Stage et Festival de musique pour jeunes musiciens
Muziekcursus en Festival voor jonge musici
Musikkurs und Festival für junge Musiker/innen
Curso de música y festival para músicos jóvenes
13-27 July, 2025
Château du Lac - Genval • Musica Mundi School - Waterloo
Have granted their patronage
Mrs. Sophie Wilmès
Former Belgian Prime Minister, Vice president EU Parliament
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Van Rompuy
Former President of the European Council
The European Parliament
Mrs. Florence Reuter
Mayor of Waterloo
With the presence of
Mr. John Martin
Honorary artistic committee
Ivry Gitlis In Memoriam
Maxim Vengerov Goodwill Ambassador
Martha Argerich
Mischa Maisky
Steven Isserlis
Pavel Gililov
Friends committee
Madame Evelyne Bruckner
Madame Viviane Grossmann
Madame Mathy Kandiyoti
Monsieur Jean-Pierre Derue
Monsieur Alexandre Lipski
Monsieur Raphaël Lipski
Monsieur Carlo Schreiber
Honorary Committee
S.A. Princesse de Ligne
S.A.S Princesse de Croÿ-Roeulx
Dona Marescotti Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa
Comte et Comtesse Gérald de Roquemaurel
Baronne Martine Piccart-Gebhart
Madame Vincent Van Dessel
Board of Directors
Fabienne Bertrand
Paul De Winter
Henri Fischgrund
Hagit Hassid-Kerbel
Erol Kandiyoti
John Martin
Chantal Servais
Jean-Claude Thiry
Leonid Kerbel
Hagit Hassid-Kerbel
Stephanie Petch
Honorary members
Herman De Vleeschhouwer
Harriet Gibson
School Lady Ambassadors
Liliane Ceraulo
Brigitte de Laubarède
Michèle de Rudder
Chantal de Spot
Charlotte Fischgrund
Viviane Grossmann
Laure Hourtoulle
Mathy Kandiyoti
Fabienne Kirchenstein
Jessica Parser
Delia Ruspoli
Françoise Toby
With the support of Martin’s Hotels, The National Lottery, La Province du Brabant Wallon, La Commune de Waterloo, Delen Private Bank, Stichting IMGO, Robus Foundation, GBL, Chemitex, Axis Parc Fund, ICC, Fonds 6-24, Alphadyne Foundation, Eastbridge, Goldwasser Foundation, SRL C.S.T. Avocats, Aureus Ars & Scientia, Fondation Henri Servais, Nickedo Foundation, Fondation de Bienfaisance, Re-Invest, Piano’s Maene, EJC, Fondation Yves Vander Cruysen, IMOF Trust, Anade Foundation, Espad, Rotary Bruxelles Atomium, Rideau Service, partners, private patrons, media partners
L’idée - Het doel - Das Konzept - La idea - The idea
Combinez des leçons de musique données par d’éminents membres du corps professoral à un festival majeur rassemblant quelques-uns des principaux artistes actuels et vous découvrirez ce qu’est MUSICA MUNDI.
Muzieklessen onder leiding van eminente leden van de faculteit combineren met een groots festival met enkele toonaangevende artisten : dat is waar het bij MUSICA MUNDI om gaat.
Verbinden Sie musikstunden, die von hervorragenden Mitgliedern des lehrkörpers gegeben werden, mit einem bedeutenden Festival, zu dem führende Künstler zusammenkommen, so werden Sie entdecken, was MUSICA MUNDI bedeutet.
Combinar las lecciones de música dadas por eminentes miembros facultativos con una gran festival de algunos de los artistas actuales y descubrir que es MÚSICA MUNDI.
Combine music lessons given by eminent faculty members with a major festival of some of the leading artists today and you will find out what MUSICA MUNDI is all about.
La réalisation - Concrete uitwerking - Durchführung - La realización - The realisation
Le stage est ouvert aux joueurs de violon, alto, violoncelle, piano, harpe, guitare et clarinette âgés de 10 à 20 ans. Chaque étudiant participera à plusieurs ensembles de musique de chambre et pourra participer au programme solo. Les cours seront donnés par les artistes en résidence du programme, les membres du corps professoral et les jeunes membres du corps professoral. Musique de chambre - chaque ensemble recevra un 45 min. cours par jour/5 jours par semaine (les partitions des ensembles seront envoyées à l'étudiant ± 2 mois avant le début du stage). Chaque semaine, des ensembles sélectionnés joueront dans 2 concerts publics qui seront également diffusés en direct par une équipe de télévision. Répertoire solo - chaque étudiant recevra plusieurs leçons individuelles par semaine. Le répertoire solo, accompagné par les accompagnateurs officiels du stage, sera joué dans les concerts de classe et dans les concerts publics qui seront également retransmis en direct par une équipe de télévision. La participation au programme solo est facultative.
De cursus staat open voor viool-, altviool-, cello, piano, harp, gitaar en clarinette van 10-20 jaar. Elke student neemt deel aan meerdere kamermuziekensembles en kan deelnemen aan het soloprogramma. De lessen worden gegeven door de artists in residence, docenten en jonge docenten van het programma. Kamermuziek - elk ensemble krijgt een 45 min. les /5 dagen per week (muziek van de ensembles wordt ± 2 maanden voor aanvang van de cursus aan de student bezorgd). Elke week geven geselecteerde ensembles 2 openbare concerten die ook live worden gestreamd door een tv-ploeg. Solorepertoire - elke student krijgt meerdere individuele lessen per week. Het solorepertoire, begeleid door de officiële begeleiders van de cursus, wordt uitgevoerd in klasconcerten en in de openbare concerten die ook live worden gestreamd door een tv-ploeg. Deelname aan het soloprogramma is een keuzevak.
Der Kurs ist offen für Violine, Bratsche, Cello, Klavier, Harfe, Gitarre und Klarinette im Alter von 10-20 Jahren. Jeder Student nimmt an mehreren Kammermusikensembles teil und kann am Soloprogramm teilnehmen. Der Unterricht wird von den Artists in Residence des Programms, Fakultätsmitgliedern und jungen Fakultätsmitgliedern erteilt. Kammermusik - jedes Ensemble erhält 45 min. Unterricht /5 Tage pro Woche (Musik der Ensembles wird dem Studenten ± 2 Monate vor Kursbeginn zugesandt). Jede Woche werden ausgewählte Ensembles 2 öffentliche Konzerte geben, die auch von einem Fernsehteam live gestreamt werden. Solorepertoire - jeder Schüler erhält mehrere Einzelstunden pro Woche. Das Solorepertoire, begleitet von den offiziellen Begleitern des Kurses, wird in Klassenkonzerten und in den öffentlichen Konzerten aufgeführt, die auch von einem Fernsehteam live übertragen werden. Die Teilnahme am Soloprogramm ist freiwillig.
El curso está abierto para violines, viola, violonchelo, piano, arpa, guitarra y clarinette de 10 a 20 años. Cada estudiante participará en varios conjuntos de música de cámara y podrá participar en el programa en solitario. Las lecciones serán impartidas por los artistas residentes del programa, miembros de la facultad y miembros jóvenes de la facultad. Música de cámara : cada conjunto recibirá una sesión de 45 min. lección / 5 días a la semana (la música de los conjuntos se enviará al alumno ± 2 meses antes del inicio del curso). Cada semana, los conjuntos seleccionados realizarán 2 conciertos públicos que también serán transmitidos en vivo por un equipo de televisión. Repertorio individual : cada estudiante recibirá varias lecciones individuales a la semana. El repertorio en solitario, acompañado por los acompañantes oficiales del curso, se realizará en los conciertos de clase y en los conciertos públicos que también serán retransmitidos en directo por un equipo de televisión. La participación en el programa en solitario es electiva.
The course is open to violin, viola, cello, piano, harp, guitar and clarinet players aged 10-20. Every student will participate in several chamber music ensembles and will be able to participate in the solo program. Lessons will be given by the program’s artists in residence, faculty members and young faculty members. Chamber Music - each ensemble will receive a 45 min. lesson /5 days a week (music of the ensembles will be sent to the student ± 2 months before the beginning of the course). Each week selected ensembles will perform 2 public concerts that will also be live streamed by a TV crew. Solo repertoire - each student will receive several individual lessons a week. The solo repertoire, accompanied by the course’s official accompanists, will be performed in class concerts and in the public concerts that will also be live streamed by a TV crew. Participating in the solo program is elective.
More information :
Her Majesty Queen Mathilde visits Musica Mundi School, September 2023
La mission de Musica Mundi est de développer le potentiel musical et humain de jeunes talents du monde entier. En mettant ces jeunes talents déjà très doués en contact direct avec d'autres jeunes talents du monde entier et avec certains des plus grands pédagogues et artistes d'aujourd'hui, l'impact sur leur vie, en termes de développement, de stimulation et d'enrichissement personnel, sera incommensurable, développement, de stimulation et d'enrichissement personnel, sera incommensurable. C'est dans cet esprit que Musica Mundi organise chaque été, depuis 26 ans, un stage international de musique de chambre et un festival pour les jeunes musiciens âgés de 10 à 20 ans. Chaque année, le stage accueille quelque 70 participants venus des quatre coins du monde. La grande majorité de ces jeunes talents ont peu ou pas de ressources financières ; grâce à des sponsors et des mécènes, ils bénéficient de bourses qui couvrent une partie de leur formation musicale. Le succès grandissant du cours et du festival au cours des dernières années, et les nombreuses rencontres avec des musiciens du monde entier, ont fait prendre conscience aux deux fondateurs de Musica Mundi, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel (pianiste) et Leonid Kerbel (violoniste), de l'urgence de créer une école pour jeunes musiciens. Une école qui offre aux jeunes musiciens âgés de 10 à 18 ans la possibilité de recevoir simultanément et harmonieusement une formation générale et une formation musicale professionnelle, toutes deux de grande qualité, indépendamment de leur situation financière. Il existe très peu d'écoles dans le monde qui proposent un tel programme d'enseignement. La plupart de ces écoles se trouvent en Europe de l'Est ou en Asie. En Europe centrale et occidentale, seule la Grande-Bretagne propose de telles écoles. Lors du concert de Musica Mundi au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles le 2 mai 2011, Maxim Vengerov a annoncé qu'il serait l'ambassadeur du projet d'école ! L'école Musica Mundi a été créée en 2018 sur le site historique et spirituel du «Monastère de Fichermont» - qui fait partie de la zone classée et entièrement préservée du champ de bataille de Waterloo. Grâce à une collaboration exceptionnelle avec l'Archidiocèse de Malines-Bruxelles, « Musica Mundi School » a vu le jour à Fichermont, un internat international pour les étudiants en musique en âge de fréquenter l'école secondaire. L'école, dont la langue véhiculaire est l'anglais, offre un enseignement secondaire général complet. Elle suit le programme et les qualifications des examens internationaux de Cambridge. L'école accueille de jeunes talents venus du monde entier. L'enseignement musical professionnel est assuré par tous les artistes qui font déjà partie de la « Musica Mundi Family » - Maxim Vengerov, ambassadeur de bonne volonté de l'école, Ivry Gitlis (in memoriam), Jacques Rouvier, Vladimir Perlin, Sivan Magen, Benjamin Braude, Zvi Carmeli, Claire Oppert, Artyom Dervoed, Jan Schaeken, Carlos Escalona, Primor Sluchin et bien d'autres encore... Professeurs d'instruments pour tous les instruments d'orchestre et le piano, des maîtres pédagogues et des artistes en résidence sont présents régulièrement à l'école. Les jeunes talents sont acceptés sur base d'une audition et en fonction de leur talent uniquement. Des bourses sont offertes à ceux qui en ont besoin. L'école Musica Mundi est la seule « ALL STEINWAY SCHOOL » en Belgique et dans les pays avoisinants, mettant à la disposition de ses jeunes talents ces pianos majestueux et et les excellentes conditions de pratique et d'interprétation qu'ils offrent. Pour l'année académique 2024-2025 (sa 7e année d'existence), l'école compte 53 jeunes musiciens originaires de pays tels que l'Allemagne, l'Australie, la Belgique, le Chili, la Chine, l'Espagne, les États-Unis, la France, la Hongrie, l'Italie, le Japon, le Kirghizistan, la Norvège, la Pologne, le Royaume-Uni, la Russie, la Suisse, la Turquie et l'Ukraine. Les élèves suivent un programme d'éducation musicale et académique harmonieusement combiné dans un environnement stimulant axé sur le bien-être des élèves. Les élèves travaillent en vue des examens officiels de Cambridge et se produisent régulièrement au cours de l'année lors de concerts publics et privés. De nombreux événements sont déjà programmés pour 2024-2025. Au cours des cinq dernières années, les élèves diplômés de l'école ont passé des auditions dans certains des plus grands conservatoires du monde pour poursuivre leurs études universitaires - Juilliard School à New York, Curtis Institute à Philadelphie, New England Conservatory à Boston, Mozarteum à Salzbourg, Royal College à Londres, Barenboim Academy à Berlin... Ils ont pratiquement TOUS été acceptés avec d'importantes bourses d'études dans ces prestigieuses institutions ! Venez nous rendre visite et témoigner par vous-même de la vie dans cette institution unique !
