Strike Magazine Gainesville Issue 01

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Editor-in-Chief: Hanna Gibson Creative Director: Ashley West External Affairs Director: Annie Ortega

EIC Assistant


Public Relations


Isabella Arjomand

Director: Enzo Peltz Assistants: Katey Anderson, Nicki Barrow

Director: Madison Emanuel Assistants: Faith Demott, Karissa Disla, Sullivan Henry

Director: Savannah Halil Assistants: Emily Patton, Madison Whalen

Men’s Content


Lifestyle Content


Director: Ben Lantinberg Assistant: Matthew Hamburg Head Stylist: Ashley Novello

Director: Isabelle Crevier Assistants: Andreanna Hardy, Chen Qin

Director: Abby Murphy Assistants: Juzanne Martin, Michelle Virgilio

Director: Victoria Trieu Assistants: Julia Baldwin, Sabrina Chang, Luisa Hays







Director: Emma Heese Assistants: Sophia Guerra, Julie Jisa, Elena Moore

Director: Justine Thomas Assistants: Kaylee Davis, Cecelia Gazica

Camila Arana, Alaina DiGiacomo, Andreanna Hardy

Director: Kaylin Bean Assistants: Tori Grossman, Grace Withers





Director: Kaureen Randhawa

Director: Rachel Porter

Director: Gianfranco Bello

Director: Hannah Fredlake


Brand Ambassadors



Director: Sydney Stencil

Mia Alfonsi, Emma Barsky, Gianna Caceres, Sofia Kalman, Spencer Kane, Skylar Kasarjian, Carolyn Lok, Kendal Owen, Dean Page, Chase Wise

Isabella Arjomand, Hannah

Directors: Noelle Barrera, Frances Landrum

Social Media Director: Alex Gagliano Assistant: Cheyce Batchelor Instagram: @strikemagazineuf

Burkhart, Lily Frost, Hanna Gibson, Kara Kennedy, Lauren Mazzarisi, Lexie Miller, Graham Olney, Annie Ortega, Rachel Porter, Hallie Wright, Elana Youshak




in this ISSUE



Why Being Selfish Isn’t Selfish 08


Jenna Theofiledes 24 Flipturn 26

Our Relationship with Food 12 Moving Toward Mental Health 16 Body Diaries 19



Day In the Life 31 Merrett Fay 32 Always True 35

Murse 41 #BoysInBeauty 44 Catcalling in the Digital Age 46


UNNATURAL IN NATURE Boundaries on Modern Women 54 Knowing Yourself 56 Fearless In Fashion 58 I Can Buy My Own Drink 62


POWER PLAY Generation Juul 66 Dual Night Out 68 Adderall 71 Girls Are Horny Too 72




editors the

By Hanna Gibson

Strike Magazine embodies the idea that we all are striking in our own way. Gainesville is formed by a student body of individuals who are immensely striking in their own ways, and Strike Magazine highlights these unique qualities. Through our diversity, varied life experiences and interests, we each bring refreshing perspectives and visions to the world and to each other. Strike Magazine values the human experience, and we aim to create a magazine that embodies the defining attributes of all people and yields a deep appreciation for fashion, art, health and pop culture. We believe in the beauty of realizing: 1. What is striking Striking: adjective: attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent. 2. What strikes us as individuals Strikes: verb: to affect with a mental or emotional state or a strong emotion 3. What strikes us together ​Strikes: verb: to come into contact or collision with Strike Magazine was created at Florida State University by three bold and passionate women. The magazine started as a student-led lifestyle publication and has evolved into a force to be reckoned with. With the magazine’s expansion to Gainesville, we look forward to striking the community as the one and only student-led publication of our kind. Our founding issue is rooted in being unapologetic; we embrace the distinct beauty of our student body and empower our readers to think beyond the norm.

strike out, Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Issue 01


Photo By Camila Arana

ABOUT THE COVER By Isabella Arjomand

You might recognize our cover model from the walls of Abercrombie & Fitch. Christen Rhule, a 19-year-old University of Florida advertising sophomore, began her modeling career only six months ago. The Jamaican model got her first big break when the popular American clothing chain reached out to her to model in one of their campaigns.

social media ever get exhausting. “Extremely,” she said. “While social media is a great tool to help boost my modeling career, balancing school and the pressure to constantly post sometimes drives me insane.” But at the end of the day, Rhule tells herself that social media isn’t real life, and she’s not afraid to live her life privately sometimes.

“Leaving the set, I knew in my soul that this was something I wanted to

Rhule initially struggled to gain the self-confidence to pursue modeling,

continue to do, because I thrive in those creative environments,” Rhule said.

and there are still days of self-doubt. People see a face on print and they im-

Rhule was raised in South Florida and always knew she wanted to be in front of the camera. She signed to her first agency in Miami – The Syndical – two months ago. She has since gotten the opportunity to travel throughout the United States and work with PacSun to shoot their Fall 2018 campaign. As a student with one of the highest followings on UF’s campus, Rhule

mediately believe these women and men are confident, perfect and stress free, she said. “There’s a lot of insecurity that hides behind these photos, but it’s all a work in progress,” she said. “I want people to know that I’m still a work in progress.”

has a whooping 120K followers on Instagram. I asked her if keeping up with




Water is a contradiction. Water is angry; water is peaceful. Water is simple; water is complex. Water grants life; water brings death.

Photo By Camila Arana

Photo By Camila Arana


learned the most important lesson in college was

learn more about yourself and your needs. Mental

during my freshman year. And that lesson was

health and positivity is so important, and you owe it

how to be selfish. It sounds weird, and it was

to yourself to take time to slow down. I’ve found that

for me. I had never been told that it’s OK to be

when I spend time alone – whether I do something

selfish at times in your life – and that sometimes you

creative that I enjoy or research on potential careers

have to be. As college students, it’s more important

– I feel a new sense of energy. I am refreshed and

than ever to learn this message. Our lives are

able to create new goals and plans for myself. If you

changing, and we are setting up our futures. Your 20s

don’t learn when to listen to yourself and say no, you

are the time to figure out who you are and what you

will stretch yourself too thin and feel overwhelmed

want for your life. Only you can decide what it means

and defeated. I love to be busy, but when I try to

to be successful and happy. These are important

accommodate too many people or overbook myself, I

decisions, and they must be made selfishly.

end up feeling worn out and anxious.

Sometimes, you need to selfishly say no. You

But as much as you should say no, there are

may even have to say no to friends. Say no if it gives

times when it’s critical to say yes. Say yes if it will

more time to study for an important test. Say no if

challenge you. Say yes when it will help you grow and

you just need a break to re-energize and get your life

reach your goals. This summer at my internship, I

together. Your friends will understand, and in the

said yes to everything they asked and more. I would

long run you’ll feel the benefits of taking time for

ask if there was more that I could be doing and how

yourself. Giving yourself a mental break can help you

could I help. As a young professional, your employer

Issue 01


will appreciate that you want to learn and are excited to help. I noticed that some peers were not as apt to say yes. They were more negative toward tasks and complained, and it did not go unnoticed by our supervisors. These little things go a long way and this can help you network and open up the doors to more opportunities. Learn your limits, and learn your needs. Learn when to say no. Learn when to say yes. You know yourself better than anyone, and you are responsible for caring for yourself. Putting yourself first is not selfish – it is necessary.


Photo By Andreanna Hardy


Photo By Camila Arana

peace 11

Photo By Andreanna Hardy


WITH By Hannah Burkhart

Issue 01


It’s 2 a.m. It’s closing time. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay at Fat’s. So where to next? “Pizza by the Slice? Taco Bell? I should get an unwich at Jimmy Johns,

You have to establish a healthy relationship with your body and with food. Meghan Lizotte, senior at the University of Florida and the health and fitness blogger behind @megspaelokitchen, said you should try to eat with

but McNuggets sound better right now.” You decide to head back home empty

your health in mind the majority of the time, but never beat yourself up for


allowing in occasional treats.

In college, avoid listening to the devil on your shoulder when it comes to

Chelsea Woods, the UF dietetics senior behind @goodsbychelwoods, said

your strict diet. You’ve been avoiding the freshman 15 since you handed in

that “the key to keeping your mind and body satisfied, fueled and slim is by

your Good Life final. I mean, you go to Southwest every day and drink vodka

following a diet full of a variety of colors and macronutrients, while enjoying

waters at night.

cheat foods in moderation.” She agrees that diet is all about balance. “If you

Indulgence in moderation is key. You’ve probably heard that a lot but

know you’re going for a night out, you can compensate for that pizza by the

don’t like to believe that minimally eating carbs, sugars, dairy or red meat

slice by eating healthy and nutritious foods during the day (once in a while, of

can be good for you. We have to listen to our body’s cravings. Taking care of

course),” Woods says.

yourself doesn’t just mean feeding your body clean and green foods. It means

You should be mindful of your body’s natural cravings and respect the

practicing a balanced diet and lifestyle – take days off, and don’t stop yourself

fact that these extremist eating habits are starving your body from what it truly

from eating something you crave.

needs. To be healthy is to grow to love and feel comfortable with your body,

I can personally vouch for having the habit of loosely controlling what

your diet and yourself.

foods are part of my diet. Besides having serious dietary restrictions or allergies, there is no reason to cut out an entire food group from your diet. Work to find substitutes – drink oat or almond milk rather than cow milk or eat fish instead of red meat one night. I’ve done the vegetarian thing. Yeah, you feel cleaner, but you also feel iron-deficient. TBH, I take B12 every day, but I also eat whatever the F I want.



