The Spire September 2015

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North Holmwood’s Parish Magazine

St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Vicar (day off – Saturday) The Revd Stuart Tanswell .. ......... 01306 882135 Pastoral Assistant Margaret Teale .................. ....................................................................... 01306 252004 Churchwardens: Mary Membrillera .............. ................... 01306 877021 Jim Edwards ....................... 01306 879902 Reader Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 PCC Secretary Caroline Lazenby .............. ............ 01306 640208 PCC Treasurer Lynn Jennings..................... ....................................................................... 01306 882614 Baptisms Jill Spence .......................... ....................................................................... 01306 876901 Junior Choir Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Flowers Hazel Gibson ..................... ....................................................................... 01306 886538 Gift Aid and Electoral Roll Jane Collard ..................... .......................... 01306 876652 Intercessions Janet Chipps ..................... ....................................................................... 01306 881548 Prayer Chain Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Homegroup Co-ordinator Caroline Lazenby .............. ............ 01306 640208 Junior Church and C4yourself Jane Schofield ................... .................. 07771 591457 Organist Magazine Jim Edwards ....................... ... 01306 879902 Parish Room Iris Edser ............................... ....................................................................... 01306 740757 Readings Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Sacristans Steve & Hilary Harris .......... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Servers Steve Harris ......................... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Mothers’ Union Gill Collins............................ ....................................................................... 01306 500157


St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Sunday services: 8am 10am 10am

Holy Communion First Sunday each month: Family Service Other Sundays: Parish Eucharist

Friday 8.30am Eucharist and vicar available in church until 10.30am The Church is normally open daily for private prayer from 9am. Please see the Church notice board for details of other services.

St John’s Church contact details: Parish Office 01306-868441 Pastoral Line 01306-868941 Church Text Message 0770-673-2222

COMMUNION AT HOME If you are housebound and unable to get to church at St John’s, we can arrange for communion to be brought to you at home by a member of our authorised team of communion assistants. Please contact Stuart 01306 882135.

North Holmwood Community Goodwyns Social Club ......... 01306 500614 Karate ...................................... 07970 408260 Circuit training ........................ 01306 711920 Tumble Tots ............................. 07739 517627 Village Hall (Chairman) ......... 01306 883808 Village Hall (Bookings) ........... 07712 224681 Village Hall (Caretaker) ........ 01306 740757 Parish Room (Bookings) ......... 01306 740757 North Holmwood Sports Club 01306 889764 Dorking Golf Club .................. 01306 886917 Ballet classes ........................... 01737 247795 Norfolk Court .......................... 01306 876474 Stanecroft ............................... 01306 876567 Dorking Volunteer Centre ..... 01306 640369

Police ....................................... 101 Mole Valley District Council .. 01306 885001 National Trust Warden ........... 01306 712711 Brockwood GP Surgery .......... 01306 885802 Community Playlink ................ 01306 740095 North Holmwood Pre-School . 07931 212006 St John’s C of E School ........... 01306 884506 Guiding: Brownies .................. 01306 876428 Rainbows ................ 01306 882796 Scouting enquiries .................. 07769 222218 Bridge Club ............................. 01306 882849 Chart Downs Social Club ...... 01306 500310 Drama Group ......................... 01306 887416 Surrey Hills Dance Centre ...... 01306 883808




is produced by St John’s Church for North Holmwood. There are ten issues each year and we make no charge. We deliver around the parish. If you would like a copy delivered please e-mail or phone John Daulman 01306 885943. The next issue of The Spire covers October. Material should be with the editor by 13th September please. Jim Edwards 01306 879902 4 Chartwell Court Grange, 35 Highacre, Dorking RH4 3BF e-mail


We welcome articles of general or local interest. Ideally these should be e-mailed in Word format, with illustrations as jpegs or pngs. The editor may amend or shorten material submitted. Articles represent the views of the individual contributors. Some articles and illustrations come from “The Parish Pump”, a national web-site that provides magazine material for churches. We are very grateful to all those who advertise in this magazine and allow us to produce it without charge to our readers; however publication does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the product. Advertising manager: Margaret Teale, ‘Talanta’, 12 Ridgeway Drive, Dorking RH4 3AN Telephone 01306 252004 or email Advertising copy: or telephone Jim Edwards 01306 879902 Proof reading: Jane Coombes Printing: John Daulman, Eileen Daulman, Ann Phillips Distribution: John Daulman 01306 885943 4

Dear friends, Between 2009 and 2013 the number of albums in the UK that were sold on CD near enough halved from 112 million to just over 60 million. In the same time-frame digital sales, on iTunes and other online retailers, more than doubled. For music retailers on the High Street it was a difficult time. HMV, the ninety-year-old company with outlets all over the UK faced disaster and at the beginning of 2013 it was rescued from administration but saw significant store closures and job losses. Somewhat surprisingly only two years later HMV is once again making profits and has just announced it is to open new shops across the Middle East. It is also in talks to expand into Australia, China and India. They have seen year-on-year CD, DVD and BluRay sales increase by small amounts, but the real star is vinyl albums where the number sold has increased by 170%. Why is a technology that is more than a hundred years old and was thought to be completely obsolete seeing such a revival in fortune? At the very least it seems to be tapping into a rich vein of nostalgia. We so often look back at the past and remember bigger baked bean tins, cheaper petrol, children who respected their elders, Opal Fruits, Marathons rather than Snickers and all sorts of other things that were ‘better’ back then. For the church, there is also the temptation to see the past as a golden age of Christianity. A time when pews were full and there was a vicar riding his bike through every parish calling on all and sundry for a cup of tea and a natter. And, maybe, a time when God had more impact as well. In reality, that’s probably not the case. People aren’t less interested in God or spiritual things now; if anything it’s the reverse. But people have discovered how many different places there are that they can look. As Christians we need to be prepared to continue to make Christ known without dwelling on the past. That doesn’t mean we can’t look back and learn. It’s just like driving. It's important to check in the rear view mirror to remind yourself what's 5

behind you. It's absolutely vital that you look forward to see what might be coming up ahead. So, what can we learn from the past as we move forward, seeing new opportunities to let people find out more about Jesus in 2015? Wishing you every blessing,


Bible readings for September 6th September Family service

14th Sunday after Trinity Readings to be arranged

13th September Isaiah 50:4-9a

15th Sunday after Trinity James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

