St. HOPE's Annual Report - A 30 Year Anniversary Edition

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Annual Report

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P.O. BOX 5447 SACRAMENTO, CA 95817

916.451.HOPE (4673)

Founders Letter St. HOPE: A Force of Positive Change for the Oak Park Community Over the Past 30 Years



Social Media



When I founded St. HOPE 30 years ago, I had dreams of uplifting the Oak Park community and bringing opportunity to those who had been left behind. Many people saw Oak Park as a crime-ridden neighborhood stuck in a cycle of generational poverty and thought that was its destiny. But I held true to my belief that zip codes should not determine opportunity; pathways to a brighter future should be attainable for everyone regardless of their address or life circumstance. I knew 30 years ago – and I am more certain now than ever – that Oak Park is a strong and resilient community filled with hope, passion, and desire for a better future.


St. HOPE is at the core of Oak Park’s transformation and has been a driving force for positive change over its 30year history. What initially started as a summer program for 12 African American boys has evolved into one of the most comprehensive community development organizations in the country. Rooted in its recipe for success is St. HOPE’s deep understanding that there are two essential elements for building and maintaining a healthy neighborhood: excellent public schools and a strong local economy. Today, that understanding is paying dividends: St. HOPE’s scholars are doing extraordinary things in the classroom and we have some of the highest numbers of high school seniors heading to four-year universities.

Additionally, local businesses are breathing new investment, jobs, and economic activity into Oak Park and the greater Sacramento region. An economic impact analysis found that St. HOPE’s impact on the local economy throughout the past 30 years exceeds $400 million. Through a sustainable non-profit business model, the organization has the power to determine its own destiny. I am proud to say, as the organization celebrates its 30th anniversary, it is in the strongest position it has ever been. As we celebrate St. HOPE’s success, I hope the Oak Park story will provide lessons and optimism for similarly situated communities across the country. And I hope the organization’s commitment to partner with businesses that reflect the soul of the community and initiate activities to strengthen quality of life and improve community engagement will serve as a model for other neighborhoods and cities in our region. When I look back on how far St. HOPE has come, the impact it has had and all of the lives it has touched, I could not be prouder. But I know this work is not easy. It is dependent on having a strong and committed team, dedicated and generous supporters and friends who believe in our vision. Thank you for joining us over the past 30 years in dreaming of a better future. In hope, Kevin Johnson


Section 01


4 Economic Impact Report by the Tootelian Company 6 30 Years of Growth in Oak Park

22 Fixins Soul Kitchen 24 Esther’s Park 25 Underground Books

9 Sacramento Bee Article: Sacramento’s Oak Park Transformed

26 World Class Faders

17 St. HOPE Headquarters

30 Art for Education, Not Just Decoration

18 Guild Records 19 Guild Theater, Interview with Dru Burks

28 Slim + Husky’s


Growing economic impact over time

of economic impact An economic impact report prepared by the Tootelian Company shows that St. HOPE has had an outsized impact on the economic vitality of the Oak Park community and the greater Sacramento area over its 30 year history. This includes direct expenditures made by St. HOPE as well as multiplier effects resulting from indirect economic activity generated by St. HOPE’s investments.


Total Annual Economic Impact

Annual Job Creation

St. HOPE’s expenditures total:

St. HOPE creates nearly:

$5.7 million in Oak Park (nearly $15,600/day)

87 new or expanded jobs in Oak Park and 390 jobs in Greater Sacramento

$28.1 million in Greater Sacramento (nearly $77,100/day)

St. HOPE’s annual expenditures for salaries and wages total: $3.4 million in Oak Park and $14.5 million in Greater Sacramento

St. HOPE’s Contribution to the Sacramento Community

Total Annual Indirect Business Taxes Improving Quality of Life

Higher Education Attainment

Growing Employment Rates

These taxes help fund programs to benefit residents within the greater Sacramento region. St. HOPE economic activities contribute indirect business taxes annually, which total:

Total Annual Expenditures

St. HOPE’s spends nearly: $15.7 million in Greater Sacramento

More than $1.5 million (nearly $3,800/day)

Increasing Household Income


Rising Property Values

$4.2 million in Oak Park

Lower Housing Vacancies



of growth in Oak Park St. HOPE Academy was started by Kevin Johnson in 1989 as a summer program for just 12 boys in a borrowed portable classroom at Sacramento High School. Ten years later, St. HOPE expanded its impact to include St. HOPE Development Company whose mission is to develop and invest in real estate and businesses in Oak Park to stimulate growth, create jobs, catalyze development and investments, and generate income.

Sacramento Bee article

August 2, 2019 A Sacramento Bee Article by Jaimie Ding


Long-time Oak Park resident and activist Robbin Ware remembers that when he moved to the neighborhood, “there wasn’t a damn thing.” “There wasn’t nothing here but gangs, drugs, drugs being sold,” said Ware, 82.

Richard Johnson, pictured above with Mr. Cornel West, is one of the original St. HOPE boys! 30 years later he is still part of the St. HOPE family. 8

The nonprofit has since expanded to a system of charter schools and a development company that focus on the revitalization of Oak Park. For St. HOPE’s 30-year anniversary, the organization commissioned an economic impact report of its activities in the past three decades.

Nearly 20 years later, Oak Park has become a hotbed of investment and development. One organization in particular has been busy — St. HOPE.

The verdict? Over $66.2 million in expenditures over 30 years has created an estimated economic impact of $89 million in Oak Park and more than $401.7 million in the greater Sacramento area, the report said.

Established in 1989, St. HOPE began as an after-school program at Sacramento High School called the St. HOPE Academy. It was founded by former Mayor Kevin Johnson, who grew up in Oak Park and returned to his native Sacramento after retiring from the NBA.

And the neighborhood has no doubt changed. “You feel safe walking your dog, going outside, doing community activities, going to the park,” said Dru Burks, 45, who works for St. HOPE at the Guild Theater. “Before, it wasn’t like that.

DEVELOPMENT IN OAK PARK St. HOPE Development’s first project in Oak Park was the 40 Acres Art and Cultural Center on Broadway, unveiled in 2003. The project involved refurbishing the old Guild Theater and Woodruff Hotel buildings at 35th Street and Broadway, a complex that had long been vacant. 40 Acres currently includes the Guild Theater, Underground Books, the Old Soul coffeehouse and Twelve Loft Apartments. Out of the $4.4 million required for the project, the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency provided $2.5 million in loans and grants while St. HOPE footed the rest of the bill. At the time, the Woodruff Hotel was “ground-zero”

for the drug and crime activity in the neighborhood, according to Jake Mossawir, CEO of St. HOPE.

him to have “something special” there at the entry and exit point for Oak Park.

“When we opened up 40 Acres, people wouldn’t even come to this community,” said Georgia West, who runs Underground Books and is Johnson’s mother.

Other buildings on Alhambra and behind 40 Acres are occupied by organizations such as the Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce, Greater Sacramento Urban League, City Year, Valley Vision and Unseen Heroes.

