The Spire, February 2017

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North Holmwood’s Parish Magazine

St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Vicar ........................................ The Revd Stuart Tanswell 01306 882135 Pastoral Assistant Margaret Teale ............... ................................................................ 01306 252004 Churchwardens: Mary Membrillera ........... ............ 01306 877021 Jim Edwards .................... .................... 01306 879902 Reader Gordon Bates ................ ................................................................ 01306 884154 PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Lynn Jennings ................. ................................................................ 01306 882614 Baptisms Jill Spence ...................... ................................................................ 01306 876901 Choir Sandy Newton ................ ................................................................ 01306 889384 Flowers Hazel Gibson .................. ................................................................ 01306 886538 Gift Aid and Electoral Roll Jane Collard .................. ................... 01306 876652 Intercessions Janet Chipps ................. ................................................................ 01306 881548 Prayer Chain Sandy Newton ................ ................................................................ 01306 889384 Homegroup Co-ordinator Caroline Lazenby ........... ..... 01306 640208 Junior Church and C4yourself Jane Schofield ................ ........... 07771 591457 Organist Magazine Jim Edwards…… 01306 879902 Readings Gordon Bates ................ ................................................................ 01306 884154 Sacristans Natalie Tanswell and Kirsten Wightwick Servers Steve Harris ...................... ................................................................ 01306 710162 Mothers’ Union Gill Collins......................... ................................................................ 01306 500157


St John the Evangelist Church, Inholms Lane, North Holmwood, DORKING, RH5 4JH Sunday services: 8am 10am 10am

Holy Communion First Sunday each month: Family Service Other Sundays: Parish Eucharist

Monday 10.30am Morning Prayer Tuesday 4.30pm Evening Prayer Friday 8.30am Eucharist: vicar available until 10.30am The Church is normally open daily for private prayer from 9.00am. Please see the Church notice board for details of other services.

St John’s Church contact details: Parish Office 01306 868441 Pastoral Line 01306 868941 Community Building bookings 01306 868441 Church Text Message 0770-673-2222

COMMUNION AT HOME If you are housebound and unable to get to church at St John’s, we can arrange for communion to be brought to you at home by a member of our authorised team of communion assistants. Please contact Stuart 01306 882135. North Holmwood Community Police ....................................... 101 Mole Valley District Council .. 01306 885001 National Trust Warden ........... 01306 712711 Brockwood GP Surgery .......... 01306 885802 Community Playlink ................ 01306 740095 North Holmwood Pre-School . 07931 212006 St John’s C of E School ........... 01306 884506 Guiding: Brownies .................. 01306 876428 Scouting enquiries .................. 07769 222218 Bridge Club ............................. 01306 882849 Chart Downs Social Club ...... 01306 500310 Drama Group ......................... 01306 887416 Surrey Hills Dance Centre ...... 01306 883808 Goodwyns Social Club .......... 01306 500614

Karate .................................. 07970 408260 Circuit training ........................ 01306 711920 Tumble Tots ............................. 07739 517627 Village Hall (Chairman) ......... 01306 883808 Village Hall (Bookings) ........... 07712 224681 Village Hall (Caretaker) ........ 01306 740757 Community Building bookings . 01306 868441 North Holmwood Sports Club 01306 889764 Dorking Golf Club .................. 01306 886917 Ballet classes ........................... 01737 247795 Norfolk Court .......................... 01306 876474 Stanecroft ............................... 01306 876567 Dorking Volunteer Centre ..... 01306 640369




is produced by St John’s Church for North Holmwood. There are ten issues each year and we make no charge. We deliver around the parish. If you would like a copy delivered please e-mail or phone John Daulman 01306 885943. The next issue of The Spire covers March 2017. Material should be with the editor by 12th February please. Jim Edwards 01306 879902 4 Chartwell Court Grange, 35 Highacre, Dorking RH4 3BF e-mail


We welcome articles of general or local interest. Ideally these should be e-mailed in Word (or text) format, with illustrations as jpegs or pngs. The editor may amend or shorten material submitted. Articles represent the views of the individual contributors. Some articles and illustrations come from “The Parish Pump”, a national web-site that provides magazine material for churches. We are very grateful to all those who advertise in this magazine and allow us to produce it without charge to our readers; however publication does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the product. Advertising manager: Margaret Teale, telephone 01306 252004 or email Advertising copy: or telephone Jim Edwards 01306 879902 Proof reading: Jane Coombes Printing: John Daulman, Eileen Daulman, Ann Phillips Distribution: John Daulman 01306 885943 4

Dear friends, Welcome to February, as we enter into a brave new world. The USA has a new president and the UK is finding out more about what sort of “Brexit” to expect. What will the relationship between the UK and the EU be in future? In the Church, we celebrate Candlemass (the presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple) on Sunday 5th February and then begin the countdown towards Lent – with Ash Wednesday falling on Wednesday 1st March. In the Church year this period always seems a bit strange. During January we’ve skirted through the discovery of who Jesus is in the Epiphany season and get to the start of his ministry (just don’t ask how we fitted about 30 years into a month). But we now have a short period of time before fast-forwarding through Lent and, ultimately, Jesus’ death on the Cross and the Resurrection. I remember a few years ago that there was quite literally a couple of days between Candlemass and Ash Wednesday. It seemed a bit strange, to say the least. It is so easy to look at things in a strict sequence. To look at what’s coming next, but not to look at the here and now. In this brief time which isn’t yet Lent, but isn’t Epiphany season any more, it’s disorientating – not one thing or the other. So often in our lives we seem to be focussing on what will happen in the future – when our holiday is; what we’re doing for Christmas; who will win the Premier League; whether it will be a hard or soft Brexit; what we’ll give up for Lent – that the present time is forgotten. We think so much about what is coming up that we forget where we are. This year, this February, we have a whole month where the Epiphany season has finished and Lent hasn’t yet arrived. A whole month where we can appreciate where we are now – what is going on in our lives at this moment; what blessings we are receiving from God here and now. Not looking back at what’s already been, not looking forward at what’s coming next, but just aware of where we are.


As we journey through February, may we find the time to reflect and appreciate what is going on now. What is going on in your life at the moment? Wishing you every blessing,


Ordinands’ Offering Jane Schofield and Caroline Lazenby are training to become ordained ministers in the Church of England. They write: A belated Happy New Year to everyone reading this. So, after an all too short pause for breath over the Christmas holidays, we are now back fully immersed in studying and practical tasks too. The end of January saw our second residential weekend, a very intensive time on “Developing Preaching in the Contemporary World”. There is so much more to the “sermon” that is delivered every Sunday than the fifteen minutes or so that you hear – it is a daunting but privileged challenge. The actual module that we are studying this term is called “Introduction to the Bible” and it is absolutely fascinating trying to understand the many reasons for the variations in translation and interpretation. We both have a (different) Parish Support Group whose members undertake to meet termly throughout our training, for consultation and support. In January the Annual meeting of all the PSG’s for all the students was held, a large and informative gathering which took place in Guildford. We have both stood down from the PCC as we are advised that it is helpful to our “Formation” to be a little detached from the day to day of church life, in order to concentrate on our studies. So life is pretty hectic but also fantastic AND we have student cards with which we can get discount in Monsoon!

