March 6, 2013

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New questions Fr. Harrington continues to face Chang issues as new report details questionable expenses, including a Carribean trip with chief of staff Rob Wile. News pg. 4

“Think Outside. . .”

Photo of the Week



Managing Board XC

Michael Cunniff, Editor-in-Chief Nicole Valente, Managing Editor Jessica Lise, General Manager

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Features Editor

peter long

Features Campus Concierge The Torch reviews all the offfers the campus concierge desk has to offer.

Lifestyle Pg. 14

Movie Safe Haven The Torch reviews Safe Haven, the latest Nicholas Sparks book to be adapted to the big screen.

Lifestyle Pg. 13

Sports How ‘Lo Can They Go? Johnnies collapse in South Bend in 66-40 loss.

Sports Pg. 18

Illustrator’s Corner

opinion pg. 7

FOR MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS: 718-990-6756 The Torch is the official student newspaper of St. John’s University. The Torch is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University. All contents are the sole responsibility of the editors and the editorial board and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, faculty or students of St. John’s University unless specifically stated.

To contact The Torch by mail: The Torch, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439

The Torch is typically published on Wednesdays, approximately 20 issues throughout the academic year. Circulation per issue is 3,500 copies distributed free on campus. This copy of The Torch is worth $ .75.

Torch Photo/Diana Colapietro

Sir’Dominic Pointer debuted the Red Storm’s new grey jersey against Pittsburgh on Feb. 24.

Think Outside...


Wile joins Harrington under scrutiny Michael E. Cunniff Editor-in-Chief The fraud perpetuated by former dean Cecilia Chang continues to haunt the University, leading to the Board of Trustees retaining outside counsel in the wake of another published report that details more questionable expense reports. The latest report, from New York Magazine, outlines more than $40,000 in spending from University chief of staff Rob Wile on a credit card provided to him by Chang, and lavish gifts bestowed upon Wile and Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M., president of the University – including a nearly $10,000 expenditure on a trip to upscale Caribbean tourist islands Turks and Caicos. Chang told Wile and Harrington that those expenses were being paid for by donors or Chang herself, but in reality she billed the expenses to the University using fraudulent financial statements, University officials told the Torch on the condition of anonymity. In light of the report, which was published on February 24th, the Board of Trustees hired white-collar lawyer Frank Kohl, the same outside counsel who helped the Board when the details of Chang’s fraud originally broke in 2009. “St. John’s Board of Trustees, with the support of the University administration, has engaged Frank Wohl of the law firm Lankler Siffert & Wohl to review certain issues and

provide advice going forward,” the University said in a statement to the Torch. Kohl, in an email to the Torch, declined to comment further, and Wile forwarded the matter to Dominic Scianna, associate vice president of external relations, who did not comment on his behalf. Wile is a 1999 graduate of St. John’s, having played soccer on an athletic scholarship. He was a member of the 1996 National Championship team and developed a friendship with Harrington after traveling to Rome and London with the team the following summer. Shortly after graduation, Wile was hired in Harrington’s office as an administrative assistant. He quickly rose through the ranks – with three promotions in five years – to chief of staff in 2004, a position he still holds. The New York Magazine report also details a trip Harrington took to Turks and Caicos in May 2003 in which he took Wile and his then-girlfriend Gabrielle Weir, a 22year-old sophomore at the University. School officials told the Torch that Harrington was grieving the passing of his father and was under the impression that the trip was a gift from Chang. Nothing about the trip, including Weir’s status as a student and Harrington and Wile’s role as administrators violated the school’s non-fraternization policy. The policy, found in the employee handbook, only finds intimate relationships to be inappropriate between school employees and “a student, subordinate, or colleague upon

whose academic or work performance he or she will be required to make professional judgments.” Harrington did not consult any authorities within the University before the trip, according to University officials. Wile and Weir are now married. Credit card statements for the card issued to Wile by Chang obtained by the Torch show expenses that include $300 at a casino in Las Vegas, nearly $650 at two New York City nightclubs and more than $450 at a Westbury liquor store. School officials did not dispute the nature of Wile’s expenses, though they did say that some of the numbers were wrong and were taken out of context in published reports. Harrington testified during Chang’s federal trial last October that he knew of the card’s existence, and that he and Chang personally approved every transaction Wile made on the card, either before it was made or immediately after. University officials confirmed that Harrington was aware of the expenses, but said that he believed they had been paid for directly by Chang or donors, not the University as they ultimately were. St. John’s general counsel Joseph Oliva also testified in October that every single expense report she filed was fraudulent, and that his office’s internal investigation has only recovered about 80 percent of the original, unaltered statements. At the height of her fraud, New York Magazine reported, reimbursements to her took up 10 percent of St. John’s entire travel and expense budget.

College Dems to talk GSA with admin. Anthony O’Reilly News Editor Members of the University chapter of the College Democrats are preparing to meet with administrators in hopes of convincing them to create a student-run gay-straight alliance on campus. The upcoming meeting comes on the heels of the group circulating a petition on campus over the last two weeks in favor of a gay-straight alliance. The petition has attracted nearly 500 signatures online and many others on paper, according to Maria Bernadzikowski, the group’s vice president. Bernadzikowski said the meeting - scheduled to take place with Dr. Kathryn Hutchinson, vice president of student affairs - was sparked initially by the group bringing the idea to their faculty advisor, Brian Browne. Bernadzikowski said the group then was contacted by Dominic Scianna, associate vice-president of external relations, to inform them that the administration would gladly sit down with them to discuss this topic. Last month, some students expressed dissatisfaction to The Torch with

current on-campus options for gay and lesbian students, which include a “Safe Zone” program – on-call “allies” to provide support – along with monthly support meetings. In a statement then, the University said, in part, “we would not recognize a gay alliance.” The Democrats responded by launching a petition on Feb. 21 – both online and on paper - that they plan to bring to the meeting with Hutchinson. At the time the Torch went to print, the online petition had 472 signatures. A total tally of the paper signatures could not be verified by the time the Torch went to print because the paper petition is in the hands of several students and will not be collected until later today, Bernadzikowski said. One of the petition’s signees, junior Dylan Jenkins, said he attached his name to it because he feels the University not allowing a GSA on campus goes against their mission statement. “Banning a GSA goes against loving your neighbor,” he said. “I think it’s ridiculous to be opposed to a group whose core values are in line with the school’s mission statement.” Senior Jordan Dolan said he was disappointed in the University in not

supporting a GSA, and feels it hurts their image when compared to other major universities. “Does St. John’s really want to be the one making a final stand for what the rest of the nation is fast realizing is not only a moral inevitability, but a moral imperative?” Dolan said. Bernadzikowski said the group plans to address why St. John’s doesn’t recognize a GSA when other Catholic schools do. Jenkins said at first he was worried about his signature being public, but decided it was important for him to be public about his support. “I was slightly worried at first,” he said. “But you need to put your moral values ahead of your own fears.” But anonymity is still a problem. “We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from professors and administrators who said we’re doing a great job,” Bernadzikowski said. “At the same time they’ve told us they haven’t been allowed to publicly come out and support it.” Bernadzikowski said the petition and the attempts to create a GSA should not be seen as an attack on the University, but, rather, a collaborative attempt to improve it.



