March 2014

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Spire North Holmwood’s Parish Magazine

St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Vicar (day off – Saturday) Revd Stuart Tanswell ......... ......... 01306 882135 Assistant Priest Revd Leah Kearns ............. ....................................................................... 01306 886858 Pastoral Assistant Margaret Teale .................. ....................................................................... 01306 252004 Churchwardens: Jane Schofield ................... .................. 07771 591457 Jim Edwards ....................... 01306 879902 Reader Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 PCC Secretary Caroline Lazenby .............. ............ 01306 640208 PCC Treasurer Lynn Jennings..................... ....................................................................... 01306 882614 Baptisms Jill Spence .......................... ....................................................................... 01306 876901 Junior Choir Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Flowers Hazel Gibson ..................... ....................................................................... 01306 886538 Gift Aid and Electoral Roll Jane Collard ..................... .......................... 01306 876652 Intercessions Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Prayer Chain Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Homegroup Co-ordinator Penny Newstead ............... ....................................................................... 01306 885876 Junior Church and C4yourself Jane Schofield ................... ................... 07771591457 Organist Magazine Kirsten Wightwick .............. ... 01306 743483 Parish Room Iris Edser ............................... ....................................................................... 01306 740757 Readings Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Sacristans Steve & Hilary Harris .......... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Servers Steve Harris ......................... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Mothers’ Union Gill Collins............................ ....................................................................... 01306 885270


St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Sunday services: 8am 10am 10am

Holy Communion First Sunday each month: Family Service Other Sundays: Parish Eucharist

Friday 8.30am Eucharist and vicar available in church until 10.30am The Church is normally open daily for private prayer from 9am. Please see the Church notice board for details of other services.

St John’s Church contact details: Parish Office 01306-868441 Pastoral Line 01306-868941 Church Text Message 0770-673-2222

COMMUNION AT HOME If you are housebound and unable to get to church at St John’s, we can arrange for communion to be brought to you at home by a member of our authorised team of communion assistants. Please contact Stuart 01306 882135.

North Holmwood Community Goodwyns Social Club ......... 01306 500614 Karate ...................................... 07970 408260 Circuit training ........................ 01306 711920 Tumble Tots ............................. 07739 517627 Village Hall (Chairman) ......... 01306 883808 Village Hall (Bookings) ........... 07712 224681 Village Hall (Caretaker) ........ 01306 740757 Parish Room (Bookings) ......... 01306 740757 North Holmwood Sports Club 01306 889764 Dorking Golf Club .................. 01306 886917 Ballet classes ........................... 01737 247795 Norfolk Court .......................... 01306 876474 Stanecroft ............................... 01306 876567

Police ....................................... 101 Mole Valley District Council .. 01306 885001 National Trust Warden ........... 01306 712711 Brockwood GP Surgery .......... 01306 885802 Community Playlink ................ 01306 740095 North Holmwood Pre-School . 07931 212006 St John’s C of E School ........... 01306 884506 Guiding: Brownies .................. 01306 876428 Rainbows ................ 01306 882796 Scouting enquiries .................. 07769 222218 Bridge Club ............................. 01306 882849 Chart Downs Social Club ...... 01306 500310 Drama Group ......................... 01306 887416 Surrey Hills Dance Centre ...... 01306 883808




is produced by St John’s Church for North Holmwood. There are ten issues each year and we make no charge. We deliver around the parish. If you would like a copy delivered please e-mail or phone John Daulman 01306 885943 The next issue of The Spire covers April 2014. Material should be with the editors by 16th March please. Editors: Kirsten Wightwick 01306 743483 Jim Edwards 01306 879902 4 Chartwell Court Grange, 35 Highacre, Dorking RH4 3BF e-mail We welcome articles of general or local interest. Ideally these should be e-mailed in Word format, with illustrations as jpegs or pngs. The editors may amend or shorten material submitted. Articles represent the views of the individual contributors. Some articles and illustrations come from “The Parish Pump”, a national web-site that provides magazine material for churches. We are very grateful to all those who advertise in this magazine and allow us to produce it without charge to our readers; however publication does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the product. Advertising manager: Margaret Teale, ‘Talanta’, 12 Ridgeway Drive, Dorking RH4 3AN Telephone 01306 252004 or email Advertising copy: or telephone Jim Edwards 01306 879902 Proof reading: Jane Coombes Printing: John Daulman, Eileen Daulman, Ann Phillips Distribution: John Daulman 01306 885943 4

Editorial Looking forward Our Armchair Duffer has contributed his 99th article this month. His century is approaching. How will we celebrate? Our annual church meeting will be held on 23rd March, after the morning service. This is the chance for all members of St John’s to review the past year and to look forward to the next. Jane Schofield is stepping down after five years as a church warden, which included the interregnum. How can we replace her? Ash Wednesday is on 5th March and we have a special evening service. This is the start of Lent and we begin to prepare for Easter. Some people like to give something up during this period; others like to join a study group. Our home group is having a series of special meetings. Would this be a good time for you to join? Our new Parish Room is approaching. This is a frustrating stage where there is no physical sign of progress on the ground. All the work is going into finalising the plans and getting the appropriate permissions sorted out. We will then be able to see the work start. Jim Edwards

Dear friends, Each year, as Lent approaches, my mind is drawn back to the TV series Father Ted – for that Lenten episode when the three priests decide to give up cigarettes, roller-blading and alcohol. But, being Father Ted, it is more in a competitive spirit of doing better than another group than having any spiritual or useful purpose. It is, to quote Ted, a “giving things up competition”. It is, so often, very easy to fall into this trap. We do things – which are good in themselves – for not necessarily the right reason. Maybe it is because a friend is doing something similar, so we can’t be outdone. Maybe it’s because we’ve been nagged to do it and so we feel we might get some peace and quiet if we give in. Maybe it’s because we’ve been advised that it might make us look better. And, because we don’t really want to do it, while no-one’s looking... 5

As you probably know, I spent some time during February in court, in Jury Service. It occurs to me that similar issues are often at play every time a court meets. A defendant, accused of some crime, decides to say “no comment” to everything because someone suggested it would be a good idea. A relative or friend, giving evidence, says what they think the court wants to hear to show someone is innocent – even though you could drive a bus through the holes in the account. And, of course, a jury member feeling pressurised to go along with the rest of the jury while their conscience won’t allow them to. In so many ways on Jury Service it felt as if people were unable to take responsibility for what was happening. There was a great desire to help, to make things look better or go smoother, but sometimes at the expense of being true to who they were – or even telling the truth. We know what we should do, we know why we should do it – but do we want to link the two together and take responsibility for our actions, our decisions, our mistakes? Take Father Ted again. He was smoking too much and he knew it. Rather than accepting that he should give up smoking he turned it into a competition, smoking to excess while no-one was looking – giving an outward appearance of sorting himself out while doing anything but! It is the case for each of us. During Lent, what are we doing that we probably shouldn’t? What aren’t we doing that we probably should? We have the opportunity to think about this, to take responsibility for what we aren’t doing as well as we should, and turning that around. Repentance, that constant theme of Lent, literally means turning around. Turning from things we shouldn’t be doing towards things that we should. In other words: taking responsibility for our actions and decisions. During this 40-ish days of Lent, what can we do? Wishing you every blessing,

