Stone Ridge Magazine Fall 2015

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FALL 2015

Stone Ridge magazine


A publication from Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart | 1 WWW.STONERIDGESCHOOL.ORG

Visit the SR Athletic calendar and view highlights from the fall season on the all new athletic website at



Being in Relationship. Dear SR Community: In capturing memories of our school days, we often harken back to the big-impact events of an academic year: the downpour in the middle of graduation, the year of the big blizzard, or the seniors publicly announcing that Stone Ridge was going co-ed for prank day. Many years from now, among their treasured memories of the 2015-16 academic year, I suspect our Stone Ridge girls will recall this as “The year Pope Francis visited Washington, DC.” Students of all grade levels were captivated by the Pope’s message, his radiating warmth and generous spirit, and the unity that people of many faiths felt in the excitement around his presence. His words reinforced the charism of Sacred Heart schools. Through the education of young women, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat and the Religious of the Sacred Heart set out to make known the love of God revealed in the Heart of Christ. Our philosophy is to serve each child individually and personally, helping her use her talents and gifts to fulfill the role God intended for her. Pope Francis echoed the importance of our mission when he said, “It is important that today, as in the past, the voice of faith continues to be heard, for it is a voice of fraternity and love, which tries to bring out the best in each person in each society.” Shortly after the Papal Visit, I had the pleasure of hearing the Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, speak about being at the Pope’s side during his time in Washington. Cardinal Wuerl said what struck him most about riding in the Popemobile was that no matter where they went or what the

security guards instructed, the Pope always rode with the window down so he could reach out and interact with people. Cardinal Wuerl’s point was that this act of reaching out, of being in relationship, is a profound key to the Pope’s message. I was touched by this sentiment because it is central to our Sacred Heart education and spirituality, which are, above all, relational. The cover of this magazine is worth explaining to give you a visual reminder of this point.

Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 and a delegation of SR students attend a ceremony to send off the Holy Father from Joint Base Andrews on September 24 after his visit to DC.

The front cover shows a picture of our new statue which marks the entrance to the Madeleine Sophie Pavilion and Gator Field. Designed by Rhode Island artist Jan Gendron, it is a bronze casting of primarily copper and tin, showing Sophie in relationship with a student. In the drafting process we asked the artist to create a young girl who looked modern and real. This | 1

little girl is wearing a jacket and kilt, with her headband sweeping her hair off her face and her knee socks pushed down. She is not a picture-perfect image, but a child as she actually comes to us: curious, loving, ready to engage, and yes, sometimes a bit messy. After six months in production—from the sketching, to forming a clay model, to the metalwork overseas, to shipping— this beautiful bronze statue of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat arrived on Stone Ridge’s campus in late August. We were thrilled to welcome her home. The most important thing to observe about the statue is not the image of Sophie or the girl, but the interaction between them. Mother Barat gently touches the girl’s head, and the little girl holds on to Mother Barat’s robe. They look at each other with affection and trust. This idea of not only being educated and cared for, but also loved, is the centerpiece of a Sacred Heart education and what we do at Stone Ridge. Each day, our Sacred Heart educators come to school inspired by the mission that Madeleine Sophie and the Religious of the Sacred Heart began so many years ago. This statue is a beautiful reminder of the sacred bond between teacher and student, a relationship at the core of our Sacred Heart charism. The importance of reaching out was echoed again when I had the great honor of representing Stone Ridge at the 5th International Conference for Heads of Sacred Heart Schools in Mexico City in October. Gathered together were over 100 representatives from Australia, Austria, Canada, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Korea, Egypt, Spain, France, India, England, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Taiwan, and the United States. There are currently 137 Sacred Heart schools serving students in 30 different countries. In total, the Religious of the Sacred Heart have a presence with various ministries in 41 countries around the

Fall 2015 | 2

globe. The title of our conference was, “Given the complexity of the world, an inner journey.” The issues addressed related to our youth’s current realities amid Sacred Heart values. We were affirmed in the work we do to stress contemplation and the development of the interior life. The conference was also a great opportunity to thank other Heads of School worldwide for their warm hospitality shown to our students who have chosen to participate in exchange programs. In addition to the great joy of being on campus with our students each day, one of the captivating parts of my job is the opportunity to meet so many of our alumnae and hear their life stories. On the pages of this magazine you will see the faces of many “Stone Ridge girls”—current students as well as graduates from many decades. Among them all, I see how the skills, values, experiences, and relationships at Stone Ridge form the launching pad for a lifetime of personal growth and strength in community. Warm regards,


Students at Colegio Sagrada Corazon Mexico in Mexico City greeted Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 as a participant in the 5th International Conference for Heads of Sacred Heart Schools.

On the Cover

The newly installed bronze statue of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat and a child of the Sacred Heart at the Pavilion named in Barat’s honor at Gator Field.


Above: Rev. Kevin O’Brien, S.J., Vice President for Mission and Ministry at Georgetown University, visited the SR community to celebrate the allschool Mass of the Holy Spirit. Following the Mass, Father O’Brien processed with a delegation of administrators and students (representing each division) to the statue for a formal blessing.

Stone Ridge Magazine

Below: Trustees Patricia Geuting, RSCJ and Karen Olson, RSCJ at the blessing of the statue with Catherine Ronan Karrels.

Fall 2015

4 Graduation 2015 12 Welcoming New Faculty and Staff 13 Meet Meg Frazier 14 Alumnae Reunion 2015 20 Golf Classic 21 Annual Report 2014-2015


is produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart for alumnae, parents, students, and friends of the School. Please send any letters to the editor, comments, or suggestions to Connie Mitchell at HEAD OF SCHOOL Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Connie Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based inks in a 100% wind powered facility.



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1 Salutatorian and Class President Meera Jain reads a passage from Scripture at the beginning of Graduation 2015 Four Year Commitment Awards were given to: 2 Lauren Mariano, Goal I 3 Maura Murphy, Goal II 4 Sagal Alisalad, Goal III 5 Sofia Keane, Goal IV 6 Gianni Childs, Goal V 7 Katie Ledecky receives the Parents' and Alumnae Award 8 Malcolm McCluskey, Assistant Head of Upper School, with Amanda Grolig, recipient of the Philippine Duchesne Award 9 Meghan Zorc receives the Barat Award, the highest Sacred Heart honor



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GRADUATION 2015 FANTASTIC 14: Nora Gosselin '15 Delivers Valedictory Address (Excerpted with permission)

It feels like everything is ending these days. These past few months we’ve plodded along occasionally acknowledging—so quickly that it can’t sink in—that this is the last first period English class, this is the last time I’ll stare out the window in Calculus or sit out in the sun during a double free period trying to work up a tan beneath our potato sack of a uniform. But today we look around at our friends, our teachers, down the hallways and classrooms through which our voices have echoed for four years and we can’t help but face the bare truth. That it’s over. None of us really understand what that means. We just can’t wrap our heads around a Monday morning that doesn’t begin by pulling on the polo and yanking on the kilt—and why should we be able to? It’s what we’ve done for four, for ten, for some, fourteen years. As cliché as it sounds, our kilts have, in many ways, been our safety nets, tangible reminders of who we are and where we belong. The smallest of things—the prayers we may drone in assembly, the badgering to stay in uniform, the Sage barbeques and block frees...these enduring things that are so uniquely Stone Ridge have anchored us in a time of enormous change. But now the planner pages have run out. The kilts have grown far, far too short and it’s over. We sit here today in these long white dresses trying to make sense of the end of a world. It’s all so unbelievably scary. My classmates— my sisters for ten years now—are racing off in 79 different directions. No matter how much we may wish, we we will never recapture this moment in our lives, this cresting wave between our youths and our futures. However, this isn’t some sort of love letter to high school. I won’t lie, sometimes it’s been hard—there have been administrative policies to overcome and ideas to fight for. But this class has met all challenges with relentless passion, unwavering heart and engaging conviction. This is the magic that we have captured—we’ve created—in our time here. Fall 2015 | 6

Nora Gosselin '15, valedictorian and recipient of the Parents and Alumnae Award

This is a class that is not afraid to speak its mind—be it about the right of all women—our right—to play every role that anyone else can in today’s world, or about the right of all students to enjoy coffee in morning assembly. This is a class of girls who can sob into each other’s arms at retreat, and just hours later can pull it together around a campfire and make each other laugh so hard it hurts. During these four years, each one of our lives has changed immensely—there has been loss, stress and self-doubt but also victory, discovery and growth. Through it all we have taken solace from and been strengthened by one another. Without even realizing it, we have watched each other mature into beautiful, intelligent women. I look around and am simply amazed by how far we’ve come, arm-in-arm the entire time. So there’s the answer to our fear, our doubts about the future, our inability to process a Monday that doesn’t begin and end with our trusted uniform. We need not be afraid because we are not the same girls who entered this high school four years ago and the lessons that we’ve learned here—from each other and from our teachers—are not the sorts of the things that will ever disappear.

moments when we feel most afraid. I know this because I have watched classmates take to the stage, pour their hearts into pieces of art, hit those difficult notes and tear faster than they ever imagined they could across the field.

The graduates sing their class song, “Long Live” by Taylor Swift.

But exactly what are these lessons that will drive us forward into the great unknown of life after high school? We’ve learned how to raise our hands, as simple as that may seem. The confidence instilled in us inside the classroom and beyond is sometimes easy to overlook—I mean, of course we feel free to speak our minds, to slice through a lecture with our open palms, actively grasping at new information. But the fact that we’re so comfortable doing so, that its alternative actually seems strange, is really telling. This confidence is not the norm, especially among girls our age. Stone Ridge imparts the deep understanding that mistake and confusion are part of learning—a process that only really begins when we take the first step, when we choose to reach out and reach up. We’ve learned how to turn ideas into actions. This class is full of big thinkers and dynamic planners who feel passionately about everything from the environment and immigration reform to the need for both gender and racial equality. None of us have ever allowed this passion to stagnate in the face of homework or rules. Instead, we have harnessed these convictions and acted on them daily—creating clubs, organizing bake sales, leading discussions and educating our peers. The secure platform for debate that Stone Ridge has allowed each of us to develop strong convictions—convictions that will stay with us and define us the rest of our lives. We’ve learned to dance. From the masterful 10-minute choreographed number we did during spirit week to the unique ways each of us act on our inner creativity everyday, this class knows how to express itself. But it’s not just the ability to express oneself that is essential—it’s the willingness to do so. It takes courage. And each of us has that, even in those

In each of these bold actions there’s the possibility of failure, the risk of falling short. But our class has learned not to shy away from the challenge—we’ve been inspired by it. Our athletes compete, our artists create, our musicians perform. Our courage—that force that pulls us out onto the gym floor, ready to dance—prevails. We’ve learned from incredible teachers and mentors here, who worked tirelessly to transform plain classrooms into rich worlds of knowledge with expanding horizons. But not only did they present information each day—they also instilled profound respect for it. We’ve also learned and been nurtured by the Goals of the Sacred Heart, lessons repeated so often that they sometimes seemed to lose their meaning. But at their core these Goals—a personal and active faith in God, a deep respect for intellectual values, a social awareness that impels to action, a drive to build community and a commitment to grow in an atmosphere of wise freedom—these are radical, revolutionary notions. This network of women that we are all a part of—one that spans centuries and nations—is a radical, revolutionary community.

Finally, from these teachers and these core principles, our class has learned to love. This is the true magic of this group and of this school: we care. We care so deeply about everything from the relationships that we form, to the work that we do. Each of us has come to depend on this care and love. I certainly have—from friends who sowed on my kilt buttons when I didn’t know how and teachers who’ve pushed me to be better than I thought I was; to busloads of you who came when my family was mourning a loss. This love is unparalleled. We have carried one another by the sheer force of it through four years of high school, up the aisle today and to these seats. Come fall, it will hold us together as we fly apart. | 7


Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia poked fun at typical commencement speeches as he addressed the class of 2015 of Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart at the Bethesda school’s commencement exercises on June 4. At the start of the ceremony, the 79 graduating seniors processed in individually, one from each side of the room and toward each other. The young women, all in floor-length white dresses, then linked arms or held hands to walk down the center aisle, and at the stage, they were given a bouquet of red roses by an elementary schoolgirl in white. Head of School Catherine Ronan Karrels welcomed Justice Scalia, the graduates and their families, and commended the young women for their achievements, and their class gift to the school: a donation to Stone Ridge’s financial aid program.

Justice Scalia began his commencement address by critiquing clichés not only for their repetitiveness, but also their untruthfulness. "Take, for example, the modern refrain: “‘Follow your star,’ or ‘Never compromise your principles.’ Or, quoting Polonius in “Hamlet” — who people forget was supposed to be an idiot — ‘To thine ownself be true,’” said Scalia. “Now this can be very good or very bad advice... Indeed, never compromise your principles. Unless, of course, your principles are Adolf Hitler’s.” He told the seniors that though civil engagement and passionate involvement in various issues is important, “it is much less important how committed you are, than what you are committed to... Movement is not necessarily progress. More important than your obligation to follow your conscience, or at least prior to it, is your obligation to form your conscience correctly.” Fall 2015 | 8

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Though “America is the greatest country in the world,” is another commonly touted cliché, Scalia remarked this one is true: not because of the size or power of the country, but because of the character of its people. The only way to continue the greatness of America, he said, is to realize “freedom is a luxury that can be afforded only by the good society. When civic virtue diminishes, freedom will inevitably diminish as well….do not go about praising the Bill of Rights and the wonderful liberties we enjoy without at the same time developing within you, yourselves, and within those whose lives you touch, the virtue that makes all that possible.” As the students were called up to receive their diplomas, several were recognized for being the daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughter of Sacred Heart School alumnae, either from Stone Ridge or other schools around the country and the world, including ones in Cuba, France and Spain. Graduates of the Class of 2015 included Justice Scalia’s granddaughter, Megan McCarthy Scalia, valedictorian Nora Gosselin, and Gold Medal winner and Olympic swimmer Katie Ledecky.

CLASS OF 2015 GIVES BACK TO THE FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM (An excerpt from a letter presented to the Administration from the Class of 2015 at Prize Day June 2015.)

“The Class of 2015 is grateful beyond words for the defining lessons we have learned during our time here at Stone Ridge. We will carry these lessons, as well as the Goals of the Sacred Heart, with us for the rest of our lives. The opportunity to bear such beautiful wisdom is something we would love to share with others. Therefore, we have decided as our class gift to donate to Stone Ridge’s financial aid program. We would love more than anything to help other girls, just like us, to pursue the remarkable education that this school offers. This remarkable education is entirely due to the tireless efforts of our outstanding faculty and staff. The time that you dedicate, the energy that you bring to the classroom, and the love that you show us are things none of us will ever forget. We hope that our class gift will help other girls share in this extraordinary experience.” Head of School Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 responded to this generous gift, “Thank you, graduates, for recognizing the amazing gift that your parents have afforded you by enrolling you here, and thank you especially for wanting to share that gift with future Gators.

Justice Antonin Scalia with Catherine Ronan Karrels '86

Our foundress Madeleine Sophie Barat didn’t just set out to create great schools for girls. She set out to bring the heart of Christ into the world through the education. As children of the Sacred Heart, we are each called to live not only for ourselves, but to make the world a better place. And I can say with confidence that through my witness of you—the way that you love each other, the compassion and care you show for the world around you—we have succeeded in that mission.”

Justice Antonin Scalia with his wife and granddaughter, Megan McCarthy Scalia, member of the graduating Stone Ridge Class of 2015; below, graduates celebrate their commencement

Toward the end of the ceremony, the graduates performed their chosen class song, “Long Live” by Taylor Swift, playing instruments and singing the lyrics: “Long live all the mountains we moved/ I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.” As they were officially announced as alumnae of the school, each girl threw up a single rose from their bouquet in celebration. | 9


Photo courtesy of Stone Photography

1 SR Lifers (front row): Kaitlin Ballenger, Meera Jain, Meaghan Cohen, Sofia Keane, Maddie Kane, and Molly Megan; (middle row) Isabella Richardson, Chessie Dahut, Martha Betubiza, Francesca Music, Katie Curt, Virginia Rayder, and Meghan Zorc; (back row) Michela DeLuca, McKenzie Barnes, Claire Harkins, Jackie Zimmerman, Liv Gwynn, Andrea Zapata, and Mary Katherine Kirlin 2 Abby Piro, Julia Tepper, Maggie McMahon, Chloe Jean-Pierre, and Emily Deale 3 Jackie Zimmerman with her mother, Caroline ZimmermanSH 4 Katie Curt with Eileen Mayer '70 5 Denise Key and Pamela Lawrence, US Counselor and Dean 6 McKenzie Barnes with US teachers Barbara Beachler and Kevin Duffy 7 Class of 2025 Zoe Christou, Sydney Mayfield, and Elizabeth Tydings 8 Liv Gwynn 9 Natalie Tobias '14 and Maggie Prendergast 10 Isabella Richardson with her father, Mark Richardson, Chair of the Board of Trustees 11 Graduates celebrate their accomplishments 12 Megan Scalia, Taylor Wynn, and Kayla Speros with US Teacher Peter Rook 13 Nora Gosselin, Martha Betubiza, and Lauren Mariano accompany their classmates in the class song 14 Caitlyn Chu with her mother, May, and grandmother 15 Margaret McMahon, recipient of the Citizenship Award, with her mother, Lorna Denger McMahon '88 and sister, Colleen McMahon '17

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GRADUATION 2015 · AWARDS GRADUATION AND HONORS 2011 VALEDICTORIAN · Nora Toner Gosselin SALUTATORIAN · Meera Jain FOUR YEAR COMMITMENT AWARDS Goal I: Faith · Lauren C. Mariano In Honor of Anne Dyer, rscj ’55 Goal II: Intellectual Values · Maura Anne Murphy Goal III: Social Awareness · Sagal Abdikamal Alisalad In Memory of Mary Hogan Leslie ’64 Goal IV: Building Community · Sofia Erika Keane Goal V: Personal Growth · Gianni Sadé Childs THE CITIZENSHIP AWARD · Margaret Denger McMahon THE CARDINAL HICKEY AWARD Kathleen Genevieve Ledecky THE PARENTS AND ALUMNAE AWARD Nora Toner Gosselin THE PHILIPPINE DUCHESNE AWARD Amanda Jeanne Grolig THE BARAT AWARD · Meghan Bernadette Zorc

S NATIONAL MERIT FINALIST Meera Jain Anna Cady Kiyonaga NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED SCHOLARS Kathleen Genevieve Ledecky Tameni Benta Rahman NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARS McKenzie Renee Barnes Catherine Eyindo Mondoa CUM LAUDE SOCIETY Kaitlin Ballenger Claire Campbell Mary Claire Connelly Francesca Dahut Emily Deale Kallie Drewyer

Nora Gosselin Amanda Grolig Meera Jain Anna Kiyonaga Catherine Mondoa Maura Murphy Megan Scalia Elizabeth Shrout Julia Tepper Claire Thomas Madeline Willingham ATHLETIC AWARDS Bonifant-Willson Award for Best All-Around Athlete Kallie Brooke Drewyer Student-Athlete Award Nora Toner Gosselin Spirit Award Margaret Denger McMahon Sportsmanship Award Taylor Marguerite Wynn Student-Athlete Leadership Award Kathleen Genevieve Ledecky DEPARTMENT AWARDS ENGLISH · Nora Toner Gosselin HISTORY · Amanda Jeanne Grolig MATHEMATICS · Kaitlin Lavinia Ballenger SCIENCE · Julia Anne Tepper THEOLOGY · Catherine Eyindo Mondoa VISUAL ARTS · Emilie Charity Pratt DRAMA · Gretchen Elise Cubbage MUSIC · Madeline Maria Willingham FRENCH · Maura Anne Murphy LATIN · Ella Frances Grace Hartsoe SPANISH · Vanesa Johana Pereira THE CHRIS VAN HOLLEN SERVICE AWARD Taylor Marguerite Wynn SCIENCE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Kaitlin Lavinia Ballenger MyLinn Alicia Sloan Clement Mary Claire Connelly Katherine Maria Curt Meera Jain Margaret Denger McMahon Julia Anne Tepper | 11

GOAL IV: Community

Welcoming New Faculty and Staff to the Stone Ridge Community

Front row: Mr. Lee Newman (Upper School Art

School), Ms. Lucia da Costa Lima (Lower School Music Specialist), Mr. Richard Westerkamp (Middle School Drama Teacher).

