Storetrieve, LLC provides Smart Storage Solutions® throughout Southern California

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Storetrieve, LLC provides Smart Storage SolutionsŽ throughout Southern California. Established in 1987, Storetrieve stores, retrieves, delivers, images, destroys, and manages hard-copy and electronic Business Records Storage for clients in the Southern California marketplace. Founded in the late 1980`s, when the record storage industry was in its infancy, Storetrieve was determined to save companies from poor service and storage facilities. Storetrieve’s mission was to be an innovator of technology, service, and value.

In 1995, Storetrieve moved its original Commerce location to its current Montebello facility. Continued growth was fueled by high-quality personal service. Investments in infrastructure and technology, as well as, an unrelenting commitment to provide peace of mind, ensured Storetrieve delivered on its promises of exceptional service levels. Email: Website:

Storetrieve`s client retention is unmatched in an industry where client defection has been routine. Storetrieve focuses on the immediate needs

Storetrieve, LLC provides Smart Storage Solutions速 throughout Southern California. of each client. Storetrieve tailors its solutions around the needs of each client and provides them with an individual Smart Storage of Records Solution速 that makes smart business and financial sense. While the world struggles with compliance and other records management issues, Storetrieve clients continue to enjoy Records Storage management as a low stress, cost effective, risk adverse requirement. Storetrieve is still as dedicated today to customer service in the local markets as it was in the 1980s. Yet today, we add a level of sophistication comes with emerging technologies and improved service efficiencies. Storetrieve is a member of the 2-20 family of companies to assist in providing cutting edge services, marketing, and a national presence to compete with our largest competitors.

Storetrieve provides Smart Storage Solutions速 throughout Southern California.

Storetrieve is a proud member of the 2-20 family of companies. 2-20 Family Members Include: For more info about Storetrieve, LLC provides Smart Storage Solutions速 throughout Southern California. Visit here:

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