Stuart 6

BIBLE READINGS FOR MARCH 2nd March Family Service

Sunday next before Lent Readings to be arranged

5th March 8pm Isaiah 58:1-12

Ash Wednesday 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

9th March 1st Sunday of Lent Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7 Romans 5:12-19

Matthew 4:1-11

16th March Genesis 12:1-4a

2nd Sunday of Lent Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

John 3:1-17

23rd March Exodus 17:1-7

3rd Sunday of Lent Romans 5:1-11

John 4:5-42

30th March Family Service

Mothering Sunday Readings to be arranged

JUNIOR CHURCH and C4YOURSELF The family service at St John’s is held on the first Sunday of each month. The children and young people play a major part in this service. 2nd March 10am Family Service 30th March 10am Family Service for Mothering Sunday We are currently seeking people to become part of the very valuable team doing children’s work at St John’s. Please contact Jane on or 07771591457 if you are interested. Until a new team is found there will be no special children’s provision (apart from the family services) at St John’s, so keep a lookout in The Spire for updates. 7

Regular events in St John’s Parish Room, North Holmwood: JIGSAW A group for Mums/Dads/Carers and their pre-school children – from babies to 4 ½ yrs An opportunity for Mums/Dads/Carers to talk to another grown-up! Meet new friends and enjoy breakfast whilst the children play.* 10.00am – 11.30am: Wednesdays No charge Please let us know if you can help with setting up or clearing away *Please remember, the care and safety of the children you bring remain your responsibility at all times – Thank you

KnitOne PurlOne SaveOne Knitting Group First Tuesday of every month 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Parish Room St John’s knitting group meets on the first Tuesday in every month in the Parish Room at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a cup of tea. If you can’t knit we will show you …. we have everything required to start you off.

Our knitting is now being taken to Romanian Aid Foundation in Horley. Margaret 01306 252004 Margaret Teale


Saint Columba’s House Retreat and Conference Centre A peaceful, urban, contemporary Christian retreat and conference centre for day and residential groups, situated in Woking, Surrey. For more information please see the website: Quiet Day in conjunction with Guildford Cathedral 1 March Camilla will reflect on Mary and the Incarnation in such a way as to enable us to prepare for Lent. 9.30 am until 4.00 pm. Please book through Guildford Cathedral box office. Quiet Day for Ash Wednesday 5 March As Jesus was driven into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, so we mark the beginning of Lent in a quiet day. 10.00am - 4.00pm Your Journey into Wholeness 8 March A gentle way to experience more of the Lord’s forgiveness, healing, freedom and victory in your life. 9.30am until 4.00pm Theological Book Group 13 March This month's book is 'The Resurrection of Peace' by Mary Grey. Beginning with refreshments at 7.45pm, we aim to conclude our discussion by 9.30pm. Spiritual Spring Cleaning: a day of prayer for the house 20 March Join the Chaplain and a team of praying friends as we pray in and for each of the rooms in the house. 9.00am - 5.00pm A Vocational Retreat 21-23 March This is a great opportunity for adults of all ages who are either in the process of testing a vocation for public ministry in the Church or who are wondering how they can develop their service in the world. Arrivals from 4.00pm on Friday, until after lunch on Sunday. Introducing the Enneagram Part 1 22 March The Enneagram is a system of personality types combining traditional wisdom with modern psychology. 9.00am until 4.00pm A not-so-quiet morning with the Psalm Drummers 29 March Come and learn new skills with the Psalm Drummers. All ages are welcome but under 14s must be accompanied by an adult and places are limited. 9.30am until 2.00pm 9

EASTER EGGS As we move into Lent, our thoughts turn to Easter and we look forward to celebrating with family and friends. Already the supermarkets are stocked with chocolate eggs: I read that 80 million are sold in the UK each year. But none of them mentions Jesus on the box - except one. The Real Easter Egg is the only Fairtrade chocolate Easter Egg to put the Christian message of Easter on the box. It also contains an Easter story book. A portion of the profits from selling eggs supports charities associated with the farmers who produce the raw ingredients. I read about the Real Easter Egg last year, but was most disappointed to find that none of the supermarkets or sweet shops in Dorking or Leatherhead stocked it. “We do have some in our larger branches” was the best I got. Finally, Jane and I tracked one down in Morrisons in Reigate. I read afterwards that the major supermarkets had only ordered some thousands of eggs – a miniscule amount compared to the total number of eggs they sell. Of course, they work on consumer demand, but if they don’t stock it people won’t know about it, so they won’t ask for it. So, next time you are doing the weekly shop, why not ask if they stock the Real Easter Egg – and if not, why not? The good news is that if you just cannot find it in the shops, you can order online from where there is information about the three types of egg available this year, and a storefinder to locate your nearest independent stockist. I should add that although this sounds like an advertisement (OK it is an advertisement) I have no pecuniary interest in the Real Easter Egg. But I do think it is something worth supporting. Oh, and the eggs taste pretty good too! Roger Coombes

Baptism Funeral

Sunday 23rd February 2014 Monday 20th January 2014 10

Thomas Johnson Jean Philpott


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ST JOHN’S HOME GROUP Our Home Group meets twice monthly in members’ homes on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. Set subjects are discussed in an informal setting with the aim of developing our understanding of Christianity and developing friendship networks for mutual support and encouragement. During Lent we are looking at the letter of Paul to the Philippians. Please contact Penny 885876 if you would like more information.

BEGINNERS PLEASE The St John’s drama group ‘Beginners Please’ meets during the winter months. The meetings are usually held on the first Monday in the month from 7.30pm, currently in members’ homes We are a friendly group and would love to welcome new members. 10 March

7 April

All are welcome. Please phone Jackie for directions: 01306 887416 or 07770 885003. If you prefer please email:

Holmwood Mothers’ Union Monday 3rd March 12.30pm at Arnolds, Beare Green. After lunch the speaker will be Rob Adam, the National Trust Warden for Holmwood Common. Contact Gill Collins, 01306 885270, for further details. 13


FUNDS The total available for the Community Building Appeal now stands at just over ÂŁ300,000 Our rough estimate of the total cost of the building is ÂŁ300,000. This means that we have at last reached our target figure. The architect is currently working on the details of the heating plans, before all the working drawings are submitted to Mole Valley District Council for building regulation approval. We will then need final approval from the diocese and to appoint a suitable builder before starting work.

