St Bonaventure's Magazine Summer 2018

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ISSUE : 15 SUMMER 2018

St Bonaventure’s Magazine

Top goal scorer Zinnell Royes from 8 Bell has his arms overflowing with just some of the trophies won this year.

message from the headteacher Dear Parents, Governors, Students and Friends, Another school year has been completed and this one went by so quickly. It is good to know that this summer we are going to at least have weather that will make being off school bearable. I love being the Headteacher of this great school, so much is happening within the school and within the Catholic community of Newham, it is never boring and always exciting. Many schools would struggle to put together a magazine that came out once a year, our issue is what items to miss out as we have so much going on. As always we have contributed greatly to charity this year and the total raised for September 2017 to July 2018 is a huge; £17,616.22 We have donated this year to the following charities; the Mizen Foundation, BCCS, CAFOD, Aid To The Church In Need, Missio, Contact The Elderly and Crisis. Each of these charities will benefit greatly from the generosity of our students and their families. Thank you. When assisting with acts of great charity you are truly following the teachings of Jesus Christ. When Jesus heard this, He said to him, "One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." Luke 18: 22 On Monday 25th June, we invited Ofsted into school. They are currently conducting a piece of research into what schools are doing as a reaction to the scary increase in street violence amongst young people. Newham has been badly affected by this, as Newham has the highest rate of noxious liquid attacks, knife assaults and deaths by gun and knife crime in London. We have always worked with Police, Charities, Councillors and MPs to make Newham the safest place possible. I have chosen to work and live in Newham and this borough has a great community, there needs to be a community response to the current violence. We can not sit back and allow the violence to continue, whilst blaming the police. The police can not bring about change on their own. We believe that the messages that our students get of love, peace, mercy and forgiveness make our boys turn into decent citizens and I wanted Ofsted to see this. It is often too easy for schools to pretend that “it has got nothing to do with us”, but we do not think like this. Our Year 12 TELCO group have been working hard to look at the local issues and some of them are going to visit Glasgow and Manchester to see how these cities have reacted to youth violence. St Bonaventure’s is playing a part in making the situation better. By the grace of God and by a strong sense of commitment we will see the change that we all desperately want. I must thank Lyn Brown MP for her terrific leadership in this area and her passionate speeches in Parliament. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5: 9 We are now coming to the end of the year of celebration for our 140th Anniversary. St Bonaventure’s has been providing the very best education in Forest Gate for a very long time. Throughout this period Governments have come and gone. Policies have changed, changed again and then changed back. The curriculum is now very different from 1877 but the process of teaching and enthusing young minds has changed very little. Adults will only remember those teachers that showed them care, consideration and love. Students choose subjects at University because a great Mentor showed them how to love a subject. I am very proud of our traditional values and our proven track record of success - not just with the most able, it is easy to get success from


students that find learning easy but as a comprehensive school we develop all our students. This is recognised by the students in Year 7 to Year 13. We never give up on them. To finish off this Anniversary year, the school will gather on the last day of the school year in the Catholic Church of St Antony of Padua to celebrate the Feast of our Patron, St Bonaventure. The Feast day is actually on Sunday 15th June, but we won’t be in school then. The last thing that we will do is sing our new school song as a community for the first time. This song has been written and composed for us by a great friend called Kathy Underhill. We wanted the song to contain our school motto “In Sanctitate et Doctrina”, our school mission statement of “Live, Love and Learn in the presence of the Lord” and to reflect the age and tradition of the school. She has written a masterpiece. With courage strong and true We step up to the fight. We listen, care and get involved in the world our mark to make. Those saints of old, who gave their lives To stand for all that is good, With our founding Father Bonaventure Give us the voice to proclaim So let us live to change the world, Let us love with all our heart. To learn the truth to guide our lives In Sanctitate et Doctrina To strive to draw the very best From students young and old Is the goal of those who work within The walls we know so well. Each bold Franciscan Brother strove To raise life chances for all, With lessons, calm and measured, To enrich the world with truth So let us live to change the world, Let us love with all our heart. To learn the truth to guide our lives In Sanctitate, in Sanctitate. In Sanctitate et Doctrina. Kathy will join us at this Mass for the historic moment that the whole school community sings the song for the first time. In just a few years no-one will remember a time when it wasn’t sung by the students in our school. In a hundred years time, everyone will assume that it is as old as the school because it has a traditional quality to it. If you want to hear the song, check out the school Facebook page, I will record it and share straight away. We already have videos of our current Year 7 and the new Year 7 singing it on their transition day on Thursday 28 June. I hope that you all have a fabulous summer break. Stay safe, look after each other and I will see you all when we return to school on Tuesday 4th September 2018. Year 7 start at 8:45am Year 8 - 11 start at 2:15pm God bless you all. Paul Halliwell, Headteacher



Did you know that it’s not only elderly people that can be affected by the cruel disease Alzheimer’s but some young and middle aged people too?

On May 16, our students participated in the UK’s first ever National Numeracy Day.

These Year 12 and Year 10 students learned a lot about dementia on June 4, when The Alzheimer’s Society in Newham came in to deliver a very informative workshop to them.

