The Antonian Newsletter 2017

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The Newsletter of St Antony’s College 2017

Clean break or Exodus myth? – St Antony’s looks at Brexit Also in this issue: Comparing the Copperbelt An Antonian with a cause Stopping the Apartheid bomb MEC 60

5 College News

9 St Antony’s Looks at Brexit

The Antonian

15 Students


Editor: Martyn Rush (MPhil Middle Eastern Studies, 2015) Contact details: The Development Office St Antony’s College, OX2 6JF

18 Notable Antonians: Glen Tullman 44 (0)1865 527 4496 Cover image: Portraits of St Antony’s Wardens Bottom row from left to right: Sir William Deakin (1950-1968) Professor Sir Raymond Carr (1968-1987) Professor Lord Dahrendorf (1987-1997) Top row from left to right: Sir Marrack Goulding (1997-2005) Professor Margaret MacMillan (2007-2017)

20 Antonian Diplomacy

Design: Jamjar Creative You can follow us on: /stantscollege and /stantonyscollegealumni @stantscollege St Antony’s College Professional Network Find us at the new Oxford Alumni Community

28 Development


Letter from the Warden

am very honoured to be succeeding Margaret MacMillan as Warden of St Antony’s. Margaret is standing down after exactly ten years in the role and, as I take over, I would like to express the thanks of the whole community at St Antony’s College for her inspirational and visionary leadership. During her tenure as Warden, Margaret oversaw the construction of two award-winning buildings, the Gateway Building and the Investcorp Building, which transformed the College estate; she established exciting new programmes in Burmese Studies, North American Studies, Polish Studies as well as helped raise major new funds for existing programmes in Mexican, South Asian and Middle Eastern studies; she raised scholarships for students from Angola, Congo, Ghana, Japan, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Russia and Syria among others; she built up alumni relationships across all parts of the globe. She did all of this while remaining one of the most prolific and high profile modern historians of our time, publishing four major works in the past decade. As a community, we are very much in her debt and we are delighted that in her retirement she will be living just around the corner from the College and will continue to play a full and active role in College life. Margaret will be a very hard act to follow. She leaves St Antony’s, like the University as a whole, in excellent health. It has been widely reported that Oxford, for the second year running, has been placed top in the Times Higher Education global rankings. It has been less widely reported that, within those rankings, Oxford has been placed top for social sciences and area studies: the two disciplines which encompass the core academic interests of the vast majority of the College’s students, fellows and visitors. Rankings in higher education are a complex and controversial subject: the composite of a large number of variables, they include metrics for internationalisation; the gender and ethnic balance of students and staff; research income; research outputs and, increasingly, impact. By all of these measures, St Antony’s is a major net contributor to the University’s ranking but it is probably in terms of impact that the College and its students and fellows have played the biggest role. There are very few parts of the world not covered by those working at the College and very few issues which arise in the world on which members of the College are not asked to comment. While St Antony’s is the source of much commentary on the challenges and crises which currently grip the world, it also has to be acknowledged that those same issues are also going to impact St Antony’s. To take just one example, social scientists at Oxford have been formally identified as the most vulnerable group of academics in the UK if, as looks likely, in the post-Brexit era UK academics no longer have access to European research funding. Social sciences in the UK have done disproportionately well from European funding and, within social sciences, Oxford has been by far the most successful institution, winning more major grants in the past seven years than Cambridge and the LSE

combined. While the UK government is investing in new replacement research funding, there are worrying indications that this is being targeted strongly at those subjects collectively known as STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine) at the expense of social sciences and humanities. When the UK government recently announced the very welcome creation of a thousand new doctoral studentships, only sixty were allocated to social sciences and forty to humanities students, and both of those allocations were only achieved after substantial political lobbying. These are challenges which the St Antony’s community will doubtless be able to rise to. When I arrived in the college in 1982 as a graduate student in anthropology, there were, if memory serves, only around seventy new students that year. This term the college welcomed 262 new students from 57 countries and those students have done exceptionally well to win a place. On average, there are around five qualified applicants for each place on a social science graduate programme in Oxford each year. In some programmes the ratio is closer to 12 or 13 for each place. It is now more competitive to get on to a graduate programme than an undergraduate programme at Oxford. It is important to acknowledge that all the students who have come to St Antony’s this year had a choice of not only which college to go to, but also which university. We cannot take it for granted that the best students in the world will continue to put St Antony’s and Oxford top of their list and we must continue to work hard to ensure that they do. I am dedicating my time as Warden to that particular project and I look forward to working with the whole St Antony’s community in making it happen.

Professor Roger Goodman



In Memoriam by Professor Margaret MacMillan

T Professor Abdul Raufu Mustapha 1954-2017


he College was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Governing Body Fellow Professor Raufu Mustapha in August. Professor Mustapha’s research focussed on the politics of rural societies in Africa, ethnicity and identity politics and the politics of democratisation in Africa. The Warden spoke of her ‘great sorrow’ in her tribute, whilst tributes flowed into a guestbook set up by the Department of International Development, where Professor Mustapha served as Associate Professor of African Politics. Former students and colleagues alike paid tribute not only to his intellectual and academic prowess but also his charisma and commitment. Many expressed gratitude at having the opportunity to study with him. Testimonials came in from across the world – from the UN, to Oxford Fellows, to Nigerian state governors – a testament to his lasting impact as an educator and scholar. Professor Mustapha was part of the African Studies Centre at St Antony’s, and a member of the Management Executive Team of the College, and had held the positions of both Dean and Admissions Tutor. To leave a tribute:


he College pays tribute and expresses its gratitude to its good friends Antonin Besse, Sir John Swire, Sir Alistair Horne, Sir James Craig and Professor Alfred Stepan, all of whom died this year. In their own ways each contributed much to the life and continued vitality of the College. Besse was the son of the College’s founder, and took a strong interest in the College. He left a remarkable philanthropic legacy of his own, including the founding of the United World College. His family have donated copies of his archive and photographs to the Middle East Centre as well as a olive tree in his memory. Sir John Swire was an Honorary Fellow of the College in recognition of his distinction and excellence in several fields including business, as well as his support through the Swire Foundation for students from Asia and the post of the John Swire Senior research Fellow in International Relations’ at the College. Sir Alistair Horne was a leading historian who became an Honorary Fellow in 1988 before having a Fellowship in History named in his honour. He was knighted in 2003. In 1989 he and the Warden Sir Raymond Carr established the Horne Fellowship for historians at the start of their careers. It has supported many historians of distinction. Sir James Craig was an Honorary Fellow who had a remarkable career in the Foreign Office, becoming Ambassador to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s. He was a skilled Arabic linguist, who taught Arabic at Oxford. Finally Alfred Stepan, Honorary Fellow, was described by Professor Archie Brown as ‘one of the most outstanding political scientists of his generation’, a prolific author and scholar on democratisation whose meetings are fondly remembered at the College.

Further tributes and fuller obituaries can be found on the News section of the College website –


British Academy honours St Antony’s Fellows


he British Academy has awarded one St Antony’s Fellow a Medal, and elected two more to its Fellowship. Professor Avi Shlaim, Emeritus Fellow and Professor of International Relations, received the Lifetime Achievement Medal for his ‘landmark academic achievements’. Meanwhile, in July, Professor Sir Paul Collier, Governing Body Fellow, was elected to a British Academy Fellowship along with Professor Eugene Rogan, Governing Body Fellow and Director of the Middle East Centre. He focuses on the modern history of the Middle East and North Africa from the late Ottoman era to the present day.

Professor Avi Shlaim, Professor Eugene Rogan, Professor Sir Paul Collier CBE

Four new Honorary Fellows

College Fellow awarded Charlemagne Prize



t Antony’s is delighted to welcome four new Honorary Fellows to our community; Professor Michael Ignatieff (Visiting Fellow, 1993), Professor Romila Thapar (Senior Academic Member, 1967), Professor Paul Kennedy (DPhil History, 1966) and Dame Minouche Shafik (DPhil Economics, 1987). All have been attached to the College in the past, and we are proud to recognise their achievements with an Honorary Fellowship. An Honorary Fellowship is the College’s highest honour and is bestowed by the Governing Body in recognition of outstanding achievement in academic or professional life. Nominations are made by three or more Fellows, and are considered in the penultimate meeting of the Governing Body of the academic year. There are at present 32 Honorary Fellows of St Antony’s College. Michael Ignatieff is the current Rector and President of the Central European University in Budapest, and is the former leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Romila Thapar is a noted historian, with a research focus on the study of Ancient India. She is currently Professor Emerita at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. Paul Kennedy is the current J. Richardson Dilworth Professor of History and Director of International Security Studies at Yale University. Minouche Shaifk, former Deputy Governor of the Bank of the England became Director of the London School of Economics in September 2017.

saiah Berlin Professorial Fellow and Professor of European Studies at St Antony’s College Timothy Garton Ash was awarded the 2017 ‘Charlemagne Prize’ in January. The prize is awarded annually by the city of Aachen to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to European unity. In the words of the awarding committee, Garton Ash is ‘a man who argued against Brexit, who now suffers under the result, but who will continue to argue the case for a strong bond between the United Kingdom and the EU’. Garton Ash’s work encompasses not only history, in which he calls for honest reflection rather than mythology, but also insights into the role the EU can play in future geopolitical transformations. Garton Ash sees two tasks ahead for ‘English Europeans’ like himself: ‘to limit the damage to this country. Since we have predicted, in entirely good faith, that the consequences of Brexit will be disastrous, this means we have to work to prove ourselves wrong. I would be so happy if we were proved wrong. As Europeans, on the other hand, we must do everything we can to ensure the European Union learns the lessons of this stinging reverse [...]. For if the EU and the eurozone do not change, they will be engulfed too, by a thousand continental versions [of opponents of the EU]. And with all its faults, the union is still worth saving’. 5

C en t r e N e w s

Podcasts of the lectures organised by the College Centres are available at:

Asian Studies Centre Dr Matthew Walton, Director of the Asian Studies Centre, Aung San Suu Kyi Senior Research Fellow in Modern Burmese Studies

African Studies Professor Jonny Steinberg, Academic Director of the African Studies Centre, Professor of African Studies

The European Southeast Asian Masterclass was another highlight of a busy year in Asian Studies; here participants pose at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. Jacob Dlamini, Assistant Professor of History at Princeton, addresses the Nissan Lecture Theatre in the African Studies Annual Lecture.


he African Studies 2017 Annual Lecture was delivered by the South African historian Jacob Dlamini of Princeton University. He spoke to a theme that was at once professional and deeply personal. Dlamini came of age in the late apartheid period in a township east of Johannesburg, Katlehong. ‘I know people who killed and maimed others,’ he said. ‘I know them by name. I know their families, their personal biographies. What gives me the right to record what they did?’ Dlamini’s lecture was emotional, confessional and declarative. His first book, Native Nostalgia, explored what it might mean to have grown up black under apartheid and nonetheless to feel nostalgia for one’s childhood. His second book, Askari, was much darker. It was ostensibly about the life of a liberation movement guerrilla who turned on his comrades to spy for the apartheid regime. But as the book progressed, it evolved into a meditation on collaboration more generally. Dlamini’s lecture revealed how, in these two books, he was labouring, opaquely and indirectly, with very personal matters. It is interesting that he chose the discipline of history to work through questions; and, that, two books into his career, writing history has not yet proved an adequate balm.

African Studies Centre Podcasts 6


he Centre held a number of well-received public events, including a memorable and very popular day-time book launch with the charismatic Shashi Tharoor. Several other high-profile speakers, including Arjun Appadurai, Luc Boltanski, Samuel Moyn and Pankaj Mishra, spoke at the College through a series organised at University level and coconvened by Dr Faisal Devji. A public discussion with the Ambassadors of Indonesia and Philippines was also noteworthy. An especially thought-provoking annual Chun-tu Hsueh Distinguished lecture was delivered by Professor Peter Nolan of Cambridge, and convened by Professor Rachel Murphy. Professor Rosemary Foot hosted and participated in a number of events on East Asia, including a talk by Professor Christopher Hughes of the LSE. The Programme on Modern Burmese Studies has continued to f lourish and the newly recruited Administrator to the Programme, Mrs Edit Greenhill, contributed to the success of important workshops on Environmental Policy and on the Karen people, as well as an international graduate student workshop. The Programme’s blog, Tea Circle, has expanded and reaches an audience measured in thousands. Dr Devji passed on the Directorship to Dr Walton after a busy and successful five-year tenure.

Asian Studies Centre Podcasts

C en t r e N e w s

European Studies Centre

Latin America Centre

Professor Paul Betts, Director of the European Studies Centre, Professor of Modern European History

Dr Diego Sánchez-Ancochea, Director of the Latin American Centre, Associate Professor in the Political Economy of Latin America

In the past year, the European Studies Centre has been one of the most important fora for discussing Brexit and its implications.


he ESC had a particularly busy past year. The runup to and fallout from the Referendum in June 2017 spurred a great deal of Centre activity in the form of regular panels and Centre discussions about Brexit’s implications for the UK and Europe and in so doing the ESC served – and will continue to do so – as one of the most important national fora for studying Brexit from a variety of perspectives. Historian Mark Mazower (Columbia University) delivered the Annual Lecture on ‘Revisiting the ‘Dark Continent’: Thoughts on Europe Today’ to a capacity audience at the Nissan Lecture Theatre. Individual programmes – such as Dahrendorf and PEFM – showcased leading thinkers on the problems facing Europe today. Core fellows produced f ive books and one photography exhibition this past year. Jan Zielonka was awarded with a Golden Arrow Lifetime Achievement Award by the Vienna Conference Comsort ‘for realizing extraordinary visionary ideas in an exceptional manner.’ Dr Hartmut Mayer took over as ESC Director in September 2017.