Briefs Compiled by Jarrod Jenkins Assistant News Editor

Big East career fair offers big jobs University students and alumni will have the chance to land full-time employment and internship opportunities from over 70 organizations and companies in the annual Big East Career Fair. The fair will take place Friday March 15 10:00 am in Madison Square Garden. Students interested should pre-register @

Women’s History Month kicks off at STJ The University is celebrating Women’s History Month with a series of events throughout campus empowering and acknowledging women’s accomplishments. Students can receive MVP points for attending the events from various departments of the University. Students should visit St. Johns Central for registration and more information regarding dates and times.

The Living Room “The Living Room”, a new internet TV show, will be launched on St. John’s Central next week. The show will feature various clubs and organizations around campus. Clubs and organizations interested in being featured can contact Frank Jerome at

Read all of our articles online at Also make sure to follow us on Twitter @STJTorch and like us on Facebook for breaking news.

MTA increases transit fares Jarrod Jenkins Assistant News Editor

Commuter students now have to pay a little more to get to and from school after the MTA initiated an across the board price hike for their services. The MTA has increased its fares for the fourth time in the last five years and under their new pricing system, base fare for subways and busses rose 25 cents from $2.25 to $2.50. Monthly unlimited- MetroCards went up from $104 to $112 and weekly went up from $29 to $30. A $1 surcharge has also been added if riders purchase a new MetroCard, as opposed to refilling an old one. Emily Morales, a commuter from Long Island, believes the price changes will heavily impact those who rely on public transit more severely overtime. “When my car is not available I frequently use the busses and subways to navigate through the city,” she said. “The prices may appear as a mere increase of a few cents at first but I know as months pass I am going to see the difference in my personal funds.” Morales continued to say the price changes can be a major inconvenience and obstacle to many New York inhabitants. “To many, public transit is a primary form of transportation in the New York region,” she said. “A change in price to something so essential can throw off an individual’s lifestyle.” Winston Neal, a commuter from Highland Park, said he felt the MTA was betraying their customer base by initiating these price hikes, without improving the overall service of the buses and subway. “Its more about the principle, I think it’s messed up how the MTA can arbitrary change the prices without the best interest of their customers,” he said. “All of a sudden I’m paying more money for the same exact service I was receiving last month.” Winston continued to say New York residents should take proactive measures to combat the ongoing price increases. “I think someone should make an organization to go on a boycott against the MTA or something along those lines,” he said. “The only way things are going to get better is if people stop complaining and take initiative for a change.” According to the MTA’s website, the increase in fare prices is an effect of a financial budget proposal which addresses the continuing growth of employee health care, pensions, par transit services, energy and other costs. The plan would result in recurring savings of over $800 million in 2013, which will grow to over $1.2 billion in the year 2016. As part of their budget, another amendment to hike transit prices is planned for 2015. Read all of our articles online at Also make sure to follow us on Twitter @STJTorch and like us on Facebook for breaking news.

Election season begins Familiar faces on FUEL ticket pump credentials strengths and characteristics,” Sheehan said. “We have an experienced group and we bring a lot of insight to the table.” A group of experienced Student One initiative the members of FUEL Government, Inc. members are hoping proposed, if elected, is obtaining external that their ticket will be the one leading the revenue for SGI, outside of the student student body after the general elections. activities fee, which according to SGI’s Fostering Unity tax return is their through Experienced main source of Leadership (FUEL) revenue. consists of current SGI M e m b e r s secretary Lizzy Sheehan explained that (running for President), added external Maggie Gander (Vicerevenue would in President), current SGI turn allow SGI to vice-president Oscar be able to provide Diaz (Secretary), current additional funding co-chair for student to organizations. affairs Emily Bargabos “Instead of (Treasurer), current placing the junior senator Johann on SGI presidential burden Kerr (Senior Senator), students, we current sophomore candidate Lizzy Sheehan can provide senator Jennifer Rankin organizations (Junior Senator) and with more money current freshman without that strain representative for St. on the students,” John’s College Xu Feng Yu (Sophomore Sheehan said. Senator). One idea the members discussed was In an interview with the Torch, several taking water bottles from events such members of FUEL said they feel that their as barbecues and recycling them for the experience with SGI will help them, not refund. only in their respective positions, but in The members also suggested in working together as an e-board. getting outside organizations to help in “We all know each other and our

Anthony O’Reilly News Editor

We all know each other and our strengths and characteristics. We have an experienced group and we bring a lot of insight to the table.

these endeavors, such as the Earth Club and RecycleManiacs to help in recycling water bottles. In speaking about the budget Bargabos, running for treasurer, said FUEL would be willing to release the budget to the student body next year, in an attempt to increase transparency. “We want to continue with the visibility we started this year,” Bargabos said. FUEL also expressed wishes to make organizations more accessible to students. Members expressed wishes to create an organization database with contact information for leaders of each organization avaliable online for students. “This allows groups to get new membership in between actvities fair,” Gander said. Sheehan said that when the organizations succeed, it’s not only a reflection on the organizations themselves but on the performance of SGI as well. FUEL also suggested creating a “general membership” category within SGI, so students not part of an organization or committee can sit in on floor meetings and give suggestions or ask questions. In the case of a split ticket, Yu said the members who might not make it would still continue to contribute to SGI by working with whoever took over the respective position.

Vasquez, Benavides head SAIL procedure. Benavides and Vasquez also addressed the concern that some members of SGI were not attending floor meetings, and instead of threatening to Student leaders from in, and outside punish those who don’t show up, they of, Student Government, Inc. are hoping plan to incentivize them. “We want to make being a part of it’s a smooth sail to victory in the SGI SGI prestigious,” Benavides said, saying general elections. Specific Action; Interactive that some representatives feel they’re not Leadership (SAIL) consists of current getting enough from being a part of SGI, SGI treasurer Elaine Vasquez (running and said he hopes to change that. Benavides and Vasquez also discussed for President), current co-chair of the Organizations Committee Mark plans to restructure how college representatives will Benavides (Vicework in conjunction President), Ashley with their constituents Stilson (Secretary), and the e-board of Robert Koehler SGI. (Treasurer), Sophia Benavides said he Markowska (Senior hopes to make contact Senator), Carlos information for college Alvarez (Junior representatives more Senator) and Justin visible to students Alick (Sophomore by displaying the Senator). reperesentatives In an interview emails in the hallways with the Torch, of the colleges. Vasquez and Benavides also B e n a v i d e s said SAIL plans on discussed several restructuring how the initiatives to overhaul the - SGI presidential college representatives structure of several candidate Elaine Vasquez. fulfill their duties. “Right now college aspects of SGI. reps have office Both expressed the idea of changing the format of SGI hours and campus hours,” Benavides floor meetings from a parliamentary said, explaining that campus hours are procedure to a more congressional the reps working to find out what are

Anthony O’Reilly News Editor

I believe all of us are going to make it. Every person is overly qualified for their respective positions. I don’t believe we’re going to be split

the concerns of the students in their respective colleges. “We want to hear what [the students] are talking about and what their concerns are.” SAIL also said they plan on making visibility in organizations easier by making contact information easily accessible through an SGI website. “I don’t think people like going to the Central web site,” Benavides said. “We want to make the SGI website the central point of info,” Vasquez said. “Everything in one central point.” When asked about the budget, Vasquez, the current treasurer, said next year’s release would be easier for the e-board. “The template is already created so all the next treasurer has to do is plug in the number,” Vasquez said. “The process will be a lot quicker.” Vasquez and Benavides both said they were willing to release financial figures next year, if elected, in an effort to increase transparency in SGI and the student body. When asked how they would plan in the case of a split ticket, Vasquez said she does not believe the tickets will be split and has full confidence every member will be voted to their respective positions. “I believe all of us are going to make it,” she said. “Every person is overly qualified for their respective positions. I don’t believe we’re going to be split.”