It is hoped it will become an annual celebration of the importance of numbers in everyday life and will bring together individuals, employers, teachers and influencers to improve numeracy.

Miss Roddy went on to explain: “Students signed up to become friends of the society and they will be delivering awareness assemblies to all Year groups next academic year. They were shocked to hear that dementia can affect the young as well as the old and were given strategies for supporting someone with dementia.”

Poor numeracy can affect people’s lives and the wider economy and that needs to change.

What caring, inclusive teenagers these teens are. We wish them well as as they prepare to spread the message to our students next year. The more people are aware of the condition they will hopefully be more patient and understanding and that can’t be a bad thing in this fastpaced and at times uncaring world.

In a bid to increase confidence in students, they were given challenges in class with prizes given out. Every teacher participated in promoting numeracy in their lessons with short activities, discussions or videos. Curriculum Leader of Numeracy at St Bonaventure’s, Miss Murphy, went on to explain: “I want maths to become fun and part of our everyday life, not something to be scared of. On the day parents were encouraged to get involved at home too by looking at supermarket deals and showing their children the savings to be made. Everyday activities involving numbers, percentages and proportions can all encourage youngsters to become more familiar with numbers. “I had lots of fun activities take place on National Numeracy Day and I know that our students really benefitted from knowing how to use numbers well. It was a chance for them to improve their skills, learn new ways to work with numbers, be challenged, ask questions and above all not be scared of maths whilst having fun.”

MEDALS GALORE Mr Fouabi’s Friday after school Karate club – St Bon’s Wadoryu – that’s roughly translated as ‘the way of peace’, participated in their first tournament on May 13, at Featherstone High School in Southall, and came away positively clanking with all the medals they won. From the 27 fighters registered we obtained 8 medals. The categories were Karate, Kata, Jiu jitsu and MMA each giving 3 medals (gold ,silver and bronze.) We won in Kata, Karate and Jiu Jitsu but unfortunately our youngest champion, Julian, could not get to the finals as he got hurt. He was nonetheless given the “Best Warrior Spirit” for discipline, respect, showmanship and high technique. He was really grateful and said: “I listened to everything my coach said and just applied it!”

Mr Fouabi trained with Sensei Kipre Allou of the ASBL Woluwe Wadoryu. He also learned the basics of different martial arts including African wrestling. He has a second degree black belt in Wadoryu and has more than 20 years of martial arts experience.


JAMIE AND ASHANAYE APPOINTED HEAD BOY AND HEAD GIRL I am very pleased to announce that we have now appointed our Senior Student Leadership Team (SSLT) for the coming year. The standard of the interviews was exceptional, but two student leaders emerged as being truly outstanding candidates for the roles of Head Girl and Head Boy at St Bonaventure’s 6th Form. Ashanaye Burke and Jamie Halliwell will lead the team of deputies and senior prefects and they were given a rapturous applause from the rest of their year group on June 11. I look forward to working with this highly capable and driven group, who have expressed a keen interest in improving inclusion across the school and campaigning for a safer community. I am sure they will achieve all they set out to and much more. Wayne Templeman Director of 6th Form



Five of our students from the last Team Social Action group raised over £140 and attended the Crisis Offices of Skylight London in Aldgate East during the May holiday with two staff members from HeadStart Newham including Matthew Burnett, who is a regular visitor in school.

The remaining two Jack Petchey awards were presented to students in June.

It was such an informative and great experience. Students toured the four floors and came up with questions for a panel of four team members of Crisis, from the reception team, events management team, housing team and funding team. They met with the new Financial Lead who had only been working at Crisis for five days and they were able to ask him questions also. Students discovered interesting facts about Crisis and the work they do learning that a ballpark figure for this coming year is to raise £30 million in order to fund the work that they are doing. They heard that lockers are provided for some rough sleepers where they can keep personal belongings. Students were introduced to a packed out programme Crisis run from painting and decorating courses, cooking classes, art, performing arts, jewellery making, tai chi, talking sessions and much more. Crisis were very proud of the boys and the work they have done to raise money for the charity and to raise awareness of homelessness and the causes of it. We are very proud of the work the group has done, conducting assemblies to all Year groups, running a tuck shop and the football challenge.


June’s award went to 13 year old Noah Myers for his excellence both academically and athletically. He is a real team player who helped secure the win for St Bon’s at the Worcester final of the National handball Championships recently against Pate’s Grammar School. He has also just been selected to represent London in Manchester for his basketball skills playing for the London Lions. The final 6th Form award of the school year was presented to former St Angela’s student, 17 year old Elizabeth Oluga who joined our Year 12 in September. Elizabeth picked up her certificate for the work she has done with TELCO this year and she has impressed staff with her caring, gentle nature. She was also praised for the way she supported a student through a really traumatic time earlier this year, visiting him in hospital and was a good friend to him too. “A Bon’s girl, through and through” added Mr Halliwell. Well done and we look forward to seeing them along with ten other worthy winners receive their gongs at the glittering awards ceremony at the O2 on September 25.



