Terri & Joe Frantz c Karen Agam Macarah ’92 & Dan Freedman Meghan Joss Freeman ’03 & Tyler Freeman c Stacy Tillett Freeman ’00 & Sam Freeman Liz Sayre & Dave Fuller c Clair & David Fung c Courtney & Jason Fung ’99 Ruth & George Furst Ana Palomo Galdamez ’76 & Hector Galdamez Paul Gallo




ART OPENINGS CURATED BY MARIANNE HALL Edgar Gamez Lilian Gamez Pam & Greg Gamsky ’75 Alison Liebes Gardner ’77 & Chuck Gardner c Sue Maberry & Cheri Gaulke c Jessica Capshaw Gavigan ’94 & Christopher Gavigan Christy & Steve Gersh ’01 c

Susie & Jaime Gesundheit Janice & Paul Gilbert ’60 Pam & Wally Gillette ’55 c Susan Cordell Gillig & Gary Gillig Rosalie Gimeno Robin Hill Gingold ’84 & Dan Gingold c Margaret & John Given Betsy Nathane & Steve Givens c JJ Ramberg ’88 & Scott Glass c Whitney & Bill Glass ’88 c Andrea Malcolm & Bill Gleason ’79 c Nicola & Steven Glick c Rochelle Israel Glucksman ’97 & Jacob Glucksman c Lori Sklar-Glucksman & Richard Glucksman Inga & Frank Golay c Stephanie & Geoff Gold c Stacy Kravetz ’86 & Jay Goldberg c Michele Hamilton & Josh Goldhaber c Claire & Brian Goldsmith ’00 Annemari Lillep & Hank Goldsmith Sharon Walter-Goldsmith & Lee Goldsmith c Stephanie Chavez & Greg Gonzalez c Mary Mac Short Gonzalez ’50* Debra & Ken Gordon c Lisa & Mark Goulston c Anne & Steve Granick ’85 c Amy & Jay Granzow ’89 Anne & Jeff Grausam c Cathy Green Adena Smith & Rich Green c Yvonne Green c Jamie Kantrowitz ’95 & David Greenbaum c Andrea Iloulian Greenberg ’02 & Joseph Greenberg c Marvin Greenberg Andrea Scadron Greene ’92 & Todd Greene c Elizabeth Gregory c Sue & David Griffiths ’77 Karen & Dan Gruber c Nicole Davidson ’01 & Ernest Guadiana Suzi & Bob Guerin c Leslie Knutson ’79 & Stefano Guiso-Gallisay c Aliza & Marc Guren c Elinar Gutierrez


Dana Silver Hadl ’92 & Dan Hadl c Heather & Hank Haldeman ’71 Nini & Jim Halkett c Marianne Hall c Timi & Robert Hallem Anthony Hallinan Cornelia & Robert Hallinan Joyce & Fred Hameetman Vicken Totten ’71 & Bo Hammerling Karen Cooperman Hampshire ’77 & Dave Hampshire c Kay Handler c Kim Nortman ’00 & Benjamin Handzo Priscilla & Paul Hanley ’61 Lindsey & David Hansen ’99 c Oona & Paul Hanson Kelly Stewart Harcourt ’69 & Sandy Harcourt Susan Rider & Greg Harlan ’91 c Cindy & Ben Harris ’94 Leslie & Ryan Harter ’94 Laurie & John Hartigan c Karen & Marc Harwitt c DeAnne & Byron Hayes Auria Mehterian Hayoun ’95 & Benny Hayoun c Jennifer Shirley Hazen ’72 & Bruce Hazen c Kira Mesdag Healey ’03 & Dusty Healey LeAnn & Michael Healy ’76 c Janna & Neil Healy c Nicole Brown Heisler ’98 & Nathaniel Heisler Betsy Newman & Howard Heitner c Colleen Mason-Heller & Lawrence Heller c Carla & Scotty Herd ’56 c Marilyn Shield & Gene Herd c Marcia & Paul Herman c Lydia Hernandez c Tracy Gitnick Herriott ’91 & Stuart Herriott c Clothilde Hewlett Stephanie Liebert & Danny Heyman ’96 c Sherry Heyman c Kimberley & Chris Hieatt c Kathryn & Clifford Higgins c Elizabeth & Kevin Hight ’85 c Nicole Williams Hill ’94 & Scott Hill Kait & Greg Hilliard c Genie & Pepe Hilton ’48 c


Nancy & Ken Hindle-Katel c Suzy Li & Gordon Ho c Wendelyn & Richard Hoffman ’65 c Jamie Gordon Holden ’93 & Greg Holden Alan Homan c Kristin & Jason Honsel c Irán & Chris Hopkins ’92 c Jackie Wollman ’76 & Charles Horstman c Michelle & David Horvitz ’92 Deborah Dowling & Andrew Howard Gale Howard c Kathryn & Con Howe c Sally Howell c Linda & Victor Hsia c Susanna Tran & Charles Hsieh ’96 c Ingrid & Weichung Huang c Frannie Felder Hudson ’04 & Jordan Hudson c Alexandra Selsman Hughes ’87 & Lawrence Hughes c Mary Ann & William Humphrey c Patti & Bill Hunter c Cara & Rob Hur ’91 Eva & John Iino ’80 c Linda & David Ikegami ’80 c Deborah & Brent Iloulian ’98 Lonnie Israel Robbie & Bob Itami c Teri Jackson Arielle & Todd Jackson ’99 c Yolanda & Edwin Jacobs Louisa Wallace Jacobs ’54 & James Jacobs c Allison Demoff Jacoby ’89 & Mark Jacoby c Ashley Share ’98 & Greg Jakubowsky Miryam & Henry Jannol c Hye Yu & Ian Jipp John Johnson c Felicity & Keith Johnson c Tara & John Jones ’92 c Halley & Adam Josephs ’08 c Andrea & Andrew Josephson Janie & Marty Josephson c Karen & Eric Joss c Stacie Smiley Smiley-Juha ’97 & Damon Juha c Martha & Michael Jura Martha & David Kadue c Nicki Freeman & Susan Kallok c Teresa & Jerome Kamer ’82 Maria & John Kanegaye ’80 c


Vivienne Edwards & John Kang ’95 c Sally & Paul Kanin ’69 c Jenny & Bryan Kaplan ’99 c Wendy Graf & Jerry Kaplan c Ron Kaplan c Laura & Harsha Karmarkar ’99 John Karubian Jenn & David Kass ’04 c Chris Aakre & Jonathan Kass ’06 c Nina & Phil Kass c Arthur Kassel Allison & Austin Katz ’95 c Mary & Brian Katz c Nancy & Rick Katz c Dana Perel Katz ’83 & Todd Katz c Erica Lenard Kaufman ’97 & Howard Kaufman Lynn & Michael Kaufman c Lynne & Ron Kaufman c Laura Roberts Kavanaugh ’90 & Bob Kavanaugh c Amy & Michael Kaz ’90 c Julie Jacobson Kelley ’85 & Bill Kelley c Myrna Raeder & Terry Kelly Michelle Alpert Kelrick ’04 & Scott Kelrick c Laurie & Paul Kelson c Ellen Lehman & Charles Kennel Marilyn Kezirian c Sheila Khalladeh c Johanna Schmitz & Jonathan Kichaven ’02 c Youjeong & Gene Kim ’89 c Lily Xu & Greg Kim ’93 c Jean Jeong & David Kim c Janet & Palmer Kim ’92 c Jamie & Steve Kim c Julie King Juli & Jeff Kinrich c Mimi Kite c Phyllis & Ira Klein Judy & Neil Kleinman c Gabriella & Stanley Kleinman c Rebecca & Bruce Kluckhohn ’83 c Carol & Howard Knee c Layne ’94 & James Knott c Cindy & Michael Ko Shin Ja Koh & Henry Koh* Marti Bircoll Kohn ’92 & Ben Kohn Sheryl Handler & Donald Kohn c Chris Kollar

Cyndy Winter & Alex Kolmanovsky c Tina & George Kolovos Pamela Halle Konkal ’76 & John Konkal c Sharon Donzis Koplik ’77 & Jon Koplik c Sasha Goodman & Garry Koralek c Patti & Allen Koss c Julie Spataru Kotler ’04 & Brendan Kotler c Susan Krane Suzanne & Michael Kraus ’90 c Kathy Furst Kriegler ’93 & Brian Kriegler c Kitty Kroger c Howard Krom Margaret Lobnitz & Denny Kruska c Jackie Levy Kubel ’94 & Phil Kubel Betty-Jo Tilley & Richard Kuhlenschmidt c Elizabeth & Russ Kurihara c Karen Kay & Stuart Kuschner Marcy ’75 & Jeffrey Kwitny c Kyeong & Duk Kyoung c Barbara Salzman Laifman ’82 & Jay Laifman c Martha Cronin & Glenn Lambert c Marcy & Bruce Landres c Diana Lands ’81 c Brandi Thompson Lane ’00 & Adam Lane c Susan Giesberg & David Lappen c Lesley & Scott Lasker ’80 Susan & Bob Laskin c Annjay Gumbinner & David Lauter

Lizzy Weiss ’88 & Dan Lazar c Kwang & Chung Lee Suzanne & Daniel Lee c Anita Hadpawat-Lee & Mike Lee ’93 c Sue Lee Anne Trueblood Leeds ’78 & Arthur Leeds c Marlene Lenard Sharon & Gordon Letter c Nina & Dana Leung c Susan & Bruce Levin c Julie Rapaport & Greg Levine ’00 Lindsey & Jay Levine ’98 c Tina Bahuth Levonian ’81 & Brent Levonian Jennifer Cook Lewis ’77 & Chris Lewis ’74 c Amanda Cohen Lewis ’95 & PJ Lewis c Mai & Mark Li Caroline & E-Ho Lin ’84 Mike Baginski & Kim Ling c Sheila & Ashley Lipshutz c Murphy Litvack c Cathey Lizzio c Janet & Jeffrey Loeb Jennifer Bogda Lomeli ’78 & Chris Lomeli c Sylvia & David Loomis ’54 c Cathy & Mark Louchheim c Suzanne & Rob Lowe ’84 c Diana & Eugene Lu c Anne & Justin Lu ’88 Gina Hagopian Luhnow ’89 & Jeff Luhnow Barbara & Dennis Luna Jordyn & Gary Lundy ’00 c Randi Lee & Bob Lundy c Cara Rachelefsky Luse ’90 & Dave Luse c 55

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Liz & Zach Lutsky ’93 c Jane Curtin & Patrick Lynch c Lisa Hazard & Tim Lynch c Carolyn & Rick Lyon ’61 c Colleen & Rick Lyon ’96 c Cathy & Jamie MacDougall ’76 Jamie & Robert Madden c Marilyn Okano & Drew Maddock c Lisa Bitel & Peter Mancall Marci Maniker-Leiter Bobbi & Richard Marantz c Soo & John Marasigan ’91 Ariel Bluming Margolis ’88 & Brad Margolis Sandra & Arthur Markham ’68 Lianne & Kendall Marr c Elizabeth Yale Marsh ’04 & Rhys Marsh Arthur L. Martin c Alexis Bircoll ’89 & Greg Martin c Jennifer Wagner & Jeremy Martin ’92 Christopher Ireland & Davis Masten ’69 Nina Burtchaell & Paul Mastin c Laci & Doug Mathews ’81 Jane & Howard Matz c Barbara Breslow Mayers ’50 & Ed Mayers


Tracy Silver Maze ’89 & Noah Maze Jocelyn & Stuart McAllister c Nancy & Pat McCabe ’74 c Carolyn Carlson McCarthy ’96 & Peter McCarthy Lia & John McClellan ’83 c Tara & Jeff McConaghy ’90 c Jean & Michael McCourt ’73 Gates McFadden Kazue & Rob McGregor c Lise McKenna c Irene Lee McLeod ’99 & Robert McLeod Teresa de Castro McNamara ’81 & Michael McNamara c Caroline & Robert Meer c Lawry & Charles Meister c JoAnn & Bob Meth c Suzy & Andy Miller ’71 c Janice & Bruce Miller c Maria Camacho ’97 & Dayton Miller Sheilah & Donald Miller c Alison Neubauer Miller ’03 & Jason Miller c Betsy & Jim Miller ’96 c Marcy & Milt Miller Michelle & Randy Miller ’76 Donna & David Mills c Serena & Rob Minikes ’94 c


Sharon Nagin Mintz ’81 & Lloyd Mintz c Benedetta & Josh Minuto ’93 c Mari & Hank Mitchel ’69 c Gloria & Accie Mitchell c Jessica & Marc Mitchell ’95 c Claudia & Robert Modlin Carol Eymann Moller ’53 & James H. Moller Treadon Kraus Moore ’94 & Andrew Moore c Julia & Everett Moore Sara Brannin-Mooser & Jonathan Mooser ’90 c Valerie & Mark Morgan ’73 c Lisa & Ronald Moy c Sarah O’Neill & Barry Munger ’80 c Judy Nace* c Cara Familian Natterson ’88 & Paul Natterson c Donna Lisciandro Navarro ’78 & Luis Navarro c Debra & Larry* Neinstein Diane & Mark Neubauer c Marla & Greg Neufeld c Lori & Rick Newman ’81 Jessica & Max Norman ’96 Doreen & Donald Nortman c Stephanie & Greg Nortman ’96 Diane & Tom Nussbaum c Liz & Michael Nyman ’82