Photo By Camila Arana


Photo By Camila Arana


Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Issue 01

Apply to college.

class athletes like DeMar DeRozan and Kevin Love opened up about their mental health challenges.

Immerse yourself in meaningful involvement.

We faced the harsh reality of a summer riddled with celebrity suicides. We felt the loss of a cultural

Secure an internship.

icon in Mac Miller. He showcased the volatile rollercoaster ride that is stardom and success. We

Search for more opportunities.

are reminded that money doesn’t necessarily lead to


happiness. Influential characters in the mainstream Maintain a solid GPA.

who highlight mental health help start important conversations. But real change comes from us –

Keep up with your social life.

the public. As college students, we have a unique opportunity to foster change .

Make professional connections.

Take the superbly wack equation that began this article. We all conform to some version of that

Need more involvement.

concept. We’ve watched those who studied before us rise the ranks by following a process. But these

Prepare your resume.

times, they are a’changin. We don’t need to follow a list of steps to achieve our goals, because we are

Apply for jobs.

normalizing mental health. It’s something we all deal with in some way. As a frame of reference, Rizzarr,

Grow up.

a millennial driven content incubator, recently cited Vox Magazine in a piece on this exact idea.


“Despite being harder on themselves, millennials were found to be more accepting of others with mental illness than previous generations, according to When did college become so formulaic? Within

a survey conducted by American University this year.

this bubble of high-octane, competitive energy,

Of those surveyed, 85 percent said they would have

college students believe that our happiness comes

no problem making friends or working with someone

at a cost. We sacrifice our physical health, sleep, fun

experiencing a mental illness (Vox Magazine).”

and more in hopes of putting ourselves ahead of

We are coming to understand our own

the game. But in reality, we’re neglecting something

limitations and those of the people around us. This

crucial to our longevity: mental health. Add your

shift is intangible, but we are theoretically watching

mental health to the list of priorities, because without

the world undergo massive renovations, and we have

it, you can easily become consumed in the rat race.

the control.

Our generation is steadily disrupting the norm

Ultimately, seek to be in-tune with your mental

of what it means to be successful. For decades,

capacity and well-being. There may not be a simple

we’ve measured success monetarily, but pioneers

equation to ensure success, but prioritizing your

are challenging what it means to be happy. World-

mental health gives you a fighting chance.




Photo By Andreanna Hardy

BODY DIARIES By Annie Ortega

Relationships are complicated, especially when it comes to women and their bodies. I grew up as a female athlete, which built a solid foundation for my rela-

itively to my body when I look in the mirror, noticing when food gives me energy and strength, carving out time to strengthen my muscles, giving my body a chance to rest and rejuvenate and posting pictures that accurately depict my

tionship with my body. I began competing as a sprinter when I was 7 years

body. I recognize that my body does not define me, and I’m zealous in my per-

old. My coaches and parents began talking about the way that sleep, food, and

sonal quest toward body positivity.

working out impacted my body. Treating my body properly was a source of

I am confident that my body is beautiful, capable, strong and imperfect. I

pride. Knowing that I was a capable of giving my body the ability to perform

am confident that my body doesn’t define me as a person and holds no weight

better instilled confidence and independence in me.

in my pursuit of a fulfilled life.

I stopped running when I got to high school. I also hit puberty. Naturally,

But I still experience feelings of unworthiness. Every single day, lies con-

my body became more feminine and womanly. I felt self-conscious, insecure

sume me – telling me that my body keeps me from being lovely and captivat-

and out of control for the first time.

ing. Even as an empowered woman, societal expectations disrupt my mind. I

I’d never noticed the little pooch on my stomach or the way my hips jut-

can’t rid myself of feeling like I don’t measure up.

ted out. Comparison began to plague me as high school continued. It was no

According to a recent study at the Health Education Services at George-

longer just the ripples on my legs that I noticed but how much more noticeable

town University, 74 percent of normal-weight females report being unhappy

they were than my friend’s, my mom’s or my sister’s.

with their weight or appearance. We live in a society that places such explicit

In college, I’ve learned two things about myself: I love my womanly body and know that I am strong, beautiful and deserve to be taken care of. But this does not invalidate my crippling self-consciousness and the dangerous tendency I have to compare myself to others. College gave me more freedom when it came to sleep, food, working out, clothes and social media. These changes brought an overwhelming awareness of my body. I constantly evaluate the way I look in the mirror, the way I feel after I eat and how I present myself on social media. I have learned that caring for myself starts with small choices: talking pos-

boundaries around what is beautiful. This is a battle that we have to face every day. Every day we get to define what is pretty, beautiful, lovely and captivating. No Instagram account or magazine can identify what qualities make you beautiful. You are the ultimate judge of what makes you and your body striking. All relationships take work, and women’s relationships with their bodies are no different. Loving my body isn’t always easy. But it is a relationship I won’t give up on.



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Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Issue 01

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo


Jenna Theofiledes

Makeup-obsessed student builds international brand

By Hanna Gibson

Jenna Theofiledes wheels a cart full of

together and pretended to film makeup ads. “Easy,

that contained a picture of a turkey and a profile on

envelopes, clear tubes and labels onto her living

breezy, beautiful.” On their drive, the make-believe

its life, which Jenna had saved. A staunch vegetarian

room floor. She creates a makeshift studio on the

now seemed prophetic as their conversation turned

since middle school, she had secretly paid $50 to

hardwoods. Her pink-gloved hands glue “theo” labels

to business. The pair envisioned a brand that would

prevent the animal from becoming Thanksgiving

centered perfectly on the tubes of eyelash serum.

speak to millennials and turn Jenna’s lash-boosting

dinner. Jenna worked at a vegan café for two

secret into an affordable, exciting product.

summers in high school and gained knowledge that

It seems like a tedious task but it never feels like work for Jenna; it’s a passion project. Her international brand, Theo Organics, was

Jenna researched where to purchase high quality supplies to create the serum while Jess designed a logo

heightened her compassion for animals. Jenna’s unshakable devotion to protecting

borne from a childhood fascination with eyelashes

and packaging that would define the brand. Theo

animals shapes her own life and is ever-present in her

and makeup, one that began in the 8th grade when

Organics launched on Instagram (@theo_organics)

business decisions.

Jenna applied castor oil to her lashes as though she

and as an Etsy shop in December 2016. Since its

were finger painting. She placed the oil back on the

online debut, Theo Organics has also begun selling

room, a proud glow washes over her face as she

shelf cluttered with makeup shared with her older

its products in two boutiques in Melbourne.

discloses exciting new products in the future of Theo

sister and stared at her lashes in the mirror of her vanity. A lifetime of watching her mother use Vaseline

Today, Theo Organics has over 1,000 followers

Organics. She holds up a recent article about her and

on Instagram while Jenna has a personal following

Theo Organics and blushes at the picture they chose.

of 10,000-plus and customers outside the United

“Too showy,” she says.

to remove her makeup and strengthen her own lashes

States. Jenna has turned her personal passion into an

inspired a meticulous nighttime routine for Jenna.

international business.

Her infatuation with eyelashes only grew from

On a recent evening in Jenna’s dorm-style

The brand is recognizable by the subtle pink hue

Jenna’s room is the Instagram feed of @ theo_organics come to life. Television voices of the Kardashians scream in the background. A pink box

there and led her to additional remedies. She took to

of the packaging that features pineapples made up of

from Venus ET Fleur houses white roses underneath

the internet to research ingredients and came up with

tiny eyelashes. Etsy declared it a best-selling eyelash

a macramé wall hanging. The pale pink comforter of

a mixture of organic oils: castor, almond, lavender

serum, and sales catapulted in 46 states as well as

her bed is askew, and the tiny desk is cluttered with

and vitamin E.

five countries: Canada, Spain, Denmark, Turkey and

miscellaneous bags, La Croix and her open laptop.