20th September Proverbs 3:13-18

St Matthew 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

27th September Genesis 28:10-17

St Michael & All Angels Revelation 12:7-12 John 1:47-51

4th October Family Service

Harvest Festival Readings to be arranged

Matthew 9:9-13

St John’s Calendar 2016 I am starting to assemble the calendar, but I am still looking for a couple of nice pictures to complete it. The deadline for contributions is 20th September, so please let me know as soon as possible if you have anything that might be suitable. All being well, the calendar will be on sale in October. Roger Coombes – email



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St Michael’s Church, Betchworth, Church Street, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7DN CATHEDRAL ORGANIST CONCERT ON NEW BETCHWORTH CHURCH ORGAN Peter Wright, Southwark Cathedral’s Organist/Director of Music will play a recital on the new Kenneth Tickell pipe organ in Betchworth Parish Church on Saturday 12th September at 4.00pm. Peter was a Patron for the recent Betchworth organ appeal which raised over £400,000 for a new pipe organ installed in 2014 by the same firm that built the new organ in Worcester Cathedral. This is Peter’s first recital on the new instrument. Peter has designed a programme in terms of period, nationality and personality to explore the various possibilities and flexibility of the new organ. Two of the pieces chosen are by former organists of York Minster (Sir Edward Bairstow and Philip Moore). Philip Moore was Organist and Master of the Choristers at Guildford Cathedral, before moving to York, and appointed Peter as his Assistant at Guildford in 1977. Tickets are priced at £12 (under 14s: £8) including a glass of wine/soft drink. On sale from 01737 843498 or

Mid-week Eucharist at St John’s Friday Mornings 8.30am Followed by breakfast. After the service Stuart will remain in the church until 10.30am for anyone who wants an informal chat with the vicar.








TEA AND COFFEE SERVED CAKES AND SAVOURIES NEEDED FOR CAKE SALE. PLEASE GET BAKING! Further information from Penny Newstead, Diana Letts, Pat Franks or Sue Goodenough


Knit One Purl One Save One Midwives@Ethiopia is one of the charities that Knit One Purl One Save One knits for. Earlier this year the group supplied the charity with knitted breasts, uteri and little hats to take with them to Ethiopia as teaching aids. The ladies of the knitting group are truly dedicated and talented. They knit for SANDS (Angels pockets for still born babies), Romanian Aid and the neo natal unit of East Surrey Hospital and they are already knitting for the midwives’ next trip.

Midwives@Ethiopia Midwives@ethiopia deliver effective, evidence based training courses to midwife tutors and midwives in Southern Ethiopia. Trustees and guests travel to Ethiopia twice a year to provide onsite training with their partners. The courses include emergency skills training and teaching methods, as a huge emphasis is placed on sharing skills and knowledge. The course intends to complement the current Government led midwifery training and introduce simple effective teaching aids that midwives can use in their work settings. They also deliver training to Health Extension Workers (HEWs). Maternal health has improved greatly over the last decade in Ethiopia due to the government led introduction of Health Extension Workers. HEWs are usually nominated by their community (and therefore trusted and well respected) and are based in a simple Health Post in very rural areas. Their role is vast and covers health promotion, vaccines, family planning and all aspects of maternal health. Midwives@ethiopia train 400-600 HEWs a year offering intense two day training programmes covering clean and safe delivery, referal to health centres and helping families prepare for birth. Midwives@ethiopia aim to deliver free, research based, culturally respectful and appropriate training courses in rural areas to improve maternal health and neonatal outcomes. 11

After her last trip to Ethiopia Emma sent the group this letter: “The April trip was a huge success. We ran some training courses for Health Extension workers (HEWs) & also did a lot of monitoring and evaluation. The feedback from our last course was overwhelming and one HEW said to me: 'At the training with midwives@ethiopia I was embarrassed to admit all my resuscitations had been unsuccessful (babies) but following the training and learning how to save a life properly, all my resuscitations have been successful. I am so happy!' “We met so many mothers and children and also their families. We used the uterus and breasts for training and at the end of the course we gave them all a uteri and breast each so they can share their skills, train their colleagues and peers and also teach the women they look after. The breasts caused great hilarity but they loved them! “We evaluated a previous set of knitted breasts given out and again the feedback was so positive. HEWs are using them to teach family groups about the importance of excellent position and attachment for breast feeding, how it shouldn't hurt with correct attachment, and they found that having something visual helps stimulate helpful discussions about nutrition etc. We work in areas where there's usually no running water or electricity in homes so they have no other feeding options at all - so we need to support them to get the breast feeding right otherwise sadly babies die. So it was very positive and reassuring to evaluate and see we're able to make a difference. “Some of our partners in Ethiopia are midwife tutors and they absolutely love the knitted uteri! “If you are happy to continue knitting, we are very, very happy and grateful to receive the breasts and uteri! Thank you! Next trip is in November and it's a big training as we are doing courses at the university in Awassa (southern Ethiopia) for midwife tutors, midwives and students and then also rurally to train more HEWs.”



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An Evening with Kauser Akhtar Surrey Faith Links Adviser 7.30pm Thursday 29th October 2015

St John’s Church, North Holmwood, Dorking Kauser works with faith leaders from across the south-east region to ensure that faith voices are heard in our local communities no matter what background or faith we belong to. In the currently confusing times, along with ideas and discussions we may not have thought too deeply about before, we all have questions and a need to know more. This evening with Kauser will allow us time to listen to her speak and then to ask her our questions so that an understanding of differences will make it easier for us to engage with our changing times. If you have any queries please contact Caroline Lazenby at: There is no need to book; just turn up on the night.

JUNIOR CHURCH and C4YOURSELF The family service at St John’s is held on the first Sunday of each month. The children and young people play a major part in this service.

Sunday 6th September 10am Family Service Sunday 4th October 10am Harvest Festival We are currently seeking people to become part of the very valuable team doing children’s work at St John’s. Please contact Stuart if you are interested.


CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2015 ST JOHN’S CHURCH, NORTH HOLMWOOD Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th December 2pm – 5pm Cheese and Wine and first viewings of the Trees Friday 11th December 7pm – 9pm Following on from the success of our first Christmas Tree Festival at St John’s last December we are now planning our second. The festival will take place on the weekend 12 – 13 December and will comprise of several 3 foot high artificial Christmas Trees displayed around the church. I have obtained plenty of trees. They cost £5 each. Those of you who already have a tree do not need to purchase another. Last year we had 18 trees. I have obtained another six; 24 trees will look splendid. As last year, the idea is that a local group/club/family or individual can each decorate a tree as you wish. This year you can choose your own festive theme. Magazines and the internet would be good sources for your home made decorations. A few appropriate bought decorations could be acceptable too, so long as they do not overpower your tree. As last year, a few free-standing elements might be placed underneath/beside your tree if you feel it requires it. (We found some LED lights for £1 at a pound shop.) Think of a suitable title for your tree. I need to know what it is by the end of November so that I can write it in the programme. The Tree Decorating will take place in church on Friday 11th December after 10.30am. Planks of wood will be placed on top of the pews alongside the walls on either side of the church and the trees will be placed at intervals along the planks. Beside each tree will be a flower pot for donations from the visitors. They will be asked to place a donation in the pot beside their favourite tree(s). All donations will go to church funds. In the evening of 11th the church will be open for visitors to come to a Cheese and Wine event at 7pm. You will be able to view the trees for the first time. There will be a short Christmas Entertainment 16

given by ‘Beginners Please’, the St John’s Drama Group. Cost £5. All profits to go to Church Funds. On Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th from 2pm to 5pm entrance will be free for all the visitors. There will be tea, coffee and Festive Refreshments served. There will be a dish for donations on the refreshment table. There will again be an 8ft ‘Knitted’ Tree made up of 8” knitted squares. In November a box will be placed at the back of the church for the completed squares. This year the tree will be made up of black squares and white squares. (Please tuck the woolly ends in!) Knitting instructions: Double knitting wool Aran wool Chunky wool

Size 8 (4mm) needles Size 6 (5mm) needles Size 4 (6mm) needles

40 stitches 36 stitches 28 stitches

After Christmas the squares will be sewn together into blankets and sent to an overseas Charity. Visit the Christmas Tree Festival table at Village Day, 26th September

Margaret Clark would like to thank all those who contributed in Jim’s memory. £330 was sent to the Alzheimer’s Society and £120 to Christian Aid.

Flowers in Church If you would like to help to arrange flowers at St John’s, so that we can have a display (large or small) more often, please contact Hazel 01306 886538. 17

Saint Columba's House Maybury Hill, Woking, Surrey GU22 8AB Tel: 01483 766498 Email: Christian Retreat and Conference Centre Going Deeper into Wholeness 4th — 6th September Take time out from the busyness of life to experience more of the freedom, healing, forgiveness and victory Jesus offers. Full board, ensuite facilities. WTC Office 01324 714946 or Friday until Sunday. 2pm arrivals 4pm departures Price: £270. Praying with a camera 10th September The digital camera has revolutionised picture taking: we can snap away without worrying about the cost of film, see our results instantly and edit what we don’t like but how might the camera be used as an opportunity to get creative in prayer? Lunch is included. 10am - 3pm Price: £25. Introducing the Enneagram 7: Our walk with God 12th September Many people have discovered in the Enneagram a very valuable tool for helping them to understand more about their relationship with God. Lunch included. 9am - 4pm Price: £40. Theological Book Group 17th September This month’s book is ‘Unclean: Meditations on Purity, Hospitality and Mortality’ by Richard Beck. Echoing Hosea, Jesus defends his embrace of the ‘unclean’ in the Gospel of Matthew, seeming to privilege the prophetic call to justice over the Levitical pursuit of purity. Refreshments are included. 7.45pm - 9.45pm Donations welcome. Open Door Retreat: session 1 of 9 30th September It is not always possible to get away for a retreat and yet we all need space and to reflect on the experiences of life and our relationship with God. An Open Door Retreat is made both on one's own and with others in an everyday context. You commit to meeting for 2 hours once a week for 9 consecutive weeks, with others who wish to do the same. Refreshments are included. Wednesdays for 9 consecutive weeks Price: £150 for full course of 9 sessions. 18

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Monthly Village Breakfast Cafe and Indoor Market at

North Holmwood Village Hall Holmwood Marketplace opens again in October. Please note new times Autumn dates for your diary: 24 October 2015 – 28 November 2015

Opening times: Village Breakfast 09:00 to 11:00 Holmwood Marketplace 10:00 to 13:00 01306 741545/07973 207087

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PITCH IN AND HELP! Dunkirk Spirit and wartime harvest in North Holmwood

Village Day, Saturday 26th September 2015, 11:00 to 15:00 Venue: North Holmwood Sports Club As we approach the end of the holiday season, we still have some stalls left for local crafts and community groups, and we need volunteers to help with marshalling and stalls, so please contact us if you are interested. Entry forms for the art competition are available (some at the rear of the church), and entries from all ages welcome, so please grab one or get in touch if you would like to enter. There will be a ‘fun run’ to start and finish at Inholms Lane Car Park. Entry forms will be available from the start of September so if you have plenty of energy, do get in touch. Included in the activities and entertainment you can expect to see on the day will be: Show opening by our VIP: Navy Veteran Vic Viner who served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War and helped rescue troops from the Dunkirk beaches. Mini-assault course by ‘The Nuts Challenge’ Music by Danny Lee Band Bouncy castle and slide by kind courtesy of Friends of King George V Playing Field Fancy dress competition – all organisers, stallholders and visitors are encouraged to participate by dressing up to the theme of ‘Dunkirk Spirit and Wartime Harvest’ Various side shows and activities We will be most grateful for donations of raffle and tombola prizes at the sports club from 12th September, and donations for the cake stall on the morning of the event. Please do get in touch if you would like to know more or be involved in any way. WE CAN DO IT! Jacqui Johnston Mob: 07973 207087 Email: 21

What do you do for fun? Well what sort of question is that for the Spire. Fun? Can church be fun? Surely not the House Group? Oh yes it can. As well as being interested in reading the Bible and thinking and talking about stories and inspiration and history we try to relate events of around 2000 years ago to today’s age and amazingly it is possible to do that. The Bible stands the test of time. We have two House Groups at St John’s; one Thursday evening group and one Monday morning group and we meet every other week. The sessions last around 1½ hours and there are always refreshments available and time for a chat. But for at least an hour our experienced leaders take the discussion through all aspects of the topic, asking for your views, letting you work around your questions together, sometimes introducing DVDs, music, small group activities and sometimes bringing in a speaker to talk to us. There are usually work books to take home with you, handouts, reading lists for those who want to delve further… and yes, fun. As these are the church House Groups some passages of the Bible are read and we open and finish in prayer but apart from that you may be surprised to know that we are humorous, human and welcoming! Would you like to find out more? Then please contact Caroline Lazenby


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Passengers make a modest donation to cover drivers’ expenses and administration Any interested volunteer drivers please contact: 01306 875392 or 01306 888256

Teas on the Lawn (or inside if wet)