Gina Roth O’Donnell ’96 & Dan O’Donnell c Charlotte Offsay Comfort & Levi Ogbunamiri c Ann & Tom Oliver c Sue & Jami Olson c Melanie Olsrud c Judith Fries & Mike Olsson c Kevin & Emilie O’Malley c Teresa & Roger On c Terry O’Neal Janie & Allan Orenstein c Mimi Pittman Ostridge ’60 c Sylvia Elwood Ostronik ’53 & Richard Ostronik c Marilyn & David O’Toole c Katherine Taylor Oxnard ’77 & Hugh Oxnard Lauren* & Michael Ozen c Shoreen Maghame Paccione ’87 & Philip Paccione Courtney Schultz Pade ’02 & James Pade Leonie & Edward Pan c Cara & Warren Pan ’89 Lalitha & Ganesa Pandian c Jackie & David Park Candice Pearson Pate ’92 & Josh Pate c Mary & Nick Patonai ’07 Anna & Gordon Pattison Joyce Patton c

Dan Paulson c Denise Paz Stephen Peck ’64 Bill Peet Emily Feigenson & Dennis Perluss c Cindy Rosenberg Persky ’83 & Michael Persky c Elaine Mandel Peters ’85 & Thomas Peters Victoria Peters Christine & Bradley Peterson ’89 c Jude Schneider & Mike Petzold June & Carl Phelps Patty & Mike Phelps c Virginia Dunn Philhower ’46 & Preston Philhower c Molly Milligan & Brad Phillips Aura Cifuentes & Luis Piche c Richard Pink Mary & Gary Pinkus ’83 c Laurence Pitts & Catherine Singer Pitts ’74 c Ariela Abulafia Plata ’95 & Robert Plata c Allison Parker & Sam Plotkin ’96 Jeanette Valentine & Alonzo Plough c Susan & Raymond Pludow ’73 c Andrea & Rob Pokelwaldt ’80 c Angela Hexum & David Pope ’85 Greg Porter ’76 Talia Lanyi & Nader Pouratian ’94 c Lora & Rabin Pournazarian ’88 c Ellen Levine & Norman Powell Teresa & Trip Power ’71 c Hally & Jeffrey Prater ’72 Stephanie Smooke Praw ’94 & Doug Praw c Sheryl & Ken Pressberg c Kathy Fischer & Rees Pugh c Colleen & John Quinn c Tina Oppenheim Quinn ’79 & John Quinn Gail & Gary Rachelefsky Geordana Wagner-Porter ’01 & William Rack c Lisa & Mitchell Radist c Shannon Ghodsian Rahimzadeh ’03 & Philip Rahimzadeh Lauren Yasuda Rainey ’02 & Erik Rainey c


Harold Ramser ’48 Deborah & James Ramsey Leasa & Scott Rand ’75 c Lisa & Matthew Randall ’98 c Bijan Raphael c Nanci & Spencer Rascoff ’93 c Valerie & Gil Ray c Grace & Tarlin Ray ’92 c Joyce Raymer c Teresa Bianco & Christopher Reilly ’85 c Claudia & Bruce Resnikoff c Laurie Steinberg Reynard ’70 & Michael Reynard c Claudia Ribet c Dana & Tom Riccard ’77 c Amy & Marvin Richman c Marie Martel-Richman & Peter Richman ’75 c Bev Lowe & John Riley Carrie Weiss Ring ’88 & David Ring c Johanna & Brian Roberts ’89 c Sandy & David Roberts c Joanne & Don Roberts c Lew Roberts c Jeanine Flanders & Todd Robertson Stacey & Mark Roesler Lindsay & Dar Rollins ’91 Lucile Romieu c Audrey & Seth Rosen c Jessica & Jamie Rosenberg ’88 c Janet & Bobby Rosenblum c Emilie & Andrew Rosenfeld ’00 c Maggie & Mort Rosenfeld c Polly & David Roth Steven Roth Meg Rothberg c Suzanne & Chuck Rowins Kristen McCarley Royer ’77 & Bryan Royer c Juliana & Ira Rubenstein c Heather & Phil Rubin ’88 Cara Marr Rydbeck ’96 & Carl Rydbeck c Caroline & Dan Saferstein ’88 Dorothy & Avram Salkin Laurie & Gary Samson c Julia Boorstin Samuelson ’96 & Couper Samuelson c Susan Knoppow & David Saperstein ’85 Kyoko Sasaki c Nori Sasaki c Beth & Ronald Saul Ariane & Ethan Sawyer ’92 c


Roseann Schaaf Zoe & Jonathan Schaeffer ’94 c Amy & Steve Scharch c Katherine Burrows Schatzow ’00 & Adam Schatzow Stan Schein c Mackay Gunderson Schinto ’97 & Blake Schinto Joyce & Wally Schmidt ’48 c Linda & Joel Schoff c Sheryl & Ronald Schott c Mary Ruth Hardesty Hardesty-Schreier ’77 & Doug Schreier Beth & Rich Schulman ’99 Martha & Robert Schuur ’72 c Valerie & Ted Schweitzer ’87 c Randi & Stan Schwimer c Jill Scoby Patti Hartmann & William Seaton c Laura & Carlton Seaver ’64 c Marissa Kase Segal ’98 & Gideon Segal Nina Segal Sharon Segal c Nina Tell Segil ’95 & Cliff Segil c Nina Seiden c Michele Smooke Shanus ’82 & Stuart Shanus c Julie & Brian Shapiro Ruth & Mitchell Shapiro Nina & Steven Sheldon Ginny & Jim Shelton ’74 c Patty Shepherd c Judy & Richard Sherman c Pam & Russ Shimizu c Jeannie & Louis Shoch c Carol Kim Shum ’99 & Jason Shum c Kay & Paul Sidhu c Leah & Michael Sievers ’92 c Linda & Perry Silver c Mia & Mark Silverman c Linda & David Simon Bridget Moloney-Sinclair ’01 & Daniel Sinclair c Cambra Stern Sklarz ’96 & Rick Sklarz c Kelly Bernstein Sloan ’92 & Matt Sloan c Charmaine & Hubert Smith ’81 c Sharon & Laurence Smith c Marcia & Mark Smith c Terri & Michael Smooke c


Josef Snett c Cherise Williams Sonderman ’89 & Brian Sonderman c Lori & Howard Soroko Jennifer Mitchell Spier ’95 & Robert Spier c Georgeann & Brian Spivack ’79 Nalini & Komal Sri-Kumar Dani & Jim Staahl c Pat & Ed Stanton ’63 c Lori Krop & Theodore Stein Sari Steinberg c Stacey & Steve Stephens ’77 Karen Stern c Tracy Lawrence Sternhell ’91 & Paul Sternhell Marnie & Steven Stiglitz ’95 c Ruth Waddell & Eric Stockel ’80 Beth P. Stokes c Mary Ichiuji & Andrew Stolz c Nancy Baxter & Bob Stone c Regine & James Stone ’86 Debbie Kates Streiber ’56 c Melissa Strong c Bonnie Sun c Wai-Hang & Li-yu Sung c Debra & Randall Sunshine Nancy Swing & Russell Sunshine ’60 c Anna & Andrew Swerdloff ’02 c Marguerite Swick Kirsten & John Swift ’72 Corinne & Chris Tachiki ’92 c John Talbot Ruth & Ian Taras ’83 c Kathy & Kinji Tasugi c Catherine Haynes Tatlock ’97 & Andy Tatlock c Steve Taub Kathy & Chal Taylor ’80 c Ann & Richard Tell c Anna & Bill Tenenblatt c Rhonda Rundle & Mike Thacher c Melinda & John Thaler ’82 Sande & Rob Thayer Mai Tsoi Thigpen ’92 & Trey Thigpen c Janis Rovner & Brian Thompson c Holly & Buzz Thompson ’69 c Nancy & Tony Thompson ’51 c Chuck Tigerman c Emily Tigerman c Arlicia & Kevin Tolson c Barbara Topkis c Nancy & Hillard Torgan c Kay & David Trader c

DeDe Leshy & Stephen Treuer c AnnaLiisa & David Trulio ’91 Mai-King Chan & Eugene Tsai ’01 Amy Levin ’90 & Shane Tseng Jill & Scott Turner c Lisa Cracchiolo Tush ’80 & John Tush c Elisabeth Bassin & Doug Ulene ’80 c Tracy Bohrer Ullman ’81 & Bill Ullman c Carole & Don Urfrig c Edward Vaill c Mary Sheldon Van Dusen ’73 & Bob Van Dusen ’72 c Wendy & Peter Van Norden c Kate & John Vassallo Katty & Enrique Vega c Melissa Walkes & Rich Vokulich c Sara Volino c Jean Hecht Von Wittenburg ’50 & David Von Wittenburg c Andrew Wald ’64 c Carol & Thomas Waldman ’83 c Janice & Daniel Wallace Nancy Nahin Wallan ’78 & Robert Wallan Mary & Paul Wang c Lisa & Ted Ward c Mary & David Wark ’52 c Elizabeth & Eric Warren ’80 Leigh Irwin & Dave Waterhouse c Liz Murad Waters ’89 & Andy Waters c Sean Waters Tawny & Geoff Wattles c Maria & Jeffrey Wauer c Helene & Guy Wauthy c Starr & John Wayne c Allan Weaver Jacqueline Mandelbaum Weidman ’92 & Peter Weidman Lyn & Adam Werbach ’91 Francine ’68 & Walt Werner c Kimberly Parks West ’96 & Demian West Madeline & Doug Westwater ’63 c Christine & John Westwater ’59 Ann-Marie & Eric Whitman c Vicki & Bill Whitney c Pat Wilcher c

Teri Appel Wilks ’81 & Richard Wilks c Caroline Reigle Williams ’54 & Evan Williams c Christine Lawton Wilson & Curt Wilson c Tonya & Dave Winfield Jackie Flesh Winnick ’01 & Adam Winnick c Jane & Keith Wishon ’72 Lisa & David Wolf ’84 c Diane & Ernie Wolfe ’68 c Linda & Louis Wolff Amy & Michael Wolfram c Hannah Zackson & Andy Wolk c Laurie & Michael Wolke Yvonne & George Wong c Connie & Lawrence Wong c Agnes & Jason Woo c Susan & Kevin Woodhouse Phyllis Corcoran-Woods & Ron Woods c Lisa Josephson Woodworth ’81 & Paul Woodworth Catherine Campbell & Russ Woody c Pat Jackson Woolridge c Susan & Norton Wright c Monica Bauer & Peter Wright ’77 c Courtney Quinn Wyman ’01 & Peter Wyman c Diana Grosenbaugh Wypich ’64 & Harry Wypich c Sandra & Gary Yaggy c Simonne & Gerry Yaroslow c Lilly & Andy Yeatman ’94 Janis & Dennis Yokoyama ’77 c Connie Crane Yost ’76 & Graham Yost c Virginia & Gregory Young Robin & Herbert Young ’55 Lorraine & Stephen Young Anne Cooley Youngblood ’78 & Ben Youngblood Liz & Alarick Yung ’91 c Inna & Alexander Zalevsky Anna &Javier Zaragoza c Bethany & John Zaro ’75 Debbie & Mike Zeiden Jamie & Judd Zinberg ’95 c Collette Bowers Zinn ’94 & Andrew Zinn Darlene Kaplan & Steve Zuckerman c


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016


Anonymous (3) 1011 Foundation Adams Fund Adele Nadel Trust Advanced Fullerton Inc. Aecom Technology Corporation (M) The Ahmanson Foundation Alfred C. Munger Foundation Alix Design Service, Inc. AllianceBernstein (M) Altera Corporation (M) American Endowment Foundation American Express Foundation (M) Amgen Foundation Staff Giving Programs (M) Amgen Inc. Political Action Committee Match Account (M) The Andrew B. Kim & Wan Kyun Rha Kim Foundation The Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation Anthony Pritzker Family Foundation Apple Inc. (M) AQC Archer-Johnson Foundation Ares Operations, LLC (M) The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation (M) Arthur & Joan Weisberg Family Foundation The Bank of America Charitable Foundation (M) Bank of America Employee Giving Campaign Bank of the West Employee Giving Program (M) Barker Family Foundation Barnett Charitable Foundation Barry Family Foundation Bartlett Family Trust Beam Foundation Inc. The Bell Family Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund (M) Best National Appraisal Inc. The Bishop Family Foundation 58

The Bishop of The Protestant Episcopal Church in Los Angeles Black Rock, Inc. (M) The Boeing Company Gift Match/BPAC Program (M) Bradford M. Freeman Foundation Broidy Revocable Trust California Community Foundation Camilla Chandler Family Foundation Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation (M) Caryll M. & Norman F. Sprague Jr. Foundation (M) Causecast Foundation (M) CBRE Foundation, Inc. (M) Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation Charles N. Mathewson Foundation Charles Schwab Chris & Mary Ellen Kanoff Family Foundation Christopher Damico Trust City National Bank Entertainment Division CNC Foundation Coarsegold Veterinary Hospital Coastal Barrier Island Foundation Confiscated Film, Inc. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation (M) The Copses Family Foundation Corday Family Foundation Coutts & Co Global Payment Services Cresa Los Angeles Crestwood Lane Productions, Inc. David Nickoll & Leigh Nickoll Charitable Giving Trust Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation (M) The Devto Support Foundation


The Dickson Family Charitable Fund DIRECTV Inc. Gift Matching (M) DonateWell (M) The Doris and Stanley Tananbaum Foundation DWCB 1984 Partners Earl B. Gilmore Foundation The Earl Lewis Goldberg Family Trust The Eisner Foundation Elbridge and Evelyn Stuart Foundation eScrip Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund (M) Fiduciary Trust Company International First Pacific Advisors, LLC (M) Fischmann Family Foundation The Fran & Ray Stark Foundation Frank Strick Foundation, Inc. The Franklin Cole Foundation FS Management The Fuller Foundation The Gaba Family Foundation, Inc. The Galaxy Trust Garen Family Foundation George H. Mayr Foundation GE United Way Campaign (M) GivingTrax (M) Goldman Sachs Gives Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program (M) The Goldrich Family Foundation GoodSearch Google Inc. (M) The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Greater Houston Community Foundation Grode Family Living Trust Harbor Express, Inc. Horizons Foundation The Horn Foundation Hot Stone Food Group, LLC The Hyman Levine Family Foundation: L’Dor V’Dor The Hyun Family Foundation IBM International Foundation (M) Illinois Tool Works Foundation (M) Independent Schools Association of the Southwest The Irani Family Foundation

