2018 Annual Report - Driven to Heal

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Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

President’s Letter


s friends of Starr Commonwealth are aware, our foundation and pride is our history of serving children, families, and communities. Through our 105 years, our mission has driven us to impact countless lives, both on our historic campus as well as in the many communities, schools, and organizations we serve. While challenges and opportunities have shifted our course, we have never wavered from illuminating the greatness we see in every child. I am humbled to lead an organization that has seen tremendous success in this regard. As I look back on the past year, I have found that my humility has been met by an equal sense of anticipation of what we have made possible for our collective future. By staying true to Starr’s mission, while at the same time responsibly stewarding our resources, we have been able to put into motion strategies that solidify Starr as the vanguard of trauma-informed and resilience-focused care. That momentum does not stop on campus, nor in the communities we have historically served. Rather, it has us driven to make an impact that knows no borders. Throughout this report, readers will find programming familiar to anyone who shares our passion in our mission. However, one will also find a reenergized positioning for those same services. Starr Albion Prep not only makes it possible for students to finish their treatment program, but to earn a high school diploma. Education professionals are not only learning about trauma-informed practices, but working at all levels with our trainers and coaches to ensure that every hallway and class period illuminates feelings of safety, respect, and opportunity for all to flourish. In all facets, we are not simply acknowledging completion, but challenging ourselves to excel further. Building on the evidence-based success and fiscal responsibility that you will read about in the coming pages, Starr Commonwealth is poised to be the standard-bearers for a new generation of trauma-informed, resilience-focused care. We do so in honor of our history, while remaining driven into our future. The youth we serve shine as a result of the innate strength within them, and is further fueled by our collective support and programs. It illuminates our steadfast belief in the greatness of all children, while increasing the vibrancy of the future we strive to create for the many generations to follow. Thank you for carrying that light with us, and thank you for all you do to empower our youth.


Elizabeth Carey President and CEO



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Universal Hope, Global Impact


he strength of Starr Commonwealth’s trauma-informed, resilience-focused programs and services knows no geographic limit. From Albion to Australia, Starr’s drive to heal children and families and empower the professionals that support them spans 6 continents, 60 countries, and all 50 states. Each year, over 1.5 million individual are directly impacted by the mission Floyd Starr put into motion back in 1913. 2018 saw the continuation of this legacy and Starr’s vision of universal hope, boundless love, and limitless success for all children.


In-Person Trainings & Conferences

Online “eLearning” Education

• 17 States

• 42 States

• 5 Countries

• 7 Countries

• 3 Continents

• 5 Continents



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Resilient Schools Program


tarr Commonwealth has embarked on a journey with Lincoln Park Public Schools (LPPS) to heal trauma, build resilience, and create environments where all LPPS students experience a felt sense of safety. Starr has trained Raupp Elementary administrators, teachers, and other staff members to ensure a collective commitment to delivering trauma-informed care. As the flagship school for LPPS’s Resilient Schools Program, Raupp has worked alongside Starr Trainers and Coaches to incorporate comfort corners, reset rooms and more, all designed to help their students get into the right mindset to learn. With these resilience-focused changes, LPPS has inspired a series of powerful transformations in their students and the overall climate of Raupp Elementary. Office Discipline Referrals have decreased by over 50% from academic year 2016-17 (prior to training and coaching) to academic year 2017-18 (after training and coaching). Not only were there fewer disciplinary actions, but students also felt safer while at school, with 66.7% of students surveyed agreeing or strongly agreeing with that statement. In addition, 90.3% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they felt cared for by the adults at their school. Student academic performance also increased in various grade levels, further supporting the positive social, emotional, and



instructional growth occurring at Raupp. When asked what the main takeaway from the trauma-informed, resilience-focused training and coaching they have received was, most teachers recognized the importance of focusing on the needs of their students – first asking themselves why their students are exhibiting a behavior instead of focusing on behavior itself. Curiosity is one of the most powerful tools Starr promotes with the professionals it trains and coaches, as it has the power to create new meaningful connections with students searching for a strong ally and the right words to share their emotions, experiences, and feelings. When asked about the difference Starr’s training and coaching has made in their classroom, one teacher commented, “I have a different perspective about where the students are coming from and what they need.” It’s exactly that – changing the way education professionals see children and their behavior – which is unlocking success at Raupp Elementary and the many other schools that have partnered with Starr. Starr looks forward to continuing its partnership with LPPS, to all of their success to come, and to finding new ways to share its strengths and resources with educators, counselors, and administrators around the country who need Starr’s support.

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Professional Training and Coaching


his year saw an expansion of Starr’s professional training and coaching arm, with an increase in the number of Trauma and Resilience Conferences and in-person trainings in schools and agencies across the United States and Canada. Between 70 professional training and coaching sessions in 17 states and 5 countries, 5,398 professionals were trained on the topics of trauma, positive youth development, building resilience, mindfulness, self-care, suicide prevention, racial healing, childhood sexual behavior, ADHD and trauma, and more.