European Studies Centre Podcasts

In November, David Doyle organised the third CAF conference in Oxford.


he Latin American Centre maintained its active agenda of conferences and events in Oxford and Latin America as well as its support for students and faculty during 2016-17. In November, David Doyle organised the third CAF conference in Oxford titled ‘Labour Informality in Latin America: Political, Economic and Social Consequences’. Honouring our multidisciplinary commitment, the conference explored the impact of informality on multiple variables, including productivity, socio-economic inequality and electoral preferences. In February, the Brazilian Studies Program brought together leading researchers from Latin America, United States and Europe to make sense of Brazil’s current economic and political crisis. In March, together with the Instituto Mora, we organized the conference ‘Democracy, anti-system politics and inequality in turbulent times’ as part of the CAF-LAC program. The gathering in Mexico City explored the links between inequality, political discontent and the emergence of anti-system candidates, particularly in the Americas. The Malcolm Deas Fund, which is supported by many of our alumni, contributed to exciting new programs. We maintain our goal of collaborating more closely with institutions and alumni from Latin America and other parts of the world.

Latin American Centre Podcasts

Middle East Centre Professor Eugene Rogan, Director of the Middle East Centre, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History


ir Jeremy Greenstock, the British diplomat who had great involvement with Iraq in the build-up to and aftermath of the Iraq War, gave the 2017 keynote George Antonius Memorial Lecture, in an address entitled ‘The Iraq invasion and aftermath: lessons for Arab World reform’. Sir Jeremy began his diplomatic career learning Arabic in Shemlan, Lebanon at the famed Middle East Centre for Arab Studies, and it was fitting that Sir James Craig, historian of that institute, was present. He went on to serve in Dubai and Saudi Arabia, but it was in Iraq that he made his name, being the Permanent Representative of the UK to the United Nations during the period of tensions with Iraq 1998-2003 and the UK Special Representative to Iraq in 2003-2004, experiences recounted in Iraq: the Cost of War, finally published in 2016 after initially being banned by the Foreign Office.

Middle East Centre Podcasts

The Antonius lecture dates back to 1976, and has attracted some of the greatest minds in Middle Eastern studies, including Albert Hourani, Edward Said, Zaha Hadid and Noam Chomsky. The life and legacy of the late Soraya Antonius, the daughter of George, for whom the lecture is named, was remembered at the beginning of the lecture for her work and generous bequests to the Middle East Centre.

Sir Jeremy Greenstock, joined by Dr Toby Mathiessen, and Professors Avi Shlaim, Eugene Rogan and Michael Willis.


C en t r e N e w s

Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies Professor Hugh Whittaker, Director of the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, Professor in the Economy and Business of Japan


Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies Podcasts

017 marks a number of milestones and new beginnings at the Nissan Institute. Our MSc and MPhil programmes in Modern Japanese Studies celebrate their 10th anniversary. In terms of new departures, from October 2017 we will bring together the social science-oriented MSc at the Nissan Institute and the humanities-oriented MSt of the Oriental Institute to offer a wider range of courses on a single Masters platform. In addition, the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, of which the Nissan Institute is a part, will be launching a new DPhil in Area Studies. Our contribution to Japanese studies goes beyond teaching, however. Another milestone was the publication of the 100th volume in the Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies series. From the publication of the first volume in the series – Peter Dale’s The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness (1986) – to the 100th volume – Life Course, Happiness and Well-Being in Japan, edited by Barbara Holthus and Wolfram Manzenreiter – the series has provided a forum for a wide range of scholarship on Japan. About a third of the authors were able to attend a celebratory event in May, as well as representatives from Nissan Motor Corporation, the Japanese Embassy in London, Japan Foundation, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, who have contributed greatly to Japanese studies at Oxford.

Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre Professor Roy Allison, Director of the Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre, Associate Professor in Russian Government


Vladimir Mau, Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration  © The Kremlin, Moscow


n appointing Chris Gerry as Associate Professor of Russian and Eurasian Political Economy, the Centre once again adds the economy of the region to its research and teaching. This follows the trail-blazing work of Michael Kaser and more recent research by Carol Leonard. RESC organised a conference in Trinity Term 2017 – The Russian Economy: Current Trends and Future Prospects. The keynote speaker was Vladimir Mau, Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Chris Gerry joins RESC after three years as Professor in Health Economics at the Higher School of Economics University in St Petersburg. Other wise there were rich Monday Seminar programmes: Dan Healey’s history series, Revolution Empire - Society; Roy Allison’s series on Russian Foreign Policy; and Max Hayward Fellow Claire Knight’s After 1945: Soviet Culture in the Early Cold War Period. The Centre co-sponsored a conference, inaugurating the Georgian Programme in the Russian and East European Studies unit in Hilary Term 2017. Oliver Ready launched his major work of scholarship: Persisting in Folly: Russian Writers in Search of Wisdom, 1963-2013; Robert Service published two diverse books while Archie Brown’s highly topical study The Myth of the Strong Leader reached the bestseller list and was even named by Bill Gates as one of his top five reads of 2016.

Russian and Eurasian Studies Podcasts

S t A n t o n y ’ s l o o k s at t h e w o r l d

Comparing the Copperbelt Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa

Professor Miles Larmer, Professor of African History and a Fellow of St Antony’s College Mining companies have in the last century established, not these regions in different ways, from struggles for national only major centres of mineral extraction in Africa, but also brand independence in the late 1950s and early 1960s, to economic new urban communities. In the mid-twentieth century, westernnationalisation (late 1960s), authoritarian political rule (1970s owned and colonially connected corporations, in order to extract and 1980s), economic decline as a result of low mineral prices gold, copper or other globally strategic minerals, built mine (late 1970s onwards), movements for political democratisation camps or townships which were populated by migrant workers (early 1990s), neoliberalism and the privatisation of mines (1990s), from both the west and from rural areas of Africa. By the 1950s, and more recently the identification of mine communities as African male mineworkers were joined by their families, and places whose environments and residents have been damaged by these rapidly growing towns developed their own self-consciously pollution created by the mines which provided the reason for their urban identities. very existence. A classic example of such The project will use a wide urbanisation processes is the ra nge of resea rch met hods, Central African Copperbelt, a Africans’ own understanding of their including accessing the archival cross-border region of copper and records of mine companies and cobalt production that straddles new lives and societies were often analysing the popular music of the border between what was the Copperbelts. Surveys and life the British colony of Northern neglected by European social scientists histories will be conducted with Rhodesia (the independent state long-term residents of the region of Zambia from 1964) and the themselves. As well as extensive Haut Katanga province of the Belgian Congo that became the fieldwork in the region, the ERC funding also enables a range Democratic Republic of Congo in 1960. The urban communities of project workshops and seminars, the first of which, on Urban of these two regions have been studied, largely separately, by Spirituality, took place at St Antony’s in June 2017 (copperbelt. generations of mostly Western scholars, for evidence of workinghistor /2017/07/25/report-on-urban-spiritualityclass identity, modernist political ideas and new forms of gender seminar-by-stephanie-lammert). Subsequent workshops will be and generational relations. These studies were however influenced organised by Zambia (July 2018) and the DR Congo (July 2019) by both colonial ways of seeing and by modernist assumptions that will enable the project to deepen its engagement with local about the natural path of development for all urban societies academic and non-academic researchers in the region. A final that commonly failed to reflect the more complex realities of major conference will take place at the college in March 2020. copperbelt life. The project findings will also be reported in a series of articles as Meanwhile, Africans’ own understanding of their new well as an edited collection and a monograph – all of these will be lives and societies, articulated through – for example – political freely available via Open Access. speeches, labour organisations, religious movements, paintings and I am currently working with Drs Benoît Henriet and Iva Peša songs, were either neglected by European social scientists or ‘read’ (both are members of St Antony’s College) and a third research in ways that were designed to fit with these modernist frameworks. associate is currently being recruited. You can learn more about The history of these communities, and the history of the project at knowledge produced about them, is the focus of ‘Comparing the Copperbelt’, funded by a Horizon 2020 European Research Council grant of €1.6m, which runs from 2016-2020. With our Miners and colonial administrators team of three research associates and working in collaboration with universities in Zambia and the DR Congo, we aim to provide the first comparative cross-border social history of these societies from the 1950s to the 1990s. The project focuses on how African residents of Copperbelt towns understood a nd c ont r ibut e d to t he characterisation of these places as quintessentially modern and their own position and identity within this characterisation. By comparing the Zambian and Congolese ‘copperbelts’ the project can explore parallel historical changes that affected 9

S t A n t o n y ’ s l o o k s at t h e w o r l d

Clean Brexit Or why I believe leaving the EU not only still makes sense, but could be the making of Britain


Liam Halligan (MPhil Economics, 1991) ow will Britain fare Under a ‘clean Brexit’, the UK is outside the single market outside the European but still has ‘access to’, and trades extensively with, the EU – as Union? During t he do the US and many other leading economies, without diluting Article 50 negotiations, their democracies or making multi-billion-pound annual what should the contributions. Outside the EU’s protectionist customs union, government’s priorities the UK can cut trade deals with the world’s major and fastbe? Theresa May’s hand has clearly growing economies, which Brussels has largely failed to do. The been weakened by the result of the UK can then conduct more business with the non-EU, which June 2017 general election – with accounts for 82 per cent of the world economy – and rising. her government commanding no By avoiding a potentially explosive ‘messy Brexit’ – that overall majority. Does a second UK tries to trade off ‘freedom of movement’ and single market referendum on EU membership make sense? ‘membership’ – pursuing a ‘clean Brexit’ provides the best chance Can Britain and the EU maintain good relations, despite of a constructive Article 50 negotiation. That bodes well for the testy Brexit talks? Will UK-EU cross-border commerce continue continuation of healthy UK–EU trade volumes and ongoing even if Britain leaves with ‘no deal’ on trade? Is cooperation across a range of important areas – the danger of the ‘cliff-edge’ real? Is ‘falling back from education and research to environmental on World Trade Organization (WTO) rules’ protection, from military and security matters to really the disastrous outcome many suggest? cultural exchange. What does Brexit mean for UK-based I conducted the research with Gerard Lyons car manufacturers, for the City and farmers, in a constructive spirit. We are independent for British universities? Will the UK’s new economists – not front-line politicians with axes immigration system mean fewer EU nationals to grind. We argue, though, that following the living and working in Britain? And will the UK Brexit referendum, the British government has itself hold together after Brexit, given renewed a clear mandate to take the UK out of the EU, calls for Scottish independence and concern which means leaving both the single market and about fresh tensions between Northern Ireland the customs union. To be a member of either is and the Irish Republic? incompatible with being truly sovereign outside I have tried in my book to tackle all of these the EU. questions and more. Amidst the confusion, While the outcome of the June 2017 spin and rhetorical barbs, it is time to address, general election makes the process of Brexit honestly and openly, the vital Brexit-related issues more complicated, given tighter Parliamentary the politicians try to avoid. We should not shy arithmetic, it does not change the result of the away from detailed analysis of the economic, June 2016 referendum, or the fact that over 80pc commercial, diplomatic and geopolitical issues of voters backed parties in the June 2017 standing that the UK faces as it undergoes its most on platforms to implement Brexit. significant negotiation since the Second The British people, then, have twice World War. Pursuing a ‘clean Brexit’ expressed their clear wish to leave the EU. The British economy, having performed There are still those, at home and abroad, well since the EU referendum in June 2016, provides the best chance trying to frustrate and even prevent Brexit still faces genuine difficulties. Brexit won’t – backed up by large corporate and other always be easy – and I am realistic about of a constructive Article vested interests that benefit from the status the near-term challenges, outlining how quo. All the more reason for the government they should be addressed. On this issue, 50 negotiation and the broader electorate to maintain a though, I am unashamedly optimistic. clear vision of how these Brexit talks should Leaving the EU will cause upheaval, with be conducted and, beyond the rhetorical both winners and losers. Brexit is an opportunity – to reassert exchanges, the larger issues at stake. That is the purpose of British sovereignty, while reinventing the UK economy as both ‘Clean Brexit’. more productive and inclusive and reclaiming Britain’s place as a premier global trading nation. ‘Clean Brexit’ (Biteback Publishing, 2017) is now available.