Fixins Soul Kitchen is slated to open at that same complex at the end of July. When it does, it will be the largest soul food restaurant in Sacramento and finally complete the original vision for 40 Acres: a theater, a bookstore, a coffee shop, a barber shop and a restaurant, Mossawir said. A St. HOPE-owned building at 2450 Alhambra Blvd. houses Teach for America and College Track. The longvacant 14,400 square-foot building was purchased in January 2017 for $2.6 million and is only a few blocks away from Sacramento Charter High School, which is a part of the St. HOPE Public Schools charter system. That corner of Alhambra and Broadway has been many things over the years — an empty storefront, a gas station, a bank — but Mossawir said it was important to

Joany Titherington, president of the Oak Park Neighborhood Association, said St. HOPE was a “catalyst” of change in Oak Park and has contributed to its development while the “synergy of the community” moved things forward.

A CHANGING NEIGHBORHOOD In cities across the nation, the issues of gentrification and lack of affordable housing have taken root, and Oak Park is no exception. Sacramento’s median rent rose faster than any other U.S. metro from 2017 to 2018 and was ranked the 28th most expensive in the U.S. in a recent study.

In central Oak Park, the average home price rose from $67,700 to $204,500 between January 2012 and January 2017, an increase of about 40 percent per year, according to real estate company Zillow. The average rent increased from $987 to $1,434 per month from July 2014 to July 2018, or 11.3 percent per year. The increase in median household incomes pales in comparison. According to census data, the median household income for the eastern portion of Central Oak Park rose from $35,910 to $40,781 in 2017 dollars from 2012 to 2017, an increase of 2.7 percent per year. For the western portion of the neighborhood and South Oak Park, the increase was 2.9 percent per year. “There has been a displacement of poor people in our community,” Titherington said, attributing the cause to the overall development in Oak Park and not one particular organization’s activities.

St. HOPE Education Complex

The Original St. HOPE Building 10


Titherington said there have been businesses — such as a men’s clothing store and a boutique — that have come and gone because they simply were not affordable. A pair of socks for her brother, she said, had cost $30. “There wasn’t the income base to support that kind of shop,” she said. Tanya Faison, the founder of Black Lives Matter Sacramento, led protests against the gentrification of Oak Park in 2016 as well as the Old Soul coffee shop in 2018. She believes many of the businesses and new housing that have entered the neighborhood are unaffordable for residents.


Oak Park is known as a historically black neighborhood, at one time even the home of the Sacramento branch of the Black Panther Party.


“It was kind of the Mecca for the African American community in Sacramento, but now it’s really dwindling and changing,” said Michael Blair, 50, of the South Oak Park Community Association. In 2000, residents that identified as Black or African American made up 32 and 34 percent of the census tracts that encompass Oak Park. In 2017, it was 24 and 28 percent.

Sacramento High School was facing state intervention in 2003. Student performance scores were dropping year after year, and the prospects for the school were dismal.

Fixins Staff Serving Fried Catfish Nuggets

In South Oak Park where Blair lives, what he believes to be the first two white families on the block recently moved in. In the neighborhood association, he’s dealt with tensions between old and new residents of Oak Park as well. “You have different cultures coming together but not understanding each others’ backgrounds,” he said. “It’s gonna take more understanding and communication to make it work from both sides.” Mossawir said St. HOPE strives to run businesses and recruit tenants that are accessible to the community and serve it in some way, especially the students. “We want to continue improving the quality of life standards, but we don’t want to do it at the risk of displacing residents,” Mossawir said. Since St. HOPE does not focus on housing development,


The new Fixins Soul Kitchen hired over 50 employees “on day one” and will eventually employ around 70.

Mossawir’s priorities for addressing the issues in the neighborhood are to support the students in Oak Park through the charter schools, directly creating jobs and retention of culture through restaurants and retail developments geared toward residents. The new Fixins Soul Kitchen will hire over 50 employees “on day one” and will eventually employ around 70, Mossawir said. West, who runs Underground Books, believes that the organization has worked hard to preserve culture through the various activities and events hosted by the bookstore and the Guild Theater. “Change is hard, I know there’s been a lot of changes, but as long as we can keep our own voice in this community,“ West said. “We’re a diverse community, and we want to keep it diverse.”

Then, St. HOPE proposed re-opening the school as a charter, competing against two other charter proposals. St. HOPE’s proposal was a controversial one; teachers were angered that the plan did not guarantee their jobs or collective bargaining rights, and the California Teachers Association threatened to file a legal injunction if the school board approved the charter. In March 2003, a divided school board voted to approve the St. HOPE charter petition and award them use of the Sacramento High School campus. After a months-long legal battle, the new Sacramento Charter High School opened in September 2003. It boasted a 95.2 percent graduation rate in the 20162017 school year, compared to the state graduation rate of 82.7 percent. Anaiyah Cabrellis, 18, just graduated from Sacramento Charter High School. She’s at the top of her graduating class and this fall will attend Howard University – a historically black university in Washington, D.C. – to study International Business.


In the St. HOPE Public Schools system, 75 percent of the students qualify for free or reduced meals and over 80 percent of the student bodies are students of color, according to the St. HOPE 2018 Annual Report.


FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH OAK PARK Moving further south from Broadway, Oak Park starts to look a little different. The houses are in need of a fresh coat of paint or two; some might need roof repair. It’s farther from the UC Davis Medical Center, farther from the commercial development along Broadway and farther from downtown Sacramento. Farther down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, at the edge of South Oak Park sits the PS7 Elementary School, part of the St. HOPE Public Schools system. Starting next June, the entire school is getting a major face-lift. St. HOPE received $25 million in state grants and lowinterest loans to rebuild the school to double its size and upgrade some existing facilities. Using the elementary

Her family has been in the St. HOPE Public Schools system for years — her older siblings attended Sacramento Charter High School, and she went to the PS7 elementary and middle schools before high school. Sacramento Charter High School “really sets you up for college,” Cabrellis said. Cabrellis was accepted to all of the UC campuses, Spelman, Northwestern and NYUShanghai. She said she was wait-listed for Harvard, where her sister attended graduate school.


Not only was Cabrellis active in cheerleading and student government, she also worked at Underground Books at 40 Acres and attended college preparation classes at College Track, a St. HOPE tenant. St. HOPE is “working to help a community that wouldn’t be helped otherwise,” Cabrellis said.

school as the centerpiece, the organization also plans to utilize the large tracts of land it owns around the area. Mossawir envisions a large mixed-use project akin to a smaller version of the Sacramento Railyards project that would include apartments, restaurants, a pediatrician, other retail entities and, perhaps most importantly, a grocery store in a neighborhood with few healthy food options.

3400 Third Ave Home of Valley Vision

St. HOPE Business Complex


In 2019 St. HOPE entered into a long-term lease for office space at 3033 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and immediately set forth in renovating this longterm vacant space situated on a particularly rough corner of Oak Park.

It would be St. HOPE’s first major project in South Oak Park For Blair, the development is “way overdue” and “very wellneeded. “We wanna make sure it’s something the neighborhood can be proud of,” Mossawir said. It would be St. HOPE’s first major project in South Oak Park. For Blair, the development is “way overdue” and “very well-needed.”


Blair has lived in Oak Park for 16 years and believes St. HOPE’s business track record and years of community involvement puts it in a position to succeed with the project. “I think they’re one of the organizations that could actually pull something off like that,” Blair said. “(The project) could really do a lot for that southwest corner that gets highly neglected over the years.” Many of the students that attend PS7 Elementary have to walk past illegal dumping sites and old mattresses and furniture on their way to school, Blair said. The land nearby has been sitting empty for quite awhile, and he’s excited for young people to see development that shows people “actually care about this neighborhood.” “We can have nice things there,” he said.

