St Mary's Annual Review

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and it has been decided to hold an appeal in 2011, to raise funds to replace the original floor in the front Hall, and at the same time, to improve the toilet facilities at the front of the building. A series of special events will take place, and approaches will be made to grantmaking trusts. This year’s Annual Lecture, given by Peter Lawrence, as part of the programme of the Woodford Festival, was attended by over 100 people, and much appreciated. The Memorial Hall—a valuable resource for many years Both Jill Jones and Edmund Booth left the Trustees on moving away from the parish. Each will be missed for their wisdom and commitment; but Edmund will be particularly missed for his technical expertise. Gerald Curtis and Gerry Everett have joined the Trustees, each bringing different talents. Debbie Kelly has become Clerk to the Trustees, with the main responsibility of taking minutes at meetings. Communication of all sorts is critical. Viveca Dutt reports on the Parish magazine and website and Wendy Littlejohns tells us about the work of the Communications Group. Parish Magazine Our normal rhythm was interrupted this year, when Geoff Jones our editor for many years moved away. We will miss his enthusiasm, commitment to getting contributions and meticulous proof reading—no flying apostrophe ever slipped past his eagle eye! We had to put the Christmas edition on hold but look forward to reappearing in 2011. Thank you Geoff

Web Site We hope the web site continues to be a useful tool for the church community and beyond. We have experimented this year with online ticket booking and more interactive publications and are developing a way to make it easier for more people to add new content without compromising the design.


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