Data Protection, Data Protection SoCal, Data Protection Southern California

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Document Shredding Document Destruction Southern California

Data Protection "Planning for disasters, natural or manmade, will help protect your business investment and give your company a better chance for survival." Peter J. Martinasco, Federal Coordinating Officer

U.S. Department of Homeland Security`s Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, reports that 40% of small businesses don’t reopen after a major disaster. Managing data, protecting it, and getting your critical data off-site is a necessary part in any company’s contingency plan. Storetrieve`s Data Protection Services can get your information safely off-site in one of our secure climate controlled vaults. Your data will remain protected in an environmentally controlled environment and will be immediately available for retrieval 24/7/365. Email: Website:

Document Shredding Document Destruction Southern California Storetrieve offers many scheduled methods of getting your critical system information off-site such as Automated Tape Rotations. Tape Rotations can be established on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. This systematic approach to data protection gets your data off-site and secure without ever having to pick up the phone or place an order.

At Storetrieve we encourage you to test your Disaster Recovery Plan. You can perform periodic tests of retrievals and restores to insure that if disaster strikes, you are ready. Your first test run should never occur when the outcome is business critical. With a scheduled rotation, climate controlled vault storage and a well test Disaster Recovery Plan, you are now prepared for complete business continuity should disaster strike. You have ensured your company will not become another failure statistic rather a successful recovery.

The Storetrieve Climate Controlled Vault      

All vaults are temperature and humidity controlled with High/Low Alarms to insure the vault’s optimal internal climate Fire Protection to meet all ANSI Standards Limited Access to Vault Fire Protection with Suppression Systems All control systems are centrally monitored 24 hours a day. A back up power source further fortifies our facility against unanticipated outages.

What We Store       

Video Film Data Cartridges X-Rays Disk packs Vital Paper Documents Microfilm/Microfiche

Document Shredding Document Destruction Southern California 

Aperture Cards

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