The Spire May 2014

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Spire North Holmwood’s Parish Magazine

St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Vicar (day off – Saturday) Revd Stuart Tanswell ......... ......... 01306 882135 Assistant Priest Revd Leah Kearns ............. ....................................................................... 01306 886858 Pastoral Assistant Margaret Teale .................. ....................................................................... 01306 252004 Churchwardens: Jane Schofield ................... .................. 07771 591457 Jim Edwards ....................... 01306 879902 Reader Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 PCC Secretary Caroline Lazenby .............. ............ 01306 640208 PCC Treasurer Lynn Jennings..................... ....................................................................... 01306 882614 Baptisms Jill Spence .......................... ....................................................................... 01306 876901 Junior Choir Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Flowers Hazel Gibson ..................... ....................................................................... 01306 886538 Gift Aid and Electoral Roll Jane Collard ..................... .......................... 01306 876652 Intercessions Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Prayer Chain Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Homegroup Co-ordinator Penny Newstead ............... ....................................................................... 01306 885876 Junior Church and C4yourself Jane Schofield ................... .................. 07771 591457 Organist Magazine Jim Edwards ....................... ... 01306 879902 Parish Room Iris Edser ............................... ....................................................................... 01306 740757 Readings Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Sacristans Steve & Hilary Harris .......... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Servers Steve Harris ......................... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Mothers’ Union Gill Collins............................ ....................................................................... 01306 885270


St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Sunday services: 8am 10am 10am

Holy Communion First Sunday each month: Family Service Other Sundays: Parish Eucharist

Friday 8.30am Eucharist and vicar available in church until 10.30am The Church is normally open daily for private prayer from 9am. Please see the Church notice board for details of other services.

St John’s Church contact details: Parish Office 01306-868441 Pastoral Line 01306-868941 Church Text Message 0770-673-2222

COMMUNION AT HOME If you are housebound and unable to get to church at St John’s, we can arrange for communion to be brought to you at home by a member of our authorised team of communion assistants. Please contact Stuart 01306 882135.

North Holmwood Community Goodwyns Social Club ......... 01306 500614 Karate ...................................... 07970 408260 Circuit training ........................ 01306 711920 Tumble Tots ............................. 07739 517627 Village Hall (Chairman) ......... 01306 883808 Village Hall (Bookings) ........... 07712 224681 Village Hall (Caretaker) ........ 01306 740757 Parish Room (Bookings) ......... 01306 740757 North Holmwood Sports Club 01306 889764 Dorking Golf Club .................. 01306 886917 Ballet classes ........................... 01737 247795 Norfolk Court .......................... 01306 876474 Stanecroft ............................... 01306 876567 Dorking Volunteer Centre ..... 01306 640369

Police ....................................... 101 Mole Valley District Council .. 01306 885001 National Trust Warden ........... 01306 712711 Brockwood GP Surgery .......... 01306 885802 Community Playlink ................ 01306 740095 North Holmwood Pre-School . 07931 212006 St John’s C of E School ........... 01306 884506 Guiding: Brownies .................. 01306 876428 Rainbows ................ 01306 882796 Scouting enquiries .................. 07769 222218 Bridge Club ............................. 01306 882849 Chart Downs Social Club ...... 01306 500310 Drama Group ......................... 01306 887416 Surrey Hills Dance Centre ...... 01306 883808




is produced by St John’s Church for North Holmwood. There are ten issues each year and we make no charge. We deliver around the parish. If you would like a copy delivered please e-mail or phone John Daulman 01306 885943 The next issue of The Spire covers June 2014. Material should be with the editors by 18th May please. Jim Edwards 01306 879902 4 Chartwell Court Grange, 35 Highacre, Dorking RH4 3BF e-mail


We welcome articles of general or local interest. Ideally these should be e-mailed in Word format, with illustrations as jpegs or pngs. The editor may amend or shorten material submitted. Articles represent the views of the individual contributors. Some articles and illustrations come from “The Parish Pump”, a national web-site that provides magazine material for churches. We are very grateful to all those who advertise in this magazine and allow us to produce it without charge to our readers; however publication does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the product. Advertising manager: Margaret Teale, ‘Talanta’, 12 Ridgeway Drive, Dorking RH4 3AN Telephone 01306 252004 or email Advertising copy: or telephone Jim Edwards 01306 879902 Proof reading: Jane Coombes Printing: John Daulman, Eileen Daulman, Ann Phillips Distribution: John Daulman 01306 885943 4

Dear friends, Alleluia, Christ has risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! I am often reminded of the close link between Easter and Christmas – of course, without Jesus having been born at Christmas then Easter would have been impossible – but there seem to be other links. While pondering what to write for The Spire, a line from a Christmas song came to mind, “the old has passed, there’s a new beginning”. In a way it is a shame that Mistletoe and Wine is a Christmas song because that line expresses a key part of Easter. The old has passed, there’s a new beginning. Here in the northern hemisphere we see this when spring approaches at the same time as Easter. Things start growing – especially grass and weeds it appears – there is much greenery, everything starts again after shutting down for winter. Our Easter eggs show the same thing – new birth, new life, new hope – as well as chocolate, naturally. Even the Easter bunny shows that idea of new life in a small, young bunny with its life ahead of it. From all of those aspects, there is the old passing away, to be replaced by something new. So it must have been for those disciples of Jesus, his closest friends. They journeyed through Holy Week with Jesus – through people celebrating his arrival in Jerusalem, through his betrayal and feeling of desolation in the Garden of Gethsemane, through the horrors of the cross. They journeyed through to, quite literally, the lowest they could experience – a complete feeling of hopelessness. But, then, something quite unexpected as far as they were concerned happened. They heard that Jesus had risen from the dead. They heard that he had defeated the powers of death and hell. They experienced the risen Jesus for themselves. 5

Out of death came life, literally! Jesus’ friends were shocked and had trouble believing it, but their encounters with Jesus – risen from the dead – changed their whole outlook. They were empowered to go out, doing God’s work, transformed by their experiences. Their lives were made new by what they experienced. We have spent the last few weeks travelling through Lent, maybe letting go of some things, maybe depriving ourselves, maybe looking at what’s going on in our lives. That might well mean that we are different people now to who we were when Lent began – possibly some things in our lives have changed to allow this new life in celebrating Easter. Easter – the old has passed, there’s a new beginning. A new beginning in the world around us. A new beginning in the church. A new beginning in our lives. Alleluia, Christ has risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! Wishing you every blessing,


ST JOHN’S HOME GROUP Our Home Group meets twice monthly in members’ homes on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. Set subjects are discussed in an informal setting with the aim of developing our understanding of Christianity and developing friendship networks for mutual support and encouragement. Please contact Penny 885876 if you would like more information.


