Star Weekly - Sunbury Macedon Ranges - 18th June 2024

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Speaking for Ronwyn

A Sunbury local is trying to raise awareness of and promote research into a rare neurological condition affecting his wife.

Peter Firmin first became aware of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) after his wife, Ronwyn Firmin, was diagnosed with the condition three years ago.

The rare condition affects between five and seven people per 100,000 people and is an A-typical Parkinsonian Disorder, characterised by a stronger effect on speech and swallowing than Parkinson’s disorder.

There is no cure or known ways of slowing itsprogression,withanaveragelifeexpectancy of about seven years after diagnosis.

‘‘ We’re educating the health professionals. Not the other way around ’’
- Peter Firmin

Receiving a diagnosis was a long and difficult process, Peter said, with several health professionals initially misdiagnosing Ronwyn’s condition.

Believing Ronwyn’s slurred speech and stooped walking were symptoms of depression, a general practitioner referred her to a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist determined Ronwyn did not have depression and referred her to a neurologist.

Theneurologistwasunsureofhercondition, so referred her to a professor who believed it was Parkinson’s disease and prescribed medicine, which had no effect.

It was only after a brain scan that health professionals were able to diagnose her with this rare and debilitating condition.

“It’s not just me but even other people who are looking after their loved ones – we’re educating the health professionals. Not the other way around,” Peter said.

“They might go … from the psychiatrist, to the neurologist, to the professor – that was short lived with us, but for some people, it’s gone on for months improperly diagnosed.”

After joining an international advocacy group from the Canada-based Coleen Cunningham Foundation (CCF), Peter recently started advocating for widespread awareness of PSP in Australia.

CCF founder and executive director Laura

Louizos said the advocacy group’s online meetings bring benefits to both carers and those diagnosed with PSP.

“It provides a sense of community and support,offeringbothemotionalandpractical assistance. The group also serves as a valuable resource for up-to-date information on PSP,

which is crucial for managing the disease effectively,” Ms Louizos said.

“Additionally, it helps amplify our voices, ensuring that the needs of carers and patients are heard by a broader audience, including policymakers and researchers.”

Ms Louizos said public education

campaigns (including campaigns for health professionals), organisations, research initiatives, and sharing personal stories can all contribute to assisting those affected by PSP.

Details: au/living-with-psp/

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Peter Firmin and his wife, Ronwyn, who was diagnosed with PSP three years ago (Damjan Janevski) 412354_06
2 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 ONE DAY ONLY! 3rd July 2024 (Wed) - 11AM to 3PM SUNBURY COMMUNITY CENTRE 531 Elizabeth Drive SunburyVIC 3429 Ph: 0481 290 411 VR4861218 12695344-JB25-24

Hume LGBTIQA+ working group

Hume council will set up a LGBTIQA+ working group.

A petition was endorsed at a council meeting in February, where a group of residents requested an advisory committee that advocates and considers ideas directly from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) communities in Hume.

Hume council, at a meeting on June 11, voted in favour of a motion to establish a working group.

Councillor Jarrod Bell spoke in favour of the motion, where he said that “advisories …

are an indication of an organisation that gets it”.

“The heart-breaking truth was that the federal seat [Calwell] that covers the significant portion of Hume … was one of only two electorates in Victoria to vote a majority ‘no’,” he said in reference to the 2016 plebiscite.

Cr Bell talked about his lived experience and the “reality of growing up and living gay in Hume”.

“I am lucky to have done that with a loving family and a strong network of friends, something that too many in our community

have not been able to rely on,” he said.

“It is my firm belief that we have not done enough to earn the trust or support of the LGBTIQA+ community, especially in the face of often overwhelming challenges. We have not done the work.”

Speaking at the council meeting, Sunbury and Surrounds LGBTIQ Social Club founder and administrator Susan Lodge said that an important element of the working group is that it will voice the needs of local youth.

“Ourrainbowkidsaredyingatanalarming rate,“ she said. “Our kids are five times more

Sunbury schools talk about respect

Three Sunbury secondary schools held a student leadership forum about respect, where school captains and principals developed a shared values statement.

School captains and principals from Salesian College Sunbury, Sunbury Downs College and Sunbury College, attended the forum which covered the topics of respect between teachers, students, and staff.

In a statement, the principals emphasised that it “is more important than ever” to address the topic of respect in schools.

Salesian College principal Mark Brockhus said that a respectful school culture has broad benefits.

“We believe that respect for oneself, others, and the community is essential for personal growth and academic achievement,” Mr Brockhus said.

“Our programs and policies are designed to instil a sense of responsibility, empathy, and integrity in our students.”

Sunbury College principal Craig O’Bree said the school “places a strong emphasis on respect”.

“We strive to cultivate a culture where diversity is celebrated, and every individual’s contribution is recognised and appreciated,” Mr O’Bree said.

Sunbury Downs College principal Warwick Beynon agreed that a respectful school environment has broad benefits for students.

“We believe that respect fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives,” Mr Beynon said.

The schools’ joint values statement emphasises acceptance and empathy.

“We value the strength to call out disrespectful behaviour and believe in the importance of learning self-respect as a foundation for respecting others.”

The three schools will collaborate on severalprojectstopromoterespect,including workshops, student leadership conferences, community engagement initiatives, and professional development sessions for staff.

The student leadership forum was held at Salesian College Sunbury on Wednesday, June 12.

likely to commit suicide or to attempt suicide than the general population.

“Our transgender community kids – 15 timesmorelikelythanthegeneralpopulation …that’s why … an advisory group, such as this, is so vital.

“It’s going to save lives. It’s going to give my community visibility in Hume.”

Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health chief executive David Wild and Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation executive director Raquel Stewart also made public comments supporting the establishment of the working group.

Romsey’s timber transition

Two Romsey businesses will receive grants under a program that aims to assist companies in the transition from native timber harvesting and create new jobs.

The Victorian Timber Innovation Fund (VTIF) provides grants to businesses around the state to assist them with diversifying their operations and creating new opportunities in communities that once relied on the native timber industry.

This has included funding companies’ transitions to plantation timber, construction and earthmoving services.

Meyer Log Cartage will receive $301,269 to transition to private tree services and Central Excavations and Contracting will receive $249,155 to become an earth moving business.

The third round of the VTIF was expanded to include harvest and haulage subcontractors, chip truck drivers and other businesses which were heavily dependent on the native timber industry.

The program comes after an announcement from the state government last year about a revised timeline for Victoria’s transition away from native timber harvesting.

Round three of the grants will include Grant Application Assistance Service, where businesses can apply for vouchersofupto$7500,whichwillhelp with preparing and submitting strong grant submissions through registered service providers.

Victoria’s native timber harvesting industry was officially shut down on January 1 this year.

Applications for grants under the VTIF are open until Monday, June 30, 2025. Details: https://www.deeca.

NAIDOC Week events in Sunbury and Macedon Ranges

Organisations and businesses in Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges are hosting several events for NAIDOC Week.

National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week runs from July 7–14 and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation will host a NAIDOC community day on Sunday, July 7, at Miller Street Scout Hall in Sunbury, which will be a free event for both mob and allies. The event will include cultural activities,

afternoon tea, yarns, and children’s activities.

Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation executive officer Raquel Birch said the event is an opportunity for communities to learn about First Nations culture and history.

“It’s a celebration of first nations culture and we run events because we hope to share our culture and history with the broader community,” Ms Birch said.

“We want their pride in first nations culture and history too – we want everyone to be part of that to enjoy.”

Macedon Ranges council will host two

film screenings at the Kyneton Mechanics Institute:‘LukuNgarra–TheLawofTheLand’ on Friday, July 9, and ‘The Last Daughter’ on Sunday, July 7.

It will also host a community and family day at Riddells Creek Community Centre on Saturday, July 13, in collaboration with Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation.

Council director of community, Maria Weiss, encouraged residents to attend a community event.

“I encourage our community to get along to one or more of these great events, to broaden

their knowledge and help us continue to work towards improved outcomes for our Traditional Owner groups and First Nations people,” Ms Weiss said.

Hume council is also leading several events, with many taking place at the Sunbury Library. These include a cultural event for children, a screening of ‘Wash my Soul in the River’s Flow’, and a sand art workshop.


Oscar Parry Salesian College Sunbury principal, Mark Brockhus, and school captains Ziggy, Ella and Tiara. (Damjan Janevski) 412388_01 Below: The principals and school captains from the three colleges. (Supplied Oscar Parry

Hume explores carols options

Hume Council will explore options for hosting or funding a small-scale Carols by Candlelight event, with a focus on engaging local schools and emergency services.

The council carried a motion calling for an official report into supporting a Carols by Candlelight event in Westmeadows.

At the June 11 council meeting, Cr Naim Kurt mentioned specifically a lack of council-led Carols by Candlelight events in southern Hume, with the last event hosted in

this area being in Broadmeadows in 2014.

“Since that time as a ward councillor, I’ve continued to receive strong feedback from the community to see those festivities return to our area, which has only become louder since I’ve become the mayor” Cr Kurt said.

Cr Kurt noted the success of the council-led Carols by Candlelight event held in Craigieburn and the community events hosted by the Combined Churches in Sunbury and the Bulla CFA.

He noted that Carols by Candlelight events, aside from being a festive celebration,

offer benefits to local shops and can connect the community with local schools and emergency services.

Cr Haweil seconded the motion and said he would be “very happy” to receive a report about the proposed event and its rollout to ensure that the council spreads “Christmas cheer right around the entirety of the city“.

Cr Hollow supported the notice of motion, and recommended that the officers directing the report take into consideration event space, parking amenities, availability of schools and emergency services, and all

Healthy harvesters at Riddells Creek

Fromgardentoplate,RiddellsCreekPrimary School students have been learning how to grow, harvest, and cook nutritious food as part of a funded initiative.

In partnership with Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health, funding from the Healthy Loddon Campaspe Healthy Schools Project provided the school with seeds, plants, garden tools, and a rabbit-proof garden fence.

The school also bought new kitchen equipmenttoexpanditsStephanieAlexander kitchen garden program, which focuses on promoting healthy and nutritious food to

children and young people.

This program has included student-driven updates to the school’s canteen menu.

Healthy Loddon Campaspe co-ordinator

Alicia O’Brien said she was excited her organisation could provide the funding.

“Supporting the school with membership to the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program, along with garden upgrades … has helped boost the productivity and sustainability of the school’s garden, leading to … better quality produce,” she said.

One of the school’s Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program specialists, Aga

Jones said that the program has broad benefits.

