Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement Ceremony | St. Augustine Prep

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Baccalaureate Mass and

Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2024


A very special note of thanks to The Meduri Family P’15 ’17 ’21 and NMR Events for facilitating the stage design and audio services for today’s events.








THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024

golDen DiploMA RecipienTS: ST. AUgUSTine pRepARAToRY ScHool clASS of 1974


Jacob L. Alvarez

Jake Daniel Andre

Christian Samuel Asmal

Zachary J. Auer

Matteo Louis Barberio

Logan Patrick Barrett

Caden Bloor

Connor William Bogan

Brandon Alejandro Bormann

Robert B. Brooks IV

Brayden Robert Brown

Hunter Lewis Brown

John David Bumbernick

Dante Buonadonna

Michael Kenneth Buono

Sean Patrick Buono

Kyle Burhenne

Peter Anthony Michael Burnley

Daniel Joseph Burns

George Helmig Buzby

Noah I. Calderon

Connor W. Carozza

Jake Nicholas Casale

Santino Michael Casale

Matthew Castle

Justin David Ceccanecchio

Brandon Rhys Chick

Joseph Vitale Cleary

Kevin Minh Cole

Salvatore Franco Coppola

Daniel Sebastian Cortés

Cameron Mark Cuff

Philip Joseph Degnan

Jack Stephen Del Monte

Damian Christian DiBiase

Alexander Giovanni D’Ilario

William Burke Dodd

Rocco J. Dolce

Dominic Lawrence D’Ottavio

William James Downey

Samuel Colman Duer

Phinnaeus Ryan Duffey

Grayson Christopher Esposito

Austin Christopher Exley

Matthew Jude Flanigan

Aiden Cavanaugh Foxx

Angelo Rinaldo Francesconi

Logan Quentin Franks

Hunter G. Frattaroli

Antonio Thomas Freund

Finn Patrick Gallagher

Ryan Joseph Gambill

Charles Joseph Gardiner

Warren Robert Garland

Tyler James Gerst

James David Goldsmith III

Robert D. Gregorio Jr.

Luke John Grippo

Daniel John Haugh

Ethan Brian Haynes

Carter Joseph Huber

Luke Walter Huber

Michael J. Hurley

Vincent Anthony Isom

Cole Andrew Jarrett

Hunter Daniel Johnson

Luke Anthony Johnson

Robert Kennedy

Luke Joseph King

Nathaniel Charles King

Matthew Kouser

Ethan M. Kurelko

Gavin Francis Kushner

Nicholas Michael Kushner

Jackson Jacob Kuzma

Jack Francis Lamborne

* N N N * N * N * N N N * N N N * N * N N * N * N * N * N * N N N N N N N * N N * N * N * * * N * N N * N * N N N * * N


Parker Richard Lapsley

Steven Lin

Benedetto D. Lisi

Lorenzo Lopes

Joseph Christopher Mahoney

Zachary William Marks

Nicholas Daniel Martinelli

Agustin Stanley Martinez Lopez

Jackson Brady Maslanik

Jalen Rotimi Matthews

John Tyler Matusiak

Evan James Mazur

JohnPaul Mazza

John Daniel McAllister lll

Max Anthony McCoy

John Joseph McGough IV

Tristan Daniel McLeer

Connor Clarke McMahon

Aaron J. Meslin

Jacob C. Meyers

Lukas Paul Mikula

Robert Edward Miskelly

Walter Miles Moore

Anthony Michael Mortellite lll

Michael K. Muits

Brody Robert Nelson

Andrew Connor Neuman

Madison Morgan Nowak

Ugochukwu David Nwotite

John Christian O’Brien

Patrick Michael O’Hara III

Nathaniel Paul M. Paradela

Charles Vincenzo Penza

Augustine D. Pescatore

Jake Lawrence Pfeifer

Noah Reid Plenn

Aiden Louis Plye

John Paul Podgorski

James Joseph Polashock

Luke Daniel Poyas

Ethan Putz

Nicolás E. Ramírez Rodríguez

Ezequiel Ramirez

Gavin Martin Ramsi

Trovaughn Lamont Randle

James Patrick Reagan

Brent Paul Reidenbach

Domenic Anthony Riccardi

Jackson Pierce Riggs

Robert Carmen Romarino

Zander Isaac Rudd

Nazzareno Francesco Rudi

Patrick Paul Sacco

Anthony Joseph Santora

Nicholas John Scaffidi

Jason William Scatchard

Charles Thomas Schneider

Ryan David Small

Liam Timothy Smith

Alex Francis Stefanelli

Jake Richard Steinhour

Peter Joseph Tampellini Jr.

