The Spire, March 2013

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North Holmwood’s Parish Magazine

St John the Evangelist Church North Holmwood Vicar (day off – Monday) Revd Stuart Tanswell ......... ......... 01306 882135 Assistant Priest Revd Leah Kearns ............. ....................................................................... 01306 886858 Churchwardens: Graham Phillips .................. .......... 01306 885787 Jane Schofield ................... ................... 07771591457 Reader Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 PCC Secretary Caroline Lazenby .............. ..... 01306 888141 PCC Treasurer Lynn Jennings..................... ....................................................................... 01306 882614 Baptisms Jill Spence .......................... ....................................................................... 01306 876901 Choir Please contact Vicar ........ Junior Choir Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Flowers Hazel Gibson ..................... ....................................................................... 01306 886538 Gift Aid and Electoral Roll Jane Collard ..................... .......................... 01306 876652 Intercessions Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Prayer Chain Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Homegroup Co-ordinator Penny Newstead ............... ....................................................................... 01306 885876 Junior Church and C4yourself Jane Schofield ................... ................... 07771591457 Organist John Philpott ...................... 01306 880126 Magazine Kirsten Wightwick .............. ... 01306 743483 Parish Room Iris Edser ............................... ....................................................................... 01306 740757 Readings Gordon Bates .................... ....................................................................... 01306 884154 Sacristans Steve & Hilary Harris .......... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Servers Steve Harris ......................... ....................................................................... 01306 710162 Sandy Newton ................... ....................................................................... 01306 889384 Mothers’ Union Gill Collins............................ ....................................................................... 01306 885270


St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood Sunday services: 8 am Holy Communion 10am First Sunday each month: Family Service 10am Other Sundays: Parish Eucharist 6pm see notices Friday 8.30am Eucharist, and vicar available in church until 10.30am The Church is normally open daily for private prayer from 9am. Please see the Church notice board for details of other services.



is produced by St John’s Church for North Holmwood. There are ten issues each year and we make no charge. We deliver around the parish. If you would like a copy delivered please e-mail or phone John Daulman 01306 885943

North Holmwood Community Police ....................................... 101 Mole Valley District Council .. 01306 885001 National Trust Warden ........... 01306 712711 North Holmwood GP Surgery 01306 885802 Community Playlink ................ 01306 740095 North Holmwood Pre-School . 07931 212006 St John’s C of E Community School ................................... 01306 884506 Guiding: Brownies .................. 01306 876428 Rainbows ................ 01306 882796 Scouting enquiries .................. 07941 845296 Bridge Club ............................. 01306 882849 Chart Downs Social Club ...... 01306 500310 Drama Group ......................... 01306 887416

Surrey Hills Dance Centre ..... 01306 883808 Goodwyns Social Club ......... 01306 500614 Karate ...................................... 07970 408260 Circuit training ........................ 01306 711920 Tumble Tots ............................. 07739 517627 Village Hall (Chairman) ......... 01306 883808 Village Hall (Bookings) ........... 01306 500398 Village Hall (Caretaker) ........ 01306 740757 Parish Room (Bookings) ......... 01306 740757 North Holmwood Sports Club 01306 889764 Dorking Golf Club .................. 01306 886917 Ballet classes ........................... 01737 247795 Norfolk Court .......................... 01306 876474 Stanecroft ............................... 01306 876567


Our next issue covers April. Material should be with the editors by 17th March please. e-mails for the production team: Editors: Kirsten Wightwick 01306 743483 Jim Edwards 01306 879902 4 Chartwell Court Grange, 35 Highacre, Dorking RH4 3BF

We welcome articles of general or local interest. Ideally these should be e-mailed in Word format, with illustrations as jpegs or pngs. The editors may amend or shorten material submitted. Articles represent the views of the individual contributors. Some articles and illustrations come from “The Parish Pump�, a national web-site that provides magazine material for churches. We are very grateful to all those who advertise in this magazine and allow us to produce it without charge to our readers; however publication does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the product. Advertising manager: Margaret Teale 'Talanta', 12 Ridgeway Drive, Dorking RH4 3AN Telephone 01306 252004 or email Advertising copy: or telephone Jim Edwards 01306 879902 Printing: John Daulman, Eileen Daulman, Ann Phillips Distribution: John Daulman 4

Editorial March 2013 Hello! Like me, you’re probably missing Caroline’s words here on this page, and wishing her every happiness and success in her move to Devon. Given her exciting role running the Sheldon Centre’s Open Air Theatre - I Googled! – I cannot help but be in awe of Caroline’s abilities. Even though the weather still keeps us in cosy winter clothing and warming comfort foods still appeal (Lent is keeping me from indulging too much), the natural world is preparing for Spring. Daffodils are in bud, snowdrops are bobbing in the breeze, and birds are returning to our gardens and parks. New starts are all around us. One of the most notable is the start of St John’s text and email updates; excellent ways to further communication within the parish. ‘New’ can be daunting (I know, I’ve re-written this twice) but it can also be rewarding. Kirsten Wightwick

Dear friends, What a couple of months we’ve had weather-wise. I hope that the snow is now finally banished for the foreseeable future! During this Lenten season we’ve had the opportunity to take a look at ourselves, our lives, our opinions, and to see how we’re doing – whether things we do (or don’t do, come to that), lead us towards God or away from God. Through giving things up for Lent, or taking something else on, there is the possibility of making a significant change in our life and faith. It is a challenging thing to think about. This reflection of whether things bring us towards or away from God made me start to question whether these things also bring others 5

towards God. Does what we do, say, or think make a difference to the faith of other people (or their opinions of Christianity)? How about what the Church does, says, or thinks? In recent months the Church of England has been facing difficult questions about the ordination of women as bishops; difficult questions about bishops being in civil partnerships; and also the question of marriage between people of the same gender. In each case, there have been people who have been happy with the response – and people who have been desperately unhappy. Three questions, inter-related. But the question which each poses is ultimately the question of God’s loving acceptance of other people, God’s loving acceptance of people who are different to what some might perceive as normal. Is it possible for God to call women to minister as bishops? Is it possible for God to call a male in a civil partnership as a bishop? Is it possible for the church to bless a loving union of two persons of the same gender? Is it possible to call that marriage? The responses the church (whether local or national) gives affects what other people understand the church to stand for, what other people understand about God’s love. There is the risk of the church appearing discriminatory, suggesting that God loves and calls only some people. These are big issues that all parts of the church need to explore and grapple with. They are issues with no clear answer, but the need for a greater understanding of other positions. I am very grateful to Peter Corry who has written a piece exploring some views on marriage of people of the same gender, which will hopefully allow us to start considering what the church’s response to these issues could be. During Lent, may we continue to examine our lives, and the life of the Church, as we move closer to God. Wishing you every blessing,