“It is such an important part of the curriculum giving students the opportunity to appreciate the joy of … growing your own produce, and hopefully set them up for a lifetime of positive eating habits,” she said.

Six councils are involved in the Healthy Loddon Campaspe Project’s initiative –Campaspe Shire, Central Goldfields Shire, City of Greater Bendigo, Loddon Shire, MacedonRangesShireandMountAlexander Shire.

Oscar Parry

event costs.

“I welcome seeing this report … as it could potentially set up a template for preparing smaller-scaled events across our fantastic city,” Cr Hollow said.

Carols by Candelight events are popular across Hume, with the average attendance at Hume Council’s annual event estimated at around 10,000 people.

An event grants program provides community groups the opportunity to apply for funding to host Carols by Candlelight events.

Watch out for wildlife

Drivers are urged to pay attention to road wildlife signs, after research found Sunbury and Gisborne are the two suburbs with the highest animal-related road collisions in Victoria.

The study, conducted as a survey by Pure Profile on behalf of AAMI Insurance, analysed a sample of 1004 Australians aged over 18 years old. Sunbury was named as the state’s hotspot for animal collisions, followed by Gisborne.

The study found that in Victoria, the most common time for animal collisions were between 8pm and midnight, with Saturday being the most common day and kangaroos being the most hit animal.

The country-wide study also found that there were more collisions in the colder months, with more than a quarter of road accidents involving wildlife taking place between June to August.

AAMI motor claims manager Leah James said that there are steps drivers can take to reduce the chances of colliding with an animal on the road, with dusk and dawn driving requiring extra awareness.

“To avoid a collision with wildlife, slow down when you see warning signs, scan the road ahead, and use your peripheral vision to keep an eye on the edges for wildlife feeding, or about to cross,” Ms James said.

The responses also showed that one in 10 Australians would not know what to do if they struck an animal while driving, and nine percent would choose to continue driving.

Trample damage in the Ranges concerns horticulturist

A Macedon Ranges horticulturist and fungi enthusiasthasurgedresidentstoavoidwalking off-pathatpopularsitesintheregioninabidto protect the local ecosystem.

Macedon Fungi Forays director Greg Boldiston leads tours through Macedon fungi hotspots, such as Lake Sanatorium. These walks educate participants about mushroom identification and the role mushrooms play in ecosystems.

Mr Boldiston said he is concerned by recent signs of trample damage from visitors veering off the main trail near the lake, with more visitors at this time of year searching for fungi.

“Once you start having that amount of people in one spot that are then going off track wandering through the forest, you can

then do a lot of damage very quickly to the … ecosystem,” Mr Boldiston said.

Because of visitors veering off the trail, Mr Boldiston said a large tree located just off the main trail with a clearing around its base has also received damage to its roots and surrounding soil.

“People go to see this huge big tree, but [people] are starting to wear off all the bark around the buttresses, and there are places where all the bark has been scuffed off down to the deadwood,” he said.

“If it doesn’t get protected soon, it will probably shorten its lifespan by hundreds of years I’d imagine … and it’s a tree that is well over two hundred years old now so it is worth protecting.”

When contacted regarding damage to the tree, Parks Victoria area chief ranger Siobhan Rogan said that sticking to main walking trails protects ecosystems.

“Informal pathways encourage more people to go into the wrong areas, which can damage theenvironmentandcausepermanentchanges to its ecology,” Ms Rogan said. “Marked trails prevent you and thousands of other travellersfromaccidentallydisturbingwildlife, damaging cultural heritage and trampling on native plants or important habitat.”

According to Parks Victoria, the agency has not advertised or conducted clearing at the impacted tree site.

Oscar Parry Fungi spotted during Mr Boldiston’s Lake Sanatorium foray on Saturday June 8. (Ema Corro) Riddells Creek Primary School students Elliot, Ameila, and Charlie watering seedlings. (Supplied)

Hume Council requests monument maintenance

Hume council will inquire with VicRoads aboutthemaintenanceofahistoricHumeand Hovell monument in Bulla.

The cairn is located at Oaklands Road in Bulla, nearby a site where Hamilton Hume and William Hovell camped as part of their 1824 expedition from Appin in New South Wales.

It was erected in 1924 as a 100-year commemoration of the expedition.

Hume council endorsed a motion from councillor Joseph Haweil at tis June 11 meeting, which recommended the council writes toRoads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne to inquire with VicRoads about maintaining the monument.

Cr Haweil said that the monument site is in

a dilapidated state.

“It’simportantthatthisotherwiseunknown monument that is hidden behind some trees on Oakland Road, in a state of disrepair, receives some much-needed attention,” Cr Haweil said.

“I’ve seen it more closely associated with dumped rubbish … than I have with it being a site of memorial and remembrance.”

Cr Jodi Jackson suggested that in the letter, the council mentions the volunteers who maintain the nearby Alister Clark Memorial Rose Garden and the gardens of the Historic Woodlands Park.

“I don’t have any doubt that our volunteers would be quite pleased to add [the monument] to their schedule … I think it would be really

good if the state would support that kind of volunteering,” Cr Jackson said.

“So if the state were able to provide a little bit of assistance to the volunteer groups that exist … that would be great.”

October will mark the 200th anniversary of Hume and Hovell’s expedition, where they travelled through multiple sites in Victoria in search of grazing land.

Oscar Parry

Tax cuts for every

Police rule the roads during Operation Regal

As Victorians enjoyed the King’s Birthday long weekend, Victoria Police detected 37 traffic offences in Sunbury and Macedon Ranges as part of Operation Regal.

Operation Regal had police targeting high-risk driving behaviour across the state over four days in an effort to drive down road trauma, with more than 7000 offences detected in Victoria.

In Macedon Ranges, police detected 19 speeding offences, five unregistered vehicles, three mobile phone offences, one drink driver, one other drink/drug offence, and one driver disobeying signs or signals.

In Sunbury, police detected three drivers disobeying signs or signals, two speeding offences,onedrinkdriver,andoneotherdrink/ drug offence.

Road Policing Assistant Commissioner GlennWeirsaiditwas“verydisappointing”that police detected “so many” people disregarding the road rules over the long weekend.

“It is much harder to avoid a collision in wet weather if you’re speeding, distracted, or driving while impaired, and yet we caught so many people taking those risks,” he said.

“Evenmoreconcerningwasthehighnumber of people detected drink or drug driving –these people are making reckless and selfish decisions that not only puts themselves at risk, but all other road users.

“It only takes one poor decision and a split secondtocauseatragedy,andyetwe’veseenfar too much of that on our roads this year.

“Policewillcontinuetoenforceagainstthose who engage in risky driving behaviour – there will be zero tolerance for those who blatantly disregard the road rules.”

With wet weather and poor visibility increasing as winter sets in across Victoria, policeareurgingmotoriststotakeextracareon the roads and be on the lookout for vulnerable road users – particularly motorcyclists and pedestrians.

Policewillremainhighlyvisibleontheroads across the state, with targeted operations to take place over the coming weeks focusing on vulnerable road user safety.

Operation Regal ran from 12.01am Friday, June 7, until 11.59pm on Monday, June 10.

6 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU Calculate yours at Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra
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The Hume and Hovell monument is located off Oaklands Road in Bulla. (Damjan Janevski) 413181_03 Police detected 37 driving offences in Macedon Ranges and Sunbury over the King’s Birthday long weekend. (Unsplash)

Letter pleads for Calder

Pleas for funding continue to ring out from Calder Freeway users as they face the harsh reality left as a result of withdrawn funds.

The Calder Action Group has written a letter tothefederalopposition,urgingitsleader,Peter Dutton, to commit to funding a much-needed upgrade.

The federal government had allocated $50 million in funding in 2019, with the state government announcing it would also allocate $50 million to the project in 2021. Since then, bothfundingallocationshavebeenabandoned.

As reported by Star Weekly , the federal government released its long-awaited national infrastructure review in November 2023, revealing the withdrawal of the funding.

InMay,thestategovernmentthenconfirmed its decision to pause the freeway upgrade as it works with the federal government to “understand the impact” of its decision to withdraw its funding.

In the letter to Mr Dutton, Calder Action GrouppresidentRussellMowattsaidthegroup wanted to express its “deep disappointment and concern over the federal government’s decision to cut funding for the Calder Freeway upgrade”.

“This decision is a travesty for the local community,andweareseekingareviewofthis decision,” he said.

“We have been working tirelessly with federal and state governments, local councils, governmentagencies,transportauthorities,and local stakeholders to push for improvements to this critical road.

“We believe that the federal government’s decision to cut funding does not reflect the view and mood of the community at large and devalues the efforts of all stakeholders over the last 12 years.

“The Calder Freeway is one of Victoria’s most dangerous roads, and it is in urgent need of safety improvements. It is also expected to beMelbourne’ssecond-mostcongestedroadby 2031.”

Mr Mowatt urged Mr Dutton to review the government’s decision and to reveal the opposition’s plans for future funding for the Calder Freeway.

Mr Dutton said funding for the Calder Freeway was extremely important.

“The Calder Freeway upgrade was funded

Plating up Persian heritage

HamedAllahyari’sSunshineCafe,‘SalamaTea’, employs people who are newly arrived in Australia as part of a personal mission to help them establish connections and support them with employment and training.

Hamed arrived in Australia in 2012 as an asylum seeker after fleeing Iran, and has since called Melbourne home. His life revolves around food and sharing his Persian cultural and culinary heritage with the community. Recently, Hamed was featured in episode threeoftheABCshow,‘Extra-OrdinaryThings’. Journalist Tony Armstrong travels across the country to meet Aussies with ordinary things that hold extra-ordinary stories.

For Hamed, his ordinary thing was a Persian zinc plate that was sent to him by his father back home in Iran.

Hamed’s father spent six hours driving across Iran to source the zinc plate – an item

that is often used in Iran to cook traditional foods on the stovetop and then served and eaten straight from the plate.

At Hamed’s cafe, the zinc plate is used to cook the humble Persian omelette, where he strives to put in the same love and care that his mum used to.

“Cooking on this plate I feel like I’m presenting one of the most cultural dish, which [is] not really big to many Iranians. It’s just an omelette, a street food omelette. But to me, to cook in the zinc plate, to serve it in the same plate, for me, it’s big,” Hamed shared in the episode.

“This is like sharing my culture, and I love that. I think it’s [the] journey of my life. Maybe it has a sad story, but at the end I’m happy.”

To watch Hamed’s episode, visit: https://

by the Coalition in 2019 to reduce congestion, increase safety, and improve travel times for people in Melbourne’s fast-growing outer north,” he said.