IRPR Corporation IVYWISE, LLC Jamison Foundation The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation J B Marble Co JEDA Mineral Resources Inc. The Jena and Michael King Foundation Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Community Foundation Los Angeles Jewish Community Foundation San Diego JMM Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Joan S. Beren Foundation John Bowman & Shannon Gaughan Trust Joseph Drown Foundation The Joslin Foundation Inc J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation (M) Jr. Jainclan Foundation Karen & Edward Weiss Family Trust Karney Guren Family Foundation The Katz Family Foundation Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Foundation (M) King Nutronics Corporation Kirkland & Ellis Foundation (M) The Kite Key Foundation KKR – MP Charitable Gift Fund (M) Kneafsey & Friend LLP K.N. Litvack Krishna & Bob Daly, Jr. Charitable Foundation The Kutler Family Foundation Landau/Purcell Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Konvitz Law Offices of Michael Dundon Roth Lex Diamond Co. Lexington Realty Trust The Lindemann Foundation, Inc. The Ling Family Fund Lory’s West Inc. Louis and Sandra Berkman Foundation Lowe Family Foundation Lowell Milken Family Foundation Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation MacTon Foundation

Maged S. Mikhail, A Professional Corporation Mahmoodzadegan Family Charitable Fund The Maloney Family Foundation Inc. Martin D. & Barbara H. Rich Family Charitable Foundation Mattel Children’s Foundation Matching Gifts Program (M) The Mazursky Family Foundation M & B Sugarman Family Trust Medtronic (M) Michael and Debra Zeiden Children’s Trust Microsoft Matching Gift Program (M) The Mildred E. & Harvey S. Mudd Foundation The Miller Living Trust MJM Worldwide, Inc. Moiso Living Trust Montgomery Enterprises II, LLC Montgomery Enterprises V, LLC Morgan Stanley (M) Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Move It or Lose It, LLC The Muffy Ohlmeyer Family Foundation Muse Foundation Natalie E. Lewis Acupuncture, A Professional Corporation Nathan Family Foundation National Philanthropic Trust Network for Good (M) The New York Community Trust (M) Nomura America Foundation (M) Norman F. Sprague Jr. Foundation Northern Trust Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program – Chicago Community Foundation Northrop Grumman Foundation (M) Nourmand & Associates NS Corporation Nuveen Investments Holdings (M) The Oberfeld Charitable Foundation, Inc.


Oh Family Foundation The Otis Booth Foundation Payden & Rygel (M) The Pergo Foundation Plough-Valentine Family Fund Poncher Family Foundation The Price Foundation UA 11/1/99 Princeton Area Community Foundation, INC. Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. Raytheon Company (M) The Ressler Family Foundation Robert Gore Rifkind Foundation Robert H. Tuttle Charitable Lead Trust The Robert M. Beren Foundation, Inc. The Robin-Hwajin Yoon Kim Foundation Rockwell and Marna Schnabel Foundation The Roddenberry Foundation Roth Family Foundation Ruth & Sonny Singer Foundation Sam and Sooky Goldman Foundation Sam S. Khorsandi, D.D.S. A Professional Corporation S and C Blatteis Foundation The Schifrin Family Trust Schwab Charitable Fund The Seaver Institute Seeley W. Mudd Foundation Segal Family – United World Foundation Sempra Energy Foundation (M) Seung Yol Kim & Co, CPA’s S.G. Family Trust Shekels Charitable Foundation The Sherwood Family Trust Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Silicon Valley Community Foundation (M) Smart Digi-Media Inc. Smith Pharmacy, Inc. The Sondheimer Foundation Sony Pictures Entertainment (M) Stellar Family Investment Company Steven F Roth Family Foundation Studio Seireeni Inc


Sun Shine On You Foundation Susquehanna International Group (M) The Swartzberg/Zoller Family Foundation Swerdlow Family Foundation Sykes Family Foundation Takuro S. Nakae Trust Target Tastebud Entertainment, Inc Terner Family Trust Third Point LLC (M) The Thornton Foundation Three J Investment Todd G. Bennett Living Trust The Tom & Sheryl Amster Family Fund Top Designer Printing Inc. Toyota Matching Gift to Education (M) Truist The T & T James Family Trust Tuchman and Associates UBS Financial Services (M) The Ullendorff Memorial Foundation United Way United World of the Universe Foundation U.S. Bank Foundation (M) U.S. Bank Private Client Reserve U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Vanguard Charitable Video & Audio Center The Walt Disney Company Foundation (M) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (M) Wasserman Foundation Watts Revocable Family Trust The Weiler Foundation Weingart Foundation (M) Wells Family Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign (M) Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program (M) Wells Fargo Philanthropy Fund Westwood Medical Group, Inc. William Keck Jr. Foundation Wine Warehouse WKD Foundation W. M. Keck Foundation Wolfen Family Foundation The Young Family Trust Zynga Inc. (M)


CANYON & GLEN SOCIETY Canyon & Glen is an honorary organization that recognizes alumni and friends who choose to support Harvard-Westlake School through a bequest or include the school in their estate plans. It was established in 2003. Anonymous (3) Katherine & Arwin* Ahrens Freida & Denis* Alexander ’33 Katherine Howard Allen ’41 Magda Altheim* Anita & Chris Anderson ’60 Mary Bannerman ’29* Adeline & J. Edward* Berk Kerem Bilge ’88 Walter Bond ’48* Alexandrina C. Brannan* Sally ’61 & E. Robert* Breech Jr. Mabel A. Brewster* Lingta Kung & Aubrey Chang Chatty Collier ’55 Evelyn Hefner Combs* Anne & Mark Corley ’82 Michele & Stephen A. Corley ’86 Lisa Handler Doherty ’87 & Brett Doherty Wilhelmina* & Ernest L. Dolley* Ann Latta Donnan ’67 Paul Edward ’84 Andrea Neves & Barton Evans ’66* Elisabet & William Fleischman Roberta Frank Susanne L. Gee ’69

Judythe & Herbert* Gitlin Mary Grashoff* Delia A. Gruenstein* Lloyd Harris ’20* Patt* & Dwight Hart ’38* Kathy & Ron* Hartwick ’61 Mary Ann & Thomas Hays ’53 Brett R. Heller ’79* Frederick R. Hills ’30* Linda Jackson ’78 John R. Kanin ’74* Jordan Katz ’92 Leonard Keith ’54 Kathy & John Kissick J. Stanley Klein* J. Blake Koepfli ’19* Susan Krane Margaret & Tom Larkin Jr. Andrew Wesley LauGel* Neill Lehr ’38* Susan Yun Lee ’98 & Jay Lee Abby & Alan Levy Harriet Patterson Lewis ’41* Paul Lewis ’83 Rosalind & Lyle Lindquist Richard A. Loomis ’63* John Meyer ’76 Thuy & George Moss ’48 Randolph H. Moultrie ’26*

Karen Mussette Frances Naren* Marion O. Nelson ’25* Katherine & James Pattison Whitney Rosenson ’88 Lisa Ross ’77 Fred Segal Daniel Seo ’96 Sarah J. & Kwan Suk Seo Patricia Shepherd Curtis Spaulding ’30* Harold V. Spencler ’17* Pat & Edwin Stanton III ’63 Judy Stewart ’69 Vaughn Stone ’23* Russell Sunshine ’60 Judith & S. Jerome* Tamkin Vivian Von Hagen Thompson ’58 Andrew Wald ’64 Miltona* & Robert W. Wienpahl ’35* Carl Wilson* Helene Smedley Willson ’34* Stephanie & Christopher Wood ’76 Julius Woythaler ’74 Leah Bishop & Gary Yale


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

FINANCIAL AID SUPPORT & ENDOWMENT Harvard-Westlake is extremely grateful to the following donors whose continued support provides annual financial aid for students. The Ahmanson Foundation Anita & Chris Anderson '60 Joseph Drown Foundation

Harvard-Westlake Parents’ Association George H. Mayr Foundation Michelle & Greg Nathan '98

SCHOLAR ENDOWED FUNDS All fund balances as of June 30, 2016

Harvard-Westlake is extremely grateful to the following donors who have established and contributed to Scholar Endowed Funds, which provide financial aid to Harvard-Westlake families. AHRENS SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 1967 by Katherine and Arwin Ahrens to support financial aid. Fund balance: $1,273,305 THE ALUMNI SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 1999, the Alumni Scholar Endowment incorporates the combined resources of the Westlake Alumnae Scholarship and the R. Lee Carlson ’50 Alumni Scholarship, creating an endowed scholar fund to benefit alumni legacies. Fund balance: $3,689,189 Anonymous (14) Will Adashek ’01 Yael Neinstein Afriat ’96 Jonny Ahdout ’07 Richard Alexander ’64 James Allen ’48 Katherine Howard Allen ’41 & Whitelaw Allen Jared Altschul ’99 Jose Angel Alvarez ’12 Nina Amyes ’74 Sid Anand ’98 Brett Appel ’00 Evan Arnold ’88 60 HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL

Stacey Goldberg Astor ’93 Cory & Kendrick Bales ’97 David Balfour ’61 Melanie Banders ’92 Sasha Barbour ’84 Julie Barker ’87 Daniel Barsky ’08 Arielle Basich ’11 Susan Leher Beeson ’96 & Jeff Beeson Gina Benedicto ’10 Jamie Sills Bennett ’92 Leslee Komaiko ’87 & Scott Berg Connor Bergman ’05 Jason Bergsman ’97 Dorielle Hanyecz Birnkrant ’01 Carla & Charles Blanc ’81 Brian Bochner ’08 Jane Bogart ’83 Wendy Border ’88 Anne Bruner ’76 & James Bremner Ella & Scott Brittingham ’80 Kate Rheinstein Brodsky ’98 Barbara Brothers ’71 Jeanne Johnson & Clancy Brown Eden Allswang Bruner ’86 & Marc Bruner Florie Kemper Bunzel ’77 & John Bunzel ’78 Cassie Huybrechts Burton ’95 Carol Olmstead Calamaro ’76 Ryan Calvert ’07 Mattie Calvert ’10

Oscar Cancio ’04 Erik Carlson ’85 Sandy King Carpenter ’69 & John Carpenter Anne Carter ’86 Aileen & Tucker Cawley Gary Chan ’97 Michael Chang ’98 Katie Lowry Chang ’99 & William Chang ’97 Eddie Cheng ’99 Victoria Cheng ’03 Ivy Choderker ’89 Morgan Cohen ’98 Sarah Colmaire ’93 Greg Comanor ’10 Jeff Conn ’03 Gail & David Coombs Andrew Cooper ’98 Tori Countner ’99 Jenny Noble & Erin Creznic Caitlin Cunningham ’09 Steve Cutler ’78 Kathryne & Bill Dahlman ’60 Kristine & Lawrence Damm ’70 Nadia Dan ’08 Zaakirah Daniels ’10 Aurele Danoff ’98 Brenda & Anstr Davidson ’63 Morea & Rand Davis ’93 Trevor Davis ’02 Heather Hassler ’95 & Hersh Davis-Nitzberg ’95 Jennifer Paulson Devkar ’97 Cameron Dewey ’08 Paige Dewey ’10 Matt Dines ’02 Dierdre Zane Dizon ’81 & Glen Dizon Penelope Banks Doherty ’54 & Kev Doherty Eli Drucker ’01 Eliza Eddison ’07 Nicole Garen Edwards ’02 & Jonathan Edwards Max Eliot ’09 Elizabeth & Dov Engelberg ’93 Jessie Blatt Ezor ’97 & Greg Ezor Reina Factor ’08 Dana & Casey Federman ’91 Stephanie Feinerman ’05 Howard Fine ’84 Herman Fong ’81 Laurie Freedman Fox ’92 & Ben Fox Julie Ferber Frank ’81 & Steven Frank Vanessa Frank ’93 Alex Freedman ’04 Mike Furlotti ’96 Tracey Sylvester Garnett & David Garnett

Cass Girard-Brownstein ’92 Joe Girton ’10 Vicki Goddard ’60 Stacy Kravetz ’86 & Jay Goldberg Carol & Neil Goldberg Jessie Goldman ’11 Zack Goldman ’08 Teddy Goldsmith ’01 Nickie Hoeksma Gordon ’97 Jessica Weinstock Graham ’93 Victoria Sutro Graham ’68 C.G. Gray ’02 Eric Greenfeld ’78 Yosepha Greenfield ’07 Nick Greif ’07 Alison Griffin ’08 Monica Paz Guggenheim ’99 & Aaron Guggenheim ’99 Brian Gum ’97 Jake Gutman ’10 Michael Halle ’84 Christine Hamilton-Small ’62 Sarah Lemkin Hammer ’99 Vicken Totten ’71 & Bo Hammerling Edward Han ’94 Kelly Stewart Harcourt ’69 & Sandy Harcourt Meredith Harewood ’98 Shannon Hart ’07 Brian Harwitt ’11 Jennifer Shirley Hazen ’72 & Bruce Hazen Nicholas Hentschel ’03 Marilyn Shield & Gene Herd Megan Gerard Hersch ’96 Stephanie Liebert & Danny Heyman ’96 Christina Higgins ’11 Hillary Higgins ’02 Krystle Higgins ’09 Wendelyn & Richard Hoffman ’65 Angel James Horacek ’95 & Erik Horacek ’95 Ed Hu Linda & David Ikegami ’80 Jenny Ingersoll ’07 Ari Isaacson ’95 Lindsey Jackson ’06 Barbara Jacobson Chris Jacquemin ’91 Jessica Scheinberg Jarmoune ’98 Ryan Jones ’01 Todd Jones ’84 Tiffany Jung ’06 Matthew Kalinowski ’95 Sammy Kang ’02 Jenny & Bryan Kaplan ’99 Laura & Harsha Karmarkar ’99 Lee Karny ’82


