October 24, 2012

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Taking the Stand

Harrington ‘wasn’t real comfortable’ with chang’s perks PG. 5 Photos courtesy of New York daily news /Jesse Ward (L), Ken Murray (R)

WHAT’S INSIDE News.......................1-7 Comics.....................19 Opinion.................8-10 Sports.................21-24 Lifestyle...............11-17


Club Basketball The Torch takes a look at St. John’s prolific club team. Lifestyle Pg. 13

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Special thanks to Richard Rex Thomas for assisting in the design of The Torch

Features Chris Dare The Torch profiles the David Blaine worshipping illusionist Chris Dare.

Lifestyle Pg. 11

Pop Culture Taylor Swift The blonde beauty pours her heart out again in her fourth album, Red Torch Photo/Michael E. Cunniff

Lifestyle Pg. 15

Sports Belson Breached Men’s soccer drops first home game to USF.

Sports Pg. 21

Illustrator’s Corner

opinion pg. 15

FOR MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS: 718-990-6756 The Torch is the official student newspaper of St. John’s University. The Torch is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University. All contents are the sole responsibility of the editors and the editorial board and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, faculty or students of St. John’s University unless specifically stated.

To contact The Torch by mail: The Torch, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439

The Torch is typically published on Wednesdays, approximately 20 issues throughout the academic year. Circulation per issue is 3,500 copies distributed free on campus. This copy of The Torch is worth $ .75.

Not ready for prime time: The Torch’s Sports Editor, Mitchell Petit-Frere appears visibly nervous as he prepares for St. John’s basketball media day.

Think Outside...



Concerns in Henley Briefs Torch

Off-campus residents request more shuttles to dorms Anthony O’Reilly News Editor Students in the off-campus dorms at Henley have asked for more frequent and later shuttles to and from the University in the wake of a recent spattering of attacks around campus. Dean of Students Danny Trujillo said he was contacted by the Henley Hall Council and Resident Director Scott Patton saying that residents had issues regarding the shuttles. “After learning of some of the initial concerns, I suggested I could go to Henley to listen and discuss their experiences directly with residents,” Trujillo said in an email to the Torch. “After discussing the best way to connect with the residents, it was decided I should attend the next Henley Hall Council meeting.” The Henley Hall Council meeting took place on Oct. 10. Sophomore Callista Faria said she felt Trujillo was understanding of the issue the students faced. “The meeting was more so students stating our issues with the shuttle, which he was very understanding of, and agreed we weren’t asking for much,” she said. “I was told the next day meetings had already been arranged to start working on solutions.” “Sometimes it’s not always the most convenient way,” Faria said of the

shuttles. “If you miss one shuttle, the next one usually isn’t for an hour and a half, and when bad weather comes walking or waiting are both going to be inconvenient.” Faria said she was concerned with the number of recent incidents around campus and doesn’t feel always safe walking to and from Henley. “Getting the public safety emails about harassment and attempted robbery doesn’t really help me feel safe,” she said. “Especially since most of those attacks actually did happen in broad daylight.” “The last two shuttles for the night - there’s almost a two hour gap between them, which isn’t really accommodating.” The shuttles, currently provided by Peter Pan Bus Lines, run from the ROTC parking lot near Gate 6 and drop students off directly in front of Henley. Students have also expressed to the Torch that drivers of the shuttles have frequently been talking on their cell phones while driving. While Trujillo did not directly confirm that these complaints have been made, he said he is working with Peter Pan to solve any problems students might be having. “After the Henley Hall Council meeting, I communicated the concerns collected to the bus company,” he said. “Jackie Lochrie [Associate Dean for Student Services] and I have reviewed those concerns with Peter Pan management this week.” Chris Crean, vice preseident of safety

and security for Peter Pan Bus Lines, said the company has a zero tolerance policy towards drivers using phones, and any student who may catch a driver doing so should directly call his office and report the driver. He told the Torch Peter Pan is currently working to install on-board cameras that would catch any drivers in the act of using their cell phones. Trujillo also urged students having any problems to contact him and voice their concerns. “To enhance the voice and gain immediate input of students, we created an email list students can use to send their questions, concerns and compliments regarding their experiences when using the shuttle routes- shuttle@stjohns. edu.” Since the initial meeting, Trujillo said further discussions with the students of Henley have been planned. “It is our intention to expand this committee for all students in order to review and improve all routes of this transportation option for students,” he said. According to Trujillo, the University’s contract with Peter Pan is approaching its end and the school is considering its options. Attention Henley students: Do you feel safe coming home late at night? Let us know at torcheic@gmail.com

University recognized for excellence Alyssa Nielson Staff Writer

St. John’s became the first New Yorkbased school to receive the annual College of Excellence Award from the American Cancer Society after it raised more than

$80,000 at last semester’s Relay for Life. The award was presented to junior Morgan Wright, Student Government Inc.’s chair for the Relay for Life committee, at the ACS’ Eastern Regional Conference last month. “This award just shows all the hard work and dedication and what can really be done when a community of people who want to see an end to cancer get together

TORCH FILE PHOTO/ terence m. cullen

Relay for Life helped raise more than $80,000 for cancer research last April.

to join the fight,” Wright said. Associate Dean of Student Engagement Mary Pelkowski, who serves as one of the administrators who helps to plan Relay for Life., said there was a lot of work that went in to the planning of the event. “Relay for Life is not just a one day thing,” she said. “It is a year long commitment that hopes that one night will help to spread awareness, and raise much needed funds for research.” Wright lauded the efforts of Pelkowski and other administrators who worked alongside the committee in planning each year’s Relay. “We have dedicated administrators who work to guide us all year long for the event,” she said. “We do it for our loved ones. It brings us so much joy to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.” Along with raising more than $80,000, last semester’s Relay event saw 118 clubs and teams comprised of close to 1,500 students from the University. Each team raises money that goes towards cancer research and at the event walk in a circle for a total time of 12 hours, walking in solidarity with those who have died from the disease. According to Wright, administrators and committee members have already begun the planning for next year’s Relay for Life, which is planned to take place April 19, 2013.

Compiled by Anthony O’Reilly News Editor

SGI budget: 44 days and counting... It has now been more than six weeks, 44 days to be exact, since the Torch originally requested a copy of Student Government Inc.’s 2012-13 operating budget. Several members of the SGI E-board have promised the Torch that a “financial report” will be released in “the upcoming weeks.” No hard deadline has been agreed to or shared with the Torch.

No issue of the Torch next week The Torch will not be publishing a paper issue next week, Oct. 31. We will be back on Nov. 7 with a special all election coverage issue. Happy Halloween.

Exclusive online content To see exclusive content, not seen in the paper issue of the Torch, visit our website, torchonline.com. Such articles include coverage of the Careers in Journalism panel, our full Q&A with the director of Bully, Lee Hirsch and much more.

Special thanks A special thanks goes out to Kevin Conlin from the New York Daily News photo desk, and a former photo editor of the Torch, for providing us with pictures from the Cecilia Chang trial.

Father Harrington takes the stand


St. John’s President says Chang pressured him into accepting lavish gifts Michael E. Cunniff Editor-in-Chief Anthony O’Reilly News Editor The trial of a disgraced former St. John’s dean has hit close to home. Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M., President of the University, was called to the stand by the prosecution to testify about his relationship with Cecilia Chang, former Vice President of International Relations and Dean of the Asian Center, who is on trial for allegedly embezzling money from the University and forcing students on scholarships to work as her personal servant. Harrington said that he had limited interaction with Chang — meeting with her two or three times a year — and that he confronted her three times about her handling of University finances, according to a transcript of his testimony obtained by the Torch. Harrington testified that he went on several fundraising trips to Asia with Chang and other St. John’s staffers, in which they stayed at five-star hotels and were feted with gifts from potential donors. However, he said that he “wasn’t real comfortable, being who I am” with the perks and only accepted them based on Chang’s recommendation. “I was just a little concerned about the level of the hotel,” he said about the style

of lodging that Chang picked for their he first took over the office of president, trips. “It seemed to be just — I didn’t when she gave him a gift-wrapped box know the cost but it just seemed to be too filled with money. much the premier hotel in town.” “To me, at least, it was nothing I “She assured me that this was very would expect,” he said. “It was 100 dollar important for the people who were bills and I just didn’t feel real comfortable visiting,” he added. with that now.” “Because it would Harrington added impact on the that when he returned image of St. John’s the gift to Chang, she University as a first“was quite upset, got class university if somewhat emotional, we stayed at those [and] appeared places. I didn’t fight embarrassed.” that.” Harrington said In his testimony, he continued to H a r r i n g t o n decline Chang’s repeatedly said monetary gifts over that he deferred to the years until she Chang on matters labeled them as of differences in money to be given culture, especially to the poor, which when it came to gifthe told the court giving. Harrington -Rev. Donald that he accepted as a and his delegation and distributed J. Harrington C.M. priest gave gifts from accordingly. Tiffany & Co. to Harrington potential donors in further testified Asia and accepted lavish gifts such as that Chang persisted in giving personal custom-tailored suits and watches worth gifts to him, such as cases of wine at thousands of dollars. Christmastime. Harrington was also asked “She explained to me that that was if he had any knowledge of Chang using very critical, that this was a great sign of student workers to alter “bank statements respect,” he said. “If you did not do that, that she submitted to St. John’s for if you didn’t accept gifts in return, that reimbursement?” Harrington said he was was a sign of lack of respect.” unaware of that. Harrington said that Chang’s gift The issue of doctored documents came giving was not uncommon, stemming up again in court on Monday, according from the very first time he met her when to the New York Daily News. A former

She explained to me that that was very critical, that this was a great sign of respect...if you did not do that, if you didn’t accept gifts in return, that was a sign of lack of respect

student of the University testified that she burned papers the day Chang’s office was searched by the school, although the student did not know if the documents were University-related, the paper said. The trial continues today as the prosecution nears its close.

