St Andrews Christian College Newsletter #14 2012

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NEWSLETTER Number 14 - 2nd November 2012 Glory To God


India Mission Trip 2012

INDIA TRIP 2012 Dear Friends, We normally email newsletters but this is a special printed edition for our school community. It is good to be back at school! Thank you everyone for your prayers and support whilst I was ill. I especially thank all the Executive Leadership Team for all their extra work in my absence and also thank Tim Farmilo for the excellent job he has done as acting principal. We continue to hold the Year 12 students in prayer as they prepare and undertake their VCE Exams. It is a busy time for all our students and staff as we enter exam and assessment schedules midst the many end-of-year activities. Our school grounds are looking great! Thanks to our many volunteers (parents/staff and students) who have worked so hard to help make our school looking beautiful. You have made such a difference. Our trip to India was an amazing trip for all. Here follows a report which attests to God’s guidance and goodness. Blessings on your week. Yours for the Kingdom,

Catriona Wansbrough

India Trip 2012 - Final Report India is a kaleidoscope of experiences, sights and smells; of colours so bright and images so piercing they arrest your senses and juxtapose themselves on your whole being. None so vivid though, as the beautiful smiles of many of our Christian brothers and sisters whom we met and ministered to in many ways throughout our journey in India. Their prayers, smiles and hearts also ministered to us. Reverend Kumar – Head of Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Southern India, flew to Chennai just to meet our group. In our induction to India he exclaimed “that God was doing amazing things in India and it was not by chance that we were in India.” He extended to us a heartfelt welcome from OM India, and there, as in everywhere we travelled we extended greetings and blessings from all the community at St Andrews Christian College. There are 250 million Dalits (Untouchables) in India and they are caught in the Hind caste system, which relegates them to the lowest of the low. Two million Dalits clean human excrement on a daily basis to obtain a meagre allowance to barely survive. Christianity is the only religion where Dalits can be free. All over India they are coming to Christ in huge numbers, where they are experiencing His love and grace in ways they could never imagine. Our main ministry in the first week was in the Good Shepherd School in Velankanni - on the coast in Southern India. When the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 hit Velankanni, 3000 out of a population of 10000 died. A majority of those who died were fishermen and Dalits. An SOS call was sent to Operation Mobilisation, who then decided to commence a Christian School to minister to the many children affected by the loss. The school now has 430 students from a preKinder class to Standard 7 and with a growing demand, the school will be extending to Standard 10 over the next few years.


St Andrews Christian College Newsletter


Our ministry in the Good Shepherd School included:

 Daily professional development sessions for the teachers in teaching pedagogy and Christian Education.  Daily devotions to the teachers.  Teaching classes their normal lessons by following their prescribed textbook outline, as well as loads of games and activities (all our students had a ‘main’ class they concentrated on).

 Giving talks in daily assemblies – including a salvation message on our final day. All talks related an Aussie icon to a Christian message.

 Teaching the whole school Christian songs.  Balloon sculpting in the lower grades.  Running sporting activities for the whole school. St Andrews Christian College Newsletter


INDIA During our time in India we also attended and participated in two church services (Chennai and Bangalore) where we gave greetings from St Andrews Christian College; introduced the team; sang; spoke of the purpose of our mission trip to India; gave testimonies of how God was working in our lives; and, delivered messages of encouragement to our sisters and brothers.

FUNDS GIVEN At the end of Term 3, 2012, the students and community of St Andrews Christian College, through an ASIA DAY FUNDRAISING EVENT raised nearly $1000 and donated gifts (2 guitars, Australiana gifts, books) to give to people in India. Every time we gave money and resources, we told the recipients it was from all of the community of St Andrews Christian College. Nearly $400 of this money was used to buy sports equipment for the Good Shepherd School in Velankanni:

$200 was given to the orphanage in Dharmapuri for the children:

$200 was given to the AIDS hospital in Dharmapuri:

We also had opportunities to bless, encourage and pray with people in different ministries including:

The Good Shepherd Orphanage at Dharmapuri – associated with the Carmel Guest House, where a majority of the children are orphans from the tsunami.

