Storizen Magazine July 2022 | Vish Dhamija

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july 2022

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VISH DHAMIJA Exclusive Digital Issue For more Columns and features, scan the QR code

Exclusive Feature on PAGE 8

Cover Story The Only Indian Legal Thriller Writer in the World Vish Dhamija

Brand Partners Aleph Book Company Bloomsbury India Fingerprint Publishing Hachette India

Book Reviews Swapna Peri

Editors Pria Raiyani Saurabh Chawla

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HarperCollinsIndia Pan Macmillan India Penguin India Roli Books Rupa Publications Westland (An Amazon Company)




HOT OFF THE PRESS Crimson Spring by Navtej Sarna - Aleph Book Company


STORIZEN LIFESTYLE Is our Indian traditional marriage losing its Charisma?


- Ankur R. Gupta




The Only Indian Legal Thriller Writer in the World - Vish Dhamija

STORIZEN INTERVIEW Interview with the Founder of Abhinav Samaj, Gopal Krishan Gupta

- Pria & Swapna Peri

- Riya Gulati






Her Name was Freedom by Anu Kumar

How to Improve Women's Health in India

- Hachette India

- Sushma M. Bhardwaj



Valli: A Novel by Sheela Tomy Translated from the Malayalam by Jayasree Kalathil

STORIZEN REVIEWS Mayabharata by Meghnad Desai - Swapna Peri

- HarperCollins India


HOT OFF THE PRESS These Errors are Correct by Jeet Thayil - Penguin India


STORIZEN REVIEWS Adbhut by Meena Arora Nayak - Swapna Peri




Cold Justice by Vish Dhamija

Sugar - The Silent Killer by Damayanti Datta

- Swapna Peri

- Swapna Peri






Just Play by Vinita Sidhartha

- Madhumathi H.

- Swapna Peri





Lies Our Mothers Told Us by Nilanjana Bhowmick

- Shubhashish Kerketta

- Swapna Peri





How to Kill Everyone by Rajesh Talwar

- Aparna Mukherjee

- Swapna Peri


STORIZEN REVIEWS Those Women of the Coromandel by Ranga Rao - Swapna Peri


STORIZEN HOROSCOPE Monthly Horoscope: August 2022 - Himani Goyal

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Storizen Magazine June 2022

Books we are loving this month

CLICK HERE TO READ NOW! Exclusive Digital Issue For more columns and features, scan below



from the editor

calling all writers!

DO YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF STORIZEN FAMILY? You can also be a contributor. Mail us your entries at Your smart ideas and inputs help us create our informative issues.

M onsoons are around and like the water flows, creativity also flows out in the form of thoughts. Thoughts are free and so does creativity which is limitless. So to keep the ideas flowing, we kept the theme for this month's issue of Storizen as Open. The stories that have that pinch of suspense, thrill and mystery always entice us. This month we have a special guest who is a master of storytelling especially when it comes to legal thrillers. We are super glad to have The Only Indian Legal Thriller Writer in the World, Vish Dhamija on the Cover. Do check out the exclusive cover feature on page 8. Book lovers, we have got you covered. Do check out the hot off the press section to curb your reading hunger. Women, you need to take extra care of your health, especially after the age of 40. This month in Storizen Health, we have covered the topic of improving Women's Health in India. Do check it out on page 26. Are you afraid of getting married or it's just a perception of Gen Z? Do check out the take on the subject by Ankur R Gupta on page 18 inside! This issue is power packed with lovely articles, poetry, interviews and of course a lot of books and we are sure that you can't miss this issue. Share it with your friends and family and do subscribe so that you get extra perks and never miss an issue in the future. Happy Reading! Saurabh Chawla, Editor in Chief


Vish Dhamija, Author Cold Justice


The Only Indian Legal Thriller Writer in the World

VISH DHAMIJA A Storizen Exclusive Feature Text by Pria I woke up slowly in the morning, and a little bit of fatigue still left me. The extra dose of whiskey last night slowed me down, I felt. Forcing myself, I stood up and went straight to the kitchen. Some tepid lemon water would energize my body, I thought. I stay alone in my apartment in the busy suburbs of Mumbai. The hustle and bustle of the city had already taken a toll on me and now I am standing here with a glass of lemon water in the morning trying to become normal from my inebriated state. I had a group of friends yesterday night, yeah it was fun! I finished up the lemon water and thought of getting a bath. I stepped into my room, trying to squint as I was not able to see clearly.