S t A n t o n y ’ s l o o k s at t h e w o r l d

Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Brexit Mythology


Or why I believe that St Antony’s is the best place to advocate a Do-No-Harm Brexit

Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis, St Antony’s College and Department of Politics and International Relations redictably, St Antony’s and This at least is what I tried to suggest in a little book in particular the European entitled Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit, Studies Centre have not which offers a different take on Brexit seen through the lens stopped ta lk ing about of archetypal myths, myths which in my view offer a shared Brexit in the last academic language in which to conduct a conversation, short of the year. Chances are this expectation that we can ever agree, but in the hope that we can next academic year will be the same. at least enter a spirit of mutual recognition as we confront our Some may ask whether what is surely views across the ubiquitous devides: Leavers vs remainers, leavers a dramatic and historic event for this vs other leavers, young vs old, cynics vs idealists, Europeans country should also be of concern to and non-Europeans. the rest of the world, in particular The book was inspired by conversations with friends and our College’s other regional centres. I believe so, not only given strangers on all sides of the Brexit saga, with my British husband the likely economic and trade access repercussions beyond our and my European children, as well as by echoes of a Parisian shores. But also because Brexit is symptomatic of a greater trend childhood steeped in Greek mythology. which reverberates around the world. Call it an unremitting I believe that Greek and Biblical stories offer many variants, yearning for control in a relentlessly globalising world. ambiguities and contradictions which open up spaces for our So what should these debates be about? democratic debates. And that these stories can be interpreted Surely, we still need to understand why. I have often debated through the lenses of the do-no-harm imperative which I hope Liam Halligan, my co-contributor in this issue of our College will come to pervade the future relationship between sides which Newsletter and a proud Antonian, will always remain after all intimate who is no doubt a thoughtful partners. If we are truly able to Brexiteer. Liam is right to stress engage with each other’s narratives These stories can be interpreted the flaws of the EU as a cause for in a spirit of mutual recognition, Brexit. But I believed with the it may be easier to turn the tables through the lenses of the do-noRemainers that this is the kind against a common challenge rather of challenge one should not have harm imperative which I hope than against each other on either turned away from – the EU may side of the Channel. be a dysfunctional family but it is will come to pervade the future It is therefore not incidental our family. that I decided to publish my We are also of course debating relationship between sides which essay with the award-winning on the how front. As a ‘pure’ crowdfunding publishers Unbound. Brexiteer, Liam believes in a clean com and Penguin-Random House. will always remain after all Brexit, which is a nice word but a My hope is that this method might fuzzy concept. How can a country reflect the kind of pluralist politics intimate partners easily extricate itself from the and ideals that define both the best EU complex ‘regulatory mutual of Britain and the best of Europe, recognition eco-system’? conduct the debate beyond the ivory tower and better engage Instead, I believe that we need a different aspiration: to turn my kids’ generation of digital natives. Think of this as 18th these negotiations from a zero-sum to a positive sum game, a century meets 21st century: a subscription-based publication, mutually respectful Brexit whereby the main imperative is to do of a pamphlet (the book is very short and has great pictures)… no harm, for all the parties concerned. We must be after the through the internet. And supporters have their names printed smarter, kinder and gentler Brexit possible in our hard-edged on the back of the book as a record of a collective effort. If it epoch of resentment. This may have been part of the motivation takes a continent to share our destiny, it takes a college to share for Theresa May’s September 2017 speech in Florence. But we our stories! are not there yet. One way to promote such an agenda, I believe, is to turn Kalypso’s crowdfunding website:​/ from the why and the how, to the what, what is at stake with exodus-reckoning-sacrifice; Other publications on Brexit can Brexit, and what “means” means in “Brexit means Brexit”. be found on her Personal website: Meanings matters in this battle of narratives.


S t A n t o n y ’ s l o o k s at t h e w o r l d

Books from Fellows Professor Wale Adebanwi, G overning Body Fellow (editor) The Political Economy of Everyday Life in Africa: Beyond the Margins James Currey, 2017 This multidisciplinary approach to the political economy of everyday life examines ordinary Africans as agents of well-being generation and distribution, assessing the key issues, dynamics and processes at work. This follows the ‘political economy of life’ approach exemplified by anthropologist and Africanist Jane Guyer, who provides an afterword. Money, debt, currency, marginality and coloniality are engaged with by the contributors; examining the constraints, opportunities on sustainable life and living on the continent. Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, R esearch Fellow (editor) Dr Peter Lienhardt: Letters from Kuwait (1953-1955) Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait, 2017 Letters from Kuwait (1953-1955) contains items sent from Kuwait by Dr Peter Lienhardt (Social Anthropology, 1960 and Governing Body Fellow, 1962-1970) to his family and friends in the first half of the 1950’s. They constitute a dependable source on aspects of social life of Kuwait at the time and Failaka Island in particular. Lienhardt went out to Kuwait whilst undertaking post-graduate fieldwork on the social anthropology of the Arabian Gulf Shaikhdoms. Professor Sir Paul Collier, G overning Body Fellow (with Dr Alexander Betts, DPhil International Relations 2007) Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refugee System Penguin and Oxford University Press, 2017 In this work the authors consider the refugee crisis facing Europe and the reforms needed of the responsible institutions. The crisis provides an opportunity for European policy-makers should they decide to replace ill-considered gestures and focus on longer-term, sustainable and humane policies. This is a timely alternative vision for refugees that would allow not only their empowerment and contribution, but also the eventual rebuilding and transformation of their home countries. Malcolm Deas, Emeritus Fellow Las fuerzas del orden Taurus, 2017 Las fuerzas del orden contains essays on Colombian and Venezuelan military, political and economic history, a Spanish version of the first Guido di Tella memorial lecture, on the frontier narratives of Francis Parkman and Lucio V. Mansilla. Additionally, there is an account of the formalities and ceremonies attending the re-burial in Medellin of the romantic novelist – author of Maria and political radical – Jorge Isaacs, in 1904.


Geoffrey Elliott, Honorary Fellow A Forgotten Man: The Life and Death of John Lodwick IB Tauris, 2017 John Lodwick lived an extraordinary life. Having served in the Special Boat Service and SOE during World War Two, he embarked on a successful literary career as a novelist. However, changing fashions and an untimely death at aged 43 led to his legacy being largely neglected. Elliott therefore argues for the revival of interest in this singular author, whose life story brings together the literary scene of the 20th century, the experiences of the Second World War, and surrealism. Dr Thomas Hale, G overning Body Fellow (editor, with Professor David Held) Beyond Gridlock Wiley, 2017 This work follows up on the thesis of the groundbreaking 2013 work Gridlock which argued for greater international co-operation in the face of multipolarity and fragmentation of the global order. This edited volume revisits the argument, with seven ‘pathways’ through ‘gridlock’. It offers a new perspective on world government and positive recommendations for global policy making. Bridget Kendall, Honorary Fellow The Cold War: a New Oral History of Life Between East and West BBC Books, 2017 This expertly researched work relays the history of the titanic Cold War conflict through the lens of those who experienced it. A range of individual perspectives is presented, from military personnel stationed in Berlin to Japanese fishermen present at Hiroshima. It covers those who fled the Korean War, to those accused by Senator McCarthy, testifying to the book’s global reach and depth. It accompanies a BBC Radio 4 series. Dr Serra Kirdar, F oundation Fellow (editor) Education in the Arab World Bloomsbury Academic, 2017 This work is an essential reference to education in the Arab region, encompassing chapters on Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Each country is covered by a chapter by a local expert, which discusses the education system of the nation in its socioeconomic and political context. This allows for comparison and an overview of the region as a whole, and is essential reading for researchers, policy-makers and international agencies alike.

S t A n t o n y ’ s l o o k s at t h e w o r l d

Professor Ian Neary, G overning Body Fellow The Buraku Issue in Modern Japan: the career of Matsumoto Jiichiro Akashi Shoten, 2016 This is the Japanese edition of Neary’s biography of Matsumoto (1887-1966), who played a key role in the campaigns for Buraku liberation from the 1920s. He was also a socialist member of the Diet for much of the period between 1936 and 1966, including time as deputy speaker of the House of Councillors, 1947-9. During the 1950s he took part in the international peace movement, travelling to Europe several times, and advocating closer cooperation between Japan and China. Professor Roger Owen, E meritus Fellow A Life in Middle East Studies ASI-KP, 2016 This memoir reflects on a relationship with the Middle East that began as a young soldier in the 1950s. After visiting Egypt, Palestine and Lebanon, Owen went on to study and teach at Oxford and Harvard, conducting his doctoral studies at St Antony’s and directing the Middle East Centre. He kept a journal throughout, which forms the basis of this memoir. Chris Patten, H onorary Fellow First Confession: A Sort of Memoir Penguin, 2017 Patten’s career has taken him from a Cabinet position to the Chancellor’s office of the University of Oxford, via Government House in Hong Kong. Along the way he has gathered an enormous amount of insight and anecdote into the great political figures of our age, but also the great issues – Europe, religion, Ireland, education, the US. A different kind of memoir, it is pitched as being forthright, witty and opinionated. Professor Tariq Ramadan, Senior Research Fellow Islam: The Essentials Pelican, 2017 Hardly a day goes by without mention of Islam. And yet, for most people, and in much of the world, Islam remains a little-known religion. Whether the issue is violence, terrorism, women’s rights or slavery, Muslims are today expected to provide answers and to justify what Islam is – or is not. But little opportunity exists, either in the media or in society as a whole, to describe Islam. In simple, direct language it will introduce readers to Islam, to its spirituality, its principles, its rituals, its diversity and its evolution.

Dr Oliver Ready, Research Fellow Persisting in Folly: Russian Writers in Search of Wisdom, 1963-2013 Peter Lang, 2017 In his new book, Oliver Ready analyses why so many of the leading Russian authors of the past half-century – from Venedikt Erofeev to Evgeny Vodolazkin – have turned to the voice and character of the fool in their writing. Persisting in Folly traces three contrasting phases within this period: the “praise of folly” that underpins acknowledged samizdat masterpieces by Venedikt Erofeev, Yuz Aleshkovsky, and Sasha Sokolov; the sceptical appraisals of the Russian cult of the fool offered in the 1980s by Viktor Erofeev and Dmitry Galkovsky; and the legacy of this conflicted tradition in post-Soviet prose. Professor Vivienne Shue, E meritus Fellow (edited, with Professor Patricia Thornton) To Govern China: Evolving Practices of Power Cambridge University Press, 2017 How is China – immense and fissured as it is – actually governed today? Illuminating a vibrant repertoire of assorted power practices all simultaneously at play in 21st century techniques of rule, this new work advances an evolutionary approach to understanding political change in China – a distinctly fluid, open-ended model, highlighting nimbleness, mutability, interactivity, and invention. Professor Arthur Stockwin, E meritus Fellow (with Dr Kewku Ampiah, Politics 1989) Rethinking Japan: The Politics of Contested Nationalism Lexington Books, 2017 This book argues that the Abe Government of 2012 represents a new era of Japanese politics, the ‘2012 Political System’. Chapters include the tracing of Japanese political developments since 1945, analysis of the defeat of the Democratic Party, and discussion of Abe’s policies, including ‘Abenomics’. Moreover, the authors place the rightward shift in Japan in the context of ostensibly similar shifts in the US and Europe. There are similarities and divergences in the causes, course and future prospects of these right-wing movements, with the hope arising of a stable, ‘sane regional future’ in East Asia. Dr Matthew Walton, Aung San Suu Kyi Senior Research Fellow in Modern Burmese Studies Buddhism, Politics and Political Thought in Myanmar Cambridge University Press, 2016 This is the first book to provide a broad overview of the ways in which Buddhist ideas have influenced political thinking and politics in Myanmar. Matthew Walton draws extensively on Burmese language sources from the last 150 years to describe the ‘moral universe’ of contemporary Theravada Buddhism that has anchored most political thought in Myanmar.


S t u d en t s

News from the GCR A message from the GCR President, Emilia Antiglio (MPhil Social Anthropology, 2015)


hat a year it has been at St Antony’s. With One of our big successes this year has been convincing changes in the administration of both the the College to amend the flag-flying policy and fly the LGBT College and the GCR, a bigger-than-ever Flag for the whole month of February in celebration of LGBT Graduate Conference, the expansion of our History month. This was accompanied by a range of events, Committee, and nearly an event a day for led by our LGBTQA+ Officers and our Social Secretary, the entire year, the GCR has been busier which all recognised the contribution of this community to than ever, and continues to be one of the most active across the college. We now hope to be able to organise a similar range Oxford – and, shall we say, the best? of celebrations, talks, and activities on the Building upon the work of the previous occasion of Black History Month in October. GCRs, we have now implemented regular I can say with pride As this year saw Oxford welcoming a Karaoke Nights, Film Nights, Open Mic rapidly increasing number of refugees and Nights, Wednesday Breakfasts as well as a that I, too, will always refugee families, our Sports Officers and weekly Welfare ‘Tea & Cake’ on Sunday Social Action Coordinator have initiated a afternoons, in an effort to diversify the range be an Antonian partnership between the GCR and Refugee of our activities and to enable more students to Resource, a non-for-prof it organisation meet each other in a relaxed setting (though, supporting refugees in Oxfordshire. This still in the Buttery). For the first time this year, we held an Arts will allow students to volunteer and participate in the running Week in Hilary Term, which ended with an exhibition and the of the organisation’s football club, fundraising activities, publication of students’ artworks in our newly-inaugurated and marketing. gazette, St Antony’s Art Magazine (StART). St Antony’s Inevitably, a large part of the GCR work this year has been Graduate Conference was once again a success, and we were administrative. We worked hard to consolidate an institutional delighted to see that an increasing number of students offered memory within the Committee, to ensure that best practice to volunteer and present their research. In the future, we hope and lessons learnt don’t get lost. We also improved the structure to improve alumni participation to the conference, and to reach of the GCR itself, to ensure that Officers are given enough beyond Oxford’s wall for participants. autonomy to be able to create and implement their own event with their corresponding Vice-Presidents. In coordination with the newly-elected interim president, Claire Dowling, the Treasurer and I have also begun a re-assessment of our finances and of the GCR grant. Above all, we have worked extensively with members of the administration this year. St Antony’s College prides itself in being one of the most international colleges in Oxford, and I think you will all agree that it is indeed the breadth of diversity of our students that makes our strength. But we still need to work on improving representation and accessibility, both amongst the GCR and in the College as a whole. These will remain priorities for us, and the next GCR executive will continue to work to achieve these objectives in what is set to be a truly exciting year. It has been my absolute privilege to serve the student body and an amazing GCR Committee as president this year. As I am myself about to become an alumnus of this wonderful college, I can say with pride that I, too, will always be an Antonian.

The Rainbow flag was proudly displayed all February at St Antony’s for LGBT History Month, as a result of GCR lobbying.