The Good Shepherd Hospital in Dharmapuri, which has a powerful ministry reaching out to HIV + affected people.

Tarika Mission, which teaches women from the slums skills in tailoring, IT, English and beautician skills. As only 16% if Dalits are literate, such skills support and rescue women from the real possibility of being forced into the horrors of human trafficking. India has one of the biggest human trafficking records and Tarika Mission (an OM project) tells many stories of women being rescued, including a 10 year old girl.


St Andrews Christian College Newsletter

Just over $200 was given to buy blankets and underwear for the women and children at Tarika Mission in Bangalore:

INDIA CHANGE OF PLAN ‘In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps’ (Proverbs 16:9). Although we completed our itinerary and specific purpose of ministry in India – we had to change our plans when one of our students became very ill. The group managed to continue their sight-seeing section of the journey, whilst I stayed behind in Bangalore with the student, who had been hospitalised. The ill student’s father flew to Bangalore, to be with his son. It was a time for all of us to trust and depend on God. The prayers of all those in Australia and throughout OM in India were amazing and a wonderful testimony to the family of God throughout the world. The ill student was released from hospital to fly home from Bangalore– but his journey was adjourned in Delhi as his condition worsened. He ended up in ICU for 6 days and further recovered in a general room for another week. At least his father was with him in Delhi and he was being treated in what was renowned to be “the best hospital in India”. It has been an especially difficult time for the sick student’s family – but in their humility and faith in God, they have triumphed in their hope and positive attitude and have allowed God to use this event for His glory and purposes. Some may question God as to why this bad situation occurred, and yet in the difficulties it was also an experience that gave testimony to God’s goodness and His direction in so many ways. God gave me the opportunity to pray and witness this to our brothers and sisters in India, whilst in Bangalore. Bad things do happen in our fallen world and as Christians we are not immune and do get sick and suffer many difficulties in our lives. If we as Christians had ‘perfect’ lives and were rich and healthy, then everyone would be a Christian for the wrong reason and we would be living a life where we were not reliant on God. God never says we will not go through trials and difficulties, but He does promise to help us through them, to give us strength and to be constantly with us, (Romans 35: 3739; Hebrews 13:5). We also cling onto Him knowing that ‘in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose’ Romans 8:28. Our life journey is about knowing God and becoming more like Him, and all our experiences, whether good or bad can help us to grow more like Him. It is our choice whether we allow the ‘bad’ times to help us to become a better person – or to eat away at us and turn us into a bitter person. God can help us to change the way we look at our difficulties and struggles. After listing many of his problems, Paul writes: ..’in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us..' (Romans 8:37). Paul didn’t say, just in the good times, just in some things – but in all things. Our life journey is a path of learning and growing and seeking to look at the world from God’s heart and eyes, not our own. I cannot do this in my weakness, but I can allow God to change me and change the way I look at things, and help me to be content in whatever situation I am in. May we all grow like Paul who writes.. ‘I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength’ (Philippians 4: 11-13).

I am so proud of the whole team and their exceptional witness and servanthood to all we met. Our whole team excelled! They were especially amazing at the Good Shepherd School where they were placed in an unknown situation and taught students under difficult (language barriers/heat/inexperienced/tiredness) circumstances, that would challenge the most experienced teacher. They indeed had to rely on Christ and allow Him to work through each of them. The team were truly successful in encouraging our sisters and brothers at the school in many ways, and we trust God that the teaching and encouragement has eternal consequences. Thank you to all the St Andrews Christian College community who supported us in many ways, through finances, encouragement and prayer. This venture was definitely a whole community event, only possible with everyone working together. St Andrews Christian College is indeed impacting the world for Christ! Many of our actions for Him have been intentional – but He is also using the unplanned events, for His purposes and for His glory. Praise be to God for what He is doing! Yours for the kingdom,

