St. Mary's Annual Report 2021-2022

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Pastor’s Letter

The Hispanic Ministry

Pastoral Council

Ministries Spotlight: Highlights from Last Year Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry St. Vincent de Paul Society Sacramental Data & Faith Formation School President’s Letter St. Mary’s Elementary School

St. Mary’s High School

Saints In Action Serving Others Class of 2022 Distinguished Alumni Awards 2022 Parish & School Service Awards St. Mary’s Restoration & Maintenance Projects Financial Report Giving at a Glance & Support St. Mary's

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COVER St Mary’s Church

One Community St. Mary’s Parish & School

St. Mary’s Parish, a sacramental Roman Catholic community united in Jesus Christ our Redeemer, proclaims God’s love, serves the needs of others, educates in the faith and joyfully celebrates God’s presence and promises as we seek the Kingdom of Heaven.

St. Mary’s Parish, a Catholic congregation served by the Redemptorist Order, includes St. Mary’s Church and St. John Neumann Mission Church. St. Mary’s Elementary and High School, located in downtown Annapolis, Maryland, serves students in grades PreKindergarten through 12. Anchored in faith, rooted in tradition and committed to excellence, our programs build lifelong learners who are servant leaders.


IRECALL THE PHRASE "A RETURN TO NORMALCY" that was used by some historians to describe the period in the United States after World War I. Although we live in an age of rapid change, I might use those words to describe St. Mary’s Parish during 2022. Although some aspects of the COVID-pandemic-sting linger on, I think we have taken many steps as a parish in the last year to return to normalcy. Mass attendance is almost at the level that it was when I first arrived here more than three years ago. We have begun to gather again as a parish community; I think of the parish picnic that brought forth nearly 700 parishioners. We are busy with the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, first communions, and weddings. We are meeting together regularly for soup suppers in Lent, the "I Thirst" continuing education programs, bible studies and Walking with Purpose, and they are sources of God’s grace for those who attend them. A great strength of the parish is the Adoration Chapel, which I sometimes refer to as the parish power plant.

I also am very grateful for the great generosity of our parishioners who continue to support the parish in a committed way. We are a bilingual parish with a growing Hispanic community. I feel that there is an excellent spirit of harmony between our diverse communities. I find our clergy, both priests and deacons, skilled and zealous in their pastoral service. I must point out how supportive our parishioners are of the St. Vincent de Paul and Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministries that seek to serve anyone who comes to us in need. The red wagon in the narthex of St. John Neumann Church is almost always full with items to assist others in our community and beyond.

We have a strong parish staff that serves the mission of our parish very well. I am delighted with the impact that our new school president Dr. Andrew Moore is having on our schools and parish. He is a man with a strong vision for the role of our schools in the life of the parish. Our new Elementary School Principal Megan Back is a very experienced educator with a caring heart for all our students. The many achievements of St. Mary’s High School, under the continued leadership of Principal Mindi Imes, in terms of spirituality, community, as well as excellence in education, the arts, and sports makes me proud to be a St. Mary’s Saint.

The major concern I have for our parish is the same issue facing every Catholic parish in America: evangelization. The statistics are alarming on how many people, in particular young adults, have drifted from the Catholic faith. I know this is a concern to many of you. There is no one simple response to this very challenging issue facing the American church, but I do assure you that as a parish we are doing all we can to be a welcoming church community that seeks to help us meet Jesus Christ in a personal way. I mentioned earlier how generous our parishioners are with their financial support, but I do pray that more parishioners will seek to join one or more of our many parish ministries. I do firmly believe that serving in a ministry enhances a person’s faith.

I am honored and grateful to have the opportunity to be the pastor of such an amazing parish. May the Mother of God, our patroness, bring us ever closer to her son Jesus.

Very Reverend Patrick Woods, C.Ss.R. Pastor


The Hispanic Ministry at St. Mary's has been working very hard to keep the community together after the pandemic. Now the Hispanic Pastoral Council is focusing on evangelization, bringing more people back to the church, celebrating our faith as one in Christ in the Annapolis area.

The Hispanic Ministry welcomes our Spanish speaking parishioners, together with outreach to recently arrived immigrants, principally from Mexico, Central America and South America. We welcome them to the community, greeting them so they feel that they are at home. Their thriving ministry includes three Hispanic Masses each week.

Today the Hispanic Ministry serves over 5,000 families. It is a vibrant and active community and an integral part of St. Mary’s spiritual life, growing not only in numbers but also as active members of our parish.

Reverend Hever Sanchez, C.Ss.R. Vicar, Hispanic Ministry

Ministry Spotlight: The Adoration Chapel

The Adoration Chapel reopened at St. John Neumann Church. Before COVID, there were 28 adorers from the Hispanic community; now after the pandemic, there are over 55 Hispanic adorers in the chapel. The Hispanic community feels blessed to be part of the parish and to have an adoration chapel open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Many new adores have given testimony that they have found peace, comfort, and healing by the Lord from their time with the Holy Sacrament. They believe that there is not a better place that our community can be than in the Adoration Chapel.


The Pastoral Council members are humbled and honored to serve the parish and to be a part of the success of this faith filled and multi-cultural community of St. Mary’s. Our objective is serving our parishioners, ministries, and the pastor and clergy and to carry forward the mission and ministry of Christ and his Church in the parish community. We are a consultative body that makes recommendations to the Pastor regarding the life and mission of the parish. As such, we encourage and provide opportunities for communication within the parish and surrounding community and serve as a forum for dialogue among the parishioners, ministries, the pastor, clergy, and the staff.

We have developed strong goals and objectives for the next few years and are currently focused on among others: 1) communication and procedural improvement in all aspects of the parish, 2) safety and security of all facilities, 3) communication with and for the many parish ministries to the parish community, 4) providing opportunities for additional integration among the English-speaking and Hispanic communities within our parish to include bilingual communications, education, and liturgical services, 5) evangelization, and 6) small Christian communities.