Think Outside...


No compromise in D.C.

Sequester cuts officially take effect after deadline passes Christopher Brito Assistant News Editor

The sequester, a group of mass cuts professor at George Mason University, on federal spending, officially took effect believes there will be about 2.14 million on March 1 after President Obama and jobs lost in his published report on the Congress failed to achieve a compromise economic impact of the sequester. on budget cuts. College students will also feel “These cuts are not smart,” Obama the wrath of the sequester. While the said this past Friday. Pell Grant will “They will hurt our be spared in economy and cost us These cuts are not the first year, jobs. And Congress can programs like turn them off at any smart...they will hurt the Supplemental time - as soon as both our economy and cost E d u c a t i o n a l sides are willing to Opportunity Grant jobs. And Congress and Federal Workcompromise.” The shrinkage, can turn them off at Study would initially part of the be significantly Budget Control Act of any time - as soon reduced by 2011 or the debt ceiling as millions of dollars both sides are compromise, will target and thus removing defense, domestic willing to comprmise more than 100,000 discretionary, Medicare students from and other mandatory participation, President Barack Obama funds and lead to a total according to of $85.4 billion in cuts U.S. Education in 2013. Secretary Arne If the sequester isn’t resolved by Duncan. this year, these discretionary funds will Both House and Senate Democrats be pierced to $109.3 billion from 2014- proposed replacing the $85 billion in 2021. cuts with a medley of tax increases These cuts will directly affect on the wealthy and the closure of tax programs such as Hurricane Sandy relief loopholes of oil companies. fund, social security, veteran’s benefits, Republicans want no tax increases, border and airport security and public no defense cuts and considerable housing support. domestic spending reductions in order to City budget director Mark Page said agree to a bill removing the sequester. that New York State will suffer from an As of Monday afternoon, Obama estimated $800 million in federal cuts. met with Republican senators to discuss Stephen Fuller, an economics propositions for the sequestration.

Photo courtesy of wikimedia commons

President Barack Obama


Infant child with HIV virus cured Christopher Brito Assistant News Editor After being injected with an AIDS medication at birth, a Mississippi girl is the first child to have ever been “functionally cured” of HIV, according to a CNN report last Sunday. She was “functionally cured” after two years meaning that the virus was so small, that lifelong treatment is not necessary and standard testing cannot detect the virus in her blood. Doctors involved in the discovery believed that early intervention with antiretroviral drugs was key to the successful result. The unnamed child’s mother received no prenatal care and wasn’t diagnosed as HIV positive herself until just before her delivery. After the child was born, she didn’t give her prescribed medication for months. Dr. Hannah Gay, a pediatric HIV specialist at the University of Mississippi Medical Center told CNN the timing of intervention may deserve “more emphasis than the particular drugs or number of drugs used.” “We are hoping that future studies will show that very early institution of effective therapy will result in this same outcome consistenly,” she said.

Hugo Chavez, 58, dies of cancer Jarrod Jenkins Assistant News Editor President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez a “21st century socialist” died at age 58 March 5 as a result of an enduring battle with cancer. Chavez underwent surgery on Dec. 11 and was not seen publicly after, aside from a handful of pictures released in February. 50-year-old Vice President Nicolas Maduro is now taking over leadership of the Chavez political movement, until elections can be held. The Associated Press reported elections will be held in 30 days, with Maduro being the government candidate. How Maduro will lead with Chavez’s absence remains unknown being that he will now rise to the obstacle of holding together a divorce movement consisting of radical leftists, moderates and many military officers. According to ABC News, Maduro has vowed to block a return to the past, which he said had benefited the wealthy.

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Wall Street showed signs of recovering from the recession on March 5th.

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Dow closes at record high Christopher Brito Assistant News Editor

Photo courtesy of wikimedia commons

Hugo Chavez (top) and Nicolas Maduro

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the index of 30 the largest US companies, surpassed their best performance since 2007, showing encouraging signs for the stock market. As an avid indicator of our economic health, the Dow increased 92 points on March 5th to 14,221, topping the previous record high of 14,164 achieved on October 9th, 2007. Since that record high, the housing market plummeted, the economy has

hobbled through high unemployment numbers and slow growth, and the country has experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The national debt ascended from $9.4 trillion to $16.6 trillion during that span. “I think there is a lesson in there for investors: don’t panic, stay the course, focus on intrinsic value and try to ignore the whims of Mr. Market,” said Matthew Coffina, editor of Morningstar StockInvestor. “Over the long run, the U.S. stock market is still one of the greatest wealth creators.”

Editorial Board XC

MICHAEL E. CUNNIFF Editor-in-Chief

Illustrator’s Corner

NICOLE VALENTE Managing Editor JESSICA LISE General Manager ANTHONY O’REILLY News Editor


The last straw

If there’s something we’ve learned this year, it’s that you never know what’s coming next. As the bizarre Chang saga continues, we’ve come to learn way more than we ever expected to about Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M. – his travel itineraries, his real estate investments, his designer suits and his penchant for expensive wine. Now we’ve learned about his trip to the Caribbean with his favorite student-turned-right-hand-man, Rob Wile, and Wile’s then-girlfriend (now wife), Gabrielle Weir. Charging more than $9,000 to a credit card given to Wile by Chang, according to credit card statements obtained by the Torch, Harrington, Wile and Weir lived it up on St. John’s dime. The University professes that Harrington and Wile had no idea that Chang was turning around and billing the trip’s expenses (as well as thousands of dollars in other dubious charges) to the school in her travel and expense reports. It’s not hard to believe that – Chang was nothing if not meticulous in her corruption, and fooled many people for a long time. No, we’re not suggesting that Harrington and his sidekick Wile were aware that they were taking money from the school when they went on their little excursions. But we do find it hard to understand how they didn’t question further into where the money for the trips (and the suits, and the watches, and the liquor, and the casino visits, etc.) was coming from, and why it was coming. Chang, according to University officials and testimony from Harrington, always told Harrington that the money for the finer things that she was providing he and his allies was from donors, or a gift from her. Harrington should have asked for more detail, or

to meet these supposed donors. But that would have risked stopping the gravy train, and what Harrington didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. We’ve found ourselves in this position before. Should we be calling for Harrington’s resignation? Should we describe him as trusting and naïve? Should we reserve judgment for the inevitable next shoe to drop? The breaking point is near. The University stresses that the context is key with these reports, but it gets to a point where all the context in the world won’t save him. He may have been duped by Chang, someone who predated him at the University, but he fast-tracked Wile to a position that answers directly to him. Ultimately, he is responsible for the expense reports Wile approved, the nightclubs charged on his card and the tailored designer suits Wile received while on the delegations to Asia. There’s a whole other, financially independent, argument to be made as well. We know Harrington doesn’t like to have to explain or reconcile his actions as president of the University and his vows as a Vincentian priest, but there are some things that just seem inexplicable. Traveling with a young, unmarried couple – including a then-University undergraduate – to the Caribbean looks pretty suspect. Why he never felt the need to check with the school about this trip is lost on us. Warning bells sound in situations far less sticky than this. Keep in mind that this is the president of a university that doesn’t allow guests of the opposite sex into dorm rooms past 3 a.m. A university that states in its Residence Life handbook that it does not condone “cohabitation” or “sexual intimacy.” Continued on pg. 8