Garden Party at Culver, Spook Hill Saturday 7th June from 10.30am More details next month


Community Building Appeal To end of December 2013 2013 Teas by the fireside Curry Evening Buy a brick Beginners Please Quiz Garden Party In memory of Alan Wood Pampered chef Anonymous donation Others Teas on the Lawn Interest Gift aid due Promised funds and grants Grants Total available

Funds raised: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total £34,458 Total £4,376 Total £8,170 Total £5,952 Total £100,622 Total £13,611

Total expenditure

BRICKS Let’s get our Community Building Built You can help by buying ‘BRICKS’. They cost £5.00 each and your chosen name will be put on the ‘wall’ at the back of the church and then placed in the Commemorative Book which will be kept in the new hall. Buy one for yourself, your friends, family, neighbours or in memory of a loved one. They make great presents. Please fill in the form attached and pass it to Ann in the church or phone 01306 885787. 15

£225 £700 £310 £65 £800 £1,206 £550 £197 £10,000 £2233 £198 £2,239 £2,707 £100,000 £12,750 £ 301,533

£ 8,551

CHRISTIAN AID LENT LUNCHES On Fridays during Lent you are invited to share a frugal meal of soup, bread and cheese, and give what you might have spent – more if you wish! – towards the work of Christian Aid. 7 March St Paul’s Church 12.15–1.30 14 March St Joseph’s Church, Falkland Grove 12.00–1.30 21 March Crossways Community Baptist Church, Junction Rd, 12.00–1.30 28 March Christian Centre (St Martin’s) 12.30–1.45 4 April United Reformed Church, West Street 12.00–1.15 11 April St John’s Church, North Holmwood 12.00–1.30 Sponsored by Churches Together in Dorking Christian Aid UK registered charity number 1105851 Company number 5171525




CHRISTIAN AID PLEASE COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS If the parish room is not available, we will be serving at “Culver” on Spook Hill instead. 16

TEAS BY THE FIRESIDE Teas by the Fireside took place in January and February. Iris and Eric have asked us to thank their daughter, Karen, and granddaughter, Lucy, for all their help and also Eileen for providing cakes. We would like to thank Iris and Eric for their warm welcome.

Donations raised £265 for Church Funds.

Used Postage Stamps Anne Lucas collects used postage stamps for various charities and has recently sent them to: Great Ormond Street for Children - Help for Heroes Royal National Institute for the Blind Stamps can be given to Anne or left in the box at the back of St John’s Church. She is grateful to all those who contribute.

Mid-week Eucharist at St John’s Friday Mornings 8.30am Followed by breakfast. After the service Stuart will remain in the church until 10.30am for anyone who wants an informal chat with the vicar.

Flowers in Church If you would like to help to arrange flowers at St John’s, so that we can have a display (large or small) more often, please contact Hazel 01306 886538.


Exploring your call today 9:30am til 1:00pm Saturday 15th March 2014 St John’s Church, Stoke Road, Guildford GU1 1HB

‘Fit for Purpose’ An event for all Christians to come and explore their sense of call to God’s service with other men and women who have responded to their call with the Discipleship, Vocation and Ministry Team from the Guildford Diocese How to find us St John’s Church is located in Stoke Road, Guildford. The post code for your Sat Nav is GU1 1HB. Parking is available at the Guildford Lido next door to the church. We would love you to come and join us for this morning of exploration. There is no charge for the morning. So that we can cater for numbers will you please let Louise Redfern know that you are coming. or telephone 01483 790320 For further information, call or email Laurence Gamlen 01932 874405

Would you like a say in the selection of the next Bishop of Guildford? Members of the public are invited to take part in a public meeting on Wednesday 12th March at Holy Trinity Church, Guildford, at 7pm where everyone is welcome to express their thoughts on the needs of the diocese. The meeting will be attended by the Archbishops’ and the Prime Minister’s appointment secretaries as part of a twoday fact-finding visit to the diocese. 18


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Jolly John’s Breakfast Club Jolly John’s Breakfast Club at St John’s School has now been up and running for 18 months and has gone from strength to strength. We now have thirty children registered, most of whom come every day. They are given a wide variety of breakfasts - for instance, we have recently taken a week trying breakfasts from around the world, and doing activities related to the countries we have been thinking about. As well as feeding the children physically we try to nourish them emotionally as well by providing a nurturing and secure environment. The children would really benefit from some lovely volunteers who would come in now and again to read stories, play games and chat with them. Obviously this will mean being CRB checked (a painless exercise that can be done in school), so please speak to me if you feel you might be able to give to the community in this way. Jane Schofield

Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for 20 years of the Priestly Ministry of women Guildford Cathedral on Saturday 10th May at 3pm. Bishop Ian will preside at Holy Communion and Dean Dianna will preach. This service is open to ALL – women, men, children – and we hope that many people will come to share in this celebration.

Goodwyns Community Group are Going to Go for Music, Movement and Meal For all capabilities, including disabled or unsteady. Sit down to exercise, stand or do a bit more. Easy pace. Light lunch or soup - All free 11am to 1pm Mondays (check for dates) at the Harvest Church Keep fit and meet people for a chat 21

Dorking Philharmonia On Saturday 15th March at 7.30pm in St Martin's Church, Dorking Philharmonia are proud to present a Russian concert, performing Shostakovich Symphony No. 9 and Rachmaninov Symphony No. 1. Two rousing pieces to banish the winter blues! Tickets are available on the door or for advance tickets call 01306 -730640. The Dorking Philharmonia is a community orchestra, made up of professional, semi-professional and amateur musicians, dedicated to providing an opportunity for the people of Dorking to experience and enjoy music from the classical and modern era. We also spotlight and give a platform to local talent and take pride in encouraging the youth of the area who are invited to join us at weekly rehearsals and concerts to enjoy and benefit from playing with a welcoming group of talented musicians. We also have a strong connection with Surrey University, whose ‘media’ students record our concerts whereby giving them an invaluable opportunity to develop their skills.

Dads & kids Group! Every second Saturday of the month 10am-12 noon Lots of activities plus a free egg & bacon sarnie! Activities include: Wii Fit Games Arts and Craft Model Building Children under 8 please Dads, step dads, granddads and male carers welcome Call Sarah or Natalie for more info 01306 882397 Supported by Dorking Nursery School Surestart Children’s Centre

St John’s Annual Church Meeting 11.30am Sunday 23rd March All members welcome 22

Just for Fun Last month we set the challenge of finding 30 books of the Bible hidden in this text. Fortunately we have now been sent the answers so here they are for those who are still struggling: This is A MOSt reMARKable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to HonoluLU KEeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much that he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his JOHN boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banJO. ELaine Taylor, a columnist friend was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend JUDGES the JOB of solving this puzzle so involving, sHE BREWS a cup of tea to calm her nervES. THERe are some names that are really very easy to spot. That’s a fACT. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a JAM, ESpecially since the books are not necessarily capitalised. TRUTHfully, fROM ANSwers we get we are forced to admiT IT USually takes a minister or scholar to see some of theM AT THE Worst. Research has shown that something in our GENES IS responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising event which featured this puzzle the Alpha Delta PHI LEMONade booth set a new sales record. The local paper, the CHRONICLE Surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As DANIEL HumaNA HUMbly puts it ‘the books are all right here in plain view, hidden from sight.’ THOSE Able to find all of them will hear great LAMENTATIONS from those who have to be shown. One REVELATION that may help is that books like TIMOTHY and SAMUEL, may occur without NUMBERS. Also keep in mind that punctuation and spaces in the middle are norMAL. A CHIpper attitude will help you to comPETE Really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember there is no need to make a mad EXODUS. There really are 30 books of the bible lurKING Somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found. 23