St. HOPE enjoys its new home and is happy to bring a bit of hope to this area of the community


Guild Records

The Guild Theater If you’ve been near the Guild Theater or the Student Store lately, you’ve probably seen him around. Dru Burks, our favorite comedian and funny man, runs the show – the Comedy Show at the Guild Theater every month and keeps the laughter rolling! A long time HOPEster, Dru joined our team in 2018 but has some former history with the organization. Q: How long have you been at St. HOPE?

Originally acquired as part of the 40 Acres Complex in 2003, the Guild Theater has been recently updated to include: a new lobby and bar area; improved sound and projector system; renovated restrooms; and a newly created music studio in what was once the old projector room.


A: I’ve been working for one year, but I have been a part of St. HOPE since the very beginning. My aunt, Patricia Burks, who is a Kindergarten teacher at PS7 Elementary, took me to St. HOPE’s after school program every day in the early 90’s. I was one of the originals! Q: Tell us a little about what you do at St. HOPE? A: I make people laugh, manage the student store and co-manage operations at the Guild Theater.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself – how did you get into comedy? A: I grew up in Sacramento, born and raised, and graduated from Kennedy High School. After I graduated, I went to college. About 14 years ago a friend of mine signed me up for open mic night and I didn’t know about it. They called my name and I went up without any prepared material and the crowd started laughing. From there, I just started doing open mics because I liked that I could make people laugh. I did open mics around Sacramento and started to make money just to make people laugh. Then, I started traveling back and forth to the Bay Area. Once I realized I could make a living as a comedian, I took it more seriously and the shows got bigger and bigger. Eventually I began headlining shows at Punchline, Tommy T’s, and Laughs Unlimited.


Q: Tell us about the comedy shows? A: The comedy shows are every last Friday of the month. I book local and major headliners from all over, either comedian that I have worked with or have seen at shows that I wanted to work with. I host the show which is great because I still get to tell jokes in between the comics’ sets. Fast forward to 2018 – a few HOPEsters reached out to me to see if I was interested in bringing my comedy to the Guild Theater. I was already doing my own thing but thought, why not? It would be a great opportunity if I could produce and host my own comedy shows. Soon after, St. HOPE asked me to come on board as an employee and the rest is history!


Q: Do you have any advice for up and coming comedians looking to take the stage? A: The best advice that I can give is never give up. Always put the fear of the stage behind you because God gave you a gift to make people laugh, and if that’s the gift God gave you, you have to use it!!

The Guild is a great setting. It’s not your typical comedy club with a bar in the back where your set might get interrupted because someone is ordering drinks. People are coming to see comedy so you don’t have to worry about that. I like that we are bringing culture back to the Guild and Oak Park and we have diverse comics who have a new home where they can showcase their talents.

Q: What are some interesting facts that you’d like to share? A: I will feel like I’ve made it big time when I sell out the Golden 1 Center and get an interview at the Oak Park Speaker Series with Kevin Johnson. Also, I am 45 about to be 46 and I’m stuck in a 12-year old’s body, haha!


Fixins Soul Kitchen, located in St. HOPE’s 40 Acres building, specializes in comfort food like fried chicken, biscuits, oxtails, catfish, and other tasty delectables. It includes a large dining room, private event space, outside patio seating, and inside/outside bar.

It has been a huge hit since opening in 2019 – it not only offers an array of appetizing menu selections that celebrate the culture and kitchens in Oak Park, but also delivers community

opportunity through hiring preferences shown to Sacramento Charter High School students and second-chance workers.


Underground Books Esther’s Park, located at 3408 Third Avenue, was created after the unfortunate fall of the historic Esther’s Bakery and serves as an event space for hosting community gatherings, including Daycation, Self Care Sunday, silent discos, workouts, parties and more. It is home to a beautiful mural done by Sacramento Charter High School alumni, Aizik Brown, which was part of Sacramento’s Wide Open Wall event.


Underground Books relaunched with 40 Acres Market Place in 2020. With its new online ordering system in place, the bookstore had one of its best years at 40 Acres and continues to provide Oak Park residents exposure to a wide variety of literary works. We are proud to be one of the only 55 black owned bookstores left in the United States.


Lonnie Horne, Owner World Class Faders

World Class Faders, owned by Lonnie Horne, opened its doors at the start of 2020. Lonnie was a part of the team at Uncle Jed’s, the original St. HOPE barbershop at 40 Acres in 2003. It’s exciting to have Lonnie and his team back in Oak Park. Clients can expect to be greeted with good energy, a clean and feel good atmosphere, and definitely a world class haircut when they step inside this barbershop!


Slim + Husky’s

Slim & Husky’s is a fast-growing Nashville-based chain that found connection with Sacramento. The owners are three long-time friends who had a dream in a garage in 2015. After testing pizza recipes for two years, the Tennessee State University graduates opened their casual, gourmet pizza joint in Nashville. Looking to grow, the team felt that Oak Park resonated with their style and mission to empower communities while using pizza as their vehicle to engage. Slim & Husky’s opened their 5th location in Oak Park in August of 2020 providing about 50 permanent jobs to the community. The restaurant’s menu includes a variety of signature artisan pizzas, build-your-own pizza options, salads, and gourmet cinnamon rolls – also available for takeout, catering and 3rd party delivery.


Art for Education Not Just Decoration Milton Bowens’ artistic promise began at the age of five with nothing more than a few pencils and cut up brown paper bags to use as sketch paper. Bowens, the fifth boy of ten children, credits his mother for fostering his love of art and making the best of lean times. Bowens’ formal art education took off while he attended the Renaissance Art School in his hometown of Oakland. After graduating, Bowens received a scholarship to the California College of the Arts. He


Department and instructor at Laney College. Inspired by great artists such as Jean Michel Basquiat, Robert Rauschenberg, Jacob Lawrence and Andy Warhol, Bowens changed his focus from illustration to fine art. The shift proved crucial for Bowens who is now known and respected as a great artist in his own right.

Bowens is also an inspirational public speaker and serves as a community activist working to keep art a vital part of public education and a tool to help build self-esteem in youth. Bowens’ art graces the walls of private collections in homes, city buildings, companies, and is also a part of the art collection at Levi Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers.

completed one year of study and then enlisted in the United States Armed Forces.

In 2019, Underground Books collaborated with Bowens to create “The People’s Art Campaign”, which enables the community to acquire original art at an affordable price.

After serving his tour of duty, Bowens returned to the Bay Area, where he continued his education under the mentorship of fine artist David Bradford, head of the Art

Bowens’ work brings life to nearly every St. HOPE property. He is a pillar in the community and a very special part of the St. HOPE family!


Section 02


34 30 Years of Academic Achievement

44 Highest 4-Year College Acceptance Rate

35 Our Results

45 Teacher Spotlight

36 What’s the Secret to Closing the Achievement Gap? Written by Kari Wehrly and published by the 74

46 CCSA Article: Growing A New Generation of Black Scholars

40 Interview with Patricia Burks, the 1st St. HOPE Employee 42 Highest 3rd Grade Math Scores

48 Home of the New PS7


Our Results

of academic achievement Vision


To create one of the finest urban TK-12th grade public school systems in America.

English Language Arts





To graduate self-motivated, industrious, and critical thinking leaders who are committed to serving others, passionate about lifelong learning, and prepared to earn a degree from a four-year college.