“It has totally changed to be much more positive,” shared one professional, about how Starr’s trainings have transformed their approach to working with students. “I am more patient and curious about [my] student’s behavior, realizing a lot is not in their control at the moment.” Participants in these trainings were able to take each tool and best practice back to their office, classroom, or community, with 93% saying that the information presented increased their knowledge on the topic and 95% noting that they planned to apply the concepts learned to their own work. By offering professionals the tools they need to deliver traumainformed, resilience-focused care, and meeting them where they are needed most – on-site, online, or at conferences – Starr is able to help more children, families, and professionals than ever before. Through each powerful connection Starr forms with direct service providers, and transfer of knowledge and experience, Starr is able to improve health outcomes, increase academic engagement, and inspire a strong sense of hope for the bright future it is confident it is creating.


With hundreds of professional trainers positioned all over the country, Starr is driven to heal and illuminate the greatness within all children.

Individuals felt information was relevant to current job responsibilities and functions


Individuals felt presenter was qualified in subject area

96% 93%

Individuals recommend Starr training to others



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report



Students felt they had someone to talk to when troubled


Students received the help they wanted



My child is better able to cope when things go wrong


Overall satisfaction with the services my child received

Residential Services


tarr Commonwealth first planted its roots on the historic Albion campus 105 years ago, and to this day its team of professionals continues to build resilience in youth through programs at Starr Albion Prep and in partnership with Sequel Youth & Family Services. Over the past year Starr Albion Prep served 296 youth through specialized residential treatment programs, with an average length of stay of 9.7 months. Each personalized support plan is designed to heal boys and girls with juvenile delinquency, sexually reactive behaviors, substance abuse, and mental health issues. In addition, abuse and neglect services were expanded in 2018 to include girls, which ensures Starr’s positioning at the forefront of healing all youth.

The educational and extracurricular opportunities available to the Wildcats of Starr Albion Prep have continued to grow with the expansion of sports, arts programming, and the opening



of a new charter school on campus. As a result, students are now able to earn a high school diploma while in treatment. The resulting graduation ceremonies have given graduates the opportunity to speak openly about their journey, celebrate their success with their family and peers, and inspire other students to lead with courage and conviction. “I never thought I would graduate from high school,” said the first student to graduate from Starr Albion Prep under the new charter at his solo graduation ceremony. “But here I am, at the top of my class!” “These kids know why they are here, but they don’t always know what they’re here for,” said Kristi Wichmann, Starr Albion Prep Program Coordinator. “They’re here for the love and respect that adults should have shown them all their lives, and they flourish under it.”

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Community-Based Services


ased out of Detroit and Battle Creek, Michigan, respectively, Starr’s community-based services are comprised of two key programs: 1) the Youth Assistance Program and 2) Starr’s intensive, in-home treatment program. Between the two, Starr was able to engage 103 youth over the past year in new, meaningful ways.

The Youth Assistance Program (YAP) creates a support network for the youth of Wayne County, diverting them away from the criminal justice system and the many problematic cycles created by incarceration. YAP’s success is rooted in the tutoring, mentoring, and group and individual therapy it provides its students. Programming covers topics such as school behavior, positive decision making, substance abuse, health, consent, building healthy relationships, job seeking, career and future goals, life skills, and community service. Students were involved in the diversion program for an average of 3.1 months, and 97.6% of clients did not have an arrest while in the program. “These kids have a lot going for them,” said Will Weeks, Senior Resilience Coach and YAP Counselor. “They just need to

have someone who believes that first, and then they can start believing it themselves.” Starr’s intensive, in-home program operating out of the Battle Creek office utilized play therapy, individual and family therapy, and covered topics such as psychoeducation, parenting, selfesteem, prevention of self-harm, anger management, relaxation, communication, family dynamics, and appropriate behavior. For the 2018 fiscal year, Starr served 35 clients in this program, for an average of 7.6 months. After review of the needs of Battle Creek’s youth and the strengths Starr brings to the greater community, Starr’s services are being transitioned to provide behavioral health assessments and interventions – creating a new location for students to receive trauma-informed, resilience-focused care. While the groundwork is just being laid for this exciting new opportunity, in addition to new partnerships with community organizations and foundations, Starr is excited to find new and powerful ways to illuminate the greatness of the youth and families of Battle Creek.



Youth made positive progress on treatment goals


Youth attended program on a regular basis


Youth completed program successfully



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

2018 PROJECT FUNDERS • • • • • • • •

Albion College Albion Community Foundation Guido A. & Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation The Cronin Foundation Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation Marshall Community Foundation Oaklawn Hospital Team 1 Plastics