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Flames of the Torch: cont’d NY Mag report the last straw Continued from pg. 7 A university that would not, under any circumstances, “recognize a gay alliance.” A university that will not allow pro-abortion rights speakers – even a prominent alumnus like the governor of New York – an audience on campus. In other words, Harrington presides over a school that follows a strict interpretation of Catholic teaching on all matters regarding sex, but suddenly became the cool chaperone when Wile asked if his girlfriend could join them on their Caribbean get-away. You can give Harrington the benefit of the doubt on whether he was complicit in Chang’s corruption. You can forgive him for tiptoeing near the line when dealing with a young staffer who he had developed something of a father-son relationship with, as New York Magazine called it. But, for how long? The point is fast approaching where we are tired of listening to rationalizations, based in plausible deniability. We want one of two things. Either

Harrington chooses to be the leader that we have been missing throughout this ordeal and in doing so, addresses this issue in the public eye or he should step down, as this issue demands strong, public leadership from the top down.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013 Stony Brook University

100 Nicolls Road (Main Entrance), Javits Lecture Center, Stony Brook, NY 11794 There is a $35 exam fee payable by MONEY ORDER ONLY (NO OTHER FORM OF PAYMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED) when present during the seat reservation process on the day of the walk-in exam. Check our Website for specific details.

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• Seat Reservation and Processing starts at 9:00 am and is limited to 800 on a “first come first served” basis.

• Proper ID Required. • Exam starts at 12:00pm.

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And the Oscar went to ... Best Picture:


Other nominees: Life of Pi Lincoln Silver Linings Playbook Zero Dark Thirty Beasts of the Southern Wild Django Unchained Les Miserables

Best Actress:

Jennifer Lawrence Jessica Chastain Namoi Watts Emmanuelle Riva Quvenzhane Wallis

Best Actor:

Daniel Day-Lewis Bradley Cooper Hugh Jackman Denzel Washington Joaquin Phoenix

Best Director:

Ang Lee


Steven Spielberg Benh Zeitllin Michael Haneke David O. Russell

Jennifer Lawrence accepts her first Academy Award for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook.


The best was indeed saved for last at the 85th annual Academy Awards, which marked the end of the awards season. The Oscars have experienced several changes over the years. The award show that was once known for being conservative has undergone an extreme makeover to attract a younger audience, even though celebs were warned beforehand to dress appropriately. This year, the Academy called upon Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane to host the evening. Some of the most important moments of the night came from the highly

anticipated and popular categories including Best Director, Best Picture and Best Actor and Actress. Ang Lee beat out the legendary Lincoln director Steven Spielberg for Best Director for the mind bending Life of Pi. Academy Award vet Daniel DayLewis scored his third Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for Lincoln. Day-Lewis played the 16th President of the United States and recounts the struggles he faced during the last few months of his life. Christoph Waltz won Best Supporting Actor for his role as bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained. Anne Hathway took home Best Supporting Actress for her role as Fantine in Les Miserables and Jennifer Lawrence scored

her first Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role for Silver Linings Playbook. As Lawrence approached the stage, full of excitement to give her acceptance speech, the starlet fell up the stairs. Her press conference after the ceremony also caused a stir among the press due to her honest manner along with her displaying the middle finger at a group of photographers. To some, MacFarlane did a decent job hosting the ceremony and kept the audience entertained. On the other hand, critics believe he could have been funnier and more tasteful with his jokes while holding off on the offensive comments. Beside his jokes, MacFarlane also engaged in a few musical numbers

that name-dropped several celebrities including William Shatner and Lincoln Best Supporting Actress nominee Sally Fields. MacFarlane’s teddy bear creation also Ted made an appearance as well. First Lady Michelle Obama closed the night presenting the award for the highly competitive category of Best Picture. The Ben Affleck-directed Argo took the honors, beating out films such as Amour and Beast of the Southern Wild. Throughout the night, the 50th anniversary of the James Bond films was celebrated with a video tribute. Halle Berry, a former Bond girl herself, called the music featured in the films “a genre all its own”. The montage wrapped up with a stunning performance by Shirley Bassey, who sang the title track from 1964’s Goldfinger.


‘Who are you wearing?’: best of Oscar fashion LAWRENCE AND THERON SCORE, HATHAWAY STARTS DRAMA WITH A CO-STAR SHARON TONG Staff Writer


Charlize Theron donned a white peplum Dior Haute Couture dress at the Oscars.

Every late February or March, Hollywood’s A-Listers descend into a clustered mode of anxiety and demand, and not just for the most sought after award in town, the Oscar. When it comes to fashion at the Oscars, being one of the best dressed is highly coveted and stars usually go aboveand-beyond to be different. It can take months to assemble a tailor-made dress for those who want to stand out, especially from established fashion houses like Alexander McQueen, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton and Marchesa. Jennifer Lawrence’s Dior Couture blue dress revealing layers dilemma from the SAG Awards didn’t stop her from going for another Dior Haute Couture gown— only this time, her strapless pale pink dress was elegant (let’s not mention the trip). The 22-year-old Silver Linings Playbook star stole the spotlight for winning Best Actress and her sophisticated dress with a pushed backed hairdo and a Chopard diamond back necklace. Zero Dark Thirty’s Jessica Chastain wore a timeless, shimmering, copper-toned Armani Prive gown with a matching hairstyle that reflected vintage Hollywood glamour that alluded to Marilyn Monroe. This is the second

consecutive year where Chastain has scored big on the red carpet. Last year, Chastain wore stunning black Alexander McQueen gown with heavy gold embroidery. The biggest drama of the night came from Anne Hathaway who reportedly threw a fit after her Les Miserables co-star Amanda Seyfried sent her a photo of her Alexander McQueen gown that was similar to her Valentino gown. Hathaway made a last-minute decision and chose a pale pink Prada gown, which wasn’t exactly her best look. Sporting her new short hair, the gorgeous Charlize Theron is known to keep her outfits simple yet chic on the Red Carpet. Theron’s breathtaking ensemble from last year’s” Oscars was clearly a winner, but this year, she kept a modest look to go with her pixie hair cut; a white peplum Dior Haute Couture bustier dress with a beautiful embellished detailing—it’s almost like she put two pieces together. To add on to simplicity, Theron wore diamond stud earrings, diamond bracelets and kept her makeup minimal yet alluring. Big designer names are expected to prevail on the Red Carpet—but H&M? It is almost unprecedented. Helen Hunt’s navy blue H&M gown was certainly on the lower-end side of dresses, but she graced her gown as any other star would. The reason she chose a high street brand? “Its eco-friendliness,” Hunt said.

Serendipity leaves one marvel-less

MARION GENDRON Chief Copy Editor

“Serendipity: The art of finding the pleasantly unexpected by chance or sagacity” Perhaps this American eatery, located at 225 East 60th Street in Manhattan, would be better suited as what the definition describes; under the mystique of a deliciously quaint emporium of sweets and smiles, not internationally renowned as the Mecca of dream-come-true desserts. Serendipity’s “humble beginnings” of a four-chair coffeehouse boutique in a basement circa 1954 manifested into high standards and big talk. Calvin Holt, Stephan Bruce and Patch Carradine preserved that style of dining while their egos grew in proportion to their business. Frankly, I would have a decent opinion if the fare at Serendipity had been modest. A couple of steps below the street level, through large glass doors is a narrow foyer stuffed with wide-eyed tourists. As eager patrons brave the gauntlet to the host’s podium, they are received by a rude, sharp-witted man who is very comfortable insulting customers. He was confident the people would accept his behavior to indulge in the acclaimed deliciousness. When calling the next party for seating, the host shouted the reservation name into the throng.