Catriona Wansbrough Team Leaders:  Paul Olney (OM) – Team Facilitator  Wendy Berry (St Andrews Christian College)  Catriona Wansbrough (St Andrews Christian College) Students:  James Ambrosino  Nathan Beovich  Emma Hausmann  Brett Jones  Sarah Longden  Christine Prasad  Jeremy Slight  Jessica Wade For a full daily report of the trip, please go to our blog on:

THANKS The Beovich family would like to thank all those who maintained Nathan and their family in prayer and to those who supported Cara and the children whilst Shaun was away. And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:40

St Andrews Christian College Newsletter


NOTICES OSHC Holiday Program


Monday 10th December to Friday 14th December If there is sufficient interest it may be possible to operate a Holiday Program during the first week of the school holidays. Please register your interest by contacting Mrs Sally Wade via email or on the registration sheet near the OSHC attendance book. Let us know the number of children and days you are interested in using the service if it was available. (Please note that the OSHC is not an approved service for Child Care Rebates for the Holiday Program).

In the CAS Spelling Competition - Years 3 to 7 St Andrews

students did extremely well with: 2 High Distinctions 25 Distinctions 28 Credits and 30 Participations. Well done to all students who participated!

Mrs Wade OSHC Coordinator

Exiting from Drop Off/Pick Up area A No Right Turn sign has been installed at the exit of the drop off/pick up area. Your cooperation in obeying this sign will assist vehicles clearing the area and limit the ‘grid lock’ that occurs at peak times. Mr Waterworth Business Manager

The Great Grand Tree Planting Day

Awards Awards Prayer Group Come join the St Andrews Christian College Prayer Group which meets in the very comfortable and warm Library after school drop off every Friday morning.

Thanks to the families and staff for donating $1,525 to help us buy trees for our planting day. A big THANK YOU to all the parents and students who helped with the planting of the trees. Our chess area is looking great!

Notices of Interest

Mr Landman Grounds and Maintenance Manager

Notices of Interest can be found via this link on the school website: * This section of our newsletter is to give our families information about programs being run by organizations outside of the school which we consider may be of benefit/interest to our school families.

Big Draw In the second week of term Esther Bentley came to school as our Artist-in-Residence. She spoke at assembly about her life and the gift God has given her and how God has enabled her to use her many different gifts and abilities that were not perfect to bring glory to Him. She likened this to a kaleidoscope and how in kaleidoscope all the little pieces work together to make a beautiful image. The drawing that Esther drew was a symmetrical beautiful line drawing and then children, staff and some parents contributed to filling in the spaces with patterns. The end result was a beautiful drawing on 4 panels that can be used as a screen in the school. Sally Darlison Primary Art Teacher


St Andrews Christian College Newsletter

NOTICES School Magazine



We will not be putting out a School Magazine this year but we are beginning to organise a committee of interested PARENTS/STAFF/STUDENTS to be on the committee to produce a wonderful, bumper edition for next year called:


Diary Dates November Thu

2-20 VCE Exams



Mid Term Break - No School



Melbourne Cup Holiday



Yr9/10 Survival Excursion



Prep 2103 Orientation 1:45pm



Uniform Shop Open 3:15pm



Yr5 Art Excursion



Student Bible Study Group 1pm



SEIS Yr7-11 Athletics


12-16 Yr7-11 Exam Week

Due to the quantity of books that need covering, if you have ALREADY COMPLETED your 2012 Parent Hours you may cover these books and record them for Parent Hours for NEXT YEAR – 2013.



Whole School Assembly 8:55am*



Student Bible Study Group 1pm



Piano Students Showcase 7pm*

With thanks from the Library Staff



Prep Orientation



Yr3-6 Interschool Athletics



New Student Orientation Day


19-23 Yr10-11 Orientation Week



Buddy Group Times



PFA AGM 7:30pm*



Valedictory Dinner



Yr6 Graduation Dinner

St Andrews Christian College “Celebrating God, Celebrating 30 Years” If interested in being on the committee, please see Catriona Wansbrough or Shaun Beovich (PFA Chairman) , who will be the Editor of the magazine.