Something just didn't seem normal. It felt like a thief broke in last night. Nervously, I stepped into the room and opened all the drawers and checked my cupboard. Everything is fine here, why am I panicking? I took my towel from the cupboard and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I shrieked with pain as I removed my slippers. Something sharp had pierced into my toes. A sharp and wet feeling took over me. With fear, I slowly looked down to see what it was. A meat cutter knife with fresh blood on it lay there. I was sure that the knife did not belong to me as I was a vegetarian. I went pale as the blood in me was all


dried up. Slowly, I went to the bathroom door and opened it. I switched on the lights to remove the darkness. The last thing I remember is that I fell to the ground and my head hit the edge of the bathtub! Are you a fan of crime fiction? We all love stories with suspense, thriller, and some mystery in the plot right? This month, we have a special guest for our cover feature. Some call him India's John Grisham, and some call him India's only writer to be listed among the major legal thriller authors of the world! I hope you might have guessed the name by now. We are pleased to have an opportunity to have The Only Indian Legal Thriller Writer in the World, Vish Dhamija on the cover of Storizen Magazine this month. Below is an excerpt of the candid conversation we had with the author. LOVE FOR CRIME FICTION Vish loves writing Crime Fiction and considers all other genres which he writes as a sub-genre of Crime Fiction. Moreover, he believes that genre comes second to the plot. "I write crime fiction—from crime capers to police procedurals to noir to 10



psychological thrillers. I usually think of a plot, and not worry about which genre it will slot into. For me, the genre is secondary. I dropped out of law halfway through, but legal proceedings and legal fiction still fascinate me… so I write in this subgenre too." CRAFTING UNIQUE BOOK COVERS



The creative writing process requires a lot of research and brainstorming. All the books, written by Vish that I have read, I felt that his titles have something enticing, they are unique! For Vish, he took it as a compliment. "I wish they were as unique as you mention! But thank you. I try my best that the title describes the gist of the story (Cold Justice, Unlawful Justice) or the mood of the plot (Nothing Lasts Forever) or something about the

I think we, as humans, have made enough changes that have only damaged this world. JULY 2022


protagonist (The Mogul, The Heist Artist) or the locational quirkiness of the background (Bhendi Bazaar)," he elaborated further. It is often said that "Never judge a book by its cover," but still I feel that it has a big role to play when it comes to picking a book to read. Coming to the book covers, I personally liked the cover of "Cold Justice". For Vish, the blue color was immediately shortlisted by him and his editor the moment they saw it. "We did not even look at other colors for the background. It was then a case of getting the right color for the image and fonts. We wanted the image to reflect that the book is JULY 2022

legal fiction (ergo, Lady Justice’s head), but we were also quite clear that we didn’t want the image to be so big that it dominated the cover. The result is what you see in the book."

The brilliant blue cover was decided when we (my editor and I) saw it first time around.




In this heart-stopping new thriller from India’s bestselling crime writer, the law itself is baffled and a verdict seems impossible ...


VISH'S LOVE FOR NATURE I feel that whatever we humans have done to date, some way or the other we have damaged nature. I am glad that Vish also feels the same. " I think we, as humans, have made enough changes that have only damaged this world. We should stop playing with nature, and let it heal. In fact, we should stop making any further changes if you ask me. If Covid has taught us anything, it is that we all can survive without a lot of things we previously thought we couldn’t do without. Let’s use the earth’s resources judiciously and leave it in a good state for future generations." BUILDING THE CHARACTERS The most challenging aspect of writing crime fiction is crafting its characters, doesn't matter be it the protagonist or antagonist. I was curious to know what was Vish's take on crafting his characters. For him, crafting DCP Rita Ferreira (Bhendi Bazaar, Doosra, Lipstick) has been the most difficult one. "I wanted to draw her in a manner that she was apt for the job yet flawed enough to be believable (not a superhero). Plus, my intention was JULY 2022





to write a series with her as the protagonist so required that much more attention. Favorites – I’d say Rita Ferreira and Akash Hingorani (Unlawful justice, Cold justice)." ON HIS BOOK 'COLD JUSTICE' Courtroom dramas, crime fiction, murder mysteries, I love to read all. As a reader, I am just flowing with the plot, but reversing the role, I wanted to know about the book and what goes on behind the scenes. About the book, Vish told me in brief, "Cold Justice is a legal thriller. A sitting judge is accused of first-degree homicide—she is caught, in situ, with the murder weapon in her hand, and the impossible job of defending her falls on the defense advocate who once dated her. The book has its fair share of emotion and romance, but it is essentially a courtroom drama, as legal thrillers are sometimes referred to."




I was curious to know about the publisher's and editor's take on Cold Justice. For Vish, it was something that carried on for months and is a part of the process. He had writer-editor sessions back and forth for months. "As a matter of fact, before my manuscripts get to the publishers, they are already assessed by my literary agents, Siyahi. If there are any contentions, they get sorted before it gets to the final editor’s desk. As a rule, I take feedback from both—my literary agents and the publishers— seriously. They know the readers, the market, and hence, the pitfalls. Not listening to them would be unwise."

JULY 2022


For the upcoming writers, Vish has the advice to share that one should not stop writing even if others are telling them to. "Creative writing is only 50 percent about creativity; the other 50 percent is persistence. You need to have a story in mind, and a strong conviction that when you write a story, it is interesting enough for others to read. Do not be swayed if people tell you otherwise—soldier on regardless. And, most importantly, find yourself a good editor or a literary agent. But you must write that manuscript first." Apart from writing, Vish enjoys playing Golf, listening to music, reading, and watching television shows, mainly thrillers. He is also managing a Nursery School, so a lot of his time is spent there too. It was really an insightful conversation and it’s a pleasure to grab an opportunity to have this discussion. I thanked Vish for his time as he went on to board his flight back home.