Mid-week Eucharist at St John’s Friday Mornings 8.30am Followed by breakfast. After the service Stuart will remain in the church until 10.30am for anyone who wants an informal chat with the vicar.

POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETINGS Panel meetings are an opportunity for the local community to identify the priorities they would like the local neighbourhood team to focus upon. They also allow the neighbourhood team to feedback progress reports to residents. NORTH HOLMWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING Date to be arranged North Holmwood Parish Room at St John’s Church GOODWYNS NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING 7.30pm Monday 12th May at the Harvest Church, Stubbs Hill PC Michael Mann and PCSO Lisa Cobby

Used Postage Stamps Anne Lucas collects used postage stamps for various charities and has recently sent them to: Great Ormond Street for Children - Help for Heroes Royal National Institute for the Blind Stamps can be given to Anne or left in the box at the back of St John’s Church. She is grateful to all those who contribute.


BIBLE READINGS FOR MAY 4th May Family Service

3rd Sunday of Easter Readings to be arranged

11th May Acts 2:42-47

4th Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 2:19-25

John 10:1-10

18th May Acts 7:55-60

5th Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 2:2-10

John 14:1-14

25th May Acts 17:22-31

6th Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 3:13-22

John 14:15-21

Thursday 29th May 8pm Ascension Day Acts 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:15-23

Luke 24:44-53

JUNIOR CHURCH and C4YOURSELF The family service at St John’s is held on the first Sunday of each month. The children and young people play a major part in this service. 4th May 10am Family Service We are currently seeking people to become part of the very valuable team doing children’s work at St John’s. Please contact Jane on or 07771591457 if you are interested.

Flowers in Church If you would like to help to arrange flowers at St John’s, so that we can have a display (large or small) more often, please contact Hazel 01306 886538. 8


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Saint Columba’s House Retreat and Conference Centre A peaceful, urban, contemporary Christian retreat and conference centre for day and residential groups, situated in Woking, Surrey. For more information please see the website: Listening to God 30th April — 1st May 2014 This overnight retreat is led by the Reverend Canon Adrian Esdaile (retreat leader for the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer). We sometimes find it easier to speak to God than to listen. This short retreat is suitable for those new to silence as well as those more familiar with it. Duration: 10am Wednesday - 4pm Thursday Price: £96 Theological Book Group 8th May 2014 This month's book is ‘The Return of the Prodigal Son’ by Henri Nouwen. Our book group meets twice a term and is open to newcomers. We enjoy honest, open discussion on books from a wide range of Christian authors. Duration: 7.45 pm - 9.45 pm Price: Donations welcome Enneagram – Understanding ourselves and our relationships 10th May 2014 The Enneagram system of personality types helps us to understand ourselves and our relationships better. But the system is regarded as a spiritual path, as it can help us in our growth and transformation psychologically and spiritually. One important aspect is that it helps us to recognise the different ways we understand God, recognise him and relate to him. This workshop will be exploring these themes. Duration: 9.30am to 4pm Price: £38 to include lunch Love was his meaning: a Quiet Day on Julian of Norwich 12th May 2014 John Page leads us in a quiet day based on the wisdom of Julian of Norwich. Holy Communion is celebrated at midday. Duration: 10am - 4pm Price: £25 11

War tears lives apart Love can help piece them back together ‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer… in whom I take refuge.’ 2 Samuel 22:2-3 For a growing number of people across the world, the horror of war is a part of daily life. Right now, fuelled by the devastating violence in both Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the numbers of people driven from their homes by war is on the rise. It stands at 42 million people – an appalling statistic and a stain on the conscience of humanity. We can’t turn our backs. We must act now. Last year, a magnificent 20,000 churches across the country helped raise over £12m for Christian Aid Week. This Christian Aid Week (11 to 17 May 2014) we want to go even further. Together we can send people living in fear this message: you are not alone. We’re with you, helping you to rebuild your lives, and working for peace. Imagine what such an expression of love would mean to people searching for the strength to cope with the devastation of war and how it could help to drive out their fear. Demonstrate God’s love for those living in poverty and show how much good the church is doing in the world this Christian Aid Week. Together we can reach the 42 million people caught up in conflict and help them live a life free from fear. Could you provide the gift of hope? £15 could provide blankets for refugee children to protect them from bitter night-time temperatures. £40 could provide enough good quality and nutritious food for two refugee children for a month. £150 could help us provide specialist emotional support for a child deeply traumatised by the horror of war that they’ve witnessed or experienced. Be an instrument of God’s peace. Give, act and pray this Christian Aid Week. 12

THE PERFECT CITY Come and experience a unique event in Dorking on Friday 23rd May. William Penn is visiting just for that evening to persuade you to emigrate to the New World and a life of freedom. The ship he is travelling on is called the “Welcome” and you are ‘welcome’ to join him. The journey will begin at Dorking Friends Meeting House (opposite the Waitrose redevelopment on Butter Hill) at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Tickets for the journey (£12 or £10 for concessions) are available from Dorking Halls and (where a booking fee of £1.50 applies).

Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for 20 years of the Priestly Ministry of women Guildford Cathedral on Saturday 10th May at 3pm. Bishop Ian will preside at Holy Communion and Dean Dianna will preach. This service is open to ALL – women, men, children – and we hope that many people will come to share in this celebration.