We have provided an adult education program platform to serve all parishioners called "I Thirst," which began in September 2020 and includes our current fall 2022 program, “Jesus, The Way, The Truth, and the Life.” These programs have been well received and attended and include both in person and online options.

In addition, the Community pillar also launched this fall the first in a series of presentations focusing on the Church’s Seven Principles of Social Teachings, beginning with a conversation on “Life and the Dignity of the Human Person.”

This past year, the council also hosted a successful Ministry Pillar Lead Retreat which led to great interaction and sharing of ideas among ministries both in English and Spanish. The next retreat is scheduled for June of 2023.

The Council is made up of 16 volunteers of a varied cross section of our parish. Members serve a minimum term of three years and can be asked to serve a second term of three years. We solicit parishioner discernment for new members every year via the bulletin and parish website, typically in May. When current members' terms end, new members are selected from among many applicants received each year, based on recommendations made by a selection committee of current pastoral council members and sent to the pastor for final approval.

This past year, as is the case every year, we had hard-working and valued members terms end, and we thank those who served with us and before us, setting the stage for our successes as a pastoral council and parish community. I would like to thank Chris Sterritt who was our Community Pillar Lead and 6-year member. We also welcomed with open arms and are very excited to have join us in 2022: Susana Cruz, Raphael Elguera, John Fogarty, Rick Lober, Loralea Sanderson, and Jacqueline Solis.

We want to serve all parishioners and welcome your comments, concerns, suggestions, and solutions to make our parish and this community the BEST it CAN BE! The Council looks forward to working with our pastor, Father Patrick Woods, in continuing to foster the growth of our faith and community here at St. Mary’s!

St. Mary’s Pastoral Council 2021-2022

Brian Madden President

Silvia Peart Vice President

Sam Davies


Diane Beliveau

Susana Cruz

Mary Ann Davies

Michele Deckman

Raphael Elguera

John Fogarty

Stacie Gormley

John Jones

Rick Lober

Silvia Peart

Loralea Sanderson

Jaqueline Solis Carla Wilcox

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• Monitor requests daily from Birthright’s National “warm line,” a 24 hour help line. Receive messages daily and follow up for local requests.

• Provide layettes (full baskets with all the essentials and clothing needed for first months) to our clients.

• Provide layettes, toys, clothing up to 2 years, diapers, formula, baby food to clients who come to us and have reached out to Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry, Chrysalis House (an addiction recovery home) and the St. Vincent de Paul Society to provide these same resources.

• Provide referrals for housing, food, health care, counseling, mental health, and any other resources requested.

• Free pregnancy testing.

• Offer a loving environment to any pregnant woman who needs assistance, creating a safe environment and a listening ear.

• Receive donations from many sources, people bringing in clothing etc., quilting groups, knitting groups, churches and other organizations provide items from showers and collections of items.

• Have benefitted from showers given by the Catholic Daughters, the LAOH (Ladies of the Ancient Order of Hibernians) and St. Mary’s Elementary School; the St. Mary’s boys lacrosse team assisted in their recent location move.

Respect Life

• Marched in the national 2022 March for Life; Knights of Columbus #1384 provided bus.

• Participated in the 2022 Maryland March for Life rally followed by candlelight prayer vigil.

• Advocated in person during the 2022 Maryland General Assembly.

• Stood vigil praying weekly for an hour in front of the Annapolis abortion facility.

• Supported 40 Days for Life campaigns.

• Received state and federal legislative action alerts via email.

The ministry suffered a great loss this year with the death of Tom Hurd, Respect Life Coordinator, on June 8, 2022. With love and prayers, Tom is remembered for his dedicated leadership and hard work.

Walking With Purpose (WWP)

• Continues to have approximately 100 women participate in our Bible studies each year, who grow closer to Christ, strengthen their faith, and improve their prayer lives.

• In April, the founder of WWP returned to speak live for the first time since COVID; she spoke to gathering of over 1,000 women in St. John Neumann Church!

• The group is active in the parish through offering an annual women’s Mass with Fr. Pat, a “9/11” rosary, and a “Saint Card” Night, by hosting special meetings with guest speakers that include St. Mary’s clergy and local Catholic speakers and authors; assisting the Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry during winter months; and by contributing and staffing Lenten Soup Suppers.

Altar Server Ministry

• Altar Servers were permitted to begin serving again in June 2021 (Corpus Christi Mass) with COVID protocols. Refresher training sessions were held for altar servers prior to returning.

• New Altar Server Training - held in June 2022 and they welcomed three new altar servers.

• Installation Mass of new altar servers was held on July 3, 2022, celebrated by Fr. Elias.

• Cassocks and surplices - received new cassocks and surplices for altar servers in October 2022.

• Commissioning Mass - current altar servers re-committed to their responsibilities as an altar server and as a member of the Liturgical Family and there was a blessing of their cassocks and surplices.

• 4th Grade Siblings - 4th grade siblings of current altar servers were trained and then Commissioned in November 2022.



The Red Wagon at St. John Neumann has become a familiar sight for parishioners. From it, the Our Lady Guadalupe (OLoG) Ministry distributes food for those who need it most, some of the most marginalized members of our community. Their support goes far beyond providing needed sustenance. They support families who have a sick member, helping them navigate the healthcare system; they help those who have lost their jobs or their homes. So many of the families they serve work in the service industry in restaurants, hotels, and landscaping and their jobs are subject to fluctuations in the weather and the economy. They are a critical supplier of diapers, which are such a large expense for families especially those who have many young children. Through their dedicated lawyer, Our Lady of Guadalupe provides legal assistance on topics such as work permits, court appointments, and seeing if there is a path to regularize their situation.