JULY 2022

About Pria - Young mesmerizing freelance blogger, social enthusiast, an economics graduate from Jharkhand University with Master in Child Psychology. She is hardworking yet crazy, a passionate reader, an ardent music fanatic, an avid caffeine lover, and a maniacal animal lover too. She has been a part of numerous anthologies, articles, and write-ups for newspapers and magazines which are multi-linguistic. She has also written screenplays for YouTube series. Contact:




HOTthe OFFpress Bringing together the inspiring stories of the lives of more than 35 remarkable women, Her Name Was Freedom is a tribute to these feisty torchbearers of India's independence movement, who left a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Spanning the time between the 1970s and the present, Valli is a tale of four generations who made this land their home. It is told through a diary that Susan – the daughter of two teachers, Thommichan and Sara, who eloped to Wayanad so that they could live together – leaves for her own daughter, Tessa.




JULY 2022

HOTthe OFFpress

A meditation on grief, These Errors are Correct is Jeet Thayil's most intimate work to date. In poems of tenderness & rage, time blurs into a continuous present visited by Billy the Kid, the Buddha, Lata Mangeshkar, Jesus, and Beethoven, by unnamed protagonists for whom faith and addiction are interchangeable, and by a remote god-like figure who will 'lick' your wound with his infected tongue'.

In this masterpiece, Navtej Sarna brings the horror of the atrocity to life by viewing it through the eyes of nine characters—Indians and Britons, ordinary people and powerful officials, the innocent and the guilty, whose lives are changed forever by the events of that fateful day.

JULY 2022




Is our Indian Traditional Marriage Losing its Charisma? by Ankur R Gupta

Is it because this generation is more pragmatic and less committed, and the relevance of permanence is missing from them. Or is it our social system that is mainly responsible for it? Well, I feel it is a coalescence of both, says Vidhya Ramani, the yoga & holistic therapist at Yoga Bharati, who deals with people of all ages. THE CHANGING MINDSET OF GEN Z AND THEIR DILEMMAS


y 28-year-old niece has no immediate plans to get married, as she feels that marriage is the culmination of too many responsibilities and commitments, especially for a woman. She is reluctant but not against the idea of getting married, as she apprises me of her apprehensions. “The day I get married, I will be either continuously coerced into having a child or following never-ending customs & duties for which I’m not yet ready. “My focus is on my career and to attain some financial stability, which I can pursue hassle-free by remaining either single or in living-in ‘’. We must have heard this changing mindset on marriage - too much responsibility, compromises, obstacles in freedom and career from every 8 out of 10 of the millenniums around us. So, why is it that today’s urban youth is feeling so and shying away from this Indian traditional norm that has been an integral part of our culture for centuries?

JULY 2022

Dreams & career to pursue The Urban woman of today is not confined to four walls and need not get married for social and economic reasons as it was earlier decades ago. She can take care of her own economic and social situations. But the traditional expectations from a woman have not witnessed many changes. She is accepted, as one of the bread earners, but with a conditional tag of when it comes to taking care of the house, family, and children, the primary responsibility lies with her. She is still expected to take a back seat in her dreams and career for carrying out her role as a mother, wife, and daughter-inlaw. As per the Millennial surveys done in the past few years (2017- 2021). The majority of urban women in the age bracket of 18 -30 years, almost 75% hold a similar opinion. There is no denying that today Men, especially those living in urban is actively catching up in helping their partners. But such a percentage is still minuscule. STORIZEN MAGAZINE



Our generation is neither selfish nor detached from their families or reluctant to make a few adjustments or compromises, says Sachin Varshney, a 25-year-old software engineer. My generation simply expects a personal ‘space and time’ to pursue our dreams, which decelerate with the heaps of expectations attached to marriage. He further added that Uttarakhand retired couple recently suing their only son for not giving them a grandchild is a classic case of personal intrusion by many Indian parents. Compatibility and Complexities issuesIsn’t it justified to know a person first rather than marrying a stranger and later falling into the complexities of ending the marriage if things go wrong? questioned many millenniums. The urban generation Z is not drifting away from this institution. But they are reluctant to a traditional arrange one. They either want to opt for a love marriage or longer courtship or to have a cohabitating relationship to know their future spouses and test their compatibility. The recent increase in divorce, legal complexities in getting it, and societal taboo attached to failed marriages are a few more reasons pulling down the curtains of this traditional norm in the minds of the youth. The other reasons are the financial burden of arranging expensive weddings and social obligations. 20