Ken Loughran ’76 Curtis Mack ’62 Caroline Maeda ’12 Lauren Maldonado ’08 Sophie Mancall-Bitel ’07 Jonathan Mandel ’87 Matthew Mandelberg ’01 Soo & John Marasigan ’91 Deena Margolin ’07 Jessica Marot ’09 Mark Mason ’07 Brittany Mastin ’07 Barbara Breslow Mayers ’50 & Ed Mayers Kendall Mayhew ’03 Tracy Silver Maze ’89 & Noah Maze Ann Pokelwaldt McDowell ’83 & Bridge McDowell Isamu McGregor ’07 Nick Melvoin ’04 Robb Milne ’03 Benedetta & Josh Minuto ’93 Eli Moghavem ’10 Nuriel Moghavem ’07 Stephanie & Jonathan Mork Michael Morris ’97 Michael Mulein ’95 Vic Munoz ’98 Brian Nathanson ’01 Donald Nathanson ’04 Angela Navarro ’09 Obdulia & Guillermo Navarro David Naylor ’79 Becca Neubauer ’07 Natasha Neufeld ’08 Claire Heath Noble ’92 Eddie Nomoto ’94 Catherine Dupree & M-K O’Connell ’92 Andy Okuneff ’06 Eddie Osher ’07 Rick Osterloh ’90





Briana Kichaven ’08 Duncan Kim ’96 Julia Kim ’97 Janet & Palmer Kim ’92 Toby Kim ’03 Scott Kirschner ’81 Alanna Klein ’11 Kevin Klowden ’90 Alex Knight ’11 Layne Kumtez Knott ’94 & James Knott Maria-Elena Kolovos ’98 Peter Kolovos ’95 Jonas Koolsbergen ’83 Joanna Korshak ’08 Julie Spataru Kotler ’04 & Brendan Kotler Jon Krane ’05 Mitchell Kraus ’89 Ethan Kudrow ’11 Teresa Kim Kwon ’95 Janice Chung ’74 & Young Kwon Russell Lakey ’00 Molly Lambert ’01 Erin Landau ’11 Ryan Lapa ’96 Julie Greines Lavine ’96 Shelby Layne ’09 Lizzy Weiss ’88 & Dan Lazar Alexis Johnson Le Guier ’02 Brian Lee ’05 Garrett Lee ’07 Jay Lee ’91 Michelle Lee ’97 Anita Hadpawat-Lee & Mike Lee ’93 Stacy Lee ’09 Susan Yun Lee ’98 Ben Lehrer ’98 Brandon Levin ’09 Julie Rapaport & Greg Levine ’00 Josh Levine ’97 Natalie Lewis ’91 June Lockhart ’43



Richard Oswald ’75 Kevin Park ’85 Robert Park ’90 Geoffrey Pattison ’00 Charles Patton ’88 Elaine Mandel Peters ’85 & Thomas Peters Marlien Rentmeester & John Phelps ’86 Natasha Phillips ’07 Cathy Pitoun ’06 Andrea Savage ’90 & Jeremy Plager ’89 Ariela Abulafia Plata ’95 & Robert Plata Jonah Platt ’04 Allison Parker & Sam Plotkin ’96 Hans Pohl ’84 Evelyn Poplawski ’80 Matt Powell ’05 Maricruz Prado ’92 Lauren Yasuda Rainey ’02 & Erik Rainey Leasa & Scott Rand ’75 Lisa & Matthew Randall ’98 Ellie Mabee Reed ’54 Jon Reiter ’91 Dana & Tom Riccard ’77 Rex Richardson ’10 David Robinson ’73 Jillian Fowkes Roscoe ’97 & Patrick Roscoe ’96 Rebecca Rosen ’07 Avery Rosin ’09 Sharon & Michael Roth Jenny Koss Roth ’92 & Trevor Roth ’92 Imhotep Royster ’04 Adam Rucker ’02 Mandie Rush ’76 Gina Russo ’00 Mike Sacks ’05 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Trisha Farber Sarkisian ’85 Rena Scott ’98 Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Jui Shah ’02 Kisti Shah ’95 Michele Smooke Shanus ’82 & Stuart Shanus Lucas Shaw ’07 Allen Shay ’80 Alastair Shearman ’04 Nick Sinha ’02 Alex Smith ’07 Caline Khavarani Smith ’99 Andrea Soroko ’02 Elizabeth Sparks ’07 Maddy Sprung-Keyser ’09 Jeanne & Jim Stellar ’48 Jane & Steve Stellar ’70 Stacey & Steve Stephens ’77

Tracy Lawrence Sternhell ’91 & Paul Sternhell Cat Stevens ’07 Charlie Stigler ’11 Jason Sun ’02 Corinne & Chris Tachiki ’92 Stephanie Cota Teitelbaum ’88 & Steven Teitelbaum ’80 Allegra Tepper ’10 John Terzian ’98 Mai Tsoi Thigpen ’92 & Trey Thigpen Sarah Louise Tooke ’04 Erica Sommer Torralbas ’76 & Alex Torralbas Russell Touchstone ’50 Jennifer Tourje ’90 Natasha & Mark Tronstein ’96 John Turpit ’64 Tracy Bohrer Ullman ’81 & Bill Ullman Becky Unterman ’99 Andrew Upchurch ’05 Cate Barsky Vogl ’10 Matthew Wagner ’11 Nancy Nahin Wallan ’78 & Robert Wallan Susan Baise Warburg ’98 Mary & David Wark ’52 Elizabeth & Eric Warren ’80 Liz Murad Waters ’89 & Andy Waters Erica Wax ’87 Julie Choderker Weinbach ’87 & Dan Weinbach Jon Weiss ’88 Carolyn Wessling ’86 Kimberly Parks West ’96 & Demian West Patrick Whitman ’05 Sean Whitman ’04 Griffin Whitney ’93 Brooke Wilcher ’97 Ayda Field Williams ’97 Joan Kennedy Williams ’59 Shayla Williams Iman Wilson ’03 Laurie & Robert Winters Ernest Wolfe ’10 Diane & Ernie Wolfe ’68 Pat Jackson Woolridge Renaldo Woolridge ’08 Tiana Woolridge ’11 Ben Wu ’96 Courtney Quinn Wyman ’01 & Peter Wyman Diana Grosenbaugh Wypich ’64 & Harry Wypich Stan Yen ’86 Johnny Yi ’99 Robin & Herbert Young ’55


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

Anne Cooley Youngblood ’78 & Ben Youngblood Liz & Alarick Yung ’91 Bethany & John Zaro ’75 Max Zipperman ’10 JOHN AMATO SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2007 by alumni and friends in honor of Vice President John Amato and in memory of Jamen Amato to support financial aid. Fund balance: $686,269

Mary Amato ’08 Mike Bornstein ’97 Marc Broidy ’91 Caron & Steve Broidy Gail & David Coombs Tracey & Richard Cooperstein Krishna & Bobby Daly ’85



Kay Handler Kathy & Matt Hart Ed Hu Brenda & Lewis Janowitz Elizabeth & Steve Kezirian ’91 Marla & Greg Neufeld Susanne Richman ’95 Michelle Hung ’91 & Marko Rondiak Jodi Kruger & Jeremy Rosen ’89 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Melanie & Bryan Scher ’84 Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Julia Franz & Chris Silbermann ’85 Susan & Cory Thabit ’86 Lisa & Zack Van Amburg ’88 ANDERSON FAMILY SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2007 by Christopher Anderson ’60 to support financial aid. Marc Bretter ’97


Bekins ’44, one of the foundation’s past chairmen, to support financial aid.

Established in 2009 by Debbie and trustee Mark Attanasio P’06 ’10 to support financial aid.

Fund balance:


Established in 1999 by Liza Bercovici and David Axelrad P’00 ’04 ’10 in memory of their daughter, Gabriella ’04 (1986-1999), to support financial aid. Fund balance: $588,708 Ed Hu MILO W. BEKINS ’44 SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2004 by the George H. Mayr Foundation to honor Milo W.



Established in 1979 by Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Berk in memory of their son, a Harvard School social studies teacher, to support financial aid. Fund balance: $416,498

Georgine & Bob Archer Adeline Berk Charlotte Hughes & Chris Combs ’80 Jonas Koolsbergen ’83 Kisti Shah ’95 Ruth Waddell & Eric Stockel ’80 Elisabeth Bassin & Doug Ulene ’80




Established in 1999 by Heather and Skip Brittenham P’97 ’19 to support financial aid.

Established in 2015 by Daun and Daniel Dees P’19 ’21 to support financial aid.

Fund balance: $165,417

Daun & Daniel Dees


Established in 1987 by the Harvard Parents’ Association, students and friends in honor of John Butler, head of upper school, to support financial aid. Fund balance: $170,425 JARRON ’97 & JASON ’97 COLLINS SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2001 by friends and family of Jarron ’97 and Jason ’97 Collins to support financial aid. Anonymous Jarron Collins ’97 Jason Collins ’97 Portia & Paul Collins Marianna & David Fisher Carol & Neil Goldberg Abby Harris ’94 Clothilde Hewlett Ed Hu Teri Jackson Debra & Robert Kasirer Nasreen Babu-Khan & Howard Lehrhoff Lizzie Fisher Marshall ’97 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Jill & P.C. Shaw Ali Fisher Sweet ’03 RICHARD B. COMMONS SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2014 by an anonymous donor to honor Rick Commons and to support financial aid. Anonymous DAVIS FAMILY SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2006 by Jordan and John Davis P’10 ’13 ’16 to support financial aid.


Established in 2013 by Carla and Gerald du Manoir P’15 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $132,856

Carrie & Peter Tilton Lynn & Bob Wagmeister Evelyn Wasserman* Susan Wasserman Amy Pascal & Bernie Weinraub Ann Southworth & John Weissenbach Lacey & John Williams Rhonda & Warren Wixen Karen & Rick Wolfen FISCHER FAMILY SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2008 by Leah and Sam Fischer P’04 ’04 ’06 to support financial aid.


Established in 1988 by the Edgerton family in honor of Mr. Edgerton, alumnus and former trustee, to support financial aid. Fund balance: $130,721

Christopher Adair Jody & Scott Adair ’81 Beverly E. & Sidney A. Adair Kent Corley ’80 Anne & Mark Corley ’82 Amy & Michael Corley ’84 Michele & Stephen A. Corley ’86 JANE B. EISNER SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2015 by trustee Jane and Michael Eisner P’88 ’91 and The Eisner Foundation to support financial aid. Jane & Michael Eisner ENDOWED SCHOLAR FUND

General contributions received to support financial aid. Fund balance: $5,362,942 Mel & Todd Bennett Helen & Peter Bing Missy & Bill Calvert Ashley & Stephen Carlton Karen & Craig Corman Meli & Stephen Rose Susan & William Samuelson



Established in 2005 by members of the Goldsmith and Maltz families to support financial aid. HARTFORD FAMILY SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2009 by Valerie and Harry Hartford P’11 to support financial aid. HARVARD-WESTLAKE PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Funded by Harvard-Westlake Parents’ Association events and activities to support financial aid.

Established in 2013 by Susan Weiss Fischmann and George Fischmann P’15 to support financial aid.

Fund balance: $386,716

Suzi Weiss Fischmann & George Fischmann



Established in 2010 by Judy and Tom Flesh P’01 ’04 ’07 to support financial aid. Martha & Barry Berkett GAREN FAMILY SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2000 by Nancy and trustee Eric Garen P’02 ’04 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $1,485,773 FATHER JOHN S. GILL SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 1986 by alumni and friends in honor of Father Gill’s 44 years of service at Harvard School to support financial aid. Fund balance: $618,928 David Heider ’59 Jonas Koolsbergen ’83 Curtis Mack ’62 Melinda & Tony Moiso ’57 Ruth Waddell & Eric Stockel ’80

Established in 2013 by friends of Tom Hudnut in honor of his 26-year career at Harvard-Westlake School to support financial aid. Fund balance: $1,938,878 Anonymous (2) Catherine & Casey Adams ’93 Laura & Mike Adams ’93 Nikki Cooper ’94 & Eric Baker ’91 Susan Leher Beeson ’96 & Jeff Beeson Betsy Nathane & Steve Givens Heather Habes & Eli Goldsmith Maria & Juan Gomez Ed Hu Elizabeth & Steve Kezirian ’91 Kristen & Peter Kim Eri Kroh Barbara & Joel Marcus Marla & Greg Neufeld Charles Patton ’88 Nanci & Spencer Rascoff ’93 Jamie & Josh Revitz ’95 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Claudia Falkenburg & Andrew Solt Sande & Rob Thayer Geneva & Chuck Thornton ’60 Amanda Angle & Jon Wimbish


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016



Established in 1991 by Mr. and Mrs. George McCambridge and Dr. and Mrs. William Hummer P’88 in memory of their son, Reese ’88, to support financial aid.

Established in 2013 by trustee Jean Moran Kaplan and Stephen Kaplan P’14 ’16 ’18 to support financial aid. This fund was established specifically to honor Tom Hudnut in his final year at Harvard-Westlake School.

