Peters pence december 2013

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Brent Hobby 12/2 Will Smothers 12/4 Noah Windsor 12/8 Gina Teague 12/15 Jason Hansen 12/16 Nancy Allen 12/17 Camille LaGrossa 12/17 Danny Reed 12/17 Hutson Teague 12/18 Harold Thompson 12/18 Suzanne Jensen 12/19 Aidan Kelley 12/19 Mary Walker 12/23 Molly Welch 12/23 Lena Hansen 12/27 Brett Hardison 12/27 Dillon Liecht 12/27 Miles Wiebe 12/27 Patsy Westrich 12/28 Lisa Bell 12/29 Brian Bell 12/29 Kim Hobby 12/29 David Larson 12/29 Chris Smith 12/29 Norma Smothers 12/29 Drew Bell 12/30

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