The Spire November 2013

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Spire North Holmwood’s Parish Magazine

St John the Evangelist, Church North Holmwood Vicar (day off – Monday) Revd Stuart Tanswell ......... ......... 01306 882135 Assistant Priest Revd Leah Kearns ............. ....................................................................... 01306 886858 Pastoral Assistant Margaret Teale .................. ....................................................................... 01306 252004 Churchwardens: Jane Schofield ................... .................. 01306 885244 Jim Edwards ....................... 01306 879902 Reader Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Lynn Jennings..................... ....................................................................... 01306 882614 Baptisms Jill Spence .......................... ....................................................................... 01306 876901 Junior Choir Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Flowers Hazel Gibson ..................... ....................................................................... 01306 886538 Gift Aid and Electoral Roll Jane Collard ..................... .......................... 01306 876652 Intercessions Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Prayer Chain Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Homegroup Co-ordinator Penny Newstead ............... ....................................................................... 01306 885876 Junior Church and C4yourself Jane Schofield ................... ................... 07771591457 Organist John Philpott ...................... 01306 880126 Magazine Kirsten Wightwick .............. ... 01306 743483 Parish Room Iris Edser ............................... ....................................................................... 01306 740757 Readings Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Sacristans Steve & Hilary Harris .......... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Servers Steve Harris ......................... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Mothers’ Union Gill Collins............................ ....................................................................... 01306 885270


St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Sunday services: 8am 10am 10am

Holy Communion First Sunday each month: Family Service Other Sundays: Parish Eucharist

Friday 8.30am Eucharist and vicar available in church until 10.30am The Church is normally open daily for private prayer from 9am. Please see the Church notice board for details of other services.

St John’s Church contact details: Parish Office 01306-868441 Pastoral Line 01306-868941 Church Text Message 0770-673-2222

COMMUNION AT HOME If you are housebound and unable to get to church at St John’s, we can arrange for communion to be brought to you at home by a member of our authorised team of communion assistants. Please contact Stuart 01306 882135.

North Holmwood Community Surrey Hills Dance Centre ..... 01306 883808 Goodwyns Social Club ......... 01306 500614 Karate ...................................... 07970 408260 Circuit training ........................ 01306 711920 Tumble Tots ............................. 07739 517627 Village Hall (Chairman) ......... 01306 883808 Village Hall (Bookings) ........... 07712 224681 Village Hall (Caretaker) ........ 01306 740757 Parish Room (Bookings) ......... 01306 740757 North Holmwood Sports Club 01306 889764 Dorking Golf Club .................. 01306 886917 Ballet classes ........................... 01737 247795 Norfolk Court .......................... 01306 876474 Stanecroft ............................... 01306 876567

Police ....................................... 101 Mole Valley District Council .. 01306 885001 National Trust Warden ........... 01306 712711 Brockwood GP Surgery .......... 01306 885802 Community Playlink ................ 01306 740095 North Holmwood Pre-School . 07931 212006 St John’s C of E Community School ................................... 01306 884506 Guiding: Brownies .................. 01306 876428 Rainbows ................ 01306 882796 Scouting enquiries .................. 07914 845440 Bridge Club ............................. 01306 882849 Chart Downs Social Club ...... 01306 500310 Drama Group ......................... 01306 887416




is produced by St John’s Church for North Holmwood. There are ten issues each year and we make no charge. We deliver around the parish. If you would like a copy delivered please e-mail or phone John Daulman 01306 885943 The next issue of The Spire covers December and January. Material should be with the editors by 17th November please. Editors: Kirsten Wightwick 01306 743483 Jim Edwards 01306 879902 4 Chartwell Court Grange, 35 Highacre, Dorking RH4 3BF e-mail We welcome articles of general or local interest. Ideally these should be e-mailed in Word format, with illustrations as jpegs or pngs. The editors may amend or shorten material submitted. Articles represent the views of the individual contributors. Some articles and illustrations come from “The Parish Pump”, a national web-site that provides magazine material for churches. We are very grateful to all those who advertise in this magazine and allow us to produce it without charge to our readers; however publication does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the product. Advertising manager: Margaret Teale 'Talanta', 12 Ridgeway Drive, Dorking RH4 3AN Telephone 01306 252004 or email Advertising copy: or telephone Jim Edwards 01306 879902 Printing: John Daulman, Eileen Daulman, Ann Phillips Distribution: John Daulman 01306 885943 4

Editorial Have we grown to rely on the Internet too much? Can we live without it? How has it changed our lives? As I was completing this edition my phone line and internet connection failed and I felt lost, since I could not check some items on the web that I might have done. But does that really matter or are we too used to having all sorts of information at our finger-tips? How will I find that vital document that someone sent in an e-mail last week? Or is it really vital? Should I just talk to someone instead? Jim Edwards

Dear friends, Recently I attended a family baptism, an unusual occurrence for me to be in the pews rather than “up front”. Chatting to a worshipper there, I was asked what a vicar does. It’s a question that has kept coming back to me. What does a vicar do? There are of course the obvious things like leading services, preaching, conducting funerals, marrying people, baptising, visiting, and suchlike – like drinking copious cups of tea. Oh, and lots of administration. But it leads to other questions: What are vicars for? What is their purpose? A common image of a vicar, a priest, a pastor, is that of a shepherd looking after the sheep; an image that involves the vicar leading, whistling at and rounding up the sheep. Caring for them, yes – but very much in control of their destiny. Another image mentioned recently, again thinking of sheep, is that of the vicar being part of the flock rather than separate. Guiding, influencing if you like, from within. Not separate from the rest of the sheep, but rather part of them. I suppose, to use a footballing analogy, to be the captain rather than manager. A friend from vicar factory once referred to a vicar as being like a hitch-hiker. The car is already going on a journey. The hitch-hiker gets in for a while, makes their presence known – whether in changing the music on the stereo or suggesting a different route – but after a while gets out, with the car continuing on its journey. 5

I have to admit, the hitch-hiking analogy works for me – you make a difference for a while, but then you move on, creating space for the next hitch-hiker (or vicar) to jump in. But sheep images are a bit more biblical than hitch-hikers, as well as probably being a bit safer! With sheep analogies, the question has to be asked, “Who is the shepherd?” Just as too many cooks spoil the broth, too many shepherds would probably do even worse. In the psalms we read “The Lord’s my Shepherd”, with Jesus making reference to it. And, of course, the Bishop carries a crook as a sign of his (or her) role as “chief shepherd” in the diocese. So what about the vicar? Three shepherds would be excessive! I am reminded of a different understanding – of the vicar being the sheepdog! Under the command, control, and influence of the shepherd, but in amongst the sheep to help guide and keep safe – whether that might be guiding to safety, moving in a different direction, or simply “being”. Reflecting on this has reminded me that each image, every analogy, is insufficient – because it involves reading one situation into another. Each one is probably true in parts and false in parts. Being a vicar involves, sometimes, being like a shepherd – leading from a slightly different place, but, also, it involves being in the midst of everyone – but, then, a vicar is called to lead a congregation. Then again, the vicar doesn’t lead a congregation in their own right, but under the bishop’s license and a calling from Christ – so like a sheepdog under a shepherd or two. And, yes, a vicar does act a bit like a hitch-hiker, changing the music and trying to change direction a little. Each vicar is different in the way they exercise their ministry; each vicar is different in the way they balance being shepherd, sheep, sheepdog, hitch-hiker, and many other things. But, together, we work together to build up God’s Kingdom here. Wishing you every blessing,

Stuart 6

Bible readings for November 2013 5 pm Saturday 2nd November All Souls Wisdom 3:1-9 1 Peter 1:3-9

John 6:37-40

3rd November Family Service

All Saints Day Ephesians 1:11-23

Luke 6:20-31

10th November Job 19:23-27a

Remembrance Sunday 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17

Luke 20:27-38

17th November Malachi 4:1-2a

2nd Sunday before Advent 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Luke 21:5-19

24th November Jeremiah 23:1-6

Christ the King Colossians 1:11-20

Luke 23:33-43

Mid-week Eucharist at St John’s Friday Mornings 8.30am Usually followed by refreshments. After the service Stuart will remain in the church until 10.30am for anyone who wants an informal chat with the vicar.