Fund balance: $800,102 Margi & David Bordo ’88 Vanna & Jim Cairns Brian Cullen ’85 Maria Hummer & Bob Tuttle INDEPENDENCE FOUNDATION SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 1982 as a loan fund and converted to a scholar endowed fund in 1997 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $649,176 LES JOSEPHSON ’79 MEMORIAL SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 1979 by family and friends in memory of Les Josephson ’79 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $288,122 Patricia & Robert Crais Margaret & Christopher Forman ’79 Andrea Malcolm & Bill Gleason ’79 Andrea & Andrew Josephson Brent Josephson ’05 Janie & Marty Josephson Ross Josephson ’97 Ronald Linares ’96 Michael Monroe ’79 Ruth Waddell & Eric Stockel ’80 Lisa Josephson Woodworth ’81 & Paul Woodworth


Established in 2008 by The William M. Keck Jr. Foundation to support financial aid. Fund balance: $819,662 THE WILLIAM M. KECK, II SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2015 by The William M. Keck Jr. Foundation to support financial aid. William M. Keck, Jr. Foundation W. M. Keck Foundation


Established in 1985 by T. J. Escott P’82 in memory of his son, Christopher Escott Lizzio ’82, to support financial aid.


Paula & T.J. Escott Catherine Lizzio Cathey Lizzio

Established in 1996 by Carol and David Richards P’92 ’96 to support financial aid.



Established in 2015 by Sophia Zhang and Robert Lu P’19 to support financial aid.

Established in 2009 by Ari Ritvo and Alan Slifka* P’09 to support financial aid.



Established in 1985 by Ann and former trustee Bill Lucas P’77 ’79 ’82 GP ’14 to support financial aid.

Established in 1986 to honor former Episcopal Church Bishop of Los Angeles, trustee and parent of Geoff Rusack ’74 to support financial aid.

Fund balance: $321,517

Melissa & Boutie Lucas ’79

Established in 2004 by the Larkin family to support financial aid.



Established in 1979 by Walter and Carol Matthau P’80 to support financial aid.

Established in 2006 by the Latino Parents’ Association to support financial aid.

Fund balance:

Fund balance:



Established in 1978 by Gary Familian P’85 ’88 ’97 and friends of Stanley Meyer to support financial aid and to honor Stanley’s dedication to education and his children: Michael ’70, Peter ’74, John ’76 and Patti ’77. $217,041


Established in 2006 by George “Buddy” Moss ’48 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $111,268



Fund balance:


Established in 1995 by Shelley and Mark Resnik P’96 to support financial aid.

Fund balance: $244,584




Fund balance: $261,403


Established in 1966 in honor of Frank R. Seaver to support financial aid recipients who exemplify the qualities of loyalty, self-reliance and industry. Victoria & Dorn Dean THE SEGAL FAMILY SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 1994 by Leanne and Michael Segal ’75 P’05 ’07 ’11 in honor of the faculty and staff of Harvard School and Harvard-Westlake School to support financial aid. Fund balance: $868,116

Justine Stamen Arrillaga ’88 & John Arrillaga Kirsten Segal Britton ’05 City National Bank Entertainment Division Jeff Deutschman ’75 Cathy Green Suzy Green Kay Handler Ed Hu Brenda & Lewis Janowitz Sally & Paul Kanin ’69


Nancy & Pat McCabe ’74 Betty Nealis Sharon Segal Prudholme & Steve Prudholme Bev Lowe & John Riley Johanna & Harry Salamandra Tina & Fred Segal Kaitlin Segal ’07 Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Molly Segal ’11 Nina Segal Kate & Spencer Villasenor ’99 STEVEN SHAFRAN ’77 SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established in 2001 by Steven Shafran ’77 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $709,719


Established in 2004 by former trustee Caroline Singleton P’66 ’77 GP’08 ’12 in memory of her husband, Henry E. Singleton, to support financial aid. Fund balance: $565,367 HAROLD V. SPENCLER ’17 SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Established with an estate gift of Harold Spencler ’17 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $1,021,710


Established in 1983 by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stark in memory of their son, Peter ’62, to support financial aid.




Established in 2005 by the Wallis Foundation to support financial aid.

Established in 2007 by the family of former trustee Anita May Rosenstein ’72 P’97 and Brian Rosenstein ’97 in memory of Barb Welsh’s 38 years of service at Westlake School and Harvard-Westlake School; combined with the previously established Wilbur May Foundation Scholar Endowment, which was established to support financial aid.

Established in 2015 by Ina Coleman and trustee Alan Wilson P’10 ’13 ’15 to support financial aid.

Fund balance: $466,249



Established in 1998 by Candida Danielson Burnap ’59, Bartlett Burnap ’50, William Bullis ’54 and The Weiler Foundation to support financial aid.

Wendy Morrissey

Fund balance:


Bill Bullis ’54 Candida Danielson Burnap ’59 & Bart Burnap ’50

Fund balance:

Established in 1988 by the Stellar family in gratitude for scholarships granted to the family during World War II to support financial aid.


Fund balance: $1,029,508

Karen Salerno & Gustavo Fanfassian Vicki Goddard ’60 Joanna Behr Hameetman ’90 & Christopher Hameetman ’90 ROBERT W. WIENPAHL ’35 SCHOLAR ENDOWMENT

Fund balance: $530,648

Established in 2001 with an estate gift from Robert W. Wienpahl ’35 to support financial aid.

Jeanne & Jim Stellar ’48 Jane & Steve Stellar ’70

Fund balance:


Established in 2000 by the Woods family in memory of Whitney Woods ’00 to support financial aid. Fund balance: $90,753

Susie & Jaime Gesundheit Patti Hartmann & Bill Seaton Phyllis Corcoran-Woods & Ron Woods



ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUNDS All fund balances as of June 30, 2016

Harvard-Westlake is extremely grateful to the following families and donors who have established Student Assistance Funds to provide additional funds beyond tuition for financial aid recipients to benefit from the opportunities at Harvard-Westlake. The Student Support Program covers student expenses aside from tuition, such as books, required materials, school trips, musical instruments, and athletic equipment for students. ARNALL FAMILY STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND


Established in 2013 by Etty and Claude Arnall GP’14 ’16 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Established in 2004 by Dahlia and Art Bilger P’05 ’08 ’10 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Fund balance:

Fund balance:



Established in 2013 by Debbie and trustee Mark Attanasio P’06 ’10 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. This fund was established specifically to honor Tom Hudnut in his final year at Harvard-Westlake School.

Established in 2014 by Jamie Price Schlei ’85 and Bradford Schlei ’84, alumni, and friends in memory of Jim Brink to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.



Established in 2007 by Max Baril P’06 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. BARNUM FAMILY STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND

Established in 2013 by Donnalisa and trustee Bill Barnum P’08 ’10 ’11 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. This fund was established specifically to honor Tom Hudnut in his final year at Harvard-Westlake School. Fund balance: $94,658

Donnalisa & Bill Barnum




Anonymous Vivian Brink Karen & Jeff Hogan Anita Hadpawat-Lee & Mike Lee ’93 Blake Schlei Lindsley ’92 & Stephen Nemeth Ali Sacks ’10 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Roseann Schaaf Jamie Price Schlei ’85 & Bradford Schlei ’84 REVEREND CANON JOSE D. CARLO STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND

Established in 2007 by J. Daniel Carlo ’83 and his wife, Tina, in loving memory of Dan’s father, who was a stalwart believer in an Episcopal education. The fund provides assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $59,308


Established in 2011 by Nancy and Jay Choi P’12 ’15 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $108,069


Established in 2012 by Ami ’81 and Joe Cohen P’15 ’18 and Fern and Hersh Cohen GP’15 ’18 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $200,809

Fern & Hersh Cohen Ami Kramer Cohen ’81 & Joe Cohen DEAN FAMILY STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND

Established in 2009 by trustee Victoria Dean and Dorn Dean P’02 ’04 ’06 ’07 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $141,759


Established in 2015 by Patti and Marvin Demoff P’89 ’95 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Patti & Marvin Demoff FISHER FAMILY STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND

Established in 2013 by Marianna and trustee David Fisher P’97 ’03 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. This fund was established specifically to honor Tom Hudnut in his final year at Harvard-Westlake School.


Established in 2013 with the leadership of HWAAAN and friends of the school to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Rico Cabrera ’97 Evelyn Henderson Curls ’01 Leslie Knutson ’79 & Stefano Guiso-Gallisay Joni Ivy Hamilton ’72 & Clarence Hamilton Abby Harris ’94 Irán & Chris Hopkins ’92 Angel James Horacek ’95 & Erik Horacek ’95 Ed Hu Keren Johnson ’02 Charles Patton ’88 Collette Bowers Zinn ’94 & Andrew Zinn HARVARD-WESTLAKE PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION STUDENT ASSISTANCE ENDOWMENT

Funded by the Harvard-Westlake Parents’ Association’s events and activities to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $502,386


Established in 2015 by Debby Klein and Mort Marcus P’16 ’20 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Debby Klein & Mort Marcus LI FAMILY STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND

Established in 2014 by Christine Zhang and William Li P’17 ’19 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Christine Zhang & William Li



Established in 2013 by Beth and Josh Friedman P’09 ’12 ’17 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Established in 2015 by Nicole and trustee Robert Maloney ’76 P’18 ’19 ’21 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.



to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.


Established in 1988 by the George C. Page Foundation to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Alison & Richard Ressler

Established by Karen Richards Sachs and David Sachs P’14 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Fund balance:

Established in 2013 by former trustee Deitra Rosson and Michael Rosson P’90 ’94 GP’18 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.



Established in 2013 by Christine and Jason Reese P’15 ’19 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.


Ashley Rosson Frandzel ’90 & David Frandzel DeeDee & Michael Rosson

Christine & Jason Reese



Established in 2007 by Steve Roth P’08 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Established in 2015 by Joan Chu and David Reese P’17 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Fund balance: $110,729

Joan Chu & David Reese



Established by Mi Ryu and Sam Ahn P’04 ’07 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program.

Established in 2015 by trustee Alison and Richard Ressler P’05 ’06 ’09 ’11

Fund balance: $140,458

Fund balance: $171,225


Established in 2015 by Marianne Sprague, family, and friends in memory of former trustee Norman Sprague III ’65 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Gwen & Guilford Babcock Carol & Bill Bagshaw CeCe & Craig Baise Cindy & Joe Connolly Jessica Sprague & Bruce Davis Elizabeth & Kirk Day Victoria & Dorn Dean Heather Habes & Eli Goldsmith Cally Sprague Knapp & Dan Knapp Charlie Munger Sue & Jim McNiel Susan & Llewellyn Miller Annette & Peter O’Malley Johanna & Harry Salamandra

Laura & Carlton Seaver ’64 Peggy & Chris Seaver ’65 Sandy & Turner Smith Amber & Ben Sprague Katrina Sprague Marianne Sprague Marina Sprague Colleen McAndrews Wood & Rob Wood LORI & DAVID SUNKIN ’85 AND KATHLEEN & TED BUCHALTER STUDENT ASSISTANCE FUND

Established in 2006 by Lori and David Sunkin ’85 P’14 ’19 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $238,822


Established in 2013 by Doris and Stanley Tananbaum GGP ’18 to provide assistance to the Student Support Program. Fund balance: $97,896

Stanley Tananbaum *






ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

SPECIAL FUNDS & GIFTS All fund balances as of June 30, 2016


Co-created by Westlake and Harvard graduates, their legacies will continue helping the school in perpetuity. The income generated from this endowment goes into Annual Giving each year and each person is recognized as a perpetual Annual Giving donor in the school’s annual report.


Established in 2010 by Scott Becker ’05 to honor an outstanding teacher of math, science or computer science. The current Becker Laureate is Jessica Kaufman.


Established in 2007 by family and friends in memory of Michael Brownstein ’99 to create awareness of the transformative benefits of a gap year experience between graduation from Harvard-Westlake and matriculation to college. A stipend is awarded each year to a graduating senior(s) based on a proposal that incorporates both travel and service to others. Fund balance: $435,268

while embracing his/her own culture, creatively, courageously and compassionately also honors other cultures, whether based on ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Fund balance: $13,323


Charles E. Ducommun ’30 initiated this fund for the support and enrichment of faculty professional development.

Leanne & Michael Segal ’75

Seth Familian ’97 Heather Habes & Eli Goldsmith Ed Hu Jenny & Bryan Kaplan ’99 Joey Katona ’06 Lindsay Katona ’03 Kelly & Rob Levin Kyong Park Macek ’86 & Dan Macek Scott Messer ’99 Anna Nesser ’01 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Josh Solt ’99 Karin Harwood Strickland ’99 Courtney Quinn Wyman ’01 & Peter Wyman

Fund balance:



Georgine & Bob Archer Margaret & Christopher Forman ’79 Michael Knopoff ’86 Nancy & Pat McCabe ’74 Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Holly & Buzz Thompson ’69

Established by Helen and trustee Peter Bing P’82 ’83 during Harvard School’s expansion in 1978 to provide operational support.

Established to provide support to the school chaplains.

Fund balance:




Established in 1990 by faculty and friends in memory of John Clark, a Harvard School science teacher, to benefit the science department.


Fund balance: $127,522


Established in 1997 by Christopher Forman ’79 and Pat McCabe ’74 to honor Bob Archer’s dedication to his students and his enthusiasm for teaching. The Archer Fund supports the further development of Harvard-Westlake faculty in order to uphold the highest teaching standards. $242,649


An endowment used to fund awards, trophies and plaques associated with various awards presented at the Awards Assembly and at Commencement. Fund balance: $35,060


Established in 2010 by Scott Becker ’05 to support the operating budgets of departments that support science, technology, and mathematics efforts.

Fund balance: $281,011


Established in 1998 to honor former headmaster of Harvard School Christopher Berrisford’s lifelong commitment to education. Fund balance: $8,747


Established in 1995 by Mara W. Breech P’68 ’70 ’73 to assist professional development programs sponsored by the school’s history departments.