University releases statement on trial In the wake of the trial, the University has released a statement about Fr. Harrington’s role as a witness. In an email from Dominic Scianna, associate vice president of external relations, the University states the following. “Fr. Harrington relied on Cecilia Chang, in her role as vice president for international relations, to guide him as a trusted advisor for the University when he traveled to Asia to generate support for St. John’s. Cecilia Chang betrayed that trust. Hotel accommodations were made at Ms. Chang’s direction and gifts were exchanged on Ms. Chang’s advice. In addition, Ms. Chang advised Fr. Harrington and University officials that these expenses were being funded by University alumni, donors and friends for these specific purposes. “Cecilia Chang has violated the trust of the University and its students by her actions, which were shocking to Fr. Harrington andthe entire St. John’s community.”

Coffeehouse gets freshly brewed look

Christopher Brito Staff Writer

The love and success story of two University alumni was the center of attention on Oct. 18 when the third floor D’Angelo Center Coffeehouse was renamed the Sodano Coffeehouse in honor of the couple’s donations to the University.

Valerie Sodano ’49 and her late husband Gerard Sodano ’49 were honored in a private ceremony, attended by University officials, in the newly renovated coffeehouse on the third floor of the D’Angelo Center, which was renamed after the couple. With Valerie Sodano present, the two were commemorated for their $250,000 donation to scholarships, annual contributions toward student aid and the

donation that made the renovations to the coffeehouse possible. “We thought if we ever got to the point and have enough money we would make a donation so that the students can get a better life and have a chance to get ahead regardless of what their parents had,” Sodano said in an interview with the Torch. “This is the main concern I have about

photo Courtesy of Office of Student Engagement

Valerie Sodano and University officials cut the ribbon at the rededication of the third floor DAC coffeehouse.

our country and education is going to save it, nothing else,” she added. Along with the new name, the popular on-campus hangout was equipped with new sofas, tables, chairs and a projector in order to promote a sense of togetherness among students who use the facility. “I think it’s awesome,” senior Ruben Muniz said. “It has a very nice vibe especially during open mike nights. They made a good place even better.” “It’s a nice spot to go and hang out and relax after a long day of classes,” junior Harjrudin Cecunjanin said. “I would study and go do homework there.” Sodano said that one day when she was attending St. John’s she came late to business class and was forced to sit with the “fellas” in the back of the room. She then began to show pictures of her recent cruise trip. Gerard, who was sitting behind her, asked her to show him the pictures and initiated a conversation before they were both reprimanded by their professor to leave the room if they wanted to talk. After that moment, the Sodanos began a relationship that lasted more than 50 years. Gerard died earlier this year. After graduating from the University, Gerard became the Vice-President for a fine paper company and Valerie was a financial analyst for Mobil Oil, both having successful careers in the business industry. Although the two didn’t have any kids of their own, Sodano says that, “St. John’s students are all my children.” “This is something I’ve wanted to do for my husband because he’s not here right now,” Sodano said. “He would be very happy and pleased. Enjoy it; I hope all the students enjoy it.”

Q&A: Director Lee Hirsch


Award-winning director of the documentary Bully sits down with the Torch Anthony O’Reilly News Editor

T: You’ve said you’ve been bullied yourself in the past. Why, do you think, people targeted you?

“13 million kids will be bullied in the U.S. this year.” That is the message that award-winning director, Lee Hirsch, is trying to spread with his documentary, Bully. The controversial film shows the real life struggle of several students across the United States as they face the challenge of going to school while being physically and verbally abused by their peers. Hirsch came to the University on Oct. 23, to show parts of his film to students in the Little Theater. Before doing so, Hirsch sat down with the Torch.

LH: It’s almost irrelevant why someone was bullied. Sometimes victims are asked to explain their own abuse. I was basically a different kid. Largely because my parents were two generations older than everybody elses so I was dressed funny and didn’t have the current styles or just didn’t fit in. I grew up in Rockville Centre, Long Island and it’s a pretty tough town and for me it was a lot of physical [violence]. The story of Alex, a lot of what was happening to him really reminded me of what was happening to me. That sense of you’re just kind of a target in the building so people have a sense that they have a license to punch you when they see you or just fuck with you whenever they can. So it was a real connection to telling his story. It was something that fit into my own model of the kinds of films that I like to make that gets to the heart of how we create social change. Bullying is kind of a window into thinking about a lot of other aspects of our development and our capacity to respond to things that don’t feel right.

The Torch: How long have you been hosting events, such as the one you will be having tonight? Lee Hirsch: I feel like I’ve been doing this kind of work for a year before the movie came out was when it really began. Originally it started out with the odd opportunity here and there and it’s obviously grown a lot since the film has come out and has been widely received and promoted and publicized. We also have an outreach and engagement component to our work. We have a staff of people that we’ve been able to raise money to support their salaries who are developing all the materials that support the film and working to grow the movement that’s growing around it. We’ve also been able to bring the film through a structured educational experience to nearly 220,000 students across the country. That’s called 1 million kids to see Bully. That’s also brought myself or characters from the film to a lot of these launches and a lot of these events across the country so it’s been pretty amazing.

T: Did the kids in the film see you as a friend or at least someone they can turn to? LH: The kids in the film very much so. They had been suffering alone and it was as if the presence of someone who was validating that experience was I think really significant component. I feel like the families and the kids in this movie were like partners more than subjects. They really chose to participate and tell their stories more active in that process. T: What was the selection process in finding kids to film like?

LH: We did two things: we responded to stories that we found that were public in some way or another. I’ll show a clip tonight of a girl who I found her YouTube video and we filmed her subsequently and she’s not in the movie. And then Alex who’s the central character was really different because the access to the school came first. We thought surely if we’re embedded in this school for a year we’ll see stuff go on and then understand how the school responds and there were a lot of kids that I filmed there but I had a feeling early on that Alex was going to be the one. I met him on the first day of orientation and I just knew that he was someone who was being bullied, I could just see it. T: Did you at any point try to get the perspective of the bully themselves? LH: No I didn’t. I think pretty early on for me I decided the voice of the film was the victims. It was their story I was going to tell and it was that journey that the film was going to take. It was for no more reasons.When you talk to the kids who were bullies they were presented as little angels. I couldn’t do everything. For example the movie doesn’t go into a whole in depth analysis on how to affect change. My team and I felt like if we can establish a baseline on how the experience for bullying could be so at least our audience comes to it and goes ‘Oh snap that’s something I can’t ignore. That’s not just kids will be kids. I have to reframe my thinking.’ And spark the conversation out of that. T: What were some of your biggest challenges? LH: Getting access [to the families and schools] was a pretty huge challenge. Imagine approaching a school or superintendent or principal and asking ‘Can we have unfettered access to your school

and film how you handle bullying and discipline on the buses and in the hallways and have that be unrestricted in terms of editorial control.’ Most places were like ‘no freaking way.’ So that was the biggest challenge. And buildingthat relationship so when the movie finished, as was the case, which we didn’t know this would be the case, it’s embarrassing to the school district, but they’re still a partner and they stuck by the film from the beginning. So maintaining that relationship was really difficult. T: Did any of your views about the project change during the editing process? LH: If anything got altered it was the very early vision, which was to do a much broader academic survey or story that would include workplace bullying and even political spheres and how that plays out in the world stage. Very much informed by eight years of President Bush. Once we started, the stories of the kids and families had so much urgency and all that other stuff fell away. T: What is your hope for the future of anti-bullying efforts? LH: I have a lot of hope, and I’m actually on the side of positivity. You’re not going to see a day where no one is ever bullied. But we can surely reduce it and change norms and change perspectives of people. The biggest thing that this movie can do is push for an agreement that this is not acceptable. When diverse groups of people come together and decide on somethng, which is what I believe is happenning with bullying then societal change is possible. To see the full Q&A with Lee Hirsch, visit our website, torchonline.com

Students react to Bully experience

Alexa vagelatos Staff Writer

The causes of bullying, and what the key steps are in fixing the issue were two topics discussed on Oct. 23 in the Little Theatre when filmmaker Lee Hirsch gave insight to his newly released documentary Bully. Hirsch, a victim of bullying himself, sees bullying as one of America’s biggest problems today. He started filming his documentary in fall of 2009, following over 20 kids, their schools, and their families for more than two years. While only giving the audience a brief preview of the film, Hirsch discussed with students how they could become active in anti-bullying efforts. Fransisco Escobar, a sophomore from the school of education said he has been an active participant in anti-bullying efforts. He, along with junior Elizabeth Cappizzi created an organization called “You Can Make it Better”, and states that teaching in a safe environment is key. While he said he was never abused to the extent of those in the film, he said being one of the only Latinos in a predominantly white school made him feel slightly isolated. Escobar said he felt those in charge of schools should take more responsibility

when bullying happens in their institutions. “For one, the teachers and administration should be more conscious of social actions of students,” he said. He believes that both public and private schools should have cameras in hallways, playgrounds, etc. observing what students are doing. In preventing bullying he states that talking about it and being open is essential. “These kids think it’s the norm to bully other kids…it’s not okay.” Mercedes Trejo, president of Kappa Phi Beta, claims that she was never bullied but her little brother has been. She shared that her brother called her one day telling her that a boy at school threatened to cut him, and immediately she let her parents know, which lead to her school and police in California knowing. Trejo agreed with Escobar in saying administrators need to be more aware of what’s going on. “Definitely, first teachers should be educated and should be taught to see the signs. Parents should be more connected in student’s education. Teachers and parents should be working together.” Trejo also said students should speak up if they ever encounter bullying. “First, it’s not their fault. They have to speak up to a teacher, parent, friend, and they should love themselves.”

