Wim Botha: Cold Fusion, Gods, Heroes and Martyrs

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WIM BOTHA cold fusion gods, heroes and martyrs

m ic h a e l s te v e n s o n Hill House De Smidt Street Green Point 8005 PO Box 616 Green Point 8051 Cape Town tel +27 (0)21 4212575 fax +27 (0)21 4212578 info@michaelstevenson.com www.michaelstevenson.com

LEDA AND THE SWAN 2005 bone meal, marble, epoxy resin, webbing 780 x 1500 x 1080mm

TREMOR 2005 mixed media installation ceiling 850 x 7800 x 3550mm

partial view of TREMOR TREE OF KNOWLEDGE 2005 stained glass, frames 3600 x 2360 x 220mm

VANITAS 2005 detail of TREMOR oil on canvas 520 x 620mm

THE AVENGER 2005 detail of TREMOR oil on canvas 1100 x 810mm

BLASTWAVE I–IV 2005 detail of TREMOR linoprints on tea-stained Fabriano paper image size 485 x 490mm paper size 980 x 735mm

PREMONITION OF WAR (BACCHUS & SATYR) 2005 eco-solvent inks on satin paper, bronze, resin, gilt bronze 235 x 350 x 180mm installation 2440 x 3300 x 275mm

PREMONITION OF WAR (ABRAHAM & ISAAC) 2005 eco-solvent inks on satin paper, bronze, resin, gilt bronze 235 x 350 x 180mm installation 2440 x 3300 x 275mm



PREMONITION OF WAR (SCAPEGOAT) 2005 eco-solvent inks on satin paper, burnt African hardwood, resin, gilt sculpture 1880 x 1520 x 640mm installation 2020 x 6530 x 640mm


SKELETOR 2005 wax, mineral pigment 275 x 180 x 95mm

source material

WIM BOTHA Born 1974. Lives and works in Johannesburg Graduated from University of Pretoria with BA Visual Arts (Distinction in Sculpture), 1996 Solo 2003 2003 2001

exhibitions speculum, Michael Stevenson, Cape Town commune: onomatopoeia, Festival Artist Exhibition, Klein Karoo National Arts Festival, Oudtshoorn commune: suspension of disbelief, Klein Karoo National Arts Festival, Oudtshoorn

Selected group exhibitions 2004 - 2006 Africa Remix, museum kunst palast, DĂźsseldorf; Hayward Gallery, London; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Mori Art Museum, Tokyo 2004 Personal Affects: Power and poetics in contemporary South African art, Museum for African Art and Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York 2003 Contact Zones: Colonial and contemporary, Michael Stevenson, Cape Town 2002 Grime, Bell-Roberts Gallery, Cape Town 2001 Clean, Millennium Gallery of Contemporary Art, Johannesburg 1999 Transmigrations, Civic Gallery, Johannesburg 1999 Transmigrations: Rituals and Items, Artshare Warehouse, Los Angeles; Tijuana Cultural Centre, Tijuana, Mexico Awards 2005 Standard Bank Young Artist for Visual Arts 2003 Joint recipient of the inaugural Tollman Award for the Visual Arts 2002 Ampersand Foundation Fellowship 2001 Kanna Prize for Visual Art, Best Artwork or Exhibition, Klein Karoo National Arts Festival, Oudtshoorn 1998 First Prize, Kempton Park/Tembisa International Art Competition 1996 Volkskas Atelier Merit Award Public and corporate collections Absa Bank, Rand Afrikaans University, BHP Billiton, Spier Estate, University of Pretoria, Johannesburg Art Gallery, South African National Gallery and Sasol

I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to a number of people without whom this exhibition would not have been possible. Firstly, Retha Erasmus, Brian Tsehla and Bevan Thornton, for assistance in the production of the works. Then to Michael Stevenson for endless support, Andrew da Conceicao for installation and logistics, Kathy Grundlingh for photography, Sophie Perryer for the catalogue, and Denzil Deacon for installation. Also to everyone else at Michael Stevenson. Lastly, my parents, for patience and support. R.I.P. Matthew. Word diagrams derived from the Visual Thesaurus (www.visualthesaurus.com). Thumbnail images downloaded from various public websites.

Catalogue no 13 March 2005 Photography Kathy Grundlingh Scanning Tony Meintjes Printing Hansa Reproprint cc

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