Established by Charles E. Ducommun ’30 during Harvard School’s expansion in 1978, to provide operational support. Fund balance: $391,484


Established in 2010 by Joyce and Aubrey Chernick P’11 to support the salary of the department chair of Interdisciplinary Studies and Independent Research. Fund balance:

Established in 2003 by the Fan family and friends in memory of Leon Fan ’88 to support the Playwrights Festival program and the upper school performing arts department.


Established in 2015 by Liz and Bob Deere P’12 ’16 to support science, technology, and mathematics programs.

Derek Fan ’96 Leonie & Edward Pan Cara & Warren Pan ’89

Liz & Bob Deere



Established in 1996 to celebrate Bishop Garver’s dedication as chaplain to the students of Harvard-Westlake.


Scott Becker ’05





Fund balance:

Fund balance:


Fund balance:



Established in 2000 by Linda Brown P’94 ’96 and her family to annually bring notable lecturers to Harvard-Westlake.


Sam de Castro-Abeger ’07

Fund balance:

Fund balance:

Established in 2002 by Taylor Hamilton ’02 to honor a senior who,

Fund balance: $43,482


Matt Mazzeo ’01 Nanci & Spencer Rascoff ’93 Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 GENERAL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ENDOWMENT

Established to provide assistance for professional development opportunities. Fund balance: $3,000,760


Established to supplement faculty salaries and benefits in order to uphold the highest teaching standards. Fund balance: $3,090,506


Established in 2013 by family and friends in loving memory of Perry S. Goldman ’78 to support student playwriting and stage productions, including the Playwrights Festival program and the upper school performing arts department. Eric Greenfeld ’78 Peter Hoffenberg ’78 Jill Scoby GUNTER-GROSS GLOBAL FUND

Established by Johanna* and Jeffrey Gunter P’14 ’14 and Lorette and Keith Gross P’16 ’19 in 2010, this fund will strengthen and enhance the program

and curriculum with initiatives related to regions of the world outside the United States, including grants for faculty development, enhancements to language and history curricula, and speakers series. Fund balance: $187,693

Anonymous Etty & Claude Arnall Anessa Karney ’88 & Stu Goldstein Ed Hu Susan Wasserman HARVARD-WESTLAKE CHINESE EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION ENDOWMENT

Established in 2013 by Anna Fang and Michael Yang P’14, the fund is committed to activities that substantially enhance and promote the interests and presence of Harvard-Westlake in China. Ed Hu Anna Fang & Michael Yang HARVARD-WESTLAKE PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ENDOWMENT

Funded by individuals and the Harvard-Westlake Parents’ Association’s events and activities to provide assistance for professional development opportunities. Fund balance: $576,448

Anonymous (4) MB & Ashley Abdo

Connor Bergman ’05 Pamela Bohn Jeanne Johnson & Clancy Brown Aileen & Tucker Cawley Justin Chen ’10 Eddie Cheng ’99 James Citron ’96 Lisa & Jeff Cohen Michael Crosby ’98 Marla Schwartz & Matthew Cutler Mary & Ken Fishel ’64 Ashley Rosson Frandzel ’90 & David Frandzel Paul Gallo Bennett Givens ’07 Debbie Mitchell & Creighton Grenoble Lizzy Gruner ’05 Riley Guerin ’11 Ann & Adam Handler Deborah & Chris Heine Lisa & David Hernand Rachel Yang & Don Ho Chris Jacquemin ’91 Abram Kaplan ’05 Emma Kaplan ’08 Jackie Levy Kubel ’94 & Phil Kubel Lilas & James Lane Brian Lee ’05 Michelle Lee ’97 Anita Hadpawat-Lee & Mike Lee ’93 Lisa Hazard & Tim Lynch Kyong Park Macek ’86 & Dan Macek Lauren Maldonado ’08 Matthew Mandelberg ’01 Christina McClendon Nick Merrill ’09 Caroline Miller Dan Ming ’93 Eli Moghavem ’10 Stephanie & Jonathan Mork Angela Navarro ’09 Lauren Nichols ’03 Rick Osterloh ’90 Jim Ostridge ’96 Kyong Pak Narae Park Allison Keller Planting & Drew Planting Jonah Platt ’04 Talia Lanyi & Nader Pouratian ’94 Rex Richardson ’10 Avery Rosin ’09 Robyn & Michael Safir Zoe & Howie Sanders Liz & Mitchell Schwartz Heather & Kevin Shannon Lucas Shaw ’07 Melissa Strong

Jennifer Sudarsky John Terzian ’98 Sarah Louise Tooke ’04 Alex Venegas ’10 Susan Baise Warburg ’98 Claire & Stephen Weiner Patrick Whitman ’05 Rebecca Wilkinson ’98 Kasia & Andrew Williams Shayla Williams Jayne Wilson Amanda Angle & Jon Wimbish Laurie & Robert Winters Ernest Wolfe ’10 Yan Lu & Haodong Xu HARVARD-WESTLAKE PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION FACULTY ENDOWMENT

Funded by the Harvard-Westlake Parents’ Association’s events and activities to supplement faculty salaries and benefits in order to uphold the highest teaching standards. Fund balance: $342,243


Established to promote the performing arts program at Harvard-Westlake School. Fund balance: $118,774


Established in 2004 by Nancy and trustee Eric Garen P’02 ’04 to promote individualized and original scientific research projects. Fund balance: $100,636 HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL UNRESTRICTED ENDOWED FUND

Established by Lisa and former trustee Will Mesdag P’03 ’05 during Harvard-Westlake School’s Opportunity of a Lifetime campaign to provide operational support. Fund balance: $493,022


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016



Established to promote the visual arts program at Harvard-Westlake School.

Established in 1982 to honor teaching excellence. The chair is currently held by John Corsello.

Fund balance:

Fund balance: $2,548,837



Sahale Greenwood ’17


Rachel Lee ’17

Learning About Traditional Folk Painting and Slip Casting in South Korea

Connor Reese ’17

The Father of Modern Korean Poetry, Resistance Leader, and Architect of Post-War Reconstruction: Yohan Chu

Maxwell Robertson ’17

Self Expression: Exploring Youth Fashion in Tokyo LATIN AMERICAN AND IBERIAN STUDIES FELLOWSHIPS

Carmen Levine ’17

A Common Thread: Discovering the influence Spanish colonization and religion on Mexican dance culture

Alison Oh ’19

Exploring Islamic Spain and its Influences on Spain Today

Alitzel Villanueva ’17

Gender Roles and Identities in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Mexican Girls

Aman Chaudhary ’91 Mary Corman ’03 Chan Soon-Shiong Family Foundation CAROLYN AND MARION HAYS AWARD ENDOWMENT

Endowed by friends of Carolyn and Marion Hays P’53 ’62 and given to a staff or faculty member who epitomizes the following: loyal and dedicated service to the school, friendliness, good humor and encouragement, patience, and thoughtful consideration for all members of the Harvard-Westlake community.


Established in 1996 by Vicky and George Joseph P’98 ’99 ’02 ’04 to honor teaching excellence in mathematics. The chair is currently held by Beverly Feulner. Fund balance: $2,886,369 MATTHEW W. KANIN FACULTY ENDOWMENT

Established in 1984 by Paul Kanin ’69 P’00 ’03 ’05 for faculty support.

Fund balance: $271,920

Fund balance: $416,827

Mary Ann & Tom Hays ’53

Leanne & Michael Segal ’75



Established in 2007 to honor the leadership qualities exemplified by President Tom Hudnut during his tenure as headmaster of Harvard School and Harvard-Westlake School (1987-2006). The chair is currently held by Head of School Jeanne Huybrechts.

Established in 1980 to supplement faculty salaries and benefits in order to uphold the highest teaching standards.

Fund balance: $2,042,850

Elizabeth & Steve Kezirian ’91 Melanie Ramberg Staggs ’85 & Tom Staggs HW WORKS

Relaunched in 2013, this program provides internship and job opportunities to Harvard-Westlake School students and alumni. Anonymous Aya & Earl Goldberg Carol & Howard Knee Matthew Knee ’01 Sharon & Michael Roth Johanna & Harry Salamandra



Fund balance: $1,788,989 KEITH FACULTY ENDOWMENT

Established in 1969 by Willard W. Keith and Donald R. Keith to supplement faculty salaries in the history and foreign language departments. Fund balance: $685,049 DR. ARAM P. KEZIRIAN MEMORIAL FUND

Established in 1996 by the family and friends of Dr. Aram Kezirian P’82 ’85 ’88 ’91 ’95 to honor his life. Jeannette & Howard Deshong ’85 Lara Kalaydjian ’03 Doug Kezirian ’95 Lorig Kalaydjian ’00 & Eric Kezirian ’88 Marilyn Kezirian Michael Kezirian ’85


Elizabeth & Steve Kezirian ’91 Nanci & Spencer Rascoff ’93 Michelle & Keith Richman ’91 Amy & Marvin Richman Bret Rosen ’91 Johanna & Harry Salamandra THE KARL W. KLEINZ FUND

Established in 1998 by the Class of 1984 to honor Karl Kleinz and to memorialize his breadth of knowledge on so many subjects, his enthusiasm for teaching and his dedication to Harvard-Westlake School. The Kleinz Fund supports the arts and humanities. Fund balance: $41,602 Mimi Flood Chi-Chien Hou ’95 Nanci & Spencer Rascoff ’93 KOGAN FAMILY AWARD FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING FUND

Established in 2010 by Betsy and Mark Kogan P’11 ’13 to foster innovation and acknowledge the most interesting teaching initiatives. The award is presented annually to a teacher who has developed and implemented innovative practices that have substantially improved teaching, curriculum design, technology integration and/or assessment in his/her class. Fund balance: $212,020 KUTLER CENTER FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES & INDEPENDENT RESEARCH

Established in 2010 by Sara and Jon Kutler P’10 to cultivate and sustain interdisciplinary studies and independent research at Harvard-Westlake. It is named for Brendan Kutler, a member of the class of 2010, who died in December 2009. Anonymous (2) Peggy & Charles Cook Conor Cook ’13 Gavin Cook ’10 Johanna & Harry Salamandra The Tribull Family




Established in 2014 by an anonymous donor to provide fellowships to students to study and travel to Latin America and Spain.

Established in 1991 by Jane and Joseph Rascoff P’91 ’93 in memory of their son, Justin ’91, to be used for faculty sabbaticals.

Established in 2015 by Karen and Brad Sraberg P’17 to help meet the needs of students with identified learning differences as well as provide continued awareness and education of the experience of students with learning differences to faculty and staff.


Established in 2006 by Carole and Hal* Gaba P’08 ’17 to honor Jerry Margolis’s 36 years of service to Harvard-Westlake School and to honor his development of the music program in the performing arts department. John Kenchelian ’08 Kisti Shah ’95 GEORGE E. MOSS ’48 ENDOWED CHAIR OF ENGLISH

Established in 2007 by George “Buddy” Moss ’48 to honor teaching excellence in English at the Upper School. The chair is currently held by Jeremy Michaelson. Fund balance: $1,735,341 THUY AND GEORGE E. MOSS ’48 ENDOWED CHAIR OF ENGLISH

Established in 2014 by Thuy and George “Buddy” Moss ’48 to honor teaching excellence in English at the Middle School. The chair is currently held by Amanda Angle. Fund balance: $1,238,767 THE JOANNE PARKER FUND

Established in 1998 to honor Joanne Parker’s dedication to her students. The Parker Fund supports the Women’s Studies Program and Women’s History Week. Fund balance: $18,583 JULIE AND MARC PLATT ENDOWED DEAN’S CHAIR

Established in 2016 by Julie and Marc Platt P’01 ’04 ’08 ’11 ’17 to honor excellence in advising and counseling. The chair is currently held by Sharon Merrow Cuseo.

Fund balance: $1,414,432 Vanna & Jim Cairns Dana & Casey Federman ’91 Mimi Flood Lydia Hernandez Elizabeth & Steve Kezirian ’91 Daniel Lee ’91 Rob Pearlstein ’91 Nanci & Spencer Rascoff ’93 Michelle & Keith Richman ’91 Amy & Marvin Richman Bret Rosen ’91 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Claudia Falkenburg & Andrew Solt JOHN K. SANDIFER ’84 CREATIVE WRITING AWARD ENDOWMENT

Established in 1984 by the Sandifer family in memory of John Sandifer ’84 to benefit a senior who excels in creative writing.


Established in 2010 by Patricia and William Stinehart ’61 P’93 with the fund’s designation to be determined at a future date. Fund balance: $195,988


Gifts received to provide perpetual budgetary support for the Harvard-Westlake Summer Enrichment Program. Colleen & Brad Bell

Fund balance:


Amy & Michael Corley ’84 Kim & Dominic Sandifer ’87

Established in 1989 by family and friends of Ted Sunshine P’56 ’60 ’66 to honor his life.



Established in 2005 by the Class of 2005, this fund provides cash awards to the teachers selected by each year’s graduating class for the Senior Class Tribute. Fund balance: $60,098


Established in 1998 by family and friends of Candace Silverman ’92 as a resource for the Harvard-Westlake community.

Fund balance: $25,236 Sylvia & Bob Sunshine ’56 Nancy Swing & Russell Sunshine ’60 TAMKIN COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD ENDOWMENT

Established in 1988 by Dr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Tamkin P’82 GP’05. Fund balance: $67,609

Judy & Jerome* Tamkin

Fund balance: $8,398

J.J. Erlichman ’92


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016




Established in 2000 to recognize a senior for his/her outstanding contribution in visual arts. The fund was renamed upon Carl Wilson’s death in 2008, in honor of Carl’s 36 years of teaching at Harvard and Harvard-Westlake.


Gifts from friends of the school that have helped refurbish the school’s venue for baseball, O’Malley Family Field.