Baptisms 6th April Anastasia Louise Kindleyside Funerals 17th April Stan Harrison 13

Regular events in St John’s Parish Room, North Holmwood: JIGSAW A group for Mums/Dads/Carers and their pre-school children – from babies to 4 ½ yrs An opportunity for Mums/Dads/Carers to talk to another grown-up! Meet new friends and enjoy breakfast whilst the children play.* 10.00am – 11.30am: Wednesdays No charge Please let us know if you can help with setting up or clearing away *Please remember, the care and safety of the children you bring remain your responsibility at all times – Thank you

KnitOne PurlOne SaveOne Knitting Group First Tuesday of every month 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Parish Room St John’s knitting group meets on the first Tuesday in every month in the Parish Room at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a cup of tea. If you can’t knit we will show you …. we have everything required to start you off.

Our knitting is now being taken to Romanian Aid Foundation in Horley. Margaret 01306 252004 Margaret Teale


St Michael’s, Betchworth RH3 7DW Forthcoming Events: 10am to 5pm Saturday 24th – Monday 26th May - Flower Festival 7.30pm 24th May – Concert - Imperial Male Voice Choir 5pm Sunday 25th May Songs of Praise Light Refreshments

4pm 31st May - Inaugural organ recital on our new (Kenneth Tickell) Organ By internationally acclaimed organist

Thomas Trotter Details from Jane Forester 01737 843498

Brockham Choral bring you a spectacular double-bill of Karl Jenkins’ masterpiece ‘The Armed Man’ and the World Premiere of a specially commissioned piece by Malcolm Archer, who has set to music the story of ‘George and the Dragon’. Written by Tony Earnshaw and Alison Jesson, this colourful musical pageant involving local schools (Powell Corderoy and St Joseph’s of Dorking, Dunottar girls chamber choir) and professional soloists, is supported by the Chameleon Arts orchestra under the baton of Andrew Phillips. It takes place in the Dorking Halls on Saturday 7th June at 7.30pm. You need to ensure your place by contacting Maria Chadwick c/o Michael Frith, 40 South Street, Dorking RH4 2HQ Tel. 01306 882728 or online at Tickets £18 and £16 (concessions £12 for under 25s in full time education)


MAKE YOUR MARK MAKE YOUR MARK is the Cathedral's fundraising campaign for urgently needed repairs and improvements, so that the iconic building remains open for future generations. The Friary Centre is opening its doors to the Cathedral for the first time, giving it a home right in the heart of the town centre. Open from 11am until 3pm every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Pop Up Shop will feature a collection of unique items telling the story of the Cathedral and will host family activities including quizzes, colouring and photography competitions and even building a Lego Cathedral. There will be tonnes of ideas about how the public can make their mark and help save the Cathedral. The Dean of Guildford, the Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams said, “We're delighted to be working in partnership with the Friary Centre for our new MAKE YOUR MARK shop. This is a really exciting opportunity for us to let visitors to the Centre know about the urgency of the Appeal. It's a place for children and adults to learn about their Cathedral, to have fun and, just as importantly, to share with us the memories of this unique building.” The Friary Centre Manager, Vicky Hickson said, “It's fantastic that we are able to support Guildford Cathedral by raising awareness of the MAKE YOUR MARK campaign. We want to encourage as many people as possible to come down and check out what's going on in our Pop Up Shop.” Updates about activities in the Guildford Cathedral Pop Up Shop will be posted daily on both the Friary Centre's and the Cathedral's Facebook and Twitter pages between 11th April and 25th May. Following on from the original ‘Buy a Brick’ campaign in which 200,000 ordinary people helped fund the construction of the Cathedral, MAKE YOUR MARK is giving people a chance to make sure that this striking Cathedral and landmark can continue to serve its community into the future. For more information, please visit Facebook: Twitter: 16


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Holmwood Mothers’ Union No meeting in May. Monday 2nd June 12.30pm at Culver, Spook Hill. Lunch followed by Rosemary Gooding talking about her “Steam Experiences”. Tuesday 1st July 11.00am in the Lady Chapel at Guildford Cathedral. Dorking Deanery Pilgrimage of Prayer led by St Martin's Branch. Monday 7th July 12.30pm at Culver Spook Hill. Annual Summer Lunch Party. Monday 4th August Outing postponed from May. Contact Gill Collins, 01306 885270, for further details.

Next Step St John’s new lunch club, meeting in The Royal Oak, Chart Downs on the second Tuesday of every month. Are you bereaved, divorced, living on your own or just want some company? If you are then this is for you. Please call Margaret 01306 252004 or email 19

The Brigitte Trust It's a sad fact that almost everyone has been touched by cancer – a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague. It can be a weary, frightening experience and also very lonely at times when there is no-one at hand to share the fears and concerns that serious illness brings. The Brigitte Trust can help with support at home from one of our trained volunteers spending time with someone diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, or sitting quietly together whilst a carer has a break – emotional and practical support is vital at a time like this. The Brigitte Trust needs volunteers to train this June to support people with cancer, Motor Neurone disease and other lifethreatening illnesses. Our free course will be based in Dorking and will give you the skills to make a real difference. The course focuses on listening skills and when visiting families we ask for a commitment of three hours per week. Read more about the Trust and the training course or call Sharon today on 01306 881816


Dorking Quilters Dorking Quilters will be meeting on Tuesday 13th of May with a talk by Valerie Lillie entitled “Linus Quilts”. Meetings are held at The Friends’ Meeting House, Butterhill, Dorking at 7.30 for 8pm. Everyone welcome. For further information contact Sheena Salmon on 01306 885597.

Guildford Cathedral's Pop Up Shop Pop in to Guildford Cathedral's Pop Up Shop at the Friary Centre. For seven weeks from Friday 11th April, The Friary Shopping Centre in Guildford is hosting Guildford Cathedral's very own Pop Up Shop. It comes as part of Guildford Cathedral's MAKE YOUR MARK campaign. 20

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FUNDS The total available for the Community Building Appeal now stands at just over ÂŁ300,000 Our rough estimate of the total cost of the building is ÂŁ300,000. This means that we have at last reached our initial target figure but are still raising funds for equipment. We have now submitted plans to Mole Valley District Council for building regulation approval. Then we can start getting quotes from builders and approval from the diocese.