SOCIETY NEEDS TO LOOSEN UP ITS STRINGS OF EXPECTATIONS– Being a mother of two grown-ups (18 and 22 yrs.) concept of cohabitating or uncommitted relationships is a little hard for me to digest. Marriage has its measurable benefits which, as an older generation I am reaping in terms of stability, security, and committed partner. But at the same time, I cannot set a blind eye to the changing times and mindset of this new generation. Today’s youth is poised to transform the relationship and marital world. They aren’t opposed to marriage, but the traditional notion of arranged marriages and the expectations and strings attached (especially for girls) does not appeal to them anymore. As a community, we've to make efforts to get rid of these strings of financial burden, heaps of expectation from a daughter-inlaw, and too much parental interference in the young couple’s life. AT THE SAME TIME, YOUTH NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND THAT COMMITMENT IS THE KEY TO LONGLASTING COMPANIONSHIPJULY 2022

As rightly stated by Sadguru- "If you are just living with one person, it is anyway a marriage, whether you have a certificate or not. But if you think you can choose your partners every weekend, you are causing serious damage to yourself”. Today’s youth need to understand that whatever they choose-marriage or any other option of relationship none to be treated frivolously. Both require commitment, adjustments, and diligence. Moreover, the culmination of companionship generally leads to having children, who need a stable and secure foundation of a long-term committed relationship. Getting married is purely a personal choice. Some couples want to test the water before taking the plunge, some want to dive in directly while others simply don’t want to. It’s all about choices, and our older social peers should start adapting to this new change of mindset of generation Z. At the same time, youth needs to understand that a long-term institution like marriage is a bond of emotive stability that helps two people to walk all challenges of life together.

Ankur R Gupta - I'm a blogger, an author, and a certified content creator. My writings revolve around the simple motto “Write to bring Smile”. I believe in understanding behavioral aspects of human life linked with their different phases and then ink my words about them in a simplified way to spin out positivity and purpose associated with them. A hardcore history enthusiast and traveler. I love to read & explore our ancient cultures and civilizations. My reading page is inkmyword -the reader community. @writingstomakeyousmile

The charismatic charm of Indian marriage amongst the millenniums though a little jaded still outshines other options of companionship and will continue to do so. However, what is needed is a few adjustments from society to balance it with changing times.

JULY 2022




Interview with the Founder of Abhinav Samaj, Gopal Krishan Gupta

Abhinav Samaj is a reverential Non-Profit registered Charitable Trust that is bringing light in the lives of destitute and distressed elderly people who have been either abandoned/neglected/abused by their family members or they don’t have sufficient financial resources to meet their basic needs.

Why did you choose to get involved with the Non-Governmental Organization in your mid-career path? During my service period, I have been posted in some sensitive departments of the government of Delhi. During that time, I have experienced some emotional and mind-blowing incidences. I was posted in the SubRegistrar Office in Pitampura, New Delhi where Sale-Deeds of properties are registered. One day a very old lady, aged approximately 70+ came weeping during the evening mentioning that her only son has left her outside Palam International Airport in a cab saying that he is coming back just after completing official formalities. The same day during the afternoon she had sold her prime property in our jurisdictional area. Her son took all the money from her after selling the property with a commitment that he will take her to the USA to live with him. After leaving her in the cab, he didn’t return back and when she tried to contact the airport authorities, she was told that her son has left India. Now that lady has no shelter, no money, and no other source to stay

JULY 2022

with/survive. We were helpless to do anything for her. Which area of art are you interested in? Is there any other area you would like to discover? The freedom that contemporary art proffers is quite expansive. It does not privilege any one medium or form. We create all types of work - be it moving Which core arenas organization work in?



Our core area has been the welfare and rehabilitation of the destitute elderly. We started an old-age home under the name ‘Jai Ma Durga Old-Age Home’ in Delhi wherein we provide free shelter, food, medical aid, legal aid, and all other facilities to the elderly. In addition to it, we have been providing free books, study materials, and free coaching to poor students. We have been doing work on women's empowerment as well. How is your organization bringing changes in the lives of people? During the pandemic(back in 2020), we distributed food, and grocery-kits in many




slum colonies of Delhi. We distributed books, and study materials to primary class students in slum colonies of Delhi as the main sufferers of COVID were in slum areas. We also helped families who lost their earning members during COVID. Now we have started a new center named “Abhinav Shanti Sewa Sadan’ at A-3, Near Sai Mandir, Indira Park, Najafgarh, New Delhi-110043 wherein we are providing elderly care and free education to poor children. What is essential for the long-term subsistence of the NGO? The NGOs should make sincere efforts to make themselves self-sustained in the future rather than constantly relying on donations. According to you, what is the most radical developmental goal for our nation? Integrity+ Morality: everyone should help each other irrelevant of one’s caste, creed, race, or social statuswithout any taboos and reservations.

children have no respect left for their parents and they are only concerned with the assets of their parents which they saved through their lifetime effortswe cannot change their minds. However, efforts can be taken at an early stage, i.e., from the school per seto teach children to respect their elders. Schools should take primary students to old-age homes to see personally how elders feel when their children disown them. Children will definitely feel emotions. If this action could change the life of even one family that can be a starting point. Some schools visited our old-age home with their nursery/primary students. Furthermore, instilling moral values and moral education as an indispensable part of the school curriculum can work. Providing timely and qualitative family counseling sessions can also avert the breakdown of the home.