Established in 2004 by Meredith Jackson P’09 to promote individualized and original scientific research projects in memory of her husband, Jeffrey S. Turner. Fund balance: $54,317 TED WALCH PERFORMING ARTS AND CINEMA STUDIES ENDOWED CHAIR

Established in 2005 by a group of parents and friends to honor teaching excellence in performing arts and cinema studies as exemplified by Ted Walch. Fund balance: $1,633,970

Damien Clark ’95 Heather & Hank Haldeman ’71 Kathy & Matt Hart Ed Hu Wendy & Barry Levin Brooke Levin ’12 Susan & Joshua Wieder WESTFLIX ENDOWED FUND

Established in 2004 to support the Harvard-Westlake Film Festival, WestFlix. Fund balance: $349,514

Christine & Doug Belgrad

Gifts received to support the presentation of exhibitions in the art gallery. HARVARD-WESTLAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION PROJECT

Gifts from friends of the school for the completed Middle School Modernization Project. Janis Horn & Roger Ehrlich Chris & Steve Hazy Cindy & Alan Horn Miki Nam & David Lee Heejung Kim & Jae Kwan Lee Julie & Ken Moelis David Saperstein The Tribull Family HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL COPSES FAMILY POOL

Gifts from friends of the school for the completion of the Copses Family Pool at the Upper School campus. James Bloomingdale ’01 Judy & Peter Copses Holly & Tom Gores Patty & Greg Penske Hilary & Peter Richards ’88 HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL HISTORY BOOK

Gifts from friends of the school for the second edition of the Harvard-Westlake history book on the occasion of the merged school’s 25th anniversary. Mary & Burt Sugarman HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL LACROSSE PROGRAM

Gifts from friends of the school to establish lacrosse nets on the Middle School campus and to support lacrosse coaches’ salaries. HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL MAKER SPACE

Gifts from friends of the school to modify middle school science classrooms into Maker Spaces. Leanne & Michael Segal ’75




Gifts from friends of the school for support of the annual Harvard-Westlake Poetry Festival, Wider than the Sky. Eri Kroh Christine Zhang & William Li HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL SERVICE YEAR FELLOWSHIP

Gifts from friends of the school to provide fellowships to students for participation in a year of public service between graduation from Harvard-Westlake and matriculation to college. Jason Levin ’95 Ashley & Matthew Levin ’99 Shana Levin Zarcufsky ’91 & Matt Zarcufsky HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL SPECIAL EVENTS

Gifts received for underwriting and support for special events coordinated by the Office of Advancement. Debbie & Mark Attanasio Anne Haley Brown & Wren Brown Carla & Antonio Cue Laurie & Jon Feltheimer Andrea Levine Firtel ’95 & Steve Firtel Sameer Gupta ’99 Laurie & Chris Harbert Maria & Jeffrey Harleston Rachel Yang & Don Ho Nadine Watt Jameson & Andrew Jameson ’86 Jimmy Jun ’90 Mary Grace & Peter Kaufman Sara & Jon Kutler Mai & James Lassiter Judy & Alan Levine Sophia Zhang & Robert Lu Padma & Sushil Madhogarhia Lauralee & Scott Martin Brandy & Francois Navarre Anne & Geoff Palmer

Julie & Marc Platt Joan Chu & David Reese Alison & Richard Ressler Shirley & Walter Wang March & Rick Wiseley John Yu Judy Yang & Benjamin Zhao HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM

Gifts received for the ongoing budgetary support of the Harvard-Westlake Summer Enrichment Program. HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL TAPER GYMNASIUM/INSTITUTE F0R SCHOLASTIC SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE (ISSSM)

Gifts from friends of the school for the renovation of Lower Taper Gymnasium, home of the Institute for Scholastic Sports Science and Medicine (ISSSM). Reuben Ahn ’91 Tricia & Neal ElAttrache Ellen & Mark Genender Diane & John Goodman Mary Ellen & Chris Kanoff Jean & Steve Kaplan Danny Karubian ’97 Tony Kim ’91 Candice & Paul Lee Stafford Lee ’91 Stephen Matloff ’91 David Milken ’00 Lisa & Kemper Ohlmeyer ’02 Susan Schnabel & Ed Plummer Todd Rosenberg ’91 Melanie & Bryan Scher ’84 Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Cristina & Jonathan Wang ’98 Annie & Gaines Wehrle Mary & Edward White HARVARD-WESTLAKE SCHOOL TRIBULL FAMILY TENNIS COURTS FUND

Gifts from friends of the school to renovate the school’s tennis facilities at Los Angeles Valley College, Tribull Family Tennis Courts.




Gifts from friends of the school to help refurbish the school’s facility on the Middle School campus.

4Wall Lighting Catherine & Bob Beyer ’77 Yvonne Cazier Jarron Collins ’97 Jason Collins ’97 Laura & Thomas Cook Darragh & Steve Danton Jimmy Jun ’90 Jean & Steve Kaplan Bobby Kotick Nicole & Robert Maloney ’76 Julie & Marc Platt Bill Powers Vicki Marmorstein-Ribner & Seth Ribner Jane & Steve Stellar ’70 Nancy & Howard Sunkin ’81 Shirley & Walter Wang Susan Wasserman


Gifts from friends of the school for the parking, safety, and athletic improvement plan at the Upper School campus. Anonymous Victoria & Dorn Dean Louise & Brad Edgerton Stacey Snider & Gary Jones Bobby Kotick Jeanne & Tony Pritzker Christie & Rich Reilly Leanne & Michael Segal ’75 Geneva & Chuck Thornton ’60 WESTLAKE STAIRCASE PROJECT

Gifts from alumnae and friends to support the Westlake staircase archival project on the Middle School campus. Catherine Gottlieb Brackey ’86 & Tom Brackey ’83 Florie Kemper Bunzel ’77 & John Bunzel ’78 Jordan Bunzel ’11 Maggie Bunzel ’13 Rob Bunzel ’73 Jo Ann Schaaf Ganz ’47 & Julian Ganz Vicki Goddard ’60 Michelle Green ’92 Linda Jackson ’78 Barbara Jacobson Arlene Director Schnitzer ’47 Alex Schwada ’05 Tima Farmy Schwada ’69 & John Schwada Jack Schwada ’09 Laura Ziffren Wasserman ’81 & Casey Wasserman Jennifer Mahendra Yogakumar ’91 & Yogu Yogakumar Shana Levin Zarcufsky ’91 & Matt Zarcufsky

OTHER CURRENT GIFTS Catherine & Bob Beyer ’77 Victoria & Dorn Dean Marisa Eddy ’97 Denise & Andy Goldfarb Laurie & Chris Harbert Lisa Bond & Vincent Herron ’85 Skye & Mark Hoppus Mary Grace & Peter Kaufman Ellen & Yuji Kawana ’83 Toby Mayman & Jerry Kean Sara & Jon Kutler Sara & Mario Rodriguez Melanie León & Dietrich Schuhl Geneva & Chuck Thornton ’60 Shirley & Walter Wang

MEMORIAL GIFTS Received in memory of Anthony Bell ’84 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Kevin Bezonsky ’98 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Ishan Bose-Pyne ’12 Johanna & Harry Salamandra

Received in memory of Justin Carr ’14 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of John Randall Davis ’72 Kirsten & John Swift ’72 Received in memory of Edward J. Fong ’75 Herman Fong ’81 Received in memory of Nicole Frantz ’01 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Waldo A. Gillette ’16 P’55 Pam & Wally Gillette ’55 Received in memory of David J. Hallinan P’18 Hannah Brumer Teresa & Sean Burton Ami Kramer Cohen ’81 & Joe Cohen Steven Culberson Elisabeth Rendeiro & Steven DePaul Ninkey Dalton & Charles Eglee Mary & George Garvey Anthony Hallinan Cornelia & Robert Hallinan Barb Brabec & Geoff Hansen Harvard-Westlake Chinese Cultural Club Tina & Ming-Chao Huang Julie King Joe Henderson & James Locke Johanna & Harry Salamandra Kathy & Adam Shane Kate & John Vassallo Susan & Kevin Woodhouse Received in memory of Brandon Hudson ’07 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Beatrice D. Jackson GP ’97 ’97 Anonymous Jarron Collins ’97 Jason Collins ’97 Portia & Paul Collins Marianna & David Fisher Carol & Neil Goldberg Abby Harris ’94 Clothilde Hewlett Ed Hu Teri Jackson Brenda & Lewis Janowitz Debra & Robert Kasirer Nasreen Babu-Khan & Howard Lehrhoff

Lizzie Fisher Marshall ’97 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Jill & P.C. Shaw Ali Fisher Sweet ’03 Received in memory of Aram Peter Kezirian Jr. ’82 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Henry W. Koh P’87 ’89 Carol Koh Evans ’89 & Anthony Evans Chester Koh ’87 Shin Ja Koh Polly & David Roth Received in Memory of Kevin E. Lewis ’73 Larry Jarvik ’74 Received in memory of Elinor Martin P’92 ’98 Arthur L. Martin Received in memory of Peter Olmstead P’74 ’76 ’77 Carol Olmstead Calamaro ’76 Received in memory of Robert Paulson ’99 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Wilton Park ’95 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Christopher Robinson ’14 Johanna & Harry Salamandra Received in memory of Jacquelyn M. Ross ’05 Anonymous (2) Robert Day Nicky Adamson Duda ’05 Marvin Greenberg Elizabeth Gregory Ed Hu Arthur Kassel Howard Krom Marlene Lenard Matt Maring Victoria Peters Richard Pink Nataalia Rey Stacey & Mark Roesler Len Ross Johanna & Harry Salamandra Steve Taub Received in memory of Julia C. Siegler ’14 Susanne Richman ’95 Johanna & Harry Salamandra


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016

ADVANCEMENT VOLUNTEERS The continued success of Annual Giving and community engagement is the result of friends committed to continued school improvement and is dependent upon the dedication and determined efforts of our volunteers. The school appreciates the efforts of all volunteers, whether they are making phone calls, writing thank-you notes, helping at an alumni event, or coordinating a small gathering. The Office of Advancement extends thanks to everyone involved in making our work both rewarding for us and a success for the school. ANNUAL GIVING PARENT LEADERSHIP TEAM

Junga & Steve Kim, Chairs Laurie & Chris Harbert Sara & Mario Rodriguez PARENT CALLER CAPTAINS

Ruthie & Chip Bailey Susan & Adam Berger Angela & Daniel Blatteis Lynne & Stewart Brookman Lisa & Jeff Cohen Carla & Gerald du Manoir Jennifer Haley ’84 & Charles Flippen Ling Chan & John Gatins Diane Diaz & David Golob ’83 Lorette & Keith Gross Debbie ’82 & Ken Haber Sara & Jason Keller Nasreen Babu-Khan & Howard Lehrhoff Alicia & Bob Levitt Padma & Sushil Madhogarhia Mary & Deepak Nayar Jennifer & John Nordstrom Meli & Stephen Rose Juliet & Peter Seymour Cindy & Jason Spitz Chris & Don Steele Amy Lasser & Scott Sturgeon Meryl Shapiro-Tuchin ’84 & Michael Tuchin Maiya & Patric Verrone Laura ’78 & Jay Weinman Monica Kim & John Yu



Gina & Mark Albert Sheryl & Tom Amster Loryn & Steven Arkow Jessica & Babak Azizzadeh Andréa & Jeff Bacon Charmaine & Sean Bailey Rose Barzdukas Chris Carter & Simon Beardmore Christine & Michael Becker Inga & Ray Beckham Heather Johnson & Stephen Bedikian Kym Begel Amy & Michael Benavente Allison & Larry Berg Linda Liau & Marvin Bergsneider Ronna & Josh Berlin Caron & Ray Bolton Shainaz Donnelly Burg & Mark Burg Rebecca & John Calkins Jennifer & Sal Casola Chris Cook Tracey & Richard Cooperstein Nancy & Patrick Dennis Ruby Carlos & Jamie Doyle Jenny ’83 & Richard Eidinger Sunjoo Moon & Stephane Emeret Teresa & Mike Fourticq Mary Garvey Eve & Bill Gerber Abbie & Stan Golden Anessa Karney ’88 & Stu Goldstein


Carolyn Bernstein & Nick Grad Margaret & John Graham Lisa & Josh Grode Rachel Hsu & Randy Grube Debby Hakim Larry Han Susan & Scott Harper Cynthia ’77 & Charles Hirschhorn Rasa Bauza & Bob Hirshland Bernadette & Brad Huang Meghan & David Hudgins Leslie Weisberg & Jim Hyman Elizabeth & Jeff Ingold Nancy & Mosa Kaleel Brooke & Adam Kanter Mariel Spalter Katz & Andrew Katz Rachael Keipp Robin Keith Ellie & Sam Khorsandi Jennifer & Mark Kim Nicole & Richard Kim Donna & Clifford Ko Lisa & Todd Kornguth Janice Chung ’74 & Young Kwon Jenny Yeung & Leo Lau Teresa & Simon Lee Lorraine & Tim Lee Rebeca Puga & Francisco Letelier Helen & Jordan Levin Joe Henderson & James Locke Susan & Ryan Lynch Curtis Mack ’62 Joanne Gappy & Navid Mahmoodzadegan Davina & Edward Massey Lizzie Dinkel & Aaron Meyerson Heather & Tyler Mingst ’86 Laurie Levenson & Douglas Mirell Dalia & Hamid Moghavem Moji & Ramin Moghavem Christine & Gerald Moon Elisabeth & David Moriarty Donna & Paul Nadel Atoosa & Alex Nehorai Leigh ’89 & David Nickoll ’89 Jenus & George Nourafchan Marcia ’80 & Robert Osborne Pui & Phil Otero Jennifer & Jonas Pate Pam & Alistair Phillips Zina & Peter Pistor Julie & Marc Platt