S t u d en t s

Brooks Newmark – An Antonian with a mission Brooks Newmark (Academic Visitor 2015-, MSc Education (Comparative and International Education) 2017-) had a successful career in business before entering Parliament, championing a number of causes. Now a Research Associate at St Antony’s, Newmark told us about his advocacy, the three journeys that changed his life, and how St Antony’s has been the perfect place to change careers.


rooks Newmark had always thought of his fate lying If this was an unexpected outcome of politics, his plan in politics. Arriving at Oxford in the early 1980s as a to visit Lebanon would prove doubly so. With the airport in graduate student out of Harvard, he found an active Beirut bombed out of commission by Israel during its 2006 group of aspiring politicians. Amongst them was attack, Newmark tried to work out a route into the country via William Hague, his friend and contemporary, and Damascus. As an afterthought, he asked the Syrian embassy if together they honed their ideas at the Union. It was there was anyone he could meet whilst he was there. This led to not his first brush with campus politics. At Harvard, aged 20, he an invitation to meet President Bashar al-Assad himself. They had co-ordinated the student campaign of George H.W. Bush’s formed such a relationship that they met twice a year for five 1980 Presidential run. He had pitched the idea after walking into years. When Syria descended into civil war, Newmark planned the Boston office of the Bush campaign and seeing the whole to visit every two weeks to help steer Assad towards conciliation. family – future Presidents and Governors amongst them – stuffing This FCO-approved plan was pulled after negative headlines but envelopes. This, he remembers, was his ‘first taste of politics at the those unique conversations, over five years, are set to become a sharper end.’ new book, a priceless insight into the mind of the Syrian leader. Yet it was in business that Newmark first made his way – A third visit which changed his outlook, and brought him to initially with a family start-up in corporate finance before joining St Antony’s, was to Sarajevo in 2012. A project to track missing Apollo, where helped grow what was then a small fund into what people was about to pack up and go home, having found 97% is today one of the world’s largest. of the people on its books. Newmark, After years of doing the hard yards however, recognised the value of the of local activism in south London, St Antony’s, in his opinion, work the International Commission he was rewarded with parliamentary of Missing Persons (ICMP) was doing selection for the Conservative Party offers the perfect opportunity to and its potential application to other –in Braintree in 2001, a seat he won areas, and ensured that the UK took in 2005 and would hold until 2015. continue this work a lead in securing the £4m funding to During his time in Parliament, keep the organisation running. It was Newmark could point to many this work, and the technical operation achievements – such as chairing the of securing international status for ‘Women to Win’ campaign which such organisations, that led him back increased the number of Tory women to Oxford. in the Commons. But there were three After his Parliamentary career was journeys, each serendipitous in their cut short, it was St Antony’s which own way, which would have a huge offered Newmark a chance to work on impact on his life. his many projects, an opportunity for The first was to Rwanda. In which he is grateful. He was offered 2007 Andrew Mitchell was to lead three years to perform research on a delegation to to work on a variety organisations like the ICMP. It offered of social action projects. In Kigali, him a chance to work on his ‘housing Brooks came across a primary school first’ solution to homelessness, and to to which the MP offered £5,000 of further his research. He is undertaking his own money to fix the roof, supply an MSc in Comparative Education electricity and repair the building. in order to assist further his schools At the time the school provided for in Rwanda. From Sarajevo to Kigali, 83 children, yet he soon heard that Braintree to Damascus, politics its numbers had swelled to 343. He has offered Newmark some very offered to rebuild the school, and set a unexpected turns. Yet the common challenge – if the primary school could theme has been the opportunity to become one of the top five schools in promote the ideas and the causes Kigali within five years, he would also close to his heart. St Antony’s, in his fund a secondary school. In 2016/7 opinion, offers the perfect opportunity - within the target - the school entered the top three, and work and base to continue this work. commenced. All of this work has been done under the umbrella of the charity he founded ‘A Partner in Education’, and Newmark See the following website for more information has not only supplied funding, but also ideas surrounding school on ‘A Partner in Education’, and how to support culture, ethos and best practice. their work: 15

S t u d en t s

SABC goes from strength to strength St Antony’s Boat Club now sits at the cusp of Division II in that most iconic of Oxford sporting traditions, Summer Eights


f it’s true that there’s no such thing as a dull Antonian, then its Boat Club is certainly a fitting little flagship. After a historic 2015/2016 season, 2016/2017 did not disappoint. President Paul Brimble led the Club’s first annual warm weather training camp and a sensational Michaelmas recruiting drive, which took in nearly fifty new members. Across both 2017 regattas, the Club gained eight net places on the river: for the third year running, SABC ranks in the top ten college clubs in Summer Eights net bumps. Our First crew in the Open (Men’s) Division has fought up to the fifth spot of Division III, while our First crew in the Closed (Women’s) Division has only to look past St Hugh’s to see the sunny waters of Division II. Our First crew in the Open Division delighted us all by taking Torpids blades. The coming season promises even more. This marks our first season as a gender-neutral club: we are proud to offer the same access to training, equipment, and support to every member according to their interest without reference to gender. We are also determined to ensure that all Antonians receive particular encouragement to join us and remain active despite rowing’s public image, which often belies its unusually inclusive fundamentals. We expect to put some 80 prospective members into ta ster outings t his Michaelmas, and to experiment in recruiting non-rowing members who participate through various tracks such as social media and PR, crew management, and land training. Club alumni will be invited to get back in the boat during our annual warm weather training camp in spring 2018. We are keen to increase our traditions for Club alumni, including expanded involvement in Michaelmas welcome activities as well as Summer Eights, and we’ll explore the possibility of founding of an SABC alumni club in future. Thanks to the sacrifice and enthusiasm of our friends and members, our alumni, the GCR, and the College, we are now on the verge of breaking into the upper levels of Oxford college rowing. In recognition of the important role the Club plays in


Left to right: James Burman, Miriam Eleonora Barosco Shepard, Kgaugelo Sebidi, Elena Bernini, Joana Borges-Moron, Rouv Artman, Vanessa Chavez, Ryah Thomas, Klára Kovářová, Saba Mahmood

College life, The Antonian Fund and the GCR have enabled us to pay our racking fees each year, as well as repairing and provisioning our boats and ergs. Thanks to the generous support of donors and The Antonian Fund, we have just opened the search for the first of two new (lightly used) shells which will replace our expiring boats and we are still actively fundraising for the second. To settle into Division II successfully, the Club will

need a more complete training space and professional coaching, and to achieve this, longitudinal financial commitments such as sponsorships and recurring annual gifts. Photographs, stories, and advice are always welcomed whether by mail, email (, or the usual online channels – and if you’re going to be around town, we’d love to see you.

Tragic death of alumnus


en Davies (MSc Russian and East European Studies, 2006) died tragically recently whilst holidaying in Mykonos. He was working as a senior aide to the Conservative Party in Wales. Tributes flowed in from his classmates and colleagues alike, with one colleague, Vincent Bailey, describing him in a Metro story as ‘impossible to forget or replace’. The thoughts of the College are with his fiancée, Emily Russ, and his classmates and friends.

S t u d en t s

The Kofo Collective for Black Women at the University of Oxford

Stephanie Odiase is the founder of the Kofo Collective and a GCR committee member.


hen Stephanie Odiase (MPhil in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation, 2016) first arrived at Oxford about a year ago, she was looking for a space that she could call her own, that reflected the unique gendered and ethnic experiences of black female students. The Kofo Collective, founded with Paige Woods, was named in honour of Oxford’s first black female graduate, Lady Kofoworola Ademola, who completed

St Antony’s GCR hosts successful Graduate Conferences

Leonie Harsch (MSc Migration Studies, 2016) Ibrahim Khan (MSt Islamic Studies and History, 2016)

her degree in English at St. Hugh’s college in 1935. Kofo’s mission is centered on the “The Three Pillars of Engagement”: Mentorship, Social Cohesion, and Critical Engagement. They have created mentorship pairs between undergraduate and graduate students to foster an atmosphere of intergenerational support. During the past few terms, the Kofo Collective has hosted several events, whilst the signature conference is the “Sisterhood Summit,” a termly weekend-long affair held at St. Antony’s which began in Trinity 2016. The inaugural summit was hosted in part by the creators of 195 Lewis, a web-based film series. The Collective has started a dialogue about what representation means for Oxford students, as this is the first society of its kind in Oxford’s 900-year history. The Kofo Collective has enriched the lives of their 70+ members throughout the university, and all of this could have not been possible without the ongoing generosity of the Antonian Fund. For those interested in more information or updates on the Kofo Collective, follow on Instagram at @kofocollective and reach her at

STAIR: Analysing a turbulent world Marco Moraes (St Antony’s, MPhil International Relations, 2015-2017; starting his DPhil in 2017), Managing Editor of St Antony’s International Review in 2016-2017


n 2 May 2017, the St Antony’s GCR hosted the University-wide Graduate Conference, on the theme of ‘Shifting Borders: History, Reality and Legacy.’ There were twelve panels across three sessions, with keynote speech by Warden Margaret MacMillan. The event was organised by current St Antony’s students, and covered topics such as ‘National and Transnational belonging’, ‘Colonial Encounters’ and ‘Experience and Representation of Displacement.’ There were 38 Masters and DPhil students who presented research from 17 different colleges. Student volunteers worked with the GCR Co-Directors of Research Exchange and Global Languages, together with the GCR Co-Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs, to deliver the successful event. The conference followed an inter-disciplinary Research-inProgress colloquium held the previous November.

he St Antony’s International Review (STAIR) has been committed since 2005 to scholarly analysis of pressing international issues. The political turbulence of 2016-2017 is no exception, and at STAIR we have done our best to address some of the issues the world has been facing. Our first issue of the year (vol. 12.2) had as its theme ‘Home, Displacement, and Belonging’. It contained an interview with Aihwa Ong, Professor of Anthropology at UC Berkeley. We marked the launch of this issue with a talk by Professor Alexander Betts, Director of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre – who was also a STAIR founding editor back in 2005. Our second issue (vol. 13.1), entitled ‘The Politics of Uncertainty – Security, Risk, and the State in the 21st Century’, included an interview with sociologist Lord Anthony Giddens and was launched at Oxford’s Martin School with a talk by Professor Ian Goldin, entitled ‘Globalisation: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly’. Brief ly, STAIR has had a successful and exciting year. We have been generously supported by the Antonian Fund at St Antony’s – for which we are deeply grateful (know that your donations really make a difference!). If you think your institution could benefit from a subscription, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at STAIR is also always looking for new submissions – information can be found on our website; 17

A l u mn i

Changing the culture of healthcare in the United States From reading Social Anthropology (1982) at St Antony’s College to empowering people with chronic conditions, Glen Tullman spoke to our Development Director Wouter te Kloeze.


len Tullman is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Livongo Health, a California-based startup that provides a service that helps people with diabetes and other chronic conditions better manage their disease. He is also Co-Founder and Partner at 7wireVentures, an early stage venture capital investment firm in Chicago focused on healthcare and education.

Empowering people with chronic diseases: Livongo Health

In combination with the lack of tools for people with chronic diseases to manage their lives comfortably, the second digital health revolution created the conditions for Glen to establish a platform that empowers people with chronic diseases to live better and healthier lives. With $140 million in investments from a variety of health care and technology venture firms, Culture change Livongo Health launched in 2014. When Glen came to St Antony’s The company makes a glucose in the early 80s to read Social monitor that sends patients’ blood Anthropology, his research looked glucose data to the cloud, where at how cultures change. Thirty-five its technolog y returns resu lts years later, he is deeply involved in a and treatment instructions to the health care technology revolution; Glen Tullman (second rower from the right) rows for St Antony’s College. monitor’s screen. When a reading investigating how to use software indicates a serious health threat, a and technology to change the culture of healthcare – and how to Livongo diabetes specialist calls the patient within 90 seconds. transform patients into ‘health consumers’. The objective is to empower people with chronic diseases through technology, personalized information and support, to live better Technological health revolution: personalized medicine and healthier lives. The patient with diabetes has turned into a Asked when he got a sense that health and technology could health consumer and will only need to see a doctor when there is a be an interesting combination for investment and business, Glen health threat. Rather than routine check-ups, the doctor, who can noted that during the dot-com bubble in the late 90s, nothing now monitor the person with diabetes remotely, can now call the really changed. After the crash, the Internet started to transform patient if there is a problem, which is much more efficient for both things. Quoting ‘Amara’s law’: “We tend to overestimate the effect the person and the physician. of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in The potential of Livongo Health was recognized by Forbes, the long run.” naming it in September 2017 in their annual ‘Next Billion-Dollar Ten years ago, the first technological health care revolution, Startups’ list of 25 companies.. digitalizing healthcare, laid the foundation for the second revolution with electronic health records. With all the data available and using ‘reinforcement learning algorithms’, it is now Advice for young Antonian entrepreneurs possible to analyse how effective medical treatments are on an hen asked what advice he would give for current individual basis; thus creating personalized medicine. What role students at St Antony’s and recent graduates who does the genetic make-up play and how does this have an impact are considering entrepreneurship Glen said “Do on how an individual reacts to medication can now be answered so what you love to do, follow your passion and not necessarily that information is available to make the best individual decision the normal course of life – you can always get a regular job”, and provide a personalized medical solution. and: “Go out and learn fast, create a lot of experiences, and do it now rather than wait. Make life the adventure it should The Arrival of the ‘new’ Health consumer be . . . every day.” Simultaneously, the patient has far more information available It was not only the study of how culture can change that online about diseases, injuries and illnesses than ever before, gave Glen a foundation for his later career; it was also the and is able to know much more than a General Practitioner experience of having spent time in another culture, at St who needs to understand everything about everything. Glen Antony’s, that provided him with a worldly perspective he expands on this by referring to a similar example of behavioural values today. He remembers his first boat practice at 5:30 change that took place with the role of a travel agent: with the in the morning, when fellow Antonian and boat member availability of countless online resources and booking options, Harold Hutchinson welcomed him to the boat with a pint the customer knows much more than the professional. This of Guinness! , He knew he wasn’t in America any longer. information imbalance changes the nature of the relation between It was great to have exposure to people from all over the the traveller and the agent, patient and the doctor; and the patient world and to learn about so many different cultures first becomes a health consumer, equipped with more and better hand, a student diversity that stands as one of the strengths information and, increasingly in the US, now also paying for their of St. Antony’s. His advice: “Get as many experiences as you healthcare directly. possibly can.”