Mason Alexander Taylor

Kevin John-Yong Tomenga

Joseph William Tortella

Anthony Joseph Tramp

Thomas Stephen Tran

Jude Thomson Vellaringattu

Edward Vincent Jr.

Maximus Watson

Ryan Nicholas Wieand

Jack Ryan Young

Alexander Chase Yurgin

Head of School Honors

National Honor Society

N * N * N * N * N * N * N N N * N * N * N * N N * N * N * N N N * N * N * N N * N * * N * * N * N * N * N * N *


Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of St. Augustine Preparatory School’s Class of 1974

Mr. Robert Austino

Mr. Reginald Bailey

Mr. Gary Battistini

Mr. Dominick Berenato

Mr. Arthur Bonavitacola

Mr. Kevin Boyle

Mr. Robert Carter

Mr. Carl Casazza

Mr. Vincent Farinaccio

Mr. Thomas Farnoly

Mr. Albert Fralinger III

Mr. David Freese

Rev. Paul W. Galetto O.S.A.

Mr. John Godish

Mr. Joe Heenan

Mr. Daniel Hilferty

Mr. Mark A Imbesi

Mr. Robert Jablonski

Mr. Michael J. Johnston

Mr. Richard Kaser

Mr. John Kee

Mr. John Paul Kirwin III

Mr. Kevin E. Kleiner

Mr. Andrew O’Donnell

Mr. Richard Pokorny

Mr. Steven Rosa

Mr. Robert Saia

Mr. Mark Salera

Mr. Charles Saunders

Mr. Andrew Tartaglia

Mr. Frank Torres

Mr. Joseph Vandenberg

Mr. Robert Vannella




Very Rev. Robert P. Hagan, O.S.A., J.D.

Prior Provincial, Province of St. Thomas of Villanova Chair, Board of Directors, St. Augustine Preparatory School

Procession of the Class of 2024: “Pomp and Circumstance” — Edward Elgar

The Augustinian Friars and Concelebrants

ENTRANCE HYMN: “All Creatures of Our God and King” — Geistliche Kirchengesänge

Verse 1 - All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voices, let us sing. Alleluia! Alleluia! Bright burning sun with golden beams, Soft silver moon that gently gleams, O praise him!

Refrain: O Praise Him! O Praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Verse 2 - Great rushing winds who are so strong, You clouds above that sail along, O praise him! Alleluia! Fair rising morn, with praise rejoice, Stars nightly shining, find a voice, O praise him!

Refrain: O Praise Him! O Praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Verse 3 - Swift flowing water, pure and clear, Make music for your Lord to hear, Alleluia! Fire so intense and fiercely bright, Who gives to us both warmth and light, O praise him!

Refrain: O Praise Him! O Praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Matteo Louis Barberio ’24



FIRST READING: Proverbs 2:1-15, Salvatore Franco Coppola ’24

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Lord send out your spirit, and renew the face of the earth

SECOND READING: Romans 12: 9-21, Nazzareno Francesco Rudi ’24

ALLELUIA: “Mass of Creation” - Marty Haugan

GOSPEL: John 15: 1-14

HOMILY: Rev. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A., Ph.D., Head of School

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: Luke John Grippo ’24

RESPONSE: “Lord, Hear our Prayer”



PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS: “The Summons” - Arr. John L. Bell


Holy, Holy, Holy Eucharistic Acclamation

Great Amen

Lamb of God “Mass of Creation” - Marty Haugan

Communion Hymn: “There is a Longing” - Anne Quigley

Refrain - There is a longing in our hearts, O Lord, for You to reveal Yourself to us. There is a longing in our hearts for love we only find in You, our God.

Verse 1 - For justice, for freedom, for mercy; hear our prayer. In sorrow, in grief; be near, hear our prayer, O God.

Verse 2 - For wisdom, for courage, for comfort; hear our prayer. In weakness, in fear; be near, hear our prayer, O God.

Verse 3 - For healing, for wholeness, for new life; hear our prayer. In sickness, in death; be near, hear our prayer, O God.

Meditation Hymn: “Coming Home” — Rev. Joseph A. Genito, O.S.A.

Recessional Hymn: “O God Beyond All Praising” - Thaxted

Verse 1 - O God beyond all praising, We worship you today And sing the love amazing that songs cannot repay For we can only wonder at every gift you send. At blessings without number and mercies without end: We lift our hearts before you and wait upon your word We honor and adore you, our great and mighty Lord

Verse 2 - Then hear, O gracious Savior, accept the love we bring, That we who know your favor may serve you as our king And whether our tomorrow be filled with good or ill, We’ll triumph through our arrows and rise to bless you still: To marvel at your beauty and glory in your ways, And make a joyful duty our sacrifice of praise.