Jenna’s lashes continued to grow, and so did interest from friends who asked for her secret. She

Colombia. Theo Organics has since added a mineral mica

They are reminders of her busy life as a student. She has juggled entrepreneurship with the scholastic

began giving away bottles of her trusty serum to

eyeshadow and highlighter called “eyelight” and

pressures of a college junior. But Jenna is not about

eager friends, and news of her product spread in

a plumping lip scrub named “Prickle Pout” to its

to give up her demanding double life. She is not


product lineup.

about to give up on her childhood dream.

The entrepreneurial spirit in her recognized an opportunity. In 2016, Jenna was driving home to Melbourne for Christmas break with her older sister, Jess. The

The business is organic and maintains a message rooted in embracing women’s natural beauty. That, too, stems from Jenna’s childhood. As a child, Jenna would leave the zoo in tears,

two sisters were close – only 22 months apart. When

overwhelmed by her love from animals. When she

they were young they often sat in front of the mirror

was 15, her family received a letter on Thanksgiving

Issue 01

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo


Flipturn A young band from Fernandina Beach is on the Florida Indie music scene’s radar with over 500,000 streams on a single song.

By Isabella Arjomand

Beyond the Golden Arches of Gainesville’s classic late night scene, I

Flipturn was born in 2015 when 5 high school friends from Fernandina

hesitantly turn the door knob of the home that houses one of Florida’s up

Beach, Florida, when Madeline Jarman (bassist) realized she had always

and coming indie bands: Flipturn. I am greeted by the band’s lead singer

wanted to be a part of a band. She pulled her friends, Tristan Duncan (lead

Dillon Basse. Not sure what to expect, I follow Dillon to their practice room

guitarist) and Adrian Walker (drummer), because she knew they were both

-- or should I say Dillon’s bedroom. The room is large with tapestries above

talented musicians. Taylor Allen (synth) and Madeline met through a mutual

and around his bed. There’s a bench press that fills the majority of the room’s

teacher, and Allen joined the group. Madeline said that Dillon could always

extension. String lights line the room and shelves boast every college male’s

sing, so naturally, he completed the band.

essentials: Chips Ahoy, chicken noodle soup, mac n cheese and syrup. “There

Flipturn’s music has influences of alternative rock, surf rock and indie

is no way a five-member band, their instruments, and sound system can all fit

rock. The band began working with a local Gainesville music organization

comfortably in here,” I thought to myself. But they did.

called Swamp Records last fall. Since then, the group has become a

I had previously been to a Flipturn concert in St. Petersburg, but I was

Gainesville favorite and has received positive feedback from their audiences

honored I got to sit in on “where the magic happens” for this successful young

across the country. The band has performed at local venues and big stages.

band. Once the band started jamming, I realized Dillon’s room is a laboratory

Their main hit “Chicago” has over 500,000 streams on Spotify. They recently

for flipturn; this is where they experiment, create and invent.

completed their nationwide summer tour.

Photos By Andreanna Hardy

Issue 01

Q&A Isabella Arjomand (Interviewer): You’re on the aux,

lot of my artist influence from Damien Rice and

IA: If there was a drink named after flipturn, what

what are the first 5 songs you have on cue?

Phoenix; two completely opposite artist.

would be in it?

Tristan Duncan (Lead Guitarist): Right now I’d

flipturn:Everything, but specifically tristan’s mead

probably play “Disco Yes” by Tom Misch, that one’s

IA: If you could have the power to be either invisible

a banger. Second, I’d - let me pull out my spotify, you

or fly which one would you choose and why?

know, my banger list - 80s japanese music, youtube

AW: Definitely fly just because it would be so nice to

IA:Where would you bring a friend for a drink in

shit, and “my heart will go on” on the kazoo. I

travel wherever. I feel like that’s the biggest problem


appreciate all facets of music.

with traveling- getting there. Flying is expensive as

DB: Well I’m the only one that is 21, so although I’ve


never been I’ve heard Arcade Bar is really cool.

IA: Can each of you give me two truths and a lie?

TD: Being invisible would be pretty cool, but I’d be

Taylor Allen (Synth): I am the youngest of four

scared of being stuck in an invisible state.

siblings, I ran into Tyler the Creator in New York

(honey wine) and sangria

IA:Favorite Place to play? Flipturn:The Atlantic or the Wooley

City, and I’ve seen Justin Bieber in concert twice.

IA: If you could have any original vinyl record which

Adrian Walker (Drums): I have no sense of smell, I

would it be?

IA:Do you ever get pre-show jitters?

have met Peyton Manning, and I have been skydiving

TD: “Kind of Blue” by Miles Davis

DB:Yes all the time, I’m definitely not allowed to

two times.

AW: “Head Hunters” by Herbie Hancock

drink coffee before the shows. Nerves can be kind of

TD: I’m a music student, I used to play saxophone,

DB: “The Joshua Tree” by U2

random. For example, our last performance I was so

and I’m a black belt.

MJ: “Tourist History” by Two Door Cinema Club

chill about it until I saw how many people were there

Madeline Jarman (Bass): I’m ambidextrous, I used to

TA: “Forever Halloween” by The Maine

and showed up out of nowhere.


IA: If you were able to have dinner with anyone alive

IA: Best place to eat in Gainesville?

Dillon Basse (lead vocals/rhythm guitar): I am

or dead who would it be?

AW: Flacos

in a fraternity, I used to play the flute, and I can

AW: Freddy Mercury

MJ: Flacos

snowboard very well.

TD:John Col Train

TD: Flacos

have a pet hedgehog, and I was a swimmer growing

MJ: Chrissy Teigen

TA: El Indio

IA: If you went to the Grammys what would you

TA: Patti Smith

DB: Wednesday night’s at Social when they have the


DB: John Mayer

buffalo mac and cheese special

all black with silver accessories.

IA: If you could choose any band who would you

IA:The best place for live music in Gainesville?

DB: I’d want to wear an orange suit like in Dumb

open for?

Flipturn: Heartwood

and Dumber, and someone else would have to wear a

Flipturn: Phoenix in 2009... whenever their Wolfgang

light blue suit, which would probably be Tristen.

album came out or Foo fighters…that would be like

IA: Dream venue to perform in?

opening for Jesus.

Flipturn: Red Rocks

IA: Is there any truth to sex, drugs, and rock and roll?

IA: If you could relive any famous musicians

AW: I think I’d have to go with all black...hmm yes sir

IA: Where do you get your inspiration from? DB: **Enzo: I think you met her earlier** “damn” Not every song is a love song. A lot of them are

performance which one would it be?

inspired by artist. “Chicago”, “Vanilla”, “Churches”,

DB: Yes, but nothing we’ve experienced. That

DB: U2’s “Where the Streets Have No Name” on an

a lot of those focus on what we go through as artist.

definitely happens when you get bigger as a band, but

LA rooftop

Whether its struggling to be original, whether it’s like

right now, no, not at our level.

AW, TD, MJ: Daft Punk Alive 2007

falling into the basic structure of growing up and

TA: Either Queen at Live Aid or U2’s “Where the

fitting into society, or just kind of doing your own

IA: Which Beatles album is your favorite?

thing and not caring what other people say. I get a

Flipturn:“Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band”

Streets Have No Name”


Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Issue 01

Photo By Andreanna Hardy


Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Issue 01

day in the life: Student Athletes By Lauren Mazzarisi

another on. She said there’s nothing better than

breakfast before he has his second class of the day.

Florida – or any school for that matter – has its perks.

working as a group in a somewhat individual sport.

Then he walks to Turlington, where he has his next

It’s no easy feat, but after sitting down with Abby

5:00-6:00pm- Tutoring


Being a student athlete at the University of

Howell and Martez Ivey of the University of Florida, being a student athlete sounds extremely rewarding.

When Abby is done lifting, she showers again in the locker room. Then it’s off to the Otis Hawkins

11:45-12:50pm- Class His second class of the day is “African-American

From the team comradery to the feeling of winning

Center – also known as O-H to the student athletes.

Studies Senior Integrative Seminar.” He said this is

a championship, all of the hard work definitely pays

The tutors are valuable resources to the student

one of the most important classes he has to take to


athletes because they help them keep up with their

graduate. Martez plans on graduating in December.

busy schedules through time management and

3:00-8:00pm- Afternoon Practice

Abby Howell


Class: Senior

6:00-7:00pm- Dinner

Sport: Diving Major: Telecommunications Monday-Friday

Abby’s day is finally nearing an end. She walks

Afternoon practice is probably the hardest. Practice is on the field, and it is intense during football season. Practice begins with stretching and

back to her scooter at the O’Connell Center then

warming up. Then they break up into their positions

heads to Gator Dining back to her apartment to cook

and work with their respective coaches. When the

with her roommates.

end of practice nears, the players scrimmage. After the scrimmage, the players and coaches typically

6:00-8:00am- Practice Abby’s alarm wakes her 5:30 every morning.

