Architecture Portfolio 2013

Page 55

A view toward downtown from the site (above)

Program Study Diagrams Needs for St. Stephen’s Commmunity House

Needs for Senior Nursing Homes

•  Social gatherings with others (as people who are unemployed often feel easily discouraged and ignored)

•  Involvements in the community

•  Opportunities to organize selfrun programs that help them keep up with their hobbies, talents, and professionals (if possible)

•  Theatre space

•  Affordable programs in childcare service

•  More programs that help develop their hobbies (e.g. photography, gardening) •  Friendship as well as people with whom they can spend time together

Needs for Na-Me-Res Shelter

Needs for Wychwood Library

•  Acceptance and involvement within the community

•  More active programs as well as more spaces for their day-care and children education service program

•  Volunteers to run different programs and activities through the day. •  Financial funds •  Group activities like organized sports programs (with other teams if possible)

•  Theatre space •  A size of the library is small; therefore, more spaces for its service. •  Outdoor programs

Upon starting the project, the most number of criticisms I received was, ‘why build another church when many of them are dying today?’ As I go to church and use its facilities, I have found that the church has tremendous ideas and programs to share with the neighbourhood. However, it often fails by not having proper facilities. Therefore, finding and providing proper facilities, which meet the current needs for both church and community was a major challenge to resolve.


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