Teacher), Mr. Jason Rosenberg (Upper School Educational Technologist), Mrs. Ann-Marie Dorsey (Upper School Learning Specialist), Ms. Diane Berman (Executive Assistant to the Head of School), Mrs. Joanne Mulera (Receptionist), Mr. Cyrus IIshikawa (Upper School Mathematics Teacher), Ms. Kathleen Prendergast (Third Grade Teacher), Dr. Elizabeth Montanaro (Lower School Learning Strategist), Ms. Erika Watson (Lower School Second Grade Teacher).

Back row: Mrs. Brenda English (Middle School Mathematics Teacher), Mrs. Deborah Seegers (Upper School Library Assistant), Mr. Robert Redei (Director of Performing Arts), Ms. Teresa Schaefer (Upper School Science Teacher), Mr. Sean Grant (Technical Theater Teacher).

Middle row: Ms. Chelsea Bollerman (Middle School

Not pictured: Ms. Giovanna Basney (Middle School

Religion Teacher), Dr. Jeanne Downey-Vanover (Upper School French Teacher), Mr. Zacharie Bruyas (Lower School French Teacher), Ms. Toni Buranen (Upper School Theology Teacher), Ms. Paula LeVere (Upper School/Middle School Dance Teacher), Ms. Corinne Fogg (Director of Curriculum and Professional Development), Mrs. Margaret Frazier (Head of Upper Fall 2015 | 12

Mathematics Teacher), Ms. Suzanna Chaconas (Facilities Coordinator), Mr. Thomas Doyle (Upper School Art Teacher)


Favorite Book: Tie between To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, and The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion Favorite Movie: A Good Year Interests: Gardening, reading, hiking, cooking (a published tester in three cookbooks), traveling with family, sailing and sports! Historical figures as Guests for Dinner: Margaret Thatcher, Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis, Nelson Mandela, Georgia O’Keefe, and Julia Child Meg holds an AB from Dartmouth College.

Margaret Frazier, more familiarly known as Meg,

Music in London, and two college-age sons, Andrew and Nathaniel, attending schools in South Carolina and Colorado. As the daughter of a longtime elementary school teacher, Meg calls herself a “cursed” lifelong learner. In her office hangs, as a deliberate centerpiece, a painting with a bright red background and quirky bright blue lettering that says, “Learn more things you don’t know yet.” She adheres to this both in her professional and personal life, and this mantra has impacted her role as an administrator. Meg believes that “growth and learning, as obvious as they seem, need to be at the center of what a school does and demonstrates, and what the school’s graduates take from their experiences.”

joined the Stone Ridge community in July as Head of Upper School after serving as Academic Dean and in other capacities at Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, MD, for 16 years. In her work at Georgetown Prep, she provided leadership for the school’s academic vision and collaborated with other administrators in the hiring and development of faculty, coordination of schoolwide initiatives, and working with the Board of Trustees on academic and high visibility issues. Prior to this role, she served as Director of College Counseling and taught English and Spanish. Meg served in a variety of roles at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, MD, including Director of College Counseling, Head of the History Department, basketball coach, and a member of the Headmaster’s Advisory Committee. She began her career in education teaching History and Spanish at the Field School in Washington, DC.

Meg reflected after her first visit to Stone Ridge, “There is a joyful, engaging, and loving environment that fuels the students and adults alike.” Several months into

Meg is a proud mother of three--her husband, Don, and she have a daughter, Alyson, who is an aspiring professional flautist, recently graduated from the Royal Academy of

her new leadership role at Stone Ridge, Meg continues to observe that the spirit and charism of the Sacred Heart are readily revealed, and she has already graciously embraced the role of modeling this special character of our School. | 13


1 Alumnae and their families returned to campus to participate in the Stone Ridge Reunion Fun Run and Alumnae/ Varsity Lacrosse game on Saturday, April 25, 2015. 1 Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86, Elizabeth Gerber ‘10, Meghan Quinn ’10, Caroline Green ’95, Michael Anne Cullen ’95, Jane Mendenhall Mastrianni, Undine Pawlowski George ‘95 2 Kaitlin Keena ’07, Liz Kane ’10, Grace Kane ’07, Mary Beckler ’07, Meghan Conley ’10, Liza Beckler ’08, Ruthie Beckler Gaiser ’01, (front row) Zoe Heffernan 3 (back row) Maddie Kearns Keegan ’06, Kaitlin Keena ’07, Stephanie Fox Heffernan ’95, Michael Anne Cullen ’95, Julie Thurston Ott ’99, Tori Round, Kara Posniewski, Loren Giulieri, Kendall Kaiser, Isabella Richardson ‘15, Allie Rock ‘14, Mary Beckler ‘07, Liz Kane ‘10, Liza Beckler ‘08, Meghan Conley ’10, (middle row) Henry Keegan, Serena Medor ‘15, Janie Bell, Mollie Carr, Christina Hsu, Ruthie Beckler Gaiser ‘01, Grace Kane ’07, (front row) Nicole Gaisford, Casey McTague, Kelsey Brigati, Maddie Hartman, Sofia Keane ‘15, Kallie Drewyer ‘15, Suzanne Antoniou, Maddie Carr, Madelyn Lovett, Kara Thiede (coach)



Fall 2015 | 14

ALUMNAE Class Notes

SAVE THE DATE! REUNION 2016 · APRIL 15-16, 2016 1

1 Class of 1965: (back row) Ellen McCarthy, Mary O’Keefe Daly, Carol Herndon, Celia Cushman Bohannon, Danny McCarthy Christmas, Kitty Mahoney Lilly, (middle row) Linda Donnelly Schmitt, Mary Miller James, Donna Marshall Constantinople, Clare Dolan Harris, Mary Lyndon, (front row) Diane Becke Schum, Patricia Morrissey Tilder, Charree Hungate Nash, Anna May Heintze Cowan, Barbara Burns Williams 2 Class of 1955: Helen Craig Lynch, Anne Dyer, RSCJ, Jane Langan Carty, Dolores Seeman Royston, Diane Mears Musgrove, Maria Teresa Concheso Valle, Nancy Kelly Forsyth, Alice Shannon Stolzberg 3 Kitty Mahoney Lilly ‘65, Barbara Burns Williams ‘65, Mary Miller James ‘65 4 Mary Miller James ‘65 5 Linda Donnelly Schmitt ’65 and Donna Marshall Constantinople ‘65


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Celebrating its 60th Reunion from Stone Ridge, The Class of 1955: (back row) Diane Mears Musgrove, Alice Shannon Stolzberg, Maria Teresa Concheso Valle, Helen Craig Lynch, (front row) Dolores Seeman Royston, Anne Dyer, RSCJ, Nancy Kelly Forsyth




1 Class of 1965: (back row) Kitty Mahoney Lilly, Patricia Morrissey Tilder, Barbara Burns Williams, Ellen McCarthy, (front row) Mary Miller James, Carol Herndon, Linda Donnelly Schmitt, Mary O’Keefe Daly, Celia Cushman Bohannon 2 Class of 1970: (front row) Celeste Fuqua O’Neil, Eileen Mayer, Ellen Dugan, Susan Lee Mahan, Carol Nolan Klatt, Lisa Gorski, (back row) Annalee Gillette Regensburg ’70, Karen Horstman Kamerick, Molly Counihan Feliciano, Ceci Kirby Wraase 3 Class of 1980: Kathleen O’Sullivan Hurley, Julie Buckingham Carter, Suja Parakamannil Ali 4 Class of 1985: (back row) Julie Corcoran, Ida Smith Ludlow, Lynn Follansbee, Caroline Cole, Chrissy Shine Quezado, (front row) Lisa Devaney O’Neil, Deirdre Lemp O’Connor, Kyle Dyer West, Tara Fettig Ryan 5 Class of 1990: (back row) Catherine Tilford, Meredith Moody Fogle, Madeleine Hensler, Liz Zogby, Mia Guizzetti Hayes, Mary Ellen Ruff, (front row) Angela Powers Snider, Jennifer Hallowell Gross, Sarah O’Herron, Christine O’Connell, Katie Mulligan Kaufman

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SAVE THE DATE! REUNION 2016 ¡ APRIL 15-16, 2016 1 1 Class of 1995: (back row) Amy Duran Heinzelmann, Liz Strand, Ailis Aaron Wolf, Kelly Falconi, Amity Wall Curry, Kelly Piringer Casillo, Val Muravchik Klayman, Clancy Broxton, Michael Anne Cullen, Kate Hibey Fritz, Caroline Orban, (front row) Bridget Farrand Fox, Stephanie Fox Heffernan, Leslie Anderson Maloy, Caroline Green, Sarah Rector Amigone, Christina Cookson, Kate Farr Clark, Undine Pawlowski George 2 Class of 2000: (back row) Andrea Bahiman Nugent, Shruti Murti, Elizabeth Kearns, Alanna Mazzarella Hart, (front row) Ann Himmelberg Topor, Jamelle Royster Conley, Denise Menaker Myler

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3 Class of 2005: (back row) Micaela Mazzarella, Annie Campbell, Andrea Uku, Susan Watkins, Molly Shaffer, Karen Farrell, (front row) Raquel Pedrozo, Gabriella Barrow, Amrita Goyal, Elle Alexander 4 Class of 2010: (back row) Meghan Conley, Sophie White, Waringa Hunja, Caitlin Barrett, Arianne Smith, Liz Kane, Kirby Greissing, Margaret Crilley, Zaniah Gilles, Alexa McKenna, Bebe Albornoz, Julie Marcus, Sherene Agama, Katie Suarez, Carolyn Ruocco, (middle row), Angie Knable, Caroline Davidsen, Anastasia Poulos, Meghan Quinn, Suzanne Emerson, Maggie Tehan, Maddy Boardman, Bridget Darcey, Caroline Lawler, Caitlin Wiernicki, Caroline Kiernan, (front row), Elizabeth Gerber, Leigh Ratino, Katie Knapp, Erin Mathews, Alex Gangitano

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REUNION 2015 · April 24-25, 2015 1

1 Elle Alexander ‘05 2 Current Stone Ridge students 3 Erin Mathews ‘10 4 Anne Dyer, RSCJ ‘55 5 Zainah Gilles ‘10, Maddy Boardman ‘10, Arianne Smith ‘10, Alexa McKenna ‘10, Maggie Tehan ‘10 6 Angela Powers Snider ’90 and Catherine Tilford ‘90 7 Denise Menaker Myler ’00 and Catherine Ronan Karrels ‘86 8 Brendan Hart, Patty Prince and Alanna Mazzarella Hart ‘00 9 Annalee Gillette Regensburg ’70 and Michael Anne Cullen ‘95 10 Mia Guizzetti Hayes, Ellie Heginbotham, Madeleine Hensler 11 Suzy McKay, Sarah O’Herron ‘90, Jennifer Hallowell Gross ‘90 12 Ailis Aaron Wolf ’95, Leslie Anderson Maloy ’95, Undine Pawlowski George ‘95 13 Katie Suarez ’10, Eileen Mayer ’70, Beatrice Albornoz ‘10 14 Jill Marx, Elle Alexander ’05, Kevin Duffy, Tiggy Green, Peter Rook 15 Ida Smith Ludlow ’85 and Kyle Dyer West ‘85




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SAVE THE DATE! REUNION 2016 · APRIL 15-16, 2016 1




1 Festive Decorations for the SR Reunion Party 2 Blue/Gold apparel at Gator Gallery 3 1965: (front row) Mary O’Keefe Daly, Ellen McCarthy, Linda Donnelly Schmitt, (Back row) Celia Cushman Bohannon, Carol Herndon, Patricia Morrissey Tilder, Mary Miller James, Barbara Burns Williams, Kitty Mahoney Lilly 4 1970: (front row) Ceci Kirby Wraase, Carol Nolan Klatt, Molly Counihan Feliciano, Ellen Dugan, Celeste Fuqua O’Neil, Lisa Gorski, (back row) Karen Horstman Kamerick, Eileen Mayer, Susan Lee Mahan 5 1995: Kelly Falconi, Caroline Green, Bridget Farrand Fox, Clancy Broxton, Michael Anne Cullen, Kate Hibey Fritz 6 Julie Marcus ’05 and Gillian Amoako-Atta 7 Karen Farrell ‘05, Gabriella Barrow ‘05, Amrita Goyal ‘05, Raquel Pedrozo ‘05, Molly Shaffer ‘05, Peter Keszler, Kavita Goyal ’08 8 Lynn Follansbee ’85 and Tara Fettig Ryan ‘85 9 Anne Dyer ‘55, RSCJ, Diane Mears Musgrove ‘55, Helen Craig Lynch ’55, Maria Teresa Concheso Valle ‘55


6 7


9 | 19

Golf Classic Photo Gallery Held on May 15 at Argyle Country Club, the 22nd Annual Golf Classic raised over $65,000 for the Stone Ridge Athletics program. 1

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Fall 2015 | 20



1 Susan Mathews and Debbie Seegers with Jutta Frankfurter and Susan Haught 2 Brett Scola, Brian Porto, Malcolm Hollensteiner and Tom Mulholland 3 Robb Wong with Catherine Ronan Karrels and Bill Gould 4 Nancy Weigand and her son Wagner 5 Chris Flynn, Mike Carey, Andy Flood and Brad Fennell 6 Derik Perry, Catherine Ronan Karrels, Steve Nash and Jon Linstrom 7 Roger Sion, Catherine Ronan Karrels, Tim Coffin and Ty Tydings 8 Holly and Bill Paul 9 Trustee Chris Mathews with AD Jason McGhee 10 Akiko Kimura with AD Jason McGhee | 21



Contents 23 24 25 26 28

STEAM Initiative Letter from the 2014-2015 Board Chair and Head of School From the Business Office The Stone Ridge Annual Fund 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Barat Reception 2015 Mark S. Richardson, Chair Leadership Circles Helene N. Rayder, Vice-chair Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Society Special Gift Clubs


Alumnae Blue/Gold Club


Gifts to the Annual Fund by Constituency Sacred Heart Alumnae Trustees Past Trustees Parents




Alumnae by Class


Parents of Alumnae


Faculty and Staff


Friends of Stone Ridge

41 45 46 47

Sustaining Donors Special Gifts Hic et Nunc Society Other Gifts Golf Sponsors 2015 Committees to the 2014-2015 Board of Trustees 2014-2015 Annual Fund Ambassadors Additional Committees Gators Go Turf Campaign Volunteer Committees

Karen M. Dahut Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Christopher J. Donatelli William F. Farmer Edward F. Greissing, Jr. Melanie Guste, RSCJ Elizabeth Hartson, RSCJ Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86, Ex-officio Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Sara O’Neil-Manion ’68 Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Susan Maxwell, RSCJ Amy Richardson, MD ’72 John J. Ryan, III Elizabeth Hoy Shiverick ’78 Harvey F. Seegers Gabrielle N. Virgo-Carter, MD Richard L. Vogel, Jr. Robb N. Wong 2014-2015 Administration Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Head of School Anabelle Morgan Head of Middle School Scott Lawrence Head of Lower School Connie Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Director of Marketing and Communications Kate Morin Head of Upper School Eric Osberg Director of Finance and Operations Mary Burke Tobias Director of Admissions Cindy vadenBeemt Interim Director of Development

Stone Ridge is… where innovation meets mission. .Stone Ridge is the only

school in the greater Washington area that brings together the Goals of Sacred Heart, girls education, and innovative teaching and learning for a new era. STEAM Initiatives:


When sophomores at Stone Ridge began their foray into John Milton’s Paradise Lost, a unique STEAM project encouraged their scientific exploration and inquiry in a cross-disciplinary context. In this lesson, traditional classroom discussion was paired with collaboration using outside sources, teachers, and student-consultants from other disciplines. Known as “The Ultimate Guided Tour into Milton’s Paradise Lost,” projects ranged from determining the acceleration of Satan’s free fall using Newton’s equation for universal gravitation, to considering the implications of dark energy and the formation of nebulae and the larger cosmic expansion. Students were able to expand on the concepts to which they were introduced during freshman Physics class. Their respective projects then became part of a larger course offering which took shape in an interactive website.




A YEAR IN REVIEW A Letter from the 2014-2015 Board Chair and Head of School The Stone Ridge 2014-2015 academic year was marked by transformational institutional growth and progress. Stone Ridge remains at the forefront of all-girls education in the greater Washington area, and as you know, that requires tremendous resources. We are pleased to present the enclosed Annual Report, which shows the Stone Ridge community’s strength in providing the resources necessary to support our students and our mission. It is with sincere gratitude that we thank all of you for helping us achieve so much last year! We raised $1,057,000 through our Annual Fund, which constitutes the largest source of unrestricted fundraising revenue that we bring in each year. The Annual Fund received support from all of our stakeholders: Trustees (100%), faculty and staff (70%), current parents (77%), alumnae (12%), grandparents (14%), and parents of alumnae (10%). Thank you! We will work to ensure that this is a trend that continues into the future. In addition to the Annual Fund, we also raised $67,000 through the Golf Classic and $115,000 from other major gifts, bringing our fundraising total to $1,240,000.