Byrdie & Bruce Pompan ’80 Alex & Rick Rains Stefani & Gabe Ramirez Annie & Tony Ranger Carolyn & Joe Reece Suzanne Rosencrans Julie & Mark Rowen Suzy & Jon Saferstein ’84 Kim & Dominic Sandifer ’87 Tina Koopersmith & Doug Schreck Carole Schwartz Liz & Mitchell Schwartz Kathy & Adam Shane Frank Sheng Julia Sorkin Andrea & Steve Stanford Brigitte Borun Starr ’84 & Randy Starr Laura Stovitz Anna & Eric Suddleson Linda & Charles Swerdlow Gail Woods & Mitch Tenzer Ann Hollister & Jon Thomas Katherine & Doug Thompson Gia & John Thompson ’81 Laura & Thomas Tippl Helene & David Toomey Gabrielle & Arman Walker Amanda & Nicky Weinstock Jackie & Terry Yeh Jennifer ’91 & Yogu Yogakumar Ellie Fang & Shi Zhang Christina Zilber FACULTY AND STAFF ANNUAL GIVING CHAIRS

Larry Klein Kyong Pak


Jan King ’80, President Marc Broidy ’91 Matt Clark ’90 Ami Kramer Cohen ’81 Casey Federman ’91 Patti Bank Finkelstein ’81 Andrea Levine Firtel ’95 Vicki Goddard ’60 Dana Silver Hadl ’92 Abby Harris ’94 Angel James Horacek ’95 Barbara Jacobson June Lockhart ’43 Jim Myerson ’72 David Nickoll ’89 Marcia Bryant Osborne ’80 Anne Wilson Rader ’74

Steve Rader ’73 Tima Farmy Schwada ’69 Danny Seo ’96 Chris Silbermann ’85 Jim Stellar ’48 Mark Tronstein ’96 Ernie Wolfe ’68 Courtney Quinn Wyman ’01 ALUMNI GIVING AND PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS

Janel Ablon ’91 Bill Ahmanson ’81 Robert Ahn ’94 Mimi Albert ’02 Tiffany Alexander Aldridge ’87 Lisa Alexander ’76 Cezhan Ambrose ’92 Mike Amerian ’92 Nick Angelich ’06 Brian Angelini ’95 Fiana Kumetz Angelini ’96 January Parkos Arnall ’96 Justin Barad ’01 Natasha Rahban Baradaran ’90 Kellie Barnum ’11 Jaynee Strickstein Beckman ’84 Catherine Bender ’91 Bryan Berkett ’99 Tommy Berman ’00 Elizabeth Bernal ’91 Elan Bloch ’01 James Bloomingdale ’01 Julia Boorstin Samuelson ’96 Jeryl Bowers ’86 Adam Braun ’91 Vanessa Braunstein ’91 Marc Bretter ’97 Amanda Countner Brown ’97 Lloyd Bunnak ’91 Florie Kemper Bunzel ’77 Don Camacho ’92 Maria Camacho ’97 Toni Carew ’02 Jill Goldberg Carmel ’91 James Chapman ’81 Adam Checchi ’95 Caroline Choe ’98 Sandy Choi ’91 Brian Chow ’01 Stephanie Chow ’02 Ami Kramer Cohen ’81 Darren Cohen ’91 Gaby Cohen ’11 Morgan Cohen ’98 Kathryne Cooper ’02 Rona Legmann Cosgrove ’85 David Cotterman ’95 Carla Woods Cretaro ’94 Nicole Davidson ’01

Janice Park Davies ’95 Andrea de Castro ’83 Nathan Dean ’06 Sydney Delaney ’02 Kevin Demoff ’95 Doug Dickinson ’76 Matt Dines ’02 Lisa Handler Doherty ’87 Traci Wald Donat ’80 Brooke Fox Ehrenpreis ’99 Jonathan Etra ’11 Jessie Blatt Ezor ’97 Casey Federman ’91 Patti Bank Finkelstein ’81 Andrea Levine Firtel ’95 Laurie Freedman Fox ’92 Shelby Fox ’05 Ashley Rosson Frandzel ’90 Doug Frank ’80 Grant Fraser ’61 Jenny Fritz ’91 Lisa Garner ’84 Adam Gilbert ’86 Geoffrey Given ’89 Fanny Gjonola ’91 Rochelle Israel Glucksman ’97 Nina Sacks Goldberg ’96 Jennifer Goldman ’91 Zach Goren ’03 Stuart Graiwer ’93 Steve Granick ’85 Andrea Iloulian Greenberg ’02 Andrea Scadron Greene ’92 Danny Guggenheim ’96 Sameer Gupta ’99 Dana Silver Hadl ’92 Allan Haldeman ’00 Christopher Hameetman ’90 Joni Ivy Hamilton ’72 Corey Hanker ’93

Kelly Hanker ’99 David Hansen ’99 Abby Harris ’94 Jeffrey Harwood ’82 Tess Hatch ’11 Tracy Gitnick Herriott ’91 Karen Rosenthal Hilsberg ’81 Walter Ho ’98 Veronica Hool ’02 Chris Hopkins ’92 Angel James Horacek ’95 Matt Horn ’01 Gabby Horton ’08 David Horvitz ’92 Charles Hsieh ’96 Wen Wen Hsu ’91 Sarah Hwang ’04 Noel Hyun ’02 Niki Iizuka ’02 Alex Israel ’00 Andrew Jameson ’86 Derek Jennings ’02 Neha Jogani ’01 Jimmy Jun ’90 Larry Kahm ’93 Laura Kalman ’71 Michael Kananack ’85 Julie Son Kang ’91 Samantha Kantor ’03 Anessa Karney ’88 Joanna Kasirer ’97 Austin Katz ’95 Jordan Katz ’92 Amy Keith ’01 Steve Kezirian ’91 Ashley Khakshouri ’11 Celine Khavarani ’95 Jonathan Kichaven ’02 Paul Kim ’93 Jan King ’80

Wes King ’76 Pamela Halle Konkal ’76 Ronni Peterman Kopulsky ’81 Andrew Kowell ’97 Sara Kramer ’99 Joe Kraus ’51 Emily Loze Kreshek ’86 Josh Kun ’89 Kristen Kurihara ’02 Danielle Lackey ’96 Joy Langford ’91 Tom Larkin ’99 Taylor Lasley ’08 Andrew Lee ’02 Eunice Lee ’02 Jaime Lee ’03 James Lee ’92 Tracy Lee ’02 Beth Lemberger ’91 Allison Levine ’89 Jay Levine ’98 Amanda Lew Chris Lewis ’74 Jennifer Cook Lewis ’77 Paul Lewis ’83 Ken Loughran ’76 Sean Lubens ’00 Cara Rachelefsky Luse ’90 Ryan Malleus ’02 Greg Mariscal ’83 Abby Andiman Mars ’91 Anne Levin Marsh ’83 Lauri Kritt Martin ’81 Jane Feldstein Mass ’89 Matt Mazzeo ’01 Carolyn Carlson McCarthy ’96 Teresa de Castro McNamara ’81 Blake Megdal ’98 Andy Miller ’71 Spencer Miller ’91 Jeff Millman ’99 Marc Mitchell ’95 Andrea Golden Mohr ’81 Bridget Moloney-Sinclair ’01 Catrice Monson ’90 Kiana Moradi ’95 David Moran ’92 Melissa Krupnick Munitz ’91 Greg Nathan ’98 David Nickoll ’89 Nick Oliver ’08 Rian O’Meara ’92 Marcia Bryant Osborne ’80 Jim Ostridge ’96 Jenny Ouchi ’91 Sarah Ouchi ’88 Shoreen Maghame Paccione ’87

Candice Pearson Pate ’92 Rob Pearlstein ’91 Evie Peck ’86 Cindy Rosenberg Persky ’83 David Peterson ’88 Sarah Seo Peterson ’98 George Phillips ’81 Robin Ure Pickett ’96 Alyze Lowen Pierce ’93 Dominique Heller Pietz ’01 Lisa Mendel Platt ’81 Maureen Dowling Pollack ’96 Bruce Pompan ’80 Greg Porter ’76 Don Ralphs ’71 Spencer Rascoff ’93 Tarlin Ray ’92 Fredel Romano ’11 Jillian Fowkes Roscoe ’97 Ashley Rosen ’96 Trevor Roth ’92 Rich Rothenberg ’85 Katie Russo ’00 Karen Chasalow Saken ’83 Michael Samuelian ’76 Megan Samuels ’76 Jonathan Schaeffer ’94 Aaron Schmidt ’01 Jonathan Schreter ’86 Rich Schulman ’99 Tima Farmy Schwada ’69 David Schwartz ’90 Wendy Camras Schwartz ’87 Whitney Ross Schwartz ’98 Matt Sebree ’94 Danny Seo ’96 Aimee Slutske Sesar ’91 Donna Shapiro ’82 Chris Silbermann ’85 Todd Singleton ’75 Kelly Bernstein Sloan ’92 Ryan Smiley ’97 James Smith ’83 Joel Smith ’02 Nate Snyder ’94 Michael Sohigian ’81 Connie Sommer ’86 Danielle Kelton Sopko ’02 Stephanie Fishman Spehar ’91 Emma Stachowicz ’02 Evan Stanley ’12 Jim Stellar ’48 Debbie Stokol ’02 David Stone ’97 James Stone ’86 Amy Sturgeon ’91 Matt Tarses ’86 John Terzian ’98 Mark Tronstein ’96

Charlie Tseng ’92 Jon Venick ’01 Spencer Villasenor ’99 Wendy Wachtell Andrew Wald ’64 Jamaica Walden ’02 Emily Wallach ’11 Nancy Nahin Wallan ’78 Dorit Glockner Warner ’96 Nicky Warshaw ’05 Julie Choderker Weinbach ’87 Ali Weisz Weinberger ’02 Dan Weinberger ’96 Eli Weinberger ’99 Daniel Weinstock ’96 Lindsay Rachelefsky Weinstock ’97 Darrin Weiss ’96 Amy Clark Wernick ’86 Sunny Ahn Whang ’92 Teri Appel Wilks ’81 Ernie Wolfe ’68 Susan Wolfson ’73 Sam Wollman ’95 Jeanie Won ’91 George Wright ’85 Rob Wright ’85 Ben Wu ’96 Courtney Quinn Wyman ’01 Jennifer Mahendra Yogakumar ’91 Courtney Groves Young ’79 Anne Cooley Youngblood ’78 Shana Levin Zarcufsky ’91 Collette Bowers Zinn ’94 PARENT OF ALUMNI PHONATHON CALLERS

Renée Brooks Florie Kemper Bunzel ’77 & John Bunzel ’78 Debbie Call Bulluck Susan & Darrell Carr Allyson Caso Peggy & Charles Cook Bonita Cooper Patti Bank Finkelstein ’81 Carol Goldberg Karen Harwitt Debra & Robert Kasirer Carol & Howard Knee Diane Neubauer Doreen & Donald Nortman Terry O’Neal Marilyn O’Toole Ann & Tom Oliver Susan Schneiderman Frank Sheng Sande Thayer


ANNUAL REPORT 2015 –2016




Javier Arango Mark Attanasio Cynthia H. Baise William M. Barnum Robert D. Beyer ’77 Peter S. Bing, M.D. The Right Reverend J. Jon Bruno Jae Min Chang ’68 Jean-Marc Chapus Victoria Seaver Dean Bradford W. Edgerton, M.D. Jane B. Eisner David I. Fisher Eric R. Garen Joni Ivy Hamilton ’72 Christine U. Hazy Philip Holthouse Janis Feldman Horn Jean Kaplan Stephen M. Keck ’92 Robert Kotick Alan D. Levy Robert K. Maloney, M.D. ’76 Charles T. Munger Alfred E. Osborne Jr., Ph.D. Anthony Pritzker Alison Ressler Mario E. Rodriguez Michael Segal ’75 Stacey Snider Melanie Ramberg Staggs ’85 Charles B. Thornton Jr. ’60 Wendy Wachtell Shirley Wang John A. Weissenbach Alan Wilson

Richard B. Commons

Edward W. Hu

Jeanne Huybrechts

Annie Abrams ’99

John Amato Vice President

Susan Leher Beeson ’96

Audrius Barzdukas

Portia Collins P ’97 ’97


Head of Harvard-Westlake

Head of External Relations Advancement Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Associate Head of Harvard-Westlake and Head of Upper School

Parents’ Activities Liaison

Terrence Barnum

Director of Annual Giving

Head of Athletics

James De Matté

Chief of Campus Operations and Construction

Ari Engelberg ’89

Director of Communications

Elizabeth Gregory

Director of Admission

Eli Goldsmith

Brenda Janowitz

Senior Advancement Administrator

Casey Kim

Director of Campaign Management

David K. Lee ’89

Director of Advancement

Jim Pattison

Edward W. Hu

Head of External Relations

Senior Advancement Officer and Director of Major Gifts

David K. Lee ’89

Anne Pyle

Director of Advancement

Alumni Administrator

Jim Pattison

Harry Salamandra

Senior Advancement Officer and Director of Major Gifts

Senior Alumni Officer

Liz Resnick


Director of Studies

Allan Sasaki Miriam Shapira ’97

David Ruben

Director of Information Technology

Executive Assistant to the Head of External Relations

Beth Slattery

Katrina Sprague

Upper School Deans Department Head

Annual Giving Officer

David Weil ’93

Elizabeth Tooke ’05

Chief Financial Officer

Advancement Administrator

Ann-Marie Whitman

Kate Villasenor

Executive Assistant to the President

Major Gifts Officer

Jon Wimbish

Beth Walker

Head of Middle School

Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Eric Yin

Archival Assistant 76




Warren Group | Studio Deluxe PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY

Matt Sayles ’00


Stephen Zeigler, Brian Kramer WRITING

Candace Pearson PRINTING

Southern California Graphics


Office of Advancement 700 North Faring Road Los Angeles, CA 90077 310.288.3308 hw.com/giving

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