De missie van Musica Mundi is om het muzikale en menselijke potentieel van jonge talenten van over de hele wereld te ontwikkelen. Door deze reeds hoogbegaafde jonge talenten in direct contact te brengen met andere jonge talenten van over de hele wereld, en met enkele van de grootste pedagogen en artiesten van vandaag, zal de impact op hun leven, in termen van ontwikkeling, stimulering en persoonlijke verrijking, zal onmetelijk zijn. Vanuit diezelfde filosofie organiseert Musica Mundi al 26 jaar lang elke zomer een internationale kamermuziekcursus en -festival voor jonge musici van 10 tot 20 jaar. Elk jaar nemen zo'n 70 deelnemers uit alle hoeken van de wereld deel aan de cursus. De overgrote meerderheid van deze getalenteerde jonge mensen heeft weinig of geen financiële middelen; dankzij sponsors en mecenassen ontvangen ze beurzen die een deel van hun muzikale opleiding dekken. Het groeiende succes van de cursus en het festival in de afgelopen jaren, en de vele ontmoetingen met musici van over de hele wereld, maakten de twee oprichters van Musica Mundi, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel (pianist) en Leonid Kerbel (violist), bewust van de dringende noodzaak om een school voor jonge musici op te richten. Een school die jonge musici van 10 tot 18 jaar de kans biedt om gelijktijdig en harmonieus een algemene opleiding en een professionele muzikale opleiding te volgen, beide van hoge kwaliteit, ongeacht hun financiële situatie. Er zijn maar heel weinig scholen in de wereld die een dergelijk onderwijsprogramma aanbieden. De meeste van deze scholen bevinden zich in Oost-Europa of Azië. In Centraal- en West-Europa biedt alleen Groot-Brittannië dergelijke scholen aan. Tijdens het Musica Mundi-concert in het Paleis voor Schone Kunsten van Brussel op 2 mei 2011 kondigde Maxim Vengerov aan dat hij als ambassadeur van het schoolproject zou optreden! Musica Mundi School werd opgericht in 2018 op de historische en spirituele site van het “Monastere de Fichermont” - een deel van de geklasseerde en volledig bewaarde zone van het slagveld van Waterloo. Dankzij een uitzonderlijke samenwerking met het Aartsbisdom Mechelen-Brussel ontstond in Fichermont “Musica Mundi School”, een internationale kostschool voor muziekstudenten van middelbare schoolleeftijd. De school, met Engels als voertaal, biedt een volledig algemeen secundair onderwijs aan. Ze volgt het programma en de kwalificaties van Cambridge International Examinations. De school verwelkomt jonge talenten die van over de hele wereld komen. Er wordt professioneel muziekonderwijs gegeven door alle artiesten die al deel uitmaken van de “Musica Mundi Family” - Maxim Vengerov, de Goodwill Ambassadeur van de school, Ivry Gitlis (in memoriam), Jacques Rouvier, Vladimir Perlin, Sivan Magen, Benjamin Braude, Zvi Carmeli, Claire Oppert, Artyom Dervoed, Jan Schaeken, Carlos Escalona, Primor Sluchin en vele anderen... Instrumentale docenten voor alle orkestinstrumenten en piano, meesterpedagogen en artists in residence zijn regelmatig op de school aanwezig. Jonge talenten worden alleen toegelaten op basis van een auditie en op basis van hun talent. Beurzen worden aangeboden aan degenen die het nodig hebben. Musica Mundi School is de enige “ALLE STEINWAY SCHOOL” in België en omringende landen, die haar jonge talenten voorziet van deze majestueuze piano's en en de uitstekende oefen- en uitvoeringsomstandigheden die ze bieden. Voor het academiejaar 2024-2025 (het 7e jaar van haar bestaan) telt de school 53 jonge muzikanten uit landen als Australië, België, Chili, China, Frankrijk, Duitsland, Nederland, Hongarije, Italië, Japan, Kirgizië, Noorwegen, Polen, Rusland, Spanje, Zwitserland, Turkije, Oekraïne, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de VS. Studenten volgen een harmonieus gemengd programma van muzikale en academische vorming binnen een verzorgende omgeving die gericht is op het welzijn van de studenten. Studenten werken toe naar de officiële Cambridge Examens en treden gedurende het jaar regelmatig op in openbare en privéconcerten. Voor 2024-2025 staan al talloze evenementen op het programma. In de afgelopen 5 jaar hebben de afstuderende studenten van de school auditie gedaan voor een aantal van 's werelds beste conservatoria om hun universitaire studie voort te zetten - Juilliard School in New York, Juilliard School in New York, Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, New England Conservatory in Boston, Mozarteum in Salzburg, Royal College in Londen, Barenboim Academy in Berlijn... Ze werden bijna ALLEMAAL aangenomen met grote beurzen voor deze prestigieuze instellingen! Kom ons bezoeken en wees zelf getuige van het leven in dit unieke instituut!
Musica Mundi hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das musikalische und menschliche Potenzial junger Talente aus der ganzen Welt zu fördern. Indem wir diese bereits hochbegabten jungen Talente in direkten Kontakt mit anderen jungen Talenten aus der ganzen Welt und mit einigen der größten Pädagogen und Künstler von heute bringen, werden die Auswirkungen auf ihr Leben in Bezug auf Entwicklung, Stimulation und persönliche Bereicherung unermesslich sein wird. Mit dieser Philosophie veranstaltet Musica Mundi seit 26 Jahren jeden Sommer einen internationalen Kammermusikkurs und ein Festival für junge Musiker zwischen 10 und 20 Jahren. Jedes Jahr nehmen etwa 70 Teilnehmer aus allen Teilen der Welt an diesem Kurs teil. Die überwiegende Mehrheit dieser jungen Talente verfügt über geringe oder gar keine finanziellen Mittel; dank Sponsoren und Mäzenen erhalten sie Stipendien, die einen Teil ihrer musikalischen Ausbildung abdecken. Der wachsende Erfolg des Kurses und des Festivals in den letzten Jahren und die zahlreichen Begegnungen mit Musikern aus aller Welt haben die beiden Gründer von Musica Mundi, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel (Pianistin) und Leonid Kerbel (Geiger), auf die dringende Notwendigkeit aufmerksam gemacht, eine Schule für junge Musiker zu gründen. Eine Schule, die jungen Musikern im Alter von 10 bis 18 Jahren die Möglichkeit bietet, unabhängig von ihrer finanziellen Situation gleichzeitig eine allgemeine Bildung und eine professionelle musikalische Ausbildung von hoher Qualität zu erhalten. Es gibt nur sehr wenige Schulen in der Welt, die ein solches Ausbildungsprogramm anbieten. Die meisten dieser Schulen befinden sich in Osteuropa oder Asien. In Mittel- und Westeuropa bietet nur Großbritannien solche Schulen an. Während des Musica Mundi-Konzerts im Zentrum der Schönen Künste in Brüssel am 2. Mai 2011 gab Maxim Vengerov bekannt, dass er als Botschafter für das Schulprojekt fungieren wird! Die Musica-Mundi-Schule wurde 2018 am historischen und spirituellen Ort des „Monastere de Fichermont“ gegründet - einem Teil des denkmalgeschützten und vollständig erhaltenen Areals des Schlachtfelds von Waterloo. Dank einer außergewöhnlichen Zusammenarbeit mit der Erzdiözese Mechelen-Brüssel entstand in Fichermont die „Musica Mundi School“, ein internationales Internat für Musikschüler im Sekundarschulalter. Die Schule, deren Unterrichtssprache Englisch ist, bietet eine vollständige allgemeine Sekundarschulausbildung. Sie folgt dem Programm und den Qualifikationen der Cambridge International Examinations. Die Schule nimmt junge Talente aus der ganzen Welt auf. Professioneller Musikunterricht wird von all den Künstlern erteilt, die bereits Teil der „Musica Mundi Familie“ sind - Maxim Vengerov, der Botschafter des guten Willens der Schule, Ivry Gitlis (in memoriam), Jacques Rouvier, Vladimir Perlin, Sivan Magen, Benjamin Braude, Zvi Carmeli, Claire Oppert, Artyom Dervoed, Jan Schaeken, Carlos Escalona, Primor Sluchin und viele andere... Instrumentallehrer für alle Orchesterinstrumente und Klavier, Meisterpädagogen und Künstler in Residence sind regelmäßig an der Schule anwesend. Junge Talente werden nur auf der Grundlage eines Vorspiels und entsprechend ihrer Begabung aufgenommen. Für Bedürftige werden Stipendien angeboten. Die Musica Mundi Schule ist die einzige „ALL STEINWAY SCHOOL“ in Belgien und den umliegenden Ländern, die ihren jungen Talenten diese majestätischen Klaviere zur Verfügung stellt und die hervorragenden Übungs- und Aufführungsbedingungen, die sie bieten. Im akademischen Jahr 2024-2025 (dem 7. Jahr ihres Bestehens) hat die Schule 53 junge Musiker aus Ländern wie Australien, Belgien, Chile, China, Frankreich, Deutschland, Holland, Ungarn, Italien, Japan, Kirgisistan, Norwegen, Polen, Russland, Spanien, Schweiz, Türkei, Ukraine, Vereinigtes Königreich und USA. Die Schüler absolvieren ein harmonisch kombiniertes Programm aus musikalischer und akademischer Ausbildung in einem Umfeld, das auf das Wohlergehen der Schüler ausgerichtet ist. Die Schüler arbeiten auf die offiziellen Cambridge-Prüfungen hin und treten im Laufe des Jahres regelmäßig in öffentlichen und privaten Konzerten auf. Für 2024-2025 sind bereits zahlreiche Veranstaltungen geplant. In den letzten fünf Jahren haben die Absolventen der Schule an einigen der weltweit besten Konservatorien vorgespielt, um ihr Studium fortzusetzen - Juilliard School in New York,
La misión de Musica Mundi es desarrollar el potencial musical y humano de jóvenes talentos de todo el mundo. Al poner a estos jóvenes talentos, ya de por sí muy dotados, en contacto directo con otros jóvenes talentos de todo el mundo, y con algunos de los mejores pedagogos y artistas de la actualidad, el impacto en sus vidas, en términos de desarrollo, estímulo y enriquecimiento personal, será inconmensurable. Con esta misma filosofía, Musica Mundi organiza cada verano, desde hace 26 años, un curso y un festival internacional de música de cámara para jóvenes músicos de 10 a 20 años. Cada año asisten al curso unos 70 participantes procedentes de los cuatro rincones del mundo. La gran mayoría de estos jóvenes talentos tienen pocos o ningún recurso económico; gracias a patrocinadores y mecenas, reciben becas que cubren parte de su formación musical. El creciente éxito del curso y del festival en los últimos años, y los numerosos encuentros con músicos de todo el mundo, hicieron que los dos fundadores de Musica Mundi, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel (pianista) y Leonid Kerbel (violinista), tomaran conciencia de la urgente necesidad de crear una escuela para jóvenes músicos. Una escuela que ofrezca a los jóvenes músicos de entre 10 y 18 años la oportunidad de recibir simultánea y armoniosamente una educación general y una educación musical profesional, ambas de alta calidad, independientemente de su situación económica. Hay muy pocas escuelas en el mundo que ofrezcan un programa educativo de este tipo. La mayoría de estas escuelas se encuentran en Europa del Este o Asia. En Europa Central y Occidental, sólo Gran Bretaña ofrece este tipo de escuelas. Durante el concierto de Musica Mundi en el Centro de Bellas Artes de Bruselas, el 2 de mayo de 2011, Maxim Vengerov anunció que iba a actuar como embajador del proyecto de la escuela. La Escuela Musica Mundi se creó en 2018 en el lugar histórico y espiritual del «Monasterio de Fichermont» - parte de la zona catalogada y totalmente conservada del campo de batalla de Waterloo. Gracias a una colaboración excepcional con la Archidiócesis de