Do you remember the song, ‘I’d like to teach the world to sing?’…this talented duo certainly did in June – Kathy Underhill and Bernadette Maskell, – when they came into school to teach the choir the new school hymn that Kathy had written.

Year 8 were crowned Essex Cup kings after beating Great Baddow in the final this season.

It’s believed this is the first time in the school’s 141 year history that a school hymn has existed and everyone was really excited to hear it for the first time on June 13. The students picked up the traditional tune really quickly and Ms Qurrey went on to say: “It sounded amazing and I am so proud to have helped arrange this. I’m sure it will become a firm favourite and we plan to sing it at every assembly and liturgy. It is really beautiful. The hymn is very poignant and covers lots of aspects on what makes our school unique and special. I’m sure the students will love it.”

LIAM LOVES A CHALLENGE Year 9’s Liam Duggan was presented with the May Jack Petchey award for his amazing organisational skills.


Every day a different boy helps us in Reception. We’d like to thank all the Year 8 Student Receptionists who have helped us this year. They work very hard and we enjoy working with them. They deliver messages, PE kits, forgotten lunches, escort visitors around the school and make us laugh. Thanks also to teachers for allowing us to steal your boys for day, and to Mr Caddy for his brilliant Year Group. We couldn’t do it without them!

14 year old Liam was instrumental in ensuring the Anime Club runs as smooth as clockwork each week. The club has never been so popular with numbers increasing week on week. There are currently 35 boys who come to watch Japanese cartoons each Wednesday. Talented singer Liam took part carol singing for dementia patients at Christmas at Shrewsbury Hospital in East Ham and also played a pivotal role in organising a school Spring concert in the absence of a Head of Music this year. It turned out to be a brilliant event and will go down in school history as being one of the best concerts ever staged. Mr Halliwell presented Liam with his award and commented: “I am really impressed at how Liam can manage to arrange huge events like he does. It takes real skill but somehow he pulls it off.” Liam plans to take a group of friends to Adventure Island with his prize money.


PROCRASTINATION SPEECH GETS RIGHT TO THE POINT Year 10’s Kelvin Paul was placed third in the Newham Speak Out Challenge that was held at Sarah Bonnell School on May 2. This is the furthest we have ever come in the competition and his mentor Miss Corriette was understandably immensely proud. He wowed the judging panel with his passionate speech on Procrastination that was both informative and amusing and he held the audience’s attention throughout. Mr and Mrs Halliwell were in the audience supporting Kelvin too.

FANCY A CAREER IN ARCHITECTURE? Two former students, Sai Wentum and Yinka Enirayetan, visited school on Friday, May 18, and spoke to Year 10 students. They spoke about the career they have chosen, Architecture, and gave the boys an excellent insight into their profession. Ms Roddy said it was a really worthwhile chat and afterwards students said they had discovered elements of their chosen career they had not really thought of before. Some added that it had strengthened their determination to follow suit and others requested more similar careers talks in a bid to help them make their minds up on the careers choices available. Sounds like it was a fantastic opportunity. Thanks to Sai and Yinka for giving up their time and for coming in. Our students really appreciated it.


EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE St Bonaventure’s is taking part in an asthma research programme in a bid to promote better health in young people and children with asthma. The ‘My Asthma in School’ programme aims to engage students and improve awareness and management of their asthma. Developed by researchers at Queen Mary University it is being led by Paediatrician Professor Jonathan Grigg. Asthma is the most chronic condition in young people in the UK and it’s a fact that UK children experience more hospitalisation from asthma than their peers in the rest of Europe. It is a leading cause of absenteeism in schools and in London alone more than 60,000 children live with the condition. If not managed well, asthma negatively affects many areas of a young person’s life. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has written saying he wants all London schools to take part in the programme and spoke about his asthma and identified other positive role models who live with asthma like Paula Radcliffe and David Beckham. Mrs Racon will be co-ordinating our school’s involvement with a series of workshops to help reduce symptoms and the risk of an asthma attack as well as improving awareness and management. She will be working with the team to distribute information to parents of children with asthma and sending out questionnaires. She went on to explain: “This is a unique learning opportunity for us to work with the centre for Genomics and Child Health at Queen Mary’s through a series of theatre performances and educational workshops. We hope their research will improve the quality of life for children with fewer visits to their doctor or hospital.”

Lyn Brown MP Visit Lyn Brown MP popped in to talk Politics, dogs and local issues with members of our school council on May 11.

