Christmas Magazine

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‭Christmas Magazine‬ ‭8B‬

‭Recipe for fluff buns‬ ‭Ingredients‬ ‭50 g fresh yeast‬ ‭175 g butter‬ ‭2 bags of saffron‬ ‭2 dl sugar‬ ‭5 dl milk‬ ‭½ tsp salt‬ ‭1 dl wheat flour‬ ‭Brushing and garnishing‬ ‭Egg‬ ‭Raisin‬

‭2. Melt the butter in a saucepan.‬ ‭ . Pound the saffron with some of‬ 3 ‭the sugar in a mortar. Stir the‬ ‭saffron into the melted shortening.‬ ‭Add the milk and warm the dough‬ ‭paddle to approx. 37°C.‬ ‭ . Stir the yeast into a little of the‬ 4 ‭dough spatula. Add the rest of the‬ ‭dough scoop, sugar and salt. Work‬ ‭in almost all wheat flour and work‬ ‭the dough for about 5 minutes in a‬ ‭machine or 10 minutes by hand.‬ ‭Sprinkle some flour over the‬ ‭dough. Let it rise under a baking‬ ‭sheet for 30-45 minutes.‬ ‭ . Turn out the dough on a floured‬ 5 ‭workbench. Knead if necessary. in‬ ‭the rest of the flour.‬ ‭ . Bake into fluffy cats, place the‬ 6 ‭fluffy cats on sheets with baking‬ ‭paper.‬ ‭ . Let it rise under a baking sheet‬ 7 ‭for 30-45 min.‬ ‭8. Set the oven to 200 degrees.‬

‭Do this!‬ ‭ . Crumble yeast into a dough‬ 1 ‭bowl.‬

‭ . Then brush the fluffy cats with‬ 9 ‭beaten egg and press in raisins.‬ ‭ 0. Then bake the buns in the‬ 1 ‭middle of the oven for 8-10 min‬‭.‭1 ‬ 1.‬ ‭Enjoy your fluffy buns.‬ ‭Linus och Sigge‬

‭How Christmas is celebrated around the world‬ ‭Estonia‬ I‭n Estonia they celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December, just like in‬ ‭Sweden. Their Christmas begins with Advent where children and adults hang up‬ ‭stockings and hope they fill up with presents the next morning. It’s a perfect way‬ ‭to build up expectations for the Christmas celebration. In Estonia Christmas is‬ ‭called “jõulud”‬ ‭which is a word that comes from Christian traditions and includes the birth of Jesus‬ ‭and the whole winter period. The Christmas dinner includes traditionally 7,9 or 12‬ ‭dishes. Typical dishes that are eaten are blood sausage, sauerkraut and brawn. It is‬ ‭just as popular to eat gingerbread cookies in Estonia as it is in Sweden. You can find‬ ‭it everywhere on markets.‬

‭Poland‬ I‭n Poland Christmas celebrations start in the eve of the 24th of December. Poland‬ ‭has many religious traditions that are celebrated on this day, for example you‬ ‭shouldn’t eat anything after breakfast until the first star appears in the sky. Polish‬ ‭people often put hay under the table cloth and later give that hay to the animals in‬ ‭the stable. Traditional Polish Christmas dinner includes 12 dishes, which is the same‬ ‭as Estonia (symbol of 12 apostles). They also put an empty plate for strangers or‬ ‭lonely people who are waiting for Jesus to be born. Kids called “kolednicy” (carollers)‬ ‭go around to different houses and sing carols and get sweets in return. Carollers are‬ ‭dressed up as King Herold, aurochs, angels and devils. At 12 o'clock at night,‬ ‭everyone goes to church to attend a midnight mass where they celebrate that Jesus‬ ‭was born.‬

‭Christmas Cross-word‬

‭Hints:‬ ‭ CROSS:‬ A ‭4.You ride on snow with it.‬ ‭7. You put the Christmas gifts underneath it.‬ ‭9. They help Santa on the north pole.‬‭11.‬ ‭Happy fat man with a white beard.‬‭13. The‬ ‭place Santa enters your house.‬‭15. Kids‬ ‭knock on your doors and sing them.‬

‭ OWN:‬ D ‭1.‬‭When you get time off‬ ‭2. You have to kiss underneath them.‬ ‭3. The month we celebrate Christmas in.‬ ‭5. It is a brown cookie.‬ ‭6. You hang them over the fireplace.‬ ‭8. You leave them for Santa on christmas eve.‬ ‭10. They pull Santa's sleigh‬ ‭12. Kids make them out of snow.‬ ‭14. We celebrate his birth.‬