Elderly abuse is a growing concern in India- what measures can be taken to avert it? To avert this problem,we need to empower elderly people to speak up against such wrong-doings. When




JULY 2022

What are the various ways of getting involved with your organization? There are many ways by which one can get involved with our organization. One can celebrate their special occasions and happy moments with destitute elderly. One can donate groceries, medicines, or whatsoever they feel appropriate for their contribution to humanity. What message you would like to impart to our readers’ club?

Riya Gulati is a Paralegal at Law Offices of Caro Kinsella, Ireland. She is LL.M (Intellectual Property & Information Technology) from University College Dublin & BA.LLB from Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.

As charity begins from home- parents should endeavor to educate their children to respect every creature. In my opinion, if daughters-in-law respect and love their in-law's parents after marriage as equal to their own parents, there will be no need for old-age homes.

JULY 2022




How to Improve Women's Health in India

by Sushma M. Bhardwaj


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. It does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Get the help of a certified medical professional or a certified dietician before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.


omen are 48% of the Indian population and yet they are highly neglected. They face many issues like malnutrition lack of maternal health, breast cervical ovarian cancer, aids UTI, and many psychological Issues like depression, anxiety autoimmune diseases, thyroid, and many more. Primarily we should analyze the factors affecting women’s health. Major life transitions like pregnancy, motherhood menopause can create physical and emotional stresses for women. Negative experiences, poetry discrimination violence, and isolation also impact women’s physical and mental health. Nutrition plays a major role in an individual’s overall health, psychological and physical health status is often dramatically impacted by the presence of malnutrition.

seen that the rate of malnutrition increases for women as they enter adulthood. Maternal malnutrition has been associated with an increased risk of maternal mortality and also childbirth defects. Addressing the issues of malnutrition would have a beneficial outcome for women and children. About 50% of women between the age of 15 to 50 suffer from anemia. The major cause of mortality in India is abortion. Mostly women who remain in poor health are likely to give birth to low-weight infants. These children tend to suffer from health challenges throughout their life. Most women in their 40s suffer from osteoporosis. due to these factors, women's health has become a major issue. women are an integral part of society so their health issues are also a matter of concern. Secondly, the women's reproductive system is complex so a woman can experience a number of problems ranging from yeast infection to vaginal infection to fibroids in the uterus cyst of ovary. these factors are responsible for 29% of deaths in India.

India has one of the highest rates of malnourished women among developing countries. A 2012 study by Tarozzi has found the nutritional intake of early adolescents to be approximately equal. However, it is JULY 2022





Tests for Women in their 40’s Breast exam and mammogram: One might be regularly checking breasts at home but still doctor should do an exam annually, but most experts recommend having a mammogram test done after age 40. Blood pressure: Blood pressure may rise with increasing age that's common. Fortunately, one can lower his/her blood pressure through diet, exercise, and medication. Weighing one's weight: Taking care of weight is another factor as being overweight can put one at high risk for developing a number of diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. Pelvic exam and pap: A woman should get this test done especially if she is sexually active. Looking for moles: Unusual moles or skin changes can lead to cancer but these are curable. if diagnosed at an early stage.




Regarding supplements, I would recommend pink 18 OK Life care for women of age between 18 to 39 So, in nutshell, if we want to improve Health Foundation we have to take care of our women first. it will lead to a healthy home and eventually make a nation healthy.

Some initiatives should be taken to improve the health care system for women 1) Suitable physical and emotional environment 2) Well train health workers 3) Primary Health care infrastructure development 4) Improving Dr population ratio

Visit to know more.

JULY 2022

Gift Yourself A Book!

India's Money Heist by Anirban Bhattacharyya

Mumblings and Musings by Anirban Bhattacharyya

The Adventurous 6: The Sinister Summer Holiday

The Deadly Dozen: India's Most Notorious Serial Killers by Anirban Bhattacharyya

Mystical, Exciting & Exploring! Reviewed by Swapna Peri


the Kauravas were killed, the land was just huge piles of dead bodies and bones. The conversation between Gandhari and Sri Krishna questions the same.

The epic – Mahabharatha is a mystical book with stories that have numerous human emotions and values attached. How much ever the book is read, the more questions and doubts arise, be it about the characters or the events. It is always intriguing how the mighty warrior kings died, be it the Kauravas or some from the Pandavas (Abhimanyu, for example, though the plot to kill him, is explained). It is also to be noted that a protagonist is powerless without an antagonist. So when the Kurukshetra war finished and all

Meghnad Desai was born in 1940 in Baroda (now Vadodara), Gujarat. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Economics in 1958 and 1960, respectively, from the University of Bombay (now Mumbai). He got his PhD from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, in 1964. Pic: Meghnad Desai JULY 2022




About the Book Mayabharata is a fascinating narration of the postMahabharata story, aided by the deployment of the author’s imaginative and creative powers.