Martez Ivey

head inside to watch film. Watching film helps

She gets dressed, grabs a quick bite for breakfast and

Class: Senior

Martez, his teammates and his coaches understand

jumps on her scooter for the 10-minute drive to pool

Sport: Football

what they can improve on in the next game. When

at the O’Connell Center. Practices typically consists

Major: African American Studies

practice is officially over, Martez will walk home to go relax and video games or head to the Otis Hawkins

of warm ups followed by diving drills. Then it’s time to practice executing the dives. After practice, Abby

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

showers off in the locker room and -preps for a few

7:00-9:30am- Practice

hours of class. 9:00-1:00pm- Class Abby’s class schedule varies by day, but she has to

Martez’s alarm buzzes at 6:30 every morning. He doesn’t like to wake up early in the morning, so he showers at night to make sure he gets enough sleep in

schedule classes to work around her practice and lift

the morning. Once he’s up and dressed for practice,

schedules. She never has more than two classes per

he walks to the stadium. Morning practice typically

day, and she’ll usually grab something for lunch in

involves conditioning or a lift. When the whistle is

between her classes.

blown and practice is officially over, Martez pretty

2:00-4:00pm- Weights

much has to run to class.

After class, Abby scoots back to the O’Connell Center for lifts. She said lifting is not the most

Center to work on homework.

9:35-10:25am- Class His earliest class is “What is the Good Life?” on

enjoyable activity, but she knows it’s necessary. Her

Wednesdays. He barely makes it on time, but he finds

favorite thing about lifting is doing max reps. Max

a way to make it to every class meeting. When class

reps are fun because the whole team cheers one

is over, he will go to the Hub and grab something for


Photos By Merrett Fay

Merrett fay

College student turned international photographer


errett Fay walks back to his studio apartment at The Standard after class. He throws his camera in his bag and heads to the airport. He lands in Albuquerque and goes straight to the tour bus to meet the rest of the crew. He grabs his camera and heads to the venue walk-through then to meet and greet, dinner and the show. His jet-lagged eyes edit thousands of photos before Lil’ Xan wakes up the next day. The tour bus is already half way to Denver by the time he shut his eyes for a few hours before the next show that night. He balances these exhausting hours on tour with long plane rides back to Gainesville for class. Merrett, a 21-year-old Miami-native, is a photographer and student at the University of Florida. He graduated high school a year early, took a gap year to travel around the world wakeboarding and is now in the Innovation Academy at UF. His unique life experiences have given him the opportunity to pursue his photography career at the next level. His brief wakeboarding career led him to videography. Merrett started the Junior Professional tour for wakeboarding, but when he tore his ACL for the second time, he started filming his friends wakeboarding in places like Japan and Dubai. He got hired for a few different gigs, but his passion for videography ended when people started telling him how to edit his videos and he lost creative freedom. His passion for videography quickly turned into travel and adventure photography. Traveling is an innate element in Merrett’s life. He has been to over 20 countries since he graduated high school in 2015. Merrett spent the summer after he graduated high school in India with National Geographic student expeditions for the second time. He shadowed National Geographic photographers while they travelled through India capturing all the different Indian cultures. This fed Merrett’s hunger for playful adventure and photography. The group went to a monastery in the Himalayas and spent the day photographing 5-year-old kids who were studying to become monks. Merrett said getting to draw and play with these young kids who have dedicated their entire lives to becoming monks was humbling. He was touched and went back to the same monastery 2 years later. He played handball with the new children all day.

By Annie Ortega

Merrett also gained photography experience under the mentorship of Chris Burkard – an award-winning American artist and photographer. Merrett spent nine days cruising around the south coast of Iceland with Chris at the end of his gap year. He and Chris became good friends, Merrett just recently travelled to California to visit and spend a couple days with him and his colleagues, just kicking it. Merrett’s first experience shooting for musicians was at Ultra 2017 in Miami. He said he vividly remembers his first time being on stage, crouched down behind the DJ stand with Armin van Buuren. The DJ turned around and looked at Merrett. “This is fucking crazy!” he said. Merrett said he will never forget peeking over the stand into the crowd and realizing there were 20,000 people. He has played the drums and dreamt of being in the music industry for as long as he can remember. He said he feels very fortunate to get to work with musicians and pursue photography. Last spring, Merrett made a breakthrough connection in the music industry. He was scheduled to photograph the Wetlands music festival for Student Government Productions. Ironically, the night before the show he was invited to chill with ASAP Ferg’s DJ and manager through a mutual friend. They hung out at their hotel for a while before heading to Alpha Tau Omega’s annual Viking party. The next night, Merrett took photos for ASAP Ferg and his DJ instead of SGP. The Wetlands musical festival led to going on tour with ASAP Ferg and created one of his most consistent relationships in the music industry. Merrett said he respects and looks up to ASAP Ferg for being so professional on tour. He hopes to do photography for one specific artist and have enough free time to use his degree post-graduation. He will graduate with an advertising degree from the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and hopes to be able to do branding deals working in marketing, advertisement campaigns or product design. Merrett’s biggest piece of advice to anyone trying to build professional relationships is to “know that you’re both artists, be confident in your own work and they will respect you as well.”


Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Issue 01

Always True Co. Brings Honor and Creativity to Gainesville One hundred twenty-four SW 23rd St. appears to be a regular ranch

By Lexie Miller

took form. Sam, still in high school in South Florida, promoted it there, while

home with overgrown trees and a tipping privacy fence, but the once white

Drew and Kevin went hard to work designing. They originally sold basic

garage door is now covered in graffiti. When this door goes up, an art

T-shirts in staple colors with their brand name written in their handwriting

studio with clothing racks, paintings and a lounge are exposed to the quiet

and triangle logo on the front. Since, they have grown immensely and have

neighborhood near the University of Florida campus. Set up in this paint-

had numerous collections throughout the years.

covered spaced named “The Basement” a clothing brand has taken form Previously a storage room full of trash from fraternity parties, this garage

Drew said he has been artistic since childhood, but he and Sam were never into fashion. Their uncle Danny was a sales representative for a

was nothing special. But, Drew Howard, brother Sam and best friend Kevin

European clothing company and would give them items, which made them

Masaro needed a space for Always True Co.

feel special because they owned clothing that no one else at school did.

“This whole environment is built off of home, and what is ours is yours,” Drew said. Since Always True was founded in 2013, Drew has always had big goals

“You were wearing something that was special because nobody had it and that’s where I think we got the inspiration for Always True,” Drew said. “It’s this limited stuff, it’s making stuff that makes people feel special.”

for the company. In summer 2018, one of those goals became a reality. The

Now, Drew and Kevin are both graduates, and Sam is a junior at UF.

Howard brothers, along with friends, drove 20 hours from South Florida to

Their latest Always True collection, No Signal, features clothing, accessories,

New York and brought the brand to the city. They opened a pop-up shop for

furniture and artwork, making it their largest collection to date. Unlike some

about two weeks in a basement-level store. After a trip in the winter of 2017,

of their more basic T-shirt designs, No Signal is hand painted and one-of-a-

Drew looked at rental spaces around Manhattan online. They found the future


space for Always True and had friends that live in the city inspect. The pop-up was a hit in SoHo; some customers returned daily to just

It is inspired by old and new technology in Drew’s life. The design featured on the shirts resembles a cassette tape that reminds him of his

hangout. The brothers sold almost all merchandise they brought with them.

childhood and old, bulky TVs were painted to become works of art. Bright

What made this experience memorable is seeing people on the streets of New

lime green, gold, purples and red splatter paint cover the most recent Always

York City in Always True and how happy that made them feel, they said.

True items that Kevin and Drew painted themselves. They are chaotic,

Always True was created in Drew and Kevin’s senior year of high school. In Weston, Florida, they attended a yoga class with Drew’s mom, Cynthia,

whimsical art that covers basic clothing items found in thrift stores. “It’s been so well received because we just don’t care what type of person

and this sparked an idea of a fitness wear brand. They were never into fashion

you are, we’ll vibe with you regardless of who you are,” the brothers said.

but loved working out and spent all their free time at the gym. The two threw

Most recently, AT opened a pop-up shop in Downtown Gainesville at 10

around many fitness-related names before thinking of Always True Co. in

E. University Ave. This art gallery space is open to the public every day, for

honor of the Howard’s brother who was killed in the previous year.

passerby’s to talk with the founders, purchase items and relax.

Brandon Howard was killed in a car accident in Orlando while he was

The next step for Always True is opening more pop-up shops across the

attending the University of Central Florida. Brandon was an aspiring rapper

country. Sam hopes California is their next stop with a storefront in the Los

on Soundcloud and went by the stage name A.T. or Always True. He served

Angeles area, similar to what they did in New York.

as an inspiration to his younger siblings, and Drew wanted to keep his name

“The Basement” will forever be the first home of Always True Co. but

alive. He was a representation of creativity and positivity in the Howard’s lives

the brand has high hopes for a national presence in the future. Brandon, the

and they want to continue those sentiments through their brand.

original Always True, will continue to serve as the inspiration and backbone to

Drew and Kevin stared school the following fall at UF and Always True

the Howard’s.