Flowers in Church If you would like to help to arrange flowers at St John’s, so that we can have a display (large or small) more often, please contact Hazel 01306 886538.


Regular events in St John’s Parish Room, North Holmwood: 3rd Thursday of each month 2.30pm – 4pm

TEAS FOR ALL All welcome – 01306 885787

Coffee @ St John’s 9am – 10.30am Each Thursday and Friday Drop in for coffee

JIGSAW A group for Mums/Dads/Carers and their pre-school children – from babies to 4 ½ yrs An opportunity for Mums/Dads/Carers to talk to another grown-up! Meet new friends and enjoy breakfast whilst the children play.* 10.00am – 11.30am: Wednesdays *Please remember, the care and safety of the children you bring remain your responsibility at all times – Thank you

Holmwood Mothers’ Union Monday 4th November 12.30pm. Lunch in the Parish Room. We hope to have a speaker from one of the Women’s Refuges. Monday 2nd December 12.30pm. Lunch at Arnolds, Beare Green, followed by Christmas reminiscences. Please bring a poem, reading or reminiscence to share. Contact Gill Collins, 01306 885270, for further details. 8

JUNIOR CHURCH and C4YOURSELF The family service at St John’s is held on the first Sunday of each month. The children and young people play a major part in this service. 3rd November Family Service 1st December Family Service – all those who have been baptised this year are invited, with their families to collect their baptism shells. We are currently seeking people to become part of the very valuable team doing children’s work at St John’s. Whether you want to become very involved and even do some Diocesan training (supported and funded by the church) or can offer some time on a more casual basis, maybe just once a month, we need YOU. Please contact Jane on or 07771591457 if you are interested. Until a new team is found there will be no special children’s provision (apart from the family services) at St John’s, so keep a lookout in The Spire for updates. We are however still hoping to run the normal Christmas events.

ST JOHN’S HOME GROUP Our Home Group meets twice monthly in members’ homes on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. Set subjects are discussed in an informal setting with the aim of developing our understanding of Christianity and developing friendship networks for mutual support and encouragement. We are currently studying part of Acts. Please contact Penny 885876 if you would like more information. 9

BEGINNERS PLEASE The St John’s drama group ‘Beginners Please’ has restarted. The meetings are held in the Parish Room on the first Monday in the month from 7.30pm. We are a friendly group and would love to welcome new members. 4 November 3 February

2 December 3 March

6 January 7 April

For the rest of 2013 we will be looking at some more musicals. The plan is that we read through the librettos and listen to, and possibly sing along to, the songs. There will also be the opportunity for us to think about the format of ‘the musical’ in some depth, and to discuss why musicals are such a popular theatrical form. In the New Year we will study some plays. If you are interested in joining please email Jackie on

Brockham Choral Brockham Choral are performing Rossini’s ‘Petite Messe Solennelle’ in St Martin’s Church, Dorking on Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm. The choir will be joined by professional soloists and accompanied by two pianos and organ, as originally arranged by the composer. On completion of this work, the composer offered up a prayer, “Dear God, is it indeed sacred music that I have just written, or merely dammed music? You know well, I was born for comic opera....” Napoleon lll was somewhat less reticent, characterising this piece as “neither small nor solemn nor liturgical”. Tickets £15 (£10 under 25 in full time education) from Maria Chadwick c/o Michael Frith, 40 South St, Dorking, 01306 882728, members or



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FUNDS Following the news last month that we have been promised a grant of £50,000, we have now received two further grants totalling £12,750, so the total available for the Community Building Appeal now stands at £300,973. Our rough estimate of the total cost of the building is £300,000. This means that we have at last reached our target figure. We are now pressing ahead with planning the work. The architect is currently producing working drawings. These have to be submitted to the council for building regulation approval and to the diocese for consultation. We will then be in a position to go out to tender from builders, which we hope will be within the target figure. When we have selected a builder we can then get final approval from the diocese. If all goes well we should be able to start around Easter 2014.


Community Building Appeal Funds raised: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

2013 Teas by the fireside Curry Evening Buy a brick Beginners Please Quiz Garden Party In memory of Alan Wood Pampered chef Anonymous donation Others Teas on the Lawn Interest Gift aid due Promised funds and grants Grants

Total £34,458 Total £4,376 Total £8,170 Total £5,952 Total £100,622 Total £13,611

Total available Expenditure Architect Planning Surveys

£225 £700 £285 £65 £800 £1,206 £550 £197 £10,000 £769 £198 £2,089 £2,500 £100,000 £12,750

£ 300,973 £4,953 £1,420 £1,092

Total expenditure

BRICKS Let’s get our Community Building Built You can help by buying ‘BRICKS’. They cost £5.00 each and your chosen name will be put on the ‘wall’ at the back of the church and then placed in the Commemorative Book which will be kept in the new hall. Buy one for yourself, your friends, family, neighbours or in memory of a loved one. They make great presents. Please fill in the form attached and pass it to Ann in the church or phone 01306 885787. 14

£ 7,465

BARN DANCE SATURDAY 30th NOVEMBER 19.00 – 22.00 hours St JOHN'S SCHOOL, GOODWYNS ROAD TICKETS: (to include food) ADULTS - £5.00 CHILDREN (under 12) - £2.50 Please bring your own drinks, glasses, plates and cutlery (knife and fork) RAFFLE In aid of the Community Building Appeal

TEAS BY THE FIRESIDE We are pleased to announce that Eric and Iris are again hosting Teas by the Fireside on Sunday afternoons in January and February. More details next month.

Used Postage Stamps Anne Lucas collects used postage stamps for various charities. These can be given to Anne or left in the box at the back of St John’s Church. She has recently given a bundle to Help for Heroes. She is grateful to all those who contribute.


Guildford Cathedral The normal pattern of services is shown. Please check for details. Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP said) 9.45am The Cathedral Eucharist (Order 1 or BCP 1st Sunday of month) 11.30am Choral Mattins(except 2nd Sunday) 6.30pm Choral Evensong Weekdays 7.30am Mattins (said) 8.00am Holy Communion 5.30pm Evensong Saturdays 8.40am Mattins (said) 9.00am Holy Communion 5.00pm Evensong Details of special events can be found on the web-site

KnitOne PurlOne SaveOne Knitting Group First Tuesday of every month 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Parish Room St John’s knitting group meets on the first Tuesday in every month in the Parish Room at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a cup of tea. If you can’t knit we will show you …. we have everything required to start you off.