Resilient Communities


ear two of the Albion-Marshall Resilient Communities Project (AMRCP) brought an increased focus and enhanced outreach strategy to deliver against its mission – healing the historic, generational divide that has separated its two communities – through creative interaction and dialogue. Hearing the feedback of previous year’s participants, the number of events held was consolidated, and the focus shifted to place more emphasis on the people and experiences that reside within the two communities. Bringing in experts from Ann Arbor, Chicago, and New York City for select events, each leveraged their unique talents to uncover the many stories and feelings connected to each individual’s identity, community, and experiences with race – creating immersive experiences and live performance from each. In addition, book discussions, movie screenings, and community cookouts continued providing a fun and diverse series of events for new individuals to connect with new neighbors. The AMRCP’s outreach also transformed in year two. Understanding the name of the project was often confusing



to its audience, a new theme was selected to tie all of its efforts together: “A Common Thread.” The belief that there is a common thread that connects our one human family was woven into all aspects of the project, and ultimately inspired a small “film” series to be created. Interviewing residents individually and as couples, the experiences of each within their own and neighboring community were captured on camera. Clips were edited and posted on social media, the project’s new website (amrcp.org), and distributed through its email list – inspiring new awareness and dialogue around the project’s efforts. The clips will ultimately build into a mini-documentary, which will be shown in Albion’s Historic Bohm Theatre and Marshall’s Franke Center for the Arts in the year to come. Starr Commonwealth’s Glasswing program also remains an important part of this project, with training sessions being offered to create another safe space for the community members of Albion and Marshall to uncover their truths and see the power of the oneness of humankind.

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Alumni Rising


y name is Jensen, and I want to say thank you to Starr Albion Prep, as it has changed my life.

Since leaving Starr, I joined the Bridge Music Program. It is based on helping foster kids stay off the streets and expressing their feelings through music. In the first two weeks of starting, the Seattle Seahawks’ very own AJ Wright nominated us as members of the 2018 Legion of Youth – Powered by Boeing – which means each and every one of us has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and set a positive example around our peers. Both the Seahawks and the Boeing Company commended us on our important accomplishments. They invited us to their Seahawks training camp in Renton, Washington, where they allowed us to watch their practice, meet their head coach, Pete Carroll, and meet the players. After that they surprised us and invited us to their game on December 2nd against the 49ers. I learned a lot of skills while at Starr Albion Prep, and I appreciate all the hard-working cottage staff, teachers, therapists, and Mr. Mohon. I also want to give a special shout out to the President of Starr, Mrs. Carey, Mr. Lons from Herrick cottage, Mr. Miller from the Towsley Center, and most of all, Mrs. Wichmann. With all of their hard work they have made me realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

There is a light. Upon arrival to Starr Albion Prep in 2018, Jensen’s transition was not an easy one. In time, however, thanks to continuous support that is wrapped around Starr’s students, Jensen began to build trust in his peers, his support staff, and most of all, himself. Jensen is a talented poet, and working with Kinetic Affect, a dynamic duo of spoken word artists, he wrote and performed a spoken word piece at the 2018 Night of Starrs Celebration. The bright light within him was on full display that night, as he shared part of himself (and his story) with the audience. It was an incredibly inspiring moment and Starr looks forward to watching Jensen continue to rise and share his light! For more stories about Starr’s alumni or information about the Alumni Association and scholarship fund, visit starr.org/alumni. Thanks to strong alumni like Jensen and the Association’s many supporters, the strength of this powerful network continues to grow, and Starr thanks its committed alumni for continuing to lead with courage.

Shaquill Griffin (Seattle Seahawks’ Cornerback) and Jensen (Starr Alumni) take a selfie together at the Seahawks’ Training Camp.



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

105 Years of Service


he year 2018 represented a significant milestone for Starr Commonwealth, the legacy of Floyd Starr, and the many supporters who have ensured the organization’s strength and resilience along the way – 105 years of service.

personal transformation, the space was transformed and the greatness in all children illuminated. It was a joyous celebration, and much like the butterfly, a strong symbol of the continued strength of Starr Commonwealth.

To celebrate the past, present, and future of Starr, in addition to the many lives Starr has been so fortunate to help illuminate over the years, staff, students, alumni, friends, and supporters gathered at the Detroit Zoo’s Wildlife Interpretive Gallery. With hundreds of large butterflies strung around the atrium, each decorated by a student Starr serves and representing their own

Starr appreciates the following individuals, foundations, groups, businesses and organizations who have made donations of $500 or more to Starr Commonwealth at the 105th Anniversary Celebration on October 6th, 2018.

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Derek Adolf

Ms. Rebecca Davis

Mr. Sean Silver

Mr. Derek Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dunn

Ms. Joyce Soebbing

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen

Mr. Donald Efremoff

Mr. and Mrs. John Soma

Ms. Annette Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spade

Mr. James Crowfoot and Mrs. Ruth Carey

Mr. Aron Hodo

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carrel

Mrs. Lynn Komasara

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lilley

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crist

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McCormick



Angels, Saints and Stuff

Highland Consulting

Real Estate One – Rosemary Davis Realty

Bailey Cavalieri LLC

John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation

Spectrum Public Affairs

Battle Creek Community Foundation

Keller Partners & Company

Starr Alumni Association

Brembo North America, Inc.

McDonald’s Coldwater

TAKTIX Solutions

Brown and Brown of Lehigh Valley

PWG Charitable Foundation

Team 1 Plastics

Comerica Bank

Plante Moran

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C.