Photo By Camila Arana


Photo By Camila Arana

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Issue 01

Whether it was Indiana Jones’s satchel, the episode of “Friends” where Joey gets a leather tote or Alan’s man-purse in “The Hangover,” we have all seen “murses” grace our screens over the years. As of late, however, everyone from Supreme to Off-White is making them and regular guys are wearing

Photo By Camila Arana

them. We are in a day and age where men are carrying around more than just their keys, phone and wallet. Men’s need for a daily bag has always been there, but up until now murses seemed to be reserved for Europeans and business professionals. Men’s and women’s fashion existed separately from each other. The proof is in the name: “Murse,” as in man purse. Can we call agree to call it what it is: a bag? That doesn’t change depending on who is holding it. The line between men’s clothes and women’s clothes is blurring.

THE MURSE By Kara Kennedy

Unlike women’s, the men’s fashion industry is not something that is introduced to radical new styles or concepts very frequently. That is why the murse is so important. It has made its way from the runway and onto the arms, waists and chests, of the men we know and is revolutionizing the way they dress. It is an accessory that has never been an option before. Historically saved for trips to Disney and middle aged moms, the fanny pack has defied all odds and made a comeback stronger than ever before. It is the bag of choice for men today. Typically worn cross body and styled athleisurely, the fanny pack has proved to be both timeless and adaptable. Since its rebranding the fanny pack has been dubbed “hip bags” by Nike, “waist bags” by Supreme, “sling bags” by Fila, and “belt bags” by Gucci. So long are the days of heavy pockets and nowhere to put the new iPhone Plus. Men and everyday bags are a duo that seem to be here to stay. 41

Photos By Alaina DiGiacomo



Public outcry for diversity in the beauty and

Meet Zach Dishinger. With an Instagram fan

fashion industries has reached an all-time high.

base of over 18,000 followers and his own company

From small victories like increased foundations for

Formula Z Cosmetics, the 16-year-old influencer is

various skin tones, to larger campaigns like Aerie’s

working to change how we view beauty standards –

#AerieReal movement, modern notions of beauty

one lipstick at a time. “Makeup has definitely always

are redefined –well, for the most part. Men’s role

been my passion. I believe that makeup has the

in beauty is still fairly taboo, as women have been

power to help people and really the whole point of

the face of this industry since its beginning. But

my company is to have a platform to inspire others

with the growing impact of social media, men

to be true to who they are. That’s why I always say

in beauty are joining together to break gender

‘It’s more than just a lipstick,’ because we started

stereotypes and inspire others to explore their

Formula Z not just to release some [products] but to

interest in makeup, regardless of what people

help others.”

think. Scrolling through the hash tag #BoysInBeauty,

As a creator and an influencer, Moore and Dishinger represent different ends of the spectrum

there are over 100,000 images filled with positive

of boys in beauty. But one commonality stood out:

messages, encouragement and of course the best

The true power of social media as a catalyst for this

winged eyeliner on the ‘gram. Drew Moore and

millennial movement to create a more diverse and

Zach Dishinger are both a part of this movement.

accepting world.

Meet The Boys

really does makeup, you can just go on Instagram

“While I’m the only person in my town that and easily find people that are like you”, Moore said. Drew Moore is like any other freshman in

“It’s really good to feel a part of something, because

college. But after a long day he turns to his favorite

without it, I don’t think I would even post anything or

hobby: makeup. “I was spending a lot of time

put myself out there like that.”

on YouTube – cause like that’s what people did

Moore said there is a sense of vulnerability,

– and watching people perfect [their looks] was

especially living in the conservative South; people

just amazing to me,” he said while recalling his

are not exactly accepting when it comes to breaking

introduction to makeup. “I wanted to try [some of

social norms. The vulnerability, he said, is why

these looks] for myself, so I started actually doing

he chooses to keep his craft to himself instead of

it in secret. I guess I wasn’t sure how people would

flaunting his skills for the world.

receive it.” While Moore doesn’t wear makeup in

“Putting yourself out there in that way is

public, he takes diligence in mastering artistically

just, difficult;” he said. ‘But social media is really

challenging looks and occasionally posts a picture

important with this whole thing, because it just

of his creations on Instagram. “I gravitate toward

allows for that push of confidence to make that first

more creative looks. It’s just fun to do something

post. Without it, I don’t think people would expose


themselves like that.”

As Moore puts it, the community of influencers and creators within social media are essential to this movement, especially with increasing triumphs – like James Charles becoming a face of CoverGirl – motivating boys in beauty to continue pursuing equality and fully normalize this creative expression. “The fact that so many guys have such awesome representation on social media and are able to fully express themselves really shows were moving in such a progressive direction,” Dishinger said. But the sense of community formed through a simple hashtag #BoysInBeauty extends beyond simple words of encouragement. Though Formula Z Cosmetics, Dishinger created “Mission Z,” a sultry mauve liquid lipstick with 50 percent of its net proceeds donated to The Trevor Project. “The Trevor Project is the leading national organization that provides crisis and suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth. Suicide awareness can often have a certain stigma around it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it.” Dishinger said. Fighting to not only create a beauty brand accessible to all people regardless of race, sexuality or gender, Formula Z Cosmetics aims to provide a sense of safety and understanding to those authentically being themselves and the LGBTQ+ community The beauty industry continues to be dominated by female figures, and boys in beauty truly are the underdogs. But they are working to create a cultural revolution to change beauty standards and societal stigmas regarding gender norms. Social media and the power of the youth is redefining beauty in its entirety. Influencers like Patrick Starr, Bretman Rock and James Charles are becoming the new faces of the beauty industry. Men in the makeup industry are here to stay. Photos By Andreanna Hardy



ou’re strolling through an urban area; let’s say the downtown of any major city. It’s bustling with life as people move briskly without thought (if you’ve ever walked the streets of New York in the

morning, you know this all too well). That path is seldom interrupted as the commute or stroll is ordinary, but every once in awhile, something or someone disturbs the natural flow. In our scenario, it’s the Construction Worker Classic. “What’s up momma!” a construction worker proclaims as a woman walks by their site. “Looking beautiful today!” Some may scoff, while others don’t recognize what occurred. But most bystanders never interject. The outdated school of thought would go a little something like this. “Why would they? Is it their business to get involved?” Thankfully, we’ve wised up in our dealings with these situations. Catcalling is now a common microaggression, and people don’t take them lightly (and rightfully so). That’s it, right? We’ve cracked the code, slapped a label on it and called it a day? If only it were that easy. The advent of social media has brought us plenty of positive capabilities. But social media has also opened up a new world fueled by negativity and hatred. Some of that dark magic is spread with anonymity, while the rest is siphoned directly out of individuals with blatant disregard for other’s well being. We all know how cruel the Internet can be. But we have unintentionally created a culture of digital catcalling that is nearly impossible to prevent Think about it: How harmless can Instagram comments really be? Have you ever read through some? You see someone post a picture, and you expect the norm: friends hyping up this person, family members, random Internet troll named freefeetpics6969… wait, what’s that doing in the norm column? Oh wait, that’s steadily become a normal thing! I tend to see this sort of thing on women’s posts more often than men, but the notion rings true for both parties. We’ve given trolls a platform to say what they want, when they want, to any person in the world. It’s a truly insane thought. They’re relentless with comments and likes. Can this inappropriate behavior continue to be accepted? We all agree that common catcalling is harmful and unnecessary aggression. But we normalize the same unwanted comments online. The barrier that a screen creates may muffle the message, but the same harmful sentiment remains.

Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Photo By Camila Arana

Photo By Camila Arana

power power Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

play play

Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo


impact By Hanna Gibson

My mother was born in a coal-mining town in Appalachia and worked hard to make a good life

of Florida Center for Gender, Sexualities, and

for me and my two younger sisters. She was a single

Women’s Studies Research, was disappointed by the

mom but never outwardly showed signs of struggle.

Kavanaugh hearings. A woman shared her truth

She told me that if I stayed true to myself, I could

– and it didn’t matter. But a climate of increasing

accomplish anything I wanted.

honesty brings a taboo subject into the public, and

Women still have a long way to go in achieving equality with men. But in my world, women could and did accomplish anything.

that does matter, Zucker said. Women are also bounded in subtler ways. Zucker explained that to achieve equality, women need to be

I saw no bounds when I looked out at the world.

valued fully – for more than just their appearances or

I thought girls were inherently smarter and more

as mothers.

capable than boys. The superheroes in my life were mainly heroines,

Often, women are met with a choice: career or motherhood. That’s a limiting ultimatum. Addison

and I felt that power within myself. I never sought

Aubry, a UF master of education student, said she

validation from men.

wants to have a family, but it is not her first goal.