Malinas-Bruselas, «Musica Mundi School» vio la luz en Fichermont un internado internacional para estudiantes de música en edad de secundaria. La escuela, cuya lengua vehicular es el inglés, ofrece una enseñanza secundaria general completa. Sigue el programa y las calificaciones de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge. La escuela acoge a jóvenes talentos que llegan de todo el mundo. La enseñanza musical profesional corre a cargo de todos los artistas que ya forman parte de la «Familia Musica Mundi»: Maxim Vengerov, Embajador de Buena Voluntad de la escuela, Ivry Gitlis (in memoriam), Jacques Rouvier, Vladimir Perlin, Sivan Magen, Benjamin Braude, Zvi Carmeli, Claire Oppert, Artyom Dervoed, Jan Schaeken, Carlos Escalona, Primor Sluchin y muchos otros... Maestros instrumentistas para todos los instrumentos orquestales y piano, maestros pedagogos y artistas en residencia están presentes en la escuela regularmente. Los jóvenes talentos son aceptados únicamente sobre la base de una audición y en función de su talento. Se ofrecen becas a los más necesitados. La escuela Musica Mundi es la única «ALL STEINWAY SCHOOL» en Bélgica y en los países limítrofes, que pone a disposición de sus jóvenes talentos estos majestuosos pianos y las excelentes condiciones de práctica e interpretación que ofrecen. Para el curso 2024-2025 (su 7º año de existencia), la escuela cuenta con 53 jóvenes músicos procedentes de países como Alemania, Australia, Bélgica, Chile, China, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Holanda, Hungría, Italia, Japón, Kirguistán, Noruega, Polonia, Reino Unido, Rusia, Suiza, Turquía y Ucrania. Los estudiantes siguen un programa armoniosamente combinado de educación musical y académica dentro de un entorno enriquecedor centrado en el bienestar de los estudiantes. Los alumnos trabajan para obtener los exámenes oficiales de Cambridge y actúan regularmente durante el año en conciertos públicos y privados. Ya se han programado numerosos eventos para 2024-2025. En los últimos 5 años, los alumnos graduados de la escuela han realizado audiciones en algunos de los mejores conservatorios del mundo para continuar sus estudios universitarios - Juilliard School en Nueva York, Curtis Institute de Filadelfia, New England Conservatory de Boston, Mozarteum de Salzburgo, Royal College de Londres, Barenboim Academy de Berlín... ¡Prácticamente TODOS fueron aceptados con grandes becas en estas prestigiosas instituciones! Venga a visitarnos y sea testigo de la vida en esta institución única.
The mission of Musica Mundi is to develop the musical and human potential of young talents from all over the world. By putting these already highly gifted young talents in direct contact with other young talents from around the world, and with some of today’s greatest pedagogues and artists, the impact on their lives, in terms of development, stimulation and personal enrichment, will be immeasurable. Driven by this same philosophy, every summer for the last 26 years Musica Mundi has been holding an international chamber music course and festival for young musicians aged 10 to 20. Each year, the course is attended by some 70 participants from the four corners of the world. The vast majority of these talented young people have few or no financial resources; thanks to sponsors and patrons, they receive scholarships which cover part of their musical education. The growing success of the course and the festival over the last years, and numerous encounters with musicians from all over the world, made the two founders of Musica Mundi, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel (pianist) and Leonid Kerbel (violinist), aware of the urgent need to set up a school for young musicians. A school that offers young musicians aged 10 to 18 the opportunity to simultaneously and harmoniously receive a general education and a professional musical education, both of high quality, irrespective of their financial situation. There are very few schools in the world offering such an education programme. Most of these schools are in Eastern Europe or Asia. In Central and Western Europe only Great Britian offers such schools. During the Musica Mundi concert at the Centre of Fine Arts of Brussels on the 2nd May 2011, Maxim Vengerov announced that he was to serve as ambassador for the school project! Musica Mundi School was created in 2018 on the historical and spiritual site of the “Monastere de Fichermont” - part of the listed and fully preserved area of the battlefield of Waterloo. Thanks to an exceptional collaboration with the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels, “Musica Mundi School” came into being at Fichermont an International boarding school for music students of secondary school age. The school, with English as its vehicular language, offers a complete general secondary education. It follows the Cambridge International Examinations programme and qualifications. The school welcomes young talents who arrive from all over the world. Professional music education is provided by all the artists who are already part of the “Musica Mundi Family” - Maxim Vengerov, the school’s Goodwill Ambassador, Ivry Gitlis (in memoriam), Jacques Rouvier, Vladimir Perlin, Sivan Magen, Benjamin Braude, Zvi Carmeli, Claire Oppert, Artyom Dervoed, Jan Schaeken, Carlos Escalona, Primor Sluchin and many others... Instrumental teachers for all orchestral instruments and piano, master pedagogues and artists in residence are present at the school regularly. Young talents are accepted on the basis of an audition and according to their talent only. Scholarships are offered to those in need. Musica Mundi School is the only “ALL STEINWAY SCHOOL” in Belgium and surrounding countries, providing its young talents with these majestic pianos and the excellent practicing and performing conditions they offer. For the 2024-2025 academic year (its 7th year of existence), the school has 53 young musicians from countries including Australia , Belgium, Chile, China, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Norway , Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and USA. Students follow a harmoniously blended programme of musical and academic education within a nurturing environment focused on student wellbeing. Students work towards the official Cambridge Exams and perform regularly during the year in public and private concerts. Numerous events are already programmed for 2024-2025. In the past 5 years, the school’s graduating students have auditioned for some of the world’s greatest conservatories to pursue their university studies - Juilliard School in New York, Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, New England Conservatory in Boston, Mozarteum in Salzburg, Royal College in London, Barenboim Academy in Berlin… They were practically ALL accepted with large scholarships to these prestigious institutions ! Come and visit us and witness for yourself the life in this unique institution !
Artists in residence
Thank you Ivry & Menahem
In Memoriam
Ivry Gitlis and Menahem Pressler were not only guest artists in Musica Mundi. From their first performances more than 20 years ago, they dedicated their wide knowledge and experience as performers and most of all, as human beings, to the young generation. Musica Mundi became a home for Ivry and Menahem and they became an integral part of the Musica Mundi family. They were, and still are, our mentors, philosophers, teachers but above all, our friends. Friends to all of us. Thank you Ivry and Menahem! We will carry on your messages to the generations to come… !!!
Maxim Vengerov
Musica Mundi School’s Goodwill Ambassador
Monaco (violin)
Universally hailed as one of the world’s finest musicians, and often referred to as the greatest living string player in the world today, Grammy award winner Maxim Vengerov also enjoys international acclaim as a conductor and is one of the most in-demand soloists. Born in 1974, he began his career as a solo violinist at the age of 5, won the Wieniawski and Carl Flesch international competitions at ages 10 and 15 respectively, studied with Galina Tourchaninova and Zakhar Bron, made his first recording at the age of 10, and went on to record extensively for high-profile labels including Melodia, Teldec and EMI, earning among others, Grammy and Gramophone artist of the year awards. In 2007 followed in the footsteps of his mentors, the late Mstislav Rostropovich and Daniel Barenboim and turned his attention to conducting. In the last few seasons Maxim Vengerov has performed as soloist and/or conductor with all major orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, London Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, Chicago, Montreal and Toronto Symphony Orchestras and toured extensively around the world in Recital. As one of Maxim Vengerov’s greatest passions is the teaching and encouraging of young talent, he has held various teaching positions around the world, like the Polonsky Visiting Professor of Violin at the Royal College of Music in London - the UK’s leading conservatoire. Furthermore, in keeping with his belief that competitions are a platform to launch young artists’ international careers, Maxim Vengerov has served on numerous juries including the Donatella Flick conducting competition, the Menuhin Violin Competition and in May 2013 conducted the finals during the Montreal International Violin Competition. With the vision of democratising the access of music learning, he launched his own online platform in January 2021: www. and created an impact across 170 countries and over 190 million reach. In 1997 Maxim Vengerov became the first classical musician to be appointed International Goodwill Ambassador by UNICEF, which has enabled him to continue to inspire children worldwide through music. He is also a patron of the MIAGI project in South Africa, which connects children of different ethnic backgrounds through music and in 2018 became the Goodwill Ambassador of the Musica Mundi School - a unique institution, which supports young talents. Maxim Vengerov has been profiled in a series of documentaries, including Playing by Heart, which was recorded by Channel Four Television and screened at the Cannes Television Festival in 1999. Maxim Vengerov plays the ex-Kreutzer Stradivari (1727).
Vladimir Perlin Belarus (cello)
Vladimir Perlin, started his cello studies at the age of 7 in the music school of Minsk, Belarus. In 1960 he was accepted to the conservatory into the class of the exceptional cellist and musician- Alexander Stogorsky, with whom he finished his cello and chamber music studies. Since 1971 Mr. Perlin dedicates his time for teaching and developing young talents. He is touring regularly with his students and giving master classes in Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, England, Poland, the Vatican, Spain and the U.S.A. His students occupy places in some of the world’s major orchestras and music schools. Two full length documentary films were made about Vladimir Perlin and his class and were broadcasted in different countries. In order to award his life achievements in education, the French government granted him with the title of “Officier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques”.