Stuart 6

Bible Readings for March 2013 3rd March Family Service

3rd Sunday of Lent Readings to be arranged

10th March Family Service

Mothering Sunday Readings to be arranged

17th March Isaiah 43:16-21

5th Sunday of Lent Philippians 3:4b-14

John 12:1-8

24th March ----------------

Palm Sunday ----------------

Luke 22:14-23:56

28th March Exodus 12:1-4,11-14

Maundy Thursday 8pm 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-17, 31b-35

29th March

Good Friday 2pm Stations of the Cross

31st March 5.30am Vigil Genesis 1:1-2:4a, Ezekiel 36:24-28, 10am Acts 10:34-43

Easter Day Exodus 14:10-31, 15:20-21 Romans 6:3-11 1 Corinthians 15:19-26

Luke 24:1-12

John 20:1-18

Teas by the Fireside Many of us have enjoyed the warm welcome at Teas by the Fireside during January and February. Iris and Eric have asked the Spire to thank Karen and Eileen who have made cakes for the teas and Karen and Lucy who have helped each week. Of course the greatest thanks must go to Eric and Iris who have opened their home, made us so welcome and worked so hard. Each week donations have been invited and a total of ÂŁ225 has been raised for the Community Building Appeal. 7

Renewal of Church Electoral Roll All Church of England parishes are required to maintain an Electoral Roll. Every six years it is necessary to prepare a completely new Roll.....and 2013 is one such year. The current Roll will cease to be valid and all who wish to be included on the new Roll must reapply. Those people whose names are on the roll are entitled to attend the Annual Parish Meeting and to vote. They are also eligible for election to the Parochial Church Council, after six months. The number of people on the electoral roll of a parish also determines how many representatives can be sent to the Deanery Synod. It is therefore important that all those eligible should be entered on the electoral roll for St John’s. Our Electoral Roll Officer (Jane Collard) is currently preparing the new Roll, which will commence from the date of the annual Parish Meeting (24 March 2013). To be eligible, applicants must be: a) 16 years of age or over. b) Live within the parish boundary, or c) Have been a regular worshipper at St John’s for at least 6 months. If you are eligible and would like to be entered onto the new Electoral Roll you must complete an application form...even if you are already on the current Roll. Forms are available at the back of Church, from Stuart, or from Jane Collard and must be returned by 9 March at the latest. You can return the completed forms to Jane, Stuart, the Churchwardens or sidesmen. There is also a folder at the back of Church for leaving completed forms. If you have any questions, then please contact Jane Collard on 01306 876652 or via email

Confirmation If you would like to learn more about the Christian Faith and possibly be confirmed please speak to Stuart to find out more. 8

TEAS FOR ALL 3rd Thursday of each month St John’s Parish Room 2.30pm – 4pm All welcome – 01306 885787

COMMUNION AT HOME If you are housebound and unable to get to church at St John’s, we can arrange for communion to be brought to you at home, by a member of our authorised team of communion assistants. Please contact Stuart 01306 882135.

Church Cleaning Ann Phillips is organising a rota of people to help with cleaning the church. If you can help please get in touch with Ann 01306 885787or fill in the list at the back of church. Any help would be appreciated – you can choose how often.

Holmwood Mothers’ Union Monday 4th March, 12.30pm, at Culver, Spook Hill. Lunch will be followed by “Imperial Cities and Desert”, a holiday in Morocco. No regular meeting in April, as it would fall on Easter Monday. Monday, 8th April, MU Diocesan Lady Day Service, 10.45 am at Guildford Cathedral. Contact Gill Collins, 01306 885270, for further details. 9

Bishop’s Lent Call Once again the Bishop’s Lent Call encourages all those in the Diocese of Guildford to mark Lent by praying, fasting and giving. As in previous years, funds raised will be divided between projects funded by the Bishop of Guildford’s Foundation and an overseas charity. This year’s international focus is work for reconciliation between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. “I am all too aware of the effects of violence between historically distinct communities that, sadly, have also become estranged through religion,” confirms Bishop Christopher. “I ask for your prayers for the people and communities most affected. Nor should we forget our own local communities supported by the Bishop of Guildford's Foundation. But Lent Call is not all about giving. It is about our keeping of Lent together as a diocese in the traditional way, an annual call to repentance, made real by praying and fasting as well as giving.” The 2013 Lent Call materials are available in church or can be downloaded from the Diocesan web site.

JIGSAW A group for Mums/Dads/Carers and their pre-school children – from babies to 4 ½ yrs An opportunity for Mums/Dads/Carers to talk to another grown-up! Meet new friends and enjoy breakfast whilst the children play.* Parish Room at St John’s Church, North Holmwood 10.00am – 11.30am: Wednesdays Contact: Jane Schofield 07771591457 *Please remember, the care and safety of the children you bring remain your responsibility at all times – Thank you 10

JUNIOR CHURCH and C4YOURSELF The family service at St John’s is held on the first Sunday of each month. The children and young people play a major part in this service. The C4Yourself group are currently preparing for first communion. They usually meet on the second Sunday and Junior Church usually meet on the third Sunday. Sunday 3rd March 10am All age Family Service Sunday 10th March 10am All age service for Mothering Sunday Saturday March 23rd 10am till 12 Easter Workshop at Jolly John’s Playfarm, behind St John’s School Palm Sunday 24th March 945am procession from St John’s School 10am C4 yourself and Junior Church Easter Sunday 31st March 10am Easter Celebration For more information on other activities please ring Jane on 07771591457.

New St John’s Church contact details: Parish Office 01306-868441 Pastoral Line 01306-868941 Church Text Message 0770-673-2222 11

APCM 24th March 11.30am All those on the electoral roll of the church are invited to attend the annual meeting that elects the wardens, PCC and sidesmen and reviews the administration of the church over the last year. Written reports of the different activities will be available.

Parish Retreat Day The retreat day that had been planned for unfortunately had to be postponed until the autumn.

Baptism 10th February 2013 Funeral 14th February 2013



Arti Ohan Kanderian Beryl Miller

BEGINNERS PLEASE This is to let you know that the meeting of our Drama group on 4th March will be the last meeting of our current season. We will meet again from the first Monday in October. Our meetings begin at 7.30pm. Jackie Rance

Mid-week Eucharist at St John’s Friday Mornings 8.30am Usually followed by refreshments. After the service Stuart will remain in the church until 10.30am for anyone who wants an informal chat with the vicar.



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FUNDS The total raised for the Community Building Appeal now stands at £218,000. We need to raise at least £42,000 more before we can take out an affordable loan for £40,000 and thus achieve the estimated £300,000 design and build cost; this will also satisfy the Chancellor of the diocese that we can afford to carry out the project and allow us to obtain formal permission from the diocese. In February we had a curry evening at the Red Chilli. With the raffle this raised around £700 for the appeal. Next event: Monday 22nd April Quiz evening at Rialto’s Pizza or Pasta, £10 per head. Teams of six or individuals very welcome. For more information or to get your tickets, ring Jane 01306 885244


BRICKS Let’s get our Community Building Built You can help by buying ‘BRICKS’. They cost £5.00 each and your chosen name will be put on the ‘wall’ at the back of the church and then placed in the Commemorative Book which will be kept in the new hall. Buy one for yourself, your friends, family, neighbours or in memory of a loved one. They make great presents. Please fill in the form attached and pass it to Ann in the church or phone 01306 885787.