Book Review


This book by author Meghnad Desai discusses his quest to know about the unsolved secrets behind Sri Krishna, his death, the aftermath of the Kurukshetra War, and such interesting topics.

Micro Review Adbhut by Meena Arora Nayak

Visit for full review

Mythology helps us how to express to the human race the thought process of an ancient civilization. Myths are the instruments to transport one back to the delightful state of imagination, after which it touches the real and the unreal. Indian mythology is an interesting combination of both, more prominently. Be it about Lord Ganesha, the golden deer in Ramayana, or the Pushpaka Viman; there are numerous stories where birds, animals, trees, flowers and other creatures are blended into the mythology. The book also lists creatures across religions, customs and geographies. Books like this will validate the Indian contribution to world literature where Harry Potter, Twilight and Jurassic Park books and movies are accepted widely.

JULY 2022




An Ugly Side of Sweet Face! Reviewed by Swapna Peri


Unlike in other countries, in India, every event is celebrated with a sweet dish at the beginning or end. This has been a ritual for ages. Even in the epic Ramayana, Dasaratha gave his three wives the Payas (Payasam in South India – a sweet dish with milk and rice) as a solution for their pregnancy.

The misconceptions about maintaining the sugar levels in a body till the aftermath effects of using processed sugar are well explained in the book. The mention of diabetes as Madhumeha, which means Honey Urine in the Vedas, was utterly exciting.

In this book by writer and researched Damayanti Datta, a wholesome history of sugar in the past generation till date is explained with facts, interesting stories, and words of caution.

Damayanti Datta has worn several hats over the years: a researcher, a teacher, a communicator, a correspondent, an editor, and, now, an independent writer. Starting with a Ph.D. in history from Cambridge University, her career path has taken her towards storytelling in various fields. Pic: Damayanti Datta JULY 2022




About the Book Sugar: The Silent Killer attempts to fill the lacunae. It attempts to demystify the way we eat now, the preeminence of refined sugar in our diet, what it does to us and what we can do to mitigate its malign influence.

Book Review


How the sugar was consumed during the pandemic, how the industries made profits by putting public health at risk and how every food dish we eat binds itself with added sugar are demonstrated clearly. This is a must-read book with history, facts and cruel truths. Visit for full review

A passionate book reviewer, writer, narrator, translator, and copy editor, Swapna has a B. Tech in Computer Science and is a former SAP Technical Consultant. She is the writer, narrator, editor, and translator for three books published with Literoma Publishing, Kolkata. She created and manages the “Book Reviews Café” official blog and Facebook page that contains all the book reviews. Swapna is also a content writer and reviewer with Storizen Magazine, CriticSpace Journals website, The Literature Times website, The Asian Review website, and the Literature Today website. She is a columnist with one of the leading women's websites in Telugu named 'Vihanga'. @swapna.peri @bookreviewscafe @swapna508

JULY 2022





Indoor games, outdoor games & little sports are every person’s part of life. Many memories and incidents, good and bad, are attached to these games. There were times when the whole family used to play together, and those summer holidays when cousins used to meet at grandmother’s place and have a great time playing games. These games are the first moral lessons we as a kid have learned. The first ever game probably every Indian kid must have played is either Snakes & Ladders or Ludo! This game is all about ups and downs, how to take a step with utmost care and how not to let down the confidence one we lose! Likewise, several games have some of the other lessons that are being taught.




Vinita Sidhartha has a degree in journalism from University of Texas at Austin, US. After completing her studies, she returned to India and set up a communications consultancy with leading clients from the corporate and media sectors. As a mother of two, she turned to her grandmother to take care of her children. Her grandmother spent hours with the children teaching them a number of traditional Indian games. Watching this, the personal and the professional merged in Vinita. Thus, was born Kreeda, meaning ‘play’ in Sanskrit, which researches and markets traditional games that are Indian in spirit and global in quality. (Visit for more information.)

JULY 2022

Pic Source: Twitter

Vinita Sidhartha

About the Book

A Must Read

Just Play! Life Lessons from Traditional Indian Games is a book that takes you back in time through the fun and laughter of these games.

With the writing style and narration in simple language and with a reasonable explanation, this book is just the right one to pick when you feel low or want something that will entice your mind.


Book Review

Micro Review With the writing style and narration in simple language and with a reasonable explanation, this book is just the right one to pick when you feel low or want something that will entice your mind.

Lies Our Mothers Told Us by Nilanjana Bhowmick

(Reviewed by Swapna Peri) Visit for full review

Women in India have a complicated life because of paradoxical statements in ancient India. An Indian woman faces violation, abuse, and discrimination and is worshipped as Devi? Since the medieval ages, women have been subjected to low rights and punishment. This book by Nilanjana is an actual account of women and their burdened position in the populated place, where inequality is automatically embraced and endured by them. Although many women in the past have brought parity in their lives, on the other side, especially from the middle class, they are now vocal and still fighting for their rights. Don’t miss this book!