Vocalists under the direction of Choral Director, Mr. Conor Ancharski ’16

Musical accompaniment provided by the St. Augustine Preparatory School Band under the direction of Band Director, Mr. Glenn D. Muller

Music used with permission


coMMenceMenT exeRciSe


Very Rev. Robert P. Hagan, O.S.A., J.D. Prior Provincial, Province of St. Thomas of Villanova Chair, Board of Directors, St. Augustine Preparatory School


Rev. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A., Ph.D. Head of School, St. Augustine Preparatory School


Mrs. Caroline Chapman P’15 ’18 Humanities, Division Chair Faculty, English Department

Mr. Brendan Towell Director of Engagement Faculty, Theology Department


God Bless America


Rev. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A., Ph.D. Head of School, St. Augustine Preparatory School


Mrs. Nancy M. McHugh P’08 ’11 ’15 Dean of Academics

Mr. John R. Huscher ’85 P’18 Dean of Student Leadership and Development


Rev. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A., Ph.D. Head of School, St. Augustine Preparatory School


Jude Thomson Vellaringattu ’24

ALMA MATER Class of 2024



oUTSTAnDing AcHieveMenTS of THe clASS of 2024

$55.8 Million Awarded in College Scholarships and Grants over Four Years

1 National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student 46 Athletes Committed to NCAA Universities 24 Conference Championships

6 South Jersey Titles (2 Wrestling, 1 Basketball, 2 Baseball, 1 Swimming )

9 State Titles ( 2 Rugby 7’s, 2 Rugby 15’s, 2 Hockey, 2 Swimming, 1 Lacrosse) 2 Individual All-State Athletic Selections 16 Individual All-South Jersey Athletic Selections

First-Team Cape Atlantic League Conference All-Stars

Editors Note: The 2024 spring athletic season was still underway at press time


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Jacob L. Alvarez

Arizona State University

Catholic University of America

Drexel University

Rowan University

Stony Brook University

The Ohio State University

SUNY Buffalo

University of Connecticut

Villanova University

West Virginia University

Jake Daniel Andre

James Madison University

Kutztown University

Mount St. Mary’s University

Queens University of Charlotte

Saint Joseph’s University*

University of Kentucky

University of Louisville

West Chester University

Christian Samuel Asmal

Atlantic Cape Community College

Delaware State University

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Pennsylvania Western University, Edinboro*

SUNY Farmingdale

The Ohio State University

Zachary J. Auer

Drexel University

Duquesne University

Misericordia University

Rowan University*

Ursinus University

Widener University

Matteo Louis Barberio

University of Pennsylvania

University of Notre Dame*

University of Virginia

Villanova University

Logan Patrick Barrett

James Madison University

Rowan University

Saint Joseph’s University*

Caden Bloor

Michigan State University

Rowan University

Saint Joseph’s University

Stockton University

Connor William Bogan

Fordham University

Monmouth University

Rowan University

Syracuse University

The College of New Jersey University of Delaware

University of Maryland

University of South Carolina*

Brandon Alejandro Bormann

Arizona State University

The Citadel Military College of South Carolina

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University*

Robert B. Brooks IV

Fordham University

Loyola University Maryland

The University of Alabama

University of California Davis

Brayden Robert Brown

DeSales University

Geneva College

Immaculata University

Lycoming College*

McDaniel College

Moravian University

Mount St. Mary’s University

Susquehanna University

The Catholic University of America

University of Delaware

Widener University

Wilkes University

Hunter Lewis Brown

Monmouth University

Rowan University*

West Chester University


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

John David Bumbernick

East Carolina University

Elizabethtown College

Ferris State University

Purdue University Fort Wayne

University of Arizona

University of North Carolina Asheville

West Virginia University*

Dante Buonadonna

Bucknell University*

Michael Kenneth Buono

College of Charleston

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Pennsylvania State University

Rowan University

Rutgers University

University of South Carolina* University of South Florida

Sean Patrick Buono

College of Charleston

Drexel University

James Madison University

Pennsylvania State University

Rowan University

University of Pittsburgh

University of South Carolina* University of South Florida

Kyle Burhenne

Auburn University

Clemson University

George Washington University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Delaware