Mark Richardson Chair, Board of Trustees

Last year also marked a momentous achievement in reaching our $6 million fundraising goal for the building of new campus roadways and Gator Field at St. Madeleine Sophie Pavilion. The Gators Go Turf Campus Enhancement Project was one step in a larger plan: a commitment to a measured set of goals and improvements designed to ensure Stone Ridge continues to deliver on its mission to inspire young women to lead and serve through lives of purpose. We hope that during 2015-2016 you will continue to invest generously in our students and mission. With additional resources allocated to our financial aid budget, visionary upgrades to our technology, and academic upgrades on all levels, our fundraising efforts this year will be essential to maintaining Stone Ridge as a leader in all girls education. By working together, we can continue to develop our students into confident, wellprepared Sacred Heart women who will use their values and skills to shape our world. Again, thank you for your support and your partnership in sustaining the mission of Stone Ridge.

Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Head of School

From the Business Office

Record of 2014-2015 Revenues and Expenses (Derived from audited financial statements) Audited Financial Statements

Revenue Sources Tuition and Fees Auxiliary Fees Fundraising Endowment TOTAL REVENUE

2013-2014 $17,539,095 2,158,316 1,861,660 293,576 $21,852,647

Operating Expenses Instructional Financial Aid Auxiliary Services Plant Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES

80% 10% 9% 1% 100%

2013-2014 $14,122,378 2,707,154 1,925,642 1,063,793 3,405,035 $23,224,002

Contribution Summary

61% 12% 8% 4% 15% 100%


Audited Financial Statements

2014-2015 $19,050,709 2,308,937 1,124,833 386,081 $22,870,561

83% 10% 5% 2% 100%

2014-2015 $14,945,119 2,717,356 1,881,230 1,049,504 3,408,277 $23,224,002

63% 11% 8% 4% 14% 100%


UNRESTRICTED Annual Giving Other Gifts and Grants Events TOTAL UNRESTRICTED

$1,018,734 0 842,926 $1,861,660

55% 0% 45% 100%

$1,057,451 0 67,383 $1,124,833

94% 0% 6% 100%

RESTRICTED Contributions to Restricted Funds Capital Campaign Contribution TOTAL RESTRICTED TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS

$142,169 3,710,000 $3,852,169 $5,713,829

4% 96% 100%

$25,075 2,276,715 $2,301,790 $3,426,624

55% 100%

Revenue Sources: Tuition and Fees Auxiliary Fees Fundraising Endowment

Operating Expenses: Instructional Financial Aid Auxiliary Services Plant Administrative

THE STONE RIDGE ANNUAL FUND Each year we are grateful to many people like you who support Stone Ridge with resources— be it time spent volunteering, or a financial contribution. All contributions are valued, and together they allow us to implement and enrich programs that empower our students and alumnae to serve with faith, intellect, and confidence.

The Annual Fund supports Stone Ridge here and now, and it provides for roughly five percent of our operating

Your gift enriches the program experienced by every student. Thank you!


Like other top independent schools in the DC area, Stone Ridge has to raise funds every year to advance our programs. Our chief fundraising drive is our Annual Fund, and our goal is that every member of our community understands and supports it.

expenses. All facets of our School are supported through money raised by the Annual Fund: necessary technology upgrades, competitive teacher salaries, financial aid awards, an advanced science curriculum, a strong athletic program, and a thriving performing arts program. Alumnae, parents, faculty, grandparents, parents of alumnae, and friends all give tax-deductible contributions to support the Stone Ridge Annual Fund. Stone Ridge directly impacts the lives of more than 700 girls every year, and a healthy Annual Fund translates directly to an increasingly vibrant School.



Honoring philanthropy and leadership within the Stone Ridge community

Each year, we celebrate philanthropy, leadership, and vision within the Stone Ridge community at the Barat Reception. Donors who contribute $2,500 or more are invited to attend this leadership celebration. An important part of the evening is the awarding of the Barat Medal to individuals who have been especially impactful in advancing Stone Ridge with their philanthropic leadership and other contributions.



Barat Reception May 2015

In 2015 Stone Ridge honored five members of the community with our highest award: Steve and Susie Canton: Parents to Ashleigh ’12, Chloe ’14, and Suzanna ’19, Steve and Susie have consistently been active volunteers and loyal Barat Society members. They have co-hosted an auction, hosted kick-off parties, spoke at the Fathers Club, been a mentor family, and acted as lunch volunteers. Like her daughters, Susie is a graduate of a Sacred Heart School. Mary Catherine Carolan Malia ’53: A graduate of Stone Ridge, mother of Mary Higgins ’78, Carolan Taylor ’79, and Elizabeth Calhoun ’83, and grandmother of Madeleine Taylor ’14 Carolan “Kaki” is more than a lifer, she has served as a first-hand witness to Stone Ridge’s growth through generations. She has acted as her class correspondent for many years, has presided over the Stone Ridge Alumnae Board, set up a scholarship fund, and been a steadfast supporter of all things Stone Ridge through the years.

Catherine Ronan Karrels '86 thanked the recipients of the 2014 Barat Medal for their contributions to Stone Ridge: (top) Steve and Susie Canton, (middle) Mary Catherine Carolan Malia '53 (represented by daughters Elizabeth Calhoun '83 and Carolan Taylor '79 and their husbands Daniel Calhoun and Kevin Taylor), and (bottom) Kathryn and Rob Stewart

Kathryn and Robert Stewart: Parents of Christina ’08 and Laura ’13, Kathryn and Robert have been involved in the Stone Ridge community for many years. The Stewarts have over a decade of volunteering and philanthropy at Stone Ridge. From serving on the Board of Trustees, to their guiding hands in all aspects of more than one campaign, the Stewarts have done it all. We are deeply grateful for the leadership giving of all Barat Society members. If you have not already contributed at the Barat level this year, please consider joining the Society with a leadership gift of at least $2,500.

SAVE THE DATE! The 2016 Barat Reception will be held on May 5.


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1 Sr. Karen Olson offers a blessing 2 Anna Trone, Eileen Mayer '70, Kristen Hohman, and Fataneh McKim 3 Allison Alexander and Gregory Coleman with LS Head Scott Lawrence 4 Gene and Mary Ellen Massey with Guillermo and Ana Maria Balfour, and Cecilia Schultz 5 Linda and Rob Wenger with Loretta DeLuca 6 Laurie and Michael Mayer with Sheryl Watkins Wilbon '84 7 Molly Bryson '89 and Joe Ardizzone 8 Takuro and Akiko Kimura with Maria Doultsinos Spina ’87 9 Paige and Kevin Connelly 10 Mary Ann and John Carmody 11 Ed Quinn and Meghan McMurtrie Quinn ’87 with Steve Spina 12 George Dunn and Carroll Connolly Dunn ’69 with Knight Kiplinger 13 US vocal group Heartfelt serenaded the guests attending the reception




Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Society Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Society: The Saint Madeleine Barat Society recognizes donors who have made contributions totaling $2,500 or more through the Annual Fund, Endowment, or designated gifts throughout the year.

Très Bien Circle ($25,000+) Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Dr. and Mrs. William Dahut Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donatelli ’88 Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Roberts ’60 The James M. Johnston Trust Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Mr. Robert Trone Dr. and Mrs. James Young

Head of School Circle ($15,000+) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Matan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87

Sacred Heart Circle ($10,000+) Mr. and Mrs. Arif Ahmed Ms. Alexandra Armstrong ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. John King Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Dr. Stefanie and Mr. Richard Vogel Dr. Joyce and Mr. William Woods Ms. Laura E. TeranSH and Mr. Benito ZapataSH

Duchesne Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Christos T. Antoniou Mr. and Mrs. James V. Arnaiz Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Baker, Jr. Mr. John T. Bentivoglio Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Curt Estate of Ernest S. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Hobart Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 and Mr. James Karrels Ms. Christine Nicolaides Kearns ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Landau Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayer Dr. Kathleen and Mr. Mark Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Rayder Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Benito Romano Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Shiverick ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanislav ’84 United Way of the National Capital Area Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon ’84 and Mr. Michael Wilbon Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc

Barat Circle ($2,500+) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bellaman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brigati Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Brueggeman Ms. Molly R. Bryson ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. CantonSH Drs. Gabrielle Virgo Carter and Ernest Carter Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clark Mrs. Allison Alexander and Mr. Gregory Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davidsen ’80 Ms. Nancy Dawson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dealy Ms. Loretta DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Doane Ms. Mary G. Doar ’69 and Mr. Larry Walsh Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Ms. Yvette Escudero ’84 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Dr. Mary Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Drs. Katy Rezaei and Hamid Ghasemi Ms. Amy L. Howe and Mr. Thomas Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Gravel Mr. and Mrs. S. Donald Harlan, III Mrs. June M. Drummond and Mr. Gregory Harrington Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heiss Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karo ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Ms. Cecilia Bonanni and Mr. Joseph A. Kenary Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kenison Ms. Sarah A. Miller and Mr. Michael J. King Mr. and Mrs. Knight Austin Kiplinger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kushan Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. MasseySH Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Eric McKim Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean ’84 Mr. and Mrs. David McTague Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Menaker Drs. Andrew and Huda Montemarano Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayton Mowry, IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. O'Connor ’83 Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mr. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Patterson Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Mr. William B. Prendergast†

Note: This Annual Report reflects donations received during the 2014-2015 fiscal year, which ran from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Throughout the report, a superscripted “SH” (SH) indicates Sacred Heart alumnae, a cross (†) denotes a deceased member of the Stone Ridge community during the 2014-2015 academic year. The “Alumnae Blue/Gold Club” is a category designated for Stone Ridge alumnae only. Great care has been taken to see that the names and information in this report are correct. Please notify the Development Office of any errors.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Mr. and Mrs. James Round Ms. Patricia A. HeffernanSH and Mr. Patrick Rowan Drs. Suzanne Gleason and Chetan Sanghvi Drs. Zavia and Stuart Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siffermann Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Dr. and Mrs. Duane Taylor Dr. Melanie Buttross and Mr. William Thomas Drs. Cecile Poupard Toner and Charles Toner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Wraase ’70 Mrs. Jacklyn Mitchell Wynn and Mr. Jerome Wynn Mr. and Mrs. Ki Sung Yoon

Special Gift Clubs Benefactor ($1,500+) Anonymous Mr. and Ms. Thomas Alexander Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bentivoglio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bolster, Jr. ’46 Ms. Claudia Palena and Mr. Ezio Bonvini Mr. and Mrs. Donny Carmichael ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Franco Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher ’78 Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao Mr. and Mrs. John Gilner Mr. and Mrs. David Giulieri ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacocks Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kenny Mrs. Jane Mendenhall Mastrianni ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Mulugeta Mengiste Mrs. Mary Frances O'Connor Moriarty ’48 Ms. Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Frank Musica Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Porto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powers Drs. Tracy and Brian Rinehart ’85 Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Sr. Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Mr. and Mrs. Randall Russell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neal Slimp, II

Mr. and Mrs. William Topercer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Topercer Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. White Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang

Sponsor ($1,000+)

Alumnae Blue/Gold Club ($500+ )

Ms. Alexandra Armstrong Mrs. Kathryn Kavanagh Baran Ms. Raphaël Maria Bastian Mrs. Sarah Murdock Bolster Mrs. Susan Hilliard Brewer Ms. Molly R. Bryson Mrs. Mary Picardi Buie Dr. Anne E. Carey Mrs. Sheila Byrd Carmichael Mrs. Deirdre Koppel Cohen Ms. Megan Daly Mrs. Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Mrs. Catherine Lynch Deichmann Mrs. Mary Colbert Denger Ms. Mary Gael Doar Mrs. Karen Kappaz Donatelli Dr. Ellen M. Dugan Ms. Yvette Escudero Ms. Samantha B. Firstenberg Mrs. Sheila Burke Flanagan Mrs. Roxanne Foster Foshee Mrs. Catherine Shook Gallagher Mrs. Regina Fay Gannon Patricia Geuting, RSCJ Mrs. Christina Fry Giulieri Ms. Alyssa M. Granger Mrs. Elisabeth Kirby Greissing Ms. Rose Greissing Dr. Alana Gunraj Ms. Virginia M. Hagan Ms. Kathryn Vigé Hicks Ms. Laura E. Hill Ms. Allison M. Ingram Mrs. Natalia del Canto Jordan Mrs. Karen Horstman Kamerick Mrs. Monica Shaffer Karo



Mr. and Mrs. Damian P. Alagia, Jr. Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Balfour Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ballenger Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baran ’72 Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Ms. Raphaël M. Bastian ’83 and Mr. James Boink Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Mr. and Mrs. James Buie ’70 Mr. David G. Burton Dr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. CharbonnetSH Ms. Margaret Macdonald and Mr. Brian Colomb Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Conlan Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter Ms. Monica Daly ’84 Mr. and Mrs. David Di Martino Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Duke Mr. and Mrs. Gopal Duleep Estate of Anne Newby Williams Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fennell Dr. and Mrs. Eamon Flanagan ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Flynn Mr. and Mrs. David Foshee ’77 Mrs. Jouhayna Bajjani Gebara and Mr. James Gebara Mr. and Mrs. Kin P. Gee Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Goodman Ms. Alyssa M. Granger ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Granger Ms. Rose Greissing ’10 Ms. Virginia M. Hagan ’72 Dr. and Mrs. Allan Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Heming Ms. Kathryn Vigé Hicks ’72 and Mr. Peter Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. James Hirschberger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hsu Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe Ms. Allison M. Ingram ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kamerick ’70 Mr. and Mrs. David Kane Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Dae Kim Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Ms. Judith A. Hagley and Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor Mr. and Ms. Jon Lawrence Ms. Carolyn Leep and Dr. James Lazar Mr. and Mrs. John Leahy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lee ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Ms. Merate S. Legesse Dr. and Mrs. Barry Lewis Ms. Alison E. Lin ’94 Ms. Susan P. JaquetSH and Mr. Philippe J. Marciniak

Ms. Linda D. McCabe Pietrucha ’88 and Col. Michael Pietrucha Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morsberger Ms. Joyeeta Das and Dr. Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay Mr. and Ms. Gregory Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan Ms. Holley O'Brien Elizabeth C. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Derik Perry Ms. Maria Patricia Peyser ’60 Ms. Gina Talamona and Mr. Mark Polla Mr. and Mrs. James F. Powers ’78 Mrs. Catherine Regan and Dr. Shazaad Ally Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Schriefer Mr. and Mrs. James Sclafani Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Shank Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shannon Ms. Maria Shriver ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stach Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Stawinski Mr. and Mrs. Todd Taskey Ms. Sandra Theunick ’64 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Nils Vandenbeemt Dr. Deborah D'Souza Vazirani and Mr. Ashish Vazirani Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vining Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wendel Dr. Tricia Zhang and Mr. Talmadge Williams Ms. Jayne O'Donnell and Mr. Richard Willing Mr. and Mrs. Robb Wong Drs. Diane and Joseph Wood Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Yost


2014-2015 Trustees 100% participation


Dr. Gabrielle N. Virgo-Carter Mrs. Karen Dahut Mrs. Elizabeth Davidsen ’80 Mr. Christopher Joseph Donatelli Mr. William F. Farmer Mr. Edward Greissing Melanie Guste, RSCJSH Elizabeth Hartson, RSCJ Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Mr. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Susan P. Maxwell, RSCJ Mrs. Sara P. O’Neil-Manion Mrs. Helene Rayder Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. Mark S. Richardson Mr. John J. Ryan Mr. Harvey F. Seegers Mrs. Betsy Hoy Shiverick ’78 Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Mr. Richard L. Vogel, Jr. Mr. Robb Wong

Past Trustees Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels Ms. Christine Nicolaides Kearns Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne Mrs. Sarah Omenitsch Larson Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion Mrs. Carrie Graham Lee Mrs. Stephanie Farr Lennon Mrs. Melissa Callahan Lesmes Ms. Alison E. Lin Mrs. Amy Sibert Lovett Mrs. Jane Mendenhall Mastrianni Ms. Erin B. Mathews Ms. Eileen C. Mayer Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha Mrs. Christine Herrell McLean Mrs. Constance Shaffer Mitchell Mrs. Mary Frances O'Connor Moriarty Mrs. Katherine McInerney Morris Mrs. Patricia Wimsatt Myler Mrs. Mary Nordberg O'Connor Mrs. Rachel Buchanan O'Hare Mrs. Lisa Devaney O'Neil Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw Mrs. Christina Perez Osberg Ms. Maria Patricia Peyser Ms. Elizabeth A. Pierce Mrs. Alicia Brown Powers Mrs. Meghan McMurtrie Quinn Mrs. Allison Tobin Reed Dr. Amy C. Richardson Dr. Laura L. Richardson Dr. Tracy Taylor Rinehart Mrs. Corinne Boggs Roberts Ms. Simone E. Ross Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan Mrs. Paris Keena Scott Mrs. Betsy Hoy Shiverick Ms. Maria Shriver Mrs. Maria Doultsinos Spina Mrs. Wendy Pappert Stanislav Mrs. Maureen Ferguson Steiner

Ms. Corinne Christmas Sullivan Ms. Sheila Teimourian Ms. Sandra Theunick Mrs. Katherine Farrell Thornton Ms. Kathryn E. Tomlin-Mathews Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner Mrs. Sheryl Watkin Wilbon Mrs. Caroline McInerney Williams Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood Mrs. Cecilia Kirby Wraase Mrs. Mary Clarke Zigo

The following lists, broken down by constituency, reflect gifts to the Annual Fund only.