JULY 2022




Exploring Life After War! Reviewed by Swapna Peri


The book is readable in easy language, quoting the actual incidents, measuring the collateral damage done by every action in haste, and straightforward. The contents of the books are in the form of scenes, where each scene has characters.

This book by Rajesh Talwar mainly deals with a conflict-ridden world with all the surrounding circumstances that support a nuclear war. The conflicts among nations have been indispensable since the birth of the human race. It is only the severity and damage that have been changing overtimes. But, whether large or small, it is to be remembered that conflict always results in catastrophes. It looks like we, humankind, irrespective of many battles and conflicts, or incidents, have learned nothing.

Rajesh Talwar has written twenty-nine books, which include novels, children’s books, plays, self-help books, and nonfiction books covering issues in social justice, culture, and law.

Pic: Rajesh Talwar JULY 2022




About the Book How to Kill Everyone on the Planet Ukraine and Other Recipes for a Nuclear Matricide is a play concerning the survival of our planet in a conflict-ridden world. From Outer Space, four members of the Cosmic Crisis Committee watch a situation in Islamabad that has the potential to escalate into a full-blown nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

Book Review


The characters and the contents page is one of the most unique and modern ones written in recent times. On the whole, the book runs on a sarcastic tone. This book has much to read, understand, implement and invest.

Micro Review Those Women of the Coromandel by Ranga Rao

Visit for full review

'Those Women of the Coromandel' by Ranga Rao is a Telugu translation. The story is set in the 19th century, where the climate, characters, and narratives give that flavor. The story is about three women whose lives are intertwined most interestingly. Miss Beston, an English entrepreneur, lives in a chain of houseboats in the Coromandel canal. She has an extreme liking for India's culture and heritage. Her curious mind and dynamic personality are attractive. She's a host and guide to every British personnel as well as the local people who pass through the Coromandel.

JULY 2022




An Exciting and Entertaining Read! Reviewed by Swapna Peri


This is a perfect book for those readers who love Courtroom dramas. Author Vish Dhamija is a master storyteller, and his books are absolute entertainers. A person new to reading can happily pick up any of Vish's books to have a taste of good writing. Thus, this book Cold Justice is a must-read!

Author Vish Dhamija's books always have content-rich stories with rich vocabulary and perfect language. His stories are not only just for reading but for learning too! His books, especially this book, have some most acceptable words that make the book look ultrarich!

As a fan of courtroom stories, this book is super good. I will recommend the book!

Vish Dhamija is the bestselling author of ten works of crime fiction, including Unlawful Justice, Bhendi Bazaar, The Mogul, The Heist Artist, Doosra, and Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Pic: Vish Dhamija JULY 2022




About the Book In this heartstopping new thriller from India’s bestselling crime writer, the law itself is baffled and a verdict seems impossible ...

Book Review


An absolute entertainer in terms of story, writing and narration. Visit for full review

A passionate book reviewer, writer, narrator, translator, and copy editor, Swapna has a B. Tech in Computer Science and is a former SAP Technical Consultant. She is the writer, narrator, editor, and translator for three books published with Literoma Publishing, Kolkata. She created and manages the “Book Reviews Café” official blog and Facebook page that contains all the book reviews. Swapna is also a content writer and reviewer with Storizen Magazine, CriticSpace Journals website, The Literature Times website, The Asian Review website, and the Literature Today website. She is a columnist with one of the leading women's websites in Telugu named 'Vihanga'. @swapna.peri @bookreviewscafe @swapna508

JULY 2022




Sparkle... by Madhumathi H.

I gaze at the sparkling galaxy Billions of stars smile, wink Inexplicable happiness shimmered in my heart The glow flows upon my soul... For no reason, I frequently look at the image And keep smiling Oh yes! The smile is the reason... Who doesn't love to smile often, and be happy? Amid all the chaos, pain, and challenges of life There are reasons to light the lamp of gratitude To smile, to hope, to believe To love, to forgive, to give a hand... The darkest sky becomes the best roof Studded with precious gems of light Lying on the lawn of life Looking through the telescope of my heart I see my dreams sparkle In prismatic colors... The galaxy gazes at my hope, with love.

A bilingual poet-writer(Tamil, English), Madhumathi is an ardent lover of Nature, Poetry, Photography, and Music. Her poems are published in Anthologies of The Poetry Society(India), AIFEST 2020 Poetry contest Anthology, CPC- Chennai Poetry Circle, IPC – India Poetry Circle, Amaravati Poetic Prism, and in e-zines UGC approved Muse India, Storizen, OPA – Our Poetry Archives, IWJ - International Writers Journal, Positive Vibes, and Science Shore. ‘’Ignite Poetry'’, “Arising from the dust”, “Painting Dreams", and “Shards of the unsung Poesies" are some of the recent Anthologies her poems, and write-ups are part of. Besides Poetry, Madhumathi writes on Mental health, to create awareness and break the stigma, strongly believing in the therapeutic and transformational power of words. Contact:

JULY 2022




The Dark Side

by Shubhashish Kerketta

The dark side of the moon; mysterious and dreadful! But the new moon is cursed with no bright side! Isn’t it much more? Hours of arrant obscurity, hours of demon that is chased by a beauteous full moon! Is it not the same dark side? The dark side, under the lamp; spry and restless! Vehemently scuttling around, by the frenzied winds. Is it not the winds that twirl the flame and decide the dark side?