‭ ow Korean people‬ H ‭celebrate Christmas!‬ ‭ hristmas is a public holiday in South Korea,‬ C ‭and they celebrate‬ o‭ n December 25th just like everywhere else.‬ ‭Because work is‬ s‭ uspended on national holidays, most people‬ ‭have the day off.‬ ‭ e Koreans walk down the streets, and you‬ Th ‭should hear‬ r‭ evellers giving each other a Korean greeting‬ ‭of “Sung Tang‬ ‭Chuk Ha”, or Merry Christmas.‬ ‭ hristmas for Koreans, wherever they’re‬ C ‭celebrating, is often‬ c‭ entred around family and their festivities.‬ ‭But unlike in the‬ ‭ .S. Christmas can also be the perfect night‬ U ‭to go out on the‬ ‭town with a romantic partner or friends.‬

‭Christmas Korean foods/sweets!‬ ‭Family plays an important role in most‬ ‭Korean traditions. As such, a large‬ ‭potluck dinner is usually on the menu for‬ ‭the Christmas holidays. The holiday‬ ‭menu features foods like Bulgogi‬ ‭(barbecued beef), sweet potato noodles,‬ ‭and kimchi, and everyone brings their‬ ‭best dish. You’ll typically finish the meal‬

‭with a Christmas cake ( often a steamed‬ ‭rice cake decorated with fruits) or a‬ ‭buffet of all the best Korean sweets the‬ ‭family offers.‬ ‭Example of Korean Christmas food!!‬

‭ ulgogi sweet potato noodles and kimchi‬ B ‭Examples of Korean Cake/Sweets!!‬

‭steamed rice cake‬ ‭ anghulu Korean Sugar Candy Baesuk‬ T ‭Sweets that might be included:‬ ‭Sugar candy‬ ‭Steamed pear called (baesuk)‬ ‭Walnuts wrapped in persimmons‬

‭Christmas-themed cake with sweet red bean paste‬

‭Rizz‬ ‭ t Christmas time there are many that are off. Some go out to the club and some stay‬ A ‭inside. If you go out to a party, you can find a nice girl or boy. Here are some rizz you can‬ ‭say to them.‬

‭You are so cute I got diabetes type 3.‬ ‭I heard that you hate school/ job, I can put you on maternity leave.‬

‭I’ve lost my phone number, can I have yours?‬

‭Abrakadabra simsalabim, give me your snap and I’m yours.‬ ‭What’s your name? or can I call you mine?‬

‭Are you a firework? cuz you light up my world.‬ ‭ re you a Christmas gift? Because I want you under my‬ A ‭Christmas tree.‬

‭ re you Santa Claus? Because I want‬ A ‭to sit on your lap.‬

‭The monkey and the Christmas elves‬ ‭ nce upon a time there was a monkey named Niklas. He‬ O ‭always dreamed about seeing snow and‬ ‭meeting Santa‬ ‭Claus. Niklas loved Christmas but there was‬ ‭a problem, he‬ ‭lived in the jungle in Africa. It never snows in‬ ‭Africa, so he‬ ‭wanted to go to The North Pole. There were‬ ‭rumours in‬ ‭the jungle that The North Pole was Santa‬ ‭Claus’ home.‬ ‭Niklas wanted to meet Santa Claus so badly‬ ‭that he‬ ‭decided to leave the jungle and all his friends forever. He‬ ‭will now travel to The North Pole.‬ ‭ e didn’t have time to think about how to get there, he just‬ H ‭started walking. After 3 days of walking his food started to run out. He then‬ ‭sat down and took a rest. Niklas had to figure out a better way but instead he‬ ‭fell asleep. When he woke up there was a huge mountain with perfect‬ ‭bananas. He started to eat without even thinking about how the bananas‬ ‭appeared right in front of him when he was sleeping. He ate until he was full‬ ‭and packed down the rest of them in his backpack. Niklas continued walking‬ ‭while he thought about how to get over the big ocean when he reached the‬ ‭beach. Would he need to swim or would there be a boat? He didn’t know.‬ ‭At the beach his jaw dropped. There was a big ship with big black‬ ‭letters; N I K L A S. - This is weird, who placed this ship here?! he‬ ‭shouted.‬ ‭No one answered and the ship was empty. On the table inside the boat he‬ ‭found a map and searched up The North Pole. Niklas was now on his way.‬ I‭t went windy and Niklas lost control of the boat. The map flew in the‬ ‭water and Niklas couldn’t reach it. The waves were so high that the‬ ‭monkey lost his balance and hurt his head. Everything went dark.‬ ‭ hen he woke up again he was in a bed made of gingerbread. Beside him‬ W ‭he found Santa Claus.‬ ‭- Hello? Niklas said.‬ ‭- Ho, ho, ho, Santa answered.‬ ‭- Where am I?‬ ‭- You are on The North Pole, welcome! I'm Nikolas.‬ ‭They didn't speak for a long time until a Christmas elf came, her name was‬ ‭Lotta. - Hi Niklas! You may wonder who brought you here, it was me.‬ ‭We are at The North Pole. I got your Christmas list for this year and‬ ‭your wish was to meet Santa Claus. Therefore I traveled to Africa with a‬ ‭mini sleigh and helped you all the way. Who got you food? me. Who‬