Plunkett Cooney

Genoa Healthcare

Quality Engraving


Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report





Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

The Perfect Person at the Perfect Time


tarr Commonwealth values all who serve. From trainers and coaches healing children, to administrative leadership making strategic decisions, Starr’s success is a testament to the collective efforts of the organization and its many supporters and volunteers. Some who serve, however, do so in ways that make a generational impact. As current Board chair Craig Carrel attests, John Hallacy’s tenure on Starr’s Board, and the guidance he provided, made him “the perfect person at the perfect time to lead Starr.” “[John] lead with a calm demeanor and compassion as Starr had to make some very difficult decisions… and get back on track,” remembered Craig. “His leadership and vision helped guide Starr through rough times and set us up for the success we have now, and allowed us to continue our 105 years of serving children and families.” Starr recently honored John’s service at the April Board of Trustees meeting. Beginning in 2008, he dedicated 10 years, with 3 as Board chair, to ensuring organizational health and the direction of the Mission. He was also instrumental in President and CEO Elizabeth Carey answering the call to lead Starr Commonwealth, an act that has paved the way for Starr’s current success. If you were to ask Elizabeth, she would give all the credit to John. “I hold in my mind the constant image of [his] solid, stable presence,” said Elizabeth. “John was always there. He was always thinking, supporting, and guiding through change and transformation. Knowing we could rely on him made it possible to make difficult decisions.” John Hallacy’s lasting legacy, to the staff of Starr Commonwealth, will be in his commitment in all opportunities to the children we serve. As Elizabeth reflected, “we can all learn from his ability to believe in a greater good and to lend our voices and hands when we can, as openly as we can.”



HONORABLE JOHN HALLACY Immediate Past Board Chair, Starr Commonwealth and Circuit Court Judge, 37th Circuit Court, Battle Creek, MI.

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Only People are Important REMEMBERING RUSS MAWBY


pon entrance to Starr’s campus, visitors are welcomed by two dissimilar yet equally important examples of Uncle Floyd’s belief that “beauty is a silent teacher.” Surrounding Thomas Lloyd Drive are acres of native grass, with the Russ and Ruth Mawby Conference Center located just beyond. While only one of these features of campus bears his name, both were made possible by, and are testaments to, Dr. Russell Mawby.

In October of 2017, Starr Commonwealth lost a great friend and dedicated partner in Dr. Mawby. The peaceful blowing of the native grasses reminds those who knew him of his gentle approach to caring for children. It was those children that inspired Mawby to become involved with Starr. Upon learning of his interest in the organization, John Speicher, former chair of the Board of Trustees, encouraged him to become involved and join the Board. He was pleased to be asked, and this work was a genuine continuation of his already dedicated heart for children in need, having adopted all three of his children, two of which came from foster care. “Russ was a great servant leader—a brilliant man who served with great humility in all he accomplished,” remembers Arlin E. Ness, who served as president of Starr during Dr. Mawby’s tenure as the chair of the Board of Trustees.

A graduate of Michigan State University and Purdue University, earning his doctorate in Agricultural Economics (thus his affinity for nature and the native grass), Mawby understood the power of education. Accordingly, he envisioned and funded several projects for continuing education and research. At Starr, that spirit lives on through the Russ and Ruth Mawby Conference Center. The Mawby Center allowed for his vision of education as the great equalizer to be possible for all who have attended events therein. The building also stands as a symbol of the power of generosity. Beyond his time and talent, Dr. Mawby will be remembered for his selfless giving of his treasure as well. He was a true model of philanthropy and made a tremendous impact on multiple organizations. Subsequently, Dr. Mawby will be remembered as a true catalyst for success in countless young people across Calhoun County and the beyond. Starr Commonwealth’s success today is thanks to generous visionaries like Russ Mawby, who lived by the belief that “only people are important”. As a friend and loving advocate for children, he will be greatly missed. As a philanthropist who showed what was possible through investing in that same youth, his legacy will continue to inspire all at Starr.



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Arlin E. Ness Circle

The good work of Starr Commonwealth would not be possible without many friends giving at all levels during their lifetime and beyond. Starr Commonwealth’s Champions for Children recognition society was created to recognize this support and celebrate those who are committed to transforming the lives of troubled children and families. All cost associated with Starr’s three stewardship programs are underwritten by special friends who join Starr in saying, “thank you for caring!” Named after Starr Commonwealth’s President Emeritus, this recognition society remembers Starr’s history as a working dairy farm, and symbolizes its work of nurturing children’s bodies, minds, and spirits. Each bottle represents $2,500 of accumulated gifts to Starr Commonwealth. Receiving eight bottles represents total accumulated giving of $20,000 or more. These donors reached the next level of accumulated giving and qualify for new milk bottles in the 2017-18 fiscal year. MILK BOTTLE 8 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS -$20,000 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Clark • Mrs. Suzanne L. Pews • Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas a. Valentine • Marshall Community Foundation • Michigan Health Endowment Fund • Team 1 Plastic MILK BOTTLE 7 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $17,500 - $19,999 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Clark • Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schuler • Marshall Community Foundation • Michigan Health Endowment Fund MILK BOTTLE 6 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $15,000-$17,499 Mr. George Franklin • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDowell • Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schuler • Marshall Community Foundation • Michigan Health Endowment Fund MILK BOTTLE 5 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $12,500-$14,999 Mr. George Franklin • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDowell • Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schuler • Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spade • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vande Vusse • Marshall Community Foundation • Michigan Health Endowment Fund • Schuler’s, Inc. MILK BOTTLE 4 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $10,000-$12,499 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill • Ms. Karen Schwartz • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse • Anna Paulina Foundation • City of Rockwall • Michigan Health Endowment Fund • Tyler-Little Family Foundation MILK BOTTLE 3 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $7,500-$9,999 Mr. Gary R. Campbell • Mr. Donald Efremoff • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill • Mrs. Karen Schwartz • City of Rockwall • Michigan Health Endowment Fund MILK BOTTLE 2 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $5,000-$7,499 Mrs. Mary E. Abeles • Mr. Donald Efremoff • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacob • Mr. and Mrs. John Koziarski • Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Lenkey • Pastors Randy and Karen Parlor • Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Miller • Ms. Karen Schwartz • Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren Smith • City of Rockwall • Kolassa Family Foundation • Michigan Health Endowment Fund MILK BOTTLE 1 • SUMMARY OF GIFTS $2,500-$4,999 Mr. Derek Allen • Mr. Darrell J. Black • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Briggs, Jr. • Mr. Robert E. Clay • • Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green • Mrs. Carla Harker • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Jessup • Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Knight • Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Miller • Dr. Caelan K. Soma • Mrs. Karen Schwartz • Mr. William H. Tousey • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voigt • Access • Albion Volunteer Service Organization • Caster Concepts • City of Rockwall • Kolassa Family Foundation • Michigan Health Endowment Fund • Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone • Quality Engraving • Sequel Youth Services of Albion, LLC • Wells Fargo Foundation