“The Coalition remains committed to supporting infrastructure projects in outer northern Melbourne that ease congestion and improve the efficiency of our road network.

“We will be announcing specific infrastructure funding commitments as we approach the next election.”

Pokies ruling due in June

A decision will be made this month regarding the application for 50 electronic gaming machines at Romsey Hotel, after a commission hearing.

Three commissioners from the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) were presented with evidence from the applicant, Romsey Football Netball Club, and those in opposition, including Macedon Ranges council.

At a hearing that concluded on Tuesday, May 28, opponents of the proposal presented evidence to the panel, including findings from a Social Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) recently conducted by council.

Opponents of the proposal also included community members, with two members presenting information for local context.

The hearing was initially scheduled for three days, but was extended to four to allow all information to be fairly heard.

The Romsey Football Netball Club announceditsplantoreopentheRomsey Hotel in February 2023 and publicly revealed its intention of installing the gaming machines last October.

In March this year, Macedon Ranges council invited Romsey residents and people living within five kilometres of the hotel to complete a survey for this hearing.

AdecisionissettobemadebyMonday, June 24.

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Hammoud SalamaTea cafe owner Hamed Allahyari with his zinc plate. (Damjan Janevski) 411886_04 Calder Action Group members. (Damjan Janevski) 304982_02

Offering families help and hope

Each Wednesday, at the Sydenham Neighbourhood House, a support network gathers in the form of the Al-Anon Family Groups.

With a legacy spanning across 70 years globally, Al-Anon has provided crucial assistance to thousands of families and individuals living in unhappy homes due to a loved one’s excessive drinking.

Sydenham-based Al-Anon Family Groups organiser, Maree Connell said the group aims to provide emotional support for those in the community.

“Al-Anon began in the early 1950s in America and it was initially created to support spouses, predominantly wives, of husbands who were in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) seeking recovery,” Ms Connell explained.

“The wives would bring their husbands to AA meetings and realised they needed support themselves. This led to the formation of Al-Anon, allowing families to have a space for support.”

Ms Connell said Australia became one of the first countries to embrace the program, with Al-Anon meetings now widespread across the country, including in Brimbank.

The Sydenham-based group is nearing its first anniversary on July 10.

“Every Wednesday afternoon, we’ve been running meetings for just under a year,” she said.

Ms Connell said the program offers help and hope, aiming to show people that they’re not alone.

contribution, but the Alateen program is free,” she said.

“It’s very isolating to deal with alcoholism in the family. People often don’t understand that they don’t have to suffer alone. There’s support available.

“Whatwesuggestwhenapersoncomes–and it’s quite a courageous step for people to come

format with a different person in the chair each week. It gives people security and they know what to expect.”

Ms Connell said the group is also offering two introductory Alateen meetings in the July school holidays on July 3, and 10, at the same time as the Al-Anon meeting in an adjacent room. Facilitated by two experienced Al-Anon members, parents are invited to bring their teens and join the adult meeting.

“The Alateen junior program supports teens living with a parent or older sibling who is drinking. This program addresses the distress

and anxiety these teens face, which can affect their schoolwork, studies, and behaviour,” she said.

“We’ve seen first-hand the hidden struggles of many teens.”

“Alateen functions similarly to Al-Anon, supportingfamilies.Wedon’tofferprofessional counselling or psychological help but provide a platform for sharing experiences.

If you are troubled by the drinking of someone close to you, call the Al-Anon Family Groups helpline on 1300 252 666. Or visit:

The circus is coming to town

Locals will have the chance to step right up this week, with the Great Moscow Circus a run of shows in Melton.

Touring in Victoria for the first time in over six years, the show features a slew of local and international acts, hailing from places such as Brazil, Greece, New Zealand, and Ukraine, performing a variety of feats.

Marketing manager Mark Edgley said the extreme theme of the show would put an emphasis on hair-raising action.

“This is a brand- new show touring Australia at the moment … which brings the wow factor to the audience,” he said.

“It’s a show for all ages and it really is two hours of non-stop energetic entertainment which will keep you on the edge of your seat.”

BMXandproscooterriders,multi-motorcycle cage riders, and trampoline and trapeze acts

will perform death-defying stunts as part of the show.

“It has no lull – it’s a free flowing show with lots of excitement as well as great costumes and great production,” Mr Edgeley said.

One highlight to look forward to is the ‘world’s funniest clown’, Mr Edgley said.

“This guy is amazing – he brings people out from the audience and he is hilarious.”

“He is only about 4 foot 11“ but he’s got a big heart.”

Mr Edgley was confident the show would be a smash hit.

“You’re not going to get a circus in Australia better than this. It’s a world class show.”

The circus is in Melton until June 23.

Eddie Russell The Great Moscow Circus is in Melton. (Supplied: Mark Edgley)
The Al-Anon Family Groups meet at the Sydenham Neighbourhood House every Wednesday, from 1-2:30pm. New members are welcome and there is no appointment necessary. (Damjan Janevski) 413015_01

‘Mixtape’ of musical hits

AgroupoffourMacedonRangessingerswill perform songs from iconic musical theatre shows at Gisborne Uniting Church this Sunday.

The Sunsets – Tasha Luke, Rexine Perry, Helen Keenan and Lucy Watson – will present songs from shows including Oliver!, Les Miserables, Wicked, West Side Story, Mamma Mia!, Chicago, Waitress, The Little Mermaid and more.

The singers have been performing around the Ranges for the past few years as The Sunsets.

LukehasalsoperformedwithPollyphonics Choir and a capella group Takt, while Perryperformed in UK theatre for many years, before returning to the Ranges, where she has performed in shows such as RedesdaleRevellers,TheVesselandWelcome to Us (at The Butterfly Club). Keenan has sung in corporate bands across Victoria, as a chorister in local choirs, and now as a

therapeutic music specialist in residential communities. Watson wrote and performed musical sketch and stand-up comedy in Melbourne and London, including several MICF shows, and played in bands, before moving to the Ranges, where she has hosted the Romsey Carols and Kyneton Dog Dash.

The Sunsets said they are excited to bring this original ‘mixtape show’ celebrating the incredible music of Broadway and the West End to Gisborne.

Sunsets Boulevard on June 23 is at Gisborne Uniting Church, 23 Brantome Street, Gisborne, from 2pm, and will be followed by afternoon tea.

Tickets cost $25 for adults and $20 for students and concession card holders, and areavailableatthedoororfromMaree,5428 3852, or Isobelle, 5428 2275.

Proceeds from the show will go to the Gisborne Secondary College chaplaincy fund.


Youth Fest grants

Two Macedon Ranges youth events received grants for the Victorian Youth Fest 2024 this September. The month-long Victorian Youth Fest features a series of events across the state that are youth-directed and aim to celebrate achievements and provide opportunities for people aged 12–25 to express their ideas. Macedon Ranges council received a $2000 grant towards its series of Youth Fest events, which include a youth awards ceremony, art competition, makers’ market, and music performance. Kyneton Community House also received a grant to run its KCH Talent Fiesta – an open stage talent show that was planned and designed by a group of performing arts-focused students.

Community grant

Goonawarra Neighbourhood House in Sunbury received $5000 from Hume council’s latest community grants program. The funding will be used for Goonawarra Neighbourhood House’s Neighbour Day project, which aims to increase social connection and reduce social isolation by encouraging residents s to get to know their neighbours.


Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

Free Kinder: Enrol for 2025.

Free Kinder is available for three- and four-year-old children in Victoria at participating services. Free Kinder is available in sessional (standalone) and long day care (childcare) settings, saving families up to $2,563 each year, per child.

At kindergarten, your child will:

• learn language, literacy and numeracy skills through play, art, music and dance

• learn to express themself and make friends in a safe and caring environment

• build skills and confidence before primary school.

Contact your preferred kinder service or local council to learn about how to enrol for 2025.


Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY 9 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU FSA/DETS2011
The Sunsets will perform at Gisborne Uniting Church on June 23. (Supplied)

Little waterbuck melts hearts

she stays close to the other waterbuck herd. Some of her favourite places are in the middle of the savannah eating lots of grass or hanging out in an area called the ‘keyhole’, which is behind a large group of trees.”

Nziza arrived from Monarto Safari Park in South Australia and is thriving in her surroundings at Werribee Open Range Zoo.

There’s a lot of love at Werribee Open Range Zooforapreciousnewarrival–alittleantelope with a special heart-shaped nose who leaves a trail of hearts wherever she goes.

Nziza [pronounced: N-zee-zah], a one-year-old waterbuck who arrived at the zoo last month, is making a distinct mark on the zoo’s savannah by imprinting heart-shaped prints on the ground with her dainty hooves.

Werribee Open Range Zoo Savannah keeper Sophie Gray said Nziza is quickly becoming a darling of the savannah.

“Nziza has a cute little black nose that looks exactlylikealoveheart,whichreallystandsout because it is surrounded by a contrasting white ring around it,” Ms Gray said.

“She also has cloven hooves, meaning each hoof is split into two toes. The two toes are round at the front with an adjoining point at the back, which leaves a heart-shaped print behind as she explores the savannah.”

Ms Gray said Nziza’s trail of hearts are more visible in the winter months on the soft wet ground.

“Nowistheperfecttimetotryandfindthem – but the trick is to try and find Nziza first,” Ms Gray said.

“Waterbuck are quite elusive but it’s really rewarding when you get to see them up close

“Nziza is really beautiful, she’s super confident and bold and she’s really keeping the keepers on our toes,” Ms Gray said.

“She’s noticeably smaller than the other waterbuck and getting along with the other animals on our savannah including herds of rhinoceros, giraffe, zebra, ostrich and other antelope species.”

Common waterbuck are native to the forests, savannah, shrubland and grasslands of southernandeasternAfrica.Theyinhabitareas alongside rivers, lakes and valleys and there are up to 80,000 residing in the wild.

Most species tend to have one superpower thatsupportstheirsurvival,butwaterbuckhave two. Not only do they possess speed like most antelope, they also have the unique advantage ofbeingabletosecreteanunpleasantoilysmell from their skin to avoid predators.

Visitors have the opportunity to see Nziza and her trail of hearts on a savannah bus tour that runs throughout the day and are included with entry.

Nziza, a one-year-old waterbuck who arrived at the zoo from South Australia last month, is making a distinct mark on the zoo’s savannah by imprinting heart-shaped prints on the

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New blood test tracks brain recovery after concussion

A blood test can accurately detect the ongoing effects of sport-related concussion and help determine when it’s safe to return to the field, Monash University-led research has found.