University of South Carolina*

Widener University

Peter Anthony Michael Burnley

Gwynedd Mercy University*

Holy Family University

Neumann University

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University

Ursinus University

Wilmington University

Daniel Joseph Burns

Gettysburg College

Loyola University Maryland

Marist College

Merrimack College

Mount St. Mary’s University

Neumann University

Seton Hall University

Saint Joseph’s University

Villanova University*

Widener University

George Helmig Buzby

Clemson University*

High Point University

The Ohio State University

Pennsylvania State University

Quinnipiac University

Sacred Heart University

University of Maryland

University of Pittsburgh

University of South Carolina

Noah I. Calderon

Arizona State University

Clemson University

Drexel University

Florida State University

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Connecticut

University of Georgia

University of South Carolina

University of Tennessee

Connor W. Carozza

Arcadia University

DeSales University*

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

Jake Nicholas Casale

Rider University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

The College of New Jersey

University of Delaware*

West Chester University


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Santino Michael Casale

Villanova University*

Matthew Castle

University of South Carolina

James Madison University University of Tampa University of Delaware

Justin David Ceccanecchio

Washington and Lee University*

Brandon Rhys Chick

Auburn University*

Clemson University University of Maryland University of Tennessee

Joseph Vitale Cleary

James Madison University

Rider University

Rollins College

Saint Joseph’s University*

Stockton University

The College New Jersey

West Chester University

Kevin Minh Cole

Drexel University

Rowan University*

Salvatore Franco Coppola

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University

University of Delaware University of South Carolina

Widener University*

Daniel Sebastian Cortés

Merrimack College

Montclair State University

The Ohio State University

Rowan University*

Saint Joseph’s University University of Delaware

Cameron Mark Cuff

Drexel University*

Northeastern University

Northwestern University

Pennsylvania State University

Philip Joseph Degnan

Fairfield University

Pennsylvania State University

Quinnipiac University

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University*

SUNY Albany

SUNY Binghamton

SUNY Cortland University of Scranton

Jack Stephen Del Monte

Drexel University

James Madison University

Saint Joseph’s University*

University of Delaware

West Chester University

Damian Christian DiBiase

Providence College*

Seton Hall University

Alexander Giovanni D’Ilario

Belmont Abbey College

Coastal Carolina University

College of Charleston

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Florida Southern University

Georgian Court University

High Point University*

Iona College

Mount St. Mary College

Mount St. Mary’s University

Mount St. Vincent University

Newberry College

Roanoke College

Saint Leo University

Seton Hall University

University of Lynchburg

University of Tampa


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

William Burke Dodd

Indiana University

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Maryland

Marquette University*

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

Seton Hall University

Rocco J. Dolce

Monmouth University

Rowan University*

Rutgers University

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

Dominic Lawrence D’Ottavio

Shenandoah University*

William James Downey

LaSalle University

Local 322 - Plumbers and Pipefitters*

Mount St. Mary’s University

Saint Joseph’s University

Stockton University

University of Colorado -Boulder University of Colorado - Colorado Springs University of Colorado - Denver

Samuel Colman Duer

Adelphi University

James Madison University

Saint Joseph’s University*

Phinnaeus Ryan Duffey

Auburn University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rutgers University

West Virginia University*

Grayson Christopher Esposito

Clemson University

Fordham University

James Madison University

University of Delaware

University of Pittsburgh

University South Carolina

Villanova University*

Austin Christopher Exley

New Jersey Institute of Technology*

Matthew Jude Flanigan

SUNY Binghamton

Catholic University of America

Drew University

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Muhlenberg College

Rowan University*

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

Stockton University

Thomas Jefferson University

University of Pittsburgh

University of Scranton

Ursinus College

Villanova University

Aiden Cavanaugh Foxx

Drexel University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

George Washington University

Rutgers University

The Catholic University of America*

The University of Alabama

University of Delaware

University of Maryland

Angelo Rinaldo Francesconi

Drexel University*

Stockton University

Thomas Jefferson University

Logan Quentin Franks

Iona University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

North Carolina A & T State University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University*

Hunter G. Frattaroli

Universal Technical Institute*


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Antonio Thomas Freund

Bucknell University

Colgate University

Franklin and Marshall College*

Gettysburg College

Lafayette College

Loyola University Maryland

Rowan University

Towson University

Villanova University

William and Mary

Finn Patrick Gallagher

College of Charleston

Drexel University

Florida State University

Rutgers University

University of South Carolina University of Tennessee*

Ryan Joseph Gambill

Gettysburg College*

Charles Joseph Gardiner

Monmouth University*

Rowan University

Stockton University

Warren Robert Garland

Arcadia University

Drew University*

Lehigh University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rider University

Seton Hall University

Stevens Institute of Technology

Stockton University

University of Scranton

Widener University

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

York College of Pennsylvania

Tyler James Gerst

Fordham University

Rowan University

Rutgers University*

Seton Hall University

James David Goldsmith III

Coastal Carolina University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rowan University

University of Delaware*

Robert D. Gregorio Jr.