Photo taken from experiencefilm.com

Director Lee Hirsch spoke to University students at the Little Theater


C-SPAN campaign bus parks on Great Lawn Shannon Luibrand Staff Writer The University’s civic engagement program, PARTICIPATE, brought the C-SPAN 2012 Campaign Bus to the Great Lawn on Oct. 18 to help educate students about the upcoming elections and about the current political system. According to Doug Hemmig, a community relations representative for C-SPAN, the bus travels across the country to universities, high schools and middle schools, educating people about what the station has to offer and the importance of being active participants in politics. The bus was equipped with interactive kiosks and advanced technology, encouraging those who went on board to be informed about government and politics. Those who went into the bus were able to take quizzes on a variety of subjects and watch video clips covering the upcoming election. Participants also took advantage of C-SPAN’s extensive online video library, C-SPAN Classroom and the Congressional Chronicle, a comprehensive resource about the United States Congress. C-SPAN representatives on board the bus helped answer any questions students and faculty had about the network, its free resources, the 2012 presidential campaign Torch photo/ Shannon Luibrand and about the bus itself. “We are here to showcase C-SPAN and The C-SPAN Campaign Bus parked on the Great Lawn on Oct. 18. what they do,” Hemmig said. “C-SPAN

gives unfiltered access to our government. It is a great free primary resource.” Sophomore Rabath Chowdhury said he decided to visit the bus because he recently became interested in politics, but was still unsure for whom he was going to vote. “I am an undecided voter,” Chowdhury said. “I am here just getting more informed.” Chowdhury said when he heard the bus was heading to campus, he thought it was a perfect opportunity for him to help educate himself further on the subject of the election. Chowdhury said he was also excited to see the bus because he watches C-SPAN programming. C-SPAN started in 1979 and receives no government funding. According to the C-SPAN video library online website, all programming aired since 1987 is digital and can be viewed on its website for free. The online library covers everything from past congressional sessions to presidential debates, totaling almost 200,000 hours of footage overall. According to its website, C-SPAN provides this free public service for education, research, review and home viewing purposes. Follow us on Twitter for the latest breaking news around campus. @STJTorch

Journalist coaches students University makes strides Adjani Shah Contributing Writer Broadcast journalist Elizabeth Faublas sat down with students as part of the University’s Coffee with a Coach program, giving students professional advice about the media industry in a casual setting. Faublas, an alumnus of the University, graduated in 1991 with a degree in communications and a minor in business. She said her main goal with the event was to help “arm” students by telling them about her experiences. “I love to mentor,” she said. Faublas said she landed a job with Time Warner out of college, working in the master control department. She said she was responsible for making sure movies and programs started and ended on time, a job she admitted was not part of her ideal career path. She also briefly worked for NY1 in the master control department. She then landed a job with Bloomberg News for 14 years, working as a writerproducer for the program “Bloomberg on the Money.” While there, she researched and wrote about business, politics and the economy and simplified business jargon so the public could understand what was being said. Her last two years at Bloomberg were spent on the stock exchange floor, a setting she described as being a “man’s world.” Faublas now works as a news anchor for the program, “Currents,” a program put on by the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn on its channel New Evangelization Television. Faublas covers local and international news while weaving in a Catholic perspective. She recently traveled to Lebanon to cover the pope’s visit and attended the 2012 Al Smith Charity Dinner at the Waldorf Hotel where President Obama and Mitt Romney were present. Although her main priority is working as an anchor, Faublas still does the work of

a writer-producer, researching stories and editing her scripts. “Never be above your position,” she said to those present. Faublas said her St. John’s education helped make her into the worker and person she is today. “It centered me,” she said. Faublas said the school also helped prepare her intellectually for her career. Saridia Morgan, a senior public relations major, said she came away from the event learning a lot about being flexible in one’s career. “What one may study may not always be the job they carry out in life,” Morgan said. “No matter the amount of knowledge one has about a specific topic, always brush up on new things… it will only make you stronger.”

Torch photo/ Adjani Shah

Elizabeth Faublas

Kori Williams Staff Writer

The University participated in the 19th annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Oct. 21 in Flushing Meadows Corona Park to help raise funds for breast cancer research. This is St. John’s 14th year participating in the walk, according to Assistant for Community Relations Margaret Cashin. The University has raised $15,400 of its $27,000 goal, Cashin said. Cashin, who has helped organize every walk the University has participated in, said the scene the morning of the walk has always been hectic. “It’s always crazy here,” Cashin said. Students participating in the walk donated $10 to the American Cancer Society and stood in line to receive their team t-shirts and waited for transportation to the park from the Law School cafeteria. Hundreds of St. John’s students and staff were present to support the cause and raise money. Senior Arielle Castillo said this was her third time walking. She attended the event with four sisters from her sorority Theta Phi Alpha and said she is walking for the members of her family who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Brian Matuszewski, an accounting major, said he was fortunate enough to not be personally affected by cancer but participated as his way of donating to the cause and get a little exercise, too. The University was represented by Vice President for Community Relations Joseph Sciame. “I think that it’s really a learning experience,” he said. “We can all fight cancer together.”

Torch photo/ Kori Williams

The University’s Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk team

Events to help raise funds towards breast cancer research have been taking place since the beginning of the month. The first St. John’s “Living Ribbon of Hope” was created to create awareness for the walk. Male students participated in the “High-Heel-A-Thon” an annual event where runners lap around the Great Lawn while wearing high heels. The American Cancer Society recognized the University’s achievements in fundraising for cancer research by awarding them the American Cancer Society’s 2012 College of Excellence Award for collecting more than $80,000 last year. The University was the first school in the New York Metropolitan area to receive the award.


Think Outside...

One last debate showdown

Seeing falling poll numbers and a lead that once seemed insurmountable dwindle to nothing, President Obama went on the offensive for the second straight debate, tearing into Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s lack of foreign policy experience and his perception as a flip-flopper on issues of national security in the final presidential debate on Oct. 22 in Boca Raton, Fla. As in the previous debate, the two candidates for the White House spent much of their time hitting at the others policies with memorable one-liners throughout the hour and a half. Citing a CNN interview over the summer in which Romney named Russia as America’s top “geopolitical foe,” Obama took advantage by making the former Massachusetts look out of touch. “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” Obama further employed this strategy when he poked fun at Romney’s views of the current state of the military, after Romney stated the Navy had less ships than at any point since 1917. “Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military’s changed,” Obama said sarcastically. “We have these things called Photo Courtesy of VCSTAR.ORG aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama squared off in their last debate. nuclear submarines.” Obama did however concede on overseas. “When the president of Iran, some points that Gov. Romney had been “I congratulate him on taking out Osama Ahmadinejad, says that our debt makes right on some matters of foreign policy, bin Laden and going after the leadership in us not a great country, that’s a frightening especially when it came to agreeing with the al-Qaeda.” thing,” Romney said at one point. president. Throughout the debate, both candidates But the Republican challenger, still “To the governor’s credit, you supported brought the discussion from foreign matters riding a huge wave of momentum from his us going into Libya and the coalition that we to issues in the states, discussing the first debate win in Denver, seemed content organized.” economy, jobs and education — the issues not to challenge Obama on most issues, even In turn, Romney congratulated the that have dominated the election cycle thus going so far as to agree with him on several president on achieving part of his goals far. key points. (Torch Staff)

Eldest Romney son apologizes It is one of the more peculiar scenes in a presidential campaign — after doing everything they can to discredit their opponents, the candidates and their families engage in small talk on stage after the debate

ends. It’s usually an odd, yet unremarkable event, but Monday night’s chat between President Obama and Tagg Romney, the eldest son of Republican nominee Mitt


Tagg Romney reportedly apologized to President Obama on Monday.

Romney, had a little extra significance because of Tagg Romney’s comments after the second debate last week. Speaking to a North Carolina radio station after the contentious town hall debate at Hofstra, Romney spoke of his anger toward the president for attacking his father. “Jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the stage and take a swing at him,” Tagg Romney said about what he wanted to do at the time. “But you know you can’t do that because, well, first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because that’s the nature of the process … We signed up for it. We’ve got to kind of sit there and take our punches and then send them right back the other way.” Romney sang a different tune after Monday’s debate however, using the post-debate schmooze session to issue an apology to Obama for his words, saying that he was “just joking,” according to the Washington Post. For the record, Tagg Romney’s younger brother Josh had already downplayed the threat Tagg Romney posed to Obama, saying on The View, “That brother has slugged me a couple times. President Obama has nothing to worry about.” (Torch Staff)

Latest Polls Rasmussen Polls - taken 10/20 - 10/22 Mitt Romney: 50% Barack Obama: 46%

Gallup Polls - taken 10/16 10/22 Mitt Romney: 51% Barack Obama: 46%

Politico - taken 10/15 - 10/18 Mitt Romney: 49% Barack Obama: 47%

ABC News/Washington Post - taken 10/19 - 10/22 Mitt Romney: 49% Barack Obama: 48%

Real Clear Politics Average - taken 10/7 10/15 Mitt Romney: 48% Barack Obama: 47.1%

“We had these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. So the question is not a game of battleship where we’re counting ships. It’s ‘What are our capabilities?’” - President Barack Obama during the debate, Oct. 22


Editorial Board XC

MICHAEL E. CUNNIFF Editor-in-Chief

Illustrator’s Corner

NICOLE VALENTE Managing Editor JESSICA LISE General Manager ANTHONY O’REILLY News Editor


Transparency in SGI, part V

Six weeks after the Student Government, Inc. budget for the 2012/13 school year was voted on and approved in a public floor meeting and three weeks after the board promised it would be ready in a “couple weeks,” the Torch is still waiting to see it. SGI should take a lesson from the testimony of Rev. Donald J. Harrington, President of the University. Taken out of context, his dealings with Cecilia Chang were shady and borderline illicit. But

knowing all the facts paints a much more favorable picture of the president. SGI should take note, and follow his lead. That is, of course, assuming that the organization has a clear conscience when it comes to its finances. The silence on the issue suggests otherwise. And no, a “financial report,” when it comes out, is not the same as a real budget. Anything less than a full budget release implies that SGI has something to hide – if not, why not release it?