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Gifts of $500 or More Starr Commonwealth appreciates the following individuals, foundations, groups, businesses and organizations who have made donations of $500 or more during the 2017-18 fiscal year.

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Names highlighted in blue indicate legacy gifts Mrs. Mary E. Abeles

Mr. Donald Efremoff

Dr. and Mrs. John Koziarski

Mr. Derek Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Ely

Mr. Michael Krenn and Dr. Huilan Krenn

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen

Mr. Ivan B. Fall

Dr. George H. Lauff

Mr. Warner Ball

Mr. Tom Franke

Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Lenkey

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beard

Mr. and Mrs. George Franklin

Estate of Robert and Geneva Leonard

Estate of Lois K. Behm

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Garthwait Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Libbe

Mr. Darrell J. Black

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Maldegen

Mr. Gary R. Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gillam

Estate of Beryl H. Martin

Mr. Michael Young and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Carey

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green

Estate of Douglas Martin

Mr. Joe Caron

Mr. James R. Greene

Dr. Larraine Matusak

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carrel

Estate of Phyllis J. Grimm

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McCormick

Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. Christ

Eugene B. Hamilton Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDowell

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Clark

Mrs. Carla Harker

Annemary Meeter Charitable Trust

Dr. Ralph A. Cram

Mrs. Mary E. Harland

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crist

Mrs. Carol Hartman

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Miller

Dr. James Curtis

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hartzell

Charlotte Miller Trust

Dr. Miriam S. Daly

Ms. Brenda Hunt

Dr. and Mrs. Don E. Nelson

Ms. Pamela J. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jackson

Dr. and Mrs. Arlin E. Ness

Mrs. Rebecca Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacob

Pastors Randy and Karen Parlor

Mrs. Paula C. Dolson Jakubiak and Mrs. Gretchen Jakubiak

Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Peterson

Mr. David Diemert

Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Knight

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pettengill

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kolassa

Mrs. Suzanne L. Pews

Mrs. Anne Willson DuprĂŠ

Mrs. Lynn Komasara

Robert Picking CRUT

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Edwards

Dr. and Mrs. Harry Kotsis

George J. Pohl Trust DRIVEN TO HEAL


Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Zora B. Pohl Trust

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Slavens

Miss Elizabeth Van Leeuwen

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Puttkammer

Dr. Caelan K. Soma

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse

Mrs. Doris Roeder

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spade

Mr. Don Vermeulen

Mr. Terry Roth

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voigt

Dr. Paul Rizzo and Ms. Mary E. Rutan

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Stewart

Charles W. Walton Trust

Miss Patricia Schaefer

Miss Marion A. Stowell

Alma L. Weixelbaum Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Schafer

Estate of Harry Swanquist

Mr. Howard J. Weyers

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schuler

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tate

Mr. Frankie A. Zanetti

Ms. Karen Schwartz

Ms. Linda Thompson

Mr. Jared C. Scofield

Mr. William H. Tousey

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Seita

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Valentine


The Ethel and James Flinn Foundation

North Congregational Church

Albion Volunteer Service Organization

Fitch H. Beach Charitable Foundation

Oaklawn Hospital

Allstate of Marshall

Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation

Post Consumer Brands

Anna Paulina Foundation

Halderman Farm Management Service

Quality Engraving

Battle Creek Community Foundation

Hartzell-Norris Charitable Trust

Restorative Health Care

BC Vision

Havirmill Foundation

Schuler’s, Inc.

Guido A. and Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation

Jessie R. Stewart Trust

Sequel Youth Services of Albion, LLC

Caster Concepts

John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation


Chemical Bank South Region

King Jewelers

State Farm Insurance

City Of Rockwall

Kolassa Family Foundation

Team 1 Plastics

The Colina Foundation

Lewis Chapel A.M.E.

Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Longfellow Investment Management Company

Tyler-Little Family Foundation

Cronin Foundation

Marshall Animal Care

United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region

Damron Brothers Asphalt

Marshall Community Credit Union

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Diemert Construction

Marshall Community Foundation

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Edward E. MacCrone Private Foundation

Marshall Rotary Club

Wells Fargo Foundation

O.P. & W.E. Edwards Foundation

Michigan Health Endowment Fund

Whole Kids Foundation

J. F. Ervin Foundation

Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone

Zanetti Foundation



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Gladsome Circle


ladsome Circle recognizes friends who fund named endowments, endowed scholarships, charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts. These planned gifts secure the future financial stability of Starr Commonwealth.

Each member of Gladsome Circle can receive a limited edition print of “The Old Barn,” depicting Floyd Starr’s original barn and the story of its significance. Gladsome Circle celebrates the ongoing mission of Starr Commonwealth and its friends who ensure that Starr’s services are available to children in need as long as these services are needed. DRIVEN TO HEAL


Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

NAMED ENDOWMENTS Starr is pleased to recognize its friends who have fully funded named endowments and endowed scholarships for Starr Commonwealth. The income from these gifts is used to provide services and scholarships, while the principal is kept intact. Charles and Russell Amidon Endowment Fund

Fred C. and Dorothy A. Buhler Endowment Fund

William F. and Mary F. Earle Endowment Fund

Harold and Ruth Hicks, Sr. Endowment Fund

Norma T. Anderson Endowment Fund

Phyllis C. Clark Endowment Fund

J. Dean Eckersley Endowment Fund

Ruth J. Husung R. N. Endowment Fund

John M. Ankrum and Murphy Swindell Endowment Fund

Edward S. Coe Memorial Endowment Fund

Elsie and Carl Eggebrecht Endowment Fund

William Johnston and Ronda Stryker Endowment Fund

Mildred Asselstine Endowment Fund

David and Edie Cole Endowment Fund

Patricia Ann Ellis Endowment Fund

Helen E. Jones Endowment Fund

Lee and Merle Baker Endowment Fund

Lucille Beebe Coles Endowment Fund

For Tomorrow’s Children Endowment

Kathleen Barnett Endowment Fund

Marvin L. and Laverne I. Colness Endowment Fund

Evelyn M. Fry-English Endowment Fund

Robert A. and Anita M. Junker Memorial Endowment Fund

Robert O. and Edna I. Barstow Endowment Fund Lillian H. Beach Endowment Fund Roy W., W. Watula and Ernest C. Beckman Endowment Fund Clair E. and Mary H. Berry Endowment Fund Jim and Wanda Bolton Endowment Fund

Marjorie S. Cowherd Endowment Fund Bettie and Jim Cox Memorial Endowment Fund Alton D. and Phyllis Crandell Endowment Fund

Martinus Faircloth Memorial Endowment Fund Elsie M. Farley Endowment Fund Clarence E. and Harvey D. Fassold Endowment Fund Edward W. Friebel Endowment Fund

Robert C. and Theresa L. Davis Endowment Fund

I. Janet Field Endowment Fund

Jeannette A. Davis Memorial Named Endowment

Dorothy Jean Fowler and Elizabeth Leone Heaton Endowment Fund

Brasseur Family Endowment Fund

Leland F. and Gertrude A. Deibele Endowment Fund

J. Deloras (Cashman) Friderichsen Endowment Fund

Louise R. Breisch Endowment Fund

Dent Family Endowment Fund

Ellen and Erwin Breternitz Memorial Endowment Fund

David W. and Amanda B. Deshler Endowment Fund

Edna A. Frobenius Memorial Endowment Fund

Kenneth A. Brower, Sr. Memorial Endowment Fund

Irma M. Bradley Memorial Endowment Fund Fred M. and Maude Brakeman and Blanche VanDyke Endowment Fund

Calvin W. and Mary E. Kalte Endowment Fund Howard W. and M. Josephine Kern Endowment Fund Sophie C. Kunz Endowment Fund Charles W. and Alma M. LaFleur Named Endowment Andrew and Greta Lamberson Endowment Fund Jerry Neil Lantz Memorial Endowment Fund Gladys and William Larson Endowment for Training William C. and Gladys E. Larson Endowment Fund Lauff Family Endowment Fund

Helen M. Gager Endowment Fund

Donna Lee Lehman Endowment Fund

Theodore S. and Adelaide M. Diehm Endowment Fund

Susan and William Gillam Endowment Fund

John and Judy Lore Endowment Fund

Ashel G. and Dorothy J. Bryan Endowment Fund

Anna and Raymond Dowden Endowment for Fine Arts

George and Judith Goodman Endowment Fund

Garth M. Bryan Endowment in Memory of Jesse and Myrtle Bryan

Hugh C. and Marian W. Downer Endowment Fund

Evelyn Shores Hall Endowment Fund

Buhler Children’s Endowment Fund


Grace Oliver Colter Endowment Fund for Oliver Cottage

Gary R. and Betty E. Faircloth Endowment Fund


C. M. Hargraves Family Memorial Endowment Fund

Carl G. and Betty L. Maple Endowment Fund Ruth and Russ Mawby for Continuing Education Named Endowment

