St Edmund Hall Magazine 1951-52

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St. Edmund Hall , Magazine


KEY TO HALL G1-.0Ul', 1951 Th e i1ames a·re

~iv e n


from left to right as viewed b1• the reader.

Bach Row: B. M. Penn, J. M. Kersha w, J. A. Mudge, A. J . Trythall, J. D. Fromant, T. 0. ~e ston, J. D.~· Purves, T . E .. Dowman, D. Pollard, A. Lynch, G. Thomas, H. M. Long, D. B. Wright, J. G. Bellamy, B. C. Arthur, D. G. Russell, M. Baldwin, P . M. Smith, C. M. Arm itage, ]. Warwick ; J. Preger, R. J. South;m, D. B. Coltman, P . R. Sykes, D. Sephton. Second Row: N. Harvey, P. W. Glover, J. W. E. Snelling, B. T. Gibson, J. T. Hollin, A. Shepherd, G. M. Burt, D. Burden, J. J. Congdon, J. H. Spruyt, H. A. B. Latimer, E. J. Morgan, J. Wheeler, P. T. Ford, G . .J. Insl ey, M. ]. La ncaster, H. A. R. Long, D . J. Derx, P . G. B. Barker, A. R. Douglas, C. · J. D. Saunders-Griffith s, A. J . G. Jones. Third Row: A. J. Brimble, J. A. Baker, G. R. Allford, D. A. Garn ett, D. G. C. Goodhead_, ] . A. Baldwin, W. Hardy, C: H. Davidson, M. B. Foster, R. H. Irvine, K. S. S. Pitambn, M. J. Williams, H. N. R. Leach, R . Tracey, A. A. Dudman, M. Pike, A. J. Grayson, ] . B. Pri ce, G. S. Windass, ]. M. Carr, R . .J. L. Breese, R. W. Hall, W. H. Sanderson, M. W. Parkin . Fourth Row: R. T . Beckwith, J. M. Heal, D. A. Kinsl ey, C. D . S. Artus, G. H eddle, K. M. Horner, J. C. D. Holm es, P. D . Lawren ce, D . E. T. Groocock, W. ]. Elliott, R. ] . Lee, F.. H. B. Williams, E. P. A. Furness, A. S. Jeffreys, J. B. Bowes, J. McE!h eran, L. E. Bath, G. D . Gilling-Smith, C. D. Griffin-Smith, .N. T . Andrews, C. G. Hadley, P. R. Snoxall, R. 0. Simmons, R . V. Kings, D. J. Ma rsden, I. P. Foot.e , D. J. Paxman, H. A. Shearring. Fifth Row: Summers, G. H. Hallsmith, G. B. Archer, J. D. Hanson, M. G. Jord an, M. Milliken, J. J. Hoga n, E. D. Sprague, P . J. Frankis, J . C. G. Halley, R. West, M. A. Brown, J . Thornton, P. S. D. E. Gass, ]. H. B. Willi ams, D. L. Stevens, T . P. Kelly, D . M. Forster, V. A. Bulbeck, H. Lear, B. Tullock, S. B. Pierce, B. Bigley, P. H. Phizackerley, A. B. Curry, E . L . Cunnell, N. G. Barnett.


Sixth Row: M. A. Ritchie, D. L. Maidment, A. T. Gaydon, D. P. Tidy, J. A. G. C. Law, D. B. H elfer, R . E. Waddington-Jones, D. G. Smith, T . W . Ditchburn, D. Crnven, P. R . Jones, H . N. Grindrod, R . C .. Hayes, J. N. Gill, D . A. Singleton, G. Frost, M. ~- S: ymour, R. D . Strapps, W. R. von P achelbel-G ehag, W. I~. Mill er, L. G. D. Sanders, C. S. Cullern e-Bown, J. Sinclair, J. M. J affey. Sev enth Row: J. E. Gillman, C. J . Lane, D. A. Lillicrap, B. V. Clifton, P . F. White, G. G . Allen, J. R. Downes. Mr. R. E. Alton, Dr. R. Fargher, Rev. J. McManners (Chaplain), Canon J. N. D. Kelly (Vice-Principal), E. E. Murphy (President of the ].C.R.), Mr. A. B. Emden (Prin cipal), Dr. H . M. N. H. Irving, Mr. c. F. W.R. Gullick, Mr. C. H. J ebber (Bursar), J. V. Cockshoot, M. J. Montgomery, C . W . Marston, D. A. Clarke , W. Thorpe, C.R. Hill, A. H. W . Nias, C. A. Blackman. Front Row:

J. Doctorow, J. C. Cirnffy, P. Nichols, T. W. Silkstone, R. A. Adcock, J. E. Hugh es, J . R. Allchurch, T. P . Denehy, J. F . Earle, A. .J. Grayson, F. H . Edge.



1951 :



W. H. A.



Assistant Editor.



N Wednesday, 6 June, in the seventh week of Trinity Term, a notice, signed by the Bishop of Dorchester as Presiding Trustee, was affixed to the notice board intimating that the Principal, owing to continued ill-health, had decided to resign his office¡ as from 31 July, and that the Trustees had regretfully <iccepted his resignation. Although this . was the first public announcement, the Trustees and Fellows had been apprised of Mr. Emden 's intention on the eve of term. His decision has o'ccasioned pain and distress to Aularians everywhere, and in a special degree to his colleagues. Yet it came as no surprise to those who had watched his valiant but increasingly difficult struggle with illness in the post-war years, and who knew how serious were the danger-signals which necessitated his entry into a nursing home last November. There can be no doubt that the heart trouble which has caused his retirement several years before the statutory time is the direct result of overwork , particula rly on the Hall's behalf, selflessly undertaken throughout more than three successive decades. An article on another page attempts to give some idea of the impact of his truly remarkable Principalship on the Hall. Side by side with it must be set his achievement as a scholar, his contribution to University affairs as a member of Council,, his pioneer work as first commanding officer of the University Naval Division, his devoted service on the governing bodies of schools, and his championship of a host of worth-while causes.



For his retirement Mr. Emden has elected to live at Dunstan Cottage, Old Headington, Oxford, where he will always be glad to hear from old members and so to maintain affectionate contact with them. To Aularians he counts as a dear friend as well as a great Principal. They unite in echoing the heartfelt prayer that, relieved of the burden of. routine administration, he will be granted renewal of health and a long term of happy, fruitful retirement.


¡ At their first official meeting in Michaelmas Term, the new Principal and the Fellows gave expression to their respect and affection for the retiring Principal by electing him to an Honorary Fellowship, the highest honour in their power to bestow. It is their special prayer that his name may long adorn the select and distinguished list of Aularians to whom it has been ¡given. At the final meeting of the Junior Common Room in Trinity Term, after the President had read out a valedictory letter from Mr. Emden, the undergraduates in residence unanimously resolved to make a . presentation to him. This has taken the form of a handsome silver inkstand, and it is hoped to add to this a picture of the quadrangle in oils by the well-known artist, Mr. John Piper. The Aularian Association, too, at its annual meeting on 27 June, unanimously agreed that Mr. Emden 's. resignation shoukl not be allowed to pass without some tangible expression of the gratitude and regard which all old members feel for him. It was resolved that a fund should be raised with a twofold object, to provide a personal gift for the retiring Principal, and to furnish in the Hall some visible memorial to his Principalship. Particulars of this testimonial have already been circulated to all old members, and the project is certain to meet with a warm-hearted , enthusiastic response.


Having learned in April of the Principal's resolve to resign his office, the Trustees immediately decided to avail themselves of their statutory powers of pre-election, i.e., of electing a new Principal as from the date of the retiring Principal's departure from office. In former days the appointment to the Principalship rested with



the Provost and Fellows of Queen's College, and all previous Principals since 1558 have been appointed by them. Under the Statutes approved in 1937, the appointment is assigned to the Trustees, the Fellows being entitled to make nominations. The decisive meeting was held on the afternoon of 22 June, and after it the Trustees announced that they had pre-elected the Rev. Canon J. N. D. Kelly, M .A., the actual appointment to take effect on 1 August. Himself originally a member of Queen's College, Canon Kelly has had ample opportunity to establish himself in the fellowship of the Hall, ha ving been appointed Chaplain in 1935 and VicePrincipal in 1937, and ¡having served as a Trustee since the inauguration of the new Statutes. In July he proceeded to the degree of D .D., having submitted his book Early Christian Creeds, and moved across to the Principal's Lodgings at the beginning of September. The Statutes prescribe that 'as soon as may be conveniently arranged after his election the Principal shall, in accordance with ancient custom, be instituted to his office by the Vice-Chancellor.' The practice in former days was for the Provost and Fellows of Queen's to receive the Vice-Chancellor in the Senior Common Room of the College, and then to bring the recently elected Principal across to the Hall for the ¡formal act of institution. Dr. Kelly was instituted at 3.30 p.m. on Friday, 11 October, the traditional ceremony being modified to conform with the spirit of the new Statutes. The Trustees and Fellows, with the Principal, received the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Maurice Bowra, . in the Old Library, and then went in procession to the Dining Hall. Here the Registrar read out the minute of the appointment, the Presiding Trustee (the Bishop of Dorchester) presented Dr. Kelly to the ViceChancellor with a Latin formula, the Vice-Chancellor admitted him to his office, and the newly instituted Principal made a solemn declaration in Latin that he would observe the statuteg/and ordinances of the Hall. He then signed the Buttery Book, the ViceChancellor and the Presiding Trustee countersigning the entry. The Dining Hall was crowded for the occasion with a representative company, consisting of (in addition to the Trustees and Fellows), the Honorary Fellows, the Lecturers, the Provost and several senior Fellows of Queen's, a number of old members of the Hall resident in Oxford, the President of the J .C.R., and numerous undergraduates. It was particularly gratifying that Mr. Emden was able to be present at the ceremony. Tea was afterwards served in the Principal's Lodgings.



The promotion of Dr. Kelly to the Principalship has made several administrative changes necessary. With the consent of the Fellows, the new Principal has appointed Dr. H. M. N. H. Irving, Trustee and Fellow, Tutor in Natural Science, to be VicePrincipal. Dr. Irving is Senior Fellow of the Hall , having been one of the original Fellows appointed when the new Statutes came into operation in 1938 and having been a Tutor since 1936. Under his general direction and tutorial guidance a flourishing school of natural scientists, with a number of brilliant successes to its credit, has sprung up at the Hall in the past fifteen years. His authority as an expert in chemistry has been widely recognised , and has ¡ been confirmed by the publication of a series of remarkable papers. It seems most appropriate that the precedence and the duty of deputising for the Principal assigned by the Statutes to the VicePrincipal should fall to him. At the same time some of the other administrative duties hitherto devolving on the Vice-Principal have been distributed among other Fellows. The Rev. J. McManners, Chaplain and Fellow, has been appointed Dean, with the function of maintaining a general liaison with the J .C.R. The newly elected Fellow in English, Mr. E . G. Midgley, has been designated Junior Dean, with the task of collaborating with the Dean in the maintenance of discipline and with certain other special duties, such as the allocation of rooms in Hall, and the supervision of the health of undergraduates . Dr. Fargher, Fellow and Tutor in Modern Languages, has undertaken the responsibility of presenting freshmen for matriculation and of acting as Dean of Degrees.



In Michaelmas Term the Principal and Fellows agreed to bestow upon Mr. G. R . . Brewis the honorary title of Emeritus Fellow. His former colleagues have. long desired to signalise in some appropriate form his remarkable record of service as Tutor, and then as Senior Tutor, from 1911 to 1946. The statutes of most colleges provide for this distinguished category, the idea being to include in it retired Fellows. whom they have reason to regard with particular esteem and affection. Even if the Hall Statutes do not as yet make any such provision, there seems no



reason why it should not be conferred in an honorary fashion and recognised inter A ulares. Certainly there can be no one who satisfied the prescribed criterion better than George Brewis. It is true that, in the strict sense of the term, he never held office as Fellow. When the new Statutes creating F ellows was ratified in 1937, he had already passed the retiring age fixed for Fellows, and so remained a Tutor. Nevertheless he was always treated as a Fellow and shouldered the responsibilities of the office, taking counsel with his colleagues · and g iving them the full benefit of his ripe experience. We congratulate him, and are confident that hun~ dreds of old members who regard him as a dear friend rather than · as a tutor, will hail his election with delight .


In February the Principal and Fellows announced that they had elected Edward Graham Midgley , M.A., B.Litt., to a Fellowship and Tutorship in English Literature, and the new Fellow entered upon his duties at the beginning of Michaelmas Term. The appointment seems particularly happy, not least because Mr. Midg ley is himself an Aularia n, the second to be promoted to the rank of Fellow, and .is one of the ablest pupils of the late Rev . R. F. W. Fletcher, whom he succeeds. Educated at Grange School, Bradford, he entered the Hall as an Open Exhibitioner in 1941 . A year later he interrupted his studies to join the Army , in which he served first as a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery , and afterwards on the Civil Affail's Staff in Burma. Resuming residence in 1946, he obtained a First Class in English in 1947. In 1950 he was awarded the degree of B.Litt. for work on Alexander Pope. As an undergraduate, Mr. Midgley played a noteworthy 1 part in the life of the Hall, being President of the Essay Society and of the Makers Society, Steward of the J.C.R. and Editor of the Magazine. For two years he held the post of Lecturer in English at Bedford College, London, where he gained valuable 'experience of teaching and lecturing. In addition to being a scholar of distinction, Mr. Midgley is a sensitive poet, whose work has been published and broadcast. His election strengthens the teaching staff of the Hall, and encourages t.h e hope that the high reputation which we enjoy in the University for English · studies will be fully maintained.


Among the Trustees, our special congratulations are due to Mr. L. Curtis, Fellow of All Souls, who has had the degree of boctor of Laws honoris causa conferred upon him by the University of Cologne. As he was unable to travel to Germany, the diploma was handed to him on 21 April in the Codrington Library, All Souls, by Dr. Hans Peters, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Cologne. In his speech Dr. Peters remarked that the reason for singling out Mr. Curtis for this exceptional honour was the desire to recognise his life-long endeavour to promote the organic union af nations based on the rule of law. We note with satisfaction that the new Vice-Principal, Dr. It. lrving, who has for some years identified himself with Masonry in Oxford, has been appointed Worshipful Master of the Churchill l:..odge. Another honour he has received is that of being made Oxfor.d representative of the Chemistry Society. In February, as assiduous listeners to the B.B.C . will have noted, he gave a broadcast talk in the ' Science Survey ' series under the enigmatic title • What's There-and How Much?' In November Mr. G. D. Ramsay was invited to read a paper on ' The Smugglers' Trade: a neglected aspect of English Commercial Development,' to the ¡ ~oyal Historical Society. We unite with his colleagues, and with Aularians everywhere, i n congratulating the Rev. J. McManners, Chaplain and Dean, on his marriage to Miss Sarah. Errington . The ceremony took place on 27 December in St. Oswald's Church, Durham, and was performed by Mr. McManners' father, the Rev . Ca non J. McManners. :Before her marriage, Mrs. McManners held the position of :Lecturer in Geography at the University of Durham. In the course of the year the Rev. J. McManners has been .appointed a C.U.F. Lecturer in Modern History, and Mr. E. G. l\1idgley in English Literature.


The Rev. Canon J. N. D . Kelly, having submitted as evidence l':iis book Early Christian Creeds (Longmans, 1950), was granted 1.eave by the Board of the Faculty of Theology to supplicate for the ~egree of B.D . and D.D. by accumulation. Mr. E. J. Dobson, having submitted a thesis on ' English pro. ~unciation, 1500-1700, accor.ding to the evidence of the English



orthoepists' for the degree of D.Phil., satisfied the examiners appointed by the Board of the Faculty of English Language and Literature. E. E. Murphy, having submitted a thesis on 'A comparative legal stuc;Iy of the war power in the constitutions of Australia, Canada and the United States,' for the degree of D. Phil., satisfied the examiners appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Law. P. H. Phizackerley, having submitted a thesis on 'Studies in some mesozoic reptiles,' for the degree of B.Sc., satisfied the examine_rs appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Biological Sciences . . L. I. Stowe, having submitted a thesis on ' English views of Flaubert, 1857-1939,' for the degree of B.Litt., satisfied the examiners appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Mediaeval and Modern Languages. L. E. Baragwanath satisfied the examiners and was given leave to supplicate for the degree of B.Phil. P. G. \Vinch satisfied the examiners and was given leave to supplicate for the degree of B.Phil. C. R . Ritcheson, having submitted a thesis entitled 'The impact of the American problem on British politics, l76o-80' for the degree of D.Phil., satisfied the examiners appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Modern History.


As a result of the Open Scholarship Examinations m English Literature, Modern Languages and Geography held in conjunction with J esus, Lincoln, Worcester and Wadham Colleges on Tuesday, 13 March, and the two succeeding days, elections were made as follows. I. Jackson, Arnold School, Blackpool (English) G. H. Jeff, Stockport Grammar School (English) F. R. Smith, Clacton County High School (Modern Languages) As a result of the Open Scholarship Examination in History and Social Studies held on Tuesday, 20 March, and the two succeeding days, elections were made as follows: J. P . Lloyd, Cheadle Hulme School, nr. Stockport (History) K. R. Mills, Grove Park Grammar School, Wrexham (History) Scholarship examinations in 1952 have been arranged as follows: The Scholarship Examinations in English Literature, Modern Languages and Geography will be held on Tuesday, 18



March, . and the following days, in conjunction with Jesus, Lincoln, 'Vorcester and Wadham Colleges. The Hall is offering three Open Scholarships for English or Modern Languages , and one Scholarship for Geography, each of the value of £40 per annum, and one Abbott Scholarship for English, Modern Languages or Geography of £,50 per annum. On Tuesday, 25 March, and the following days an examination will be helq for the purpose of awarding two Open Scholarships in Modern History and Social $tudies, each of the value of £,40 per annum. OF SENIOR SCHOLARS

At the beginning of Michaelmas Term I. P. Foote and E. J. Morgan were elected Senior Scholars of the Hall. Both Mr. Foote and Mr ~ Morgan gained a First Class in the Honours School of Modern Languages in Trinity Term.


For the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and B achelor of Surgery: In Pharmacology and Principles of Therapeutics : A.. H. W . Nias; In General Pathology and Bacteriology: G. Bennett, A. H. ,V, Nias; In Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery: B. R. S. Mainwaring. Honour School of Mathematics : Class III: P. S. Taylor. Honour School of Natural Science: Physics: Class II: C . R. Hill, C . A. A. MacPhee; Class III: K. M. Grayson . Satisfied Examiners in Special Subject with Credit: E. F. W. Seymour. Chemistry Part I (Unclassified Honours): D. A. Clarke, C. W. Marston . Engineering Science: Cl<iss III: D. Craven. Honour School of Jurisprudence: Class II: R. Day; Class III: P . R. Jones; Class IV: M. C. Winsor-Cundell. Shortened Examination: Class III: J. S. Clarke, B. E. Cooke, H . Crane. Honour School of Modern History: Class II: R. Downing, A. T. . Gaydon, ,V. Hardy, H. A. R. Long, P. ::-.Jichols, J. O'Halloran, T. Vv. Silkstone, R. W.. M . Skinner, ·p , F. White; Class III: J. K. Chadwick-Jones, N . A. Dromgoole, B. R. Munday, ::-.J. D . Stacey, D . L. Stevens; Class IV : M. R. , Seymour-Smith. Honour School of Theology: Shortened Examination: Class II: J. J. Hogan.



H onour School of -English Language and Literature: Class II: L. E. Bath, C. A. Blackman, P. J. Croft, J. C. Graffy, R. Tracy; Class III: G. D. Gilling Smith. Shortened Examination: Class }I: L. J. Arundel. Ho11 011r School of Modern Languages: Class I: I. P. Foote, E. J. Morgan; Class II: T. E. Dowman, E. H. Edge, S. E. George, R. V. Kings, H. A. B. Latimer, D. L . Maidment, D. J. Marsden; Class III: D. M. Kirby, M. J. Montgomery, B. Tulloch. Shortened Examination: Class II: G. J. Insley . Honour School of Philosophy, Politics cmd _Economics: Class I : D . J. Derx; Class II: J. C. G. Halley; Class III: M. Pike. Honour School of Geography: Class III: G. G . Allen, J. W. E. Snelling. Honour School of Agriculture: Class IV: H. A. 'i\Tvdell. Group B 1 : J. Doctorow. Group B2: J. 0. Ward. Diploma in Theology: D. J. Paxman, pass with Distinction. Diploma in Public and Social Administration: H. N. Grindrod. Diploma in Education: Both Parts: Distinction: J. D. Fromant, A. J. Trythall; Pass: R. A. Adcock, M. de L. Hart, E. G. Price, J. Sinclair; J. F . Stephens, P. R. Stott, M. J. Summerlee, M. Turi, T. D. Weston. One Part: Albert Baxter. Qualif'ying E xamination for B.D. : R . A. Mason.

MR. A. B.