Our knitting is now being taken to Romanian Aid Foundation in Horley. Margaret 01306 252004 Margaret Teale



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Guildford Cathedral’s 2020 vision launched Guildford Cathedral has announced a new strategy to secure its future at the heart of the Guildford community. The strategy includes an ambitious seven year plan for fundraising and investment and also reveals plans to sell some of the land on Stag Hill for proposed new housing. The new Dean, the Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams, launched the bold new plan on 26th September, which will involve the creation of significantly enhanced public open space on Stag Hill, greater connectivity with the town centre and a major programme of urgent repairs to the fabric of the Cathedral. “This is a crucial point in the history of the Cathedral which has never experienced financial security,” said the Dean. “Guildford Cathedral 2020 gives the cathedral not only a future, but a chance to finally take up its place at the heart of its community, just as its founders envisaged some 80 years ago. “The strategy provides a framework for an extensive programme of investment which will enable us to establish a strong new physical link with the town and realise the original vision for the Cathedral’s surroundings which included landscaped grounds, housing and buildings for community use.” A fundamental part of the vision is to ensure a sustainable financial future for the Cathedral which costs £1.17m to operate per annum and is currently running at a deficit of around £100,000 per year. To achieve this, Guildford Cathedral 2020 reveals plans to release an area of land for the development of social and private housing, including a new Cathedral Close to accommodate staff and clergy which will replace the existing sub-standard houses. “Our belief is that fulfilling our strategy for 2020 will have a positive impact on Guildford as a whole by delivering much-needed affordable housing as well as creating a more welcoming and attractive environment: a centre of worship, culture, music, education and social activity,” added Dianna. 19

Summary of the PCC meeting on 10th September 2013 The Vicar welcomed all members and opened the meeting with prayers. Stuart reported that he was delighted that £10,000 had been donated anonymously to the Community Building Fund and he was waiting to hear the results of new grant applications. The churchwarden was pleased that volunteers had come forward for cleaning the church, gardening services and doing minor repairs but there was still a need for assistant sacristans and Junior Church Leaders. It was agreed to appoint Chris Daley from Taylor Williams Daley Ltd of South Street, Dorking as the Inspecting Architect. The churchwarden had arranged for stone repairs, trees to be trimmed and made safe, and minor electrical work to be done over the following weeks. It was reported that cracks had appeared in the vicarage walls. The diocesan property manager and a structural engineer were to visit the vicarage and hopefully solve the problem. The Treasurer reported that Church Funds were low and recommended that the PCC went ahead with a stewardship campaign to raise more money for church funds. Coffee mornings were to continue on Thursday and Friday mornings. St John’s School was now an Academy. Teas on the Lawn had once again been a success. There had been many volunteers to help and the money raised by each team had been split between church funds and a cause of the 20

volunteers’ choice. The result was £435 for the church fund, £171 for the Community Building Fund and £264 for other causes. The services and activities for Christmas were agreed to be as follows:Sunday 1st December A family service for all those who have been baptised during the year. Saturday 21st December Children’s Activity morning and Christingle Carols by candlelight 6.00pm Sunday 22nd December Tuesday 24th December Crib Service 4.00pm Midnight mass 11.30pm. Wednesday 25th December Holy Communion 8.00am. Parish Eucharist 10.00am The church fees for weddings were agreed by the PCC. A pilgrimage to Walsingham would take place from 30th May to 1st June 2014. Contact Jane Schofield for details. The next meeting of the PCC will be on Tuesday 12th November 2013.

Friends of King George V Playing Field Parents and toddlers in the Park Every Friday12.30 to 2.30 Free! Everyone welcome At the pavilion on King George V Playing Field Squash and biscuits for toddlers - Tea and coffee for parents An opportunity for toddlers to play together and parents to chat. The Friends of King George V Playing Field accepts no responsibility for the care of children or for harm or injury whilst using any of the facilities provided. Find us on Facebook: search for ‘Friends of KGV Dorking’ 21

Building St Cuthbert’s Shrine: Durham Cathedral and the Life of Prior Turgot A new book written by Lionel Green, a parishioner of North Holmwood, was launched in August 2013. Set in the period of the Norman Conquest, 1066, this book tells the story of Turgot, a man with a purpose and sense of adventure, who is shipwrecked returning from Norway, becomes part of the community in Durham, and embarks on the ambitious project of building a shrine worthy of the legends and legacy of St Cuthbert. The author, Lionel Green, had been researching for this work for a number of years, since publishing his earlier book “A Priory Revealed: using material related to Merton Priory”. Lionel sadly died in 2010, before the completion of the book, leaving Peter Hopkins to bring the manuscripts and finished chapters together into the final version of this book. Both books are available on Amazon. Lionel Green grew up in Merton and was a founder member, and later president, of Merton Historical Society. He moved in to the Dorking area in the 1950s. His books give a detailed and accurate picture of life in medieval Britain and the spirituality of this period. They are a welcome reminder of the influence and impact of our Christian heritage and the role of the church and monasteries over the centuries.

Goodwyns Community group are Going to Go for Music, Movement and Meal (Trial run) For all capabilities, including disabled or unsteady. Sit down to exercise, stand or do a bit more. Easy pace. Light lunch or soup - All free 11am to 1pm first Monday of the month at the Harvest Church Keep fit and meet people for a chat


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The autumn term continues with the children having settled well and learning their daily routines, whilst having fun during this first half term. The theme has been ‘All about me’. During October the children and teachers all enjoyed a visit to the St John’s Church to look at the harvest decorations. We also looked at the windows, and heard Serena play on the organ! If you are interested in our Pre-School please feel free to call in and see us at the Village Hall. Children can join us from the start of the term after they are two years old. Our hours are Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 12.15pm. If you would like an information pack or to arrange a visit, please contact the Pre-School leader, Julia Woollard, on 07931 212006. Natalie Tanswell, Committee North Holmwood Pre-School, Village Hall, Spook Hill, North Holmwood, Surrey, RH5 4EG Registered Charity Number: 1023910

Dads & kids Group! Every second Saturday of the month 10am-12 noon Lots of activities plus a free egg & bacon sarnie! Activities include: Wii Fit Games Arts and Craft Model Building Children under 8 please Dads, step dads, granddads and male carers welcome Call Sarah or Natalie for more info 01306 882397 Supported by Dorking Nursery School Surestart Children’s Centre 25