St John’s Church Sundays 3pm – 5pm until 13th September

Loud and Proud Choir will be the hosts for




Baptisms 19th July 9th August

Reuben Raymond Jamieson Finley Paul Wadey

Wedding 11th July

Alex Byne and Hannah Cathro

Funerals 24th July 14th August

Stella Barley Thea Church

Interment of Ashes 22nd July Derek Slatter 19th August Julia Elsie Edgington Confirmed by the Bishop of Dorking on June 21st Josie Phillips, Olivia Jones, Hugo Manuel, Lilya Wightwick Kate Neilly, Angus Neilly, Daniel Neilly, Lucie Neilly, Mark Dyas

The Ray Bardsley Carol Competition Prize 2015 Dorking Choral Society is pleased to announce its inaugural composition competition, the Ray Bardsley Carol Competition 2015. Open to composers of all ages and nationalities, and adjudicated by Master of the Queen's Music, Judith Weir, and Director of the BBC Symphony Chorus, Stephen Jackson, composers are invited to submit a short seasonal work suitable for an amateur choral society, either a capella or with piano accompaniment. For further details please see Dorking Choral Society website at where there is a link to a pdf providing full details of the competition and terms of entry.


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BEGINNERS PLEASE ‘Beginners Please’ will begin again in the autumn. While the new Community Building is under construction the meetings will be held at 32 Claygate Road on the 1st Monday in the month from 7.30pm. The season runs from September through to April. Dates for the 2015/16 season: 7th September 5th October 2nd November 7th December 4th January 1st February 7th March 4th April Performance: We will be performing a short programme of Festive Poetry and Readings on Friday 11th December at the Cheese and Wine Party as part of the 2nd Annual Christmas Tree Festival. We are a friendly group and would love to welcome new members. It doesn’t matter if you wish to take part in the performances or not. Just pop along to a meeting and see how you get on (or ring Jackie on 887416 if you’d like to know more). ‘Beginners Please’ is now a play-reading group rather than a performance-based Drama group although, on occasions, we will do some performances of poetry and readings (see above). Our aim is to have a jolly get-together; read some plays, enjoy a coffee and eat cake (and/or biscuits!) The first play we are going to read this season will be Alan Bennett’s comedy ‘Habeas Corpus’. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a fond farewell to two stalwart members of ‘Beginners Please’, who have passed away in recent months, Rev Leah Kearns and Mrs Eileen Etheridge. We will miss them both hugely. Jackie Rance


St John’s September dates 7.30pm Beginners Please




1 10am Coffee morning at Viva 2pm Knit One Purl One 10am Jigsaw

9 10am Jigsaw




10 2pm Holy Communion Goodwyns





8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

11 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

12 10am-12.30pm Cake Sale 2pm Baptism





14th Sunday after Trinity 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Family Service 11.45am Baptism 3pm Teas on the Lawn


13 15th Sunday after Trinity 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Parish Eucharist 11.45am Baptism 3pm Teas on the Lawn 6pm Norfolk Court

This is a provisional listing of What’s On. For extra information please check the weekly notice sheet in the church.




15 7pm PCC



16 10am Jigsaw

23 10am Jigsaw

30 10am Jigsaw



18 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

25 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am


26 11am Village Day

20 St Matthew 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist 11.45am Baptism 6pm Healing service

27 St Michael and All Angels 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist


COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT We expect work to start on 12th October 2015, with contract completion by May 2016. There are a number of permissions to be obtained before the work can start, but all are in hand.

BRICKS Let’s get our Community Building built You can help by buying ‘BRICKS’. They cost £5.00 each and your chosen name will be put on the ‘wall’ at the back of the church and then placed in the Commemorative Book which will be kept in the new hall. Buy one for yourself, your friends, family, neighbours or in memory of a loved one. They make great presents. Please fill in the form attached and pass it to Ann in the church or phone 01306 885787. 32

Regular events in St John’s Parish Room, North Holmwood: JIGSAW A group for Mums/Dads/Carers and their pre-school children – from babies to 4 ½ yrs An opportunity for Mums/Dads/Carers to talk to another grown-up! Meet new friends and enjoy breakfast whilst the children play.* 10.00am – 11.30am: Wednesdays No charge Please let us know if you can help with setting up or clearing away *Please remember, the care and safety of the children you bring remain your responsibility at all times – Thank you

KnitOne PurlOne SaveOne Knitting Group First Tuesday of every month 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Parish Room St John’s knitting group meets on the first Tuesday in every month in the Parish Room at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a cup of tea. If you can’t knit we will show you …. we have everything required to start you off.

Our knitting is now being taken to Romanian Aid Foundation in Horley. Margaret 01306 252004 Margaret Teale


Holmwood WI Two potential new members, a guest, a full hall of members and a Holmwood speaker, certainly an afternoon to look forward to. Osteopathy was a subject many of us could relate to and Dee Dixon was a delight. After five years training and jobs in London, Dee has moved locally and how lucky for us. It’s not just treating bad backs and joint pain, with extensive knowledge of the workings of the whole body she is able to help with a long list of complaints. One member, Pat, was delighted to be helped after a fall in May and Dee was surrounded by other members during the tea break. We begin in September with a fish and chip lunch followed by a Beetle Drive and in October look forward to hearing Rupert Matthews tell us fascinating tales of the Ghosts of Surrey. Each month there’s also a social afternoon and pub lunch. Get in touch with our secretary Maureen Lewington on 01306 882057 or email if you are interested in finding out more.

Used Postage Stamps Anne Lucas collects used postage stamps for various charities and has recently sent them to: Great Ormond Street Hospital - Help for Heroes British Kidney Association – The Children’s Trust, Tadworth Stamps can be given to Anne or left in the box at the back of St John’s Church. She is grateful to all those who contribute.


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Hair by Emma The Studio, Chart Downs. Dorking. Hair by Emma is a small home run freelance hairdressing business that is fully insured. I offer most ladies hairdressing services including children at very competitive rates. I am a member of FHBF (Freelance Hair & Beauty Federation). I attend training throughout the year as I feel this is important for keeping up to date with what’s new and going on in the world of hairdressing. For full details see my website or call for an appointment on 07919 488507.