Researchers measured two brain-specific proteins in the blood of 81 Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA) players who experienced concussion and compared them with 56 players who did not.

By tracking levels of the blood biomarkers over time, they monitored how long it took the players’ brains to recover, otherwise known as ‘neurobiological recovery’, to help determine when it may be safe to return to play without elevated injury risk.

Untilnow,therehavebeennowell-established tools for tracking neurobiological recovery after sport-related concussion.

Published in JAMA Network Open, this cohort study delved into the dynamics of two brain cell proteins, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neurofilament light (NfL), which are released into the blood following brain trauma. While the team’s previous research demonstrated diagnostic potential of these blood biomarkers, this study aimed to reveal how their levels changed over time in concussed players.

Themoststrikingfindingwasthevariability in biomarker changes among individuals, with over 20 per cent of concussion cases showing substantial and persistent increases in both GFAP and NfL that remained elevated compared to non-concussed footballers for over four weeks.

Individuals with these extreme biomarker changes were substantially more likely to have lost consciousness as a result of their head knock.

Study lead and Monash Trauma Group principal investigator Dr Stuart McDonald, from the Monash University School of

Translational Medicine*, said while his team and others had investigated these biomarkers before, it was the first time a thorough profile of post-injury progress had been recorded.

“The unique thing about this study is not the measure, but how many times and how consistently we did it – eight times over six months for 137 athletes,” Dr McDonald said.

“With very few missing data points, due to our unique approach of going to the participantsforhomevisits,wewereabletoget athoroughprofileofthebiomarkertrajectories over time.

“WedemonstratedthatbloodlevelsofGFAP are elevated in the vast majority of athletes with concussion at 24 hours, and we are now working to have this much-needed diagnostic test approved for use in the next few years.

“The next important step is demonstrating how and when we should measure these two proteins as return to play biomarkers. Our findings take us closer to this becoming a reality.

“Our vision is for serial measures of these proteins to be integrated into clinical care, guiding return to play decisions based on both symptom and neurobiological recovery.”

Whilemoreworkisneededtoseekregulator approval for these blood tests, study first author Dr William O’Brien said there was an important and immediate takeaway message from this study: Neurobiological recovery is likely to take longer in concussed athletes who experience loss of consciousness.

“Our finding of a strong association between loss of consciousness and substantial

and prolonged biomarker changes supports the potential adoption of more conservative return to play timelines where this clinical sign is identified,” Dr O’Brien said.

More than 500,000 people play Australian football, with 6-10 sport-related concussions per 1000 player match hours, often resulting in short and long-term neurological symptoms. More than 500,000 people play Australian football, with 6-10 sport-related concussions per 1000 player match hours[1], often resulting inshortandlong-termneurologicalsymptoms. At the community level of Australian football, the latest policies mandate that the earliest a player can return to play is 21 days after the concussion, with this period 12 days in the Australian Football League. These guidelinesarebasedonself-reportedsymptom resolution.

“While return to play decisions after this period should consider symptom resolution, completion of a graded loading program, and medical clearance, these mandated stand downperiodsmaynotbeadequateforallcases of concussion,” Dr O’Brien said.

“This is of particular concern in community sport, where medical guidance can be limited. Sport-related concussion symptoms are subjective, difficult to identify, and players may feel incentivised to not raise them. Furthermore, the brain continues to recover even after symptoms subside, and this ongoing recovery may make athletes more vulnerable to another concussion.“

More research is underway to create a much larger data base on what is ‘normal’, which in turn will help identify what is abnormal. “We do have some good reasons to believe that elevated biomarker levels do indicate that the brain is still in a heightened state of vulnerability to repeated injury,” Dr McDonald said.

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Star Weekly looks back through the pages of our predecessors

35 years ago

June 20, 1989

Kyneton residents attempting to get professional help for speech defects are beingturnedawayinthetownship.

25 years ago

June 15, 1999

The Macedon Ranges council voted to continue the services offered by North Central Goldfields Regional Library Corporation (NCGRLC), despite the corporation’s failure to fully achieve a list of improvements set by the council in 1997.

20 years ago

June 15, 2004

A moderate 5.78 per cent rate – which would increased average household rates and charges by $53 to $970 – is predicted intheMacedonRanges.

10 years ago

June 17, 2014

Macedon Ranges police have charged 25 offenders for lighting fires or burning-off illegallyintheshireduringthefiredanger period.

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Life-saving donations needed

Blood and plasma donations can be life-saving for the people who receive them, yet only three per cent of Australians are donors, as Jennifer Pittorino reports.

Without weekly plasma transfusions, 13-year-old William Stary would be living in a “bit of a bubble”.

The Kingsville teen lives with a rare blood disease called Haemophilus influenzae type b (HIB).

The condition requires William to have weekly plasma transfusions, which his mum Kathryn administers at their home.

He was diagnosed with the condition in 2019 at age eight, after discovering he was unable to walk while getting ready for school one morning.

Kathryn rushed William to the Royal Children’s Hospital, where he began 10 days of testing, resulting in the diagnosis of HIB Common Variable Immunodeficiency, which means his body does not produce antibodies to fight infection.

William is one of 20 people in Australia to be diagnosed with this illness, requiring subcutaneous immunoglobulin therapy, also known as donated plasma. He received his first treatment a year ago.

Kathryn said she was extremely grateful for the “life-saving” treatments, which are made possible by plasma donors.

“When he was first diagnosed we really didn’t know what life was going to look like for William, but now with this treatment we are super optimistic,” she said.

“It was pretty terrifying, it feels really scary to have a child who can’t fight antibodies so it instinct is to just want to live in a bit of a bubble.

“But that is not great for an active little boy.”

Since receiving the treatments, William’s quality of life has greatly improved.

Kathryn said he is now able to live a full life.

“The Royal Children’s Hospital has been absolutely fantastic in finding a way for us to live in the world where William can be happy and safe,” Kathryn said.

“For example, he has never been able to attend school camps because the risk of infection has been too great.

“But last year because he had commenced the treatment he was able to go on school camp.”

Kathryn went to the camp with William, staying in a nearby Airbnb. William was able to enjoy the day’s activities before staying with his mum at the Airbnb at night.

“This treatment has afforded him the opportunity to be able to do things that we otherwise would not have been able to do,” Kathryn said.

“He plays soccer now, training twice a week, he is absolutely living the life that he wants. And that is through the donated plasma.”

According to Lifeblood, plasma has overtaken whole blood donations as the type of donation most needed by patients

and Kathryn Stary. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 412269_02

and hospitals, with more than 6200 plasma medications and transfusions sent to hospitals across the country every day.

It can take up to 15 plasma donations to make some plasma medicines, which is why so many plasma donors are needed.

As part of National Blood Donor Week, whichranfromJune10-16,Lifebloodisurging Australians to roll up their sleeves and donate blood or plasma.

Kathryn said she would encourage anyone who is able to donate to do so.

“It is so easy. It takes no time. It doesn’t hurt,” she said.

I know that people can be a little bit fearful of needles, but the staff at Lifeblood are amazing.

“It really is a small thing but has a huge impact on not only us, but thousands of other people in Australia.

“Wearesogratefultoeveryonewhodonates plasma because they are keeping William happy and healthy.

“It is never lost on me that every time I administer the treatment, it takes 12 to 14 people to donate per treatment.

“They are life changing treatments for us, this keeps William alive and enables his body

to be happy and fight infections.”

Westmeadows’ Linda Salerno is one of Victoria’s 160,000 blood and plasma donors.

SheisamongthethreepercentofAustralians who donate, according to Lifeblood.

Linda began donating when she was 18, followinginthefootstepsofherfather,Robert, who was a lifelong blood donor.

“As a girl I used to go in with [my father]

‘‘ He

is absolutely living the life that he wants. And that is through the donated plasma ’’ - Kathryn Stary

occasionally when he donated blood. And that’s probably what inspired me to start,” she said.

Hermother,Nita,alsoworkedasavolunteer at the bloodbank, donating when she could.

To date, Linda, 52, has made 263 donations, visiting Lifeblood at Airport West every fortnight to donate plasma.

“My initial goal was 50 donations, my aim now is to get to 350 donations,” she said.

“I have only ever worked part time so I do it every second Friday as part of my routine.”

Linda encouraged all who are able to donate to roll up their sleeves, because you never know you are going to help.

“You never know who you are going to save, your family might need it, which has just happened to us,” she said.

“Just recently my daughter gave birth and she needed a blood transfusion, so it is handy there are blood banks around which can help because she was quite sick.

“I figured I could have worked volunteering at an op shop or something but this is my way of helping people, this is what I do as a volunteer.”

To donate, visit: au/blood

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Linda Salerno has made 263 donations. (Damjan Janevski) 412279_01


WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication

Home & Garden Expo

If you’re considering home renovations or need ideas for interior design, don’t forget to mark the Sunbury & Surrounds Home & Garden Expo on your calendar –it’s a terrific way to meet local suppliers, designers, landscapers, builders, renovators, and contractors before you start your projects. The expo will have a wide range of interactive home improvement and lifestyle exhibitors. There will be something for everyone. The event will be held at Hume Global Learning Centre - Sunbury on Saturday, June 22, from 10am


Hume Men’s Shed

The Hume Men’s Shed (Sunbury) is a non for profit organisation, meeting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 158 Evans Street, Sunbury. The group caters for men be it carpentry, welding, metal work, gardening or just to chat.

■ or 0438 677 425

Sunsets Boulevard

The Sunsets present ‘Sunsets Boulevard’ Head to Gisborne Uniting Church for an exciting matinee of musical theatre, featuring songs from Oliver!, Les Miserables, Wicked, West Side Story, Mamma Mia, Chicago and many more. The event will be held at Gisborne Uniting Church, 23 Brantome Street, Gisborne, Sunday, June 23, from 2pm. Entry for adults is $25 and $20 for concession/ students. Afternoon tea to follow the concert. Tickets at the door or contact Maree.

■ Maree, 0423 051 318

Bible Expo

Macedon Ranges Seventh-day Adventist Church at 18 Barringo Road New Gisborne would like to invite you to a special event happening on Saturday June 22 at 11am–12.30pm. Come along and see ancient texts that changed the world, including a replica of the First Bible printed on the Gutenberg Press in 1450, an original 12-13th century Ethiopic New Testament manuscript, an original 1567 Latin Psalms Bible, an original 1549 Tyndale leaf and many more fascinating items.

■ Melissa, 0413 871 921 or Graham, 0409 794 498

LGBTIQ Social Club

The Sunbury and Surrounds LGBTIQ Social Club has an ongoing catch up every third Saturday at the Brown Cow Cafe in Rosenthal at 1pm. They can also be found on Facebook where they have chats, discussions and other events advertised.