Holmwood WI Holmwood WI welcomed five new members to their October meeting. Our Speaker was Rosemary Horton who this time spoke about her role as one of the 70,000 volunteers at last year’s Olympic Games. She turned up wearing the distinctive regal and purple uniform plus her rucsac, fleeces and hats as officially supplied to her to wear in her role. All the time and energy given by these volunteers helped to make the Olympics such a success world-wide. Their willingness helped athletes, official guests and members of the public in so many ways as they arrived at airports and railway stations from all over the world to head for London and the other sports venues and hotels. Many different languages were spoken, and many voluntary drivers were there to move so many people around throughout the games until they all went home again. Rosemary was able to watch some events including the opening ceremony which was exciting too. If any of us may have thought their important training for this occasion left them redundant afterwards we should think again. Rosemary told us how the 2012 spirit lives on and she and many others have become Team London Ambassadors to volunteer to help with important sporting and cultural events around London in the future. It was good to hear so much detail of local involvement. In November we have our Annual Meeting when we elect a new President and committee. We have Christmas concerts and Christmas lunches to look forward to and our Programme for next year is being finalized. Our Christmas Fair and coffee morning will take place at Holmwood Village Hall on Saturday November 30th 10.00 until 12.00 noon. We hope to sell plenty of mince pies, cakes, craft and we have a tombola, raffle, guessing games etc. 26

Our 3rd Wednesday afternoon craft and Scrabble group continues at Holmwood Village Hall. Our monthly pub lunch is as popular as ever. Our regular WI meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 2.30pm in Holmwood Village Hall, Warwick Road, South Holmwood. We always welcome guest and new members. Programme and details from the secretary, Wendy Lloyd 01306 889485 or

WI Christmas Fair & Coffee Morning Saturday 30thth November 2013 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Holmwood Village Hall Warwick Rd, South Holmwood Cakes, Mince pies, Craft, Plants, Tombola, Bric-a-Brac, etc HOLMWOOD WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Further information from Secretary Wendy Lloyd 01306 889485 CROSSWORD 27

Across 1 and 20 Down ‘Lord of all — , Lord of all — , whose trust, ever child-like, no cares could destroy’ (11,3) 9 Moses’ question to a fighting Hebrew labourer: ‘Why are you — your fellow Hebrew?’ (Exodus 2:13) (7) 10 Acclaimed cellist who contracted multiple sclerosis at the height of her fame, Jacqueline — (2,3) 11 ‘At even — the sun was set, the sick, O Lord, around thee lay’ (3) 13 A descendant of Gad (Numbers 26:16) (4) 16 ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but — for the gift my Father promised’ (Acts 1:4) (4) 17 Clambers (Jeremiah 48:44) (6) 18 Peter’s response to questioning by the Sanhedrin: ‘We must — God rather than men!’ (Acts 5:29) (4) 20 Christian paraplegic author, artist and campaigner, — Eareckson Tada (4) 21 Bird partial to the nests of other birds (6)

22 ‘Such large crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat — — ’ (Matthew 13:2) (2,2) 23 Infectious tropical disease (4) 25 Tree (3) 28 ‘No fear of me should — you, nor should my hand be heavy upon you’ (Job 33:7) (5) 29 For example, to Titus, Timothy or Philemon (7) 30 Week beginning with Pentecost Sunday, according to the Church’s calendar (11)

Down 2 ‘O Jerusalem… how — I have longed to gather your children together’ (Matthew 23:37) (5) 3 Way out (4) 4 Exhort (Romans 12:1) (4) 28

5 Done (anag.) (4) 6 Highest of the four voiceparts in a choir (7) 7 Concerning the study of God (11) 8 Uniquely, it has Abbey, Cathedral and Chapel (11) 12 Admonish (Matthew 16:22) (6) 14 Frozen (3) 15 Established form of religious ceremony (6)

19 Inscription often found on gravestones (7) 20 See 1 Across 24 Behaved (Joshua 7:1) (5) 25 Time (anag.) (4) 26 Lists choice of meals (4) 27 ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the — of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (Romans 6:23) (4)

Reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). The Bible version used is NIV.

POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETINGS Panel meetings are an opportunity for the local community to identify the priorities they would like the local neighbourhood team to focus upon. They also allow the neighbourhood team to feedback progress reports to residents. NORTH HOLMWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING 7.30pm Wednesday 27th November North Holmwood Parish Room at St John’s Church GOODWYNS NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING 7.30pm Monday 20th January 2014 at the Harvest Church, Stubs Hill PC Jason Woods, PCSO Lisa Cobby, PCSO Rebecca Black


St John’s November dates 4 11am Music and Movement, Mon

Soup and rolls: Harvest Church

12.30pm Mothers’ Union 7.30pm Beginners Please


5 2pm Knit One, Purl One…


6 10am Jigsaw





7 9am Coffee @ St John’s

1 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 9am Coffee @ St John’s

8 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 9am Coffee @ St John’s

2 All Souls’ Day 5pm Holy Communion


3 All Saints 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Family Service World Vision stall

10 Remembrance Sunday 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Remembrance Service


This is a provisional listing of What’s On. For extra information please check the posters on the notice boards at the back of the church and outside.




12 7pm PCC meeting



13 10am Jigsaw

20 10am Jigsaw

27 10am Jigsaw

14 9am Coffee @ St 21 9am Coffee @ St John’s John’s 10am Chart Downs 2.30-4.00 Teas for Coffee Morning All

28 9am Coffee @ St John’s

15 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 9am Coffee @ St John’s

22 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 9am Coffee @ St John’s

29 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 9am Coffee @ St John’s



30 6pm Wedding Blessing 7pm Barn Dance at St John’s School

17 2nd Sunday before Advent 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist

24 Christ the King 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist


Will Aid 2013: Making a difference together for 25 years This November, Will Aid will again offer the opportunity for people to make a quality basic will with a local participating solicitor in return for a donation to good causes. The suggested donation is £90 for a single basic will. Over the past 25 years, Will Aid solicitors and their clients have contributed £13.6 million in donations to charities and during the same period £95m has been promised as gifts in wills to charity, making Will Aid the UK’s most successful charity will-writing scheme. Last November alone, the general public responded with enthusiasm and around 24,000 people were given the push they needed to finally write their will and in so doing raised almost £2.1 million in donations (including Gift Aid). The money raised is shared between the participating charities (ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF and Trocaire) and provides vital funds to help people to build their communities and improve their future in the UK and around the world. Only with professional help can people feel confident that their will is valid and their wishes will be carried out. Many people don’t make a will because they assume that their partner will automatically inherit everything. This is not true. For example, people who are not legally married or in a civil partnership are not automatically entitled to anything from the estate of their partner. There are even financial limits on what a surviving legally married person can receive. This may be less than the value of the family home – possibly forcing its sale to pay off other relatives. As a result, many surviving loved ones may have to endure a drawn out legal process and a good deal of emotional stress. It is also very important to keep the will up-to-date. This is particularly important when family circumstances change. There may be births, deaths, divorces, marriages and, of course, people 32

named as guardians for children or executors of the will may become unsuitable through age or ill health. With preparation and the help of a Will Aid solicitor, making a will need not be difficult or time-consuming. In fact, it can often be done in a lunch hour. Details of participating solicitors are available online. Local solicitors taking part include: Quality Solicitors Palmers, Leatherhead (Mrs Caroline Mahoney) 01372 897470 and Fortesque Graham & Lloyd, Great Bookham (Mr Christopher Hughes), 01483 284567 Shirley Marsland, Will Aid campaign manager, said: “Will Aid has made a real difference for 25 years – both to the work of the charities and to the 250,000 people our participating solicitors have helped to make a will. This November, we hope that even more people will have the opportunity to make their will with a Will Aid solicitor. Making a will with a Will Aid solicitor provides peace of mind from knowing that loved ones are properly provided for and that hard-earned assets will eventually go to the people and causes you care about, rather than some little known distant relative or the Treasury.”

