In Site Exhibition Program

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Curation of Work-

Bart Kok presented by Stephanie Hardy / Stephanie Hardy presented by Mira Gryseels Bart’s work embodies nostalgic interpretations from his history and heritage in rural Netherlands, often-featuring generic representations including traditional footwear worn for farming, clogs, in addition to a presentation of the journey between his two existences. His work although can be appreciated aesthetically holds only significance for those with a relation or close knowledge of its history and traditions, for example a considerable number of people who reside in Belgium. Therefore in order for the coherence between his paintings to be realized you have to as an audience stand from a similar perspective as Bart himself. I choose to curate two paintings on opposing walls both visible from the same perspective, a perspective identical to that of Bart’s height of vision, so that when standing from that same viewpoint the two paintings appear as one, they articulate the narration to one another.

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