Guildford Cathedral The normal pattern of services is shown. Please check for details. Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP said) 9.45am The Cathedral Eucharist (Order 1 or BCP 1st Sunday of month) 11.30am Choral Mattins (except for 2nd Sunday of the month) 6.30pm Choral Evensong Weekdays 7.30am Mattins (said) 8.00am Holy Communion 5.30pm Evensong Saturdays 8.40am Mattins (said) 9.00am Holy Communion 5.00pm Evensong Details of special events can be found on the web-site 16

KnitOne PurlOne SaveOne Knitting Group First Tuesday of every month 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Parish Room St John’s knitting group meets on the first Tuesday in every month in the Parish Room at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a cup of tea. If you can’t knit we will show you….we have everything required to start you off. The finished articles are now sent to Christian Hope International.

A bar of soap and a flannel Shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, comb……. Not a big deal for us but a luxury to some people. Christian Hope International are continuing to make up small toiletry boxes to pack in their next container to Africa. Also school boxes, pencils, pads etc. If you could help by buying just one of these items it would make such a difference. A huge thank you to everyone who is supporting our group and has given us wool, money to buy wool and some of these items. If you would like to know more about this charity which we support please go on line to ALSO…..with spring on the way you might decide to clear out your garden shed. Don’t forget that CHI would like your old tools… or otherwise. Old sewing machines, knitting machines, etc, etc. Margaret 01306 252004 Margaret Teale 17

EASTER AT ST JOHN’S UNPACKED A quick glance at the Calendar will give you a good indication of “What’s On” during Holy Week and Easter – but might lead you to ask what that particular service is all about… So here is a summary of what is planned, for you to make an informed decision about which services to attend. Try coming to a service you haven’t attended before! However you spend Holy Week and Easter, make time to practise the presence of God – whether through a church service or not. You’ll find that Easter Day takes on a deeper significance as a result.

SATURDAY 23rd MARCH 10.00am - 12.00. Children’s Activity day At Jolly John’s Playfarm, behind St John’s School. Activities and crafts for children and young people. Refreshments will be provided. Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult. If it has been wet wear wellies!!! For more details ring Jane 07771591457

PALM SUNDAY 24TH MARCH 10 am Palm Sunday Celebration (9.45am at St John’s Community Goodwyns Road)


Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday – that day when we remember Jesus and his followers entering Jerusalem, to the excitement of the crowds. We start the service outside the school. It’s a great experience to have that sense of procession before entering the church. No, we don’t encounter cheering crowds, but it is quite an experience to walk through the village as a church (adults and children alike), and remind ourselves of how much more emotional Jesus must have felt.

TUESDAY 26TH MARCH 8pm Service of Hope Anyone missing someone precious who has died will know that the ache is present throughout the year, but that it feels even more 18

acute when festivals – such as Christmas and Easter – come around. Each Easter, though, we offer a Service of Hope which looks at the Easter message of new life with God. The service is open to anyone. You don’t have to be a churchgoer; neither does the bereavement have to be recent or connected with St John’s in any way. The service is less than an hour long, followed by refreshments.

MAUNDY THURSDAY 28TH MARCH 8pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist If you want worship which combines spiritual presence, power and pathos all in one service, then come to this. From its direct reminder of the Last Supper, through to the recalling of Jesus in the loneliness of Gethsemane – this is a deeply moving service. Nothing prepares you for Good Friday quite so well as to see the church stripped bare in front of your eyes….

GOOD FRIDAY 29TH MARCH 10.45am Churches Together in Dorking Good Friday Procession This is an essential and powerful part of Good Friday for many across our churches. The procession begins at Dorking Halls Car Park and ends outside St Martin’s (service 11.30). The sight of all churches walking together speaks for itself.

2pm Stations of the Cross Most services at St John’s follow a set liturgy – this one is the exception. It isn’t ‘clergy led’ or indeed ‘clergy planned’ – which makes it very special. Instead, you will experience a service which will touch you at many levels, from what you are seeing and hearing to the thoughts prompted in consequence.

HOLY SATURDAY 30TH MARCH 10.00am Saturday – Decorating the Church Now you might be thinking ‘that’s not a service’. Technically, you’re right! But those people who decorate the church for Easter are showing their own reverence to God. You don’t need to be an expert in flower arranging, just someone willing to come along and take part. Check the details with Hazel Gibson (01306 886538). 19

1 pm – 4pm National Trust Easter Egg Hunt and Teas at the Church Again not a service, but just good fun. Starting from the Church this hunt goes over the common. Details are in the National Trust article. And there will be teas in the Parish Room.

EASTER DAY - SUNDAY 31ST MARCH A choice here….

5.30am Dawn Service, followed by breakfast For some this service is the Easter highlight! There is nothing quite like the feeling of starting worship outside the church, in the last few minutes of darkness, and then seeing the light of dawn fill the church. It’s extraordinary, and if you’re wondering why we do it, it is because John’s Gospel reminds us that Mary Magdalene visited the tomb of Jesus in darkness (and, of course, found it empty) but then encountered him in the garden after the dawn. So this service welcomes Easter Day by taking us from darkness to light, finishing with breakfast (your first hot cross bun of the day!).

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) If you enjoy the traditional Prayer Book service, or if you are planning to head off to spend the day elsewhere, this 8am service is for you.

10am Easter Celebration Eucharist Our main celebration of the day! All ages welcome! Come and join us, to celebrate the Resurrection with joy! Whatever your choice of service(s), we look forward to seeing you over Holy Week and Easter.

Easter Saturday Teas 1pm to 4pm 30th March St John’s Church Parish Room The National Trust are holding an Easter Egg hunt at the same time, starting from the Church. (See the Holmwood Common article.) 20


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POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETINGS Panel meetings are an opportunity for the local community to identify the priorities they would like the local neighbourhood team to focus upon. They also allow the neighbourhood team to feed back progress reports to residents. NORTH HOLMWOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING 7.30pm Wednesday 10th April, 10th July, 11th September North Holmwood Parish Room at St John’s Church GOODWYNS NEIGHBOURHOOD PANEL MEETING 7.30pm Monday 8th April, 10th June, 19th August, 28th October at the Harvest Church, Stubs Hill PC Jason Woods, PCSO Lisa Cobby, PCSO Rebecca Black