Neighbourhood garden

Become part of Sunbury’s Neighbourhood Garden and grow edible and useful plants in a social group at Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury. All skill sets are welcome.

■ or 9740 6978


Sunbury-Macedon Ranges VIEW Club is a friendly women’s organisation and a valued part of The Smith Family. We meet on the third Friday of each month at 11am at Club Sunbury, Riddell Road, Sunbury. New members warmly welcome

■ Lee-anne, 0403 047 909

Sunbury Art Society

The Sunbury Art Society meets every Friday and Saturday, from 10am- 3pm, at the Boilerhouse, Jacksons Hill, to paint or

This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of Emmanuel College students Jarryd, Johnny, Seth, Chidi, Ella, Ninarika and Omar, who are having a winter sleepout event to raise funds for homelessness. (Damjan Janevski) 412434_01

draw over a cuppa with other like minded people. New members welcome.

■ Ken, 0407 062 568 or Yvonne, 0429 994 828

Sunbury Woodworkers Club

Join the Sunbury Woodworkers Club to learn woodturning. No experience or tools required. Our club is a welcoming environment open to men and women who wish to learn. Meetings for new guests are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm. Circular drive, Jackson’s Hill, Sunbury. Facebook: Sunbury Woodworkers Club.

■ Anita, 0417 402 795

Art group

The Woodend Art Group holds classes and workshops in the studios in the Woodend railway station complex. It also has a social Tuesday where members and interested people can come along in the morning, have a coffee and paint together in a social environment.

■ Colin Robinson, 0407 426 252

Yoga in Sunbury Yoga classes at Sunbury Neighbourhood House focus on supporting participants to slow down and move well. Special attention is given to mindful awareness of movement that builds strength in a healthy and safe

way, Monday mornings, Thursday evenings and Friday mornings

■ or 9740 6978

Shuttles and pickleballs

Macedon Ranges Badminton Club is inviting residents to come and play badminton, or pickleball, or both at Macedon Community Centre. Badminton is played on Tuesdays from 7.30pm and Thursdays at 9.30am. Pickleball is played on Mondays at 6.30pm, Wednesdays at 10.15am and on Tuesday from 10am at the Romsey Recreation Centre.

■ David, 0419 589 425, or

Scottish country dancing

The Macedon Ranges Scottish Country Dancing Group meets every Thursday afternoon 1-3pm at Buffalo Stadium, Woodend. The dancing involves social country dancing, and no special clothes needed, just soft flat shoes.

■ Meg, 5427 1100, or Linda, 0408 476 317

Community. Connect. Create. If you are needing support or looking for a social group to join, you can visit Community. Connect. Create, which is an online resource listing support and

community groups in the Macedon Ranges. if you would like your group listed or would like to work to help this project grow please email: fiona@communityconnectcreate.


Amateur radio club

The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Saturday of the month at the Woodend RSL Hall, 32 Anslow Street, Woodend, at 10am. If you are interested in amateur radio or already have a call sign, this could be for you.


Take off weight naturally Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Off Weight Naturally) every Thursday at 9am at the Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury.

■ Rhonda, 0409 740 924

Kyneton Badminton Club

Kyneton Badminton Club is a welcoming, fun and social group that plays on Mondays, at 7pm at the Kyneton Toyota Sports and Aquatic Centre, Victoria Street. All skill levels welcome.



A film full of action and comedy

After sold-out screenings at Monster Fest, Hot Dad Productions will be debuting a special event screening of ‘The Emu War’ at the Sun Theatre.

The comedy-action hybrid is a comedic take on one of Australia’s true stories, co-directed and created by locals Jonathan Schuster and John Campbell, and starring Yarraville local Damian Callinan and Sunshine actor Aaron Gocs.

Based on the infamous Great Emu War of 1932, the film follows a ragtag platoon of soldiers driven into a brutal and bloody battle against Australia’s deadliest flightless beasts. Haunted by the kidnapping of his son by

the Emus, Major Meredith leads the platoon behind enemy lines to confront the emu leader, the Queen Emu.

“This film is a good combination of action and comedy and gets people to start talking about a real Australian event,” Gocs said.

“The term emu war is what we call a cull of emus , however the real war is different to our depiction. It is nowhere near accurate.”

Gocs said the filmmakers thought it would be funny if the emus fought back, giving the film the comedy it needed.

“There is a lot of action and it was very fun to do those scenes,” he said.

What originally started as a skit seven years ago, has now been turned into a film made on a property in Bendigo.

“It is a project we have been working on together for a while, it was originally going to be a series, but it was eventually made into a movie which took four years to make,” Gocs said.

The movie will premiere at the Sun Theatre on Saturday, June 22, at 7.30pm. It will be followed with a question and answer session afterwards with the cast and crew.

Details: wp-cinema/movie/S24EMUWAR/ THE+EMU+WAR/

Musical postcard live from Werribee

The Werribee Concert Band is gearing up for its annual major concert this weekend, and fittingly, this year’s show will pay homage to the local community.

“It’s called Postcards from Werribee,” said Werribee Concert Band member and treasurer, Evan Thompson, about the theme of the show this Saturday night at Encore Events Centre in Hoppers Crossing.

“We’ve selected a number of places around Wyndham to celebrate through music. We’ve got the Werribee Mansion, we’ve got the zoo, the rose garden and sprinkles ice cream shops in Werribee and Point Cook.” said Thompson explaining how the show will work.

“To give you an idea, the music to represent the zoo is a selection of songs from the Lion King,” he said before adding that the songs matching the other places were less well known.

As well as celebrating the local area, Postcards from Werribee will also serve another purpose for the concert band, with Thompson hoping members of the audience will be inspired to join themselves.

“Perhaps people who’ve played an instrumentinthepastandmaybearethinking of taking it up again,” he said of the type of band members they were looking for.

“It’s not always easy to find members for a concert band. Music education in schools is not as popular as it was in the past and we’re starting to feel that.”

Describing the concert band as basically an orchestra without string instruments, Thompson said the Postcards from Werribee show won’t just involve the usual 30 members, but 10 members of the training band as well,

making it their biggest show of the year both in audience numbers and musicians.

For those unable to make the show this Saturday night, the Werribee Concert Band has a children’s show scheduled for October.

Tickets for the show on June 22 will be

available on the door. Details: http://www.werribeeconcertband. com/

Be awakened to the beauty of landscapes

Coming to the Sunshine Library this month is the Wild Awakenings art exhibition.

Join Contemporary Melbourne artist Ana Hanson for the opening the exhibition and experience an unique celebration of contemporary Australian landscape art that fuses bold colours, stylised patterns and unconventional media.

Hanson is particularly proud of the way her pieces connect viewers with the natural environment.

“In this body of work I hope to further expand upon some of the themes and ideas I have recently been exploring in my focus on mixed media landscape artworks. My art infuses an urban artistic sensibility with an appreciation for the natural environment and a love for one of the oldest and most enduring artistic traditions - landscape art,” she said.

“My work reflects the duality of our modern existence—a world where screens often dominate our attention, while nature is too often relegated to the periphery.

“Withinthistensionliesacollectiveyearning to rediscover our connection to the wild.


of many

Wild Awakenings’ beckons viewers to reconcile this dichotomy, to embark on a journey of ‘rewilding,’ and to take a few momentstocherishthesplendouranddiversity of the world we live in.”

Opening night of the exhibition will include a multimedia installation and a chat from Hanson, as well as refreshments to enjoy.

Exhibition is Clear Cut

The Old Auction House in Kyneton is hosting a group exhibition called ‘Clear Cut’, showcasing a series of traditional printmaking works.

Theexhibitionfeatureslinocut,etched, and monoprinted works, with many of the prints focussing on Australian landscapes and animals.

Traditional printmaking differs from modern printmaking in that designs are hand processed rather than reproduced using electronic printing methods

To make the prints, traditional printmaking artists cut, etch, and carve designs which are then transferred using ink.

Printing can be repeated several times, with each print considered an original artwork called an ‘impression’.

The Old Auction House owner and gallery director Rhain DiPilla said traditional printmaking is a unique medium and process.

“It’s a medium that allows you to make copies of each work and each copy is still unique – it’s not sort of a photocopy where each one is exactly the same,” DiPilla said.

“[It is] very hands-on – you’re involved with every step of the process. You have to design it, you then have to carve it or etch it in, you then have to print it … you’re quite involved as an artist”.

Many of the prints at the Clear Cut exhibition also feature colourful hand-painted elements.

“A lot of works in this exhibition are hand coloured - so they’ve printed the base layers and then come back and colouredoverthetoporpainted,”DiPilla said.

ItkicksoffonThursday,June27,from6pmto 8pm, inside the learning centre at the Sunshine Library.

The exhibition will stay on display until July 26.

Free tickets:

Gerald Lynch

DiPilla said that many of the works featured are from local artists, emphasising Kyneton’s strong art scene.

“It’s a really good artistic community,” she said.

Held at the Old Auction House, 52-56 Mollison Street, Kyneton, the exhibition will run until Saturday, July 29. Details: au/gallery

Oscar Parry

Writer Jonathan Schuster and actor Aaron Gocs. (Damjan Janevski) 413332_01 Cade Lucas Werribee Concert Band members Jacqui Ladd (front), Evan Thomson, Holly Silvester, Kevin Bergin and Victor Cilia. (Damjan Janevski) 413145_01 ‘Clear Cut’ showcases a broad range of prints created using traditional methods. (Rhain DiPilla) ‘Lilac Blossoms on the Mountain’ one pieces that will feature in the exhibition. (Ana Hanson)
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1. Which national women’s rugby sevens team did Australia defeat 26-7 to win the final of the 2024 Madrid Sevens?

2. In which year did the recently axed Melbourne Rebels enter the Super Rugby competition?

3. Twin brothers Ben and Harry McKay play for which

4. Billy Slater coaches which rugby league State of Origin team?

5. Who caddied for Scottish golfer Robert MacIntyre during his 2024 Canadian Open win?

6. Which two ice hockey teams are set to playing in the 2024 Stanley Cup Finals?

Sinead Diver, Genevieve Gregson and Jessica Stenson have been selected to compete for Australia in which 2024 Olympics event?

The 2024 Men’s T20 World Cup is being co-hosted by the West Indies and which country?

US basketballer Angel Reese plays for which WNBA team?

Tyrone Peachey for which NRL club?

Mintonette was the original name for which ball sport?