A short story called ‘The Fusilier ‘ by Rocco Souza The weather was temperamental. First cold. Then wet and hot. Mother Nature was clearly having an off day. My name is George, and I was part of the Royal Fusiliers during WW1. Born in Cardiff, far from any war-torn country, in the safety of the lush green hills, my friends convinced me to sign up. It was supposed to be ‘adventurous,’ they said. ‘I’d have the time of my life,’ they said. I ‘didn’t want to be the only one of our group to not sign up,’ they said. And so I did, and it was sheer hell. We all signed up, and then we lost contact. I knew one of them had joined the King’s Regiment, but besides that I knew nothing. The trip to hell was long and difficult. But, eventually we could see No Man’s Land. We could smell the sickening stench coming from 11th battalion’s rotting corpses in the trenches. I dutifully paid my respects, but the foul stench was unbearable. Marching towards the trenches of St Pol, in Northern France, we were accompanied by the more experienced, London Regiment. I had never been to France before. I didn’t ever imagine the first time I’d be here was as a soldier in war. We were green, but in our ignorance we were eager for front line action. And so when the time came I charged straight towards the gunfire. Straight towards the fire and flames, the smoke and the chaos, screaming madly as I went. Half out of fear, half out of excitement, with my Enfield in my sweaty, pale and clammy hands. Seems ridiculously naive of me to think that I thought I was running into adventure. Heart pounding, I ran and found myself a little spot dug in to the back wall of the trench which was big enough to fit two fully grown adult men. The trench was long and stretched across St Pol but narrow. I had cover so that I wouldn’t get hit by raining shrapnel. I adjusted my helmet should any stray bullets whizz past. The spot was tight, but big enough for two at a squeeze. Of course the reason I knew this was because there was already someone there sitting on a plank of wood, adjusting the sights of his rifle. His face was covered in caked-on mud, but his eyes glared ahead as if they couldn’t take in what they had seen. I approached him, offered my hand by way of introduction. He only responded with a simple nod. I withdrew my hand, unsure of how to continue. Should I tell him my name? Should I squeeze in next to him? Should I just shut up? The silence stretched between us as I shuffled awkwardly. Perhaps he was busy - or he simply was not in the mood.

France was cold during at this time so it started to snow lightly so I sat at the other side of the hole. I took off my backpack and took out a small notepad that was given to me by my little sister back in Cardiff as a farewell gift. I had my rifle cleaning kit, small box of crackers, No.74 bayonet, a picture of my family and a lighter belonging to my late grandfather. Within an hour or two, once the battle had cooled, I was on guard duty and put up front with a sniper. He was a Lance Corporal which gave him the right to boss me around. But, he simply told me to keep my mouth shut so that he could concentrate, his eyes blazed with an intensity as he peered off into the distance, spying something that I could not. I only watched and admired as looked through the scope. He wasn’t given a Lee Enfield unlike all of us but was given a Ross rifle by the Black Watch. Unlike the Enfield all you had to do to chamber a round was pull back the bolt and then push it back into place whereas the Enfield you had to push the bolt up, pull it back then push back into its previous place. It was the quiet before the storm. Suddenly the world erupted into gunfire and anarchy. “BOOM”! My ears were ringing as it seemed the world exploded from underneath my feet. Dirt, stones and rubble bombarded me as I struggled to stay on my feet. Smoke billowed out from nearby. Screams and shouts echoed from all around as legs ran in a confused chaos. Another thunderous noise erupted. the ground violently shook, knocking me to my feet. I looked up, unable to make sense of what was going on around me. I saw only one thing. The sniper. In position. Aiming and firing with what looked like perfect precision. Perfect concentration, he was the image of calm as he did what he was trained to do. And that’s when I realised. That’s when I understood exactly what I was there to do. I was there to do a job. I was trained to be professional, to get things done in a calm, efficient way whilst surrounded by the chaos of war. I was trained to do what others couldn’t, or what others wouldn’t. I was trained to be a fusilier.

About the author Rocco Souza’s main interest lies in British History, largely within the genre of war. Writing became a hobby very early on, but has become increasingly more important as he has gotten older. Rocco is a year 10 student teacher at St Bonaventure's School currently working towards his GCSE’s and is a member of the We Are Writers club.



MR JARVIS’ CAREERS NEWS This term our students have been really busy securing work placements at a variety of businesses, departments and services across London. Here is a small selection of what some students have been involved in. KPMG 360 Discovery Apprenticeship Business Services and Accountancy Apprenticeship Kiran -Year 13 Kiran got through a highly competitive process to secure an Apprenticeship with KPMG - a world leading accountancy and professional services employer which will include study for professional business services or accountancy qualifications Freshfields, Braukhaus Deringer – Law work experience Placement Tahiya - Year 13 Tahiya was selected for and completed a week long work experience placement with international corporate law firm Freshfields, Braukhaus Deringer through our partnership with SEO London Bart’s Health NHS Trust – Clinical Hospital Work Experience Placements Dalton - Year 12 - The Royal London Hospital – Medicine Isis - Year 12 - Queens Hospital Romford – Nursing Via our compact with Bart’s Health NHS Trust – we secured a week clinical hospital work experience placements for Dalton and Isis which will take place this July. EY Ernst & Young LLP Smart Futures – 3 weeks Paid Work Experience and follow up Mentoring Marvin, Jacob, Klaudio, Emmanuel, Phoebe, Fatima and Dalton – Year 12 Seven of our Year 12s successfully applied for 3 weeks paid work experience at EY London offices for this summer via our links with the EY Foundation.