Caroline and Jane 6


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CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2016 This was a great success, thanks to everyone’s hard work. Over £700 was raised for the church. The knitted tree was bigger than ever. You knitted over 650 squares, an impressive amount. Members of our knitting group, ‘Knit One, Purl One, Save One’ have kindly offered to organise the ‘Great Blanket Sew 2017’ but they would appreciate any help you can offer with the sewing together of the squares. If you can help us by sewing a few squares together please contact Jackie or speak to Val or Jane. Thank you all so very much, whatever contribution you feel that you can make will be much appreciated. We would like to thank Valerie Taylor and ‘The Vocal Dimension Chorus’ for their terrific singing on the Friday evening and thanks, also, to Mick and his men of Centre Scaffolding, Beare Green, for loaning us the scaffolding planks, vital for displaying the little trees during the festival. Thanks, too, to Wendy and John Northover for their wonderful publicity material. Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way. Something like the Christmas Tree Festival cannot be put on without many people taking part. On this subject; planning for the 2017 Christmas Tree Festival has already begun. We would love to have more willing hands on board to ‘spread the load’ a bit. If you have a talent that you think would benefit the Festival, if you would like to be responsible for a part of it or if you would like to offer your services on the committee please email Jackie on . The 2017 Festival will take place on the 8th, 9th and 10th December, so please put it in your diary now. We'd love more people to visit next time so please let your friends and family know too. The next knitted tree is to be Royal Blue and White. If you are unsure what we mean by Royal Blue look at the carpet in the chancel. We also thought that it would be fun if our little Christmas trees had a common theme. It is to be 'Christmas Carols and Songs'. Just to ensure that we don't have lots of trees illustrating the same carol, please let Jackie know your choice. (I already have one!)

Jackie Rance 9

From Capt John Bruce Worsfold CA TSSF John Worsfold attended St John’s as a boy. In previous letters we have learned how he became a Christian and later joined the Church Army. He writes: Valentine's Day is a day when most people will be thinking about love and hoping they get a card from the one they love; but what is true love? - When two people fall in love and decide to spend their whole lives together the honeymoon period soon comes to an end. It is then that they have to learn to put up with each other's foibles and habits. There comes a time when ordinary life takes over, love is still there but it is not always visible. True love shows itself in the simplest of ways. One partner may go into a shop or library and see something and say to themselves, ‘My lover will really love that’, and get it and take it home for them; it may be just a small basket of plums or a book they will enjoy or a keepsake you know they would like. That is true love to have the partner in your mind most of the time and to think of them even in the smallest ways. Now that's how it ought to be with all of us as Christians in our relation to Jesus, who is our God, and also in relation to one another at St John's. We ought to be thinking of each other, especially God, most of the time. When a temptation comes along we ought to say, ‘How will this affect my relationship with my Lord?’ So also with each other here; gossip, jealousy, favouritism, unkindness, and the way we treat or talk about others. All of these things spoil and blight the love we should have for each other and for God; and it's remarkable what effect this kind of behaviour has on those around us. I know this because I've done it and I know how it affects my love for Jesus and also my relationship with others. Unfortunately we sometimes have an uphill struggle to rid ourselves of these defects. Some of us find it very difficult not to put our negative views to another. Try as hard as we may sometimes we just have to pass on some piece of gossip. Then we realise we've done it again and been un-loving, not really caring about another's reputation. Gossip can ruin someone’s life: that is why it is evil and wrong. Through gossip we can change God’s plan for a person. I know of someone who wanted to become a priest but gossip and 10

evil thoughts from members of the congregation put a stop to that. We will all have to answer to God about the way we have treated our neighbour. Fortunately we have a loving Father who will listen to our confessions of unkindness and give us another chance. I know that I should not be discouraged when old temptations to gossip, that I thought were done with forever, revive within me, when old failures, are repeated. I go back again and again to my pardoning God and mighty Saviour, ‘coming as at first I came.’ And yet not quite as at first. With perhaps an even deeper sense of my own helplessness and need, yet with growing realisation that I am held in the grip of infinite Love - that though my grasp of Him is so uncertain He will never lose hold of me. He will keep me to the end. A man called Alexander Whyte said, ‘The final perseverance of the saints is made up of ever new beginnings’.

Capt John Bruce Worsfold CA TSSF

Bible readings 5th February Family Service

Candlemass Readings to be arranged

12th February 3rd Sunday before Lent Deuteronomy 30:15-30 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Matthew 5:21-37 19th February Genesis 1:1-2:3

2nd Sunday before Lent Romans 8:18-25 Matthew 6:25-34

26th February Exodus 24:12-18

Sunday next before Lent 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matthew 17:1-9


Praying the Labyrinth 10.00am to 4.00pm 25th February North Holmwood Community Building at St John’s Church Please bring your own lunch; Fairtrade tea and coffee available throughout the day. The day will include the history of labyrinths, where to find them today and using the labyrinth as an aid to prayer. We also gain experience of walking one. The day will be led by Linda Scrivener who is an Ignatian trained Spiritual director, with experience in accompanying people through the spiritual exercises, leading Open-door Retreats and Weeks of Accompanied prayer. She also leads Quiet Days. The labyrinth is found in all religious traditions in various forms around the world. Labyrinths can be large for walking, indoors or outdoors, or small, designed for your fingers to walk. You can even walk a labyrinth on your computer screen using your mouse. Unlike a maze, there are no dead ends or false paths in a labyrinth. You simply follow the path to the centre, putting one foot (or finger) in front of the other. The path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for where we are in our lives; it touches our sorrows and releases our joys. So walk it with an open mind and an open heart. Trace the path in the labyrinth with your finger. As you “walk” the labyrinth, be aware of how and where your spiritual focus is and how it draws you to God. You may find you are focused on the journey itself and how you move toward and away from God at times or how the path leads to the centre and the heart of God. Each person finds his or her own unique experience. As numbers will be limited please contact Caroline who is taking bookings: . 12