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The Antonian who hunted the Apartheid bomb Professor Renfrew Christie (DPhil Politics, 1975-1979) used his research at St Antony’s to gain access to Apartheid South Africa’s nuclear secrets. He then passed this information onto the ANC, who bombed the sites and set the programme back by vital years. Christie found himself on death row – we hear his story in his own words.


was a nuclear whistle blower, and a spy for Nelson confession, even though he found that it may well Mandela’s ANC, sentenced to ten years in prison have been extracted by torture. The world’s press had for terrorism. headlines: “white scientist to face gallows”; followed I come from a family of South African Second by “white scientist escapes gallows”. I never expected World War heroes, who volunteered to fight for to be hanged; but the press liked it. democracy and against Hitler. I got the point early In all, I spent seven and bit years behind bars, on: one had to kill Nazis. As I grew up, in the depths including two and half years on death row. By then of Apartheid, I couldn’t tell the difference between the they were not going to hang me; they just wanted Nazis and the likes of Prime Minister John Vorster. me to listen to the weekly hangings, which was I got conscripted into the South African Army appalling. While I was in prison, Archie Brown of in 1967 and saw something I was not supposed St Antony’s and Gavin Williams of St Peters kindly to see. I realised they were playing with nuclear published my thesis as a book. weapons. I didn’t trust Vorster, or, later, P.W. Botha, Everything I revealed was eventually blown with nuclear bombs. So from the age of seventeen I up, in Nelson Mandela’s armed struggle, by the was hunting the Apartheid nuclear weapons. I did Umkhonto we Sizwe. The Sasol Oil from Coal so all my life. plants were destroyed on the morning of my trial. As a student, I shared a house with Father Sasol had earlier produced heavy water, highlighted Cosmas Desmond. Winnie Mandela had just been in my St Antony’s thesis. The Koeberg Nuclear released from detention and torture. She and Cos Power plant, a front for the bombs, was attacked by were not allowed to see each other the MK, two years after I was jailed, but she could visit the students in his using my recommendation – that it house. So that is how, at the age of be done before the nuclear fuel was But we won. We got rid of the 21, I sometimes had my lunch cooked in it, so that Cape Town would not for me by Winnie Mandela and her be endangered. Apartheid nuclear weapons banned Umkhonto we Sizwe friend, The total damages of everything Joyce Sikhakhane, while they taught attacked by the ANC, which was in me ANC politics. my thesis, came to about $1 billion I won a Smuts Scholarship US. I didn’t do the attacks. I was to Oxford, 1975 -1979, and had simply a spy. a c omple tely wonder f u l t i me But we won. We got rid of the at St A ntony’s. I wa s on the Apartheid nuclear weapons; we Wine Committee! got rid of Apartheid; we have a My Politics DPhil, supervised successful constitutional democracy. by Stan Trapido was about the My handwriting is on the second electrification of South Africa, 1905 draft of the Bill of Rights. We have to 1975. I designed my thesis so I trebled the size of the real economy; could get into the Electricity Supply Koeberg Nuclear Power Station and seventeen million people are on Commission’s records, to see how Social Grants. much electricity was being used for In retirement, I am a part-time uranium enrichment. From this I adviser to the Minister of Defence on could tell Nelson Mandela’s outlawed the conditions of service of our troops. African National Congress how many I married the linguist, novelist, and nuclear bombs South Africa could bell canto soprano, Menan du Plessis. have built, by what time. We have two adult daughters; and we Arrested soon after return from all live together, in a crooked little Oxford, I spent over seven months house, at the foot of Table Mountain, in solitary, being interrogated by in democratic peace. the famous torturers of the Special Branch. I went through a show trial in which the judge admitted the 19

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Antonian Diplomacy St Antony’s has a worldwide reputation for cultivating diplomats. Here, three Antonians based in Brasilia as Ambassadors for Argentina, the EU and Jamaica, share their experiences and what it is about St Antony’s that shaped them. Professor Tim Power provides some context on Brazil.

Brazil’s Recent Travails: Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel? Timothy J. Power, Professor of Latin American Politics and Director of the Brazilian Studies Programme, Latin American Centre


a c k i n 2 0 09, Brazil was riding high. T he e c onomy was growing at a n i mpre s sive 6% per year, poverty and inequality were falling, and president Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva of the Workers’ Party (PT) was described by Barack Obama as ‘the most popular politician on Earth’. But only four years later, Brazil’s situation had deteriorated, but incumbent Worker’s Party (PT) President Dilma Rousseff was still narrowly reelected in October 2014. As GDP growth fell to 0.5% in 2014, followed by a staggering recession in 2015-2016 (the economy contracted by more than -3.5% in each year), the country’s attention turned to widening allegations of corruption. The Lava Jato (‘Car Wash’) scandal, now recognized as one of the largest corruption investigations in history, ensnared dozens of leading business people and politicians. Separately, in October 2015 the Federal Accounting Court (Tribunal de Contas da União, or TCU) rejected Dilma’s accounts, identifying a series of practices that violated federal budget and fiscal laws – actions that could be construed as impeachable offenses (‘crimes of responsibility’) under the 1988 Constitution. This set off a chain of events that caused her governing coalition to implode, leading to her impeachment and eventual removal from office in August 2016. When Dilma’s vice president, Michel Temer of the centrist PMDB, took over in 2016, the country’s mood did not improve. His efforts to jump-start growth included several unpopular measures such as pension cuts, labour law reform and renewed privatizations. By 2017 he was easily the most unpopular president in Brazilian history, with a public approval rating of 5%. Yet Temer, a master political insider 20

due to his decades in Congress, has essentially ignored public opinion. Temer is 77 years old and will not run in the presidential election in 2018. The economy is now slowly emerging from recession: Brazil will grow at

approximately 0.5% in 2017 and perhaps between 1-2% in 2018, a critical election year. All eyes are now focused on the presidential contest. Lula intends to run again – although if a recent conviction on corruption charges is upheld by an appeals court, he will be out of the race. The centre-right forces behind the Temer government are divided on whom to nominate. An ongoing crisis of public security, particularly in Brazil’s large cities, has left open space for an ultra-rightist candidate, former army officer Jair Bolsonaro, whose extremist agenda includes withdrawing Brazil from all international human rights treaties. The remaining candidates will be a motley crew of has-beens and also-rans, likely disappointing the millions of Brazilians who have hoped that recent upheavals could provide an opportunity for new faces and real change. As the country still has 18 months to ‘muddle through’ before the next election, the presidential contenders will have to think deeply about how to bring the country back from the depths of economic crisis, corruption scandals and political polarization.

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Ambassador Alison E Stone Roofe (MPhil International Relations, 1993)

Jamaican Ambassador to Brazil


s the Jamaican Ambassador to Brazil, I am also the nonresident Ambassador to Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. When I arrived at St Antony’s on a Commonwealth Scholarship, I was already a junior civil servant on study leave from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kingston, Jamaica. St Antony’s set the stage for what has become an international journey. Added to the joy of serving in such a vast, complex, compelling country as is Brazil, is the reality that currently, there are other Antonians serving here as Heads of Mission and immediately upon meeting them, we began to establish a bond which extends beyond our professional and technical responsibilities – an immediate friendship which is built on the memories that are shared between us. Outside of the effective ‘outreach’ that comes from being an Oxford graduate, there is also the weight of being an Antonian. What a glorious legacy we have to recognize in having shared this remarkable experience at St Antony’s! It is a pride that I portray everywhere; consistently performing at one’s best and hoping to make the world a better place regardless of race, religion or creed.

Ambassador Carlos Magarinos (SAM 2005-2006)

Argentine Ambassador to Brazil


oon after the election that changed the political path of Argentina (November 2015), then President Elect, Mauricio Macri, took me by surprise with a challenging offer to become our country´s Ambassador to Brazil. Beyond our traditional rivalry on football, Brazil and Argentina enjoyed strong, deep and solid ties. Not surprisingly, Brazil hosts the largest Argentinean Embassy, with ten Consulates distributed all over the country. They are our main trade partner by size and quality. Argentina is the third largest trading partner of Brazil (behind China and US) It is also the main destination of our tourism as it is our country for them. We have mutual and reciprocal cultural admiration and there is an intense flow of academic exchange among our countries. The origins of MERCOSUR can be easily traced to the ‘Integration Act’ signed in 1986 by Presidents Raul Alfonsin from Argentina and José Sarney form Brazil. The experiences gathered during my term as St Antony´s Senior Associate Member were particularly useful when I took over my new responsibilities. I met Oxonian and Antonian personalities all along my way here and it was very encouraging to feel a special connection with them.

Dr Joao Cravinho (DPhil International Relations, 1995)

European Union Ambassador to Brazil


t is when we return to Oxford a nd St A ntony’s t hat we really appreciate it. What an extraordinar y piece of good fortune it was to spend four years there. There is much that I bring to my work today as EU Ambassador to Brazil that I can trace back to those years of study and osmotic learning at St Antony’s. My life at St Antony’s focused

on African studies, due to my doctoral work on the political economy of Mozambique. I was also interested in the arts of the Islamic lands, and more remotely in Middle East studies, but that was because it brought me close to Jessica Hallett, who for 23 years now has been my wife. Through her I discovered that academic curiosity can be greatly stimulated by romantic interest. It’s good to see how much Brazilian studies at St Antony’s has grown in prominence. And here in Brazil, I think that there is plenty we can do to build stronger bridges to St Antony’s. It’s well worth thinking together about how to bring more of St Antony’s to this extraordinary, complex and diverse country. 21

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Middle East Centre 60th Anniversary Professor Eugene Rogan, Director of the Middle East Centre

The College welcomed Antonians back for Oxford Alumni Weekend with a major reunion to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Middle East Centre.


iddle East Centre Director Eugene Rogan welcomed more than 150 alumni to the opening plenary panel on Friday 15 September. Held in the Investcorp Lecture Theatre, the panel featured contributors to the book edited by Jens Hanssen (DPhil History, 1995) Arabic Thought Beyond the Liberal Age, reassessing Albert Hourani’s 1962 classic. Jens was joined by Marilyn Booth (DPhil Oriental Studies, 1983), Abdel Razzaq Takriti (DPhil History, 2010), and former visiting student Leyla Dakhli to provide new insights into developments in intellectual history since Hourani’s magnum opus. Following a reception and dinner in Hall, the Warden convened a panel of alumni from across the decades to reflect on the Middle East Centre past and present. Derek Hopwood (Emeritus Fellow) and Moshe Ma’oz (both DPhil History, 1966), Mohammad Mattar (MLitt History, 1977) and Joseph Sassoon (DPhil History, 1980), and Kevin Rosser (MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies, 1996) brought laughter and some serious reflections with their anecdotes. The reunion continued on Saturday with concurrent panels from 10.30am to 5pm. Each panel was chaired by a current MEC fellow with three presentations from alumni. The panels met in the Board Room of the MEC (formerly the Library Reading Room), in the Investcorp Lecture Theatre, and in the Pavilion Room atop the new Gateway Building, giving old members a chance to visit our new facilities. Panels addressed the issues that have attracted students to the MEC for years: Israel and Palestine; Iran’s politics, history and culture; the Hashemites, the Bedouin and the British; North Africa; the Persian Gulf; law, society and culture. Throughout the day, the Librarian Dr MariaLuisa Langella welcomed visitors to the new Library reading room, where she had set up an exhibition of ‘Gifted Treasures to the MEC Library’. This included nineteenth and twentieth century bound periodicals, rare signed editions and even some manuscripts given to our collection over the years. The library also held a sale of surplus books, including a signed first edition of Edward Said’s Orientalism. Debbie Usher welcomed visitors to the new Archive Reading Room where she had on display some remarkable documents and photographs from the collection, with manacles and a nightstick from the Mandate-era Palestine Police Force. Debbie was on hand to discuss the collection with visitors. At 5.15pm all Antonians assembled for Eugene Rogan’s ‘State of the Middle East Centre’ address, and to hear the keynote lecture from Tom Friedman (BPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies, 1976), the three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and columnist from The New York Times. Drawing from his latest book, Thank You For Being Late, Tom provided a captivating (if sobering) assessment of the impact of what he has termed ‘the age of accelerations’ on the world at large and the Middle East in particular. The MEC took advantage of the final dinner on Saturday night to relaunch the Hourani Scholarship Appeal. Wouter te Kloeze and Eugene Rogan made the case for regular gifts to provide support for outstanding candidates for the MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies. Their target was a total of £10,000 per year over the next three years (and beyond!). In a remarkable burst of generosity, the assembled Antonians pledged over £50,000 over the next three years, enabling an annual award of £15,000 to permit an outstanding scholar to take up their place starting in 2018. The reunion closed with a musical celebration from the Oxford Maqam, an eight-piece ensemble who perform classics from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century Eastern Mediterranean repertoire. Martin Stokes performed on the kanun, or Arabic zither and introduced the band to an appreciative audience, while wine and conversation flowed with the music late into the evening.