In2Science Research Work experience Placements at UCL and Kings College Rabiah, Isba and Marvin – Year 12 The 3 Year 12s above will complete a 2 week - In2 Science work experience this summer - shadowing research scientists at UCL and Kings in a specialist area of Science. Royal Household Summer Jobs Buckingham Place Arjun and Zahid - Year 12 + Hendrix Year 13 These 6th Formers were successful securing well paid work this July and August with Buckingham Palace Royal Household. They will work as Sales Tourist Information Guides giving advice to tourists and visitors. This was a result of our link up with Workplace Newham. 12 Kings Bench Walk Barrister’s Chambers Work Experience / Shadowing Loraine – Year 12 Loraine will be able to shadow a Cambridge educated QC barrister for a day in the summer at his chambers. Max Archer is a QC in high profile negligence cases involving major organisations where there is a human rights / international law aspect. University of The Arts London Summer Schools at prestigious Art Colleges Dean, Elizabeth and Lienuel – Year 12 They completed Spring Schools and take part in further 3 day taster courses this summer at Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon, Central St Martins and London College of Communication Art Colleges. TATA Consultancy Services Digital Explorers IT Work Experience Jerin and Erjon – Year 12 + Suhaib and Alex – Year 11 Have been selected for a week of IT work experience in July focussing on cutting edge technology - learning from IT Consultants from TATA Consultancy Services, a leading IT company.



Realising Opportunities includes taster lectures, events and mentoring for 6th Form students provided by fourteen of the Russell Group Universities with selected schools.

Through our established links with the Creative Mentor Network five of our students were selected to start a 16 week project this summer.

The Universities are: Birmingham, Exeter, Goldsmiths, Kings, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Sussex, UCL, Warwick and York Each student is linked to an undergraduate mentor studying a degree subject they aspire to. They also complete an academic assignment. Those completing get Realising Opportunities UCAS degree offers at Russell Group Universities - 2 A level grades lower than usual. We have now been working in partnership with Realising Opportunities for 5 years via our host university, Kings College. We currently have 7 Year 12s and 4 Year 13s on this competitive project. Our Year 12 pupils attended the National Realising Opportunities Residential Student Conference at Exeter University in March and are enjoying their mentoring and RO events. Four of our Year 13s have all been made fantastic RO reduced UCAS offers at Russell group universities as follows: International Management – Kings College London - ABB Management with Marketing - Exeter- BBB plus an RO scholarship of £1500 Mathematics – Leeds – ABC Mechanical Engineering – Warwick and Leeds – AAB Chemistry – Warwick and York – BBB and ABC Year 13 RO student John commented: “As a result of Realising Opportunities, I received RO UCAS offers with reduced entry requirements including Kings College for my International Management course – where the A*AA offer was reduced to ABB”. We hope to get some more of our new Year 12s onto this great project next academic year.


Our mentees regularly visit their professional mentor at their work place developing communication and team work as well as gaining sought after work experience. The feedback has been excellent from our previous mentees with many making useful contacts within creative industries and some gaining follow up internships. Our 5 new mentees went through a competitive process. After a Year 12 Assembly publicising the summer intake they submitted a personal statement and were successful in CMN interviews. Thierry : A + R Director - Young Turks and XL Recordings Record Labels Tyler : Senior Writer - We Are Social – Global Social Media Agency Anthonethe : Project Manager - Tribal Worldwide London Digital Marketing Agency Alan : Creative Lead - Lucky Generals Advertising Agency Sarah : Senior Partner Exchange Executive - Oath Communication Media Company All attended a launch event in June at CMN offices in Shoreditch.

INDUCTION DAY WELCOMED NEW STAFF On June 25 we welcomed eighteen new members of staff in to school for an induction day. Some of the staff have already started and some will be joining St Bon’s in September but it was a chance to all meet each other, meet other members of staff and have a tour of the school with students. Fifteen came together for a group photo on the Friary Lawn this morning and we look forward to them joining us in September. The staff are; Ms Ahmad, Science, Ms Ahsan, English, Mr Czernuszka, Science, Mr Duphey, Geography, Mr Fitzgerald, Science, Mr Higgs, Science, Mr Imrith, Maths, Mr Leith, Site Supervisor, Ms Logier, Science, Mr Maduabueke, Maths, Ms Mehegan, Social Sciences, Mr Morrice, Geography, Ms O’Neill, MFL, Mr Pigott, Maths, Ms Purdue, Geography, Ms Warren, Music, Ms Wolton MFL and Mr Brobbey, Science. Welcome aboard.

VIVA VOCE The Viva Voce Society is an extended English Gifted and Talented project which began in September 2017 with the overall aim of improving student’s cultural capital knowledge of the world. Twenty students were selected to take part after submitting anonymised essays under the title of: ‘What America Means to Me.’ The focus of Year 9 was Race Relations and Disillusionment in America. Students attended lectures and seminars delivered by teachers from around the school and researched and wrote a mini-dissertation on an area of specific interest to them, with help from their academic mentors in the English Department. This proved highly successful, with all students achieving either a merit or a distinction. In Year 10, the project was renamed Viva Voce: How the World Works. The focus has been on politics, economics, social theories and history. Again, students attended lectures, but this time wrote and submitted 500-word essays on questions set by the lecturers. The group are currently in the process of constructing a website, which will be accessible to the whole school in the new academic year.