DORKING QUILTERS We enjoyed a visit from Surjeet Husain, an expert in Indian embroidery at our meeting in October. Surjeet has visited us before, and brings along a lovely array of her work, including sheesha, and her own water colour paintings. Sheesha and her other work can be used to embellish quilts. Our next meeting will be an evening workshop on12th November, when we will learn how to make coasters which can be fixed to glasses – all of your guests can have a different one, to identify their own drink. The meeting will be at the Friends’ Meeting House, Butter Hill, South Street, Dorking, starting at 7.30 p.m. Just bring along some Christmas material, or choose some from our stashes. Visitors are most welcome, and if you want more information, please contact Sheena Salmon on 01306 885597. 33

St John’s CofE Community School and Nursery St John's is back in full swing and now approaching half term! Time flies when you are enjoying yourself and there has been plenty happening for the children to enjoy. Lots of building work went on again over the holidays so that we came back to a truly beautiful school. Our Early Years department has been reconfigured so that we now have a fantastic Nursery classroom with all new facilities and a separate classroom also with all its own special facilities for our Reception class. All of our Key Stage Two classrooms received a splendid makeover and have been repainted in colours that are reflected throughout the whole school. The Holmwood building now houses The Orchard, the name for our lovely new class, the nurture group, which is led by Katie Fletcher. Of course, our greatest acquisition over the summer break was Miss Donna Wardell who we warmly welcomed as our Headteacher. She has now settled into her role and is getting to know lots of the children and their parents. So we have already had our first visit to St John's church when we had our Harvest Service there on 1st October. The children had collected lots of tinned and non-perishable goods which will be taken to the Pitstop in Leatherhead. We have also had a wonderful class assembly from Dolphins Year 4 Class who recently visited Hampton Court. The fire service brought their engines up for our Nursery children to see. Year 1 have been visited by an optician who explained the importance of looking after our eyes, and Year 5 hosted a Dorking schools football tournament on our fantastic all weather pitch. As you can see, we have been very busy! You are always welcome to come and visit our school to see us at work. Jenny Crook


Sherlock & Sons Funeral Service Trellis House, South Street, Dorking Tel: 01306 882266 Monumental Masons Memorials supplied in British Stones and Granite Sherlock & Sons is an independent Family Business established in Dorking for over 100 years Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans are available on request


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07948 568906 If no reply leave your name and number At least 48 hours in advance unless urgent

Passengers make a modest donation to cover drivers’ expenses and administration Any interested volunteer drivers please contact: 01306 875392 or 01306 888256

WEA – Life Is About Learning! As the days shorten and the dark nights draw in, why not cheer yourself up with a course from the East Surrey Workers’ Educational Association. This autumn and winter WEA East Surrey has something for everyone – from ballet to Christmas wrapping workshops. A full list of our courses can be found at or you can call one of the WEA East Surrey team on 01737 225100. Tap for Fitness & Fun takes place on Wednesday evenings at St Joseph’s RC Church Hall, Falklands Grove in Dorking from 7pm to 8pm (C3734856) and Ballet for Fitness & Fun at the same venue from 8pm – 9pm (C3734857). The classes are suitable for all abilities and are very relaxed and friendly. No tap shoes or tutus required – just comfy clothes and a sense of fun! Each course costs £50 and runs for 10 weeks. And what could be better to put you in the festive mood than a fun Christmas Craft Course. A wide range is taking place at the Leatherhead Institute in November and December, including: Decorative Christmas Wrapping on 30th November, from 10am – 1pm (£12.50); Christmas Wreaths on 7th December from 10am – 12.30pm (£12.50) and Festive Table Decorations which takes place on 14th December from 10am – 12 noon (£10). There is also a small charge for materials. WEA East Surrey works in association with East Surrey College delivering a wide range of provision. For more details or to book your place please call 0800 328 1060 or visit


MUSIC IN DORKING - NOVEMBER 2013 by Ian Codd 4th at 5.45, opera screening from ROH at Dorking Halls, £17, 01306 881717 7th 14th 21st 28th at 1.00, Lunchtime recitals at St Martin’s, free, 01306 742629 7th 14th 21st 28th at 8.30, Watermill Jazz at Friends Life, 07415 815784 16th at 7.30, Dorking Choral Society at St Martin’s 16th at 7.30, Ashtead Choral Society at Dorking Halls, £10-15, 01306 881717 21st at 7.30, Russian State Ballet at Dorking Halls, £28.50-30.50, 01306 881717 23rd at 7.30, English Chamber Orchestra at Dorking Halls, £12-29, 01306 740619 23rd at 7.30, Brockham Choral Society at St Martin’s, £15, 01306 882728 23rd at 7.30, Capel Choral Society at St Mary Magdalene, South Holmwood 30th at 7.30, Dorking Philharmonia at St Martin’s, £12, 01306 730640 Choral music features strongly this month. Dorking Choral Society presents a concert celebrating the centenary of the birth of Benjamin Britten, including his exciting and dramatic cantata Saint Nicolas. This is coupled with music by Henry Purcell, a composer whom Britten greatly admired. Ashtead Choral Society will sing Brahms’ A German Requiem. Setting a selection of Biblical texts, this is a very lovely piece inspired by the death of the composer’s mother. The choir will be joined by the London Gala Orchestra and two distinguished soloists. Brockham Choral Society will be performing Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle with professional soloists and with an accompaniment of two pianos and organ as originally arranged by the composer. Rossini wondered afterwards whether he had really written a piece of sacred music, remarking that he had been born to write comic opera, while no less a person than Napoleon III commented that it was ‘neither small nor solemn nor liturgical’! And finally, Capel 38

Choral Society will perform parts 1 and 3 of Handel’s Messiah, plus the Hallelujah chorus, with a full complement of soloists and orchestra. Moving to orchestral music, the English Chamber Orchestra has a very attractive programme, beginning with Mendelssohn’s evocative overture The Hebrides. Laura van der Heijden, the BBC Young Musician for 2012, will then play Saint-Saëns’ first cello concerto. The programme also includes Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll and Beethoven’s first symphony. The Dorking Philharmonia will be playing two symphonies - Brahms’ impressive fourth and Haydn’s ‘Clock’ symphony - together with the rarely-heard concerto for viola and clarinet by Max Bruch. A new series of opera screenings from the Royal Opera House is now underway at Dorking Halls, and this month you can see their production of Verdi’s The Sicilian Vespers, live from the ROH conducted by Antonio Pappano. I saw the screening of Turandot in September and very much enjoyed it. For ballet lovers, the Russian State Ballet and Opera House will be visiting Dorking to perform Tchaikovsky’s perennial favourite The Nutcracker. Every Thursday lunchtime there are concerts at St Martin’s church. This month’s performers are organist Ian le Grice (7th), Martin and Miriam Ellis playing piano duets (14th), tenor James Lister with Mark Brafield at the piano (21st), and organist John Belcher (28th). On Thursday evenings Watermill Jazz presents a concert at the Friends Life social club, with a different line-up of talented performers on each occasion.