St. HOPE Public Schools



Sacramento City Unified School District




Economically Disadvantaged

African American


Economically Disadvantaged

African American


Mathematics 30%

Our Schools

St. HOPE Public Schools PS7 Elementary School

Sacramento Charter High School

Sacramento City Unified School District



Power to Lead

Focus on Results

More Time

Choice & Commitment

High Expectations

Five Pillars

PS7 Middle School




February, 2020 The 74 is a news site covering education in the United States

Wehrly: What’s the Secret to Closing the Achievement Gap? ALIGNING CURRICULUM, TEACHER AND STUDENT EXPECTATIONS, AND WHOLE-CHILD SUPPORT What’s the secret sauce for academic success? A great teacher? More school funding? At-home support? This is a subject that generates impassioned debate in the halls of government as well as around kitchen tables across the country. Parents often think the key to their child’s academic success lies in which teacher they are assigned to and whether that person can identify children’s abilities, work to strengthen their core competencies and push them to be the best students they can be. At the same time, policymakers have focused on ensuring that teachers — especially at Title I schools — have the resources to ensure that no child is left behind. Of course, the answer is pursuing all of the above. But what I’ve found as leader of a charter school system in a disadvantaged urban area is that another key to success is alignment. There’s no doubt that teachers are on the front lines every day, playing a pivotal role in a student’s academic journey. And there’s no doubt that schools need adequate instructional resources, fair funding and effective training. But it’s also important to take a higher-level view of how teachers, grade levels, curricula and academic focus areas are, or are not, working together coherently. I have been focused for the past three years on alignment as a core strategy for closing the achievement gap, and I’m seeing remarkable results in the low-income, minority students who dominate the makeup of our schools in the St. HOPE system.


By alignment, we mean coordination in curriculum, teacher and student expectations, and whole-child support. When curriculum across teachers and grades is aligned, there are consistent expectations that students can adhere to. Creating vertical alignment between grades drives academic success as lesson plans are developed not only to teach at grade level but also to ensure that students are mastering foundational skills that will be needed for the grade above and beyond. When teams are aligned, teachers are not just teaching in classrooms, or even in their schools. Instead, they teach in a network where everyone works cohesively together and focuses on how to support their scholars throughout their entire journey, from transitional kindergarten (for children who don’t meet the age cutoff for kindergarten) to 12th grade to college admission. Students can depend on consistent teaching styles, communication methods and expectations for behavior inside and outside

Kari Wehrly

Chief of Schools

the classroom year after year. This cohesive culture helps create an express highway for students who have fallen behind to be able to receive the support they need to close the gap and excel quickly in the classroom. Alignment in curriculum and among teaching teams is achieved through effective professional development. This means taking the time needed with teachers to plan coherent curricula that transition smoothly across grades and to foster a collaborative work environment with consistent expectations and support across grades and schools. Alignment in expectations means believing that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, family situation or previous academic or behavior challenges, are capable of success. It means instilling in students at an early age that they have the potential to go to and through college. Simply put, there are no excuses — just because a child does not have the same at-home support or resources as others does not mean that he or she should be held to lower academic expectations. What it does mean is that teachers and school administrators need to ensure that each child is supported. This may come in the form of afterschool tutoring, small-group instruction and a greater emphasis on whole-child support.

Jazmine Spears graduated from Sacramento Charter High School in 2020. She was a member of College Track, Cheer Team, and an Intern at Underground Books! Working at the bookstore gave Jazmine the opportunity to connect with several members of the community, and allowed her to gain valuable work experience while still in high school. Jazmine received a full ride scholarship to attend Tulane University through a partnership with College Track. St. HOPE is so proud of Jazmine and knows she is on her way to even more greatness at Tulane!

When students have poor oral health, lack proper nutrition or suffer from mental health issues, their academic success is jeopardized. That’s why wraparound services, such as mobile dental clinics and eye exams, are critical. By serving as a family extension for students, ensuring they are physically and emotionally healthy, and teaching them life skills, my network gives students the resources to handle our demands for academic excellence and our refusal to settle for mediocrity. The data show that alignment works. St. HOPE schools have a very high percentage of minority and disadvantaged students, a population that traditionally tests below regional or state averages. Yet our standardized exam scores are higher than district averages in many categories. Our students come into our schools far below grade level but rapidly catch up. For example, our fifth-graders, who tested at 9 percent in math (compared with 25 percent for the district average), were testing at 48 percent (compared with a district average of 32 percent) by eighth grade. In contrast, the overall district scores for students moving through grade levels increased only a few percentage points rather than showing dramatic or rapid improvement. For disadvantaged students, the results are even more striking. When looking specifically at how African-American students from low socioeconomic backgrounds performed on the statewide English test, St. HOPE’s Sac High scholars scored 68 percent, compared with only 21 percent districtwide. We have tripled the number of Sac High scholars on grade level in math and nearly doubled the number of scholars on grade level in English. At the same time, our suspension rates have dropped significantly, going from 22.7 percent to 9 percent for our elementary school, 22.6 percent to 18.7 percent for middle school and 18 percent to 12 percent for high school. What’s more, 96 percent of Sac High students were accepted into four-year colleges in 2019. By focusing on and prioritizing alignment, we’ve put in place systems that create consistency and cohesiveness, and we provide whole-child support so we can push our scholars to do their best. Alignment has enabled us to instill in all our scholars that a propensity for classroom achievement is not something they are born with, but rather that academic excellence, college readiness and future career success is something that is learned and earned.


was to be able to provide jobs for the community and for the kids we were working with. We wanted to build up the community because back then, no one was really interested in Oak Park like they are today. Oak Park would not be what it is without the redevelopment of 40 Acres that happened in 2003. Q: What was Oak Park like in 1989? Hmm just imagine...Kids saw needles on their way into school and much of the neighborhood was dilapidated. Some areas were drug infested and it was not a desirable community to live in. I’ve lived in the Oak Park neighborhood for 20 years and love it here though! Q: Tell us what St. HOPE and Oak Park are like today?

Patricia Burks 1st Q: When did you first start with St. HOPE and what did you do? A: Officially.. wow! I believe it was June 1989. Back then I was always working with kids at the church and so Kevin (Johnson) came back to Oak Park after his basketball season to work with kids in the neighborhood and asked if I would quit my job and help out with St. HOPE. I started out as his assistant and helped tutor kids. We were so young, but I believed in his vision and wanted to help the kids in the community. There were kids who were not performing at the grade level they should have been and I knew I could help them out. I could see the disparities, some that we still see today. We really worked on developing the kids’ character and taught them to be respectful, come on time, work hard, have good attendance, and set goals for their lives.


A: St. HOPE has been able to maintain stability through COVID. We have wonderful foundational pieces that allow us to be sustainable. I can’t say we are perfect. Nothing is perfect, but St. HOPE is a family! It’s a family atmosphere and I am happy to have my family. I like to walk around the community and just see people! Fixins,

for example, is like a haven for people. It’s like going to your mom’s kitchen or your grandma’s house. 40 Acres is a destination! You can’t come to Sac without visiting 40 Acres and the new things we are doing with comedy and self care events are really important for the community. Q: What do you think Oak Park and St. HOPE will look like in another 30 years? A: I think St. HOPE Public Schools is going to continue to be strengthened and our way of sending kids to and through college will get better and better. I also see St. HOPE being a model for other cities that can be replicated. We are empowering people to be more independent through both education and economic development and I think other cities need that. I also see the development of Oak Park just continuing to unfold.