On the eve of departing from the Principal's Lodgings, ~fr. A. B. Emden placed the Hall still further in his debt by presenting to it a remarkable and, in the strict sense of the word, unique collection of gifts. As a token of gratitude, and also to provide ~m official record of his generosity, it seems fitting to p_ublish a complete inventory of them. I. Framed water-colours, drawings, engravings, prints: (1) water-colour drawing of the -Quadrangle as seen from the south side (c. 1815); (2) water-colour drawing of the Hall as seen from St. Peter's churchyard: executed by W.R. Wood, 1927, as frontispiece of An Oxford Hall in Mediaeval Times; (3) engraving of the front of the Hall, from D. Loggan's Oxonia Jllustrata (1675); (4) engraving of the exterior of the Hall from a volume of miniature reproductions of Loggan, entitled Oxonia Jllustrata, published by J. Bowles and Son, c. 1730-40; (5) engraving of the front of the



Hall from a sheet of engravings of colleges and halls published by G. Tielenburg, Amsterdam, · c. 1730-40; (6) engraving of a conjectural rebuilding of the Hall, from Oxonia Depicta, by Wm. Williams, 1732-3; (7) The Oxford University Almanack for 1747, by J. Vertue ; (8) coloured lithograph of the Quadrangle, drawn by F. Pugin· for Acke rmann 's History of the University of Oxford, 1814; (9) engraving of the Quadrangle as seen from the west, by J. and H. S. Storer, from R . Lascelles's History of the University and City of Oxford, 1821; (rn) engraving of the front of the Hall, by H . S. Storer, from Munday and Slatter's Views of the Uni·:iersity and City of Oxford, . c . 1830; (n) lithograph of the Quadrangle, as seen from the east end, by N. Whittock, from his Microcosm of Oxford, 1830; ( 12) engraving of the front of the H;:tll as seen from the west door of St. Peter'~ , by J. V\Thessell, from J. Whessell and T. Bartlett's Oxford Dilineated, 1832; (13) engraving of the front of the Hall , seen from the south, by F. Mackensie, from J. K. Ingram's Memorials of Oxford, 1836; (14) engraving of the front of the Hall, seen from the south , by ·G. Hollis, from J. Ryman's Illustrations of Oxford, 1838; (15) a print ot the front of the H all, executed as a notepaper heading by Rock and Co., London, 1863; ·(16) The Oxford University Almanack for 1936, by Wm. Washington; ( 17) coloured etching of the northeast corner of the Quadrangle, by F. Millar, 1922; (18) watercolour drawing by A. B. Emden, reproducing (exact size) portrait in painted glass of Henry Romworth, Archdeacon of Canterbury, Principal c. 1395-c. 1405, from Horley Church, Oxon; (19) a rubbing of the memorial brass of Dr. John Darley, Principal c . 1414-32, from Herne Church, Kent; (20 and 21) copies in sepia of the memorial brasses of Bp. Robinson (Principal 1576-81) and Dr. Henry Airey (matric. 1580) in Queen's College Chapel; (22) photographic print of a wall-painting of St. Edmund, formerly to be seen in Frindsbury Church, Kent; (23 and 24) lithographs of the exterior of Pontigny Abbey, Champagne, by Victor Petit, given by D. Ogg, Fellow of New College; (25) photograph of Bp. Williams, Principal 1913-20. II. MSS. Collections compiled by A .B .E. relating to the history of the Hall, its Patron, members, etc.: (1, 2, 3) Notes on Principals, 1569-16rn, 1610-1685, 1685-1857; (4) Notes on Thos. Lancaster, Principal and Archbishop of Armagh, with transcript of Trin. Coll., Dublin MS. 553 ; (5 and 6) Notes on Vice-Principals c. 1612-1705, 1705-1889; (7 and 8) Transcripts of MSS. in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum relating to the Hall,



White Kennett, etc; (9) Extracts from Queen's College Long Rolls and other muniments of the College relating to the Hall in the sixteenth century; ( ro) Transcripts, etc., relating to disputes over right of Queen's College to elect to Principalship in seventeenth century; ( l l) Transcripts from Queen's College archives relating to disputes in which Fellows, later to become Principals, figured in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; (12) Notes and letters relating to the family of de Bermingham; (13) Degree-lists of Aularians, 1572-1625; references to the Hall from Hearne's Collections, vols. l-6; list of churchwardens' accounts of St. Peter's-inthe-East, 1443-1582; (14) Notes relating to Thomas Hearne; (15 and 16) Notes, etc., relating to St. Edmund; (17) Notes, etc., relating to Pontigny; (.18) Notes, etc., relating to the Chapel and Communion Plate; ( 19) Notes relating to the Hall Library, with transuipts of Bodi. Libr. Rawlinson MS. c. 851, pp. 87-115 (the catalogue of books in the Library compiled by Thos. Hearne); (20, 21, 22, 23) Notes relating to the Hall Plate, engraved portraits of Aularians, Hall clubs and societies (with lists of officers), and Hall buildings, coats of arms, etc. ; (24) Aularian bibliography; (25 and 26) Transcripts of Visitationes A ula.rum (Oxf. U niv. Archives Pyx D24-27) ; (27 and 28) Transcripts of' Memorialls and Remains of . . . John Freind' by his father, Nath. Freind, containing copies of letters written by John to his father, and an account of his last illness and death 20 Mar., 1673; (29) Excerpts relating to Statuta Aula.ria from Bodi. MS. 487, and a transcript of 'An Enquiry into ye Primary & Original State and Nature of Halls in ye Univ. of Oxford' from Bodi. MS. Top . Oxon. C. 26; (30) Transcripts from ad~ission registers, etc., relating to the . Hall; (31) Transcripts relating to the Hall, Andrew Allam, White Kennett, etc., from Tanner and Wood MSS . in Bodi. Libr.; (32 and 33) Photographs of \'estments, including those of St. Edmund, preserved in the Treasury of Sens Cathedral (taken by Canon Chartraire). III. Articles of si'.lver presented to A. B. Emden on his appointment as Principal : ( 1) two silver pepper-pots and two silver mustard-pots; ( 2) silver sugar-dredger; (3) silver cigarette-box bearing arms of the Hall. Items (1) and (2) are to form part of the Principal's Plate, and item (3) is to be used by the Senior Common Room. IV. Hand-made gramo£.hone, etc.: A hand-made 'Expert' gramophone, by E. M. Ginn, with record cabinets and a collection of gramophone¡ records (for the use of the Hall Gramophone Society).



The Hall has been fortunate in being given, or in being enabled to acquire , a ¡number of objects of artistic beauty and practical . usefulness. The bequest of the late Peter Young, left with the specific object of embellishing the Hall, has been expended on the purchase of a silver coffee-pot and jug, with sugar basin. The Latin inscription recalls Peter Yourig's tragic death when flying over the Andes in August, 1947. Designed by the well-known artist A. E. Pittman and executed by the silversmith F. E. Peck (date, 1951), these pieces are modern in style and feeling, and were among the works singled out by the Fine Arts Commission for exemption from purchase tax. An exactly similar set (only four examples exist) was exhibited at the South Bank Exhibition. One of the Hall 's oldest members, the Rev. C. E. Burkitt (matric., 1894), has generously presented to the Hall a beautiful silver-gilt chalice and paten of singularly chaste early Victorian design. Formerly in the possession of his grandfather, who was himself a member of the Hall and later worked as a priest in the service of the East India Company, these sacred vessels have been regularly used by Mr. Burkitt for fifty years . They will continue to be used in the Chapel in which he has so often taken part in the Holy Mysteries. Another old member, Mr. G. E. Janson-Smith (matric., 1926) has enriched the Hall's collection ¡of pictures by giving us copies of the famous Loggan engraving of the front of the Hall ( 1675) and of the Oxford Unive rsity Almanack for 1747. Part of the G. M. Hamilton bequest has been used to purchase from the retiring Principal the magnifice nt mahogany dining-room suite which has adorned his Lodging s since he entered upon office in 1929. The suite will henceforth remain as a permanent furnishing of the Principal 's Lodgings , and its use by Mr. Emden and its purchase with the G. M. Hamilton bequest have been recorded on a silver plaque . The new Principal has presented the Senior Common Room with a handsome Georgian mahogany wine table of the usual c ircular pattern. The Junior Common Room, out of a portion of the profits of the Hall dance held in 1950, has bought two silver-plate branched candlesticks and presented them for use at dinners in the Hea rne Room. Finally , a close friend of the Hall, who prefers to rema in anonymous, has provided the funds for supplying and fitting a draught-proof curtain inside the door of the Chapel, and has also met a long-felt want by equipping the Kitchen with a large and efficient refrigerator.




It is pleasant to record, with gratitude, two small but useful benefactions which have come to the Hall in the course of the year. Under the will of the late Mrs. Annie Beatrice Gardner the sum of £ l ,ooo has been left in ·trust to the Hall to provide exhibitions tenable by undergraduates of the Hall who desire to proceed to Holy Orders in the Church of England. Mrs. Gardner was the widow of the late Canon Walter Sturdy Gardner, of Carlisle, sometime Nowell Exhibitioner of St. Mary Hall, a friend . and admirer of the Hall. Secondly, under the will of the late Rev. Harold Salisbury Glover the sum of £500 has been left to ' the trustees for the time being of the St. Edmund Hall in the University of Oxford ·to be applied for, or towards, the upkeep of the fabric of such Hall.' Mr. Glover was in residence at the Hall from 1888 to 1891, taking his degree with Honours in Theology. Between 1926 and 1933 he was Rector of Roos, in East Yorkshire, and in the latter year retired to Norwich.


The . 'i nitiati,·e of the Rev. C. E. Ross in presenting last year a pewter tankard for use in the dining-hall has inspired a modest crowd of imitators. No fewer than seven similar tankards have been given in the past twelve months. The Essay Society has presented one, to commemorate the holding of its five-hundredth meeting on 13 June. Another, with the initials of the members contributing inscribed round the base, comes from the Squash Racquets Club. Three are the gifts of old members-}. B. Allan (Hon. Treasurer of the Aularian Association: matric., 1924), G. E. Janson-Smith (President of the J.C.R. 1928-9), and N. S. Haile (matric., 1945)· . The second of these records regretfully that the donor's son Bryan, by the decree of higher authority, was obliged to matriculate at Cambridge instead of at Oxford as a member of his father's society . A sixth is the farewell present of the retiring J.C.R. President, E. E. Murphy. The Latin inscription on the seventh, presented by J. Doctorow, eloquently describes its giver as a citizen of New York who fought in the war against Hitlerite tyranny but only discovered the true spirit of democracy when he came to Oxford. The ultimate plan is an ambitious one, envisaging the provision of enough tankards to go



round all the tables in the dining -hall. The eight so far supplied only suffice for the first of the lower tables, but even so it is obvious that a useful beginning has been made. No doubt other individuals and groups will accept the challenge arid ca rry the good work to its completion.


The University pulpit was occupied by Aularians even more frequ ently this year than last . The Ven. A. Sargent, Archdeacon of Canterbury , held forth before the University on 27 May , and the R ev . Ca non F. J. J. Shirley , D .D. , Headmaster of the King's School , Ca nterbury , on 3 June and 4 November. On Good Friday the sermon is usually given by the Dean of Christ Church, but this year the Dean was Vice-Chancellor and, deeming himself excused, nominated the Vice-Principal to deliver it in his stead. On 17 June it fell to the Bishop of London, for the second time in the space of four years, to preach the Commemoration Sermon. In addition, the Rev. Dr. Kelly had the honour of preaching before Trinity College, Dublin, on 18 November, and again in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, on the afternoon of the same day .




In Trinity Term the Boat Club became the fortunate possessors of a brand new boat, constructed on efficient and at the same time elegant lines by Messrs. George Sims, Boatbuilders, of Hammersmith. By general consent it was decided to name it ¡ A. B . Emden, as a tribute to the retiring Principal 's unflagging interest in, and practical support of, the Boat Club. The VicePrincipal represented Mr. Emden at the christening ceremony, which took place at l 1. l 5 a.m. on 2 l June on the landing-stage in front of the University boat-house. A foaming bottle, courageously held by the Secretary of Boats, was broken over the prow of the new boat by Mrs. Gullick, who had acted as tutor to the Captain of Boats during Trinity Term , and as she named it the crew and the rest of .t he company present fervently wished it a' career crowned with notable success, Two happy omens seemed to confirm their prayers: the sun shone brilliantly, and the champagne in which the toast was drunk was handed round in the Miskin Challenge Cup won by the Boat Club a few days before at the \Valton Regatta.




On Tuesday, 19 June, the Vice-Principal and Fellows entertained some forty members of the Harvard and Yale Athletics Team and of the Oxford University Athletics Club to dinner in hall. The American sportsmen, after visiting Cambridge, were spending the week in Oxford as part of their tour of British Universities. The Vice-Chancellor, the Very Rev. John Lowe , Dean of Christ Church, was present , and after the Vice-Principal had welcomed the two teams he added his own _greetings as one whose heart had loyalties on both ~ides of the Atlantic. Among the guests invited were the Master of University College, the Vice-President of Magdalen, Mr. C. H. Wilkinson and Mr. A. B. Brown of Worcester College, and several other figures prominent in the world of Oxford athletics-not excluding N. D. Stacey, the distinguished Aularian President of the 0. U .A.C. The menu, while skilfully contrived and tasty, was adapted to men in strict training, and the numerous American coaches strategically distributed round the tables kept a watchful eye on what their charges were drinking. As the evening shadows fell, coffee was served to the party on the lawn, the members of the two teams soon to meet in deadly combat at the White City fraternised like old friends, and several of the Americans remarked that they had at last come to realise what the spell of an Oxford quadrangle meant.


The year 1951 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr. A. C. Reeve's appointment as Manciple of the Hall. For this long span, in years of war-time rationing and post-war stringency no less than of pre-war abundance, he has rendered consistently loyal and efficient service to successive generations of Aularians. In Oxford generally his professional position is acknowledged. To celebrate his jubilee a special luncheon was held in the Forum Resta urant on Tuesday, 3 July . The Principal presided, and the Manciple sat on his right ¡a s the guest of honour. . The other guests included Mr. Wheeler, the steward of New Colle'ge, an old friend and colleague of Mr. Reeve's, and Mr. Gray, chef of Lincoln College, and Mr. Cooke, second chef of St. John's College, both of whom Mr. Reeve had trained in the culinary art; also Messrs. Filer and Edwards, the Manciple's highly competent first and second assistants. The Senior Common Room was represented by the B



Vice-Principal, the Chaplain , Dr. Fargher, the Senior Tutor, and the Bursar, and the Junior Common Ro_o m by the newly appointed President, Mr. R. J. L. Breese , and Mr. A. A. Dudman. Although it must have been an exacting task to provide a meal for such an array of professional experts, the Forum rose nobly to the occasion. When the port had begun to circulate, the Principal proposed the Manciple 's health, recalling the honourable history of his office and the splendid way in which Mr. Reeve had discharged 4is duties. He closed by handing him an inscribed silver tankard as a permanent memorial of his good work. ¡The Manciple made a graceful reply underlining his affection for the Hall-and incidentally revealed that, in addition to his other t'.llents, he was an accomplished orator.



Many will recall the pleasant ceremony at the G.W.R. Station, Oxford, on 6 February , 1936, when the latest locomotive of the Hall Class, the ' Saint Edmund Hall,' was inaugurated by the Principal in the presence of several highly placed railway officials and a large gathering of Aularians. In November the new Principal was informed that the engine, for many years a familiar and useful ornament of the Oxford-Paddington line, haq been removed from Oxford to Bristol. He at once wrote to the Motive . Power Superintendent, Paddington, pointing out the distress which members of the Hall must feel at the transference of a locomotiYe so deeply established in their affections, and so closely linked by its name and its historic inauguration to the University, from what might, in American parlance, be termed its proper stamping-ground. Their distress was, he pointed out, if anything heightened by the discovery that two much more youthful locomotives bearing the names ' Lady Margaret Hall ' and ' Saint Peter's Hall' were still to be seen in the vicinity of Oxford. Dr. Kelly did not feel it appropriate to dwell on the feelings of the ' displaced engine itself, although he might have waxed eloquent on the melancholy plight of those who are uprooted from their natural habitat and have to hang up their harps, at it were, in an alien land. Even so, we are glad to report the entire success of his demarche. The MotiYe Power Superintendent of Paddington immediately made contact with the even more influential Regional Motive Power Superintendent at Swindon, and in a few days the



la tter inform.e d the Principal that orders had been given for the return of the ' Saint Edmund Hall ' at the earliest possible date to the Oxford Engine Dep~t . His prompt and considerate action reflects great credit on the courtesy of British Railways.


C nder the scheme which has been adopted by the eight colleges receiving grants from the Besse benefaction, it will not be the Hall 's turn to offer a scholarship and admit a French scholar into residence until 1952. We are naturally anxious, however, to make as early a start as possible by opening the Hall 's doors with especial readiness to Frenchmen and so entering into the spirit and general intention of Monsieur Besse's noble gift. It is pleasant to note, the refore, that, among the freshmen admitted ih October, is l\Ionsieur Raymond Albert Lefevre, a member of the French Colonial Service. Monsieur Lefevre is by training a lawyer, educated at the Sorbonne, and since 1946 he has served in West ..;frica in the Cote d'Ivoire. He has been Chef de Cabinet to the GO\·e rnor, and more recently has peen attached to the Direction Generale de l'lnterieur (Affaires Politiques). He has been seconded to Oxford on conge administratif for the academic year 1951-2 by arrangement with the British Colonial Office, and the Hall takes particular satisfaction in welcoming him as the first of the many new links it hopes to forge with France.


The best thanks of the Hall are due to the following donors for gifts they have made for the benefit of the Library: To ~fr. and Mrs . H. Hayes, for a further gift of £5 and of books in memory of their son Henry Trevor Hayes (matric. , 1932). To :\fr . R. B. Pugh for a gift of £s. To ..\non. for a gift of £2. To Messrs . V. A. Bulbeck, J. Doctorow, R. Dunlop , C. R. Ritcheson and the Rev . Bernard John Wigan for gifts of books. ~. H a rvey was appointed Junior Librarian and 'Vil . H . A. Sanderson Assistant Junior Librarian.



The following book has been given as a gift to the Old Library:

Historica Descriptio complectens Vitam ac Res Gestas Beatissimi Viri Gulielmi Wicami, quondam Vintonensis Episcopi. Oxoniae 16go. The foreleaf is inscribed ' Suum Cuique, Tho. Hearne, July 14, 1722.'


Congratulations are due to the following members of the Hall: D. A. Singleton on being awarded a Heath Harrison Travelling Scholarship. R. W. Hall on being elected to the Centaurs. C. J. D . Saunders-Griffiths on being invited to play in the AngloWelsh Hockey Trials, and on being elected to the Occasionals. E. L. Cunnell on being elected to the Tortoises. N. D. Stacey on his triple victory in the 0.U.A.C. sports, and on his record 220 yards in the Inter-Varsity sports. N. A. Dromgoole on being elected to the Oxford Union Standing Committee. R. Day on being awarded a Blackstone Scholarship. B. Bigley on being elected to the Centaurs Committee. R. 0. Simmons on playing basket-ball for the University against Cambridge. D. J. Derx on gaining a First Class in the Final Honours School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and on being placed third out of 400 in the Civil Service Examinations. R. K. Pitamber on playing for the 0. U.G.C. against Cambridge, and on being elected secretary of the O.U .G.C. B. M . Penn on being elected secretary of the Beavers. G. H . Hallsmith on representing the University at tennis. C. M . Armitage on being elected to the Dolphins. C. D. Griffin-Smith on being elected treasurer ¡of the 0. U .F .C. and secretary of the 0. U. Grays Inn Society M. de L.' Hart on representing the University at cricket. G. Bennett on being awarded the Theodore Williams Scholarship in Pathology. I. P. Foote on gaining a First Class in the Final Honours School of Modern Languages. E. J. Morgan on gaining a First. Class in ¡ the Final Honours School of Modern Languages.



H. A. Wydell on being invited to represent the University in the rugger match against Cambridge. R. G. Lunn on being invited to represent the University in the soccer match against Cambridge, and on being elected to the Centaurs. D.. B. Coltman and the John Oldham Society for their production of Marlowe's 'Edward II.' D. Pollard on being elected to the Greyhounds. N . G. Barnett on being elected to the Library Committee of the Union Society. C. C. B. Wightwick on being elected to the Tortoises. A. L. M . Jay on winning the 1951 Freshman's Foil Cup, and on finishing fourth in the Miller Hallett International Epee Competition.

APUD LONDONIENSES As in 1950, the London Dinner was held at Simpson's in the Strand on the second Tuesday in January, the new fixed date. We were able to have our own private lounge-bar again, both before and after the meal, which made for easy mixing and a comfortable and pleasant evening generally. Ninety Aularians were present, two of whom had matriculated in the nineteenth century, and three of whom were undergraduates still resident at the Hall. Any Aularian who had been up since 1917 was bound to meet a number of contemporaries, as each year from then onwards was represented at the gathering. The years 1930 and 1934 each had as many as seven representatives at the Dinner. The Senior Common Room was represented by the VicePrincipal, who was the chief guest of the evening, and by the Chaplain and Professor Hunt. , The Chairman, in proposing the toast 'Floreat Aula,' voiced the regret of all that ill health had again prevented the Principal from coming to the Dinner, and extended a warm welcome to the Vice-Principal. Replying, the Vice-Principal gave the assembled Aularians the wonderful news that the lease of the residential parts of numbers 49, 50, 51 and 52 High Street had been acquired by the Hall, and that these were to be ¡c onverted by the employment of part of the recent generous benefaction of M. Antoine Besse, into twenty-three new sets of rooms for undergraduates and two for dons. The Vice-Principal 's speech was very warmly received. C.L.



AULARIAN ASSOCIATION The Executive Committee met on the afternoon of the Reunion. The Annual General Meeting followed the Reunion Dinner. Canon Hodgson took the chair at both meetings. The Treasurer's statement of the accounts showed a balance in excess of anticipation. Allocations were made of ÂŁ25 to the Boat Club for Regatta expenses, and of ÂŁ40 to provide a scholarship. The grant to the Bursary staff for clerical assistance was renewed. The Principal was authorised to continue negotiations to publish Canon Adam Fox's book on Dr. John Mill with the assistance of the Publications Fund. The Principal was elected a Vice-President of the Association on his retirement . Dr. Percy Scholes was invited to fiH the vacancy on the Executive Committee. There was a general discussion on the best way to launch an appeal to commemorate the services of the retiring Principal and on the objects of it. A sub-committee was appointed which has circulated the Appeal which follows. Finally the Principal-Elect was called in and assured of the confidence and support of the Association.


THE AULARIAN ASSOCIATION APPEAL All old members of the Hall will have heard w.ith regret of Mr. A. B. Emden's resignation from the Principalship on 31 July of this year. They will not need to be reminded of what he has done for the Hall as History Tutor, Vice-Principal and Principal during the thirty-two years since he came to us after demobilisation from the Navy in 1919. He has never spared himself in the service of the Hall ; the addition of equally unsparing service for the Navy in the Second World War has overstrained his heart and it is in obedience to medical advice that he has retired prematurely from the Principalship. We all hope that, relieved of the cares and strain of office, he may be able to carry through with enjoyment the researches into the personal history of the members of the University in the Middle Ages upon which he is at present engaged. At its Annual Meeting on 27 June the Aularian Association was eager that Mr. Emden's resignation should not be allowed to pass without some tangible expression of the gratitude and affection felt for him by us all, and it was unanimously resolved to open a fund to which all old members of the Hall should be asked to



-contribute . The objects of the fund will be two: to provide a -personal gift for Mr. Emden, and to furnish a visible commemoration at the Hall of his Principalship. 'i\Te were appointed as a -committee to open the fund and to prepare ·proposals for the best achievement of its objects. We ar-e sure that the fund will be large ·enough to enable both gift and commemoration to be worthy of the 'o ccasion. Cheques and postal orders payable to .t he AULARIAN ASSOCIATION :EMDEN FUND should be sent to: J. B. :\Han, Lloyds Bank Limited, Grey Street, Newcastle upon T yne, 1, who will also welcome -proposals as to the form the gift and commemoration should take. It is not proposed to acknowledge donations but the names of .all subscribers will be published in the Magazine. LEONARD HODGSON c. J. HAYES D . M. M. CAREY J. B. ALLAN (Hon. Treasurer) L. W. HANSON (Hon. Secretary)

TH:E REUNION, 195 1 The Reunion took place on Saturday, 23 June, 195i. It came ~'1.s a great shock to all old members to hear that the Principal wo uld retire for reasons of health at the. end of July, and that he would not be present at the Reunion. They were a little revived to learn that the Trustees had pre-elected the Vice-Principal to the Principalship. After Evensong, dinner was served in Hall. The following were ·present: The Right Rev. The Bishop of Dorchester, The Rev. Dr. ·L. Hodgson, Mr . G. R. Brewis, Mr. J. B. Allan, Rev. Canon D . Armytage, Mr. G. S. Bessey, Mr. ·v..r ..\. H. Blair, Mr. G. J . F. 'Brain, Mr. C . Broadhead, Mr. D. M. M. Carey, Mr. A. R. Clark, R ev . A. R . Duncan-Jones, Captain D. W. Everton, Mr. F. H. H. Finch, Mr . A. A. J. Foster, Mr. D. F . Goldsmith, Mr. L. \iV. Hanson, Mr. C. J. Hayes, Mr. L. G. Holmes, Mr. M. F. Jerrom , Mr. G. S. Keen, Mr. A. W . Keith-Steele, Mr. C. Lummis, Mr. J. P. de C. Meade, Mr. E. G. Midgley, Mr. C. Mounsey, Lt.-Col. H. Moyse-Bartlett, Mr. E. E. Murphy, Mr. C. R. Owston, Dr. J. L. Pinniger, Mr. L. T. Podmore, Mr. F. G. Roberts, Mr. T. M. :Schuller, iWajor J . .C. C. Shapland, :Mr. J. Shipwright, Mr. A. G.