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MEC alumni and guests enjoyed the successful event, including book fairs, lectures, panels and a gala dinner

Antonians in Cisco! Dr Nadiya Kravets (DPhil Russian and East European Studies, 2012)


recently co-organised an Oxford alumni, students and faculty get together in San Francisco since the number of them were coming to the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. I later gathered Antonians in the room for a photo, which includes:

Inga Saikkonen (DPhil Politics, 2011), Allison Hartnett (MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies, 2011), Maryhen Jimenez Morales (MPhil Latin American Studies, 2013), Sara Usher (DPhil Politics), Alexandra Zeitz (MPhil International Relations, 2012), Gjovalin Macaj (DPhil International Relations), Daniel Zoughbie (MSc Social and Cultural Anthropology, 2006), Nadiya Kravets.


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In this section you will find a selection of Antonian updates. Due to our limited space, we could not publish all the updates;

Academic Roll of Honour Dr Ishtiaq Ahmad (Visiting Fellow, 2010-2013) has been Vice Chancellor of the University of Sargodha, Pakistan, since November 2016. Dr Alexandra Delano Alonso (DPhil International Relations, 2008) received tenure and was appointed Chair of Global Studies at The New School, New York City. Dr Roham Alvandi (MPhil International Relations, 2005) has been made Director of the LSE IDEAS Cold War Studies Project. Dr Alexander Betts (DPhil International Relations, 2007) has been elected to the William Golding Senior Fellowship at Brasenose College, Oxford. Dr Teun Dekker (DPhil Politics, 2006) was recently appointed Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education at Maastricht University. Professor Jens Hanssen (DPhil History, 2000) will be spending his 201718 Sabbatical as a Visiting Professor in the Arabic and Islamic Studies Department at the University of Göttingen. Dr Amy King (DPhil International Relations, 2013) has been awarded the prestigious Westpac Fellowship at the Australian National University. Dr Katerina Lagos (DPhil History, 2005) is now Full Professor of History at California State University, Sacramento. Dr David Mulford (DPhil Political Economy, 1962) has been appointed as Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Dr Jessica Ashooh (DPhil International Relations, 2011) has relocated to San Francisco to become the inaugural Director of Policy for Reddit. Dr Laurent Bonnaud (SAM 1987-1988) founded the business history consultancy Sponte sua sprl. Fawaz Bourisly (Foreign Service Programme 2007-08) has been appointed First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the State of Kuwait to the United Nations. Julio Andrés Borges (MSc Public Policy of Latin American, 1995) was elected by the Venezuelan National Assembly as its President, in January,. Olena Boytsun (Visiting Student 2006-2007) is currently Principal at Omidyar Network, a SiliconValley based philanthropic impact investment firm set up by Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay. Dr Juan José Echavarría Soto (DPhil Economics, 1995) has been appointed as the General Manager of the Banco de la República by its Board of Directors. Chrystia Freeland (MSt Slavonic Studies, 1993) has been sworn-in as Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister.

Ayami Nakatani (DPhil Social Anthropology, 1988-1996) has assumed the office of Vice President for Okayama University, Japan, and has been in place since 2016. She is also the director of the Discovery Program for Global Learners, a new, bilingual BA program which opens in October 2017.

George Gigauri (MSc Forced Migration, 2002) has been transferred to Indonesia as the Deputy Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Dr Shohei Sato (DPhil International Relations, 2011) moved from Kanazawa University to Waseda University, Tokyo, to take up a tenured position as an associate professor in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies.

Dr Jessica Hallett (DPhil Oriental Studies, 1999) has been appointed curator of Islamic Art at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon.

Meera Selva (MPhil European Politics and Society, 1996) has been named Director of the Journalism Fellowship Programme, at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford.

Julian Hamilton-Peach (MSc Economics, 1987) is in Singapore working for the World Economic Forum-inspired organisation ‘Grow Asia’.

Dr Li-Chen Sim (DPhil Politics, 2005) is now the Chair of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Dr Nino Japaridze (DPhil Politics, 2012) has joined Edison Research, a polling and research company, as Vice President for Public Affairs Research.

Dr Steve Tsang (DPhil Oriental Studies, 1986; Research Fellow 199294; Governing Body Fellow, 1994-2011; Emeritus Fellow 2011-) has left the University of Nottingham to take up the post of Director of the China Institute at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

Diloro Kadirova (DPhil Politics, 2012) has assumed new functions as Political Advisor to the UN Resident Coordinator in Maldives.

Professor Milada Vachudova (DPhil Politics, 1996) has been appointed to the Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Professor Femi Vaughan (DPhil Politics, 1990) was recently appointed Alfred Sargent Lee & Mary Ames Lee Professor of African Studies at Amherst College, Massachusetts. 24

Plus est en vous – Career updates

Dr Katya Kocourek (MPhil Russian and Eastern European Studies, 1999) was appointed an Associate Director within the Credit Division for EMEA at The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd (‘BTMU’).

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however, you will receive the complete list in our forthcoming e-newsletter.

Dr Karin Kimbrough (DPhil Economics, 1999) has been named by Black Enterprise as one of the 50 most powerful women in corporate America. Dr Kimbrough is departing Merril Lynch Bank of America to take up a position at Google. Anne Le More (MPhil International Relations, 1997) has become Chief of Staff at UN Environment based in Nairobi, Kenya, focusing on environment and climate matters. Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith (DPhil History, 1970) is a curator of the exhibition Ghika Craxton Leigh Fermor: Charmed Lives in Greece which will open at the British Museum on 8 March 2018. Liselotte Lyngsø (MPhil European Politics and Society, 1993) is the Founding Director of FutureNavigator. Dr Antonio Missiroli (Visiting Fellow, 1996-1997) will become NATO Assistant Secretary-General (Emerging Security Challenges) in Brussels. Dr Charles T. Powell (Junior Research Fellow, 1993-1995) has been appointed Companion in the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) for services to UK - Spanish relations. Cheryl Obedin Rivkin (MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies, 1990) serves as Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Compliance for Muzinich & Co., Inc. a global corporate credit manager with more than $36 billion in assets under management. Andres Schipani (Msc Global Governance & Diplomacy, 2006) has been appointed Brazil Correspondent for the Financial Times. Maxim Shashenkov (Politics, 1989) and Gregg Robins (Russian and East European Studies, 1989) have joined forces to offer solutions to wealthy families.

Sic itur ad astra – Prizes, awards and other achievements Ervand Abrahamian (Visiting Fellow, 1984-1985) was given the annual book award by the Mossadegh Foundation in Geneva for his work The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and the Roots of Modern US-Iranian Relations (New Press, 2013). Yoav Alon (DPhil History, 2000) is the 2017 Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) Gold Medalist in World History category for his work The Shaykh of Shaykhs: Mithqal al-Fayiz and Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan (Stanford University Press, 2016). Christopher de Bellaigue (Visiting Fellow 2007-2008) was longlisted for the Baillie Gifford Prize for his book, The Islamic Enlightenment: The Struggle Between Faith and Reason, 1798 to Modern Times (Liveright, 2017) Professor Dr Stephen Ellis (DPhil Modern History, 1981) who died in 2015 has been honoured with a named Chair. The Stephen Ellis Chair in the Governance of Finance and Integrity in Africa was officially launched in April at Leiden University. Professor John Garrard (Research Fellow, 1967-1968, Emeritus Professor of Russian Studies, University of Arizona sent in the information that Harvard University’s Houghton Rare Book and Manuscript Library has put his archive on Vasily Grossman and the Holocaust online. Myroslava Hartmond (MPhil International Relations, 2014) has been named co-curator of an exhibition at the University of Essex into Lenin’s personality and myth; of the politics of iconoclasm, the sociology of monumental propaganda. Hartmond will be giving a lecture at St Antony’s in Michaelmas on the theme of Soviet monuments in Eastern bloc states.

Sydelle Willow Smith (MSc African Studies, 2014) registered her NGO this year, Sunshine Cinema, a solar powered mobile cinema that hosts community screenings of African cinema and media workshops across the continent.

Professor John Hattendorf (SAM 1986) received two major honours this year. Firstly, he was awarded the Anderson Lifetime Achievement Award by the Society for Nautical Research. He was also recognised for 50 years of service with the US Naval War College by having the new Centre for Maritime Historical Research at the College named in his honour.

Jeffrey Stacey (MPhil Political Science, 1993), a former State Department official in the Obama Administration, is now Managing Partner at Geopolicity which works in the global development field.

Dr Serra Kirdar (MSc Education Studies, 1997, DPhil Education Studies, 2004, Foundation Fellow) participated in the Emerging Markets Symposium at Green Templeton College in July 2017.

Roxeane Zand (History, 1980) is Deputy Chairman for the Middle East at Sothebys, and invites readers to visit her blog, Cultural Crossroads, on the Sothebys website.

Karen Van Dyck (DPhil Literature, 1988) received the London Hellenic Prize for her recent book Austerity Measures: The New Greek Poetry (Penguin, 2016).


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New books from Antonians In this section you will find a selection of the new books published by Antonians. Due to limited space, we could not publish all of the new publications – for journal articles and more books, please see the complete list in our forthcoming e-newsletter. Dr Reem Abou el-Fadl DPhil Politics, 2010 Revolutionary Egypt: Connecting Domestic and International Struggles Routledge, 2017 In 2011 the world watched as Egyptians rose up against a dictator. Observers marvelled at this sudden rupture, and honed in on the heroes of Tahrir Square. Revolutionary Egypt analyses this tumultuous period from multiple perspectives, bringing together experts on the Middle East from disciplines as diverse as political economy, comparative politics and social anthropology.

Dr Anthony Elson SAM 2003 The Global Financial Crisis in Retrospect: Evolution, Resolution and Lessons for Prevention Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 This book provides a uniquely comprehensive explanation of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis and resulting scholarly research in the context of building an agenda for reform. With the clarity provided by almost a decade of hindsight and a careful eye toward planning for prevention, Elson guides readers through both historical fact and scholarly interpretation, highlighting areas where careful critique of and changes in the international financial architecture and the mainstream macroeconomic paradigm can promote greater financial stability in the future.

Dr Dimitar Bechev DPhil International Relations, 2005 Rival Power: Russia’s Influence in Southeast Europe Yale University Press, 2017 In the debate surrounding Russia’s role in Southeast Europe, this, the first in-depth guide on the subject, provides vital detail and nuance. Rather than relying on history or essentialism, instead this work masterfully restores the role of pragmatism and interests. It also restores agency to more local actors, some of whom are allowing Russia influence to serve their own goals. The responses of NATO and the EU are also subjected to keen and critical analyses.

Professor Brad Faught MSt History, 1986 Kitchener: Hero and Anti-Hero IB Tauris, 2016 Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Earl Kitchener of Khartoum (1850-1916) is one of the most important figures in the history of the British Empire. Beginning as Royal Engineer in the 1870s he would end his career over forty years later as Secretary of State for War - the iconic figure of World War I recruitment posters. This new biography offers a timely and modern evaluation of a still disputed and complex military man of empire.

Dr Erica Benner DPhil International Relations, 1993 Be Like the Fox: Machiavelli’s Lifelong Quest for Freedom Penguin, 2017 Be Like the Fox follows Machiavelli’s dramatic quest for political and human freedom through his own eyes. Masterfully interweaving his words with those of his friends and enemies, Erica Benner breathes life into his penetrating, comical, often surprising comments on events. Far from the cynical henchman people think he was, Machiavelli emerges as his era’s staunchest champion of liberty, a profound ethical thinker who refused to compromise his ideals to fit corrupt times. Dr John Besemeres DPhil Russian and Eurasian Studies, 1967 A Difficult Neighbourhood: Essays on Russia and East-Central Europe since World War II ANU Press, 2016 This collection of essays traces the foreign relations of the former Soviet republics, and in particular their relationships with Moscow. A deep appreciation of history, of Nazi occupation and Soviet rule, is required to understand the dynamics at work in the republics today. Moreover, a large area of Europe could well by falling back under Russia’s influence, but this time not through the machinations of Moscow, but the negligence and carelessness of the West.


Professor Carol Graham DPhil Political Economy, 1990 Happiness for All? Unequal Hopes and Lives in Pursuit of the American Dream Princeton University Press, 2017 This work assesses the impact of inequality on the right of Americans to pursue happiness. Inequality and poverty have undoubted material impacts, but also emotional, psychological; they result in precarity, a loss of hope, and deep insecurity. Job instability, marital breakdowns, incarceration, higher rates of mortality – all are explored with reference to the ‘optimism gap’. Hope and happiness, by comparison, can lead to improved economic performance. Marwan Iskandar BLitt Economics, 1970 Central Banking in Uncertain Times: Lebanon & the US, 2017 Iskandar’s latest book is on a very timely topic. ‘Central Banking in Uncertain Times: Lebanon & the US’ was launched at the ESA Business School in Lebanon and was followed by a debate with H.E. Dr. Charles Rizk (former Minister of Justice, Lebanon) and Mr Christian Noyer (former Governor of the Bank of France). Juliet Landau-Pope MA Women’s Studies What’s Your Excuse for not Being More Productive? Overcome your excuses, stop procrastinating, get things done WYE Publishing, 2017 Do you struggle to organise your time? Do you spend too much time planning and not enough time doing? Or are you simply unable to get started with things? Then this is the book for you. Professional organiser Juliet-Landau Pope takes a look at all of the things you might be telling yourself to explain why you are not being as productive as you would like, and offers practical advice, ideas and inspiration to help you move forward

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Dr Tobias Lenz (co-editor) DPhil Politics, 2012 Measuring International Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance Oxford University Press, 2017 This book sets out a measure of authority for seventy-six international organizations (IOs) from 1950, or the time of their establishment, to 2010 which can allow researchers to test expectations about the character, sources, and consequences of international governance.