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If you are over 55 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern’s free computer courses based in either Dorking or Leatherhead. The course runs once a week for 5-8 weeks with the option of additional weeks to reinforce and build on what you’ve learned. Topics covered can include: basic keyboard and mouse skills, using an iPad, setting up and using your own email or skype accounts (making communication with faraway family and friends a breeze!) and how to browse or shop on the internet as well. Those who already own a laptop or an iPad are encouraged to bring that to learn on but computers will be provided as well – it’s up to you! Before coming to the course, you must register your interest by telephoning 07442 017 169 or by email: Registered Charity No 1111678

DORKING CHORAL SOCIETY AN EVENING WITH TIM HAWKEN AND DAVID LE PROVOST A programme of light music with supper At Aviva (formerly Friends Provident) Social Club, Pixham Lane, Dorking on Saturday, 26th September 2015 - 7pm for 7.30pm For further information call David John on 01306 730376 or check the DCS website on Come & Sing John Rutter’s ‘Feel The Spirit’ with members of Dorking Choral Society and professional soloist Jo Weeks on Saturday, 10th October 2015 at United Reformed Church, West Street, Dorking RH4 1BS from 11am to 5pm. £15 including tea and coffee; bring own lunch. Details from 01403 240093 or email 37

CROSSWORD Across 8 Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept for 20 years (1 Samuel 7:1) (7,6) 9 One of the parts of the body on which blood and oil were put in the ritual cleansing from infectious skin diseases (Leviticus 14:14–17) (3) 10 Uncomfortable (3,2,4) 11 ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have — ’ (Malachi 1:3) (5) 13 Where Paul said farewell to the elders of the church in Ephesus (Acts 20:17) (7) 16 ‘Jesus bent down and — to write on the ground with his finger’ (John 8:6) (7) 19 Prophet from Moresheth (Jeremiah 26:18) (5) 22 Comes between Exodus and Numbers (9) 24 and 2 Down ‘Then Elkanah went home to Ramah, but the boy ministered before the Lord under — the — ’ (1 Samuel 2:11) (3,6) 25 There was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7) (4,3,6) Down 1 Rough drawing (2 Kings

16:10) (6) 2 See 24 Across 3 Underground literature (including Christian books) circulated in the Soviet Union (8) 4 Lo, mash (anag.) (6) 5 The Bible’s shortest verse: ‘Jesus — ’ (John 11:35) (4) 6 ‘Can a mother forget the baby at her — and have no compassion on the child she has borne?’ (Isaiah 49:15) (6) 7 Can be seen in a dying fire (Psalm 102:3) (6) 12 ‘Send me, therefore, a man... experienced in the — of engraving, to work in Judah and Jerusalem’ (2 Chronicles 2:7) (3) 14 Second city of Cyprus (8) 38

15 United Nations Association (1,1,1) 16 One of the women who first heard that Jesus had risen from the dead (Mark 16:1) (6) 17 Braved (anag.) (6) 18 — of Evangelism, outreach initiative in the 1990s (6)

20 ‘Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and — in their own sight’ (Isaiah 5:21) (6) 21 ‘Neither — nor depth... will be able to separate us from the love of God’ (Romans 8:39) (6) 23 What Jesus shed in 5 Down (4)

This crossword, reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, was originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). The Bible version used is NIV

MUSIC IN DORKING - SEPTEMBER 2015 by Ian Codd 3rd 10th 17th 24th at 8.30, Watermill Jazz at Aviva social club, 07415 815784 5th at 12.00, lunchtime recital at St Martin’s, free, 01306 884229 10th-13th, Heritage Open Days, various events, see brochure 15th at 7.30, Aida screening at Dorking Halls, £17, 01306 881717 21st at 7.30, La Traviata at Dorking Halls, £31-32.50, 01306 881717 26th at 7.30, clarinet and piano at Dorking Halls, 01306 740619

The Dorking Concertgoers launch their 2015-16 season with a recital by the brilliant clarinettist Emma Johnson with John Lenehan at the piano. These two performers dazzled us with their playing when they visited Dorking five years ago and they now make a welcome return visit. The programme covers a wide range from classic to modern, showing different aspects of the clarinet’s character in music from Mozart and Saint-Saëns to Lutosławski and Bernstein. This month’s lunchtime recital at St Martin’s is a concert of instrumental music with Kathy Bucknill (oboe), Andy Cornish (violin), Sue Messenger (piano) and Veronica Watts (cello). This year, the theme of the annual Heritage Open Days is ‘Words and Music’. Many of the events involve music: for instance there are guided walks with musical connections, an exhibition about the Broadwood family of piano makers, music in churches, pubs and 39

historic houses, and events linking music and literature. Several events have links with Vaughan Williams, including tours of Leith Hill Place, the composer‘s childhood home high in the Surrey Hills. Full details are contained in the Heritage Open Days brochure, obtainable from libraries, council offices and elsewhere. Opera lovers can see two Verdi masterpieces - one in live performance and the other via a broadcast relay at the Dorking Halls. The Russian State Ballet and Opera House will be performing La Traviata, a tragic tale of love and sacrifice with some of Verdi’s most beautiful music. Sung in Italian with English surtitles, and with an orchestra of over 30 players, this should be an impressive production. One of Verdi’s grandest operas, Aida, will be performed by Opera Australia against the magnificent backdrop of Sydney harbour. The dramatic story, combined with a spectacular production and setting, should make for another evening of great operatic entertainment. Watermill Jazz meets every Thursday evening at the Aviva social club. Each week there is a different group of talented performers from the world of jazz. Next month, the new concert season will get fully underway with a wide range of events in the Mole Valley Arts Alive Festival. There is sure to be plenty of music for all tastes! CROSSWORD SOLUTION


Drop in sessions for Advocacy Every Friday 10am to 3pm Come along and chat

The Hub Dorking Knowledge Advocacy Guidance

The Hub Dorking, The Point, Lyons Court, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1AB The Hub Dorking is located in the front office of The Point. It is one of a network of local centres, The Surrey Hubs, which provide information and support to help people stay independent. Hub Dorking offers advice and signposting services for disabled people, older people, carers and families. Hub Dorking hosts a number of drop in sessions – such as Benefits Advice, Sight for Surrey, Advocacy and ESRA (employment advice). Hub Dorking also offers a hearing aid battery replacement service for NHS customers. We can provide information about Telecare, equipment, leisure activities, and services in the local area. The Surrey Hubs are run by volunteers, many of whom are disabled people, older people or carers themselves and therefore understand the issues customers are facing.

ST JOHN'S COFFEE MORNINGS Tuesday 1st September Tuesday 6th October Tuesday 3rd November Tuesday 1st December Viva in West Street from 10 am.