Employee Q: What are you up to these days? A: I am currently teaching kindergarten through distance learning! Every class at PS7 Elementary is named after a college and my class’ name is Howard University. My scholars are on Zoom and learning 6 hours a day in ELA, Math, Writing, Physical Education, Music and Art History. It is important to me that my students receive a well rounded education by any means necessary so they can be successful. Watching my scholars learn is a gift to me. They are the best and the brightest; our future leaders. Q: When did St. HOPE become more than just education? A: Economic development has always been a piece of what we do at St. HOPE, but I’d say in 2003 was when it really got going.

The fight to ensure Sac High students no longer had to attend a failing school - 2003

The idea behind the development company at the time


Test scores for PS7 Elementary School’s 3rd graders had 89% of scholars meeting or exceeding Math requirements, compared to the district-wide average of only 40%. That is THE highest elementary school score for 3rd grade math in the entire Sacramento City Unified School District! These scores help demonstrate the effectiveness of our teachers in preparing St. HOPE scholars to succeed in school and beyond – our students outperformed district averages in 10 different grade levels/subjects.


Domina Stamas

Physics & Integrated Science Teacher

Teacher Spotlight In 2019, Sacramento Charter High School sent the highest percentage of their graduates to UCs and CSUs compared to high schools in the Sac County region. St. HOPE schools are creating an express highway for students to close the achievement gap and excel quickly in the classroom. Our test scores outperform district averages in many categories, and 96 percent of Sac High students were accepted into four-year colleges!


Students at St. HOPE’s Sacramento Charter High School are reaching for the stars, and will soon get some extra special teaching on the topic designed by NASA and the SETI Institute. Domina Stamas, who teaches Physics and Integrated Science at Sacramento Charter High School, was selected for an intensive highly competitive professional development

opportunity that immerses teachers into astronomy-based lessons around the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Ms. Stamas participated in a series of professional development opportunities that helped bring new curriculum and coursework back to her 11th grade classroom!


February, 2021 California Charter Schools Association

Growing A New Generation of Black Scholars CCSA’s “Serving Black Students with Excellence” series continues this week in honor of Black History Month. Today, we’re profiling Sacramento Charter High School (9-12) in Sacramento, California – the highest performing high school for Black students in California. Sacramento Charter High School is part of the St. HOPE family of nonprofits that works to revitalize the community through high-quality public education and economic development. Located in the community of Oak Park in Sacramento, many of the local Sac High students lack the support and resources at home that they need and deserve. While the school works to combat these issues handin-hand with students and their families, the teachers and staff never use a lack of resources as an excuse for accepting anything less than excellence. Unsurprisingly, that’s why all students at Sac High are referred to as scholars – setting a distinct tone at this college prep charter high school. Sac High is not shy of setting high standards. In the school leadership’s own words, “We’ve raised the bar and our schools are producing extraordinary results in our Black and Latinx students, as well as our overall student body.” According to CCSA’s new report, Serving Black Students With Excellence: California Charter Schools Working to Close Opportunity Gaps, Sac High is one of the top five schools in the Sacramento City Unified School District for Black student performance in 2019, and was the highest performing high school for Black students in


California. These statistics are well aligned to the school’s vision to create one of the finest urban high schools in America.

Now let’s dig into each of Sac High’s focus areas:


Sacramento Charter High has made it its mission “to graduate self-motivated, industrious, and critically thinking leaders who are committed to serving others, passionate about lifelong learning and prepared to earn a degree from a four-year college.” In fulfillment of this mission, 2018-19 graduation rates at the school are high at over 97 percent for Black students, compared to the Sacramento City district average of 88 percent. In addition, in 2020 all Black students at Sacramento Charter High graduated meeting the requirements for admission to University of California (UC) and California State University schools. Black Student College Going Rates 100%



83% 80%





While there are many equity-based instructional practices and strategies taking place at this school, three educational hallmarks contribute to the school’s success: CollegeGoing Culture, Power-to-Lead Mentality, and Data-Informed Instructional Practices.






Sac High




DATA-INFORMED PRACTICES Sac High is the highest performing high school in the state where Black students make up at least 50% of the tested student population. That accomplishment has largely been achieved through the use of data to inform effective instructional practices. In addition to standardized tests and other objective measures, students at every grade level submit a “digital exit ticket” on a daily basis. This real-time student performance data allows teachers to immediately pinpoint areas of improvement for each student and provide specific support for their needs. A guiding principle at Sac High is “Waiting for 100%,” which has translated into academic excellence across every grade level.

There is no wasted time and no idle bodies at Sac High. This charter prep high school requires scholars to engage in a variety of extra-curricular activities throughout their four years at the school. As a result, students understand they must utilize every moment of their days productively engaged in academics or worthy extra-curricular activities – which often translates into more time at school.

CCSA commends Sac High for leading the way when it comes to closing opportunity gaps for Black students.

Confidence-building activities including Senate, a campus-wide governance organization, helps scholars develop critical leadership skills by allowing them to voice their ideas and concerns in front of their peers. In addition, Sac High nurtures students’ sense of civic responsibility by encouraging them to engage in 40 hours of community service each school year.

The school is justifiably proud of their consistently high college-going rates, which have not only improved over the past three years but stand 20 percent higher than the state average for Black students. The school’s enrollment rates at University of California schools are particularly impressive, at a high of 18 percent in 2016-17 compared to the state average of only four percent for Black students.

In a year where teachers, students and families face unprecedented challenges and uncertainty, it is even more important that California charter public schools like Sac High fight for equity for all students and expand access to educational opportunities.


St. HOPE Public Schools In the winter of 2018, PS7 Elementary was awarded a $25 million dollar grant for a new facility. Over the past year we have hired key members of the team (construction manager, architect, civil engineer) and have developed the preliminary design. Our goal is to create one of the finest school facilities in the Sacramento area! The new campus will include 31 brand new classrooms, a new library and tech center, a beautiful new entrance, an amphitheater, and with your help, a new gym! The team is hoping to break ground in the fall of 2021.


Section 03


When St. HOPE first started in 1989 it’s operating budget was $250,000 per year and it relied 100% on fundraising. Today, in our 30th year of serving Oak Park, after years of investing our resources in real estate and small businesses, St. HOPE’s budget totals over $19 million and is completely self-sufficient.

52 CEO’s Letter

55 Thank You to Our Donors

52 Sacramento Business Journal Article: St. HOPE Turns 30 and Self-Sustaining

58 St. HOPE’s Financial Contribution Over 30 Years

54 Our Board Members

59 Expenditures

CEO’S Letter A Look Ahead: St. HOPE’s Transformative Vision for the Next 30 Years When St. HOPE was founded 30 years ago, former Mayor Kevin Johnson had an unwavering vision of hope for what the Oak Park community could be. His vision was matched by a steadfast determination to drive positive change and bring opportunity to an underserved community. He took a leap of faith and as Martin Luther King, Jr. so aptly said “faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Today, we have built a staircase to a better future. Our public charter school system is producing unparalleled academic success for African American and Hispanic students in the region. St. HOPE elementary students outperform district averages in several categories of state testing. Our PS7 Elementary was recently awarded a $25 million grant for a new facility which will ensure that our physical classrooms reflect the high expectations we hold for all of our scholars. In 2019, 96 percent of Sac High students were accepted into four-year colleges and we are proud to have among the highest percentage of scholars admitted to UCs and CSUs in the Sacramento region. Over our 30-year history, St. HOPE has been a beacon of light contributing nearly $30 million annually to the Sacramento economy, creating nearly 600 jobs and generating tax revenue to fund essential city services and programs. Our annual economic impact is $5.7 million in the Oak Park area alone. Today, this economic activity and job creation can be seen first-hand at the 40 Acres complex, the jewel of our neighborhood and home to The Guild Theater, Underground Books, Old Soul Coffee Co., World Class Faders, Fixins Soul Kitchen, and the Upper Room Apartments. We are proud to have recently welcomed the successful black-owned Slim & Husky’s Pizza Beeria to the neighborhood. Oak Park did not always look this way; it has historically been a disenfranchised neighborhood. But St. HOPE’s model of using public education, economic development, and self-empowerment to bring change has had a profound impact on our local community.