Slemeck, Mr . R. C. Thomas, Mr. L. Thorpe, Mr. B. E. Toland, Mr. W. J. Tunley, Mr. A. M. Urquhart, Mr. J. H. Vaillant, Mr. A. Ward, Mr. R. Waye, Mr. G. D. West, Mr. E. C. C. Wynter, Mr. A. B. Curry. The Bishop of Dorchester read a message from the retiring Principal, who wrote that the state of his cardiac apparatus made it impossible for him to direct the Hall with full vigour, ancl that he thought i~ best, therefore, to retire as quietly as possible. He knew that the Association would support the Principal-Elect with the zeal and enthusiasm which he himself had been so happy to receive. After the Loyal Toast, the toast of' Floreat Aula' was proposed by the Principal-Elect. He recounted the past year's successes of the Hall, equally sustained both in the Schools and in sport. He spoke of the plans for expansion ~ade possible by the benefaction of M. Besse, and looked forward to a future for the Hall, full of opportunity, which he would strive his best to realise. L.W.H .

THE WAR MEMORIAL APPEAL The total subscriptions received to date amount to £I ,243 2s. 7d., to which has to be added the Income Tax refund on the Seven Yea r Covenants, which is at present being reclaimed from the Inland Revenue. The expenses of the appeal amounted to £57 IS. gd., leaving a balance in hand of £I,I86 os. rnd. It is accordingly proposed to hand over, before the end of I95I, to the Trustees of the Hall , the sum of£ I ,ooo so that it may be invested to found the first War . Memorial Exhibition , The Treasurer of the Appeal acknowledges, with gratitude, the further donations received during I95I. J.B.A.

THE ACTIVITIES FUND The appeal for increased support for this fund has brought in six new donations, totalling J]z3 I2S. Id. May we again draw the attention of all old members to the wide range of benefits conferred on the Hall by this fund during the last twenty years. Donations, however small, will be gladly received by the Hon. Treasurer of the Aularian Association. J.B .A.



DE FORTUNIS AULARIUM R. A. Adcock, having been awarded a Hudson Bay Scholarship, is engaged in research at McGill University, Canada. I. Alexander has been appointed a trainee buyer in the export depa"rtment of A. Oppenheimer and Co. Ltd. G. G. Allen, after teaching for a term at Chipping Norton Grammar School, has been appointed assistant master at Trinity Grammar School, Sydney, Australia. R. E . Alton, Lecturer of th~ Hall, has been appointed Lecturer in English at Jesus College and Librarian of the English Faculty Library. . Col. W. E. Andrews, O.B.E., has retired from the Principalship of La Martiniere College, Lucknow. L. J. Arundel holds an appointment in the Clarendon Laboratory. The Rev. R. Bagnall has been appointed Vicar of Blackfordy in the diocese of Leicester. L. E. Baragwanath has been elected a student of Nuffield College. L. E. Bath has been appointed to the temporary post of assistant at the Lycee de Garc~ns, Rheims (Marne), France. Albert Baxter has been appointed assistant master at Ballymena Academy, Co. Antrim. P . c, Birkinshaw has obtained an appointment with Messrs. J. T. Rennie and Sons Ltd., shipping agents, Johannesburg, S . Africa. C. A. Blackman has been granted a commission in the Royal Navy (Instructor Branch) . The Rev. J. W. Blair has been appointed Vicar of Pennington, near Ulverston, Lanes. The Rev. P. P. Bloy has been appointed to the work of the Mission to Industry in Sheffield. D. W. Boyd has been appointed University Demonstrator in the Department eif Biochemistry, and is to be congratulated on being awarded the Mary Goodger Scholarship for medical research. D. Brotherton has been appointed to the representational staff of the Marley Tile Company Ltd. The Rev. N. K. Brownsell has been appointed Rector of Suttoncum-Duckmanton, Derby.

ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZI:'.'JE The ReY. C. E. Burkitt is to be congratulated on celebrating on Trinity Sunday the fifti ~th anniversary of .h is ordination as priest. E. J. R. Burrough has been promoted to the position of Administrator of the United Oxford Hospitals. The Rev. J. P. Burrough has taken up an appointment m Pusan with the English Church Mission in Korea. The Rev. C. R. Campling has been appointed .-\ssistant Curate at St. Michael's, Basingstoke. R. Candlin has been appointed assistant master at St. Bees School. J. M. Carr, after taking part during the long vacation in the Ruwenzori Expedition to Central Africa , has been appointed a Departmental Demonstrator in the University Department of Geology. D. E. Cattell has been appointed an Inspector of Taxes (Higher Grade). D. R: V . Chewter has been appointed assistant master at Park High School, Birkenhead. The Rev. T. J. Childs has been appointed Vicar of 'i\Tinsham, Chard, Somerset. The Rev . I. F. Church has been appointed Vice-Principal of St. Francis College, Milton, ¡Brisbane. J. S. Clarke, having completed his articles with the firm of Smith, Son and Barker, Andover, is now preparing. for the solicitors' final examination. J. V. Cockshoot has been completing his course of training for the Teaching Certificate at St. Luke's College, Exeter. B. E. Cooke has been articled to the firm of Gregory , Rowcliffe and Co., Solicitors, London, W.C.I. F . W. Cosstick has obtained an appointment with Temperleys, Haslehurst, Inc., '71/all Street, New York. H. Crane is preparing for his ¡ Bar Final Examination at the Middle Temple. D. Craven has been appointed to a graduate apprenticeship with Metropolitan' Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., Manchester. D. vV. F. Cuscaden holds an appointment with the Hong Kong ~nd Shanghai Banking Corporation. J. R. E. Davies has been appointed assistant master at Westerleigh Preparatory School, St. Leonards-on-Sea. M. G. D. Davys has been appointed Registrar at Guy's Hospital, S.E.I.



J. H . P. Dawson has been appointed assistant master at Denstone College. R. Day is preparing for the Bar Final Examination at the Middle Temple. D. J. De rx, having been placed third in the open competition (Method II) for the Administrative Branch of the Civil Service, has been appointed to the Board of Trade. J. L . Dixon has been appointed assistant master at Holloway School, London, N.7. C. Dobb has obtained an appointment in the Goldsmiths' Library, University of London. J. Doctorow has been admitted to the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. S. G. Downey has been appointed to a traineeship with Messrs. Wm. Oddy and Co. Ltd., woollen spinners, Yorks. G. R. M;. Drew is a director in the firm of Rix and Co. Ltd., specialists in men's wear. The Rev. A. R. ' Duncan Jones has been appointed Second Chaplain at the Cathedral Church, Bombay. J. E. Durling, who is serving with the Education Branch of the R.A.F ., has been promoted to the rank of Flying Officer. The Rev. P. Durnford has been appointed Minister at the Methodist Central Hall, Yiewsley, Middlesex. The Rev. A. C. J. Eastwood has been appointed Priest-incharge of St. Mary's Mission, Portsmouth. R. D. R. Evans has obtained an appointment on a farm at Beaconsfield. B. C. Eyles has obtained an appointment with the firm of Robert R . Buck and Sons Ltd., Carlisle. P. A. H. Farrant holds an appointment with the Consolidated Zinc Corporation Ltd. M. J. Fawcett has obtained an appointment with Henry Gardner & Co. Ltd., London. A. H. Foot has been appointed assistant master at Russell School, Ballocks, Addington, Croydon. N. S. Forbes has been appointed to the staff of the Newcastle~ on-Tyne office of the Halifax Building Society. R. E. Ford has been appointed assistant master at Chatham House Grammar School, Ramsgate. J. E. Frame. has been appointed a: general management trainee wi th the British Belting and .Asbestos Company.



P. ]. Frankis has been appointed second Hauptlektor m the Department of English at Tubingen University. J. D. Fromant has been appointed assistant master at Clifton College. A. T . Gaydon has been admitted to the course for the Diploma in the Study of Records and the Administration of Archives at Liverpool University. S. E. George holds an appointment in the finance department of the L.C.C. P. W. Glover is to be congratulated on being awarded a Paul Harris Foundation Fellowship of the Rotary International. He has been pursuing a course of research at the University of Alabama. The Rev . W. D. Gower-Jones has been appointed Secretary of the Youth and Education Committee of the S.P.G. C. N. Gowing is Curator of the Alton Museum. J. C. Graffy has been appointed a business trainee with Messrs. Foote, Core and Beldine, advertising agents. H. N. Grindrod has obtained an appointment as an Assistant Probation Officer under the Home Office. J. G. C. Halley is ta king a course in business administration at the Manchester School of Technology. Captain H. Hamill has been serving in Korea as Adjutant of the First Royal Ulster Rifles. N. S. Haile has obtained an appointment in the Geological Survey Department, Kuching, Sarawak. W. Hardy is studying for the Diploma in Education at University College, Leicester. The Rev. J. Hardyman, having returned from Madagascar, has resumed his ministry at New Marston Congregational Church, Oxford. H. S. Harris has been awarded a University Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of 1Ilinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. M. de L. Hart has been appointed assistant master .at Hilton College, Natal, S. Africa . P. M. Haynes has been appointed a reader at the O xford University ¡ Press . . The Rev. M. M. Hennell has .been appointed Senior Tutor at St. Aidan's College, Birkenhead. The Rev. G. Henshaw has been appointed assistant curate at Wednesbury Parish Church, Staffs.



C. R . Hill has begun his National Service and is serving in the R.E .M.E. J. J. Hogan is training for ordination a t Wells Theological College . P. E. M. Holmes has been appointed assistant master at Clifton College Preparatory School. The Rev. R . T . Holtby has been serving as Chaplain to the Nee Soon Garrison, Singapore. The Rev. R . L. Hordern, lately Deputy Assistant ChaplainGeneral to the Forces, has been appointed Rector. of Collyweston, Peterborough. J. E. G. Howa rth has been appointed to the staff of Messrs. Baerlein Brothers Ltd., Manchester. J . P . S . Howe is training for ordination at W estcott House, Cambridge. The Rev. W. A. W. Jarvis is serving as Chaplain of St. Stephen's College, Delhi. D. P. Jones has been appointed assistant master at Southfield School , Oxford. P. R. Jones has been articled to the Town Clerk of Homsey. D. N. F. Kempston has been appointed Export Manager with the Curtis Distillery Company. R. V. Kings has been appointed to the staff of the British Tabulating Machine Co. Ltd . D. M. Kirby has been appointed a production management trainee at the Bata Shoe Factory, East Tilbury. A. J . Knight, a fter se rving with the Anglo-Iranian Petroleum Company , has been appointed assistant master at Boston Grammar School, Lines. M. G. Knight holds a teaching appointment at Hill School, Nuwa ra Elya , Ceylon. M. J. P. Lancaster has obtained a managerial traineeship with City Motors Ltd ., Oxford. H. A. B. Latimer has obtained an appointment in the London office of the Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd. H . R. McK. Law is training for ordination at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. J. A. G. C. Law is articled to the firm of Cowley & Allen, Chartered Accountants, Abingdon. The Rev. A. Lee has been obliged, owing to the policy of the regime, to leave Szech:van, China, and is temporarily at St. Ambrose Vicarage, St. George, Bristol.



D. D: Lees has been appointed assistant master at Haileybury College. H. A. Leverett has been appointed to a traineeship with the firm of Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co. Ltd., Chartered Accountants. The Rev. E . Lewis has been appointed assist.ant curate at St. Paul's Church, Llanelly. A. R. J. Lloyd has left the Cotton Board and has been appointed Methods Manager with Messrs. Banister Bros. and Co. Ltd., Ribchester, near Preston. H. A. R. Long has been admitted to Fitzwilliam House,¡ Cambridge, and is reading for the Honour School of Estate Management at the University . Lieut-Col. E. E. Lowe has been Headmaster and Deputy Commandant of The Duke of York's Royal Military School, Dover, since 1949. The Rev. N. McDermid has been appointed assistant curate at Leeds Parish Church. C. A. A. MacPhee has been appointed research physicist with the Plessey Company, Towcester. C. W. Marston has taken up an appointment with Marston Lubricants Ltd., Rock Ferry Oil Works, Birkenhead. The Rev. J. F. Martin has been appointed Rector of St. Paul's Church, Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.A. The Rev. E. L. Millen has been appointed Prebendary of Wells Cathedral. G. A. K. Missen, after being recalled to the Army for service in Japan as Pathologist to 29 British General Hospital, has been demobilised and admitted to the London Post-Graduate Medical School. M. J. Montgomery has obtained an appointment with the Royal Insurance Company. The Rev. E. G. Mortimer has been appointed Perpetual Curate and titular Vicar of Langcot with Fernham, Bucks. K. A. Muir is to be congratulated on his appointment as King Alfred Professor of English at the University of Liverpool. E. E. Murphy has embarked on his period of National Service. and is serving in the U.S. Army Air Force. F. R. H. Murray has been transferred from the Foreign Office to Madrid, where he is Counsellor to H .M . Embassy. P. H . G. Newhouse, after being Head of the British Information Office at Freiburg, has been' appointed to the Press and



Publicity Headquarters of the British Control Commission of Germany at vVahneheide. He is to be congratulated on having been elected a member of the Freiburg University Hockey 1 First XI. T.V. Nicholson, O.B.E., is Assistant Chief Docks Manager of the Dock and Inland Waterways Executive, Hull. The Rev. A. H. Overell has been appointed assistant curate at SS. Mary and Chad's Parish Church, Stoke-on-Trent. C. R. Owston has been appointed General Manager of the new factory established by Messrs. Blundell, Spence & Co. Ltd., paint manufacturers, at Newcastle. The Rev. H . H. E. Peacock has been appointed Chaplain at Bedford School. l\I. Paterson has been appointed Educational/ Administrative ..\ssistant with the Institute of Export. The Rev. N. A. Perry-Gore has been appointed Rural Dean of St. Marylebone. M. Pike has been appointed to the Colonial Service, and is at . the London School of Colonial Studies. The Rev. Canon C. A. Plaxton has been appointed Archdeacon of Y\.iltshire and Rector of Pewsey, Wilts. A. T. G. Pocock has obtained an appointment with the Oxford Uni\¡ersity Press as assi~tant editor of the junior Encyclopaedia. M . B. R. Preece has been promoted to the position of senior master at Bedstone School, Bucknell, Salop . E. G. Price has been appointed assistant master at King Edward's School, Aston, Birmingham. The Rev. R. G. Pusey has been appointed Vicar¡ of St . Thomas 's, Stourbridge. E. Rhodes has been appointed a business trainee with Messrs. Marks and Spencer Ltd. J. G. ' Rideout holds the position of Assistant Professor of English, Idaho State College, Pocatello, Idaho, U.S.A. C. R. Ritcheson has been appointed Assistant Professor of History at Oklahoma College for \,\Tomen, Oklahoma, U.S.A. P. L. Roussel has been appointed Assistant District Commissioner in Malahal, Upper Nile Province, Sudan. J. E. M. G. Russell has been appointed an Agricultural Talks Producer in the Scottish Broadcasting Company. D. H. G. Salt holds an appointment with the B.B.C. in Cyprus. L. G. D. Sanders has been appointed assistant master in music . at Scarborough College.





The Rev. J. G. M. Scott has been appointed assistant curate at St. Thomas's Church, Exeter. The Very Rev. G. F. Seaver has been appointed Dean of Ossory, Kilkenny, Ireland. M. R. Seymour-Smith has taken up a tutorial post with an English family in Majorca, and is also e~gaged in literary journalism. D. J. A. Shears has been appointed to the Pakistan office of Messrs. Reuters. T. W . Silkstone is training for ordination at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. J. Sinclair has been appointed assistant master at King Edward VII School, Sheffield. C. A. H. Skelton has been appointed assistant typographer in the firm of Hazell, Watson & Viney Ltd., Aylesbury. R. W. M. Skinner is training for ordination at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. A. P. L. Slater has been appointed ass¡istant master at Kent College, Canterbury. K. F. Smart has obtained an appointment at a Teachers' Training College under the Education Department, Tamale, Gold Coast. P. G. Smart is a partner in the firm of Langham, Parkin &. Mason, Solicitors, Eastbourne. The Rev. R. C. Smith has been appointed Vicar of Upton, Notts. J. '\\' .E. Snelling has obtained an appointment in the Government Communications Headquarters (Foreign Office). J. E. Sowden, having obtained the degree of B.Sc. in Estate Management at London University, holds an appointment with Messrs. Alexande r Robertson, Estate Managers, Lincoln's Inn Fields. The Rev. J.E. Spence has been admitted to the Bush Brotherhood 'and is stationed at St. Paul's Church, Winton, Queensland, , Australia . The Rev. P. s . Sprent has been appointed Vicar of Holy Trinity, \!Veymouth. The Rev. J. B. Squire has been appointed Vicar of Holy Trinity, Bridgwater, Somerset. N. D . Stacey is training for ordination at Cuddesdon College. J. F. Stephens has been appointed assistant master at North1 field Secondary s~hool, Littlemore, 0xford.



D. L. Stevens, after holding a temporary appointment at Liverpool Collegiate School, has been admitted to Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and is reading for the Diploma in Education at the Cambridge University Department of Education. P. R. Stott has been appointed assistant master at Liverpool College. H. E. Street has been appointed personal assistant to the managing director of Messrs. Sibyl Colefax & John Fowler Ltd., Decorators. M. J. Summerlee has been appointed assistant master at Faver.s ham Grammar School, Kent. The Rev. G. Sunderland has been a_d mitted as a postulant at the Benedictine Abbey of Nashdom, Burnham, Bucks. Lieut. P. S. Taylor has been granted a short-service commission in the Royal Navy. C. B. Tembey has been appointed a Personnel Officer with Messrs. Kodak Ltd., Wealdstone, Harrow. The Rev. D. L. Thawley has been appointed assistant curate at the Church of the Ascension, Bitterne Park, Southampton. , B. F. vV. Thomas has been appointed assistant secretary to the Governors of King's College Hospital, London. D: M. Thomas has obtained an appointment with the Canada T~ife Assurance Company. G. H. Thompson has been appointed University Demonstrator in Entomology. J. P. Thorp has been ,appointed Headmaster of Holly Lodge Grammar School, Smethwick. D. P . Tidy has been appointed a colonial administrative officer in Banchi Province, N. Nigeria. J. D. Todd has been appointed Departmental Demonstrator in the School of Engineering. G. S. Tothill has been appointed assistant master at Ashville College, Harrogate. The Rev. J. C. Townsend has been appointed assistant curate at St. Mary's Priory Church, Usk. R. Tracey has been appointed a technical author in the publicity department of Messrs. Kodak Ltd., Harrow. A. J. Trythall has been appointed assistant master at Whitemoor Secondary Modern School, Coventry. B. Tulloch has been appointed to a traineeship with Messrs. Yardley and Co.


ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE M. Turl has been appointed assistant maste~ at Erith County Grammar School. The Rev. K. Unwin has been appointed assistant curate at All Saints Parish Church, Leeds. E. Urry has been appointed Headmaster of the Secondary :\1odern School, Ca~s.tor,. Lines. The Rev . W. A. L. Vincent has been appointed Chaplain and Lecturer at Chester Diocesan Training College. R. Vincent~Jones has been appointed Assistant Superintendent of Police in the Colonial Service, Nigeria. F. E. W akelin has been appointed assistant master at Birkenhead School. The Rev. J. G. Weatherston has been appointed Secretary of the Youth and Education Department of the S .P.G. The Right Rev. E. R . Welles, Bishop of West Missouri, is to be congratulated on being granted (in 1950) the honorary degree of D.D . by Nashotah House, Wisconsin, of D.D. by MissouriValley College, and of S.T.D. by the General Theological Seminary, '.'Jew York. J. B. vVeston has gone on a year's tour of universities in the U.S.A. in the service of the Inter-Varsity Christian FeHowship. T. D. Weston has been appointed assistant master at Thistley Hough School for Girls, Penkhull, Stoke-on~Trent. The Rev. H. V . Whitsey has been appointed Vicar of St. Paul's, Farington, Lanes. V. M. Wilford has been appointed assistant master at Lakefield Preparatory School, Lakefield, Ontario. . H. A. Wills has been appointed to the Department of Extra\foral Studies at Sheffield University. P. G. Winch has been appointed assistant lecturer in Philosophy at University College, Swansea. M. C. Winsor-Cundell has been appointed to the India office of Messrs. Jardine & Henderson & Co. Ltd . . G. H. vVinter, of the Inner Temple, has been called to the Bar. The Rev. E . B. Wood has been appointed assistant curate in the parish of St. Mary, Cheshunt. F. B. Wood has been appointed Headmaster of the Grammar School, Freetown, Sierra' Leone. D. A. H . Wright has left Chicago and, on promotion to Counsellor in H.M. Foreign Service, has been appointed head of the Economic Relations Department of the Foreign Office.



H. A. Wydell has been appointed assistant manager of the University Field Station, Wytham. BIRTHS J. Bull: a. son, Peter, on .19 September, 1951. D . R. V. Chewter: a daughter, Catherine Linda, on 6 May. F. F. Clemence: a son, John Frederick, on 20 June. F. Vv. Coss tick : a daughter, Ann Victoria, on 28 February. !VI. F. H. Ellerton: a daughter, Jane Marianne, on 19 August. H. I. Fuller: a son, Peter Irwin, on 9 April (Easter Sunday). P.H. Harris: a son, Anthony Jonathan Holtby, on 11 March. G. L. Hodgson: a son, John Anthony, on 30 January (baptized in the Chapel on 17 June). The Rev. R. T. Holtby: a daughter, Caroline, on 20 August. The Rev. T. 0. Hoyle: a daughter, Deborah Mary, on 24 January. The Rev. w_. W. S. March: a son, Luke Henry Walter, in Utrecht, on 18 April. C. W. Marston: a son, John Whinnerah, on 5 February. R . Mclsaac: a son, Anthony James, on 25 October, 1951. vV. S. Mills: a daughter, Pamela Siobhan, on 24 July. J. Pike: a son, Michael Graham, on 7 June, 1950. The Rev. K. R. Prebble: a son, Mark;, on 12 May. A. P. Smith.: a daughter, Patricia Margaret, on 27 August, 1947; a son, Alexander Peter Percival, on 23 August, 1950. P. J.C. Smith: a daughter, Elizabeth Colleen, on 28 April, ¡1949; a son, Roger Chalmers, on 25 May, 1950. E. D. Sprague: a daughter, Emily Helen, on 1 August. The Rev. D. R . Tassell: a son, Jimmy, on 9 December, 1950. B. F. VV. Thomas: a daughter, Susan, on 4 June. D. P. Tidy: a son, Jeremy Paul, on 5 April (baptized in the Chapel on 7 June). G. D. West: a son, John Martin Ingram, on 6 January, 1950. The Rev. H. V. '11/hitsey: a daughter, .Elizabeth Rachel, on 28 September. MARRIAGES M. S. Bradfield married Jacqueline Gilbert at Emmanuel Church, Boston, U.S.A., on 28 July. The Rev. A. R. Duncan-Jones married Jean Mackenzie at Chichester Cathedral on 22 September. A. Foot married Lorna Bloy at St. Peter's-in-the-East, Oxford, on 1 August .