Jacques Rouvier France (piano)
Born in Marseille in a musicians family, Jacques Rouvier studied with Vlado Perlemuter, Pierre Sancan and Jean Hubeau at the Paris National Superior Conservatory of Music, where he obtained first prizes in Piano and Chamber Music. He also completed his education with harmony and orchestra conducting. He owes Pierre Barbizet and Jean Fassina a great pedagogic and human enrichment. Prize winner of several competitions including the Viotti, Maria Canals, European Union of Radios and Long-Thibaud, he created in 1970 the Rouvier-Kantorow-Muller piano trio with whom he performed during 35 years. He participated as a soloist or chamber musician in many festivals and academies (Prades,Spoleto, Aix- en- Provence, Kuhmo, Holland Music Sessions... ) and was invited to do master-classes all around the world. His recordings of complete works for piano by Maurice Ravel and sonatas for violin and piano by Ravel and Debussy were awarded „Grand Prix du Disque“. He also recorded the complete works by Claude Debussy (DENON) and more than 30 other CDs. Invited to participate in the juries of many prestigious international competitions (Tschaikowsky, Montreal, Marguerite-Long, Dublin, Leeds, Hamamatsu, Santander, Seoul, Geneve...) he has been teaching at CNSM de Paris since 1979 and also at UdK Berlin since 2006. He is now professor at MozarteumSalzburg and in the Musica Mundi School in Waterloo, Belgium.
Andreas Frölich Germany (piano)
German pianist Andreas Frölich studied with Stefan Askenase , Vitaly Margulis in Freiburg and Pavel Gililov in Cologne . He was prizewinner of several international piano competitions, as in Senigallia , Finale Ligure, Milano ,Vienna....He concertises in the most famous venues in Europe, South America, Asia, South Africa and Australia like Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Musikverein Wien, Solitär Salzburg, Teatro Colón Buenos Aires, Cologne Philharmonie, Munich Philharmonie "Gasteig",Konzerthaus Berlin, Hamburg Musikhalle, Bielefeld Oetkerhalle, Stuttgart Liederhalle, Wiesbaden Kurhaus, Teatro municipal Rio de Janeiro, Teatro Alfa y Cultura artistica Sao Paolo, de Doelen Rotterdam , Vredenburg Utrecht, Salle Gaveau Paris,Caroussel de Louvre Paris, Mozarteum Salzburg and many others as well as in the most important music fertivals , such as Rheingau Musikfestival, Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival, Salzburg, Emilia Romagna Festival, Schubertiade Roskilde and many other Festivals worldwide. As a soloist Andreas Frölich appeared with many famous orchestras , among them Salzburg Chamber Soloists, Wiener Kammerphilharmonie, Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss, Münchener Kammerorchester, Colegium instrumentale Halle, Beethoven Orchester Bonn, Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz ,Klassische Philharmonie Bonn, Würtembergisches Kammerorchester , Suk Chamber orchestra Prag ,orquesta sinfonica de Monterrey /Mexico , Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Johannesburg Philharmonic, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Russian Philharmonic Moskau, Radio Symphonique Luxembourg and many others Andreas Frölich is pianist of the Mendelssohn Trio Berlin and he often performed with Ensemble Wien led by the concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic. He is professor at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln -Aachen He is often inivited as jury member in many international piano competitions (Madrid, Beethoven competition Bonn, Valencia, Ferrol, Granada , Enschede/NL, Brussels , Japan piano open / Tokyo ,Campillos/ Spain, Larnaca/ Cyprus, Gorizia/ Italy , Skrjabin, Grosseto, Hongkong /Guanghzhou, La Rioja/Spain, Russian Int.piano Competition)Andreas Frölich is an official Steinway Artist.
Esther Yoo USA (violin)
With “a prodigious clarity of diction” (Scherzo) and “a moving tendresse” (BBC Music Magazine), Esther Yoo has been described as “the model of a violin soloist in the modern age.” (The Strad). In 2010, she became the youngest prizewinner of the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition and of the Queen Elisabeth Competition two years later. In 2014 she became a BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist and in 2018 was selected as one of Classic FM’s Top 30 Artists under 30. In 2020, she was named one of WQXR’s ‘20 For 20’ artists to watch. In the 2023/24 season, Esther debuts with New York Philharmonic, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Pacific Symphony, Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo, Orquestra Sinfónica RTVE, as well as joining BBC Symphony Orchestra and Clemens Schuldt for the world premiere of Raymond Yiu’s Violin Concerto, touring with Philharmonia Orchestra and returning to iconic venues such as Wigmore Hall and Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Esther has worked with a wide range of leading conductors, including Gustavo Dudamel, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Vasily Petrenko, Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Dalia Stasevska, Myung-Whun Chung, Thierry Fischer, and Karina Canellakis. Previous seasons have seen Esther perform across the world, appearing with Los Angeles Philharmonic, Minnesota Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, KBS Symphony Orchestra, as well as at Lincoln Center, Royal Albert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall and Seoul Arts Center and prominent festivals such as the BBC Proms and Aspen Music Festival. In 2018, Yoo was appointed as Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s inaugural Artist in Residence. As a chamber musician, Esther regularly appears both in recital and as a member of Z.E.N. Trio alongside former BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artists Zhang Zuo and Narek Hakhnazaryan, with whom she has toured across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and released two albums on Deutsche Grammophon, Brahms & Dvořák: Piano Trios and Burning Through the Cold, featuring the piano trios of Shostakovich, Babadjanian, Rachmaninov and Khachaturian.
Musica Mundi Alumna
Sivan Magen
Israel (harp)
Praised by the press as “a magician” (New York’s WQXR) whose "brilliant sound and remarkable technical acumen shatter any stereotype of his instrument" (The NY Times), Sivan Magen is the only Israeli to have ever won the International Harp Contest in Israel. Sivan Magen is a winner of the Pro Musicis International Award and in 2012 was chosen by a committee headed by Dame Mitsuko Uchida as the winner of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award. He appeared as a soloist across the US, South America, Europe and Israel, in venues such as Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, the Sydney Opera House and the Vienna Konzerthaus, and with orchestras such as the Israel Philharmonic, Strasbourg Philharmonic, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Jerusalem Symphony, Sydney Symphony and the Vienna Chamber Orchestra. Aside from his activity as a soloist, Mr Magen is an avid chamber musician and has appeared at the Marlboro, Aspen, Rosendal, Kuhmo, Delft, and Jerusalem International Chamber Music festivals, with Musicians from Marlboro, and collaborated with artists such as Nobuko Imai, Shmuel Ashkenazi, Gary Hoffman, Emmanuel Pahud, Susanna Phillips, the Danel, Pacifica, Ariel, Calder and Dover quartets and members of the Guarneri and Juilliard Quartets. He is a founding member of trio Tre Voci with flutist Marina Piccinini and violist Kim Kashkashian, with whom he has toured extensively in Europe and the US, and has released to great critical acclaim a CD for ECM of music by Debussy, Gubaidulina and Takemitsu. This past season, which was their 10th anniversary season, included extended tours in the west coast of the US, as well as in Canada, Europe and Israel. Mr Magen is also gaining a reputation as a sought-after teacher, presenting masterclasses in schools such as The Juilliard School, The Curtis Institute, The Peabody Institute, The New England Conservatory, the Paris Conservatory, London’s Royal Academy, Royal College, Guildhall School and Trinity College, as well as the summer Academy in Nice, the Kuhmo Festival Academy in Finland, and the Aspen Music Festival. Born in Jerusalem, he continued his studies with Germaine Lorenzini in France and then joined Isabelle Moretti’s harp class at the Paris Conservatory (CNSMDP) from which he graduated with a “Premier Prix”. He has then completed a Master of Music degree as a student of Nancy Allen at the Juilliard School. Since fall 2017 he was Principal Harpist of the Finnish Radio Symphony and is actually harp professor in the Hans Eisler Institute in Berlin.
Emanuele Silvestri
Italy (cello)
Emanuele Silvestri is solo cellist with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. Before that, he was first cellist with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Israel for ten years. He has performed as soloist with many orchestras in Europe, including the Orchestra del Gran Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, Teatro alla Scala di Milano, the Basel Symphony Orchestra, Pomeriggi Musicali di Milano and Milano Classica, under conductors such as Zubin Mehta, Riccardo Chailly, Christopher Hogwood, Diego Matheuz and Gustavo Dudamel. In addition, Emanuele is active as a chamber musician. He has performed with many artists and ensembles in Europe, Japan and South America, including Leonidas Kavakos, Lahav Shani, Yuja Wang, Misha Maisky, Pinchas Zuckerman, Gil Shaham, Maria Joao Pires, David Garret, Salvatore Accardo and the Jerusalem Quartet. A former cellist and co-founder of the Quartetto d'archi del Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, he was a regular guest at the famous contemporary music festival La Biennale di Venezia. After moving to Israel in 2011, he was also a member of the Israel String Quartet for several years.With the Sestetto Leonardo and the Serenata Trio, he toured Italy, Albania, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil in 2005. Emanuele has since won many awards. In 1998-1999 he won the prize for member of the best chamber music ensemble at the Orpheus Konzerte in Zurich. In Basel in 1997 he won the BOG Basel Orchester Gesellschaft prize for chamber music, which resulted in a recording for Swiss radio. , In addition, he won many first prizes at cello competitions in Italy and a second prize at the Domnik Preis International Cello Competition in Stuttgard in 1996. Emanuele Silvestri has given master classes in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Israel and China. He is very active in music education and orchestra training and has participated in many youth academy initiatives. For example, he taught at the Lanciano summer courses and at the AYSO Orchestra Academy in Puglia, Italy. He was part of the teaching team at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music in Israel, where hi jook coached the cello section of the Buchmann-Mehta Symphony Orchestra. He also taught at the Conservatorio di Musica A. Steffani di Castelfranco Veneto and the Tel Aviv Conservatory of Music Stricker.
Zvi Carmeli
Born 1965 in Jerusalem, Israel, Zvi Carmeli is internationally renowned as a violist and teacher. A graduate of the Curtis Institute, Zvi served as Principal Violist of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, and acted as guest Principal Violist of the Santa Cecilia Orchestra Roma, WDR Köln, Germany, Camerata Salzburg Austria, among others. As soloist he has appeared with the Israel Camerata Jerusalem, the European Community Orchestra, the Gorzow and Lodz Philharmonics in Poland, Kuopio Symphony in Finland, Klaipeda chamber orchestra in Lithuania, Salzburg Chamber Soloists and more. He participated in Chamber Music festivals such as the Emila Romagna and Brescia festivals in Italy, Prussia Cove and Ulverston festivals in England, the Israel Festival and the Galil Elion Festival in Israel and more. He has collaborated with renowned artists such as Vadim Repin, Homero Francesch and the Fine Arts Quartet, and was the founding member of the SoLaRe String Trio, winner of the Netherlands Impresaariat National Competition, touring throughout Europe, USA and Israel, including recordings for national radio stations in Holland, Spain and USA. Zvi has recorded Chamber Music CDs for leading labels such as Ottavo, Divox, Ars Nova, Edel Berlin Classics and Kontrpunkt. Zvi Carmeli is a Senior Lecturer of Viola and Chamber Music at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, where he also is head of the Nazarian Program of Excellence in Chamber Music.