POLITICS PUPILS PLEASED WITH VISIT This term we welcomed 21 year old Newham Councillor, Mariam Dawood to school to speak to our Year 12 Politics’ students in the library. Mariam is from Manor Park and described as the youngest Newham Councillor. She has just finished a degree at King’s College and will attend LSE to do a Master’s. She spoke to pupils about local critical issues and her charity work and she took questions from the audience. Mr McDonald, Mrs Rahman and Mr Flynn want to thank her for coming in and giving students an insight into a day in her busy life.

Mr Fleming

Two of the Viva Voce students, Dylan and Jonathan, seen here collecting their certificates from the Head.


A LIFE REMEMBERED These Year 9 boys represented the school at the 10th Anniversary memorial celebration of the life of murdered South London teen, Jimmy Mizen. The service was held at St George’s Cathedral in Southwark on May 10 and Thomas, Riaz, Ethan, Harry and Leonardo attended along with Mr and Mrs Halliwell. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan attended along with Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick and politicians and members of the community. Afterwards our boys were able to mingle with the guests of honour at a special reception at Notre Dame School and they got to meet Sadiq Khan and Margaret and Barry Mizen. They were a credit to our school as ever.

BRENTWOOD CITIZENS AWARDS 2018 Three students, Dillon Linford, Jamie Halliwell and Amal Shabu went to Brentwood Cathedral on May 4 to collect their Citizenship Awards after being nominated by staff in school. Ms McNulty came this year too and it was a lovely occasion with Bishop Alan presenting the awards. Mr Halliwell acted as Master of Ceremonies and added: “This is one of the highlights of the school year for me hearing all the wonderful stories if courage, kindness and determination. Our students’ fundraising efforts for CAFOD, ACIN and awareness for TELCO was particularly heartwarming and made me very proud.”

MR BARTLETT’S SPORTING ROUND-UP We are delighted to highlight another incredibly prosperous sporting year at St Bonaventure's. As you will know we are a school steeped in sporting accolades with several ex students representing us at the highest sporting level. This year Joe Ikhinmwin captained the London Lions in the British Basketball League final held at the o2 arena, Teddy Okereafor transferred to play professional basketball in Italy, Christian McNeish won gold in the European Taekwando Championships and Jermaine Defoe received an OBE from the Queen for his services to charity. It gives me great pride to say that our current students have added to our sporting reputation over the last year. We were crowned national champions in 3 tournaments. Our u16 basketball team won the national title in Manchester, our u12 basketball were crowned Jnr NBA champions and our u13 handball team cruised to victory in Worcester. We also had lots of success in regional competitions with our u13


football team winning the Essex Cup and our u16 football team beating local rivals Royal Docks in the London Cup final. Our athletics teams were Lee Valley Indoor Schools Cup winners in year 8, 9 and 10. This is on top of the several other titles in team competitions, individual titles, countless clubs, weekday and weekend fixtures run by the PE department and many other staff throughout the school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has helped to make these achievements possible. Thank you to all the parents who have come along to sporting events to show their support. A final special mention to all the members of this outstanding PE department. Kind regards, Mr Sam Bartlett Curriculum Leader of Physical Education

WHAT’S ALL THIS... ANOTHER TROPHY? What a tremendous year this has been for our young sportsmen as another trophy was clinched, this time is was a gleaming golden World Cup orb lookalike. The Year 8 futsal team won the Genesis Futsal Tournament at UEL Sports Dock on June 20. They won their three group games against Little Ilford School, East London Science School and Brampton Manor Academy before beating Oasis Academy 5 - 3 in the semi finals. The final match was brilliant and ended 4 - 1 to St Bon’s. Divin Mubama scored two of the goals, with one each to Joel Mputu and Mekhi CharlesArmstrong.

Enos Duah received the keeper of the day award and Divin was named as player of the tournament. Mr Firth is having a great run of success this year with his lads.



Another shiny trophy took pride of place in our bulging trophy cabinet this term after Mr Firth’s terrific Under 13 footie team won all their matches at the Jermaine Defoe Foundation charity competition.

Sky One arts and culture show, ‘What’s Up TV’ came in to film in May and chatted to former Headboy, Chris Achiampong, for an item on apprenticeships.

The matches were held in Romford and raised a lot of money for the old Bonaventurian soccer star’s Foundation. After the games all finished Mr Firth presented him with a 140th anniversary commemorative tie.

The researcher of the programme, Sammy Njuguna, contacted school to arrange the interview and we were happy to accommodate as Sammy too is a former pupil, leaving in 2011. Chris, who now works for giants, IBM, spoke about why he chose an apprenticeship over going to university and why gaining experience, earning a salary as well as IBM paying for him to study for a degree at university one day a week is the best option for him. Sounds ideal! The show is due to be broadcast at the end of the summer and we will post details on our social media sites when we get a date.


POOR LIVING CONDITIONS NO LONGER DRAG-ON March’s Petchey award winner, Geo Charles, is seen here in front of the newly constructed condominium super duper pad Mr Young made for Falcor and Puff, the school bearded dragons.