Harrington’s not the one on trial

Much has been said about Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M., President of the University’s testimony in the Cecilia Chang trial. As first reported by the New York Daily News, Harrington took the stand on Wednesday and Thursday as a witness for the prosecution. It’s difficult to not read the testimony and see an old man who seems to have been misled and taken advantage of. He seemingly entered the University, where Chang had already been working for a decade, in the midst of this systemic manipulation and complacency regarding Chang and her work. He said that he remembers a conversation with his predecessor, Rev. Joseph T. Cahill, C.M. in which he was told “she ran her own show ... and she did it successfully and she was unique and she should be left alone to do her thing.” Chang pulled the wool over the eyes of everybody for more than 30 years. It’s a shame that Harrington fell for her charade, but it doesn’t make him a bad person, or University president. The gifts he accepted — the ones that people are most upset about — included tailored suits, expensive bottles of wine and watches. We’re not arguing that it seems excessive, and we’re certainly not arguing that it’s embarrassing for Harrington. It appears as if he ignored many of the values that his Vincentian community espouses and that, as a priest

who is supposed to receive only a $200 monthly stipend, he is a hypocrite using his power to bend the rules. However, it seems as if Harrington was put in an untenable position by Chang, who continually pressured him to take gifts from potential Asian donors so that he wouldn’t come off as rude or culturally ignorant. Put in his situation, it’s hard to say what we would have done differently. And the stopovers in Hawaii after trips to Asia were recommended and sanctioned by the Board of Trustees — also known as his bosses. Issue should be taken with them, not Harrington. Of course, there are questions that need to be answered. How did the superiors in his Vincentian community feel about these gifts he was accepting? How did these gifts he receive not violate his “vow of poverty”? Ironically, the toughest questions he should be facing all relate to his religion — not his work for the University. But his biggest defenders so far have also been those with the closest ties to the Catholic Church — meaning that he likely won’t have to answer those questions about his faith. It’s not our role to judge him on issues of faith either. But on the merits of how his relationship with Chang affected his role as President of the University, it seems clear to us that he was co-opted, not corrupt, and misled, not misleading.



Evan Dittig Freshman Katie Pruneda “I don’t know.” Freshman

Hye Soo Shin Senior Connor “I heard aboutQuinn her. I heard Junior she took out school money,

“I’m probably going to go to the gym instead.”

“I’mbut going in class, I’m to notbesure.” but I’ll definitely check out the highlights afterward.”

Cameron Harris Nicole Oliver Sophomore Junior “She’s the lady that took

Yuutoo Isohata Marc Speed Junior Junior “I think she’s a very corrupt


Editorials are the opinions of the Editorial Board of The TORCH. Columns are the opinions of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of The TORCH. Opin-

ions expressed in editorials, columns, letters or cartoons are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administrations of St. John’s University.

TO CONTRIBUTE Mail letters to: The TORCH, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439 Submit letters via e-mail at: torcheic@gmail.com

Please include your full name, year, and college (or department). Letters have a limit of 500 words and may be edited for content, grammar, or space. Unverifiable or anonymous letters will not be published. All letters are subject to the approval of the Editorial Board of The TORCH.

“I’ll watch It’s going money fromit.St. John’s.” to be cool to see how arguments ... play out. I think Mitt Romney’s going to get grilled.”

“I’m goingIt’s tobad be that watching figure. she’s it in the Org Lounge with Alpha stealing school money for gifts.” Phi Alpha. Afterward we’re going to have a debate about the issues, about the different

Letter from the Editor

The trial of former University dean Cecilia Chang has attracted a lot of buzz around campus, and around the city. Though Chang was arrested when half of the student body was still in high school, the testimony of Rev. Donald J. Harrington — and specifically, the New York Daily News’ coverage of his testimony — has sparked debate and raised tensions about Harrington’s culpability and his status as the leader of St. John’s. If you’ve read our news article about the subject, you’ll see that it differs remarkably in tone from the article published in the Daily News. Why is this? Before the Daily News article, we at the Torch had been planning on giving the trial the same type of coverage that we had last week — a brief update on proceedings, sourced heavily from other publications. But the ostensibly shocking revelations in the Daily News last Friday — about Harrington’s University-funded trips to Hawaii and the general life of luxury he seemed to be living thanks to Chang, forced us to reconsider. We decided that we had to find out for ourselves, which is why we purchased the entire transcript of Harrington’s testimony under oath (at a hefty price, for the record) from the court reporter. Our article portrays Harrington in

a different light than the Daily News. This is not because, as some might think, we’re a St. John’s newspaper. We’re not — we’re independent of the University (other than our location in the D’Angelo Center), and accept no funding from the school. Harrington doesn’t sign our checks. Similarly, our article should not be taken lightly because we are a “student” newspaper. We’ve covered the Chang story from the very beginning and even broke the news before major news outlets. The word “student” does not mean amateur. No, our article is different because our look at all of Harrington’s words, and the questions he was asked, provides a very different context than the greedy powerbroker that has been portrayed. We feel it is not only in the interest of the St. John’s community to provide the full context of this testimony, but it is also right. Going on this strain, we invite you all to read the testimony for yourself. Make your own interpretations, decide your view based on the court transcripts rather than what is being reported in the media. We have full copies of Harrington’s testimony available and if you are interested please contact me at torcheic@gmail.com to schedule a time. - Michael E. Cunniff, Editor-in-Chief

Wilpon weighing down the Mets KIERAN LYNCH Features Editor

Earlier this month, I made my way over to Citi Field, the relatively new home of the New York Mets. In some alternate universe, my trip could have been meant to go see a playoff baseball game with 42,000 screaming New Yorkers around me. As anyone with the slightest amount of sports knowledge knows, that wasn’t the case. Instead, I walked into a deserted stadium where I was subject to a ticket sales pitch that seemed more desperate than anything else. Was I shocked? No, not really. That’s because my dear Mets are owned by Fred Wilpon, a real estate man first and a baseball man second. The Wilpons are currently in a difficult situation. This situation was preceded by being stuck in the middle of the famous Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme case, while at the same time dealing with an aging baseball roster and expenses of a shiny new stadium. Now, the Mets have a ton of debt (70 million more each season), few quality players and a need to re-sign the face of the franchise in David Wright and 20 game winner, R.A. Dickey. Now the ownership finds itself is in somewhat of a “chicken or the egg” situation. They have a bad baseball team that is a product of (among other things) a lack of spending money and no ability to increase spending money without fielding a good team that can get fans to spend their

paychecks at the ballpark. What’s the solution? The solution is to get out of baseball. Fred Wilpon has been a part of the Mets organization from the early 1980’s. From his start as a small minority shareholder, he worked his way up to the point where he owned 100 percent of the team before the Madoff situation. You might be inclined to say, “Good for him, a success story.” Except that isn’t the truth. The short of it is that by all accounts, Wilpon has kept his ownership of the Mets because it is an attractive thing to be a part of when you’re in the real estate business in New York. From the 1980s until 2002, Wilpon owned 50 percent of the baseball club with part owner Nelson Doubleday. Doubleday, after having been worn down by Wilpons’ ineptitude, sold the entire team to the current owner at that time. Wilpon infamously tried to get Doubleday to say no to the Mike Piazza deal that helped turn around the franchise as well as wouldn’t rest until there was a new stadium in Queens. That’s the crux of the problem. Wilpon’s No. 1 goal all along has been to make a profit for Wilpon, constantly worrying himself with things that don’t affect the product on the field. That has never been more evident than now, as it was reported in Forbes earlier this month that ownership is planning to move debt from the team to SNY. You’d think that would be a wise move to help get the Mets become competitive again, but in reality the goal here is for Wilpon and other shareholders to be able to pocket hefty dividends for their own good. Currently, the Mets are in default of the baseball debt rule, which doesn’t allow

a team to have more than 8 times in excess the cost of its operating costs. While Wilpon is a good friend of Bud Selig (which is one of the reasons why there isn’t more pressure on him to straighten out the finances), if the Mets get to the point where they can’t pay their bills, a la Frank McCourt and the Dodgers, Selig will be forced to step in. One can hope that ownership puts the money it’s pocketing from SNY back into the baseball team, but knowing the history of the Wilpons and where they stand right now, don’t count on it. We as Mets fans could either see a radically improved situation due to this and a ton of money coming off the books after next season or the current depressing arguments of “a star pitcher or star hitter, but not both!” may be here to stay.


Either way, I need to get one more political dig in before Nov. 6. Maybe Wilpon should rethink his donation of $2,500 to the Mitt Romney campaign because while that is obviously not close to enough money to pay a major league minimum salary, at this rate, the Mets owner might soon find himself in a different tax rate entirely and wishing he had voted for the middle class’ candidate. Kieran Lynch is a junior journalism major who is sad that his Halloween movie marathon ends in a week. He can be reached at: torchfeatures@gmail.com


Flip-flopper Romney not ready I was planning on using this space to break down Monday night’s third and final presidential debate. I wanted to talk all about how President Obama’s foreign policy credentials and plans would lead to a much safer America (and world) than Mitt Romney. And I wanted to gloat about how this debate would finally undo all the momentum that Romney’s been riding since Obama’s Debacle in Denver (yeah, let’s capitalize it now). But unfortunately, what actually happened didn’t square with my prescripted narrative. Romney wanted to minimize damage in Boca Raton, Fla. rather than promote his principles (which we still don’t know exist). So instead of a spirited disagreement between a candidate who counts numerous famous neocons among his advisers and a liberal incumbent who champions ending an unpopular war as one of his leading policy achievements, we got a lot of agreement. Comedian Bill Maher summed up the debate best when he tweeted, “Mitt’s entire debate strategy: What he just said, but from a white guy.” In many ways, Romney’s debate strategy was the same as his strategy in the opening debate rout — abandon all of his controversial, hard right-wing unpopular

policies for a more moderate stance to endear him to the median voter. It worked to perfection in Denver because Obama wasn’t ready for his shameless pivots (like his claim that he wouldn’t cut taxes if they would increase the deficit). This time, however, the President was ready. Instead of engaging Moderate Debate Mitt, he ignored Romney’s feints toward the middle and reminded viewers of all the “reckless and wrong” proclamations the former Massachusetts governor has made on the campaign trail. Obama set the tone on the very first question. After Romney promoted the importance of education and gender equality in the Arab world — admirable concerns that he appeared to have had whispered in his ear 20 minutes before the debate began. He also spoke of al-Qaeda’s creeping influence in Mali, of all places, setting the scene for Obama’s first verbal takedown. “Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaeda’s a threat because a few months ago when you were asked, what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia” Obama said, contrasting his debate sentiments with the ridiculous statements he’d made over the summer. “And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back

because, you know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years. “ He continued, reminding voters of the ideologue Romney’s been his entire campaign, “But Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s… You say that you’re not interested in duplicating what happened in Iraq, but just a few weeks ago you said you think we should have more troops in Iraq right now.” It’s this contrast — what Romney’s said this month compared to what he’s said since he opened his candidacy on June 2, 2011, that’s so scary about a Romney candidacy and a (increasingly likely) Romney presidency — we don’t know how he’ll actually govern. Will he be the candidate trying to outflank Rick Perry and the Republican band of crazies from the right, or will he be the “Moderate Mitt” that Bill Clinton has missed so much? Say what you want about Obama, but you know broadly where he stands — Romney’s all over the map. I know that Romney hasn’t been in the Situation Room with the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the last four years making these decisions like Obama has. That’s