Sir Ivor Roberts SAM 1998-1999 Conversations with Milošević University of Georgia Press, 2016 Conversations with Milošević is a firsthand portrayal of the so-called Butcher of the Balkans, the Serbian president whose ambitions sparked the Bosnian conflict. At its heart the book is a portrait of an autocrat who rode the tiger of nationalism to serve his own ends and to promote those who furthered his agenda.

Professor Charles Maier History, 1960 Once within Borders: Territories of Power, Wealth and Belonging since 1500 Harvard University Press, 2016 Throughout history, human societies have been organized preeminently as territories – politically bounded regions whose borders define the jurisdiction of laws and the movement of peoples. At a time when the technologies of globalization are eroding barriers to communication, transportation, and trade, Once Within Borders explores the fitful evolution of territorial organization as a worldwide practice of human societies.

Dr Nahid Siamdoust DPhil Oriental Studies, 2013 Soundtrack of the Revolution: The Politics of Music in Iran Stanford University Press, 2017 Music – banned after the 1979 revolution, revived and instrumentalised during war time – provides an important political space in Iran. Dr Siamdoust uses five years of research in the country, including during the 2009 protests, to chart the work of four very different musicians. The resulting analysis reveals much about the debates at the heart of Iranian life, its future and political freedom, suggesting too the power of music to both unite and resist.

Dr Timothy Mau DPhil Politics, 1999 Public Administration in Canada (with Paul Barker) Nelson, 2017 This second edition of Public Administration in Canada tackles the current and emerging trends, the changing and evolving institutions of government, ethics, and many other challenges in public administration. It brings the study to life for students, demonstrating the intersection of theory with the practice of government program and service delivery, and examining the policies implemented and the procedures undertaken across the various levels of Canadian government in a way that resonates with what they see in their world.

Therese Stiastny MPhil International Relations, 1992 Conflicts of Interest John Murray, 2017 This novel explores the themes of betrayal and duplicity, and the reality of life in the public eye, as two old friends and colleagues are brought together again. Lawrence has relocated to southern France in the aftermath of losing his job and ending his marriage; Martin arrives on holiday with his family and influential friends – all that Lawrence seems to lack. However, all is not as it seems, and Lawrence decides to find the real story behind Martin’s success – resulting in a masterfully constructed denouement.

Dr Sasha Polakow-Suransky DPhil History, 2007 Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration & the Fate of Western Democracy C Hurst & Co, 2017 From Europe to the United States and beyond, opportunistic politicians have exploited economic crisis, terrorist attacks and an influx of refugees to bring hateful and reactionary views from the margins of political discourse into the corridors of power. This climate has already helped propel Donald Trump to the White House, pushed Britain out of the European Union, and put Marine Le Pen within striking distance of the French presidency.

Dr Laura Valadez-Martinez (with Donald Hirsch) DPhil Public Policy, 2012 The Living Wage Agenda Publishing, 2017 The Living Wage might be an idea whose time has come. Yet the relatively clear concept of providing workers with enough of an income to live on has been blurred by political instrumentalisation, whether being appropriated by the Conservative government or simply being confused with the minimum wage. This short primer aims to cut through the noise with a history and rigorous analysis of the concept.

Dr Shadaab Rahemtulla DPhil Oriental Studies, 2011 Qur’an of the Oppressed: Liberation Theology and Gender Justice in Islam Oxford University Press, 2017 Analyses the commentaries of four Muslim intellectuals who have turned to scripture as a liberating text to confront an array of problems, from patriarchy, racism, and empire to poverty and interreligious communal violence. Provides a rich analysis of the thought-ways of specific Muslim intellectuals, thereby substantiating a broadly framed school of thought.

The Hon. Dr. Dov Zakheim DPhil Politics and Economics, 1974 Nehemiah: Statesman and Sage Maggid, 2016 In Nehemiah: Statesman and Sage, Dov Zakheim, a former senior official in the US government, examines the life of the biblical figure through the lens of modern experience. Zakheim mines the biblical Book of Nehemiah to present a political biography of a man who rose to the highest levels of the Persian court, dedicating his life to the welfare of the Jewish people. Utilizing a unique collection of traditional and scholarly sources, Zakheim reveals how Nehemiah confronted fundamental issues of his day, highlighting lessons for policy-makers today.


De v e l o p men t

Alumni Giving Antonian Fund


n 2016/17 the College was able to award 66 travel and research grants, 3 writing up bursaries, support 21 academic initiatives, 25 ‘Life at St Antony’s’ projects and award one Warden’s Scholarship. A total of £50,757 was awarded with more grants still being finalised. None of this would have been possible without the generous support of the world wide Antonian community.

Gateway Campaign


he number one funding priority of St Antony’s College remain the Gateway Buildings. In short: if the College can make sure that the loans on the buildings are paid off it will be able to preserve the College’s independence and financial security and uphold our extraordinarily diverse student population and recruit the best academic staff worldwide. There are various naming options and what the College hopes for is that Antonian communities in various countries, cities and year groups to donate collectively £20k so a room can be named. The name of the room will appear on the door and the names of the donors on a bronze plaque in the room. Please contact the Development Director, if you are interested to discuss a naming opportunity:

Malcolm Deas Fund


he Ma lcolm Deas Fund was launched at the 50th anniversary of the Latin American centre and aims to ensure excellence in research, t e a c h i n g a nd p ol ic y impact. For example, the fund was used in Trinity 2016 to support a week-long series of events on gender in Latin America. Further gifts are much welcome to support travel and research grants for students, lectures, conferences and workshops.

Leavers Society


Telephone campaign

he College re c eive d £2,500 from t he Un iver sit y ’s Student Challenge Fund scheme. Any first gift made by leavers to the Collee in first two years after graduation are matched through this scheme. In order to apply next year again for matched funding – £2,500 is the maximum – donations need to be received by 31 December 2017.


urrent student will be calling Antonians in December 2017 and March 2018 to tell you about College life, answer any question you may have and seek your support for the Antonian Fund, Malcolm Deas Fund or the Boat Club. If you would like to update your contact details, please contact the Development Office at:

Legacy Giving


bequest is one of the most meaningful ways you can give. Your Will is to provide for your family, friends and those organizations that have influenced and shaped your life. Legacies are an important part of ensuring our future as they will allow us to support our students, maintain and update the College’s facilities and rooms, provide funding for our Centres, Fellowships and the general endowment. The Development Office has produced a legacy brochure which explains why legacy gifts are so


important, how you could make a pledge in the most tax-efficient way and how the College will recognize your generosity. Earlier this year the computer room, the former Lodge, in the Old Main Building has been renamed ‘The Kenneth G. Wilkinson Room’ after Ken Wilkinson, Porter from 1996-2008. On 29 August 2017 a plaque was unveiled (left) to rename the Lodge, in recognition to Ken’s commitment as porter and his generosity through a gift in his Will.

De v e l o p men t



t Antony’s College is pleased to be able to offer the following scholarships for the academic year 2018/19 and would like to thank the Antonian Community, Eni SPA, Oxford Cambridge Society Kenya, Swire Charitable Trust and the Scott Family. Eni Scholarship: three scholarships for students from Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, or the Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) the opportunity to study for a fully funded one-year degree; Hourani Scholarship: one scholarship of £5,000 for two years to an MPhil student in Modern Middle Eastern Studies; Scott Family Scholarship: two scholarships of £9,000 for a one (MSc) or two-year (MPhil) Master’s degree in Modern Japanese Studies; Swire / Oxford & Cambridge Society of Kenya Scholarship: one scholarship to a student from Kenya reading for a one-year degree; Swire Scholarship: four fully funded scholarships for applicants who are permanent residents of Japan, China or Hong Kong and have completed the majority of their formal education in their country of permanent residency; Through the A ntonian Fund, t wo Warden’s Scholarships are on offer for one year and are open for any student who is studying for a graduate degree offered by the College.

Tax-efficient giving to St Antony’s College: Swiss Friends of Oxford University


wiss Friends of Oxford University (SFOU) was founded in October 2017 and offers a new, tax-efficient way for Swiss-resident alumni and friends to Oxford colleges and the University. SFOU is an association (Verein) under Swiss law, SFOU has tax rulings from the canton of Zug recognising its tax-exempt status. It is not necessary to join SFOU to use it to make tax-exempt donations or legacies, but by joining, you ensure its ongoing existence and can attend the AGM and other events in Switzerland. SFOU membership costs CHF 250 per calendar year. At least 50% of this will be allocated to a special scholarship fund for Swiss residents studying at Oxford University. The rest of the fee will go towards running the Association. For more details, and to fill in or download donat ion a nd membersh ip forms, plea se visit the Swiss Friends of Oxford University website: Antonians who are residents of Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, the UK and USA can also donate tax-efficiently. The Development Off ice can answer any question you may have:

Giving towards scholarships Hourani Scholarship


s part of the sixtieth anniversary celebrations, the Middle East Centre re-launched the Hourani Scholarship to establish an annual award for the MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies. The MPhil (originally, the BPhil), established by Albert Hourani in 1961, was Oxford’s first taught course in modern Middle Eastern Studies. To make the Hourani Scholarship sustainable, the Middle East Centre asks its alumni to pledge an annual gift. No pledge is too small to make a difference, and the more of us who give, the more support we can offer incoming students, to open Oxford’s doors to the very brightest without financial constraint. Nothing could be more in keeping with Albert Hourani’s legacy for Oxford Middle East Studies.

Brown Pravda Scholarship


he Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre was able to award this year the first Archie Brown and Alex Pravda Scholarship of £5,000. Due to the generosity of a group of Archie’s and Alex’s friends and former students, the Centre can do this in perpetuity. The ambition is to double the amount that can be awarded and to increase the endowment of the Archie Brown and Alex Pravda Scholarship Fund. Giving to this scholarship is a powerful way for you to express appreciation to either or both of them. Graduate students need access to academic funding more than ever before. The College welcomes further gifts towards the Brown Pravda Scholarship for the MPhil in Russian and Eurasian Studies. 29

De v e l o p men t



e wish to thank all donors for their outstanding generosity; every single gift makes a real, tangible difference to life at St Antony’s College for all in our community. The list of names recorded here is based on gifts received by St Antony’s College between 1 August 2016 and 31 July 2017. We have tried to produce as accurate a list as possible, and apologise for any errors or omissions. Please note that donations are sometimes received with some delay, especially gifts from the United States, so if you have made a donation recently and your name is not on the list rest assured it will be in the donor roll in next year’s edition.

Individual Donors Mr Federico Abbasciano Dr Christopher Abel Professor Jeremy Adelman Dr Asheesh Advani HE. Ambassador James Aggrey-Orleans Dr Nayef Al Rodhan Ms Joan Alker Professor Roy Allison Ms Danah Al-Mulla Professor Yoav Alon Professor Hooshang Amirahmadi Dr Carol Amouyel-Kent Professor Robert Anderson Ms Jennifer Angel Dr Seth Anziska Professor Andrew Apter Dr Juhana Aunesluoma Dr Naomi Azrieli Mr Siddik Bakir Prof Dr Amatzia Baram Mr Robert Beaman Dr Jonathan Becker Mrs Catherine Bell Dr Michael Benson Mrs Sharon Berger Dr Volker Berghahn Mr Christopher Bishop The Revd Teresa Bolin Gilmore Dr Marie Bourke Dr Clara Brandi Mr Christopher Bredholt Professor Archie Brown Mr Neil Brown Dr Jonathan Brunstedt Ms Jessica Bryan Mrs Antje Burkhardt Mr Gaber Burnik Dr Anne-Laure Cadji Mr Geoffrey Cameron Mr Peter Carter Sir Bryan Cartledge Dr Rafael Castillo Dr Valerie Caton Dr Nicholas Wai Kit Chan Dr Meng-Hsuan Chou Mr Christopher Clark Mr William Clevenger Mr Samuel Coldicutt Ms Sophia Copeman Professor Antony Copley Lord Patrick Cormack Dr William Crawley Dr Andrew Crawley Ms Saagarika Dadu


Dr Robert Danin Mr Alberto De La Fuente Dr Teun Dekker Mr Frederick Deknatel Mr David Denison Mr Robert Desjardins Mr Peter Desjardins Mr Mark Dieringer Dr Nadia Diuk Mr Mark Dodsworth Mr Guido Dolara Dr Tobias Dougherty Russell Mr Charles Drew Mr Zapryan Dumbalski Rt. Hon. Sir Alan Duncan MP Mr Gaspard Dünkelsbühler Dr Matthew Eagleton-Pierce Mr Geoffrey Elliott Associate Professor Mark Ellyne Mr Ibrahim El-Salahi Dr Robert Elson Professor Ralph Elwood Professor George Enteen Miss Emma Etheridge Former Professor Masaru Eto Mr Timothy Farmiloe Professor Brad Faught Dr David Faure Dr Ilaria Favretto Ms Cindy Ferrara Mr Stewart Fleming Professor Rosemary Foot Dr Gerald Ford Mr Jeffrey Franks Mr Adrian Fu Mr Mark Fuchs Mr Jonathan Fulwell Professor John Garrard Dr Margarita Garrido Otoya Ms Sara-Christine Gemson Professor Emeritus Michael Geyer Mr Owen Gibbons Mr Oleg Giberstein Professor Avner Giladi Col. Dr. Roy Giles Professor Michael Gilsenan Commodore Kenneth Golden Mr David Golub Dr Maria Gomez Mera Professor Roger Goodman Mr Scott Griffin Mr Allon Groth Dr Joanna Gwozdziowski Dr Richard Haass Mr Benjamin Habig Professor Peter Hacker