Artyom Dervoed
Russia (guitar)
Artyom Dervoed, famously dubbed the “Tsar of the Guitar” by Universe Guitare (France), has earned international acclaim with 16 first-place awards in major competitions and performances at prestigious venues like Carnegie Hall and the Berlin Philharmonie. Known for mastering the standard repertoire, he expands it through collaborations with leading composers. His 2022/23 season included performances in Europe and Russia, alongside plans for two new albums: The Possessed and Piazzolla Gala. In 2019, he premiered a guitar transcription of Tan Dun’s Nu Shu: The Secret Songs of Women, showcasing his innovative approach. As the first Russian to win the Michele Pittaluga and Princess Cristina Competitions, Dervoed has focused on recording projects, including the acclaimed albums Canticum (2019) and Paganini & Koshkin (2020), which earned ICMA nominations and widespread recognition. A celebrated educator, Dervoed teaches at the Gnesin Academy and the Musica Mundi School and has released a series of educational videos. He is the founder of the Moscow Guitar Chamber Music Festival and co-founder of the Guitar Virtuosi Moscow International Festival, featuring collaborations with stars like Pepe Romero and Boris Berezovsky. Born in Southern Russia, he studied with renowned teachers, including Oscar Ghiglia and Aniello Desiderio, and is praised for his expressive phrasing and technical mastery. The first Russian guitarist endorsed by Yamaha, he also uses D’Addario strings and Nevaton mics, cementing his status as a leading figure in classical guitar.
Michael Gurfinkel
Russia (clarinet)
Director of Arts Production Management, Michael Gurfinkel was born in 1960 in Russia. He has learned to play the clarinet by his father, a wonderful musician and teacher. In 19791984 Michael Gurfinkel studied in Gnesins Musical Institute in Moscow with Professor Fedotov. He performed with numerous renowned musicians, such as the Borodin Quartet, "The Moscow Virtuosi" under Vladimir Spivakov, and others. In 1990 Mr. Gurfinkel immigrated to Israel. From 1991, he became Principal clarinetist of the New Israeli Opera Orchestra. In 1995 Maestro Zubin Mehta invited Mr. Gurfinkel to tour in Japan with the Orchestra teatro del Maggio Musicale Florentino. Since then, Michael Gurfinkel has played under numerous conductors such as Zubin Mehta, Loren Maazel, Ricardo Muti, Kurt Mazur, Valery Gergiev, Daniel Oren, and others. As of 2022, Mr. Gurfinkel has taken the position of the Artistic Director of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra.
Aleksei Kiseliov
Belarus (cello)
Aleksei Kiseliov was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1985, he began his musical studies when he was only 5 years old at the Republican Music College with Vladimir Perlin. At the age of 12, Aleksei was a prize-winner at the Tchaikovsky International Youth Competition in St Petersburg. In 2003, he moved to London to study with Jerome Pernoo at the Royal College of Music. Aleksei was a prize-winner of several competitions and awards including Leverhulme Trust Award, Richard Carne Award, Lillian Sutton Award, Orpheus Sinfonia Trust Award, The Worshipful Company of Musicians’ Lambert Fellowship Award. In 2008 and 2009 Aleksei directed his own International Music Festival ‘Melodrama’ in London and Minsk. Since 2011, Aleksei combines his solo career with his orchestral role as a Principal Cellist of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and a teaching post at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. In January 2022 Aleksei became a solo cellist of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Stockholm. Aleksei plays the 1740 Don Nicolo Amati cello, kindly lent by the Swedish Järnåker Foundation.
Musica Mundi Alumnus
Leonid Kerbel
Belgium/Israel (violin)
Born in 1962, Leonid Kerbel began his violin studies at the age of 4, in Kharkov (Ukraine), his native city. At age 6 he entered the Central Music school of Moscow under Prof. Yankilevich. He continued his studies in Israel at Tel-Aviv University (Rubin Academy) with Prof. Yair Kless and completed his education in Belgium and Germany with Prof. Philip Hirshhorn and Prof. Rosa Fain. Leonid Kerbel received master classes from artists such as Joseph Gingold, Janos Starker, William Pleath and chamber music ensembles like the Beaux-Arts Trio and Borodin Trio. His chamber music experience varies from duos to nonets. He was a leader of the Gertler quartet, Horta quartet, Contrast quartet, the Arpeggione Trio and the Nuove Musiche String quartet and chamber orchestra. He founded the Trio Sonnetto in 2005 and his partners in 2010 are the Belgian pianist Eliane Reyes and the Byelorussian cellist Aleksandr Khramouchin. The Trio Sonnetto enjoys the support of the illustrious pianist Paul Badura-Skoda. He is a winner of the Rubin Academy solo and chamber-music competition as well as the Clairmont competition. Leonid Kerbel teaches and performs on a regular basis in the “Sewannee Summer Music Festival” in the USA, and takes part in festivals such as: Festival de minimes, Festival de l’été Mosan, Festival de Mozart and Festival van Vlaanderen. He performs regularly as soloist and concertmaster around Europe, Israel and the USA and has recorded for Israeli Radio, BRTN, RTBF and USA National Radio. In 1998, with the collaboration of his wife, Hagit Hassid Kerbel, he founded the “Musica Mundi Chamber Music course and festival”. He is invited in 2011 to conduct Master classes at the “Royal College of Music” in London. Leonid Kerbel is the official representative in Belgium of the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition and was a member of the Competition’s jury in 2011. From 2011 till 2015, Leonid Kerbel was appointed violin professor at the Brussels Conservatory of Music. Since September 2014 is also appointed violin professor at the «Royal College of Music» in London. In 2018, he founded, together with his wife, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel, the Musica Mundi School.
Jan Vanderwegen Belgium (viola)
Jan Vanderwegen was born in 1963 in Mechelen, Belgium. He started his violin studies at the age of 9, was accepted to the Antwerp conservatory in 1981, and there received his first prize as a student of V.Lenaerts. At the Brussels conservatory he studied viola with Ervin Schiffer and also obtained a first prize for this instrument. He concluded his viola studies between 1993-1994 in New-York under Emannuel Vardi. In 1992 he became principal violist in the Nieuw Vlaams Symfonisch Orkest and remained there until 1994, the year he became principal violist in the Collegium Instrumentale Brugense. Jan Vanderwegen has participated in different chamber music ensembles such as SPECTRA (specialising in contemporary music), FUGA-in Paris, and many other trios, quartets, quintets etc. From 1994-1999 he participated in the Sewannee Summer Music Festival (U.S.A.) as a teacher, soloist and chamber music player.
Hagit Hassid-Kerbel
Belgium/Israel (piano)
Hagit Hassid-Kerbel was born in Israel in 1966. She began her piano studies with Iren Kogan and then continued them at Tel Aviv University (Rubin Music Academy) with Prof. Alexander Volkov and Victor Derevianko. She completed her studies in the Basel Musikhochschule with Mr Rudolf Buchbinder. She has received a large number of master classes from different pianists such as: Menahem Presler, Rozalyn Turek, Hans Leygraf, KarlHeinz Kämmerling, etc. She participated in the “Sewannee Summer Music festival” as a student between 1984 and 1987 and then became a faculty member of the same course. She has performed in many concerts in Israel, the USA and Europe. Since 1988 she has lived in Belgium where she dedicates most of her time to teaching and playing chamber music. In 1998, with the collaboration of her husband Leonid Kerbel, she founded the “Musica Mundi Chamber Music course and festival”. In 2018, she founded, together with her husband, Leonid Kerbel, the Musica Mundi School.
Iren Kogan
Latvia/Israel (piano)
Born in Moscow. At the age of 7 started her musical education in Riga (Latvia), with the famous teachers Rachel Zingarenko and later with Ella Strazdin. Later on was accepted to the Riga National Conservatory into the soloist’s class of the famous pedagogue Prof. Valdis Yancis. Immigrated to Israel in 1970, and continued her studies with Prof. Arie Vardi and Alexander Volkov in Tel-Aviv. During the years, gave a large number of concerts as a soloist and chamber musician. Teaching young students had always been a passion in Mrs. Kogan’s life. This same passion made her join the Musica Mundi faculty since its existence in 1999.
Mikhail Radunski
Belarus (cello)
Mikhail Radunski began studying the cello in 2000 under Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Perlin. Currently he is a student of the Academy of Music. Mikhail Participated in many festivals, master classes and open concerts in Russia, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, etc. In addition to foreign tours, Mikhail takes an active part in the musical life of Belarus. He is the prize winner of the III Republic Open Competition of string bow instruments named after Glebov (Grodno, 2011), the XIV International Competition of Chamber Ensembles named after M.Yudina (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013), the III Elsky International Competition of string bow instruments Performers (Minsk, 2013). Mikhail is the Laureate and a scholarship holder of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus on support of talented youth. He participated in the “Musica Mundi” Chamber Music Course and Festival since 2005.
Musica Mundi Alumnus
Alexandra Ivanova Belarus (viola)
Alexandra Ivanova graduated from the Belarussian State Academy of Music in 2015 as a Master student under Professor Lucia Lastovka. Currently Aliaksandra is a teacher of the Belarus Academy of music. She is a Laureate of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus on support of talented youth. She’s also a Laureate of three International Competitions and an active participant of many international festivals and master-classes all over the world such as “Bashmet Academy of talents”, the festival of chamber ensembles “Musica Mundi (participated since 2008). Alexandra often tour as a soloist and as an ensemble member. She is the first performer of a number of compositions by modern Belarusian composers. Repeatedly she performed as a soloist with the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Belarusian State Academy of Music and the Symphony Orchestra of Belarussian radio and TV company.
Musica Mundi Alumna
Kristina Georgieva Bulgaria (violin)
Kristina Georgieva was born in 2001 in Sofia, Bulgaria. She started playing the violin and percus-sions at the age of six at the National Music School ” L. Pipkov” in Sofia. She performed as a so-loist of many orchestras from which highlights are her performance with the National Belgium Or-chestra and conductor Maxim Vengerov. She participated in the chamber music festival “ Musica Mundi” since the age of 11 and became the student of Leonid Kerbel, Co-Founder of this program. In this course and festival she had the opportunity of playing chamber music on stage with artists such as Misha Maisky, Maxim Vengerov, Ivry Gitlis, Ivan Karizna, Jerome Pernoo, Alexanda Soumm and many others. Highlights of her awards include the Award – Young Musician of the year 2016 from the Bulgarian National Radio, first prize at the competition “Rising Stars” – Berlin 2017, 1st prize in "Marie Can-tagrill International competition" in 2019 in France and 2nd prize at the Leopold Auer competition in St. Petersburg, Russia. The violinist Alexandra Soumm praised Kristina “Her natural curiousity of all forms of Art, her wish to learn from the best musicians in the world, and incredible humility will bring her to be one of the big names of tomorrow”. Kristina finished her high school education at the Musica Mundi school in Waterloo, Belgium and is now a student in the Barenboim Academy in Berlin in the class of Michaela Martin.