Romney proved on Monday that he is the same Etch-a-Sketch candidate when it comes to national security

not his fault. But what is troublesome is how much he’s changed his positions before taking office. If he can’t decide what he believes when there’s no pressure to be right, who’s to say that he’ll be able to do it when the fate of the nation depends on it? The flip-flopping aspect of Romney has been dissected ad nauseam, but it’s one thing to change one’s mind when it comes to taxes; it’s another when it comes to dealing with terrorism. Romney proved on Monday that he is the same Etch-a-Sketch candidate when it comes to national security as he is on Medicaid funding. Foreign policy is more than mere politics. The world doesn’t care how we decide to insure (or not insure) our citizens. The world doesn’t care if we privatize Medicare. The world doesn’t care if we cut off funding for Planned Parenthood. But the world — both our allies and our enemies — does care about our policies on Israel and Afghanistan, on China and Russia. And on those, Romney’s positions can’t be pinned down. I wonder if a hypothetical President Romney’s response to a proverbial 3 a.m. phone call would be different than his response at 3 p.m. And that’s not the kind of perception I want the world to have of our commander-in-chief.

Michael E. Cunniff is a senior journalism major whose girlfriend is absolutely AWESOME. He can be reached at: torcheic@gmail.com

Bex in the City: Let’s go Yanks! REBECCA BROWN Staff Writer

I’m not a huge sports fan. I was brought up watching one sport, as most kids in England are, and that’s soccer. But now that I’m in America, I want to try and get more into the traditional sports over here. If anyone asked me what baseball team I supported back home (which was only asked once I had started college), I would have told them I’m a Yankees fan. But I’d never actually seen them play. Not even on TV! My friend wanted to go to a Yankees game for her birthday, and I was so excited to finally get to see them in action. We bought tickets to the Yankees vs. Red Sox game in the last series of the regular season. I may not know a lot about the sport, but I know this was the ultimate in team rivalries. I was expecting that a game like this would completely break the bank. But it didn’t. The ticket only cost $12! I couldn’t believe going to a Yankees game could be so cheap, let alone a game against their biggest rivals. As we headed down to the subway to get up to the Bronx, you could feel the excitement in the air. The subway cars were crammed full with fans, all donning their Yankees gear and all pumped for the night’s game. I was pretty excited too. I’d never seen fans get so into it, even during the game. It was a whole new atmosphere for me. But I loved it. It made you feel like you were part of the team, ready to face off against the enemy that lay at the end

of the ride. Heading into the stadium, the cheers of the fans let me know that the game had already started. I didn’t mind too much because it meant I was thrown in at the deep end. They were already at the bottom of the second inning. As we took our seats the crowd erupted in cheers. I have no idea what it was for. Like I said, I’m not a sports fan, but I knew that meant that this game would be like nothing I had experienced back home. We sat in the bleachers, in the Yankees section. We could see the whole stadium, and had a great view of the pitch. Some

people say being in the bleachers isn’t the greatest place to be at a game, but I beg to differ. Sure, the view of the pitch wasn’t the best, but the atmosphere was amazing! Everyone was a die-hard fan. They got really into the game, and I was immersed in their world. Every five minutes the standard “Let’s Go Yankees” chant was echoing through the stadium. There was a feeling of genuine support for the players, no matter how they were doing. Before the game, I wasn’t sure whether I would fit in. I thought that people would look at me and tell me I’m not a fan, therefore I shouldn’t be there at all. But it

was the exact opposite. I felt like nobody cared whether you knew who was pitching, or who the referee was, as long as you had fun while you were there, and cheered on the Yankees with all that you’ve got, you could be a fan too. Even if you don’t get chance to get up to the Bronx, New York also houses the Mets, right here in Queens. Baseball in New York is accessible to everyone at St. John’s, and you don’t need to have a mega bank balance to enjoy this traditional American pastime. Rebecca Brown is an international student from Derby, England.


Think Outside...




KIERAN LYNCH Features Editor

The famous Frank Sinatra song goes, “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.” “Here,” of course, refers to New York City and the idea of making it in the city has been a dream of people young and old long before the song became a hit and long after. Chris Dare, a junior business management major, is a living example of someone grasping those lyrics and running with them, looking to make a name for himself in a city of 22 million. Dare, going by his preferred show name, is a selfdescribed illusionist. He’s making a name for himself amazing students hanging around the streets near St. John’s one trick at a time. “What I’m trying to do is become the next David Blaine,” Dare said, referring to the magician he has looked up to. “Not so much related to what he did, but to become the next big thing in magic.” The Newburgh, N.Y. native first discovered his hobby around the age of seven, when his grandmother called and told him to go watch TV. “My grandmother calls me up one night and she told me to turn on the TV,” Dare said. “‘There’s a magician who can levitate.’ I said, ‘What are you talking about Grandma, a magician that can levitate?’ So, being the curious child I was, I ran over to the TV and turned it on.” Dare said that this is when he saw Blaine for the first time, sitting down on the curb on TV. There, the magician showed his deck of cards to the camera and told the audience to imagine any card inside. A young Dare picked a card in his head and was shocked when Blaine picked that same card out of the deck. “And I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “From that point on, I’ve been doing magic.” The illusionist went through a lot of development, as most people do, in high school. There, he appeared on his school’s morning announcement television show and developed a small following. He acquired the nickname “Magic Man” and began to take his hobby even more seriously. “Toward the end of high school, senior year, it was all about magic. I was devoted 100% to [the idea of] Chris Dare,” he said. “When I came here, I felt like the city was where I needed to be, because there’s so much opportunity.” Place, time and opportunity came together perfectly for Dare, when he got to meet the man that first got him interested in the magic trade one day during his first few months at St. John’s. “[On] Halloween freshman year, David Blaine tweeted that he was going to be at an art museum in Queens,” he said. “I took the first taxi I could over there and I actually met him and performed magic with him. It was a pivotal moment in my life, a pivotal change when I really kind of performed with my inspiration. Still to this day, it’s hard to believe.” According to Dare, the most inspiring moment of the encounter came courtesy of a comment Blaine left him, along with the magician’s phone number. Continued on pg. 13


Illusionist Chris Dare poses against the New York City skyline with his deck of cards in a “worm” depiction.




When many think of St. John’s University, the first thought that comes to mind is the renowned Division I men’s basketball team. What most do not realize though, is that St. John’s also has a competitive club basketball team that’s reputation for winning is quickly spreading across the Northeast. The club basketball team at St. John’s was assembled just last fall, but with a record of 17-3 last season, and having beaten teams like Yale, Cortland, Hofstra and Penn State, it is difficult not to notice them. The team held their two-day tryout early last month and they have wasted no time beginning preparation for the upcoming season, according to head coach Casey Ellin. Ellin explains many do not realize how competitive the club basketball team at St. John’s actually is. “This year we had I believe 67 kids try out,” Ellin said. “We took fourteen.” The season kicks off this Friday night, Oct. 26 in Taftner Field House. The team will be taking on the Staten Island Campus. Having only lost three games last season, to Northeastern in an exhibition game, Cornell in a regional championship game and Dartmouth in another regional championship game, the team is ready to prove themselves all over again and make it even further

this year. “Last year losing twice in the finals in those tournaments left a sour taste in our mouth,” Ellin said. “We are excited for this season.” Prior to establishing the club team,

In 2009, one of the intramural teams won a regional tournament, but the next year, the winning intramural team at St. John’s did not even qualify. One disadvantage was that most other universities at these tournaments were club


The 2012/13 club basketball team poses for a group photo prior to the new season.

Campus Recreation would take the winning season intramural basketball team to one of the regional tournaments to face up against other universities.

teams. Ellin said he knew there was enough talent at St. John’s that it was time to create a club team that could continue to

compete at a higher level. Alongside Campus Recreation, Ellin helped organize the first club basketball team on campus in years. Ellin has several student assistant coaches that help him make sure the team is up to par. The club basketball team at St. John’s is yet another opportunity for students that do not qualify for a Division One sport at the University, to still participate in a competitive sport while in college. The team will be traveling on Nov. 2 to James Madison University in Virginia to participate in the Duke Dog Classic with 20 other teams. The team usually rents outside vans to transport players to away games. Ellin stresses all students are welcomed to watch the club basketball teams games and they are hoping to get more student supporters this year. Kevin Bonner, senior point guard, is one of the returning six players from last year. Bonner has worked at Campus Recreation for years and was really excited when he heard St. John’s was creating a club basketball team. “It has been great,” Bonner said. “We are a tough team.” Bonner, a former High School basketball player, explains that basketball practice gets intense and the players work hard to carry on that intensity into their games. Bonner has high hopes for his team and wants to see them win a national championship in the near future. “I am doing the thing I love which is basketball,” Bonner said. “And I love that I get to represent St. John’s.”

Illusionist makes name in NYC (Cont.)


Illusionist Chris Dare uses tricks of illusion to wow his audience, hoping to get them to think of their reality and what’s possible.

