September Epistle

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The Epistle From St. Paul’s United Methodist Church September 2012

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 60th Anniversary Celebration On September 16, 2012, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church will celebrate its sixtieth anniversary as a community of faith! We’re planning a meaningful experience and, since you are an important part of St. Paul’s history, we would love for you to join us on that day. Also please invite any former members that you know to join us for this day of celebration. There will be one grand worship service at 10:00am . The first minister of St. Paul’s, Dr. Ben Oliphint and his wife, Nancy, have both passed away, but their son, Dr. Clayton Oliphint will be the guest preacher. Our Chancel Choir will sing a specially commissioned arrangement of the very first hymn ever sung in a St. Paul’s service, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” In good United Methodist tradition, a covered dish luncheon will follow! Please bring a side dish or dessert. The meat and drinks will be provided.

8th Annual “Family-to-Do at the Zoo” MARK YOUR CALENDARS – SUN., OCT. 7, 3-6pm * *

FUN -- Tour the Zoo 3-4pm * FELLOWSHIP—with your immediate family and your church family ENTERTAINMENT – St. Paul’s Choir & INKY The Clown * FOOD – St. Paul’s top chefs will prepare their favorite dishes for you to taste…always a great treat. This is the St. Paul’s United Methodist Men’s fund-raiser to benefit the Louisiana Children’s Home in Ruston. To be held in the Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo Pavilion (just south of the main entrance). Tickets: $25 per person; $50 per family (includes admission to the zoo and donation to Children’s Home)

Turning Points Prayer Service Returns Our Fellowship Meals and MVP Wednesday services will begin on September 12. The meal will be served at 5:15 with the Turning Points Vesper Service, youth and children’s activities at 6:00pm.

Tim’s Neus-Letter Dear Friends, In the course of my career I have had the privilege of serving at four churches who celebrated anniversaries during my time there: a 20th, a 50th, a 75th, and a 125th. Each of those churches was excited to have reached their milestones. It was a time to celebrate, to look back on their accomplishments, and to celebrate those who had come before them. It was a chance to see old friends and pastors. And it was a chance to look to the future of the church. At the 125th anniversary celebration, I was asked to write a letter to the church fifty years in the future. That letter was buried in a time capsule that was to be unearthed at the church’s 175 th anniversary. Oh how I struggled with that letter. How would I know what to say to a congregation fifty years in the future? I would most likely be gone from this earth, and my son would be an old man. In the letter, I spoke of what the church was doing in my time and wondered if it had in any way had an effect on the church of the future. If you had the opportunity to write a letter to the St. Paul’s congregation of 2062, what would you say? On September 16th St. Paul’s United Methodist Church will have a celebration service and luncheon to recognize our 60th anniversary. Please make plans to attend that Sunday. It will be a great time to look back on our accomplishments and to see old friends. If you know of someone who attended St. Paul’s in the past, invite them to be a part of this celebration. If you know of people you haven’t seen in a while, this is a great “excuse” to make contact and encourage them to reconnect with St. Paul’s. And as we celebrate our past, let’s look to how we can strengthen the current church, and, yes, let’s begin to look at our future. As we celebrate together, we will sing, “This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on.” Let’s remember and celebrate the people and the church that has come before us, let’s build up the church and the people we worship with today, and let’s move on to building up the church of the future. Peace, my friends… Tim

Meal Served At DeSiard Street Mission United Methodist Men served 150 plates of food at the DeSiard Street Mission in August. Servers were Bill Funderburk, Brent Chappell, Jake Metzger and Bob Burns.

Third Grade Bible Presentation It has been a tradition of the Methodist Church to present Bibles to our Third Graders for many years. This tradition began because this is the age when children are learning the skills necessary to read and understand the Bible. To emphasize the importance of Scripture reading, children are encouraged to attend Bible 101 class on Wednesday nights from 6:00-6:30. During this class they are taught the books of the Bible, facts from the Bible, stories in the Bible, and practice finding Scriptures by participating in “Bible drills.” Third graders will be presented Bibles on Sunday, September 30, 2012 at the 11:00 Worship service. The Bibles being presented are The Adventure Bible for Kids. They are on their reading level with helpful information and study tips.

