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D E S E R T, S E A & C U LT U R A L E S C A P E S

The Oberoi, Marrakech How They Dazzle Us Ranked the number one resort in the whole of North Africa and

inclined to never leave their rooms. The exoticness of this

the Middle East at the 2022 Travel and Leisure Awards, The Oberoi

hotel is enhanced by offers of sunrise yoga, vintage side-car

Marrakech is a sublime place to spend time. Located amidst

adventures, personalised cooking courses, hot air balloon rides

113,312 square metres of Mediterranean orchards boasting

and helicopter flips over the spectacular Sahara Desert.

fragrant citrus trees and centuries-old olive groves, this Landing features beautifully landscaped gardens punctuated by impressive

Their Sustainable Superpower

water features. Its authentic architecture is inspired by the palaces of ancient Morocco, and you cannot help but feel like royalty as

On a local level, the ancient orchards and exquisite gardens are

you stroll through the magnificent grounds. The courtyard of the

lovingly tended and preserved by the smart use of water.

main building incorporates the design of the historic Medersa Ben

On a group level, one of the primary principles of their CSR

Youssef, built in the 14th century, one of Marrakech’s most famous

(corporate social responsibility) policy is caring for parentless

historical monuments.

children from around the world.

All of this is capped with picturesque views of the majestic snow-

The Oberoi Group has partnered with SOS Children’s Villages

topped Atlas Mountains. This spectacular hotel is the perfect place

and together, they provide for the upbringing and education

to use as a base from which to explore the extraordinary city of

of 210 parentless, homeless, or abandoned children living in

Marrakech. From its beautiful gardens to the ancient Andalusian

Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Cochin, Jaipur

architecture and traditional souks, it features art galleries, mountain

and Kolkata. The Oberoi Group provides funding for 61 youths

vistas and plenty of opportunity for adventure and relaxation.

to attend bachelor’s programs at various higher education institutions. A highlight of the partnership between The Oberoi

Why We Love Them

Group and SOS Children’s Village is the enthusiastic participation

This Landing is thoughtfully laid out to offer privacy and the

with the children and help drive several initiatives centered around

spacious and luxurious rooms and villas, most with large private

learning, fun and games. This project is a cornerstone of the

pools and gardens, incorporate authentic Andalusian design and

group’s efforts to do good in the world.

incredible views. With beautiful hand-painted traditional zellige tiles and hand-sculpted wall panels, these villas with 72 square metre interiors harmonise traditional Moroccan design. The Spa is an oasis of peace that spans 2000 square meters and is located on a body of water surrounded by orchards. At the heart of the palace is a magnificent central courtyard clothed in glossy green-and-blue tiles and mesmerising handcrafted stuccowork which took five years to complete. If it was not for the city’s fashionable nightlife and its spiritual mystique or the wonderful choices of restaurants, guests may be

and involvement of the company’s employees who actively engage

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