Used Postage Stamps Anne Lucas collects used postage stamps for various charities. These can be given to Anne or left in the box at the back of St John’s Church. She is grateful to all those who contribute. Currently Anne is sending stamps to these charities: BRACE. This charity funds research into Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. Donations help us find new and better ways of caring for the patients we treat and to support their families at their most difficult time. British Kidney Patient Association. Improving the lives of kidney patients with kidney disease by giving support, information and grant aid. We help kidney disease patients, families and kidney units during times of need. Help for Heroes, Support for our Wounded. The money raised has helped us fund individual support and a wide range of projects in a very short time - but we still need your donations so we can ensure the support will be there for life. 23

Opportunities at St. Columba's Retreat House, Woking being run by The Revd Haydon Wilcox A residential retreat for those exploring their vocation in the ministry of the Church 8th - 10th March £180 Living the Questions a monthly Thursday evening meeting for those who seek to be challenged and stretched in their faith £10 per session (Starting Thursday 18th April 7.30pm - 9.30pm) Group facilitation training for home/study group leaders Saturday 4th May 10am - 4pm £25 More details: ring 01252 621639 or email: or register a place at 01483 766498 PS I also have a few places left for a Pilgrimage (Half Board) Retreat to Bishop's House, Iona 19th - 27th April 2013 for anyone interested just contact me for details

LENT GROUP 2013 All are welcome to meetings of this year’s Lent Study Group which is being held in St John’s Church, on Thursdays until 21st March, from 7.30 to 9.00 pm. The meetings are being held jointly with members of the Harvest Church. We are studying a selection of scripture readings for Lent. Activities will include reading, discussion, reflection, and prayer. Refreshments will be available at the start of the meetings. Please bring a Bible! Please contact Penny on 885876 for any further information. 24

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FRIDAY HUNGER LUNCHES On Fridays during Lent you are invited to share a frugal meal of soup, bread and cheese, and give what you might have spent – more if you wish! – towards the work of Christian Aid. 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March

St Joseph’s Church, Falkland Grove St Paul’s Church Crossways Community Baptist Church St John’s Church, North Holmwood

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GARDENING Did you know that every month there is a gardening workshop held at Squires Garden Centre in Reigate? These workshops are held on the third Friday in the month at 10am and 2pm and they cost £15 £20 depending on what we are making. I’ve been to most of these workshops and have found them to be really enjoyable. Each month we make up a pot or a basket. In February we made a springtime hanging basket which contains ‘tête-à-tête’ daffodils, a little fir tree and primroses. The garden centre provides all that you need to make up the displays; from the pots and compost, through to the plants. I’ve totted up the cost of the workshops and we tend to get more for our money than the cost of the pot and its contents would suggest and I’ve learned a lot, too. Our expert at Reigate branch is Elaine and she is great; very knowledgeable and generous with her skills. The next few workshops are as follows: 15 March – Spring Pot to attract Wildlife 19 April – Herb and Strawberry Pot 17 May – Summer Colour Basket Included in the price is a cup of coffee or tea and after the workshops we get together in the coffee shop for a chat. If you find yourself at a loose end on a Friday morning or afternoon I heartily recommend a gardening workshop. Jackie Rance

Goodwyns Community Group Coffee mornings - all welcome – elderly, mums and toddlers Second Tuesday of each month Links Partnership Friends Group with funding from Mole Valley Housing Association 07939 09048 28

The Leith Hill Musical Festival The Leith Hill Musical Festival offers a variety of choral music that challenges the choirs and excites both them and audience alike. This year’s programme includes familiar, popular works and others less frequently heard. The season opens on Sunday, 10th March with the “St John Passion” that gives independent singers an opportunity to join regular Festival choir members in a performance with Baroque Orchestra Canzona, led by Festival Conductor Brian Kay. Having only been performed once before in the UK, we look forward to introducing Sir George Martin’s The Mission Chorales written originally as sketches for the film “The Mission”, on Thursday, 11th April, and to welcoming Sir George as Guest of Honour. Each night of the Festival features music by our founder conductor, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and the Coronation anniversary is celebrated with classics by Elgar, Parry and Mozart. Brian Kay conducts the choirs with the English Festival Orchestra and professional soloists. 11-13th April - Main Festival competitions and concerts Season tickets available From LHMF Box Office Tel: 01403 240093 Cissbury Close, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5JT Tickets also available from Dorking Halls Box Office: Tel: 01306 240093 or book online at 29


4 12.30pm Mothers Union at Culver 7.30pm Beginners Please


St John’s March dates

5 2pm Knit One, Purl 12 10am Coffee morning at One… Harvest Church 7pm PCC meeting


13 10am Jigsaw

7 7.30pm Lent group

14 10am Coffee

1 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am Noon Lent Lunch, St Joseph’s Church 2

8 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am Noon Lent Lunch, St Paul’s Church

15 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available until 10.30am Noon Lent Lunch, Crossways Baptist Church 16

3 1st Sunday in Lent 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am All age Service World Vision Stall



morning at Chart Downs Social Club 7.30pm Lent group






6 10am Jigsaw

8am Holy Communion BCP 10am All age service 30

17 5th Sunday in Lent 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist

This is a provisional listing of What’s On. For extra information please check the posters on the notice boards at the back of the church and outside.




26 8pm Service of Hope

20 10am Jigsaw

27 10am Jigsaw

21 2.30-4.00 Teas for All 7.30pm Lent group

28 Maundy Thursday 8pm Eucharist

22 8.30am Eucharist – Vicar available in church until 10.30am Noon Lent lunch, St John’s Church

29 Good Friday 8.30am Matins and Litany 10.45am Good Friday Procession, Dorking 2pm Stations of the Cross

23 10.00am Children’s activity morning, Jolly John’s Farm

30 10am Decorating the Church 1-4pm NT Easter Egg Hunt on Common and Teas at the Church

24 Palm Sunday 8am HC BCP 10am Parish Eucharist Junior Church & C4Yourself 11.30am Church Annual meeting

31 5.30am Easter Vigil 8am HC BCP 10am All age Service


A Sideways Look at Marriage Recently the ancient concept of marriage has been very much in the news; this is of course largely due to the thorny issue of same sex marriage. However, I can see some wider and stranger implications. Those opposed to the concept of same sex marriage basically have two objections to it, although largely the second objection is, in their view, a direct consequence of the first. Marriage, according to the more fundamental Christian is a union between a man and a woman. Okay, this is simple and you can either agree with it or not; it is a matter for your own personal beliefs. The second part of the idea of marriage is that it is for the creation of children. Now we hit big problems. To the fundamentalist it is obvious that two people of the same sex cannot have children. Here I differ in my opinion; technically it is not impossible just difficult. That though is not the real problem; rather it brings into sharp focus just what we think marriage is all about. To illustrate my point I will effectively use myself as an example. Suppose, and this will really stretch the imagination, I wanted to get married. I realise that it is very difficult to imagine that any woman would want to spend that much time with me but try to go along with the fantasy. The question is how could I fulfil the whole commitment to the idea of marriage? In order to fulfil the part about bearing children I would need to marry a young woman. Indeed to maximise the possibility of conception the younger the better. So if I were to knock on the Vicarage door with a teenage girl and ask Stuart to marry us, religiously he should be delighted. However, I would be shocked if he didn’t ask some very probing questions. Socially such a union would be difficult to accept. 32