Next fundraising event:

Garden Party at Culver, Spook Hill

Saturday 7th June from 10.30am 23

In aid of St John’s Community Building Fund

Saturday 7th June

GARDEN PARTY 10.30am - 2.30pm At

CULVER, SPOOK HILL NORTH HOLMWOOD Coffee and tea all day and the famous Edser Ploughman’s Lunches! LOTS OF STALLS

BRICKS Let’s get our Community Building furnished You can help by buying ‘BRICKS’. They cost £5.00 each and your chosen name will be put on the ‘wall’ at the back of the church and then placed in the Commemorative Book which will be kept in the new hall. Buy one for yourself, your friends, family, neighbours or in memory of a loved one. They make great presents. Please fill in the form attached and pass it to Ann in the church or phone 01306 885787. 24

Sherlock & Sons Funeral Service Trellis House, South Street, Dorking Tel: 01306 882266 Monumental Masons Memorials supplied in British Stones and Granite Sherlock & Sons is an independent Family Business established in Dorking for over 100 years Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans are available on request


Dorking Good Neighbours Transport to surgeries and local hospitals for those without access to other means of transport Telephone

07948 568906 If no reply leave your name and number At least 48 hours in advance unless urgent

Passengers make a modest donation to cover drivers’ expenses and administration Any interested volunteer drivers please contact: 01306 875392 or 01306 888256

HOLMWOOD VILLAGE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION Chef David Gillott, from the Four Gables Food Academy, was the guest speaker at the VPA Spring Evening and AGM held in the middle of April. He spoke about his journey to becoming a chef, and how he ended up establishing a cooking school on his small holding in Ashtead. David decided as a teenager that he wanted to be a chef and spent every school holiday at a restaurant in London learning the ropes. Following catering college, he worked in a variety of high end establishments, both in England and overseas, including some Michelin starred restaurants. But David’s dream was always to open his own cooking school and he has now achieved that with the Four Gables Food Academy. The school runs day courses for everything from bread making to planning and executing the perfect dinner party menu. David ended the evening with a demonstration of how to make luxury chocolate truffles, which he then passed round for us all to sample. The evening also saw the members of the VPA committee re-elected for another year and a presentation of the accounts. As dictated by protocol, this part of the evening was very serious with absolutely no truffles. VPA Summer Show - 70th Anniversary Year! Saturday 2nd August 2014, 1-4pm Old School Field, South Holmwood The biggest, most splendiferous event of the summer will soon be upon us and this year we are celebrating 70 years of the Summer Show with the biggest vegetables, the juiciest of burgers and the jauntiest of Morris men. So keep the weekend free to come along and enjoy a Pimms, an ice cream and a turn around the exhibits. There’ll be stalls selling kitchenalia, paintings, pottery, bags, jewellery, cakes and cards, as well as the VPA produce stall where you can purchase further supplies of the celebrated Dorking Sauce. More details and Summer Show Schedules to follow. Ros Treliving 27

St John’s May dates Mon



6 2pm Knit One, Purl One


7 10am Jigsaw

8 10am Chart Downs Coffee Morning

2 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

9 8.30am Eucharist



4 3rd Sunday of Easter 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Family Service World Vision Stall

11 4th Sunday of Easter 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Parish Eucharist





1 3pm Funeral


This is a provisional listing of What’s On. For extra information please check the posters on the notice boards at the back of the church and outside.

12 11am Music and



13 Next step Lunch Club 7pm PCC meeting



14 10am Jigsaw

21 10am Jigsaw

28 10am Jigsaw



29 Ascension Day 8pm Holy Communion

16 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

23 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

30 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am




Movement, Soup and rolls: Harvest Church

18 5th Sunday of Easter 25 6th Sunday of Easter 1 June 8am HC BCP 8am HC BCP 7th Sunday of Easter 10am Parish 10am Parish 8am Holy Eucharist Eucharist Communion BCP 10am Family Service World Vision Stall 29

DORKING GARDENERS’ CLUB This year the Dorking Gardeners’ Club are again holding their three flower shows in North Holmwood Village Hall. The first one was on Saturday 5th April. The Rose and Early Summer Show will be held on Saturday 7th June, followed by The Summer Flower & Produce Show on Saturday 13th September. All are welcome. Please make a note in your diary now. As well as fine displays of flowers, plants and vegetables there are flower arrangements and junior sections. We are hoping to include a display of handicrafts at the June show. This year we are going to ask the public to vote for the best exhibit and a small prize will be given to the winner. The September show includes a home produce section and a photographic competition. Home-made refreshments will be available and a large selection of reasonably priced plants will also be on sale. New members are always made very welcome. As well as the three shows, members have the opportunity to visit gardens during the summer and attend interesting lectures and social events during the winter. Membership is £7 per annum single, £9 per annum double and 50p per annum for children. The Membership Secretary is: Mrs J. Wenham, 1 Holmes Cottage, Pebble Hill Road, Betchworth, Surrey RH3 7BP Tel: 01737 841151. For all enquiries about the Flower Shows, please ring Mrs Anne Cole on 01306 740710.

Goodwyns Community Group are Going to Go for Music, Movement and Meal For all capabilities, including disabled or unsteady. Sit down to exercise, stand or do a bit more. Easy pace. Light lunch or soup - All free - Keep fit and meet people for a chat 11am to 1pm Mondays (check for dates) at the Harvest Church


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HOLMWOOD WI We chuckle, we chat, there are plenty of smiles – that’s how members of Holmwood WI like to spend the first Wednesday afternoon of each month. South Holmwood village hall in Warwick Road is the venue for an afternoon spent with friends enjoying a variety of speakers before indulging in a traditional WI tea. In April, Duncan McNair’s amusing talk about his fictional family, the Morello’s, had us laughing along with him. A happy time was had by all. With all the sunny weather lately our thoughts have turned to summer outings to Blenheim Palace and Brighton and, of course, our ever popular Garden Party in July courtesy of one of our members, Mrs Iris Edser, and her husband, Eric. The Scrabble and craft afternoon and monthly pub lunches are proving a hit – a great addition to our monthly meetings. Our secretary, Maureen Lewington, has all the details. Give her a ring on 01306 882057 or email Make the call, you will be happy you did!