Last year, the ministry began an exciting event which continues to grow and be successful--Giveaways. On the last Sunday of the month, a team of volunteers, including student volunteers from St. Mary’s High School, transforms Seelos Hall into a market. They bring all donations to the ministry-clothing, shoes, household items, kitchenware, books, toys, etc.---to one place and families can easily access whatever they need. If they are not in need of something themselves but know a neighbor who is, they are encouraged to take the items for them. These giveaways have been very successful with people taking 85-90% of the items available.

At the Ministry Leads retreat in June, the lead of OLoG formed a partnership with the lead of the Ranger Rosary ministry to distribute rosaries with the bags of goods they give and also during their Giveaway Events, providing spiritual as well as material support for their clients.

In the spring, the ministry received a direct donation to support a summer camp for our Hispanic youth. The Knight

of Columbus (Hispanic section) organized a soccer summer camp; OLoG supported this initiative by buying t-shirts, shorts, soccer balls, and all the materials youth needed to participate. This camp has been a long tradition and they were pleased to be able to bring it back for the first time after COVID.

Last Christmas, their Christmas sponsoring program supported 69 families, a total of 136 children. The people they supported received gifts--both purchased and homemade such as cookies--and prayers from many sources. Parishioners who sponsored a family prayed for them throughout the Advent season and, when the families received the gifts, they were given a prayer card so that they could in turn pray for the donors--a beautiful way to unite them in a prayer circle.

Our Lady of Guadalupe also partnered with the Youth Group this year; the young people created blankets for some of the neediest families and OLofG gave them prayer cards so these young men and women could pray for a family in crisis as they were crafting the blankets. Many of them wrote little notes to the kids of the family--a beautiful labor of love and service to our community in need!

Throughout the year, the ministry provides vital spiritual and financial support for families planning funerals for loved ones.

Beyond the devoted group of volunteers who makes everything possible, the ministry has a board that meets every other week to plan activities and to discuss and vote over each case for support that comes before them. They discuss new initiatives and community needs that are brought to their attention.

Upate: Our Lady of Guadalupe has just become incorporated; they plan to continue to work as a ministry of the parish just as they have been doing all along.

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The vocation of the St. Vincent De Paul Society is to follow Christ through person-to-person service to those in need. Over the past year, the combined effects of COVID and inflation have taken a significant toll on the poor in our area. Those who come to St. Mary’s for help often face situations that are both sad and complex. Many are struggling to get by after losing employment due to accident or illness. Most are families with children on the verge of being evicted or having their utilities cut off. A number are homeless without access to a shelter. Some are seniors on fixed incomes struggling with unexpected expenses.

Over this past year, thanks to the generosity of our parishioners and the ongoing efforts of our volunteers, we were able to deliver over $333,000 in assistance to about 1,300 families and individuals. This assistance fell into three major programs: shelter and eviction prevention ($202,000), urgent humanitarian assistance in the form of food, medical prescriptions, transportation, clothing, job training, utilities and funeral expenses ($76,000), and Holiday Share: Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for 420 families and 150 seniors and Christmas gifts for over 1,000 children ($55,000).

Other service activities this year included our Winter Relief program in January which provided some of our area homeless with a warm place to stay in Seelos Hall for a week in late January, including meals and hospitality; a food drive for the Light House shelter in May; and preparation of a meal for residents of the Light House once a month. Additionally, our volunteers, in partnership with Our Lady of Guadalupe, collect food for the needy each week at St. John Neumann Church.

The Faith Formation Office continued to find creative ways to help our families, children, teens and young adults grow in

during the on-going pandemic.

Family Faith Formation

Due to rising COVID case numbers, our families continued to meet mostly online for our monthly LIFT (Living in Faith Together) sessions. Despite this, we managed to build community with faith-filled activities and lessons. Families were equipped with the information and resources to participate in at-home lessons. The Zoom sessions were “book-ended” with in-person sessions in October and April. During October’s session, the families learned about prayer and made prayer kneelers as our family activity. Many children used these kneelers while attending our closing Mass in the Carroll Gardens in April.

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numbers include Hispanic community data.

First Reconciliation & First Eucharist

After preparing for their First Reconciliation, St. Mary’s welcomed 114 children to the table of the Lord. Families participated in online Zoom sessions and a retreat before celebrating each sacrament for the first time. Despite the distanced learning, families encountered Jesus’ love through the gifts of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

In June, we held a “Monumental” VBS where 50 children celebrated God’s greatness and learned the story of Joseph (Genesis 37-41). Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 enjoyed Bible stories, snacks, games, music, arts and crafts, and raised money for Catholic Relief Services. The week ended with a special outdoor family Mass in the Carroll Gardens followed by a picnic and games.

Middle School Youth Ministry

This past year, our middle school students participated in a summer camp, "Are You Afraid of the Bible?" featuring scary, gross and weird stories from Scripture. Our annual Christmas party was a great time playing games, challenging our adult volunteers to competitions, and eating tons of holiday snacks. In May, we attended the archdiocese-sponsored "Rise Up!" Middle School Day at Mount St. Joseph where we enjoyed talks, worship, games, inflatable attractions, and meeting friends from all across the archdiocese.

High School Youth Ministry

High School Youth Ministry families enjoyed at-home service opportunities throughout 2021-2022, including: writing heartfelt letters to Veterans; making no-sew fleece blankets for the Light House Shelter, Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry, and Syrian refugees; mailing care packages and letters to recent graduates living away from home; and providing 50+ lunches and three car loads of needed donations to the Light House Shelter.

Thirty teens attended "Fan the Fire," a youth rally in York, PA for a day of speakers, worship, adoration, and fun. Teens also gathered in person for a Christmas party filled with games and gave back to the St. Mary’s Parish community with a Creative Stations of the Cross during Lent.