Until 1905, bowling balls were originally made of what material?

Danish althlete

Viktor Axelsen is the reigning Olympic champion in which event?

14. To the nearest hundred, how many home runs did Babe Ruth make in his career?

15. What is the height of a standard table tennis net?

16. In 2023, who won the Brownlow Medal for the second time?

17. In total, how many stumps are used in a cricket match?

18. Name the NHL team based in Michigan.

19. The 1992 Winter Olympics were held in which city?

20. How many Grand Prix wins did Michael Schumacher achieve in his Formula One career?

21. Aussie tennis star Alex de Minaur was defeated by German Alexander Zverev at which stage of the 2024 French Open men’s singles tournament?

22. The 75-year-old prime minister of Fiji, Sitiveni Rabuka, recently won a bronze medal in which sport at the Oceania Athletics Championships?

23. EPL club Tottenham, managed by Ange Postecoglou, finished in which position on the end-of-season table?

24. Josef Newgarden recently won which highly-attended annual US sporting event?

25. Which allrounder scored a half-century and took three wickets in Australia’s opening match of the T20 Cricket World Cup against Oman?

26. How many times has St Kilda ‘won’ the wooden spoon for last-place finishes in its AFL/VFL history?

27. Which Nordic country finished second in the medal tally at the 1924 Paris Summer Olympics?

28. The captain of the Australian women’s national cricket team, Alyssa Healy, is married to which fast bowler?

remain on the Olympic program at Paris 2024?

30. Who was the last Australian to win the Formula One World Drivers’ Championship?

29. After making debut appearances at the Tokyo 2020 Games, which three sports beginning with S will
1. France 2. 2011 3. Essendon and Carlton 4. Queensland 5. His father, Dougie 6. Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers 7. The marathon 8. The US 9. Chicago Sky 10. Penrith Panthers 11. Volleyball 12. Hardwood 13. Badminton (men’s singles) 14. 700 (714) 15. 25cm15. 16. Lachie Neale 17. Six 18. Detroit Red Wings 19. Albertville, France 20. 91 21. Quarterfinals 22. Shot put 23. Fifth 24. Indy 500 25. Marcus Stoinis 26. 27 27. Finland 28. Mitchell Starc 29. Surfing, skateboarding and sport climbing 30. Alan Jones (1980)
Alex de Minaur
Place Your Classified Ads Online Your advert will appear in print and online! 12536910-CG08-22
Josef Newgarden 2106

To solve a Sudoku



1 Ribbons (5)

4 Enchanted (9)

9 Sooner (7)

10 Burdensome (7)

11 Illicitly distilled liquor (9)

12 Buffalo (5)

13 US tech company (1,1,1)

14 Body of water to the east of Italy (8,3)

16 A baptism (11)

19 Hint (3)

20 Varnish (5)

22 Broadening (9)

25 Wayne –, head coach of the Dolphins (7)

26 First (7)

27 Substances discharged (9)

28 Opponent (5)


1 Load-bearing bar structure (1,4)

2 Actor (9)

3 Hides, pelts (5)

4 Obstacle (7)

5 Aboriginal spear-throwing device (7)

6 Quivering (9)

7 Rings (5)

8 Release (9)

13 Terminal (illness) (9)

14 Yes-men (9)

15 Offering (9)

17 Prefix with 'magnetic' (7)

18 Suggests (7)

21 Egyptian peninsula (5)

23 Din (5)

24 Expression of surprise (5)

letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural nouns ending in “s”.

1 Who won the 2000 AFL Grand Final?

2 Karl Lagerfeld (pictured) famously said ‘One is never overdressed or underdressed with a little,’ what?

3 Which is the world’s largest island nation?

4 What does the French word ‘oiseau’ mean in English?

5 Who wrote the novel The Bell Jar?

6 Which element is represented by the letter W?

7 What is the name of Fantine’s daughter in the musical Les Misérables?

8 And who wrote the novel on which the musical is based?

9 Lime juice, triple sec and tequila are the main ingredients of what cocktail?

10 What is a common cause of scurvy?

No. 190
No. 190 No. 190
No. 190 27 35 91572 37 69 758926 64 9 5 81 941576 easy 28 4 35 9 6 748 957 6 42 31 6 948 563 8 medium 27 5 67 61 2 81 4 978 5 86 73 4 591 47 3 hard No. 190 SUDOKU
from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine
columns, each of the nine horizontal
and each of the nine 3 x 3
no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.
bingo, bionic, boning, coin, coining, combing, COMBINING, coming, coning, gnomic, icing, icon, incoming, ionic, mignon, mincing, mini, mining, minion, nimbi Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters
more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each
B G C A P N H D S N E N E T A S A S P E N S H A D E S I N G E E N D E D T S A R S I O N I M N 10 words: Good 15 words: Very good 20 words: Excellent Today’s Aim:
LETTERS ACE AGE ALE ANT BAT DNA EGG GNP HAG HUE IMP LAD NEE NIL OVA PIE RAT SAW SEE TEE TOE USE UTE YES 4 LETTERS EAST FUSS GLUE MANS PART SASH SOAR SOFA SPEW STAB SWAP SWUM TEAS WERE 5 LETTERS ACTED ADULT AORTA ARENA AROMA BARGE BASIS CURIO EDGES EERIE ELITE ERASE EVENT FILET FLOPS GLOSS GRIEF HEATH HELLO INLET INTER IRATE KOALA MERES PEERS POLIO PRESS RANTS RASPS REALM REAPS RIOTS SAFES SCRAP SEEDS SEVER SHIFT SKIED SNORT SOAPS SPARS STALL STEER STORE THEFT TOMES TREAT UNITE WADES WAIVE 6 LETTERS GEYSER RESETS SCREEN SISTER 7 LETTERS AEROSOL FLAMING NOWHERE ORDEALS RATTLER TINGLED 8 LETTERS CASSETTE CHLORINE CONFUSES PROLONGS BARGE SCRAP SHIFT ARENA KOALA CURIO SOAPS INTER REALM IMP THEFT TOE TEE SASH ADULT RESETS EGG SEE DNA STALL ERASE WERE PROLONGS SOAR LAD AEROSOL FLAMING RAT SWUM CASSETTE STAB HEATH P RESS AGE NIL USE SISTER SNORT SWAP ANT YES GRIEF ACE FLOPS POLIO UNITE EERIE EVENT SEVER STEER WADES SEEDS 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 E W S O R K D A H N C Y I T G J M Q P B Z U V F L X Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible 21-06-24 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | 327158469 452761938 283547691 561974823 138295746 946812375 894326517 679483152 715639284 easy medium hard 219764835 981653742 372546189 758319264 627491358 165987423 436825917 543278691 894132576 234756189 685219437 359461872 568192743 197843625 712938564 971384256 423675918 846527391 1 14 7 20 2 15 8 21 3 16 9 22 4 17 10 23 5 18 11 24 6 19 12 25 13 26 G E Y S E R FX 1. Essendon 2. Black dress 3. Indonesia 4. Bird 5. Sylvia Plath 6. Tungsten 7. Cosette 8. Victor Hugo 9. Margarita 10. Lack of vitamin C ANSWERS: 18 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Good things come in small cars

The Q2 is the entry-level model into Audi’s five-model SUV range sitting below the Q3, Q5, Q7 and Q8.

Between them they account for around 80 percent of the brand’s total Australian sales. First released in late 2017, and upgraded in February 2021, the Q2 now comes in two variants: 1.5-litre 35 TFSI and 2.0-litre quattro 40 TFSI. At the same time a new high-performance SQ2 was added which will justify a separate review down the track.

Priced at $43,600 plus on-roads, the 35 TFSI has LED headlights, contrasting bumpers and C-pillar, leather-appointed seats and steering wheel, dual-zone climate control, digital driver information display as well as Audi smartphone interface and phone box light wireless charging among its equipment highlights.

For an extra $7000 the 40 TFSI quattro adds new Audi Sport 18-inch alloy wheels, Audi drive select, a powered tailgate, sport front seats, auto-dimming interior mirror, and of course, all-wheel drive.



SUV segment the Q2 treads that very fine line of distinction between hatchback and SUV.

Q2 is fairly conservative in its looks when compared with larger vehicles in the Audi range. Because of its small dimensions it has a boxier, less coupe-like profile than the others.

The large single frame grille with its four intersecting ring badge immediately identifies it as an Audi. The 2021 upgrade gets a more chiselled look that really suits it as do the new pentagonal shape to the front (dummy) air inlets and rear bumper trim.

Eighteen-inch alloy wheels are standard across the range with different designs.

An optional Style Package includes 19-inch Audi Sport alloy wheels; matrix LED headlights; extended black exterior and a full body paint finish in the 35 TFSI. It adds $3490 to the price of the 35 TFSI and $2690 to the 40 TFSI.

The Q2 range is available in 11 exterior colours and two interior colour combinations, depending on the model.

The C-pillar in the Q2, called the ‘C-Blade’, can be ordered in a variety of interchangeable

finishes and colours.

All models get LED headlights.


The interior is neat and functional with the premium feel that we’ve come to expect from Audi. The dash is simple and uncluttered with the controls for the dual-zone climate control in the centre. The front air vents are round and can be swivelled for optimum coverage.

The rear doors are large and so make entry easier. There’s good headroom thanks to the relatively flat roofline but legroom will be very tight for taller occupants. There is no centre armrest or rear air vents.

Storage space in the front is limited with the large infotainment knob ensuring there’s nowhere to leave keys, phones, wallets etc meaning that the two cup holders get used at the bottom of the dashboard.

Boot capacity in the 40 TFSI is a moderate 355 litres (405 in the 2WD 35 TFSI). The boot floor can be set at two levels, to either provide security for smallish objects under it, or for tall cargo. There is no spare wheel of any size, with a puncture repair kit the only emergency option.

Engines & transmissions

The 1.5-litre engine in the Q2 35 TFSI is new and replaces the previous 1.4-litre unit albeit with the same outputs of 140 kW and 320 Nm but is more refined, quieter and with slightly better fuel consumption. As before it comes with a Cylinder-on-Demand (CoD) function that can shut down two of its four cylinders imperceptibly at low throttle load and engine speeds and helps reduce official fuel consumption to just 5.2 L/100km.

The four-cylinder 2.0-litre engine in the 40

TFSI carries over from the previous model. It puts out 140 kW of power and 320 Nm of torque at 1450 rpm.

Both engines are mated to a seven-speed S tronic dual-clutch automatic.