Drexel University

Kent State University

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Stockton University

The College of New Jersey

Thomas Jefferson University*

Ursinus College

Wagner University

Luke John Grippo

Princeton University*

Villanova University

Wake Forest University

Yale University

Daniel John Haugh

The Ohio State University

Rowan University*

Rutgers University

The College of New Jersey

Ethan Brian Haynes

West Chester University

Carter Joseph Huber

Clemson University*

Providence College

Seton Hall University

South Carolina University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Connecticut

Luke Walter Huber

Clemson University

Fairfield University*

Saint Joseph’s University

University of South Carolina


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Michael J. Hurley

Rowan University*

Vincent Anthony Isom

East Stroudsburg University*

Franklin & Marshall College

Wagner University

Cole Andrew Jarrett

Coastal Carolina University

High Point University*

James Madison University

Hunter Daniel Johnson

Merrimack College*

Luke Anthony Johnson

Elizabethtown College

Immaculata University

Mount St. Mary’s University*

Robert Kennedy

Clarkson University

Merrimack College

Rowan University*

University of Massachusetts-Lowell

Luke Joseph King

Florida Southern University

High Point University

Marist College

Quinnipiac University

Robert Morris University

Sacred Heart University

Saint John Fisher University

Saint Leo University*

Stevenson University

Stonehill College

The Catholic University of America

University of South Carolina

University of Tennessee

Nathaniel Charles King

High Point University

Merrimack College

Pennsylvania State University

Quinnipiac University

Rider University

Rowan University*

Rutgers University

Seton Hall University

Matthew Kouser

Northwestern University*

Ethan M. Kurelko

Austin College

Coastal Carolina University

College of Charleston

High Point University*

Montclair State University

Rider University

Stockton University

University of North Carolina- Charlotte

Gavin Francis Kushner

Atlantic Cape Community College*

Nicholas Michael Kushner

Atlantic Cape Community College*

Jackson Jacob Kuzma

Catholic University of America*

King’s College

Lehigh University

Mount St. Mary’s University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

University of Pittsburgh

Villanova University

Jack Francis Lamborne

DeSales University*

Elizabethtown University

King’s College

Misericordia University

Moravian University

Temple University


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Parker Richard Lapsley

Chatham University

Drexel University

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science

Rider University

Rowan University*

Seton Hall University

Thomas Jefferson University

Steven Lin

Case Western Reserve University

Drexel University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Northeastern University

The Ohio State University

Purdue University

Rutgers University* University of Pittsburgh

Benedetto D. Lisi

McDaniel College*

Lorenzo Lopes

Adelphi University

Case Western Reserve University*

Drexel University

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Gannon University

Hofstra University

La Salle University

Merrimack College

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University

Scranton University

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth University of Pittsburgh

Joseph Christopher Mahoney

La Salle University

Louisiana State University

Loyola University Maryland

Neumann University

Rider University

Rowan University*

Saint Joseph’s University

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

Pennsylvania State University

Temple University

University of Delaware

University of South Florida

University of South Carolina

The University of Tampa

Widener University

Zachary William Marks

Duquesne University

Florida Atlantic University

Rutgers University

University of South Carolina*

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Nicholas Daniel Martinelli

Drexel University

La Salle University

Pennsylvania State University

Rowan University*

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

Stockton University

Agustin Stanley Martinez Lopez

Rowan University

Jackson Brady Maslanik

Immaculata University*

Johnson and Wales University

Louisiana State University

Misericordia University

Moravian University

Neumann University

Stockton University

Thomas Jefferson University

University of Delaware

University of Rhode Island

West Chester University

Whittier College


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Jalen Rotimi Matthews

Rowan University*

Rutgers University

The University of Tampa University of South Florida

John Tyler Matusiak

Loyola University Maryland

Rutgers University

The Catholic University of America

William and Mary*

Evan James Mazur

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Stevens Institute of Technology