I never questioned equality.

Women with and without children are viewed

It was only after I began college did I realize that

differently, she said. Mothers are given the character

my experience was not that of all women in America. I am 20 and know now what I did not know in my mother’s household: My upbringing is not a reflection of reality. I see the climate created by the Brett Kavanaugh

traits of being caring, loving and feminine, while non-mothers are assumed to be cold, career-oriented “evil women,” the 22-year-old said. In reality, women can assume both roles. My mother is both the breadwinner and caregiver. But

Supreme Court hearings and the #MeToo

these binding notions of gender are engrained in us

movement; I see the obstacles women face.

from birth.

My younger sister Halle and I watched the

Cheyenne Stonick, a 19-year-old UF English

Kavanaugh hearings together. We ate slices of pizza

sophomore, said she remembers experiencing sexism

near the University of Florida campus and talked

as early as first grade.

about what his confirmation would mean. We were

Stonick was playing baseball with neighborhood

shocked that someone accused of sexual assault could

friends; she was up to bat, and a boy was pitching.

be considered for our highest court.

When she swung, he mockingly said “you hit like a

Kavanaugh’s confirmation served as another wake-up call for me. Issue 01

Alyssa Zucker, a professor at the University

girl.” The humor didn’t change the implications – she knew the words meant that she was less.


These whisperings of worth are everywhere,

I found this support in my family. The lack of

she said. Both boys and girls are raised to speak and

boundaries I felt as a young girl gives me an internal

behave in ways that imply girls are less than: less

advantage, she said. My perspective helps me more

strong, less capable, less worthy.

confidently navigate the world, because I do not wait

We need to redefine what it means to be female, and give women the opportunity to define themselves. My mom supported us in every decision we

for a man to help, she said. Yet I know the norms that bind women still exist. Aubry read the book “Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders” as

made, but she never coddled us. She wasn’t the type

an undergraduate women’s studies and psychology

of mother to do our homework for us; when my

student. She said the book explained that women

sisters and I came home from school, we immediately

used to face a glass ceiling – they could see the

sat down and did it ourselves. She worked tirelessly to

entrance but couldn’t quite reach it. Now, the door

build her own life and taught us to do the same.

is open, but it’s not a simple journey; women face a

Stonick also grew up with a self-made mother. Her mom worked her way through college and medical school without her family’s support. Stonick

labyrinth. Women’s path to success is there, but it will not be as simple as men’s. When I enter the workforce in two years, I no

said her mother is strong and confident – she knows

longer expect to be welcomed and respected by all. I

her capabilities and is proud of them. Her mom

know that women make less pay than men; that they

is brave and raised them to be the same. But this

often have to work twice as hard to prove themselves.

upbringing doesn’t stop Stonick from doubting

Women still earn 21.4 percent less than men in the

herself the way nearly all women do.

United States, according to the U.S. Department of

Her boundaries are internal, she said. When Stonick sees a job opportunity, she hesitates to apply. “There has to be someone better than me,” she said. Women need to be transparent to overcome these internal and external struggles, she said. When

Labor. According to the Pew Research Center, 42 percent of women in the United States say they have faced gender discrimination in the workplace. The numbers are discouraging. But they don’t stop me from seeing the potential in myself. My ambition is no longer the naiveté of a starry-

women speak honestly about their experiences, they

eyed young girl growing up in a suburban bubble. It

give other women permission to do the same.

is a loud defiance against the odds. I am prepared to

Building a coalition with other women can help

face the labyrinth.

accomplish this. Zucker recommends that women find a support group to share their experiences. Photo By Camila Arana



No matter how many self-help books you read, how many Buzzfeed quizzes you take and how many times you watch “Eat Pray Love,” finding

to get there. Without goals, our lives lose some of the direction we need. There is so much importance in knowing yourself and even more in

yourself never seems to become more attainable. And the truth is, it probably

owning every aspect of what makes you, you. Enjoy learning what makes you

never will. This time period of life is the most volatile, filled with both external

tick. Know yourself and love yourself.

and internal changes. As SZA says “Good luck on them twenty-somethings.”

It is about finding your goals in life but also finding comfort in not knowing what those may be yet. There is confidence, self-awareness and happiness in knowing yourself, and that is why it is so important. As fairly new adults, this is the time in our lives to get to know ourselves, be ourselves and own every aspect of that. Up until now, most decisions have been made for us. Now is the perfect time to try new things that spark our interest. These things could end up shaping our futures and goals. So, take the art class, listen to speakers, research what interests you! By determining our likes and dislikes now, so much more time and unhappiness is saved down the line. The people we surround ourselves with play a huge role in how we grow and who we become. Our close friends and family tend to know our habits and fears more than we do. Turn to these people for feedback, which can help you understanding yourself. You should also evaluate your relationships, as they can become stagnant. There could be people in your life who are only there because they always have been, regardless of whether they are serving a positive purpose in your life. On the same note, it is easy to compare ourselves to the people in our lives – in real life or on social media. They may appear to have it all and be completely confident in where they. There is a chance that this is true, but more than likely, it isn’t. Choose to only foster positive relationships. The people your life should be supportive in finding yourself. The dreams and goals we set for ourselves – no matter if they are only for the day ahead – create our futures. Dreams shape who we are and influence how we live our day-to-day lives. Our dream become more attainable when we are specific about what our goals are and understand what we need to do

Photo By Camila Arana

Knowing yourself goes far beyond favorite colors and musical preferences. It can mean facing some deep stuff, and it definitely doesn’t happen overnight.

Photo By Camila Arana

fearless IN FASHION By Hallie Wright

Spring/Summer 2019 ready-to-wear collections debuted in early October during fashion week, only one thing’s for certain: bold is in. From Marc Jacob’s vibrantly eccentric feathered gowns to Fendi’s (surprisingly gorgeous) neon biker-short-and-blazer combo, bold fashion captivated runways across the world. But the idea of being bold with style has made an impact beyond couture, promoting a cultural movement of being yourself and wearing your style fearlessly. Being fearless in fashion is officially the biggest trend of the season. Dressing effortlessly bold sounds amazing in theory, but it can definitely be daunting to wear risky trends on daily basis. Putting yourself out there is almost as risky as the fashion itself. But with the right accessories, a little lip

THE FANNY PACK When looking for the right fanny pack, reach for unique colors and textures like leather, velvet or satin to transform this utility belt into a stylish accessory. Pair the perfect fanny pack with a leather jacket, band tee and booties for a wearable version of this riskier piece. If you want to embrace this trend further, reach for a cross-body fanny pack, which has been seen on everyone from Selena Gomez to Kim Kardashian.

gloss and a few tips from Strike, these five major trends will become staples in your wardrobe this season:

TINY SUNGLASSES Photo By Camila Arana

(LEFT) Photo By Andreanna Hardy


Kylie Jenner made her post-baby debut at the Met Gala wearing tiny, round

Major fashion houses like Balenciaga, Fila and Yeezy dropped versions of

sunglasses, and this seemingly strange style was marked as one of the major

bulky, colorful dad sneakers, and the footwear trend has since taken street

fashion trends for 2018. These micro-shades may be intimidating to wear

style by storm. These shoes used to be the go-to for every 2000’s dad, but dad

in public, but the key to rocking this trend is doing research to find the pair

sneakers are now the perfect trend to elevate your current wardrobe. Dress

that fits you. Not all tiny sunnies are created equal – whether it’s a subdued

them down by pairing your kicks with simple monochromatic neutral-tones

cat-eyed shaped or a close cousin to shades featured in “The Matrix,” you’re

and gold accessories, and leave the shoes to be the feature of your look.

bound to find a version of tiny sunglasses that work with your personal style.

Issue 01

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo



Puffer Jackets are that one trend we’re dying to try but can’t fully embrace

Look – everyone wishes they could rock a full denim ensemble like Britney

because of 90-degrees-in-October Florida weather. Luckily, cropped puffer

Spears and Justin Timberlake at the 2001 American Music Awards. But when

jackets are the perfect solution to being trendy yet comfortable this season. Try

we pair our favorite denim jacket and jeans, we often feel more like a cowboy

reaching for a neon puffer jacket to pair with an all-black outfit. The contrast

than red-carpet ready. Pairing different types of denim is essential to master-

will highlight the jacket in the best ways and keep the rest of your outfit sub-

ing this tricky trend. Whether it’s a black jean jacket, a skirt instead of jeans,

dued for an easy yet fashionable look.

or even a denim scrunchie, reach for unique pieces that keep your look fresh.

To pull off any trend – as intimidating as it may seem – the most important thing to remember is that if you decide to rock it, you will rock it. After all, the biggest trend this year is to simply be fearless: fearlessly confident, fearlessly unapologetic and fearlessly yourself.