Dads & kids Group! Every second Saturday of the month 10am-12 noon Lots of activities plus a free egg & bacon sarnie! Activities include: Wii Fit Games Arts and Craft Model Building Children under 8 please Dads, step dads, granddads and male carers welcome Call Sarah or Natalie for more info 01306 882397 Supported by Dorking Nursery School Surestart Children’s Centre


CROSSWORD Across 1 Sense of right and wrong (1 Corinthians 8:7) (10) 7 Coming (John 11:17) (7) 8 ‘All I have is — , and all you have is mine’ (John 17:10) (5) 10 Smarten (Acts 9:34) (4) 11 Hold back (Job 9:13) (8) 13 Member of the Society of Friends (6) 15 At ague (anag.) (6) 17 Citizen of the Greek capital (8) 18 So be it (Galatians 6:18) (4) 21 Twentieth-century poet and dramatist who wrote Murder in the Cathedral, T.S. — (5) 22 Empowers (Philippians 3:21) (7) 23 Imposing (1 Samuel 9:2) (10)


5 6

9 12

Down 1 Healed (Luke 7:21) (5) 2 Central space in a church (4) 3 Co-founder of Spring Harvest and General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance 1983–97, Clive — (6)

14 16



Moses killed one when he saw him beating a Hebrew labourer (Exodus 2:12) (8) Bravery (Acts 4:13) (7) It interrupted Paul and Silas singing hymns in a Philippian jail (Acts 16:26) (10) Transgression (Psalm 36:1) (10) Irish province in which Dublin is situated (8) Same hit (anag.) (7) ‘The Spirit of God was hovering over the — ’ (Genesis 1:2) (6) Author of the immortal stories of Winnie the Pooh, A.A. — (5) Cab (4)

This crossword, reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, was originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). The Bible version used is NIV.


MUSIC IN DORKING - MAY 2014 by Ian Codd 1st at 8.00, accordion and mandolin at Denbies, £25, 01483 444334 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th at 8.30, Watermill Jazz at Friends Life, £17-21, 07415 815784 10th at 7.00, organ recital at St Martin’s, free, 01306 742629 10th at 7.30, Grimethorpe Colliery Band at Dorking Halls, £19-21, 01306 881717 17th at 7.30, cello & piano at Dorking Halls, £20, 01306 740619 24th at 7.30, Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra at St Martin’s, £13, 01372 276949 31st at 7.30, Chris Barber band at Dorking Halls, £22, 01306 881717 The Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra is visiting Dorking this month, with a concert of music by Mozart, Rossini and Saint-Saëns. They begin with Rossini’s sparkling overture The Italian Girl in Algiers and follow this with a selection of arias from Mozart’s operas, sung by soprano soloist Joo Cho. After the interval the orchestra will play Saint-Saëns’ second symphony. The Dorking Concertgoers Society presents a recital of music for cello and piano given by Richard Jenkinson and Benjamin Frith. The programme includes two major works - Brahms’ first cello sonata and Rachmaninov’s sonata - plus shorter pieces by Stravinsky and Schumann. The Rachmaninov sonata is an especially beautiful work, romantic and nostalgic in the composer’s typical Russian yearning style. Denbies winery will host a concert given as part of the Surrey Hills International Music Festival. Entitled ‘A little Latin’, it will feature music for mandolin and accordion by Bach, Rachmaninov, Falla, Bartok and Piazzolla. The Argentine composer Piazzolla is now becoming known for his lively jazz-inspired music and especially for his fiery tangos. Two bands are appearing at the Dorking Halls. The Grimethorpe Colliery Band is known as one of the finest brass bands in the 35

country, celebrated for their recordings, their concerts and also their appearance in the film Brassed Off. Chris Barber is one of the foremost jazz band leaders and his 10-piece band will play a selection of favourite jazz and blues music. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Royal College of Organists, there will be a special organ recital given at St Martin’s by organist Mark Brafield. Martin Ellis will give a further celebratory recital next month. Watermill Jazz meets each Thursday evening at the Friends Life social club in Pixham Lane. Their programme for May is as follows: the Michael Woolny trio (1st), “Charlie Parker on Dial” sextet featuring Nathaniel Facey (8th), the Skelton/Skinner all-stars big band (15th), Tommy Smith and Brian Kellock (22nd) and Brassjaw (29th).



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Hair by Emma The Studio, Chart Downs. Dorking. Hair by Emma is a small home run freelance hairdressing business that is fully insured. I offer most ladies hairdressing services including children at very competitive rates. I am a member of FHBF (Freelance Hair & Beauty Federation). I attend training throughout the year as I feel this is important for keeping up to date with what’s new and going on in the world of hairdressing. For full details see my website or call for an appointment on 07919 488507.

Friends of Holmwood Common and the National Trust May 2014

News from the Common It’s always pleasant to receive praise even if I don’t directly deserve it. Kate and Ben of North Holmwood filled in a couple of the comment cards which can be found on our car park notice boards, after they had an enjoyable cycle ride around the Common – so thank you to them for taking the time to leave their views and I’m pleased they enjoyed their ride. Our resident volunteer butterfly recorder, Lucy Halahan, sent through some interesting information recently; on one recording session in 2013 she recorded eight White Admirals – the highest count on any one day in Surrey last year. White Admirals are a striking medium to large black butterfly with white wing bands and can often be seen flying in dappled sunlight along the Common’s tracks. This year, for her first recording session of the season, she counted forty-one butterflies; eighteen Brimstones, twenty-one Peacocks and two Commas, the best first count since she started recording. It has been between four and ten in the last three years; the low figures due to cold starts at the beginning of each year. Many people will have seen the south facing bank clearing being carried out near Mill Bottom. I’ve now selected some of the better quality pieces of timber for milling with the intention of producing material to make benches for the Common. If you are interested in buying a bench for the common, please contact me for further details. Rob Adam, Ranger, Holmwood Common. Friends’ Working Day A big thank-you to everyone who turned out on 5th April to assist the Volunteers with completing one of their most substantial tasks of recent times. One of the few south-facing slopes on Holmwood 39