TheAudiMMI(MultiMediaInterface)system is displayed via a new 8.3-inch tablet-style screen above the centre of the dashboard. The quality of the graphics is excellent and the system itself is easy enough to operate once you get used to the rotary dial control which we still prefer over the more distracting touchscreens which are very much the norm nowadays.

There is Bluetooth connectivity and smartphone integration through Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, as well as Audi connect technology with WiFi hotspot and Google services.


Audi Q2 gets a five-star rating from both Euro NCAP and ANCAP with standard features that include six airbags; electronic stability program with enhanced ABS brakes; blind spot monitoring; Audi’s pre-sense city with autonomous emergency braking and pedestrian and cyclist detection; tyre pressure warning; IsoFix child-seat mounts; plus automatic headlights and windscreen wipers.

The SQ2 adds Audi pre-sense basic which initiates protection measures when it senses an imminent collision including tensioning of the front seat belts, activation of hazard warning lights and closing of the windows and sunroof.

The Premium Package is a $3050 option in the Q2 35 TFSI, $2950 in the 40 TFSI and

standard in the SQ2. Among other features it includes adaptive cruise control with Stop&Go; emergency assist; active lane assist; park assist; rollover sensor; and hill hold.


Our road test vehicle was the Audi Q2 40 TFSI quattro with its 140 kW and 320 Nm outputs. It sits neatly between the entry-level 110 kW / 250 Nm 35 FWD TFSI and the 221 kW/400 Nm quattro SQ2.

Entry is a bit awkward for taller drivers and, once seated, we found it necessary to drop the driver’s seat to its lowest setting to get comfortable thus losing the extra driving height that makes SUVs popular.

The front seats are comfortable and supportive. Rather oddly the Q2 40 doesn’t come with powered seat adjustment, yet it does get a powered tailgate.

Rear seat legroom is borderline for adults and some compromises will have to be made with those in the front if tall travellers are on board. Three adults can sit across the back, but, as is the norm in cars of this size, two and a child makes more sense.

Around town the Q2 was sharp and manoeuvrable. It cruised effortlessly on the motorwaybutoutontoourlocalcountryroads was where it came into its own. Although steering is relatively light it’s nicely weighted and combined with the quattro AWD system provides an engaging, dynamic drive.

Ride comfort is very good and the interior is generally quiet.

There’s plenty of road grip and the car is more assured and stable in corners than most of its similarly-sized 2WD SUV rivals.

Ataclaimed7.0litresper100kilometresthe AWD 40 TFSI is a fair bit thirstier than the 5.2 L/100 km FWD 35 TFSI no doubt helped along by its Cylinder-on-Demand system. We averaged just on 8.0 L/100km during our week-long test.

Summing up

Audi Q2 is a stylish compact SUV at a reasonable price (for a premium car, that is). It’s easy to drive and park in its urban natural habitat but, especially in AWD mode, can provide plenty of driving enjoyment in more challenging rural conditions.

All Audi models now come with a five year, unlimited distance warranty.

Audi Q2 is a stylish compact SUV at a reasonable price. (Pictures: Supplied)

The weather may have been chilly on Saturday but it didn’t stop StarWeeklyphotographer Ljubica Vrankovic getting out and capturing some of the action.

Chilly weekend sporting action

6 7 8 9 10 1 3 4 2 5
1/ Diggers Rest run out in front of its new facilities. 413379_01 2/ Macedon’s Eve Moait and Kyneton’s Mairead Murphy. 413374_11 3/ Justin Waldron left and Hayden Davis right. 413379_12 4/ Romsey’s Elise Putyra. 413376_04 5/ Romsey’s Charlize Bellette. 413378_22 6/ Sunbury Lions score. 413382_10 7/ Woodend-Hesket and Romsey fight hard for the ball. 413376_07 8/ Romsey’s Hope Hamilton scores. 413378_05 9/ Sunbury Lions’ Fraser Ampulski. 413383_07 10/ The mountains overshadowed Tony Clarke Reserve. 413374_04

Sunbury Lions content on top with just one loss

The Sunbury Lions are content with where they sit in the Essendon District Football League women’s division 2 competition.

The Lions sit top after eight rounds with just one loss.

Coach Matt Tremellen said while they were happy they know things won’t get any easier.

“We knew what we were doing and we know what we are doing is stocking up against everybody else,” he said.

“We’re very focused on what we are doing each week and see how it goes.”

Tremellen said it’s a very close competition with one or two players missing sometimes making a difference.

The Lions have been hit hard by injuries in recent weeks. Skipper Laura Giles has been ruled out for the season after tearing her ACL, while it’s unknown when Bianca Pepper will return.

Tremellen said the rest of the injured players should return over the next few weeks.

He said they’d had a number of players stepped up in the absence of two of their


“It’s a big hole to fill,” he said. “The leadership is still there off field and they’re still filling their roles just not on the ground.

“OtherleaderslikeEmilyTaylorandKirsty Baker have stepped up and been huge.”

Tremellen said the hard work they had done last season and in the off season had all started to pay off.

He said they were able to upskill some of the less experienced players to get a better balance in the side.

Tremellen said they have kept their focus pretty simple despite the strong start to the season.

“We take every week as it comes,” he said. “We’ll continue to play our brand of footy throughout the rest of the season.

“We want to go as far as we can, but we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. We are where we want to be and we want to keep building and focus on what we can do.”

On Saturday, the Lions were able to put together a strong four quarter performance to beat Glenroy, 9.12 (66)-1.2 (8).

Amy Glendenning kicked three goals while Jorja McKenna and Nikki Waldron kicked two goals each.

Audrey Follett and Taylor Brady were named their best.

The Lions sit a game clear of the Sunbury Kangaroos, who have played more game.

The Kangaroos won a thriller against Taylors Lakes on Saturday.

The Kangaroos claimed the win, 6.8 (44)-6.4 (40).

Nat Dunne and Bronte Koutras kicked two goals each. Teaghan Tweedly was named the Kangaroos best.

East Sunbury suffered a 12.15 (87)-0.1 (1) loss to Coburg Districts.

The Lions bounce back

Defence was the key word during the break for the Sunbury Lions and it was on show against Sebastopol in the Ballarat Football League on Saturday.

The Lions suffered their first loss of the season heading into the break and used the time to reset for the second part of the season.

The Burras came out strong early on, but were soon shut down with the Lions running away with a comfortable 13.10 (88)-3.11 (29) win.

Lions coach Matt White was pleased with how his side bounced back.

“It was a good, tough game,” he said. “We went there with a focus on defending really well.

“To keep them to 3.10 was really good.

“We needed that week to rest and defend reallywellasweknowthatwewillalwayshave the ability to score.”

White said there was a little bit of wind, but nothing that made it too hard to score.

He said they were a bit rusty early on before working into the game.

“They got off to a really good start and kicked the first goal,” he said. “Tony Lockyer was doing a good job on Josh Guthrie and was getting off him.

“We sorted that out and we were able to control the game a bit better and moved the ball fairly slickly.”

Jake Sutton was the key forward on the day, kicking five goals for the Lions.

White said they had plenty of contributors on the day.

“We asked Guthrie to do something different, not just be a prevalent ball user,” he said. “He had three goals and played one of his better games for the year.

“Harry Power was the Harry Power of old and kicked one goal and set up a few others, he was up and about.

“Dean Muir is making it hard for selectors and whether we play him at half back or in the middle.

“Boyd Murphy we bought in last week and

he looked a little nervous, he looked a lot better.

“We have a lot of guys playing some good footy.”

The Lions win was soured by another hamstring injury to Mitch Lewis.

White said Lachlan Urbon and Cody Bramble both took steps forward on the weekend and will help fill the wing role with Lewis missing.

In a plus, Jake Egan got through in the reserves and would be ready for selection.

The Lions remain second on the ladder with seven wins and one loss for the season.


The Lions face their biggest test this weekend, taking on Melton, which sits atop the table.

White said they are looking forward to the challenge.

“It’s exciting,” he said. “Every time you play one of the top teams, you get up and about.

“I remember playing Melton 20 years ago and there’s still that little rivalry from then.”

Sports shorts

Big V

The Sunbury Jets got a big win against the Camberwell Dragons in the Big V women’s championship division on Saturday night. The Jets jumped out of the blocks and led by 17 points at quarter time. It continued the next two quarters, with the Jets leading by 35 points at three quarter time. The Dragons won the final quarter, but the damage was done with the Jets winning 85-62. Chloe Hildebrand top scoring with 18. The Jets now sit fourth on the ladder. The Jets men also won on Saturday night.

Ballarat NL

The Sunbury Lions were able to overcome their bogey side in Sebastopol to get a big win in the Ballarat Netball League. Still missing several players, the Lions were still able to come away with a 62-41 win. Rebecca Hicks shot 35 goals for the Lions, while Lani Fauonuku shot 20 goals. The Lions sit in second spot. The Lions this week face Melton at Clarke Oval.

Bendigo NL

Gisborne suffered its first loss of the Bendigo Netball League season on Saturday. Facing Kangaroo Flat in a top of the table clash, the Bulldogs went down 49-43. The win sees the Bulldogs slip from first to third. The Bulldogs have a bye this week.

Bendigo FL

Gisborne continued its good form in the Bendigo Football League on Saturday against Kangaroo Flat. The Bulldogs opened an early lead and were able to build on it each quarter, winning 13,21 (99)-7.9 (51). Matthew Merrett kicked five goals for the Bulldogs, while Macklan Lord and Fylnn Lakey were named their best. The Bulldogs sit in second spot, one game and percentage behind Sandhurst. The Bulldogs have a bye this week.

FOR MORE SPORT, VISIT Web: Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

Tara Murray Stella Hoye. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 409288_04 Harry Power. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 413383_09

Romsey starting to click as they reach top five

Romsey got a much-needed win and moved intotheRiddellDistrictNetballLeaguetopfive in the process on Saturday.

The Redbacks have struggled in the first half of the season, but were able to come away with a convincing win against Diggers Rest.

The Burras led by five goals at quarter time, but the Redbacks started to click in the second quarter to lead by three goals at half time.

After half time, the Redbacks were able to run away with it, winning 64-48.

Redbacks coach Lena Way was relieved to come away with a win like that.

“We were definitely due for one,” she said. “I think we were able to hit our stride in the second half and were able to come away with it in the last quarter. We were able to get a little more depth in attack and were able to hit the circle edge. We were able to bring on a couple ofouryoungerplayersandtheysteppedupand had a good game.”

Hope Hamilton shot 35 goals for the Redbacks and was named their best.

Way said the way that Hamilton keeps stepping up and playing in A-grade is a credit to her.