While we are in the midst of unprecedented turmoil, disruption, and uncertainty in our world, one thing is certain: St. HOPE’s commitment to uplift and revitalize the Oak Park community is more important than ever. As we look ahead to next 30 years, we are dedicated to ensuring our mission is aligned with the neighborhood’s needs and that we are taking actionable steps to build a safer and stronger Oak Park. We will continue to: •

Drive business growth by supporting businesses to reflect the diversity and character of the community and serve the needs of Oak Park residents.

Deliver engaging opportunities for connection like our gatherings at Esther’s Park and events at the Guild Theater.

Champion the success of Black-owned businesses, like nationally renowned Underground Books and popular dining establishments Fixins Soul Kitchen and Slim & Husky’s Pizza.

Use our voice to ensure the needs of Oak Park are heard as UC Davis Aggie Square and other opportunities for growth move forward.

Seek community input as we pursue thoughtful development opportunities like a future mixed-use project adjacent to the PS7 campus.

While we’ve built the staircase, we haven’t reached the top yet. There is still more work to do to solve long-standing community challenges and continue to bring new opportunities to the region. By harnessing collaborative partnerships, collective wisdom, and community engagement we will reach the ceiling – and then – we will shatter it. In partnership, Jake Mossawir CEO

Sacramento Business Journal article

July 8, 2019 By Ed Goldman

St. HOPE turns 30 and self-sustaining One week ago today, at 4 p.m., to be exact, former Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson and his fellow dreamers quietly celebrated the 30th anniversary of the founding of St. HOPE — which started as a summer program in a portable classroom for 12 AfricanAmerican boys but became an economic and education turbo engine for what had been the historically neglected Oak Park. The successful charter school and its various business spinoffs make St. HOPE one of the rare community nonprofits that needn’t go door-to-door or dial for donors. “After 30 years, we’ve finally built a sustainable nonprofit business model that no longer relies on fundraising as a means to support daily operations,” says Jake Mossawir, 37, the institution’s president and chief executive officer since October 2015. We’re catching up with each other by phone due to his travel schedule — and fortunately for me but unfortunately for him, he’s stuck in traffic when I call, allowing him to look back in leisure. Fundraising, says Mossawir, who holds a master’s degree in finance from Drexel University, “is “inconsistent, labor-intensive and very challenging (if one wants) to scale and multi-year plan — especially in a region like Sacramento, which has one of the highest nonprofit-per-capita rates in the country and lacks any headquartered Fortune 500 company.” He

says that “business investments and the various businesses we operate and provide support services to now generate enough revenue to offset any financial gap that fundraising once needed to fill.” And, he adds, the organization’s fiscal prowess “gives us the freedom and power to determine our own destiny.” This news — which I hope is both inspirational and aspirational for the area’s nonprofits — is the first of several St. HOPE highlights Mossawir is commenting on in our chat. He also cites, with understandable pride, the upcoming construction of a new campus, which has been branded PS 7. (I tell Mossawir that St. HOPE’s numbering of its public schools sounds a nostalgic note for me since, as a child in New York City, I attended PS 106 through second grade. I was surprised, when we moved to California, that the schools were named for individuals.)


30 YEARS of support

Thank You

our board members

to Our Donors St. HOPE Development Company

F. Frederick Brown (President) Scott Maxwell (Vice-President) Brian Williams Jake Mossawir Adrianne Hall

St. HOPE Academy

Kevin Hiestand (President) Milutin Backovich (Treasurer) F. Frederick Brown (Secretary) Denise Merano Jake Mossawir

St. HOPE Public Schools

Michelle Johnson (Chairperson) Dennis O’Reilly Ron Tom Gladys Mitchell Doug Love Mike Marrion Francisco Castillo

100 Black Men

Annie Casie Foundation

Partnerships Bergen/Demas

21st Century Insurance

Berkley, David

33rd Street Bistro

APAPA/McDonald’s Owners-Operators of Greater Sacramento Apple Computers

Blanchette, Ron, D.D.S.

Aaron Reeves


Blanket Marketing Group

Accelerate Sports

Armour Steel

Blue Diamond Growers

Action Learning Systems

Armstrong Williams

Bonta, David

AEG/Icon Venue Group

Asby, Angelique, Councilmember

Booth Family Trust

Aerco Pacific/Gary Houck


Bowles Hall Alumni

AIRCO Mechanical, Inc.

Auburn Manor Madding Corp/Martin Harmon

Boxler & Van Erp, LLP

AirTouch Cellular AKT Development Allen, Nathan, M.D. Allied Insurance Allison, Cary & Suzanne

Fritz Brown has been a major player in the Sacramento commercial real estate industry for nearly 50 years. He is a founding member of the boutique firm Brown, Stevens, Elmore & Sparre and

has been a supporter of St. HOPE since day one! St. HOPE’s founder, Kevin Johnson, first met Fritz Brown when Johnson became an intern at Brown’s office one summer. Johnson described Brown as someone who knows everyone, does what he says he will do,is a man of principle and integrity, and values relationships above all else. There was no doubt that when St. HOPE was established in 1989, Johnson sought out Brown for support. We are forever grateful for Brown’s continued dedication to St. HOPE’s mission!

Auburn Rancheria B&Z Properties Balcor-Highland Reserve Bank of America Bank of the West

American Civil Rights Institute / Ward Connerly

Barry & Randolph

Amis Consulting

Bear Stearns & Company

Anapolsky, Julius & Sam

Bell, Willie Alexander

Anderson Bros. Pharmacy

Beneto Foundation

Angelides, Phil & Julie

Benvenuti, Bud / Benvenuti Family

Bradford & Barthel Bratkovich Family Brodovsky, Nancy & Alan Brown Construction Brown, Clarence Brown, Dr. Al Brown, Stevens, Elmore & Sparre Brown, Willie Buffington & Associates Burnett & Sons Millwork Lumber


Burstein, King and Lee

Charles, Norman and Esther

C.C. Myers, Inc.


CA Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Cache Creek

Chartwell Holdings

Cornish & Carey Newmark Knight Frank Cosbie, Doug

Chenu, Jeff

Cal Farm

Direct Technology

Mortgage F&M Bank

GNT Solutions

Discount Optical Co.