Loud and Proud Community Choir The choir launched in April 2009 and has been going from strength to strength. People of all ages are really enjoying singing all sorts of different songs! Come along any Wednesday during school term. We meet at St John’s School, Goodwyns Road from 7.30pm to 9pm during school term. It’s free, fun and friendly! 39

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Friends of Holmwood Common and the National Trust November 2013 News from the Common Ranger’s Report Whilst out and about the circular trail continues to be the main topic of conversation. I hope, in the long term, that we will all come to appreciate the benefits of an all-weather track and that a wider range of users will have the opportunity to enjoy the Common. The Trust has a number of core values including ‘special places’ – we love special places and the role they play in people’s lives. Holmwood with its many tracks and butterflies, fungi – and even its mud – should be special to as many people as possible. If users such as the physically challenged can easily access the Common then the better we are doing our job. The first Saturday in November will, weather permitting, see another charcoal burning session near the Viewpoint. Setting up the burn will take place in the morning from about 10:30 and ignition is likely to be around 1:00. If you are passing, why not drop in for a biscuit and a cup of tea? Come and say hello to the volunteers and find out what’s involved in charcoal production. Badgers on the Common? I would be interested to hear if anyone regularly sees badgers on or very close to the Common. I have never seen any signs of habitation ... I suspect it may be the clay or too damp for their liking. Please give me a call or drop me a line if you have any information to suggest otherwise. Rob Adam, Ranger, Holmwood Common. Circular Trail - update Have you been to walk or cycle the sections of trail that have now been completed? By the time that you read this it is likely that construction work for this year will be completed and that you will be able to circumnavigate the Common without needing to pull on your welly-boots. Resurfacing some of the older paths that are 41

part of the trail will be done next year to complete the contract works. The next phase of work will be the installation of new way-marking around the Common, designed to assist visitors with route-finding to and from the various car parks and the Viewpoint. The initial surveying has been done and work will be starting soon to construct the signposts, with installation taking place early next year. If you have any questions regarding the circular trail or would like to get a map please contact Sam Bayley, Head Ranger for Leith Hill & Holmwood Common, on 01306 712711 or via email at: Friends’ Autumn Evening: the “State of Nature on Holmwood Common” What do you most enjoy when you visit the Common? The birdsong? The flowers? The butterflies in the Summer? Or the fungi in the Autumn? The occasional glimpse of a roe deer? How are all these flora and fauna affected by the ever-changing habitat, climate change and human impact? And how should the Common be managed in order to provide the best possible opportunity for your favourite wild-life to flourish? We shall be addressing these questions and more when we meet for the Friends’ Autumn Evening on Wednesday 27th November in South Holmwood Village Hall. Three local experts – Martin Gray (birds), Gail Jeffcoate (butterflies) and Vivien Hodge (fungi) – will each present a perspective on what we should look for in this area and how populations have changed over time. We will then widen the discussion to provide you with the opportunity to share what you value and enjoy most about the Common. Finally we will ask Sam Bayley, the National Trust Head Ranger, to join the experts in helping us to think about the ways in which we can all contribute to making Holmwood Common a better home for wildlife. Details of the Friends’ Autumn Evening are listed below. If you would like to receive a copy of the “State of Nature” report, compiled and recently published as a collaborative effort by twenty-five of the UK’s leading conservation and research bodies, 42

then please contact us at the email address for the Friends’ (see below), or you can download the report from the RSPB web-site. Newsletter published The Autumn issue of our twice-yearly newsletter has now been distributed to all members of the Friends of Holmwood Common. Non-members are invited to request a copy by contacting the Friends (see below) or you can download the newsletter from the National Trust web-page for Holmwood Common at Contact us ... If you have any questions about the National Trust’s work on Holmwood Common, please get in touch with Rob Adam, NT Ranger for Holmwood Common: phone 01306 712711; mobile 07901 511359; or email to . The Friends of Holmwood Common can be contacted via . Suspicious activity on the Common, such as suspected poaching, should be reported to the Surrey Police by dialling 101 without delay. Forthcoming Events Wednesday 27th November – Friends’ Autumn Evening “The State of Nature on Holmwood Common” 7:30pm – South Holmwood Village Hall A panel of local wildlife experts will provide an overview of the flora and fauna of Holmwood Common and how they are being affected as the habitat and climate changes. You will be invited to join a discussion about the ways in which we could and should be caring for the diverse wildlife here on our local Common. FOHC Members: no charge. Non-members: £5 per adult; £3 per child. Wednesday 1st January 2014 – Friends’ New Year Walk 1:30pm to 3:30pm. Invigorating walk on Holmwood Common to burn off those Christmas calories ... followed by tea & cake to put them back on again! Meet at Fourwents Pond Car Park ... no need to book. 43

Other events are scheduled for various NT properties throughout the region. Visit for more information. Join the Friends today ... Membership of the Friends of Holmwood Common is open to everyone. Joining now, at 2013 rates, will provide membership right through to 31st December 2014. Please send your annual subscription – just £5 per household (plus a donation, if you are feeling generous!) – to: Friends of Holmwood Common, c/o 10 The Orchard, North Holmwood, RH5 4JT. Cheques should be made payable to “Friends of Holmwood Common” and, if you have one, please include your email address.

Christmas Fun in Beare Green 23 November 11am-3.30pm at the Beare Green Village Hall This year there will be no need to travel to Crawley, Guildford or Kingston for your Christmas shopping… the Christmas shopping experience is coming to the village hall! There will be plenty of stalls, including sewn goods, stone bowls, jewellery, photo gifts, gardening gifts, cards and wrapping paper, original artwork, cakes, hand-painted presents, stocking-fillers and children's toys. You really will be able to find something for everyone! Plus there will be Santa's grotto, games and entertainment, a tombola, raffle, hot food, mince pies and mulled wine, and plenty to keep everyone amused. We hope to see you there! Beare Green Community Association 44

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HOLMWOOD VILLAGE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION VPA Autumn Evening • Tuesday 12th November Doors open at 7.30pm • South Holmwood Village Hall Come along and listen to our speaker for the evening, Paul W Patton, who will be discussing “Gardening on the Wild Side – attracting and keeping beneficial wild life into a garden and the many benefits to the whole garden”. Nibbles and drinks available, and all are welcome – members and non-members alike. And speaking of membership, for the first time in ages and ages the annual membership fee for the VPA is going up. Are you sitting down, stiff drink in hand? Family membership is going up to £10 per year, and individual membership to £6 per year. Sponsorship of a class at the Summer Show remains £6. Your support of the VPA, via your membership, is very much appreciated, and allows the organisation to continue blazing a vegetable trail into the future. In other news, loyal readers will recall that my much anticipated pumpkins this year turned out to be butternut squashes. Actually they weren’t. After watching one swell and swell and waiting until, well, now, for it to turn orange, I finally have to conclude that they are, in fact, huge green marrows. Actually, marrow. The single beast on the plant became so massive that all the other little marrows were left withered in its wake, or crushed, mercilessly, against the side of the raised bed in its quest for total domination. I shall bring it along to the Autumn Evening for you all to admire. The question is: do you have one that can beat it? The gauntlet is thrown down for anyone to bring their finest squash, gourd, marrow or pumpkin to the Autumn Evening to challenge my monster! Credit given not just for size, but also for good looks. Just for a bit of fun, of course, although the grower of the winning specimen may well receive a free cup of tea from the hatch. 47