Book Covering Again! Help Needed The Library has a VERY LARGE number of books that need covering in the next 3 weeks. Most are new textbooks for 2013. If you still have parent hours to do please ring the library and request covering (that can be done at home).

Lost Library Book Yiyang Xu lost a book in the school name “Agent Arthur on the Stormy Seas” which belongs to the Eastern Regional Library. If you see the book, could you kindly return it to grad 4k or just return to the Eastern Regional Library any branch. Thank you very much!

2013 Term Dates

* parents welcome to attend

St Andrews Christian College Newsletter


NOTICES Yr3 - 7 Athletics Carnival

House Community Points

Cumulative Totals


St Andrews Christian College Newsletter








Christmas Carols

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 20th November 7:30pm in Rembrandts.

Our end of year celebration is on again . On Friday 30th November all families are invited to come along for an informal BYO picnic dinner on the school grounds and singing of carols as we celebrate a great year and prepare to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

On this night Office Bearers for 2013 will be elected. A General Meeting of the PFA will follow the AGM. Due to increased work commitments a number of committee positions will be available. These include Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The President, Shaun Beovich has indicated his willingness to continue in that role. However this does not preclude others to be nominated for this position. The PFA maintains an important role within the school community, so it’s important that these positions are filled. If you are interested, nomination forms will be coming out next week. If you are unsure please talk to one of the current committee members about the role.

Pauls Collect-a-Cap This fundraiser is coming to a close at the end of the year. We’ve already sent off two large bags of caps, so please get your caps in asap.

PFA Committee

Parenting Library As we come towards the end of the school year could parents please make sure that all books are returned promptly. Seonaid Chio— Parenting Subcommittee

The Athlete’s Foot School Rewards Remember when you purchase a pair of shoes in one of their 6 stores (Knox City, Forest Hill, Eastland, The Glen, Chadstone or Southland), the Athlete’s Foot will donate $5 of sporting equipment back to the school. So far we’ve bought 59 pairs of shoes which equates to $295 the PFA can spend on sporting equipment/clothing.

Bunnings BBQ Thanks to Peter Lamperd and all who cooked, served and collected at our Bunnings BBQ at the end of last term. It was great to see so many students participating as well. The day raised $1200 for the PFA which is a great result. Thanks to Bakers Delight, Knox City and Wantirna Mall and to Coles, Knox City for their generous donations.

Next PFA Meeting The next PFA meeting is the AGM and a General Meeting on Tuesday 20th November starting at 7:30pm in Rembrandts.

Term 4 Events

New gardens The Chess area is taking shape with the instalment of seating, plants being planted and a lovely path through the area. Thanks to Mr Landman and the number of parents who helped with this.

   

Wed 7th Nov - Prep Orientation afternoon tea Thur 15th Nov - Orientation Day sausage sizzle Tue 20th Nov - AGM and General Meeting Fri 30th Nov - Christmas Carols Picnic

St Andrews Christian College Newsletter


SECONDARY & VCE Excursion to China Town On Thursday, during the first week of term, the Year 7s went to China Town for a day. We started off with a walking tour of China Town. Our guide told us that a Dr Sun Yat-Sen was a strong Christian as well as a founding father of the Republic of China, and his statue stands outside the museum. We learnt that, to be socially accepted, the Chinese would attend church. The Chinese were also superstitious. For example they believed that evil spirits went in straight lines. So this means that they believed that businesses or houses on the end of a Tjunction would have bad luck. After wandering around a shop where we could look at, and buy Chinese lollies, we headed back to the Museum.