Families First

Golden 1 Credit Union

Downey, Brand LLP

Fazio, Vic

Golz, Jack

Cousins, DeMarcus

Downtown Railyard Venture

Fehr & Peers/ Jack Peers

Goodin, Ed and Carol

California Charter Schools Association California Endowment

Chevron USA

CPS Human Resources

Dreyer, Babich, Buccola & Callahan

Fidelity Investments

Gordan, Dr. Bruce

Children Now

Craig, Jim

Drobny Law


Granite Construction

California Federal Bank

Christian Brothers High School

Dry Creek Group

Finegan, John

California State University Sacramento California Stewardship Network

Chuck Peterson Ford

Crystal Cream & Butter/Don Hansen Cushman & Wakefield

Dunnigan Sierra Oaks Realtors

Finney, Jerry

Greater Sacramento Area Economic Council (GSAEC) Green & Azevedo


Firefighters Local 522 & Mastagni Holstedt Firehouse/ Ten 22 Restraunts

Grenz Insurance Services

Fisher Foundation / GAP

Grimble, Eric

Education Trust-West

Fong, Rob, Former Councilmember District 5

Grubb & Ellis

Edwards, Cynthia and Steve

Foos, David

El Dorado Hills Town Center

Forrar Williams

El Dorado Savings Bank

Frank Fat Properties

Hansen Boyd Culhane & Watson/Kevin Culhane Hansen, John & Carolyn

Elite Power Electrical

Frank M. Booth, Inc.

Harcke, Jill

Elmore, Doug

Franklin Templeton Investments

Emerson, Nancy

Frederick Harrold Family Fund of the Sacramento Regional Comm Fdn. Free, Melanie

Hardy, Erich, Brown & Wilson/David Perrault Harold, Fritz

California Youth Authority, Linda McNaughton Calvary Christian Center Campbell Soup Capital Christian Center Capital Cigar Company Capital City Church Capital Coors Company Capital Graphics Capitol Steel Carol For Kids Carolyn & Peter Shea Foundation Carretta, Peggy & Robert Casey, Annie E. CB Richard Ellis CBRE Inc. Cecilia Delury & Vince Jacobs Central Valley Community Bank CFY Development Champ Systems/Norm Champ Champas, Jim Chappell, Hubert Charles Johnson Foundation


Cooperative of American Physicians Corbett & Associates

Citibank City of Sacramento Citygate Associates Clifford, Linda / C.C. Meyers Cloninger, Paul & Debbie CLS Sports Coca-Cola Refreshments Coldwell Banker Cole, Dan & Nancy College Board College Track Colliers International Collings, Chuck and Frances Comcast Comerica Bank Commerce Printing Community Pride Comstock Magazine Congressman Bob Matsui Connerly & Associates Converse Cook Realty

CV Enterprises/ CV Logistics D/A Financial D20 Dental Dalatri Manginelli Dan Cole Family/ Brown Construction Incorporated Dare, Jack & Mary Dariotis Family Daugherty, Mike Dave Higgins/William Demas David Bonucelli & Associates David S. Taylor Interests

Earthgrains, Inc. Edelman Public Relations

Delta Shores

Entrepreneurs Organization, Sacramento Enviroclean Maintenance Solutions Environmental Science Association (ESA) Envision Pharmaceuticals RX

Delury, Cecilia

Equity Office Properties

Friends of University of California

Demers & Donovan

Ernst & Young

Fulcrum Group / Fulcrum Property

DesCor Builders

Ethan Allen

Gallelli & Sons Real Estate

Deutchman Communications Group

Ethan Conrad Properties

Gallina LLP

Dickens, Robert and Stormy

Eva Bensen Buck Trust

GEB Properties, Inc.

Dickstein & Merin


GEICO Insurance

Diepenbrock & Elkin Law Firm

Executive Women International

Genovese, Forman & Buford

Diffenbaugh Family

Express Office Products, Inc.

Geoff & Paul Zimmerman

Dignity Health

Exquisite Real Estate/ Big Valley

Gilbert Associates, Inc. CPA’s Advisors

DeHayes Consulting Groups Deloitte & Touche LLP

Friedman Family Friedman, Mark & Majorie

Greenberg Traurig

GTECH Hanna Brophy

Harrell Architecture Hartzog, Joe & Dee Hazelroth, Diane Health Net Hefner Stark & Marois Heieck Supply Helget, Charles Hemmer, Camille Hewitt, Helen Hiltzik Strategies Hiroshima Jacobs & Roth HMH Builders Holt Rinehart Winston


Hopcraft Communications

Kimmel Construction

M.A. Steiner Construction Inc.

Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc.



Macias Gini & O’Connell

Meta Research

Iliff Thorn



Miracle Gro

Impact Community Capital

KP Public Affairs

Madison Mall Association


Law Offices of Fred Hiestand

Intel Corp./DeIIa Smith

Oak Park Business Association

Phillip Morris Phoenix Suns PhRMA

Mitchell, Barbara & Barbara Johnson

Oak Park Neighborhood Association Ochoa, Marty

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Mahony, Pat & Getz, Randy

Modellas, Ken

Oki, Lorence & Cynthia

Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro

Law Offices of Kevin Hiestand

Maloof Family

Moen, Inc.

Oki, Margaret & Sam

Isenberg, Phil

Law Offices of Noel Ferris

Manandala, Ed and Deanne

Molina Healthcare of California

Old Soul Co.

Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw Pittman Pittell, Lainy

J.R. Peirce Plumbing

LC Buckmaster & Co.

Manansala Family

Monarch Plumbing

Olsen, Bob

Jan, Dr. Ronald

Leder-Adams, Ronnie

Marks, Dennis & Nancy

Montez Glass

OPNA./Stockton Blvd. Partnership

Java City

Leder, Karen

Markstein Beverage Company

Morgan ,Stanley,Delatry,Jenkins

Opper, Arlen

JB Co. Management LP

Lederer, Les / Lederer Quantitative Research Lee, Michael & Patricia

Marquis, Jim

Organo Gold

Mary Anderson Family Foundation

Morgan Family Foundation/Silicon Valley community Foundation Morgan Jones Funeral Home

Matrix Family Foundation

Morongo Native American Indians

Ose Foundation (Mel & Enlow) / Ose Properties Osmundson & Skipper Family

Mayor Darrell Steinberg

Mossawir Family

Otto Construction

McClatchy High School

Mossawir, Jake

Pacific Bell

McCormick, Tom

MTS Incorporated/Russ Solomon

Pacific Coast Building Co.

Price Waterhouse/Robert & Bobbie Kittredge PRIDE Industries


Muramoto, Ryan

Padilla, Leonard

Project Pipeline

Murphy, Austin, Adams Schoenfeld LLP Murphy, Cambell, Cuthrie & Alliston

Pan African Studies, CSU Sacramento Pan American Insurance Services Pandol, Jack

Prop Christensen Caniglia LLP

Jeanne Rives Consulting Jelly Belly


Nossaman Guthner Knox & Elliott LLP Nunan, John

Lehr, Kay Lester, Gil & Rose

Jenna & Patrick’s Foundation of Hope Jiffy Lube

Lewis Insurance Agency

JMA Ventures

Lewis Operating Corp.

John and Margaret Wong Foundation John O. Bronson Co.

Lexington Homes/Sotiris & Matina Kolokotronis Leyva, Luis

Johnson, Eppie

Libar Investors/Tom Mullaney

McDonough, Holland & Allen/Ed Quinn

Johnson, Ernest and Mureil

Lien, Norman and Dorothy

McGeorge School of Law

Jon’s Furniture

Lillick & Charles Law Firm

McGraw Hill

JP Morgan Chase

Lionakis Beaumont Design Group

McKay & Somps

Kaiser Permanente


McKee, Sally

Karen Bakula & Company Inc.