FUN IN FRANCE All the boys had a very enjoyable and successful trip to Rockley in the South of France this year. Everyone fully immersed themselves in all of the activities and got the opportunity to try out some new water sports as well as learn some valuable life skills, such as how to sail.

Geo decided he wanted to improve the living conditions of the reptiles and so when he was awarded £250 from the Jack Petchey Foundation after being nominated by science teacher Mr Bennett he chose to use the cash on the scaly duo. The dragons were purchased five years ago with Jack Petchey money pupil Ryan Davis acquired for the Science Department. Animal-lover Geo helps care for the pets and thinks their new accommodation is a real improvement on their old home. Mr Bennett went on to explain: “ Geo showed a great deal of concern for the dragons and really wanted to make their lives better so when he offered to buy a new property for them I was very grateful as I had been concerned that they were growing too big for their old home. He is a fantastic environmentalist is interested in animal welfare which is wonderful. The new vivarium will make the dragons’ existence much more pleasant and our students will be able to continue to enjoy them for years to come.”

A highlight for the boys was Paddle boarding, which everyone smashed. Another highlight was our Year 9 boys breaking the challenge circuit record; we do love breaking sporting records! At the end of the week all boys deservedly received their certificate for their efforts throughout the week. Rashaan Anselm was named performer of the week for his constant hard work and positive attitude. "He never stopped smiling." one Rockley staff member remarked. Special mention must also go to Glen Lewis, Robert Minnah and Alexander Amakye, who were superb on their Rockley debuts, as were the rest of the group.

new mayor

The boys’ behaviour was impeccable throughout the entire journey and they did the school proud.

Our Year 12 Youth Councillor Jamie and the Independent Advisory Group met with the new Mayor of Newham, Rokshana Fiaz, in May to discuss important issues that affect youths in our borough

Mr Firth


HANDBALL HISTORY AS OUR LADS TAKE THE SAUCE TO WORCESTER Our school made history in June as we were crowned National Handball Champions.

Delighted Mr Firth added: “Winning the tournament meant the boys have never lost a game for the school and are currently 19 games unbeaten which is a phenomenal achievement.” After the final the lads were treated to a nosh up at Nando’s and they were that proud they even took the cup with them to show off. Sounds ideal.

The under 13 boys’ team became the first from Newham to make it through to the finals which were held in Worcester Arena. We had already won gold at the London Youth Games finals at the Copper Box Arena in March. It was a two day event in Worcester and our team won all six of their group games. We faced Pate’s Grammar School from Cheltenham in Gloucestershire in the final and Noah Myers from 8 Forest was superb and clinched the title for us with the two goals. The final score was 2 -1 and Noah was named as the Most Valuable Player of the tournament.

LOCAL HISTORY TALKING SPORT PROJECT Two history classes were fortunate to work with Eastside Community Heritage on a project involving Newham’s sporting tradition this term. Students worked in groups investigating the roles of local sporting heroes through analysing evidence, artefacts and anecdotes. The students were taught how to use audiovisual equipment and recorded interviews about local history using the skill of empathy. Our visitors from the Eastside Community Heritage Trust were impressed with their enthusiasm and interest. They were also impressed with our

fine sporting tradition at St Bonaventure’s, in particular the sports trophy cabinet in Reception. One Year 9 student, Zain Qureshi said:“This was an exciting project and I enjoyed learning about how people in Newham participated in sports, particularly the 2012 Olympics”. Another pupil, Rajiv Dhanesar, added: “It was great to work in groups and analyse evidence about how sport changes lives”. The History Department.


NEW STUDENT LEADERS ANNOUNCED Interviews were held in school on Friday, June 15, to decide on the new Head Boy and Deputies for the new school year. After much deliberation and cogitation it was announced that Chibuike Agu would be the 2018/2019 Head Boy with Adrian Osuoha and Kelvin Paul named as Deputies. Chibuike is 15 and in 10 Forest went to St Winefride’s’ before coming to St Bonaventure’s. He said he was really looking forward to his new role and responsibilities and making a positive difference. We look forward to working with the new team.

NATIONAL CHAMPS AND LORDS OF THE RINGS Our Year 7 boys were crowned the Junior NBA National Champions on June 22 after beating Christ’s School from Richmond 34 - 26. Despite being behind at half time the team managed to pull it back and Mr Robinson, Mr Onireti and Mr Ancora said it was so emotional when we won. The huge silver cone-shaped trophy has pride of place in our trophy cabinet in Reception. The boys can be seen here proudly showing off their golden rings they were presented with at the end of the competition. This is turning out to be a great year for sport in St Bon’s.



April’s Jack Petchey award was presented to Year 10 pupil Julius Musgni.

A non-uniform or mufti day was held on June 12 for the charity Missio and a magnificent £1, 413 raised.

Mr Halliwell called Julius into his office and broke the good news to him and gave him his certificate, badge and paperwork. Miss Hillan recommended Julius for the award adding: “Julius is a quiet boy but he is excellent at organising his peers. He’s involved in the sign language club, chess club, CAFOD and he gets involved in bake sales. He is brilliant at getting others to get involved and he us always polite, cheerful and hardworking. He is a deserving winner.” Julius used his award money to take friends bowling in Dagenham.