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Bishop Andrew challenges parishes to transform Lent in 2017 The Bishop of Guildford's Lent Challenge 2017 aims to help deepen spiritual commitment during one of the most important periods of the Christian year – the 40 days preceding Easter – with a combination of prayer, reflection, action and fundraising for those in need both at home and abroad. Leaflets and posters are on the way out to all parishes in the diocese and a new six-week online Lent course will soon be available on the diocesan website . “Transformation lies at the very heart of the Christian Good News; the community transformation that emerges when Christians truly live out their calling to ‘shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father’; the personal transformation that comes from knowing ourselves ‘ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven’ through the death and resurrection of God the Son; and the transformation brought about by the refreshing, renewing, disturbing work of God the Holy Spirit who ‘blows where He wills’, often in the most unexpected of people and places,” says Bishop Andrew. “My Lent Challenge to parishes this year draws on our diocesan vision, Transforming Church, Transforming Lives, and especially on the theological themes that underpin it: Prayer; The Mission of God; Kingdom and Church; Transformation; Growth and The People of God.” Your generosity during last year’s Lent appeal raised well over £20,000 for those less fortunate both within the diocese and abroad,” added Bishop Andrew. “Please join me in praying, serving and giving during Lent this year.” Donations to this year’s Lent Challenge will be shared between: The Bishop of Guildford's Foundation, which helps the most disadvantaged in Surrey and North East Hampshire by supporting local churches and organisations with church links which respond 15

to local needs by developing community projects. Grants are made to a wide variety of causes, including charities working with people who have disabilities, family support projects, youth and children's workers, organisations developing employment for vulnerable people, community organisations and projects for the homeless. Find out more online at . The Church of Nigeria – the Diocese of Guildford’s long-standing link partner in the Anglican Communion - has applied for funding to build a pure water plant in Bernin, Kebbi. Apart from producing clean water for the community, the income generated from this will fund the important ongoing work of the Diocese of Kebbi, which has been badly affected by the activities of Boko Haram, an Islamic extremist group. Look out for the Bishop’s Lent Challenge leaflet and donation form in church during Lent.

WORLD VISION I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated and supported the World Vision stall at the Christmas Tree Festival. I was delighted with the sum raised of nearly £71.00 over the two days. Once again thank you all. Eileen Daulman

BEGINNERS PLEASE The St John's play-reading group We are changing our meeting time for the next few months. The February, March and April meetings will take place as usual on the first Monday in the month in the new Community Building but during the AFTERNOON between 1.30pm - 3.30pm, rather than in the evening. We hope that more might be able to join us. If you would like further information please email Jackie on . We are currently reading Richard Bean's hilarious farce, ‘One Man, Two Guvnors’. Do come! 16

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The Harvest Community Church Stubs Hill, Goodwyns Estate, Dorking, RH4 2QD Contact: Rev Nelson Porter 01306 500116 / 07941 176412 SERVICES, ACTIVITIES, GROUPS, ETC Sunday service 10.30am – very relaxed and informal with contemporary worship / Bible teaching and sharing / followed by drinks & nibbles. Monthly children’s & family services (3rd Sunday of the month) – even more informal!! Sunday 6.30-7.30pm Prayer @ the church – not every week though; call for details… Wednesdays 10.00am Little Ones Parent & Toddler group (free!) Wednesdays 7.30-9.00pm Bible study group @ the church – all welcome! (other groups too) Community use In addition to the church activities, the hall is also used by other local groups and organisations and also for children’s parties and other events. If you are interested in hiring the facilities, please contact Nelson.

Little Ones The Harvest Community Church Wednesdays 10.00am – 12 noon Free Group for babies and toddlers with parents/carers All welcome 19

Crisp up your prayer life! Praying with Stuff was the first of two mornings (the main events on prayer in Guildford Diocese, usually called the Day on Prayer). Revd Sally Dakin, Spirituality Adviser for the Winchester Diocese led us through a whole range of ways to pray with the ordinary things of life; potatoes, playing cards and a hose pipe to name a few. The nine prayer stations around St Paul’s Church, Camberley were deceptively simple and gave wonderful ways of entering into prayer for our work - whatever form it takes. For details on how to produce them yourself see . Part 2 Transforming Prayer is on 4th March and will take the form of workshops. Each workshop leader will introduce their particular way into prayer and then there will be an opportunity to choose two of them to explore further, each for 45 minutes. Topics will include contemplative prayer, rhythms of prayer – using the Offices, using cards in prayer such as the Jesus Deck, healing and wholeness, and praying using our creativity and imagination. This morning will be at The Dell, St Giles, Ashtead, KT21 2AD. Coffee served at 9.30am. Find out more from or contact Revd Sarah Hutton, Spiritual Growth Facilitator.

Funerals 24th November 30th November 12th December Interment of Ashes 8th December 19th January Baptism 4th December

Kevin Whaley Margaret Jones Lois Exell Alan Sawyers Margaret Jones and Harold Jones Ruby May Robinson 20

Besom Newsletter Firstly, a big THANK YOU for all the support Besom has received from the Churches in providing and distributing Christmas hampers to most of the recipients we have helped this year. In the end 51 hampers were given out and we know what hard work it is, not only in producing the things in each hamper, but then in taking it to the recipient when they are available. Thank you so much for your patience and persistence and in producing such a wonderful array of food, toiletries, Christmas crackers and wrapping paper and a mass of other imaginative items. We have had a lot of heartwarming appreciation from those who received the hampers. It was an answer to prayer that Sally Cumming offered to coordinate the hampers this year. We would not have been able to do it if she hadn’t volunteered and there was a time when I thought we were going to have to give up the idea. It is so worthwhile doing it. In many cases it is the best present the person/family receives and it is a very positive way of showing God’s love to people who are struggling. We have had another busy quarter and there have been Thursdays when I couldn’t imagine how we were going to be able to get through all the work. However we always did, even if there were days when we finished after it had got dark. We have been blessed with an amazing amount of donations and there have been times when we wondered how we were going to fit everything into our unit, even with using the Transit van as an overflow. Just when we think we have too much we are asked for most of the furniture for someone’s flat. There was one occasion when we were asked to provide a cooker, a double bed and a wardrobe to three different people and this coincided with our receiving all three items from three different people, two of them the week before and one on the same day. It is things like that which gives us such encouragement and a feeling that God has His hand on things. Happy New Year