Common has now been cleared as a prelude to returning it to a more open habitat that will be particularly attractive to birds and butterflies. As it was too dry to risk a fire, material was collected for a dead hedge just in time for the nesting season. Newsletter Published Members of the Friends should, by now, have seen the Spring edition of the Friends’ newsletter. There are articles about birdringing, a report from the recent AGM with information from the NT that will be of interest to those living on the Common and an entertaining item about geo-caching. Members that have not yet seen the newsletter and others, who would like to receive an electronic copy, should contact the Friends … details below. Holmwood Common Photography Class at the VPA Summer Show Once again the Friends are sponsoring one of the photography classes in the VPA Summer Show on Saturday 2nd August. For 2014 the subject is “Holmwood Common: People”. There’s still plenty of time for you to plan that winning picture and perhaps it would make a great project as you enjoy the longer days that mark the arrival of Spring-time on the Common. We look forward to publishing the winning entries in the Friends’ newsletter. Contact us ... If you have any questions about the National Trust’s work on Holmwood Common then please get in touch with Rob Adam, NT Ranger for Holmwood Common: phone 01306 712711; mobile 07901 511359; or email to . The Friends of Holmwood Common can be contacted via or by calling 07768 318124. Suspicious activity on the Common, such as suspected poaching, should be reported to the Surrey Police by dialling 101 without delay.


Forthcoming Events Saturday 24th May – Friends' Meet & Greet If you are passing the Viewpoint during the morning of Saturday 24th May then we hope you will find time for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee. We shall be Meeting & Greeting visitors to the Common and asking them to help us with our survey of “what's important for you on Holmwood Common?” Sunday 22nd June – Friends' Midsummer Picnic A friends and families get-together with a bring-and-share picnic. Weather permitting you will enjoy good food and perhaps even a glass or two of wine as we watch the midsummer sunset over Redlands. Meet at 6:30pm at Mill Road car park. Picnic baskets and chairs will be transported to the Viewpoint where we will be welcoming you with a glass of suitably chilled wine. Children and well-behaved dogs are very welcome. Free to Members …. no need to book … and the more energetic may even wish to arrive a little earlier to join us for a guided walk around the Circular Trail. Other events are scheduled for various NT properties throughout the region. Visit for more information. Renew your Membership or join the Friends today ... Membership of the Friends of Holmwood Common is open to everyone. Please send your annual subscription – just £5 per household (plus a donation, if you are feeling generous!) – to: Friends of Holmwood Common, c/o 10 The Orchard, North Holmwood, RH5 4JT. Cheques should be made payable to “Friends of Holmwood Common” and, if you have one, please include your email address.


A busy start to our summer term with new children welcomed to our morning sessions. Meanwhile our eldest children now enjoy two afternoon sessions where they bring in a packed lunch and participate in more focused activities in preparation for their move to ‘Big School’! We are enjoying our Living and Growing topic this half term and have some frogspawn in a small tank so the children can observe first-hand the lifecycle of the frog. We will also be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and this has provided us with lots of opportunities to produce some lovely artwork, including some basic symmetry. As always, books and listening to stories play a vital part in the children’s learning and this is promoted at home with the children able to choose a book each week to take home and share with their parents. The children continue to enjoy their Kids@sport sessions and have played with a wide range of equipment to help develop key basic skills in a variety of activities. Many thanks to Rupert and the members of staff who help, making these sessions possible. We are still collecting vouchers from Sainsbury’s and Tesco's and Nestlé’s box tops. Thank you for supporting these ventures; they enable us to buy equipment we would otherwise have to fundraise for. There are places available at the Pre-School for September 2014. Should you be interested in joining us, please feel free to call in and see us at the Village Hall, or contact us on the number below. Our hours are Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 12.15pm. If you would like an information pack or to arrange a visit/ask any questions, please contact the PreSchool leader, Julia Woollard, on 07931 212006. Natalie Tanswell, Committee North Holmwood Pre-School, Village Hall, Spook Hill, North Holmwood, Surrey, RH5 4EG : Registered Charity Number: 1023910 42

MUSIC FESTIVAL BLOOMS IN MAY The Surrey Hills International Music Festival continues its fifth celebration season 1-4 May 2014 with four consecutive classical music events of outstanding quality performed in beautiful settings in the Surrey Hills. Flying in from Berlin is Grammy-nominated Avi Avital, one of the world’s leading mandolin players who joins multi-award winning classical accordionist Ksenija Sidorova at Denbies Wine Estate on Thursday 1 May at 8pm with a thrilling mixed programme. On Friday 2 May at 7.30pm opera star Meeta Raval will be joined by pianist Tessa Marchington for an evening of song exploring the world of famed artist GF Watts and his Circle in the beautifully restored Watts Gallery, Compton. The Festival’s musical climax is the Saturday night Gala Concert on 3 May at 7.30pm at St Teresa’s, Effingham, when three more worldclass soloists perform with the much-loved professional orchestra, the London Mozart Players, under the baton of guest conductor Daniel Cohen. Last, but not least, the Festival is holding its first “Cushion Concert” for a younger audience, aged 5-11 years, accompanied by their favourite toy animal and a parent, on Sunday afternoon 4 May at 4pm at Shere Village Hall. Tickets are available now from Guildford Tourist Information Centre, 155 High Street, Guildford, GU1 3AJ, 01483 444334 or book online at . They range in price from £25-£29. The Cushion Concert is free for adults and £5.00 for each child. 43