R. G. Furnival married Barbara Anne Evans at the Chelsea Register Office on 28 July. P. M. Haynes married Pamela Sarah Powell at St. Mary 's Church, Addington, on l December. The Rev. G. Henshaw married Amy Elizabeth Crank at St. John's Church, Leamington Spa, on 30 October. The Rev. C. S. Hope married Dorothea Mary Lecky at St. Mary's Church, Hunton, Kent, on 20 June. A. R. J. Lloyd married Bodil Vivian Andersen at St. Canute's Cathedral, Odense, Denmark, on l September. The Re¡v . J. McManners married Sarah Errington at St. Oswald's Church, Durham, on 27 December. The Rev. J. F. Martin married Dorothy Louise McCloskey at St. Paul's Church, Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.A., on 9 June. T. W. Silkstone married Sheila Horsfield at St. Giles' Church, Oxford, on 7 July. A. P. Smith married Margaret Austin at Timperley Parish Church on 2 October, 1946. E. M. Smith married Mary E. Francis at St. Mary's Church, Alverstoke, on 31 March. I. P. Smith married Elizabeth Margaret Rigby at Worsley Parish Church on 31 March. P. S. Taylor married Mary Twomey at St. Peter's Church, Newton, on 27 June. D. J. R. Thomas married Joyce Betts at St. Peter's Church, West Blatchington, Hove, on ¡6 October. The Rev. J. C. Townsend married Anne Rowcroft at Frankley Parish Church on 26 May. AULARIAN OBITUARY The Right Reverend A. H. Browne, D.D., LL.D., -Bishop of Barbados (Matriculated 1884) died June 195!. The Rev. H. S. Glover (Matriculated 1887) died 24 April, l95I. The Rev. E. A. Phillips (Matriculated 1888) died 24 December, 195!. Major R. Gray, M.C. (Matriculated 1894) died 24 September, 195!. The Rev. C. M. P. Heath (Matriculated lgoo) died 31 August, l95I. The Rev. G. P. Cooper (Matriculated 1919) died l December, 1950.



A. A. Gordon (Matriculated 1921) died June, 1950. The Rev. D. J. Cockle (Matriculated 1928) died June 1951. J. :.\L Howard (Matriculated 1942) died 6 March, 1946. ORDINATIONS The Rev. R. Austin, priest (Durham). The Rev. P. P. Blay, deacon (Sheffield). The Rev. C.R. Campling, deacon (Winchester). The Rev. J. B. Evans, deacon (Monmouth). The Rev. C. S. Hope, deacon (Leicester). The Rev. T. 0. Hoyle, priest (St. Albans). The Rev. J. M. S . King, priest (Durham). The Rev. E. Lewis, deacon (Swansea and Brecon). The Rev. N. McDermid, deacon (Ripon). The ReY. W. H. Murdoch, priest (Carlisle). The Rev. A. H. Overell, deacon (Lichfie!d). The Re\'. S. Salter, priest (Chichester). The Rev. J. G. M. Scott, deacon (Exeter). The ReL D. L. Thawley, deacon (Winchester) . . The ReY. J.C. Townsend, priest (Monmouth). The Rev . K. Unwin, deacon (Ripon). The Rev. D. Walser, priest (Bristol). The Rev. E. B. Wood , deacon (St. Albans) .


.President- N. A.

Vice-President-D . M.


Secretary -





The activities of the Society got off to a fine start in the opening meeting, when, in company with the ladies of O.U.I.D.A., the House considered ·whether or not the modern attitude to life . could be summed up in the phrase 'Pull the ladder up, Jack, I'm · all right.' The motion being rather obscure, the remarks of the speakers covered a wide variety of topics. In an endeavour to . assist them in getting to grips with the subject, a ladder was introduced into the Hall. It had singularly little success. The · Society was delighted with the excellent speeches made by its



guests, particularly by that of Miss Margaret Beer who moved the House with a touching little fairy story, the moral of which she summed up in the words, ' To-day a damsel in distress remains distressed.' D. M. Forster proposed the motion, being ably supported by the Secretary, and carried the House with him. The Society paid a visit to St. John's College on 18 February to debate the. motion that ' This House takes no pride in its inheritance.' The Society's representatives were D. M. Forster, J. D , S. Purves and T. P. Kelly. A very enjoyable time was had by all; the motion, however, was lost. For the second home debate the President failed to appear, and the House reluctantly, but firmly, resolved, nemine contradicente, that rule 11 of the Constitution be put into effect. This rule prescribes that any officer who fails to appear at any of the Society's meetings shall be publicly flogged by the other officers. The House then proceeded to Public Business and J. D. Hanson proposed the motion ' That this House would fight for its honour ' in a serious , able and coherent speech. A. A. Dudman, opposing, outlined his pugilistic experiences, of which he had a considerable wealth. He was followed by N. G. Barnett, who treated the subject with the seriousness he considered it deserved. The Chaplain, the Society's guest for the evening, then treated the House to an extremely entertaining speech, a mixture of scintillating wit and unimpeachable logic, which played a large part in securing the defeat of the motion. ¡ At the third and last meeting of the term, the President was back in the chair. He successfully avoided the punishment agreed on at the previous meeting, and welcomed the members of the Trillick Society of St. Peter's Hall before calling on N. D. Stacey to move ' That this House would rather be a live Communist than a dead Democrat.' The proposer established to his own satisfaction that democracy was founded on ' selfishness, capitalism and bourgeois hypocrisy.' He did not satisfy J. F. R. Bonguard of St. Peter's Hall who opposed, using arguments taken from Hindu philosophy. K. C. Messere of St. Peter's Hall, spoke third and added some able arguments. The President followed with his farewell speech. He obviously felt strongly on the matter and devoted his great eloquence to what was, for him, an unusually serious speech. V. R. Bloom and B. T. Gibson consolidated the cases put for and against the motion, which was rejected by a small majority. J.D.S .P.



President - D.


Secretary -

Vice-President R. J. L. BREESE


C. D.


At the first debate of term, at which members of St. Catherine's Debating Society were present, the motion was ' That this House prefers a young head on old shoulders to an old head on young shoulders,' proposed by the Vice-President in his own inimitable style. He considered that the motion presented a pair of incongruous combinations, and went on to consider combinations in general. H. A. R. Long opposed and made a stirring speech despite the red herrings periodical1y introduced by N. A. Dromgoole. N. D. H. Brampton and R. B. Treadaway spoke for the motion and against it on behalf of the visitors. K. M. Horner succeeded in making his point despite numerous interruptions and J. D . Hanson spoke last on the paper. The House eventually divided and carried the motion by a majority of two. The only other meeting of term was called to consider whether .the marriage tie was an unnatural and unnecessary limitation on the ffee conduct of society. C . A. Blackman, proposing, in his last speech to the Society, thought it was and said so in no uncertain terms, though with uncertain logic. S. B. Pierce opposed the motion equally forcefully. J. D. S . Purves spoke third, :somewhat irrelevantly and J. D. Hanson replied in similar terms . The Secretary exhorted the House to emulate the behaviour of Boswell , and the President then rose to make his farewell speech . He recalled the highlights of his term of office, was polite to his officers, and then turned the full powers of the Presidential peroration to the subject of debate. Whereupon, the vacillating opinions of the assembly swung sharply against the motion and , after several excellent floor speeches, it was defeated by a large majority. J.D.S.P. MICHAELMAS TERM

President- J. E. D. HoLMES Vice-President-S. Secretary- J. D. S. PURVES


The first meeting of term saw an encouragingly large number of Freshmen in attendance, and some excellent maiden speeches were made. It was of great regret to the House that the elected President, J. E. D. Holmes, was not present because of his illness . . In these circumstances new elections were held, and S. B. Pierce



moved up from Vice-President to President and K. M. Horner filled the resulting vacancy. The motion before the House was ' That this House is of the opinion that the country is suffering from a surfeit of Democracy and Politics,' ably moved by H. A. Shearring who set a tone of seri.ous debate not always present at the Society's meetings, and one which the Secretary, opposing, was not able to live up to. D. Bloom, a Freshman , made an excellent paper speech with confidence and fluency. J. D . Hanson spoke last on the paper, bufhis experience was not able to sway the feeling of the House and, after some entertaining floor speeches, the motion was carried by eight votes. The second debate saw the visit of O .U.l.D .A., and a rise in the attendance figures. An entertaining evening was spent considering the motion ' That this House has no Confidence.' N. G. Barnett proposed, and forecast dire penalties for the male sex, which, he averred, was steadily losing its confidence under the constant attacks of women. It would not be long before the B.B.C. ¡began broadcasting ' Man's Hour' and ' Listen with Father.' :\1argaret Strahan opposed this sentiment with vigour and charm. Other paper speakers were D. Forster and Ann Constable. The motion was eventually lost by an encouraging majority. The last meeting of term was called to decide whether ' This tiouse prefers Karl to Groucho Marx. ' J. G. Ridd made a persuasive speech in proposing the motion and was well supported by A. R. Stewart. But the House had made up its mind that it did not like Karl and, after hearing the views expressed by the President, making his fareweil speech, and K . M. Horner, they ,-oted unanimously to reject the proposition, only two movers raising their arms in favour. The election for next term's officers resulted in K. M. Horner becoming President, J. D. S. Purves, Vice-President, and J. G. Ridd ~ Secretary. J.D.S.P .



President - P. G. WINCH The term brought forth a variety of topics concealed, in the words of an ex-President. now in America, under an obscurity of titles well worthy of the traditions of the Society. E. D. Sprague, in' Home on the Range,' examined the state of the Wild Western story m an essa~; well-spiced with . fascinating excerpts of the



genre which he had examined under the suspicious eye of the Assistant in Duke Humphrey. The discussion , surprisingly enough, centred around the topic of the Heroic Age as exemplified by_the \Y ild \i\iest tradition. D. A. Singleton's' Pantuns' was a learned disquisition of a mixed anthropological, literary and philosophical kind. Some aspects of ' Philoclosetry' were dealt with by A. A. Dudman in his essay ' Collector's Piece.' The discussion showed members to be already well-versed in the mysteries of the subject. · 'Death Dangling,' by D. H. E . Wainwright, despite its 'whodunit' title, was a serious apologia for the work of Denton Welch, which ·did not, however, succeed in allaying the scepticism of some members regarding Welch's literary merits. H. Crane contributed a critical discussion of modern architecture with his ' Per Ardua ad Nihil,' and H . ..\.. R . Long's 'Men and their Institutions' considered the relation between national characteristics and national institutions. The discussion of the latter essay was distinguished by some sharp exchanges as to whether or not such things as · national characteristics ' could be properly said to exist at all. The Presidential Essay, ' Through a Glass ·Darkly,' was an examination of the notion of Natural Law and an attempt to illustrate the typical genesis of philosophical puzzles. The weightiness of the theme, however, combined ill with the mulled claret of the Presidential Meeting as far as stimulating discussion was concerned. P.G.W. TRINITY TERM



The President's first action, after being installed at the end of Hilary Term, was to call an extraordinary meeting of the Society to discuss plans for the celebration of the Society's 5ooth l\Ieeting. The last meeting of Trinity Term would be number 499, and N. (Williams, an ex-President of the Society, proposed that a special meeting, the 5ooth, should be held in the last week of Trinity Term-a traditionally convivial season - and this proposal received unanimous support'. N. T. Andrews initiated the Trinity Term essay readings with an exposition of some aspects of the coal industry, entitled 'The Seamy Side,' in which large-scale national problems were illuminated by first ha nd underground experience. In 'Drains and Dustbins, ' N. G. Barnett propounded some original theories on local gO\·ernment organisation , exhorting the Borough Council to corn-



pete with Messrs. Lyons and Company and :\lr. Rank in an orgy of public enterprise. L. E. Bath introduced a fascinating account of Australian folk-song with some nostalgic reminiscences of the Antipodes, the whole under the title ' Night and the Bush.' The following week R. C . Hayes, in his essay ' Lest we Forget' made a penetrating investigation of the moral and legal problems involved in the international trial of war criminals. The title 'Chiaroscuro' concealed H. Lear's ardent crusade for the emancipation of womankind, in which erudite quotations from diverse literary sources almost persuaded the essayist's opponents both that women are enslaved and that they wished their lot to be substantially changed. An account .of a country walk introduced some pleasantly diffident intellectual rambling in 'Where there's Smoke there 's . . . , ' during the course of which the essayist, J. McElheran, demonstrated that there need be nothing volcanic about smoke coming out of the ground. At the 499th Meeting, J. M. Jaffey was elected President for Michaelmas Term, and the retiring President made a rash venture into ¡the realms of philosophy in his essay entitled 'The evidence of things not seen,' after: which ~e was subjected to a viva by a board of P.P.E. members. He was graciously passed with a warning that it had all been said before by Spinoza. The 5ooth Meeting of the Society was celebrated on 14 June. A dinner was held at the neighbouring hostelry long renowned as a resort of the more serious-minded members of the Society. Afterwards, in the J.C.R., with E. G. Midgley presiding, an essay was read by A. Ward, the senior ex-President in residence, entitled ' Memorial,' in which thoughts of the past were offset by gl~omy forebodings of the future. The Society was honoured by the presence of the S.C.R. as guests, and by several former members, one of whom travelled from Yorkshire for the occasion. In celebration of this memorable occasion, the Society presented a pewter tankard to the Hall; inscribed, as seemed most fitting, in English. E.J.M. MICHAEDIAS TERM

President- J. M.


As usual , attendance at meetings was good at the beginning of term, falling off around the middle, and growing to a maximum and a climax at the Presidential Meeting.



E. J. Morgan started the term with his essay ' Brainwaves ' ;md treated from a serious and intellectual standpoint, paranormal occurrences such as telepathy and clairvoyance, describing scientific experiments in this sphere. Later in term E . L. Cunnell read an essay entitled ' Things that go bump in the :Night,' treating this same theme from the lowbrow and sensational aspect and analysing our favourite ghosts and poltergeists. In the discussion following both essays many members found an opportunity of airing their own ' funny peculiar ' stories. A. A. Dudman provided the Society with an interesting picture of modern Spain, the result of observation during a recent tour of that country. One was not left in much doubt as to the unsavoury nature of the regime, and his title ' Fiesta for a Few' was very apt. M. W. Parkin in his essay 'Living,' rebelled against the tendency in modern society to place security and certainty above all else, and expressed concern at the general antipathy which permeated all activities. For life to be really worthwile there must . be an element of adventure and a measure of pain must be accepted with the pleasure. R. T. Beckwith made a bold attempt in an essay entitled ' Why Believe? ' to persuade members that they had been neglecting an important sphere of activity, and that it would be to their advantage to enter the fold of the Church. A. H. W.. Nias' essay 'Dynamic Hypothesis' brought up, from the scientist's point of view, the much-discussed question of the relation between mind and body. The final essay of term was the President's 'The Biological Factor,' a treatment of the importance of heredity among individuals , nations, races and social classes. J.M.]. THE MUSICAL SOCIETY HILARY TERM

President - T. W. SILK STONE

Secretary -


The activities of the Musical Society this Term were confined to the presentation of a Concert in Hall on the evening of Monday, 19 February, in Torpids Week. The programme was as follows. r. Overture for two clarinets and horn Handel B. J. WICKER and C. HALLEY, S. SMITH (Christ Church)

44 2.

ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE Songs Auch kleine Dinge Konnen Rastlose Liebe Du bist die Ruh CATHERINE FOSTER Quartet from Fidelio (Act I) CATHERINE FOSTER, R. A. ADCOCK SHEILA HORSFIELD, J. V. CocKSHOOT Acco mpanist: T. W. SILKSTONE

Wolf Schubert Schubert Beethoven


3· Two Arabesques Number r in E. Number 2 in E. R. D. STRAPPS

4· Adagio from Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 R. A. ADCOCK, A. J. BRIMBLE, A. B. CURRY



0. WARD,

5. Male Voice Quartets Purcell When the cock begins to crow Bantock 0, sweet delight Calcott Go, idle boy p. J. FRANKIS, w. R. MILLER, c. H. DAVIDSON, M. B. FOSTER 6. Sonata in F Sharp (Op. 78) J. V. COCK SHOOT


7. Madrigals Dowland Wilbye Wilbye

Say, love, if ever thou did'st find Ah, cannot sighs nor tears Softly, softly drop, mine eyes ST. EDMUND HALL AND ST. ANNE'S SOCIETY MADRIGAL GROUP


President- R. D. STRAPPS

Secretary-A. B. CURRY

On Monday, 21 May, the Society held its annual Eights Week Concert. Happily , after an unsettled afternoon, the weather set fair for the evening's entertainment to be held in the quadrangle, a setting which gave a much more appropriate atmosphere to the last item of the programme. The programme was as follows. 1.

Fantasia in F minor (Op. 103) H. M. N. H. IRVING and G. D. RAMSAY

S chubert



Songs If my complaints Dowland I 'll sail upon the Dog-star Purcell Little Sir William Britten The Ploughboy Britten ] . H. B. WILLIAMS accompa nied by T. W. SILKSTONE

3. Madrigals The Silver Swan · Dainty Fine Bird Fair Phyllis CATHERINE FOSTER, R. A. ADCOCK, SHEILA HORSFIELD, J. V. COCK SHOOT, PADDY WORDINGHAM, A. B. CURRY 4. ~n ~ May Morning (from Sarnia) ·. r . J. V. CocKSHOOT

Gibbons Gibbons Farmer


,-). ,_ Concerto on themes from Pergolesi Barbirolli D. B. HEFFER accompanied by R. D. STRAPPS 6. CANTICUM AuLARE for chorus and pianoforte Cockshoot The poem by E. G. Midgley, the work dedicated 'To the Principal, Fellows, and Members of the Hall ' CATHERINE FOSTER, P. J. FRANKIS, SEBEL DESTA, c. H. DAVIDSON, SHEILA VAREY, J. R. DOWNES, MARY BROWN, R. E. WADDINGTON-JONES, ISABEL GLOVER, w. R. MILLER, PATRICIA SANDLE, J. ]. CONGDON, . PADDY WORDINGHAM, A. B. CURRY, ELIZABETH HILTON, M. B. FOSTER, R. D. STRAPPS Conducted by the Composer At the last General Meeting of the Term the constitution was revised in order that new officers be elected in future at the end of every Hilary Term, as this would relieve the President of responsibilities during his Schools Term. A.B.C. MICHAELMAS TERM

President - R. D. STRAPPS

Secretary-A. B. CURRY

The Society's activities were limited to the annual Carol Service which was given on the evening of Mon,day, 3 December, in the· Church of St. Peter-in-the-East. The order of service was as follows : OPENING PRAYER HYMN Hark the glad sound (E. H. 6)




Down in yon forest A Virgin most pure Ding dong! Merrily on high

arr. Vaughan Williams arr. Martin Shaw French Carol (1588)


A' great and mighty wonder (E.H. 19) CAROLS

0 Little One sweet Tyrley, tyrlow Coventry Carol

Scheidt, arr. ]. S. Bach arr. Peter Warlock arr. Martin Shaw


0 little town of Bethlehem (E.H. 15) CAROLS

Sans Day Carol The Three Kings The Garden of Jesus

arr. Martin Shaw Peter Cornelius arr . Geoffrey Shaw


0 come, all ye faithful (E.H. 28) CHORAL

Thee with tender care I 'II cherish

]. S. Bach


The carols were linked by readings from Holy Scripture which were read by D . A. A. Weston . The organ was played by D. H. E. \Vainwright, the President conducted, and the Chaplain led the Service. R.D.S. THE LIDDON SOCIETY HILARY TERM

No meetings of the Society were held. TRINITY TERM

Chairman - J. J. HOGAN On 8 May, the Rev. Dr. L. W. Grensted spoke on 'The Relation between Psychology and Religion.' After defining the methods of psychology, he said that the conception of God or reality begins as a projection out of man's inner consciousness. In the Christian religion this projection comes to be related to .his knowledge of the Bible, of Jesus Christ and of human life, until man makes an act of faith that it corresponds to reality and, in



doing so, he finds that it does correspond. The speaker then dwelt at some length on the psychological aspects of prayer, saying that while it was agreed that prayer is auto-suggestion, such an admission in no way invalidated its reality or disconnected it from God. The questions following the address ranged from the difference between true and false religion to the phenomena of spiritualism and the pre-cognition of the Old Testament Prophets. In r.e sponse to one of these, the speaker stated that psychology, while throwing little light on Christ's inner consciousness, had to admit that the impression left by Christ on his contemporaries - of One unconscious of any sense of shame such as universally accompanies sin, or of any sense of separation from God - was unique m human experience. C.H.D.


Chairman-C. H.


The Michaelmas Term meeting of the Society took place on 8 November in the Junior Dean's rooms, when the Most Rev. H . C. Hubback, lately Bishop of Calcutta and Metropolitan of India, spoke on ' The Work of the Church in India.' He said that his description was of the Indian Church before the transfer of power in 1947. There were then three types of clergy: the missionaries (C.M.S., S .P.G., the Cowley Fathers and the Oxford Mission to Calcutta), the government chaplains and the diocesan chaplains. The government chaplains and some of the bishops and diocesan chaplains were supported by the State, and consequently when the new government ceased to provide money for any religion, became very hard up. The best and most obvious missionary work was done in the south, but even there it was very difficult to make the Indians eYangelise their own country, particularly as there was very little .to take the place of the family in the present Christian set-up. The speaker then went on to describe the Church of South India. In 1947 the four southern Anglican dioceses of Madras, Travancore, Tinnerelly and Dornakal joined with the Presbyterian, Congregational and Wesleyan communities of the district to form one church. The experiment, he said, would be watched with interest and hope , but he himself was of the opinion that unity of admin.istration without unity of spirit was useless . C.H.D.



President- M


Secretary- J. S.


The Society was revived at the beginning of this term, in which three meetings were held. Two of these were devoted to the normal pusiness of the Society, the reading and discussion of members¡ original writing. The work produced so far has been very much ' work in progress ' but has revealed one thing- the number of potential novelists in the Hall. The third meeting was addressed over sherry by Mr. Max Wykes. Joyce. He spoke on 'The Twenties,' and gave a stimulating account of the artistic vigour of that decade. Less encouraging to the yet unpublished were his comments on the difficulties facing writers to-day. M. Baldwin has a slim volume o~ the brink of publication and at the meetings still frantically pursues the all-embracing image, whilst J. B. Price, D. H. E. Wainwright and K. M. Horner explore the theme of loneliness. This has been an inaugural term. J.S.J. THE JOHN OLDHAM SOCIETY HILARY TERM

President- D.


