Start-Up College
Goodjudgment, New York City, USA
Celebrating Antonian start-up success worldwide David Hothersall (MPhil Russian and East European Studies, 1993), co-founder of Spottinstyle; founder Kinlan Communications
successful start-up involves identif ying complex, existing problems and solving them with elegant, turnkey solutions. It is no wonder then that increasing numbers of Antonians are turning their knowledge and talent to this sector. Start-ups are attracting the best and the brightest, as they combine the academic desire to embrace intellectual challenge with the task of building and leading a commercially successful team. Start-up culture requires a global perspective a nd a n open m ind. T h rou g h cont inu a l c onversat ions w it h t he world, St A ntony’s internationalises your thinking patterns. Spottinstyle aims to provide fashionable and sustainable alternatives that are easy for consumers to access, whilst shifting consciousness and behaviour over the long-term. The Antonian network is unique in its diversity and scope, and the flow of ideas and opportunities across it will only continue to develop. The start-up lifestyle is increasingly attractive – the skills honed at St Antony’s mean that it can also be successful. David can be contacted at
Christo Thekkel, MSc. Contemporary Chinese Studies, 2013 Startupbootcamp is the leading global network of industry focused startup accelerators. I functioned as an intrapreneur, which involved supporting 10 international early stage startups within the Smart City & Living domain. The startups within this program have created innovative solutions to enable cities, organisations, and homes to become more intelligent, interconnected, and efficient. A lways keen on helping fellow Antonians to launch their business, products, and services. Get in touch via:, if you have a great idea to share and want feedback.
If you have been involved in a start-up or new business in the past five years, we would love to hear from you and celebrate your success. Let the Development Office know at
Warren Hatch, (DPhil Politics, 1995) Senior Vice President: ‘Little did I predict five years ago that volunteering to join a US government-run geopolitica l forecasting experiment would turn a pastime into a new business venture. The ‘Good Judgment Project’ tested a variety of research conditions to find optimal combinations of training, teaming, and so forth to boost the forecast accuracy of analysts in the intelligence community on everything from election outcomes in Africa to conflict in the South China Sea.’
DIFFvelopment, New Jersey, USA
A ntonia n E si K . A . Gi l lo (MSc A frican Studies, 2 010) a lon g w it h her husband started their venture ‘DIFFvelopment’ last year. Esi notes that their mission is ‘Re-empowering people of African descent one student at a time’. The programme offers students of African descent the opportunity to participate in Consultrepreneurship. Over a 12-week period, students, referred to as Consultrepreneurs, learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and consulting through African-centered class instruction.
AIRA, Santiago, Chile
Hester Borm (MPhil Latin American Studies, 2012) is a Dutch Co-Founder and Chief Research Off icer (CRO) of A IR A (, a Dutch-Chilean startup that helps companies in Latin America recruit and screen candidates automatically using Artificial Intelligence: ‘Fortunately, St Antony´s prepared me well for this highly diverse and challenging role. My MPhil in Latin American Studies and extra-curricular activities helped me hone my research, writing and public speaking skills and familiarized me with Latin America.’