Building a Fan base on Facebook

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Building a Fan base on Facebook Face book has become the latest and the most powerful buzzword in the social media circles there have been millions of fans who can be tapped and brought into the fold provided you follow the right strategies and steps for building the momentum. Considering the importance of Social Media in achieving the ranks on the search engines Social Media has come a long way and is being considered a major factor to keep your ranking high on the SEO parameters. More likes for your page means more and more people are happy to be in your network and more the number of genuine friends on your friend list means you are quite popular in the online community due to one or the other reason. There are many factors that will go into making your face book page popular and make it the most happening place on this social networking Mecca. You can embed widgets on your website especially the ones that allow users to add comments to live events. Commenting to live events is quite exiting and fans take a special fancy to adding their comments and participating in live events. This will surely give an impetus to your face book page and will add to your portfolio. Send out invitations to all your contacts that are on face book to like and participate in events that you organize from time to time. You can also motivate people who are not yet on face book to join and start participating in those events that will form a major chunk of your activities henceforth.

Contests are a sure shot way of getting genuine traffic and keeping them hooked to your page. The prizes in these contents can vary from anything like a pair of Jeans or sunglasses to an IPod depending upon the stakes and the number of people you are looking forward to add to your fan base. A nice interactive welcome video will be quite effective in introducing the customers to you page and your website along with the nature of your business and the products and services that you have in store for them. Pictures are yet other very important pieces of tit bits that are noticed on the social media than anything else. Motivate your fans to tag themselves in the photographs that are uploaded by you from time to time. This will have double impact as people will not only start taking interest in the material that you have uploaded. You can also reach the walls of your fans with your updates and news feeds. Done all this you are sure to generate some serious business from your facebook page within a few weeks. This all can be done without any additional cost provided you use the right strategy and target the right audience. You can learn more about Digital media and marketing company, social media management service and Social Media Consultant, by visiting Article Source:-

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