St. Mary’s joyfully returned to celebrating a group Confirmation Mass with Bishop Bruce Lewandowski in December of 2021 and with Fr. Woods in February 2022. In total, 101 high school teens received the sacrament. The candidates’ preparation journey included Zoom sessions with their parents, service projects, researching a saint name, discussions with their sponsors, and attending a retreat. God is good!

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry blossomed with the ability to gather in person again with many new events. We resumed our monthly Theology on Tap speaker series and our yearly retreat at the beach with the Redemptorists. We initiated a monthly Holy Hour with praise and worship at St. John Neumann and a like-minded ladies’ group for local women, Advent and Lent Bible studies, hikes, bowling nights, ice cream sundae parties, partnered with other county parishes for joint events, and began planning for World Youth Day in 2023.


In March and May of 2022, we said farewell to Meagan Heffernan, Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation, and Karen Bruskewicz, Director of Faith Formation, as they pursued new opportunities. We are grateful to them for their time of service to St. Mary’s Parish and the innovations they brought to our ministries.



THE PAST YEAR HAS BEEN A REMARKABLE TIME for Catholic education across the country and here at St. Mary’s School. As the new School President, I feel so honored to be entrusted with this position, and I am thrilled to be leading our school at such a pivotal time. Our family has been a part of St. Mary’s for years. My wife Jeanne (Ruane) Moore is a member of the St. Mary’s Class of 1988 and my daughters Emma ’16 and Grace ’18 are alumnae of the High School; Jeanne and I were married in the Church downtown in 1994. I am also proud to say that I have been a Catholic School educator my entire adult life and feel blessed to be coming home to St. Mary’s now. When I started as School President a year ago, I interviewed close to 200 people: parents, alumni, past and present employees, teachers, coaches – people who are connected to our School in a variety of ways. What I heard from them time after time about St. Mary’s is that they value our spirit of community – of Catholic community and values -- and that they want to see that spirit be our guiding vision. The sense of Catholic identity, the feeling of family and the commitment to strengthening our Parish and our School for the benefit of our entire community was apparent in all of these conversations.

I also sensed a powerful desire for forward movement – for change and progress, while taking pride in the tradition and identity of our school. In the past year, we have seen our Elementary School enrollment balloon to full capacity with waiting pools in several grades, including the successful expansion to a third pre-K class. Our conversion rate of 8th graders from the Elementary School to 9th graders in the High School has soared to 75%, with even higher goals set for the year ahead. We have established an entirely new Elementary School administration, with the addition of a second Assistant Principal and a new disciplinary system and team to encourage the clarity and enforcement of rules that are the hallmark of Catholic education. The creation of a Learning Difference Program and hiring of a Coordinator dedicated to those students with special learning needs has been a wonderful improvement for our High School. Every single graduate of the Class of 2022 was admitted to college – a 100% rate! We established a Dual Enrollment Program through Notre Dame of Maryland University, which provides college credit opportunities for students in seven courses, and upholds the long-standing connection between St. Mary’s and the beloved School Sisters of Notre Dame whose presence has been such a vital part of our history.

And speaking of history, this year we have been celebrating the 75th anniversary of classes in the High School building and the 160th anniversary of the Elementary School. We started the year (and will conclude it as well) with an All-School Mass for pre-K through 12 in the Carroll Gardens, buried a time capsule behind the Carroll House with contributions from all 14 grades, and look forward to many more celebratory events throughout the year. We spruced up the exterior of our buildings by painting them in our beautiful school color and have many projects on the horizon to update the school and to create a more enjoyable and innovative environment for teaching, learning, and athletic activity.

Finally, we will always value academic rigor and push our students to work hard and to aspire to excellence. But more than anything else, we will always put tremendous emphasis on caring – whether it’s for the youngest ones in our pre-K and kindergarten who are so excited to be in school, or for the Seniors who are counting down the days to graduation and getting out on their own. For them, and all our kids in between, we care about guiding them to be young people of faith, of Catholic values, of compassion, humility and courage. Like Saints would be.

This is why we say: Once a Saint, Always a Saint.


New Spaces and Striving

The St. Mary’s Elementary School (SMES) 2021-22 school year began with the exciting opening of two new and innovative classroom spaces, a third Pre-Kindergarten classroom and the Deacon Leroy Moore STEM lab and classroom which was created from a former storage shed. These two spaces immediately enriched the vibrant school program by extending pre-K enrollment and providing a dedicated space for thinking, testing and experimenting.

SMES students and families began the school year under the familiar guidelines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Having thrived in the prior year as in-person COVID learners, students strived and succeeded despite the restrictions of distancing and wearing masks. The administration and teachers worked to create an environment of instruction that was modified but felt as close to normal as possible.

Saints Spirituality

SMES prioritized monthly liturgies, prayers services, rosaries and spiritual opportunities throughout the year. While some attended Mass in person, others were in reverent classrooms watching the live stream feed, receiving the Eucharist and, whenever possible, they prayed outside. They honored their saints through the grade 3 Saints Presentations. All the while, they learned to be continuously flexible, understanding and compassionate as a community. SMES proudly piloted the first “test to stay” school program in the state of Maryland to keep potentially exposed students in school when they had negative rapid tests. Everyone happily accepted the gift of extra time off from studies and school from St. Mary’s beloved pastor, Father Pat, as Thanksgiving drew near.

Celebrating Christmas Saints’ Style

St. Mary’s Elementary School celebrated with musical choirs, kindergarten students and band as the Christmas season grew closer. The students participated in the fun, new tradition of Santa’s workshop with Father Pat playing the role of St. Nicholas. The faculty tried to make it feel as normal as it could, and they surely came close. Teachers helped 7th and 8th grade students take their mid-term exams and embraced Catholic Schools Week with fervor, determination and celebration. SMES happily honored Mrs. Camille Caputo and Mrs. Janet Brennan as our Teacher and Assistant of the Year.