Baptism The Sacrament of Holy Baptism for James-Atlas Cluthe Moore was held Sunday, August 19, 2012. Jac is the son of Anna and James Moore, Jr. and the grandson of Kathy and Buddy Moore.

St. Paul’s UMC “Pink the Pews” Sunday, September 9 Wear pink to church this Sunday! On Sunday, September 9, we would like to invite everyone to wear something pink to draw attention to the Race for the Cure event coming in September. St. Paul’s is getting a team to walk or run the 5K on September 29, 8:00am at Forsythe Park. Pick up an information sheet NOW at church this Sunday to register to walk, to run, or to “sleep in” for the cure. Hope to see you Sunday – and remember -wear pink!

Mission Opportunities Thank you St. Paul’s for your wonderful support of the many missions of our church. Mission Opportunities: Pray for our many ministries. Cooks and substitute drivers still needed for Meals on Wheels. It will involve only 6 Saturday mornings in a year! The next delivery date is October 20. Look for more information about our coat and blanket drive at the end of September. Remember this when cleaning out your closets! Continue to bring donations for Meals on Wheels and Grace Place. Those items listed below are needed throughout the year. Place in collection box by church office. Cream of Mushroom soup Cream of Chicken Soup Rotel tomatoes diced tomatoes Sweet green peas pop- top cans of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup bags of rice 1# box of angel hair spaghetti 1# box Velvetta cheese cans of Mandarin oranges Gal. cans of cut Green Beans or Tropical Fruit (Sam’s) Cans of red beans (any size) 5# Bag of Martha White self-rising white cornbread mix vegetable oil Pray for your Mexico Mission team August 30- September 2. If you want to volunteer or have questions contact Kathy Wells 387-0168.

Mountain TOP

New Song Worship This summer, our New Song congregation worshipped through Matthew 5-7. We had a great time exploring the “Summer in the Sermon.” For the next few weeks we will be looking at a few passages found in the book of James. In these “little books” at the back of the New Testament we find so much about living the Christian life. It will be a great time of worship to get back in the rhythm of the school year. See you in church! September 2nd-James 1:17-27 September 9th James 2:14-20 September 16th St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary. We will be having a joint service. September 23rd Special Guest September 30th James 5:13-20

This year’s Mountain TOP trip was a blast. We took 23 students and 5 adults on the trip. Our students took part in an 80+ community that week. We were THE ONLY group from the south, so we had a lot of fun with our accents! During the week, our students were broken up into individual work and discipleship teams (YRG’s) and sent out to spend their days in mission in the surrounding area. This usually meant light construction, painting or yard work. Our youth were champs!!! In the evening we camp back to camp for worship activities and other events. During the day, our youth showed a tremendous amount of leadership in many different ways. You would be so proud. I want to also thank Billy Burch, Sam Hano, Miriam Henry and Daniel Moore for serving as our adult leaders on this trip. Any time you go this far and this long with students it is a haul. These adults went above and beyond in service!!!

Our Mountain TOP Missionaries

Fall Bible Studies It is not too late to sign up for fall Bible Studies. Sign up sheet are available in the Narthex and Fellowship Area. Classes are Leaving Left Behind behind, Disciple I, Diets and Devotions, The Beth Moore Esther study, The Beth Moore Patriarchs study, and Financial Peace for adults. The Youth Study is The Deep End. Club 56 will have a Bible Study on Wednesday nights as well as Bible 101 for Kids also on Wednesday night. Choose a study and sign up today. You can also call the church office to sign up for one of the Bible Studies.