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Ruth and Russ Mawby for the Fine Arts Named Endowment

George and Joan Staudt Pracy Memorial Endowment Fund

Edward F. and Sarah McCauley Family Endowment Fund

Glen and Joan Rager Endowment Fund

Dr. and Mrs. T. Ellsworth McDowell Endowment Fund Donald J. and Dorothy C. McIntosh Endowment Fund Chandan Mehta Endowment Fund Mary L. Melvin Endowment Fund Peter J. E. Mitchell Endowment Fund Phyllis Mitchell Memorial Endowment Fund Stewart Payne Moffatt Endowment Fund for Payne Family Cottage Francis E. Morse Endowment Fund

David and Elta Starr Endowment Fund

Joseph A. and Judith S. Valentine Endowment Fund

Floyd Starr Endowment For Fine Arts

Warren and Maria Van Wicklin Endowment Fund

George and Sandy Ropp Endowment Fund

Edward S. and Clara H. Starr Endowment Fund

Alice Heminway Wardwell Endowment Fund

Gail M. Seitz Endowment Fund

John F. Starr Endowment Fund

Herbert and Christine Sellers Memorial Endowment Fund

Paul Stearns Named Endowment Fund

Madeline G. and Leonard O. Weidman Endowment Fund

Margaret Ann Riecker Endowment Fund

Chad M. Shelton Memorial Endowment Fund

William K. Stoffer Endowment Fund

Ervin J. and Helen A. Wilee Memorial Endowment Fund

Milton and Ella Stover Endowment Fund

Robert Reino Williams Endowment Fund

Charles E. Shontz Endowment Fund

Richard W. and Jonsie M. Sturgis Endowment Fund

Ralph Lindsay Williamson Memorial Endowment Fund

Margaret I. Syring Endowment Fund

Haslet H. Wilson Endowment Fund for Fine Arts

Lora M. Sims Endowment Fund Doris E. Slater Endowment Fund Alyce Lorraine Smith Endowment Fund

Sylvia Morse Memorial Endowment Fund

Christopher L. and Cathy L. Smith Endowment Fund

Arlin E. and Barbara A. Ness Endowment Fund

M. Gene Smith and Joseph J. Gondol Educational Endowment Fund

Keith O. Palmer Endowment Fund

Jessie L. Soars and Janet Soars Platt Endowment Fund

Verne and Marlene Plassman Endowment Fund

Virginia Z. Spieth Endowment Fund

Spade Family Endowment Fund

Vivian B. Tate Endowment Fund Dr. Carl S. and Florence Taylor Endowment Fund Kurt O. Tech II Endowment Fund Wilbert and Mary Thiltgen Endowment Fund

Wayne L. Yanz Endowment Fund John E. and Catherine C. Yarnelle Endowment Fund Harold H. and Geneva B. Youngs Endowment Fund

Eunice and Roger Thompson Endowment Fund

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Christian and Emma L. Breisch Scholarship

Floyd Kent Scholarship

Charles and Evelyn Munford Scholarship

Mark and Elizabeth Schmidt Scholarship

Thomas Metz Kent Scholarship

Timothy A. Ness Memorial Scholarship

Floyd Starr Scholarship

Thomas E. and Gayle J. Kolassa Scholarship Fund

Richard A. and Clara M. Patterson Scholarship Fund

Mary Towler Scholarship

Mildred J. Carter Scholarship Alton D. and Phyllis L. Crandell Scholarship

Clyde and Kathy LeTarte Scholarship Fund

Earl F. and V. Eileen Payne Scholarship

Miriam and Samuel Crowder Memorial Scholarship

Thomas T. Lloyd Scholarship

Collins Carter Scholarship

John D. and Ruth Gillman Scholarship Fund

Lou Ann and Russ Mawby Scholarship Fund Harry C. Moores Scholarship

Ruth N. and William B. Pierce Scholarship

Ubuntu Scholarship Fund Jane and Dwight Weber Scholarship Wayne L. Yanz Scholarship Fund

Frederick and Anne Raisch Scholarship Herbert J. and Ruth Ann Richmond Scholarship DRIVEN TO HEAL


Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Floyd Starr Founder’s Circle

“There’s no such thing as a bad child.”


loyd Starr Founder’s Circle recognizes friends who give to Starr Commonwealth through their wills or estate plans. Members receive a beautiful replica of the statue “Floyd Starr with a Boy” that graces the entrance to Starr’s Albion campus, as well as other benefits.

Floyd Starr Founder’s Circle celebrates “Uncle” Floyd’s dedication to children, and the dedication of those who continue to support his vision.