Exceeding Expectations

SMES students took standardized tests and watched the school flourish under the guidance and care of the most dedicated teachers and staff. St. Mary’s Elementary School happily welcomed Dr. Andrew Moore to the school with wide arms and hearts, feeling blessed for his openness and presence. Under the careful supervision of the Pastor, President, Principals and their treasured school nurse Mrs. Bridget Bourke, they exceeded even their own school progress expectations.


As SMES entered the season of Lent without masks, gave ashes to all faculty, staff and students, they offered their personal alms for the gift of our Savior as they saw the glimmer of light at the end of the dark COVID tunnel. It became quite clear that St. Mary’s students are resilient, the families supportive and the teachers unmatched in their professionalism. SMES celebrated slow but notable progress toward normal and enjoyed the respite of a welldeserved Spring Break.

End of the Year AND a New Beginning

A late spring brought many special and familiar traditions which were celebrated with joy, perhaps none more than the all school Mass in the Carroll Gardens with every student present from PK-12. At the end of this Mass, Father Pat announced that Mrs. Megan Back would be the new principal, succeeding Mrs. Rebecca Zimmerman who retired after serving 25 years with 12 of them as principal. The community rejoiced together. SMES’s Pre-K concluded their year with a special stepping up ceremony; their Kindergarten students graduated; and their 8th grade students were acknowledged for their achievements in true SAINTS style. With an astounding 75 of our 8th grade students matriculating to St. Mary’s High School, they had so much to celebrate! SMES students happily participated in the long-standing tradition of The Great American Picnic and bid adieu to the school year. St. Mary’s Elementary School maintained the student population of students with a retention rate of 99% returning students due to the dedication of their amazing teachers, staff and community.



In 2022, St. Mary’s High School (SMHS) celebrated 75 years since construction of the school was completed and its doors opened on September 5, 1947. The 2021-2022 school year was filled with many new successes and achievements, as well as continuation of beloved traditions. Above all our Saints strived for excellence; they shine whether it is in the classroom, on the field, or on the stage. The following represent a few highlights of the 2021-2022 school year.

A Triumphant Return to the Stage

For more than two years during the pandemic, the stage in Marian Hall went with one production being shut down right before Tech Week and another being staged outside in the gardens of Notre Dame Hall. When the student actors of St. Mary’s High Theatre were ready to tread the boards again, there was no more perfect musical for their triumphant return than Jesus Christ Superstar (JCS). This fun and meaningful piece of theatre has been produced three times at St. Mary's: in 1980, 2000, and now in 2022. This emotional rock opera was filled with high-powered performances and driven by the music of a live band onstage. The St. Mary’s audience, so familiar with the Gospels, were given a new perspective of Jesus’ last days on earth from the viewpoint of his betrayer.

Teachers of the Year St. Mary’s High School is blessed with extraordinary teachers. SMHS teachers continue to be recognized for their excellence more than any other teachers from independent schools in Anne Arundel County. Some of our exceptional educators include: 2021 Teacher of the Year Mr. Myles Healy, 2020 Finalist Mrs. Camille Baumann, 2019 Finalist Señora Ellen Smith, 2018 Semi-Finalist Mr. Jaime Schlie, 2017 Finalist Madam Debbie Flynn, and 2016 Teacher of the Year Mrs. Stephanie Lotze.

This year’s finalist for 2022 Independent Teacher of the Year was Mrs. Mary Raleigh, math teacher and department chair in her 30th year of educating students at the school, changing the world one student at a time. She is skilled at balancing the use of technology while maintaining the manipulative activities students enjoy and while assessing on-the-spot their understanding of the segments she is teaching. Mrs. Raleigh is accessible to her students and a leader among her colleagues at both the department and school levels through her participation in the Academic Council.

Theology teacher and department chair Mrs. Anna O’Day was named 2022 St. Mary’s High School Teacher of the Year in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. A teacher at SMHS for13 years, she was described in The Catholic Review as someone who “encourages her students to bring their deepest, most difficult questions, and she challenges them to tackle such inquiries with sincerity and rigor.” SMHS Principal Mindi Imes described her as “a pivotal teacher for both their faith formation education and their academic success… She is appreciated by her students as a teacher with high expectations, and she fosters a mutual respect with them. The kids know she cares about them.”

Environmental Studies Program

The class of 2022 marked the 12th year of the Environmental Studies Program at St. Mary’s. Similar to choosing a major in college, the program offers those who choose to join, a twoyear, interdisciplinary course of study enriched by off campus experiences. The program has now graduated 120 students.

The past academic year saw the program continue some traditions and events, while also expanding to add new experiences. Among the new experiences was a teleconference with six program alumni who shared their perspectives on the program and how it influenced their lives in college and beyond. These alumni have carried their love of nature into careers varying from environmental compliance and law to finance and communications.

The program always pairs classroom content (a semester each of Environmental Literature and Environmental Science) with field experiences out in nature. Students sailed the Severn River on the Wilma Lee, a skipjack operated by the Annapolis Maritime Museum. They explored Back Creek on stand-up paddle boards and spent a day volunteering at Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Clagett Farm. Through these experiences, they connected the lessons of the classroom with the real world outside school walls.

The highlight, as it is each year, was the three-day trip to the Karen Noonan Center, a property owned by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. Students learned about sea level rise, nutrient pollution and biodiversity hands-on. While beachcombing for pottery shards and arrowheads released from eroding shorelines, they saw how human and natural landscapes change

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over the centuries. While dredging for oysters and trekking through the salt marsh they logged over 100 species highlighting the biodiversity of the refuge.