Secretary-NI. B.


The Society began the term full of excitement, as it had been decided that it should produce Marlowe's 'Edward II ' and present it the following term. This was to be the first play the Hall had produced for a great number of years, and much of the term was given up to rehearsals. Time was found, however, for two readings before production got under way. The first reading was the result of an invitation from the Dramatic Society of Lady Margaret Hall to read a play with them - the Secretary finding himself choosing it fqr them - and then a band of pilgrims made the golden journey to Norham Gardens and read James Elroy Flecker's 'Hassan.' The reading came to a premature end before the final verse chorus, as the porter of the night was about to lock up. The other reading was one made before auditions started for 'Edward II,' to give intending actors an idea of the play. It _took place in A. A: Dudman's rooms in the Hall and two ladies from St. Anne's Society assisted with the female parts. M.B.F.



Preside11t-A. A.


Secretary-D. G.


The Society's play-reading activities were necessarily curtailed by its production of Marlowe's' Edward II,' which is reviewed elsewhere in this magazine. .However, four plays were read during the term. The first, with the ladies of St. Anne's Society, was Christopher Fry's translation of Anouilh's 'Ring Round the Moon.' G. H. Hallsmith read the brothers Hugo and Frederic with distinction, besides reorganising the scattered Society when the weather drove it indoors from the punts in which it had intended to luxuriate. As a contrast, the Society next read Capek's play 'R.U.R.,' in which R. J. Sou than showed that his legal training had made him deeply sympathetic towards a mechanical mind. A reading of Shaw's 'The Devil's Disciple-' proved most successful, and the Society finally launched out in support of current playwrights by reading 'Satyrasis' by M . Baldwin, a member of the Hall: D.G.R. MICHAELMAS TERM

President- D . H. E.


Secretary -

D. G.


In adpition to preparations for the Hall's summer play in Trinity, 1952, the Society has carried out a programme of playreadings. As an antidote to the more classical drama, the ladies of St. Anne's Society were co-opted to read Noel Coward's' Hay Fever.' St. Hilda's came to .read 'Androcles and the Lion,' in which the President revealed his powers of animal mimicry to a striking degree. The 11adies of Somerville required a different period and technique, and were greeted with' The Lady's not for Burning' to which M. A. Robson contributed an amusing Richard which placed the setting somewhere on the North Yorkshire sea-coast. Galsworthy's 'Strife' was read, rather incongruously, in St . Hilda's College, and the term's readings ended with' Henry IV, ¡ Part 1,' in which J. D. Burge read a novel, straightforward but vivid Falstaff at a moment's notice. In the fifth week of term O.U.D.S. mounted a three-day competitive festival in which fourteen colleges took part. The John Oldham Society's reputation in the University as a play-producing group seems now firmly established : and the one-act ' Who is my Enemy?' hy M. Baldwin, was well received. D ¡



This modern verse drama, an original work by a member of the Hall, is set in occupied territory. Its broad theme is necessarily compressed in the narrow confines of one act: but the production by the author and D. G. Russell pointed the action and showed the clarity of expression which gives this play its power to pluck feeling out of cold statement. The simple properties, ingeniously contrived by J. F. Earle from local junk-heaps, set off the acting: _ N . Harvey's naively youthful Soldier, P. E. Smith's Sergeant (so like life that he could speak in verse and not be ridiculous), and M. B. Foster's General were all neat facets of .the military point of view. The . local people, the Old 'i\Toman and the Girl (Barbara Everett and Pauline Wickham) were adequately down-trodden and evoked the mood of war's destructiveness. But. the main burden of the play fell on the Officer and the Spy. R. J. Sou than, taut, compiicated, sensitive, spoke with a nervous tension which made the more impressive G. H. Hallsmith's lone, symbolic entry as the Spy. The tall, central character, brilliantly lit, standing motionless, victim and master, concentrated the action into himself. The visual effect of the white and gold figure poised against a blue backcloth symbolised the essential simplicity of a most moving production. D.G.R. D.H.E.W.


Treasurer - W. P. As BREY The activities of the Society this term were many and varied. Early in the term the Bench was invited to Keble for a very stimulating talk by Professor Goodhart, entitled 'The Novus Actus Interveniens.' At the invitation of the Holdsworth Society the President and Secretary went to Birmingham to moot on tort. The case concerned the liability of a householder for the death of a postman caused by a chimney pot being blown off the roof, and was complicated by the question as to whether the plaintiff could recover at all under Lord Campbell's Act, becaus e of the polygamous nature of her marriage to the deceased. On 20 February, Mr. Harry Plowman, Town Clerk of Oxford, gave a talk on ' Solicitors, and Local Authorities,' giving a very



interesting account of the life of a Town Clerk and of the prospects of a career in local government. Other meetings were a moot at Pembroke College on crime, presided over by Mr. Porter, where the Queen's Bench was represented by R. C. Hayes and D. M. Forster, and a moot against New College. This case, heard before Mr. R. H. Maudsley was one on bigamy, and though N. T. Andrews, as one of the defending counsel, pleaded most eloquently for the prisoner, judgment was given for the Crown. Counsel succeeded, however, in reducing the sentence from twelve to one year's imprisonment. TRINITY TERM

Treasurer-R. C.


The act1v1t1es of the Society were reduced to a mm1mum this term, there being too many other attractions. The Annual Dinner was held on 26 May at the Roebuck Hotel, His Honour Judge H. :\ , Tucker being the Guest of Honour. After the toast of the King. the President proposed the toast of the Guest of Honour with a speech replete with legal wit and anecdote. His Honour Judge Tucker replying , addressed the Society on practice in the courts. The only other event was a sherry party on the last Wednesday of term. ¡ W.P.A. MICHAELMAS TERM

Secretary-W. P.


The Queen's Bench has had an eventful term, beginning with a moot with the Holdsworth Society, held in the Memorial Room in Queen's College on 29 October, P. B. Carter, Esq., of Wadham, adjudicating. It was on crime, the defendant appealing against a conviction for the larceny of two golf balls which he had picked up on a golf course, which he was accustomed to cross on his way to and from work. Though the Judge accepted]. D. S. Purves's contention that the property could be vested in the Golf Club, since they ha:d taken steps to try to exclude trespassers, the conviction was quashed, since at the time of the initial taking he intended to hand the balls over to the Golf Club. On 19 November the Queen's Bench again lost their case in a moot on contract with the Eldon Society . The buyer of a motor car found that the chassis fell to pieces after he had driven it for a



few hours, the cause being an accident incurred when a third party had, unknown to both parties, surreptitiously taken it out of the vendor's garage, afterwards artfully concealing the damage. Although A. M. Honore, adjudicating, rejected the plea of mistake, he refused to accept the arguments put forward by W. P . Asbrey concerning the right of rescission for innocent misrepresentation. He argued that rescission had never been allowed in a case which did not concern a chase-in action, and that parallels for this could be found in other parts of the law. Other activities included a visit to University College to hear . Gerald Gardiner, K.C., talk on 'The Reform of the Law, ' and a visit to Keble College for a talk by Professor Jolowicz on ' Revivals of Roman Law.' W.P .A.


President- B. C.




Ce trimestre on a tenu trois seances seulement. La premiere le 29 janvier, a pris la forme d'une soiree musicale, et on a ecoute avec plaisir des disques de musique tres diverse, y compris le Kyrie, chante par le choeur de Notre Dame de Paris, . et des chansons .de cabaret enregistrees par Maurice Chevalier et les Compagnons de la Chanson. A la deuxieme reunion, le I9 fevrier, M. Hibon, le sous-directeur de la Maison Frarn;aise, nous a lance un discours tres interessant et en meme temps tres informatif, au sujet de J ean-Paul Sartre. M. Hibon a traite le sujet assez difficile . de la psychologie de cet auteur d 'une maniere aussi simple que possible, et ii a repondu avec competence a toutes les questions que les assistants Jui ont posees. Le 5 roars, la Societe a accueilli M. Alton, qui nous a donne un discours sur le style anglais . Apres avoir ¡c ommence avec une periode frarn;aise tres longue et tres classique, qu'il a avoue avoir apprise par coeur, ii nous a montre en anglais, les marques saillantes du style anglais, de fai;on que nous avons pu le comparer avec le style frani;ais tres different. TRINITY TERM

Comme d'habitude, les activites de- la Societe ont ete suspendues pendant le trimestre Trinity. D. A.G.



MICHAELMAS TERM President- B. C. ARTHUR Secretaire - N. HARVEY La societe s'etant bornee a tenir quatre reunions par trimestre, nous en avons en d 'interessantes, et ou le nombre des assistants a ete tres encourageant. Apres une Jecture des 'Fausses Confidences ' de Marivaux, deux causeries ont ete donnees, l'une par A. B. Curry sur les Suites Frani;:aises de J. S. Bach, aperi;:u qui revelait les procedes artistiques de celui-ci et I 'influence de 路 Frani;:ois Couperin sur son路 oeuvre; l'autre, un coup d'oeil sur le theatre frani;:ais contemporain, a ete donnee par M. R. Lefevre. Celle-ci d 'ailleurs etait des plus originales et soulign~it parmi les tendances du theatre parisien, !'influence considerable du metteur en scene. Nos projets pour le trimestre prochain comprennent, entre autres, une causerie de M. W. A. Howarth, 'Le langage du theatre au dix-huitieme siecle ' et une soriee musicale. Nous tenons a remercier M. R. Fargher et M. G. D. Ramsay d 'avoir en la bienveillance de nous preter leur chambres, et de nos 'speakers' du trimestre i:asse d'avoir bien voulu nous consacrer un peu de leur temps. B.C.A. HEARNE SOCIETY HILARY TERM President- P. NICHOLS Secretary_, H. A. R. LONG The Hearne Society, the youngest of the Hall's societies, continued to make satisfactory progress in the third term of its existence. At the first meeting Mr. L. W. Han.son, Keeper of Printed Books in the Bodleian Library read a路 paper entitled ' Early English Newspapers.' The speaker traced the development of the newspai:er from the early manuscript ' news letters ' often written at the commission and for the information of wealthy and influential personalities. Reference was made to the collection of Thomas Carte which is preserved in the Bodleian Library. The 路 progress of the English newspaper itself ' was explained with photographic illustration and by reference to political and economic influences. The second meeting was addressed by the retiring President, P. Nichols. The Secretary, in introducing the speaker, claimed that Mr. Nichols' merits were recognised by almost all members. The Secretary then cast a glance at Mr. Ramsay as a possible recalcitrant. The paper entitled ' Gibbon among the Politicians ' showed how, after being returned as the Member for Liskeard, Cornwall, Gibbon resigned himself to the position of a political

ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE mute. The speaker commented upon Gibbon's association with political personalities both in England and France. The following elections were made for Trinity Term: President, ]. D. Hanson; Secretary, R. J. L. Breese. TRINITY TERM

President- J. D. HANSON Secretary-R. L. BREESE At the beginning of this term it was decided to extend mem. bership to all members of the Hall, the apparent professional and . exclusive nature of the Society thus being removed. Only one meeting of the Society was held. A paper entitled · 'The Discovery of Archaeological Evidence' was read by M. A . . Brown. This was followed by the reading of a second paper entitled 'The Interpretation of Archaeological Evidence' by J. H. Hedgely. The two papers gave an impression of the technical and theoretical difficulties and the historical importance of 'the . work of the archaeologist. M. A. Brown showed the methods and principles used in the finding, surveying and digging of a particular site. J. H : Hedgely spoke of the. difficulties in dating discoveries, the identification of types and the destruction of evidence concerning particular periods by great geological and climatic changes. . . A party of the members of the Society, stimulated by the two . papers, made a cycle trip to Ewelme and to a Mesolithic site ·at North Stoke. J.D.H. MICHAELMAS TERM

President- J. D.


Secretary -



At the beginning of term, R. J. L. Breese resigned his office as secretary and J. H. Hedgely was elected in his place. On Tuesday, 6. November, Mr. Madagan of Trinity College, read a paper entitled ' Heraldry and the Historian.' The paper covered the history 'of heraldry from its beginnings in the signets of Provence, Saxony and the English Marches, to its corruption in, modern advertising and commerce. At the second meeting of term, J. A. Mudge read a paper entitled ' Rowland Hill and Bruce Castle: the introduction of penny postage.' The regularisation and efficient management of the English postal system was shown to be the life work of a man interested in technics, administrative efficiency and social reform. 'At the fina,l meeting of term, D. J. Derx spoke on ' Hobbes and the Concept of Law.' The speaker not only ·examined the



log ical de\·elopment of Hobbes ' concept in the Leviathan, but also ·compared con clu sions thus obtained with other works by the same theoriser. J.D . H . THE BOAT CLU B HILARY TERM

Ca ptain - P. F. \N HITE

S ecretary -




A week before term began the two poss ible crews for Torpids began training, a nd afte r efficient coaching by Mr. Desmond Hill .and P. H . Bailey of Corpus Christi College, the First Crew had g ood prospects for the races. The first day was uneventful for the First Torpid , who rowed over, but the Second Crew, after being ha rd pressed off the start by Merton II, finally bumped Lincoln 11. In their later race as sandwich boat at the bottom of Division 11 they failed to make a bump. The second day was disappointing for both crews, as neither made a bump. After great effort the First Torpid managed to .a pproach within a few feet of Christ Church but several spurts failed to close the gap. On Sa turday both crews, rowing badly, ·s uffered defeat. The First Torpid was bumped by Lincoln and the Second by Merton II. The lack of co-ordination in the First Torpid µl eant that ' the rowing was not ~veil together and that the ra te of striking could not be effectively increased . For the next two days the F irst Torpid rowed over, but on the final day Christ ·Church were eventually caught and the First Crew remained . fourth on the river for the third consecutive year. The only other ·changes in position occurred on the fifth day when the Second ·Torpid was bumped in the Gut by St. Peter's Hall II and thus ·.finished third in Division III. CREWS FIRST TORPID

Bow. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. Str. Cox.

M. W. Parkin P. T. Ford J . A. Baker J. E. Gillman D. G. Smith G. J. Insley J. Wheeler M. J. P. Lancaster M. A. Canning



C. J. Lane R. E. WaddingtonJones 3. J. R. Downes 4. D. B. Heffer 5. M. A. Brown 6. T. W. Ditchburn 7. B. V. Clifton Str. D. A. Lillicrap Cox . P. L. Mortimer 2.




The Hall crews this year were trained by a new team of coaches, especially the First VIII, which started under Mr. C. Mather of St. Edward's School, who handed over to Dr. D. ·Richards, a former President of the C.U.B.C., and training was completed by Mr. R. J. J. Bale of Kingston Rowing Club. Starting with a heavy basis upon which to build a standard of fitness and accomplishment the First Crew showed signs of rapid improvement, though a lack of experience was evident when the period of racing began . On the first day all three crews rowed over, the First VIII in the second place of Division II, the Second VIII at the end of Division III and the Third VIII in Division VI. The following day was very gratifying as the Third VIII bumped Queen's III and the Second VIII bumped Keble I when r~wing over as sandwich boat at .t he bottom of the Second Division. This success was not continued by the First VIII which, having failed to catCh Lincoln on the previous day when overlapping them, could not narrow the gap to less than half a length. For the next four days the Third VIII continued to progress, counting Keble I,V, Oriel III, Jesus III and B.N.C. IV amongst their victims. On the fourth day the First VIII again got to within two feet of Lincoln but could not settle down to a hard controlled row and ·make the bump. Lincoln bumped B.N.C. on the fourth day and the Hall was able to help B.N.C. to descend into the Second Division by bumping ,them on the Green Bank. Unfortunately this success was not sustained by all the crews, as the Second VIH was soon caught by Christ Church IL This demise seemed to discourage the crew, with the result that they were bumped on the last day by a strong Merton II. After rowing over at the head of the Second Division, the First VIII managed to bump University College an hour later in the First Division, thus regaining two of the places lost last year. Considered in general, this Eights Week was a success, for we again made sure- of our place in the First Division and also showed that we could produce a useful Second VIII and quite a fast Third ·VIlI of 'Summer' .oarsmen.



P. F. White


J. E. Gillman I. P. Foote


R. W. Skinner

5. 6.

D. G. Smith G. J. Insley


7. Str. Cox.

J. Wheeler M. J. P. Lancaster M. A. Canning

SECOND EIGHT Bow. C. J. Lane 2. R. E. Waddington-

3· 4· S· 6. 7. Str. Cox.

Jones B. V. Clifton T. W.. Ditch burn · J. A. Baker D. B. Heffer P. T. Ford D. A. Lillicrap

THIRD EIGHT Bow. J. R. Downes 2. D. Pollard M. B. Foster 4· H. A. Shearring S· G. Thomas


7. Str. Cox.

J. D. Purves M. A. Brown M . w. Parkin M.A. Ritchie

P. L. Mortimer J.E.G.

REGATTAS At a meeting of First VIII Colours on the Thursday after Eights W.eek, M. J. P. Lancaster was elected Captain and J. V/heeler was elected Secretary. It was decided that the First VIII should go to Henley, and that the Second VIII should be entered for the Junior VIII's at Wal ton Regatta. The Second VIII was strengthened by two members of the First VIII, which had to be temporarily disbanded as four members were taking Schools. The Second VIII was able to have ten days' practice before the Regatta.



The first race was against vVestminster Bank. After a long wait at the stakeboat, the crew got away to a good start and, gaining an early lead, won by two and a half lengths. After a rest of fifteen minutes the crew raced a Thames R.C. VIII and, again getting an early advantage, won by one and a half lengths. In the semi-final against Northants Engineering College, a somewhat messy start put the Hall slightly down, and it was not until the end of the third minute that we were able to clear the other crew and draw away to win by two lengths. In the final against Burway, another poor start left the Hall very slightly down, but the crew quickly recovered and, after three and a half minutes, were a good length µp. From this point they increased their lead steadily and won by four lengths. At the prize-giving, in addition to the Miskin Challenge Cup, the crew received eight handsome pint tanJ<:ards, the cox getting a half-pint. CREW Bow.

B. V. Clifton


R. E. Waddington-Jones

J. A. Baker D . B. Heffer

4· :i·

6. 7· Str. Cox.

D. G. Smith J. Wheeler P. T. Ford D. A. Lillicrap M. A. Canning

MARLOW REGATTA A coxless IV was entered for the Town Cup at Marlow and P. T. Ford entered for the Junior Sculls. Ford was second in his heat, partly due to faulty navigation , losing to the eventual winner of the event. The IV raced Thames Rowing Club and also suffered from poor steering. It followed Thames R.C. over the first half of the course, and at half distance was three-quarters of a length down.



Over the second half of the course, however, the Hall was able to get clear, and won by one length. In the second race against Vesta Rowing Club, the crews were level for some distance . Vesta then began to pu11 a way and Hall, unable to hold them, lost by three lengths. CREW Bow.





D . G. Smith



Wheeler (steers) E. Gillman


P . Lancaster

A few days before Marlow, the long awaited new boat arrived. At a ceremony on the 0. U .B.C. raft, it was christened ' A. B. Emden' by Mrs. Gullick, wife of the Senior Tutor. The First VIII resumed training, and was able to have a few outings at Oxford. The crew then moved to Henley , ten days before the Regatta, and a strenuous programme of training was undertaken in the great heat of that week .

HENLEY ROYAL REGATTA In a very tense atmosphere in the Town Hall on Saturday, the VIII drew the only bye in the Ladies' Plate. The IV was drawn against Westminster Bank in the Wyfold Cup. Racing against Westminster Bank on Wednesday, the Hall led by three-quarters of a length at the first signal , but allowed the other crew to creep up, until at Fawley the crews were level. Westminster Bank continued to go up slightly until, just short of the mile post, they led by about half a length. At this point the Hall crew ¡hit the boom, and any chance of winning the race was gone. On Thursday morning the VIII met . Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Both crews started well, but by the top of the ' Island,' Trinity Hall had a definite advantage. They increased their lead to threequarters of a length at the Barrier, and they were clear at the half mile. The VIII spurted at Remenham and managed to reduce Trinity Hall's lead, but the crew was unable to sustain the effort and Trinity Hall drew away up the enclosure to win by two and a half lengths.




P. F. White

P. T. Ford


J. E. Gillman


J. E. Gillman


I. P. Foote


J. Wheeler


R. W. M. Skinner


D. G. Smith


G. J. Insley


J. Wheeler

Str. Cox.


M. J. P. Lancaster (steers)

M. J. P. Lancaster M. A. Canning J.W.


Captain- I. P. FooTE

Secretary -



For the first fortnight an VIII was coached by Mr. C. E. L. Mather, but great difficulty was experienced in finding a suitable rowing order, and it was not until the sixth week of term that a satisfactory solution was found. The crew then trained under Mr. M. Bfand of St. Peter's Hall for two weeks, and made considerable progress. In such a short period, however, the crew was unable to reach the level of training demanded for the long distance race and, having started thirteenth, could finish no higher than twelfth. The final rowing order was : Bow.

H. M.



R. E. Waddington-Jones


A. F . R. Evans


I. P. Foote


J. A. Baker


D. B. Heffer


P. T. Ford


J. Wheeler


P. L. Mortimer





Captain-]. A. G. C. LAW Vice-Captain - P. S. TAYLOR Secretaries-W. SUMMERS and J. R. ALLCHURCH Despite the healthier appearance of results, the season cannot be said to have been wholly satisfactory. Not once was the Hall able to field its full First Eleven, and, on at least two occasions, the team fielded was little above the average Second Eleven strength. Had the full team been available many of the seven drawn games might have ended in our favour. This year we were deprived of victory over Em'm anuel College, Cambridge, whose last wicket partnership, grimly refusing to be tempted to make rash strokes on a hard wicket, survived the _ attack of our spin and pace bowlers alike, and thus ' forced us to a draw. Of the four matches won the most memorable was the game against Andover. Against a hostile attack, keen fielding and shrewd captaincy, our batsmen made a slow but reassuring start. Then followed a sensational collapse and the side was out for 65 runs. On going into the field, the Hall team showed amazing spirit and resolution. Blow was given for blow; not a run was lost through carelessness; not a ball wasted. With three runs needed to win, Andover's last man came to the wicket and survived four maiden overs, before his partner was caught in the slips off E. G. Price, having added only one run to the score. If any players were outstanding in this triumph, they were P . S. Taylor who took five good catches, and E. G. Price who took eight wickets-but all honour to the team.

The match against Old Hill provided even greater excitement. Thanks chiefly to the accurate bowling of R. Downing and E. G. Price, the Birmingham League team was dismissed for 94 runs. A win seemed certain, until three batsmen, who all seemed to .be settled comfortably, returned in unhappy procession to the pavillion, having been ruri out. The 'tail' would not wag, and the Hall were all out for 74 runs. Possibly the greatest weakness in the team has been the lack of co-ordination between the batsmen when running between . the wickets. Too many batsmen have been run out during the ~eason-a sure indication that the 'calling' has not been as good as it might have been.