Musica Mundi Alumna
Young Faculty Members
Nargiz Aliyeva - Azerbaijan
Musica Mundi Alumna (piano)
Nargiz Aliyeva was born on December 1, 2001 in Moscow (Russia). She started music lessons at the age of 7. In 2009-2019 she studied piano at the Kara Karayev Central School of Arts in Baku. In 2019-2020, she continued her studies at the Baku Music Academy. Since 2020, she is a student at the Mozarteum University Salzburg . She is a laureate of republican and international competitions, such as: II Republican Competition of Young Pianists (Baku, Azerbaijan, 2012), 5th International Piano Talents Competition (Milan, Italy, 2015),»Rising stars» (Berlin , Germany,2016) ,XVI International Competition «Islamic World» (Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017), The XVI Art Duo Music Festival (Barcelona, Spain, 2019), «World harmony» (Baku, Azerbaijan,2019), «Russian Alborada» (Barcelona, Spain, 2020), etc. She has performed concerts in such countries as Austria, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Kazakhstan. Since 2011, she has regularly performed as a soloist with the Azerbaijan State Chamber Orchestra and the Azerbaijan State Symphony Orchestra. Since 2016, she has been a regular participant of the international Chamber Music Festival «Musica Mundi» in Waterloo, Belgium.
Quintijn van Heek - The Nederlands
Musica Mundi Alumnus (violin)
Quintijn van Heek, 2003, born in Vlissingen, started playing the violin when he was 6, at the local music school, where he was quickly put in the young talents class. He started having lessons from Coosje Wijzenbeek at the age of 9, and when he was 11 he continued his studies in Manchester at Chetham's School of Music, with Jan Repko. When he was 15, he moved to Waterloo, Belgium, to start studying at the Musica Mundi School, with Leonid Kerbel. Quintijn made his solo debut at the age of 13 with Het Zeeuws Orkest, playing Wieniawski's Legende, and since has played more times with orchestra and has given many more concerts. He has followed many masterclasses and summer courses where he was mentored by great musicians such as Ivry Gitlis, Alexandra Soumm, the Leipzig Quartet, and many more. Since 2021, Quintijn studies at the Conservatory of Amsterdam with Maria Milstein, Ilya Grubert, and Tim Kliphuis. Quintijn van Heek plays on a 2013 Gaybaryan violin, with a Morizot bow.
Steven Kleeven - Belgium
Musica Mundi Alumnus (piano)
Steven (2005) started as a 7-year-old in the young talent class of Marijke Oers. He spent the last four years of his secondary education studying at the Musica Mundi School in Waterloo. Here he studied piano with maestro Jacques Rouvier and Hagit Kerbel and chamber music with Leonid Kerbel. At the same time, he studied at the Centre Musical Eduardo del Pueyo in Brussels with maestro Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden. Since 2023, he has been studying piano with Prof. Björn Lehman at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. He is a laureate of "La Fondation Chopin Belgique". He won many national and international prizes such as EPTA Belgium (2nd), 3x Cantabile (1st), Concours de Liège (1st), 2x Steinway Belgium (1st), Feurich Vienna (3rd). He was finalist at "Thomas Speelt Het Hard" of the Flemish Canvas television. With his Musica Mundi Piano Trio he won 1st prizes at the International ISCART Competition 2021 and at the International Music Competition 2021 for both the Music & Stars Awards and the Grand Prix Crown of Stars. Steven could play with orchestras such as the Limburg Youth and Music Orchestra, the AMAJ Young Symphony Orchestra, the Arenberg Orchestra, the Sonores Symphony Orchestra Ghent and the Musica Mundi Orchestra. In 2020 to 2023, Steven participated in the annual Musica Mundi festival. He was also invited several times to play at Musicorum concerts in Brussels. He has also played concerts and recitals in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, England and Poland.
Musica Mundi Accompanists
Li Xie - China (piano)
Born in Shanghai in 1987, Li Xie began studying piano at the age of four. In 2005, she pursued her studies abroad being accepted to Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Austria. She graduated with Highest Distinction (cum laude) receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Solo Pianist under Professor Peter Lang. She then continued under Professor Jacques Rouvier, receiving a Master of Arts once again with Highest Distinction. Given her cum laude achievements, she was selected for the highest degree program of Postgraduate in Solo Pianist, completing this degree and her studies at Mozarteum in 2013. During her postgraduate studies, she began participating as a piano accompanist and playing chamber music. In 2014, she moved to Paris to begin her studies in Piano Accompaniment at the Conservatory of Paris (CRR de Paris) under Professor Arian Jacob and Professor Jean-Marie Cottet. She received in 2016 the highest degree in piano accompaniment: Concertiste – Accompagnement au Piano. In 2016, Li Xie began her professional career in piano teaching and accompaniment at the Conservatory of Paris (17ème Arrondissement). And in 2021, Li Xie joined the Musica Mundi School as an accompanist. Li Xie has demonstrated her excellence as both a concert pianist and in playing chamber music. She won the second prize at the Mozart Prize Competition (Salzburg), and attained the semi-final in the Richard Vines International Piano Competition (Lleida).
Hyunji Kim - South Korea (piano)
Born in 1995 in South Korea, Hyunji Kim currently resides in Berlin and Paris. She is pursuing the Diplôme d’Artiste Interprète in classical piano performance at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (CNSMDP), and the Artist Diploma in Piano at the Barenboim-Said Akademie under the tutelage of Sir András Schiff. Here, she likewise receives guidance from Daniel Barenboim. Recipient of the France Excellence scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, Hyunji Kim completed her Master’s studies in classical piano with Hortense Cartier-Bresson at CNSMDP. Before this, she studied with Hie-yon Choi at the Seoul National University. As a soloist, Hyunji Kim is a prizewinner of numerous piano competitions in Korea and internationally, such as Concours d’Epinal, Saint-Petersburg White Nights Piano Competition, and Concours International d’Île-de-France where she received the Second Prize and the Special Prize from the Association Frédéric Chopin de Lyon. From her debut at the age of 13 with the National Symphony Orchestra of Seoul, Hyunji Kim has graced renowned venues worldwide, including Philharmonie de Paris, La Seine Musicale, Petit Palais, Musée Guimet, La Scala Paris, Archives Nationales, Théâtre de l’Alliance Française à Paris, Château de Lourmarin, Château de la Petite Malmaison, and the France Embassy in South Korea.
Guest Artists
Venue : Musica Mundi School
Tabea Zimmermann (viola)
Monday, July 14th 2025, 20h00
Tabea Zimmermann is a versatile musician celebrated as a soloist, chamber performer, and educator. She nurtures talent, fosters collaboration, and serves as president of various foundations, commissioning new works. While the viola is central to her career, Zimmermann’s diverse roles reflect her broad influence, from concert experience to social responsibility. “A long-standing wish is now fulfilled: I can help shape content,” she says. Zimmermann gained fame early, debuting at 11 at the Berlin Philharmonie. Successes in international competitions (1982-1984) propelled her to prominence. At 21, she became Germany’s youngest professor, teaching at the University of Music Saarland. After roles in Frankfurt and Berlin, she returned to the Frankfurt University of Music in 2023, sharing her passion at the Kronberg Academy and through masterclasses. Zimmermann’s focus on contemporary music stemmed from limited traditional viola repertoire. She premiered works by composers like György Ligeti, Wolfgang Rihm, and Heinz Holliger, influencing classical interpretations through engagement with modern pieces. She values quality over quantity, limiting performances to 50 annually and emphasizing chamber music, collaborating with artists such as Jörg Widmann and the Belcea Quartet. She also leads orchestral projects, emphasizing egalitarian collaboration. A sought-after partner for orchestras and festivals, Zimmermann has held residencies with renowned ensembles, including the Berlin Philharmonic and Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. In 2022, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra named her Artistic Partner. As president of the Swiss Hindemith Foundation, she promotes Hindemith’s legacy, including a celebrated recording of his viola works. Recognized with numerous honors, she received honorary membership from the German Music Council in 2023. Since 2023, Zimmermann chairs the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, promoting contemporary music. Her David Shallon Foundation supports intercultural music projects like "Lebensmelodien," reviving Jewish Holocaust-era music. Dedicated to societal impact, Zimmermann sees music as a tool for reflection and progress, earning awards like the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Venue : Château du Lac
Tim Kliphuis (Jazz
Tuesday, July 15th 2025, 20h00
Award-winning Dutch violinist Tim Kliphuis has created a brand new style that embraces classical, gypsy jazz and folk. Hailed as a ‘current-day improvising Paganini’, his inclusive and innovative approach to music has united audiences and is influencing a new generation of string players. Kliphuis has seen how music can influence people through the heart - a very different route than the mind. As a composer, he searches for ways to get people to actively care for the planet. For his newest piece ‘Kosmos’, he asked 5 Dutch star scientists about this, and translated their stories and knowledge into music. His journey is can be heard in the Dutch public radio podcast “Componeren of Verzuipen” (release: 20 May 2024); ‘Kosmos’ live performances with an ensemble of 17 young professional musicians will make people think (premiere: 1 June 2024 - support the Crowdfunding campaign here). An in-demand educator and author of the best-selling book “Gypsy Jazz Violin”, Tim is Professor of String Improvisation at the Conservatoire of Amsterdam and Director of the gypsy jazz summer school Grappelli-Django Camp. As a Sony Classical artist, Kliphuis recorded Vivaldi-inspired ‘Reflecting the Seasons’ in 2016, followed by ‘Brandenburg’, based on Bach’s Concertos, and his own ‘Ulysses’ Violin Concerto in 2018. He was awarded the Scottish Jazz Award, South African Woordfees Award and the Polish ‘Swing Raven’ Prize. After his master’s degree in classical violin at the Amsterdam Conservatoire, Kliphuis studied with the European Sinti gypsies. He recorded and toured with gypsy guitar legends Fapy Lafertin, The Rosenberg Trio and Angelo Debarre. An invitation to the Richard Strauss Festival in Germany started the Tim Kliphuis Trio (Nigel Clark, guitar and Roy Percy, double bass) whose mission is a ‘total music’ without stylistic barriers. They performed at the Amsterdam Canal Concert, curated the world fiddle night at Celtic Connections Glasgow, celebrated Stéphane Grappelli at the Django Reinhardt Festival in Samois-sur-Seine and shared the stage with Les Paul, Richard Galliano, Frankie Gavin, Martin Hayes and Daniel Hope. In between Trio tours and orchestral projects, the Tim Kliphuis Sextet with Nigel Clark, Roy Percy and string players Janneke van Prooijen, Frank Brakkee and Charles Watt continues to wow audiences across Europe: a colourful crossover approach to classical and jazz music.