“Dan? ... Dan?!... Dan!!!” Until he selected one man he believed to be this Dan. Upon discovering that this man was not Dan, the host, himself not a person of color, joked: “Oh, sorry. You looked like Dan. But all white people look the same!” The mistaken sir, as well as the culturally diverse mass of listeners, were uncomfortable. While the illustrious idea of Serendipity is youthful and there are a myriad of toys and trinkets on display and for sale, an employee made it clear that it is not kid-friendly. “Yeah, it’s really a misconception,” he said. “We’re not a kids’ place.” With sitcom-esque timing, an intrigued child knocked over a display at that moment. After waiting for forty-five minutes wait, the service was delightfully flamboyant and supremely efficient. The wait staff tactfully navigated through the constricted labyrinth of large people in small chairs while balancing weighty and unwieldy trays of caloric concoctions such as “Hangover” omelettes, foot-long hot dogs, pasta and banana splits. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, but it features sugar-saturated treats. Maybe my palate was disinterested because I was raised on flavor; organic (or at least all-natural), fair-trade, free-range, local and flavor. Or maybe my dissatisfaction was caused by the illusion of the initial presentation, resem-


Serendipity is located at 225 East 60th Street in Manhattan, N.Y.

bling the cake I made for my Mother’s birthday—dark chocolate cake, delicate and fluffy milk chocolate mousse filling, and fudge-frosted masterpiece. By expecting something familiar, I set myself up to be let down. But if you’re interested in paying 10 dollars for semi-sweet dullness, be Serendipity’s guest. In reality, the experience is in the atmosphere: a cluttered, fantastical mélange of eclectic whimsy. This esthetic was defined by Tiffany lamps in

every color combination, antiques stashed in every corner, purses for purchase hanging from the ceiling, gaudy chandeliers buried in even tackier left over Christmas décor and male waiters dressed in bright, tight clothing. Despite the disappointment, I enjoyed Serendipity and am glad I went. While it did not live up to its notoriety, I am sure I will return with out-of-town friends and family so that they can taste just a part of the New York experience.


YAL club comes to St. John’s SARAH YU

Chief Copy Editor Both the College Democrats and the College Republicans have active chapters on the St. John’s University campus. This year, St. John’s welcomed a new political organization, the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) also known as the Libertarians. YAL is a national organization that was founded at St. John’s last semester by freshmen Caroline Zottl and Justin Alick, senior Adam Watson, junior Taweh Beysolow and recent graduate James Delmore. Their mission as an organization is to spread the message of liberty. They have monthly activism events on campus that deal with different subjects such as income redistribution and the New York City soda ban. They are also strong supporters of fiscal responsibility and social tolerance. The Libertarians say they usually side with Republicans on economic issues and side with Democrats when it comes to social issues. They also do not consider themselves to be political moderates. Their main goal, Zottl said, is “to have as many activism events as possible and bring as many people to Liberty as possible.” Zottl, the president for the newly approved St. John’s chapter of YAL, spent her first semester at St. John’s committing herself to starting the chapter and familiarizing herself with the way Student Government Inc. works. “I’ve been involved in the libertarian movement for about two years,” she said. “When I made the choice to come to [St. John’s] and saw that it didn’t have one, I knew right away that I’d have to start one myself.” Zottl feels that YAL is perfect for students whose views don’t agree with those of either the Democratic or Republican Party. “I do think there is a real need for a libertarian student group on campus,” she said. “We have the College Democrats and the College Republicans and they’re great, but there are still many students who feel that those beliefs do not coincide with their own, this is where we come in.” For Zottl, freedom is a right that affects everyone and it is something that is crucial for young people in this society. “Freedom is a basic right that has slowly been corroded away,” she said. “Economic and personal liberty is something that affects all of us. The ability to take control of your own life and live it how you best see fit is something I believe all human beings want.” According to Zottl, YAL currently has about 70 members signed up and 20 members that regularly attend their events. You can find more information about St. John’s chapter of YAL by liking their Facebook page: Young Americans for Liberty at St. John’s University.

Drescher is ‘Happily Divorced’ SAMANTHA ALBANESE Staff Writer

The famed 90’s sitcom “The Nanny” was not based on the tumultuous life’s of its creators, Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson. But with “Happily Divorced”, their new sitcom on TV Land, they give viewers an in-depth look into their personal lives. Extremely in-depth. “Happily Divorced” is based on Drescher and Jacobson’s 18-year-long marriage and its subsequent end, with Peter telling Fran that he’s gay after their divorce. With that being said, the show is not a complete compilation of exact facts of their marriage, but rather a comical reflection. Fran is known for her signature nasal voice and her ability to make light of seemingly any devastating situation, which in this case is her real life. Fran and Peter’s divorce was back in 1999, so in an effort to keep up the show accurate, it addresses LGBT struggles and issues. The show has themes of love, friendship, relationships and achieving happiness in your fifties. Even though they’re divorced, Peter and Fran still live together due to the poor economy. This creates tension when they both start dating other people, and Peter becomes quite a bother to one of Fran’s new boyfriends, Elliot. Peter is played by John Michael Higgins, who is equally as funny as Fran so the two fit very well. Tichina Arnold who also is married to Rico Hines, an assistant basketball coach on the St. John’s men’s basketball team, plays Fran’s best friend, Judi. Their chemistry is extremely believable for two girls who are supposed to have been friends since grade


Happily Divorced is the newest sitcom from Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson

school back in Queens. Between the casting, the screenwriting, and Drescher natural charisma and generally dramatic and passionate character, the show is a funny, feel-good show. Though, themes of loneliness and need for love have always been a major theme in every show Fran has ever starred in and produced. “The Nanny,” “Living With Fran,” and now “Happily Divorced,” all deal with deeper-rooted emotions, mostly related to love and relationships due to some difficult events from her past. In 1985 an intruder raped Drescher at gunpoint and in 2000 she found out she had uterine cancer and has since defeated the disease. With such

despair in her past, she may find her comedic roles therapeutic, and “Happily Divorced” is no different. “Happily Divorced” is all about making the best of any difficult situation, and maybe even giving in to a little comedic relief. Having gone through real struggles in her life, perhaps there’s something to be said and learned about Drescher’s optimism and her way of using laughter as a silver lining. Can’t get enough of the Torch? Visit our Web site for online exclusives.


Charlize Therone, Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway pose for the cameras during the 2013 Oscars.


Taking in new scenery during break HARRY SAUNDERS Staff Writer


The Space Needle is a popular tourist attraction in Seattle, Wash.