In conclusion, we wish to congratulate ¡ M. de L. Hart on playing frequently for the University , E. G. Price on being elected to the Authentics, and on his forty wickets taken this term; C. S. Cullerne-Bown, J.M. Kershaw, C. J. D. Saunders-Griffiths, on being awarded their Colours; P . S. Taylor on ha:ving made the highest score of the season -67 not out against Pembroke - and on taking the highest number of catches during the season. W.S.

THE CRICKET TOUR Entirely mobile in three cars, one provided on hire, the Hall on tour in Sussex could only draw their four matches. This bare statement, however, conceals a wealth of incident, for none of ¡ the contests could be described as dull, and at least three resulted in as exciting finishes as one could wish. In the first game, our chief weakness-the lack of a class spin-bowler-was immediately revealed, for on an easy-paced wicket an indifferent Imperial College, London, side were able to make 194 runs for 6 wickets. A. R. Douglas, until he tired, bowled well with little luck, for his 2 wickets for 29 runs in 10 overs, swinging the ball into the batsman at a lively pace. Left exactly 100 minutes to get the runs, R. V. Kings and P. H. Phizackerley, who opened, were at first pinned down by some . irritatingly accurate medium-paced bowling just short of a length, and, in an effort to quicken the rate of scoring, the later batsmen valiantly lost their wickets. While J. A. G. C. Law and Candler were together in a stand of 63, we seemed to have a chance, but then 4 wickets fell for 10 runs and, at the drawing of stumps, we were still 35 runs short with one wicket -in hand . Even so we made no attempt to 'put up the shutters' until in the last over, when six sixes were required to win, the first ball produced only a useless single. Saturday night was spent in the Metropolis in a variety of ways and places, and on Sunday half the side took part in a village match in the fruit-growing: country round Maidstone. This was chiefiy remarkable for the quantity of cherries and strawberries consumed by the players, and for a lovely straight six by Kings. Against Lewes Priory we declared, having made 163 for 7 (C. J. D . Saunders-Griffiths, 38; Law, 53 not out; J. R. Allchurch, 2 l) and, after . dismissing six of their batsmen for 68, we were

ST. EDMUND H ALL MAGAZINE chagrined to watch the the match at that point. from Lindwall to Laker considerably and took 4 our absent off-spinners, 2 for 13.


rain descend in sufficient volume to end M. de L. Hart-using a variety of styles and Wright-strengthened the bowling for 29. Jones, filling the gap caused by showed promise of things to come with

Our next opponents, Ditchling, well knowing the fiery nature of their pitch, chose to put us in first, and with the batsmen's ears and limbs under constant bombardment from their fast bowlers, we did well to muster 122 runs in two hours, with J. S. Clarke scoring a plucky 19 and Law 36. With Hart bowling at a gentlemanly pace their opening stand realised 55 runs before it was ended with a smart catch in the slips by Allchurch off Jones, who proceeded to take 3 wickets in 3 overs for, 9 runs. In his second !:.pell Hart, bowling at a remarkable speed, at once took a fine hat-trick, assisted by Phizackerley who held a soaring skier with quiet assurance . Ditchling now had 7 wickets down for 76, but gamely continued to attack the bowling and eventually hit 117 runs for the loss of one more wicket, the game ending amid great excitement. Jones fl ighted the ball intelligently and his 4 for 37 was a valuable and timely performa nce. Hart took 3 for 33 and time and time again did everything but hit the wicket or find the edge of the bat. The la st fixture of the tour was the now traditional match against C . J. Vl eir's Eleven at Lancing College, who batted first and declared at 161 for 8. Hart and Jones again shared the wickets with 5 for 40 and 3 for 63 respectively. The boys' opening attack was hostile and accurate, and not the sort against which i1 score of 162 in 1 IO minutes is easily reached, but each ba tsman went for the bowling from the start. Runs came steadily but wickets inevitably fe!J. at regular intervals until at the close we had reached 145 with two wickets in hand (one of whom had left for a sailing holiday in the Isle of Wight!). Hart 34, West 3_5, Jones 19, Snoxall 15, and Clarke 12 not out, had all struck lustily. Thus in each match we were looking for runs or wickets against the clock with the decision in the balance right up to the last moment. \ i\Te accepted every challenge and. in turn had ours accepted, so that the exciting cricket which resulted consoled us for achieving no definite victory. To conclude, the administra tive arrangements, thanks to the energy of Vv . Summers, the secretary, were efficient and elastic,



and added in no small measure to our enjoyment of the pleasant summer evenings after - thy day's toil was over-an account of which would be beyond the scope of this article. J .A.G.C.L.


Captain - W.


Secretary-A. J. G. JoNES

路 The Hilary Term saw the return of most of our many injured players, but results gave no cause for celebration. Fortunately , however, no cause was needed, and celebrations were held frequently. The main feature of the season was, of course, Cuppers, in which we were drawn against Jesus College. The absence of W. Thorpe, G. Thomas and H. A. Wydell deprived the pack of a great deal of weight and skill in a hard game in which weight told considerably. The Hall f~rwards were consistently out-hooked and generally beaten in the line-out. Jesus scored in the first half 路 through their left-wing who ran very strongly, and the try was converted. The Hall replied late in the second half when B. Bigley ran through the Jesus XV and found T. P. Denehy up with him to run well for the line. The kick-a difficult one-failed, and so Jesus emerged the winners by 5 points to 3. The remainder of the term saw victories over Culham College, Keble, and St. Catherine's, and sundry defeats including a narrow one at the hands 路of Pembroke College, Cambridge. This being an away fixture, however, consolation was easily found. G. Thomas was elected Captain for the 1951-2 season, with H. N. R. Leach as Secretary. A.J.G.J . MICHAELMAS TERM

Captain - G.




N. R.


With the thought of last season's relegation still on our minds, -the Rugger Club was faced with a considerable task at the beginning of this season. The good response from the freshmen, however, considerably brightened our prospects, and the result of the term's activities can indeed be classed as satisfactory. Although the final result of the league has not been 路officially announced , the Hall is almost certain to be playing in the Second



Division once more next season. With the exception of the game against Christ Church, which we lost 6-o, the First XV won the remainde r of its League games in a convincing manner; for e xample, ag ainst Keble College 34-0 and against Corpus Christi College 35-0. This factor should definitely help us to regain our position in the Second Division, as at the present moment there are three teams at the head of Division III, each having won five games. Of the freshmen, D. E . \Vood , A. J. Patient, R. B. Pettifor, J . Forbes and J. H. W. Lapham have played consistently well, and we were unfortunate in losing B . F. Pritchard so early in the season, since his strong running on the wing in the earlier g ames showed a great deal of penetrating power. Of the seniors , the half-backs, D . Purves and M. Jaffey worked well together, whilst G. Thom as , the captain, has led the pack with great vigour . Also worthy of mention are J. M . Kershaw, B. T. Gibson, D. A. Lillicrap, B. V . Clifton, T. W. Ditchburn and R. Downing, all of whom have done invaluable work in all the games.

During the term the Un ivers ity, a nd team. The former H . A. W ydell is to

D. Pollard and H. A. Wydell have played for both played against the visiting Springboks' has been elected to the Greyhounds, and be congratulated on being awarded his Blue. H.N.R.L.


Captain- B.




H a ll soccer in Hilary Term was considerably affected by a variety of adverse circumstances - injuries, illness and cancelled fixtures all playing their part- but undoubtedly the major factor was the unavoidable absence of those members of the Department of Education who had, in the previous term, formed the nucleus of the Hall first team. The complete reorganisation thus made necessary never really allowed us to attain the cohesion and understanding which had characterised Hall soccer in the previous term and season. The main fixture of the term, our Cuppers meeting with Keble College, resulted in our ea rly exit from the competition. The victory of Keble, by a score of three goals to nil was, however, by no mea ns as overwhelming as the score might suggest. Both



sides played attractive open football, but Keble's better finishing was the deciding factor. Of the away fixtures, the game with Southampton University College proved the most enjoyable, and, although we lost 2-6, we were royally entertained after the match. The game with Jesus College, at Cambridge, was played in very bad conditions, heavy rain earlier in the week making the pitch heavy and treacherous. Although we lost by four goals to six, the game was an undoubted success for a recently promoted member of the Hall team, S. B. Pierce, who scored his first goal for the Hall after a bewildering display of footwork. The last few weeks of term again showed the need for some stimulus to maintain the enthusiasm of those Colleges no longer engaged in the Cuppers competition. Fixture after fixture was cancelled by Colleges unable to field full teams and, to all intents and purposes, the season ended in the fifth week. At the Annual Colours' Meeting the following elections to office were made for the season 1951-2. Captain, R . W. Hall; Secretary, D. M. Forster. Colours were ¡ awarded to V. A . Bulbeck, D. M. Forster and P. Stott. The annual Club Dinner was held this year in the Eastgate Hotel and we were honoured by the company of the Vice-Principal, the Chaplain, the President of the J.C.R. and the secretaries of the Hall Clubs. The Vice-Principal was prevailed upon to speak and entertained the gathering with a dissertation on the finer tactics of Association Football. The Chaplain, in reminiscent mood, recalled some of his memories of previous Hall footballers and of the not so distant days when he was an active follower of the game. Speeches were then made by the captain, B. Bigley, and by the President of the J.C.R. who, apparently, had brought along the wrong set of notes as he addressed the guests on practically every sphere of sporting activity-except Association Football. G.F. MICHAELMAS TERM

Captain-R. W.




With the majority of last year's side still up and a good response from the freshmen, it was anticipated that the Hall would maintain respectable position in the First Division. The . first game against New College, however, produced an initial setback for, after only twenty minutes' play, P. H. Phizackerley was injured and had to leave the field. With only ten men for the rest




of the game Hall did well to draw 1-1. Against University College the side was well below full strength, but even then the issue was very open until five minutes from the end, when University scored again to win 3-2. The stiffest fixture was undoubtedly against Hertford College and there was no denying that they were worthy ¡ of their 4-1 victory. The Hall was now faced with a grim struggle to avoid relegation, but the position was somewhat eased by a convincing 3-0 victory over Brasenose College. This improvement was maintained, and a strong St. Catherine's Society side was defeated 3-2, after a game in which both sides had their spells of ascendancy. This was undoubtedly the Hall's 'best performance of the term. In a disappointing match which Keble College managed to win 2 - 1 the Hall suffered temporary setback, but final safety was assured by a 1-0 victory over Merton. The League playing record reads as follows : Played










Goals Against 12



Position, 5th In friendly matches, Reading Unive rsity were defeated at Reading and the return game was drawn. The Hall did well to hold a strong Southampton University College side to a draw on their own ground, and Alleyn 's School was beaten 3-2 at Dulwich. The individual honours this term go to R. G. Lunn, who has been invited to represent i:he University against Cam~ridge. This has meant he has been ineligible to play for the Hall in all but the first League game. R. W. Hall and B. Bigley have played occasionally for the University and frequently for the Centaurs First XI, and the latter played against 'the Cambridge Falcons in the Argonaut Cup. In addition, V. A. Bulbeck, D. B. Ogilvie, P. R. Evans, D. G. G. Hoare and D. M. Forster have played for the Centaurs agai,nst the schools. D.M.F. HOCKEY CLUB HILARY TERM

Captain - D. P. Trnv Secretaries - P. S. TAYLOR, H . A. R. LONG Because of illness and the fact that members of the Hockey Club were p¡l aying regularly for the Rugger XV, it was impossibl~ to maintain the side unaltered before Cuppers. Nevertheless we only lost to New College by a goal scored from a penalty bully in the second half. Our great weak ness was an inability to score.



Apart from a subsequent match against the Occasionals, the Hall did not lose another game. Our forwards improved considerably and scored 25 goals in seven games, of which we won four and drew three. A visit to the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, on Wednesday, 7 February, provided a very pleasant away fixture. Although we were without the services of the captain, through illness, for a part of the term, B. M. Penn proved to be an excellent substitute in goal. C. J. D. Saunders-Griffiths was elected to the Occasionals at the end of the season and was chosen to play for the University on two occasions. Colours were awarded to R. Archer, C . J. D. SaundersGriffiths, J. .R. Allchurch, B. M. Penn, N. D. Stacey and D. Sephton. J. R. Allchurch was elected Captain for the next season, and C. J. D. Saunders-Griffiths, Secretary. H.A.R.L. MICHAELMAS TERM

Captain -]. R. ALLCHURCH Secretary - C. J. D. SAUNDERS-GRIFFITHS First XI Second XI




14 6

4 3


Drawn 2



The results do not offer a just record of the club activities this term, for although there have been a number of defeats, we have succeeded in building a reasonably aggressive side. The chief weakness has been in the forwards, for, after an encouraging start, they lost their goal-scoring abilities. Against Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who were a strong side, we probably produced our best form and, although losing 4-2, we played attractive hockey . Th'e Second XI, under J. Thornton,° has provided the less able with an opportunity of disporting themselves, and has played well-the captain especially distinguishing himself. C. J. D. Saunders-Griffiths has played regularly for the University, but, on the occasions when he has played for the Hall, he has proved invaluable. J. R. Allchurch and B. M. Penn have both played for the Occasionals. D . Sephton, G. B . Archer and w_. Summers have been consistently good in defence in the First XI ; at centre-forward, T. P . Denehy has made up for his lack of skill by great determination, and C. S. Cullerne-Bown has initiated many strong attacks on the left wing. J.R.A.




Secretary-P. S. D. E. GASS

:<\.fter having been promoted to the first division of the Relays in Michaelmas Term, the Hall team reached the final of Cuppers during Hilary Term. The second success may have owed much to the fac_t that the competitors in our semi-final were comparatively weak, but it owed mor~ to N. D. Stacey's winning of the furlong and the quarter-mile. Hall competitors were also successful in the hurdles and high jump, but in the three longer distance races and all throwing events they did not reach the standard of the other finalists. It was inevitable that we should be fourth and last in the final, because our talent was not evenly balanced. We were not, however, badly beaten, and this was, in fact, the first time since the war that we had passed beyond the semi-final. In the University Sports, held at the White City on 10 March, N. D. Stacey, the only Hall competitor and President of the 0. U .A.C., won the 440 yards in 49 seconds, and the 220 yards in 22 seconds, a new record for the meeting. This term we were defeated by Jesus College, Culham College and University College II of the Universify of London. TRINITY TERM President- J. H. B. 'iVILLIAMS

Secretary-P. S. D. E. GASS

This term the Secretary succeeded in surmounting the great difficulty of raising a team for a Hall match during the summer, and two very enjoyable matches were held. On 19 May, the College of St. Mark and St. John, Chelsea, was entertained at the Iffley Road track. Lack of training due in part to the calls of other sports, was no doubt responsible for the .generally low stand~rd of running, with the exception of N. D. Stacey who won both the 100 yards and the 440 yards . The match was lost. A further match was held on 6 June, against Culham College and the. R.N.A.S., Culham. The Hall finished second to Culham College. The outstanding performance of the afternoon for the Hall was without doubt that of J. H. B. Williams and P. S. D. E. Gass in the high jump. They finished first and second respectively, Williams clearing 5 ft. 7! in., his best performance with the straddle style. N. D. Stacey is ¡to be congratulated on finishing second to E. McDonald Bailey in the 220 yards in the British Games on



\Vhit Monday, and later, during the Long Vacation, on being a member of the A.A.A. team which enjoyed a very successful tour of the Balkans, defeating J ugosla via, Greece and Turkey. J. H . B. Williams is to be congratulated on being a member of the University team which won the U.A.U. Championship at Birmingham. At the end of term, E. L. Cunnell was elected President, and J. D. S. Purves Secreta~y for the ensuing year. E.L.C.


President -

E. L.


Secretary- J. D. S.


The chief activity of the Athletic Club this term has been in the Cross Country. Our first victory for at least three years was obtained in a decisive victory over the second teams of two London colleges, Imperial and University, at Hampstead on 10 November, when the Hall runners filled the first four places. C. C. B. Wightwick was first in the good time, for the conditions, of 32 minutes 13 seconds, and was closely followed by C. M. Cooper, E. L. Cunnell and G. J . Paxman-all within ten seconds of the wmner. This victory was followed by another, over Culham College, on November 14th, when Wightwick, Cooper, Paxman and Cunnell all finished together, some 100 yards ahead of the first Culham representative. On 20 November in a match with Jesus and Keble Colleges. a slightly depleted Hall team was placed third, despite the fact that Wightwick and Cunnell finished together in first place. The last match of the term was held on 5 December; with Brasenose College and Exeter College. The Hall was placed second to Brasenose, defeating Exeter by 20 points. In Cuppers which were held on 6 November, the Hall entered two teams, of which the first was placed tenth, with the following results :-14th, Wightwick; 2oth, Paxman; 27th, Cunnell; 6oth, Cooper; 162nd, Curry . This represented a considerable improvement on last year, when the Hall was placed twentieth. Wightwick, Cunnell and Paxman were selected to ¡ represent various University teams during the term, and the first-named is to be congratulated on his selection to run for the University Third Team against Cambridge and on his election to the 0. U. Tortoise Club. Regarding track athletics, congratulations are due to ¡



A. E . H. Turner on representing the Freshmen versus Cambridge Freshmen in the javelin event. In the Inter-college Relays the HalJ did not succeed in retaining the place in the first division which it won last year. The most successful team was the 3 x 110 high hurdles, in which we were placed thi rd out of eig ht team~ in the first division event. E.L.C. THE LAWN TENNIS CLUB TRINITY TERM

Captain - A. R.


Secretary-R. W.


Five of last year's First VI were available and, together with G. H. Hallsmith, the University Freshmen's Champion, there were the maki ngs of a strong team. Unfortunately an old knee . injury prevented the Chaplain from playing until near the end of term when we were glad to see him on the courts again. The difliculty of team-building was to find a third pair, and no fewer than eight people were tried . A. R. Douglas and G. H . Hallsmith made a strong first pair and gained several good victories, their win aga inst St. Paul's Training College first pair being outstanding. R . W. H all and B. Bigley were a consistently good second couple. The worst performance of the season was unfortunately in Cuppers when we lost to Brasenose College in the second round . After a bad start in the league competition the team pulled itself together and won its last seven matches to finish third in the First D iv ision. R a in interfered with an exciting match against the Old Aularians, captained by C. Lummis, in which, for the first time, we played eight a side. When the weather finally caused play to be abandoned, it was calculated that the Hall had won by five matches to three. The Second Team, for which there was an abundance of talent, lost only one match during the term against a strong Balliol side . During the term a handicap doubles competition was held, for which a prize was offered by the Vice-Principal who, nobly partnered by Mr. G. D. Ramsay, was only defeated in the semifinals. The winners were T. E. Dowman and G. Frost. Colours were awarded to B. Bigley, R. W. Hall, G. H . Hallsmith and P. R . Sykes . R. W. Hall was elected Captain for next season, and v.r. H. A. Sanderson Secretary. R.W.H.





Secretary-C. M .



This term we had mixed fortune in Cuppers. In water-polo our first round opponents withdrew and we next met a fairly strong team from Jesus College which included the President of the O.U.S .C . We were beaten 0-5. In the Inter-College Sw:imming, however, we fared better. We won our heat easily by virtue of C. M. Armitage winning the individual back-stroke event, C. M. Armitage, J. E. Hughes, D . Craven and N . Harvey the free-style relay, and C. M. Armitage, D. Craven and J. E. Hughes the medley relay . In the finals , however, J. E. Hughes had an unlucky afternoon, and C. M. Armitage collapsed during his first event and our performance in the relays suffered accordingly. Our final placing of sixth was several places ·below that which we had hoped to obtain. Hall colours we re afterwards awarped to C. M. Armitage and J. E. Hughes. C.M .A. TRINITY TERM

Captain -



Secretary-C. M.


There were no inter-collegiate activities this term. C. M. Armitage was elected to the Dolphins after swimming regularly for them, and he was also occasionally selected to swim for the O.U.S.C. C.M.A. MICHAELMAS TERM

Captain -



Secretary- N.


As the Captain-elect did not return into residence this term, H. Lear was elected and N. Harvey became Secretary. In the Inter-College Water Polo League we played in all five matches this term and, for the first time in two years, we were not required to stand down before the end of the series. This was because we have had the support of a regular team who played for · us despite the allegiance of some of its members to other Hall sports. The regular team was as follows : B. C. Arthur (goal), J. C . Bingham, J.E. Farrand, N. Harvey, H. Lear. Reserves: H. N. R. Leach and R. R. Young. Results were as follows : against The Queen's College, lost 4-0; against St. Catherine's Society, won 1--0; against Christ



Church, lost 5-0; against University College, lost 4-1 ; against St. Catherine's Society, drew 1-1. H.L. THE SQUASH RACKETS CLUB HILARY TERM

Captain-]. R. Moss

Secretary -

P. R.


In the first round of Cuppers this term, the Hall was perhaps a little unlucky. P. H. Phizackerley was unavoidably detained at the last minute and St. John's College were thus awarded a 3-2 victory, although the actual score stood at two matches all. To some extent this adjudicated defeat was avenged by a 5-0 victory over St. John's in a 'friendly' First V match the following week. Eight First V inter-college matches were arranged in all . O f these, six were won and two were cancelled . In addition the Hall also played a most enjoyable match against Imperial College on .t heir London courts. This was won in the last game of the last match by the narrow margin of one point. At the end of the term the Hall entertained the Shillingford Bridge S.R.C., who beat us by three matches to two. In Cuppers the Hall was represented by J . R . Moss, J. A. G. C. Law, P. H. Phizackerley, A. J. G. Jones and P. R. Sykes. The Vice-Principal, G. H. Hallsmith and R. J. Southan also played for the First V during the term. The fixture list of the Hall Second V suffered a great deal from inevitable cancellations. Of the four matches eventually played, two were won. Once again a handicap tournament was held for a prize very kindly presented by the Vice-Principal. This was eventually won by A. J. G. Jones. At a meeting of the Squash Rackets Colours, P. R. Sykes and A. J. G. Jones were awarded their Hall Squash Colours, and the following elections for the 1951-52 season were made: Captain, P. R. Sykes; Secretary, G. H. Hallsmith. P.R.S. MICHAELMAS TERM

Captain - P. R.




A general view of the term's results indicates a successful season, but in fact there has been some cause for disappointment. We finished second to Lincoln in the League, Division Il, having



lost to two of the weaker colleges in the early stages of the term. The inclusion of J. R. Moss in the team for the final matches ensured victories over Magdalen, Christ Church and Lincoln, whose strong first strings were well matched by Moss. There was little to choose between the remaining four string s in the First V, and this solidity carried us through in most matches. The position of runners-up in Division 11 entitles us to challenge the penultimate team in Division I for . inclusion in that exalted rank. The challenge match, 'a gainst Oriel College, will take place next term. For the rest, the 'social' squash has been enjoyable and, in the main, successful. A visit to Imperial College, London, again resulted in victory, thanks to the efforts of the Captain who seems fated in these encounters to fight for his life and reputation in a grim deciding contest. The Second V have not had full opportunities to display their talents, but there is obviously no lack: of enthusiasm. The same may be said of the Senior Common Room.

A. J. G. Jones was appointed Secretary early in term m succession to G. H. Hallsmith, whose resignation was accepted with regret. A.J.G.J.