Dorking Camerata Four Elements Concert Sunday 2nd March 2014 at St Joseph's Church, Dorking, RH4 3DL Mix music by Whitacre and Chilcott (amongst others), add a world premiere of Craig McLeish ‘The Negro Speaks of Rivers’ – together with a pre-concert talk by the composer – pour in a dash of djembe and sprinkling of claves, garnish with a rainstick or two, and you have a fascinating choral soundscape that brings to life the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and the very topical Water…!). Join Dorking Camerata, the renowned Dorking Chamber Choir on Sunday 2nd March for a journey that takes the listener around the globe, soaring through the skies of Italy, savouring the rich earth of Africa, and diving into the worlds’ greatest rivers. Let your senses be stimulated by a richly diverse choral programme…….. We look forward to welcoming you. Tickets available from Elizabeth Dobson 01306 881479 or at the door Adults £13, Young adults (16-30) £8 Under 16 free : Registered Charity No: 1099024

Brockham Choral Brockham Choral are presenting an evening of Mozart and J.S. Bach, two of the world’s most popular composers, with the Mozart Solemn Vespers, Eine Kleine Nacht Music and the Bach Magnificat. Supported by four professional soloists and the Chameleon Arts Orchestra, the concert will take place in St Martin’s Church, Dorking, on Saturday 5th April at 7.30pm. Tickets £15 (£5 under 25 in full time education) from Maria Chadwick c/o Michael Frith, 40 South Street, Dorking, RH4 2HQ, or on-line via An opportunity too good to miss. 24

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Holmwood Marketplace The Friends of St John’s C of E Primary School, Dorking will be running a second hand, ‘bring and buy’ children’s book stall at Holmwood Marketplace, to celebrate Shakespeare’s 450th birthday. The Saturday indoor market event has registered with ‘Shakespeare Week’; a new national, annual celebration, to inspire primary school children and their families through creative and cultural learning experiences. The first Shakespeare Week will be celebrated between 17 and 23 March 2014. There will also be a Barefoot Book stall run by Toby Hickman and Clare Ingram selling a range of bright, colourful books for children that combine beautiful artwork with captivating storytelling including copies of their ‘Shakespeare’s Storybook’ suitable for children 8 years old and over. The Marketplace event will run from 12:30 to 16:00 on Saturday 22 March 2014, with light lunches and afternoon teas available from its ‘Seasonal Nutrition’ cafe, and a range of market stalls selling garden and farm gate produce, cakes, preserves, crafts, beauty, health and wellbeing therapies, and other local services. The venue is located on Spook Hill, North Holmwood RH5 4JP on bus route 93 and has disabled access from the front of the building. For further information about



or for further information about Holmwood Marketplace and St John’s C of E Primary School see:



MUSIC FESTIVAL BLOOMS IN MAY The Surrey Hills International Music Festival continues its fifth celebration season 1-4 May 2014 with four consecutive classical music events of outstanding quality performed in beautiful settings in the Surrey Hills. Flying in from Berlin is Grammy-nominated Avi Avital, one of the world’s leading mandolin players who joins multi-award winning classical accordionist Ksenija Sidorova at Denbies Wine Estate on Thursday 1 May at 8pm with a thrilling mixed programme that ranges from Bach to the fiery tangos of Argentinian composer Piazzolla. Avi’s most recent Deutsche Gramophone recording is “sheer brilliance” according to the Telegraph critic Geoffrey Norris, On Friday 2 May at 7.30pm opera star Meeta Raval will be joined by pianist Tessa Marchington for an evening of song exploring the world of famed artist GF Watts and his Circle in the beautifully restored Watts Gallery, Compton. Concert goers will hear a thrilling recital, introduced by Ayla Lepine, an art historian who is a specialist on the artist and his period. As an additional treat, audience members will be invited to visit the Special Exhibition space during the interval at no extra cost. The Festival’s musical climax is the Saturday night Gala Concert on 3 May at 7.30pm at St Teresa’s, Effingham, when three more worldclass soloists perform with the much-loved professional orchestra, the London Mozart Players, under the baton of guest conductor Daniel Cohen. Starting out the evening, pre-eminent trumpet virtuoso Crispian Steele-Perkins plays Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto. 28

Wu Qian, the international pianist, comes hot from a European tour to take the stage with Proms sensation Lawrence Power and together perform Mendelssohn’s Double Concerto for Piano, Violin and Orchestra. The night concludes with a percussion-packed Russian finale, Shchedrin’s Carmen Suite. Last, but not least, the Festival is holding its first “Cushion Concert” for a younger audience, aged 5-11 years, accompanied by their favourite toy animal and a parent, on Sunday afternoon 4 May at 4pm at Shere Village Hall. Wu Qian and co-Festival Founder Tessa Marchington perform excerpts from the Mother Goose Suite and Carnival of the Animals. Children will be invited to sit on cushions, many on the stage, to listen to the artists play. Peter Grobel is the narrator and concert sponsor Shere Delights will sell ice creams at the end. The concerts are expected to be very popular so book early! Tickets are available now from Guildford Tourist Information Centre, 155 High Street, Guildford, GU1 3AJ, 01483 444334 or book online at . They range in price from £25-£29. The Cushion Concert is free for adults and £5.00 for each child.

POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETINGS Panel meetings are an opportunity for the local community to identify the priorities they would like the local neighbourhood team to focus upon. They also allow the neighbourhood team to feedback progress reports to residents. NORTH HOLMWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING 7.30pm Tuesday 1st April North Holmwood Parish Room at St John’s Church GOODWYNS NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETINGS 7.30pm Monday 10th March at the Harvest Church, Stubs Hill PC Michael Mann and PCSO Lisa Cobby


St John’s March dates 31 March

3 11am Music and Movement,


Soup and rolls: Harvest Church

12.30pm Mothers’ Union


4 2pm Knit One, Purl One… 7.00pm PCC meeting


5 Ash Wednesday 10am Jigsaw 8pm Eucharist




7 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 11am Women’s World day of Prayer and 12.15pm Lent Lunches at St Paul’s 8 2pm Wedding Fleur and David




2 Sunday before Lent 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Family Service World Vision Stall 6pm Sacred Space


9 1st Sunday of Lent 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Parish Eucharist

This is a provisional listing of What’s On. For extra information please check the posters on the notice boards at the back of the church and outside.