Jamie Wood 21

CookForSyria Fundraiser Supper Club 7.00pm - 10.00pm Saturday 18th February North Holmwood Community Building St John’s Church, Inholms Lane RH5 4JH The ongoing conflict in Syria has caused the largest humanitarian crisis since World War II, with the lives of more than 8 million children in danger. Many have lost family, friends and schools and have been forced to flee their homes. 50% of all Syrian refugees are children and boys as young as 7 are being recruited to fight. The risk of losing a generation grows with every day that the current situation deteriorates. CookForSyria is a nation-wide fundraising initiative curated by Clerkenwell Boy and SUITCASE Magazine. The initial month-long campaign last year focused around Syrian cuisine and encouraged everyone from the UK’s top chefs to people at home to cook and raise money in aid of UNICEF’s Syria Relief fund via Next Generation London (UNICEF’s youth branch). There are hopes that the initiative will be continued globally. Tickets for the Holmwood event are just £25.00. The menu is firming up but it’s looking like mixed mezze with flatbread and salad, main course with a vegetarian option and dessert. Should the event sell out there will be a waiting list. There will be a licensed bar and an exciting auction of promises during the evening; sealed bids will be accepted for any of the items. You can get involved in the event in a variety of ways, (see below for contact information): 1 Booking tickets for the evening, let me know how many and if you would like the vegetarian option 2 Volunteering to work on the event, it’s going to be great fun 3 Putting a sealed bid in for one of our auction of promises 4 Offering something to be auctioned on the evening 5 If you can’t attend the evening, donating directly to the CookForSyria Just Giving page Contact Stephen Edgar by email ( or by phone (07973 140092) for any of the above and/or if you’d like to be put on the email list to keep up with news of the event. To find out more about CookForSyria including advice on setting up your own event visit All money raised will be donated to UNICEF’s Syria Relief fund via Next Generation London. 22

Sherlock & Sons Funeral Service Trellis House, South Street, Dorking Tel: 01306 882266 Monumental Masons Memorials supplied in British Stones and Granite Sherlock & Sons is an independent Family Business established in Dorking for over 100 years Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans are available on request


Dorking Good Neighbours Transport to surgeries and local hospitals for those without access to other means of transport Telephone

07948 568906 If no reply leave your name and number At least 48 hours in advance unless urgent

Passengers make a modest donation to cover drivers’ expenses and administration Any interested volunteer drivers please contact: 01306 875392 or 01306 888256

Brockham Choral Society Concert St Martin's Church, Dorking at 7.30pm on Saturday 18th March Brockham Choral Society will be holding a Concert featuring Opera Choruses and Puccini's Messa di Gloria at St Martin's Church, Dorking on Saturday 18th March at 7.30pm. The choir will be accompanied by soloists and orchestra, conducted by our musical director, Patrick Barrett. Tickets £15 (£12 in advance) £5 for under 25s in full time education. Tickets available from Pauline Whitehead 01306 881821: Maria Chadwick c/o Michael Frith, 40 South St, Dorking 01306 882728: online .

A Celebration of Weddings in Words and Music 7.30pm on Saturday 22nd April St Michael's Church, Betchworth, Surrey The concert will consist of familiar music played at weddings together with some poems and readings suitable for weddings. There will also be some choir items. So if you are planning a wedding or would like to hear again the music that might have been played at your wedding and to hear some old, some new and some humorous readings, then this is the evening for you. Tickets £12.00 to include a glass of wine Full details call: 01737 832806


Quartonal Quartonal, an award winning male a cappella ensemble from Germany, are coming to Dorking on Tuesday 21st February when they will give a concert at St Martin's Church, hosted by Dorking Choral Society. The quartet was founded in 2006, and is one of Germany’s foremost a cappella ensembles with a wide ranging repertoire. Quartonal have completed a number of major tours in Europe and beyond and have a particular love of the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams and his contemporaries. The Dorking concert forms part of a short UK tour of concerts and workshops. The concert will comprise a varied programme of German and English works by Mendelssohn, Alec Rowley, Vaughan Williams and others. It will feature a short opening set by Dorking Choral Society, Rowley's sea cycle 'Full Tide' and, to close, an arrangement of Vaughan Williams’ folk songs for joint forces under Richard Wilberforce, the DCS Musical Director. Please join us for what should be a very special evening. Tuesday 21st February 2017, 7:30 pm, St Martin’s Church, Dorking Tickets £15 (Group concessions £12.50) or or phone Ron at 07847 411052

Mid-week services at St John’s Mondays: Morning Prayer at 10.30am Tuesdays: Evening Prayer at 4.30pm Fridays: Eucharist 8.30am, followed by breakfast. After this service Stuart will usually remain in the church until 10.30am for anyone who wants an informal chat with the vicar.


Oliver! A DDOS Dorking Halls Production

15th - 18th February Dorking Halls, Reigate Road, Dorking. RH4 1SG Oliver! One of the most popular family musicals of all time. It really is a wonderful musical full of songs you all know and love. Based on Charles Dickens’ best known novel, Oliver Twist, Lionel Bart’s musical adaptation was an unprecedented and phenomenal success. Opening in London on 30th June 1960 it received 23 curtain calls and ran for 2,618 performances. DDOS are proud to bring this legendary show to the Dorking Halls stage. Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself, Oom-Pah-Pah and Who Will Buy to name just a few of the uplifting and heart-warming musical numbers you’ll be singing all the way home. Oliver was born and lived in the workhouse until one day when he was about twelve years old he dared to ask for more, more gruel that is, at the meagre workhouse meal. After being sold by the workhouse to work for an undertaker, Oliver ran away to London where he meets the Artful Dodger who took him to the ‘fence’ Fagin. Oliver became one of Fagin’s gang of child pickpocketing thieves. Book your tickets now to see what lay in store for young Oliver. An adventure you will never forget. Tickets from £12 (concessions available) Dorking Halls Box Office 01306 881717 Book On Line

Wednesday to Saturday evenings at 7.45pm Thursday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm Visit our website Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society – DDOS @DDOSDorking 27

ST JOHN’S WALSINGHAM GROUP WEEKENDER 23rd to 25th JUNE We invite you to a relaxing weekend in North Norfolk at the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. A residential weekend stay at the Shrine, spending time as you wish, join in the worship of the services available, and join the group for a time of reflection and retreat. There is plenty of time to gather socially and relax in the beautiful gardens nearby and local countryside. Accommodation and meals are included and transport can be arranged. We have reserved accommodation so please let me know if you would like to join us. Walsingham Group Members will be happy to provide you with more information, or if you wish visit the official Walsingham website: Steve Harris Tel no. 01306 710162 Email :

Loud and Proud Community Choir Dorking Loud and Proud Community Choir welcomes new members of all ages and abilities to join the choir on Wednesday evenings, during term time, at St John's C of E Community Primary School, Goodwyns Road, from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. The choir is fun, friendly and sociable and is a great way of meeting new people. For more information go to: or call 07552 555942


We are really lucky in North Holmwood to still have a Village Hall at the heart of our community.

BUT PLEASE, WE NEED YOUR HELP! The Village Hall is a Charity that runs to service our village and local community, but we desperately need volunteers to sit on the committee. Without a functioning committee the hall will be forced to close its doors, maybe for good!

Can you spare some time to help? The Committee meet just three times a year on a Monday evening. If you could spare the time, and would be interested in joining us, we would love to hear from you.