Tai Chi Classes for the Over 60’s Westcott Reading Room Institute Road, Westcott, RH4 3NP Thursdays, 2.15pm to 3.15pm If you are over 60 and live in the Mole Valley area, Age Concern offers you the opportunity to do Tai Chi classes for a very small fee. Our qualified teacher will teach you how to combine deep breathing and relaxation with slow and gentle movements. Studies show that Tai Chi can help people over 60 reduce stress, and improve balance and mobility. Most people should be able to do Tai Chi, but if you have any health concerns, do get advice from your GP before starting. For further information, or to register for the classes, please contact: Dr Joyce Kingsley Jones: Tel: 01306 885789 Email: Age Concern Mole Valley, The Point, Mayflower, Lyons Court, Dorking RH4 1AB Tel: 01306 899104 or 07442 017169 Email:

North Holmwood Book Group Would you like to join our local friendly group? (We discuss all sorts of books chosen by the members.) If so, we meet at 6pm every 4-6 weeks on Tuesdays at The Royal Oak, Chart Lane South For more details contact Penny 885876/Gill 500157



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DORKING MUSEUM IN SEPTEMBER Dorking 1915: new exhibition opens on 10th September Following on from the success of Dorking 1914, this is the second in the Museum’s series of special exhibitions commemorating the centenary of the Great War. The exhibitions focus on the Home Front and how the war affected the life and people of Dorking and the surrounding villages. The story is told through a series of themed display panels in the Museum, and also in the approach to the Museum from West Street. Recalled reservists, territorials and volunteers with Kitchener’s ‘New Army’ were being trained and formed into units before being sent to relieve and support the regular army in France. By mid-1915, several thousand troops were billeted in the Dorking area, transforming Dorking into a garrison town. The exhibition shows the impact that this had on local life. Enlistment was still voluntary in 1915, and the exhibition focuses on the dilemma facing local men, whether to serve or not to serve – patriotism or pacifism? This dilemma also faced local groups and the Museum has worked with the local Society of Friends (Quakers) on the issues faced by this movement – while some enlisted, others took positive action to relieve hardship and suffering rather than to fight. Another group that was divided was the suffrage movement and the exhibition examines the impact of the war on the campaign for votes for women and the efforts of local peace campaigners, Emmeline and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence. 45

Dorking 1915 opens on 10th September and will run until December. The Museum is open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 10am and 4pm. Heritage Open Days: The theme of the 2015 Heritage Open Days programme (10th-13th September) is ‘Words & Music’. The Museum has a number of exhibits on writers and composers of the area (regular opening days, no booking required) and is also running guided Words & Music walks of Dorking on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th at 10.30am (no booking) and a Faces & Places walk on Sunday 13th at 2pm (pre-booking required). On Saturday 12th, there are also opportunities to take a guided tour of Dorking’s South Street Caves at 11am, 12 noon, 2pm and 3pm (pre-booking required). For details of the Heritage Open Days events, look for the special booklets or visit,uk. Family Activity: September’s Family Activity is on the ever-popular theme of ‘Local Dinosaurs’. It takes place on Saturday 19th September – drop in at any time between 2pm and 3.30pm (it closes at 4pm). Come and see our dinosaur footprint and massive Iguanadon tail. Sort dinosaurs into meat eaters and plant eaters and discover how we can tell from their skeletons. Make a 3D Iguanadon or Baronyx Walkerei out of card and decorate them. All materials provided. Ideal for families with children up to age ten. Free with regular Museum entry. Dorking Museum is at The Old Foundry, 62 West Street, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1BS and on Facebook and Twitter. Tel: 01306 876591

Loud and Proud Community Choir The choir launched in April 2009 and has been going from strength to strength. People of all ages are really enjoying singing all sorts of different songs! Come along any Wednesday during school term. We meet at St John’s School, Goodwyns Road from 7.30pm to 9pm. It’s free, fun and friendly! 46

HOLMWOOD VILLAGE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION The Holmwood Village Produce Association held its 71st annual Summer Show on Saturday 18th July, with the glorious summer sunshine resulting in a record turnout of visitors. In keeping with tradition many of the attractions have remained the same over the 71 years – such as the vegetable, flower, craft, baking, preserving and photography competition in the canvas marquee, the Punch and Judy Show, and the Beer Tent, but there is always something new and exciting to keep visitors on their toes. This year the delicate sipping of WI tea was rudely interrupted by the sound of shattering plates and flying jugs on the China Smash. Even the most mild mannered of villagers surprised themselves with how much they enjoyed a good old-fashioned smash up. At the other end of the field the space hoppers had people’s hair and hats flying as competition raged to see who could clear the jumps and bound over the finish line first. The family Race Night in the evening was a high energy mix of enthusiastic jockeying and frenzied betting as everyone competed for a place in the Winner’s enclosure. 12 races finally saw Josh Earl crowned overall champion, rewarded in fine style with a packet of Polos and a carrot. The Fun Dog Show on Sunday attracted over 60 dogs competing in a range of classes, with tail wagging, sausage eating and fancy dress skills just as important as beautiful looks. Special mention in the ‘Movies’ themed fancy dress must go to Thornton, with his brilliant interpretation of Around the World in 80 days, complete with giant helium filled hot air balloon and wicker basket. Overall Best in Show was awarded to Bramble, owned by Lynda Adami. Congratulation to everyone who took part in any of the events, as well as those who came along to enjoy them; you all helped make the weekend a tremendous success.


The next event for your calendar is the VPA Autumn Evening, to take place on Wednesday 11th November in the South Holmwood Village Hall. The speaker will be Duncan Gregory, a local tree surgeon, who will come along equipped with photos and anecdotes all about his work. He will be familiar to some villagers already, having been involved in many people’s trimming, delimbing and felling. And also in sorting out their trees. Ros Treliving

DO YOU LIKE TO SING? The Ladybirds Choir is a friendly group of male and female singers that meets to sing in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. We have a mix of voices and abilities and cover a wide variety of music, with an emphasis on the fun and light-hearted - show songs, popular classics and jazz have all featured in our most recent concerts, as well as classical numbers and folk songs from all over the world. We give two concerts a year in aid of local charities as well as other informal performances when the opportunity arises. Rehearsals are in Dorking on Thursday mornings and will restart in September. New members, both men and ladies, are very welcome. No audition is required – just enthusiasm and a love of singing! Please contact Jenny on 01737 843662 if you would like any further information.