1 May: May Day – unbridled merriment May is the month when the ancient pagans used to get up to ‘all sorts’! The Romans held their festival to honour the mother-goddess Maia, goddess of nature and growth. (May is named after her.) The early Celts celebrated the feast of Beltane, in honour of the sun god, Beli. For centuries in ‘Olde England’ the people went mad in May. After the hardship of winter, and hunger of early Spring, May was a time of indulgence and unbridled merriment. Henry VIII went ‘maying’ on many occasions. Then folk would stay out all night in the dark rain-warm thickets, and return in the morning for dancing on the green around the May pole, archery, vaulting, wrestling and that evening, bonfires. The Protestant reformers took a strong stand against May Day - and in 1644 May Day was abolished altogether. Many May poles came down - only to go up again at the Restoration, when the first May Day of King Charles’s reign was “the happiest Mayday that hath been many a year in England”, according to Pepys. May Day to most people today brings vague folk memories of a young Queen of the May decorated with garlands and streamers and flowers, a May Pole to weave, Morris dancing, and the intricacies of well dressing at Tissington in Derbyshire. The Parish Pump

NEED ADVICE? We’re here to help - whoever you are - whatever the problem Citizens Advice Bureau at:

St John’s School Goodwyns Road, Dorking 1.30pm - 3.30pm Every Thursday (term-time) Drop in or ring Janet on: 07757

734381 Open to all local residents 44

Pristine Property Maintenance

Martin Peek City & Guilds qualified Fully Insured Specialists in: Bathrooms Kitchens Wet Rooms Bespoke Showers Tiling Decorating Plastering Carpentry and General Property Maintenance Tel 07831 250036 – 01306 887 633 E-mail: 1 Shellwood Drive, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4TA

Holmwood Marketplace

Martin O’

For local goods and services

North Holmwood Village Hall

Painter and Decorator

Saturday 24 May 2014 12:30-4:00pm Garden and Farm Gate Produce - Cakes - Preserves Crafts - Plants - Trades - Health and Wellbeing Therapists - Business Consultants Other Local Services

With RSPCA - Vouchers towards pet neutering and micro-chipping Next market on 28 June 2014 For more information: 01306 741545/07973 207087

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AN ARMCHAIR DUFFER’S VIEW OF SPORT March / April Sixty four year old Arsene Wenger reached his 1000th game as manager of Arsenal when his side played Chelsea on Saturday 22nd March. He has won 11 trophies, 3 Premier league titles, 4 FA Cups and 4 Community Shields. Colleagues were lined up to congratulate him after the match but sadly the celebration that was planned did not happen when Arsenal was defeated six goals to nil. Andy Murray described himself as feeling gutted about the ending of his partnership with Coach, Ivan Lendl. The pair decided to go their own separate ways when Lendl could not increase the amount of time he spends coaching Murray and, therefore, felt he couldn’t do the job properly. When Murray had beaten Italian Andreas Seppi in the first singles match of the Davis Cup quarter finals, and then together with Colin Flemming completed a hard fought win over Fabio Fognini and Simone Bolelli in the doubles match, it looked as if England would get into the semi-final for the first time for 33 years. Alas it was not to be because Murray was ambushed by a brilliant performance from Fognini in their singles match on the following day, losing all three sets. James Ward also lost his two singles matches giving Italy a three games to two victory. GB have no further matches until the first round of the Davis Cup elite World Group next year. British Formula 1 driver, Lewis Hamilton, who now drives for Mercedes, won the Malaysian Grand Prix, the 23rd win of his career. His Mercedes Team mate, Nico Rosberg, came second. On Sunday 6th April, he also won the Bahrain Grand Prix after some brilliant duelling with Rosberg; the lead must have changed hands five times. Lewis is second in the Driver’s championship table with Rosberg in first place. The Grand National still remains the supreme test for jockeys and horses despite the changes to the fences. The race on 5th April still 47

had all the drama and excitement we have come to expect with 40 horses setting out and only 18 finishing. Pineau de Re, with rider Leighton Aspell, and trained by medical Dr Richard Newland, was the winner in a thrilling finish and thankfully there were no casualties to horses or jockeys this year. Dr Newland said he trains horses just for fun. Oxford finished a massive 11 lengths ahead of Cambridge in the 160th boat race on Sunday, 6th April, which was the biggest victory for 41 years. A clash of oars early on due to Cambridge rowing too close saw Luke Juckett, in number two position, almost fall from his boat and the light blues never recovered from this incident. The conditions seemed very gloomy this year but the race is evidently timed to start an hour before high tide, which was at 5.55pm. It looks as if the end of the football season is going to be very interesting. For 16 years Arsenal have qualified for the Champions League but Everton are threatening that record. Who is going to occupy that coveted 4th place in the Premier League? It looks as if it is going to be an incredible title race. At the time of writing Liverpool occupy the top place of the Premier League but will they be able to hold on to it? Manchester United are out of the Champions League, losing by three goals to one to Bayern Munich. Where will David Moyes and his men go from here? Will Arsenal win the FA Cup and have their first Trophy for many years?

Loud and Proud Community Choir The choir launched in April 2009 and has been going from strength to strength. People of all ages are really enjoying singing all sorts of different songs! Come along any Wednesday during school term. We meet at St John’s School, Goodwyns Road from 7.30pm to 9pm. It’s free, fun and friendly! 48

Oven and Kitchen Appliance cleaning company

Little Oaks Play Café For children aged 5 and under Infants under 1 - free Children over 1 - £3.50 Teas/ coffee and light lunches available

We offer a complete Oven and Kitchen appliance valet service Friendly, reliable and professional service Competitive and affordable prices Fully Insured

At North Holmwood Sports Club Inholms Lane


Lunch served daily 12-2.30pm Evening Meals (Wed-Sat) 6-9.30pm SUNDAY Lunch 12noon-5pm Open all Day

WEDNESDAY NIGHT STEAK NIGHT 2 Steaks and a Bottle House Wine £28.00

Friends of King George V Playing Field Parents and toddlers in the Park Every Friday12.30 to 2.30 Free! Everyone welcome At the pavilion on King George V Playing Field Squash and biscuits for toddlers - Tea and coffee for parents An opportunity for toddlers to play together and parents to chat. The Friends of King George V Playing Field accepts no responsibility for the care of children or for harm or injury whilst using any of the facilities provided. Find us on Facebook: search for ‘Friends of KGV Dorking’