If though I fell in love with a woman of my own age then she would be too old to bear children and so we could not fulfil the second part of the marriage ideal. Socially it would be perfectly reasonable but to the fundamentalist Christian it would be unacceptable. So, if I wanted to fulfil both parts of the fundamentalist concept of marriage, socially and indeed morally the act would be unacceptable but if I wanted to do something socially acceptable it would be against the fundamentalist viewpoint. Left like this I am totally confused but fortunately I am not a fundamentalist so all I will say is that before people make dogmatic statements they should think through all of the implications. Peter Corry

Holmwood WI Holmwood WI welcomed Liam O’Carroll as their guest speaker to the February meeting. Liam is a professional Actor, comedian and writer and an interactive speaker on many subjects. His talk to us was entitled “Please Don’t Touch, The Adventures of a Blind Museum Addict.” It was a delight to have him as our speaker. As he spoke about all the museums and travels around the world, often without a companion, he described the difficulties of glass cases and access for the blind. There were instances of private viewings and especially, as with the Chessington Hoard and the Bank of England, when he was allowed to touch and feel the artefacts, we discovered the joy and enthusiasm that he had. As he spoke with warmth and humour, I am sure he raised the awareness of how, although being blind, he achieves so much, 33

and probably dispelled many myths that some members may have had about restricted lives of disabled people. Our competition was for an old ornament. Liam had stated that the best experiences he had were when he could feel the old objects before they were locked away behind glass. He was certainly intrigued and knowledgeable about the old vase which won and the old Greek carved stone brought along today by members. Our craft group has had quite a revival and started separate monthly meetings with an emphasis on different crafts each time. We aim to combine it with the Scrabble and have yet to decide where we will meet regularly. At first we are meeting in members’ homes, but we will need a larger venue. We plan to bring what we do to our meeting since we have much hidden talent and enthusiasm to learn more. Our expert knitters will lead the next session followed by a demonstration on making chicken door stops in March. We discussed a trip to Blenheim and another to Jane Austen’s home at Chawton, combined with a visit to Gilbert White’s home, and a third trip to Downe House, the home of Charles Darwin. We are the hosts for the Leith Hill Group meeting in March which will involve a speaker on sailors’ crafts, including scrimshaw and knots, and we are to provide the traditional afternoon tea. In April we hold our Spring Fair. We have a Pub Lunch to the Duke’s Head in Beare Green this month and much more. Meetings are held at Holmwood Village Hall on Warwick Rd, South Holmwood on the first Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm. We very much welcome new members or guests to see what the WI is all about Programme and details from the secretary, Wendy Lloyd 01306 889485 or


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Friends of Holmwood Common and the National Trust March 2013

News from the Common Path Clearing Continues Volunteer and corporate groups are continuing their efforts to cut back the trackside undergrowth in several areas of the Common. Most recently work has focused on the central area and a number of magnificent oak trees, no longer hidden by holly bushes, can now be properly admired. Litter Collection After the excitement of the recent snowy period, we were left to clear away the remains of two broken toboggans, one red and one blue, innumerable cans and bottles, and the metal shelf from a filing cabinet! We know that it is not you that drops the litter, but we would be grateful for your help if, say once a month, you would equip yourself with a carrier-bag and collect up that drink-can that you walk past each day. Footpath 233 – Beare Green to Holmwood Do you use the footpath that runs from Holmwood Corner to Beare Green via Bregsell’s Farm? Network Rail has indicated that it may wish to remove the crossing point over the railway line which would mean that the footpath would need to be closed. We would like to hear from users of this walking route between Beare Green and Holmwood Common to understand the possible impacts of this proposed closure. If you, or someone that you know, is a user of this path then please write to us at: FOHC, c/o The White Cottage, South Holmwood, RH5 4NA or email to .

Annual General Meeting Wednesday 13th March ... South Holmwood Village Club ... 7:30pm New members welcome. This year’s AGM is an important milestone for the Friends. We shall be asking our members to adopt a new Constitution that confirms the Friends as an independent association. The most significant change is that the Friends’ committee will henceforward be 37

elected by the membership. As well as the usual AGM formalities the evening includes ... • A report from the National Trust, including an update from the Working Group that has now completed its assessment of a more practical route and plan for a Circular Trail around Holmwood Common; • A talk from Sam Bayley, Head Ranger for Leith Hill and Holmwood Common, on the history and recent excavation of the Junkers-88 bomber that crashed on Holmwood Common on the night of 14th March 1944. There is no charge for attending the Friends’ AGM but if you are not currently a member then we will ask you to join, or renew, on the night. If you have any questions about the National Trust’s work on Holmwood Common, please get in touch with Rob Adam, NT Ranger for Holmwood Common: phone 01306 712711; mobile 07901 511359; or email to . The Friends of Holmwood Common can be contacted via .

Forthcoming National Trust Events Saturday 30th March ... Holmwood Common Easter Egg Trail Join us any time between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Hunt for clues around Holmwood Common to win an Easter treat. A selfguided trail, with a prize for everyone who takes part. Approximately 1 mile of easy walking, starting at St John’s Church, Willow Green, North Holmwood. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Cost: £2 per trail guide ... no need to book. Call 01306 712711 for more information. Teas will be available at St John’s Church. Sunday 31st March ... Egg Olympics Bring your own boiled egg to Leith Hill Tower for the great egg rolling contest and other eggy activities for all the family. 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. £10 per family. Refreshments available. Call 01306 712711 for more information. 38

Other events are scheduled for various NT properties throughout the region. Visit for more information.

Calling all Members ... renew your membership today Are you one of the very few that has not yet renewed their membership of the Friends? Come to the AGM on the 13th March and renew at the door. Membership of the Friends of Holmwood Common is open to everyone. To join, please send your annual subscription – just £5 per household for 2013 (plus a donation, if you are feeling generous!) – to: Friends of Holmwood Common, c/o The White Cottage, South Holmwood, RH5 4NA. Cheques should be made payable to “Friends of Holmwood Common” and, if you have one, please include your email address.