10 11am Music and






12 10am Jigsaw

19 10am Jigsaw

26 10am Jigsaw

Movement, Soup and rolls: Harvest Church 7.30pm Beginners Please

13 10am Chart Downs 20 Coffee Morning


14 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 12.00pm Lent Lunches, St Joseph’s 15

21 8.30am Eucharist 28 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available – Vicar available 10am Coffee until 10.30am morning 12.30pm Lent 12.00pm Lent Lunches, Christian Lunches, Crossways Centre 22 Church 29

16 2nd Sunday of Lent 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist

23 3rd Sunday of Lent 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist 11.30am Annual Church meeting 31

30 Mothering Sunday 8am HC BCP 10am Family Service

ST JOHN'S C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Last time I wrote we were just back after Christmas, now here we are at the end of half term! Time really flies when you are enjoying yourself and at St John’s we definitely are; we are knuckling down to some new learning groups, new playtimes and new start time for the infants. All this is being done to improve the quality of learning for the children. Our Breakfast Club had a Healthy Eating week, sampling breakfasts from other European countries. Salami and pickles was part of the menu on Thursday, on Monday they had a delicious frittata. The School Nurses have visited us and held a series of talks for each class and their parents on Healthy Lunch boxes. Lots of lovely samples were available to try. The Friends of St John's held a cake sale after school and raised £35.90 which will go to enrich school life. Jolly John's Farm has taken on a new project and has a large group of volunteers coming in each Friday morning, even in the pouring rain, to give the farm area a fantastic makeover. A big thank you to John Sahl and Mary Clark for all their efforts. Always looking to keep the children safe, we have trained up four staff as stand-in lollipop ladies so that we need never leave our children without a crossing patrol. Thank you to those who have sent in the tokens from the Surrey Mirror and Dorking Advertiser to help us win £10,000 worth of playground equipment. You can still send them in, if you have them tacked to your message board. The school is also collecting Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers as we have previously been able to buy playground and sports equipment with these. Jenny Crook


Sherlock & Sons Funeral Service Trellis House, South Street, Dorking Tel: 01306 882266 Monumental Masons Memorials supplied in British Stones and Granite Sherlock & Sons is an independent Family Business established in Dorking for over 100 years Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans are available on request


Dorking Good Neighbours Transport to surgeries and local hospitals for those without access to other means of transport Telephone

07948 568906 If no reply leave your name and number At least 48 hours in advance unless urgent

Passengers make a modest donation to cover drivers’ expenses and administration Any interested volunteer drivers please contact: 01306 875392 or 01306 888256

Registered Charity No 263558

Age Concern have a new computer drop-in-centre at the Mayflower Centre, Lyons Court, in Dorking. Sessions are planned for Monday, Thursday and Friday from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm If you are over 60 and live in or around Dorking, you can join the free drop-in sessions. In the centre, for a small fee, you will also be able to receive tuition about using emails, the Internet, creating documents in all the different types of Microsoft software, and how to edit your digital photographs on the computer. Initially you will need to register your interest by telephoning Pam Toler, Advice and Information Officer, on 01306 882970, or by emailing her on

District's Crime Summit Residents of Mole Valley are warmly invited to the District's Crime Summit which takes place on 3rd March 2014 at Dorking Halls. The event will run from 5.30pm to 9pm. During the event there will be two sessions where residents can have the opportunity to hear from Mole Valley District Council, Surrey Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner, Kevin Hurley, and have chance to ask questions. These sessions will run from 6pm to 7pm and from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. In addition, there will be information stands and a chance for residents of Mole Valley to talk to police officers and Mole Valley council staff about local issues. . Places are limited so you do need to book the session time you would like to attend through Eventbrite . Registration opens at 5.30pm and refreshments will be provided. 35

CROSSWORD Across 1 The earth is one (6) 4 ‘On a hill far away stood an old — cross’ (6) 7 ‘I am the — vine and my Father is the gardener’ (John 15:1) (4) 8 The Caesar who was Roman Emperor at the time of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1) (8) 9 ‘Your — should be the same as that of Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 2:5) (8) 13 Jesus said that no one would put a lighted lamp under this (Luke 8:16) (3) 16 Involvement (1 Corinthians 10:16) (13) 17 Armed conflict (2 Chronicles 15:19) (3) 19 Where the Gaderene pigs were feeding (Mark 5:11) (8) 24 What jeering youths called Elisha on the road to Bethel (2 Kings 2:23) (8) 25 The Venerable — , eighthcentury Jarrow ecclesiastical scholar (4) 26 8 Across issued a decree that this should take place (Luke 2:1) (6) 27 Come into prominence (Deuteronomy 13:13) (6) Down 1 Where some of the seed scattered by the sower fell

(Matthew 13:4) (4) 2 Sexually immoral person whom God will judge (Hebrews 13:4) (9) 3 Gospel leaflet (5) 4 Physical state of the boy brought to Jesus for healing (Mark 9:18) 5 Tugs (anag.) (4) 6 To put forth (5) 10 Nationality associated with St Patrick (5) 11 Leader of the descendants of Kohath (1 Chronicles 15:5) (5) 12 ‘After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping — heel’ (Genesis 25:26) (5) 13 At Dothan the Lord struck the Arameans with — at Elisha’s request (2 Kings 6:18) (9) 14 ‘Peter, before the cock crows today, you will — three times 36

that you know me’ (Luke22:34) (4) 15 Spit out (Psalm 59:7) (4) 18 ‘When I — , I am still with you’ (Psalm 139:18) (5) 20 Concepts (Acts 17:20) (5)

21 Thyatira’s dealer in purple cloth (Acts 16:14) (5) 22 Does (anag.) (4) 23 The second set of seven cows in Pharaoh’s dream were this (Genesis 41:19) (4)

Reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). The Bible version used is NIV.

MUSIC IN DORKING - MARCH 2014 by Ian Codd 2nd at 7.00, Dorking Camerata at St Joseph’s, £13, 01306 881479 6th 13th 20th 27th at 1.00, Lunchtime recitals at St Martin’s, free, 01306 742629 6th 13th 20th 27th at 8.30, Watermill Jazz at Friends Life, 07415 815784 7th at 7.30, Royal Marines band at Dorking Halls, £16-17, 01306 881717 9th at 7.00, LHMF St Matthew Passion at Dorking Halls, £8-20, 01403 240093 15th at 9.00, LHMF Youth Choirs Competition at Dorking Halls 15th at 7.30, Dorking Philharmonia at St Martin’s, £12, 01306 730640 16th at 6.30, organ recital at St Peter & St Paul, Albury 19th at 7.15, ballet screening at Dorking Halls, £17, 01306 881717 22nd at 7.30, Navarra string quartet at Dorking Halls, £20, 01306 740619 30th at 4.00, ballet screening at Dorking Halls, £17, 01306 881717 The Leith Hill Musical Festival begins this month with the annual performance of a Bach Passion and also the youth competition. This year it is the turn of the St Matthew Passion, recounting the dramatic events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. With a fine cast of soloists and conducted by Brian Kay, this is sure to be a very moving occasion as always. The competition for youth choirs features some excellent young singers every year, with around thirty school and youth choirs, and is well worth attending. 37

