YEAR 5 - Learning Journey - Lent Term

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OUR CURRICULUM Our Junior School Curriculum for year 3 through to 6 is based on a human concept curriculum; with the principle of preparing our children for the future, their place in the world and how they can positively influence the way it is shaped. Key concepts are features and characteristics of navigating life. These are distributed across the year groups with skills and knowledge taught, based around the concepts within the curriculum subjects. This approach exposes pupils to these concepts across genders, identities, ethnicities, periods of history and into the present day, equipping them with the ability to explore how these may be presented, handled and/or be demonstrated in their future. Year 5 Human concepts for Lent term

IndividualitY, diversity and equality

ENGLISH Class text - Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf

Reading comprehension tasks this term will be based on the text for the term. The children will be building on the V.I.P.E.R.S. skills they have developed in the Michaelmas term, consolidating and extending their abilities to write detailed answers using evidence from the text. SPaG – Children will study examples of punctuation and grammar in the high-quality published class text in addition to wider resources. They will develop skills with rules of speech and apostrophes for possession and contraction among others. This term, the children will participate in spelling activities using the Spelling Shed platform to compliment and extend their weekly spelling tasks.

Using the class text as a springboard, the children will explore a range of writing forms in the non-fiction genre as well as having opportunities to analyse and develop descriptive writing.

Weekly library sessions.

MATHS Through Inspire Scheme children will use concrete, Through Inspire Schememethods children to: will use concrete, pictorial pictorial and abstract and abstract methods to:

Calculate fractions of a set. Solve word problems involving fractions. Name, measure and draw angles. Draw perpendicular and parallel lines. Square and rectangles – properties, calculating missing angles and finding unknown lengths. Decimal numbers. Throughout the week, there will be additional Maths activities in the form of early morning work, preps and challenges. These will ensure that there is a constant revision of all mathematical skills. Weekly times tables tests will continue.

SCIENCE Underwater World: Sustainable Ecosystems Big Ideas: Ecosystems are the interactions between living and nonliving things within an environment. Organisms need energy and resources from the ecosystem to survive. As they obtain and use these resources, energy is passed between organisms in a continuous cycle. Environmental changes in an ecosystem can affect the populations of organisms living there.

The Puzzling Pet: Animal Growth and Heredity Big Ideas: Animals grow and change in predictable ways throughout their lifetime. Adult animals reproduce to create offspring. Adult animals and their offspring engage in behaviors that help the offspring survive. Individuals of the same species have similar, but not identical, traits.

HISTORY THE SUFFRAGETTES The children interpret evidence to find dates to help them order events chronologically and discuss how attitudes have changed over the years. They evaluate photos of key events and offer justified opinions about what they think could have happened and create fact files about key figures in the Suffragette movement. They finish this topic by writing a balanced argument about women being allowed to vote.

THE WINDRUSH The children gather evidence to help them form opinions and empathise with people who travelled on the Empire Windrush in order to start new lives in Britain.

GEOGRAPHY Children will learn about a variety of map types, identifying how different places have individual features as well as the diversity of things such as climate and populations around the globe.

Exploring maps in greater detail the children will make use of compasses for direction and explore Ordnance Survey symbols and maps in depth.

Linking to the class text and also work in History, children will apply their work on maps along with their research skills to produce a description of a place in the world.

ART & DT Pupils will explore the works of the artist Alma Thomas learning about her significance in the context of the term’s concepts. They will then produce their own pieces in her style.

The children will then work on a DT project in which they will explore the use of the rainbow as a symbol, develop their own design on a brief for a given product. Then, working with the senior school DT lab equipment, produce their product with their design on.

PE & GAMES P.E. BOYS: RACKET & NET GAMES/INVASION GAMES Hands: Forehand, Backhand, Serve, Smash, Lob, Drive, Dropshot, Topsin, Slice (Badminton and Mini Tennis) or Set shot, Dig shot, Smash shot, Serve (Volleyball) / Positional play, invasion, evasion, attacking principles, defensive principles. Head: Knowledge/Understanding/Analysis/Feedback/Responsibility/Rules Heart: Communication/Leadership/Respect/Resilience/Effort/Confidence

GAMES BOYS: HOCKEY Hands: Passing, shooting, dribbling, positional play, attacking and defensive principles, pressing. Head: Knowledge/Understanding/Analysis/Feedback Responsibility/ Rules Heart: Communication/Leadership/Respect/Resilience/Effort/Confidence