JULY 2022

Shubhashish Kerketta is a poet, novelist, and fitness freak with an MBA degree, a hopeless romantic, and a soul that finds tranquillity in music and books. He was born and brought up in Ranchi, the capital city of the state of Jharkhand, and works as a Divisional Accounts Officer for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IAAD). Presently, he is posted in Chhattisgarh. He is an extrovert amongst family and friends while struggling to break the ice with others. He likes to read books in a wide variety of genres but romantic and erotic thrillers, contemporary romance, and books related to fitness are always top the list. He loves to push himself to the limit every time he hits the gym and finds his imaginativeness excelling during long walks. His novel, My Imperfectly Love Story, published by Srishti Publishers, is being loved by all, especially the young masses, apart from his works that have found their place in the Muse India and Storizen Magazines.




My Father by Aparna Mukherjee

A man of strength A man of love He is my savior He is my father. He prays for me In his prayers Fulfills my wants Suppressing his desires.

In a few words, Aparna defines a woman who beholds high aspirations and firmly believes in expanding her horizon. She holds a Master's degree in English Literature from Mumbai University. By profession, she is a Website Content Writer.

He walks on the thorns Fighting with every strife Showering flowers In my path of life.

Her poems got published in the Indian Literature website named Facestory' Currently, her stories and poems get published in the anthology books in the eminent Reflection Magazine and in the renowned digital magazine, Storizen.

A man of spunk A man of power He is my role model He is my Father.

She is bestowed with the Indian Global Award 2022 and has been felicitated with a medal in the Tagore Literature Festival 2022 by Literoma. Her world revolves around creativity and writing. She wishes to make her mark in the literary world, hoping to leave an indelible imprint on the readers' minds.

JULY 2022





ARIES MOON SIGN: THE FOOL This Month Aries, You can start a new beginning with your ideas in mind based on faith in the Universe. It is the time to take risk and move ahead like an innocent child. But don’t take any impulsive decision otherwise, you might fell. With proper planning, you can start a fresh. TAURUS MOON SIGN: 4 OF PENTACLES This Month Taurus, don’t hold your emotions and feel insecure. Just express it. Also, some might be holding their finances and worrying about the future. Just have a balance approach. Enjoy as well as save for the future. It also indicates financially happy with your work.

patience and calmness towards things as it will happen at the right time.

CANCER MOON SIGN: THE MAGICIAN This month Cancer, you have the power to achieve anything you desire for. Universe is blessing you with all the resources. Just manifest your dream goals and take action to fulfill it.


LEO MOON SIGN: ACE OF WANDS This Month Leo, you will be passionate and full of energy to implement your ideas. New opportunities will knock at your doors that you were always desired for.

GEMINI MOON SIGN: TEMPERANCE This month, Gemini You need to have balance in your life both professionally and personally. Also, some might need to have JULY 2022




VIRGO MOON SIGN: THE EMPEROR This month, you will be ambitious and determined to follow you dreams. You are a well-established leader with clear vison to help your team members to achieve their goals as well. LIBRA MOON SIGN: THE TOWER This Month, there might be unexpected change in your life that will shake you from the core of your heart. It is necessary libra to make you grow spiritually. Sometimes, it is necessary to help you to change your old beliefs into new ways of thinking. Some might have an organizational change in their workplace which is necessary for your growth. SCORPIO MOON SIGN: 3 OF SWORDS This month Scorpio, you might be feeling disappointed or sad as things are not moving ahead despite of your hard work. You might be




facing rejections or failures. It is a phase just relax and wait for the next month. Some might had faced heartbreak. Just release your pain and it will make you relax. SAGITTARIUS MOON SIGN: 2 OF PENTACLES This month Sagittarians, you will be doing multitasking with lots of responsibilities between your personal and professional life. You need to maintain the balance with your responsibilities. Also, some might need to have a balance with their finances. CAPRICORN MOON SIGN: 2 OF SWORDS This Month Capricorns, you will be indecisive with two opportunities available with you. You are unable to decide which option to choose as both seems to be good. Just be practical in your approach in choosing. Do proper research and then decide.

JULY 2022

AQUARIUS MOON SIGN: 9 OF PENTACLES This month Aquarians, you are independent and self-confident to take any decisions on your own. Also, some might be in a leadership role this month and enjoying promotion and financial growth. Your hard work had paid you reward.

PISCES MOON SIGN: STRENGTH This month, you need to have inner strength and courage to face any challenges in your life. It also indicates compassion and kindness towards your loved ones.

JULY 2022

I am Himani Goyal, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Banglore. Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers. I have read and reviewed numerous books so far. I am also a practicing Tarot consultant and would be sharing daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes for you all here.




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