Notes from Nann Wow! It seems like just yesterday I was getting home and had the whole summer before me. Now, as Labor Day approaches, I am getting ready to return to Asbury. Or should I say that Team Asbury is heading back! Can you believe it? I really can’t – time has flown. I must admit that I am ready for the cooler temperatures that Kentucky affords. It is already cooler up there – relatively speaking – with daily highs in the low 80’s and in the 60’s at night. The transition from summer to fall will be quite abrupt. Hopefully, it will not be too much longer before those conditions reach Louisiana. Classes for the Fall Semester are promising new knowledge, lots of reading and writing, and another opportunity to learn more about the kingdom of God. Exciting times are a ‘coming and the journey is going to be awesome. Our class list includes an inductive study of Matthew (taught by Dr. David Bauer who wrote the textbook!), popular and folk religions, leading worship, and anthropology of mission. In addition, I am a chapel intern for the coming school year. I have seen the list of invited and confirmed speakers and am just ecstatic to hear from them. Chapel services can be viewed via live stream from the Asbury website ( or can be downloaded as podcast from iTunes. If you will friend me on Facebook, I will do my best to let everyone know when they need to tune in and listen! Thanks for you continued support via prayers, emails, texts, cards, and the countless other ways that you have reached out to let me know that you are thinking of me. Each and every one of them has made my day and come at a time when they were sorely needed. Please continue those this next year! Just to remind you my information is: Nann McMullen ATS-SPO # 699 204 North Lexington Ave. Wilmore, KY 40390-1199 318.732.1166 Hoping to get to hug everyone before I leave! Nann McMullen Micah 6:8 Serving together until Jesus comes or calls!

Book Club Read The Good Dream, then join us on Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 after Vespers as we discuss this book. We will meet in the Conference Room. Come with your favorite quote, your questions and your comments. If you like to read, please consider joining this informal group discussion.

Bible 101 for Kids

Bible 101 will return in September! Children in 2nd – 4th grade are encouraged to attend this fantastic, fun-filled, fact-finding class with Jill Mouk beginning September 12. Students in this class learn facts about Bible, how to find Scriptures, the Ten Commandments, where to find “famous” Bible stories, and much more! Plus they have FUN learning! Contact Jill Mouk for more information.

UMW September Meetings Circle of Friends will meet on Sept. 2nd and 16th at 5:00pm in the Parlor. Joy Circle will meet on Sept. 11 at 6:00pm in the Parlor. Hostesses are Nancy Hemrick, Georgia Street and Debbie Cuthbert. Debbie will have the lesson. Harmony Circle will meet on Sept. 20th at 6:30pm at the home of Kathy Wells, 1713 Lexington Ave. Mary Henry Circle will meet on Sept. 25th at 9:30am in the Parlor. 2013 Ladies’ Beach Retreat If you would like to be a part of next year’s beach retreat, sign up now! The dates for the 2013 trip are June 19-23. The total cost of the trip will be $325 per person. Next year we hope to stay in a large house as opposed to 2 or 3 condominiums. In order to reserve the house now for next year, we are asking ladies to pay a $100 nonrefundable deposit. If you would like to make a payment, please write “2013 Beach Retreat” in the memo of your check. This is a wonderful way to make new friends or just spend time with some old friends. Consider going with this group next year! Please call Jill at 322-4454 and get your name on the list now if you plan to attend. Music Maker Choir Begins in September! The Preschool “Music Makers” choir for children age 3 – 1st grade will begin again on Wednesday, September 12th in the Sunday school classroom #301. Karen Bennett and Angie Nicholson will direct the children’s choir this year. We are excited about having them volunteer for this ministry! Practice will continue each Wednesday from September through December 12. Dinner on Wednesday nights is served at 5:15 and choir practice follows from 6:00 – 6:30 during the Wednesday evening service. The choir will perform Christmas and Easter programs.

On August 15th and 16th the Youth went to serve at The Hub urban ministries in Shreveport. They spent the day working with homeless men, women and children and had a blast. Some of the activities were “Breakfast and Bingo” and serving “Sno-Cones and Snacks” at the bus station. The Hub seeks to serve the humanity of those living without homes and in severe poverty. The kids ended the day by holding a kids club at a park, complete with games, snacks and more Sno-Cones! A few elected to stay overnight with Chad and had a great day in Shreveport. Many thanks to Jeff and Jill Mouk and Ashley Burch for coming on the trip and helping out.

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 1901 Lexington Ave. Monroe, La 71201 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Please make plans to attend St. Paul’s 60th anniversary celebration on September 16th, 10am in the Traditional Sanctuary.

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