Your contribution could make all the difference! Please contact our Chairman on 01306 883808 or e-mail


St John’s February dates Mon

6 10.30am Morning Prayer 1.30pm Beginners Please


7 10am Coffee morning at Café Rouge 2pm Knit One, Purl One, Save One 4.30pm Evening Prayer 8



3 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am

10 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am 11.30am Funeral: Gordon Street



5 Candlemass 8am BCP Holy Communion 10am Family Service

12 3rd before Lent 8am BCP Holy Communion 10am Parish Eucharist








This is a provisional listing of What’s On. For extra information please check the weekly notice sheet in the church.

13 10.30am Morning Prayer

20 10.30am Morning Prayer

27 10.30am Morning Prayer

14 4.30pm Evening Prayer

21 4.30pm Evening Prayer

28 4.30pm Evening Prayer





17 8.30am Eucharist

24 8.30am Eucharist– Vicar available until 10.30am

18 7pm CookForSyria 25 10am Praying the Labyrinth

19 2nd before Lent 8am BCP HC 10am Parish Eucharist 6pm Healing service

26 Next before Lent 8am BCP HC 10am Parish Eucharist


COMMUNITY BUILDING The Community Building is now in use. We are beginning to get different groups meeting there: residents associations, children’s birthday parties, baptism parties and other groups. We are open Monday to Friday (except during school holidays) from 10.00am to midday for anyone to drop in for tea or coffee or just to look around. We are very pleased that we have volunteers to run this, who are also looking after the building.

Jim Edwards

Booking enquiries for the new Community Building should be e-mailed to or leave a message on 01306 868441 COMMUNITY BUILDING at St JOHN’S CHURCH TEA AND COFFEE or just drop in for a chat MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10.00am to 12.00 noon (except during school holidays) 32



Donations :-

Transfers from Church funds:-

Surrey Co Council Garfield Weston Allchurches Trust Toyota Over 1K Under 1K From North Holmwood Sunday School fund From other St John’s Church funds

55,933 10,000 2,750 1,800


136,100 32,444


50,000 18,044

Gift aid Interest Legacies Fund-raising activities:-

68,044 32,504 4,044 59,517

Buy-a-Brick Walks Teas by the Fire-side Curry evenings Quiz and auctions Drama, Music + Barn Dance Garden Parties Village Days Others

Total income


3,327 1,235 650 2,750 6,012 5,783 5,966 7,849 7,554

41,126 444,262

EXPENDITURE Building Preparations Architects, Surveyors, Planning etc. Builders Fixtures and Fittings


26,756 Main contract Extras (includes £910 allocated for additional fixtures)

346,032 53,517


4,826 444,262

In addition to the above we have to meet the last payment to the builders of £10,244 in September (after they have corrected any faults). It would not have been possible to complete the building without the generous support of many people, who gave money and time to ensure the building was completed. The names of those who gave money for the “Buy-a-Brick” campaign are recorded in a book in the office of the Community Building. Many donors gave money for specific items in the building or for equipment. Several asked to remain anonymous. We are grateful to those who gave professional advice and in particular to the architect, Michael Phillips, and the heating designer, John Phillips. The builders, Pettit and Jane, took great pride in their work and remained cheerful throughout, even when they were battling with the very wet autumn at the start of the work. We were delighted that the Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford, opened the building last September. Many people gave refreshments for this event and we were grateful for support from Waitrose and Sainsburys. 34

MUSIC IN DORKING - FEBRUARY 2017 by Ian Codd 2nd at 7.00, screening of Amadeus at Dorking Halls, £17.50, 01306 881717 4th at 12.00, lunchtime recital at St Martin’s, free, 01306 884229 4th at 5.00, Dorking Chamber Orchestra at St Nicolas, Great Bookham, £14, 01306 877176 5th at 3.00, ballet screening at Dorking Halls, £17.50, 01306 881717 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th at 8.30, Watermill Jazz at Betchworth Park golf club, £19-20, 07415 815784 8th at 7.15, ballet screening at Dorking Halls, £17.50, 01306 881717 12th at 3.00, Piatti string quartet at Dorking Halls, £20, 01306 740619 15th-18th at 7.45, Oliver! at Dorking Halls, £12, 01306 881717 21st at 7.30, Dorking Choral Society & Quartonal at St Martin’s, £15, 07847 477052 28th at 7.00, ballet screening at Dorking Halls, £17.50, 01306 881717 February sees an imaginative concert arranged by the Dorking Choral Society when they join forces with Quartonal, a quartet of German singers, for a joint performance. Quartonal, who have established a very high reputation in Germany, will be making a tour of the UK, and this concert has been specially organised as part of the tour. Both groups will perform some separate items, and the choir and quartet will also join together to sing some music arranged specifically for the occasion. The programme will include music by Mendelssohn and Vaughan Williams, as well as items by Richard Wilberforce, the choir’s conductor. The combination of choir and quartet should make for a most enjoyable concert. The Dorking Concertgoers present the first of three concerts by the Piatti string quartet. This is one of Britain’s leading young quartets, who have played many concerts and been heard on Radio 3. The focus of their series will be the three string quartets by Brahms each one quite different and each one a masterpiece. They begin with his first quartet in this concert, alongside Mozart’s deliciously beautiful clarinet quintet and Haydn’s impressive Emperor quartet. Two further concerts will follow in March. 35

The Dorking Chamber Orchestra, playing in Great Bookham, has another concert in its ‘Brandenburg’ series. This time the orchestra will play Bach’s second and third Brandenburg concertos, along with music by Haydn and Boccherini. Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society presents its major show for the year, a production of the musical Oliver! Based on Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist. This is a highly popular musical which all the family will enjoy. As well as the four evening performances there are also matinees on Thursday and Saturday at 2.30pm. February’s lunchtime recital at St Martin’s Church will be given by Fumi Otsuki (violin) and Petra Hajduchova (piano). Their programme will include music by Bach, Dvořák, Elgar, Respighi and others. Watermill Jazz meets each Tuesday evening as usual. This month’s performers are: the Barry Green New York trio (7th), Neale meets Steele (14th), the Steve Waterman quartet (21st), and John Etheridge & Vimala Rowe (28th). Dorking Halls offers a number of screenings this month. Live from the National Theatre is a production of Peter Schaffer’s play Amadeus. Set in Vienna, this tells the story of court composer Antonio Salieri, who is intensely jealous of the young prodigy Wolfgang Mozart with his God-given gift, and who sets out to destroy his rival. Live from the Royal Ballet is Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty (28th), as well as Woolf Works (8th) - a triptych based on the work of Virginia Woolf. There is also a recording of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake from Russia’s Bolshoi ballet.

Flowers in Church If you would like to help to arrange flowers at St John’s, so that we can have a display (large or small) more often, please contact Hazel 01306 886538.


