Steve Trahanas - Role of Creative in Digital Marketing

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Role of Creative in Digital Marketing

Steve Trahanas

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Creative has always been playing a vital role in the marketing field since historic times. However, in the digital world, the online-target has become increasingly refined as the probable clients are majorly influenced by the online world. In a scenario with influential minds relying upon just a single theory will get you to nowhere; with the advancement of technology, your approach to digital marketing needs to be upgraded too.

Importance of Creative in Digital marketing

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With the advancement of technology, the users now move fluidly between various devices and channels expecting a seamless yet fun-filled experience. Due to this, every minute the social media intakes vast information and this certainly influences the decision-making when it comes to purchasing any product.

How to target the customer with a Creative approach? ď Ź

With an increase in competition for the attention of the consumers in a technologydriven world, to create a perfect balance between creative ads that will stand out and present that ad in front of the correct target at the correct time has become quite difficult.

Contextual Data ď Ź

This type of data is strictly related to the number of times a user views your content. Contextual data can be effectively used in targeting the potential client's current web behaviour and thereby aligning the ad campaign message accordingly.

Behavioral Data ď Ź

This is based on targeting the previous web content browsing behaviour of the customer. By placing a cookie in the user's web browser you can collect information about their website visiting histories, content searched, videos watched, and the links downloaded. Once you have collected these data you can group them to create a specific ad content with customized messages.

Geographic Data ď Ź

This type of data solely provides information regarding the current location of your targeted customer. Geographic data can be useful in tailoring the ad campaigns designed specifically for a group of people belonging to a particular area.

Psychographic Data ď Ź

This is one of the most important types of data collected. Psychographic data mainly analyses the reason for driving the purchase of your potential client. This mainly involves information about the client's personality, point of interest, values, and lifestyles. Psychographic analysis invades consumer's behavior in devising an ad campaign which can be really relevant and motivating.

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