Students vs Teachers Basketball In the rematch to end all rematches the tension was high as the VCE students took on the teachers. The game was one-sided in the first half with the two Indian travellers, Brett and Nathan making an impact for the students. Brett was sinking 3 pointers at will whilst Nathan at only half strength/fitness was bamboozling the staff! With the realisation that a good student/teacher relationship is important in VCE, the students backed off in the second half and allowed the teachers led by Mr Storie, Mr Goodluck, Mr Wade and Mr Lee back into the game. Some inspirational cheering from Mr Waterworth on the sideline also encouraged the staff. In a tight finish, with a lot of huffing and puffing going on, the students got their revenge and defeated the teachers .

On the top floor of the museum we learned about the Chinese moving to Australia for the Gold Rush. They were treated as outcasts, had to pay more for licenses, and had to pass a dictation test in French, or another non-English or Chinese language. When they failed they would have to return to China. We also learned about what they ate on the Goldfields. We then saw a huge dragon that was 93 meters long and is used in street parades at Chinese New year and Moomba. Chinese believe that dragons are beautiful, magnificent creatures that ruled the sky. We then learned about footbinding, herbs and spices, Shihuangdi’s terracotta warriors, silk and temples. We also learned that women wear red to weddings and white to a funeral. After our tour we headed to the Dragon Boat Restaurant and ate a four course meal with chopsticks. The meal included Fried rice and sweet and sour pork. We were sad when the day ended. Ethan Suter Yr7

Yr8 Sherbrooke Forest Excursion On Wednesday 24th October, the Year Eight students accompanied by Mrs Natsis and Mr Broadbridge travelled to Sherbrooke Forest as part of our ‘Forests’ unit in Humanities. When we arrived at Sherbrooke Forest, we were greeted by our tour guide for the day, Michelle. The first forest we ventured into was a tropical rainforest, where we learnt how to measure tall trees from the ground, determine plant types and sizes as well as many other useful skills. The next forest we were guided through was a Mountain Ash Forest. We saw exotic and unique plants, including a beautiful purple orchid. We learnt about the early settlers in the forests, the trees and plants and the animal native to the forest, the lyrebird. Our excursion to Sherbrooke Forest was not only interesting and enjoyable but also very educational and all in all, an exciting day out.


St Andrews Christian College Newsletter

Jessica Ireson 8K

SECONDARY & VCE Yr11 Biology Class Visits Ecolinc and Mt Rothwell Excursion

Secondary Indoor Soccer – Boys Grand Final

On Tuesday, 16th October, the Yr 11 Biology class went to Bacchus Marsh to visit the Ecolinc centre. The purpose of our visit was to complete practical work on “Dynamic Ecosystems”. We took samples of the local storm water and ponds and identified many macro-invertebrate species. We then used state of the art technology to build food webs based on the species we had found and to learn about the various interactions that occur within the wetland ecosystems at the Ecolinc centre.

The first time Parkes Sharks met Deakin FC back in Term Two, Deakin won in a hard-fought encounter, 2-1. With the improvement shown by Parkes since then, the stage was set for an epic encounter to decide the championship. And it didn’t let down. Both sides showed plenty of flair in the early stages, but two lapses in defence by Deakin led to goals to James Ambrosino and Durwin Zhang in the first half. Half-time should have given Deakin a chance to regroup, but it was the Sharks who came out firing. They scored the first three goals of the second half, before Deakin finally found the back of the net in the closing stages through a deft manouvre by Sam Miranda.

In the evening, we journeyed up to Mt Rothwell. This 400 hectare property has been set up as a conservation centre to preserve and breed many of Australia’s endangered and at risk flora and fauna. Although the weather turned very windy and cold and wet, we took part in a scavenger hunt searching for evidence that indicates animal activity has taken place. We then enjoyed a sausage sizzle tea before learning how to sample the flora of the area with quadrats. As darkness drew in, we embarked on a guided night walk of the area. We were privileged to see many endangered species of animals, some of which are currently in existence nowhere else in Australia. Some of the animals we saw included: Brush Tailed Rock Wallabies, Potoroos, Southern Brown Bandicoots, Eastern Barred Bandicoots and the Rufous Bettong. The animals were quite active in spite of the cold weather and some even came to within a metre of where we were standing. This was indeed the highlight of our trip.