Finally, the graduating seniors consummated their time in the program with the creation of their senior projects. The class of 2022 did wonderfully with projects ranging from a beautifully composed oyster gardening how-to manual, to a powerfully argued essay on the Environmental Justice movement and the Maryland Environmental Human Rights Amendment, and an original song about eelgrass, a benchmark species for the bay, sung by one student while accompanied on piano by another. This class of 2022 persevered through two years of COVID impacts to finish the program. They are off to colleges and universities throughout the nation and will be bringing the lessons and memories of the program with them as they continue their education in and out of the classroom.


Although the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) no longer serve at the school they helped establish 75 years ago, we still honor them every day in a special way. Sister Elise Saydah was a beloved figure in our school for many years, serving in many capacities in administration and as a French teacher. She was the last SSND to serve at SMHS and began a tradition of reading a prayer written by the founder of the SSNDs, Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger. Each day at 2:18pm, before students leave for the day, we read that prayer:

My dear students, I commend you to the Holy Spirit through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I entrust you forever to her blessed hands. Go safely and in peace.

These final words have come to resonate with our students and faculty. This tradition is a unique and meaningful way that the school continues a tradition and honors the faith of those who created this amazing school, this Home of the Saints. Belief in the importance of prayer and dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in whose honor the school is named, is exemplified by the praying of a decade of the rosary each October morning during homeroom.



Collected $2,960 during a Patriot Day Collection for Catholic Charities USA outreach for refugees from Afghanistan.

Collected and donated 415 pounds of food for the Anne Arundel County Food Bank as part of the Maryland Just Serve initiative.

Contributed $3,479 to the Maryland Park Service’s Operation: Camp Out, which is designed for military individuals and military families as a way to reconnect with each other and the great outdoors in a comfortable, safe and relaxing setting.

Collected $11,541 that was used to purchase 75 bags of gifts for 30 Christ Child recipients.

Collected $3,159 for the parish’s Winter Relief.

Filled 2 large U-Haul trucks for the Afghan Allies Clothing Collection.

Collected 730 pairs of pajamas for Casey Cares/Kami’s Jammies Program collection.

Collected and donated 2,641 gently-used books for the Boys and Girls Club of Annapolis, project sponsored by 2 high school students.

Filled their Rice Bowls with $5,544.

Collected $1,760 during the Green School Collection out-ofuniform day.

Donated 60 boxes of baby items to Birthright during the Moms and Babies Collection.

20 St. Mary’s Annapolis 2021-2022


Viet Toc Foundation

The St. Mary’s High School (SMHS) community chose to focus on one organization, Viet Toc Foundation, "Links of Love" during Catholic Schools Week, and they have raised over $4800. In 1998, Fr. Vang, one of St. Mary’s beloved Redemptorist priests, worked with other religious sisters and brothers to found the Viet Toc Foundation. The Viet Toc Foundation aims to educate people to improve the lives of people in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. In addition to education, the Viet Toc Foundation also helps ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands in the fields of health, development, relief, vocational training and culture. This people-centered organization promotes the Gospel by seeing and honoring those most often marginalized: the poor, those without homes, and members of ethnic minorities.

Saints for Tots

Through their Saints for Tots Campaign, SMHS sponsored twenty-three families through the parish organization, Our Lady of Guadalupe. They also collected coats for families identified by another parish ministry, the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Catholic Schools Week

SMHS celebrated each day of the week by showing their

appreciation for different groups that make the school such a special Catholic school. On Monday they gathered for Mass and celebrated Founders’ Appreciation Day in honor of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and the Redemptorist Priests. On Tuesday, the PFA (the SMHS parent association) treated faculty and staff members with a to lunch for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day. On Student Appreciation Day, they provided every student, faculty, and staff member with a Chick-fil-A lunch. On Thursday’s Community Appreciation Day, in less than one hour, they completed service activities for various members of the community, through making cards for faculty, staff, priests, nuns, elderly, veterans, and active troops, blankets for homeless persons, and connecting virtually with nursing homes. On Friday’s Parent Appreciation Day, they gave parents coffee, donuts, and smiles during morning drop off.

Book Drive for the Boys and Girls Club

St. Mary’s families donated 2,641 children and youth books to the Boys & Girls Club of Annapolis.

Service Hours

SMHS students completed more than 9,000 individual service hours.



On May 26, 2022, St. Mary’s celebrated the Class of 2022 with the Seventy-third Commencement Exercises in the Carroll Gardens. This year’s address to the graduates was given by Alumni Board member Faye Currie ’77.

The Class of 2022:

• Devoted nearly 13,000 hours to serving others.

• 100% accepted to a university or college.

• Earned over $13 million in academic scholarships.

• 18 will attend a Catholic university.

• 33 will play a sport at the collegiate level.

• 6 will attend service academies. 4 received ROTC scholarships.

• 23 will graduate as 13-Year Club members.

• The 141 members of the Class of 2022 were accepted at 162 different colleges and universities.