Issue 01 (UPPER RIGHT / BOTTOM LEFT) Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

(UPPER LEFT / BOTTOM RIGHT) Photo By Camila Arana

Photo By Andreanna Hardy

In the wise words of Beyoncé’s, I mean Destiny

we as young women are entering a new era of

Child’s song “Independent Women” – “I depend on

our lives. As females, it is our time to break down

me.” Independence is so ingrained in who I am that

boundaries, shake the collective consciousness and

I’ve been known to run my mouth when a guy offers

create a conversation. For too long society has fed this

to buy me a drink at the bar. While my crippling

narrative that girls need saving – telling us what we

anxiety of credit card debt screams “vodka water

can and can’t do, how to dress and what to behave

with an aggressive amount of lime,” somehow “I am

like to fit into an archaic mold. Fairy tales and rom-

an independent woman, I can buy myself a drink”

coms sell the idea of a damsel in distress – a lady

slips out instead.

just waiting for a lad to come along and save her.

I’m not here to say not to accept that free drink;

Well pardon my French, but it’s bullshit. I mean for

I mean with the gender wage gap it only seems fair.

goodness sake Sleeping Beauty, wake the hell up, and

While some may be questioning my sanity in denying

save yourself, sweetie, it’s your life!

a free drink; I mean with the gender wage gap it

When you chose your independence as a woman,

seems only fair to take advantage of the offer, my

you chose to shift the paradigm and decide your

refusal has more to do with my belief that I don’t

own destiny. You are taking responsibility for your

need anyone to do something for me. I was lucky to

own life, and when you do that, you are limitless.

grow up surrounded by women who implanted the

The thing about being dependent on others to

belief in my mind that anything I wanted to get done

get you where you’re going is that you are going

was achievable because I wanted to get it done, and

where they’re going. Think about it: If you’re in the

I was the one who would get it done. It was never

passenger seat of a car, nothing is in your control.

a question; it was a given. I was capable merely

The driver holds all the control. Despite where you

because I decided I was. This belief and truth that I,

think they may be taking you, you really never know.

and I alone, had the choice to achieve anything that

So at the next red light call for a Chinese fire drill and

I needed or wanted allowed me to see that I have full

get your ass in that driver’s seat. Because when you

control over my life, my feelings and my attitude.

choose to be independent, you begin to determine

Finally out of the tortured-teenage-soul faze,

the life you want for yourself.


Issue 01

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo

Photo By Alaina DiGiacomo


dancing with the devil

65 Photo By Andreanna Hardy

Millennials have added another verb to their vocabulary: Juuling. WTF is it? What’s the hype? And most importantly, how do you quit? Think of this as your definitive guide to the craze the FDA will not

generation juul By Hannah Burkhart

get behind. What is Juuling? Juul brands itself as a smoking alternative “unlike any E-Cigarette or Vape.” Yet teens who have never touched a cigarette are the ones Juuling. The vape device is another on the long list of electronic devices that this generation feels dependent on. It’s turning into the MacBook of today – get yours in black, gold or silver! The opportunities for flavors are endless and often conversation starters in social settings. “What flavor pods do you smoke?” Apparently, all the cool kids are smoking mango or mint. What’s the hype? Kids under 18 are Juuling with no true knowledge of nicotine addiction. This is where the FDA comes in. The widespread sale to minors has sparked a new age of smokers worldwide. The company’s success in sales is also thanks to repurchasing of the Juul when users lose or break the device approximately every 10 days. Unfortunately, when losing it, people don’t realize it may be a blessing in disguise. Instead they Google where the nearest gas station or smoke shop is, Uber over and alas – they are Juuling again. How do you quit? Like all other unhealthy relationships we have had in college, we should be well seasoned in quitting one more toxic dependency. Stop feeding into the two packs of pods for $20 deal at BP Leave your Juul home sometimes. Limit yourself to only use it in social settings. Channel your feelings of reliance (and money) onto some other hobby or passion. College relationships are more often toxic than not. We so frequently find ourselves devoting time to somebody or something that is a drawback to this selfish and independent time in our lives. Yet this is the first time we’ve devoted so much to something that looks like a flash drive. Time to cut the cord!

Issue 01

Photos By Andreanna Hardy


dual night out By Lily Frost & Graham Olney


the reality that I have to make it to my 9:35 tomorrow morning, I Google

4 p.m.- The Decision

best foods to prevent hangovers. I get bored of scanning articles and opt for a

It’s 4 p.m. on a Wednesday, and I’m heading out from Norman Lib. I’m

classic PB &J. I mean, I’m no Guy Ferrari. Don’t judge me.

exhausted after a long day of online shopping and scrolling through Instagram

6 p.m.- Getting Ready

for relatable memes during class. On my way out, I bump into a member

I head into my room to get ready. After contemplating for 30 minutes if

of my squad. She asks if I’m going out tonight. But since I nearly died of a

I should wash my hair, I decide an aggressive amount of dry shampoo will

hangover this weekend, I shake my head and lie that I tragically have to stay in

do the trick. However, I still hop in the tub for a body shower, because I got

because of a paper. I walk away feeling good with my decision and trudge on.

to wash off the bar tar from the night before. I throw on my face, and after

But I mustn’t be naïve – this is Norman 2.0, and the scene is now facier than

redoing my winged eyeliner for the 100th time, I say screw it and smudge it

the 3rd floor of West. So inevitably, I run into four more friends who ask me

into a smoky eye. Now onto the hardest decision of the night: what to wear.

the same question. With each inquiry, the strength of my no loses its tenacity. I

After trying on everything in my closet, I black back into a tornado of jeans

respond to Brad with a “probs not, but hey we’ll see.” I hit Karen with a “yeah

and crop tops scattered around my room. I simmer down from the classic

maybe,” and by the time Stacey asks, I’m at a “fuck it, let’s send it.”

tirade that I have no clothes and nothing fits me and settle for an outfit I wore

5 p.m.- The last supper

last week. Because who are we kidding, girls could wear that top for the fifth

Fueling up for Fats is a must, but choosing a meal before a long night out is no easy feat. I open my fridge to scan for any goodies my roommates have, because who are we kidding, I haven’t been to Publix since the beginning of

day in a row and Chad, Brad and all the other facey bros would never notice. 8 p.m.- Cabs Ubers are here. A black Toyota Camry rolls up, and I cross my fingers that they are chill

the semester. With the inevitability of a long night of pounding drinks and

and will let me squeeze extra girls in the back seat. He says no. After verbally

Photos By Andreanna Hardy

assaulting him just a little (I mean, for Heaven’s sake, Claire only weighs 105 pounds; she doesn’t even count as an extra body), I slam the door shut and call another Uber, hoping this one isn’t as much of a narc. My phone dings that the new Uber is on the way, and – oh look, surprise – it’s another black Toyota Camry. Not only could he not be more chill about squeezing a few extra girls in the car, but he’s got an aux too. We high five, put on Mo Bamba and head straight to Fat’s. I walk in and breathe in that unparalleled stench of daddy issues and Flowerbomb. The outside world has rules. But once one Steve Madden flatform is inside Fat Daddy’s, it’s the Wild Wild West. There are no rules. My girls and I head straight to the bar and try to down as many vodka water limes as we can before the tab runs out. 9 p.m.- Breaking the seal I look to my right, and my friend Jessica is signaling for me to go the bathroom with her. Since it is just wrong to make her go alone, I oblige and charge on. We both manage to finesse our way to through the crowd, though it seemed like an impossible feat. I mingle in the bathroom with some other girls I’ll never see again – engaging in a conversations more fake than discussion post responses. Oh look – it’s my turn for the bathroom. Jess and I both squeeze in. She starts telling me how she’s going to hook up with frat Frank, and I roll my eyes, because 10 minutes before she wouldn’t shut up about how she was soooo over him. We both retouch our lip-gloss then head back out. 11 p.m. – Tapping out The tabs dryer than my mouth after Adderall, Susie just fell off the bar trying to twerk to get Steve’s attention and Kelly just shot an unwarranted syringe shot down my throat, so I decide that’s it for me. I check my phone to see if my emotionally unavailable mans has hit me up, but all I have is a notification from Twenty that Hannah is heading to Dog. I still have no idea what Twenty is but decide to go anyway. I step out of the Fats black hole and

transport back to reality.