Courtyard While visiting a theological college one autumn, a lady visitor noticed several students on their hands and knees assessing the courtyard with pencils and clipboards in hand. Intrigued, she asked the guide what they were doing. “Each year,” he replied with a grin, “the final year students ask the new students how many bricks it took to finish paving this courtyard.” When they were out of earshot of the new students, the curious lady asked the guide to tell her the answer. He replied simply: “One.” 48

The Friends of Holmwood Common and The National Trust Newsletter - September 2015 Now it is September and the year is on the turn. Hopefully there will be plenty of warm weather but there is a freshness in the air. Our ranger, Rob Adam, reports on the changes in the Common: As I write this in the middle of August, the leaves on the beech trees have just started turning yellow which I always take to be the summer coming to an end. Of course, there hopefully will be plenty more warm days but autumn is just around the corner and for me, that’s the best time of the year to be out on the Common - crisp mornings, lots of colour and plenty of foraging opportunities. It looks like it’s going to be an excellent year for blackberries and my apple trees are laden; rowan berries look as though they may be plentiful as well. Rowan may not be the first fruit to think of using as food, but many people will know about rowan jelly. You can also make drinks with the berries in a similar manner to sloes from the blackthorn shrubs that can be found all over the Common. Recipes can be found on the internet but several of them suggest that the berries either have to picked after the first frosts or put in a freezer before using them. If anybody has a go at making rowan berry wine, please let me know how it turns out. At this time of year many birds are on the move, either coming to the UK to escape harsh winters or leaving our shores for much warmer weather in places like Africa, but did you know wood pigeons apparently migrate? Although many pigeons stay, often in the milder south-west, reports from previous years note large flocks, sometimes numbering in the thousands, have been seen heading south out to sea, possibly to oak woods in France and Spain. It’s still a bit of a mystery, but maybe Sam Bayley, Lead Ranger for Leith Hill and Holmwood and keen ornithologist, will one day supply an answer via his bird ringing.


Dog Mess A plea to dog walkers to bring their bags so they can clean up after their dogs. With the summer weather encouraging people to get out and about and especially for those who bring their families to the Common it is really important that we keep the areas near the car parks clean. Most of the mess is only a small distance from the cars, so don’t forget to bag it and pop it in the bin. VPA Summer Show The Friends joined the National Trust stand on a lovely sunny day to talk to visitors and we were able to sign up some new members. The Friends were sponsors of the ‘Wildlife’ photography class and a photo of a bunny rabbit, taken by Stephen Verge, was the winning entry. One of ducks near Four Wents Pond by Mark Treliving came second. Well done to the prize winners! Other photos were commended and one of a heron by Alexia Beale is a typical sight on the pond. To see more just hop over to our Facebook Page – see link below and click on the photos button. Apologies: to Mark Treliving for incorrectly attributing the second prize to Stephen Mott in our e-mail Newsletter to members. He also submitted a photo of ducks but was not a prize winner. Really sorry for the mix up but good to see how many lovely photos were taken on the Common. Thank you all for participating. And now something for the creative amongst you....... We are planning to publish a series of posters to promote the Friends of Holmwood Common and we would like your help. Our designs need a photo that is eye-catching and that illustrates some aspect of the Common: a recognisable view; the wildlife; people enjoying themselves. If you have something you think will fit the bill we would love to see it, or you may be inspired to get out in the Common now and capture that special scene. If your photo is picked we will of course acknowledge you as the contributor. You can post your picture on our Facebook page: /pages/Friends-of-Holmwood-Common/ 1533183516939681 or email your picture(s) to us at 50

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Dates for your Diary Saturday, 26th September: We will be attending the North Holmwood Village Day. Come and talk to us; bring a friend to join who isn’t already a member; tell us what you would like the Friends to be doing; ask us a question or just have a chat about life on and around the Common. Saturday, 10th October: Fungus Foray; meet at 10.15 for 10.30 prompt departure. Meeting place will be advised when you book. Walk will be for approximately 2 hours and will cover a different area of the Common from the last two years, so for those who have done those it will be very interesting to see the different species that may occur in different habitats! The walk will be led by Vivien, who is a mycologist very much in demand, and we are very lucky she lives so locally. Numbers are limited in order for everyone to be able to hear and see what Vivien says and shows us. Please book early to guarantee your place! Cost will be £5 per person for Members and £10 for nonmembers. We are not able to offer a reduction for children as numbers are so limited. We regret this is not really a suitable outing for dogs as they tend to get in the way of other members! Bookings and payment in advance please (by cheque, BACS or cash) to Jane Thornton: or telephone 01306 8894941. Tuesday, 24th November: The Friends Autumn Evening will be held at South Holmwood Village Hall. Plans are afoot for an interesting and entertaining time and it could have a historical flavour. Keep watching this space to find out more details. Contact Us Friends of Holmwood or Rob Adam about NT work:01306 712 711 or 07901 511359 or rob.adam@national Facebook:


AN ARMCHAIR DUFFER’S VIEW OF SPORT July / August The Tour de France started on Saturday 4th July and Chris Froome became the first Briton to win this most gruelling cycling event twice. He vowed never to dishonour the maillot jeune (yellow jersey) which he was so proud to have won. He had overcome much adversity during the race as spectators spat at him and the French media continually accused him of taking drugs, especially after his excellent performance on the major climbs of the tour. His bike was even checked for a concealed motor as evidently the technology does exist. The progress of the England’s women’s football team in the World Cup has created a new level of interest in women’s football. They were eliminated at the semi-final stage against Japan when they conceded an own goal in injury time - a cruel blow. In the third place play-off game against Germany, an extra time penalty gave them victory. The 144th Golf Championship played at St Andrews was the longest in its history, as it was spread over five days due to the game being stopped for high winds. An American, Zach Johnson, claimed the claret jug and £1.1m after a thrilling finish winning the four hole play-off by one shot. He said he had been reciting Psalm 27:14 to himself throughout the five days of the weather beaten tournament. Andy Murray had to produce one of his gutsiest performances at Queens to beat the Frenchman, Gilles Simeon, and ensure Great Britain’s place in the semi-finals of the Davis Cup tournament. GB will play Australia on 18th to 20th September in Glasgow. Though the final yacht race for the America’s Cup is still two years away, the first round of the World Series took place in Portsmouth during the weekend of 26th to 28th July. Six teams took part - Oracle (USA) who are the holders, Artemus (Sweden), Ben Ainslie Racing (GB), Team Japan, Team France and Team New Zealand - starting 54

a two year long process to choose the challenger to the holders. Sir Ben Ainslie won this first qualifying weekend before gale force winds forced a premature end. England’s cricket team were considered underdogs at the beginning of the present Ashes series as they were whitewashed in Australia 18 months ago. In the fourth Test at Trent Bridge they demolished Australia winning by an innings and 78 runs sealing a 3 to 1 series lead. Stuart Broad was named man of the match after taking eight wickets for 15 runs. He believes that this reborn England team can now rule the World. Most of us will be more than happy that the Ashes urn is returning to England. (Our Armchair Duffer had not seen the final test when he wrote this! Ed.) Britain did remarkably well at the World Swimming Championships held in Kazan, Russia coming 5th in the medals table out of 31 competitors. They won 9 medals including 5 golds. 20 year old Adam Peaty landed a hat trick of gold medals: 50m and 100m breast stroke and helping Britain win the 4x100m mixed medley relay. The men’s team grabbed a sensational gold in the 4x200m relay and James Guy won gold in the 200m freestyle. Well worth watching.