Continued from pg. 11 “I was doing magic back and forth with him and he mentioned that I was the best 18 year old kid he’s ever seen,” Dare said. “I was over the top, blown away.” While Dare has videos on YouTube as well as a website at daremagic.com (you can follow his Twitter account @Daremagic), he gets most of his reputation via word of mouth. That was none more evident than last weekend, when a visiting college student saw him perform at a local party. “Some of the tricks that he did were the normal card tricks that a lot of magicians do,” Megan Murphy, a college sophomore from Long Island said. “But the one that really got me was when he somehow made the card that I picked out of the deck show up on his iPhone and then pulled the card out of his iPhone and handed it to me. It was unbelievable. I didn’t even know what to say.” As Dare continues to amass his following around the St. John’s community and beyond, he can’t see himself leaving the New York City area. If you want to make it big in magic, it’s either Vegas or New York. I’ll stick with New york city,” he said. “The city is the city of dreams, you can’t leave that. It’s hard to leave the city of dreams.” While some may not buy into “New York, New York’s” notion of being able to make it big in the big city lights, Dare has a different perception on what it takes to see reality. “I give people illusions that may seem real, but it’s that thought that maybe it is real that can change someone’s life,” he said. “If you show them something that’s impossible, they rethink what they originally thought was impossible.”


‘Red’: Big choruses and heartbreak NAZMA JUNE

Contributing Writer TAYLOR SWIFT Red


Taylor Swift is back with her fourth studio album Red released via the Nashville label Big Machine. The album is a big cumulative adventure of the relationships she has had since her last album Speak Now and the cycle of love altogether. When Swift announced the release of the album on Aug. 13, she also revealed her current No. 1 single “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.” “Together” is a great representation of the album’s main idea that even though someone you’re dating means a lot to you, it doesn’t mean it’s meant to work out. During some points of Red she’s hopeful about future relationships, but for the most part she wants to move on. Lyrically, this album is her best yet. Lines such as “once upon a time, a few mistakes ago,” and “It takes everything in me not to call you” beautifully describe what it’s like to be in the shoes of the heartbroken. The album kicks off with “State of Grace” which explains that the beginning of love is the best part because it’s quite

possibly the purest it will ever be. The title track is coincidentally the song that best sums up the album. “Red” describes the ups and, mostly, downs of a relationship: “loving him is like the colors in autumn so bright, before they lose it all.” In “All To Well” she sings about her innocence, a love that she thought would last forever but didn’t and the resentment she has for her ex-lover: “you call me up again just to break me like a promise.” She follows up “All To Well” up with “22,” which is in the same musical vain as “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” which is very poppy and a departure from Swift’s self-made country pop genre. In “Lucky One,” she’s singing to an ex-boyfriend who she still cares about even though he didn’t want to be with her because of her new lifestyle of being famous: “Now my name is up in lights, but I think you got it right.” “Begin Again” concludes the album with reassurance that love is a cycle and insists that there will always be someone to replace the last guy who hurt you. The best songs on the album are “I Knew you were Trouble”, “Red” and “I Almost Do”. In these songs she releases her pain and frustrations of past relationships, both private and public, that will undoubtedly connect with millions of teenagers. Swift has grown up in the public eye during a girl’s most tender years and through these tracks you can tell that the experiences that she has endured during the past couple of years have taken a toll on her emotionally. It’s a record that we, as college students, can relate to because, even though we probably aren’t on par with Swift’s celebrity, we know exactly what she’s going through.


Taylor Swift continues her musical winning streak with her fourth studio album.

First Listen: Kendrick Lamar, Sky Ferreira

KAREEMAH SELLERS Contributing Writer KENDRICK LAMAR Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City


The time has finally come. Hip-hop fans have been eagerly anticipating the release of Kendrick Lamar’s Interscope release Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City, and it was well worth the wait. The album takes you through the journey of K. Dot, Kendrick Lamar’s teenage years, and his extreme vices, ethical, and identity difficulties as a kid growing up in hip-hop centric city of Compton, Calif. While there are many themes conveyed in m.A.A.d. City, the one theme that’s constant is the twisted inner city lifestyle. K. Dot first meets up with shady characters from the Los Angeles streets before Lamar takes the listener on a ride to meet up with his summer lustful crush on the track “Sherane A.K.A Master Splinters Daughter” through muffled echoes and smooth percussion. The “Art of Peer Pressure” shows exactly how these negative influences affected K. Dot, causing him to commit wrongdoings. And

the tracks in the middle of the album, “Good Kid” and “m.A.A.d. City”, explains in detail the cutthroat inner city life and how it influences the most ethical person. In the second half of the album, K.Dot questions his actions and the influence that his peers have had on him. “Sing About Me, I’m Dying of Thirst” is a twelve-minute lyrically complex journey that includes genius fade outs and meaningful narrations. The “thirst” that Kendrick Lamar is speaking about is God and the spirituality that K. Dot need to start their real life. “Thirst” then transitions to “Real”, which shows the evolution of K. Dot to Kendrick Lamar. Lamar paints a personal portrait of his life, allowing every listener to get a better understanding of who he is. Lyrically this album is one of the best that hiphop has heard in a very long time. What makes Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City such a great album is the listening experience Lamar creates as a complete story enhanced within complex lyrical themes. All of the tracks are tied together with excerpts of wisdom from his elders and interactions with his family. Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City is desperately needed in the current landscape of hip-hop, where many artists are just making music for capital. Today, hip-hop artists have been focusing on hot beats, been creating pop/techno hip-hop or building their songs on senseless but catchy phrases. Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City is an almost perfect album that is completely built on the human experience and the struggles we face in a world where it is easier to do wrong than right. Kendrick Lamar presents real hiphop in this future classic.



L o s Angeles’ own Sky Ferreira has been a blossoming pop star on the verge of breaking for a few years now. Now, as the 20 year-old releases her new EP Ghost released on Capitol Records, it looks as if this fresh batch of new songs will put her over the edge and perhaps into the pantheon of today’s pop giants. While it helps that she received some early mentoring from Michael Jackson, is a notable pal of Katy Perry and has scored two endorsement deals with Adidas and Calvin Klein, her party girl notoriety and her appearance and personality is has helped propel her as much as her music. Ferreira shows her versatility as an artist on the five song EP, from grunge and alternative rock to sweet urban ballads and electro pop rock, Ghost has a little bit of

everything. Her underground coolness has exudes almost a hipster attitude that’s justified by her work as a model in the L.A. area. This coolness is displayed both visually and musically. Her latest single, “Everything is Embarrassing,” is accompanied by an experimental music video that oozes coolness between the beats and texture of her voice. Ferreira then demands your attention on “Red Lips” where she implements a rock tone that hinges somewhat on goth. “Red Lips” also has a memorable music video where she covers her face with red lipstick that she smears all over her small physique. It’s playful and a perfect commentary of her energetic personality. Ferreira’s effortless ability to cross through genres within these five tracks without missing a beat is quite impressive for such a young artist, and the poetic lyrics only enhance Ghost’s overall appeal. It seems like Ghost is just a stepping stone for Ferreira. It will be interesting to see what she will be able to do with her brand and definitely her music, and Ghost gives us a taste of what she’s capable of doing Can’t get enough of the Torch? Visit our Web site for online exclusives. torchonline.com


Marilyn and Andy: Vintage beauty


Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol are inarguably two of the most iconic names from the 50s and the 60s. While they both were different kinds of artists during their time, they now have something more in common: cosmetics. Makeup Art Cosmetics and NARS Cosmetics, both highly-acclaimed cosmetic brands, are bringing back the 50s and 60s. 50 years after Marilyn Monroe’s death shocked the world, it is clear that Marilyn-Mania is still very much alive. MAC Cosmetics has recently released a 30-piece collection in celebration of her life which is comprised of mostly bold red colors, neutrals and pale pinks, her signature look. The lipsticks come in many shades of red, from “Pure Zen”, a bright pink-red satiny shade, to a deep scarlet red “Deeply Adored”. Since MAC’s announcement of the new makeup in February, the highlycoveted collection has seen numerous pre-orders even before its October 4th release date and were almost immediately cleared out once the MAC stores put it on their shelves. One reader commented on the beauty website temptalia.com that all the lipsticks were completely sold out when she called her local Macy’s MAC counter. “I called every MAC store and they all sold out this morning and had

people waiting in lines,” she wrote. “I have never seen any MAC collections sell out in stores so fast!” A big question that now needs to be asked is what makes this collection so popular that people would wait for hours on line for it like a Black Friday sale? Some readers on a temptalia.com story about the collection said it was the usual hype that always accompanies a new, fresh collection this while others said that anything linked with an iconic legend such as Marilyn Monroe people would want a piece of it. Another exciting collection is the NARS Andy Warhol color collection which embraces and celebrates the work of one of the most distinguished and influential artists of the 1960’s, Andy Warhol. The breathtaking packaging of the collection, which will be released on the 25th anniversary of his death, includes six eye shadow palettes which integrate Warhol’s artworks, three with his “Flowers” paintings, the other three of Warhol’s self-portrait in eye shadows. The Debbie Harry Eye and Cheek palette pays homage to the Blondie lead singer who was one of Warhol’s “superstars”. The collection also includes a set of mini lip glosses and a silver shadow pencil called “Silver Factory”, in honor of his legendary New York City workspace. Warhol, who was considered the face of art in postwar America, whose most famous painting was of Marilyn Monroe which is on display at the Museum of Modern Art.

Spotlight: Authentic style


Each of us is equipped with distinct genetic features that set us a part from anyone else in the world. With that said, no matter our cultural background or demographic, every person is an individual. People express their individuality through fashion and personal style but this uniqueness is only authentic until it becomes a trend. Eden Armstead is a junior from Prince Georges County, Maryland studying Public Relations and currently residing in New Jersey. She values her individuality growing up in a place where she thinks everyone dresses the same way. In Maryland, “they’re too trendy,” she said. “Either they walk around in all American Apparel or they raid a thrift store. It’s all American flag shirts and studded this, ripped that.” During freshman year at St. John’s, Eden said that at first she was comfortable fitting into this image, but she grew tired of being categorized with other girls from her hometown who dressed similarly. “People knew where I was from [by the way I dressed] freshman year,” she said. They would say, “Oh, she’s a PG girl” making assumptions about her personality and lifestyle. Eden has big, dark curly hair

infused with greenish blue tips. Over a pair of black leggings, Eden layered a ripped black t-shirt with thin purple stripes, a deep red button up and an olive green corduroy jacket.


Eden Armstead models her outfit.