A local choir and a local orchestra present concerts for us this month: Dorking Camerata has a concert entitled ‘Earth, water, air and fire’. This will explore the four elements, with music by Morley, Pearsall, Elgar, Eric Whitacre and Bob Chilcott. There will also be the premiere of a new work, The negro speaks of rivers, by Craig McLeish, with the added bonus of a pre-concert talk by the composer. Dorking Philharmonia will perform two Russian symphonies - Rachmaninov’s first and Shostakovich’s ninth. Rachmaninov’s first symphony was a failure at its first performance but is now recognised as a powerful and original work in the Russian tradition, while Shostakovich’s ninth is one of his shorter and lighter symphonies. The Navarra string quartet give their third concert for the Dorking Concertgoers Society. They will be playing an early quartet by Schubert, written when he was just 17, one of Haydn’s last quartets, and the quartet in B flat op.130 by Beethoven, a substantial work in six movements and with a huge emotional range. Local organist David Hughes will be giving a recital at the Church of St Peter and St Paul in Albury. David will be known to many people in Dorking as a keen choral singer and he is also a fine organist. His programme will include music by Howells, Vierne, Langlais and Leighton. At the Dorking Halls you can enjoy two ballet screenings. Live from the Royal Opera House comes a performance of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty, and live from the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow comes Marco Spada, a lively tale of a swashbuckling bandit. Also the band of the Royal Marines present a charity concert in aid of Seafarers UK. The band will be joined by choirs from St Teresa’s School and the Dawnay School. At St Martin’s Church there are lunchtime recitals every Thursday. The performers will be Martin Ellis, giving his 153rd organ recital (6th), organist Katherine Diennes Williams (13th), organist Graham Davies (20th), and tenor James Lister with Mark Brafield at the piano (27th). Every Thursday evening, Watermill Jazz meets at the Friends Life social club with a different line-up of talented performers each week. 38

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Friends of Holmwood Common and the National Trust March 2014

News from the Common Ranger’s Report Storms, storms and yet more storms. We seem to have been constantly battered by heavy rain and strong winds since the end of last year bringing the misery of flooded houses and the loss of electricity and phones. The Trust, along with many other land owners, has had to find extra money for work such as tree surgery and water management and if anyone has a concern regarding trees, ditches or whatever on National Trust land, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. (Contact details below.) It’s possibly worth reminding residents that the surface of tracks leading to private houses on Trust land is the responsibility of the house owner. It’s up to the residents to repair potholes which can be filled with loose material such as road planings or hogging, but not something that sets solid such as tarmac or concrete. The Common is, once again, very water-logged. Thankfully the new track has allowed people to get out and about without sinking up to their knees in mud and a growing number of dogs and their owners have expressed their appreciation. Finally, hats off to the volunteers who come along in all sorts of weather to help maintain the Common. Their dedication and perseverance is very much appreciated and if you’d like to join them, please contact me. Rob Adam, Ranger, Holmwood Common. Friends of Holmwood Common: Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 5th March Why attend the Friends’ AGM? Won’t it just be boring stuff about balance sheets and elections of officers? Well, obviously there will be some formal business at the start of the meeting. But, if you see yourself as part of the growing community 41

that enjoys spending time on the Common, then we think that you will be interested in the National Trust’s presentation of their plans for maintaining and restoring the open spaces, wetland areas and woodland. We hope you will ask questions and raise any concerns about the Common and then, after a break for refreshments, we plan to round off the evening with a panel discussion. We would like your help in exploring how the Common might be managed for the longer term to provide for the different interests of the wider community, especially the younger generations. We might even throw in a brief quiz to check that you have been keeping your eyes open when you are out and about on the Common. What more reasons do you need to reserve 7:30pm on the 5th March to get down to South Holmwood Village Hall? Reporting Problems Recognising that, from time to time, there may be non-urgent issues that seem to get overlooked but which may be important to individual users of the Common, we have now set up a reporting system that enables Friends’ members to advise us of these problems. We are then able to discuss the issues with the National Trust and work out how best they can be addressed. To date, a number of these concerns, such as minor paths that have become blocked, have been resolved with the help of the NT Volunteers team. Another benefit of joining the Friends. Friends’ Working Day – Saturday 5th April In these columns we often refer to the work done by the team of NT Volunteers working on Holmwood Common. Last year we had a great turnout of Friends’ members to assist the regular volunteers for just the one day. So, we have set aside Saturday 5th April as our next Friends’ Working Day when we hope that you might be willing to assist with the NT’s current major project of scrub clearing. We look forward to welcoming workers of all ages: men, women, girls and boys (under-16’s will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult) and you may choose to join us for the whole day (10:00 to 15:00) or just until lunchtime (10:00 to 13:00). You will need to bring a packed lunch and we will provide refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits and home-made cake). Strong shoes or boots and gloves are sensible ... and waterproofs or sun42

block depending upon the weather! It would be helpful to let us know that you will be joining us ... if only to make sure that we have enough cake. Please call or text 07768 318124 or contact us via so that we can provide you with details of where we will be meeting. Holmwood Common Photography Class at the VPA Summer Show Once again the Friends are sponsoring one of the photography classes in the VPA Summer Show on Saturday 2nd August. For 2014 the subject is “Holmwood Common: People”. There’s still plenty of time for you to plan that winning picture and perhaps it would make a great project as you begin to enjoy the longer days that mark the imminent arrival of Spring-time on the Common. We look forward to publishing the winning entries in the Friends’ newsletter. Contact us ... If you have any questions about the National Trust’s work on Holmwood Common, please get in touch with Rob Adam, NT Ranger for Holmwood Common: phone 01306 712711; mobile 07901 511359; or email to . The Friends of Holmwood Common can be contacted via . Suspicious activity on the Common, such as suspected poaching, should be reported to the Surrey Police by dialling 101 without delay.

Forthcoming Events Wednesday 5th March – Friends Annual General Meeting & Social Evening Please mark this important event on your calendar ... 7:30pm in South Holmwood Village Hall. There is no charge for attending the Friends’ AGM but if you are not currently a member then we will invite you to join on the night ... just £5 per household. All are welcome and the programme is explained above. Members should, by now, have received a formal notice of the AGM. 43

Saturday 5th April – Friends Working Day Join the NT Volunteers for a day on the Common. We look forward to welcoming workers of all ages: men, women, girls and boys (under-16’s will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult) and you may choose to join us for the whole day (10:00 to 15:00) or just until lunchtime (10:00 to 13:00). More details above.

Saturday 19th April – Holmwood Common *Easter Egg Trail Join us any time between 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Hunt for clues around the self-guided trail on Holmwood Common ... and every child that takes part wins an Easter egg. Approximately one mile of easy walking, starting at St John’s Church, Inholms Lane, North Holmwood. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Tasty refreshments, including home-made cakes, will be available in the Church Room. *Organised by the National Trust and sponsored by Cadbury’s Ltd. Other events are scheduled for various NT properties throughout the region. Visit for more information.

Renew your Membership or join the Friends today ... Membership of the Friends of Holmwood Common is open to everyone. Please send your annual subscription – just £5 per household (plus a donation, if you are feeling generous!) – to: Friends of Holmwood Common, c/o 10 The Orchard, North Holmwood, RH5 4JT. Cheques should be made payable to “Friends of Holmwood Common” and, if you have one, please include your email address. Members, please note that your membership is now due for renewal.