Read My Lips Do you need to ask people to repeat what they say, turn up the volume on the TV or find it difficult to follow conversations in a group situation? Maybe learning to lip-read may help. Classes held in Godalming, Banstead, Runnymede and Oxted. Waiting lists for other areas. Classes are £5 per session, payable termly in advance. The first class is a taster session and will be free. Classes are limited to 10 people. To book your place on our free taster session in September or for more details please contact Tracey Wade, Sensory Inclusion Adviser, or call 01483 790327. 55

NORTH HOLMWOOD SPORTS CLUB INHOLMS LANE, NORTH HOLMWOOD Village Day at North Holmwood is taking place at NHSC on Saturday 26th September from 11.00-15.00, with fun for all the family including stalls, live music, mini obstacle course, free bike MOTs, art competition, fancy dress competition, licenced bar, food & drink and much, much more. We will be showing home nations matches in the Rugby World Cup Tournament which starts on 18th September. We will also be showing Premier League, Champions League and FA Cup football matches on Sky Sports or BT Sport as usual. The Stoolball season is nearly over. Our girls came second in the league this year and have made the final of the Plate competition …. Very well done! We are also pleased to host The Surrey Ladies Presentation evening on Saturday 12th September. The 2016 season will start in April. If you are interested in playing Stoolball please contact Shirley Overton at for more information. New players are always welcome, aged 11 to 111. The 1st team are second in the Surrey Downs Division One and the 2nd team are mid table in Surrey Downs Division 3. It’s never too early to consider playing cricket and new players are always welcome so please contact Ian Elliott at for more information. Charity wise, the Curry Night in June was a success raising a total of £1100+. Thanks as always to Alam and Gosoul at Chilli and Spice for their generosity. The Cricket Lads held the annual Wider Cup golf evening at Dorking Golf Club, who kindly gave us the course for a few hours. 45 players raised £80. The Annual 6-a-side Cricket Tournament is taking place on August Bank Holiday Monday, which is always a fun day so come to the Club to support the teams. 56

New members are always welcome. To enquire about membership email us at New membership prices are £24 Family, £18 Single, £9 Junior (under 16), £11 OAP (per person). Membership application forms can be downloaded from our website:

Join in September 2015 and have 16 months for the price of 12. No renewal until January 2017 !!!

More and more people are taking advantage of the Club as their first choice for a venue to hold a party. We cater for christenings, birthdays (except for 18ths as, unfortunately, the risk is too great), engagements, even weddings, as well as wakes - whatever the occasion, your club is here to ensure you, your family and friends, have a great time! Here are a few of the benefits we can offer you: A venue that is local, friendly, safe, spacious (inside and out) and informal, with stunning panoramic views in the summer, including a private patio area Professional and attentive support in helping you to organise your event Extremely competitive bar prices Ample, free car parking Low venue hire rates Complete flexibility to suit your personal entertainment and catering requirements Free bar extension until midnight Bookings are definitely on the increase; so, if you are interested in throwing a party, please contact our party co-ordinator, Jan Bessent, at or call into the club to find out more.


WOODLAND WORDS Can you find all these words from the forest? The words go up, down, backwards, forwards and diagonally and some letters are used more than once.

St GILES St Giles was a hermit, someone who lived a quiet life of prayer away from other people. His special day is 1st September and he lived in a forest near Arles in France, sometime in the 9th century.


The story goes that he had a pet deer. One day the King was hunting in the forest and shot an arrow at this deer. When the huntsmen found the deer it was in a woodland clearing with St Giles. The saint himself was wounded by the arrow and held the deer in his arms - and all around them were the hunting dogs, silent and still as if held by an invisible power.










* ant * badger * butterfly * deer * fox * grass * holly * ivy * moss * mushrooms * oak * snake * sycamore * toadstools * worm *

Did you hear about the car with the wooden wheels and wooden engine? It wooden go.

St Giles is the patron saint of cripples and beggars. His emblem is an arrow and in the United Kingdom there are over 150 churches dedicated to him.

What is the smallest ant in the world? An infant. What do ants take when they’re ill? Antibiotics. . 58


Brockwood Medical Practice 1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood, Dorking. Tel: 01306 885802 The Partners, Jonathan Richards, Justin Thompson, Lucy Rawson, Tamsin Sevenoaks, Robin Gupta; Drs Elizabeth Craggs, Natalie Moore, Allison Wong, Katie Carter, Sarah Wells, Kate Heppenstall; GP Registrars Drs Bernard Alcid, Dr Rachel Phillips and all the staff are always pleased to welcome new and existing residents to our Practice. Following the merger of the 3 surgeries at North Holmwood, Brockham & Newdigate, we would like to thank all our patients for their understanding over this difficult transition. We have a number of new GPs and can now offer appointments across all 3 sites. We offer: Personal Medical Services, Dispensary services for all eligible patients, District Nursing, Health Visitors, General Nursing Clinics with our Practice Nurses, Minor Surgery Clinics, Midwife Clinics, Travel Vaccination Clinics, Baby Clinic, Asthma and COPD clinics, Counselling sessions, INR testing with our HCA, Smoking Cessation sessions, and much more.

TRAVEL VACCINATIONS We can advise you on travel health and what vaccinations you require relating to foreign travel. If you would like travel advice please contact the surgery and request a telephone message appointment slot for a nurse to phone you back. The nurse will discuss with you over the telephone where you are travelling to and what vaccinations are required. She will then book an appointment for you to attend the surgery to have the vaccinations.

REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Please telephone the dispensary on 01306 878509 Monday to Friday between the hours of 11.00 a.m. and 14.00 p.m. to order your repeat prescriptions. You can also order your repeat prescriptions on our website. Our Dispensers currently need 72 hours to dispense repeat medication instead of the normal 48 hour turnaround. Please ring reception 01306 885802 for any other queries.

FRIENDS & FAMILY SURVEY The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Please complete the NHS survey online at The link can also be found on our website. Alternatively forms are available at Reception.

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