McNally Temple Associates, Inc.

Katie’s Wee Do Puzzles

Littler, Mendelson, Fastiff, Tichy & Mathiason Livingston & Mattesich Law Firm

Kaufman, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin

Los Rios Community College

Keller Williams Realty - Elk Grove

Lucas Public Affairs

Kemp, SaIly and Kevin Joiner

Lukenbill, Gregg

Kendrick Family

Lynch, Diana

Kennedy High School

Lyon & Associates Realtors

Kenwood Investments, LLC

Lyons, Jim

McWong International

Nagle, Kevin / Jaguar Nakawaga, Mike Namba, Curtis Nationwide Insurance NBA Basketball Nebreda, Eileen

Pannattoni Development

Placer Sierra Bank Placer Title Point 7 Entertainment Poirier, Tom Poritz Real Estate Porter & Cable Preferred Sales Presley, Sandra

QuaI-Med Rabobank Raging Wire

Papayrus / Pappas Investments Pappas Investments

Raley’s & Bel Air


Randle Communications


Ranlett Family Ray Stone, Inc.

Meade, Brodovsky, Aiken, Jaconsen & Hine

NEC Electronics

Pediatric Urgent Care of Sacramento & Intellaegis Pepsi

Meek, Mr. and Mrs. William


Perella, Chris and Kim

Mel Rapton HONDA


Perkins, Craig

Mercy Healthcare Foundation

Network Management Corporation

Merill Lynch

New Faze Development/Phillips Enterprises Niello Company

Perkins, Williams & Cotterill Architects Perry Smith & Co./Warren Kashiwaga Perry, Ken and Julie

Remy, Thomas, Moose and Manley, LLP / Thomas Law Rex Moore Electrical


Reynen & Bardis Community

Merksamer Jewelers

RC Xpressions Reardon, Nancy Relles, Ross


Reynoso, Cruz

Sacramento River Cats

Slakey Family

Richey, Sarah Equilla

Sacramento Sierra Medical Group Sacramento State

Sleep Train, Inc.

Riggs Family Riordan Foundation River City Bank RMB Architects & Engineers Robert Half Technology Roche Pharmaceuticals (HLR) Rocnation Roebbelen Construction Inc Rogers Family Foundation Roseville BMW Royal Electric Company Rubicon Partners Rumsy Rancheria Runyon Saltzman Einhorn Russell, Tom & Susan Ryan & Fong Saca Development Sacramento Association of Relators Sacramento Bee / McClatchy Foundation Sacramento City Fire Department Sacramento City Unified School District Sacramento Delta Property Management Sacramento Downtown Plaza Sacramento Infiniti Sacramento Kings Sacramento Metro Arts Commission Sacramento Metro Chamber Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District Sacramento Police Department Sacramento Region Community Foundation Sacramento Regional Transit District Sacramento Republic


Sacramento Theater Company Sactown Magazine Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary San Francisco 49ers San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino Sandy Smoley /Muriel Johnson Sares Company SBM Site Services / SBM Group Schenirer, Jay, Councilmember

Sloat Higgins & Associates

Sutter Health Community Hospitals Target Excellence Tarpin, Sam

Slobe, Bob

Tate, Propp, Beggs & Sugimoto Taylor & Hooper

Smith, Barney

Teel Family Foundation

Smith, Jean

Tsakopoulos, Angelo & Sophia

Warren, Allen, Former Councilmember

Turner Construction

Washington, Willie

Turton Commercial Real Estate Ubaldi and McPherson LLP

Waste Connections

UC Davis / UCD Health

Teichert Foundation

Weco, lnc./Robert Weygant

Smoley, Sandy

The Allen Group

Unger Construction Company

Weidner Archtectural Signage

Social Venture Partners of Sacramento / Positive Coaching Alliance Sodexho, Inc.

The Broadway Triangle

Union Bank

Weintraub, Genshlea & Sproul

The Business Journal/Dan Kennedy The Buzz Oates Group of Companies The Doctors Company PAC

Union Pacific

Weintraub, Malcolm

Union Pacific Railroad/Wayne Horiuchi United Cerebral Palsy

Wells Fargo Bank

Sodexo LLC

Schetter Electric SCOE


Scotts Miracle Grow Company

Spink Co/Stephen AuClair

Segal & Kirby LLP



St. Paul Baptist Church

Serna Consulting

Stafford King Wiese Architects Starbucks

The Eagle-KSEG The Evergreen Company

United Food and Commercial Workers #588 United Health Care

The Gualco Group

United Way

The Reznick Group

University of California Basketball

The Sacramento Bee

University of California/Cal Athletics

The Source, Inc.

University of Phoenix

Thelen Interiors

University of the Pacific / McGeorge

Sterling Dalatri

Thomas Law Group

US Bank

Sharp, Thomas

Stern, Van Vleck & McCarron, LLP Stewart Title

Thomas P. Winn Foundation

Van Camp, Brian R.

Shasta Linen

Stewart Title/Jim Boras

Tilton Pacific Construction Inc.

Vandermyden, Rick

Shingle Springs

Stewart, Angel & Jana Clarke Stidum, Thea

Tindall, Al

Vanir Foundation / Vanir Construction Management Inc. Vision One Credit Union

Sharafeh, Amir & Rosemary Ochoa

Shultz, Mel & Beth Siemens Industry Sierra Health Foundation Sierra Pine Silva Stowell/Seraphein Beyn Silva, Mario Sims Recycling Solutions SKK Developments Slakey Brothers


UCD University Relations/Student Affairs Umpquoa Bank

Sosnick, Nicky/Capital Cigars (Deceased)

Setzer Foundation

Waste Management

Stone Consulting Group

Tobin Weintraub Genshlea Chediak Law Todd Bollenbach/ GNT Solutions Tom, Ronald & Maeley

Stone Plumbing

Tomas, Jr., Manuel

Von Geldern, Kurt


Tony’s Fine Foods

Vrilakas Architects

Sumitomo Bank

Touch of Class

Wallrich Creative Communications

Sundt Foundation

Tower Café


Super Store Industries

Townsend, Raimundo, Besler & Usher Township 9

Walton Pediatrics, Inc.

Surewest Sutro & Co., Inc.


Vision Service Plan (VSP)

Wells Fargo Ins. Services Wells Sweeping, LLC West, Georgia/Kynship West, Kirk Western Contract Furnishers Western Health Advantage Western Sierra Bank Weygant & Associates Williams + Paddon, Architects Williams, Billy & Kim Williams, Pastor Ephraim Williamson, Winnifred Winchestor Country Club Winncrest Homes/Michael Winn Wood Rodgers, Inc. Woodruff, Diane Woods, Yvonne & Robert Ygrene Zeglarski, M.J. Zoom

Walton, Vernon (Family) Warne, Bruce & Diane



Estimated total for

Estimated total for

Estimated total for










A deeper look at St HOPE’s financial contribution to the Greater Sacramento Area and the Oak Park Community over 30 years



St. HOPE Academy Greater Sacramento Area Oak Park Area

St. HOPE Public Schools Greater Sacramento Area Oak Park Area


not open

St. HOPE Development Company Greater Sacramento Area Oak Park Area





not open

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