Steve Trahanas - Key Steps To Starting A Digital Marketing Strategy

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Key Steps To Starting A Digital Marketing Strategy Steve Trahanas

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Digital marketing is usually defined as a marketing strategy that uses digital or Internet-based services, platforms, and tools instead of traditional marketing media. A typical strategy or campaign includes the use of email campaigns, social media, online videos, and banner ads on websites. This strategy is highly useful to every business, regardless of its type and size, because it has the potential to reach any customer or client who has a connection to the Internet, wherever they are at any time of the day or night.

Determine and know your target audience. 

Who do you want to sell to or who do you want to buy your product or get your services? How do they usually search for products and services they want info about online? Which social media sites or platforms do they normally use? Which sites do they spend a lot of time on when they are online?

Put some thought into selecting the best platform to reach your audience. ď ˝

At present, there are many ways of effectively reaching your target audience online. These include the various social media, search engines, display advertising, and direct email marketing. Generally, people who are of a consumer age have some type of online interaction. They may be researching using popular search engine sites, posting on various social networking sites, or reading content online. Most of these platforms have a measurable weighting toward a particular demographic.

Regularly measure and adjust. ď ˝

Lastly, be open-minded when starting and even implementing a digital marketing strategy. Also, don't be afraid to change what you're doing. This is because the digital landscape is known for its rapid change. Although this may seem daunting, it's actually one of biggest advantages of doing digital marketing. This is because the target audience, message, and placement of your online communication can be adjusted quickly and easily, unlike with traditional marketing.

Target new customer base ď ˝

Marketing strategies that can put your name in the public is a preferred means to attract potential customers. It is important to differentiate yourself from others and creating a brand allows you to reach new customers easily. Paid advertisements in Google can boost the visibility of the site and using digital platforms like social media channels or blogs are also very effective.

Create effective marketing funnel ď ˝

A successful business always has an effective marketing plan that can map out the customer's journey from being a stranger to becoming a lead. Your customers should be aware of your products or services. For that a call to action should be used that can offer a valuable resource that is related to the product or service. If the customer is interested, more related information specific to their needs should be offered.

Be focused and reachable ď ˝

Whether you attain extraordinary results or not, remaining focused is the key to success. You can create attractive content and focus on their visual aspects. Impressive images or self-explanatory diagrams are very effective. To become reachable, you must have a clear page or any form where your valuable customers can get in touch with you. Options to subscribe to your site or links to your social media profiles would allow your visitors to get regular updates about your business.

Monitor the performance ď ˝

There are various means to track the digital success of your business. Popular ones are Google Analytics, Alexa ranking systems, Pinterest etc. Proper monitoring would help to keep a watch on the number of hits, help you to analyze the repeat visitors and generate business from them. Tracking engagements, likes, shares and analyzing social traffic patterns can help you to understand your digital marketing campaign better and improve on the areas of weakness.

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