Eden said her sense of style has evolved since freshman year. “Now people think that I’m from [New York] instead of D.C. – I think it’s the hair style and loose clothing.” She also wore black vans and an assortment of jewelry, including a thin gold anklet, colorful beaded African bangles, large Betsy Johnson diamond studs, a silver helix piercing, a golden name plate necklace in Amharic (Ethiopian language) and various rings from Tibet, Dubai and others she acquired from festivals and thrift stores in Maryland. Eden describes her style as comfortable and expressive. “I wear whatever looks good or it can just be an accident like what I put on this morning,” she said with a laugh. She talked about websites like Tumblr, which gives people unique styles to emulate, but after many people implement these styles, they become generic. “Individuality is extremely important,” Eden said. “If you are being yourself and happen to dress like other people, that’s okay but if you’re just dressing like everyone else just to dress like everyone else, that’s not being an individual.” In the end, “individuality is a mind-state.” Can’t get enough of the Torch? Visit our Web site for online exclusives. torchonline.com

This week in showbiz

Fourth Generation iPad Mini Unveiled by Apple

Apple made another technological splash yesterday at their product event in San Jose, Calif. With the introduction of the iPad Mini. The Mini, according to a report by CBS News, is the fourth generation iPad and will feature a 5 megapixel iSight, a front-facing camera with FaceTime and faster WiFi connection. While companies such as Google and Barnes & Noble have entered the tablet market, Apple has remained the top dog and a trailblazer of tablet technology for the past few years, and Apple senior vice president Phil Shiller wholly believes those statements. “It is a powerhouse,” Shiller said at the event. The high anticipation is also due to the fact that it’s cheaper than the current iPad the price being $329 for a 16GB Wi-Fi Mini.

Bridge School concert features Vedder, Guns n’ Roses Jack White, Guns n’ Roses, The Flaming Lips and many more joined forces and unplugged at the 26th annual Bridge School Benefit held at the Shoreline Amphitheater in San Francisco. GnR frontman Axl Rose, who is prone to being late and uncooperative at performances, showed up on time and tore through acoustic renditions of classics such as “Welcome to the Jungle,” “November Rain” and “Patience,” according to Rolling Stone. Prior to the Roses performance, Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder, who first performed at the Benefit in 1992, made a guest appearance and played solo versions of “Last Kiss” and “Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town.”

Swift starring in Mitchell biopic? Not yet

In April of this year, Variety reported that Taylor Swift was involved in a biopic chronicling the life of folk legend Joni Mitchell. And it looks like the project is still in the works. According to an interview that Swift had with Time, the country pop superstar stated that the project had yet to get the greenlight. “I wish it was confirmed!” said Swift in the interview. “I can’t talk about it unless it’s the real thing.” Swift’s filmography includes appearances in Valentine’s Day, Hannah Montana: The Movie. The 22-year-old blonde also lent her voice to the movie adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. She released her fourth studio album, Red, on Monday.


Brooklyn Bridge lives up to hype


Out of all of New York’s most famous landmarks, the Brooklyn Bridge is perhaps the one that is most surprising. A monstrous structure, it serves to represent the height of the gilded age and American industrialization, with its scale reflecting the days when America was still growing into its status as the world’s preeminent superpower. In terms of beauty and aesthetic appeal, however, it seems strange that such an uncompromising construction of steel and concrete would draw so much attention in a city that already boasts so many notable attractions. In spite of this, walking the Brooklyn Bridge is on the list of many first-time visitors to New York City, and it holds its place as one of the most recognizable and iconic structures in the world. In many ways, this status has been facilitated by popular representations of the bridge across the realms of art, film and literature, which dates back as far as its own existence. Painters, photographers and writers have long been fascinated by its size and nature, which provide a raw and rigid focus for many movements within the arts. In film, its significant presence in pictures such as “Once Upon a Time in New York” and “I Am Legend” has helped to create a mystique around the bridge, and poets such as Jose Marti have often commented upon its significance in poetry and literature. In art and photography, figures

such as Georgia O’Keefe and Karl Struss have done a lot to enhance interpretations of the Brooklyn Bridge, and entire studies could be devoted to depictions of it, and the

ways in which the depictions have shifted over time. To walk the bridge is a breathtaking experience, and upon my own visit last week,

the culmination of these aforementioned interpretations was never more telling. The style of the bridge itself, its steel wires imposing heavily on any view, is spectacular enough, but the scene that makes itself clear from the ideal perspective at the center of the bridge is magnificent. Straddling the East River, and providing the perfect perspective on the eclectic mix of architecture and cultural influences present in Brooklyn and Manhattan, the bridge presents a perspective of New York that is perhaps unequalled, a relatively street level look at the ways in which New York, one of the world’s paramount cities, has shifted and changed in the time since its formation. How does the Brooklyn Bridge fit in with other attractions in New York? The Empire State Building, Central Park, and Times Square, each has its own merit as a New York landmark. However, there is something abot the bridge that makes it so special – both geographically and visually. It evokes so many emotions and feelings that other attractions cannot provide, and I strongly encourage anyone who hasn’t yet to experience it for themselves. Harry Saunders is an international student from London, England. Can’t get enough of the Torch? Visit our Web site for online exclusives. torchonline.com


The Brooklyn Bridge towers high over the East River in New York City.

Intramural Flag Football Standings (as of Oct. 22)

Monday/Wednesday Early Team



Monday/Wednesday Late Team



1. Lexington Steelers 2. Mooseheads

9-0-0 6-1-0

139 43

1. The A-Team 2. Kodeen Kowboyz

6-1-0 5-2-0

66 72

4. APD



4. M.O.B.






5. Strong Arm of The... 6. Free Agents

Sunday Early


6-2-0 1-6-0





3. TKE

5. EXB

6. Team Reckless

Sunday Late


4-3-0 1-5-0 1-6-0


1. Kappa Sigma 2. 4th and 20

6-3-0 5-3-0

33 -1

1. #Dieslow 2. New York Jets

8-1-0 6-3-0

4. Young Saints



4. Team Snack


3. Pi Kappa Phi 5. Spyders

5-3-0 1-3-0

Tuesday/Thursday Early






1. The Step Dads 2. Troat Squad 514

6-2-0 5-3-0

114 -14

4. The Nutty Bananas



3. Ball Me Maybe

5. St. Johns Knights 6. Johns Team

4-4-0 3-5-0 2-6-0


-75 -65

3. Violation 203


Tuesday/Thursday Late Team





Differential 134 17

-73 -78


1. The Money Team 2. The Fighting Myrons

7-0-0 6-1-0

135 86

4. Slippery When Wet



1-5-0 0-7-0

-68 -92

3. No Punt Intended 5. Blue Bloods

6. We got 5 on it 7. Skulls






Conference struggles

Volleyball lose fifth straight Big East match at Pittsburgh TAYLOR BRISCO

Staff Writer The St. John’s volleyball team on Sunday dropped its second game of last weekend and fifth-straight game overall when it lost 3-1 (25-17, 21-25, 26-24, 25-12) to USF on Sunday. After a 4-0 start in conference play, the Red Storm now sit tied for eighth with Villanova after its recent string of disappointing results. The Johnnies came up short in the first set, but rallied back in the second with a win thanks to crucial kills from sophomore Ashley Boursiquot and service aces from senior Gabriela Petkova and freshman Karin Palgutova. The third set was tight as it saw the Johnnies gave up a nine-point lead. USF (1310, 5-5) responded by going on a 5-0 run to tie the game at 20-20. Palgutova answered back with a kill that sent the Red Storm to set point, 24-23. However, the Bulls had three consecutive kills from freshman outside hitter Erin Fairs, who was last week’s Big East Freshman of the Week. Her three kills ended the set 26-24 in favor of USF. “Volleyball is a game of runs,” said St. John’s head coach Joanne Persico. “We had a nine point lead, and rally score points are made on plays. The goal is to beat the team on the run.” In the final set, USF went on a

quick 3-0 run and continued their lead for the match. In the 25-12 loss, the Bulls outhit the Red Storm .517 to .107. “We had moments where we executed

our game plan,” said Persico. “We give a lot of credit to USF for making big plays in the third set.” The Red Storm will try to turn things around when they host local rival

Seton Hall (17-5, 5-4) on Friday. “We have a lot to play for this weekend,” said Persico. “We’re upset about the losses and know what’s on the line.”


Head coach Joanne Persico and members of the St. John’s volleyball team talk on the court in between points.

Selakovic leads way in last fall meet

Women’s tennis finishes strong as Fall season concludes at West Point STEPHEN ZITOLO

Contributing Writer


Senior Nevena Selakovic prepares to return a serve.

The St. John’s women’s tennis team’s fall season came to an end this past weekend at the USTA/ITA Women’s Northeast Regional Tournament in West Point, New York. The Red Storm were led by the play of freshman standout Amber Washington and the consistent play of Senior Nevena Selakovic. Both advanced to the round of 32. Selakovic, who is the Johnnies’ captain, earned a first-round bye in the singles bracket of the tournament, where she advanced take on Army’s Erin Colton. She defeated Colton with a decisive victory in two sets, 6-3, 6-2. This was the third victory of her fall season. Selakovic then advanced to play the University of Pennsylvania product Sol Eskenazi, she lost in three sets, 6-0, 4-6, 6-4.

Freshman Amber Washington also had a productive tournament. She was the 59th seeded player and went on to defeat the 66th seed Kelsey Shea of Colgate University in three sets. She then beat Stephanie Do of the University of Pennsylvania in two sets. However, Washington was defeated in the round of 32 by Hannah Camhi of Brown in two sets. Selakovic and Washington also earned a doubles victory over conference rival UConn while junior Diamond Adams and senior Ksenia Mikhaylova defeated another Big East Rival, Rutgers, in two sets. “Overall, I’m pretty pleased with our fall results,” said St. John’s head coach Taka Bertrand in a press release. “I think we improved with each tournament and I was also happy with the performance of our new players. We’re looking forward to the spring season.” The Johnnies will begin their spring season Jan. 20 against Boston University.