Sacred Heart Alumnae Mrs. Jane Golden Belford Mrs. Alicia Brown Mrs. Suzanne Canton Mrs. Helen Whiteman Charbonnet Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Jan Dunn, RSCJ Mrs. Maria Guillen-Peters Melanie Guste, RSCJ Mrs. Nancy Burke Hamilton Mrs. Sandra McGrath Huke Mrs. Mary Prendergast Kalagher Mrs. Margaret Gehres Kane Mrs. Elise Charbonnet Keegan Mrs. Maria Porter Maiberger Ms. Susan P. Jaquet Mrs. Mary Ellen Mowry Massey Ms. Laura de Oña Mrs. Judy W. Warner Minogue Mrs. Mary Wilker O'Herron Mrs. Roseanne Rodilosso Ms. Patricia Ann Heffernan Mrs. Cecilia Amtmann Schultz Margaret Seitz, RSCJ Ms. Laura E. Teran

Ms. Alexandra Armstrong ’56 Dr. G.A. Balfour Mrs. Jane Golden BelfordSH Mr. John J. Carmody, Jr. Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJSH Mrs. Mary Colbert Denger ’67 Dr. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 Jan Dunn, RSCJ SH Anne Dyer, RSCJ ’55 Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Mr. Eugene A. MasseySH Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Hon. Regina C. McGranery ’63 Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Mr. Frank H. Menaker Mr. P. David Pappert Mrs. Corinne Boggs Roberts ’60 Mr. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. Richard Roth Mrs. Cecilia Amtmann SchultzSH Margaret Seitz, RSCJSH Mr. Stephen P. Tawes Mrs. Sheryl Watkins Wilbon ’84

2014-2015 Parents Class of 2015


Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee Anonymous Drs. Suad Abdi and Abdikamal Alisalad Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ballenger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey Mr. and Mrs. John Caterini Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cohan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Curt Dr. and Mrs. William Dahut Mr. and Ms. Valentine Deale Ms. Loretta DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Dickey

Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Drewyer ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Gopal Duleep Mr. Peter Gosselin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Harkins Mr. and Mrs. David Helfgott Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hwang Ms. Joconde Gaubert and Mr. Gérald Jean-Pierre Mr. and Mrs. David Kane Ms. Debra Soltis and Mr. Paul Y. Kiyonaga Mr. and Mrs. Brett Kramer Mr. and Ms. Jon Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky Ms. Laura A. Cordero and Mr. Policarpio A. Marmolejos Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMahon Ms. Farah Chery-Medor and Mr. Alix Medor Ms. Sarah Holden and Mr. Thomas I. Megan Mrs. Karen C. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Owens Mr. Jeffrey Parker and Mrs. Denise L. Howell Parker Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti-Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Poch Mr. and Mrs. William B. Prendergast† Ms. Nina Raheja Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Rayder Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Scalia Mr. and Mrs. Peter Speros Mr. and Mrs. Todd Taskey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tepper, Jr. Dr. Melanie Buttross and Mr. William Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Unite Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welch Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Willingham Mrs. Jacklyn Mitchell Wynn and Mr. Jerome Wynn Ms. Laura E. TeranSH and Mr. Benito ZapataSH Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc

Class of 2016


Class of 2017


Class of 2018



Anonymous Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bradshaw Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Brueggeman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns Mrs. Wilma L. Burris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Mr. and Mrs. Cass Walker Christenson ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Collins Dr. Luis G. Cuervo Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cummiskey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney Mr. and Mrs. William DeVeaux Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. David D. DiBari Dr. Joseph DiZinno and Ms. Jacki Depew Drs. Angela P. Noguera and Ali R. Fassihi Drs. Alan and Diana Fischler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haley Drs. Anselm and Heather Hennis Dr. John and Mrs. Virginia Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. John Holt Mr. and Mrs. Jon Howard Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Mr. and Mrs. James Keese Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Knack Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kushan Mr. and Mrs. John Leahy Dr. and Mrs. Barry Lewis Mr. and Ms. Xiang Liu Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Steve Marinaro Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mayer Mr. and Mrs. David McTague Dr. Kathleen and Mr. Mark Mullaney

Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Absalon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry Dr. Alice Bassford Mrs. Lisa Mendez-Bovell and Mr. Richard Bovell Ms. Alice Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Hollis B. Brewer, III ’87 Ms. Margaret Bollo and Mr. Dwayne Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ciatto Ms. Rhonda Neil and Mr. Peter Condron Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Cook Ms. Jenn Crovato Ms. Dorsey Davidge Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fennell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Gaisford Mr. and Mrs. David Giulieri ’88 Ms. Kathleen A. Glynn-Sparrow and Mr. George Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Heming Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Ammar Hindi Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hiyama Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hornish Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe Ms. Susan Coffman-King and Mr. James King Mr. Jean Pierre Lacombe Ms. Merate S. Legesse Ms. Kathleen M. Chenault and Mr. Terry R. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMahon Ms. Laura de OñaSH and Mr. Atul Mehta Ms. Joyeeta Das and Dr. Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay Drs. Lillian and Glen Nuckolls

Mr. and Mrs. Elio Oliva Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Posniewski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87 Dr. Zeba and Mr. Stephen Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Ms. Susan F. Craig and Mr. Andre K. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James Round Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scafide Mr. and Mrs. Suriyan Scorsat Mr. and Mrs. Abayomi O. Sobande Mr. and Mrs. Helio Souza Dr. Richard Stutzman Dr. and Mrs. Duane Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Tobias Mr. and Mrs. William Topercer Mr. and Mrs. Diego Vaca Mr. and Mrs. Brian Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Wellisz Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Willingham Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc


Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Amorosi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Christos T. Antoniou Drs. Sima and Alexander Bakalian Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biffl Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brigati Drs. Kathleen and Louis Cantilena Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Coffin Ms. Lillie P. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Conlan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Drs. Kelly L. and Stephen J. Cozza Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Duke Drs. Angela P. Noguera and Ali R. Fassihi Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feller Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Franco Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Mr. Vincent Gancie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Greene Dr. Maria Eugenia Hurtado and Mr. Martin Guozden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hansen

Dr. and Mrs. Allan Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Hobart Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Jon Howard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hsu Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Lindstrom Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mark, Jr. Dr. Katherine and Mr. James Martin Ms. Juliet Drake and Mr. William W. McClure Dr. Monica and Mr. Anthony Moore Mrs. Guadalupe Moran Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. John Nemes Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. O’Connor ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Catesby W. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Derik Perry Ms. Andrea Phipps Ms. Gina Talamona and Mr. Mark Polla Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Rock Drs. Zavia and Stuart Scott Mr. and Mrs. H. Austin Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Ms. Demetra Tsantes Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Ms. Jean Stokan and Mr. Scott Wright



Mr. and Ms. Stephen Mullery III Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. Ortega Mr. and Mrs. Tom Page Ms. Andrea Phipps Mr. and Mrs. David Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quinn Dr. Monica Rengifo-Pardo Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin Drs. Zavia and Stuart Scott Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanislav ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stroud Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Gary Thompson Drs. Cecile Poupard-Toner and Charles Toner Ms. Demetra Tsantes Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Turner Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Valaik Dr. Deborah D’Souza-Vazirani and Mr. Ashish Vazirani Mr. and Mrs. Adam Volanth Ms. Jayne O’Donnell and Mr. Richard Willing Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Dr. and Mrs. James Young Ms. Laura E. TeranSH and Mr. Benito ZapataSH

Class of 2019


Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Akagha Ms. Tracy Velazquez and Mr. Dennis Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Amorosi Mr. and Mrs. Jermaine Baker Ms. Jeanne de Cervens and Mr. Benjamin W. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry Dr. and Mrs. Nabih Bedewi Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bradshaw Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brophy Ms. Margaret Bollo and Mr. Dwayne Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. CantonSH Mr. and Mrs. Robin Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cibel Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVol Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flannery Ms. B. Lynn Follansbee ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Kin P. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grenfell Mr. and Mrs. S. Donald Harlan, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingersoll Ms. Awele Izah Ms. Maureen Gormley and Mr. James Kinkead Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon ’83 Ms. Laura A. Cordero and Mr. Policarpio A. Marmolejos Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. McElhaney Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Moriarty Ms. Halima Namatovu Mr. and Mrs. Victor Njuki Ms. Holley O’Brien Mrs. Rekha D. Pai Mr. Deepak T. Pai Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mr. and Mrs. Derik Perry Mrs. Deborah J. Georgetti-Piro and Mr. Ernest J. Piro Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Ms. Kathryn A. Ricard ’83 and Mr. Greg Gromada Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Scalia Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neal Slimp, II Ms. Catherine Smith Mr. and Mrs. David R. Strachan Ms. Sara D. Trujillo ’76 and Mr. Gerard L. Lederer Ms. Barbara Ware-Yuwono and Mr. Leonardus Yuwono

Class of 2020


Anonymous Ms. Afshan A. Naqvi and Mr. Syed M. A. Abbas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amato Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Attar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barloon Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barron Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bellaman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittman Dr. Rachelle Bowman and Mr. Linday Bowman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cubbage, III Dr. Luis G. Cuervo Mr. and Mrs. David Di Martino Mr. and Mrs. Edward Digges Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Duke Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gould, Jr. Ms. Susan Bozinko and Mr. Robert Hahne Ms. Robin Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Higgins Mr. and Mrs. James Hirschberger Mr. and Mrs. Craig Holman Mr. and Mrs. William Jerro Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Johnson, III Dr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kapust Mr. and Mrs. Dae Kim Mr. and Mrs. John King Ms. Maureen Gormley and Mr. James Kinkead Drs. Rene and Gonzalo Laje Ms. Carla Cullati and Mr. Laerte Leiroz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Looney Mrs. Elizabeth J. Marsiglia Mrs. Christine Meissner and Mr. Francisco Martinez Mrs. Anna Marie Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean ’84 Drs. Andrew and Huda Montemarano Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Pane Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn ’87 Dr. Monica Rengifo-Pardo Mr. Juan Riberas and Mrs. Belen Orjales Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Sader Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shannon Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Sinkford, III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Stach Mr. and Mrs. William Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Mrs. Lynne Thorman and Mrs. Susan Thorman Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Mr. Robert Trone Mrs. Susanne Sheil Turner and Mr. Brendan Turner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Urbanski Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vining Mr. and Mrs. Robb Wong Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wormald

Class of 2021


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittman Dr. and Mrs. Peter Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Chambers

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donatelli ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elmendorf Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Forsberg Drs. Katy Rezaei and Hamid Ghasemi Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Gravel Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hwang Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley-McCreary Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lesmes ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mitchell ’92 Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morsberger Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayton Mowry, IV Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Muldoon, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Gregory Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. Henry O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Quigley Ms. Kathryn A. Ricard ’83 and Mr. Greg Gromada Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios Ms. Patricia A. HeffernanSH and Mr. Patrick Rowan Drs. Suzanne Gleason and Chetan Sanghvi Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Scola ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sion, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stroud Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Ms. Nicole Ionita and Mr. Peter Van Vloten Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yang

Class of 2022


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Attar Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jermaine Baker Ms. Jeanne de Cervens and Mr. Benjamin W. Ballard Mr. John T. Bentivoglio Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bentivoglio Mr. and Mrs. Luis Brill Mr. and Mrs. John Colbert Dr. Michele Porter Maiberger Duvall ’91 and Mr. Christopher Duvall Ms. Christie Espinoza Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao Mrs. Josephine Chutta and Mr. Prince Irene Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Ms. Cecilia Bonanni and Mr. Joseph A. Kenary Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein Drs. Rene and Gonzalo Laje Ms. Judith A. Hagley and Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor Dr. Pamela Marks Dr. Katherine and Mr. James Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Muldoon, Jr. Dr. Ramani and Mr. Victor Nokku Ms. Nuala O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Patterson Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Mr. and Mrs. David Ram Ms. Sif Thorgeirsson and Mr. Carlos Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Randall Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Siffermann Mr. and Mrs. Abayomi O. Sobande Mr. and Mrs. William Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Mr. and Mrs. Warren V. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Yost

Class of 2023


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Arif Ahmed Dr. and Mrs. Peter Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Campino Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Chambers Ms. Joy Dorsey Ms. Lourdes Noël and Mr. Rafael E. Flores Mr. and Mrs. Josh Forgione Mrs. June M. Drummond and Mr. Gregory Harrington Mr. and Mrs. James Hirschberger Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Dr. and Mrs. Barry Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macleod Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Matan Mr. and Mrs. Mulugeta Mengiste Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Nash ’83 Ms. Ann Robey Mr. and Mrs. Matt Shannon Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Sinkford, III Mr. and Mrs. David Strandberg Ms. Bernadine Karunaratne and Mr. Shekhar Tamasker Mr. and Mrs. Hideyuki Tanimoto Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Tsai Drs. Adeline and Glenn Bruce Vanderver Mr. and Mrs. Mark Washko Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. White Mr. and Mrs. Ki Sung Yoon

Class of 2024


Class of 2025


Mr. and Mrs. Arif Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Ayala Ms. Claudia Palena and Mr. Ezio Bonvini Mrs. Lisa Mendez-Bovell and Mr. Richard Bovell Mr. and Mrs. Luis Brill Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Campino Mrs. Allison Alexander and Mr. Gregory Coleman Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Ms. Amy L. Howe and Mr. Thomas Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heiss Mr. and Mrs. Michael Q. KeeganSH Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keyes Drs. Rene and Gonzalo Laje Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Landau Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Mayfield Mr. and Ms. Stephen Mullery III Mr. and Mrs. Victor Njuki Ms. Nuala O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powers Mr. and Ms. Stephen Mullery III Ms. Nuala O’Connor Mrs. Catherine Regan and Dr. Shazaad Ally Mr. and Mrs. Benito Romano Mr. and Mrs. Abayomi O. Sobande Mr. and Mrs. Grant Takahashi Ms. Demetra Tsantes Mr. and Mrs. George R. Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson

Class of 2026


Mr. and Ms. Thomas Alexander Dr. Stacy Woods and Mr. Kent Cushenberry Dr. Michele Porter Maiberger Duvall ’91 and Mr. Christopher Duvall Ms. Christie Espinoza Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Schriefer Drs. Adeline and Glenn Bruce Vanderver Mr. and Mrs. Sean Warfield

Class of 2027


Anonymous (2) Ms. Yaa Apori Ms. Christina Johnson and Mr. Eric C. Blue Ms. Margaret Macdonald and Mr. Brian Colomb Dr. Alana Gunraj ’90 and Mr. Graham J. Harding Ms. Robin Kennedy and Mr. Josh Hall Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kehl Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Korte Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha ’88 and Col. Michael Pietrucha Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Stawinski Mr. and Mrs. Grant Takahashi

Class of 2028


Early Childhood Program


Mr. and Mrs. Frantz Casseus Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ciotti Mr. and Mrs. Jose Cunha Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donatelli Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan Mrs. April M. Garcez Ms. Kathleen S. Gurzo Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marks Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Mayfield Mr. Jason McGhee Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Morgan Ms. Sif Thorgeirsson and Mr. Carlos Reyes Mrs. Sarah Sanders Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sheldon Dr. Elizabeth A. Teamey and Mr. Kyle Teamey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Winek

2014-2015 Grandparents


Mrs. Cynthia W. Ballard Amy G. Ballard '19 Alexa V. Ballard ’22 Mrs. Virginia C. Berte Emily M. Maxwell ’15 Mrs. Cornelia Boland Madison N. Boyle ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brault Eleanor Brault ’23 Maggie Brault ’27 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brockhaus Julianna K. Martin ’16 Sarah Martin ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy Theodora F. Brophy ’18 Juliette Brophy ’19 Mr. John E. Burke Gillian L. Tobias ’17 Mrs. Helene T. Burrowes Cecilia L. Cozza ’16 Mrs. Patricia Butler Catherine E. Colbert ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Capuano Mary Feller ’16 Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy ’51 Kallie B. Drewyer ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. CharbonnetSH Holland T. Keegan ’22 Courtney Keegan ’25 Ms. Maurita Chisholm Carmen Perry ’16 Jillian K. Perry ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Colbert Catherine E. Colbert ’22 Ms. Susan H. DeConcini Hannah Sweeney ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Margaret D. McMahon ’15 Colleen G. McMahon ’17 Mrs. Donna Duke Camila Duke ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Grace L. Christenson ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Farr ’55 Cecilia F. Connolly ’17 Katherine Lennon ’19

Dr. Lauren Nguyen-Antczak and Mr. David Antczak Ms. Christie Espinoza Ms. Jamie Golembiewski Mr. and Mrs. Benito Romano

Mr. and Mrs. James Sclafani Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson


Mr. J. B. Anwyll Dr. Sussan Paydar and Mr. Peyman N. Azizi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Dr. Stacy Woods and Mr. Kent Cushenberry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Donatelli ’88 Ms. Diana Saenz and Mr. Daniel Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson Sr. Mrs. Jouhayna Bajjani-Gebara and Mr. James Gebara Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Knox Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lamond Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Eric McKim Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mitchell ’92 Mr. and Ms. Steven J. Ness Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Ogba Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Craig Person Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Porto Ms. Anabel Quintero and Mr. Jeff DiGioia Ms. Sif Thorgeirsson and Mr. Carlos Reyes Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Scola ’88

Mr. and Mrs. George Smawley Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suk Ms. Jamilyn Page and Mr. Manu Whig Dr. Tricia Zhang and Mr. Talmadge Williams



Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forgione Isabelle V. Forgione ’23 Mrs. Emmeline V. George McKenzie Barnes ’15 Colin Barnes ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green Brooke Green ’17 Mr. and Mrs. William A. HamiltonSH Clare E. Nickerson ’21 Mrs. Dorothy D. Harkins Coughlin Claire Harkins ’15 Mrs. Carol Heffernan Vivian Rowan ’21 Evangeline Rowan ’21 Dr. Ileana C. Herrell Madelyn I. McLean ’20 Mr. and Mrs. William Hunnell Cailyn I. Ness ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kenary Sofia B. Kenary ’22 Dr. and Mrs. George Kopits Evelin Teamey ’29 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawlor Amelia E. Lawlor ’22 Dr. and Mrs. Aziz Mahoubi Caroline Mahoubi ’19 Claudia F. Mahoubi ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaibergerSH Lauren G. Duvall ’22 Juliette Duvall ’26 Mrs. Tom Matan Haley Matan ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maxwell Emily M. Maxwell ’15 Mr. and Mrs. James W. McCabe† Sonja Pietrucha ’27 Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Meghan T. Quinn ’17 Sandra Quinn ’20 Mrs. Doris M. Meissner Carmen S. Martinez ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Melehy Christina Melehy ’17 Melissa Melehy ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mensing Kelleigh G. Haley ’16 Elizabeth W. Haley ’18 Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Fiona C. Moriarty ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muldoon Grace R. Muldoon ’21 Ellie Muldoon ’22 Mr. and Mrs. George Mundine Arlee Taylor ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Connor Anne R. O’Connor ’16 Mr. P. David Pappert Elizabeth Stanislav ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Perez Clare Osberg ’24 Teresa N. Osberg ’26 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Porto Haley A. Porto ’22 Clare E. Porto ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr. Meghan T. Quinn ’17 Sandra Quinn ’20

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rebovich Jacqueline Zimmerman ’15 Mrs. Lynn Reynolds Grace R. Muldoon ’21 Ellie Muldoon ’22 Mr. William Richardson Isabella Richardson ’15 Madison Boyle ’17 Ms. M. Isabel Rodriguez Eliana I. Rodriguez ’26 Mrs. Joan Saenz Healey Claire Donovan ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Scola Morgan Scola ’21 Kathryn Scola ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shannon Kelly Shannon ’20 Erin Shannon ’23 Dr. Jeanne Sinkford Zoe Sinkford ’20 Nina N. Sinkford ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smawley Emma Smawley ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stach Alexandra M. Stach ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stayner Elizabeth W. Gee ’19 Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Molly K. Tyson ’25 Emma G. Tyson ’28 Mrs. Sharon B. Taskey Samantha J. Taskey ’15 Drs. Snorri and Unnuri Thorgeirsson Anna Freyja Reyes ’22 Elsa Lind Reyes ’24 Erik Reyes (ECP Mr. and Mrs. William E. Topercer Emma Topercer ’17 Drs. Diane and Joseph Wood Amanda J. Grolig ’15 Dr. Joyce and Mr. William Woods Layla Cushenberry ’25 Rachel Cushenberry ’26 Taylor Cushenberry ’26