While there is arguably no better place to be than right here in New York City, sometimes it is good to get out of here and explore what America has to offer beyond the city’s borders. For an exchange student such as myself, the time is limited and the opportunities are boundless, and so spring break offered the perfect opportunity to hop on a plane and explore some places that I didn’t have the chance to visit. My first stop was Seattle, a place that has always been on my list for a long time. Nirvana and coffee have something to do with it, but the Pacific Northwest has a special allure that I have always found particularly appealing. Upon my arrival, I discovered that there was far more to the city than I had originally anticipated. The first place I visited was the Pike Place Markets, an elaborate farmer’s market selling items such as fresh fruit, vegetables, jewelry and souvenirs. It is also the site of the world’s first ever Starbucks, which, judging by the number of customers lining up to get inside, appears to act as a de facto Mecca for coffee enthusiasts. I also managed to visit Pioneer Square, the former ‘downtown’ Seattle and the city’s beautiful waterfront. However, the real appeal of Seattle comes in the numerous and eclectic small neighborhoods to discover. One such area, Fremont, was a highlight, boasting a number of independent clothing stores, a Sunday market and some wonderful restaurants. My other destination over the break

was Chicago, a place that people have always told me is a must visit on a trip to the United States. While incredibly cold, with snow on the ground for the entirety of my stay, Chicago proved to be an incredibly interesting and culturally rich city. To me, it felt like New York with more of a laidback vibe, although there is certainly no shortage of things to do. On my first day, I took a trip downtown, to sample some famous Chicago deep-dish pizza at Giordano’s and to visit the Cloud Gate in Millennium Park, known to most simply as ‘The Bean.’ In addition to this, I managed to include a visit to the Museum of Contemporary Photography, the Money Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, where I picked up some free ‘Fed Shreds’, shredded currency that has been taken out of circulation, and, of course, a trip to the top of the Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, and formerly the tallest building in the world, for an unequaled view of the city. My exploration of the U.S. over the break can be described as nothing less than a complete success. I thoroughly enjoyed the easy-going and surprisingly rainless Pacific Northwest, and the many delights that were offered by the Midwest’s largest city. I don’t know what’s next on my list yet, but at least now I know that, occasionally, it pays to take a break from New York City, and that’s something that I will keep in mind for the remainder of my stay. Harry Saunders is an international student from London, England.

‘Safe Haven’ will be another safe hit for Sparks SHANNON LUIBRAND Assistant Features Editor

Author Nicholas Sparks is at it again; another one of his notorious romance novels hit the big screen on Valentines Day. While most of Sparks’ stories are known for being light hearted and gushy, Safe Haven touches on some of the darker sides of “love” such as domestic violence. But, do not fret, Sparks still finds a way to be completely cheesy. The movie opens with main character, Erin Tierney played by rookie actress Julianne Hough, running away from a bloody mess with a knife in her hand. With the help of a neighbor, Tierney boards a random bus headed down South. When her bus takes a quick pit stop in Southport, North Carolina, Tierney decides to make this small town a more permanent stay. She introduces herself to locals as Katie and thus begins her new identity. Before viewers can truly process the last thirty minutes of the movie, in typical Nicholas Sparks fashion, Katie is falling in love. Alex Wheatley, played by Josh Duhamel, is a single dad that owns the local convenience store in Southport and he has his eye on Katie from the

start. His wife died of cancer and he is raising a rebellious little boy and sweet little girl all on his own. Alex finds Katie mysterious and her good looks are undeniable. In the midst of the chaos of adjusting to small-town life, Katie befriends a female neighbor named Jo. Throughout the movie Jo appears and always seems to have Katie’s best interest in mind. As time goes on, the relationship between Katie and Alex ultimately progresses. Alex and Katie spend the day at the beach, they utter quotes to each other that will be found as girls Facebook statuses for the next year and they lovingly gaze into each other’s eyes. Is this movie foreseeable? Yes. Unrealistic? Oh Yes. Does it end with happily ever after? Obviously, it’s a Nicholas Sparks movie. Even though Safe Haven was not Josh Duhamel’s first rodeo, the acting is still pretty awful. But, lets be serious, has their ever really been a Nicholas Sparks movie with exceptional acting? It could definitely be argued this movie is slightly insulting. Sparks has a way of making his female characters seem weak with men swooping in to save them at just the right time. While


Safe Haven features bad acting and a sappy ending, vintage Nicholas Sparks.

this movie makes main character Katie seem a little more independent than most Sparks movies, her tendency to fall head over heels for strange men, leaves me wondering, why can’t a woman just save herself for once? For St. John’s students looking for a romantic night out, but not looking to spend an arm and a leg on a candlelight

dinner in Manhattan, this movie isn’t too bad. It is not the type of movie that will leave you questioning life, analyzing its aesthetics or feeling emotionally attached to its characters. But, it’s a nice predictable romance movie that can be kept in your DVD collection next to, The Notebook and A Walk to Remember.



When tickets went on sale for the Broadway show Wicked at the Campus Concierge desk this past February, over 100 students waited up to two hours for the chance to purchase them. This is not an uncommon scene when big events go on sale at the Campus Concierge. “Particularly when we sell events, Lion King and Wicked are always the most popular and sell out within minutes,” student worker Nathalie Rodriguez said. “Our manager actually did an analysis and when we sold Lion King a few weeks, ago we did one transaction per 14 seconds.” Located in the hub of D’Angelo Center, the concierge serves as a place on campus where students can purchase discounted tickets to events in New York City and on campus. These events include Broadway shows, sporting events, dances, movies and local dining. “We sell metro cards and movie tickets always,” Rodriguez said. “Our sporting events sell out too. Knicks tickets and Nets tickets always go quick.” The Campus Concierge is a hotspot on campus and students utilize it not only for specials events, but on a daily basis as well. The most popular item the concierge has to offer is the MetroCard. “We sell a couple hundred a month,” Christina Blanchard Coordinator of Campus Activities said. ”That’s probably our most popular item that goes throughout the year.” Despite the recent fare raise for NYC, public transportation the concierge did not have to make any drastic adjustments to their MetroCard prices. The concierge tries to cater to St. John’s

students as they realize that life in New York City can be extremely expensive. They receive a yearly budget in which they buy tickets to events at full price. They then sell the tickets back to the students for a heavily discounted price and the budget is able to absorb the extra cost. “I think definitely being someone not from the New York City area, its nice to know the campus is allowing people who might not be from around here to be able to experience all the things New York City has

to offer at a discounted price,” Blanchard said. “At the end of the day, we are all students and no one wants to pay full price for a Broadway ticket if they don’t have to.” Later this semester, they will be offering tickets to the Broadway shows, Once and Mamma Mia. On Wednesday, a very anticipated item will most likely quickly sell out, tickets to the Knicks vs. Orlando Magic game. Additional ticket sales and specific information about events

can be found on the St. John’s website. They also offer discounted tickets to seasonal events such as the Christmas Spectacular and the Black and White Ball during Black History Month. “I think [Campus Concierge] really popular,” Blanchard said. “I think it’s definitely beneficial. For the most part, we sell out of most of the events we buy. I think that in itself really speaks for the popularity of it.”


Campus Concierge provides tickets to some of the most popular NYC attractions to students at discounted prices.

THIS WEEK IN SHOWBIZ Ex-Smiths frontman Morrisey holds a meatless concert in LA

New Dexter season airing in June will be its last, said CBS CEO Moonves

The Jay Leno replacment rumor mill continues to turn, Fallon a possibility

Devout vegetarian and British indie icon Morrissey took the stage last night to a sold out and, nearly, meatless Staples Center in Los Angeles on Friday night. Despite reports that the home of the Lakers and Clippers would not serve any meat at their food vendors, honoring Morrisey’s request, the Los Angeles Times reported that there was meat being served at the upper levels of the arena. The LA Times also reported that numerous concertgoers were asking event staff where they could find food with meat to eat in the arena. The Mancunian went on with the show despite previously stating that he wouldn’t perform there was meat being served.

