The Binding of Books (Herbert P. Horne, 1894)

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E n gl is h B in d in gs

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of the inscriptio n [C. 19. g. 2.]. Amo ng the illustra­ tions to the Catalogue of Bindings, exhib ited at the Burl ingto n Fin e A rts Club, is figured a third exampl e, equa lly fine with the two in the Briti sh Museum : it is tooled in blind, with a fillet and busts stained in bla ck [Cas e L, No. 43.]. Thi s collecto r died in 1587. Ea rli er in the centur y, Henr y Fitza lan, Ear l of Arunde l, had comme nced the formation of his library, when the recen t suppression of the monasteries enabl ed him to readi ly obtain many books of value ; and at the death of Cranmer, he acquired a consider­ able portio n of the Arc hbi sho p’s library. His collec­ tion was bequ eathe d by him to his son-in-law, Lord Lum ley, tuto r to Hen ry, Prin ce of Wales, by whom the y were purcha sed upon the death of their owner, in 1609. It is to be regret ted, tha t Henry caused this splendid libr ary to be rebound, and tooled with his own arms and de vic es: a few volumes, however, escaped ; and amo ng the books of the Old Roya l Lib rary, is a copy of the Vul gate , printed at Venic e in 1544, and reta inin g a contem porary binding, appa rentl y of foreign workmansh ip, which bears the device of the white horse, the badge of the Ea rl of Arundel, upon eithe r cover [C. 27. f. 5.]. O f th e librar y of R ob ert Dudley , Ea rl of Lei ceste r, litt le is known ; but many fine bindings, stamped with his arms, or his cres t of the bear and ragged staff, are still in exis tenc e. Two books in the Briti sh Museum ; the one, the Sy mp osi um of Plato , Paris, 1543 [C. 18. d.] ; the other, the W ork s of Clemens M

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