Business skills steven kourkoutis learned so far

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Business Skills Steven Kourkoutis learned so far

Steven Kourkoutis – Viable Management Skills 

He has a strong foundation in arranging and executing deals and advertising plans

Hands on supervisor with exceptionally created exchange aptitudes

Experience in developing key business organizations

Equally solid in planning and monetary administration

Steven is a fast issue solver and leader

Effective Team leader 

Steven is a definitive group pioneer with broad experience enrolling and contracting deals groups He creates ability among the group and making powerful preparing projects

He is a case of honesty which make him a stunning group pioneer

He builds up a system the group will use to achieve their objectives

He dependably tune in to their colleague's input

Successful business relationship skills 

He is convincing communicator with well-created introduction and arrangement aptitudes He can create beneficial associations with partners, clients and staff at all dimensions

Steven is extremely sure with their associations with customers

He is extremely positive about his relational abilities

Responsibilities at Salonika Imports and Exports 

Steven Kourkoutis fills in as a Marketing chief who regulates procedures for getting new item and administrations to clients He manages staggered sustenance financier organizations all through the United States and Europe His principle charge is to guarantee that item is buy at right expense He endeavors his earnest attempts in consumer loyalty and it is the other primary go for him A buying director assumes a major job in guaranteeing the consumer loyalty He assumes an incredible job in conveying the best client experience

Steven Kourkoutis – Professional Experience 

He began his expert profession as a Sales District Manager at CLT arrangements and administrations Then he became Global Pension Fund Advisor at Mellon Financial Corporation - Pittsburgh, PA Later he filled in as a Branch Sales Manager at T-MOBILE Pittsburgh, PA Currently he is International Purchasing Manager at Salonika Imports and Exports-Pittsburgh, PA

Thank You Steven Kourkoutis

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