Stony Brook University

University of Delaware*

Ursinus College

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

JohnPaul Mazza

DeSales University*

Immaculata University

La Salle University

Neumann University

Rosemont College

John Daniel McAllister lll

Florida Atlantic University

University of North Carolina- Wilmington*

Max Anthony McCoy

Drexel University*

Saint Joseph’s University

John Joseph McGough IV

Catholic University of America*

Tristan Daniel McLeer

Duquesne University

East Stroudsburg University*

Ithaca College

Marist College

Merrimack College

Saint Francis University

Towson University

University of Maine

Wagner College

Connor Clarke McMahon

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University

University of Delaware

University of Pittsburgh

University of South Carolina*

Aaron J. Meslin

Carnegie Mellon University*

Case Western Reserve University

Purdue University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Union College

University of Maryland

University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Pittsburgh

Jacob C. Meyers

New Jersey Institute of Technology*

Lukas Paul Mikula

La Salle University

Saint Joseph’s University*

Robert Edward Miskelly

Rowan University*

Walter Miles Moore

Bethune- Cookman University*

Delaware State University

South Carolina State University

Temple University

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Anthony Michael Mortellite lll

Towson University*

Michael K. Muits

Drexel University

New York University*

Seton Hall University

University of South Carolina

Brody Robert Nelson

Rowan University*

Stockton University


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Andrew Connor Neuman

College of Charleston

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Florida Institute of Technology

Jacksonville University

Oklahoma State University

University of Alabama

University of Oklahoma

Madison Morgan Nowak

La Salle University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rowan University*

Seton Hall University

Ugochukwu David Nwotite

Monmouth University

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University

Saint John’s University

Villanova University*

Virginia Commonwealth University

John Christian O’Brien

Mount St. Mary’s University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University* University of Delaware

Patrick Michael O’Hara III

Villanova University*

Nathaniel Paul M. Paradela

Fordham University

New York University*

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

Thomas Jefferson University

Charles Vincenzo Penza

Jacksonville University

Saint Joseph’s University*

Stetson University

Augustine D. Pescatore

Catholic University of America

Florida Atlantic University

Florida Southern University

High Point University

Mount St. Mary’s University

Sacred Heart University

Saint Leo University*

University of South Carolina

University of Tampa

West Chester University

Noah Reid Plenn University of Delaware*

Aiden Louis Plye

Rowan University*

John Paul Podgorski

Villanova University*

James Joseph Polashock

Loyola University - Marymount

Santa Clara University

University of California -Davis

University of California -Irvine

University of California - San Diego*

Luke Daniel Poyas

Florida Atlantic University

Jacksonville University

Merrimack College

Nova Southeastern University*

Stetson University

University of Massachusetts - Boston

University of South Florida

University of Tampa

Ethan Putz

Drexel University

Florida Atlantic University

James Madison University

Rowan University*

University of South Carolina


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Concordia University Montreal

Texas State University University of Victoria

Ezequiel Ramirez

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Pennsylvania State University

Rider University

Rutgers University

Seton Hall University

Stockton University* University of Delaware University of Houston

Gavin Martin Ramsi

Wells College*

Trovaughn Lamont Randle

Drexel University

Fairleigh Dickinson University

James Madison University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

The Ohio State University

Towson University University of Delaware*

James Patrick Reagan

High Point University

James Madison University

LaSalle University

Saint Joseph’s University University of Delaware University of South Carolina

Villanova University*

Brent Paul Reidenbach

Monmouth University

Rowan University

The University of Delaware*

Stockton University

Domenic Anthony Riccardi

Coastal Carolina University

College of Charleston

High Point University

Pennsylvania State University

Rowan University*

Jackson Pierce Riggs

Fairleigh Dickinson University

High Point University

James Madison University

McDaniel College

Quinnipiac University

Seton Hall University

St. John’s University

Saint Joseph’s University

St. Michael’s College

Stockton University

Susquehanna University*

University of Colorado - Colorado Springs

Xavier University

Robert Carmen Romarino

Coastal Carolina University

High Point University

Monmouth University

Pennsylvania State University

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University* University of Delaware University of South Carolina