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DORKING MUSEUM IN FEBRUARY Our current exhibition: Dorking Museum’s spring exhibition opened at the end of January and focuses on ‘Medieval Betchworth’. The exhibition was prepared in association with the Betchworth Village Archives team and gives a flavour of everyday life in a small medieval village in the 13th-15th centuries. It tells of the lords of the manor, working on the land, growing wheat and keeping sheep, and the role of the church in the community. Bread was a staple of the villagers’ diet, so the water mill on the River Mole was particularly important to mill the grain. In 1300, a new mill-stone was required and had to be transported from London – the exhibition tells of the cost and effort this required to enable vital milling to be resumed. But it also gives a more surprising view of this neglected period. It explores the experience of the 14th century Black Death, which took the lives of half of the villagers, and the impact that this had on the community. It tells of Royal visits to the village (Henry III, Edward I, and, notably, the French Crown Prince Louis, from whom The Dolphin may take its name) and follows the story of Thomas Morsted of More House, Betchworth, who was Henry V’s chief surgeon at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. The Year of the Rooster: The end of January also saw us enter the Chinese Year of the Rooster – in fact, this year, the Fire Rooster or Red Fire Chicken. Surely this has to signify a special year for the Dorking area, with its famous Dorking Cockerel. Visitors to the Museum are often intrigued by the magnificent Dorking specimens displayed and the fascinating history of this renowned breed, dating back to Roman times and much favoured over the years by poulterers, breeders and exhibitors – and Queen Victoria. See more in the Museum (and our popular little book on The Dorking Cockerel, available in the Museum, online and at local outlets, £2.50). 39

The Museum is at 62 West Street, Dorking RH4 1BS. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm. Visit Enquiries to or phone 01306 876591. Exploring Dorking: A good way to explore, enjoy and find out more about this beautiful area, Dorking Museum’s walks team runs guided walks for groups and individuals. Town walks include highlights of historic Dorking, the town’s literary and musical heritage or a children’s walk. Walks on the magnificent and recently renovated Deepdene Trail take in the grotto, woodland walks, parterre and temples, spectacular views across the Weald and access to the grade II* listed Hope family mausoleum. Walks take 90 minutes. Or go underground: our popular 45-minute tours of Dorking’s famous South Street Caves will resume in March for group bookings. Group walks and cave tours are by appointment on a date to suit you, and we have special dates for individual bookings: book ahead for walks or cave tours on open days during English Tourism Week at the beginning of April. Group Museum visits and private viewings are also available. Details, prices and bookings through the website, .

KnitOne PurlOne SaveOne Knitting Group First Tuesday of every month 2.00pm – 4.00pm St John’s knitting group meets on the first Tuesday of every month in the Community Building adjacent to the church. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a cup of tea. If you can’t knit we will show you …. we have everything required to start you off. We knit for the Romanian Aid Foundation, The Premature Baby Unit at East Surrey Hospital, SANDS, The Midwives of Ethiopia, The Princess Alice Hospice and our local Nursing Homes. Margaret 01306 252004 Margaret Teale 40

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HOLMWOOD WI 2017 began for Holmwood WI members with President Gill Mansell welcoming everyone to our January meeting and wishing them all a happy and healthy year. There was lots of catching up to be done and our thanks go to Linda Pugh who very successfully organised our Christmas Lunch at the Reigate Manor Hotel. “It was a lovely afternoon, good food, good friends and a warm, happy atmosphere,” said secretary Maureen Lewington. We were then delighted to welcome Liz Knee from Epsom Beekeepers who kept us enthralled as she talked us through the highs and lows of beekeeping and the challenges faced by the honey bees. Members were keen to buy the honey which Liz told us had been made using bees local to our area. What an exciting time is in store for us – future speakers include belly dancing, tales of a full time flasher and a slice of something naughty but nice!! There’s also our fish and chip lunch with beetle drive, pub lunches, social and craft afternoons and, in August, our popular garden meeting. You are very welcome to join us as our guest for a meeting or two; we meet at the village hall in South Holmwood on the first Wednesday of each month from 2.30pm. To find out more get in touch with our secretary Maureen Lewington on 01306 882057 or email .

North Holmwood Book Group Would you like to join our local friendly group? (We discuss all sorts of books chosen by the members.) If so, we meet at 6.00pm every 4-6 weeks on Tuesdays at The Royal Oak, Chart Lane South For more details contact Penny 885876/Gill 500157


CROSSWORD Across 1 Salary (Isaiah 19:10) (4) 3 Question Jesus asked of those healed of leprosy, ‘Were not all ten—?’ (Luke 17:17) (8) 9 Wide, elevated level area of land (Joshua 13:9) (7) 10 ‘So you also must be — , because the Son of Man will come... when you do not expect him’ (Matthew 24:44) (5) 11 ‘[He] said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He — — , and his hand was completely restored’ (Luke 6:10) (3,2) 12 ‘Who has gathered up the wind in the — of his hand?’ (Proverbs 30:4) (6) 14 Not born again (13) 17 ‘Again and again he — the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins’ (Hebrews 10:11) (6) 19 Mails (anag.) (5) 22 ‘He — — here; he has risen’ (Matthew 28:6) (2,3) 23 Defeated (Judges 20:43) (7) 24 Soldiers’ quarters (Acts 21:34) (8)

25 ‘Pillars of marble’ were how the Beloved described those of her Lover (Song of Songs 5:15) (4) Down 1 Totally destroyed (Genesis 7:23) (5,3) 2 What the Philippian jailer was told to do with his prisoners Paul and Silas (Acts 16:23) (5) 4 Object of ridicule (Job 12:4) (8-5) 5 In most years, the month in which Easter falls (5) 6 For example, Caesarea, Joppa, Tyre, Sidon (7)


7 ‘[Jesus] was in the desert for forty — , being tempted by Satan’ (Mark 1:13) (4) 8 ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power — to our God’ (Revelation 19:1) (6) 13 Mend dots (anag.) (8) 15 Purifier (Malachi 3:3) (7) 16 Attacked (1 Samuel 27:8) (6)

18 The good Samaritan to the innkeeper: ‘When I return, I will reimburse you for any — expense you may have’ (Luke 10:35) (5) 20 How Matthew described the crowds who followed Jesus (Matthew 4:25) (5) 21 For example, one of 25 Across (Judges 19:29) (4)

This crossword, reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, was originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). The Bible version used is NIV.