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Hair by Emma The Studio, Chart Downs. Dorking. Hair by Emma is a small home run freelance hairdressing business that is fully insured. I offer most ladies hairdressing services including children at very competitive rates. I am a member of FHBF (Freelance Hair & Beauty Federation). I attend training throughout the year as I feel this is important for keeping up to date with what’s new and going on in the world of hairdressing. For full details see my website or call for an appointment on 07919 488507.

Dance Your Troubles Away with a WEA East Surrey Course! Shape up for spring with the WEA East Surrey Adult Tap & Ballet classes for fun every Wednesday evening at St Joseph’s Church Hall, Falkland Grove in Dorking. Tap (ref: C3735538) is at 7pm, followed by ballet (ref: C3735539) at 8pm. If you would like to have a go – please pop along or call the Freephone number (0800 328 1060) to book your place. Classes cost £5 per hour and are payable on a termly basis. No previous dance experience required. If you would like to have a chat about Adult Learning in the area, please get in touch with one of the East Surrey team. We are available Monday – Friday on 01737 225100 or you can email us at In East Surrey, the WEA works in association with East Surrey College delivering a wide range of provision.

JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation COFFEE MORNING In Aid of Children with Type 1 Diabetes

10am – 12 noon Friday 21st March Coffee, Tea, Cakes & Raffle St John’s Parish room, Inholms Lane, North Holmwood All proceeds to JDRF Registered Charity No 265716


HOLMWOOD WI THERE was a buzz of excitement when Holmwood WI met for their February meeting. Talented Viv Kay, one of our own members, and her fellow crafter Nicki Mash were going to talk and demonstrate their artistic pastime as “Hobby Crafters”. We were not disappointed, what a display they put on. From the age of three Viv had caught the crafting bug. Her first attempts at knitting clothes for little ted, a favourite toy, have turned over the years into a much-loved hobby where she can turn her hand to making practically anything – and beautifully too. It was much the same for Nicki, who has progressed from making clothes for her dolls to the most creative work on display for members to enjoy. Their intricate designs were a pleasure to behold, from miniature teddies complete with clothes knitted on pins, to a replica of Viv’s dad’s shed complete in every detail. Valerie Homewood thanked them on our behalf for a fascinating insight into their hobby. The monthly pub lunches are going from strength to strength. It’s an ideal opportunity to have a meal out in convivial company and chat with members and friends. We have already visited Brockham and Newdigate in 2014 and look forward to outings in Oakwood Hill, Rusper and Buckland. Outings are planned for this summer and autumn to enjoy the delights of Blenheim Palace and Brighton. We are always pleased to see new faces. If you would like to join us on the first Wednesday of each month in South Holmwood village hall from 2.30pm, contact our secretary, Maureen Lewington, on 01306 882057 or email


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Holmwood Marketplace

Martin O’

For local goods and services

North Holmwood Village Hall

Painter and Decorator

Saturday 22 March 2014 12:30-4:00p.m. Garden and Farm Gate Produce - Cakes - Preserves - Crafts Plants - Trades - Health and Wellbeing Therapists - Business Consultants - Other Local Services

With ‘New Start for Hens’ ex-commercial hen rescue and a second hand children’s books stall by the Friends of St John’s School. Next market on 26 April 2014 For more information: 01306 741545/07973 207087

No Job Too Big or Too Small Telephone 01306 741627

SOFT INTERIORS BY JOSEPHINE High quality Curtains and soft furnishings

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Our continuing theme this term is ‘shapes and sizes’ and we have all been watching the hyacinth bulbs grow and wondering what colour the flowers will be. Occasionally the children have been out playing with the bikes and outdoors equipment. Books play an important part in everyday life at Pre-school and we have read lots of traditional tales with the children. So far they have listened to Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Bears etc. The children tried noodles and prawn crackers when it was Chinese New Year. During March we will mark St David’s Day, Pancake Day, St Patrick’s Day and Mothering Sunday, as well as preparing some Easter songs for our end of term performance for the parents and carers on the last day of Spring term. This performance will be combined with a cake sale to raise funds for the Pre-school. If you are interested in our Pre-School please feel free to call in and see us at the Village Hall. Children can join us from the start of the term after they are two years old. Our hours are Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 12.15pm. If you would like an information pack or to arrange a visit, please contact the Pre-School leader, Julia Woollard, on 07931 212006. Natalie Tanswell Committee North Holmwood Pre-School, Village Hall, Spook Hill, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4EG Registered Charity Number: 1023910 51

AN ARMCHAIR DUFFER’S VIEW OF SPORT January / February The Australian Open is the first major tennis tournament of the year and on Wednesday 2nd January Roger Federer met Andy Murray in the quarter finals and beat him 3 sets to 1. It was Murray’s first high intensity match since his back surgery, but it looked as if Federer was returning back to his old form. However, he had to face his old foe, the world’s No1 player Rafael Nadal, in the semi-finals and lost in three straight sets. Nadal was considered a cert to win the final against Swiss Stanislas Wawrinka, who had surprisingly dismissed Novak Djokovic in the quarter-finals. In the final Wawrinka showed how good he can be and was helped when Nadal developed back spasms in the second set. Taking advantage of his opponents injury Wawrinka finally won by 3 sets to1. Later in the month, Andy Murray played in Britain’s Davis Cup team in their World Group first round match against the USA in San Diego. Murray, together with James Ward, won all their singles matches putting Britain into the quarter finals at the elite level for the first time since 1986. That great sporting occasion, the Six Nations Rugby Football Tournament, started on Saturday 1st February with England just falling short of winning their first game against France in Paris. After fighting back, from being 16 points to 3 down, to lead 24 points to 19, they allowed France to cross their line in the closing minutes of the game to win 26 points to 24. An agonising near miss which was hard to take. Though England’s dream of a grand slam had been obliterated in Paris, they beat Scotland 20 points to nil at a rain soaked and muddy Murrayfield the following weekend, retaining the Calcutta Cup. Because of the conditions, this fixture has always been a problem for England but this time it was a job well done against a poor Scottish side. Ireland beat Wales 26 points to 3 and France romped home against Italy 30 points to 10. 52

Athletics legend, Christopher Chataway, passed away in a London Hospice aged 82 on Sunday 19th January. In 1954 he set a world 5000 metres record and also acted as pace maker for Sir Roger Bannister when he became the first man to run a mile in under four minutes. Chris Chataway was the first BBC Sport’s Personality of the Year and he kept running almost until the end of his life, completing the Great North Run three years ago. World 400 metres champion, Christine Ohurogu (29), has been paying the training and travelling expenses for promising young athletes out of her own pocket. Neil Black, performance director of British Athletics, said it’s great to see people like Christine Ohurogu supporting other athletes. The Winter Olympics spectacular opening ceremony took place in Sochi, Russia on Saturday 8th February and on the next day Britain had a marvellous result when 23 year old Jenny Jones won a bronze medal in the Snowboard downhill event. It was the first time a Briton had won a medal at the winter games on snow. All previous medals have been won for ice sports. Britain had to wait till Friday 14th February for its next medal when Lizzie Yarnold won gold in the skeleton event which involves hurtling headfirst down an ice chute at speeds up to 80 mph on what looks like a tea tray. (In fact it is a technically advanced sled which she calls Mervyn.) A marvellous achievement.