Class of 1951

Alumnae by Class

Class of 1958

Class of 1943


Ms. Mary Ellen Dougherty

Class of 1946


Mrs. Anne Garrity Baker Mrs. Sarah Murdock Bolster Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser Mrs. Barbara Mangan Pitocchelli

Class of 1948


Mrs. Grace Frier Glasgow Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty Mrs. Marie Riordan Van Wyk

Class of 1949


Mrs. Caro Butler Ostlund

Class of 1950


Mrs. Marjorie Ekelund Hoeft


Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy

Class of 1952


Mrs. Janet de Groot Ball Mrs. Patricia Devereux Crowley Mrs. Louise Summers Dwyer Patricia Geuting, RSCJ Mrs. Augusta Byrnes McGown

Class of 1953


Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood

Class of 1954


Mrs. Katherine Kelly Cawood Mrs. Jacqueline Cremen Keeshan Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne Mrs. Patricia Conaghan Redmond

Class of 1955


Mrs. Leonora Rocca Bernheisel Mrs. Mary Caroline Langan Carty Anne Dyer, RSCJ Mrs. Joyce Keogh Farr Mrs. Nancy Kelly Forsyth Mrs. Helen Craig Lynch Mrs. Diane Mears Musgrove Mrs. Dolores Seeman Royston Dr. Alice Shannon Stolzberg Ms. Maria Teresa Valle

Class of 1956


Ms. Alexandra Armstrong Mrs. Grace Tamm Escudero Mrs. Nancy Bradford Ordway Ms. Corinne Christmas Sullivan

Class of 1957


Mrs. Jo Ann Costello Devaney Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Carolan Jonsen Ms. Katherine duFief Keogh Clare Pratt, RSCJ Mrs. Carol Sweeterman Shiff ❤


Ms. Frances B. Call Ms. Frances Nee Darby Mrs. Eleanor Hancock Deacon Dr. Olga Wilson Fairfax Mrs. Sheila Burke Flanagan Ms. Adele C. Keogh Mrs. Diana Pyle Rowan Mrs. Ann Higgins Strumpen-Darrie

Class of 1959


Ms. Linda Hiser Hall Ms. Patricia Hickman Livingston Mrs. Jacqueline Wimsatt McInerny

Class of 1960


Mrs. Judith Dove Corbett Ms. Lacey A. Gude Mrs. Susan Willis O’Neill Mrs. Lucinda Pratt Pearlman Ms. Maria Patricia Peyser Mrs. Corinne Boggs Roberts Mrs. Elizabeth Morris Schwartz

Class of 1961


Mrs. Deanne Goudie de Purcell Hon. Diana Gribbon Motz Mrs. Michele Stearns Muñoz Mrs. Mary Williams Schaller Mrs. Nancy Knight Smith Ms. Jean Anne McAllister Taylor

Class of 1962


Ms. Nancy Lewis Clark Ms. Linda Hebert de Marlor-Bachowski Mrs. Maria Diaz Dominguez Ms. Margaret Mary Keppel Kelley Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet Mrs. Mary Zlatin Sifton Mrs. Marilyn Muir Smith Mrs. Carol Lynn Ferguson Winter Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi

Class of 1963


Class of 1964



Mrs. Ann Hart Anderson Mrs. Cecelia Cushman Bohannon Mrs. Donna Marshall Constantinople Mrs. Anna May Heintze Cowan Ms. Marilynn Jean Fuller Mrs. Louise Pastore Harbourt Ms. Marion Carol Herndon Dr. Katherine Black Lee Ms. Maureen McDermott Dr. Helen Fox Moody Mrs. Patricia Pratt Moriarty Mrs. Linda Donnelly Schmitt Mrs. Diane Becke Schum Mrs. Patricia Morrissey Tilder Mrs. Mary Catherine Bellino Van Deven Mrs. Barbara Burns Williams

Class of 1966


Ms. Edda Sevilla-Somoza Mrs. Joanne Avon Shields Ms. Mary Kathleen Hallahan Smith

Class of 1967


Ms. Jacqueline Albarran Dr. Anne E. Carey Mrs. Lela Lienhard Curtis Mrs. Rena Carr Daly Mrs. Mary Colbert Denger Ms. Lucille B. Flanagan Ms. Elise C. Gillette Mrs. Lydia Almon Hornbaker Mrs. Tara Gremillion McCown


Dr. Vance Bonner Mrs. Louise Czajkowski Canter Mrs. Elisabeth Kirby Greissing Mrs. Maureen Kerrigan Guste Mrs. Mary Bergson Newman Mrs. Sara P. O’Neil-Manion Dr. Laura L. Richardson Mrs. Catherine Howell Riordan Mrs. Margarita Riva-Geoghegan Dr. Anne Henry Stoe

Class of 1969


Ms. Mary Gael Doar Mrs. Anne Cashin Goldenheim Ms. Susan Suss Jones Dr. Maryellen Sullivan Kyle Mrs. Moira Kehoe Lasch Ms. Margaret Morton Dr. Mary Ann Re Scherer Mrs. Maureen Ferguson Steiner Mrs. Julie Duvall Stull Mrs. Kathleen McNally Vivian

Class of 1970


Mrs. Elizabeth Brady Andrews Mrs. Mary Pratt Brandenburg Mrs. Mary Picardi Buie Mrs. Catherine Lynch Deichmann Dr. Ellen M. Dugan Dr. Elizabeth Dugan Mrs. Mary Counihan Feliciano Mrs. Karen Horstman Kamerick Mrs. Susan Lee Mahan Ms. Eileen C. Mayer Ms. Francine Michaux Mrs. Celeste Fuqua O’Neil Mrs. Annalee Gillette Regensburg Mrs. Cecilia Kirby Wraase


Mrs. Ana Maria Armengol Azcarate Mrs. Mary Jo Reddan Barnes Mrs. Joan D. Sperapani Carino Ms. Constance Cushman Mrs. Mary Anne Burroughs Doms Mrs. Dolores Vaca Donihi Ms. Margaret Taney Founds Mrs. Carol McFall Hurley Mrs. Patricia Ann Long Johnston Ms. Eleanor Kelly Mrs. Mary Frances Long Leahy Mrs. Kay DeFranceaux Leonard

Class of 1965

Class of 1968


Mrs. Carmen de Chateauvieux Bush Mrs. Maria Metzler Johnson Hon. Regina C. McGranery Mrs. Karolen Linderman Muhlke Ms. Jean O’Conor Mrs. Martha Traynor Sweeney

Dr. Michele Longino Mrs. Patricia Wimsatt Myler Mrs. Carolyn Liebert Talcott Ms. Sandra Theunick Mrs. Ruth Columbus Wade



Class of 1971


Ms. Estelle Schumann Noone Ms. Susan O’Callaghan-Davis

Class of 1972


Mrs. Kathryn Kavanagh Baran Ms. Mary-Louise Tracy Coates Ms. Susan M. Farnsworth Ms. Mary Margaret Flynn Ms. Virginia M. Hagan Ms. Kathryn Vigé Hicks Ms. Katherine Meyer Ms. Patrice I. Mitchell Dr. Amy C. Richardson Mrs. Anne Brown Rodgers Ms. Elizabeth A. Smigel Mrs. Mary Clarke Zigo

Class of 1973


Ms. Kathy J. Daniel Ms. Ann Bierbower Lally Ms. Maria Shriver

Class of 1980

Class of 1981




Mrs. Joan McCarrick Henry Mrs. Marjorie Taylor Moran Mrs. Mary Horning Young ❤


Mrs. Sarah Dunkelberger Daniel Ms. Margaret A. Hanlon Mrs. Helen Frampton Leinhauser Mrs. Elaine Trimble Saiz ❤


Ms. Janet Forsythe Birenbaum Ms. Susan P. Garro Mrs. Elisa Jones Geier Mrs. Elizabeth Geoghegan Kistner Mrs. Jane Mendenhall Mastrianni

Ms. Raphaël Maria Bastian Mrs. Deirdre Koppel Cohen Mrs. Renate Schroeder Dolphin Mrs. Beatrice Brown Edwards Ms. Annette Headley Ms. Dawn Snouffer Karlson Mrs. Stephanie Farr Lennon Mrs. Padraic McSherry Morton Mrs. Mary Ruppe Nash Mrs. Mary Nordberg O’Connor Mrs. Rachel Buchanan O’Hare Ms. Kathryn A. Ricard Mrs. Amy O’Neill Richard Mrs. Grace Demetrovits Ronan

Class of 1976

Class of 1984

Ms. Marina Atchison Ms. Elizabeth Hagan Drews Mrs. Jerelyn Sheahan Ford Mrs. Lisa Cosimano Gallagher Mrs. Monica Shaffer Karo Mrs. Paris Keena Scott

Class of 1975



Mrs. Angela Barbano Emerson Mrs. Joy McDonald Gunza Mrs. Bridget Clarke Murphy Ms. Susan G. Stroud Mrs. Kim Yowell Thompson Ms. Sara D. Trujillo


Mrs. Carroll Cassidy Drewyer Mrs. Roxanne Foster Foshee Mrs. Catharine Nicolaides Lyons

Mrs. Julia Farr Connolly Ms. Megan Daly Ms. Yvette Escudero Mrs. Mary Ronan Hills Mrs. Natalia del Canto Jordan Mrs. Christine Herrell McLean Ms. Simone E. Ross Mrs. Wendy Pappert Stanislav Mrs. Katherine Farrell Thornton Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner Mrs. Sheryl Watkins Wilbon

Class of 1978

Class of 1985

Class of 1977



Mrs. Allison Cryor DiNardo Mrs. Catherine Shook Gallagher Ms. Christine Nicolaides Kearns Mrs. Katherine McInerney Morris Mrs. Alicia Brown Powers Mrs. Betsy Hoy Shiverick Mrs. Amy Dunkelberger Sturtevant Mrs. Joan Gillespie Swift Ms. Sheila Teimourian

Class of 1979


Mrs. Sheila Byrd Carmichael Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett Fitzpatrick Ms. Donna Moses Mrs. Sharon Maksymiec Sabatos

Class of 1986


Ms. B. Lynn Follansbee Ms. Mary Teresa Fortuna-Kuser Mrs. Ida Smith Ludlow Ms. Anne Marie Nash Mrs. Deirdre Lemp O’Connor Mrs. Lisa Devaney O’Neil Mrs. Christiana Shine Quezado Dr. Tracy Taylor Rinehart Dr. Jennifer A. Rusiecki Ms. Tara Fettig Ryan Ms. Stacie Eileen Tobin Mrs. Kyle Dyer West Mrs. Jane O’Neil Wieder


Ms. Alisha F. Armstrong Mrs. Lisa Walters Conlon Mrs. Regina Fay Gannon Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels Mrs. Carrie Graham Lee Mrs. Melissa Callahan Lesmes Mrs. Kelly McInerney Lovallo Ms. Marjorie C. McCeney Ms. Amy Nist Mrs. Nadine Fraiture Paley Mrs. Diane Mannino Polischeck Mrs. Nina Libré Schoeb Ms. Patricia Shea

Class of 1987 Class of 1982

Class of 1983 Class of 1974

Mrs. Suja Parakamannil Ali Mrs. Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen Mrs. Andrea Berger DeMott Ms. Thelma Fox Hines Mrs. Kathleen O’Sullivan Hurley Mrs. Mary Haynes Johnson Mrs. Amy Sibert Lovett Ms. Elizabeth Maze Ms. Kate Naughten


Mrs. Juliane Hare Agner Mrs. Jennifer Chalmers Balbach Mrs. Susan Hilliard Brewer Mrs. Nicole Escudero Christenson Dr. Noreen Crain Fruscello Mrs. Julie Consilvio Kelly Mrs. Maureen Daly Kelly Ms. Kathryn Mathile Noonan Dr. Laura A. Egan Pontzer Mrs. Meghan McMurtrie Quinn Mrs. Maria Doultsinos Spina

Class of 1988


Mrs. Ellen Hodo Davis Mrs. Karen Kappaz Donatelli Mrs. Christina Fry Giulieri Mrs. Mary A. Hanlon-Amaditz Ms. Laura E. Hill Mrs. Elizabeth Massey Hopkins Ms. Kristin Irani Dr. Courtney Herbert Joubert Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha Mrs. Lorna Denger McMahon Ms. Elizabeth Mertinko Ms. Kimberly Piliero Mrs. Caroline Gray Saferstein Ms. Laura Sheahen Mrs. Caroline McInerney Williams Dr. Lisa M. Wiltrout

Class of 1989


Ms. Laura D. Baptiste Mrs. Kathleen Breen Batchelor Ms. Carla A. Bosco Ms. Molly R. Bryson Mrs. Kathryn Bonner Gillick Mrs. Rachel Novotny Hagerty Dr. Michele Shannon

Class of 1990


Mrs. Meredith Moody Fogle Dr. Alana Gunraj Mrs. Mia Guizzetti Hayes Ms. Sarah Joy O’Herron Dr. Lisa Gaye Roberts Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff Mrs. Angela Powers Snider Ms. Catherine A. Tilford

Class of 1991


Mrs. Erin Duffy Conaton Dr. Michele Maiberger Duvall Mrs. Maureen Sullivan Kelly Mrs. Eileen Kennelly Sorabella

Class of 1998

Class of 1999 Class of 1992


Mrs. Allyson Kreter Gozycki Mrs. Dana Simeone Iandoli Mrs. Kelly Broxton Katsafanas Mrs. Constance Shaffer Mitchell Mrs. Allison Tobin Reed Mrs. Jody Countryman Tuohey Mrs. Michele Hinerman Wilham

Class of 1993


Mrs. Lisa Arnaiz Boots Mrs. Megan Callen McCarthy Ms. Suzanne M. Sullivan

Class of 1994


Ms. Chantal Katherine Garcia Ms. Alison E. Lin Mrs. Christina Perez Osberg Dr. Elizabeth Kopits Teamey

Class of 1995


Class of 1996

Ms. Julie C. Verratti


Mrs. Alison Heidenberger Coffey Mrs. Dorothea Donelan-Avery Ms. Kari L. Ginsburg Ms. Maria Kessides Ms. Christine Anne Kettmer Mrs. Kathleen Rice Lowenthal Mrs. Jessica McKnight McKay Mrs. Julie Thurston Ott Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Reilly Mrs. Meredith Durkin Wolfe


Class of 2006


Ms. Deirdre A. Aaron Mrs. Lauren Kass Fischman Mrs. Alanna Mazzarella Hart Mrs. Andrea Bahiman Nugent Mrs. Joanna Bogado Santiago

Class of 2001


Mrs. Christina Besozzi Cary Mrs. Clare Inzeo Bonsignore Dr. Christina Platia Chroniger Mrs. Alexandra Kolakowski Connor Ms. Kathleen S. Gurzo Ms. Julie S. MacCartee Ms. Margaret MacWhirter Mrs. Catherine Dunn Meehan Ms. Jessica C. Siri

Class of 2002


Ms. Elizabeth A. Brooks Ms. Bridget C. Campbell Ms. Caitlin J. Miller Dr. Patricia M. Notario Ms. Mary Margaret Wells

Class of 2003


Mrs. Julia Rumford Bethune Mrs. Brittany Coale Bourassa Ms. Marie T. C. De La Cruz Ms. Sara-Blake Fornaciari Mrs. Katherine Freund Hailey Ms. Daphne L. Kiplinger Ms. Brigid S. Myler Ms. Sophia C. Peters

Class of 2004


Ms. Amy R. Cantilena Mrs. Courtney Holland Connor Ms. Michelle E. Peters Ms. Elizabeth A. Pierce

Class of 2005


Ms. Eleanore A. Alexander Ms. Mariam Al-Hamad Ms. Mary Hayden Cullen Ms. Paulina N. Curto Mrs. Madeline Kearns Keegan Ms. Christina Kukelhaus Ms. Kathryn E. Tomlin-Mathews


Ms. Amanda Craig Ms. Madaline S. Donnelly Ms. Kellyn Mahan Ms. Erika Manderscheid Mrs. Mara Gomes McCarthy Ms. Jessica M. Wyble

Class of 2007


Ms. Natalia Bengoechea Ms. Grace A. Kane Ms. Aveen N. Karim Ms. Mary K. Riley Ms. Laila E. Sharafi Ms. Vivian N. Tyaba

Class of 2008 Class of 2000


Mrs. Mary Barr Daly Mrs. Elizabeth Satterlee Ersenkal Ms. Aprille Russell Ms. Jennifer Wildt Ms. Jennifer Wright

Class of 1997



Ms. Tegan S. Brennan Ms. Elizabeth R. Brown Ms. Kathryn J. Fitzgerald Ms. Renee R. Green Mrs. Sarah Omenitsch Larson Ms. Bridget E. Power Ms. Patricia M. Richey Ms. Robyn N. Schwartzman

Class of 2009


Ms. Meredith J. Bates Ms. Paloma Bengoechea Ms. Elizabeth Dorn Ms. Samantha B. Firstenberg Ms. Caroline D. Trevisan

Class of 2010


Ms. Beatriz Albornoz Ms. Margaret R. Crilley Ms. Caroline M. Davidsen Ms. Chantay Donaway Ms. Marshal Farmer Ms. Mia Feller Ms. Elizabeth Gerber Ms. Rose Greissing Ms. Julie Marcus Ms. Erin B. Mathews Ms. Meghan Quinn Ms. Kathryn Suarez Ms. Victoria J. Wagner Ms. Sophie N. White

Class of 2011


Ms. Alexandra L. Burris Ms. Haley C. Kameros Ms. Meredith Plaine Ms. Gabriella Simundson Ms. Colleen E. Zorc

Class of 2012


Ms. Wynne Leahy Ms. Kelly M. Seegers Ms. Colleen R. Walton

Class of 2013



Ms. Ana Bengoechea Ms. Courtney C. Kameros Ms. Natalie K. Kronfli Ms. Lucyanne H. Megan Ms. Kathleen T. Norton Ms. Catherine E. Ryan