Registered Charity No 263558

Tai Chi Classes for the Over 60’s Follett Hall, Dorking United Reform Church West Street, Dorking RH4 1BS Thursdays, 2.15 pm to 3.15 pm If you are over 60 and live in or around Dorking, Age Concern offers you the opportunity to do Tai Chi classes for a very small fee. Our qualified teacher will teach you how to combine deep breathing and relaxation with slow and gentle movements. Studies show that Tai Chi can help people over 60 reduce stress, improve balance and mobility. Most people should be able to do Tai Chi, but if you have any health concerns, do get advice from your GP before starting. For further information, or to register for the classes, please contact: Dr Joyce Kingsley Jones: Tel: 01306 885789 Email:

Those memorable school reports… What did your teachers say about your progress at school? The following were sent into the Daily Telegraph some years ago…. ~ One of my French reports simply said: ‘Sheila attended the lessons’. - Sheila Blow, Surrey ~ My housemaster wrote: ‘He has an overdeveloped unawareness’. - Ian Jones, Wirral ~ A friend’s son’s report said: ‘By the time he has mastered French, he will be too old to cross the Channel’. – M Knaggs, Dorset ~ My teacher observed: ‘The improvement in his handwriting has revealed his inability to spell’. - Colin Sutherland, Switzerland ~ My teacher was a realist: ‘I am sorry to have to tell you that he is doing his best’. Stan Proctor, Surrey Parish Pump 51


Forthcoming Event Saturday 10 May – Skittles Night, 8.15pm Don’t forget the Friday Night Meat Raffle, which takes place at The Club every Friday night at 9.30pm. Also free range eggs are available at The Club from Friday evenings at £2.50 a dozen. To enquire about membership email us at or call in during opening hours and ask for a membership form. New membership prices are £24 Family, £18 Single, £9 Junior (under 16), £11 OAP (per person). The 2014 Stoolball season is now underway. Home fixtures this month are May 13th v Alfold, 6.45pm May 27th, South Park, 6.45pm June 1st North Holmwood Tournament, 10.30am If you are interested in joining the Stoolball team please contact Shirley Overton at for more information.

Cricket net practice takes place on Wednesday nights from around 6pm. Home fixtures this month are May 3rd 2nd XI v Old Woking 2nd, 1.30pm May 10th 1stXI v Tadworth, 1.30pm May 11th Sunday XI v Capel, 2.00pm May 17th 2ndXI v East Horsley 2nd, 1.30pm May 24th 1stXI v East Horsley, 1.30pm May 25th Sunday XI v Coldharbour, 2.00pm May 31st 1stXI v Albury, 1.30pm We also play in the local evening league, usually 5 games or so against local teams. New players are always welcome, please come along to the club on weekends or email Ian Elliott at for more information. Don’t forget that the Club is available for hire for private parties. Please phone 01306 889764 or collect a booking form from the bar. If you are not a member then we will ask you to join our Club to enjoy our facilities. This still works out more cost effective than local venues. 52

South Street Pharmacy 130 South Street Dorking RH4 2EU 01306 884987 FREE OF CHARGE:

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NOR - PUZZLE All the answers start with the letters NOR. Answers at the bottom of the page.

JULIAN of NORWICH Julian was a woman who lived in Norwich and in 1373, on the 13th May, she had a series of visions of Jesus that were so important to her that she spent the next 20 years learning to read and write so that she could share these visions with others. Imagine the hard work and trouble that must have been caused because it was very rare for any woman to read and write at that time, let alone an unimportant countrywoman. Julian lived most of her life in a small room that joined onto one wall of St Julian’s Church in Norwich. You can actually visit the room (it was bombed during the Second World War but rebuilt). Dame Julian wrote about the love of God and you can still read her book, ‘The Revelations of Divine Love’, today. The book ends with the words “before God made us, he loved us”. Before we were born, God chose us for the work we are to do. As we know, God doesn’t make mistakes. He chose you and me, and he loves us. What a wonderful promise!

What NOR is…. 1 The language of the Vikings. 2 A compass point. 3 Three English counties. 4 A country. 5 A man’s name and a style of church building. 6 The town where Julian lived. 7 It’s not unusual.

What do you get if you cross a Viking and a detective? Inspector Norse. What do Eric the Red and Winnie the Pooh have in common? They have the same middle name.

Answers: 1. Norse 2. North 3. Northumberland, Norfolk and Northamptonshire 4. Norway 5. Norman 6. Norwich 7. normal



Brockwood Medical Practice

1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood, Dorking. Tel: 01306 885802

The Partners, Jonathan Richards, Justin Thompson, Lucy Rawson, Tamsin Sevenoaks, Robin Gupta; Drs Elizabeth Craggs, Natalie Moore, Katie Carter, Sarah Wells, Kate Heppenstall, Justyna Nowak; GP Registrar Dr Ella Whitaker and all the staff are always pleased to welcome new and existing residents to our Practice. Following the merger of the 3 surgeries at North Holmwood, Brockham & Newdigate, we would like to thank all our patients for their understanding over this difficult transition. We now have a number of new GPs and can now offer appointments across all 3 sites. We offer: Personal Medical Services, Dispensary services for all eligible patients, District Nursing, Health Visitors, General Nursing Clinics with our Practice Nurses, Minor Surgery Clinics, Midwife Clinics, Travel Vaccination Clinics, Baby Clinic, Asthma and COPD clinics, Counselling sessions, INR testing with our HCA, Smoking Cessation sessions, and much more.

Blood Pressure Monitoring We have recently installed a blood pressure monitoring machine in our waiting room. You can now take your own blood Arrival/Check In Also installed in our waiting room is a touch screen so you can check in electronically. Please use this if you are able or ask one of our receptionists if you need some help.



Please telephone the dispensary on 01306 878509 Monday to Friday between the hours of 11.00am and 14.00pm to order your repeat prescriptions. You can also order your repeat prescriptions on our website. Our Dispensers currently need 72 hours to dispense repeat medication instead of the normal 48 hour turnaround. Please ring reception 01306 885802 for any other queries.

We have recently introduced a new barcoded dispensing system. This checks that the correct drug on the patients computer record matches the drug packet. We hope this will further limit any dispensing errors.

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