22 St. Mary’s Annapolis 2021-2022
Valedictorian: Aaron Gabriel Philip Batstone Salutatorian: Peyton Michael Mason & Zoe Angela Burke


Adelphi University

Alvernia University

Anne Arundel Community College

Appalachian State University

Arcadia University Arizona State University

Ashland University Auburn University Aurora University Baldwin Wallace University Belmont Abbey College Bentley University Boston University Bucknell University Butler University Cabrini University California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo

Case Western Reserve University Chapman University Chatham University Christopher Newport University

Citadel Military College of South Carolina Clark University Clemson University Coastal Carolina University College of Charleston Dickinson College

Duquesne University East Carolina University Eckerd College Elon University

Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University

Fairfield University

Flagler College

Florida Atlantic University Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University

Fordham University

Frostburg State University

Full Sail University George Mason University George Washington University

Georgetown University Gettysburg College

Goucher College

Hampden-Sydney College

High Point University Hofstra University Hood College

Howard University Jacksonville University James Madison University John Carroll University

King's College

Knox College

Lehigh University

Louisiana State University Loyola University Maryland

Lynn University

Marist College Marquette University McDaniel College Merrimack College

Miami University, Oxford Michigan State University

Millersville University of Pennsylvania Monmouth University Montana State University

Mount Saint Mary's University

New England Institute of Technology New York University

North Carolina A & T State University

North Carolina State University at Raleigh Northeastern University

Ohio State University Oregon State University

Pace University Palm Beach Atlantic University

Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus Point Park University

Polk State College

Providence College Queens University- Belfast Randolph-Macon College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rhodes College Roanoke College

Rollins College Rutgers University-New Brunswick Saint Joseph's University Saint Vincent College Salisbury University Salve Regina University San Diego State University Sarah Lawrence College Seton Hall University Shaw University Shepherd University St. Mary's College of Maryland Stetson University

Stevenson University Stony Brook University

Susquehanna University

Temple University

Texas A & M University-College Station

The Catholic University of America

The Ohio State University-Main Campus

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Towson University

Tusculum University

Union College

United States Coast Guard Academy

United States Military Academy United States Naval Academy University of Alabama University of Cincinnati University of Colorado Boulder University of Connecticut University of Dayton University of Delaware University of Florida University of Georgia University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Kentucky University of Louisville University of Maine University of Mary Hardin-Baylor University of Maryland-Baltimore County University of Maryland-College Park University of Massachusetts- Amherst University of Miami

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities University of Mississippi University of New Haven University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina School of the Arts University of North Carolina Wilmington University of Oklahoma University of Oregon University of Pittsburgh University of Rhode Island University of South Alabama University of South Carolina-Columbia University of South Florida University of Tampa University of Tennessee University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Wisconsin

Villanova University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Wake Forest University

Warren Wilson College

Washington and Jefferson College

Washington College

Washington University in St. Louis Waynesburg University

West Virginia University

West Virginia Wesleyan College

Wingate University

Xavier University York College of Pennsylvania



On September 30, we celebrated Commander Timothy Shanley ’99 and Mr. Hank Gareis at this year’s Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony.

CAPT (Select) Timothy Shanley graduated from St. Mary’s High School in 1999. He is the fifth brother in his family of seven children to graduate from USNA. While attending St. Mary’s, academically he was a member and Vice President of the National Honor Society, a Parvis Scholar, and achieved a GPA over 4.00. Athletically, he was a member of both the Varsity Football Team (Co-Captain) as a Quarterback/Kicker/ Punter and the Varsity Lacrosse Team as an Attackman. Other extra-curricular activities he participated in were the Mock Trial Team, the Drama Club, and he was a four-year member of the Council on Student Affairs (COSA), including a term as the High School representative on the St. Mary’s Parish Council. He received many awards and recognitions as an exemplary scholar-athlete and leader. He is the seventh child in his family (7 of 7) to graduate from St. Mary’s High School.

CAPT (Sel) Shanley graduated with Honors from the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. After graduation he was commissioned as a Surface Warfare Officer (SWO). He has gone on to have a long and distinguished career in the service of our country. His personal military awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with four Gold Stars, and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with one Gold Star. He is married to the former Emily Pfeifer they have eight children

and reside in Virginia, where six of their 8 eight children attend Catholic Schools.

Mr. Gareis began his teaching career at St. Mary’s High School in 1991. For the next 24 years he resided in A-2 just across from the main office, where he taught US History, Recent American History and Psychology as part of the Saints’ Social Studies Department. He was Department Chair for 20 years. He was also a coach for football and basketball. He became the COSA Student Government advisor and served in that position through the 1990s until his retirement in 2015. He helped create the Senior Salute which became one of the top highlights of each Senior Class year. At the same time, he took over the unofficial photography duties for the school and is estimated to have taken over 29,000 pictures during his tenure. In his 24 years as a Saint, he was honored twice by the Board of Trustees, in 2000 and 2006, for his outstanding work with students both in and out of the classroom. In 1993 he received the Baltimore Archdiocese Award for Teaching Excellence and in 1996 he was honored as an Educator of the Year by the Greater Annapolis Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Gareis loved to participate in St. Mary’s Retreats, attending 36 in his time there. But his favorite thing to do was to just say “Hi!” to the students as they came to class each morning. It was not unusual to peek inside A-2 early in the morning or late in afternoon and see it full of Saints. We are pleased to welcome him as our 2022 Honorary Alumnus.

Once a Saint, Always a Saint!

24 St. Mary’s Annapolis 2021-2022


Presented on June 9, 2022

President’ Award: Jennifer Holland

SSND Charism Awards: Laura Sollock & Lindsey Radice

The Redemptorist Award: Barbara Rolland

Also honored were retirees Ceil Ambrosetti, Julie Boyle, Margaret Fischer, John McGahagan , Nancy Yemc (from teaching), Rebecca Zimmerman



Money donated to the Restoration and Maintenance collections was used to fund the following projects in 2022. These projects are in addition to the day to day maintenance done to keep the buildings in operation which includes replacing bulbs, replacing drive belts and other consumable maintenance items and routine painting and housekeeping.

• Replaced the roof on Notre Dame Hall that was over twenty years old.

• Painted the trim and metal panels on the Elementary and High School exteriors.

• Renovated a Kindergarten classroom and bathroom to bring it up to code compliance.

• Started the design for a renovation of the High School science classrooms.