‭ uilt a boat for you? me. Who drove the boat when you were blacked‬ b ‭out? Me.‬ ‭- Wow, thank you. I didn’t know but now I’m very thankful.‬ ‭ is dream was reached and now Niklas was happy for the rest of his‬ H ‭life. Together with Santa and the Christmas elves.‬ ‭Authors: Ronja and Ella M.‬

‭Welcome Home‬ ‭By E.M.D Translated from Swedish‬ ‭ ate in November and the air is clear‬ L ‭The cars sparkle with frost‬ ‭The snow as a protective hand everywhere But who sweeps the quilt around‬ ‭us?‬ ‭The houses are tall and the world is big‬ ‭What warms the stars then?‬ ‭But when someone up there looks down on our world Our lights are still visible‬ ‭I say welcome home, just come as you are‬ ‭ elcome stranger and friend‬ W ‭When all the lamps light up, there are rooms for you here Welcome home again‬ ‭ ho meets the glaze and who takes its time? Who can dream of more?‬ W ‭Every time you dare to see in a life‬ ‭Is it yourself you see?‬ ‭I say welcome home, just come as you are‬ ‭ elcome stranger and friend‬ W ‭When all the lamps light up, there are rooms for you here Welcome home again‬ ‭ o just come as you are‬ S ‭You’re welcome home‬ ‭Welcome home again‬ ‭Welcome home again‬

‭Ginger Bread‬ ‭Ingredients:‬ ‭ 50 g butter‬ 1 ‭1 dl light syrup‬ ‭2 dl sugar‬ ‭2 tsp ground cinnamon‬ ‭2 tsp ground ginger‬ ‭2 tsp ground cloves‬ ‭1 tsp ground white pepper‬ ‭1 tsp baking soda‬ ‭0.5 dl water‬ ‭6 dl wheat flour‬

‭Instructions:‬ ‭ repare the dough: Melt the butter in a saucepan‬ P ‭over‬ l‭ow heat. Add syrup and sugar to the butter. Stir‬ ‭until‬ ‭the sugar dissolves. Remove the saucepan from the‬ ‭heat.‬ ‭Add spices and baking soda: Add cinnamon, ginger, cloves, white pepper, and baking‬ ‭soda to the butter mixture. Stir well.‬ ‭Add water and flour: Add water and stir. Gradually mix in the flour until you have a‬ ‭smooth dough. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough on a floured surface.‬ ‭Cut out gingerbread cookies: Use gingerbread cookie cutters to create desired‬ ‭shapes. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.‬ ‭Bake: Bake in a preheated oven at 175 degrees Celsius for about 8-10 minutes or‬ ‭until the cookies have a nice golden colour.‬ ‭Cool and store: Let the gingerbread cookies cool on the baking sheet for a few‬ ‭minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store the cookies‬ ‭in an airtight container to keep them fresh.‬

‭ istory:‬‭Gingerbread has a long history, starting with ancient spice trade routes. In medieval‬ H ‭Europe, it became a sweet treat using honey and spices. Nuremberg, Germany, became‬ ‭famous for its gingerbread in the 16th century. In England, gingerbread was linked to fairs.‬ ‭Colonists brought recipes to America, and gingerbread evolved with new ingredients. The‬ ‭19th century saw innovations like baking soda. Gingerbread houses became popular with‬ ‭the‬‭tale of "Hansel and Gretel." Today, gingerbread is enjoyed globally in various forms‬ ‭during the‬‭holidays.‬

‭Christmas in Japan‬ ‭Chritsmas‬ ‭is‬ ‭a‬ ‭holiday‬ ‭that‬ ‭everyone‬ ‭around‬ ‭the‬ ‭world‬ ‭celebrates‬ ‭but‬ ‭it‬ ‭can‬ ‭be‬ ‭celebrated‬ ‭differently‬ ‭in‬ ‭different‬ ‭countries.‬ ‭In‬ ‭Japan‬ ‭people‬‭celebrate‬‭Christmas‬ ‭by‬‭meeting‬‭up,‬‭going‬‭on‬‭dates,‬‭going‬‭shoppings‬‭before‬‭Christmas,‬‭going‬‭to‬‭parties‬ ‭and‬ ‭a‬ ‭lot‬ ‭more.‬ ‭You‬ ‭can‬‭always‬‭see‬‭Chritsmas‬‭trees,‬‭lights‬‭and‬‭Chritsmas‬‭cake‬‭in‬ ‭every‬ ‭city‬ ‭in‬ ‭Japan‬ ‭even‬ ‭though‬ ‭there‬ ‭is‬ ‭only‬ ‭1‬ ‭percent‬ ‭of‬ ‭Japanese‬ ‭people‬ ‭who‬ ‭celebrate‬‭Christmas.‬‭Christmas‬‭is‬‭surely‬‭very‬‭popular‬‭in‬‭Japan‬‭but‬‭they‬‭don’t‬‭have‬ ‭any‬ ‭national‬ ‭holidays‬ ‭during‬ ‭Christmas.‬‭In‬‭the‬‭USA‬‭the‬‭main‬‭event‬‭is‬‭usually‬‭the‬ ‭Chritsmas‬‭day‬‭but‬‭in‬‭Japan‬‭unlike‬‭the‬‭USA‬‭is‬‭Chritsmas‬‭eve.‬‭The‬‭24th‬‭of‬‭December‬ ‭in‬‭Japan‬‭people‬‭meet‬‭their‬‭family‬‭and‬‭friends‬‭to‬‭eat‬‭and‬‭celebrate‬‭together.‬‭People‬