Zander Isaac Rudd

Clarkson University

Elizabethtown College

Kettering University

Milwaukee School of Engineering

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology*

Syracuse University

University of Maine

University of Massachusetts - Lowell

University of Minnesota - Duluth

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Valparaiso University

21 21

clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Nazzareno Francesco Rudi

Drexel University

Loyola University Maryland

Northeastern University

Pennsylvania State University

Saint Joseph’s University

Seton Hall University

Villanova University*

Patrick Paul Sacco

College of Charleston

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

High Point University

Quinnipiac University

Saint Joseph’s University

Stockton University

University of Connecticut University of Delaware

University of South Carolina*

Anthony Joseph Santora

Monmouth University

Muhlenberg University

Pennsylvania State University

Saint Joseph’s University

Temple University

Thomas Jefferson University

University of Maryland

University of Pittsburgh*

Villanova University

Nicholas John Scaffidi

Catholic University of America

Clemson University

Drexel University

High Point University

North Carolina State University

Pennsylvania State University

University of Miami* University of Notre Dame

Jason William Scatchard

College of Charleston

High Point University

James Madison University

Monmouth University University of Delaware*

Charles Thomas Schneider

College of Charleston

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Iona University

Montclair State University

Rider University

Rowan University

Seton Hall University

Siena College

Saint Joseph’s University

Stockton University*

University of Delaware

University of Scranton

Ryan David Small

Kean University*

Louisiana State University

Liam Timothy Smith

East Stroudsburg University

Marquette University

Norwich University

Rowan University*

St. John’s University

Saint Joseph’s University

The Citadel Military College of South Carolina

University of Dayton

University of Maine

Valley Forge Military College

Widener University

Alex Francis Stefanelli

Catholic University of America

George Mason University

James Madison University*

Jake Richard Steinhour

Merrimack College

Monmouth University

Pennsylvania State University*

Rutgers University

University of Pittsburgh

Peter Joseph Tampellini Jr.

High Point University

James Madison University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Pittsburgh

University of Richmond*


clASS of 2024 college AccepTAnceS

As reported by the students as of May 10, 2024

Mason Alexander Taylor

James Madison University

Rutgers University

Seton Hall University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Delaware*

Kevin John-Yong Tomenga

Pennsylvania State University

Seton Hall University

University of Delaware

University of Pittsburgh* University of Tennessee

Widener University

Joseph William Tortella

Marist College

Oregon State University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Pittsburgh University of San Diego* University of Tennessee

West Virginia University

Anthony Joseph Tramp

Fairleigh Dickinson University

George Mason University

La Salle University

New York University*

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

Seton Hall University

Stockton University

Temple University

University of Delaware University of Virginia

Thomas Stephen Tran

Catholic University

Colgate University

Drexel University*

Lehigh University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

Stevens Institute of Technology

Villanova University

Jude Thomson Vellaringattu

Clemson University

Rutgers University * University of Pittsburgh

Edward Vincent Jr.

Mercer County Police Academy*

Maximus Watson

Florida Institute of Technology*

Nicholas Wieand

Auburn University

Baylor University

Bowling Green State University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Florida Institute of Technology

Jacksonville University*

Kansas State University

Kent State University

Liberty University

Lynn University

Marywood University

Middle Tennessee State University

The Ohio State University

University of North Dakota

University of Oklahoma

Jack Ryan Young

Fairfield University*

Loyola University Maryland

Pennsylvania State University

Rutgers University

Saint Joseph’s University

University of Delaware

University of South Carolina

Alexander Chase Yurgin

Coastal Carolina University

Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Southern College

James Madison University

Louisiana State University*

Rowan University

Saint Joseph’s University

The University of Tampa


no TeS on AcADeMic DReSS*

The history of academic dress begins in the early days of the oldest universities. A statute of 1321 required all “Doctors, Licentiates, and Bachelors” of the University of Coimbra to wear gowns. In England during the second half of the 14th century, the statutes of certain colleges forbade “excess in apparel” and prescribed the wearing of a long gown. It is still a question whether academic dress finds its sources chiefly in ecclesiastical or in civilian dress. Gowns may have been considered necessary for warmth in the unheated buildings used by medieval scholars. Hoods may have served to cover the tonsured head until superseded for that purpose by the skull cap. The cap was later displaced by a headdress similar to ones now recognized as “academic.” European institutions continue to show great diversity in their specifications of academic dress. However, when American colleges and universities adopted a system of academic apparel a half century ago, a code was devised for all to follow.


The gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves and is worn closed. The gown for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, with the sleeve base hanging down in the traditional manner. The rear part of the sleeve’s oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. It may be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctor’s degree has bell-shaped sleeves and may be worn open or closed. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns have no trimmings, but the doctor’s may be faced on the front with black or colored velvet and with three bars of the same across the sleeves. If color is used, it is the color distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains, and it matches the edging or binding of the hood. For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctors’ gowns, edgings of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows:

Agriculture – Maize

Arts, Letters, Humanities – White

Commerce, Accountancy – Drab

Business – Drab

Dentistry – Lilac

Economics – Copper

Education – Light Blue

Engineering – Orange

Fine Arts – Brown

Forestry – Russet

Journalism – Crimson

Law – Purple

Library Science – Lemon

Medicine – Green

Music – Pink

Nursing – Apricot

Oratory (speech) – Silver Gray

Pharmacy – Olive Green

Philosophy – Dark Blue

Physical Education – Sage Green

Public Administration – Peacock Blue

Public Health – Salmon Pink

Science – Golden Yellow

Social Work – Citron

Theology – Scarlet

Veterinary Science – Gray



Hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree. The binding or edging of the hood is the color indicative of the subject to which the degree pertains, except that the doctor’s cap may have its tassel of gold thread.