Saturday, July 19th 2025
with the collaboration of
Sunday, July 20th 2025
Saturday, July 26th 2025
Musica Mundi School - Waterloo
Musica Mundi's Young Talents in Concert
Venue : Musica Mundi School
É bène String Quartet
Monday, July 21st 2025, 20h00
Attending a concert by the Quatuor Ébène is a musical and sensual happening. In the past two decades the quartet has set standards by making familiar repertoire accessible in new ways beyond perfection, and by constantly seeking the exchange with the audience. This spring, Yuya Okamoto joined the quartet’s esteemed ranks, adding a new dimension. After studies with the Quatuor Ysaÿe in Paris as well as with Gábor Takács, Eberhard Feltz and György Kurtág, the unprecedented and outstanding success at the 2004 ARD Music Competition followed, marking the beginning of the Quatuor Ébène's rise to fame, which resulted in numerous other prizes and awards: In 2005, for example, the quartet was awarded the Belmont Prize of the Forberg-Schneider Foundation; in 2007 it was prize winner of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust, and in 2019 - as the first ensemble ever – it was honored with the Frankfurt Music Prize. In addition to the traditional repertoire, the quartet also dives into other styles ("A String Quartet that can easily morph into a jazz band" New York Times, 2009). What began in 1999 as a distraction in the university’s practice rooms - improvising on jazz standards & pop songs - has become a trademark of Quatuor Ébène. Quatuor Ébène's albums, with recordings of Bartók, Beethoven, Debussy, Haydn, Fauré and the Mendelssohn siblings, have received numerous awards, including Gramophone, BBC Music Magazine, and the Midem Classic Award. First and foremost is the recording of Beethoven’s 16 String Quartets, for which the quartet travelled across six continents between May 2019 and January 2020. With this complete recording, the four celebrated their 20th stage anniversary, which they additionally crowned with performances of the complete String Quartet cycle in major European venues such as the Philharmonie de Paris or the Alte Oper Frankfurt. Invitations from Carnegie Hall New York, the Verbier Festival and the Vienna Konzerthaus were also on the agenda. In January 2021, the quartet was appointed by the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich to establish a String Quartet class as part of the newly founded „Quatuor Ébène Academy“. Since the past season, the quartet has been performing a joint cycle with the Belcea Quartet at the Wiener Konzerthaus.
Venue : Musica Mundi School
Maxim Vengerov (violin)
Tuesday, July 22nd 2025, 20h00
Universally hailed as one of the world’s finest musicians, and often referred to as the greatest living string player in the world today, Grammy award winner Maxim Vengerov also enjoys international acclaim as a conductor and is one of the most in-demand soloists. Born in 1974, he began his career as a solo violinist at the age of 5, won the Wieniawski and Carl Flesch international competitions at ages 10 and 15 respectively, studied with Galina Tourchaninova and Zakhar Bron, made his first recording at the age of 10, and went on to record extensively for high-profile labels including Melodia, Teldec and EMI, earning among others, Grammy and Gramophone artist of the year awards. In 2007 followed in the footsteps of his mentors, the late Mstislav Rostropovich and Daniel Barenboim and turned his attention to conducting. In the last few seasons Maxim Vengerov has performed as soloist and/or conductor with all major orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, London Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, Chicago, Montreal and Toronto Symphony Orchestras and toured extensively around the world in Recital. As one of Maxim Vengerov’s greatest passions is the teaching and encouraging of young talent, he has held various teaching positions around the world, like the Polonsky Visiting Professor of Violin at the Royal College of Music in London - the UK’s leading conservatoire. Furthermore, in keeping with his belief that competitions are a platform to launch young artists’ international careers, Maxim Vengerov has served on numerous juries including the Donatella Flick conducting competition, the Menuhin Violin Competition and in May 2013 conducted the finals during the Montreal International Violin Competition. With the vision of democratising the access of music learning, he launched his own online platform in January 2021: and created an impact across 170 countries and over 190 million reach. In 1997 Maxim Vengerov became the first classical musician to be appointed International Goodwill Ambassador by UNICEF, which has enabled him to continue to inspire children worldwide through music. He is also a patron of the MIAGI project in South Africa, which connects children of different ethnic backgrounds through music and in 2018 became the Goodwill Ambassador of the Musica Mundi School - a unique institution, which supports young talents. Maxim Vengerov has been profiled in a series of documentaries, including Playing by Heart, which was recorded by Channel Four Television and screened at the Cannes Television Festival in 1999. Maxim Vengerov plays the ex-Kreutzer Stradivari (1727)
Venue : Musica Mundi School
Artists in Residence Concert
Thursday, July 24th 2025, 20h00
Sunday, July 27th 2025
Musica Mundi Course & Festival GALA Concert
Conductor : Leonid Kerbel
Guest Artist : Esther Yoo, Violin with the collaboration of
Venue : Château du Lac
Leonid Kerbel (Conductor)
Born in 1962, Leonid Kerbel began his violin studies at the age of 4, in Kharkov (Ukraine), his native city. At age 6 he entered the Central Music school of Moscow under Prof. Yankilevich. He continued his studies in Israel at Tel-Aviv University (Rubin Academy) with Prof. Yair Kless and completed his education in Belgium and Germany with Prof. Philip Hirshhorn and Prof. Rosa Fain. Leonid Kerbel received master classes from artists such as Joseph Gingold, Janos Starker, William Pleath and chamber music ensembles like the Beaux-Arts Trio and Borodin Trio. His chamber music experience varies from duos to nonets. He was a leader of the Gertler quartet, Horta quartet, Contrast quartet, the Arpeggione Trio and the Nuove Musiche String quartet and chamber orchestra. He founded the Trio Sonnetto in 2005 and his partners in 2010 are the Belgian pianist Eliane Reyes and the Byelorussian cellist Aleksandr Khramouchin. The Trio Sonnetto enjoys the support of the illustrious pianist Paul Badura-Skoda. He is a winner of the Rubin Academy solo and chamber-music competition as well as the Clairmont competition. Leonid Kerbel teaches and performs on a regular basis in the “Sewannee Summer Music Festival” in the USA, and takes part in festivals such as: Festival de minimes, Festival de l’été Mosan, Festival de Mozart and Festival van Vlaanderen. He performs regularly as soloist and concertmaster around Europe, Israel and the USA and has recorded for Israeli Radio, BRTN, RTBF and USA National Radio. In 1998, with the collaboration of his wife, Hagit Hassid Kerbel, he founded the “Musica Mundi Chamber Music course and festival”. He is invited in 2011 to conduct Master classes at the “Royal College of Music” in London. Leonid Kerbel is the official representative in Belgium of the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition and was a member of the Competition’s jury in 2011. From 2011 till 2015, Leonid Kerbel was appointed violin professor at the Brussels Conservatory of Music. Since September 2014 is also appointed violin professor at the «Royal College of Music» in London. In 2018, he founded, together with his wife, Hagit Hassid-Kerbel, the Musica Mundi School.
Esther Yoo (violin)
Musica Mundi Alumna
With “a prodigious clarity of diction” (Scherzo) and “a moving tendresse” (BBC Music Magazine), Esther Yoo has been described as “the model of a violin soloist in the modern age.” (The Strad). In 2010, she became the youngest prizewinner of the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition and of the Queen Elisabeth Competition two years later. In 2014 she became a BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist and in 2018 was selected as one of Classic FM’s Top 30 Artists under 30. In 2020, she was named one of WQXR’s ‘20 For 20’ artists to watch. In the 2023/24 season, Esther debuts with New York Philharmonic, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Pacific Symphony, Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo, Orquestra Sinfónica RTVE, as well as joining BBC Symphony Orchestra and Clemens Schuldt for the world premiere of Raymond Yiu’s Violin Concerto, touring with Philharmonia Orchestra and returning to iconic venues such as Wigmore Hall and Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Esther has worked with a wide range of leading conductors, including Gustavo Dudamel, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Vasily Petrenko, Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Dalia Stasevska, Myung-Whun Chung, Thierry Fischer, and Karina Canellakis. Previous seasons have seen Esther perform across the world, appearing with Los Angeles Philharmonic, Minnesota Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra, Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, KBS Symphony Orchestra, as well as at Lincoln Center, Royal Albert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall and Seoul Arts Center and prominent festivals such as the BBC Proms and Aspen Music Festival. In 2018, Yoo was appointed as Royal Philharmonic Orchestra’s inaugural Artist in Residence. As a chamber musician, Esther regularly appears both in recital and as a member of Z.E.N. Trio alongside former BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artists Zhang Zuo and Narek Hakhnazaryan, with whom she has toured across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and released two albums on Deutsche Grammophon, Brahms & Dvořák: Piano Trios and Burning Through the Cold, featuring the piano trios of Shostakovich, Babadjanian, Rachmaninov and Khachaturian.
Artists in Residence Staff Members
All Camp Photo
Artists in residence
Maxim Vengerov - Monaco (violin)
Vladimir Perlin - Belarus (cello)
Jacques Rouvier - France (piano)
Andreas Frölich - Germany (piano)
Emanuele Silvestri - Italy (cello)
Zvi Carmeli - Israel (viola)
Michael Gurfinkel - Israel (clarinet)
Aleksei Kiseliov - Belarus (cello)
Artiom Shiskov - Belarus (violin)
Music Course
The Faculty
Leonid Kerbel - Israel (violin)
Jan Vanderwegen - Belgium (viola)
Hagit Hassid-Kerbel - Israel (piano)
Mikhail Radunski - Belarus (cello)
Alexandra Ivanova - Belarus (viola)
Emile Daems - Belgium (violin)
Young Faculty Members Accompanists
Kristina Georgieva - Bulgaria (violin)
Quintijn van Heek - The Netherlands (violin)
Nargiz Aliyeva - Azerbaijan (piano)
Hugo Llanos Campos - Chile (piano)
The students
Li Xie - China
Kumi Matsuo - Japan
Representing the following countries : Australia, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, South Korea, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA
Tarik Kaan Alkan
Carmen Dilara Bagis
Lorenzo Bosi
Valentin Bouchard
Dobromir Dobrev
Maya Kaplan
Tianyu Lu
Kian Lee Ozgunsür
Liam Nassereddine
Roméo Noël
Richard Rait
Faye Rosenberg
Can Sakkaoglu
Nephelie Stavrou
Savva Zolotarov
Alexandra Zavidova
Uladzislau Bayevich
Kseniia Bogomolova
Marina Bondareva
Jan Calabuig Sans
Luka Chizhevskii
Sophie Dekeyser
Rüya Demirtas
Naama Drori
Ilva Vera Eigus
Shira Fuchs
Anaïs Gilson
Sigal Gorinshtein
Defne Güngör
Lara Jazmin Haluska
Lana Herasymenko
Shira Hoffman
Antoni Jarosz
Yonatan Kaplan
Ivan Kavaliou
Emiliya Kimpel
Rüya Kuzuoglu
Misato Mizuno
Kiran Nehir
Miron Nevero
Sofiya Shkulepa
Ilke Isi Tuncer
Clothilde Waingarten
Paula Chana Centeno
Florence Cope
Diana Garcia Loriz
Aimar Hernandez
Gahyun Kim
Raphaël Murphy
Jakob Maximilian Rau
Neta Rozmarin Berlad
Ayanta Sanchez Perez
Aviv Shoshani
Berkay Azitepe
Daniel Cavari
Theodor Lanning
Georges Moissonnier Benert
Aryiadna Salauyova
Noah Schmitz
Georg Schupelius
Emil Silberstein
Selma Sköld
Salome Stroganova
Delphine Palumbo
Noam Fuchs
Lawrence Power (Viola) & Simon Crawford-Phillips (piano)
Logement : Qui offre des chambres aux étudiants, ainsi que trois repas par jour.
Activités sociales : Excursions dans la région, des infrastructures sportives sont disponibles.
Assurance : Chaque étudiant est tenu d’être couvert par une assurance-maladie ainsi que d’être assuré contre les risques d’accident et pour ses effets personnels, y compris son instrument. Toutes les assurances doivent être payées d’avance et des copies des contrats doivent être remises à Musica Mundi au début du stage.
Auditions : Les étudiants peuvent poser leur candidature de manière individuelle ou en tant que groupe de musique de chambre.
Un enregistrement récent de deux morceaux de différentes périodes (min. 10 min.) doit être envoyé via un lien YouTube.