LEGACIES Starr is grateful to have received gifts from the estates of these loyal friends during the 2017-18 fiscal year. Estate of Lois K. Behm

Estate of Hazel Lewis

Charlotte Miller Trust

Jessie R. Stewart Trust

Fitch H. Beach Charitable Foundation

Estate of Beryl H. Martin

Robert Picking CRUT

Charles W. Walton Trust

Estate of Ivan Borley

Estate of Douglas Martin

George J. Pohl Trust

Alma L. Weixelbaum Trust

Estate of Phyllis J. Grimm

Mary McVicar Trust

Zora B. Pohl Trust

Estate of Harold H. Youngs

Eugene B. Hamilton Trust

Annemary Meeter Charitable Trust

Carrie M. & Alex A. Reid Charitable Trust

Estate of Robert and Geneva Leonard

Estate of Edgar W. Miller

Estate of Harry Swanquist

WILL INCLUSIONS Starr has been notified that the following friends and supporters have included the organization in their wills and estate plans. Anonymous

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Higby

Dr. and Mrs. Russell G. Mawby

Mrs. Ann J. Simpson

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen

Mr. Ronald Hooker

Mrs. JoAnne Milburn

Mr. Roger K. Smiley

Mrs. Lavonne G. Bauer

Mr. Ted F. Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Mitchell

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Smith

Mr. Fred C. Buhler

Dr. George H. Lauff

Dr. and Mrs. Arlin E. Ness

Ms. Joyce Soebbing

Mr. Paul E. P. Carlson

Ms. Diana S. Langley

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Neumann

Mr. William K. Stoffer

Mrs. LaVerne Colness

Mr. Calvin A. Lehman

Prof. Richard L. Pinkerton

Ms. Janet C. Hewett

Dr. Larraine Matusak

Mrs. MerryAnn L. Sauls



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report





Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

2017-2018 Leadership

Starr Commonwealth leads with courage to create positive experiences so that all children, families, and communities flourish. OFFICERS Elizabeth A. Carey President, Chief Executive Officer Dudley N. Spade Chief of Staff Thomas F. Tate Chief Operating Officer

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Craig Carrel, Chair (2008 – 2021) President and Partner Team 1 Plastics Albion, MI Honorable John Hallacy, Immediate Past Chair (2009 – 2019) Circuit Court Judge 37th Circuit Court Battle Creek, MI Erick Stewart, Vice Chair (2009 – 2018) President Stewart Industries LLC Battle Creek, MI

Bruce Vande Vusse, Secretary (2009 – 2018) Attorney Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. Southfield, MI

Huilan Krenn (2017 – 2026) W.K. Kellogg Foundation Director of Learning & Impact Battle Creek, MI

Stanley Allen (2014 – 2023) Configuration Engineering Wells Fargo & Company Des Moines, IA

Lisa Miller (2018-2027) MMK Consulting Group Coldwater, MI

Scott Bennett (2010 – 2019) Senior Vice President, Wealth Management UBS Financial Services Birmingham, MI Doug Clark (2013 – 2022) Executive Director, Donor Mktg U.S. Office of Development Cru International Camano Island, WA George A. Goodman (2010 – 2019) Ypsilanti, MI Laura Koziarski (2013 – 2022) Child Advocate Battle Creek, MI

Randy Neumann (2013 – 2022) Vice President J.F. Daley, Inc. San Antonio, TX John Thompson II (2018-2027) VP of Marketing & Communications Albion College, Albion, MI


Dr. Russell G. Mawby Chairman Emeritus W.K. Kellogg Foundation Battle Creek, MI Honorable Eugene A. Moore Chief Probate Judge (Retired) Oakland County Pontiac, MI William K. Stoffer Chairman and CEO (Retired) Albion Machine & Tool Co. Albion, MI

HONORARY TRUSTEES Anne Willson Dupré Granddaughter of Floyd Starr Toronto, Canada Diana Starr Langley Montecito, CA

Michael J. Gable Human Resources Executive (Retired) Orlans Associates, PC Troy, MI

President Emeritus

George D. Goodman Executive Director (Retired) Michigan Municipal League Ann Arbor, MI

Arlin E. Ness President Emeritus Anthem, AZ

Martin L. Mitchell President Emeritus Coldwater, MI

All Officers and Trustees can be reached at: Starr Commonwealth, 13725 Starr Commonwealth Rd., Albion, MI 49224, (517) 629-5591



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Financial Summary Starr Commonwealth Statement of Activities for the year ended September 30, 2018. 000 omitted.



64% Agency Fees


64% Residential Treatment Services

14% Contributions


1% Community Based Services


11% Investment Income Appropriated


3% Home Based Services


10% Non Operating and Other Income*


5% School Based Services


8% Professional Training


16% General & Administration





2% Fund Raising




Unrestricted Net Assets

Temporarily Restricted Net Assets

Permanently Restricted Net Assets

Change in Net Assets for year ended September 30, 2018





Net Assets - Beginning of Year





Net Assets - End of Year






NOTES * Non-operating and other income consists of interest, dividends, and capital gains & losses net of investment income appropriated for operations, and pension related changes. This is an unaudited summary financial report. A complete audited report, including the opinion of independent certified public accountants is available upon request.



Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report



The Albion campus is a Michigan Historic Site. Starr Commonwealth receives funds from social agencies, foundations, corporations, and individuals.



13725 Starr Commonwealth Rd. Albion, MI 49224-9525 800.837.5591 • info@starr.org Starr Commonwealth is a nonprofit organization serving children and families, regardless of race, religion, color, or national origin.





Starr Commonwealth is accredited by the Council on Accreditation. Founded in 1913, Starr is licensed by the State of Michigan.

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