Dr William Hanaway The Hanna Family Dr Helen Hardman Mr Kohei Hashimoto Professor John Hattendorf Professor Bernard Haykel and Dr Navina Haidar Mrs Nona MacDonald Heaslip Mr Peter Hermann Dr Stephen Hickey Ms Kate Higgins Dr Marlene Hiller Professor Renée Hirschon Dr Frederick Hohler Ms Faye Hopkinson Mr Joe Horn Mrs Alexandra Horne Berven HE. Eric Hotung Mr Harold Hutchinson The Hon Frank Iacobucci Mr Kurt Illerbrun Ms Jennifer Innes Mr Thomas Isherwood Ms Alexandra Issacovitch-Benaga The Hon Henry Jackman Mr John James Dr Justinian Jampol Professor Martin Jay Mr Richard Jones Professor Heather Joshi Dr Elizabeth Joyce Dr Jeffrey Kahn Mr Makoto Kajita Mr Edward Kamman Mr Sungjoo Kang Dr Georgia Kaufmann Professor Edmund Keeley Mr Aidan Kennedy Professor Rashid Khalidi Dr Dagmar Kift Professor Peter Kilby Professor Christoph Kimmich Ms Leslie Kirkham-Lacin Mrs Patricia Kirkwood Dr Judith Klass Dr Sarah Kleinman Mr Felipe Krause Dornelles Mr Christopher Kutarna Mr David Landau Dr Patrick Lane Dr Tomila Lankina Rear Admiral Neil Latham Mrs Seung Yun Lee Oxley Professor Matteo Legrenzi Prof Dr Tobias Lenz Mr Ioannis Leptokaridis Mr Gordon Leung Mr Cheuk-Yan Leung Mrs Lindsay Levkoff Lynn Dr Ivy Lim Dr Qianhan Lin Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith Mr John Lloyd Dr Nicholas Ludlow Mrs Monique Maas Gibbons Dr Fiona Macaulay Professor Margaret MacMillan Mrs Ann MacMilllan Mr Emmanuel Mahieux Professor Charles Maier Miss Bansi Malde Mr Aaron Maniam Professor Moshe Ma’oz Ms Anoushka Marashlian

Dr Gerald Mars Professor Afaf Marsot Professor Dr Bernd Martin Ms Alexandra Martins Dr Brian McBeth Mr Michael McCain Dr J Kenneth McDonald Mr Rory McIver Mrs Karen McLernon Mr James McMyn Dr Nigel Meir and Ms Shirin Narwani Dr Carmelo Mesa-Lago Professor Richard Meyer Dr Sumeet Mhaskar Mrs Sonia Misak Professor Masaaki Mitsunaga Dr Isao Miyaoka Mr Sanjay Mody Mr Babak Moussavi Mr Trilokesh Mukherjee Dr Knut Myhre Dr Denise Nadeau Lt.Col. John Nagl Mr Aharon Nathan Mr Koichi Nezu Mr Kelvin Ng Dr Florian Nickels-Teske Mr Quirin Niessen Dr Nurseit Niyazbekov Professor Jeremy Noakes Mr Elchi Nowrojee Dr Molly O’Neal Professor Christopher Osakwe Mrs Carmen Osorio Dr Kunle Owolabi The Hon Kevin Pakenham Dr Hyun Park Commodore Graham Peach Dr Gordon Peake Mr Howard Pearce Ms Giulia Pellegrini Dr Daniel Peris Mr Michael Petrou Dr Paul Petzschmann Ms Stephanie K.B. Pfeiffer Dr Emanuela Poli Dr Gregory Poole Dr Konstantinos Pouliakas Mrs Irena Powell Mr Timothy Price Mr Andrew Pringle Dr Miriam Prys-Hansen Professor Stanley Rabinowitz Mrs Shu Ling Ramseger-Tan Dr Nagamuttu Ravindranathan Professor Richard Rice Mr Ralph Ricks Dr Armin-Detief Riess Miss Alyeska Robbins-Juarez Mrs Valerie Robinson Professor Paul Robinson Mr William Rosenfeld Mr Kevin Rosser Dr Toby Russell Dr Henry Ryan Mr Erik Sabot Mr Hassan Sachedina Professor Kazuto Sakamoto Señor Andres Salgado-Ragan Ms Edith Sangueza Dr Joseph Sassoon Dr Lutz Sauerteig Ms Alexandra Schluntz

De v e l o p men t

Ms Jennifer Schmidt Dr David Schoenbaum Dr Noa Schonmann Dr Joseph Schull and Ms Anna Yang Mr Reece Scott Professor William Scott-Jackson Dr Leslie Seidle Ms Meera Selvananthan Dr Nahid Seyedsayamdost HE. Ghassan Shaker Mr David Shapiro Professor Marshall Shatz Mr George Sherman Mr John Sherrington Professor Lewis Siegelbaum Miss Kritika Singh Mr Yu Bun Siu Professor David Skinner Mr Peter Slevin Professor Peter Sluglett Dr Paul Smith Dr Julie Smith Professor Paul Smith Professor David Sorkin Professor Robert Spencer Professor Brian Spooner Ms Jennifer Stanley Professor Alfred and Dr Nancy Stepan Mr Neil Sternthal Mr Hugh Stokes Dr William Storey Ms Barbara Stymiest Mr Rajesh Swaminathan Dr Celia Szusterman Professor Kenzo Takeuchi Mr Sanjit Talukdar Mr Mark Tashkovich Dr Julie Taylor Mr Charles Taylor Dr Matthew Tejada Mrs Agnes Thambynayagam Dr Maureen Tingley Dr Christopher Tremewan Professor Ruel Tyson Dr Shih-Jung Tzeng Dr Kozo Ueda Ms Janice Ugaki Ambassador Martin Uhomoibhi Professor Dr Jürgen von Kruedener Mr Peter von Richthofen Mr Marco Vonhof Dr Jasmine Waddell Ms Suzy Wahba Professor Mourad Wahba Professor Lei Wang Dr Richard Ware Mr Aaron Watanabe Dr Christian Webersik Mr Michael Whitehead Professor Nira Wickramasinghe Mr Kenneth Wilkinson Ms Annelisa Williamson Professor Kenneth Wilson Professor Dr Peter-Christian Witt Dr Gernot Wittling Dr Anna Yip Mr Andrew Zadel Dr David Zakarian The Hon. Dr Dov Zakheim Dr Abigail Zammit Dr Congming Zhang Professor Yongjin Zhang Ms Rachel Ziemba

Anonymous Donors and Gifts in Kind We would also like to thank our anonymous donors and those who have given gifts in kind to the College Deakin Society Members Members are those generous supporters who have informed the College that they are leaving a gift in their Will to support St Antony’s. Professor Stanley Rabinowitz Sir Michael & Mrs Colette Llewellyn-Smith Lady Ellen Dahrendorf Judge William Birtles Miss Anne Abley Professor Margaret MacMillan Dr Kenneth MacDonald Mr Kevin Rosser Professor Caroline Kennedy Pipe Dr Celia Kerslake Professor James Clad Dr Gopal Krishna Mr Paul Newman Leaver’s Society 2016/2017 Members are those Antonians who make a gift in the first two years after their graduation. Antonians retain their membership if they continue making a gift each year, no matter the size of the donation. Dr Kelly Al Dakkak Miss Elizabeth Allan Mr Philip Balboni Mr Trygve Borsting Mr William Gerry Mr Bryce Jones Mr Porey Lin Mrs Marina Marandino Pinto Mr Matthew McGrath Mr Ionel Sorin Moisa Mr Jonathan Raspe Miss Alyeska Robbins-Juarez Mr Allen Schaidle Mr Thomas Shortland Dr Alisa Voznaya Companies, Trusts & Foundations A G Leventis Foundation Santander UK Plc John Swire and Sons Ltd Oxford Noble Foundation Financial Market Policies Foundation Tel Aviv University Donner Foundation Nestar Foundation Eurobank Greece IB Tauris Ronaldo Falconer Charity Mytilineos Holdings SA Captain Vassilis & Carmen Konstantakopoulos Foundation Hellenic Organisation Irrawaddy Policy Exchange Idryma Mpodasaki Jusoor National Bank of Greece S.A. The Koerner Foundation Scotiabank

Supporters of the ‘Padua Room’ Earlier this year we reached out to former members who still had outstanding deposits held with the College. We asked if they would consider donating these sums to support the Gateway Campaign and in particular to support the naming of a room in the new buildings. The name ‘Padua Room’ was chosen in recognition of St Antony of Padua being the patron saint of forgotten things. Dr Sara Ababneh Mrs Marilyn Abbott Aldrich Ms Muneera Al Khalifa Miss Juliet Elizabeth Allan Mr Carlos Almeida Mr Atef Alshehri Dr Stephen Andes Mr Engin Arikan Dr Andrew Baldwin Dr Masooda Bano Dr William Barth Mr Frederik Beelitz Dr Marton Benedek Dr Pornthep Benyaapikul Dr Alexander Betts Dr Stefan Bird-Pollan Mr Maher Bitar Ms Claire Blakey Mr Lasse Boehm Mr Farid Boussaid Dr Nicholas Wai Kit Chan Mr Taichang Chen Dr Shuaihua Cheng Ms Lina Cherfas Dr John Ciorciari Ms Alexa Clay Mr Peter Cole Dr Erin Court Dr Mary Cox Mr Rucker Culpepper Dr Marcelle Dawson Ms Kathleen DeRose Mrs Sarah Disley Ms Ebonique Ellis Ms Sherry Forbes Ms Elisabeth Fullana Mr Christos Galanos Ms Luciana Ghica Miss Valeria Giencke Ms Alexandra Golcher Stone Ms Lourdes Gordolan Dr Jaideep Gupte Ms Monika Hajdasz Ms Melinda Haring Mr Johannes Hecker Mr Laurence Heywood Ms Kate Higgins Mr Florian Hoffman Mr Ernest Honya Cpt Thomas Piran Hughes Mr Michaeljulius Idani Ms Amrita Jairaj Professor Jason Josephson-Storm Dr Nicholas Kalogerakos Ms Kanta Kaur Marriott Miss Scheherazade Khan Dr Jungsup Kim Mr Gerwin Klaus Dra. Genia Kostka Mr Vivek Krishnamurthy Ms Guelbeyaz Kula Dr Takamitsu Kurita

Ms Mumtaz Lalani Dr Siu Yau Lee Mr Ioannis Leptokaridis Ms Emily Levitt Dr Sang Hun Lim Professor Hsin-Yi Lin Mr Alejandro Lloreda Dr Florencia Lopez Boo Mr Yukun Lou Dr Wai-Ki Luk Ms Gertrude Makhaya Ms Manzil Maqsood Mr Santiago Mariani Mr Robert McDonell Mr Eusebius Mckaiser Dr Fredrik Meiton Ms Maria Lucia Mendez Mr David Merchant Garcia Ms Vera Michlin Mr Jeffrey Miller Mr Thomas Mundy Mr David Muraskin Dr Nicholas Murray Dr Raya Muttarak Dr Divya Nambiar Dr Mahmoud Natout Mr Matheus Neves de Medeiros Dr Andrew Novo Dr Emmanuel Nuesiri Dr Mauricio Ochoa Hernandez Mr Michael Petrou Dr Farzaneh Pirouz-Moussavi Ms Sunita Puri Mr Timothy Riley Dr Anne Roemer-Mahler Ms Sharon Rusu Mr Kaveh Sanandaji Ms Edith Sangueza Mr Carlos Santos Dr Matthew Savelli Mr Jeremy Schneider Mr Joydeep Sen Dr Farid Senzai Dr Nahid Seyedsayamdost Ms Priya Shankar Dr Vanita Sharma Dr Simon Shen Mr Rael Silva Ms Otilia Simkova Dr Roger Smith Ms Zina Smith Mr Max Stanford Dr Cordula Strocka Mr Oisin Suttle Ms Emily Tamkin Mr Nicodemo Tempestini Miss Stephanie Terreni Brown Mr Vladimir Unkovski-Korica Mrs Marian Vidaurri Mudd Miss Pei Man Jessica Wan Mr William Ward Mr Thomas Wilkinson Mr Alexander Winning Mr Philip Wollburg Ms Karlin Younger Mr Gokhan Yucel Dr Phillan Zamchiya Mr Jose Zapata


Antonian and University of Oxford Events We are delighted that St Antony’s College will be hosting various reunions throughout the year in many places around the world. Some of these events still have to be confirmed and invitations will be sent closer to the date.

Oxford – Torpids 28 February-3 March 2018 St Antony’s Boat Club There will be an Old Rowers dinner on 3 March in College Rome 16-18 March 2018 European Weekend Academic programme, gala dinner, Sunday brunch.

Booking link will go live in November 2017, check St Antony’s website after that date to book.

San Francisco Alumni Weekend 6-7 April 2018 – save the date! Oxford – Summer VIIIs 23-26 May 2018 St Antony’s Boat Club There will be an Old Rowers dinner on 26 May in College. The Development Office also hopes to announce more events in due course, please check our website – or Facebook page for more details. RSVP If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Wouter at the Development Office – or 01865 274496

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The laws around data protection in the UK and Europe are changing. To ensure we fully comply with this whilst keeping you in touch with College life and our events programme, please ensure your details are up to date by completing our update form as soon as possible online.

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