Frais : La participation au stage et festival de musique de chambre Musica Mundi s’élève à 1800 euros. Cette somme couvre le logement, les repas, l’ensemble des cours, les répétitions publiques, les concerts et les activités pendant quinze jours. Les frais d'inscription s'élèvent à 100 euros (non remboursables), payables par virement bancaire (voir coordonnées bancaires ci-dessous). Cette somme, accompagnée du formulaire de candidature, du lien YouTube récent et d’une photo au format passeport, doit être perçue par l’ASBL Musica Mundi au plus tard le 5 avril 2025. Toute demande d’inscription qui parviendrait à l’ASBL Musica Mundi après le 5 avril 2025 ne pourra pas être prise en compte. Les frais d’inscription seront déduits des frais totaux (1800€-100€= 1700€), qui doivent être réglés par virement bancaire dès notification de l’acceptation au stage, et au plus tard le 15 juin 2025. Tous frais bancaires à charge de l’expéditeur Les dossiers de candidature doivent être envoyés par e-mail.
Caution: A son arrivée, chaque étudiant devra déposer une caution de 50 euros, couvrant les éventuels dégâts qu'il/elle pourrait causer. La caution lui sera restituée à la fin des cours.
Bourses : Un nombre très limité de bourses est disponible. Chaque demande de bourse (sous forme de lettre) doit obligatoirement être envoyée en même temps que le dossier d’application du candidat. Aucune demande de bourse ne sera prise en considération si elle est soumise après la notification de l’acceptation du candidat.
Praktische informatie
Accommodatie : De studenten krijgen er kamers en 3 maaltijden per dag.
Sociale activiteiten: Uitstappen in de streek, sportmogelijkheden.
Verzekeringen: Elke student is verantwoordelijk voor zijn eigen ziektekostenverzekering, zijn ongevallenverzekering en eigen bezittingen, en ook voor de verzekering van zijn/haar instrument. Alle verzekeringen moeten vooraf betaald worden, en de kopieën van de contracten moeten bij het begin van de cursus worden overhandigd aan Musica Mundi.
Audities: De studenten kunnen solliciteren als solist of in groep, als kamermuziekensemble. De studenten moeten een recent YouTube link opsturen met een opname van 2 werken uit verschillende perioden (min. 10 min.).
Lesgeld: Deelname aan het "Musica Mundi Chamber Music course and festival" kost 1800 euro. In dit bedrag zitten inbegrepen: de accomodatie, de maaltijden, alle lessen, de openbare repetities, concerten en activiteiten gedurende 2 weken. Stuur 100 euro (niet-terugbetaalbaar) inschrijvingsgeld in de vorm van een bankoverschrijving (zie bankgegevens hieronder). Dit bedrag moet, samen met het kandidatuurformulier, de YouTube link en 1 foto in paspoortformaat, uiterlijk op 5 april 2025 ontvangen zijn door de VZW Musica Mundi. Elke aanvraag voor inschrijving die na 5 april 2025 toekomt bij de VZW Musica Mundi, kan niet meer in aanmerking worden genomen. Het inschrijvingsgeld wordt afgetrokken van het totale lesgeld (saldo: 1800€-100€= 1700€). Het lesgeld moet uiterlijk op 15 juni 2025 betaald worden per overschrijving bij kennisgeving van de goedkeuring van de kandidatuur. Alle bankkosten voor rekening van de verzender. Kandidaatsdossiers moeten alleen per e-mail verstuurd worden.
Waarborg: Elke student moet bij aankomst een waarborg betalen van 50 euro, om de eventuele schade te dekken die hij/zij veroorzaakt. Hij/Zij krijgt de waarborg terug na afloop van de cursus.
Studiebeurzen: Er is een heel beperkt aantal studiebeurzen verkrijgbaar. Elke beursaanvraag (in de vorm van een brief) moet verplicht verstuurd worden samen met het sollicitatiedossier van de kandidaat. Geen enkele beursaanvraag wordt in overweging genomen als ze ingediend wordt na de bekendmaking van aanvaarding van de kandidaat.
Praktische Angaben
Unterkunft: Den Teilnehmern Zimmer sowie 3 Mahlzeiten pro Tag anbietet.
Soziale Aktivitäten: Ausflüge in die nähere Umgebung. Es stehen Sportanlagen zur Verfügung.
Versicherung: Jede/r Teilnehmer/in muß über eine Gesundheits-, Unfall- und Privateigentumversicherung, die auch das Instrument abdeckt, verfügen. Er/sie hat diese Policen im voraus zu zahlen und Musica Mundi vor Beginn des Kurses eine Abschrift der Policen zu übergeben.
Hörproben: Interessenten können sich allein oder als Kammermusik-Ensemble bewerben. Sie stellen Musica Mundi eine kürzlich YouTube-Link mit einer Aufnahme von 2 Stücken aus unterschiedlichen Perioden und von einer Dauer von mindestens 10 Minuten zu.
Studiengebühr: Die Teilnahmekosten am Musica Mundi Kammermusikkurs und - Festival belaufen sich auf 1800 euro. Diese Kosten decken die Unterkunft, Mahlzeiten, alle Unterrichtsstunden, die öffentlichen Proben, Konzerte und Tätigkeiten während der zwei Wochen ab. Eine nicht rückerstattete Einschreibegebühr von 100 euro in Form einer Banküberweisung (siehe unten stehende Konto- und Codenummern) muss zusammen mit dem Bewerbungsformular, der kürzlich YouTube-Link und 1 Foto im Passformat spätestens bis zum 5 April 2025 an der ASBL Musica Mundi eingehen. Anmeldungen, die nach dem 5 April 2025 eintreffen, können nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden. Die Anmeldegebühr wird von der gesamten Studiengebühr (1800€-100€= 1700€) abgezorgen, die nach Mitteilung der Zulassung zum Kurs spätestens am 15 Juni 2025 per Zahlungsanweisung zu entrichten ist. Alle Bankgebühren vom Absender getragen werden. Bewerbungsdossiers mussen entweder per E-Mail geschickt werden.
Depot: Zur Deckung allfälliger von dem Studenten bzw. der Studentin während seines/ihres Aufenthalts verursachter Schäden ist jede/r Teilnehmer/in gebeten, bei seiner/ihrer Ankunft ein Depot von 50 Euro zu hinterlegen, das am Ende des Kurses rückerstattet wird.
Stipendien: Die Zahl der verfügbaren Stipendien ist sehr begrenzt. Stipendienanträge (in Briefform) müssen unbedingt zusammen mit den Bewerbungsunterlagen des Kandidaten eingesandt werden. Stipendienanträge, die nach der Mitteilung über die Zulassung des Bewerbers eingereicht werden, werden nicht berücksichtigt.
Información práctica
Acomodo: Ofertas de habitaciones para los alumnos. Así como 3 comidas diarias.
Actividades sociales: Excursiones por la región. Instalaciones deportivas disponibles.
Seguro: Cada alumno es responsable por su seguridad médica personal. Todo Seguro debe estar pagado de antemano y habrá que enviar copia de los contratos a Música Mundi a comienzos del curso.
Audiciones: Los alumnos pueden solicitarlas como individuo o como un grupo formado de música de cámara. Un reciente enlace de Youtube debe enviarse junto con una grabación de 2 piezas de diferentes períodos (mín. 10 min.).
Coste:: La participación en el curso de verano de Música Mundi cuesta 1800 euros. Los gastos incluyen, alojamiento, comidas, toda la instrucción, ensayos abiertos, conciertos y actividades para 15 días así como una matrícula de 100 euros no reembolsable, a efectuar mediante transferencia. Ver detalles bancarios mas adelante, junto al formulario, el enlace de YouTube y la foto tamaño pasaporte que deben llegar a Música Mundi ASBL a continuación hasta el 5 de abril 2025 máximo. Cualquier solicitud que llegue a Música Mundi ASBL después del 5 de abril 2025, no será considerada. Si es aceptada, debe pagarse el total de la cantidad (1800€-100€= 1700€) máximo al 15 de junio de 2025, al número de cuenta mencionado más abajo. Los gastos bancarios que deben ser sufragados por el remitente. Los formularios tienen enviarse por correo electrónico.
Depósito: Para cubrir cualquier daño eventual causado por el alumno durante su estancia, cada alumno deberá hacer un depósito de 50 euros a su llegada, reembolsables al final del curso.
Becas: Existe un número muy limitado de becas. Cualquier solicitud de beca (por escrito) deberá enviarse obligatoriamente al mismo tiempo que el expediente de solicitud del candidato. No se tendrá en cuenta ninguna solicitud de beca presentada después de la notificación de aceptación del candidato.
Practical information
Accommodation: Offers rooms for the students, as well as 3 meals a day.
Social activities: Excursions to the area. Sports facilities are available.
Insurance: Each student is responsible for personal medical insurance, accident risk and personal belongings including insurance of his/ her instrument. All insurance must be prepaid and copies of the contracts must be submitted to Musica Mundi by the beginning of the course.
Auditions: Students can apply as individuals or as a formed chamber music group.
Recent YouTube link should be sent with a recording of 2 pieces from different periods (min. 10 min.)
Tuition: Participation in the Musica Mundi Summer course and festival costs 1800 euro. This covers accommodation, meals, all instruction, open rehearsals, concerts and activities for 15 days. A non-refundable registration fee of 100 euro in the form of a bank transfer (see bank details below) together with the application form, the YouTube Link and 1 passport photo must reach Musica Mundi ASBL by April 5th 2025 at the latest. Any applications that reach Musica Mundi ASBL after April 5th 2025 cannot be considered. If accepted, total fee (balance: 1800€-100€ = 1700€) to be paid by June 15th 2025 to the account number mentioned below. All bank charges to be borne by the sender. Application dossiers should be sent only by email.
Deposit: To cover any eventual damage caused by the student during his/her stay, each student will have to make a deposit of 50 Euro upon his arrival refundable at the end of the course.
Scholarships: A very limited number of scholarships are available. Each scholarship application (in the form of a letter) must obligatorily be sent at the same time as the candidate’s application. No scholarship request will be taken into consideration if submitted after notification of the candidate’s acceptance.
Application form
Surname .
First Name
Date of Birth .
Sex: M F Nationality
Telephone number E-mail
Number of years studied. (for violinists) I also play the viola Yes No.
Teachers and schools (mention all the teachers you studied with) .
Chamber music experience.
Mother tongue I also speak
The application form, accompanied by the registration fee (100 euro non-refundable) the recent YouTube link and the passport-size photo, is to be sent no later then April 5th 2025. Any applications that reach Musica Mundi ASBL after April 5th 2025 cannot be considered. Notification of acceptance: After May 1st. If accepted, total fee (1800€-100€ = 1700€) to be paid by June 15th 2025 to the account number mentioned below. In case of cancellation: 900 euro will be refunded. All bank charges to be borne by the sender.
Parents or guardians are required to fill in the following authorisation: I, the undersigned.
Relationship to participant hereby authorise: Name of applicant to take part in the Musica Mundi Summer course and festival.
Signature + Name (capital letters) .
Beware of missing chances; otherwise it may be altogether too late some day
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also.
Igor Stravinsky
Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Franz Liszt
Mr. Leonid Kerbel - Mrs. Hagit Hassid-Kerbel • 21, avenue des Marnières 1410 Waterloo - Belgium