P.E. GIRLS: RACKET & NET GAMES/INVASION GAMES Hands: Forehand, Backhand, Serve, Smash, Lob, Drive, Dropshot, Topsin, Slice (Badminton and Mini Tennis) or Set shot, Dig shot, Smash shot, Serve (Volleyball) / Positional play, invasion, evasion, attacking principles, defensive principles. Head: Knowledge/Understanding/Analysis/Feedback/Responsibility/Rules Heart: Communication / Leadership / Respect / Resilience / Effort /Confidence

GAMES GIRLS: NETBALL Hands: Passing, footwork, shooting, positional play, attacking and defensive principles, pressing. Head: Knowledge / Understanding / Analysis / Feedback Responsibility / Rules Heart: Communication / Leadership / Respect / Resilience / Effort Confidence


Collecting kindling and learning how to build a fire

Starting a fire using flint and steel

Collecting autumn natural materials to make craft activities

Clay faces and homes for hibernation

Creating ways to keep warm

ICT ANIMATION AND WEB DESIGN Engage in the captivating world of animation: Create stick figure animations with the help of onion skinning techniques and digital tools. Bring their artistic creations to life and enhance their storytelling skills. Share their masterpieces with the world: Publish their unique animations on a secure online platform. Foster a sense of pride as they showcase their creativity to a wider audience. Cultivate a positive online experience: Explore a "safe" online platform to review, comment, and engage in discussions about each other's work. Encourage collaboration and constructive feedback within a secure digital space. Unlock the potential of Web Design: Develop essential web design skills by creating and publishing content on WordPress. Empower your child to express themselves digitally and build a foundation for future technological endeavours.

MICRO:BITS AND PHYSICAL SENSING Harness the power of Micro:bits: Utilize Micro:bits to sense and respond to various events, such as adjusting LED lights based on darkness. Foster an understanding of programming logic through hands-on experiences. Explore real-world data with small computers: Engage in projects using Micro:bits and other small computers to gather and interpret real-world data. Encourage curiosity about the world as they discover the possibilities of technology in everyday life. Build a weather monitoring system: Develop a functional system using Micro:bits to monitor and interpret weather conditions. Instil a sense of responsibility and environmental awareness through technology. Showcase achievements with FLIP: Use FLIP to record and share videos documenting their learning journey. Encourage communication and knowledge-sharing within the classroom community. Scan the QR codes below for more information on FLIP and Micro:bits

DRAMA TOPIC: SECRETS AND SPIES A project aimed at improving focus, developing observational skills, and exploring the genre. Content

Using 4-holed Ocarinas to learn to play 8 notes.

Physicality, focus, teamwork, spatial awareness are all safely explored with light stage combat Role-play and improvisatory skills continue to be developed Work on more demanding scripts Pupils reflect on their own attitudes and those of others regarding relevant issues, including trust, friendship, secret keeping and betraying confidences Key Questions What makes a good spy? How can I create a more effective, believable performance from a script? Am I improving my listening and observatory skills? Am I using my voice and body effectively to communicate, express emotion and tell stories? Is engaging with the work allowing me to become more confident?

MUSIC Introducing descriptive music through listening and composition. A focus on Saint – Saens ‘Carnival of the Animals’ starting with the Aquarium encouraging creative responses to music. Class performance of the ‘March of the Lion,’ developing ensemble skills and teamwork while observing the effectiveness of descriptive music. Composing our own movement of the Carnival of the Animals. A look at the great musicians who have shaped the music of today. ‘Elvis!’ A look at the musical legacy of Elvis Presley and a class performance of Love Me Tender encouraging pupils to use the instruments they are studying.

FRENCH Main theme: Mon objet préféré

Vocabulary: Can I say what my favourite object/possession is? Can I describe my favourite object ? Phonics: can I recognise French words from their sounds; silent final consonants and exceptions; common French letter/sound groups. Avoir: can I learn the present tense forms of the verb “to have” in French ? Parce que: can I say why something is my favourite object? J’utilise: can I say what I use my favourite object for ? Writing skills: can I use a substitution table to generate a paragraph ? ICU: can I talk about popular pastimes in France and Frenchspeaking countries?

PSHEE Topics: Respecting ourselves and others/physical health and keeping safe

Responding respectfully to a wide range of people; recognising prejudice and discrimination

Healthy sleep habits; sun safety; medicines, vaccinations, immunisations and allergies; dental health

RELIGIOUS STUDIES ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY The children will complete their in-depth studies of the last two pillars of Islam. Next the children move on to considering values, that Jesus taught and about their relevance in the world for Christians of today. Values will be explored, individually, in depth in a historical context, present day. Finally, the children will bring all their learning together and consider the values of Jesus in the modern world and how Christians can live out these values.

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