DORKING QUILTERS FEBRUARY 2013 At their meeting held on 12th February, Dorking Quilters saw a splendid array of quilts which had been made by the Mole Valley Quilters. Items were large and small – many of the smaller items being made as Christmas gifts. Marilyn Hammick, Chair of the group introduced a well choreographed presentation of their beautiful work, along with three other members. We will be returning with our quilts to Mole Valley Quilters next year. Dorking Quilters next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th March, when we complete the group quilt we have been making over the past year. We also look forward to a visit from Brown Owl of a local Brownie pack, as they have asked us to help the Brownies make patchwork blocks to fix to a tablecloth at their headquarters. We meet at 7.30 for 8pm at the Friends’ Meeting House, Butterhill, South Street, Dorking. We welcome new members and for any information about our group please contact Sheena Salmon, on 01306 885597. 39

MUSIC IN DORKING - MARCH 2013 by Ian Codd 2nd at 7.30, Maggini string quartet at Dorking Halls, £18, 01306 740619 7th 14th 21st 28th at 1.00, Lunchtime recitals at St Martin’s, free, 01306 742629 7th 14th 21st 28th at 8.30, Watermill Jazz at Friends Life, £14-16, 07415 815784 7th at 7.30, Madam Butterfly at Dorking Halls, £28-32, 01306 881717 8th at 7.30, Royal Marines band at Dorking Halls, £16-17, 01306 881717 10th at 7.00, LHMF St John Passion at Dorking Halls, £8-20, 01403 240093 16th at 7.30, Ashtead Choral Society at Dorking Halls, 01306 881717 23rd at 9am, LHMF Youth Choirs at Dorking Halls 26th-30th at 7.45, DDOS at Dorking Halls, £12-18, 01306 881717 Choral music is prominent this month with the start of the Leith Hill Musical Festival and a concert by the Ashtead Choral Society. The Leith Hill Festival begins with the annual Bach Passion performance, conducted by Brian Kay. This year it is the turn of the St John Passion, considered by many to be the more dramatic of Bach’s two Passion settings. As usual, it will be a splendid occasion with a large Leith Hill choir and a baroque orchestra. The youth choir competition also takes place this month, with the main competition days to come in April. Ashtead’s choir will be singing Faure’s everpopular Requiem plus a modern choral work, Mirror of Perfection, written in 1996 by Richard Blackford. The Maggini string quartet will give the last of their three concerts for the Dorking Concertgoers Society. They conclude their series with a quartet by Haydn, Schubert’s last string quartet, and an early work by the English composer John Ireland. The Maggini are known for their championship of British music and this is sure to be a very enjoyable concert.


DDOS presents its major production of the year, the musical comedy Anything Goes with music and lyrics by Cole Porter. Containing many favourite songs, this runs at the Dorking Halls from Tuesday to Saturday with an additional Saturday matinee performance at 2.30. The Grand Opera of Belarus, making its first tour of the UK, will perform Puccini’s Madam Butterfly. The tragic story of a young Japanese girl and her love for an American officer will be performed by this distinguished opera company together with a large orchestra. The Band of the Royal Marines will give a charity concert in support of Seafarers UK, and they will be joined by choirs from St Teresa’s School in Effingham and Dawnay School in Bookham. As usual, there will be lunchtime recitals at St Martin’s each Thursday and concerts with Watermill Jazz every Thursday evening, with a different group of performers on each occasion.

Gems of the Baroque by Candlelight Brockham Choral Society are presenting a wonderful opportunity to aspiring young soloists in their forthcoming concert to be held in St Martin’s Church on Saturday 23rd March 7.30 pm. Five sopranos and altos from the Dunottar, Rosebery and St Theresa’s schools have auditioned and been offered solo parts in the Vivaldi Gloria, which is being performed along with Bach’s “Jesu Meine Freude”, “Ich bin Vergnugt mit Meinem Glucke” and Vivaldi’s “Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera”, soloist Elizabeth Drury. Tickets £15 (£10 under 25s in full time education) available from Maria Chadwick c/o Michael Frith, 40 South Street, Dorking, RH4 2HQ Tel.01306 882728 or online at:


St John’s CofE Community School and Nursery We are now well into the Winter/Spring term and the school is buzzing with activity. The children, of course, loved the snow and the school only had to close for half a day, staff all managing to get in despite the dire warnings. Our Breakfast Club goes from strength to strength offering toast and cereal, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, fruit juice and even fish finger sandwiches as part of the nutritious menu to start the day. The staff there work very hard to make sure the children are well fed and entertained for forty minutes before the school day officially starts. The scheme is proving very beneficial with children settling into classes quickly and being keen to learn, having been well setup for the day! We will soon have a waiting list of children wishing to join the Breakfast Club. The school is also offering a Wednesday “Wake and Shake”. This is a quick exercise routine in Key Stage Two playground for the children and any adults who want to “shape up” before the school day begins. Our regular class assemblies have got underway with Year 6 Orcas class sharing a lively account of Explosions and Illuminations. They had learned about festivals of light around the world amongst different faiths and shared facts about volcanoes Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius. The Year 1 class, Seahorses, had a very interesting visit from a staff member from Chertsey Museum. She brought along all sorts of toys from days gone by and the class were allowed to play with them and find out how they were made. This is a wonderful experience for them and will help with the class topic this term which is Toys. After School Clubs are as popular as ever and this term we have, in addition to Football, Multi Sports and Gymnastics – Cookery, Story Time (for our Year 1 class), Knitting, Hama Beads and Lego and, believe it or not, the very popular Homework club! On top of all that activity, we have had a two day Ofsted Inspection and a full day visit from the school’s Board of Governors. We eagerly await the follow-up reports from their visits. Jenny Crook 42

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Holmwood Marketplace – A New Community Initiative There are a number of ways you can help: • visit market events to buy products and meet people; • join as a member; • book a stall or display space; • volunteer to help run market events; • volunteer to join the steering group to guide the project through its development period; • sponsor the project as part of your company’s social corporate responsibility activities. Holmwood Marketplace is an exciting new opportunity to bring together local suppliers of goods, trades and services, with local residents. It is being promoted by Community Realm CIC, a social enterprise based in North Holmwood. The project aims to bring together business operators and local residents around the Holmwoods and Beare Green. If successful, market events will be held in various village halls and other venues in the area. Whether you are a business operator or local resident we hope you will visit the markets to find out what’s going on, and who’s doing what in your area. Further information will be publicised in local press and on local notice boards in due course. The first in a series of 4 trial market events is taking place at North Holmwood Village Hall on Saturday 23 March 2013, 12:30 to 16:00. Please contact Jacqui Johnston for more information: 01306 741545 07973 207087


Information and advice to help you make the right choices If you’re looking for information and advice on benefits, social networks, health issues or support for carers, we can help. By simply offering you a variety of ways to access free advice and information, we’re making it easier for you to make the right choices about the care and support options available to you, helping you or your loved ones stay independent for longer. Here are just some of the questions we’re asked; • What benefits am I eligible for? • How can I find out about local support groups? • What do I do if I have to go into hospital but I look after someone at home? • How can I find a good home care agency close to where I live? • My mum is showing signs of memory loss. What should I do? By telephone Prefer to talk to someone? Call the Adult Social Care helpline on 0300 200 1005. Our friendly advisors will be on-hand to provide free information and advice to all Surrey residents. They can also put you in touch with other relevant organisations or arrange for social care support if you’re eligible. Online If you have access to the internet visit This website is a free online directory, packed full of essential information to help you or people you care for, find reliable care, community and health information. In person Pop along to one of the Hub’s in Epsom, Redhill and Woking*. Each Hub is run by a group of volunteers who may have a disability or be a carer. These local centres will provide information and support to help disabled people, older people and carers stay independent. For more information visit * Coming soon... Hubs in Addlestone, Dorking and Godalming. 46

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Hair by Emma The Studio, Chart Downs. Dorking. Hair by Emma is a small home run freelance hairdressing business that is fully insured. I offer most ladies hairdressing services including children at very competitive rates. I am a member of FHBF (Freelance Hair & Beauty Federation). I attend training throughout the year as I feel this is important for keeping up to date with what’s new and going on in the world of hairdressing. For full details see my website or call for an appointment on 07919 488507.