The main difference between the two sides was teamwork. While Deakin attempted to break through the Parkes defence with individual efforts, the Sharks shared the ball around and found targets. Jamie Ling, meanwhile, was superb in goals. Final result: 5-1. Congratulations, Parkes. Daniel Broadbridge - Secondary Teacher

Natalie Farmer - Secondary Teacher

St Andrews Christian College Newsletter


PRIMARY Chess Success for Girls and Boys Teams On October 16, the St Andrews Primary Girls Chess Team competed in the State Final at Lauriston Girls School. Our girls started very well winning all their games in the first two rounds. At the end of Round 6 with one round to play, they were trailing the leaders by 1.5 points. A big effort in the final round saw them gain ground on the leaders, but not enough to secure first place. The margin between first and second after the final round was only .5 of a point! Although disappointed with their result, our girls did a fantastic job coming second in the State Final in only their first year of competition. The girls are now fired up for the competition next year. A special mention should go to Emily Lin who was the only participant in the final to go through undefeated. On October 30, the St Andrews Primary Boys Chess Team competed in the State Semi-Finals held at the German Club. Our boys have only been competing for a short time and it was a credit to them in making the Semi-Final after only 1 competition. Only the top 9 teams were to progress to the State Final. After 7 rounds of competition, there were three teams, including St Andrews, tied in 8th position. A count back saw our team qualify for the State Final in 9th position. Well done, boys, on a fantastic result. The State Final will be held in two weeks time. Mr Farmilo - Head of Upper Primary


St Andrews Christian College Newsletter

Prep - Yr2 Athletics


Yr6 Camp Kangaroobie

"On the 9th of October, at 9 am Year 6 went to camp Kangaroobie. It took 6.5 hours to get to Kangaroobie which is located next to the Great Ocean Road on the south coast of Victoria."

"Kangaroobie was an amazing camp where we had fun and pushed our limits. If I was ever given the chance I would definitely go there again"

"We were all very sad when we had to go home but we were all relieved to go back to dry clothes. My favourite bit of the camp was helping Mr Ferguson with the fire."

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ART Royal Melbourne Show Congratulations to our winners in the ROYAL MELBOURNE SHOW ART COMPETITION 2012. A great result by all!


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SPOTLIGHT ON ASIA SPOTLIGHT ON ASIA In one of our earlier issues, we had featured a Haiku Poetry Competition and indicated that the best 3 Haiku poems published, would each raise 50 house points. However, choosing the best entry proved to be an impossible task as there were many exemplary entries! As a result, we decided to publish the best 6 entries, two from each of our sub-schools: Junior, Middle and Senior and each entry will win 50 house points. The winning entries encapsulated the essence of fine poetry: its capacity to convey original, poignant and impactful verse, within tight prosodic constraints. The Asia Committee wishes to thank all students who contributed to this competition, for their creative efforts in writing Haiku poetry. The judges were deeply moved to read the spiritual and poetic messages poured out so earnestly from the hearts of our students.


Second Place

Fast cars buzz past me The city dances around me I love the city

God helps and saves us Rock, Redeemer and Saviour Yes, wonderful God.

Katelyn Farmer- Deakin 4D

Isabella Rakers- Barton 4D


Second Place

WHISPERING WIND Rustling through the trees Swirling and blowing the air

Celebrate your life ‘cause you are God’s masterpiece! Jesus shines through you.

Hannah Bligh –Deakin 7G

Faith Maddison – Barton 7C


Second Place

All must live and die. Life extends beyond the sky So let your heart fly.

Life is meaningful. Life is a rollercoaster. Up down up down up.

James Minett- Parkes Yr 11

Taylor Parry – Deakin Yr 10

Well done & Congratulations to all our brilliant, aspiring poets! Submitted by The Asia Literacy Committee

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