This vegetable challenge is inspired by the raffle, at the Weald School Harvest Festival, of Jacob Jackson’s home-grown enormous pumpkin. The money raised was split between BSA’s chosen charity, supporting leprosy sufferers in India, as well as providing a princely donation for the VPA. Nice one Jacob! Ros Treliving

Volunteer January 2014 It's a sad fact that almost everyone has been touched by cancer – a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague. It can be a weary, frightening experience and also very lonely at times when there is no-one at hand to share the fears and concerns that serious illness brings. The Brigitte Trust can help with support at home from one of our trained volunteers. Spending time with someone diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, or sitting quietly together whilst a carer has a break – emotional and practical support is vital at a time like this. The Brigitte Trust needs volunteers in January 2014 to support people with cancer, Motor Neurone disease and other lifethreatening illnesses. Our new year training courses will be based in Dorking and Tandridge and will give you the skills to make a real difference. The free training course focuses on listening skills and when visiting families we ask for a commitment of three hours per week. Read more about the Trust, and the training course, at or call Sharon today on 01306 881816.


LONDON CHILD, COUNTRY WIFE By June Broomer Earlier in the year we printed episodes from June’s life during the war and we heard about peace returning. Now we learn about “family life again”. I remembered little about the birth of my other sister, Betty, who was a baby when I left home as a 10 year old evacuee but, at the end of this traumatic period, my mother and we three daughters unexpectedly found ourselves, once again, all living together. During the height of the bombing, my mother and my small sisters left London for the second time and were offered one room at the house to which I was evacuated, changing me from an evacuee to a member of my own family who had become lodgers. At the outbreak of war, all men were ‘called up’ either to go into the armed services, or work in munitions factories, or go down the mines. Only those in ‘reserved occupations’, exempt as key workers to keep the country running, or the old and infirm, were the exceptions. My father probably looked forward to the chance of getting out of the environment where he grew up and the work at “The Cheshire Cheese” which he had done since a young man and must have been deeply shocked, at his medical examination, to find that he had terminal tuberculosis and would be sent to King George V Sanatorium at Milford (near Godalming) instead. Unwilling to stay in London, my mother’s own family had helped her to sell up and make the move to the country as we would never be able to resume life as it was, separated so far from my father. The cramped conditions with one adult and three children all sleeping on camp-beds in the same room in the house where I had been an evacuee proved very difficult, particularly as we had to use the minimum of electricity and I set the curtains alight while holding the candle for my mother to put my sisters to bed! A sympathetic milkman secretly told my mother that his employer had houses to rent in Westcott and he would ‘put in a good word’ for us, if she was interested. When he called next day to say we could rent a whole house for fifteen shillings a week, it was like a dream come true, and we moved out to what was to become our home until we daughters all married many years later. At that time, however, I had to come to terms with the fact that I would never 49

go to college and be a teacher, and would have to adapt to a future as a country person. My father was allowed home for a weekend only infrequently (tuberculosis is highly contagious) and we never visited him as this was discouraged and, in any case, we could not have afforded the fare or manage the journey. After being away for over two years, eventually he was discharged as incurable. Within a year or so at home as a walking invalid, he deteriorated until he was bedridden and his life ended at the age of 42, in his little bedroom where he could look out over the fields – far away from the streets of Bermondsey where he was born. We were desperately poor once my father was unable to support his family, and there was only a small weekly sum coming in from an insurance, plus the help which came regularly as a Postal Order from our Aunt Edna and the visits of Aunt Pat with her suitcase packed with sweets, comics, meat and clothes which she had acquired in one way or another. I knew I would have to get a job as quickly as possible after leaving school, despite hearing that I had Matriculated in my exams so, two weeks later, I went to the Employment Office to see what was available. As my evacuated school in Guildford was housed in a commandeered mansion, it was not possible to include in our timetable those subjects which needed a laboratory or special equipment. The London County Council allowed its schools in that position to fill the gap by teaching ‘office skills’ which comprised shorthand, book-keeping and typing. With a certificate gained in all three, at the age of nearly sixteen I applied for the post of shorthand typist in an Estate Agents in Dorking where I remained until I married four years later. I was the only female there, the others being an office boy who ran the errands, a manager who had just been demobilized from the RAF and who had worked there before the war, and the ‘boss’ who had remained all through the war to run his business. I was now able to help out at home, and paid the rent of the cottage out of my thirty-shillings a week wages, making it much easier all round and leaving me with more money than I had ever had in my life. [to be continued] 50

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Hair by Emma The Studio, Chart Downs. Dorking. Hair by Emma is a small home run freelance hairdressing business that is fully insured. I offer most ladies hairdressing services including children at very competitive rates. I am a member of FHBF (Freelance Hair & Beauty Federation). I attend training throughout the year as I feel this is important for keeping up to date with what’s new and going on in the world of hairdressing. For full details see my website or call for an appointment on 07919 488507.

AN ARMCHAIR DUFFER’S VIEW OF SPORT September / October England’s football supporters can now book their next summer’s holiday in Brazil following the England football team clinching qualification for the World Cup finals by defeating Montenegro four goals to one on Friday 11th October and finally Poland two goals to nil on Tuesday 15th October. England thoroughly deserved their win against Montenegro, for at last they played some good attacking football, inspired by a newcomer to the squad, Andros Townsend, who was named man of the match. In the tougher game against Poland, England suffered a series of heart stopping moments hanging on to a one nil lead when Rooney scored in the 41st minute, until their captain, Steven Gerrard, scored the second goal two minutes from the end of the game. England’s boss Roy Hodgson said, “I died a thousand deaths every time Poland crossed the halfway line”. I suspect he wasn’t the only one. Andy Murray was mobbed by Britain’s Davis Cup team mates when he beat Croatia’s lead player Ivan Dodig 6-4, 6-2, 6-4, on Sunday 15th September to ensure GB’s promotion to the World Group. This followed his wins in the two singles and a doubles in the two previous days. After being out of tennis for seven months because of a career threatening knee problem Rafa Nadal has won 65 out of 69 matches including the winning of two Grand Slams. The latest ATP ranking shows that he is the World’s best again with Novak Djokovic in second place and Andy Murray third. Jonny Brownlee just missed out in the closest of sprint finishes in the World Triathlon Grand Final as Spain’s Javier Gomez won a dramatic victory by one second. It seemed strange not seeing both the Brownlee brothers in the first three places but Alistair Brownlee eventually finished 52nd because of an ankle injury. He was grimacing in pain as he leapt off his bicycle to start the running phase. Kenenisa Bekele won the Great North Run when Mo Farah failed to catch him in a thrilling finish — it was close. It will be an interesting 53

