St Catherine's News - Autumn 2021

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St Catherine’s News Autumn 2021

Student Engagement


The teachers at St Catherine’s Junior School, Barbreck aim for girls to see themselves as successful learners. But what are the characteristics and classroom behaviours of successful learners? And importantly, how do teachers assist this journey in the classroom?

Designing a learning environment that is considered safe and ensures the learning is visible encourages girls to think about their role in the process of the learning journey. A safe learning environment ensures girls feel able to take risks with their learning, where the opportunity to make mistakes is welcomed and the environment for learning is respected by all. The old adage ‘we learn more from our mistakes’ is very true. Girls are encouraged to explore, to be curious and to try new things.

As students transition through the Junior School year levels, the opportunity to study more complex investigations requires a curious mind to pose questions and respond by researching answers. Encouraging girls to explore for answers to questions without always being provided the answer immediately, makes for a better learner, one who can think more deeply, consider more carefully and make decisions based on sound, researched information.

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