Mrs. Sarah Rector Amigone Ms. Clancy Michelle Broxton Mrs. Kelly Piringer Casillo Mrs. Katherine Farr Clark Ms. Elizabeth Coale Ms. Anne Christina Cookson Ms. Michael Anne Cullen Mrs. Amity Wall Curry Ms. Kelly Falconi Mrs. Caroline Green Fitton Mrs. Bridget Farrand Fox Mrs. Kathryn Hibey Fritz Mrs. Undine Pawlowski George Cpt. Alicia Greer Mrs. Rachel Hart Winter Mrs. Stephanie Fox Heffernan Mrs. Amy Duran Heinzelmann Ms. Jennifer Hurley Dr. Cynthia Kratz Lauta Ms. Catlin O’Neill Mrs. Margaret Sheeran Paton Mrs. Kimberly Lichtenwalter Riggs Mrs. Erin Sindelar Rubac Mrs. Melissa Wasneski Rudder Ms. Nilam Sanghvi Ms. Sarah Scully Ms. Anne E. Strand Mrs. Katherine Finnerty Sumner Mrs. Ailis Aaron Wolf

Mrs. Cristina Curcio Brandaleone Mrs. Lauren Jolly Mrs. Caitlin Myler Taylor



Ms. Alexandra A. Segura

Class of 2014


Ms. Anna M. Blockowicz Ms. Marie G. Flood Ms. Alyssa M. Granger Ms. Madeleine Greene Ms. Grace C. Hills Ms. Allison M. Ingram Ms. Bailey E. Johnston Ms. Emily M. Joyce Ms. Madeline M. Kaiser Ms. Laura Keehan Ms. Hallie J. Martin Ms. Madeleine B. Taylor Ms. Natalie A. Tobias Ms. Anna Bella Vagnoni

Parents of Alumnae Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Christos T. Antoniou Mr. and Mrs. James V. Arnaiz Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Balfour Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Ms. Dalene Barry and Mr. Joseph Dean Mr. and Mrs. Ventura Bengoechea Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Besozzi Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee Mr. and Mrs. Joel Blockowicz Mr. and Mrs. John Bloom Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue Mr. and Mrs. John Boardman Mr. and Mrs. James Boler Mr. and Mrs. George M. Borababy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bratun Mrs. Jennifer Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Brito Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brockhaus Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Ms. Cynthia Lewis and Dr. Fred C. Bruhweiler Mrs. Rita D. Buckingham Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Burman Mrs. Wilma L. Burris Mr. and Mrs. William S. Callanan Drs. Kathleen and Louis Cantilena Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. CantonSH Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carmody, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Carrigan Drs. Gabrielle Virgo-Carter and Ernest Carter Hon. and Mrs. James C. Cawood, Jr. ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clark Mr. Kevin and Dr. Nancy Clark Mr. and Mrs. William C. Coale Ms. Janice L. Compton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Consilvio Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Core Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cormack Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter Mr. and Mrs. David Craig Dr. and Mrs. Juan J. Daboub Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davidsen ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Robert de Andrade Mr. and Ms. Valentine Deale Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dealy Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devaney ’57

Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVol Mr. and Mrs. David D. DiBari Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Doane Mr. and Mrs. David A. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Dubinsky Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Mrs. Donna Duke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Estate of Anne Newby Williams Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Farr ’55 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Farrell, Jr. Drs. Angela P. Noguera and Ali R. Fassihi Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feller Ms. Patricia Paterno and Mr. T. Mark Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flood Mr. and Mrs. Lance Ford ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Frampton Dr. and Mrs. David S. Freitag Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Frye Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gamble Mrs. Mary F. Patrick and Mr. John A. Garate Ms. Mary Alice Garber Mr. and Mrs. Art Gehringer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Geier ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gentilcore Mr. and Mrs. John Gilner Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Goldberg Ms. Erin P. Donovan and Mr. Robert W. Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. Barry Granger Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing ’68 Mr. and Mrs. William A. HamiltonSH Mrs. Dorothy D. Harkins-Coughlin Ms. Nancy Harris Dr. Ileana C. Herrell Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hills ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Holden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. HukeSH Mr. and Mrs. William Hurley, III ’80 Ms. Tamora I. Ilasat Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Hon. Ramsey Johnson and Ms. Monica McGowan Mr. and Mrs. John J. KalagherSH Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Kameros Dr. Glen Kan Mr. and Mrs. David Kane Ms. Christine Nicolaides Kearns ’78 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Keppel Mrs. Agnes E. Morrison and Mr. George Kessie Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne ’54 Ms. Sarah A. Miller and Mr. Michael J. King Mr. and Mrs. Knight Austin Kiplinger

Drs. Maree Webster and Michael Knable Dr. and Mrs. George Kopits Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli Ms. Carolyn Leep and Dr. James Lazar Mr. and Mrs. John Leahy Drs. Cynthia and Charles Macri Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Mahan ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaibergerSH Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Mrs. Sara P. O’Neil-Manion ’68 and Mr. William C. Manion Ms. Susan P. JaquetSH and Mr. Philippe J. Marciniak Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maresca Ms. Laura A. Cordero and Mr. Policarpio A. Marmolejos Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. MasseySH Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Drs. Patricia and William May† Mr. and Mrs. James W. McCabe† Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McTighe Ms. Sarah Holden and Mr. Thomas I. Megan Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Menaker Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James S. Minogue, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Manuel S. Miranda Ms. Heather Cave and Mr. Richard J. Miranda Ms. Maureen Casey and Dr. James F. Mongoven Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Morrow Ms. Denise Ferrenz and Mr. Peter N. Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mulera Mrs. Karen C. Murphy Ms. Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Frank Musica Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Mysliwiec Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser ’46 Drs. Sofia Patricia Becerra and Vicente Notario Dr. James F. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’HerronSH Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Neill ’60 Dr. and Mrs. Ikechi Okwara Drs. Maura Emerson and Guillermo Olivos Elizabeth C. Olson Mrs. Barbara Falge Openshaw ’53 Mrs. Caro Butler Ostlund ’49 Mr. Deepak T. Pai Mrs. Rekha D. Pai Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pannell Mr. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Perez Mrs. Maria Guillen-Peters and Mr. R. Kyle Peters Mr. and Mrs. Peter Piringer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Poch Mr. and Mrs. Linwood L. Rayford, III Mr. James Rhodes Ms. Marissa Tan and Mr. Preston Rico Mr. and Mrs. Boies Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Rock Mrs. Anne Brown Rodgers ’72 and Mr. Richard Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Ms. Maureen E. Gevlin and Mr. Charles E. Roh Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ruginski Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan

Mrs. Linda Donnelly Schmitt ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. William W. Scott Ms. Maurine Damiano and Mr. Patrick D. Scrivens Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Mr. and Mrs. Jan V. Sengers Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Shank Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shannon Ms. Trudy Scott and Mr. Pirooz Sharafi Mrs. Micheline Shea Noble Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shields ’66 Mr. Richard K. Shullaw Mrs. Joanna Simeone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith ’62 Ms. Mary Kathleen Hallahan Smith ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Bret D. Stine Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strand Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Suarez Mrs. Holly Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Thiel Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Todd Taskey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Tawes Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Tobias Ms. Sara D. Trujillo ’76 and Mr. Gerard L. Lederer Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Valaik Mr. and Mrs. David Y. Van Scoy Mr. and Mrs. Bryant VanBrakle Mr. James A. Vidas Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vines Dr. Stefanie and Mr. Richard Vogel Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner ’84 Ms. Claire Cunningham and Mr. Philip Ward Ms. Marilyn Murphy and Mr. William Wascher Drs. Susan and James Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wendel Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Will Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Willingham Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Steven Worth Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wyble Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Zepp Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zingone Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62

Faculty and Staff



Ms. Amanda Allman Ms. Gillian Amoako-Atta Mrs. Margaret Anderson Mr. Karl Austin Mrs. Carly Authement Mrs. Katherine Balaban Ms. Patricia Baldini Mrs. Monica Barry Mrs. Barbara Beachler Mr. Jose Bello-Ruiz Ms. Kate Bigler Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee Ms. Carla A. Bosco ’89 Dr. Danielle Brabazon Mrs. Sarah Bramble Mrs. Maria Bravo-Cubillan Mrs. Susan Hilliard Brewer ’87 Ms. Lauren Brownlee Ms. Margaret Bollo Ms. Joan E. Burnes

Mrs. Patricia A. Byers Mrs. Victoria Capehart Mrs. Dori H. Cappel Mrs. Joanna C. Caudle Mrs. Angela Caulfield Dr. Michael R. Cavey Mrs. Nicole Escudero Christenson ’87 Mrs. Deanne Collins Ciatto Mrs. Amy Ciccone Ms. Janice L. Compton Mrs. Emma Cowan Ms. Michael Anne Cullen ’95 Mrs. Elizabeth Cunha Mrs. Lauren Davidson Ms. Heather Dempsey Ms. Isabelle Drake Mr. Kevin J. Duffy Dr. Nikola S. Edgar Ms. Beth Ennis Mrs. Julia C. Ewart Mrs. Nancy Fazio Mrs. Sharon Fine Mrs. Kathleen Flood Ms. Stephany Fontanone Mrs. Ann A. Freniere Mrs. Laura Ingoldsby Fries Mrs. Deborah Fusco Mrs. April M. Garcez Mrs. Marie Gehringer Mrs. June Gentilcore Mrs. Kathryn Bonner Gillick ’89 Ms. Kathleen A. Glynn-Sparrow Mrs. Lucinda Goldman Mrs. Jamie Golembiewski Ms. Teri R. Gonzales Mrs. Marisa Gorbsky Ms. Anne Gormley Ms. Kathleen Gurzo ’01 Ms. Margaret A. Hanlon ’82 Ms. Vaswati Hasson Dr. John Hogan Mr. William Hulseman Mrs. Dana L. Iandoli ’92 Mrs. Gisela M. Johnson Mrs. Heidi Johnson Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Mrs. Madeline Kearns Keegan ’05 Mrs. Mary Sheila Keegan Mrs. Sharon Kenny Ms. Denise E. Key Mrs. Sarah Kiernan Ms. Susan Coffman-King Ms. Bridget C. Launi Mr. Scott Lawrence Mr. Anthony R. Lemon Ms. Catherine Lipka Ms. Linda McGill Lynch Mrs. Patricia Lynch Mrs. Frances Manderscheid Mrs. Jill Marks Mr. Malcolm McCluskey Mr. Jason McGhee Mrs. Lorna McMahon Mrs. Constance Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Ms. Marisela Montiel-Bodelle Ms. Anabelle Morgan Mrs. Marianela Morgan Ms. Katherine A. Morin Ms. Carla Nally



Mrs. Mary Ruppe Nash ’83 Mrs. Caren Norris Ms. Susan O’Callaghan-Davis ’71 Mr. Eric C. Osberg Mrs. Julie Thurston Ott ’99 Ms. Laura Peery Mrs. Judith Perez-Caro Mrs. Mary Power Ms. Chantell Prestcott Mr. Syed Raza Mrs. Ninette K. Reis Ms. Sharise N. Robinson Mrs. Angela Romano Mr. Peter Rook Mr. Patrick Sales Mrs. Sarah Sanders Ms. Urvi Shah Mrs. Haylee Shaia Mrs. Lesley Sheldon Ms. Jennifer Shoemaker Ms. Kati Spisak Mrs. Caitlin Myler Taylor ’98 Mrs. Margaret Thomas Mr. Christopher Thompson Mrs. Susan Thorman Mrs. Mary B. Tobias Mrs. Juanita Torrence Mrs. Jody Tuohey ’92 Mrs. Cynthia Vandenbeemt Mr. Robert A. Walker Mrs. Paula Warner Mrs. Brenda Wendel Ms. Miranda Whitmore Mrs. Nancy Wiegand Mrs. Maryann Will Mrs. Diane Wilson Mrs. Abigail Winek Mrs. Beatrice Winter Mrs. Nancy Woodward Mrs. Cecile Worth Mrs. Lisa Zingone

Friends of Stone Ridge (Friends, Alumna Grandparents, Past Parents, Great Grandparents, Children of Mary, and Past Faculty and Staff )

Mr. and Mrs. Wil Adams Mr. and Mrs. Damian P. Alagia, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Dr. Devereux Audilet and Mr. Garland O. Audilet Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baker ’46 Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Ball, Jr. ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baran ’72 Hon. and Mrs. William P. Barr Ms. Dalene Barry and Mr. Joseph Dean Mrs. Cristina Curcio Brandaleone ’98 Mrs. Alicia BrownSH Ms. Margaret Bollo and Mr. Dwayne Bryant Mrs. Rita D. Buckingham Mr. John E. Burke Mr. David G. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Capuano Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Cory Cave Hon. and Mrs. James C. Cawood, Jr. ’54 Mrs. Ruth T. Chávez Mr. and Mrs. Randall Clark

Mrs. Patricia Devereux Crowley ’52 Nancy Dawson Ms. Chantal De Merlis Mrs. Hannibal de Schmertzing Ms. Susan H. DeConcini Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devaney ’57 Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Dubinsky Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Anne Dyer, RSCJ ’55 Ms. Stephanie Edlinski Mr. and Mrs. Mario Escudero ’56 Dr. Olga and Mr. Carl Fairfax ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John Falvey Mrs. Elizabeth Farr Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Farr ’55 Ms. Maria N. Fisher and Mr. Charles R. Fendig Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher ’78 Mrs. Emmeline V. George Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Good Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Green Laurine Haley, SP Mrs. Dorothy D. Harkins-Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Dustin M. Harmeyer Mr. and Dr. Erland Heginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Henry ’81 Mr. David Hightrink Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hills ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacocks Mr. and Mrs. John J. KalagherSH Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kappaz Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 and Mr. James Karrels Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kenison Ms. Katherine duFief Keogh ’57 Mrs. Crescence Courtney Kilcoyne ’54 Ms. Christine Kuppens Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lamboley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lynch ’55 Mr. Alan Mataldi Mrs. Catherine McClave Mr. and Mrs. Matt McKelvey Mr. and Mrs. Hollis S. McLoughlin Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Merkle Drs. Bonnie Blanchfield and Gregg Meyer Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mr. and Mrs. George Moriarty ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Muñoz ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Takahisa Murakami Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Nealon Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser ’46 Mrs. Marguerite B. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. L. Randall Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Paton ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Penyak Mr. and Mrs. Steve Power Ms. Patricia Prince Ms. Iris E. Rainone Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rebovich Donna Redman Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Roberts ’60 Mrs. Roseanne RodilossoSH

Dr. and Mrs. James Ronan Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Roney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roth Hon. and Mrs. William J. Rowan, III Mrs. Dolores Royston ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schneider Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shafer Mrs. Katherine Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Slahetka Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mary-Allan T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mrs. Maxine Tanous Mrs. Sharon B. Taskey Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Teslik Mr. and Mrs. David Valaik Mrs. Marie Riordan Van Wyk ’48 Mr. and Mrs. Nils Vandenbeemt Mr. Timothy A. Vanderver Mr. and Mrs. Don Watkins Drs. Diane and Joseph Wood Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Wraase ’70 Mrs. Pamela McCullough Zusi ’62

Sustaining Donors We are most grateful to the following donors for contributing to Stone Ridge for the past 10 or more consecutive years.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Shepherdson Abell Ms. Patricia Aiken-O’Neill ’62 and Dr. John O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Steven Amigone ’95 Ms. Gillian Amoako-Atta and Mr. Andrew Atta Mr. and Mrs. Allan Anderson Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Christos T. Antoniou Ms. Alexandra Armstrong ’56 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Arnaiz Mrs. Jennifer Chalmers Balbach ’87 and Mr. Carl Teo Balbach Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barry Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bates Mrs. Leonora Rocca Bernheisel ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Besozzi Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bolster, Jr. ’46 Ms. Cynthia Lewis and Dr. Fred C. Bruhweiler Mrs. Rita D. Buckingham Mr. Albert Calogero Mr. and Mrs. Donny Carmichael ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr Drs. Gabrielle Virgo-Carter and Ernest Carter Mrs. Esther Christmas Cassidy ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Cass Walker Christenson ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Mrs. Lisa Walters Conlon ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cormack Mrs. Patricia Devereux Crowley ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Curt Dr. and Mrs. William Dahut Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Deacon, Jr. ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVol Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Doane Mr. and Mrs. A. Redmond Doms, Jr. ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Thompson ’76 Mrs. Marie Riordan Van Wyk ’48 Dr. Stefanie and Mr. Richard Vogel Ms. Jeanne Marcotte Wagner ’84 Ms. Claire Cunningham and Mr. Philip Ward Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Warner Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon ’84 and Mr. Michael Wilbon Mr. and Mrs. Don Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wendel Ms. Jennifer Wildt ’96 and Mr. Graham Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Will Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Winkler Mrs. Diane Duffield Wood ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Young ’81 Drs. Lori and Thomas Zorc

Special Gifts Alexandra Armstrong Scholarship Fund This fund was established by Alexandra Armstrong ’56 to provide tuition assistance especially in situations when a student is met with unexpected financial need.

Ms. Alexandra Armstrong ’56

Anne Dyer, RSCJ Scholarship Fund Through an initial, generous donation from the Kiplinger Foundation in November 2000, this fund has been named to honor the thirty-eight years (1968-2006) of stewardship and service of Sr. Anne Dyer to Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart. It is Sr. Dyer’s wish that this fund be her legacy and that deserving girls, who might not otherwise be able to attend Stone Ridge, receive a Sacred Heart education in her name.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maresca

Chapel Fund Contributions to this fund support and maintain our beautiful Chapel in Hamilton House.

Dickinson Scholarship Fund This fund was established in 1985 by a major contribution from Mr. Edward Dickinson to be used at the discretion of the Head of School. It has become a source of tuition assistance for students in need.

Sandra Dubinsky Scholarship Fund Named in honor of former Director of Admission, Sandra B. Dubinsky, this fund supports financial aid for students at Stone Ridge.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Dubinsky

Employee Critical Needs Fund Contributions to this fund help offset yearly expenses to address staff members’ needs that are not covered by Stone Ridge long-term and short-term disability benefits.

Ms. Rebecca Trussell and Dr. Michael R. Cavey

The Carlette Engel De Janosi Scholarship Fund This endowed scholarship was established by Madeleine Engel de Janosi McMullan ’46 and her husband, James, in memory of Mrs. McMullan’s mother, who was a French teacher at “1719.” The fund provides scholarship aid to an Upper School Student.


Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGown ’52 Mr. and Mrs. William P. McInerny ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. Ms. Sarah Holden and Mr. Thomas I. Megan Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Menaker Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Miller Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mr. and Mrs. George Moriarty ’65 Ms. Margaret Morton ’69 and Mr. Robert Babbitt Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Muñoz ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy ’76 Ms. Kathryn Kelly and Mr. Frank Musica Mr. and Mrs. John Myler ’64 Mrs. Vivian Cissel Neuhauser ’46 Ms. Mary J. Dowd and Mr. Edward L. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Olsen Elizabeth C. Olson Karen Olson, RSCJSH Mrs. Nancy Bradford Ordway ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Osberg ’94 Mr. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pearlman ’60 Ms. Sophia C. Peters ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Plaine Ms. Gina Talamona and Mr. Mark Polla Mr. and Mrs. James F. Powers ’78 Ms. Iris E. Rainone Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Rayder Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rebovich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reis Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Dr. Laura L. Richardson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Richardson Ms. Marissa Tan and Mr. Preston Rico Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Roberts ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romano Ms. Mary Ellen Ruff ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruff, IIISH Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ruginski Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. John Sateri Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. Schaller ’61 Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz ’60 Drs. Zavia and Stuart Scott Margaret Seitz, RSCJSH Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shields ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Shiverick ’78 Ms. Maria Shriver ’73 Mr. Richard K. Shullaw Mrs. Katherine Simpson Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spina ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanislav ’84 Drs. Stephen and Alice Stolzberg ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strumpen-Darrie ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull ’69 Mrs. Holly Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Thiel Sullivan Ms. Suzanne M. Sullivan ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Taylor ’98 Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Teslik Ms. Sandra Theunick ’64 Mrs. Margaret Thomas


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donaghue Mrs. Dolores Vaca Donihi ’64 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Dreyer ’79 Drs. Ellen M. Dugan ’70 and Dennis A. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Dwyer ’52 Ms. Beth Ennis Mr. and Mrs. Erin Ersenkal ’96 Mrs. Elizabeth Farr Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fazio Ms. Chrisellen R. Kolb and Mr. Charles J. Felker Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Firstenberg Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett Fitzpatrick ’79 Dr. and Mrs. Eamon Flanagan ’58 Ms. B. Lynn Follansbee ’85 Mr. and Mrs. George Forsyth ’55 Mr. and Mrs. David Foshee ’77 Ms. Marilynn Jean Fuller ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Patricia Geuting, RSCJ ’55 Ms. Elise C. Gillette ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gillick ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John Gilner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glasgow ’48 Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greissing ’68 Ms. Virginia M. Hagan ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Harkins Mrs. Dorothy D. Harkins-Coughlin Ms. Vaswati Hasson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hills ’84 Ms. Thelma Fox Hines ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Horning Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. HukeSH Mr. and Mrs. William Hurley, III ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Iandoli ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Johnson ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Johnston ’64 Ms. Susan Suss Jones ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan ’84 Mrs. Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 and Mr. James Karrels Mr. and Mrs. William F. Keeshan, Jr. ’54 Ms. Margaret Mary Keppel Kelley ’62 Ms. Adele C. Keogh ’58 Ms. Sarah A. Miller and Mr. Michael J. King Mr. and Mrs. Knight Austin Kiplinger Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leonard, III ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lovallo ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lovett, III ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lynch ’55 Ms. Linda M. Lynch Ms. Joan Morningstar and Mr. Timothy Lynes Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Ms. Susan P. JaquetSH and Mr. Philippe J. Marciniak Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maresca Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marks Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. MasseySH Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Dr. William May† Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha ’88 and Col. Michael Pietrucha Mr. and Mrs. Steven McCown ’67



Gators Go Turf Campaign Campus Enhancement Project 2014

Anonymous (19) Kathryn and Shep Abell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Abell Patricia Aiken-O’Neill and Dr. John O’Neill Jacqueline Albarran Ms. Amanda Allman Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Amorosi Jose and Patricia Andres Zibby Brady Andrews ’70 Joe and Jeanne Andronowitz ’88 Chris and Lydia Antoniou, parents of Christine Antoniou ’10 and Suzanne Antoniou ’16 David Ardayfio and Nyaneba Nkrumah Mark and Debbie Attar Michelle Bailer Don and Maria Baker Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72 and Jan W. Baran Mrs. Caroline Cullen Barker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barloon Mr. and Mrs. William P. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barron Meagan Barry Bunny Bastian James N. Boink, Jr. and Raphael Bastian ’83 Carol and David Bates Megan Knazek Beck Kevin and Jane Belford Scott and Kammie Bell Michael and Carolann Bellaman Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie Billings and Mr. Jonathan Billings Ann and Bob Bittman Peter & Judy Black parents of Katherine A. Black ’10 Kathy Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blue Barbara D. Boggs Michael and Pamela Boland Claudia Palena and Ezio Bonvini Ms. Carla A. Bosco Mary Pratt Brandenburg Lindsay Bratun ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brault Tom and Bethann Brault Bryan and Susan Brewer Mr. and Mrs. David Brigati Gioia and Andrew Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brophy The Brueggeman Family Ms. Joan E. Burnes Mr. and Mrs. David Byers Elizabeth and Daniel Calhoun ’83 Jonas and Michele Campino Cathy and Lou Cantilena Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Carey Dr. Donald and Mrs. Sheila Byrd Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Carr and Family Drs. Ernest Carter and Gabrielle Virgo-Carter Charles and Gwynneth Chandler Tom and Nancy Cholis Dr. and Mrs. Robert Chu Frank and Deanne Ciatto Drs. Charles and Irim Ciolino Cleary Family in memory of Tim Cleary Dr. Maureen P. Cleary Mr. Eileen P. Cleary Ms. Gail Cleary

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. John Colbert Mrs. Allison Alexander and Mr. Gregory Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Cook Spero and Lea Courtis Steve Cox and Katie Beckler Cox ’92 Drs. B. Casey and Lisa S. Crafton Ms. Brianna Creed Thomas (T.L.) and Nicole Cubbage Major Bryan and Gerarda Culipher Mrs. Amity Wall Curry Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Curt Kent and Stacy Cushenberry Mr. and Mrs. Juan Jose Daboub Dr. William Dahut and Mrs. Karen Mataldi Dahut Drs. Richard T. and Victoria J. Davey, Jr. Dorsey Davidge Mr. Michael Davidsen, Elizabeth Boggs Davidsen, Caroline Davidsen ’10, and Charlotte Davidsen ’12 Chantal de Merlis John Delaney and April McClain-Delaney Joseph and Ellen Delaney Ms. Heather Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger William and Denise DeVeaux John and Beni Devine David and Kitty Di Martino Margaret and David DiBari Mr. and Mrs. Edward Digges Jill Donaghue Chris and Karen Donatelli Dan Donovan and Diana Saenz Susan Buckley Doran Ms. Elizabeth Dorn Ms. Christine Dorr Joy J. Dorsey Dean and Carroll Drewyer Scott and Ellen Clare Gillespie Dreyer ’79 Dr. Ellen Dugan and Dr. Dennis Cullen Dr. Mary Margaret Dugan ’69 Christopher and Lilian Duke Donna M. Duke George and Carroll Dunn ’69 Ms. Kathleen M. Dunn Christopher Duvall and Michele Maiberger ’91 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Farmer Karen E. Farrell ’05 and Daniel E. Rosinski Ali Fassihi and Angela Noguera Mrs. Nancy Fazio Chrisellen Kolb and Josh Felker The Feller Family Brad and Marie Fennell Kelley Smith Feranec Hugh and Tracy Ferridge Ms. Samantha Firstenberg ’09 Kirsten Schroder Fisk ’75 Mark and Patricia Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Leslie Flynn Katherine Hensler Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Frey Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Brandon and Kate Fritz Lisa and Matthew Gaisford Kevin Gallagher and Catherine Gallagher ’78 Ms. Shawn Gannon

Mr. and Mrs. HongFa Gao Mary Alice Garber Kin Gee and Patricia Donovan Gee Marie and Art Gehringer Gabriele Geier Elizabeth A. Gerber ’10 Anne Geoghegan Gerrety Christy and Dave Giulieri Francis and Patricia Glowacki Mary and Michael Glynn Cindy and Tom Goldman Ms. Teri R. Gonzales Erin Donovan an Robert Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwin Christy and Greg Gosnell Gary and Leslie Gosnell Mike Gozycki and Allyson Kreter Gozycki ’92 A.J. and Jodie Gravel Edward F. Greissing, Jr., Elisabeth K. Greissing and Kirby Greissing Kirby Greissing ’10 Ms. Kathleen Hagan Jon Lawlor and Judith Hagley Joe and Kristie Haley The Hanlon Sisters Meg ’82, Beth ’84, Mary ’88 Chris and Lauri Harkins Dorothy D. Harkins The Harlan Family Gregory and June Drummond Harrington Mr. and Mrs. John M. Heckler Howard and Stephanie Heiss Ms. Ramona Heming The Henschel Family Kathryn Vigé Hicks ’72 Bjorn and Molly Hildahl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hilliard The Hirschberger Family Catherine Troost Hite Geof and Beth Hobart Tim and Kristen Hohman Malcolm and Carey Hollensteiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Ida Hsu Dana and Matthew Iandoli Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Ibe Daniel Ilisevich and Kathleen Merlo Mr. and Mrs. William Jerro Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Johnson, III Ms. GiGi Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Jordan Ms. Madeline T. Jordan Michael Joyce and Elise McHugh-Joyce Donald R. and Lisa Chase Kaiser Karen and Tony Kamerick Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kane Ms. Liz Kane The Kapust Family Melissa Karp-Seward and family Jim Karrels and Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 Christine Nicolaides Kearns ’78 Elise and Michael Keegan Sean Keegan and Maddie Kearns Keegan ’05 Mr. and Mrs. James P.Keese Julie Consilvio Kelly Maureen Daly Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenary, Jr. The Kenny Family Kevin and Elizabeth Keyes

Bill and Michelle Kim Jim King and Susan Coffman-King John and Suzanne King Mary King The Kinkead-Gormley Family Knack Family Dr. and Mrs. Saeed Kronfli The Kushan Family Drs. Rene and Gonzalo Laje Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lange Ms. Anne K. Lawrence Suzanne and Jon Lawrence John and Cheryl Leahy Mr. and Mrs. David Ledecky Mr. Laerte D. Leiroz and Ms. Carla Cullati Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon Kay DeFranceaux Leonard Jon and Michelle Lindstrom Ken and Patty Lovett Jenny Scott Lukens The Lydon Family Gail and Mark Lynch Patty Lynch Timothy J. Lynes and Joan C. Morningstar Mimi Mahoney Christine O’Hagan Maloney ’69 Ron and Frances Manderscheid Eugene and Deborah Mark The Marmolejos family Dominique Martinet & Andre Simonpietri Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Martinez Eugene and Mary Ellen Massey Matan Family Foundation Erin Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Matuschek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maxwell Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mayer

The Mayfield Family Elizabeth Maze Aileen McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Eric McKim Don and Christine Liane McLean ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMackin, Jr. The McMahon Family: Lorna ’88, Maggie ’15, Colleen ’17 Mrs. Sandra Andreas McMurtrie Ms. Laura de Oña and Mr. Atul Mehta Frank and Sharon Menaker Mr. and Mrs. Mulu Mengiste Allison Martin Thom ’92 Ms. Katherine Meyer Chris Mitchell and Connie Shaffer Mitchell ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Mitchell Drs. Andy and Huda Montemarano Katherine M. Morris John and Ann Morrissey LTC and Mrs. David P. Morrow Lou and Nancy Morsberger Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mottur Clay and Kristin Mowry Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay and Joyeeta Das Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muldoon Dr. Kathleen Mullaney and Mr. Mark Mullaney Steve and Kathleen Mullery Patty, John and The Myler Family Anna Mysliwiec Stuart Nash and Mary Ruppe Nash ’83 Steven and Melanie Ness Greg and Anne Nickerson Ms. Rosemary Nidiry Ms. Amy Nist John and Lisa Nolan Carol Noonan ’91 and family Mrs. Kathryn Nordberg Edward O’Connell and Mary J. Dowd Michael and Mary O’Connor Karen Olson, RSCJ

Sara O’Neil-Manion and William C. Manion The Ortega Family David and Carolyn Osberg Eric Osberg and Christina Perez Osberg ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. O’Sullivan Mr. Andrew Ott and Mrs. Julie Thurston Ott ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Pakradooni Kevin Paley and Nadine Fraiture Paley ’86 Dr. Gregg and Karen Pane Mr. and Mrs. P. David Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Paravano Parents of 2008 graduate Parents of two Stone Ridge students Alice Bunt Parry ’76 and Julie Bunt ’73 Jennifer and Steve Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Derik Perry Drs. Tom and Maggie (Rubino) Pilkington Mr. and Mrs. Dan Plaine Brian and Cathy Porto Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Posniewski Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Pothier Tom and Christa Powers Ms. Chantell Prestcott Edward and Meghan Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Quinn Alexandra Gagnet Rahman ’03 Mr. and Mrs. David Ram J.W. and Helene Rayder Shazaad Ally and Catherine Regan Annalee Gillette Regensburg Lynn M. Reynolds Holly and Stephen Rhodes Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mark and Celeste Richardson Mr. Thomas Richey Ms. Patricia M. Richey Dr. Maria and Mr. Jose Rios John and Jane Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Rock Jeff and Kate Rodgers





Mrs. Roseanne Lammers Rodilosso Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rogers, Jr. Benito and Virginia Chavez Romano Susan Marie May Romanosky Grace Demetrovits Ronan Joan Ronnenberg Jim and Kathy Round Patricia Heffernan and Patrick Rowan Chuck Rubac and Erin Sindelar Rubac ’95 Mary Ellen Ruff Paul and Elizabeth Ruff Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ruffin Philip E. Ruppe Mr. Thomas Graham and Mrs. Christine Coffey Ryan Tara C. F. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Sader Bart and Julie Gillespie Sanders ’82 John and Mathilde Sateri Gene and Trish Scalia Russ & Nina Schriefer Guillermo and Cecilia Schultz Robyn Schwartzman Mr. and Mrs. James Sclafani Mr. and Mrs. William W. Scott Mr. David and Ilise Scott Stuart and Zavia Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers Tom and Carol Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaffer Paul Shiverick and Betsy Hoy Shiverick ’78 Mary and Pat Siffermann Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Sinkford, III Roger and Lisa Sion Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N.Slimp, II Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sobande Stephen and Maria Spina Kati Jo Spisak William and Kathleen Stallings Marty Stanislav and Wendy Stanislav ’84 The Stawinski Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stayner (Lily Gee) Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stewart Frank and Genie Strong Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stull Amy Dunkelberger Sturtevant ’78 and Peter Sturtevant Gene and Hae Suk Ms. Cate Sullivan Tom Swift and Joan Gillespie Swift ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Taskey Jay Tatum and Meghan Voris Tatum ’94 Caitlin MylerTaylor ’98 Katelyn Tehan ’12 Maggie Tehan ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Tehan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tepper Ms. Jody Tabner Thayer and Mr. Bradley Thayer Douglas and Allison Martin Thom ’92 Claire Thomas 2015 and Family Lynne and Susan Thorman Mary Burke Tobias and Jose A. Tobias Natalie A. Tobias Class of 2014 Katie Tomlin-Mathews Drs. Charles and Cecile Toner The Topercer Family Steve and Jane Trevisan

Mr. Robert Trone, Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Sophia Trone ’20 Kirk and Ashley Tsai Meg Turner ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyson The Urbanski Family Dan and Margaret Valaik The van Vloten Family Ashish Vazirani and Deborah D’Souza-Vazirani Paul and Elaine Vining Ms. Nicole N. Virgo-Carter Dr. Stefanie Vogel and Mr. Richard Vogel Adam and Christine Volanth George and Dorothy Voris Paul and Jacqueline Walsh Claire Cunningham and Philip Ward Mark and Caroline Washko Chris and Anna Wellisz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenger Lynn T. White Scott and Lauren White Mrs. Nancy Cissel Wiegand Michael Wilbon and Sheryl Wilbon ’84 Carl B. and Maureen Wilkerson Miss Marie Wilkerson Dr. Tricia Zhang and Mr. Talmadge Williams (parents of Tayla Williams ’24) Nelson Williams and Caroline McInerney Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gene Willingham Dr. Tom and Mrs. Lauren Winkler James Wirths and Susan Fields Wirths ’57 Asako, Robb, and Chieko Wong ’20 Cecilia Kirby Wraase ’70, Dennis Wraase, Elisabeth Wraase Besore ’07 Jerome and Jacklyn Mitchell Wynn, parents of Taylor Wynn ’15 Frederick S. and Laurie Roberge Yang Ki Sung and Hea Jin Yoon Tim and Liz Yost Daniel and Monica Young Laura and Benito Zapata Amanda Zingone Drs. Thomas and Lori Zorc

Julian E. Gillespie, Jr. Athletic Fund This fund was set up following the sudden and untimely death of Julian Gillespie in 1982, the father of four Stone Ridge alumnae, Joan Gillespie Swift ’78, Ellen Clare Gillespie Dreyer ’79, Elizabeth Gillespie Billings ’80, and Julie Gillespie Sanders ’82. Proceeds are used to support the athletic department.

education played in their lives, and continues to play in the lives of their granddaughters. Income from the Fund supports the ongoing growth of the faculty at Stone Ridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Donny Carmichael ’79

John C. Kavanagh Scholarship Fund Established in April 1986 by his daughters, Mary Kavanagh Sherry, Anne Kavanagh Stroh, Marcia Kavanagh Dodge, Carol Kavanagh McGinley ’66, Patricia Kavanagh ’67, Maureen Kavanagh Goldstein ’70, and Kathryn Kavanagh Baran ’72, this fund offers financial assistance to a student in need.

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baran ’72

Koonz Scholarship Fund Established in 1987 to provide financial assistance to an Upper School student.

Patricia Krane Memorial Fund This fund was established for Patricia Krane who joined the Stone Ridge faculty in the Lower School in 1972. Mrs. Krane, who died in 1987, is best remembered for her gift of teaching young people to memorize and recite poetry that would remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Diana Scully Lee Memorial Fund This fund was established in 1985 by Dr. and Mrs. James H. Scully to honor their daughter, Diana Scully Lee ’65, who died in her early thirties. It provides a scholarship in memory of Mrs. Lee who is remembered by her family and friends as a vibrant woman and mother of three.

Mrs. Paris Keena Scott ’74

Daniel-Valdis Lubkans Fund This fund was created in 1987 in memory of the son of Catherine Hall and Andrejs Lubkans. Ms. Hall was a longtime English teacher in the Upper School. The fund supports the Lower School speaker series.

Anthony F. and Mary Malia Scholarship Fund Gerald Malia, a former trustee and president of the Fathers’ Club and his wife, Kaki Carolan Malia ’53, a former president of the Stone Ridge Alumnae Board, set up this scholarship in honor or Mr. Malia’s parents. The Malia’s three daughters, Mary Catherine Malia Higgins ’78, Carolan Malia Taylor ’79, and Elizabeth Malia ’83, are Stone Ridge graduates. This grant is awarded to a student entering the Upper School from the Middle School.