Our continuing theme this term is ‘Shapes and Sizes’, and we have all enjoyed watching the hyacinth bulbs grow and bloom, and having fun guessing how high they will grow and what colour the flowers will be. As the weather improves the children have been back outside enjoying the clear days, wrapped up warm, to play with the bikes and outdoor equipment. Books play an important part in everyday life at Pre-School and we are currently reading lots of traditional tales with the children. So far we have listened to Goldilocks and the Three Bears which gave all the children an opportunity to eat some porridge which was neither too hot or too cold but just right! We will also be reading The Three Little Pigs which will give the children a chance to experiment with building houses out of different materials. During March we will mark St David’s and St Patrick’s Days plus Mothering Sunday, as well as preparing some Easter songs for our end of term performance for the parents and carers on the last day of the Spring term. This performance will be combined with a cake sale to raise much needed funds for the Pre-School. As well as Nestle Box Tops we are collecting Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s and will send them off to acquire additional sports equipment for the Pre-School. Please help us by passing any unwanted vouchers on to us and we will keep you updated as to the equipment purchased. Currently, there are limited places available at the pre-school. Should you be interested in joining us, please feel free to call in and see us at the Village Hall, or contact us on the number below. Children can join the term after they are two years old. Our hours are Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 12.15pm. If you would like an information pack or to arrange a visit/ask any questions, please contact the Pre-School leader, Julia Woollard, on 07931 212006. Ceri Dutton, Committee North Holmwood Pre-School, Village Hall, Spook Hill, North Holmwood, Surrey, RH5 4EG Registered Charity Number: 1023910


HOLMWOOD VILLAGE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION Tuesday 12th March, 7.30pm, South Holmwood Village Hall AGM, and talk by wildlife photographer Geoff Lunn Much like the Loch Ness Monster, it’s not easy to get a good photo of a Beare Green bear. A long time can pass without a single sighting. So when an opportunity does present itself, make sure you’re ready with your zoom out and your aperture adjusted. Geoff Lunn, wildlife photographer and speaker at this year’s AGM, will ensure you are as ready as you can be when the crucial moment comes. He will be sharing pictures and stories of his adventures with a camera, as well as imparting useful tips for budding photographers. Geoff’s presentation will be preceded by a round-up of the 2012 VPA activities, and a look forward to the coming events of 2013. Don’t forget your klaxon / hanky / rotten tomatoes / vuvuzela. A Mexican wave will then bring the formal part of the evening to a close, with a chance to grab a drink and a nibble before Geoff begins his talk. All welcome. Saturday 23rd March, South Holmwood Village Hall Spring Show Exhibits in place by 11am, show opens 2-4pm The VPA Spring Show is a traditional exhibition of spring flowers, floral arrangements, craft work, baking, preserving and photographs. Although there is a total of 46 classes to enter, with a winning entry selected in each, the baking bit is obviously the most important. Because I like cake a lot. You may disagree. You may feel, for instance, that the bright and smiling yellowness of the daffodils, greeting you as you walk into the exhibition hall, is the highlight. Or perhaps the way your neighbours 50

have chosen to interpret photographic ‘Class 46: Dressing Up’, provides you with the most pleasure. The event is always best when lots of people enter. It’s ever so easy – just have a quick look at the Spring Show schedule of classes – this year to include daffodils, tulips, a ‘Spring Garden’ floral arrangement, hot cross buns, marmalade, eggs, embroidery, pop-up Easter cards, and chocolate muffins – and bring your entry along on the morning. Ros Treliving PS. Email me at if you’d like an electronic version of this year’s Spring Show schedule of classes. Go on, do it!

The Communities Engagement Team in the Diocese offers an open door to volunteering in the wider community Volunteers sought for local youth support roles! ‘ by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.’ James 2:17 Volunteers are sought in all Boroughs and Districts for roles with the newly launched Homelessness Prevention Service of Surrey County Council’s Youth Support Service. Support Volunteer Drivers Get young people to housing appointments or to emergency accommodation. This is needed where the services are unable to reconcile the situation at home. These young people are often in crisis so a volunteer is more appropriate and supportive than public transport. Service Delivery Support Volunteer Work alongside Homelessness Prevention Service administrator and coordinator to assist in client facing activities.

the panel

For these and other roles contact Nigel Drury, Volunteer Support Coordinator, (eNtry) Communities Engagement Team, Diocesan House, Quarry Street, Guildford GU1 3XG Tel 01483 790333 Mobile 07979 887467 51

CROSSWORD Across 1 Arouse (Song of Songs 2:7) (6) 4 Extinguish (Isaiah 1:31) (6) 8 ‘“They — — ,” you will say, “but I’m not hurt!”’ (Proverbs 23:35) (3,2) 9 Unhappiness (Nehemiah 2:2) (7) 10 Jewish (7) 11 Dirge (anag.) (5) 12 ‘A truthful witness gives honest — , but a false witness tells lies’ (Proverbs 12:17) (9) 17 Paul quoted from the second one in his address in the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:33) (5) 19 ‘Do not use your freedom to — the sinful nature’ (Galatians 5:13) (7) 21 ‘As you can see, he has done nothing to — death’ (Luke 23:15) (7) 22 Name applied by Isaiah to Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1) (5) 23 ‘All the people — — one man, saying, “None of us will go home”’ (Judges 20:8) (4,2) 24 Lazarus, who was carried by angels to Abraham’s side when he died, was one (Luke 16:20) (6) Down 1 Appalled (Job 26:11) (6) 2 ‘In an — to escape from the ship, the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea’ (Acts 27:30) (7) 3 Expel (Acts 18:16) (5)

5 ‘But I have a baptism to — , and how distressed I am until it is completed!’ (Luke 12:50) (7) 6 ‘Of the increase of his government and peace there will be — — ’ (Isaiah 9:7) (2,3) 7 Hurry (Psalm 119:60) (6) 9 ‘For I desire mercy, not — , and acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings’ (Hosea 6:6) (9) 13 One of its towns was Sychar, where Jesus met a woman at Jacob’s well (John 4:5) (7) 14 Shouting (Acts 7:57) (7) 15 Arachnid (Isaiah 59:5) (6) 16 One of Paul’s first converts in Philippi was Lydia, a — in purple cloth (Acts 16:14) (6) 18 Donkeys (5) 20 Raked (anag.) (5) Reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF). The Bible version used is NIV.