Staff and students all got involved for Missio which is the Catholic Church’s official charity for overseas mission and sends money to support communities in some of the most difficult areas of the world. Our money raised will help provide healthcare and education



Twenty students attended the Royal Courts of Justice in May. The trip was organised by ex alumni, students Joel Semakula (Judicial Assistant to Lady Justice Gloster) and Quincy Boachie-Wiredu (Clerk to Lady Justice Gloster).

Mr Murray and Mr Graham took our September Petchey award winner, Simon Omotoso, and some classmates to Laser Tag this term. Looks like they had a fab time.

The Year 12 students spoke with current judicial assistants and judicial clerks and attended a hearing in the court where they witnessed barristers in action and held a Q&A with one of the most senior judges in the country - Lady Justice Gloster.

GCSE Artists New Record

Ms Gilroy was really impressed with these four GCSE artists, Tolu, Felix, Yanuckshan and Andrei who stayed behind working late into their evenings to ensure they did well in their Art exam. Good luck lads!

A new school 100 metre sprinting record was made in May with 15 year old Year 10 student Joel Jordan Pascall Menzie running it in 10.69 seconds making him the first St Bon’s student to go under 11 seconds. This is fantastic news and means he is just one second slower than Olympian Usain Bolt.

MISS' MATHS MARVELS Domas Vazgys from 7 Forest proudly displays his certificates for being 'Best in Year'and 'Best in School' as he took part in the UK Maths Junior Challenge. 8 Gregory's Selorm Amenu was the 'Best in Year' for Year 8. Thirty boys took part in the challenge organised by Miss Finlay and they received their certificates in the last week of June.


CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE As we conclude our 140th Anniversary, some of our students made the pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi and to the tomb of our patron, St Bonaventure himself, where we brought with us the prayer intentions of our school community.

sense of vocation we have and the words of St Catherine of Siena ‘Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on Fire’. A week of spiritual renewal and challenge, full of God’s Grace and Heavenly blessings.

In the light of our anniversary, we were honoured to be received in audience by Her Excellency, Sally Axworthy, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Holy See (The Vatican) who shared with us some of her important work. We were also honoured to be received and celebrate a private Mass inside the Apostolic Palace by the Vatican Foreign Secretary, Archbishop Gallagher, on behalf of His Holiness, Pope Francis, followed by breakfast with Archbishop Gallagher. An incredible way to end our anniversary. Archbishop Gallagher assured us of the prayer of Pope Francis for all of our school community.

Our school mission week included the witness and testimony of many priests, religious, and seminarians who came in to share their faith stories with our students, and included a time of prayer with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary being prayed for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and our Mission week finishing with Holy Mass on our Patronal Feast day celebrated by Abbot Hugh Allan from Chelmsford who joined us for the day. It is so important to pray for vocations, and is a responsibility we all share. After all, in the words of the late Cardinal Basil Hume, ‘No Priests, No Sacraments’. So we thank the Lord for another day full of Grace where we could see the Holy Spirit at work within our community.

Our pilgrimage was a wonderful time of grace and joy for our students and something that I am sure will be treasured for many years to come. In the Marian month of May, every class had the opportunity to pray the Rosary together at the statue of Our Lady on the Friary Lawn. The month of May also saw the crowning ceremony and procession on the friary lawn on the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, led by now newly ordained Fr Philip Edwards. Our final week of the term, we celebrated our first ‘school mission week’ with the support of many priests, religious, seminarians, Youth 2000, and Brentwood Catholic Youth Service. The theme of the week built upon the

We place all of our achievements, and our hopes for the future, under the loving protection of Our Blessed Mother, and continue to ask for her powerful intercession, together with our patron, St Bonaventure. I wish you a happy and restful summer. Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, Pray for us. St Bonaventure, pray for us. Mr Connolly


A Level results at 7am

August 23

GCSE results at 9am followed by 6th Form enrolment

September 3

Staff Training Day. School closed to students

September 4

Year 7 start at 8.45am and finish at 12 noon Years 8 - 11 return at 2.15pm - 3.25pm Year 11 group photograph

September 5

Tempest photographer in school for Years 7 and 9

September 6

Year 7 Curriculum Evening at 6pm

September 10 Year 12 parental induction September 12 6th Form Welcome Mass September 13 Presentation Evening for the Class of 2018 GCSE pupils at 5pm September 14 Whole School Mass 12 noon September 18 Year 11 Curriculum Evening at 6pm


September 25 Jack Petchey Awards Ceremony at the O2 at 7pm Year 10 Curriculum Evening at 7pm October 11

School closes early at 12.30pm to prepare for Open Evening Open Evening for Year 6 boys and their parents from 6-8pm

October 12

Late start for everyone at 9.45am

October 15 - 19 Open Day Tours 9-11am October 18

Year 13 Parents' Evening from 6-8pm

October 22-26 Half term holiday November 9

Annual sponsored walk around West Ham Park at 1.30pm

November 12

Year 9 Parents' Evening at 6pm

December 21

School finishes for Christmas at 12.25pm after assembly in St Antony's

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