Loud and Proud Community Choir The choir launched in April 2009 and has been going from strength to strength. People of all ages are really enjoying singing all sorts of different songs! Come along any Wednesday during school term. We meet at St John’s School, Goodwyns Road from 7.30pm to 9pm. It’s free, fun and friendly!


WI Spring Fair & Coffee Morning 10:00 to 12:00 Saturday 22 March 2014 Holmwood Village Hall, Warwick Rd South Holmwood Cakes, Craft, Plants, Bric-a-Brac, Raffle etc etc

HOLMWOOD WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Further information from Maureen Lewington 01306 882057 or Wendy Lloyd 01306 889485

Dorking Quilters Dorking Quilters will be meeting on Tuesday 11th of March with a talk by Anne Walker entitled “Using and Choosing Fabrics”. Meetings are held at The Friends’ Meeting House, Butterhill, Dorking at 7.30 for 8pm. Everyone welcome. For further information contact Sheena Salmon on 01306 885597.


St John’s Church

Garden Party at Culver, Spook Hill Saturday 7th June from 10.30am More details next month


Oven and Kitchen Appliance cleaning company

Little Oaks Play Café For children aged 5 and under Infants under 1 - free Children over 1 - £3.50 Teas/ coffee and light lunches available

We offer a complete Oven and Kitchen appliance valet service Friendly, reliable and professional service Competitive and affordable prices Fully Insured

At North Holmwood Sports Club Inholms Lane


Lunch served daily 12-2.30pm Evening Meals (Wed-Sat) 6-9.30pm SUNDAY Lunch 12noon-5pm Open all Day

WEDNESDAY NIGHT STEAK NIGHT 2 Steaks and a Bottle House Wine £28.00

Friends of King George V Playing Field Parents and toddlers in the Park Every Friday12.30 to 2.30 Free! Everyone welcome At the pavilion on King George V Playing Field Squash and biscuits for toddlers - Tea and coffee for parents An opportunity for toddlers to play together and parents to chat. The Friends of King George V Playing Field accepts no responsibility for the care of children or for harm or injury whilst using any of the facilities provided. Find us on Facebook: search for ‘Friends of KGV Dorking’

NORTH HOLMWOOD SPORTS CLUB INHOLMS LANE, NORTH HOLMWOOD Forthcoming Events 1 March – Music from “Catch 22”, Live Rock & Indie Covers Duo, 8.30pm 8 March – Quiz Night 8pm – Teams of 6 maximum £3 per person 22 March - “SteveO”, A tribute to all the greats ....Swing, Soul, Motown, Blues, Rock ‘n Roll, 60s, modern and much more 8.30pm Monday night is Darts and Pool Night and on Thursday night there is Bingo from 7pm. Don’t forget the Friday Night Meat Raffle, which takes place at The Club every Friday night at 9.30pm. Also free range eggs are available at The Club from Friday evenings at £2.50 a dozen. To enquire about membership email us at or call in during opening hours and ask for a membership form. New membership prices are £24 Family, £18 Single, £9 Junior (under 16), £11 OAP (per person). The 2014 Stoolball season will start in early April (weather permitting). If you are interested in joining the Stoolball team please contact Shirley Overton at for more information. If you are interested in joining the cricket teams please contact Ian Elliott at for more information. Don’t forget that the Club is available for hire for private parties. Please phone 01306 889764 or collect a booking form from the bar. If you are not a member then we will ask you to join our Club to enjoy our facilities. This still works out more cost effective than local venues.


SPRING COLOURS There are colours which are mentioned with these things in the Bible. Answers at the bottom of the page.


1 Pastures, herbs and olives are all?

Lent, before Easter, is like Advent before Christmas, a time of preparation. Lent is when we remember that Jesus prepared himself for starting his ministry by going away by himself for 40 days of fasting and prayer. You can read about it in your Bible: Matthew, chapter 4, verses 1-11; Mark, chapter 1, verses 12-13 and Luke, chapter 4, verses 1-13.

2 A sea, tents and wine are? 3 Hangings in the Temple, pomegranates and doors of tents were all? 4 A horse, robes and teeth were all? 5 Kings’ raiment (clothing), Jesus’ robe and the dye that Lydia sold were all? 6 One of the gifts to the baby Jesus, candlesticks and spoons were?

Jesus went into the wilderness – a quiet lonely place away from people – where he could think things out. He knew that his work would be hard, that many people would not listen to him, or if they listened, they would not believe him. During these 40 days Jesus made his choice: to work in God’s way however hard that might be.

7 A raven, clouds and chariot horses were? 8 Lips, a thread tied to a window and robes are? What’s blue, Vshaped and flies? The Red Arrows in disguise. What do you do with a green monster? Wait till he’s ripe.

This year Lent starts on 5th March and goes through half of April - have you thought about how YOU are going to prepare yourself to follow Jesus this Lent?

Answers: 1 green 2 red 3 blue 4 white 5 purple 6 gold 7 black 8 scarlet 58


Brockwood Medical Practice 1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood, Dorking. Tel: 01306 885802 The Partners, Jonathan Richards, Justin Thompson, Lucy Rawson, Tamsin Sevenoaks, Robin Gupta; Drs Elizabeth Craggs, Natalie Moore, Allison Wong, Katie Carter, Jennifer Bruce, Sarah Wells; GP Registrars Drs Ella Whitaker, Aisha Jinha and all the staff are always pleased to welcome new and existing residents to our Practice. Following the merger of the 3 surgeries at North Holmwood, Brockham & Newdigate, we would like to thank all our patients for their understanding over this difficult transition. We now have a number of new GPs and can now offer appointments across all 3 sites. We offer: Personal Medical Services, Dispensary services for all eligible patients, District Nursing, Health Visitors, General Nursing Clinics with our Practice Nurses, Minor Surgery Clinics, Midwife Clinics, Travel Vaccination Clinics, Baby Clinic, Asthma and COPD clinics, Counselling sessions, INR testing with our HCA, Smoking Cessation sessions, and much more.

Smoking Cessation New Year – new start !! If you are interested in trying to stop smoking, please make an appointment at the Surgery. We run a Smoking Cessation Clinic. We can help and support you with this.

REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Please telephone the dispensary on 01306 878509 Monday to Friday between the hours of 11.00am and 14.00pm to order your repeat prescriptions. You can also order your repeat prescriptions on our website. Our Dispensers currently need 72 hours to dispense repeat medication instead of the normal 48 hour turnaround. Please ring reception 01306 885802 for any other queries.

DISPENSARY NOTICE As of 20th January 2014, we are implementing a new electronic dispensing system. This will take a few weeks to implement. Your patience and understanding at this time is greatly appreciated.

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