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Pristine Property Maintenance

Martin Peek City & Guilds qualified Fully Insured Specialists in: Bathrooms Kitchens Wet Rooms Bespoke Showers Tiling Decorating Plastering Carpentry and General Property Maintenance Tel 07831 250036 – 01306 887 633 E-mail: 1 Shellwood Drive, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4TA

AN ARMCHAIR DUFFER’S VIEW OF SPORT January / February Acer Nethercott who coxed Oxford to boat race wins in 2003 and 2005 has died aged 35. He also coxed the men’s eight to win a silver medal at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. A sad loss to all who knew him. World number three tennis player, Andy Murray, showed extraordinary resilience in taking World number one, Novak Djokovic, to three hours and forty minutes of gruelling tennis in the final of the Australian Open at Melbourne. However Djokovic was at his relentless best and made history by being the first player to win the Australian Open three times in succession. The Six Nations rugby tournament which started on February 2nd must surely rank as one of the world’s best sporting competitions; the commitment of the players cannot be equalled. The first game this year was at Cardiff where Wales crashed to a fifth home loss in a row by losing to Ireland 30 points to 22. Wales however showed a great deal of character as they battled back from a 23 points to 3 deficit at half time in what was one of the tournament’s great contests. England beat Scotland 38 points to 18 in what was a superb Calcutta Cup match. Scotland have now not won at Twickenham for 30 years. England’s stand-off Owen Farrell was named man of the match. France, who were favourites to win the championship this year, suffered a shock defeat to Italy in Rome, by 23 points to 18. The second round of the Six Nations took place over the weekend of 9th/10th February when Scotland put their opening defeat by England behind them and defeated Italy 34 points to 10. Wales travelled to Paris and, against the odds, defeated the French who have now lost both their games. England did a magnificent job in beating Ireland 12 points to 6 in Dublin. The game was played in torrential rain from start to finish and became an old fashioned, 55

punishing battle. It perhaps wasn’t great or enthralling but I couldn’t take my eyes off it for a minute. England remain the only team able to win the grand slam having not lost a game at this stage. Rebecca Adlington confirmed that she has retired from competitive swimming, aged 23. She has had a glittering career winning a medal in every Olympic race she has entered, and holds the world record for the 800 metres freestyle. She says distance swimming is now a young girl’s game and she can no longer cope with the long training sessions required to keep up. Note:- Katie Ledecky who won the 800m freestyle at the London 2012 games was 15, Rebecca Adlington came third. Another sporting idol also announced it was time to call it a day. Liverpool football club defender Jamie Carragher has decided to retire on May 19th after 16 years playing for the club. His abilities and behaviour both on and off the field have earned him the title Mr Liverpool, and he is recognised as one of the best defenders in Europe. Women’s cricket seems to have moved up a gear and in the one day World Cup series England beat India by 32 runs. England’s captain Charlotte Edwards hit a very watchable 109 runs to become the leading scorer in women’s one day international cricket. They did not play well enough to reach the final but, in the third place play off in Mumbai, they defeated New Zealand with four wickets to spare. This was again mainly due to their captain, who hit 106 runs not out. The sporting world was shocked on St Valentine’s Day when South African icon Oscar Pistorius was charged with murdering his girl friend. At the 2012 London games he became the first double amputee to take part in both the Olympics and Paralympics, winning two gold medals and a silver in the latter. .



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WHO? ME? The answers to this Bible quiz are all words that begin with the letters M E … answers at the bottom of the page.

THE STAND IN It’s not me; I didn’t do it. Is it always someone else when the teacher asks ‘who made this mess’, or Mum says ‘who broke this?’ And if we hadn’t done it, would we offer to clean up the mess or pay for what is broken out of our pocket money? Even though it wasn’t our fault and we hadn’t done anything wrong? The answer is probably ‘no’. Why should we? It wasn’t our fault! It wouldn’t be fair! But then things often aren’t fair. It wasn’t fair that the crowds in Jerusalem that first Easter shouted ‘release Barabbas’, a convicted criminal. They could have shouted ‘release Jesus’ – Jesus hadn’t done anything wrong after all. Jesus told us ‘No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends’ (St John’s Gospel, chapter 15, verse 13). Jesus gave up his life for us. And others have followed his pattern, like Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic priest in a German concentration camp took the place of another prisoner and was killed instead of him.

1 2


4 5



Was with Daniel in the lions’ den? (Daniel, 3) Is another name for Malta where St Paul was shipwrecked? (Acts, 28) Who did Jesus call blessed, and said they would inherit the earth? (Matthew, 5) Proverbs 17 says that a merry or cheerful heart is like what? What were James and John doing when they first met Jesus? (Mark, 1) Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to yeast mixed with what? (Luke, 13) King Saul’s eldest daughter’s name (I Samuel, 14)

When did medicine first appear in the Bible? When God gave Moses the tablets.

1. Meshach 2. Melita 3. the meek 4. good medicine 5. mending their nets 6. three measures of flour 7. Merab

Brockwood Medical Practice

1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmwood, Dorking. Tel: 01306 885802

The Partners, Jonathan Richards, Justin Thompson, Lucy Rawson, Tamsin Sevenoaks, Robin Gupta; Drs Elizabeth Craggs, Natalie Moore, Allison Wong, Katie Carter, Jennifer Bruce, Sarah Wells; GP Registrars Drs Olujide Soremi, Luma Ali and all the staff are always pleased to welcome new and existing residents to our Practice. Following the merger of the 3 surgeries at North Holmwood, Brockham & Newdigate, we would like to thank all our patients for their understanding over this difficult transition. We now have a number of new GPs and can now offer appointments across all 3 sites.

We offer: Personal Medical Services, Dispensary services for all eligible patients, District Nursing, Health Visitors, General Nursing Clinics with our Practice Nurses, Minor Surgery Clinics, Midwife Clinics, Travel Vaccination Clinics, Baby Clinic, Asthma and COPD clinics, Counselling sessions, INR testing with our HCA, Smoking Cessation sessions, and much more. NEW WEBSITE Following on from our merger, our new website is now live : Please take a look as this is constantly being updated and includes a vast amount of information. You can also make appointments and request repeat medication online. REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Please telephone the dispensary on 01306 878509 Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 14.30 p.m. to order your repeat prescriptions. You can also order your repeat prescriptions on our website. Our Dispensers currently need 72 hours to dispense repeat medication instead of the normal 48 hour turnaround. Please ring reception 01306 885802 for any other queries.

DEFIBRILATION MACHINE We have a new defibrillation machine based at the Practice. All staff have had training in basic life support. This machine can be used for the local community if needed. This was purchased with funding from the British Heart Foundation. It is a life saving machine that gives the heart an electric shock in some cases of cardiac arrest .

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