USF edges past Masur’s men Men’s soccer loses first home match heading into season finale KYLE FITZGERALD Staff Writer Despite outshooting its opponent 15-2 in the second half, the St. John’s men’s soccer team couldn’t overcome a 2-0 first-half deficit, falling to USF 2-1 at Belson Stadium on Saturday. USF ST. JOHN’S



Senior defender Jack Bennett scored in the second half to give the Johnnies life, but saw a penalty kick in the 76th minute saved by South Florida keeper Dallas Jaye to deny the Red Storm a chance to keep its hopes of earning a first-round bye in the Big East Tournament. South Florida held on despite the second-half onslaught that appeared even greater to the players than the discrepancy in shots suggested. “I think we outshot them 19-5 in the second half but the score line didn’t reflect that,” Bennett said, exaggerating the totals. “We kinda hung in there and played pretty well,” said St. John’s head coach Dave Masur.


Freshman Brandon Savino dribbles past a USF player during Saturday’s match at Belson Stadium. “We’re pleased that we took the game to them and had some good chances.” The loss drops them to fourth in the Big East Red division — four points behind secondplace Syracuse and seven behind

first-place Louisville, who have wrapped up both first-round byes in next week’s conference tournament. The Red Storm (9-3-4, 3-3-1) got off to a tough start after a foul committed by Jamie Thomas in

the sixth minute set up a USF (8-4-4, 2-2-3) free kick just outside the Johnnies’ box. Midfielder Roberto Alterio took the ensuing kick and whistled the ball around the St. John’s wall and into the lower right post to give the Bulls

a 1-0 lead. The Red Storm were not discouraged by the early deficit and kept up their wok rate on offense. Freshman Danny Bedoya looked to level the game after he dribbled by two defenders in the box, but his attempt went just wide. This was his second failed attempt to score after USF keeper Dallas Jaye blocked his first shot in the third minute. The Bulls took a 2-0 lead in the 21st minute, leaving the mouths of St. John’s fans agape. After a corner kick, Wesley Charpie took advantage of a loose ball 8 yards out and sent it to the inside left post. The Johnnies, fighting frustration, continued to work down the field and pressure the Bulls’ defense, but could not find a goal. The Red Storm started the second half with much more aggression than the first. This was apparent in the 62 minute when senior Jack Bennett chipped the ball out of the keeper’s reach, cutting the deficit in half. The goal awakened a previously downtrodden home crowd. “We were fighting hard in the second half,” senior forward Andres Vargas said. “We let a couple chances go but we kept pushing hard.” The Red Storm will finish their regular season at Belson Stadium against Syracuse on Oct. 26.

Season finale ends in defeat ANTHONY PARELLI Staff Writer The St. John’s women’s soccer team put the proverbial period on its season Saturday, losing 3-0 to a tough Syracuse squad at SU Soccer Stadium. Seniors Runa Stefansdottir, along with Megan Klement, Meredeth Kenyon and Kathy Gualotuna all played their final match in a Red Storm (6-10-1, 2-7-1) shirt. SYRACUSE




Stefansdottir and Klement were regular contributors during their time in Queens, the former providing an offensive spark while the latter anchored the defense. The two will be missed dearly. “This year had many ups and downs,” said St. John’s head coach Ian Stone in a press release. “We were grateful for the players who stepped up to fill the positions when we needed them. We are thankful for our seniors and their families for all the dedication and hard work they have put

in over the years with our program. They were a part of our first-ever NCAA Tournament as just freshmen and their efforts will be missed.” The score may not accurately dictate the competitiveness of the game, particularly due to the timing of the goals. Syracuse (9-6-2, 6-3-1) scored in the second minute when Erin Simon tallied her fourth goal of the season. Then, within the last five minutes of regulation, Rosina Callisto notched her second of the year and Alyscha Mottershead her fifth, respectively. Syracuse lead in shots 16-6, but the Red Storm defense and keeper were able to stymie the attack for the majority of the match. Runa Stefansdottir attempted to find an early equalizer but was unable to put away opportunities in the tenth and 14 minute. The Johnnies’ freshman goalkeeper Ellen Conway edged Syracuse’s Brittany Anghel in saves, 4-2, but Anghel was able to notch the shutout while Conway, who stayed tough throughout the majority of the match after allowing an early goal, faltered in the final minutes. The only yellow card of the game was shown to St. John’s Sarah Ashmore.


Junior Michelle Murino challenges a Syracuse player during Saturday’s match at SU Soccer Stadium.

Torch Sports



Leavin’ their Mark

Women’s Golf ends season on high


Sophomore D’Angelo Harrison speaks to Bruce Beck of NBC at yesterday’s St. John’s media day at Carnesecca Arena.

The joys of Media Day The 2012/13 basketball season may have began last week for Steve Lavin’s men and Joe Tartamella’s women at the Red Storm Tip-Off, but Tuesday was equally as important as it was St. John’s Media Day. Media Day marked the fateful day where both teams are able to sit down with reporters and talk in depth with a surplus of journalists ranging from Torch reporters to media members representing the New York Times, ESPN and NBC. Despite the many quotes that the Torch gathered from players and coaches alike on Tuesday, I won’t be inclined to reveal them in this specific article; the reason being that they will act as stimuli for our annual magazine, Courtside, that will highlight the men’s and women’s basketball teams. Be sure to cop it on Nov. 28. Now that I’m done marketing Courtside, which will undoubtedly impress the college basketball universe, let’s get to the specifics of St. John’s Media Day. The session began with 15-minute press conferences from Tartamella and Lavin, respectively. They both, unsurprisingly, seemed upbeat about the season. Tartamella stressed the fact that his team have a legitimate shot at hosting an NCAA Tournament game at good ole’ Carnesecca Arena while Lavin highlighted his team’s youth as well as the growth that must to take place if they wish to play their best basketball come March. As the press conferences concluded, media members were granted the opportunity to walk the floor of Carnesecca and

trek to the edges of the court where the players were stationed at tables lining the baseline while ESPN3 broadcasted the event, live, from center court. Like I said earlier, I won’t reveal any specific quotes I gathered because of the eminent release of Courtside (If you read it, I’ll follow you on Twitter, doe), so I’ll put into words the ambiance and overall sense of emotion that was streaming through Carnesecca. There were many smiles seen round the arena, but the biggest had to be that of freshman JaKarr Sampson. Sampson, who, according to Kieran Lynch (read our last issue for his Twitter handle, doe), is an avid SpongeBob lover, had the biggest smile of all. It’s easy to understand why, as anyone with his athletic ability would boast a grin the size of SpongeBob’s. While I was interviewing Max Hooper, who was sitting next to Sampson at one of the interview tables, I couldn’t help but notice how Sampson’s zest for life was transferring over to the reporter who couldn’t ask the freshman a question without cracking a smile. His vivacious manner was nothing short of palpable. It was quite a scene to witness. Nevertheless, Sampson’s sheer ability on the hardwood will unquestionably see his Michael Strahan-esque smile plastered around the country. If you want to learn more about JaKarr Sampson via a Q&A, cop Courtside, doe; available on campus Nov. 28. Continuing along, what caught my eye the most Tuesday afternoon was something that most reporters probably bypassed. The members of the women’s basketball team, who weren’t hounded by the press as frantically as the men were, had a sense of easiness to them; a sort of quiet confidence. When we were snapping a few pictures of players posing with an issue of the Torch that will be featured in Courtside (remember to cop it on Nov. 28, doe), Shenneika

Smith and Nadirah McKenith teasingly suggested they wouldn’t pose with the newspaper because the back page featured a picture of the men’s team instead of the women’s. I may be wrong, but I’m inferring that Smith and McKenith were suggesting that their squad deserves a bit more recognition. And you know what, I agree. The St. John’s women’s basketball team is ranked No. 15 by the USA Today Preseason Coaches Poll and will undoubtedly bring a great deal of pride to St. John’s University. One should definitely expect to witness the quiet confidence of Tartamella and company come March. And if all goes smoothly, you’ll be seeing them right here on campus at Carnesecca Arena fighting their way towards another Sweet 16 appearance; maybe even beyond that. As Media Day headed towards a close, I was forced to watch as reporters, coaches and players filed out of Carnesecca, when I was struck with the air of optimism that was filled inside the arena and the University as a whole. It’s what I love about sports; at the start of every season, the possibilities are endless. And no matter what, there will always be next year if a dream winds up being cut short prematurely. But you know what? Let’s focus on this season. If Media Day taught me one thing, it’s that this season will bring smiles to the faces of the Red Storm faithful whether they’re sitting in the rafters of Carnesescca, the cushioned seats at the Garden, or at home on their coaches, yelling at the television for Shenneika to shoot, or for D’Angelo to drive to the basket.

Mitchell Petit-Frere is a junior English and journalism major who is imploring you to pick up Courtside on Nov. 28, doe; it will, undoubtedly, change your life forever. LeBron even ordered a copy.

St. John’s women’s golf team concluded its season after a third place finish at the Lehigh Invitational in Upper Saucon, Pennsylvania. Standout junior Harin Lee placed fifth, securing her fourth top-five finish in as many competitions, while the other four Red Storm golfers finished in the Top 25. The Johnnies finished in fourth after the first day of competition, behind Rutgers, Seton Hall and Princeton. They concluded Day One with a first round total of 308(+20), seven strokes behind Big East rivals Rutgers. Harin Lee finished the first round tied for fifth with a score of 75, while junior Jennifer Neville was tied for eleventh with a first round score of 77. The final round saw the Johnnies shoot a 305(+17), which helped them place third at the tournament, while Princeton took first place. During the Fall 2012 season, The Red Storm recorded first place finishes at the Tignanelli Towson Invitational and the St. John’s Women’s Intercollegiate.

Blowin’ in the Wind

He’s built like a chopstick...or bamboo

- St. John’s men’s head basketball coach Steve Lavin on sophomore forward/center Sam Sealy

Headin’ this Way Red Storm home games

Volleyball: Oct. 26 Seton Hall

7 p.m.

Oct. 28 Rutgers

2 p.m.

Men’s Soccer:

Oct. 26 Syracuse

7:30 p.m.





The volleyball team continued its tough run of form in conference play.

The women’s soccer team lost its final match of the season at Syracuse.

Pg. 21

Pg. 22

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