• Started the design for the installation of a fire suppression system (sprinklers) to the Elementary School and B and C Halls of the High School to bring the buildings up to current fire safety codes. This project will be completed in phases to allow for the limited time frames the classrooms can be vacated.

• Expanded and upgraded the security camera coverage at both St. John Neumann and St. Mary’s and also expanded and upgraded the keyless entry system at both locations.

• Stations of the Cross were added outside of St. John Neumann.

• Updated the space drawings of all of the buildings at St. Mary’s to assist with better space utilization and reallocations.

• Replaced the Public Address system in the Elementary School to provide better coverage and reliability.

• Replaced the HVAC system in the High School weight training room.

• Updated the lighting control system in Marian Hall to reduce energy consumption and allow for better control at events.

• Repaired an unused coal vault in the Rectory basement to make the basement wall waterproof.

• Updated and replaced the electronic bells in St. Mary’s.


July 1, 2021—June 30, 2022 Consolidated Financial Report

Revenues, Gains & Other Support 2021-2022 2020-2021

Tuition & Fees $16,370,012 $15,240,522 Offertory & Collections* $2,673,213 $2,412,785 Contributions & Fundraising $3,291,027 $1,687,141 Grants $245,341 $616,461 Endowment income and gains ($1,365,596) $2,778,871 Other Income $696,983 $332,531 Loss of Disposal of PPE ($425) ($140,401) Total


Instructional $11,148,023 $10,390,067

Tuition Assistance & Scholarships $1,144,691 $1,178,899 Ministries & Other Programs $2,484,749 $2,314,364 Athletics & Student Activities $1,633,476 $1,024,333 Diocesan Assessment $665,283 $530,566 Technology $348,168 $451,451 General & Administrative $2,922,613 $2,806,555 Development $591,636 $469,479 Loss on Uncollectible Pledges Total

28 St. Mary’s Annapolis 2021-2022
operational expenses
Revenues, Gains & Other Support $21,910,555 $22,927,910 *Restoration and
as it
Expenses $20,938.639 $19,165,714 Net Income $971,916 $3,762,196
Total Endowment $10,759,952 $12,089,951 Restoration and Maintenance Funds Collected $651,407 $548,432 Funds Expended $422,861 $531,703 Net Placed in Reserve for Future Use $228,546 $16,729
Trends in Offertory Investments - Endowment 2021-2022 2020-2021 Catholic Community Foundation $3,208,977 $3,447,056 Common Fund $7,550,975 $8,642,895
$2.9M $2.8M $2.7M $2.6M $2.5M 6/2012 6/2013 6/2014 6/2015 6/2016 6/2017 6/2018 6/2019 6/2020 6/2021 6/2022


St. Mary’s Parish & School is blessed to be a community joined by faith and rooted in tradition and excellence. Thank you for your continued support!

• The Society of St. Vincent de Paul received $165,023 from the Poor Box to support their ministry to those impacted by poverty.

• Our Lady of Guadalupe: donors supported the ministry for a total of $82,386.61 in contributions

• 1,595 gifts were made toward tuition assistance totaling $170,472.26

• Received $67,280.24 in tuition assistance donations from 221 parish families

• 319 parish families donated $689,730.74 to the St. Mary’s Parish & School Annual Fund

Staying Connected

St. Mary’s utilizes Flocknote to stay in touch with our community via email. Stay in the loop by signing up at: @st._marys_parish_and_schools @StMaryAnnapolis


By our baptism as Catholics, we are called to be stewards of God’s gifts to us - to use them in ways that build up our families, our parish, our community and our world. It is crucial that our school, campus ministries and religious education programs teach our children, and the world, to embrace the Gospel.

Ways to Give to St. Mary’s Faith Direct

Faith Direct is a safe, secure giving platform allowing church goers to give electronically.

Tuition Angel

This is the church’s effort to support the next generation of Catholic children attend St. Mary’s School.

Weekly Giving

This can be done through collection at Mass.

Planned Giving

Please consider making a gift through your will or living trust.

Donor Advised Fund

A simple, flexible and tax-efficient way to give to your favorite charities.

Gift of Stock and/or Securities

You can contact your financial advisor to transfer stock or securities to St. Mary’s.

Text App to phone number 88202 and select St. Mary’s Parish – Annapolis as your parish

Please contact our Advancement Department at if you have question or would like to make a gift.

30 St. Mary’s Annapolis 2021-2022


Redemportist Community

Very Rev. Patrick Woods, C.Ss.R., Pastor 410-990-4011,

Rev. Alistair Elias, C.Ss.R.

Rev. Michael S. Houston, C.Ss.R. Rev. John McKenna, C.Ss.R. Rev. James O’Blaney, C.Ss.R. Rev. Hever Sanchez, C.Ss.R.

Rev. Clement Vadakkedath, C.Ss.R. Deacon Leroy Moore Deacon George Russell Deacon Anthony Norcio, JCL Deacon Steven House In


Rev. Eric Hoog, C.Ss.R. Rev. Peter Vang Cong Tran, C.Ss.R.

Michele Dougherty, Office of Faith Formation 410-990-4062,

Sharon Graham, Coordinator of Liturgy 410-990-4014,

P. Hever Sanchez, C.Ss.R., Vicar 410-990-4033,

Elmer Guevara, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry 410-990-4015,

Brian Madden, Pastoral Council President

Andrew Moore, President of St. Mary’s School 410-990-4235,

Megan Downs Back, Principal of St. Mary’s Elementary School 410-990-4143,

Mindi Imes, Principal of St. Mary’s High School 410-990-421,

Erica Lynn, Events & Alumni Coordinator 410-990-4112,

Mark Hartzell, Chief of Staff/CAO 410-990-4042,

Christine Bervid, Evangelization & Communications 410-990-4228,

Development Office, 410-990-4042

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“it is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions.”
Pope FranciS

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