Ms. Raphaël M. Bastian ’83 and Mr. James Boink

Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Joan Gillespie Swift ’78

Sister Irene Good Scholarship Fund

The Thomas Allen Manfuso Faculty Development Fund

This fund is named for Sister Irene Good who lived and worked at Stone Ridge on two difference occasions for nearly fifteen years. Sister Good is most remembered for her love of mathematics and her unique ability to teach the subject.

This endowed fund established by John A. Manfuso, Jr. in memory of the late Thomas Allen Manfuso, supports professional development for English teachers.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Good

This fund is named for Marie McCarthy, a graduate of Newton Academy, who taught chemistry at Stone Ridge for twenty-five years. Mrs. McCarthy designed and implemented the first science curriculum for the Middle and Upper Schools at Stone Ridge and was named 1988 Chemistry Teacher of the Year. At her request upon her retirement in 1988, a scholarship was established in her name to offer financial assistance to students in need.

The Thomas and Barbara Hoy Fund for Faculty Development The Thomas and Barbara Hoy Fund for Faculty Development is an endowed fund established by Christine Hoy Gosnell ’79 (mother of Charlotte ’14) and Elizabeth Hoy Shiverick ’78 (mother of Liza Reetz ’11—91st Street) in honor of their parents. Thomas and Barbara greatly value the role that a Sacred Heart

Marie McCarthy Scholarship Fund

Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson

McComas Fund The McComas Fund was established in 1998 with a gift from Louis McComas. The fund encourages the study of economics at Stone Ridge.

Mother Mouton Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Boland initiated this fund with a major gift in 1985. Mother Odeide Mouton, who holds a special place in the memory of many alumnae, served as headmistress of Stone Ridge form 1957-1968. She spent her last years in a retirement community for the Religious of the Sacred Heart in California.

Schultz Fund The Schultz Fund, established in 1995 by Dr. and Mrs. Gullermo Schultz, is a fund that provides financial support for programs and tools designed to help students with learning differences.

Dr. and Mrs. Guillermo SchultzSH Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Will

St. Madeleine Sophie Faculty Enrichment Fund This fund, established by an anonymous donor, provides funds for faculty study, travel, and other forms of enrichment.

Joan McNeil Tambasco This fund was established in loving memory of Joan McNeil Tambasco by her husband Anthony Tambasco. Joan joined the Middle School faculty at Stone Ridge in 1981 and taught Social Studies and Religion before retiring in 1996. Joan is remembered for her deep faith, and her talent to bring out the best in people— especially young people. In true Sacred Heart tradition, Joan set clear standards and challenged her students to be creative thinkers and empowered leaders. She was truly a beloved teacher.

that began more than two hundred years ago with St. Madeleine Sophie Barat.

Estate of Anne Newby Williams Ms. Alexandra Armstrong ’56 Mrs. Leonora Rocca Bernheisel ’55 Mr. Jerry Bullock Ms. Frances B. Call ’58 Ms. Nancy Lewis Clark ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Denger ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. DiLallo Mrs. Catherine S. Dott Mr. and Mrs. James V. Durkin Dr. Olga and Mr. Carl Fairfax ’58 Ms. Cynthia Wright and Mr. Joseph Fraundorfer Dr. and Mrs. David S. Freitag Mr. Wiley N. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Albert R. Jonsen ’57 Ms. Margaret Mary Keppel Kelley ’62 Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Manderscheid Mrs. Dominique Verheyen Martinet ’62 Mrs. Mary Jane Maslyar Ms. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Dr. Helen Fox Moody ’65 Mrs. Mary Frances O’Connor Moriarty ’48 Mrs. Nancy Bradford Ordway ’56 Ms. Penelope E. Prior ’88 Dr. Amy C. Richardson ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rumford, III Mrs. Eileen M. Trevisan Mrs. Sheryl A. Watkins Wilbon ’84

Other Gifts Gifts in Kind

Nadine Wetzler Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Glowacki Mr. Jose Bello-Ruiz Tri-State Stone and Building Supply Mrs. Anna Marie Parisi-Trone and Mr. Robert Trone

Nadide Wetzler a longtime friend to Stone Ridge community and mother of Nadia ’89 and Andrea ’91, died January 1992. Her family sponsored this memorial fund.

Businesses, Corporations, and Organizations

Maureen Coffey Wood Fund This fund, in memory of Maureen Coffey Wood ’62, was established by her family, Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coffey (Mary Catherine Mudell ’34) Christine Coffey Ryan ’67, and Anne Coffey Proctor ’69, to support the efforts of the guidance department.

Wendy M. Wright Endowed Scholarship Fund

Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart

Hic et Nunc The Hic et Nunc Society (Here and Now) has been established to recognize individuals and families who have made provisions for future gifts to Stone Ridge through their estate plans. By becoming a member of this society, you are serving as an inspiration for others to make similar gifts to uphold the tradition of a Sacred Heart education

Alagia Family Foundation AmazonSmile American Endowment Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation Balbach Family Foundation Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Inc. Delaware Community Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund First Eagle Investment Management Foundation Matan Family Foundation, Inc. McKesson Foundation, Inc. National Philanthropic Trust NewAlliance Foundation RBC Foundation The Andreas Foundation The Community Foundation for the Nat’l Capital Region The Dealy Foundation, Inc. The James M. Johnston Trust The John Doar Foundation The Lemon Foundation The M&T Charitable Foundation The Rosenfeld Rumford Steckler Family Foundation Inc. The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving The Shelter Hill Foundation

Matching Gifts Bank of America Foundation Fidelity Foundation; Matching Gifts to Education Global Impact J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Jefferies LLC Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. The Merck Company Foundation Matching Gift Program PNC Foundation Sanofi-aventis Shell Oil Company Foundation T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc. The Carlyle Group TIAA-CREF UBS Matching Gift Program United Technologies Matching Gift Program Verizon Services Corp. Wells Fargo Foundation Wiley Rein & Fielding, LLP

Restricted Gifts Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Gravel Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Johnson, III Ms. Marie Isabel Laurion ’88 The James M. Johnston Trust

Gifts have been received in honor of: Class of 1965 50th Reunion Class of 1995 Karina Absalon Dr. G. A. Balfour Lara Bedewi Susie Canton Meaghan M. Carrigan Sophia Ciatto Lauren and Juliette Duvall The Upper School Faculty


This fund was established by the family and friends of Wendy M. Wright upon her retirement in 2002. After thirty-two years of service to Stone Ridge, Mrs. Wright is remembered especially as the head of the Lower School. The fund supports tuituion assistance of a Lower School student.

Ahold Financial Services Anchor Construction Corporation Beyda’s Lad & Lassie Chase Communications Clark Construction Group Coughlin Transportation Co Ease Technologies Georgetown Preparatory School Harris Teeter Heffron Company, Inc. Hercules Fence Lands’ End Inc. Meltzer Carroll Life Merrill Lynch Trust Company Morgan Stanley Sacred Heart of the DR Congo Target The Kane Company Tri-State Stone and Building Supply United Technologies United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way of the National Capital Area Vanguard Charitable Wells Fargo Community Support– United Way Campaign




46 Lawrence “Larry” Green Amanda Grolig Chloe Jean-Pierre Catherine Ronan Karrels Clarque Kelley Nora and Maggie Kelly Claire Keyes Joan Kirby, RSCJ Patricia Krane Carina Leiroz Stephanie Lennon Catherine Lubkans and Thomas O’Hare Carmen Magtira Frances Manderscheid Elizabeth McClung Mother Mouton Anne Kelly Musica Amanda O’Connor Mr. Thomas O’Hare and Ms. Iris Rainone Sr. Olsen Hanya Rasmussen Sharise Robinson Haylee Shaia Andrea Shullaw Abby and Hannah Sweeney Ethan’s Preschool teachers JaneAnne Tvedt Emma and Anna Volanth Wendy Wright

Lawrence “Larry” Green Virginia and Thomas Hagan Vasilios S Kavarligos Jane Kennedy Mary Jane Kennelly Gene Keogh Reed & Michael F. Keogh Mary Eleanor Keppel Marie McCarthy Margot S. McInerney Janet Pappert Susana Raquel Quintero Gene Keogh Reed Jean du Fief Keogh Reed Camila Santistevan Diana Scully Lee Marietta Scully Virginia Sheahen Pam Swagart Maribeth Tobin, RSCJ Billie Woolley Frances Smith Trimble Priscilla Valentino Ross and Dorothy Valvo IMO of Anne Newby Williams and Leonard J. Williams II Calene Winburn Ivan Zlatin

Gifts have been received in memory of:

Platinum ($5,000)

Deceased members of the Class of 1957 Priscilla Valentino Aburrow Carol A. Ammerman Love Emily & Mary Dr. Pepe Barron Mushtaq and Zakiya Behum Milton S. Birch, Sr. Jane and Ed Carey James L. Coffin Sr. Collins, Headmistress 1970 Cricket DeFelice Mary Lloyd Dugan Alcira de Flores Joan Gillespie

Golf Classic 2014 Sponsors CFI—The Bell Family The Payne Family Anna and Robert Trone

Gold ($2,500) Blue and Gold Boosters Grade Line Engineering Whiting-Turner SR Board of Trustees

Silver ($1,500) Anchor Construction Ease Technology Hercules Fence

Kimura Family—Arisa ‘16 Normandy Carpet Tri-State Stone Scoreboard Kane Printing Services Ledecky Family—Katie ‘15 Dr. Angela Noguera RMA Transportation

Beverage Cart ($750) Brewer Family Scott Orthodontics The Quinn Family—Maggie ’17, Sam ‘20

Putting Green ($350) Stone Ridge Golf Team

Driving Range ($350) Office Movers Higher Logic The Meltzer Group

Hole Sponsor ($250) Chevy Chase Plastic Surgery Greg Coleman—WORKIT Country Club Lawn and Landscaping Chris Duke, M.D. Georgetown Prep Heffron Hills Family Keith Robertson Lerch Early & Brewer Malia–Taylor Family Sarah Vogel Weise ’01, Lina Weise & Brianne Weise The Hilliard Family—Julia ’12, Molly ‘17 Quin Family—Caroline ‘18 RCM&D Spectrum Printing Stone Ridge SRPA Executive Committee Stone Ridge Tennis Team Peter C. Speros, CFP Weyers Floors Zorc Family

2015 Golf Committee

Master Plan (ad hoc):

Bryan Brewer Karen Butler-Colbert Andy Cook Joe DiZinno Marie Gehringer (staff ) Anne Kane Akiko Kimura Nicole Knox Chris Lamond Kevin Lange Jason McGhee (staff ) Martin Payne Derik Perry Robb Wong

Mark Richardson, Chair Christopher Donatelli Catherine Ronan Karrels Charles Mathews Sara O’Neil-Manion John Ryan Rob Stewart

Committees to the 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Executive Committee Mark Richardson, Chair Helene Rayder, Secretary and Vice-chair William Farmer, Treasurer Karen Dahut Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86 (ex officio)

Audit Committee Charles Mathews, Chair William Farmer Catherine Ronan Karrels (ex officio) Eric Osberg (staff) Mark Richardson Richard Vogel

Committee on Trustees Helene Rayder, Chair Elizabeth Davidsen Catherine Ronan Karrels (ex officio) Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Mark Richardson Gabrielle Virgo-Carter

Development Committee Karen Dahut, Chair Elizabeth Davidsen Catherine Ronan Karrels (ex officio) Christina Kearns Mark Richardson Betsy Shiverick Cindy vandenBeemt (staff)

Finance Committee:

Head of School Evaluation and Compensation Committee:

Additional Committees 2014-2015 Stone Ridge Parents Association Executive Committee Patty Lovett, President Carolann Bellaman Chris Duvall Leslie Flynn Kathy Johnson Elise Keegan Derik Perry Kathy Stallings

2014-2015 Alumnae Board

Gators Go Turf Campaign Chairs David J. Bates, Co-Chair, Past Trustee Campaign Michael Bellaman, Co-Chair, General Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Gosnell, Co-Chairs, Past Parent Campaign Kristen Hohman, Chair, Leadership Phase Eileen C. Mayer ’70, Co-Chair, Past Trustee Campaign Pinkie Dent Mayfield, Co-Chair, General Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Shaffer, Chairs, Grandparent Campaign Betsy Hoy Shiverick ’78, Chair, Alumnae Campaign

Leadership Phase Steering Committee Kristen Hohman Patty Lovett Eileen C. Mayer ’70

Gators Go Turf Steering Committee David J. Bates Carolann Bellaman Michael Bellaman Karen Mataldi Dahut Gary Gosnell Leslie Gosnell A.J. Gravel Kristen Hohman Patty Lovett Charles M. Mathews, Jr. Eileen C. Mayer ’70 Pinkie Dent Mayfield Kristin Mowry Helene Rayder Mark S. Richardson Cecilia SchultzSH Harvey F. Seegers Anna Marie Parisi-Trone Betsy Hoy Shiverick ’78 Robb Wong


Kathryn Kavanagh Baran Elizabeth Brooks Molly Bryson Corinne Cannon Maureen Daly Kelly

Gators Go Turf Campaign Volunteer Committees

Mark Richardson, Chair William Farmer Harvey Seegers Charles Mathews

Mr. John Heckler, Chair Mrs. Kammie Bell Mr. Michael Bellaman Mrs. Christine Carey Ms. Lillie Coleman Mrs. Maureen Cook Mrs. Suzanne Curt Ms. Dorsey Davidge Mr. Joseph Faccone Dr. Mary-Margaret Lewis and Mr. Brian Friel Mrs. Christina Fry Giulieri Ms. Amy Howe Mrs. Kim Helfgott Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnson Mr. John King Mr. Kevin Lange Mrs. Cheryl Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Magner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maloney Mr. Francisco Martinez Ms. Linda D. McCabe-Pietrucha Mrs. Audra Nixon Mrs. Mary O’Connor Mrs. Lynn Perry Ms. Andrea Phipps Mrs. Deborah J Georgetti-Piro Mrs. Helene Rayder Mrs. Mathilde Sateri Mr. Brett Scola Dr. Zavia Scott Mr. Matt Shannon Ms. Kim Sinkford Ms. Debra Soltis Mrs. Kathy Stallings Mrs. Carrie Tydings Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vining Mr. Tom Williams


William Farmer, Chair David Bates Catherine Ronan Karrels (ex officio) Edward Krause Eugene Massey Eric Osberg (staff) Mark Richardson Kathryn Stewart

2014-2015 Annual Fund Ambassadors

Daphne Kiplinger Kellyn Mahan Dominique Martinet Eileen Mayer Sophia Peters Amy Richardson Mary Williams Schaller Neda Semnani Julie Verratti Colleen Zorc


ET NUNC Society

YOU CAN REMEMBER STONE RIDGE IN YOUR WILL. Much of Stone Ridge’s past financial support has come from the generous bequests of its alumnae and friends. Such bequests are indispensable in maintaining the extraordinary quality of the School. Planned gifts that qualify you for membership in the Hic et Nunc Society include but are not limited to: · Bequest intention in your will · Life insurance policies · Retirement plan assets · Personal residences/property If you have already remembered Stone Ridge in your will or if you wish to receive further information, please contact Heather Dempsey, Director of Annual Giving, at 301.657.4322, ext. 363, or

SOME THINGS WILL NEVER CHANGE. Our young women may use interactive smartboards and laptop computers to exchange ideas, but the continued Sacred Heart emphasis on the importance and joy of reading and writing remain the priority of our English curriculum.

Your support helps us live out St. Madeleine Sophie Barat's mission every day. Thank you for supporting Stone Ridge in so many ways. Fall 2015 | 48

In Memoriam

To notify the School of a death please contact Michael Anne Cullen '95 at 301.657.4322, ext. 376.

Stone Ridge extends our sympathies to alumnae, current families, and current faculty and staff who have lost loved ones. ALBERT CALOGERO Father of Cate Calogero ’14 THOMAS J. CAROLAN Father of Milou Carolan ’82, Brother of Mary Catherine Carolan Malia ’53 and Mary Elizabeth Carolan JonsenSR JOANNE CHECCHI ’75 Sister of Anne Marie Checchi ’69 and Lisa Checchi Ross ’73 HELEN “PEGGY” CLARKE Mother of Helen Clarke Helton ’71, Mary Clarke Zigo ’72, Bridget Clarke Murphy ’76, and Cait Clarke ’78 ANNE G. FOLEY Mother of Sally Foley, Middle School Faculty ANNE M. GROSS Grandmother of Cara Sullivan ’07 and Cate Sullivan ’11 MARIE “MIMY” GROVER Mother of Anne Grover Vogel ’84 ELIZABETH BURLEE KEHOE Mother of Maureen Kehoe-Ostensen ’77 and Susan Kehoe ’67

SALLY LAUX MURPHY ’80 Sister of Emily Laux Roche ’77 and Cynthia Laux Kreidler ’82 ANNE SPENCER NOWLIN Sister of Claire Nowlin ’07, Grace Nowlin ’11, and Mimi NowlinSR JEAN R. O’CONOR Mother of Jean O’Conor ’63, Mary Ruth O’Conor FirebaughSR, Sally O’Conor Siciliano ’72 PATRICIA ANN O’CONNOR Mother of Erin O’Connor McBrien ’92 WILLIAM RICHARDSON Grandfather of Isabella Richardson ’15 and father of Mark Richardson, Board of Trustees Chair DR. JAMES G. RICHESON, JR. Father of Suzanne Richeson ’02 MARGARET THERESA SEITZ, RSCJ Former Trustee at Stone Ridge EUTAH THOMAS Grandmother of LaToya Thomas ’01

JOAN CAROL KIRBY, RSCJ Former teacher and head of the boarding school at Stone Ridge THOMAS C. LEE, MD Father of Susan Lee Mahan ’70, Nancy Lee d’Hemecourt ’72, and Theresa Lee Dejter ’74 WILLIAM E. MAY Father of Mary Pat May Fairchok ’78, Susie May Romanosky ’86, and Kathy May Boardman ’89 IRENE MARY LOSSIN MORROW Mother of Irene Morrow Davis ’61, grandmother of Elizabeth Morrow ’91 and Catherine Morrow Logue ’00, great grandmother of Eileen Morrow ’22 | 49

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Members of the Class of 2006 at their five year reunion in 2011. Time flies...we are looking forward to having you back!


Reunion Friday, April 15-Saturday, April 16, 2016. Visit for a schedule and photos from last year’s reunion! CELEBRATING THE CLASSES ENDING IN 1 & 6.

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