‭in‬ ‭Japan‬ ‭eat‬ ‭pizza,‬ ‭fried‬ ‭chicken,‬ ‭cream‬‭stew,‬‭vegetable‬‭tempura‬‭and‬‭ganmodoki‬ ‭which‬‭is‬‭a‬‭Japanese‬‭tofu‬‭ball.‬‭Some‬‭couples‬‭in‬‭Japan‬‭celebrate‬‭Chritsmas‬‭together‬ ‭and‬‭some‬‭other‬‭people‬‭who‬‭are‬‭single‬‭stay‬‭in‬‭their‬‭room‬‭till‬‭Christmas‬‭is‬‭over‬‭but‬ ‭there‬‭will‬‭be‬‭a‬‭concert‬‭for‬‭only‬‭single‬‭people‬‭on‬‭Christmas‬‭to‬‭find‬‭their‬‭soulmates.‬ ‭Being‬‭single‬‭on‬‭Christmas‬‭is‬‭not‬‭very‬‭easy‬‭in‬‭Japan‬‭since‬‭no‬‭matter‬‭where‬‭you‬‭go‬ ‭everything‬ ‭is‬ ‭related‬ ‭to‬ ‭couples.‬ ‭The‬ ‭best‬ ‭place‬ ‭you‬ ‭can‬ ‭celebrate‬ ‭Chritsmas‬ ‭in‬ ‭Japan‬ ‭is‬ ‭Tokyo‬ ‭which‬ ‭is‬ ‭the‬ ‭capital‬ ‭city‬ ‭of‬ ‭Japan.‬ ‭During‬ ‭the‬ ‭Christmas‬ ‭season‬ ‭many‬ ‭people‬ ‭from‬ ‭other‬ ‭countries‬ ‭visit‬ ‭Tokyo‬ ‭to‬ ‭celebrate‬ ‭their‬ ‭Chritsmas‬ ‭differently.‬ ‭There‬ ‭are‬ ‭of‬ ‭course‬ ‭some‬ ‭similarities‬ ‭between‬ ‭Japan‬ ‭and‬ ‭other‬ ‭countries‬ ‭when‬ ‭it‬ ‭comes‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭Christmas‬ ‭season‬ ‭but‬ ‭there‬‭are‬‭some‬‭differences‬ ‭too.‬ ‭Cities in Japan during Christmas:‬

‭ ood Japanese people eat during Christmas:‬ F ‭Japanese people on Christmas:‬

‭Christmas in Japan‬

‭Christmas song‬ ‭Guess the Christmas song and artist‬

‭It’s raining all the time‬ ‭Soon the year has passed‬ ‭It feels like the autumns are getting worse‬ ‭When winter is so short‬ ‭But the car rolls home‬ ‭The grey snow has turned white‬ ‭What hurts cannot reach me now‬ ‭It never finds its way here‬ ‭I’m coming home again for Christmas‬ ‭I want the same thing as you‬ ‭No family, no presents, only you and I know‬ ‭I’m coming home again for Christmas‬ ‭And before the day started‬ ‭The evening is already here‬ ‭But I know I’ll be there soon‬

‭And I know you’re there‬ ‭I’m coming home again for Christmas‬ ‭I want the same thing as you‬ ‭no family, no presents, only you and I that know‬ ‭I’m coming home again for Christmas‬ ‭I'm coming home‬ ‭Although everything is so difficult‬ ‭I think it will be good in the end anyway‬ ‭I'm coming home again for Christmas‬ ‭I want the same thing as you‬ ‭No family, no presents, only you and I that know‬ ‭I'm coming home again for Christmas‬ ‭I’m coming home‬ ‭I’m coming home again for Christmas.‬ ‭The end‬

‭We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!‬

‭ ey‬ K ‭Cross-word‬

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