Captain-A. H. W. NrAS Two more League matches were played, against Balliol College, who won 7-1, and against Oriel College, whom we beat 6--2. As a result , we were placed second in the Second Division of the League. In spite of our earlier success 'against them, Oriel College, with a strengthened team, beat us 7-0 in the Cuppers match.

The Hall was represented in these games by A. H. W. Nias, E. H. Edge, A. Shepherd, W. H. A. Sanderson and J. M. Kershaw. Hall Badminton Colours were awarded to E. H. Edge, who was elected Captain, with A. Shepherd as Secretary, for the following season. A.H.W.N.








Secretary- J. B.


The 1951-52 season started well for the Hall team when it was decided that we should be promoted from the Second to the First Division. Last season's team had dwindled to a few keen members, but under the captaincy of A. H. W. Nias, the club was able, after several trials and practices, to find four members to play against St. Catherine's Society. This match was won 4-0 and, with R . H. French playing regularly for the Woodpeckers, prospects for League matches seemed hopeful. The lack of courts has ~.!lowed us to play only two First Division matches, one of which , against St. Peter's Hall, was drawn 2-2 , and the other, against Brasenose College, lost l-3. Hall Badminton Colours have been awarded to R. French. J.B.S. THE CHESS CLUB HILARY TERM

Capiain-J . R.




The matches in the Inter-College Cup were concluded under the ' Swiss Handicap ' Competition style. Although the H all improveq its position, the events of the previous term forced a concentration on dignity rather than distinction. The following matches were played: First Team v. Balliol IV, won; First Team v. Trinity II, lost; Second Team v. St. Catherine's II, lost; Second Team v. ¡Hertford III, won. M . C. Seymour was appointed Captain for the following Michaelmas Term. J.D.H. MICHAELMAS TERM

Captain-]. R.


Secretary-M. C.


Considerably strengthened by two freshmen, G. I. de Deney and D. R. Shenton, the Chess Club hai; made a creditable showing in the Inter-College Tournament. Of the eight matches played, the First Team (J . R. Allchurch, D. R. Shenton, J. Thornton) have won three, and the Second Team (G. I. de Deney, J. D. Hanson, M. C. Seymour) ~ave won two.

ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE In the Individual Championship, J. R. Allchurch and ton have reached round three unbeaten.



The services of E. L. Cunnell and other part-time membel'.S ¡ have been particularly valuable as a reliable reserve on which call has been made from time to time . M.C.S.

A GREAT PRINCIPALSHIP In its lon g history, the H a ll can point to a number of Principals of great gifts and strong personality who have left their mark on its developmen t. But there can be none whose Principalship has exercised such a transforming influence upon it as has the reign of A. B. Emden from 1929 to 1951. Indeed, if one were to cast one's gaze around the colleges generally, one would be hard put to it to discover a Head who in a short span achieved so much for his society. Not that Mr. Emden's work can be justly appraised by a consideration merely of those twenty-two years. If the present review is deliberately limited to his Principalship, it should be remembered that the seeds of much that he accomplished as Principal were sown in the period 1919-29 when he held office, first as Bursar a nd Tutor, and then as Vice-Principal. To obtain a bird's-eye view of the range and importance of his achievement, one need only contrast the situation of the Hall in 1929 and 1951. When Mr. Emden was appointed Principal, the teaching staff consisted, apart from himself, of two Tutors and fi ve .official Lecturers: in Trinity Term this yea r it comprised six F ellows , one fully established Lecturer, and eight other Lecturers. Constitutionally the Hall was still a loosely attached dependency of Queen's in 1929, whereas to-day it is an independent, selfgoverning institution. In Michaelmas Term, 1929, there were ten B.A.s and 101 undergraduates in residence: the corresponding fi g ures at the date of his retirement were about thirty graduates and well over 200 undergraduates. Whereas in those early days the Hall had no Exhibitions, apart from three offered annually out of a grant supplied by Queen.'s, to-day it possesses several funds of its own for the provision of Scholarships. The buildings in occupation in 1929 confined to the main quadrangle minus Staircases 6 and 7, now include the Canterbury block and thr~e substantial houses on the High Street, with the assured prospect of


H .M.

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four more being brought into use in the near future. The ancient buildings, which stood in grave need of rehabilitation when he assumed the reins of office, have been submitted to a thorough process of r:estoration, involving extensive refacing and reroofing. They have been enriched by such amenities as the restored imd refurnished Hearne Room, the uncovering of the Elizabethan fireplace in the J .C.R. and the complete reconstruction of that room itself, the erection of the sacristry and the organ-chamber, and the graceful enlargement of the Old Library. The Hall's ¡ finances, always a problem and always likely to be one until adequate endowment is secured, have been put on a secure basis which has enabled them to stand up to the economic' stringencies of the pre-war years and the crisis of the war itself. Finally, the whole position of the Hall in the University at large has undergone an extraordinary change. In the 'twenties, while recognised as a gallant and friendly society, it was still regarded as standing somewhat apart from the main stream of college life, and in some quarters the suggestion of its advancement to complete parity was viewed with suspicion. In 1951 it could hold its own in the Schools, in the sporting arena, and in general prestige with any of the colleges, and the old hostilities have ent!rely disappeared. Not all these welcome developments, of course, have been brought about by the direct action of the Principal. To be successful, an institution depends on the collaboration of many people, and Mr . Emden has been fortunate in having a loyal body of Tutors and Fellows to assist him. To a certain extent, too, the remarkable increase in numbers has been due to external conditions, such as the demand in the 'thirties for a more modestly priced education than was then available at the larger colleges, and the influx of students to the University generally after the war. Yet only a man of vision, faith and indefatigable energy could have exploited these conditions so as to derive full advantage from them. A discerning historian of Oxford between 1930 and 1950 would be sure to n'ote that, under Mr. Emden's captaincy, the Hall adapted itself to the rapidly changing winds and currents more quickly, more flexibly and more surely than other societies . But for most of the revolutionary changes listed above, the credit belongs entirely to his resourceful brain and his guiding hand. The ¡new Statutes of 1937, for example, are the fruit of years of painstaking negotiation with Queen's, conducted personally by himself, and in every paragraph they bear the imprint of his mind. So, too, the imaginative programme of restoration and extension

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of buildings has owed everything to him, both in original conception and in detailed execution. What makes that programme all the more amazing is the fact that, during the whole of his Principalship, the Hall remained (as it remains to-day, apart from the Besse benefaction) virtually without endowment, so that fresh money had to be found for every improvement planned. Again, whatever financial stability the Hall has enjoyed in recent years has been the product of his careful husbanding of its resources. To take a final example, even the notable sequence of sporting successes which has established one important side of the Hall's reputation in Oxford and the outside world has owed more to the Principal than might be realised at first sight. If to-day the clubs stand securely on their own feet, past generations of Aularians gratefully acknowledge the sage counsel, practical help, and measureless moral support which Mr. Emden gave them in more struggling days. The Hall's most valuable characteristic, however, in the period under review has been the peculiar spirit animating its members. Visitors have often remarked on the intimate, friendly atmosphere which prevails in it, and have sensed in Aularians a greater feeling of corporate keenness than in members of other societies. Among its tokens have been the absence of cliques in the Hall, the cordial relations existing between senior and junior members, the enthusiasm \vith which the whole community has supported the efforts of particular groups, and an extraordinary degree of ¡loyalty towards the institution itself. Intangible though it is, the attitude is undoubtedly distinctive of the Hall, and Mr. Emden has been largely responsible for creating and encouraging it. He has never had much sympathy for the big, impersonal institution, where the undergraduates co-exist in sharply demarcated s~ts, where . their relations with their teachers never rise above the formal level of business dealings, and where each man goes his own way supremely indifferent to the welfare of the community. His vision has been based rather on his conception of the medieval A ula, a closely integrated fellowship knit together by a family spirit; and if the Hall to-day approximates to that ideal, that must be counted as one of the unique contributions of his Principalship. He himself, with his unswerving devotion to the Hall and his refusal, once he had entered its service, to be deflected in other directions, however honourable and attractive, stands out as the living embodiment of the loyalty he has been so successful in inspiring in others. J.N.D.K.




PROFILE OF A PRINCIPAL There are two things (among others) which the new Principal is in the habit of saying about himself. First, that when he came to Queen's College at the age of 19 in 1929, he was a raw Scottish youth whom Oxford had to civilise. Secondly, that when he was appointed Chaplain of the Hall in 1935, he had only once previously ¡entered its portals, and that the sole impressions he had carried away of that visit were of an excessive quantity of ivy and an excessively minute chapel. That he was a Scotsman, born near Stirling in 1909, matriculated at Glasgow University at the absurdly early age of 16, and laureated as the most distinguished graduate of his year in 1929, no one can controvert. But when he climbed the steps of Queen 's as senior classical scholar of that year, there to embark upon a career of success comprising three Firsts, the Hertford Scholarship and the Presidency of the Taberdar's Room, there can have been little about him meriting the epithet raw. As for the second of his dicta, if he joined the Hall in 1935 as a complete ignoramus of its traditions and character, he was soon to remedy that defect and to become heart and soul identified with it. Indeed, although tempting baits have been spread before him by other colleges and universities, and even by archbishops, the love and loyalty engendered by the ivy (now fortunately removed) and the tiny chapel have enabled him to resist all these allurements. So far as the external fayade of his career is concerned, Dr. Kelly seems admirably qualified to succeed, at the comparatively early age of 42, to the headship of an Oxford college. His scholarly attainments have been attested by his election in 1926 as Senior Denyer and Johnson Scholar, and in 1945 as Speaker's Lecturer in Biblical Studies. More recently still they have received mature expression in his boqk, Early Christian Creeds, which the learned world both in England and abroad has applauded in the most flattering terms. Unless other duties distract him, he seems well set for becoming one of our most notable patristic scholars. In University affairs he has played a noteworthy part for several years, serving on the Lodgings Delegacy, the Dispensations Committee, and the Benefices Delegacy. During the war he was one of the three dons selected by the Vice-Chancellor to be responsible for organising a remarkably successful series of leave-courses for American, Dominions and Allied servicemen. He has expanded his administrative experience by being an active member of the



governing bodies of two ¡well-known public schools and one theological college. Three bishops have recognised his abilities as a churchman by nominating him as their examining chaplain, and in 1948 he was appointed Canon of Chichester in the prebendal stall of Wightring. For a college headship, however, the usual trappings of a forrunate career are too impersonal to be sufficient. Dr. Kelly would be himself the first to deplore any attempt to describe him in terms solely of external achievement. As a man, it must be admitted, he has often been judged something of an enigma. What puzzles people is the fact that the most diverse, even the most opposite, types of individuals seem to find him congenial company. Yet if he can be almost equally sympathetic-to take extreme instanceswitli the pious and the libertine, with the low-brow hearty and the sensitive intellectual, that is surely because he possesses an unusual understanding of human nature, and perhaps something of the humble tolerance which springs from such an understanding. Certainly, if you asked him where his main interest lies, an honest answer would give a large place to the sympathetic study of !:is fellow men. If this provides the clue to the width and variety of his contacts, it explains too the readiness with which, during his Vice-Principalship, men in every kind of trouble-moral, intellectual , even mental-would resort to him and seek his confidence. It also explains his success, as Dean, in maintaining discipline: the lawbreaker whom he castigated (sometimes unmercifully) usually felt that he understood, and up to a point sympathised with, the temptation. Certainly few dons in modern Oxford have had so many close friends among undergraduates, or have been fortunate enough to have such a wide measure of confidence bestowed upon them by their J .C.R.s . A profile, by definition, presents only one side of the subject's face. Which side is the most real and the most important? The scholar browsing over patristic texts in the Bodleian, or tapping out learned articles on his typewriter? The squash-player panting and sweating on the court as he pursues his favourite hobby? The extemporary preacher, at one moment humorous and at another tensely serious, deploying his eloquence to commend Christianity to semi-pagan Oxford? The tactful administrator, skilfully attempting to reconcile opposing viewpoints and indifferent to minutiae so long as agreement can be obtained on essentials? The Dean coldly quelling a rowdy crowd in the quadrangle after midnight, or giving an unhappy victim a dressing-down he will not



soon forget? The epicure dining with the captains of the games clubs, or with a party of young men at a country· hotel, and enjoying to the full their boisterous frivolities? The canon sitting in full canonicals in the chapter-house and gravely discussing devices to augment the cathedral revenues or to show the cathedral treasures to best advantage? A man is a complex creature, and probably all these aspects are equally genuine and equally significant. A true profile must take account of them all. In· any case, there is plenty of material in these varied ingredients to make a good Principal. His tenure of office is sure to be interesting, and both Aularians who know him, and those who do not, unite in congratulating him and wishing him every success. H.M.N.H.I.

DEATH OF A BENEFACTOR It is with sincere regret that the Magazine records the fact that Monsieur Antonin Besse, Hon. K.B.E., Hon. D.C.L, died at Gordonstoun School, Elgin, in the early hours of Monday, 2 July. He had reached the age of 74, and although he was still full of vigour, the precarious state of his heart had been known even outside his intimate circle for some time. During his e~­ ceptionally active life Monsieur Besse accumulated immense wealth as a general merchant and ship owner in the Middle East, particularly in the area about the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. In Oxford he will always be remembered, with deep feelings of gratitude, as one of the University's most munificent and farsighted benefactors. As principal memorial to his name will stand the new college, St. Antony's, which he founded and endowed as a centre in which young Frenchmen, and scholars from other European countries, might live in academic fellowship with English students. At the same time his generosity extended to eight other societies, including the Hall, which he has enriched with princely benefactions designed to enable them to · enlarge their buildings and expand their teaching facilities, as well as to offer hospitality to a succession of students from France. A full account of his generosity to the Hall, and details of the plans on foot to give expression to his intentions, was published in last year's issue of the Magazine. F



The warm sympathy of Aularians goes out to Monsieur Besse's family, especially to his widow. So far as Oxford is concerned, the University and the colleges he assisted count themselves fortunate in having been permitted, shortly before his death, to honour him in traditional academic fashion, and also to make his personal acquaintance and to give him some practical insight into the ways in which his projects are going to be implemented. Towards the close of Trinity Term he came to Oxford with Madame Besse and, as the climax of a crowded week, received the honorary degree of D.C.L. on 12 June. The Convocation House was packed for the occasion, Madame Besse and other members of his family being present, and Monsieur Besse made no secret of the excitement and pleasure he was feeling. After he had been admitted to his degree by the Vice-Chancellor, as the \.Varden of St. Antony's was about to escort him from the building, the whole colourful assembly rose to give him a spontaneous and splendid ovation. During the week he paid visits to most of the colleges he had helped, and on the morning of Tuesday, 18 June , in response to the personal invitation of the Vice-Principal, he and Madame Besse called at the Hall. They spent a . full hour examining the buildings and discussing the extensions planned. While drinking sherry in Dr. Kelly's rooms, Monsieur Rt>sse expounded, in his own inimitable way, his vigorous philosophy of self-help and personal initiative, and deplored the current idealisation of safety-first and the tendency to stamp out individualism. It seemed to be his dying wish that the benefactions he had so lavishly bestowed should be used to train up young men imbued with that readiness to take risks and that spirit of self-sacrificing service which, as he was never tired of repeati.n g, had been the mainspring of England's greatness. It seems not inappropriate to reprint here, by kind permission of their au1 hors, two tributes which were paid to Monsieur Besse within a few months of each other. The first is a free rende r!ng in English of the Latin oration delivered in his honour by the Public Orator (Mr. T. Higham, of Trinity College) in the Convocation held on 12 June at which he received his degree: 'Two years ago I expressed your deep gratitude to the anonymous benefactor who, with rare generosity, had founded a new college at Oxford and ¡also increased the resources of some existing Foundations and given them a chance of expansion. To-day, with the same feelings of gratitude in my heart, I do not give them the same expression, for he himself would not desire it. You for your part can presently show

THE L \T E MONSIEUR .-\ NTON I N BESSE Ho:-;. K.B .E., Ho:-;. D.C.L.



what we are feeling by your appla use ; and in the meanwhile l shall give you a brief account of our benefactor's career. In his early youth he crossed the African deserts to a trading post at El Obeid in the service (as he recalls) of the same company that sen t the poet Arthur Rimbaud to Abyssinia. Later he ranged the territories that surround the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, rising high by his own initiative and effort and becoming a man of great possessions. His interests in commerce and shipping made for him a second home-la nd, as it were, in our crowded emporium of Aden. He spent great pains on local improvements and was rewarded by the honorary title of Knight of the British Empire. As a trader he dealt in myrrh, incense and amber-commodities prized in antiquity and still in demand. Still, too, there are hides for the trader, as when the Arabians of old brought to Jehosaphat "seven thousand and seven hundred ¡rams and seven thousand and seven hundred he-goats." But he was in fact a universal provider, travelling land and sea and even the air (not without hurt) to bring the necessities of life from all quarters of the world. To conclude, you see before you a man of vast experience and great enterprise, reliant always on himself; one who has moved among many nations and would like you to think of and for them all with brotherly love, using your gifts of character and learning to remove the fears and increase the wealth of the whole human race.' The second tribute is by the \Tice-Chancellor, Dr. J. Lowe, Dean of Christ Church, and formed part of the oration which he delivered on 11 October on laying down his office: ' Particularly deplorable was the sudden death in the Long Vacation of our recent great friend Dr. Antonin Besse, the Founder of St. Antony's. He takes his place, along with Cecil Rhodes and Lord Nuffield, as one of Oxford's three outstanding individual benefactors in modern times, and I think he would not have been displeased at being mentioned in that company. It is a remarkable fact that three such men, strong characters, pronounced individualists, masters of the practical life as well at patrons of learning, whose common aim was and is to bring learning and life together in fruitful union, men who have learned the secret both of making money and of giving it away on an equally ¡grand scale, should have found in this University something which stimulated their generosity to such princely heights . Long may we deserve their support. Unfortunately, not many members of the University had the chance of getting to know Dr. Besse personally, but those of us who did had begun to appreciate the charm and simplicity w?ich adorned without weakening his strength. It is some slight consolation that the blow did not fall till after the University had done what it could to honour him and just after a happy visit in the course of which he was able to see at


ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE least the first fruits of his great project. Our sympathy goes out to Madame Besse and all the members of his family, who were intimately associated with his plans and ideals, and who have most to mourn his loss. I saw his grave the other day, a level terrace on a hill-side of the Cote des Maures, just between the vines and olives of man's cultivation and the untouched natural wildness of the upper slopes, a rather stark spot because it had been swept over by fires, but with a few strong old trees standing- which had withstood the flames, and much vigorous young fresh growth. Here he liked to stand and think, looking down upon . his work and up to the hills and out to the sea, the three regions where he was at home. It is a spot well chosen for his resting-place.'

THE HYMN OF ST. EDMUND A free rendering, by the author, of the Latin HYMNUS DE SANCTO EDMUNDO Now shines the day that Christ hath given For earth to shew her joy to heaven When Edmund thee, his faithful knight He crowns victorious in the fight. Thou whom thy birth in riches dressed Art with the poor in spirit blessed: Thy right hand hath for suppliants wrought That good the left hand knoweth not.


Thee failing mercy ne'er enticed To scorn the little ones of Christ: Cold water given for love alone Refreshes Jesus in his own. Thou teachest human wit above O'ershadowed by the Holy Dove: Thou rul'st the church from Austin's chair And purple hides a shirt of hair. Thou scorn'st before the tyrant's throne To speak of peace where peace is none: Iniquity's uplifted rod Hurts not the heart reposed on God.

-. •



Thine exiled bones thou leav'st to France, But Oxford shall thy name advance, While by thy loving patronage Thy Hall is blessed from age to age. So may the Father grant, we pray, And only Son of equal sway: Whom with the Holy Ghost we praise The Three in One to endless days . A.M.F.

THE PRODUCTION OF 'EDWARD II' In the years immediately before the last war, drama was an activity in which the Hall was very stron¡g. In 1936 we supplied inost of the cast for the 0 . U .D .S. 'Richard II,' including David King-Wood as the King. Of this production, Ivor Brown wrote in his notice for the Observer: 'Perhaps the team-work was assisted by the fact that so many players came from one house; St. Edmund Hall might now be re-entitled Green Room College.' 1939 saw an E.T.C. company produced by Cecil Quentin (then a member of the Hall, and recently in the Old Vic Company) playing a mediaeval morality play, ' The Castle of Perseverance ' in the Quadrangle and later on the steps of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. It is recorded that the then Principal viewed with grave alarm each evening the spectacle of devils cavorting acrobatically along the branches of the Hall trees, which then stretched almost across to the old buildings. Since the war, there have been several attempts to put on a Hall play, notably one of ' The Recruiting Officer ' which reached the rehearsal stage but had to be abandoned. From the existing records, it seems that 'Edward II ' was in fact the first Hall play as such, staged and backed by members of the Hall. In his days as Chaplain, the late Senior Tutor, the Reverend R. F. W. Fletcher, produced and acted in certain highly successful performances of plays, notably Restoration comedies, which were given as private performances in the Hall itself. The project of the John Oldham Society to put on a play was received with a marked coldness, and even more obvious doubt as to its ultimate appearance on the boards, by some members of

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ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -

the J.C.R. Undaunted, however, the play committee of five, appointed in November, 1950, read a hundred or more sixteenth and seventeenth century plays in the first two weeks of their Christmas vacation: but a chance word at dinner from Mr. A. A. Dudman crystallised the decision to produce ' Edward II.' For some time there was a split between ' Edward ' and the ' Shoema kers' Holiday ': but the presence in Hall of an actor ca pable of attempting a tragedy lead assured the ultimate choice. By courtesy of the J.C.R ., .financial backing was forthcoming, and the play went into rehea rsa l early in Hilary Term, 1951. A frantic search of Oxford for a boy to play Edward III ended in the discovery of a . tiny Dragon School boy, who began by being Hobson 's choice and ended by closing the play nightly in rapturo us applause. The next sea rch was for a theatre: and the Hall was the first college dramatic society to put on a play on the Candlelight Theatre Group's newly-built stage in the Old Palace. Rehea rsals ended shortly before Prelims., a nd recommenced in the last two weeks of the Easter ,·acation, within four weeks of the production. As the time drew on, crises occurred with maddening frequency: once it seemed that the costumes would never arrive; once that the production might be raided by the police for playing in an ·unlicensed hall. The dress rehearsal dragged interminably on, with mistake following mistake: the King put his sceptre on the ground once , to embrace Gaveston, and it rolled g·ently to the front of the stage and clattered into the auditorium. But on the night the stage director , Michael Barratt, was flashing his cue-light system with grim determination : the sound men put Sheherazade on the turntable (curiously effective as atmosphere music)-then the National Anthem, the whispered assurance that the house was full, the introductory bars of' Venus' from 'The Planets,' the whistle of the opening curtains - and the play was on, with characters clattering up the stairs back-stage and up the death-trap .ladder on to the boards. There were the inevitable moments when you waited for things to go wrong: it was agonising each night to listen to the last moving words, knowing that Edward was lying on a ' hearse ' made from an ambulance stretcher on four insecure legs, knowing that the legs might collapse at an y moment, and the play with them . There were the battle-scenes, crowded on a tiny stage , flaunting across a loudspeaker braying ' Mars,' and in danger of



being ' sent up ' night after night. There was the uncanny and unnerving Lightborn, murderous and inhuman, with the King in the acutely difficult murder scene - and wondering each night whether the lights would fade quickly enough for the ' murder ' to be done in darkness. vVorst of all, perhaps, was the first night, when the clock crept on and on, with the audience in obvious doubt as to whether the play would finish before midnight (it did - with less than fifteen minutes to spare). But the audience came, and packed the house for four nights : and by the last ~ight it was rumoured that at lea st one attendant had been offered bribes for permission to stand at the back of the hall - which proves something. D.H.E.W. The play was produced by DEREK COLTMAN The cast was as follows: King Edward II Prince Edward, afterwards Edward III


(Dragon School) Edmund, Earl of Kent Piers of Gaveston Bishop of 'i\Tinchester Warwick Lancaster Pembroke Arundel Berkeley Mortimer the elder Mortimer the younger Hugh Spenser ,Baldock Leicester ·Gurney Matrevis Lightborn Sir John of Hainault Levune Rice ap Howe! ·Queen Isabella King Edward's Niece Lady in 'i\Taiting




Attendants, soldiers, messengers, monks, etc.