America’s favorite fictional serial killer Dexter is retiring from his scandalous lifestyle, and this time, it’s for real. CBS Corp. president and CEO Les Moonves announced that the new season airing in June will be the shows last. Executive producer, Sara Colleton confirmed with TV Guide in 2012 that rumors of the show ending after its 8th season was “definite.” Last year, Showtime’s most adored series was renewed more airtime after its 6th season. It’s been a good eight years full of brutal murders and forensic expertise. Say goodbye to your beloved serial killer, Showtime has announced a new show starring the “hot bod” Liev Schreiber who plays a “fixer” for the rich and famous.

Even though “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno is signed through 2014 with NBC, rumors still continue to swirl about when the funnyman will leave. According to E! News, NBC will announce Jay Leno’s retirement from “The Tonight Show” within the next year or so. In 2009, Conan O’Brien, took over “Tonight” for close to 7 months before Leno returned to the show. Since then, Leno has shot back to the top of the ratings and has continued to pull in thousands of viewers. “Late Night” host Jimmy Fallon has said that he wouldn’t deny the job if it were offered, but he also does not consider it to be the best thing on Earth. Compiled by Destiny DeJesus, Assistant Entertainment Editor.

Regular season ends on high note

Senior night win increases hopes for NCAA tournament birth KYLE FITZGERALD

Staff Writer The St. John’s women’s basketball team defeated DePaul 67-54 in its final home game of the season – boosting its tournament resume as the postseason looms.Seniors Nadirah McKenith, Shenneika Smith and Mary Nwachukwu were honored before the game, as it was senior night. ST. JOHN’S




“All three of these players have a special place in my heart and this program’s heart,” said St. John’s head coach Joe Tartamella. “I couldn’t be prouder of them.” McKenith, who played through an injured hand for most of the game, did not have her usual profound effect, but Tartamella trusted her to stay on the court to lead her teammates. “Tartamella was the person that tried to get me to come to St. John’s and the relationship that we’ve built has become really strong,” McKenith said. “It’s been a pleasure to be coached by him and I appreciate everything he’s done for me.” The Red Storm (17-11, 11-5) trailed


St John’s seniors are honored before the DePaul game at Carnesecca.

the Blue Demons (20-10, 9-7) early in the first half but the tide of the game changed when sophomore Amber Thompson checked in for the Johnnies. As soon as Thompson entered, the Johnnies went on a quick 9-0 run to take a 19-11 lead, which they would not relinquish.

Thompson dominated the boards, recording16 rebounds and adding 20 points. “[Amber] set the tone and I thought she was the one that was the catalyst for us to win the game,” Tartamella said.

Shenneika Smith took the spotlight once the second half started. The crafty shooting guard scored 15 points and delivered key assists to Thompson. With a comfortable lead and only a minute left to play, Tartamella pulled McKenith and Smith so they could receive a standing ovation from their fans, teammates, and family – both players were embraced by their head coach. “[Coach Tartamella is] very passionate about the game of basketball and it has been a pleasure to play for him,” Smith said. “He never gave up on us so we’re not going to give up on him.” The third and final senior, Mary Nwachukwu, has established herself as a physical presence who provides her teammates with screens which often lead to uncontested layups. She was praised by Tartamella after the game. “Mary is probably somebody, to the outsider, who is undervalued and not looked at as someone who puts up numbers,” Tartamella said. “She is probably the best post defender I have ever coached and she is an invaluable member of our team.” With the regular season now over, the Red Storm await the seeds for the Big East tournament.

Softball garners vital experience at Easton Classic JOHNATHAN CORBETT

Staff Writer The St. John’s softball team had a rough showing at the Easton Classic last weekend. They went 0-4, losing twice to both Iowa State and defending national

champions Alabama. “Every game we play is an experience to learn from and to build on,” St. John’s head coach Amy Kvilhaug said. “Playing at Alabama, with state-of-theart facilities and ambiance as well as top notch athletes, exposed our team to the operations of a program that is not


The St. John’s softball team have had a difficult early season schedule.

only currently ranked No. 1 but is the defending Women’s College World Series Champions.” On day one, the Red Storm lost 11-9 to Iowa State and 9-1 to Alabama. Sophomore Erin Burner finished the game 3-5 with two home runs. On day two, the Johnnies fell to Iowa State 11-1 and fell short to Alabama 12-4. Burner went 3-5 again while junior Jackie Reed also went 3-5. Burner and Reed were selected to the all-tournament team. Burner, the Red Storm’s standout performer, drove in 6 runs and batted .600 at the tournament. Despite the losses, Kvilhaug believes that her team has garnered some valuable experience by playing revered opponents. “There were two things that impressed me most at Alabama - how much they value tradition and history of the program and how, regardless of the situation, they believe they are going to win every game,” she said. “We have seen some of the best and fastest softball players in the nation and that in and of itself gives us the confidence against anyone and it prepares us for Big East play, where we have set lofty, yet very attainable goals.” The Red Storm will take to the field

again on Mar. 8 when they travel to College Park, Maryland to take part in the University of Maryland Tournament. St. John’s Softball 2013 Home Schedule March 28 - Seton Hall (double header) March 30 - Seton Hall April 6 - Louisville (double header) April 7 - Louisville April 10 - LIU Brooklyn April 13 - Iona April 24 - DePaul (double header) April 27 - Rutgers (double header) April 28 - Rutgers April 30 - Fordham


Pop goes the bubble

Second half collapse all but sends Johnnies out of tournament talk KIERAN LYNCH Features Editor St. John’s entered yesterday’s game fighting for their NCAA tournament life. It exited simply fighting, with any hopes of dancing long gone. NOTRE DAME




The Red Storm, who held a fourpoint lead going into halftime before being outscored 44-14 in the second half, fell to No. 24 Notre Dame 66-40 at Purcell Pavilion in South Bend, Ind. “You don’t have to look beyond the second half shooting percentages to realize what the difference in the game was,” head coach Steve Lavin said. “[Notre Dame] pounded us in the paint during the second half with high percentage shots.” St. John’s relinquished its lead and never recovered it as the team went 2 for 13 to start the second half. After completing an 11-2 run, the Fighting Irish never looked back as they built up to a 28-point lead. That’s when sophomore Sir’Dominic Pointer got shoved by Cameron Biedsheid and responded by charging the player and throwing punches. A scrum ensued, which included sophomore Amir Garrett leaving the bench. All three players were ejected.

According to NCAA rules, Pointer will be suspended for the Johnnies’ season finale against Marquette due to the fight. The Big East conference is responsible for reviewing instances when players leave the bench as Garrett did. “Dom apologized for losing his composure and will serve his penalty by missing the final game against Marquette,” Lavin said. “We have to demonstrate more maturity than we did tonight. We want to play with intensity but also use intelligence in order to play a winning brand of basketball.” Before the fight, Pointer was one of a few bright spots for the Johnnies, putting up seven points, 12 rebounds, four assists and four blocks. JaKarr Sampson scored 12 points, while sophomore Phil Greene had 10 points. The team finished with 10 blocked shots. Jerian Grant led the Fighting Irish with a game-high 21 points, while Eric Atkins finished with 15 points. Jack Cooley contributed 12 points and 13 rebounds. It was the second contest since sophomore and leading scorer D’Angelo Harrison was suspended for conduct detrimental to the team. The loss was the sixth in the last eight games for the Johnnies. Barring a deep run in the Big East Tournament next week, they will have to settle for an NIT berth, missing out on the NCAA Tournament for the 10th time in 11 years.


