Hsa 500 complete assignments

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HSA 500 Complete Class - All Assignments Click Link Below To Download: http://strtutorials.com/HSA-500-Complete-Class-All-Assignments-HSA5006.htm HSA 500 Complete Class - All Assignments HSA 500 Assignment 1 - U.S. Health Care System HSA 500 Assignment 2 Health Care Technology & Health Care Trends HSA 500 Assignment 3 - Health Care Costs HSA 500 Assignment 4 - Funding Health Care Services HSA 500 Assignment 5 - Health Care

HSA 500 Assignment 1 - U.S. Health Care System Click Link Below To Download: http://strtutorials.com/HSA-500-Assignment-1-US-Health-Care-System-HSA5001.htm Assignment 1: U.S. Health Care System Write a three to four (3-4) page paper that addresses the following tasks below. 1. Identify and evaluate at least three (3) forces that have affected the development of the health care system in the U.S. 2. Speculate whether or not these forces will continue to affect the health care system in the U.S. over the next decade. Include another force that was not mentioned that you believe will impact the health care system of the nation. 3. Evaluate the importance of technology in health care. 4. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

HSA 500 Assignment 2 Health Care Technology & Health Care Trends Click Link Below To Download:


Assignment 2: Health Care Technology and Health Care Trends Part I. Develop a graphical taxonomy of the different health care technologies using Microsoft Excel. The taxonomy should include information on the following: 1. Type of health care technology. 2. Brief discussion regarding how each technology contributes to the health care system in the US when applicable. 3. Assess how each medical technology type affects or affected clinicians and organizations. Part II. Provide a 75-100 word response to the following questions: 4. Discuss trend(s) that have directly impacted the U.S. population and health care over the last 50 years. Provide specific details. 5. Determine one (1) important factor that has had the greatest impact on the health care utilization pattern(s). Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

HSA 500 Assignment 3 - Health Care Costs Click Link Below To Download: http://strtutorials.com/HSA-500-Assignment-3-Health-Care-Costs-HSA5003.htm Assignment 3: Health Care Costs The U.S. has experienced a significant increase in the cost of health care. In 2004, 16% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was spent on health care. In 2010, President Obama signed the “Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR 3962)” that has been a topic of heated debate since discussions began decades ago. Health care funding and design has been a major issue for U.S. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper that addresses the following directives below.

1. Provide a discussion that demonstrates you have an understanding of the impact the cost of health care has on the economy. Be sure to discuss the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 2. Health care legislation impacts an array of factors such as quality of health care, insurance coverage, the free market, etc. Select two to three (2-3) areas impacted by health care legislation such as HR 3962, and provide an argument in support of the health care act and two arguments that are in opposition to such a health care act. 3. Compare the three (3) main types of health insurance in the U.S. and assess the solvency of each. Make a prediction regarding the longevity of each type over the next 30 years. 4. Debate whether or not private health insurance violates the standard principles of insurance. 5. Analyze the evolution of the promotion of health and disease prevention in the U.S. and identify the point at which a clear shift in the thinking in the dominant culture occurred resulting in the greatest impact on the health care insurance system in the U.S. 6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

HSA 500 Assignment 4 - Funding Health Care Services Click Link Below To Download: http://strtutorials.com/HSA-500-Assignment-4-Funding-Health-Care-ServicesHSA5004.htm

Assignment 4: Funding Health Care Services You are a senior advisor of XYZ Health Care Organization and have been tasked with making a recommendation regarding how health care expenses associated with the following services should be funded within your state. The recommendations made will then be a part of a proposal that will be shared with state legislators. Consider all the approaches to health care funding covered in this course when completing this assignment. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Recommend how ambulatory services should be funded. 2. Recommend how continuum of long-term care services should be funded. 3. Recommend how mental and behavioral health services should be funded.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

HSA 500 Assignment 5 - Health Care Click Link Below To Download: http://strtutorials.com/HSA-500-Assignment-5-Health-Care-HSA5005.htm

Assignment 5: Health Care The health care system in the U.S. and in the world is complex. As a health care administrative professional, you need to understand the full gamut of factors that impact this industry. Prior to beginning your assignment, go to the YouTube Website to view the video titled “Pharmaceutical Industry in Transition: Dramatic Changes Ahead, How Will You Adapt?” (2 min 32 s) located at http://youtu.be/4-7It6JQKA. Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you: 1. From the video, assess how regulations in the U.S. impact the claims and facts presented in this video. Hypothesize where you think the biggest opportunity will be for pharmaceutical companies. 2. Compare drug pricing practice in the U.S. to those of another country of your choice. Discuss your thoughts on these differences and similarities and the implications. 3. Research the career trends in health care related industries and make a prediction regarding which career will prove to be the most economically rewarding. Provide discussion regarding your position. 4. Experts suggest that pressures placed upon medical professionals, specifically, doctors, are resulting in a decline in interest in this profession. Discuss your position on this argument and propose a remedy to this problem that is logical and reasonable. 5. Provide a discussion regarding the role of health policies. Speculate how such policies will impact organizations over the next decade. 6. Reflect upon the work that you completed in this assignment and summarize what significant developments occurred for you. 7. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all

sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

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