Some would say I’m a boujee person, and to that, I would say you’re

12 a.m. – What’s the move

absolutely right. The homies and I religiously eat at Boca Fiesta before a

Alone to the Derg I go! I text Hannah to see if the front or back line is the

big night out, because while you’re getting air-dropped chips and salsa from

move. She tells me to go to the front. It’s one in, one out. Typical, but I decide

seemingly all corners of the earth, The Don Margaritas are flowing with the

to wait it out. I open up my Snap to check if the cutie from class has yet to hit

speed of The Nile. It’s relentless. You ever want a pregame to the pregame to

me up, but again no luck. I say YOLO and hit him with a WYA text. He tells

the pregame that involves tasty food and dranks, then I’d highly recommend

me JJ’s, but the fact that he’s in JJ’s make me question his judgment. Just as it is

this fine establishment. Regardless, Boca equips me with the tool of longevity

my turn to be let into the cigs-inside paradise they call Salty Dog, he responds.

as I embrace the fact that my quadruple block tomorrow will be a lot of me

I do think about heading up to JJ’s to meet him. But I remain strong and meet

staring at the wall as someone desperately attempts to educate me.

my homies inside.

7:00PM - A Sign Night Probably Because There’s Been 400 Of Those

1 a.m. – Calling it quits After the fourth time hearing “Country Road,” I decide it’s time for me

Anyone ever wonder how many sign nights they’ve attended? I swear to the man upstairs that there are at least three every week. But truthfully, I’m

to hit the road too. But with my love life still unfulfilled, I decide to fill my

not complaining. There’s something magical about a sign night. For guys on

stomach with some Pizza By the Slice. I inhale it and call an Uber. It’s a short

the circuit who go to many of these facey events, we all know each other and

ride home, but I still inevitably tell my driver my entire life story – not again,

respect each other’s game, but many of us are unacquainted. In fact, there are

dammit. After letting my Uber know I wish I could give them more than five

some dudes I’m hyped to see and that I’ll give a big bear hug but have never

stars, I head inside.

had an interaction with outside of this setting. Weird flex, but it do be like

8 a.m. – Oops, I did it again

that often. We use this period of time to check our bases, take over the aux

Ahhhhh, here it is: Thursday morning after a long ladies night of

whenever the opportunity arises and aggressively binge drink Tito’s to prepare

pounding vodka shots, because it’s literally the only drink I don’t have an

for battle.

aversion to. I wake to the sun creeping in through the downstairs window,

11:30PM - Wait, Why Am I In Fat’s?

which means I didn’t make it up the stairs. I peel open my eyes, because you

If you know me, you know I’m not not a Fat’s guy, but I’m probably just

guessed it, I slept in my one-a-day contacts, which I promised my doctor I

not a Fat’s guy. You feel? Without fail, I have this moment every single time I

would never do. Don’t worry though – the contacts are not the only things

go out. I check my surroundings – and at this point, things are wavy – and all

I didn’t take off. You guessed it again; I’m still in my boots from the night

of a sudden, I’m in Fat Daddy’s Bar and Grille, otherwise known as Skinny

before. While this wake up would be hard if I were all alone, my trusty doge

Mommies. All I can hear is someone saying, “Vegas Bomb?” At this point,

is sleeping right by my side, because after many fails of trying to get a guy to

I know I’ve lost control of the evening. Might as well get a one-way ticket to

commit, I settled for a dog. I cuddle up next to my pooch to try to get some

Vegas like the crowd suggests.

support before watching my destined train wreck of a Snap story from last

8:00AM - Ugh

night. While that precious pooch wants to tell me its OK, his eyes say it all.

The amount of times I’ve woke up with my shoes on is laughable. I crack

With that look of disappointment comes the self-reflection, and with that, I

open one eye, check for my wallet, phone and keys, and proceed to take an

rewind to the beginning of the night to try and figure out what went wrong.

hour long chug of the water that my more-sober self left out for me earlier. Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. Once the dust settles, it could be time to do


it all over again. Isn’t there another sign night tonight?

First and foremost, I gotta admit that its extremely difficult to persuade me to go out when I’m not feeling it. Does that make me a nark? Potentially. But throughout my four years at this wondrous university, I’ve come to find that it’s difficult to go out and “just get a few drinks”. When you’re out at midtown, it is nothing short of a FULL SEND. Even stepping one foot into the environment of Fats or JJ’s, you want to rip 18 shots to the dome to get on the same wavelength as the surrounding riff raff. With that being said, this is the sequence of a night when I’m going hard with reckless abandon. 4:00PM - The Realization and Acceptance of Defeat At this point of the day, all work ceases. No matter how many Venti cold brews I consume or how many times I re-write things in my planner to do in “an hour or so,” I slowly come to realize that it’s time to put my things away and prepare to embark on a journey. 5:00PM - A Feast Fit for a King and Queen 69

Photo By Camila Arana

Issue 01

adderall: the study drug By Elana Youshak

It’s Monday morning. You just got to your

for tests, especially on short notice, by taking an

favorite booth at the library. You open your planner

extended-release pill and working through the night.

to this week, and it’s almost like you’ve stepped out of

The stimulant increases concentration and energy

your body. You’re looking down at this poor sap who

levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine,

just realized they forgot they have two tests this week

making students prepared for extended periods of

— only it’s you. Don’t stress, you think as you pull out

concentrated reading. This makes Adderall tempting

your phone to text your dealer. No, not the guy you

for late-night book-cramming sessions.

call when you want the munchies. Adderall. Students have been abusing this study medication

Many new students pop the pill without knowing how the drug will affect them. For those who use

meant to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Adderall, remember to stay hydrated when on

Disorder for years. Unprescribed Adderall use is

the medication; time passes quickly, and the more

not recommended, but it happens constantly. We

focused in the student is, the less they will think about

all know students who use it before every big exam.

food or water. WebMD lists side effects of Adderall as

While it is difficult to be prescribed, Adderall is not

loss of appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, nervousness,

hard to find in a university setting. Many students

etc. Many students are also drawn to the pill for the

pawn off their prescriptions to friends for extra cash,

side effects of not being hungry. Easily misused as a

though this is highly illegal. Punishment for selling

diet pill on college campuses, Adderall can trigger

this tiny pill ranges from a $10,000 fine to 10 years in

high blood pressure, mood swings and even anorexia.

jail, as well as a felony charge. Is all of that worth the

When sitting in the library about to send out the

$5 made from the deal?

Adderall-seeking text, consider the side effects of

Users benefit from the concentration boost they get when taking it. We all know students who use

what you are doing. This dangerous habit could cost your education and health.

it before every big exam. Students often prepare


true life: girls are horny too By Isabella Arjomand

A dog is to a guy as a vibrator is to a woman.

words that horrify most women when said aloud. But

between the pill and the sexual revolution because

Dogs are a man’s best friend, but so many women

why? Historically speaking, women were taught in

the pill gave women the okay to have sex before

miss out on true companionship when they give into

homes and religious communities that these words


the stigma that is far more expired than the greek

are bad and unacceptable. But then came the sexual

yogurt in the back of your fridge. The stigma that it

revolution. According to PBS, the sexual revolution

sorts of sex. Laurie Mintz, author of the award-

is weird or awkward to talk about the sexual desires

was the cultural phenomenon that arose in the late

winning book “Becoming Cliterate” and University

women have is outdated.

1960s when women were tired of being excluded –

of Florida professor, said it was to her contention

especially sexually. Many seem to think there is a link

that, “while we made it more acceptable to have

Vagina, clitoris, masturbation, orgasm and sex: Issue 01

Soon enough, it became acceptable to have all

Photo By Andreanna Hardy

sex, we did not do anything to make sure those encounters would be satisfying to both men and women.” OK, let’s dive a little deeper into the real reason why women become mute when Jane Doe talks about how she used her pretty pink vibrator twice yesterday and it was AWESOME. It’s 2018 and women are afraid of taking an adventure to what they think is a scary jungle but is really like the gates of Heaven. Another huge fear is that sex will be ruined for a woman if she masturbates – WRONG. It is actually quite the opposite. “We as a society have such horrible sex ed. People have not told women that it is good for you,” Mintz said. The notion that you need a man to pleasure you is related to sexism, she said. “If women understood they could do it themselves, then they would realize that the most essential step to orgasming is knowing yourself.” Ladies, we all have needs. Just as you tell your friends “I’m so hungry I would destroy two doublequarter pounders at McDonalds,” you should be able to say “Wow, I really need to have an orgasm.” Our bodies have needs, and to neglect those needs is an injustice to yourself and your body. Your sexual desires shouldn’t be a source of shame; it’s time to realize the benefits of being sexually in tune with yourself. According to Dr. Mintz’s research, “Masturbation can relieve pain and menstrual cramps, create a sense of well-being, improve sleep, reduce stress, and increase self-esteem.” But what you probably didn’t know is that masturbation has been found to improve body image, burn calories, and enhance your immune system. Spring break bods here we come! It’s time to take a stand for orgasm equality and empower women to satisfy their needs by starting the conversation with other women and men. The cultural taboo of women holding back or being afraid to talk about sexual things is ending just as the girl power movement is beginning. So the next time you want to talk about how great your orgasm was, do it, because nothing is stopping you but you.

Photos By Andreanna Hardy


strike Issue 01

out 77

DEMI BY @JulesBtrends

thank you to the wise family

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