JaKarr Sampson rises to challenge Notre Dame’s Pat Connaughton.

Report: ‘Catholic 7’ will take Big East name MATTHEW WOLFSON Assistant Sports Editor The Catholic 7—the seven schools in the Big East that plan to break off and form their own conference— have planned to add two more universities, and keep the Big East name, according to ESPN. Butler University and Xavier University will be the eighth and ninth teams added to the conference, and it is rumored that Creighton University could be the tenth. St. John’s, combined with DePaul, Georgetown, Marquette, Providence, Seton Hall, and Villanova, make up the Catholic 7. The schools decided to stick together after many other esteemed universities decided to leave the Big East for other conferences. Georgetown men’s basketball coach John Thompson III is looking forward to the conference’s contraction. “I’ve said from the beginning, the sooner the better,” Thompson told reporters on Friday. “That’s best for every and all parties in our situation. In other conferences, if you know there’s going


St. John’s and Georgetown will continue their seasonal matchups.

to be a change, the sooner the better.” The Catholic 7 share in common that they are non-football schools; avoid-

ing the sway that football revenue has had on conference realignment for other universities.

Notre Dame announced in September that the University will be taking all of its non-football sports to the ACC, but it is unclear when that will be. Notre Dame’s athletic director Jack Swarbrick sees the Catholic 7’s new conference as a feasible option as a holdover for the Fighting Irish before they join the ACC. “If the Catholic 7 is leaving and forming its own conference for next year, they could certainly call us to want to explore our options,” Swarbrick told reporters on Friday. “And if they were interested in accommodating us, it would certainly be a viable option. We have a lot of respect for those schools and know them well.” The Big East inked a deal for media rights with ESPN, according to ESPN. The deal is worth $130 million over the next seven seasons, significantly less than a deal offered to the conference two years ago. “ESPN has matched the thirdparty offer that the Big East Conference received, and, subject to Big East board approval, ESPN and the Big East will continue, for years to come, their long-term relationship, which began in 1980,” commissioner Mike Aresco said in a statement.


Slow start to season continues East Carolina sweep Johnnies in three-game set STEPHEN ZITOLO Staff Writer The St. John’s baseball team’s early-season struggles continued after being swept by East Carolina in a three-game set last weekend. “They [East Carolina] are a team many people view as a sleeper to go far in this years NCAA Tournament,” said St. John’s head coach Ed Blankmeyer.

nies would scratch out eight hits again, but once again struggled with men on base. East Carolina 7, St. John’s 3

Sunday brought another loss for the Red Storm, which saw starter Ryan McCormick allow East Carolina to explode for a big second inning, where they scored five runs. However, the

five runs would be the only runs that McCormich would allow in his 4.2 innings of work. The Johnnies’ offense showed some spark in the seventh inning, scoring three runs, but that wouldn’t be enough. The Red Storm will finish up its season opening 14-game road trip when they begin a three-game set against Radford University on Mar. 8.

East Carolina 6, St. John’s 3 The Red Storm (1-10) offensive showed some life Friday as they tallied eight hits in its opening game of the three-game set. But the offense couldn’t come through in crucial situations, leaving ten runners on base. The Johnnie’s starter, James Lomangino, had a rough outing allowing six runs in 4.2 innings. East Carolina 8, St. John’s 1 Saturday, the Red Storm’s starting pitcher, senior Sean Hagan, gave up seven earned runs in 5.1 innings. Hagan gave up four runs in the sixth inning, continuing the team’s trend of allowing the opposition to explode for one, multiple run inning. Offensively, the John-


Redshirt junior outfielder Martin Kelly at bat for the Red Storm.

Report: Harrison set to return next season MITCHELL PETIT-FRERE Sports Editor D’Angelo Harrison has agreed to accept the season-ending suspension that Steve Lavin handed down to him, and has signaled that he will return to the team next year, according to the New York Daily News. Lavin announced that Harrison would be suspended for the rest of the

regular season and postseason on March 1 because of conduct detrimental to the team. “It was just a coaches’ decision, thata’s in his best interest at this juncture to take a time out and get some distance from basketball,” Lavin said. Harrison’s grandmother, Angela Harris, flew to New York on Friday to discuss the sanctions handed down by Lavin, according to the Daily News. “I have listened to coach Lavin,” Harris told the Daily News. “I under-


D’Angelo Harrison will reportedly return to the Red Storm next season.

stand what he is doing, but I don’t necessarily agree. But the communication is good. We are going to try things his way... Right now I am convinced coach Lavin has D’Angelo’s best interests at heart.” Harrison was the Red Storm’s leading scorer, averaging 17.8 points per game until his suspension. However, despite being the focal point of the Johnnies’ offense, reports say that Harrison’s suspension was due to minor behavioral issues that have persisted throughout the season. “I still don’t agree with coach Lavin’s decision to suspend him, but I will not infringe on a decision he has made,” Harris told the Daily News. As Lavin works towards notching a couple of much needed late-season victories, Harrison will be working on improving his attitude off the court, so when he gets back on it, he can become an even more productive player. “He [Harrison] wants to be the best person he can be and he’s willing to work at it,” Harris told the New York Post. Notes: Overshadowed by the Harrison suspension last week was junior Orlando Sanchez being cleared by the NCAA to receive one year of collegiate eligibility. Prior to the 2012-13, the NCAA ruled that Sanchez had already used his four years of eligibility while spending two seasons [2010-12] at Monroe College, eight games with a Dominican Republic club team in 2009 and 3 minutes 38 seconds of playing time with the Dominican Republic National team in July 2010. Sanchez will debut next season.

Torch Sports



Leavin’ their Mark Miller and co. notch comeback win After falling earlier in the week to Stony Brook, St. John’s men’s lacrosse bounced back in a big way Saturday defeating Sienna 12-11 in dramatic fashion. Midway through the third quarter St. John’s found itself down 9-5 but quickly struck for four goals to tie the score heading into the final quarter where they outscored Sienna 3-2. Leading the surge for the Red Storm was Colin Keegan, whose five goals set a career high as well as tied a St. John’s record since the program was reinstated in 2005. Tying a career high was Kevin Cernuto who tallied four goals. Perennial contributor Kieran McArdle had a goal and two assists on the day. The Ayers brothers combined for a goal and an assist in the effort. In the crease Jeff Lowman had a strong game, making 14 saves off of 56 Sienna tries. The late victory moves the Red Storm to 3-1 on the season heading into their Big East championship rematch with Syracuse next weekend at PPL Park in Chester Pennsylvania as part of the Whitman’s Sampler Independence Classic.

Blowin’ in the Wind

It’s big news. I can play next year. I’m so happy. I’m going to call my grandma right now and tell her the great news. I’m going to tell them ‘I’m free. I can play.’

-Orlando Sanchez

Headin’ this Way Red Storm home games

Men’s Basketball: March 9


March 12

March 13

March 16

Lacrosse: March 16


2 p.m.


3 p.m.


Holy Cross Rutgers


1 & 4 p.m.

1 p.m.




The women’s basketball team edged past DePaul on Senior Night.

D’Angelo Harrison will reportedly return to the Red Storm next season.

Pg. 17

Pg. 19

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