Technical Staff: Stage Director Stage Manager Assistant Electrician Sound and Effects Assistant -






(New College) (Keble)



Administration: Wardrobe Manager ·Publicity Poster Design -




Front of House


Business Manager -





'I felt oddly indifferent to this production.' (Isis.) ' " Edward II " is not a very good play Magazine.) ' ... three


' (The Oxford

hours.' (Oxford Tory.)

So many experienced critics, one supposes, cannot be wrong; and each of the four packed houses, especially those few members of the audience who had waited successfully for ' returns,' must indeed have been disappointed. Perhaps their presence had only been due to an amazingly thorough yet inexpensive publicity campaign-to the posters lettered by Patrick Mortimer, and to the handbills (printed by David Wainwright) which had been thrust into every bicycle basket and odd corner in Oxford; perhaps it

'EDW 1\ RD 11 ' l 'HO l >l l CEH ,\\I) . . C~ ,\ST



was the fact that this was the first public performance in the Newman Room that filled the foyer with excitement and throng, and an atmosphere strangely like that at a West End theatre. But is this play really so poor and was this particular production of it so unmoving? Had David Wainwright put so much energy and efficiency into the business details of a failure? Not everyone thought so. Certainly the play has its faults; at the beginning Edward is evil and weak, not fit to rule ; at his death, shorn of the trappings of kingship, he becomes for a moment royal. Isabella changes all too suddenly from a wronged and loving wife into an adulteress and a murderess . Young Mortimer in the early scenes is no more than the most turbulent o{ barons; by the end of the play he is a subtle and terrifying symbol of the lust for power. But there are sharp and moving episodes, some of the most crisp and dramatic of Marlowe's verse, and, binding the whole, a taut thread of poetic truth to the forces that were once unleashed in a troubled land. Derek Coltman 's production of this difficult and at the same time promising material also had its faults; between the many scenes a dark gap occurred, and an audience emotionally tense was allowed to relax; one more cut could have been made; and occasionally the tiny stage seemed to be unnecessarily cluttered with disorganised bodies. But the difficult battle scenes were imaginatively and swiftly handled--<:me remembers especially the impact of the tapestried group of nobles poised to fight ' for England and the Baron's right,' and the effective silence that followed these alarums; movement and grouping were on the whole good; and, most telling of all, the producer managed ¡ to suggest change of place on the limited stage by a masterly use of 'tabs.' Harvey Hallsmith would be the first to admit that he is not yet a Gielgud or an Olivier, but his King had some outstanding moments, looked royal, and achieved a general level of competence not often seen in College productions; Robert Southan threw away too much of Gaveston's poetry, but even so managed to hint at some of the warped sensitivity of Edward's minion; Isabella was underplayed by Jennifer Stoneman-the tragic queen emerged, but not the mistress of Mortimer; and John Downes looked, walked, and behaved is if murder had been his business these fifty years. But the honours went to Brian Stafford's Arundel, Andrew Dudman's Kent, the Young Mortimer of Clive CullerneBown, ' and the Prince of Ian Senior. One of the memorable



moments of the play, visually and poetically, was when Arundel, announcing Gaveston 's death, stood as a cloaked and timeless figure for all who have ever brought bad tidings. Andrew Dudman gave to Kent a fine presence, a flexible voice, and a sensitive study in divided loyalties; . and Cli ve Cullerne-Bown, despite the handicap of an excessive beard, achieved outstanding rapidity of diction in argument, and carried conviction as rebel, wooer, and dictator-an admirable essay, both in velvet glove and iron hand . Ian Senior, a young Dragon School boy pressed into service as The Prince, won all hearts by his vigour, enthusiasm, and, more unexpectedly, his dignity of bearing-one felt that here was Edward III: indeed it may well be that his quiet and deeply moving requiem for his father was more than a little responsible for the applause that followed the final curtain. For applau~e there was-Cherwell not only said that the production was pre-eminently satisfactory ; it · also was honest enough to declare that ' to judge by the reception of a full house it gave enjoyment to everyone who saw it.' And here, perhaps, one may be permitted further to redress the unfortunate impression <:reated by the quotations which began this review ... ' ... a sincere a nd well-knit production ... '(Oxford Mail.) ' Derek Coltman achie,·ed on the tiny stage . . . a swift production, handling with skill the scenes between Edward and Piers of Gaveston. ' (The Stage.) And possibly most pleasing to producer, cast, and all who worked for this production, was a note received from .Mr . Neville Coghill: • . .. a credit both to Marlowe and the Hall.' R.E .A .

ROUND EUROPE IN A TAXI Last Long Vacatio n two Hall men, R. W. Hall and J.M. Jaffey, together with J. J. Fagan of University College and M. McGuiness -of Oriel, toured the Continent in an old London taxi . The idea of using such a means of transport was Jaffey's and, with McGuiness, he went off to London to talk with various taxi-cab -drivers about the possibilities of buying an old specimen. In Maida Vale he purchased a vehicle which was due to be taken off the road on the morrow-a · 1934 Austin which from its appearance •one would have thought a pre-1930 model. But appearances are deceptive, and this fine old car proved a good bargain.



We set off from the ~all on 15 July complete with camping equipment, most of it borrowed, a supply of tinned food, and some chocolate which the former Principal, Mr. A. B. Emden, gave us for iron rations . We were given a rousing send-off by people up for the reading party. Tin cans had been tied all over the car, on the top of wh ich our luggage was· piled to an enormous height. On the front of the bonnet was a large notice on . which were chalked the words ' ESCAPED FROM BROADMOOR ' and, as we dro ve down to DO\·er, onlookers must have thought that those words were ve rv true. Dock workers at Dove r offered us £5 for our car, and the act ual loading of her on to the ship caused much amusement. But all this was as nothing compared to our reception at Ostend . People there thought we had purchased our cab from a museum or else that we were an advertising stunt. Wherever we parked, la rge crowds would gather to get a closer view of this ancientlooking vehicle, scarcely believing that there were similar cars still on the roads in England . Our own garb matched the peculiarity of our cab and the combination of white straw hat, shorts and umbrella , or cloth cap, shorts a nd .ba nd y legs caused much mirth. But our very eccentricity was a passport to a friendly reception and we were often plied with free drinks. Our j9urney took us first through .Belgium and Holland where we paid many visits and where we had no difficulty in finding camping s ites though some of these were by no means ideal, and the close proximity of cow sheds and heaps of fertiliser did not make for a good night's sleep in the sweet country air. We travelled as far north as the Zuider Zee and then struck south to visit Arnheim and spend the night on the famous battlefield before entering Germany. Here our route took us down the Rhine and into Bavaria. In Bonn we were interviewed by a Reuter correspondent and our story appeared in some of the English newspapers to the extent of two or three lines, whilst in South Africa, from where three of us hailed, it was front-page news . Evidently they appreciated our so-called ' spirit of adventure ' more in that ' new land.' After visiting Munich and Be rchtesgaden , we entered Austria , not only a beautiful country but a cheap one. It was here that we achieved our greatest success, for we drove over the Gross Glockner Pass, reaching a height of 8,ooo feet. True , we crawled upward s in bottom gear, but we passed many a Cadillac and Ford which had to stop because their radiators were boiling. Our progress



was slow but impressive and we were cheered on by fellow Englishmen. If the ascent was slow the descent was even slower, for our brakes were none too good and the heavily laden car was a difficult thing to steer around hairpin bends with precipitous drops over' the edge. Leaving Gross Glockner behind, we drove on to the Russian zone and into Vienna, but not before we had had two punctures within . an hour, and those in a cloudburst. We were ¡ forced to spend the night in a barn in a small Austrian village, and, after _breakfast at a farmhouse there, we made ready to start. But water had seeped into the plugs of the cab and that start took a couple of hours, with an interested crowd of villagers around, offering what were no doubt helpful but certainly quite unintelligible suggestions. In Vienna we enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in hotel beds and looking civilised again, McGuiness and Jaffey even going as far as having a shave. Fagan showed his determination and retained his beard throughout the tour, to the delight and amusement of the opposite sex. Soviet flags and pictures of M. Stalin were prominent in Vienna, and while in that city we took the opportunity of going on the Big Wheel and seeing other scenes from ' The Third .Man,' besides visiting Schonnbrunn Palace, the Cathedral and the other accepted sights. Before we left Austria we fortunately loaded up with provisions, for, in Jugoslavia, our next port of call, everything was a fantastic price despite the fact that as tourists we had a seventy per cent. reduction on most goods. Our reception could not have been more friendly and, as cars are a rare sight in that country, the antiquity of our vehicle did not arouse any undue interest, except in the case of the British Military and Air Attaches there whom we met in a deserted part of the Dalmatian mountains, and who were amazed to see a London taxi approaching them in that outlandish spot. Leaving J ugoslavia, we entered Italy where our sight-seeing became exhausting even though we left so much unseen. Rome was our furthest point south, and then we journeyed back up the west coast where, at some small village, we had the greatest difficulty in telling the local policeman that we were the victims of some unknown Italian robber. Jaffey had suffered especially hard at the hands of this thief and, as he continually left his possessions at different places along the route, his baggage was

ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE becoming correspondingly lighter, despite the fact that a large work by Bertrand Russell still weighed down the taxi. Unfortunately he never forgot the book; neither did he read it! The weather was relatively kind to us and we spent some idyllic hours on the Italian and French Rivieras before we left the Med iterranean and drove up the Rhon e Valley to Avignon, the scene of the 1949 Hall Soccer Tour, to Paris . By this time we. were experiencing pecuniary difficulties, and after staying five days in that city we left for Calais and home. The old car had travelled 4,000 miles and our only mishaps were three punctures and occasional starting trouble. We would disagree with the former owner who pronounced her uneconomical to run and unfit for further service. She served us nobly both as a car and as a house, for she provided a safe refuge from the attacks of mosq ui toes and other insect enemies, the only unfriendly beings we met on a very enjoyable tour. R.W.H.

THE AULARIAN BOOKSHELF The following publica.tions by members of the H all have come to our notice. W.e would be very glad to have news of any such publications for notice in this article or for review in the Magazine, or to receive copies of them to place on the Aularian Shelves in the Old Library. D. G. CHARLTON (Matric. 1943). An Unpublished Letter of William Jam es . (Article in The Philosophical Quarterly, 1951.) K. C. B. ALLOTT (Matric. 1935). The Art of Graham Greene. (Hamish Hamilton, 1951.) H. M. N. H . IRVING (Fellow). The Centenary of Penny's Process: A Landmark in the History of Analytical Chemistry. (Article in Science Progress No. 153, January, 1951.) Solvent Extraction and its Application to Inorganic Analysis. (Quarterly Review of the Chemical Society, Vol. V, No. 2, 1951.) (With J. R. P. WILLIAMS) The Effect of Tinte and Temperature on Potentials measured with the Glass Electrode. (Journal of the Chemical Society, 563 , 1950). N. J. WILLIAMS (Matric. 1946). Francis Shaxton and the Elizabethan Port Books. (Article in The English Historical Review, LXVI, July, 1951.)



G. E . H. GRIGSON (Matric. I924) . Description of Thornton's Temple of Flora (in the reprint of this work published by Collins, 1951). C. S. CoLOCASSIDES (Matric. 19-i-9). La validite 'intrinseque ' des contrats d,a ns le droit anglais des con.flits de lois. (Article in Revue de Droit International Prive, No. 4, 1950.)


N. D. KELLY (Vice-Principal). The First Ch·r istian EmpireNicaea to Cha/cedon. (The second in a broadcast symposium published by A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., with the title The Story of the Christian Church.)

.-\. M. FARRER (Chaplain 1930-35). A Study in St. Mark. (Dacre Press, 1951.) C. GRAYSON (Matric. 1938). Editor, with C. DIONISOTTI. Early Italian Texts. (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1949.) M. G. ROBINSON (Matric. 1929). Editor, with LEAH DOUGLAS. The Correspondence of Thomas Percy and Thomas Warton.

(Louisiana State University Press , 1951.) C. R . RITCHESON (Matric. 1948). British Constitutional Reaction to the A~erican Revolution. (Artie!~ in Parliamentary Affairs Vol. IV, No. 2. Spring 1951. R. L. HILL (Matric. 1922). A Biographical Dictionary of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. (Oxford University Press, 1951.) M. DE P. COOPER (Matric. 1928). French Music from the Death. of Berlioz to the Death of Faure. (Oxford University Press, 1951).

K. A. Mum (Matric. 1926). Editor of Macbeth in the new Arden edition of Shakespeare. (Methuen, 1951 .) Fifty Years of Shakesp earian Criticism (in Shakespeare Survey, No. 4. Cambridge Uni ve rsity Press, 1951.) L. W. H ANSON (Matric. 1925). The Shakespeare Collection in the B odleian Library. (In Shakespeare Survey , No. 4 . Cambridge University Press, 1951.)

F. D. ·WALKER (Rhodes Scholar, Matric. 1921). A Literary History o.f Southern C~lifornia. (University of California Press, .1950.) P. H. PHIZACKERLEY (Matric. 1945). A Revision of the Teleosauridae in the Oxford University Museum and the British Museum (Paper in the Annals of the Magazine of Natural History, 12th Series, Vol. IV, 1951.)




s. d.

Total brought forward Mr. J · C. Adamson ~1rs. Allen Mr. R. E . .-\lton Rev. Canon D. Armytage Mr. H . Bagnall Mr. A. W. Barnes The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Bermuda Major-Gen. A. B. Blaxland, C.B. Rev. 'vV. L. Bunce Rev. T. J. Childs Mr. H. Cloke ... Mr . H. F. Cook Mr. C. A.' Coomber Dr. T. H. Croxall Mr. D. K. Daniels The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Dorchester Mr. J. M. Edmonds ... Rev. E. P. M. Elliott ... Mr . ;\. E. Ellis Mr. M. C. English Mr. A. B. Emden Mr. P.A. H. Farrant ... Mr . .B. M. Forrest Mr. M. J. Forster Mr. G. H. Franey Dr. P. T . Freeman Rev. H. S. Glover Mr, L. N. Harvey Mr. C. de N. Hill Mr. C. R. Hiscocks Rev. J. H . Hodson Mr. A. G. Hopewell Rev. S. A. Howard · The late Mr. H. C. Ingle Mr. G. E. Janson-Smith

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Lund, Kenneth Arden (Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B.) . . Scholars

Cooper, Ronald Cecil Macleod (The Edinburgh Academy). H a rding, David Anthony (St. Edward's School, Oxford). Philpott, Malcolm Monckton (Stamford School). Ridd, John William Gregory (Wallington County Grammar School). Tudor, Peter Gwyn (Grove Park Grammar School, Wrexham). Commoners

Akroyd, John Aubrey (Ashton .G rammar School, Dunstabl~). Ba rter, Phillip Frederick (Bournemouth School). Benabo, Brian Solomon (Harrow School). Benbow, Colin Hamilton (Bradfield ·College). Bennett, Gerald Anthony Leonard (St. Albans School). Bingham, John Crewe (King Edward VII School, King's Lynn) . Bloom, Derek (Harrow-Weald County School) . Bould, Maurice (Reigate Grammar School). Bourne-] ones, Derek Frederick (Private Tutor). Brown, William Herbert Charles (Poole Grammar School). Burge, John David (Ardingly College). Chapman, Derek Richard (Whitgift Middle School, Croydon) Chatterjea, Mukti Kumar (Westminster City School). ·Cole, Bryan James (Scarborough High School). Crabtree, Michael Thomas (Hull Grammar School). Davidson, Frank (Nairn Academy). Davies, David Colin (Aberdare Grammar School). Day) Desmond John (Whitgift Middle School, Croydon). de Deney, Geoffrey Ivor (William Ellis School, Highgate). Dodd, Jack (Leighton Park School). Ellis, John Alexander Carruthers (St. Edward's School, Oxford). Evans, Aubrey Francis Raymond (Shrewsbury School). Evans, Peter Robert (County Grammar School, Altrincham). Fairweather, Norman Charles Vivian (Bristol University). G



ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE Farrand, John Ernest (Warwick School). Fletcher, Christopher Hugh (Marlborough College). Forbes, James (West Hartlepool Grammar School). French, Robin Hubert (Buckhurst Hill County High School). Glenton, Jonathan (St. John's College, Johannesburg). Godden, John Seymour (Worthing High School). Gray, Alan John (Hurstpierpoint College). Harris, Roy (Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, Bristol). Harrold, James Herbert Waller (St. Edward's . School, Oxford). Hoare, Derek George Graham (Lancing College). ] ay, Allan Louis Neville (Cheltenham College) . Jenkins, John Samuel (Newport High School, Mon.). Johnston, Andrew Clifford (Banbury Grammar School). Kelly, Michael John (Peter Symonds' School, Winchester). Laflin, Kenneth William (King's School, \tVorcester). Lapham, John Henry Watson (Cheltenham College). Lefevre, Raymond Albert (University of Paris). Lunn, Robert Geoffrey (Holme Valley Grammar School, Huddersfield). Macdonald-Smith, Neil (Llandovery College). MacLeay, John Henry James (Trinity College, Glenalmond). Meyrick, David Nigel (Christ's Hospital , Horsham). Moeton, Frederic Henri (St. Edward's School, Oxford). Moylan, Edward Denys (St. Edward's School, Oxford) . Ogilvie, David Bruce (Hackney Downs Second Grammar School) . Osgood, Brian Charles (Ardingly College). Palmer, John Charles (Dauntsey's School, West Lavington). Panting, Anthony Charles Mortimer (Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester). Patient, Alan John (Kingswood School, Bath). Pettifor, Roy Bowman (Sedbergh School). Phipps, David (Aylesbury Grammar School). Plowden-Roberts, Hugh Martin (St. Edward's School, Oxford). Poynter, Allan Geoffrey (Taunton's School, Southampton). Pritchard, Barrie Frazier (Monmouth School). Roberts, Raymond Harcourt (Pontywaun Grammar School). Robson, Michael Anthony (West Hartlepool Grammar School). Romney, David Henville (Reading University). Rushy, Frank Edward (Wintringham Grammar School).



Shenton, David Riley (Huddersfield College). Slack, William Howard (Rotherham Grammar School). Sotirovic, Vasilije (Valjevo State Secondary School). Staples, John Berry (Collyer's School, Horsham). Turner, Alan Ernest Harry (King Edward's School, Birmingham). Watson, John Gerald (Wrekin College). Webber, John Alexander (Cirencester Grammar School). vVightwick, Charles Christopher Brooke (Lancing College). Williams, Roy Maurice (George Dixon Grammar School, Edgbaston). Wood, Dudley Ernest (Luton Grammar School). Young, Robert Russell (Heat~n Grammar School, Newcastleupon-Tyne).


January 18 M.A.: *G. A. Moss, A. H. W. Nias, *J.C. Palmer. B.A.: *G. A. Moss . February 24

M.A.: A. T. Clarke, D. J. Hardy, L. T. Podmore, J. A. G. Whitehead. B.Sc.: P. H. Phizackerley. B.A.: R. Vincent Jones . April 26

M.A. : R . A. Cooper, *P. C. Swann. B.A.: P . R. Stott June


M.A.: S. G. Downey, P W. Glover, J. W. R. Head, M. Johnson, *J. F. Lavender, R. A. Mason, P. R. Turk, M. Turi.

B.A.: *P.R. O'Donovan, A. W. Shaw, A. J. Trythall. June


D.Phil.: E. E . Murphy. B.A.: J. Doctorow.


100 July 14

M.A.: *R. L. Barker, vV. P. H ead, C. vV. Marston, G. A. R . Swannell, T. D . Weston, *C. J. Woodcock. B.A.: D. A. Clarke, C. R. Hill, J. Hobbs, C. W. Marston , *C . J. Woodcock. July 28

B.D. & D.D.: Rev. Canon J. N. D. Kelly. B.M.: B. R. S. Mainwaring. M.A.: *K. A. Muir, J. O'Halloran, E. G. Price, V. M. Wilford. B.A.: G. G. Allen, L. E. Bath, C. A. Blackman, B. E. Cooke, D. Craven, R. Day, J. J. Hogan, G. J. Insley, P.R. Jones , R . V. Kings, H. A. Leverett, D. J. Marsden, J. O'Halloran, V. M. Wilford. B.Phil.: L. E. Baragwanath . October 18 B.Litt.: -J("L. l. Stowe. B.A.: P. J. Croft, G. D . Gilling-Smith, K. M. Grayson, T. W. Silkstone. November 3 B.A.: T. E. Dowman, R. Downing, I. P. Foote, W. Hardy, E. J. Morgan, G. I. Needham, M. Pike, R. W. M. Skinner, D. L. Stevens, B. Tulloch, P. F. White. November 24

M.A. : M. G. D. Davys, Rev. R. G. Pusey. B.A.: S. E. George, P. G. Smart, R . Tracey. *In absence




General Fund Balance as at 31 May, 1950 ... Add : Surplus on Income and Expenditure A/c for the year to date




Deficit charged to General Fund




Oxford Trustee Savings Bank Post Office Savings Bank



s. d.

777 6 2 516 15 4


327 775

8 2

Current Account

. ..

6 22






£ 168 87 25

s. 0 15 0 15



8 18 10 1766 12

Activities Fund Subscriptions for year to date Less: Grant to Scholarship Fund



L ess: Deficit on Activities Fund for ye_a r to date ...



2 31 40 0 0 I

8 18


Publication Fund Balance as at 31 May, 1950 .. .

INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY, 1951 £ S . d. £ s. d. E XPE NDITURE Membership Subscriptions Magazin e Composition Receipts 605 14 8 Directory Annual Payments 21 15 o Gratuity to Btirsary Staff 627 9 8 Photographs 3 Printing and Stationery Bank Interest 12 12 o Postages Post Office Savings Bank Interest 17 18 8 E:ff ess of Income over Expenditure carried to Balan ce Oxford Trustee Savings Bank Interest Sheet INCOME

£658 0


32 16



327 8


9 0 0 0 4 2

£658 0 7






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