AN ARMCHAIR DUFFER’S VIEW OF SPORT December / January England’s rugby football team completed a sensational year on Saturday, 3rd December when they beat Australia 37 points to 21. It was their thirteenth win from thirteen matches. Apart from Australia, England have beaten Scotland, Italy, Ireland, Wales, France, South Africa, Fiji and Argentina. This remarkable improvement in performance is largely due to their coach, Eddie Jones, who constantly reminds players of the standards he expects. Thousands of sports fans packed the Genting Arena in Birmingham to watch the BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards on 18th December. This year has been an exceptional year for British sport and it was most enjoyable watching all the prominent events that had taken place. Sir Andy Murray became the first person to win the Sports Personality of the Year three times. Triathlete, Alistair Brownlee, was voted into second place. (Many will remember the way he hoisted his brother, Jonny, who had collapsed with heat exhaustion, over 45

the finishing line ahead of himself at the end of a race in Mexico.) Equestrian, Nick Skelton, was third. That great American Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award by Prince William. The Team of the Year award was given to Leicester City for winning the Premier League title last season, and their coach Claudio Ranieri was awarded Coach of the Year. The Young Sports Personality of the Year Award was given to Paralympic Swimmer Ellie Robinson. England’s cricket team lost four out of the five tests during their recent tour of India. Perhaps there is no shame in losing to a formidable Indian side who sit at the top of World Test Rankings but the following results are embarrassing to say the least:1st Test — Match drawn. 2nd Test — India won by 246 runs. 3rd Test — India won by 8 wickets. 4th Test — India won by an innings and 36 runs. 5th Test — India won by an innings and 75 runs. Something must be wrong with a quite good English side who lose by such large margins. Sir Bradley Wiggins announced his retirement from cycling at the end of December. He was the first British winner of the Tour de France in 2012 and has won five Olympic golds, one silver and two bronzes. There is no doubt he has inspired cycling in this country which has flourished during his time. The year 2017 did not begin well for two of our leading athletes. Sir Andy Murray lost the final of the Qatar tennis open to Novak Djokovic in a match that was full of tension 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. Sir Mo Farah, running for the first time since he became a Knight of the Realm, finished seventh in the Great Edinburgh International cross country; Scottish runner, Callum Hawkins, led all the way but American, Leonard Korir, won the race in a final sprint for the finishing line. Sir Mo Farah blamed his poor performance on an illness and said, “I could have done the easy thing and stayed at home, but I didn’t want to pull out”. 46

ARTHRITIS CARE 18 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD Tel: 020 7380 6500

For more information, please contact the above address or look for the leaflet on the church notice board.

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The next coffee mornings will be on Tuesdays: 7th February 7th March 4th April Café Rouge from 10.00am – all are welcome.








07876 130 016

Paper Hanging

HOLMWOOD VILLAGE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION It’s always at this time of year, when the trees are bare, the evenings are dark and the cold of winter sets in, that I start to think about all those jobs that need doing. I tell myself that this time the vegetable plots will be beautifully dug and prepared; that the runner beans, standing in their shrivelled, knotted brown winter glory will be a thing of the past; as will the forgotten beetroot that are fast becoming the size of a small football and hard as nails. Another Christmas and New Year comes and goes (accompanied by the silent voice telling me that next year I WILL be more organised, for once) and we have already had the first snow of the season. Jack Frost is trying his best to help clean the vegetable beds, leaving his mark for the first few hours of the day. There’s something rather nice about looking out on a freezing cold morning to that gentle glistening, knowing that nature is doing its bit to help us gardeners out before we have to start the cycle again. It’s even better when accompanied by a steaming mug of tea and a bowl of hot porridge… The digging is done, barrow loads of manure added, tops levelled and edges tidied. The new bean sticks, replacing the ones that would do just one more turn six years ago, are trimmed and ready. Hopefully the beans will stop at the top instead of carrying on for another two or three feet. Why are the best ones always so hard to reach?! The polytunnel is ready for the tomatoes and another box of jam jars is ordered ready for the inevitable glut at the end of the summer. So now is the time to decide what to plant, what to re-plant after the darling mice have eaten the first efforts and where everything in the grand plan is actually going to go. How easy it is to start with a packet of seeds (or twenty), sow them all in trays, nurture them, 49

keep them warm and delight as things start to happen. That’s the trouble. When the packet says it has twenty five seeds in it, where do the extra forty seedlings come from?! And what do we do with them all? You have to grow them all on; it would be mean to throw them away, wouldn’t it? There begins the gardeners dilemma. Plenty of space for the seed trays, no space at all once the first two or three are all potted up. Another potting shed, of course, is the answer. Which means you need to dig a level space for the base. Which means you need to mix lots of concrete. There’s always a catch to these wonderful ideas…… All those little plants are getting established and growing vigorously. They need somewhere to go. That’s when you wish you had exercised a little more restraint when pressing the ‘Buy It Now’ button on the online seed shop page. But you know there are always plenty of friends willing to take a few plants to try themselves, even if they weren’t planning on a crop of foot long cylindrical Chinese radishes. Especially when they say they would love two or three and two dozen accidentally fall in to the bag. No harm in trying something new, is there? After all that hard work, a little light relief in the shape of the VPA AGM will be just what we all need. We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday 15th March, 7.30pm at South Holmwood Village Hall. After the formal part of the evening we will have a presentation by our guest speaker. It’s also the perfect opportunity to renew your membership, but if you would like to join or renew before then, please contact out Membership Secretary, Kate Fryer, on 01306 741476. Happy New Year……and happy growing!

Sarah Jackson


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Friends of Holmwood Common and the National Trust In August last year, the Surrey Bat Group caught two Alcathoe’s bats (Myotis alcathoe) near Fourwents Pond. These bats are extremely rare in the UK, found only on a handful of sites but have been previously recorded on the Common. Although they are an exciting find, it has meant we have had to stop our holly clearing programme until further research into their habitat preferences has been carried out. Apparently they like dense thickets of scrub, including holly, so at the request of the Bat Group, we’ve stopped cutting until investigations are complete. The fish have been removed from Fourwents Pond as part of the restoration project and I’m happy to say that as they were healthy, they have all been re-homed. We will now have to drain the pond and remove any final fish, though we need to keep an eye on the weather as if the level gets too low and we get hard frosts, we could end up freezing any remaining fish! After the last fish are removed and the pond emptied, work can begin on re-profiling, then planting up the islands. We have cleared more blackthorn around King’s Meadow to encourage the return of the Brown Hairstreak butterfly. The butterfly lays its eggs on the underside of two to three year old blackthorn twigs to hide them from predators such as birds; the caterpillars on hatching then eat the leaves. We were pleased to find a few eggs from 2016 on some young leaves. If you are at the Meadow, have a look at the few, small stems with white tags on, close to the new dog pond as the tags indicate the presence of eggs. The eggs are very small, white dots on the underside of the twigs and can be quite hard to spot. The last of the blackthorn will be cut in 2017 so we can have three different ages of scrub which can then be cut in successive years to give a range of scrub ages and egg-laying spots.

