Difference between Courier Service & Logistic Service - STORE MY GOODS

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Difference Between Courier Service & Logistics Service The difference between logistics services and courier services is that the former deals with the transportation of goods from place to place and does not necessarily have anything to do with booking or delivering the cargo. The latter is used in autonomous cars, which have an option to book a shipment. Logistics doesn’t touch on the delivery of your packages but deals with the “how” they arrive at their destination and what needs to be done when they are there.

What is a logistics service? Logistics is a business term that refers to the delivery of goods or services at the point of demand. Logistics can be divided into 3 main components: supply chain management, transportation and distribution

What is a courier service? Courier services connect businesses to their consumers, and the business to its customers. Courier companies service small and large businesses, offering a variety of services including but not limited to marketing, shipping and delivery, parcel locking, courier storage and more.

Difference between courier service and logistics service: 

Courier services are a type of local professional company that provides express deliveries. In general, courier services are usually hired to provide you with the best possible time and efficiency for your delivery needs. logistics service is a broad term for handling business-tobusiness and business-to-consumer shipments. The logistics process involves transporting goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption, including handling and storage. Depending on the type of products, logistics services can vary for taking a huge number of orders and impacting the complete business’s working process Courier services takes on delivery tasks with immediate deliveries, which is why they have express delivery options for specific transport services that don’t have to depend on filling truck loads as in logistics services. Logistics companies offer faster delivery options but are not as quick as courier services. Logistic companies focus on small packages and orders, while courier services specialize in larger shipping items. Freights are shipped and delivered in a contradicting manner concerning normal deliveries since they are large and less timebound than courier goods. Courier services are usually granular products that are delivered to clients and then returned to the provider in exchange for money. The logistics service, meanwhile, covers all the business-to-business process of sending goods from a storage location to another place.

To Wrap up: Being a successful business in the courier service and logistics segment requires lots of planning and right decision making. Partner with STORE MY GOODS for integrated courier service, order processing and storage services to make your dreams come true. Our business is built around providing a complete range of logistics solutions to our customers from most cost-effective to highly secured delivery services. Our wide network well-trained professionals will provide reliable and efficient delivery across all corners of Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad.

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