HamiltonhashadtoplaymoreA-gradethan planned with big off season signing Shimona Jok, now with Suncorp Super Netball side, the Mavericks.

“She’s an absolute stalwart of the club,” Way said about Hamilton. “To play the standard she

is playing after so many years, is a credit to her and the work she’s been doing.

At the other end of the scale, Way said it was exciting to have so many young players among the team.

“Charli [Bellette] is 15, Emily [Miles] is 17 and Josie [Lepore] is 16,” she said.

Cats score massive win

Macedon is now the hunted in the Riddell DistrictFootballLeaguewomen’scompetition after doing what no team had done in the competition, beat Kyneton.

After a draw between them and Kyneton the first time the teams played this season, the Cats inflicted the Tigers’ first defeat in one and half seasons of the competition.

Not only were the Cats able to get the win, they did it in a big way, winning 8.11 (59)-0.3 (3) win.

Cats Tamara Collins said they were a bit shocked after that result.

“It feels weird,” she said. “They are the benchmark teams and it felt really good to get the win.’

“Everything came together beautifully and that just helps.”

The Cats led by 11 points at quarter time after doing all the scoring in the first quarter. They blew the game open in the second quarter with five goals to none.

Collins said they had a few players out last

time they played the Cats and them returning added strength into the midfield.

Shesaidtheyfeltliketheyputoutacomplete four quarter performance,

“I’m surprised how well we did,” she said.

“Everyone was focused and put in their best effort and things worked really well.

“We felt like we had control and were able to really slow down Kyneton’s playmakers. They have some good quality players.

“Everyone was really on.”

Charlotte Noonan kicked three goals while ElizaBellandShakiraParkerkickedtwogoals each for the Tigers.

Ruby Watts was a standout in the middle, Stephanie Jones was dominant in the ruck, while Lilli Collins and Scarlett Lynch were others to have good games.

Collins said the arrival of the likes of Noonan and Watts from Gisborne in the off season had really helped the side.

“Welovehavingthesenewgirlscomeacross with a different level of experience,” she said.

“They’re great leaders out there and they play a fun style of football. They get out there and

“The young ones are stepping up and that’s definitely the aim for the girls to come through juniors, through under-19s and hopefully into the senior grades.

“We want to have a competitive A-grade side sotheyoungergirlshavesomethingtoaspireto and want to keep playing.”

The win was the Redbacks third and moved them to fifth on the ladder. Just one game separates them and bottom side Lancefield. Way said they all know how close the competition is this year with the side being in all but one game, with some close losses to some of the top teams.

“We play Kyneton this week at home and we played well against them and got a good win against them last time.

“We’ve had an unfortunate first half of the season and the same thing happened last year. Thelaterhalfoftheseasonwasbetterforusand clawed our way back up the ladder.” In other results, Wallan beat Kyneton, Macedon snuck home against Melton Centrals and Riddell beat Lancefield.

Redbacks knock off the Burras

Romsey produced its best performance of the Riddell District Football League season to knock off Diggers Rest on Saturday.

The Redbacks have been building and on Saturday showed why the side was full of confidence heading into the back half of the season.

The Burras led by seven points at quarter time, before the Redbacks led by a goal at half time.

The game was still on the line at three quarter time with the Burras leading by three points. It was all the Redbacks in the final quarter, kicking 5.5 while keeping the Burras scoreless to run away with a 11.13 (79)-7.5 (47) win.

Jack Jedwab kicked five goals for the Redbacks in a best on ground performance.

Ryan Mullen was the only multiple goal kicker for the Burras with two goals. Ruck Hayden Davis had another good game.

The win moves Romsey to second on the ladder, with the Burras slipping to fourth.

want to have a good time.”

In a positive sign for the future of the club, Eve Moait and Taya Konias both came up from the youth league girls side and made their senior debuts.

“Taya played just her seventh game of footy and kicked a goal,” Collins said. “They played really well.

“It’s exciting to see the young girls who are the future of the club step up.”

For Kyneton, Eligh Blume and Mairead Murphy were the best in the loss.

The win moves the Cats to a game clear on top of the ladder, ahead of Kyneton.

Collins said it was a weird feeling to be the hunted now.

“I still remember our first game and we lost 99-0,” she said. “Our best footy is hard to beat.”

Collins said the aim was to make sure they finish top two and as high as they could.

In other results, Melton beat Lancefield, 5.4 (34)-1.3 (9), while Woodend-Hesket was too strong for Romsey, winning 24.17 (161)-2.0 (12).

In the other matches, Riddell was too strong for Lancefield, winning 13.8 (86)-5.3 (33). Dylan Tarczon kicked four goals in a best on ground performance for the Bombers.

Macedon had no issues at all against Melton Centrals at Tony Clarke Reserve.

The Cats led 55-2 at quarter time and it was already game over.

The Cats continued to build the lead throughout, winning 18.9 (117)-3.5 (23). Jason Cooke starred up forward kicking eight goals.

Jake Armistead was named the Centrals’ best. The Cats move into the top five with the win.

A Wallan side with former Collingwood star Heath Shaw was too strong for Kyneton.

The Magpies got the win, 13.16 (94)-6.10 (46).

Shaw was named among the best for Wallan. Cody Young was named Kyneton’s best.

Emily Miles. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 413378_07 Stephanie Jones gets a kick away. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 413374_17

Gisborne stays focused on its state league goals

Gisborne is where it wants to be in the FV state league 5 west season.

The Sky Blues sit in third spot at the halfway point of the season, with more wins than they had the whole of last season in state league 4.

CoachCarlosGrandesaidithadbeenareally good first half of the season.

“Wehadaninfluxofplayersinthepre-season and we’ve got a good mix there,” he said.

“It has been great to have not just plenty of Gisborneboysinthere,butsomereinforcement.

“Our main focus at the club is the culture and staying really true to being a community club.

“It is hard to get down there on a Saturday afternoon, but the supporters have been really good and we’re getting a bit of a crowd.

“We’re sitting where we want to be.”

Grande said he really believes in what the club and his side are doing and he’s trying to

instil the belief in the playing group.

He said getting wins on the board also helps with that confidence.

“I’m a coach that believes in whatever player we have,” he said. “We believe in who we have at the club and really create that team environment.

“It is contagious to the rest of the team… Credit to the boys.

“We do play some good football and are stayingtogetherandplayingasoneteam.We’re all playing for the same goal, to finish as high as we can.”

TheSkyBlueshadabyeontheweekend,with a catch up round being played.

Grande said he wasn’t a fan of byes and wanted to keep the momentum going.

“I believe in the boys will train hard for two weeks and get ready for the big clash against Bendigo City which we are ahead of by two


With a strong start to the season, the Sky Blues have put themselves into promotion contention.

The side is five points behind second placed Deakin Ducks and 13 points behind top side Lara United.

Whilesittinginagoodposition,Grandesaid they weren’t looking ahead at what might be.

“We don’t talk about promotion,” he said. “We got into every Saturday wanting to get the three points.

“Towards the end of the season that maybe be a discussion. Our focus is to keep winning and want to have our under-16s stay at the club and go up to under-17s, under-18s and then into the reserves.


Warriors fall just short

The Western Warriors were thinking what might have been after a close loss to the North East Blaze in the Victorian Netball League championship division on Wednesday night.

Going for their fourth win in five matches, the Warriors had their chances to come away with the points.

Two poor periods proved costly for the Warriors, with the Blaze winning 60-58.

Warriors coach Kim Bailey said there were positives, but their inability to play four quarters hurt them.

“We did have a lot of chances,” she said. “There were just too many unforced errors to be honest, some really uncharacteristic errors.

“We made three breaks. I think we never haveabreak,littlethingsthatarecoachkillers.

“We were 11 goals down and to lose by two, but we can’t get ourselves in the position.

“When we get a run on, we need to continue on with it.”

The Warriors trailed early in the first quarter. They had runs in both the second and third quarter to bring the margin back to one.

The Blaze finished the third quarter really strongly to lead by 11 goals at three quarter time.

“When we did recover we let them get away a couple of times again,” Bailey said. “You take some good stuff out of it though.

“You look at the last quarter and last quarter was amazing. We won that quite convincingly.

“We just can’t get ourselves into that chase position. But you think how we went compared to the same game 20 goals last time it was much better.

“A couple little turnovers at critical times might have been a difference. A pretty good performance against a quality team.”

Bailey said midcourter Vanessa Augustini played her best game. Olivia Ellis against her old side also had a good game, while the shooting combination of Kim Borger and Julia Woolley played well.

Abbey Ellis made her debut for the Warriors.

“Just sort of bring her in and she’ll hopefully stay with us around next season,” Bailey said.

“She’s really dynamic. She hasn’t played netball for a little while as well, but awesome footwork and a really great netball brain.

“Add her in with her creativity. There’s so much creativity with Kim and Julia and that’s another person you can bring in to be a different voice.”

across all four quarters.

The Warriors this week face Boroondara Express. In championship, the Warriors led all match last time before falling short.

Six Lions in interleague

The Sunbury Lions strong start to the Ballarat Football League season has been reported with the most players named in the interleague squad.

An initial 32-player squad has been named for the clash with the Hampden Football League to be played in Warrnambool on July 6.

Players selected are aged 23 and under. The side will again be coached by Anthony Koutoufides who coached the side to a win last year.

Six Lions have been selected in the side.

Jake Egan, Jake Sutton, Riley Miller, Ben Cameron, Mitch McLean and Cody Bramble have all been named in the initial squad.

Egan, Miller and Sutton were part of the Ballarat team last year, with Egan named among the best while Sutton kicked two goals.

Four Bacchus Marsh and Melton South players have been named.

Jack Parente, Rye Penny, Josh Huxtable and Isaac Nixon have been selected from the Cobras, while Cody Chapman, Mitch Fino, Broden Collins and Jarrod Bibby are the Panthers selected.

Parente, Chapman, and Fino were all part of last year’s team

Darley’sBradyWright,ZaneLeHuray and Will Johnson, along with Melton’s Conrad Farrugia, Adrian Monitto and Kyle Borg are also in the squad.

Farrugia and Borg were in last season’sseasonwithBorgoneofthebest in the win.

Players from all 11 teams have been selected.

Riley Miller. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 413383_02 Tara Murray Hayden Formosa. (Ljubica Vrankovic) The Warriors sit in ninth spot, not three games outside the top four. The Warriors under-23s had moments in their match against the Blaze, but ended up with a 69-45 loss. Bailey said it was the same story as it’s been for much of the season, a lack of consistency Vanessa Augustini (Grant Treeby/NV)
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