contest if they are both going to run in the London Marathon next April. Haile Gebrselassie finished third, a great achievement considering he is now 40 years of age. Priscah Jeptro from Kenya won the women’s race and David Weir and Shelley Woods had comfortable victories in their Wheelchair events. Crowds once again lined the streets of Dorking as some of the world’s best cyclists taking part in the seventh stage of the Tour of Britain raced through the town. This stage started in Epsom and finished in Guildford after including some of the most strenuous routes in the Surrey Hills and was won by British cyclist Mark Cavendish. He also won the next final stage in London with a superb sprint finish, but star attraction Sir Bradley Wiggins, who won the Tour de France, was the overall winner. Not one of the British team cyclists finished the world championship road race in Florence due to the awful weather. Sir Bradley Wiggins languished at the back of the peleton and eventually pulled out 128km from the finish. He was accused of not pulling his weight. Chris Froome followed 50km later and confessed to being very disappointed. It was a miserable performance with no team spirit. Despite the appalling conditions the race was eventually won by Rui Costa of Portugal who out sprinted Spain’s Joaquim Rodriguez in a close finish. Britain’s Olympic champion sailor Ben Ainsley has often stated that his one remaining ambition was to win sport’s oldest international trophy, the 162 year old America’s Cup. On Wednesday 25th September, having joined the United States ‘Oracle’ crew two weeks before as a replacement tactician, he helped mastermind a run of eight wins in the waters of San Francisco. It was considered that Ben Ainsley’s inclusion in the crew was largely responsible for Team USA coming from behind to win the 34th America’s Cup.


Pristine Property Maintenance

Martin Peek City & Guilds qualified Fully Insured Specialists in: Bathrooms Kitchens Wet Rooms Bespoke Showers Tiling Decorating Plastering Carpentry and General Property Maintenance Tel 07831 250036 – 01306 887 633 E-mail: 1 Shellwood Drive, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4TA

Holmwood Marketplace For local goods and services

Martin O’

North Holmwood Village Hall

Saturday 23 November 2013

Painter and Decorator

12:30-4:00p.m. This month with a heritage walk from 10:00 around North Holmwood led by local historian,

Kathy Atherton Use contact details below to book your place. Garden and Farm Gate Produce - Cakes - Preserves Crafts - Plants - Trades Health and Wellbeing Therapists Business Consultants - Other Local Services

Next market on 21 Dec 2013 For more information: 01306 741545/07973 207087

Find us on Facebook

No Job Too Big or Too Small Telephone 01306 741627

SOFT INTERIORS BY JOSEPHINE High quality Curtains and soft furnishings Hand finished and made to your specification Helpful advice on design And colour matching if required Please telephone 01306 644802 or 0776 7771777 or email For a free estimate

Peter Smith Electrical Qualified Electrician and Handyman Friendly Reliable Service Fully insured and Part P Approved 6 Clockhouse Cottages Horsham Road CAPEL Surrey RH5 5JJ Tel 01306 710588 / 07885 444395 Email

NORTH HOLMWOOD SPORTS CLUB INHOLMS LANE, NORTH HOLMWOOD The cricket and stoolball seasons have now come to an end for 2013 but there’s plenty going on socially.... 9 November – Fireworks Night & Disco with Cool Effects, 8.30pm 16 November – “SteveO”, A tribute to all the greats ....Swing , soul , Motown , blues , rock n roll , 60s , modern and much more 8.30pm 23 November – Quiz Night, teams of 6, £3 per person 30 November – Race Night, 8.15pm MEMBERSHIP DEAL - If you are not currently a member, you can join now and have 14 months for the price of 12. No need to renew until January 2015 !! To enquire about membership email us at or call in during opening hours and ask for a membership form. Don’t forget the Friday Night Meat Raffle, which takes place at The Club every Friday night at 9.30pm. Also free range eggs are available at The Club from Friday evenings at £2.50 a dozen.

Don’t forget that the Club is available for hire for private parties. Please phone 01306 889764 or collect a booking form from the bar. If you are not a member then we will ask you to join our Club to enjoy our facilities. This still works out more cost effective than local venues.



St ANDREW feast day November 30th The Bible tells us that Andrew and his brother Simon Peter were the very first disciples to follow Jesus. They were fishermen working at their nets when Jesus called them. It was a hard thing to do, to leave everything for an uncertain way of life but Andrew knew that Jesus was so special that he had to share this wonderful knowledge with others.

Andrew followed Jesus for the rest of his life. After Jesus’ death he travelled widely spreading the message and building the early church. He was arrested for being a follower of Christ and condemned to death on the cross. Legend says that he was crucified on a diagonal cross. St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and his cross is on the Scottish flag which is a white cross on a blue background – the blue is for the sea which seems right for a fisherman.

Andrew and Simon fished with nets from the shore or from small boats. You could make a fishing fleet of small boats and decorate their sales with St Andrew’s cross. You will need a polystyrene box or tray like the ones you see at the fruit shop or supermarket. Using a bread knife, carefully cut out several different shapes and sizes.

Find a thin stick for the masts (you could use a pencil) and cut out a sail in paper. Thread or stick the sail onto the mast.

How do fish go into business? They start on a small scale.

What day of the week do fish hate? Frydays. Why are gold fish orange? The water makes them rusty.

Brockwood Medical Practice

1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood, Dorking. Tel: 01306 885802

The Partners, Jonathan Richards, Justin Thompson, Lucy Rawson, Tamsin Sevenoaks, Robin Gupta; Drs Elizabeth Craggs, Natalie Moore, Allison Wong, Katie Carter, Jennifer Bruce, Sarah Wells; GP Registrars Ella Whitaker and Christine Satkunanayagam and all the staff are always pleased to welcome new and existing residents to our Practice. Following the merger of the 3 surgeries at North Holmwood, Brockham & Newdigate, we would like to thank all our patients for their understanding over this difficult transition. We now have a number of new GPs and can now offer appointments across all 3 sites. We offer: Personal Medical Services, Dispensary services for all eligible patients, District Nursing, Health Visitors, General Nursing Clinics with our Practice Nurses, Minor Surgery Clinics, Midwife Clinics, Travel Vaccination Clinics, Baby Clinic, Asthma and COPD clinics, Counselling sessions, INR testing with our HCA, Smoking Cessation sessions, and much more. WE ARE NOW RUNNING FLU CLINICS : THE FLU SEASON, LIKE CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE UPON US. YOU ARE ENTITLED FOR A FLU VACCINE IF YOU ARE AGED 65 OR OVER, HAVE A CHRONIC ILLNESS OR ARE AT RISK. IN ADDITION, IF YOU ARE AGED 70 OR 79, YOU MAY ALSO HAVE A SHINGLES VACCINE. CHILDREN AGED 2-3 CAN HAVE THE FLUENZ NASAL SPRAY, INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT OUT SHORTLY. WE ARE ALSO OFFERING PREGNANT WOMEN THE WHOOPING COUGH VACCINE.

REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Please telephone the dispensary on 01306 878509 Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 14.30 p.m. to order your repeat prescriptions. You can also order your repeat prescriptions on our website. Our Dispensers currently need 72 hours to dispense repeat medication instead of the normal 48 hour turnaround. Please ring reception 01306 885802 for any other queries.

OUT OF HOURS NEW SERVICE The new NHS out of hours service is now live. If you have an urgent medical problem which occurs when the Surgery is closed please call NHS111 by dialling 111 from your phone. NHS 111 is free to call from both landlines and mobiles.

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