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Looking Forward

In 2018, St Mary’s College enacted a Strategic Plan focusing on the six strategic initiatives of:

• Mission & Identity


• Teaching & Learning

• Co-Curricular Activities

• Well-being

• Continual Renewal

• Sustainable Resourcing & Stewardship

A review of the outcomes of this plan revealed that much has been achieved in a short period of time.

Looking forward to the future, the foundations of the initial plan have provided a baseline for a new Strategic Plan which is informed by the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Touchstones of:

• Liberating Education

• Gospel Spirituality

• Inclusive Community

• Justice and Solidarity

The new Strategic Plan will provide direction for work at the College for the period of 2023 - 2025.

At St Mary’s College, our vision is to equip Today’s Boys with skills required to become Men for Tomorrow.

Our mission is to provide Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition, empowering our students to be men of faith, integrity, action and excellence.

With consideration to the past, the present and the future, the strategic initiatives for the 2023 - 2025 are:

• Learning for Life

• Forming Our People

• Nurturing Well-being

• Pursuing Partnerships

• Ensuring Sustainability

This three-year Strategic Plan outlines a clear path for a new vision for the College. There are many great opportunities ahead of us and the purpose of the 2023 - 2025 Strategic Plan is to enable the College to meet the needs of current students, while continuing to build on St Mary’s College’s achievements into the future.

Strategic Initiatives Learning For Life

St Mary’s College will champion lifelong learning through quality teaching and learning; empowering boys to take responsibility for their own learning and realise their potential.

Forming Our People

St Mary’s College will continue to invest in the formation of people through on-going professional development of leaders, particularly middle leaders and teachers, and through building capacity of teachers and support staff.

Nurturing Well-being

St Mary’s College will continue to nurture the wellbeing of students and staff and maintain a learning environment that is safe, ensuring that every student is challenged to learn, grow and develop.

Pursuing Partnerships

St Mary’s College will pursue partnerships with key stakeholders to enhance the quality of our teaching, learning and pathway options for our boys.

Ensuring Sustainability

St Mary’s College will deliver future sustainability through robust financial management, ongoing development of facilities and responsible use of resources.