Mortarboards are generally worn as part of the academic costume. The long tassel fastened to the middle point of the cap’s top is either black or the color appropriate to the subject. It is customary for degree candidates to wear the tassels on the right front side before degrees are conferred and to shift them to the left when the degrees are awarded. This custom is in some respects a substitute for individual hooding.

* Adapted from “An Academic Costume Code and Ceremony Guide,” A (Washington, DC: American Council on Education, 1959). Universities and Colleges.

St. Augustine Preparatory School’s Head of School Medallion



Very Rev. Robert P. Hagan, O.S.A., J.D. Prior Provincial

Rev. Aldo Potencio, O.S.A.

Secretary & Treasurer


Rev. Kevin M. DePrinzio, O.S.A.

Rev. Raymond F. Dlugos, O.S.A.

Rev. Robert J. Guessetto, O.S.A.

Rev. Joseph L. Narog, O.S.A.

Rev. James D. Paradis, O.S.A.

Rev. Luis A. Vera, O.S.A.




Very Rev. Robert P. Hagan, O.S.A., J.D.

Prior Provincial, Province of St. Thomas of Villanova Chair, Board of Directors, St. Augustine Preparatory School

Rev. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A., Ph.D. Head of School, St. Augustine Preparatory School

Mr. Cornelius J. McPeak, Jr. ’05 Vice Chair

Mr. Anthony P. Talotta P’19 ’28 Secretary

Rev. Aldo Potencio, O.S.A. Treasurer


Mrs. Rose M. Davis H’17

Rev. Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A., Ph.D.

Rev. Christopher J. Drennen, O.S.A.

Mr. Daniel Falasca ’12

Mrs. Josette Franks P’24

Mr. Raymond M. Giunta, P’19 ’21

Mr. Robert D. McCormick P’17 ’21

Dr. Bridget McLaughlin P’12

Mr. R. Douglas Smithson P’26

Mr. Robert F. Woods


ceReMoniAl MAce, HeAD of ScHool MeDAllion & ScHool SeAl

Historically, the mace is a symbol of authority dating from medieval times when knights carried them during processions with their kings. As the tradition grew, the mace became a ceremonial symbol of peaceful leadership, and maces were embellished with jewels and metals. Today, an independent school’s mace is carried before the Head of School, platform-party dignitaries, and faculty during commencement exercises and other academic ceremonial processions.

Head of School medallions are closely aligned with maces and are traditional symbols of authority. A Head of School medallion is typically inscribed with the seal of the institution and is worn over academic regalia on ceremonial occasions, particularly at commencements and academic convocations. The Head of School medallion honors the current Head of School, Rev. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A., and his predecessors, Rev. Donald F. Reilly, O.S.A. (President), Rev. Paul W. Galetto, O.S.A. ’74 (President), and Rev. Stephen J. LaRosa, O.S.A. (President).

An adaptation of the seal of the Order of St. Augustine, the seal of St. Augustine Prep, is one of the school’s most ubiquitous images. The HEART is the symbol of love and charity, which is the first rule of St. Augustine. The CROSIER and MITRE symbolize the bishopric of St. Augustine, one of the Fathers of the Church. “TOLLE LEGE; TOLLE LEGE” (Take up and Read) were the words spoken by a voice heard by St. Augustine and which led him to his conversion. SAPIENTIA ET SCIENTIA (Wisdom and Knowledge) is the traditional motto of Augustinian schools based on the knowledge and wisdom of St. Augustine. St. Augustine Preparatory School was founded in 1959.


Alma Mater

In Richland’s proud and peaceful glen Where friends and joy abound. Stands Alma Mater, home of men, A treasure nobly found. Wherever we may chance to be Nearby or far from you. We will not fail eternally To sing your praises true.


O St. Augustine’s mighty power Of our triumphant youth Watch over us each hour With eyes of love and truth. And when our days with you are done. Still guide each grateful son.



“Setting hearts on fire with a passionate search for Truth, Unity, and Love”



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