Rob Adam, Ranger 53

Friends of Holmwood Common Spring Meeting & AGM South Holmwood Village Hall Thursday 9th March Please make a note of this date. Further details and a formal notification of the AGM will be published shortly but remember this is not just “business” but a good opportunity to reflect on what has happened on the Common during the past twelve months and to hear the National Trust’s plans for the coming year. There will also be a speaker to entertain and inform us and, of course, it is a great chance to chat with the many others from throughout our local community who care about Holmwood Common. We look forward to welcoming both existing and potential new members. Contact us … and visit us on Facebook If you have any questions about the National Trust’s work on Holmwood Common then please get in touch with Rob Adam, NT Ranger for Holmwood Common: phone 01306 712711; mobile 07901 511359; or email to . The Friends of Holmwood Common can be contacted via or by calling 07768 318124. Visit our Facebook page to see what your friends and neighbours have posted about their visits to the Common. Suspicious activity on the Common, such as suspected poaching or fly-tipping, should be reported to the Surrey Police by dialling 101 without delay. Join the Friends today ... Membership of the Friends of Holmwood Common is open to everyone. Please send your annual subscription plus a donation if you are feeling generous, to: Friends of Holmwood Common, c/o Jane Coombes, 3 Marley Rise, Dorking, RH4 3BP. Cheques should be made payable to “Friends of Holmwood Common” and, if you have one, please include your email address in order to receive our monthly e-newsletter.


NORTH HOLMWOOD SPORTS CLUB INHOLMS LANE, NORTH HOLMWOOD The North Holmwood Sports and Social Club is open to all ages and new members are always welcome with their families and children of all ages. To enquire about membership email us at . New membership prices are £24 Family; £18 Single; £11 OAP (per person). Membership application forms can be downloaded from our website . For existing members, a gentle reminder that subscriptions are now due and can be paid by cash, cheque or card. Please write your membership number on the envelope with your payment. Renewal prices are shown on our website: As well as regular bingo nights on a Thursday at 7.30pm and a Meat Raffle every Friday (tickets can be bought by members before the night so you do not lose the chance to win) the club hosts a range of other events which can be found in notices at the club; on our website, our Facebook page as well as being advertised in The Spire. Join family and friends to watch major League football matches, Grand Prix, golf and many other sporting events or just sit outside and relax (weather permitting!) enjoying the stunning views across the hills. Well behaved dogs are welcome. Whatever sport you follow the Club will be showing all the important football matches and other major sporting events during weekends and evenings.

Forthcoming Events The Danny Lee Band, after their highly successful appearance at the last North Holmwood Village Day, are returning to play at North Holmwood Sports Club from 8.00pm on Saturday 4th February. Members and guests are invited along, free of charge, to enjoy the 55

evening in the club's new surroundings, with the recently redeveloped bar, new furniture and new dance floor. Other events are being planned for February and March, and will be emailed out to members so please keep a look out – there will also be posters in the club. The Stoolball season will be starting again in a couple of months. The fixtures will be available on our website for the next season. If you are interested in playing Stoolball, or wish to find out more please contact Shirley Overton at for more information. New players are always welcome, aged 11 to 111!! It’s never too early to consider playing cricket in the summer and new players are always welcome so please contact Ian Elliott at for more information. More and more people are taking advantage of the Club as their first choice for a venue to hold a party. We cater for christenings, birthdays (except for 18ths as, unfortunately, the risk is too great), engagements, even weddings – whatever the occasion, your club is here to ensure you, your family and friends, have a great time! We also cater for wakes and do everything possible to tailor the event to respect your wishes. Here are a few of the benefits we can offer you: A venue that is local; friendly; family friendly; safe; spacious (inside and out) and informal; with stunning panoramic views in the summer, including a private patio area Professional and attentive support in helping you to organise your event Extremely competitive bar prices Ample, free car parking Low venue hire rates Complete flexibility to suit your personal entertainment and catering requirements Free bar extension until midnight Bookings are definitely on the increase; so, if you are interested in holding a party, please contact our party co-ordinator and General Manager, Mark Bessent or call into the club to find out more. A booking form can be downloaded from our website and the club will always do their best to accommodate your needs. 56

A COLD PUZZLE All the words hidden in this wordsearch are to do with winter sniffles. Can you find them all?

COUGHS & SNEEZES February seems to be the coldest time of the year – and most of us get a cold, complete with runny nose and sore throat. Well, 3rd February is the right day to have a sore throat because it is St Blaise’s Day. Legend says that St Blaise was on his way to be martyred when he saw a young child choking with a fishbone stuck in his throat. The saint touched the child and the bone was dislodged. This led to a custom of Blessing the Throats on St Blaise’s Day which continues today in one London church. Another way to celebrate the day was with big bonfires (before the Bonfire Night we keep in November was thought of) and that is probably why we say that bonfires blaze.











cold fever flu hankie influenza linctus medicine nose pill shivers sniffles tablet throat tissues winter

What happen if your nose runs and your feet smell? You’re built upside down!

So you can sit in front of a What sort of transport gives blazing fire, sniffing into a tissue people colds? and think about the patron saint A-choo-choo-train. of sore throats.




Brockwood Medical Practice

1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood, Dorking. Tel: 01306 885802

The Partners: Jonathan Richards, Justin Thompson, Lucy Rawson, Tamsin Sevenoaks, Robin Gupta; Salaried GPs: Drs Elizabeth Craggs, Natalie Moore, Allison Wong, Sarah Wells, Kate Heppenstall, Hilary Sindall, Andrew Brett; GP Registrars, Dr Thiviya Selvarajah, Dr Gabriella Fabrizi and all the staff are always pleased to welcome new and existing residents to our Practice. We offer appointments across our three sites at North Holmwood, Brockham and Newdigate. We offer: Personal Medical Services, Dispensary services for all eligible patients, District Nursing, Health Visitors, General Nursing Clinics with our Practice Nurses, Minor Surgery Clinics, Midwife Clinics, Travel Vaccination Clinics, Baby Clinic, Asthma and COPD clinics, Counselling sessions, INR testing with our HCA, Smoking Cessation sessions, and much more.

OUT OF HOURS SERVICE – NHS 111 Brockwood Medical Practice has a contract with the NHS to provide services Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. We are not open on bank holidays. Patients who require medical advice or treatment when we are closed should ring the national NHS 111 line. That’s 1 1 1 from any mobile phone or landline, calls are free. This service provides advice, information and treatment for NHS patients who become unwell when the practice is closed. The NHS 111 team will assess the patient’s condition over the phone and if clinically appropriate will refer to the local Out of Hours service. The Surrey Out of Hours service is provided by Care UK, Monday to Friday from 6:30pm to 8:00am and 24hours at weekends and during bank holidays.

REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS We have recently had to review our dispensing arrangements for North Holmwood residents. The dispensary prescription request telephone line is no longer available. Patients can still order repeat prescriptions via our website or drop a request into Reception. Please ring reception on 01306 885802 for any other queries.

Chronic Disease Management We regularly send out letters and texts to remind you when your annual reviews are due (eg for asthma, COPD, diabetes). We are trying to make these reviews coincide with your month of birth to make it easier for you to remember when they are due.

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